fluentisonus · 9 months
so funny of susanna clarke to write a nearly thousand page book + several short stories involving people being made miserable or captured forever or driven mad by the affection or malice of powerful fairies & then at the end of it give us a short story where this guy & this fairy are just friends. fully a buddy duo. there's no angst or anything they just genuinely like each other & call in at each other's houses & go on little sightseeing trips together and bicker endlessly about morality. the fairy reads the newspaper. the guy criticises the fairy's parenting choices. they build a bridge
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lizziestudieshistory · 6 months
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07.12.2023 - Some late night reading and journalling. I've changed how I approach my reading journal over the last two months and I'm so much happier with it because it feels more organic (and a bit more chaotic!)
Currently reading: Tehanu by Ursula K. Le Guin; The Ladies of Grace Adieu by Susanna Clarke
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thinkanamelater · 1 year
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Alessandro Simonelli my beloved
bonus Simonelli + John Hollyshoes (my beloved too)
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beetleandfox · 2 years
the first story in The Ladies of Grace Adieu is just Jonathan Strange getting absolutely wrecked by three shapeshifting lesbians, so it’s an automatic classic
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leupagus · 2 years
Still reading "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell" as well as "The Ladies of Grace Adieu" and like... buddy
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magpiefngrl · 1 year
May + June Books
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Photo Credit (original): Ed Robertson
May + June 2023
I read 17 books in the past two months and filled 8 categories of my Reading Challenge. I managed 6 books from my piles of unread physical books and I completed a few series I'd started ages ago. Overall, I'm plodding along OK as regards my 2023 reading goals.
3 books that stood out were:
Ocean's Echo by Everina Maxwell (sci-fi with romantic subplot)
I didn't love Maxwell's debut novel but this one!! I couldn't put it down! Loved the characters, how different to each other but also complementary they were; their telepathic powers and the worldbuilding; the excellent pacing; the complicated space politics. Keep in mind that it's not heavy on the romance; things between the pairing develop very, very gradually.
Scum Villain's Self-Saving System by MXTX (danmei/ BL)
Are these books perfect? No. Do I care? Also no. 5 stars and 10000 satisfaction points.
The Ladies of Grace Adieu by Susanna Clarke (short stories, historical fantasy)
Really charming and engaging stories set in the world of Clarke's Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell novel.
What's next?
I'm finally on summer hols and officially unemployed so more time to read. I'll focus on romance novels as I'd like to write one myself. I expect a lot of rereads of my fave KJ Charles and, hopefully, a book or two from my piles of physical unread novels.
What about you? What is everyone reading?
you can follow me on GoodReads
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JSAMN Rarepair Fest 2023!
It’s becoming tradition, so brace yourselves!
This year we’re starting the Rarepair Fest off a bit later because of... reasons! But because of this there will be a new aspect to the exchange: a MAXIMUM WORDCOUNT for authors!
For artists it will not be Big Bang-style “illustrate a fic fill”, but more like an art exchange where you interpret your given prompt in any way you wish.
Everyone in the exchange will receive either a fic or a piece of art based on one of their prompts.
The guidelines:
Please do not ask for these pairings. These are the 5 most popular and dominating pairings in the “Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell & Related Fandoms” tag on AO3 from the last 3 years. We love these pairings, but this is a chance to tread new ground and to make rarepair fans very happy indeed! You can use these as background pairings, but please not the main focus of the fic.
BANNED PAIRINGS: John Childermass/John Segundus John Childermass/Henry Lascelles Tom Levy/John Segundus Gilbert Norrell/Jonathan Strange Arabella Strange/Jonathan Strange
Any other pairings or ratings allowed! If you’d prefer gen-fic focused on a particular under-loved character then that’s great too! For single-character prompts, please also avoid any characters mentioned in the pairings above. If you’re struggling for inspiration, the Learned Society has kindly provided a crowd-sourced list of possibilities which you can peruse here.
Any ratings allowed
Maximum fic length of 2000 words.
Art fills must be a finished piece on unlined paper/digital, no sketches.
Age limit of 18+ due to explicit submissions
You will be allocated an exchange participant based on your pairing preference selection (more below!)
All fics and art will be uploaded to the AO3 collection, although you are very much encouraged to also post fills to tumblr/social media account of your choice
To participate you must:
Have an AO3 account (for artists, too, so we can keep all the final products together in this collection!)
Be over the age of 18
Love the underappreciated characters of the Clarkeverse!
Work well on a deadline!
To sign up, please send an email to speakingskies [at] gmail.com specifying in the body of the email:
Your AO3 account name
A list of up to three pairings or characters wish to receive a fic about  or art of (please stick to three maximum for admin reasons!)
A brief (200 words max) prompt for each pairing, one that can be conceivably covered in a 1k fic or single piece of art
Any triggers, squicks or NOTPs?
Are you signing up as a writer or an artist? (Or if you are multi-talented, if you will make up your mind based on the prompt you receive)
Are you up for being a pinch hitter if someone drops out?
The deadline for signing up is 14th January 2023. After this a Google Form of submitted pairings will be sent out to you. You will rate your favourites and will be allocated a recipient based on your selections – if two people rate the same pairing as their favourite, the first person to have completed the form will be given that as their prompt, and the second person will receive their second choice.
You will be sent your pairing and full prompt before 21st January 2023.
The submission deadline for entries is 12th February 2023, and submissions will be revealed on the 14th.
You will upload your submission to the JSAMN Valentine’s Rarepair Fest AO3 collection, and gift it to your recipient.
The works will remain anonymous for a week after the reveal. After that, the authors will be unveiled.
Reminders will be sent a week before the deadline, so please do contact me using an email that you check regularly, or set up forwarding or alerts for that email. Please note that these are all hard deadlines. If you need to drop out for any reason, please let me know at the earliest opportunity.
If you have any questions please do DM me or email on speakingskies [at] gmail.com
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mrsbillycranston · 9 months
Rereading "The Ladies of Grace Adieu" and can we spare a moment for the curate Mr Hawkins from "Mrs Mabb"?
Bro makes sure Venetia has her shoes, a map to Mrs Mabb's, and distracts his wife with the only genuinely valid occurrence of weaponized incompetence in history fictional or otherwise so that she can slip out. Our hero.
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thehopefulraincoat · 1 year
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I love this piece, ❤️ it's magical ✨⁠
Don't know why, but this one has been on my mind lately. It's been like... 2 years? And I still love it. 😊⁠
Made sure to include a bunch of the work-in-progress pics too! ⁠
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fauna-a · 8 months
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Things I've read in 2023: The Ladies of Grace Adieu and other stories by Susanna Clarke (a selection: The Ladies of Grace Adieu, The Duke of Wellington misplaces his horse, Tom Brightwind or How the Fairy Bridge was built at Thoresby, John Uskglass and the Cumbrian charcoal) -> Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Now toasted cheese is a temptation few men can resist, be they charcoal burners or kings. John Uskglass reasoned thus: all of Cumbria belonged to him – therefore this wood belonged to him – therefore this toasted cheese belonged to him.
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fluentisonus · 4 months
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lizziestudieshistory · 6 months
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09.12.2023 - I ventured out for the first time in almost a month (well, I have been to the GP and hospital but I don't think that counts!) and met a friend to discuss our buddy read of Hobb's Fitz and the Fool trilogy over lunch. Neither of us are enjoying it very much and I've made a few realisations reading this trilogy but I'll save those thoughts for when we've finished Assassin's Fate.
Unfortunately, I'm now feeling rough. So, I'm back in bed for an early night with my rapidly growing currently reading pile. My copy of Neil Gaiman's The View from the Cheap Seats arrived while I was out for lunch and I've accidentally started it... but I'm enjoying it immensely and I don't really mind! It's complementing my other reads, so it's slotted into the stack quite nicely.
Currently reading: The View from the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman; Tehanu by Ursula K. Le Guin; The Ladies of Grace Adieu by Susanna Clarke
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thinkanamelater · 1 year
one day poll this time bc i wanna see the results fast lol
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appleinducedsleep · 2 years
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I just finished Piranesi, and found this at the last pages:
‘An Unholy alliance of Austen and Angela Carter’
‘These tales read as if Jane Austen had rewritten the Brother’s Grimm’
Has anyone read The Ladies of Grace Adieu? Do the Daily Mail and Spectator speak truth?
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morgan--reads · 1 year
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Summary: A collection of short stories set in a version of England where ordinary lives are touched by fairies and magic. 
Quote: “Above all remember this: that magic belongs as much to the heart as to the head and everything which is done, should be done from love or joy or righteous anger.”
My rating: 4.0/5.0   Goodreads: 3.87/5.0 
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Review: The stories vary pleasingly in tone and format, but all manage to capture the whimsical danger of fairyland and magic. They feel like genuine fairy tales, full of fairytale logic and details both charming and sinister, and the gorgeous art nouveau illustrations add to the sense of the book as a historical object. The collection is just disconnected enough from Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell to feel like a property in its own right. Jonathan Strange shows up for a single story—the wonderful titular “The Ladies of Grace Adieu”—but you don’t need to have read the novel to be captivated by the eeriness of the story or to uneasily relish the triumph of the women who serve as protagonists.
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katnisshawkeye · 1 year
Le Dame di Grace Adieu e altre storie
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Scheda informativa
Titolo originale: The Ladies of Grace Adieu Autore: Susanna Clarke Editore: Fazi Editore Prima edizione: ottobre 2022 Pagine: 270 Prezzo: € 10,00
Molti mortali hanno vagato per le campagne inglesi senza farne più ritorno. Questo perché tra i boschi silenziosi e le verdi colline si celano dei confini invisibili, al di là dei quali il mondo reale si ripiega su dimensioni assai più magiche e ricche di insidie. Lo sanno bene i protagonisti di queste storie, che si ritrovano a interagire con creature impertinenti e maliziose che giocano con la superficie delle cose, scompigliando il buon senso e l’ordine della realtà. Da una vita di campagna solo apparentemente tranquilla fino ai castelli dove è stata scritta la storia dell’Inghilterra, in questi racconti maghi e fate si intromettono nelle esistenze assolutamente comuni di vicari di campagna e fidanzate gelose, ma anche nei destini di figure storiche come Maria di Scozia e il duca di Wellington.
Se Jonathan Strange & il signor Norrell è uno dei libri di storia che gli studenti e le studentesse della Scuola di Magia e Stregoneria di Hogwarts studiano in classe, Le Dame di Grace Adieu e altre storie può essere considerato al pari de Le Fiabe di Beda il Bardo, ovvero un libro di favole, pur con verità storiche, che maghi e streghe conoscono fin da bambini. Con Le Dame di Grace Adieu e altre storie, Susanna Clarke è in grado di unire l’ironia vittoriana ai temi classici del folklore britannico, tessendo le fila di un mondo fantastico dove storia e magia si intrecciano riportando il lettore alle vecchie conoscenze provenienti da Jonathan Strange & il signor Norrell.
★★★★★ 5/5
Della stessa autrice
Piranesi, Fazi Editore, 2021 Jonathan Strange & il signor Norrell, Fazi Editore, 2021
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