#he only stays on our specific landing (we're on the top floor) but he gets curious about the stairs and other floors
vitiateoriginator · 3 months
Klaus learned how to open a door 😭 it's only the bathroom door that he's confident in opening. But it's only a matter of time before he realizes he can open all the doors in the apartment the same way
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malleux · 3 years
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Running with the Wolves [4]
masterlist ; << | >>
-> Pairing: Yuri Leclarc x Fem!Reader
-> Modern!Au | Gang!Au | Enemies to Friends to Lovers
-> Word Count: ~1.3k
-> Warnings: Cursing, Inappropriate Jokes
-> Summary: You were just a normal college student, trying to find her way in a new place. You didn't mean to get caught up in the wrong crowd. You just wanted coffee, but now you're running with the wolves.
a/n: i actually lost my taglist and idk if the people on the previous chapters still want to be on it! so please, please, please, if you were on the original taglist and still want to be notified- or if you’re new and want to be notified of new chapters- send me an ask, a message, or a reply! these are the only two i can remember who wanted to be on it.
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You were never a morning person. The idea of waking up before 9 was a nightmare to you- even 9 was a little too early for your liking.
When you woke up early for classes, you were grumpy. You had an attitude with everyone who approached you, even Ellie. Everyone knew not to mess with you in the mornings.
But here, standing in Yuri's bedroom at 7:30am, you had no place to get an attitude.
Hapi was knelt at the bedside, carefully helping her injured leader sit up. He winced slightly with every movement, obviously not wanting to show weakness in front of his teammates. Unfortunately for Yuri, though, his members weren't idiots. Even you could see the flinches and tight breaths that he harbored in his chest every time he had to move and quite frankly, it was pitiful.
Hiram's eyes hadn't left you from the moment you entered Yuri's room where they all had congregated. Hapi insisted on wrapping Yuri's bandage first to reach you what do you. You were thankful- you'd never played nurse before. Especially not to a gunshot wound.
The room was quiet. Tense. You could feel everyone's weariness as Yuri slowly laid back in the bed, once more hiding his pain. Hapi patted the blankets and stood up, facing you.
"If the wound starts bleeding again, reinforce it with some dry bandages. Don't take it off if it's not bleeding. If it is, don't take it off until it's done bleeding. Yuri's had enough wounds, unfortunately, so he can help you gauge those things. We cleaned the dirt and shit out last night, so you shouldn't have to worry too much about cleaning it. Just- don't run off again. Please."
You heard the exasperation in her voice and nodded. Rhys held his hand out to you- in it, a small flip phone. You took it cautiously, still not forgetting how the silent man sliced you yesterday, and fiddled with the piece of technology.
"It's a burner phone. We'll call you after visiting both the Blue Lions and Golden Deer to give an update. Afterwards, destroy it. If you need to contact us, there's one number in the contacts list. Text it and just say the code "9653". We'll call back on a public phone. Do not use any specific words that could give away anything. Be subtle in case someone's listening. I'm smart enough to figure out what you're saying." Hiram explained.
Sensing how you absolutely refused to look at, or even acknowledge, Hiram's presence, Hapi continued. "We're about to leave. This is your last chance to redeem yourself, so we hope that you'll make the right decision. Remember, Y/N, we're not going to hurt you."
You nodded, eyes flickering to Yuri's frame. He seemed almost child-like laying in the large king bed, his eyes half-lidded as he listened to his members speak. He met your gaze and you quickly looked away, watching as the Wolves filed out of the room.
Hapi placed her hand on your shoulder. "Yuri's a little difficult to get along with, but he has good intentions. Take care of him."
"Yeah!" Hiram cackled from the hallway, "Make it up to him. Make him some breakfast, give him some head- OW!"
Hapi shook her head. "There's plenty of food in the fridge. Don't order take-out, don't have any form of outside communication besides us. Don't go looking for your phone either, Hiram destroyed it."
"Wait- he what?!" You called out, but they were gone. The house was silent after Hapi had locked the doors completely. You turned to Yuri, who was still glaring at you. "Do you want breakfast?"
"I'd like to be with my team."
Your lips pulled into a tight line and you sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Alright, I'm sorry." When he quirked an eyebrow, you explained. "I- I didn't mean to shoot you. I was scared, and I meant for it to be just a warning shot. My hands were shaking and I didn't even aim. I didn't want to hit anyone."
Yuri stayed quiet, still analyzing your form as you played with your fingers. He looked rather cute, laying there with the soft comforter stopping just below his nose. Only his eyes and the top of his head peaked out, making him seem like a pouting child. A pouting child with a gun and years of combat experience, but a child nonetheless.
"I want pancakes."
☆ ☆ ☆
Hapi was right- there were an abundance of ingredients in the kitchen of the house, ready for you to use. But there was just one problem.
You had no clue how to make pancakes.
Flour, eggs, butter, and baking powder sat on the counter, untouched by your hands as you wracked your brain. You didn't have a phone to look up a recipe. Hiram would probably kill you if you used one of his computers. The flip phone was for emergencies only, and definitely didn't have any pancake recipes hidden in the notes section.
You sighed, deciding to grab a few measuring cups. Then, you stared at the ingredients again. While lost in your thoughts, you failed to notice a certain purple-haired asshole limping into the kitchen and plopping himself down at the table. He watched you for a moment.
"You know you actually have to cook, right? Pancakes don't just make themselves while you watch."
"Fuck-" You jumped and whipped around, the measuring cup flying out of your grip and landing on the floor. "What are you doing up? You need to be resting."
"Do you even know how to make pancakes?"
Your eye twitched. He was ignoring your questions. "I- Of course I do! Now go back to bed before your wound reopens. How did you even get up, anyways? Not even twenty minutes ago you were struggling to sit up."
"I'm a miracle boy. Now, make pancakes."
You huffed and faced your mess again. In a wild guess, you grabbed the measuring cup once more and reached for the milk carton. Two cups should be okay, right?
"You're doing liquids first? Interesting. That's not how my mother taught."
"Then tell me, Yuri, how did your mother make pancakes?" You seethed through your teeth.
The man only grinned and leaned his cheek against his palm. "I'm glad you asked. There's no harm in admitting you're clueless. First, do the dry ingredients. Flour, baking powder, all of that."
You're a dry ingredient, you bit back from saying. Yuri might not be in good shape to fight if you launched yourself at him from across the kitchen, but you didn't miss the glint of the handgun that rested against his hip. The same one you had used to shoot him.
“Now put in the eggs and milk and shit.” Yuri gave you more measurements and ingredients and soon enough, you had pancakes on a plate and were serving them to the charity case that sat across from you at the table. He was quiet as he ate, and to you the tense silence was unbearable. You had to break it.
“These are good- you said your mom taught you how to make them like this? What was she like?” You flinched at the look Yuri gave you, immediately regretting asking.
“She was the one person in my life who I could just be myself around. Not Yuri, the leader of the Ashen Wolves, not Yuri, the man who’s killed more than his members combined, just Yuri, her son. My mom was the best woman to ever exist.” He spoke intensely, and you could see just how much he loved her.
“She- she’s missing.” Yuri closed his eyes and placed his fork down, standing up. “I’m going back to bed. Uh, thanks.”
You nodded and began gathering the plates together, bringing them to the sink to wash them. You were fully aware that Yuri had stopped in the doorway and was observing you as you cleaned. He cleared his throat.
“And Y/N. Just so you know, none of us chose this life. We’re all in the Wolves for a reason. We’ve all got our own goals and plans. Don’t be quick to judge.”
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taglist: @dimitrimidim @emperor-pizza
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getitinbusan · 4 years
Destination: Jungkook
A super soft wedding fic from the Golden Closet Universe and the companion piece to September 1st
mood board & playlist
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Happy 24th birthday to the love of my life 💜 I wish I could give you more than words you'll never see.
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Nerves always took over your stomach during landing. That,  coupled with the reason for the flight and you were an anxious mess.
The plane had begun its long slow descent, "You look kind of green are you okay?" Your best friend squeezed your hand. 
"It's just...usually Guk does this thing...he sings to me and rubs my neck when we land."
She looked at you and shook her head, "Yeah, I'm not gonna do that."  
You laughed, "I don't think you're taking your maid of honor duties very seriously." 
"Ughh, I can't believe you're getting married before me." She sighed, "It's not fair, Yoongi and I are the ones who introduced you. It should be us." 
You couldn't help the grin that formed on your lips. Sworn to secrecy, she had no idea you'd gone shopping with Yoongi, the ring had been in his pocket for weeks. "It'll be you soon babe, maybe this weekend will inspire him."     
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Checking the key card you stopped at 303. Why you couldn't stay in the same room together was beyond you. 
The door was just about to click closed when his running footsteps echoed through the empty hallway. Strong arms wrapped around you and soft lips fell on yours. He did his trademark hum while he kissed you, his happy song for his happy place. 
"I can't believe how much I've missed you."
Pulling him closer you inhaled him in. He was the scent of home that had been lacking for the last four days.
His smile got bigger until his dimples finally showed up, "It's late are you tired?"  He tucked your hair behind your ear, "We've got a pretty big day tomorrow." 
"Can I just enjoy you alone for a few minutes?" 
"Is everything okay?" He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled you onto his lap. 
Nuzzling into his neck you curled into him. "It's so stupid." 
"Tell me," he rubbed circles on your back. 
"I'm happy and I love you so much but I'm terrified and nervous and I haven't been able to talk to you about it because you've been here planning the perfect wedding for me ... and I'm selfish because I just wanted you to hold me and tell me it was all going to be okay."
He sighed in relief, "Of course it's going to be okay," he gently laid a kiss on top of your head. "Don't you know every fairy tale ends with and they lived happily ever after?" 
You couldn't help but smile, Jungkook was such a hopeless romantic. "Why can't we stay in the same room tonight?" 
Changing the mood he tickled you while pulling you back into the bed, "Because it's bad luck, and it would ruin the surprise." 
"We live together, I've seen you naked a million times so unless you've been hiding something really well I don't think I'll be surprised."
Just being back in his arms draped you in a sense of calm. His loud heart beat accompanied by the rise and fall of his steady breath lulled you into a much needed sleep. 
Your eyes crept open and looked at the clock, only 11:43. Laying your head back down you looked at Jungkook snoring peacefully. As much as you longed to keep him here until morning you knew he was superstitious. Leaning in to wake him with a kiss he  smiled and pulled you back against his chest. 
"Hey sleepy head."
He groaned under you as you poked him.
"You'd better get out of my room Jungkook, it's almost midnight."
Sitting up he rubbed his eyes and checked the time, "Shit."
He grabbed your hands in his and walked to the door.
"I guess I'll see you in a few hours?" 
Wrapping your arms around him tightly you really didn't want to let him leave.
"Nothing to be nervous about. You've got a dress right?"
You nodded.
"Then all I need you to do is show up." He kissed your forehead and stepped into the hallway. 
"Jungkook" he turned back, "I'll see you soon." 
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You were glad that from the moment your feet hit the floor there was a barrage of things to be done. Mimosa's with a massage, nails, hair, makeup. Jungkook had made sure you wanted for nothing. 
You had no idea what to expect, you'd heard vague phone calls and caught small glimpses when he was planning but he'd really kept you in the dark.
Jungkook loved surprises and to his credit he was tremendously good at them. He wanted you to have a perfect stress free wedding giving you only two tasks,
1. find a dress
2. show up and say I do
The door swung open and your best friend stood grinning from ear to ear. 
"I know I'm your maid of honor but I hate you so much right now," she pouted. "I don't know how anyone will ever top what Jungkook has done for you down there." 
You laughed and it felt good to break the tension. "You specifically mean Yoongi topping it for you? Don't worry he already asked for my help."
Her jaw almost hit the floor. 
"Shit, damnit, I didn't say that! Don't tell him you know, he'll kill me!" 
Dancing around the room she squealed in happiness. "Would you be mad if I asked Jungkook to plan it?" 
"Is it that good? Is he already down there, did you see him?"
She nodded, "Everything is amazing, and he's so happy and he looks so handsome" 
You exhaled deeply, "I guess there's only one thing left to do."
She threw open the door, "Let's go get you married!" 
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Sunset in Jeju, there wasn't a more perfect time or place.
Wooden boards lay across the sand leading to the exact spot Jungkook had proposed. There, up the row of candles under the fairy light arch stood the man who would be your husband.
Nothing but him existed beyond that. All you could see was his handsome face and small nervous smile, his hands wringing together to keep from fidgeting and  the reddening of his ears as you got closer. 
Surrendering the bouquet you had to touch him, you needed his hands in yours. Steady and firm, together you grounded each other. 
"Y/N,  People think our story started on a rain soaked camping trip. I don't believe that's true, that's just where it got good. Our story began in the stars,  It's the only possible way to explain how much I already knew I loved you. I promise to fill your life with happiness, love, and blanket forts for as long as you'll let me. Y/N, I love you so much and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
"Jungkook,  Not a day goes by that you don't make me fall in love with you a little more. Not a day that you don't make me laugh or that you make me feel loved, and from here on out there will not be a day that we'll be apart. I can't wait to see what our future holds, and I hope that 50 years from now our grown children will think we're crazy because we're still building forts in our living room.  All that matters in my life is that I get to love you. Jungkook, you'll always be my iron man and I love you 3000." The tears started but he managed a laugh at your private joke.
You swept his tears away with a brush of your thumbs and he kissed you. Husband and wife. 
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Everyone was gone. The last goodbye was said and you made your way back to the reception area. 
You stopped to watch him. He was sitting by himself, a smile on his face staring up into the sky. Your husband was so beautiful.
Walking towards him you caught his eye and his face lit up like all the stars in heaven. You held out your hand, "One more dance?" 
He wrapped his arms around you and you swayed together under the night sky. Waves rolled in place of music and the moon shone a personal spotlight down on you.
"Today was perfect Jungkook"
"It's not over," he stopped to lay a sweet kiss on your lips before smiling and taking your hand. 
Walking through the sand he led you to the seaside suite and slid the door open.
"This is the part where I'm supposed to pick you up and carry you inside." 
You couldn't help but laugh, "Are you asking me or warning me?"
"Close your eyes"
"So warning me?"
"Please Y/N."
Sweeping you up he carried you into the room and set you down. 
There in front of you the entire room was draped in white sheets and hanging lights. The bed sat inside the biggest fort you'd ever seen.
In complete awe you turned to look at him, tears in your eyes yet smiling from ear to ear. He knew he did good.
"Jungkook this is amazing!" 
He was so excited to show off.
"And look," he pointed to the tray beside the fireplace. "We've got champagne and all the stuff to make S'mores."
He buzzed around the room pointing out all the little details. 
"Jungkook, you forgot one thing." 
His face fell as he tried to figure out what important thing he'd missed. 
"What did I forget?"
Walking towards him your hands ran down his crisp shirt and undid his belt. 
"The part where you're supposed to make love to your wife for the first time…" 
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Waking up to walls of white sunlight while wrapped naked against your husband's warm body you'd never felt more content. His dark hair was wild against the pillow and you couldn't help but stare and wonder how you were chosen to be the luckiest person alive. 
Soft snores let you know he wasn't deep in his sleep and he easily woke when you kissed his swollen lips. 
"Hey," he smiled, "what time is it?" 
Pulling the sheets off it was exactly what you'd hoped to find. Despite the evening's satisfaction his cock stood firm, thick and ambitious. 
"More?" he questioned with a smile.
You nodded while straddling his hips. "Sorry, I guess this is your life now." 
He sat up to wrap his arms tightly around you as you took him in. Bare chests pressed together and the feeling of your hearts beating in unison.
He kissed his way up your neck,  "And what a great life it's going to be." 
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stardancerluv · 4 years
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Roman’s Rough Day
This was written specifically for @theblackmaskclub Enjoy!
One shot here.
Warning: Smut. Semi exhibitionism, regular sex, breath!play, teasing, Roman gets shot, Language.
Gazing, into the mirror you were making sure your hair and make-up was just right. Despite, your concern from not hearing from Roman all day, you still had to preform tonight. You were on edge. He had not called you back or even sent a text message. That was unlike him, especially when he had an important meeting.
When, all of a sudden Zsasz came into your dressing room.
“Zsasz, excuse you.” Turning, you were taken a back. You leaned against your dressing table arms crossed. Annoyance, running through you. “This is my private dressing room, you of all should know that.”
He rolled his eyes, “Listen, Songbird.”
“I have a name. Only Roman can call me Songbird.”
He gave you a look.
“Alright, what?” You and Zsasz had always been politely distant to each other. He thought you made “boss” weak and he was not afraid to let know that.
“Roman, got shot.” He said flatly.
“What?” You felt as if one of his knives struck you in the heart. You stood up, uncrossing your arms. “Is he ok? Where is he?”
“He’s ok. It was a mere flesh wound.”
“I, he didn’t want you to practically pounce him when you see him.”
Now, you were the only who rolled your eyes. “I am not a child, if I see that something is wrong with Roman, I can curb myself.”
“Alright. Well, he’ll be down shortly.” He eyed you. “The show must go on.”
You took a deep breath. “Yes.”
He opened the door, he made a wide sweeping gesture. “After you.”
“I’m not...oh never mind.” You walked past him. You were shook to the core knowing something happened to Roman. You tried to see if you could see him in the crowd, but be was nowhere to be seen.
After making your way to the stage, you briefly spoke with the piano player and discussed the line up. You’d sing songs you knew Roman liked.
As you walked up to the microphone, you inhaled deeply. A hush came over the club then the spotlights illuminated you as you grabbed the microphone.
Resting his elbow on the door of the Bentley, Roman was confident that he did not like this guy. He was never fond of this part of Gotham. It was dirty and it smelled worse then his territory on the docks.
It was slaughterhouse row. All the meat that fed Gotham and Metropolis for that matter was slaughtered there.
Even with the windows closed he could already smell the putrid smells that filled the area. He took out his handkerchief and held it to his nose. He smiled.
He was remembering this morning, he had watched a smile spread across your face as he had come over to you. He had tilted your face up to press a kiss against your soft lips. He promised you, lhe would be back at the club before you sang tonight.
Perhaps, he’d stop and get you flowers or something, you had dropped enough hints that sometimes boyfriends gave their girlfriends something simple like that. He didn’t like things simple but if you liked it, he would try.
“Boss, you ready?” Zsasz asked.
Just then he realized they had arrived. “Yeah! As much as I am going to be.” He tucked the handkerchief back into his suit-jacket’s breast pocket.
He took his gun out, he made sure all the parts were working and that it was loaded made sure it was loaded. This kind of meeting that guns were needed. He liked meetings on his own terms, this one wasn’t.
Zsasz, sounding incredibly bored, reminded him of what was going to happen. “It’s supposed to be just one of Harvey’s lower level men.”
“Zsasz , I know....Blah, blah...”
“....who had thought we could talk about getting protection for this.”
“Blah, blah...” He rolled his eyes. “This better go fucking smoothly.”
“We’ll handle them either way.” Zsasz commented confidently.
“Harvey, knows better then to fuck with me, you.”
Zsasz then got out of the car, Roman waited till be gave the all clear. He grimaced. There was not a soul around.
“Are we supposed to go in there?” He pointed to the door.
The double metal doors slid open. A figure came into view. “Roman Sionis?” Hollered the person.
“Is that Sammy the Fly.” Roman asked Zsasz quietly. He had been in no mood to have this meeting.
“Sammy! How good to see you!” Roman shouted back.
A bullet whizzed by his head and hit the pavement. “What the fuck!” He screamed. He pulled out his gun and ducked down. Seeing someone finally, he shot at them.
“We’re going to take you out Sionis!”
“Not today!”
He lined up Sammy the Fly, and pulled the trigger. He went down. Opening the car door, he looked around. “Get the fuck down and stay down.” He screamed at his driver.
Turning back to , “we gotta clear fucking building.” Zsasz, remarked. “The intel tells us there are ten of them.” He saw, as he took down two more men. He crept from behind the car door, and got a few more of himself. “We’re getting these assholes.”
That’s when he was slammed to the ground, a scream was torn from his lips. An image of you flashed before his eyes.
Zsass, got two more then, everything grew silent. From the ground, he looked around.
“What the fuck?” He finally screamed. Zsass, was immediately helping him up. As he sat up, he saw that blood came from a slice on his upper arm. “One of them got me!”
Zsass practically grabbed, pulled him into the car. “Get us to the fucking doctor.”
“There is going to be fucking blood for this.” He promised.
Roman, glared at the floor before him. “Hey! Stop tugging that hard, it fucking hurts.” He snapped as the doctor, who sewed him up. He turned to Zsasz, “You break it to Y/N when we get back to the club. I am changing out of this fucking suit before I come downstairs.”
“Sure boss.”
“No one can see me like this. I can’t appear weak.”
He barked a laugh when he saw that Harvey had left him a voicemail. He held it to his ear.
He pulled it way. He smirked. “Looks like Harvey wants to talk.” He chuckled. Scrolling he saw your messages and swallowed he had hated not calling you back but you were a good girl you would understand.
You let the piano’s melody run through you and let your voice work it’s magic. Despite being filled with concerned, you were putting on a fantastic performance.
“Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away...If you can use some exotic booze...There's a bar in far Bombay...Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away....”
You almost stopped right there when you saw Roman walking over to the stage. Your heart skipped a beat.
“Come fly with me, let's float down to Peru...In llama-land there's a one-man band...And he'll toot his flute for you..Come fly with me, let's take off in the blue...”
He drew closer and closer still as you sang. You began to sing solely to him.
“Once I get you up there...Where the air is rarefied...We'll just glide...Starry-eyed...Once I get you up there....I'll be holding you so near...You may hear...Angels cheer, 'cause we're together....”
You could distinctly see a wide smile spread across his face. He looked at you over the top of his tinted shades at you.
“Weather-wise, it's such a lovely day...Just say the words and we'll beat the bird...Down to Acapulco Bay...It is perfect for a flying honeymoon, they say...Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away...”
If only you two could disappear. You needed to know what happened. Your mind clouded with worry. Your heart raced looking at him. Though you would finish the final hour.
“Once I get you up there...Where the air is rarefied...We'll just glide...Starry-eyed...Once I get you up there...I'll be holding you so near...You may hear...Angels cheer, 'cause we're together...”
You watched as his lips curled into a smirk. It made you wonder what he had up his sleeve.
“Weather-wise, it's such a lovely day...You just say the words and we'll beat the birds...Down to Acapulco Bay...It's perfect for a flying honeymoon, they say...Come fly with me, let's fly let's fly...Pack up let's fly away....”
People were cheering and clapping as you finished the song. You sang to not feel the anguish at the idea of him being wounded. You watched as Roman turned to the people in the club. They all grew silent.
“Wooooo...” He gave a call of excitement. He started clapping. ”Let’s hear it again for my little song bird tonight!” People cheered and clapped. He turned back to you, offering a hand. You happily took it and climbed down from the stage. “Tonight, our song bird will be taking flight early but she will be back in a few days time.” He addressed the club.
More cheers filled the club. With a twirl of his finger, you could hear him groan softly as he did and the piano began playing a lively tune.
Holding your hand, people moved so the two of you could easily make it to wherever, you walked. “We’re going up to the penthouse.” He told you, in a determined tone so only you heard it. He pushed the button, and you waited. Since Roman, yourself and Zsasz were the only ones who used it, you didn’t have to wait long.
It dinged and your heart practically felt like it would leap out of your chest as you both walked in. That’s when you saw a fairly large bouquet waiting in there. You gasped and looked at Roman. “Roman!” You exclaimed.
He smiled and unbuttoned his suit jacket. He sighed and leaned against the wall beside the buttons in elevator. You scooped up the bouquet. “Do you like baby?” He looked pale now that you were away from the lights in the club.
“I love them.” You inhaled deeply. “They are amazing.” The doors, swung open and you followed him out. He went and sunk into his chair that sat near a very large table. He took off his tinted glasses.
The sight of the table still gave you butterflies when you would look at it. That first night neither of you could wait to get to his bed. You shifted onto it and he had climbed over you.
You hopped onto the edge of said table, placing the bouquet beside you. Crossing your legs, you let your leg swing a little as the worry you had been filled with was draining away. “Roman...”
His blue eyes met yours as he held a finger up. “Baby, I’m ok.” He paused. “Just fucking hurts.”
“Good.” You would let him tell you what he wanted you to know.
“We handled it too.”
“I’m glad.”
“Damn,” He shifted in his seat so he faced you more. “Look at you.”
You took a demure pose. “I always try to look good for you.” You tell him simply.
“You look very good.” Bracing himself on the arm rest with his good arm he stood. He then came over to you. “That’s awfully long I can’t even see you.”
“Far too long in some cases.” You agreed. Bending over, you grabbed the hem of the dress. You raised it till it sat on your thighs.
“Much better, your legs were hiding.” Without him saying a word you uncrossed your legs and opened them. He came closer till was between your legs.
He rested a hand on one of your thighs, he gave a soft squeeze. “One has to demure and alluring while preforming for you.”
“Exactly. I can’t let anyone get any ideas about my girl.” He chuckled. “You do belong to me after-all.”
His hand went from your thigh to your throat. “Right, baby?” He gave a soft squeeze. Excitement blossomed in the pit of your stomach, that was your Roman. The glint that always made your breathless was in his eyes. “I belong to you.” He kissed you then.
You let yourself melt into it, all the worry and frustration just disappeared. Beside the taste that was uniquely him, you could distantly taste a martini he must have had before coming down to the club.
He broke the kiss slowly, his lips lingering with yours before he spoke again. “Do you remember what we have done on this table?” His eyes mischievous.
“I’ll never forget.” You swallowed. “Do you remember what I under this table?”
You saw him press his lips together. You had felt ignored that day. He had taken one phone call after another. Promising the next and the next one would be the last but it didn’t happen. You decided to get his attention.
You had crawled under the table, something he had failed to notice. You had deftly crawled over to him and began undoing the button then lowering the zipper of his slacks. He had tried to shoo you, your hands away but was unsuccessful.
In the end, he enjoyed you blowing him while he was on the phone. Of course at that moment, you had no idea what he’d have in store for you. But you still ache deliciously from the memories of what he did. He licked his lips then. “I do.”
His hand dragged from your throat, down the front of your body till he reached the now very wet apex between your legs. “Roman.” you breathed. You grew wetter as his hand was there just holding you “Yes, baby.”
The elevator must have dinged and the door must have opened but none of those sounds touched your ears. To be honest, you were only focused on him.
“Oh damn, it sorry boss.” You heard Zsasz mutter.
Roman didn’t move his hand and you barely looked in his direction. You became flustered when you heard his voice.
“Zsasz, I fucking told you I am taking the rest of the night off.”
“I..I..I..fuck never mind. I will swing by tomorrow.” What you did hear was what sounded as if someone racing away.
Roman, evilly smirked at you. “Do you think he knew I was holding you, that I felt as you got wetter upon being exposed?”
“I hope not. Though I’m sure he hears.” Zsasz, lived a floor below. Why have a bodyguard if be wasn’t close by.
“Damn.” Roman, muttered mostly under his breath. He took a step away. “Scoot to the edge.” He demanded. The reaching for your panties he tugged at them, you shift so they’d come off. He tugged once more and then they fell off your legs and fell to floor.
The thin straps of your dress fell half way down your upper arm revealing how you had not needed a bra to look that amazing under your dress. “Free your arms.”
“Ok.” And soon you did, the dress was a mass of fabric scrunched up at your waist.
He came over, licking teasing your breasts. As he stood there. He looked at you and shook his head. “Take the rest of that dress off.” You did as you were told.
All you had on now was your heals and he was still completely clothed, there was something about that excited you further.
“Watch me.” He demanded. You did. He undid his belt, then the button then he lowered the zipper. He made a soft sound and then he took himself out. He was incredibly hard and magnificent, you mouth missed the feel of him there.
“Lay back, baby.”
You did but propped yourself up on your elbows as you watched him come over, you opened yourself wider. You moaned as he entered you.
“Oh Roman.” You wrapped your legs around him as he moved in and out of you. “You feel so good.”
He ran his hands up you body. You arched as you felt his touch. Moving, you came up to him moaning louder as he entered you deeper. You two kissed, your tongues meeting passionately.
The two of you began to move faster. You could feel yourself getting closer and closer. “Roman,” you breathed, you tossed your head back. One of his hands caressed and gently squeezed your throat. You loved how he’s exert his dominance over you. Made your pleasure heighten, as all you could do was moan and writhe under him.
“Are you going to cum for me baby?”
You met his eyes. “Yes.” He slowed his movements.
“Y/N, mmm I want you to cum for me.”
You felt your release came so close. “So close. So....oh Roman.” Then you called out.
“That’s my girl.” He moved into hard and faster within you.
You moaned, it felt so good. “Y/N,” he moaned out your name.
Sometime later the you two had gone to lay, recline in his bed. Finding one of his t-shirts, you slipped it on. Sighing, they were very soft and large on you. Laying on your stomach, with an arm draped over him, you looked up at him and his bandaged arm. You listened to how he told you about getting grazed by that bullet.
His slender fingers played with your hair as he spoke. It was unspoken but both of you were relieved to be where you two were. Alone and safe in his bedroom. Though in the back of his mind he slowly plotted his revenge. No one would shoot at Roman Sionis and get away with it.
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mrslaufeyson002 · 3 years
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No Longer Daddy’s Girl Chapter 9. New Friends And A Reunion
The team called a meeting in the high-tech lab in the basement of Stark Towers (Avengers H.Q). There are two labs. There is a lab almost like a hospital and a lab for high-tech research or making weapons. Loki and I walked into the elevator and pushed the button to take us to the lab. We walked out of the elevator to see the Avengers, Director and Agent Fury, Agent Hill, Agent Coulson, and others I didn't know. "Agent Coulson, could you please introduce your crew?" Tony asks, and I look towards Coulson. "The people with me who volunteered to help are Sky, Fitz-Simmons, Agent Melinda May, Agent Triplett, and Scarlet Queen, also known as Scar. She is one of our top Assassins in Shield."
"Hey Tony, where's Jarvis?" Scarlet asks.
"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you that Vision is Jarvis. It happened while taking down Ultron." Tony responds."I've meant to install a new A.I, but I never got to it."
"Well...since Director Fury wants me to join the Avengers Initiative, I brought my A. I and I were wondering if I could install Violet?"
"Sure. How did you create Violet? It took me years to figure out how to create Jarvis."
"I had a great science mentor, and before I left for Shield...I definitely did not hack into your computer."
"I am surprisingly more impressed than upset that you were able to hack me." Tony says while typing some stuff. "Done. It shouldn't be long before she's fully installed."
"Hello Scar, I have sensed several unknown people in your area. Should I put the building under lockdown?" A female British voice asks. "No, Violet. We just have made some new friends." Scarlet says as she's typing and pressing multiple buttons on a high-tech iPad-like device. "I am going to need your fingerprints and a picture of yourself so that Violet can know each one of you, or she thinks your a threat." When everyone put in their fingerprints and took their picture, we started to talk about the mission in tiny detail.
"We are going to be leaving once our other friends are here. When we leave, we'll be on our way to Tokyo, Japan. There is a lab there, being run by members of Hydra, and they are still going along with the Centipede protocol." Agent Coulson says, looking very uncomfortable about the situation. “What's the big deal with Hydra and you guys?" I ask curiously. "For many years Hydra's Centipede Protocol has had their members trick people with superpowers into allowing them to experiment on them, promising them anything they want. They have also tricked people into letting them put a high-tech device that almost looks like a centipede on them and gives them superhuman strength. We have destroyed a lot of their facilities and labs, but they always relocate."
"How are we getting to Japan?" I ask curiously about Transportation. "We will be riding on The Bus. It's parked upon landing." Skye pipes in. "How did you get a bus on the roof?" Bruce asks. "How are we getting to Japan on a bus?" Sam asks equally as confused. "You'll have to wait and see. When the others are here, I want everyone ready to board The Bus." Coulson says, and everyone leaves to pack. I head to my room, and I start packing; I'm almost done when Fitz-Simmons and Skye come into my room to help. "How do you guys know each other?" I ask, very curious. “May and Fitz-Simmons were a part of SHIELD. I was a part of the Rising-Tide that was trying to get rid of SHIELD. Coulson found me and gave me a position in SHIELD for the skills I possess, I am the best hacker they have." Skye says with a triumphant smile. "Ok, done. I think we're meeting in the living area."
We walk out to find everyone sitting around waiting, and I sat down between Coulson and May. "I heard from Hill and Director Fury that after The Battle of New York, you survived and vacationed in Tahiti. How was it?" Tony asks Coulson, and I see that Coulson had shifted uncomfortably in his seat for a moment. "Let's not talk about that?" Coulson says as he looked down to the floor, trying to escape the conversation. There was a thud on the roof, and everyone seemed to think our other friends are there. We all head up and see my sisters, my niece, Mantis, Groot, and the other jerks.
"Aunt Galaxy!" My niece Starla yells as she runs into my arms. "I haven't seen you in a while. I missed you." I say, hugging her. When I let go of the hug, she put her arms up in the air. I picked her up even though she was 6 years old (Earth years). "Hey, Galaxy. I'm glad you switched sides. I hope the Avengers are treating you well." Gamora says, and I nod. "It's good to see guys. I'm just wondering if it was vital to bring your husband along and the two other jerks." I say, pretty upset."We insisted on coming alone, but the others wouldn't stay; I even threatened them with a gun. I got it taken away, though." Nebula says, and I start laughing out loud. "Coulson, where's the bus?" I ask him once I had stopped laughing.
"It's right in front of you." Coulson says and starts walking over to a plane. I follow him up onto the plane. There is a black van and an old red car. When everyone is in, the ramp closes. Tony looks at the old cherry red car, he moves closer to the car, and he was about to touch it. "Stark, don't you dare touch it." Coulson says, and Tony stops what he was about to do. "Nobody is allowed to touch Lola." Coulson walks us over to a lab with some high-tech devices.
"This is the only lab on the plane. Stark and Banner, feel free to come down here and work with Fitz-Simmons anytime you like." He says, and we head out of the lab and up a spiral staircase. "There is a small bar over in the corner." We walk into a small room that is separated by a glass wall. "Here is where everyone meets for mission meetings and updates." We walk into a kitchen area, and Coulson doesn't explain that it's a kitchen because everyone should know that (I mean, there's a fridge, counters, cabinets, and a coffee machine). Coulson shows us to our pretty nice rooms. "That is all; we're gonna let you guys settle in." Agent Coulson says, and Director Nick Fury and Hill get off the plane.
I finally settle in; I see Fitz, Triplett, Skye, Coulson, and Steve sitting around a table. I walk over and join them, I sit beside Fitz, and we start talking and laughing. We stopped once we saw that Loki and Tony were walking out of the kitchen area to join us. Loki sat beside me, and Tony sat beside Steve.
"Can you talk about Tahiti now?" Tony asks Coulson, and once again, I see him tense up. "Director Fury said that anytime someone would ask you about it, your answer was?" Tony was trying to get Coulson to say something specific. "I used to say that Tahiti was a magical place, but that was because I didn't know that truth. Tahiti isn't real, I was dead for days, and they brought me back to life with a drug called GH-325.....I was awake when they used machines to give me fake memories of Tahiti. I begged them to let me die. It was a painful experience."
"I was also brought back to life with the same drug after Ian Quinn shot me in the gut twice." Skye pipes on the conversation. "I wasn't dead like Coulson, though."
"I'm sorry." I said, not knowing what else to say. I couldn't imagine being shot in the gut twice. "Galaxy, Starla won't go to sleep. She said that she wants you to sing her to sleep, like when she was little." Gamora says, and I nod; getting up I head to Starla's room. "Aunt Galaxy, can you sing me to sleep?" She asks me, and I nod my head yes. "Close your eyes." I say and get ready to sing her old lullaby to her.
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frogsandfries · 6 years
Really trying to get back in the saddle
Tuesday I went to the county human resources building and got some paperwork, but given that the guy we're staying with is receiving his own benefits, and my friend is working, I'm not certain how I should do the foodshare paperwork. I did apply for job resources, but I wanted to finish the foodstamps paperwork before I start the healthcare paperwork.
My dad paid for my phone (I love the internet?), which means I can start making calls on applications. I finally received a gift card from my sister, on top of yesterday:
So the guy we've been staying with went out Tuesday, and stayed out all night, meaning my friend and I had free reign. We went to bed and let the door unlocked. About ten in the morning, I registered a soft knocking on the door but I could only wake up enough to turn over and try to ignore it. The guy this person is probably here for is out and I'm too tired to put on pants. Then I feel a tap on my shoulders and I'm thinking our host is back and he's messing with me. I turn over and register dark hair--I obviously didn't have my glasses on. Not our host; he says something. It's the guy who offered me a day job a couple weeks ago. I drop my hand off the couch in that way you do when you're barely awake, to wake up my friend on the floor, and then do the thing where you say five names before you land the right name.
It took us like two hours and an extra stop to get where we were going, and it was a much dirtier job than I was expecting. I know the boys we were working with are younger, and might think the terms "fiberglass" and "asbestos" are interchangeable, but by the same token, the building we were helping clean out was pretty old. Dear god I hope it was all just fiberglass.
I was stupid exhausted all day yesterday--when I got in, I took a two-hour nap, before just going to bed. But hey, I might've had a hard time getting back to sleep, but I did sleep good when I got back to sleep. Obviously, I didn't really want to wake up when it was time, but I'm working on being up a little earlier than I've lazily lapsed into. I'm really trying to take better care of my health, as well as knuckling down about getting back to work.
I can't revive, let alone expand, my studio practice without money. I also can't get my own living situation without money. Last time I worked with this guy, I got fifty, this time, I did less, so I got forty. And I'm only getting these opportunities every couple weeks. I thought about investing in a pack of colored polyclay, plus a couple bars of translucent to make it stretch, but I don't have my tools, which were really the backbone of my casting collection of charms. I literally could not have created those charms otherwise. And it's not like I made them nice and organized for someone else to find and send to me. Baka.
I also thought about ordering some 15/0 seed beads to try weaving seed bead ATCs, which I thought would be cool. I have a few mask designs I could order beads for. For a couple of my designs, I need a couple shades of pink, and the best way to accomplish that is to buy online, which my friend seems reluctant to do, but I'm more than willing to order online. I also need a large number of glow-in-the-dark; for my friend's design for his girlfriend, I though UV beads would be delightful.
After I'm done journaling, I have a few creative tasks to tackle: I have a mask design on my mind, and then I have a mask I've been procrastinating on just because I didn't want to the on a new string and have to wait for the lacquer I've been using to hold the knot to dry. So I did that today, almost first thing. No excuses. I do have to concede, I do enjoy working with beads in the first place, and making something specific, something with kind of an active consumer base, is nice--at least it's better than doing nothing at all. I would really like to work in a smaller bead and see how it turns out.
Sometimes, my friend says, "I don't know what I'm doing," in this wistful, apologetic tone, and I have a feeling I know what he's talking about. And it makes me want to know what I can do to help.
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vi-sability · 7 years
Rebel of Dimensions Chapter 1
Perched on the rooftop, I watched the throng of people almost breathe as they pushed around each other. The top level of Khido was an open space, and it bothered me. It’s so easy to get caught up here. It's not like the air is clean; far from it, actually, but the lower levels let you hide easier. With my hair, hiding well is essential. I've been told to never travel further up. My family say that the city above ours, Drin, is the worst place to be, but never why. Khido is full of dark walls and streets, which kinda sucks for me. My hair's bubblegum pink, thanks to my mom. I can duck and dive into the shadows, but I stick out like a sore thumb. Maybe Drin is worse? Maybe there's light in every place there isn't here? 
"What are you doing up there, boy?!" I sneered at a policeman and stood up, turning and jumping across the rooftops. Nobody can catch me. Gripping a loose pipe, I swung around and slid to the floor, the metal soles of my boots creating sparks on the brick wall. Somebody yelled after me, and I ducked into an elevator pod, yanking the lever and keeping an eye on the dark streets below as I descended. Khido has like, five different levels of homes and markets, the people getting nastier the further you go down. Me and my family live on the fourth level, so we're kinda in the middle. All I'm doing is trying to get by. 
I still haven't spotted my mark. My uncle said that he needed something specific from them, and they didn't give it up easily. Shaking my mother's goggles over my face gave me enhanced vision, letting me track the data sample in my glove. There. As the elevator pod rocked to a halt, I broke off into a run, using the jagged cliff edges to jump from and keep my speed. Nobody sees me coming unless they know what to look for. As I got above the mark, I held onto a spike with one hand, pushing my goggles back onto my forehead before jumping down and stopping my mark in his tracks.  
"What's up?" I grinned, folding my arms like I've seen my uncle do. It makes me look so cool. "I'm gonna need that Deusum crystal from you."  
"I-I've been told to not let this go!" I shrugged and rolled my shoulder.  
"Well, I've been told to not come back without it." I'm lying, but it makes everything much more dramatic. I did feel kinda bad, because he was wearing rags and tattered shoes, but it's every person for themselves. He hugged the briefcase to his chest, and ran past me, bumping my shoulder. It's not surprising that people run from me, though. I am wearing roughed-up jeans, metal boots, and a set of chest belts instead of a shirt. I look like a thug. Grinning, I ran after him, vaulting up onto a low wall, and then up onto a rooftop.  
The runner wasn't used to this. He kept bumping into people and stumbling over his own feet. I picked up a couple of cuts on my un-gloved hand as I vaulted over low walls and jumped to different rooftops, rolling on impact so I didn't break a leg. He ducked into an elevator pod and slammed the door shut, looking up at me and grinning smugly as I skidded to a halt. Oh, he thinks I'm beaten. How cute. Turning, I looked up to the thick cables that the pod was suspended on. Well, there's a first time for everything.  
Running again, I dug the toes of my boots into the wall, gripping the lower cable with my gloved hand. As I started to slide down to the pod, the runner's expression turned horrified. A few people yelled up to me, but this is a normal day for what I do. As my feet hit the metal pod, I winced at the pain in my ankles. I'm still a teenager, though. It's nothing.  
"Are you gonna give up the crystal?" I asked, gripping the window edge of the pod to lean in. I think the last time I did this, I held onto the cable for about fourty seconds.  
"Get away from me!" He tried to hit my fingers with the case, but I'm a lot faster than him. Gripping the edge again, I swung down, both hands on the window ledge. The runner tried to hit my hands away a couple of times, but I'm still way too fast for him. I pulled myself up, the strain in my muscles starting to burn. As I got at the right height to pull myself in, the pod stopped, and I was thrown forward, onto my face.  
He laughed as he ran again, still thinking that he had me beaten. I got up, brushed my messy hair back into place, and ran after him, using an abandoned cart as a springboard up to a rooftop. We're on the sixth level now. I'd be surprised if somebody didn't grab him. I dropped myself down to slide through a hole in the wall, throwing myself to my feet. The runner started to jog down what was the only staircase in the huge city, which made me stop. I'm not really used to stairs.  
"Kid! Use that pipe!" I looked down to the huge, fat guy, and where the pointed to a huge metal pole.  
"Thanks!" I called back, running towards it. I jumped, gripped it with my gloved hand, and started to slide down the rough surface, my boots creating sparks. There he is! I hit the base of the pipe, pushing myself away from it and catching up with the runner. When he saw me, he shouted in surprise and tripped over himself, falling down the small hill and into the poisonous sewer river that ran the length of the Khido's bottom level.  
"Help me!" He yelled, barely staying afloat. I can't just leave him in there. Digging my fingertips into the gravel and dirt, I edged my feet down the hill, reaching my gloved hand out for him. He gripped my wrist, and I started to pull him up, slowly losing my grip. He did have a damn good grip on the case. When his torso was on land, I pulled myself back up, sitting on the edge of the road and rubbing my sore shoulder. "Th-thank you..." He huffed, trying to catch his breath.  
"Don't mention it." I grinned, reaching over and grabbing the briefcase. "No hard feelings, but I have a job to do."  
"You're not the only one." He sighed. "Looks like I can't go back to the Blood Pack Mob on the second floor."  
"They're the ones who gave you this job?" He nodded. "Damn, you're gonna have to stay away from the top floors now."  
"Who sent you to take that crystal, anyway?" He asked, coping how I was sat. "You seem like a professional, kid." Now that I could look at him more clearly, he was obviously struggling. Underweight, cracked skin full of dirt, clothes that are full of holes, stuff like that. He was balding, and his eyes are dull, like there was no life in him at all.  
"I've been doing this for four years, since I was 12." His face dropped even more, and he rubbed his face in his hands. "Look, if you need help, you could join the Generations team."  
"The rebels?" He asked. I nodded. "That's not exactly a safe place to go, kid. Freedom fighting is deadly."  
"Don't I know it." I grinned. "I'm close with 'em, though. My Aunt founded it." When I looked back, he had an expression of shock. Setting the case down, I brushed my hair back to the right side of my head, showing the thick pink stubble and the 'V' shaved into the side of my head. "But do you have any other choice?"  
"No..." He mumbled, looking at his feet.  
"Exactly." I got up, gripping the case in my bare hand. "Good luck." I said, patting his shoulder before running off. As luck had it, somebody was getting into an elevator pod for the exact level I needed. A lady gasped in surprise as I ducked inside just before the doors closed.  
"The name's Vincent, nice to meetcha." I grinned, holding a hand out for her and the guy she was with.  
"Oh, uhm, I'm Olivia." She shook my hand.  
"Aaron." He shook my hand, too. They're both brunette, with the same chiselled faces and narrow eyes. I'm guessing that they're brother and sister. "We're not going to get in trouble from being around you, are we?"  
"Nah, I'm just heading home now." I lifted the case into my open palm and peeked inside. Deusum crystals are kinda pretty. They look like steel, but the magic inside flows like ink in water. All that my uncle told me was that he needed these, but not what for. "Here's my stop." I clipped the case shut again and jumped onto the edge of the open window. "See ya." They both shouted in panic as I jumped, catching a well-placed wire with my gloved hand, and sliding down until my feet hit the wall of my home.  
Where I live isn't much to look at, but that's how it's supposed to be. There are people out there that would sell my family out in a second. It's made of the same dark stone as any other home, set into the cliffs that loomed over either side of the city. Dusting the gravel and metal shavings off of my pants, I pushed the door open, hearing something fall over as soon as I stepped inside.  
"Yasi, you idiot!" My little brother, Jayson yelled. I poked my head into the room where it came from. Jayson looks nothing like me. Scruffy black curls, wide eyes, and a bright smile. We both have blue eyes, but that’s where the similarities end. "Vinny!" He ran over when he saw me, and I knelt down to give him a hug.  
"What's up, little bro?" I grinned, putting the case down and hugging him back. He and Yasi were only 6. Yasi ran over for a hug, too. They were both dressed mostly the same, in button-up shirts and jeans. Yasi had a darker tone to his skin and deep red hair, thanks to his mother. It was longer than hers, braided so it didn't get messy. But just like his dad, my uncle, his eyes were glow-in-the-dark green.  
"Did you bring us back something?" Yasi asked, leaning away.  
"Not this time, sorry." I grinned. "Didn't have chance."  
"What fell over in here?" My uncle's wife, Alva Bronze, walked down the hall. I'd be blind if I said she wasn't pretty. Dark skin, soft features, covered in tattoos.  
"The small table!" Jayson said, running over to it. Alva shrugged to me as I stood up. I'm not that tall, but she's tiny. She only comes up to my shoulder.  
"Vincent, what have you been doing?" Alva then asked, stepping back and covering her nose. "You smell like sewage!"  
"Well, I did pull a guy out of the poison river down on the seventh level." Her brow creased, and she turned away. "It's probably only my glove that stinks. Oh, and the case."  
"Vinny is stinky!" Yasi laughed, grabbing my bare hand.  
"Take it somewhere else before my sense of smell decides to mutiny." Alva walked into the room, Yasi following her. Smiling and shaking my head, I picked the case back up and jogged to the last room in the hallway. I opened the door slowly, just in case there was any experiments going on. I have a scar on the back of my head from when I was seven as a reminder.  
"Uncle Cable?" I sighed in relief when I saw him.  
"I see you got your job done, Vincent." My uncle is a weird kinda guy. His blonde hair was shaved on both sides, leaving two mechanical inputs open on each side of his head. He and Alva barely had any bare skin left, due to how many tattoos they got together. I always thought it was funny how Alva barely came up to my shoulder, and I was eye-level with Cable's shoulder. I know that they loved each other, though.  
Cable, my mom, and my aunt all escaped from one of the experimental camps that the higher-ups let happen. It's how my mom got her pink hair, and passed it on to me. Cable has sockets on his head, inner elbows, and on the backs of his hands. He uses them to plug himself into the computer systems across the city. He's sat in a chair with an extending monitor wrapped around the front, inputs plugged into his head and hands.  
"I did." I kicked the door shut and put the case down on a clear part of the workbench. "The guy fell into the poison river, though. Had to pull him out." Cable laughed and waved the screen away. The holograms flickered off, and the frame detached, sinking back into the headrest of the chair. I winched as he unplugged himself, but it's just routine. "Found anything in the systems?"  
"The leader of the Two Mark Mob has had a daughter." I laughed as he stuck his tongue out. "Good thing you got this Deusum, though. Otherwise, we'd have had a terrible week." Cable opened the case and smiled at the amount of crystals in it.  
"What do you need them for, anyway?" His green eyes met mine, and he stepped back, motioning to a cybernetic arm that was drenched in blood. "Again?"  
"It's getting worse." He sighed. That's my mom's fake arm. She told me that her real one was blown off in an accident before I lost my memory. To make the arm work, she had to push a lot of tech into her skin. Makes me shudder to even think about.  
"Is she okay?" Cable nodded.  
"Spring made her lie down an hour ago. You better go check on her." Of course. My Aunt is caring like that. Nodding, I pulled my glove off, put it on the bench, and walked out of the workshop, smiling to Alva when she saw me. Now she had her older boy, Nate hiding behind her. He looked more like Cable with his blonde hair and sassy resting expression. Just like Yasi, his skin was a mix of Cable's pale and Alva's dark, but he took after my uncle more in that respect. Even though he's ten years old now, he's still wary of me.  
I was careful pushing the door to my left open. This place was small, but we made it work. My mom and Aunt shared a room, of course Cable and Alva did, I was bunked with Nate, Yasi, and Jayson, the room nearest the door was the kitchen, and the last room went to my younger sister Caylee and Spring's daughter, Tabs. I think that my family is the perfect size. We're all a bit weird because of what happened to my mom, aunt, and uncle, but it's perfect.  
"No, I'm sure that I heard Vincent come back." I walked into the room, grinning to Tabs when she looked up at me. "I was right!" The side effect that my aunt Spring got from the experimentation was discoloured patches on her skin. It used to freak me out because they move. I don't care anymore, but it did pass down to Tabs, even if hers didn't move anywhere. They were both blonde with blue eyes, with Tabs being Spring's spitting image. The only difference is that Spring's hair was longer, going down to her stomach when she flicked it over her shoulder.  
"I saw him before you did." Caylee smiled. Just like any family, we were close. Spring was sat on the end seat of the couch, my mom's head in her lap. I winced when I saw the blood-soaked gauze wrapped around the stump of her shoulder. Caylee and Tabs were sat on the floor against the couch, Tabs turning to smile at me when I walked in. My sister's completely blind, but still sees everything through what she calls her 'mind's eye'. It's kinda freaky. I still don't understand why Caylee or Jayson don’t look anything like me or mom. Caylee's hair was brown, the same length as mine –cut just above the ears- but not shaved on one side.  
"Frost? You still awake?" Spring asked, taking the wet cloth off of her face.  
"Yeah, I'm alive." Caylee and Tabs shifted over so I could sit next to them, and right next to my mom's chest.  
"How's my big boy?" Mom tilted her head to look at me, the cloth falling off her face. She put her arm around my shoulders and pulled me in to kiss my cheek. "Why do you smell so terrible?"  
"Poison river." I grinned. Spring groaned, and mom rolled her eyes. My mom was the most scarred out of all of us. Spring still had the same connections as Cable in her head, but my mom told me that she'd pulled hers out not long before I was born. The left side of her body was scarred by fire, from her ankle to just underneath her eye. She doesn't like talking about it. Her hair was cut to her shoulders in an incredibly messy way, sticking out and a few angles. "I got the Deusum, though."  
"That's good news." Caylee reached over Tabs to pat my arm.  
"You're not gonna talk to 'em, are you, Cay?" Spring asked. Caylee is definitely the weirdest out of all of us. She's obviously a mage, seeing everything with her mind, and she says that she can talk to the magic inside the crystals I bring home.  
"No. It's depressing knowing that they're going to be crushed." Cay and Tabs were best friends, which didn't bother me. They are the only two girls aside from the adults.  
"We should go and get your shoulder fixed before you lose any more blood, Frost." Spring said, patting my mom's cheek.  
"Yeah, you are looking really pale." Tabs said, a wince in her voice.  
"I've survived worse." Mom laughed, letting go of me to push herself up.  
"I've got ya." I grunted as I got up, my ankles still sore from the risky jumps I did earlier.  
"Your bones are grinding together too much, Vin." Caylee said, scaring me.  
"What have you been doing?" Spring asked. I grabbed my mom's hand and helped her to her feet.  
"I need to do my free running to catch people." I said, grinning to mom when she raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm fine, though."  
"A teenager shouldn't have the bones of somebody who's eighty." Caylee said again, turning to look at me with her white eyes. Creepy.  
"We can argue about this later." Spring said. "We have to stop Frost from bleeding out, first." The metal in her shoulder never agrees with her, so we use Deusum crystals to fuse flesh and metal. They never last long enough, though. I hate seeing my mom in pain.  
"If I pass out, don't be surprised." She grinned, walking out of the room with Spring following close behind.  
"Yeah, yeah, just move." Spring shoved her, which made her laugh. Sighting, I sat back down against the couch. My mom and Spring share a bed, which confuses me. Wouldn't they prefer separate beds?  
"How come you're allowed to do whatever you want?" Tabs asked. I looked at her, eyebrow raised. "I want to take the fight to corruption, but mom, Frost, and Cable won't let me."  
"Because I'm the oldest." I grinned, brushing my hair back into place and making sure that the 'V' was still in the side of my head. "You're still twelve, Tabs."  
"Yeah, but you're not even doing anything!" Here we go again. "You could be fighting those idiots that are killing people, but you're just stealing crystals from people!"  
"It's not that simple." Caylee said. "Spring has a small army of people that hang on her every word. Vincent is just one teenager. If he tried to take the fight to them by himself, it would not end well."  
"Did you see that in your future vision?" I huffed, resting my face on my hand.  
"No, it's common sense." Tabs snorted and coughed into her hands. "What you're doing is the best you can do."  
"No, it's not." Tabs huffed.  
"Hey, I got the Deusum, didn't I?" I tried not to imagine the pain that my mom was in as Cable fixed the problem. "I'm doing stuff to help us all."  
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