#hair beauty essentials
strawberri-draws · 1 year
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Oc family!!!!!!
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syrenki · 1 year
female leg hair is genuinely so pretty i have no idea how men ever managed to convince so many people it's like. not inherently pretty and fitting for where it grows.
#same goes for armpit hair and pussy hair ofc but it's specifically leg hair that i'm thinking about rn#because i had an argument with my mother#who is. like . a feminist in a 'You must work to always be independent of a man.' way and in many meaningful ways actually#but extremely conservative about very surface level things#like beauty and femininity#mine#i do think i prefer that approach than 'liberated' girls with Grl Pwr tattoos but bending over backwards for men at the same time#in long term relationships or living off men. etc#like i prefer the politics of someone who shaves and even shames people for not shaving but also lives an essentially separatist lifestyle#than the other way around#so i mostly try to reason with her#it doesn't really work#not much#and she's a little more radical in some other cases like with lgbt rights#which is extremely funny bc my sister is an out lesbian#and i on the other hand came out so long ago she must have blamed it on my age#like at 13 i guess#and since then i've stayed single so like. the topic was literally forgotten. and i'm fine with that. but my sister came out at like. 19.#and now my mother actually vents to her gay daughter about. the gayness of her other daugh#like it's literally hysterical#and i just nod politely. occasionally i ask her a question like 'wait. so if it was a trend/publicity stunt. then what would you do if it#didn't pass for her when the trend was over in many years? and she. like. had a wife?'#just to like. feel out what she Actually doesn't accept. she never gives me a clear answer though. oh well. and i never reveal whose side#i'm really on#it is so fun. like actually so fun. i look so straight but act so gay i can infiltrate any space and leave them confused.
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bassiter2 · 3 months
my mental/existential dysphoria is so abstract and gnarled that, as i've become less vain and obsessed with my own appearance in the past year, and basically phased that out of being part of my whole brand, i've genuinely felt like a more real person. i still put effort into my appearance/outfits and have a sense of superiority about it, but leaving behind the habit of taking selfies all the time genuinely feels so right. not bc it's inherently bad or anything, but just bc i think that particular brand of self-obsession is a less Real trait. i think that even having the capacity to sometimes feel insecure about my appearance makes me more real. i'm even starting to kind of like the idea of getting a little ugly as i get old. bc then when someone finds me really beautiful even when i don't look like a model anymore, it'll actually feel special instead of like "of course you do, duh." and bc i'm not like fully consciously expecting everyone i interact with to think i'm gorgeous, now, when someone expresses something along those lines i actually feel complimented instead of just vaguely reinforced. i literally fantasize about being a 40something who says and fully believes "yeah haha i used to be a hot young thing" and then has someone tell me that i'm still hot. i want that so much more than i want to be conventionally hot anymore.
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mrswhymrhow · 1 year
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look at these photographs. of my dear. for me? please?
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rosieshipper · 8 months
So here’s an idea for Rose
What if she was the embodiment of Mother Nature herself? What if she was more then just the violet beast, a former avenger?
What if she traveled to the heart of the earth and truly discovered herself as the protector of all natural life?
Hmm what if indeed
Tags: @astralshipper @arickaandherfictionalothers
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expoorganics · 1 year
camphor oil is a versatile essential oil with many potential health benefits. But it should always be used responsibly and in appropriate amounts.
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viprimehealth · 1 year
The History and Uses of Lavender in Traditional Medicine
Lavender has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its various therapeutic properties. The use of lavender can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, who used the plant for its soothing and healing properties.
Ancient Egyptians used lavender for its medicinal properties; they used it to treat wounds, and to mummify their dead. The Greeks and Romans used lavender for bathing and to scent their homes and clothes. They also used it to treat various health conditions such as headaches, insomnia, and digestive issues.
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In medieval Europe, lavender was used as an antiseptic to cleanse wounds and prevent infection. It was also used to treat respiratory problems, and to promote relaxation and sleep.
Lavender Essential Oil Aromatherapy has been traditionally used for its calming and soothing effects on the mind and body. It has also been used to help with conditions such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia. The oil has also been used topically to help with pain relief, skin irritations and minor burns.
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Lavender oil has also been used in traditional medicine as a natural remedy for respiratory conditions, such as bronchitis, asthma, and colds. The oil has also been used to help alleviate headaches and migraines when used topically or in a diffuser.
It is important to note that traditional medicine can be very different from modern medicine, and it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before using any natural remedies, particularly if you have any pre-existing health conditions or are taking any medications.
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Organic moringa powder
Cardio care nutrition supplement
Natural Anti-Lice Oils for Kids
Castor Oil Massage For Periods
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its--ali · 2 years
yeah I'm honestly still not feeling the hype for engage I'm just. Hm
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seniouesbabes · 1 year
Lily Maymac 🌸🍒💋🌸 GRWM for a day in Tulum with @pixibeauty @modelistemagazine 🌴 🧚 @zorbatulum #modearoundtheglobe #pixiontheglow #zorbatulum
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terra-feminarum · 1 year
Valuing beauty is probably inherent to humans to some degree.
You can see a random really pretty dude (or a dog) and think he's really nice to look at, and then you go about your day and interact with the normal looking dudes (or dogs) without having a second thought. With women we kind of expect everyone to look like the really pretty exception and normal-looking women are "ugly", whereas normal looking men are just "normal". We don't evaluate the normal-looking men on the axis of attractiveness at all, whereas we value every single woman on that axis.
If we would have a healthy relationship with beauty in humans, we would notice and appreciate beauty in the few individuals who are exceptionally beautiful. We would also recognize they're exceptions.
Most of us are uncapable of producing many kinds of beauty, like mesmerizing art, skillful carpentry or weaving, beautiful singing or playing an instrument exceptionally well. No one expects that from us and we don't expect that from ourselves. Our self-esteem doesn't really take a hit from the fact that we're shitty dancers or can't draw.
It should be the same with looking beautiful. It could be a rare thing that some people possess, a thing which wouldn't define everything about her. A curiosity, rather than the thing that's most valuable about her.
It shouldn't be a quality that is expected of all women. Most people don't have it. That should be normal. Most people don't have really amazing voices either or exceptional story-telling skills and we don't have to. No one cares.
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Tagged by @suzy-queued
I don't know if I want to date him or be him.
I'll tag @witchboywitchboywitchboy @xninetiestrendx @energievie
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Also I’m crying laughing one of my really close friends’ birthday presents came and I just opened it and it’s a shirt that reads BEAUTY SCHOOL DROPOUT
Which is funny by itself cause we were in musical theater together
But also like…I literally am a beauty school dropout. I was supposed to finish summer of 2020 and we all know what happened with that so I just never finished and like
I’m actually losing my mind this is so funny this really is the joke of the year and I’m being read in my own home
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smithlee1221 · 2 days
Hair Removal Services | Beauty Services Victoria | Waxing Queen Salon
At Waxing Queen Salon, we specialise in waxing hair removal for all skin types. Our experienced staff ensures a pain-free and efficient waxing experience. Visit us for the ultimate hair removal solution and enjoy beautifully smooth skin.
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merakiessentials · 3 days
Grapeseed Essential Oil: Natural Skin & Hair Rejuvenation
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Hollywood secret to flawless skin and luscious hair with grapeseed essential oil. Extracted from grape seeds, its silky texture nourishes skin, enhancing moisture retention and elasticity while reducing dark spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. Pamper your hair with its hydrating properties, leaving it shiny and moisturized. Versatile and skin-friendly, use it as a carrier for essential oils, a base for hair oil blends, or apply directly for quick hydration. Create your own luxurious body oil by combining it with your favorite essential oils. Experience the beauty benefits of Grapeseed Oil for radiant skin and revitalized hair.
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aromamagic · 5 days
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emmytolly · 9 days
Natural Castor Oil Hair Mask: Boost Growth and Scalp Health
Hey there! Let’s talk about something we all love—beautiful, healthy hair. If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably tried countless products in the quest for luscious locks. Today, I want to share a natural remedy that has been my game-changer: a castor oil hair mask. Trust me, once you try it, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it! Why Castor Oil? Castor oil comes from the castor…
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