#gimleaf fic
galadrielspeaks · 2 years
okay so a few weeks ago @lesbianhaleth commented this on one of my posts, and it had been stuck in my head for a while. two nights ago i decided it would be sweet to make this come into existence! so if you want to read about what would happen to Legolas if Gimli passes away in Valinor, please check this fic out! i hope you guys enjoy it. big thanks to heather <3
you can read the fic here
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coveredinsun · 1 month
i love fanon calling gimli the “lord of aglarond” because aglarond is the name for the glittering caves in SINDARIN!!!!!!!! gimli brought legolas there and legolas said “HOLY FUCK” and called it beautiful in his own language and gimli just adopted that!!!!!!!!! so now the love between them will carry on forever in name long after they’ve sailed away together!!!!!!!!! CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME
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brownsugabbt · 1 month
sorry sorry. but the fact that. sansûkh. is free??? to read???? online????? HALF A MILLION WORDS of the best writing i have ever read??? characters that each have depth and MEANING? the retrograding of the hobbit movies so that the dwarves are more fleshed out?? the mix of both the movies and the books (especially for gimlis lackluster personality in the films). i’m rereading it even though i first read it maybe 4 months ago and im still in awe that someone can write something so beautiful. so spectacular. like this is the bible for depressed gay middle earth fans. and this isn’t even considering the sheer amount of RESEARCH PUT INTO THIS?? christ almighty. i need everyone to pause right the fuck now and read this fic regardless of whether you ship bagginshield/gimleaf at all or not. i promise you, you will come out of this a changed man 😭
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deadthingposting · 1 year
"with full Intentions of marriage": hey bro let me braid your hair bro, c'mon bro I swear it doesn't mean anything In my complicated and secretive culture.
"also with full Intentions of marriage": Of course you can braid my hair bro, just as bros do, but only if I can braid yours aswell, I am completely unaware of the actual implications of braids In your complicated and secretive culture.
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cynassa · 8 months
Gimli has witnessed, before this, the grief of a father or a mother who has outlived their child. Even as his craft lay elsewhere, like all young and strong Dwarves half his life was in the military. As he grew in stature and wisdom, he had begun to lead patrols, or even the occasional skirmish against orcs and spiders and other dark creatures innumerable and unnamed. With this came the duty of going to parents and telling them that their child had perished bravely and gained much glory, whether it was true or not. Perhaps it brought them some peace, although Gimli doubted it.
Some of that grief he could see in Elrond's face, from time to time, as the day wore on, and the gentle lordliness occasionally slipped away to reveal the father. More than one parent, in Gimli's knowledge, quietly gave themselves to the forge after completing their child's last rites, but elves, of course, had no such recourse.
So Gimli dances, when Legolas and Pippin drag him off, and drinks as much as he can to the King and his new Queen's happy marriage, he scatters gold according to his own customs, and flowers according to elven, and cheers when the bride and groom dance on a shield until it is beaten flat, as the custom of Gondor calls for.
And when the wedding ends, he walks long with Legolas, hither and thither, to balconies and roofs, but when they reach the final juncture he unhesitatingly goes to his own room. He does not ask.
Despite what elves seem to believe, occasionally to Gimli's amusement, Dwarves too can love living things. Sometimes they even love Dwarves back. Gimli has had to gently counsel a young dwarf, not even two full decades old, to let go of a wild parrot that she had found half-dead and nursed back to health. It was almost as much a task to coax the parrot away from her, she who had fed it grain by grain when its beak was barely capable of movement. Yet, once it was out of the cold and dampness of the Mountain, it immediately burst into song, voice going from a stale croak born of disuse to the richness born of joy, calling forth many of its own kind to come sing with it. In forty years, the parrot has ever and anon come back to the edge of the forest, but it grew too dangerous to allow their children, so it could only sing from afar. Even were it willing to come back, Gimli told the dwarf, it would waste away again so far from the greenness of its home and the song of its own kind.
In the Glittering Caves of Aglarond, Legolas is as a tall young tree, and as silent as one, a shock to the eye amongst the lovely veins of ore that go line by line unending into the far deepness. His green and grey travel cloak conceals him entirely, and yet the rippling gold of his hair marks him out to the eye at once.
In Fangorn, where finally they walked only two alone, Gimli sees much to wonder at, not only in the trees and fauna around him but in his companion. Legolas seems young indeed, laughing and singing, even more than usual.
And so, even as they make a fire and lay their bedrolls, Gimli does not ask.
After they had walked a long road, they rest, weary yet happy. Unknowingly, Gimli comes to tell Legolas the story of a Firebeard bride. Her Ironfoot husband took her to the far South, and she left all she had to follow him, but after the marriage they came to much misfortune. Many of his kin died and those who lived a while before succumbing told of a terrible beast who ripped them apart with claws alone.
Gimli pauses and Legolas says, with surety, "It was the bride."
"Yes," Gimli says, "and it ends very sadly, with her laying hands on her own babe. Unable to accept it when in her right mind, she ultimately took her own life."
"I pity her, although you may not," Legolas says.
"You are mistaken, she is indeed pitied by all," Gimli replies. "But we also take it as a lesson, that a diamond must be set in its own place and coal in its own."
Legolas laughs quietly. "And yet, even I, ignorant elf that I am, know that one cannot have diamonds without first having coal."
His eyes glint challengingly at Gimli, who finds himself rising to it on instinct, who says, "And yet one would not expect diamond to burn like coal, or a parrot to live long in a cave, or a father to outlive his son."
Then he flinches. I did not ask, he tells himself, surely I did not.
Legolas laughs again, ringing out like bells or the sound of a waterfall from far off, beckoning. "A parrot may nest in a tree outside a cave, and with time coal may do a diamond's task. I have outlived the deadly quest we were on, and what there is beyond this is not in my ken, but my father will not have cause to grieve me for many years yet."
"Some things cannot be asked for," Gimli says, his heart beating like it would escape his chest and fly to his love, if Legolas holds out his hand for it.
"You need not ask," Legolas replies and leans down to hold his furred cheek and chin in two long-fingered hands and kiss him like gentle rain after scorching summer.
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bowiesbulge · 1 year
I've finally read Sansûkh (and Tasâlalkhud) and it made me lose my fucking mind it's one of the best things I've ever read wtf
I cried SO MUCH ?? And it was so beautiful ??? And I wasn't left feeling hollow and depressed at the end ! Like the characters actually heal and get better and become at peace and happy, despite the grueling emotional (and physical) pain they've been through !
Thorin arriving in the Halls... Dís grieving... Arwen and Bilbo bonding over their Kings... Moria... Dáin's end... GODDAMN !
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sallysavestheday · 24 days
Friday Favorites (17 May 2024)
I've had very little time to read this week, so this is a dive into the depths of the bookmarks cave. Legolas/Gimli edition, because why not?
For all your weepy/uplifting Elf/Dwarf needs (nothing too spicy here, this time, and I'm not including some of the Epic Greats in this category, but these are all personal faves):
The Undying by Angela (T: 20K)
The Stubbornness of Dwarves by khazadqueen (ama) (T: 7K)
Numberless the ways, and imperceptible by @elljayvee (NR: 9K)
all that it touches to wonder by cynassa (G: 39K)
firelight by @welcomingdisaster (T: 2K)
Hearts Will As Hearts Must by determamfidd (G: 10K)
On the Cold Hill Side by marycrawford (T: 25K)
The Sound Below Sound by Dorinda (T: 35K)
Weary Heads to Rest by icarus_chained (G: 2K)
afterglow by @deheerkonijn (T: 2K)
Comfort by @roselightfairy (T: 5K)
He Stands Not Alone by @windandwater (T: 41K)
The Filth of Saruman by @tathrin (T: 12K)
Older, more diverse Tolkien recs are always at my friday favorites tag.
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lemonsprite · 6 months
𝐌𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐥’𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭 || 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐱 𝐆𝐢𝐦𝐥𝐢
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Summary: Mahal has blessed Gimli and Legolas with a gift
Word count:
Warnings: none! All fluff :)
A/N: side note I love the headcanon that hobbits are like cabbage patch kids and that dwarves are like those Nat Geo archeology kits
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“A rock?” Asked Legolas, raising an eyebrow at the uneven stone in his hands. The elf looked down at Gimli with confusion.
“Nay.” The dwarf shook his head, smiling, and took the stone (practically boulder) from Legolas’ hands.
“A rock from Mahal.”
Legolas was silent, staring at Gimli as if he was insane.
“And what does that mean?”
The dwarf’s face went as red as his hair, his eyes looking everywhere but Legolas. The rock was so big Gimli’s hands could hardly cradle it and Legolas couldn’t help but be intrigued by the strange stone. It was lumpy and sharp as if the rock had just been chipped from the mountainside and scraped the palms of Legolas’ smooth hands.
“You don’t know much about dwarven culture, yes?”
Legolas nodded his head suspiciously, eyeing the stone.
“Well, when Mahal made us in the forges he created a second one for each of us, an eternal partner, our one.”
The elven prince stood silently in agreement. After all, he was quite familiar with at the very least, this ideal. His father, Thranduil, had complained more than once about that dwarven prince and Tauriel.
“Well.” Gimli began once more, one of his gruff hands fiddling nervously with the braids of his beard. “Once you have met your one and Mahal has deemed you ready you are to be gifted a child.”
“A child…” Legolas thought aloud, his eyes narrowing in thought at the dwarf next to him. “You mean to tell me that stone…”
“Is an infant.” Gimli finished for the elf, holding the rock closer to his chest. “It is how we Khazâd are born.”
Legolas was silent, processing everything Gimli had just revealed.
“But…” He began, furrowing his brow in confusion. “That would mean you’d have found your one, would it not?”
If possible, Gimli’s face turned even redder, his eyes frantically searching the ground beneath Legolas’ face so as to not look him in the eyes.
Legolas froze, Gimli’s confirmation suddenly causing his stomach to sink, Legolas stuck now with the undeniable evidence that he’d have to be sharing Gimli with someone else.
He quickly dispelled these thoughts. Legolas placed his hand tenderly on the other's shoulder, throwing a gentle smile on his face before his friend beside him could even notice anything off.
“Why Gimli, that's… Great.” The dwarf practically flushed at Legolas’ words, caressing his thumb against the rough exterior of the stone.
“Who is she?”
Gimli froze, staring perplexed at Legolas.
“What do you mean she?” He asked, his gruff voice filled with surprise.
“Your one.” Explained the elf. ‘Why was Gimli so confused?’
Gimli stared at him as if he’d punched the dwarf right between his eyes. “My dear friend-” He sighed, exasperated, running a hand down his face. “You are my one.”
Legolas felt as if the Valar themselves had just descended from above, blood rushing to his face faster than he could string a bow. The elf was silent, wanting to say so many things at once yet nothing came.
Gimli frowned, holding the rock in his arms tighter. “I understand if you do not feel the same.” He sighed heavily. “after all, you are an elf-”
Before the dwarrow could finish his sentence Legolas was upon him like a stork to bird seed. He engulfed Gimli in a hug that would crush a mortal man.
“The Rock Legolas!” Gimli exclaimed, buried in the elven princes arms.
Legolas released him, holding Gimli an arms length away. He nodded his head vigorously, ignoring the nagging voice in the back of his head that sounded suspiciously like his father telling him off.
“Apologizes… I got away from myself… I just…” Legolas trailed off, a small giddy smile crossing his lips. He could not believe the news he was hearing. Gimli was his, he was Gimli’s. They were meant for each other… after all according to the dwarves they were fated, it was destined by the gods.
Gimli looked tenderly up at Legolas, cradling the rock in his arms.
“Aye… you… do feel the same yes?” He asked, searching the Elves face for confirmation.
“Very…! A child Gimli!” He exclaimed, and the dwarf had never seen Legolas so joyous. “Our child!”
Legolas grabbed Gimli’s hands so that both were now holding the stone and smiled brightly down at the dwarf. His hands completely swallowed Legolas’, Gimli’s palms scarred and calloused from years spent in the forage.
“Meleth nîn.” Said Legolas quietly. “Thalion nîn, Melethron nîn.”
Gimli smiled, his ears picking up on what little he knew of the Sindarin language.
“One of these days I must teach you Khuzdul.” He said, looking down at the small boulder cradled in their hands. “Your elvish language is to sweet.”
“My word say nothing but the truth.” Said Legolas tenderly. “I’ve waited long for a moment like this.”
He leaned his head down as best he could, touching his forehead to Gimli’s the rock laid dormant between them.
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Jojo try not to mischaracterize Legolas challenge (impossible)
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tathrin · 6 months
End of Year Fic Recs!
Recommend up to 5 series or multi-chapter fics from 2023 that everyone should read (multi-year WIPs count, if the last update was in 2023).
Recommend up to 5 single chapter fics/one-shots (long or short) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Recommend up to 5 fics NOT from 2023 that everyone should read (oldies but goodies).
Recommend up to 5 of your own fics (completed or WIP) from 2023 that everyone should read.
I have decided to include only Tolkien-fics, because that is the majority of what I've read (and written) this year; and because if I did not find some way to restrict myself, I would never be able to narrow things down to list only five, wtfffff.
5 Series/Multi-chapter Fics:
The Harrowing by Chthonion
The Last War Of The North by baby_bat_98
seabird by welcoming_disaster
This Strange and Needful Desire by katajainen
The Flower and the Fountain by sallysavestheday
5 One Chapter/Oneshot Fics:
Elf-Dwarf Coupling by welcoming_disaster
What Makes Us Monsters by theScrap_Witch
Red paint by AroaceMoron
A Mighty Shot in the Darkness by sallysavestheday
sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines by welcoming_disaster
5 Pre-2023 Fics:
By the Living by Roselightfairy
Lied: Lay My Heart Naked by Laura JV (laurajv)
1001 ways of confessing your love: Gigolas edition by katajainen
Tainted Meat by lynndyre
Across the Table by Tuginda
5 of My Fics from 2023:
And In The Darkness To Unmake Them (wip)
The Last Temptation of Narvi of Khazad-dûm
Fives Times Gimli Died (And One Time He Didn't)
On the Far Side of the Sundering Sea
Blows Uncounted
Ooh thank you so much for tagging me in this @sallysavestheday it was really fun to go back through my bookmarks (and check all the dates whoops) and remember some of the great stories I've read this year!
Lots of Legolas and Gimli in there (shocking no one!) but a couple of Celebrimbor-focused stories and a few other tales as well; and every one of them a gem and a masterpiece. Please go read them all, and leave their authors some love in the comments to close-out this long year!
I shall tag, if any of you have not done this yet already: @bifuriouswaterbender @babybat98 @aroace-moron @storytellingdreamer @estel-of-the-eyrie @roselightfairy @thescrapwitch
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forelevenses · 3 months
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Have you ever thought, "Dang, I wish I had a Tolkien fic written by forelevenses,"? Then boy, do I got news for you!
Howdy, I'm forelevenses and this year I signed up as a writer for @fandomtrumpshate's 2024! FTH is a wonderful charity event where people from all fandoms come together raise money for small, progressive non-profits through an online auction, and I finally got around to signing up and I'm super excited!
For my very first go-around, I'm going to be writing for Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit, with pairings from Samfrodo to Bilbo/Bofur! Check out the rest the details here!
Everything from my interests to my DNWs can be found there, but if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me! Apart from the hard DNWs, I'm down to collaborate and work on a variety of tropes/AUs!
Auctions start on March 5 2024 at 8:00AM EST and end on March 9 2024 at 8:00PM EST!
Thanks for checking this out and I look forward to working with you soon! :)
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tiny-and-witchy · 6 months
Help help, i lost a fic again!!
Does anyone remember the name of the fic where Gimli is depressed and his soul is slipping away and Legolas senses it through their bond and saves him!?!
Please i need to read it!!!
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galadrielspeaks · 2 years
you guys seemed to enjoy my cringe-fail legolas sexy gimli post so here’s some more of my thoughts ab that dynamic:
-when legolas goes home and announces his engagement to gimli thranduil is shocked but every other elf is like “yeah checks out. that kid’s always been a little weird.”
-gimli goes home to announce his engagement to legolas and every dwarf promptly loses their SHIT at the fact that THE gimli, son of gloin, is betrothed. only to further lose their shit at the fact that it’s to that weird elf prince that they have never heard speak unless to send some sort of diplomatical message for his father but some dwarflings once saw him sobbing in front of a tree in the middle of a rainstorm while gripping a fallen branch.
-thranduil only gives his blessing to the proposal once he realises just how angry all of erebor is that their most eligible bachelor, gimli, the silver-tongued battle ready diplomant and descendant of kings, has been stolen away by thranduils weird tree-hugging naked star gazing hippie son.
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coveredinsun · 4 months
root and stone, song and sea
Tree and flower could speak, and they had much wisdom to share and much fun to play at—but rock and jewel could sing!
Gimli had told him that once upon a sleepless night; a passing thing, a more well-known convention of the Dwarves compared to their pantheon of secrets. Legolas had paid it little mind then, for they were on the road and surrounded by root and grass anyhow, so he thought it mattered little.
The Elf cursed himself for that negligence now. It was not his way to hear the song of rock and jewel, but certainly he could see its instrument, for the ridges of the walls were like the strings of a famed Dwarven harp. And he wished so badly to hear its song.
my second gigolas fic and it’s 13 thousand words of these two stupid gay bozos being sappy about each other! it’s also about the sea-longing, and the joy that makes it bearable, but for all the angst there’s very much enough fluff to compensate. i’m very proud of this one, so enjoy!!! <3
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drunkdumbfucker · 2 months
Legolas suffering from sea-longing | Ao3 fic recs
Hello, under the read more you'll find a masterlist of fics where Legolas goes through the ordeal of sea-longing! 99% of them will include the pairing Gimli/Legolas, this list exists to be edited and nourished as long as I keep ruining my happiness with their existence :))))
"Legolas Greenleaf long under tree In joy thou hast lived. Beware of the Sea! If thou hearest the cry of the gull on the shore, Thy heart shall then rest in the forest no more." Galadriel
root and stone, song and sea, by @coveredinsun | words 13k+, post-canon, fluff and angst & Gimleaf
Summary: "[...] Or: A few looks into Legolas' sea-longing, and the joyous things that make it more bearable." [this one broke me I cried and smiled and every sentence deserves to be cherished, and everything this author writes is gold]
rebuil your seawall (brick by brick), by @deheerkonijn | words 30k+, modernAU & Gimleaf
Summary: "For weeks and months, Legolas has felt a pull - and dares not name it, does not heed its stormy-sky warnings, does not track the ebb and flow on the shoreline of his life. Here’s the thing about the tide, though: it rises whether one wills it or not." [this one made me lose my shit it was so well thought and the universe in which it's set is immense and dear, such a great series]
Across the sea (a pale moon rises), by loving_rat_314 | words 10k (unfinished), post-canon & old age & Gimleaf
Summary: "After Aragorn`s death, Legolas and Gimli brave an uncertain journey into the West." [don't talk to me don't look at me]
On the Cold Hill Side, by @mcvices | words 24k, missing scene & Gimleaf
Summary: "In the end, Gimli thinks, Legolas will steal his heart and sail away with it, and even the wonders of the Glittering Caves are not enough consolation for that loss. But when Aragorn calls for Gimli’s help in dismantling the hidden traps of Orthanc, everything changes." [I don't even know what to say, fell in love with the writing, adored it all, really great dialogues]
The Undying, by Angela | words 20k, old age & pining & slow-burn Gimleaf
Summary: “I was wondering,” Gimli had said at the beginning of it. “Isn't it about time you get started on that boat of yours?” It has been over one hundred years since the War of the Ring. Gimli and a dwarf girl named Mâglah help Legolas build his ship to sail into the west. While they are working, Legolas realizes that there are a lot of things that have been long unexpressed between him and his dearest friend, things that must be said and done before it is too late." [so complete, precious OC, heart-wrenching details and moments]
Seasick, by Longyan | words 3k, growing old & Gimleaf
Summary: "The pull has existed for a long time. It has always been there, just at the back of his mind ― a mere childish curiosity, to see waves break against the shore, to feel fresh breeze in his hair. Still, it was never more than a passing thought, something that would always be drowned out by other, more interesting things. Nothing more, nothing less. The world is bright. Sauron is gone. And Legolas is sure, as long he has Gimli by his side, the water has no power over him. And he is intent on staying forever." [short but strong, like Gimli. Will fuck you up, I kid you not, very powerful shit right here]
what a thing to choose, by coverdinsun (again) | words 4k, post-canon & Arwen stan account & Gimleaf
Summary: "[...] Or: As time appears to be slipping out of his grasp, Legolas must grapple with his fear." [idk I love your little short summaries in the end. another masterpiece, trule wonderful dialogue, some of my fave characterizations in here]
To the sea, by @roselightfairy | words 13k, so much angst & Gimleaf
Summary: "A few decades into their shared lives, Legolas seems to be losing his battle against the sea-longing. The only solution that he can think of is to go to the sea. Of course, Gimli will not let him go alone." [this one hits really really hard, a slap to the face. so much angst yet so beautiful, pay attention to all the tags, prepare your tissues beforehand <3]
Go west, by undomiel (dolcewrites) | words 8k, angst++++ & Gimleaf
Summary: "The Sea has never left Legolas' mind since he first heard the cry of the gulls at Pelargir. As time catches up to the elf, he has to make a choice: to sail to the West, or to stay with his companion, Gimli the dwarf." [Maybe even more angsty than the last one because it touches all the despair and loss and pain]
To be continued!
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unendingwanderlust · 10 months
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There are way too few Accidental Marriage Gimli/Legolas fics (despite the amazing potential), so I thought I'd do my part!
TITLE: Of Spider Silk And Escaping Prisoners RATING: E WARNINGS: None RELATIONSHIPS: Gimli/Legolas, minor Thranduil/Thranduil's Wife
SUMMARY: Legolas quickly reaches the conclusion that becoming an adult sucks! He has all these new responsibilities as the crown prince, he is feeling very strange feelings for his secret best friend Gimli- and, as the cherry on top of the disaster cake, Gollum just escaped from the Woodland Realm and it is Legolas’s fault.
In which no one ever told Legolas about the birds and the bees, and he ends up accidentally married to Gimli just before setting out for Rivendell…
“Remember,” Thranduil says, “no holding hands or kissing an ellon or elleth-” “…until I am at least two thousand,” Legolas rolls his eyes. “I know.” “Exactly. And you are not, under any circumstances, to be all alone with any elf you find fair.” Technically, Legolas has not been breaking any rules. He has not been all alone with any elves he finds fair. “Why, what could possibly happen?” “We will tell you when you are older. Now, have you checked that you packed everything?” Thranduil inquires.
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cynassa · 8 months
all that it touches to wonder
Chapters: 4 (complete)
Word count: 38,816
Life after war has much more politics than Gimli thought, and much less Legolas than he would like, but the latter he believes he has to get used to. Or: Legolas leaps, occasionally stumbling, into a new age, while Gimli can't see the wood for the (green)leaf.
"How do your people court then?"
The question was not as abrupt as it would seem, firstly because the news that his brother was courting had clearly left Legolas in deep thought for a number of days, secondly because Legolas had long ago confessed his curiosity about the lives and customs of Gimli's kin, and thirdly because Legolas' grace was well-known to be in his light feet and not his manners.
However, Gimli saw no reason to let him have his own way entirely. "And by my people do you mean the Longbeards, or the Dwarves of Erebor, or the wandering mender that I now seem to be?"
"I meant," Legolas said, "wandering jesters."
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