#girlboss really gets down
dawningfairytale · 2 years
hey. why does ocean have the best slut drop in talia?
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thefabelmans2022 · 1 year
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well that's just not true at all is it.
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deepfriedtrout · 7 months
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tfw when the woman you just slept with reveals she knows you've committed five million war crimes then offers you a pretty sweet faustian? you will die five million times if you agree bargain if u work under this one company.
but what happens next will surprise you:
what happens next is that I haven't written it. sorry.
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okay idk why some of yall arent getting it but wanting to be brought back to life =/= wanting other people to die
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kittehbiscuits · 20 days
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I keep rewatching this stupid movie it's been 6 times so far please tell me I'm not alone
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angeltannis · 11 months
Overwatch 2 is p much a fuckup from top to bottom but I feel like the big things have overshadowed the more baffling little things, like the fact that they inexplicably retconned Widowmaker’s lore so that she WILLINGLY joined Talon and said “Oui just fuck me up”
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killmebythebeach · 2 years
Just finished today's jrwi and WHATS THIS?! ******* ******** WITH A STEEL CHAIR?!?!
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myautisticpov · 2 years
So, I’ve been saying ever since they introduced Smart Hulk to the MCU that if they wanted to do She-Hulk, it was now going to be messy, and yeah, look, I love 99% of the first episode, but, like, I do actually wish that as part of her snarky intro in the beginning, she had just skipped over the origin story, rather than giving us an entire episode on it
But I get it, comics Bruce was in his Lonely Man era, MCU Bruce is not, it doesn’t make sense for MCU Bruce to leave Jen alone after she’s exposed to his blood
Anyway, this is all just pre-amble to the thing that annoyed me, which is the fucking “I’m a woman, so that makes me better at controlling my anger” thing
And I’m not even saying that they couldn’t have made that work... But... But but but but but... They just had to have the preceding line be Bruce trying to get Jen to at least be open to DBT, which is one of the tools that helped him
And so, to me, that inclusion meant that the scene did not come across as a #GirlBoss moment, it came across like a neurotypical woman getting mad at a neurodivergent man for trying to be helpful, and basically dismissing mental healthcare as a thing that women don’t need because life teaches us to be in control of our emotions???
Like, I get it, in the grand context, Bruce isn’t listening to Jen and is trying to push his way of doing things on her. But also, like... He is correct that if she hulks out and loses control, like he did, that’s going to lead to potential deaths, and she’s being really fucking flippant about that???
Idk, like I said, I think the second they introduced Smart Hulk and got MCU Bruce out of his Lonely Man era, it was always going to make the She-Hulk origin messy, and there was always a much bigger danger of making She-Hulk’s ability to remain Jen when she hulks out a bio-essentialist thing, but yeah, while the game was rigged and they were probably always going to miss the mark, they missed it in a way that really annoyed me
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chadsuke · 1 year
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Books Read in 2022:
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Vol. 1 by Piero Karasu & Harutsugu Nadaka (2021)
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Vol. 2 by Piero Karasu & Harutsugu Nadaka (2021)
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Vol. 3 by Piero Karasu & Harutsugu Nadaka (2022)
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Vol. 4 by Piero Karasu & Harutsugu Nadaka (2022)
A Wicked Tale of Cinderella’s Stepmom by Kiarne & Sunset (2022)
A Wicked Tale of Cinderella’s Stepmom by Kiarne & Sunset (2022)
A Wicked Tale of Cinderella’s Stepmom by Kiarne & Sunset (2022)
Roxana: How To Protect the Female Lead’s Older Brother by Kin, Juniljus & Ji-Yeon Baek (2021)
She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat Vol. 1 by Sakaomi Yuzaki (2022)
[ID: Covers of the aforementioned manhwa and manga. End ID.]
#2022media#gigi.txt#okay so magicrev was fun! it's a yuri manga based on a novel#that i'll have to give a read and its getting an anime adaptation next year#hence me picking it up#i'm p interested in the plot and the mc is super into magic but bc shes from another world#she can't use it so instead she intensely focuses on magic tech making it available to everyone#and yeah its interesting!#cinderella's stepmom is genuinely so good i fucking. LOVE the family of it all. its killing me.#random lady is isekai-ed into cinderella's stepmom right after the news of the dad's death#and decides to be a Good Mom instead of u know a wicked stepmom#i really like what it considers story wise and it feels very fleshed out and real and i fucking#LOOOOOVE how the stepsisters are designed#roxana is. well.#its very messed up but also an enjoyable read like evil girlboss hours#shes very pretty tho like. oof. roxana please.#isekai except u have to be hardcore evil and its <3 i love her evil butterflies#and finally she loves to cook is a very very down to earth yuri manga#about a young woman who is super into cooking but doesn't eat a lot so can't make the large portions she wants#who finds out her neighbor is this very serious lady who likes to eat a LOT so. yay she can cook for her!!!!#i love the mc occasionally ragging like i dont want to dress nice for a MAN where is the fashion advice for dressing nice for ANOTHER GIRL#and the design of the neighbor is mwah they're very good#i couldn't put it down WHERE is the rest i want to read MORE#gay people and food is like. my favorite genre ever
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drewsaturday · 2 years
something something poetic book-ends of how grace is the only reason simon didn't get Live Cremated by a ghom when he was 10 and once he forfeits their bond and tries to kill her he loses that protection and at the end of the day like that lil roy clock said it's all about teamwork and trust
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rainosa · 2 years
Damn anon you really think I give a fuck
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liddlediddy · 2 years
I think jack antanoff should be prohibited from masking music until he learns how to make songs that don't all sound the same
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yuuminni · 1 year
god training alfred sucks so bad bc there just isnt any niche that he can fill even as a royal. sword/lance user? great knight louis, who everyone is already using, got that covered baby. goldmary got that covered as well, and she comes with decent avoid. calvary? everyone who hasnt already been using merrin is a fool. high def personal skill that triggers randomly.... diamant AND louis has in built high def that doesnt need to be triggered. personal skill to +2 str if he waits and does nothing would be a good skill if he can field more than 2 enemies in enemy phase. he cant though he's gonna be fucking dead being doubled with that atrocious speed. cant even do backup chip damages.... like the game did you so dirty alfred. you were beautiful while you lasted etc
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masterhallmark · 3 months
Rant incoming
I feel like the problem with a lot of Disney's live action remakes (and arguably Wish) is they're trying to appeal to a crowd that no longer exists, namely the people who used to claim that the Disney Princesses were sexist.
All the interviews tend to include, "Well she's not chasing a MAN anymore" which...almost no one sees the princesses like that, anymore. Virtually NO ONE still believes the princesses are man-chasing sexist caricatures of women.
Cinderella is now hailed as an abuse victim who stayed strong long enough to get help to get out of her situation. Anyone who says she should have saved herself is basically regarded as a victim blamer. And it's very clear in the film she wasn't looking to marry the prince, she just wanted a night off. She was the only one who wasn't in line to meet him. She didn't find out she met the prince until he went looking for her!
Snow White is now hailed for her negotiation skills, ability to calm down after extreme stress (she had a moment of panic and had to cry for a bit, but who wouldn't after finding out The Queen hired someone to kill you?), and ability to take charge of a house of adult men. And again, she was an abuse victim, this time trying to escape ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS. While she dreamed of her prince, it was secondary to her main goal of SURVIVAL. There are also entire video essays about how Snow White gave hope to people during The Great Depression.
Everyone acknowledges that Ariel wanted to be human BEFORE meeting Eric. We all know she was a nerd hyperfixating on humans, and also standing up to her prejudiced father.
We understand Sleeping Beauty wasn't the main character, the Three Good Fairies were, AND PHILLIP WOULD NEVER HAVE BEATEN MALEFICENT WITHOUT THEM! He literally depended on them! WOMEN SAVED THE DAY! But even then, is it really such a sin for a girl to fantasize about romance and fall for someone with corny pickup lines?
We all understand Jasmine just wanted someone to treat her LIKE A PERSON. She rejected every Prince before Aladdin because they treated her like a prize. So why did they need her to want to be Sultan? How did that make her more feminist when she already wanted to be treated like an equal and have a say in her future? Is it only empowering if you want a career in politics?
We admire that Belle, despite living in a judgemental village, was kind to everyone (even though she found the village life dull), and her story teaches girls that the guy everyone else loves isn't always a good guy. What's sexist about teaching girls about red flags? And she didn't start being nice to The Beast until he started treating her with respect and kindness.
Do I really NEED to defend Mulan or Tiana? I think they speak for themselves.
Rapunzel was yet another abuse victim who just needed a little help to get out of her bad situation. In this case, she also needed to learn that she was an abuse victim, and that what Mother Gothel did WASN'T normal, much like many victims of gaslighting.
And don't get me started on the non-princess animals.
Perdita had a healthy relationship with Pongo to the point she was open to express her pregnancy fears to him, and was ready to TEAR APART Cruella's goons for daring to touch her puppies as well as adopting the other puppies. Like, she was so ferocious the goons mistook her for a hyena! She's basically that "I AM THAT GIRL'S MOTHER!" scene from SpyXFamily if Yor were a dog. She and her husband were a TEAM.....but they made a Cruella live action to turn her into a girlboss?! The literal animal abuser!? THAT'S the woman you wanted to put on a pedestal when Perdita was RIGHT THERE!?
Duchess kept her kittens calm after they had been catnapped and was classy as heck. Nice to everyone regardless of social class during a time period where that was uncommon.
Lady stood up to Tramp when she believed he had abandoned her and didn't really care about her. She found out he was a heartbreaker and was like, "Nuh uh. No. You are not doing that to me! You put me through enough."
Miss Bianca from The Rescuers was IN CHARGE the whole movie, and was willing to risk life and limb to save an innocent child. THAT TINY MOUSE TOOK ON ALLIGATORS! And she picked Bernard to accompany her because he was the only one who wasn't ogling her. And then in the sequel SHE DID IT ALL AGAIN! I wish I were as brave as her.
Like, the public haven't accused these ladies of being sexist caricatures since 2014 (Actresses and actors don't count, they're out of touch like the rest of Hollywood) yet Disney is operating under the assumption that the public still thinks that way, hence all the "sHe'S nOt AfTeR a MaN iN ThIs VeRsIOn" talk.
The live action remakes are trying to attract an audience that doesn't really exist much, anymore, and back when it did exist, was comprised mainly of people who didn't actually watch the films. The Disney princesses are no longer seen as sexist, and feminine qualities are no longer seen as weak or undesirable.
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 2 months
bluetooth j.t.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: A little suggestive if you squint
Word Count: 1.2k words
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You don't know how you allowed yourself to get manipulated into being a girlboss and moving out of your childhood home to live in your own apartment. While it was nice to have your own privacy and decorate your home however you liked, you realized just how many privileges you lost now that you weren't in the care of your parents.
There was no one there to make sure you woke up on time in the few cases where you slept through your alarm, no one that you could call on your way back from work to ask to switch on the water heater so you could take a steamy shower immediately.
You didn't have your mother's homecooked meals and you didn't have your father to pick you up snacks from the grocery store.
And one of the biggest thorns in your side was the reason you were dreading the entire day. Car maintenance. The auto shop was one of the most daunting places in your life as a girl who knew nothing about cars. Never once had you regretted not learning how to take care of your car or even the procedure required when you eventually take your car down to the auto shop.
But now standing in the hot and dusty garage, you were seriously rethinking your life choices. You should've scheduled these things for when your dad was visiting so you could ask him to take it instead. Or, even better, you should've gotten a boyfriend.
You were complaining in your head, dragging your feet about having to be here in the first place and whined about handing your car keys, with a bunch of adorable keychains attached to some rando.
But when Jason Todd, 6'2 man with biceps that were larger than your own head and a body that looked like he was shaped out of marble by Michelangelo himself walked out with a form for you to fill out, you were all too happy to be there.
Perhaps you'd be leaving here with a boyfriend after all.
"I have to admit, I don't really know much about cars so please don't scam me."
Jason chuckled, a deep, hoarse laugh that made you a little weak in the knees honestly and the boy-crazed fraction of your brain began to imagine how he would sound as soon as he woke up next to you, after a night of—
"A bit of advice, you probably don't want to let scammers know that you have no idea what they're talking about."
You giggled, scolding yourself mentally for finding that funny.
'Come on, (Y/N), pull yourself together it wasn't even that funny. His face is just great delivery.'
"Or I could keep coming here and have you check my car, since you're so trustworthy." You mused, sparing him a teasing smile.
Jason was completely picking up what you were putting down, giving you a coy smile of his own before responding, "Or perhaps this is just a tactic to get you to keep coming back."
You narrowed your eyes playfully, "Devious."
Looking back at his little clipboard, a thin metal rod of some kind tucked behind his ear instead of a pen, Jason asked, "When was the last time you got your car checked out? If your battery and brake pad was replaced recently, we could probably skip that and just do a routine check to make sure everything's running smoothly."
You winced, "I couldn't tell you, honestly. My dad usually handles this kinda stuff for me, I'm still kind of a new lamb when it comes to taking care of my car."
Jason raised his eyes from the clipboard for a second, "Your boyfriend can't do this kinda stuff for you instead?"
"I don't have a boyfriend."
He perked up immediately and you ducked your head to hide your smile, "I'm sure you probably have a record of it in your glovebox or something. Most places keep a little sticker with the date of your last service under the dash. I'll check it out for you, do you have somewhere to be, or do you have a couple minutes so I can make sure?"
You shook your head, shrugging your shoulders with a carefree smile, "It's my day off so I'm free as a bird."
He grinned, "Noted. Just give me a second."
You watched his back receding as he walked toward your car, shoulders looking like they could span the entire ocean and it was only when he was sat in the car and had turned on the engine did you whip out your phone at lightspeed.
"Ohmygosh Julie, I think I just met my future husband. Holy shit. He's so cute—gorgeous actually. He's working on my car right now and God, those arms, wow. And those eyes? God, I feel blessed just by looking at his face." The end of your message was interrupted by another mechanic running the engine.
You waited patiently for the sound of the engine to die before replaying the voice message so you could re-record the part that got cut off. Only you couldn't hear a thing.
Confused, you increased the volume, taking a sip from your coffee to soothe the inhumane squeal that you had let out while sending Julie the voice message. Once again you heard nothing.
You bit your lip at this, swiping down at the corner of your phone at access your control center and realizing the reason you couldn't hear anything was because it was connected to the Bluetooth on your car.
You whipped around in horror only to find Jason smirking at you from the front seat of your car. If the world were fair, you'd be struck down with lightning right then and there. Or, since you were at an auto shop, a sentient car might run you over.
Alas, you continued to stand there in horror, completely unharmed no matter how badly you wished to be reduced to a puddle on the ground.
You called him your future husband. The ground should've swallowed you then and there. Instead, you just stood there in complete mortification and embarrassment while you stared at his amused expression.
Something startled him out of his gaze for a second and he pointed at your console, making a gesture like he was taking a call. Confused, you glanced at your phone.
'Incoming call: Julie'
Ah, saved by the bell.
"How much do I owe you?" You asked, quickly popping open your purse to fish out your credit card. You had stretched out the conversation with Julie as long as possible, begging her not to hang up and only interrupting her tangent when Jason finally came up to you, saying that your car was good to go.
"It's on the house." He gave you a charming grin, leaning an arm against the counter, "Can't have my future wife paying for anything, can I?"
Your cheeks flared red, still holding out your card for him to take, "O-Oh, I couldn't, really."
"If you insist, then you can always repay me with dinner. Today's your day off, right? Think you can pencil me in for 7?"
A shy smile grew on your face, your body so warm you had to resist fanning your burning cheeks, "Sounds like a plan."
Forever Taglist:
DC Taglist:
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deadghosy · 3 months
Prompt: a 9’5 creature comes by and randomly builds the crew things.
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You hear a knock at the front door of the hazbin hotel and open it to see a 9’5 TALL ASS PERSON WITH DARK PURPLE SKIN WITH SMALL PURPLE FRECKLES SCATTERED AROUND THEIR BODY….
Immediately door slam like Alastor got in the pilot….
She kept reopening the door as you finally got tired of that bullshit and teleported inside as you croaked…your jaw unhinging in a weird attractive way as your eyes were blinded by a black blindfold.
“Uhm sir? Are you here for the hotel?” Charlie asked as you nodded turning slowly with a croak. You pulled out a wrench ready to show how you wanted to work for her. Charlie smiled awkwardly as she shows you around the place. Literally you had to duck a lot to the point you had to crawl like a baby just to fit in the room…
Embarrassing it is…..
But at least you can kinda shapeshift a bit to 3 feet less as you are at 6’5 which made the others feel a lot more comfortable about you being comfortable in this height as you still kinda crouch to pet keekee.
I feel like Lucifer will like you personally because of how you like to build and take things apart to renew things. So he definitely brings you in his workshop as he rants about his duck collection as you slightly grumble unconsciously as purple pixels fly around beside you.
Dead ass…you are beautiful with your purple ender eyes they glow behind your blindfold in the dark…the hotel cast and even say as they would see them from afar at night.
I headcannon Enderman! Reader to have slight muscles but is really strong despite their skinny look. But really they/he has a nice build under his working clothes.
Vaggie was shocked to see you teleport away before she could prick you with her angelic spear. She definitely had Alastor keep a look on you…but you only built and fixed around the hotel like a handy man.
I can see Angel dust taking a picture of you while you are behind him working having your sleeves up as you work as the Snapchat caption says, “He’s working hard to please me” as a joke. You definitely got death threats as you just stare at your hellphone confused as you block them all.
Sir Pentious has accidentally looked you in your eyes once and your unhinged jaw as you screeched at him as a static sound enters his head …it made him scared of you for almost five months until you explained and calms him down….you didn’t like to be scary to others.
Angel had told you how about how you could be a model with your skinny yet built body as you just stood then staring at him through your blindfold.
Tbh your dynamic with Angel dust is “girlboss” x “househusband” as you literally build and fix things
I bet reader built Lucifer a duck boat once as you stand there as Lucifer looks like he is about to cry in the duck boat you built as he gives you a thumbs up. It was a derpy sight but funny.
I headcannon Enderman! Reader to always pick things up, nifty including as she just smile kicking her feet back and forth with a smile. “I like em! Let’s keep him/them!”
It would be funny be at a height comparison with Alastor as he just smiles as you stand there fidgeting with your hands.
I can see husk raising a brow at you like “🤨 who the hell is this guy?” As you walk a bit sluggish holding your tool box
I can also imagine reader having slight difficulty at reading the room or having social skills as they were isolated from people before dying definitely. Like you would croak softly patting Vaggie when her secret was out only for her to push you away as you were trying to say you fixed the toilet.
You stood there confused until husk just sat you down before you teleported after her.
You attacked a sinner for trying to rob you as they grabbed your blindfold in accident only to get attacked and a see an unhinged jaw…next thing they saw was a punch.
Charlie definitely cleaned you up, she was just confused who blood it was as you stay quiet and quietly croaked in your throat.
I headcannon enderman’s to have a raspy voice because they can’t talk but try to. As it’s either deep or a decent voice tone.
Imagine if enderman! Reader met the other overlords before their decrease in height as they stare up at you kinda intimidated by your height. Their necks definitely hurt 
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