#here is a doodle of myself very very sketchy
failed-inspection · 4 months
A very quick and sketchy boomstick doodle/pmv thing to ease myself out of artblock!
While I'm not much of a shipper in general, I ADORE the idea of tragic qpr boomstick in the story sense, I like to imagine they would have met and known each other pre pup incident, but post pebbles incident, with spears occasionally leaving Suns' facilities to visit them, Unbeknownst to spearmaster, the Pup incident would happen, one cycle in their attempt to visit, they failed to find artificer, and when they did, Arti had already become too far gone in their desire for vengeance...
Unfortunately, this wouldn't be the first time spearmaster would have to bear witness to how loss and circumstance can change someone in the most awful ways.
Anyways I wrote a more detailed version about this AU here if you wanna give it a read!!
Song: Passerine by The Oh Hellos
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riense · 7 months
Okay, October is over, so it’s time to remember how to color *sweats*
I won’t finish the rest of BG3 prompts, but hey I’m still planning to sketch more characters I haven’t drawn yet. There are so many characters I’d like to draw 👁👄👁 i cant. This game is doing something to me
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Oh and here. Have a little silly doodle of my cat as a bonus. He is a very purrerful wizard (he is so good at waking me up at 5 am, school of necromancy probably)
upd. well I really don’t like getting ahead of myself but I’m considering opening commissions (at least sketchy and flat colored ones) after some… deadlines *cries*. So…stay tuned I guess?
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aerialworms-art · 4 months
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My chronic pain has been acting up this week so I wasn't able to draw anything new for De/Bones' birthday. I spent today looking after myself instead, like Doctor McCoy would have wanted :'3 So here are some doodles from my sketchbook instead!
Happy birthday DeForest and Bones!
(ID under cut)
[Image ID: Black and white doodles of Bones/Doctor McCoy from Star Trek: The Original Series.
Image 1: A semi-realistic sketchy bust shot of Bones. He looks vaguely annoyed and is glaring at something to his left.
Image 2: A doodle of him from the waist up. He's facing left, holding his hand up to Vulcan kiss someone in a Starfleet uniform who is cropped from the image. He is looking softly at that Vulcan. He is surrounded by wiggly lines and stars. Above him is written "Bones" and a heart symbol. Below him is written "The Moon".
Image 3: The heads of (left to right) Bones, Jim Kirk, and Spock, floating next to each other - the only details are their hairstyles and eyebrows. Below, the artist has written "Do not seperate!"
Image 4: A very wonky doodle of Bones, sans hair. His head is three times wider than its height, and he looks very grumpy. His triangular eyebrows are raised.
Image 5: A minimalistic rendering of Bones. There is no line denoting his face, just short lines to make up his face and his ears, floating either side. He looks exasperated. Below is written "Damn it, Jim." In the left corner, an unrelated bug, perhaps a spider, crawls up the page. /End ID]
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13draws · 4 months
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I only made a tiny doodle yesterday on day 4, nothing worth documenting here, oops. Anywayssss... -- •DAY 5 of drawing every day [02.14.24] • fem!Lawlight as that one dorm room poster (x)
Honest thoughts about it: It's just ok.... I find my lines too sketchy and things like the hands and the handcuffs are not very well drawn. I had to restart the drawing several times because I kept making Light's hair too dark / not shaped or shaded properly as well. Staring at it now makes me want to go back into it again and fuss with Light's hair even more (I think I should have added a little halo of lines on the crown of her head, for example). BUT I do think I felt slightly more fluid when i was drawing again today than even a few days ago, and I actually finished the whole drawing this time, so I'll pat myself on the back for that.
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vargaslovinghours · 2 years
Lucky number seven 🎲✨ (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6)
Oh yeah btw there is a considerable amount of Edgar/Scriabin this time around so like - look out for that I guess lol
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[MAY9] Thinking about healing plane Edgar had me very excited, big anticipation and looking forward to seeing him hehe ♪
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[MAY16] I didn’t plan for it, but Incoming was basically the prototype of trying out minicomics with sketchier panels - it was a good start! You can also see more of the panel differences in the stream itself, Nny’s hair probably being the biggest one haha
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[MAY16] Speaking of - since Scriabin’s expression was central to this panel, it’s interesting to me to see the original draft vs. the final version
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[MAY18] I ended up with this mini in multiple stages of completion because I was struggling with it which made for some interesting progression-style gifs!
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[MAY18]  I think this one was definitely the most extreme out of all the panels, just pop! There they are
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[JUN8] Shy Lady!Edgar ♥ Too hot out to wear much, but too embarrassed to show off ✨
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[JUN8] Lady!Scriabin getting into mischief she shouldn’t and bothering Edgar, the usual. I love writing out keysmashes, there’s something very funny about it to me
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[JUN13] Mwah mwah mwah, so many hearts and happies 💕
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[JUN14] And Also With You hands ♥ I made myself a little cheat sheet of the order the shackles attached themselves, I wanted to make an injury index as well but couldn’t swing it, maybe next time
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[JUN14] A set of Vargas-style eye expressions! Specifically Edgar, or at least his body
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[JUN14] A couple of pleading and contrite Edgars; got the image specifically as a spacefiller, it all worked out exactly as planned haha
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[JUN29] I wasn’t kidding, I was very 👀✨💕 about his shirt riding up lol
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[JUL2] Possibly the best bonewings I’ve drawn so far, I almost wish they were more of the focus haha. Well they are here! Central and important ✨
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[JUL17] I still so love how goofy Demon!Scriabin is, casual and light! Doodling him spinning his tail was fun ♪
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[JUL2] They still fight like cats and dogs, natural enemies and counterparts. The chains are just an additional directional tool, it’s all in the utilization
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[JUL9] The aforementioned sketchy scratchy minicomic project, finally in full swing! The first one had them quietly interested and in agreement ♪
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[JUL9] Well, at first anyway haha
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[JUL9] They just can’t help themselves ♥
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[JUL9] He’s baby your honour
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[JUL17] No one likes a peeping tom, Scriabin!
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[JUL17] Come run away with me to a convent with only a bunch of other women come onnnnn, we can totally pretend to just be devout about it ♥
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[JUL17] What was I watching, I think it was an r/sapphoandherfriend video and there was a statue of two topless ladies kissing in the background of a failed proposal of a gentleman to the lady who owned said statue lol; an extremely cute pose on top of the environmental storytelling haha
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[JUL17] More kisses, sleepy, fuzzy, out-of-it kisses
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[JUL18] This was meant to be the original shape of Scriabin’s sheer shawl(?) in the digital Drider doodles but I unfortunately combined the layers before I meant to :’) At least I got to draw it here! Spiderweb design 🕸
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[JUL18] @lunavos​ made mention of Scriabin holding onto Edgar with all his spare legs and mentally I was like “Funny you should say that-” haha, I’d only drawn as much maybe a day or so beforehand!
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[JUL18] Just rests his entire body weight onto his oh so helpless human victim ♪
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[JUL19] Continuing the trend of starting and then just not finishing pose ideas lol, I ended up losing steam because I think I had dialogue in mind? But I didn’t write anything down so I don’t actually remember :’D Floating Scriabin is always fun tho ♪
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[JUL25] Not art, but I jumped back into Tomodachi Life for like, five seconds to quickly make an Edgar Mii because it is my mission to make the Vargases in as many character-customizable/life sims as possible. Unfortunately I literally only had one apartment left open so no Scriabin this time around :( Let’s just say this is while he’s still hanging out in Edgar’s head; I have given him at least one speech line to indicate that Edgar’s talking to him in there lol
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[JUL29] It doesn’t count as long as you declare it first! I’m quite pleased with Scriabin’s expression in the second panel, cute ♥
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[JUL28] Felt very inspired by WASU_ART’s extremely cute paper dolls and made a base ♪ Does it defeat the purpose of a live-action animation tool if I make a vector with a static pose? Hmmm
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[JUL30] What you mean you don’t just casually draw softcore at the library using their scrap paper and pens? I made sure I was away from any potentially bothered eyes lol dw
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[JUL30] A healing plane Scriabin for a warmup, what a floof <3
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[AUG1] Another panel from the scratch project, I’m so amused with how his face turned out lol
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[AUG1] Kiss-dip Edgar, it’s a good way to trick him into hugging him/holding onto him for dear life
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[AUG1] And, done! What do I win? Even for just a sketch, I’m quite pleased with the depth on his shaded arm haha
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[AUG1] I unfortunately had to scrap this one because I wrote down a specific injury and then forgot it when I went to draw, so it’s more like an offshoot of Restful Dreams - the expressions still turned out nice tho so here they are ✨
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[AUG1] Scriabin yelling at a very aggressive scribble, I mean Shmee. Poor Todd, trying to play peacekeeper between them ♥
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[AUG1] He just completely deflates in water, amazing ✨ It’s always fun to draw soaked-over-the-head stuff, it’s so silly haha
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[AUG5] A handsome Edgar in a nice jacket and turtleneck combo - even tho he was drawn in Summer, just gotta give that Autumnal vibe
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[AUG5] How many doubles would Edgar realistically need or have? Time to go thrifting for the less obvious necessities!
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[AUG5] A brushed and put-together Scriabin taunting Edgar into fluster? He’s just too handsome, right?
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[AUG5] A digital Scriabin that I had a lot of fun with the composition of - the string comes from offscreen and cuts him off like a panel but it’s not a panel! Magic ✨
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[AUG6] Scriabin has Edgar’s attention taken away from him for two seconds and he gets So Mad about it haha
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[AUG6] Cornered and kissed, what a terrible fate 💕
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[AUG6] Ladies do be shopping tho. They’re so tall! They must get asked to pull stuff off the top shelves all the time
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[AUG6] If ever chocolate was an essential item, it would be now
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[AUG7] Don’t pick on Edgar, she doesn’t always think through her statements! Just because that makes it easy to twist her words!
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[AUG7] Hugs ♥ Hugs for Edgar ♥ Time for Scriabin cuddles ♥ No hope of escape ♥
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[AUG7] Exit, pursued by Scriabin. You can’t hide from him, Edgar!
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[AUG7] Now poke me back
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[AUG7] Maybe if you stopped being mean to each other you wouldn’t keep being mad at each other? No? Okay cool
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[AUG9] An Eros and Apollo-style Scriabin, specifically based on the frame around 0:53 - super fluffy! And oddly sludgy (And definitely not at all inspired by the post that introduced me to this song in the first place, Scriabin could never be described as egoistic! Lol)
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[AUG12] A mini I don’t plan to finish, but it’s still cute
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[AUG12] Come on, Edgar, you know he’s playing you
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[AUG12] So excited ♪
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[AUG12] Y’know Edgar, I think that might have been a trick actually
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[AUG12] Seeing something he shouldn’t be seeing! You know the verse about plucking out one’s eye if it causes you to sin? Does that mean his main, already blank eyes or...?
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[AUG13] I cut the punchline ‘cause it gives away the entire joke, but I do love Edgar’s sleepy indignance and Scriabin’s *scandalized gasp* lol
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[AUG13] Out using a library computer perhaps, got a lot of studying to do
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[AUG13] “I was way faster when I was a computer!”
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[AUG13] Scriabin and Jake discussing stuff that Edgar’s too uncomfortable with ♪ There’s so much to learn!
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[AUG15] I really like the composition of this one hehe
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[AUG15] I ended up scrapping this pose but her face really did turn out very cute ♥
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[AUG15] Lady snuggles ♥ Scriabin’s close to listening to her heart 💕
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[AUG20] Was struck with the image of them holding each other’s chibi counterparts -  they’re both so round and tiny!
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[AUG21] What ended up being a single panel continuation of Outgoing, he’s gotta be in there somewhere!
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[AUG22] Ladyverse Biblical Vargases 💕✨ What no I don’t already have a song picked out specifically for them you can’t prove anything
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[AUG22] Casually sloppy Lady!Scriabin ✨ An open pose is very cute
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[AUG25] Uncomfortable Edgar, inching away so as not to alert the invitation-extender :)
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[SEP17] Somebody asking him about his scars just one too many times, can’t believe this was inspired by Spamton of all things lol
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[SEP17] If he can smell “sad” you better believe he can smell other things too ♪ I’ve written down Edgar saying “That’s not a smell” more than once, why do I find it so funny lol
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[SEP20] Guess what someone was doing right outside our window :)
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[SEP20] Confrontation?? No way! But Scriabin knew that haha ♪
So that’s the end of May through September! A few different kinds of styles, digital stuff, longer projects - branching out :0 It’s fun to see :D
#💟#Doodles#Art#Sketchdump#Edgar#Scriabin#Nny#Todd#Shmee#Jake#Blood#Questionably SFW#I'mma just throw that one out there as a blanket tag#Be warned: kissing and some equal opportunity toplessness once again#I mean it's not /all/ that - just a higher volume than usual lol#Also tried something a bit different with putting the date at the beginning#They're all approximations since I only label the date at the start of a page and it can take me upwards of a month to finish the same page#And then sometimes I start multiple pages on the same day! Lol#But I did cross-reference them with my habit tracker so they're at least mostly accurate#Man everyone's here it's gonna make me emotional if I think about it too long ♥ Except Devi poor Devi :0#Tumblr: The image limit is 30 | Me: So you said 70 right#Give or take a few here and there I did double up a couple of these lol#Good thing too 'cause this was a hassle and a half to compile without breaking - probably went to edit a good 300 times pfft#This one's even longer than the Snake Charmer one and that one was massive! I guess not posting at all has that effect lol#It was fun to make some of the weirder style ones haha ♪ Like the Eros and Apollo one that was fun :D#Now that I think of it since it's a vector I could size it up to wallpaper size if anyone's interested :0#Have a goopy neon rainbow Scriabin as your desktop today! Lol#But speaking of not posting - the hiatus did what it was intended to and my recharging is in full swing uwu#So until I reread I'll probably be posting pretty sparsely outside of special events :)#Hopefully it doesn't result in another behemoth of a post like this next time tho lol ♪
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thatonewatercat · 2 years
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i feel like Mumbo and X would use it as a pot for a fern eventually. They didn’t know what to do with it. They also couldn't get rid of it. I feel like a pot for a fern fits. 
I had this idea for a really long time actually, but only recently have a had enough small bits of break to pick a doodle and act on it. @theminecraftbee​
(rant and other versions and doodles under the cut)
really quick rant first actually. First off, I forgot to add a few things on the final version. were was going to be some neon blood splatters, a dent in the helmet, a slightly more shaped helmet, stuff like that. the first sketch just weren’t clear enough to make digital, but i think it would still have some partially scrubbed off blood and scratches ‘n stuff. 
Second, this book made me cry. i can’t actually remember a book did that last. i’ve definitely felt strong emotions for books before, but i can’t specifically remember if i cried from them. 
it hit me hard, and it was worth it to push through the executive dysfunction and force myself to pick it up. 
that being said, i immediately started to draw a ton of sketching in classes of the helmet once i got the shape down from another piece of fanart from this, and so here they are! because i think i’ just a little too attached to these very sketchy doodles of helmets as potted plants. 
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(these are in order of my camera roll) towards the end i forgot about dents and blood all together. hope you liked these at all!
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tortillasconsal · 1 year
I haven't made one of these so I thought why not while I'm getting more followers
About Myself...
My name is SindiNero, but I also go by Tortillasconsal. You people can call me Sindi or Tortilla.
I'm a 18 y/o Mexican, I am a nonbinary aromantic lesbian and I use they/them pronouns only!!
English isn't my first language despite being the main language of this account, so I apologize for any mistakes I make.
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Currently I am very invested in creepypasta since I'm coming back to the fandom after like 5-6 years I think(? I'm writing my own AU but I doubt it'll be something big, right now I'm just making headcanons and some world building maybe. I also focus a lot on the Slenderbros bc they are very gender.
I do have a couple of crp OCs (and more outside the fandom), but I rather share them later on when I'm more comfortable with my audience.
My ask-box is always open if anyone wants to chat or ask for stuff, but if you want to DM me please ask there first. I get really confused with random messages from people I don't know.
Also, I talk a lot. So prepare to have a bunch of ridiculously long posts filled with excessive context and nonsense descriptions in random order because I can't talk normally.
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I do both writing and art requests. You are free to ask for anything, but here is some stuff to follow:
You can ask for anything as long as it's appropriate and creepypasta related, asking for my original stuff outside of the crp fandom is ok too.
The style I do with art requests may vary depending on my time, the request and how much I'm familiarized with the character, but I usually try to do a simple doodle for time's sake.
I will do gory art, but don't expect much. I'm just not that experienced in that.
If you give me a list of characters to draw/write about I'll only pick one or two. Except if you're asking for the characters doing stuff together obviously.
The only OCs I'll draw and write for will be my friends'. If you come here asking for headcanons or art of your OC and idk you, I'll ignore you.
I take a shit ton of time on doing the requests, so please be patient with me, I'm lazy 😩
There will be a bunch of characters that I won't write about at first as I'm still learning about them, but eventually I'll do more.
Shitposting is always welcome.
Themes I don't write or do art about:
Ships or romance.
Smutt or Fluff.
Anything NSFW or suggestive.
I don't do fanfic or oneshots. I just don't have the mental capacity to focus on a story 💀 please just ask about headcanons or something else instead.
Characters I won't write or do art for:
Lazary and Lulu, or any other Chibi-Works character.
Julius the Dressmaker and Killian Lynch, or any other work made by SanityisforLosers.
Dr. Smiley.
Pokepasta, gamingpasta (with the exception of B.E.N.) and MLP creepypastas.
Offenderman. But he's a special case. He's canon in my AU as the original version, I won't take prompts or requests for him and I won't write/draw much about him, the most I'll do is answer questions and do lore-bits when necessary. If enough people ask me to write my headcanons on a certain topic where I don't see any harm, I'll do it.
I also love Art Trades. Check out mi bio to see if they're open!
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Other interests/likes of mine:
Character Design
Smoking herbs like lavender or chamomile (weed too, but that is a secret)
Glass Animals, Will Wood, Grandson, Cosmo Sheldrake, IDK HOW, Saint Motel, Tally Hall, Scene Queen, Miranda!, Cuarteto de Nos, Vete a la Versh, Molotov, Cartel de Santa.
My DNI List:
The basic (homophobes, transphobes, ableists, racists, etc...)
Anti-feminists, masculinists and people who don't support feminism.
People who support SnuffBomb, La Mishi Mish, Sanityisforlosers, GravezGrind and/or xXAmLuvsXx.
Comshitters/Proshitters/Anti-Antis and their supporters.
Coffin of Andy and LeyLey fans and other weirdos that like similar media. (Excluding ones that don't enjoy the sketchy aspects of it)
People who think fiction doesn't affect reality and say "they're just pixels" like stfu.
People who say 'latinx' (you can refer to me as Latino or Latine, but please don't use that word)
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My socials!!!
Instagram📷 tortillasconsal0
Twitter🐦 SindiNero69
Pinterest🖼️ SindiNero69 (in case you're interested in seeing my OCs' or Creepypasta MoodBoards)
Swag people you should follow
@the-catcake @schrodingers-seraph @realmysticalsorcery @ivydarkrose @dadumtss @ask-jeff-creepypasta @laliloon
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everlywindex · 1 year
i have been so fucking hyped ever since i saw the concept art. with rottmnt's cancellation i've been praying that the creators behind this new iteration will be able to tell their full creative vision, and i plan to be with this new iteration every step of the way on that journey.
i've been watching this movie's leaks closely (due to the fact that i am a tmnt hungry autism gremlin who needs every scrap of knowledge on this movie possible) and today i want to lay out all my personal thoughts, opinions and speculation before the teaser!
soo yeah let's get this show on the road!
1. i am a bit frightened of mr. rogen but damn does the crew look promising
at first glance the producer of sausage party also producing a tmnt movie seems like something straight out of the nightmare dimension and i can't say that i've seen rogen's other work therefore i can't reassure anyone that sausage party is an outlier and the rest of his work is actually genius or anything like that.
HOWEVER it does seem that he's gonna be taking mutant mayhem pretty seriously! he, along with the director & a co-producer, have been stated to be huge fans and this is supposedly a big passion project for them that's been in the works for years
additionally, it seems to be very focused on the "teenage" aspect of tmnt, shown in part by how they've decided to get actual teenage voice actors for the turtles. it seems to be more of a coming of age character driven movie than a typical action blockbuster. so it's certainly not just a cash grab to make money off of the tmnt brand or anything, there is heart here
i'm not familiar with evan goldberg or james weaver either, but jeff rowe........ not only has he worked on gravity falls, but he also co-directed the mitchells vs the machines. another movie that blurs the lines between 2d and 3d animation phenomenally and masterfully handles complicated family dynamics as well as a neurodivergent teenage queer protagonist
so honestly his place on this project already has me very excited and while i haven't watched gravity falls yet, anyone else who's seen mitchells-machines knows damn well we're in good hands
the movie has also been described as "left of center" as well which means hopefully anyone who complained about the rise turtles looking too non-binary or whatever and is looking forward to a "more classic, less woke" iteration will be in for a very rude awakening. Lmao
the animation style is supposed to mimic doodles and sketchy art styles, a lot like mitchells, so you can see that influence! you can even see sketch lines and whatnot on the leaked turtle designs which is super fucking cool and i'm so excited to see it in action tonight!!
2. donatello takes minecraft hunger games (for the first time in history!)
the turtles themselves are also, as i mentioned earlier, gonna be played by actual teenagers. the rumored casting involves three dudes i've never heard of as leo, raph and mikey so i can't really speak on them in depth even though they look promising!
but i think we've all recognized nicolas cantu as gumball and, even though i myself haven't seen TAWOG, i think he could be a pretty good fit? honestly i'd just be glad to have donnie's voice actor be the same guy who hunted down james charles in a minecraft tournament and promised to eliminate the middle class on smplive(?) just because then people will be able to animate mm!donnie to that audio and it'll be glorious
i honestly hope that those slightly unhinged gamer vibes carry over into donnie's actual character, possibly as a combo of influence from nicolas cantu himself and maybe as a remnant of rise!donnie. given that he was the best donatello by far, fight me, i hope they take the whole "borrowing elements from previous iterations to make this like a cool mega mashup combo of them" idea that was discussed, and give mm!donnie a lot of rise!donnie influence. that would just be so rad i think but maybe i'm just biased w rise!donnie being my favorite tmnt character of all time and all
THE DESIGNS ARE AWESOME i know a lot of people were mixed on them and i was too but they've been really growing on me!
i absolutely loved donnie's design right from the start though. he just has a lot of neat little details that set him apart from the others! his glasses, his little phone, his headphones (which i pray are noise cancelling) his weapon having jujutsu kaisen and sailor moon stickers on it HELL YEAH !!
i was kinda bummed out when they took his snaggletooth because i thought it was cute but i can see why they removed it, maybe to stay away from like the kind of "buck toothed nerd" stereotype that they might have felt they were getting a bit too close to. What they had better not fucking remove? The autism. given that the entire mitchell family is highly autistic coded though i am trusting jeff rowe not to fuck this up
speaking of neurodivergency, mikey had adhd in both 2012 and rise and they had better fucking keep that as well!
i also heard some rumors that 2012 raph and donnie had adhd and ocd respectively and i haven't been able to find any evidence for those but like.. y'know it'd still be cool to see those included in mutant mayhem as well! especially since, bringing up mitchells-machines again, aaron canonically had mild ocd so it's not like it would be out of the realm of possibility for them to give that to a turtle
honestly i love donnie's design so much bc of the little details it has that tell ya more about him in comparison to the others. i kinda wish mikey kept the stickers on his shell kinda like rise!mikey had, and i also would've liked it if raph still had some bandaids here and there like in his concept art design. of course i am mourning leo's braces just like the rest of us but at least mikey gets to keep em. i'm not even 100% sure that he's lost the braces in the first place though so we'll just see in the teaser trailer if he still has em or not!
of course though i'm always down to see an iteration give the characters designs reminescent of the turtle species they're directly based on (like rottmnt giving each turtle their own respective turtle species, and then giving them features respective of that species, like leo's red and yellow streaks, donnie's soft shell, mikey's pretty orangey-gold dapples, and raph's spikes) mostly because it's just cool and spices up the designs! so while the mutant mayhem turtles don't seem to have anything indicative of their species it'd just... It'd be awesome y'know. I'd like it
also in terms of the action figure leaks i think they're cute but i especially love the splinter design we got. He just looks so Dad and i really hope this iteration can stray further from the stereotypes and the "yikes" aspects of his character a bit more. i have faith in y'all!
i don't have much to say on the leaked character personality descriptions other than people on the internet will rlly just believe anything NO raph will NOT be canonically using he/she pronouns guys. paramount and nickelodeon are not fucking brave enough for that. i will still be he/she'ing raph throughout the entirety of this essay though because it is my favorite technically founded by canon hc that we have been presented with
also i haven't watched good will hunting. but now i feel like i should. i need to understand that little purple turtle more
4. i think if they give mikey a gun the entire plot will be over in two minutes
there are a lot of theories on how this movie's story is gonna go!
one is that the boys are gonna get cloaking brooches (like in rise) in order to disguise themselves as humans and attend school. and iii kinda doubt that! mostly because of their voice actors. given that the turtles are presumably biological brothers in this iteration that means either they'd all be poc or none of them would be. the former would be odd since two of their voice actors are white and therefore you'd have white actors playing poc characters, and the latter would be just as bad since the turtles are infamously blasian coded and it would just be straight up whitewashing
i think casting white actors as blasian coded characters might in itself be fairly questionable but if anything it pretty much solidifies that we won't be seeing the turtles' human forms in this movie because that would make it.. even more visibly questionable to people who may not have looked into it as much initially, which the crew would want to avoid i think. so if they attend school it'll either be openly as mutants or under some kind of disguise
whatever the case though i think sending the turtles to school is a pretty new and fun concept!
i really hope we get that one scene people theorize could happen where donnie puts on his headphones and triggers an action scene with the action synced to the music. that'd be fucking lit
i think the movie will probably end on a note similar to luca where the turtles are able to come out of hiding and there's a "some people? they'll never accept them. but some will. and they seem to know how to find the good ones." kind of message. the good ones in question being probably april, casey, keno? God i hope keno's in this
maybe the ending is letting mutants as a whole have a chance to be more involved in society. they were previously hiding in shadows but the turtles' heroic actions opens things up for them to start being more accepted? idk that's just my thinking
5. guys i'm sorry but that storyboard is so fake
i'm not going to go into it in detail since someone already did that in this post
but yeah that storyboard is most likely not at all real. which also means we sadly may not be getting a black plus sized april for this movie. it would be awesome! but it may just.. not be happening
so like if the teaser comes out and april looks nothing like that, then uh.. y'know. don't freak out
6. speculation on the teaser and marketing going forward
so i think that since this is gonna be a more character driven teen movie than an action hero movie with high tense dramatic stakes and whatnot, the teaser is gonna reflect that. i remember when they talked about a demo video that they made to showcase the art style (that was never released to the public,) where raph had one of her brothers record her skateboarding into a store and breaking something before they both ran outta there laughing and i think that. If anything? the trailer could be kinda reminescent of that
not literally that, of course, but something similarly modern teenager-y and goofy that would establish the characters' personalities and family dynamics well
maybe something like mikey doing a vlog where he talks about his friends and family members and we get to see moments of him bothering them for interviews or content for his vlog. and like you can just imagine all of the short clips and shenanigans that would come from that and how it could lead to a fun format for a teaser or even full trailer y'know! especially considering what we know of the movie's themes
one more thing i want to say is that god i just really hope this movie takes the puss in boots 2 route with its marketing. it'd just be so funny i wanna see the turtles making tiktoks to promote the movie where they prank each other and get into trouble and shit like it'd just be so goofy!!
and uhh... Yeah! i think that's all i have to say! these are all my thoughts lined up and written out and i'm excited to look back on this after the trailer, and possibly even after the movie, just to see how like.... things were before. Y'know.
but yeah hashtag i was here for the first trailer drop on the seth rogen tmnt iteration 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀
see you guys after the kid's choice awards!!!
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
Are the lines on your drawings stylistic choices or are they measurement/guiding lines? Either way, they are cool, but just wondered. I dont understand drawing at all, might as well be a magic spell to me. I was looking at the pencil (?) sketch of Malkin with the cheesecutter hat on.
i, uh, definitely did not google 'cheesecutter hat' until after i saved out these images. :/ sorry about that. if you'd like the other one broken down, i can do that too lol. my reading comprehension when im tired is kinda lazy i just saw 'cheese' and imediately thought 'omelette'. SO here's the 1) initial sketch, 2) 'clean' sketch, and 3) final lines for the omelette boy drawing instead:
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also i have had a cumulative of about 9 ish hrs of sleep total for the past two days so keep that in mind for if this explanation makes no sense, its not my fault. :( anyway! the way i draw definitely has changed over the years but currently im really trying to focus on the line i "see" rather than the one that is actually "there". i've been applying this to my writing for years (story vs happening truth) and you know it never occurred to me that i could do it in my drawings too till like...a few years ago. in general these lines seem to form the planes of the subject. if you google 'stanford bunny' you can find an easy example of a 3D surface turned into triangles. I do this too - see things in relative triangle proportions, except i've been doing it long before i knew how computers worked. i cant begin to tell you how long d*sney and cartooning's obsession with round building blocks of anatomical structure fucked with my brain until i finally decided i could cast that teaching aside completely.
ANYWAY sorry off subject again. so we have these sketchy under lines, and usually as im trying to find the proportions and form of the subject these lines end up being where the light/shadow hits. here i saved out the 1) 'flat colors', 2) the 'light', and 3) the 'shadow' parts on their own (i lightened the background for the 'shadow' so its easier to see):
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the light is like four or five 'overlay' layers of pale yellow/orange. you can see how each of these layers follow one of those sketchy lines i did initially. and the same with the shadow but instead its a dark red color set to 'multiply' for each layer. and when you combine everything together you get:
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some bullshit :). anyway you know that anniversary edition of beauty and the beast that featured the version previewed to nyc audiences in 1990 with the glen ke*ne sketchy keyframe animation of the beast's transformation? i watched that - must have been sometime after i graduated college - and i felt robbed that THAT version was never presented as a final piece. the 'unclean' drawings had so much more life and movement and intensity to them. tldr i like the messy lines, i hate 'inking' with a passion (HATE. IT.), and when i finally allowed myself to stop giving a fuck drawing became way more interesting. but my art is shit and i will never be glen k*ane so i dont really feel like the best advocate for this "style". alas. there was this one artist on tumblr who i fucking loved whose sketches were SPECTACULAR but the asshole racists in the m*c*ha*nz*o fandom bullied her off tumblr and ive never been able to find her art anywhere else since. she was also very negative about her 'unclean' sketches and it made me so sad. there was also this other artist whose sketches were awe inspiring but all she drew was p*rn and well...we all know what happened on tumblr in december 2018.
also i 100% stole the lighting scheme from The Bear which is currently one of the most gorgeous shows on television right now in my opinion
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im really really sorry if this makes no sense, if im feeling motivated maybe i'll try again when my brain is fully functioning but with the actual 'cheesecutter hat' doodle ^_^
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
Give me A D and L of your Twisted OCs do it
ty for always enabling me and my twst crimes despite not twsting yourself kjdsfj 🧡
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also tagging @cosmiccoincidence ty for the double enabling WOO
ok here's the sketchy whatever i did 2night, was gonna do some basic colors but i got sleeeepyyyy so maybe tomorrow ill do that lol
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HEHFHSFEHFJK anyway. alda beloved none of this will make sense to u so ill try to give spark notes explanations as i go but. these two goobers are rsa [royal sword academy - the rival school that seems to be more based on the Good Guy™ disney characters rather than the main school's villains lol] students.
the very short summary is guy on left (Char - I looked thru sooo many names for him and that's the one i ended up on lol. some twst names are really on the nose like VIL for the EVIL QUEEN so why cant i use char!) is cater diamond's [a canon character who's said to have moved around a lot] childhood friend from when they were like 5 but lost contact w/him. Dañarte (literally not a name. it's spanish for 'hurt you' and it only came up/his existence spawns from a typo turned autocorrect in a message i was sending my frined and we just kept it for funsies and i made a character out of it lol 😭) is his shady cousin that has a charming friendly appearance but is going to cause problems on purpose bc hes a bitter baby or whatever.
i have a lot more details w/them and their connection with BESTIE CATER but that's not what the ask was about so i will HOLD BACK!!! for now.
ok answering the actual questions under a cut bc blahblahblahblah
A) Why are you excited about this character?
because!!! i see a lot of people make really creative twst ocs based off other disney characters and i think that's SO FUN!!!! i dont really think i myself am very creative of a person, but this was something i kinda got to have fun with. i had the initial thought with char based off one random fanart I saw like forever ago, so i borrowed the starting idea and then just completely ran off with it to do my own thing, SPIN MY OWN WEB!!!! [i think the fanart was like, just some random rsa guy recognizing cater; it was japanese fanart so i had limited google translate on my side - idr if the childhood friend thing was part of it or if that's just a thing my brain decided to fill in the blanks?? anyway i went from there / designed my own random guy / started LORE BUILDING and EXPANDING]
also their involvement is very much a soap opera esque TEEN ROMANCE DRAMA which i think is funny. a lot of this came from just talking to my friend in discord cuz there was no engtwst at the time and she was the only person i knew that i could talk to about twst, so even tho these are my characters, it's something that spawned from me going ham in our discord messages and us bouncing ideas off each other and just havin private fun. unrestrained goofs!!!
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
HMMMM well according to all the doodles i'd compiled in one spot, it does look like i just went with my initial ideas for both of em and kept it. they r not that deeply thought out bc i am Not much of a designer - god bless the school uniform i could steal so i didnt have to come up w/clothes kfjlsdf. and tbh theyre pretty basic right now so for all i know, maybe this is the prototype. maybe they've yet to go through their first evolution. WHO KNOWS!!!! but in their case, their existence came more from the SOAP OPERA DRAMA storyline i came up with, and wasn't so much based on appearance/character design. i mostly just had doodles and sketchy concepts just so i could continue to doodle parts of said story for funsies to send my friend on discord lol
BESTIE THERE IS NO L!!!!! instead of asking u what u meant im just gonna assume u meant I since lowercase L looks like uppercase I 😌 SO YOU'RE GETTING I!!!
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?
ya lol. this 'story' is very much based off like a few lines of canon lore that i just SPRINTED OFF with. drag and dropping these 2 guys into the story - not really related to much of the main story, but just kinda there to cause more teen drama. for funsies.
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flame-shadow · 1 year
8. What do you like most about your own work?
10. What’s that one thing that inspired you to make drawing your consistant hobby?
8. What do you like most about your own work?
Hmmm. I like a decent amount of things about my art, but probably what I like most is that I can draw quickly and generally capture or quickly discover what I'm intending to draw. The sooner I can get an idea or the impression of a shape out of my head, the sooner I am freed from the burden of trying to remember something I can't visualize.
I think I've mentioned it before, but I don't have a strong ability to visualize things in my head (aphantasia), so when I have something in mind that I want to draw, it manifests as an impression - usually the abstract feeling of an expression or the flow of a pose - that I have to translate onto the paper. And when I don't get what I'm after the first time, then I can usually quickly figure it out with some sketchy lines and a few adjustments.
I've figured out a way to describe the experience of 'seeing' what's in my head, but it's kinda irrelevant here. Anyway, drawing quickly and ridding myself of intangible idea-demons.
10. What’s that one thing that inspired you to make drawing your consistent hobby?
I don't think there's a single identifiable thing. I have always been drawing; I'm one of those "since I could hold a crayon and push it around on a paper" people. I think it's more that.. there are some things which helped me out, and there are some things which were less fun but which ensured that I didn't actually STOP drawing as a hobby.
Before I list the factors, I want to set the stage. I was Not Good At Drawing Things for a long time. I have always been slow at developing my artistic skills and figuring out how to do things. Among my artistically inclined peers, I was almost always on the lower skilled, less creative end of the spectrum of artists, especially before my early-to-mid-twenties (this is a very subjective spectrum and it's not that great to compare yourself to others in this way, but tolerate my usage of it here please). I don't say this to put myself down, but I want to emphasize that not only was I not one of the ~ooh wow you're so talented~ artists, but I used to accept the quiet fact that I'd probably never be Great at art, that I'd mostly just be someone who had decent skills and could entertain people with my doodles. (And to be clear, I filled this niche for many years and was happy doing it! But I wanted to keep getting better, so I did.)
Things which helped me continue drawing: - support/encouragement from my family and friends, especially my mom who would buy me art supplies and paid for me to attend some after-school art classes during my elementary school years. those classes taught me some foundational techniques that I still think about and use today. - related, that art teacher from those classes. seriously, she was the one art teacher i have had who i actually genuinely always enjoyed interacting with (the other art teachers were a mixed bag, but what can you expect when they had to deal with middle and high schoolers all the damn time) - joy! i enjoyed and still enjoy the physical experience of drawing and expressing myself in a different way. there is a tactile pleasure to drawing on paper that cannot be experienced from drawing on a screen, and i think that helped engage me, and i often return to it when i need to feel more from drawing - spite. yeah, cycling back to those unfun art teachers, i absolutely have been motivated by spite to keep drawing. sometimes i think about going up to my middle school art teacher and giving evidence for the fact that i can paint now and i know how to draw contours and my dragons don't look like weird dog-lizards. and i think about going up to my high school art teacher and shoving so many pieces in her face and saying that i can too compose a drawing and use color well and my anatomy is loads better and also just because you don't understand the appeal of dragons doesn't mean i'll ever stop drawing them also fuck you for making me cry when i was trying my best for those entire two years i had your class im better now and also ive stolen what you taught me about critiques and turned it into something that people actually come to me for help with because unlike you, I can give a critique without making the artist shrivel up inside -dragons. dragons are super fun to draw and they have often been the only thing i had any desire to draw
That got long, whoops. I don't have simple answers for questions like these XD
Artist question list
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bmpmp3 · 1 year
i guess “wobbly” isn’t totally the right way to describe what’s going on with my art, a better descriptor might be a sort of “double vision” created through an inevitability turned into an intentionality
(sorry im very sick rn and my sick brain accidentally wrote some barely readable essay about my own artistic techniques orz under da cut)
i think a large part of the reason i gravitate towards drawing analogue vs digital nowadays (ignoring the fact that i have spatial issues and i can keep track of proportions much easier on paper than on a screen) is that like, at least in my experience (growing up on deviantart LOL) traditional art, while being less popular online (at least, growing up on deviantart it was), also allowed way more room for visual mistakes and imperfections than digital art did. i think sometimes, at least for me, having an undo button ended up putting a weird perfectionism on me instead of being a useful tool orz
YOU MAY have noticed my double/triple lines in my linework, especially in long, uninterrupted lines, that’s what i mean by inevitability turned intentionality: its a sort of “line correction” like one would do when doing a rough sketch except for some ungodly reason i do it during my very permanent inking stage LOL jk jk its actually several very good reasons: you know how many artists find their rough sketches look better than their final linework? part of that is because your eyes bring in all the competing sketchy lines together as one cohesive sort of “vibe” of a line, making it look exactly how your brain thinks it should look to be “correct”
another reason is that, going back to the spatial issues, the dysgraphia is inevitable and i will always end up strange, jerky lines no matter the sketch stage or the ink stage, no matter how careful i am no matter how careless, its something that’s stuck with me for 24 years and i can usually write my b’s and d’s without a reference nowadays (the z’s are still questionable) but it’s always present - SO i’ve found, especially in the past couple years, embracing it is vital
hold on, here’s some examples of my double lines:
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THIS drawing around the legs is a REALLY clear example lol
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you can see what happened, the red lines are what i attempted to draw first, my dysgraphia then caught up to me half way through bringing in those big wobbles, and then i added the blue lines as a sort of corrective buffer
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this one had a LOT, the orange lines were likely what were drawn first. you can kind of tell that i tend to ink from the face first because as i get to the body i get more tired and the more corrective lines need to be drawn LOL
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of course there’s exceptions: i think with this girl I hadn’t done any warmup sketching (just drawing vague circles and swirls and lines or maybe a blobby creature doodle LOL) and my hands were hashtag unsteady hjdskfjds
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of course when i said inevitiability turned intentionality, i do mean that part of it is done intentionally: on purpose. that’s part of embracing it: it really does just look good and feel good to draw like this. like here i can’t remember or tell which lines were drawn first, i just know it felt right where i placed all my doublelines
i think that’s why i had to stop doing digital art for a while, it tends to not be super conducive to this style of drawing, or at least i haven’t quite gotten the hang of it (despite doing digital art since i was 10 LOL). i remember like 90% of the stuff i would draw digitally, instead of letting my doublelines through i would just ctrl+z and redraw the line 3000000 times until it was “perfect” orz a fools errand that created way more work for myself and was nawt great for my drawing health (both physically and mentally very exhausting). i hope someday i can work out some techniques im happy with that make digital art feel as easy as analogue art has become for me
my chosen medium for colouring in traditonal art also helps i think, i originally gravitated towards watercolour because it was faster and easier on the hands than pencil crayons (especially as a person with this many ocs with black and brown hair LOL my pencil crayons were STUBS while the other colours were nearly untouched) but it also allows for you to get SLOPPY with it LOL painting outside the lines feels SO good and right and not painful WOULD RECOMMEND. plus, i think you can see it in my drawing of Su up there with her brown hair, because to build up deeper colours in watercolour i find it easiest to do it in layers + i cant mimic the brushstrokes very easily, i end up with these sort of simple gradations around all my drawings which i think has a similar i-liked-the-rough-sketch-best effect that the doublelines have, the weird aura tricks the brain into filling in the blanks
of course my lineart style is not super conducive for digital art colouring, paintbucket filling this shit is a NIGHTMARE jkgdfldsjhfkds that’s another thing i gotta do a lot of experimentation with..............
anyway WHAT im trying to say is sometimes the best thing you can do for your art is let your arms draw the way they want to. (also im tricking your eyes into seeing the best version of my art with my fuzzy colouring and double-lined inking. bmpmp3′s trick hee hee)
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maemusicmelody · 6 years
you're such a lovely person and it's amazing that despite all the bad in the world, you're still out there radiating positivity. keep being unstoppable
IM CRY THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS MADE MY DAY. Everyone has bad days, including myself, but I just hope everyone finds that reason to smile everyday   Ganbaruby everyone!!!
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barry-j-blupjeans · 3 years
for the fluff list, Blupjeans and 24!!!
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[Image ID: Another ask, this time from @tentatively-positive-3, that says "#24 blupjeans?" END ID]
24. “I know you might not think so, but you look really good right now.”
((general/fluff prompts - accepting!!))
Barry had his backpack over one shoulder as he pushed open the door to his and Lup's quarters. The lights were dim and the blinds were shut and there was Lup, piled under a few blankets and drawing something in a journal Lucretia had given her last year. Barry's mood- it doesn't dampen, but he softens, seeing Lup like this. He shut the door gently and placed his bag next to it, before going to sit next to her.
The journal is more of a sketchbook if they were being honest. He and Lup both had dozens of journals filled with scientific findings, or just thoughts and feelings. This one doesn't have any lines on the page, and Lup was going at it with her pencil. A lot of it Barry couldn't decipher, which was concerning, but Lup was decent at drawing on a good day.
"You okay, babe?" he asked, leaning over just a bit more to get a better look at the drawings. It looked like her, over and over and over again, different each time. "What'cha drawing?"
Lup didn't say anything for a bit, her pencil paused. She rolls over onto her back and looks up at him.
"The people on this plane are dickwads," she said and Barry nodded sympathetically.
In terms of local friendliness, they were okay, but only if you looked how they wanted you to look. Unluckily for the crew, none of them matched the standards of beauty met here. The inhabitants of this world looked like gods on earth, having almost an ethereal beauty to them.
Their rejection didn't hit too hard for Barry, who already knew he was kind of plain-looking and had grown used to it. Davenport and Merle couldn't really care less, though Davenport was peeved by the fact they were not allowed into the cities. Lucretia seemed to be taking it okay, and Magnus had been offended for a bit, but Barry honestly couldn't tell if he was pretending or not.
Taako was... fine, after a few days. Insulted, of course, because if there was one thing Taako prided himself on, it was how he looked. They expected Lup to bounce back just the same, but...
It wasn't just a beauty thing, for Lup.
"I know you might not think so," Barry said gently, "but you look really good right now.”
Lup cracked a smile, but it faded after a few seconds.
"You know that's not the problem, babe," she said.
"I know," Barry said. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
"I dunno," Lup said, looking at the journal. "I... feel like I'm being stupid. It's not like- they're not saying I'm not a woman, they're saying we're not people, because we look so bad. But my brain is like "oh, they don't perceive you how you want to be perceived? Dysphoiraaaaa tiiiime." It fucking sucks, Bar, I hate it."
"It sounds sucky," Barry said genuinely. "I'm here for- for whatever I can do to help, Lup, I promise. Is drawing helpful?"
"The other option is finding something to blow up, so yeah, I guess," she said, turning back on her side towards the journal. "Usually when I draw myself I'm like- normal, right?" She flips back a few pages and points at a self-portrait. It was a little abstract, but beautiful nonetheless. "Good, right?"
"Yeah," Barry said.
She turned back to the page she was on and pointed at one of the various Lup's she had done. This one was messy, scribbled, and smudged. It only had one arm, and half a face, and looked, frankly, exhausted.
"That's how I feel, I guess," she said, pushing it towards him. "Metaphorically, 'cus I got my arms and my face, but it doesn't- I don't feel whole. I feel- not great. Uncomfortable, maybe. I mean there's a reason it's called dysphoria, so."
"Yeah," Barry said again, thumbing at the page. There was another sketchy Lup in the corner, rolled into a tight ball, just kinda laying there. And another about midpage, looking like she was falling through the air and desperately trying to catch herself on something. And another, hunched over, and another, pulling at her face, looking uncomfortable.
And another, and another, and another. There was barely any un-doodled on space.
"We could probably find something to blow up," Barry said after a moment of silence. "This distraction obviously isn't working, though I do like the art. It's very... it gets across your point very well. But, uh, we could definitely find something for you to blow up if you want. And then we can come back and cuddle, if you also want that."
Lup made a noise of consideration and then nodded.
"Alright," she said, sitting up a bit. "I can get down with that plan."
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Twisted Wonderland NoSleep Au
Heartslabyul Part 3
Recap: After getting the chestnuts needed to make the apology tart the group now meets up with Trey in the kitchen.
Grim: We got the chestnuts. Now we can make a delicious tart.
Trey: We still have to peel them you know. It will be a challenge, but I know we can do it.
After peeling all the chestnuts Trey tricked basically everyone but Yuu and Cater into thinking that oyster sauce was needed for the tart. Then Trey released that he made to much marrow paste. So it was up to Yuu, Grim, and Deuce to go to the school store to buy the ingredients to make more whipped cream. The following happens:
Deuce: Wow, this place is amazing. Do you think this place actually sells the items we need?
Yuu: I believe so. I mean, back home it was pretty common for all types of stores to carry items like protection charms, bleach, scrubbers, and especially religious items.
Deuce: I can kinda understand the charms and religious items part. But why carry bleach and scrubbers?
Yuu: In case someone gets killed.
Deuce was about to ask Yuu to elaborate when Sam, the owner of the school store, came in to welcome Deuce and Yuu.
Sam: Hey, my lost little demons, how goes it? Welcome to Mr.S ‘s Mystery Shop. What can I do for you today? A charm for uncharted lands? Mummy of an ancient king? Or how about some cursed tarot cards?
Deuce: We’d like the things written here.
Grim: And some cans of tuna.
Yuu: We have enough tuna back at the dorm, we don’t need anymore anytime soon. Anyway, got any protection charms?
Deuce: No. No tuna or protection charms. Let’s just get the things we came here to get.
Sam: What what? Whipped cream, eggs… Oh! A nice sweet line-up. Ok! Coming right up.
Deuce: Wow, he really does have them.
Yuu: Well, the school store does need to have everything a student would need. And then some.
Sam: Sorry ‘bout the wait. It’s a bit heavy, you got it? If you order now you can get a 1/100 size floating platter to carry your purchases for 30% off.
Grim: What’s that? Sounds cool!
Deuce: We’re good. Thank you. It’s time to go.
Grim: But I wanna hang around more.
Yuu: If we hurry, Trey might let us eat something sweet.
Grim: Then what are we waiting for! Let’s get a move on!
Sam: Make sure to come by again!
*However as Yuu left with Deuce and Grim Sam couldn’t help but wonder about the new student. After what he has heard about their homeworld from Crowley sparked curiosity in both him and his friends. If what he thinks is true. Then Yuu might have come from a much darker world then his friends.*
On the way back to the kitchen Deuce offered to carry Yuu’s bag for them. When Yuu said that it was all right Deuce insisted saying that he was used to carrying heavy things as he would help his mom carry groceries. And since he was the only boy, he would be stuck doing anything requiring strength.
Deuce: Ah, I’ve just been talking about myself.
Yuu: Well I think that helping your family is a wonderful thing. Where I’m from, family is very important and to betray their trust would be to go against everything that both monsters and humans believe in. Helping your family, and anyone you see as family, is considered a very honorable thing to do. To do them harm is considered one of the worst things a human can do.
Deuce: Wow. You must miss them very much then. But, the thing is…. I always made my mom…
Before Deuce could finish his sentence he bumped into someone, breaking some eggs in the process.
Grim: Ahh! The eggs!
Deuce: $h*t, half of the eggs are destroyed! There’s egg all over the bag!
Delinquent A: Hey you! Watch where you’re… wait… You’re the fools who wreaked the egg in my carbonara earlier.
Delinquent B: It’s you guys again. You can’t catch a break!
Deuce: You were the ones who jumped out from behind the corner. At lunch, it wasn’t like you couldn’t eat the egg anymore but you still came to pick a fight… Just now, you destroyed half our eggs.
Grim: Yeah, that’s right.
Delinquent A: And? You sayin’ it’s our fault?
*Yuu, knowing that this will not end well, and with no way to defuse the situation stepped away from them. But at the same time they were ready to step in and help Deuce if it came to that.*
Deuce: Yes. Please pay for the eggs. And please apologize to the chickens too.
Delinquent B: Hmmm? You’re getting all worked up over eggs.
Delinquent A: They didn’t hit the ground right? Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Delinquent B: We saved you the trouble of breaking them.
Yuu could stand by no longer and decided to step in. After all, they had enough of these two boys nonsense.
Yuu: Well, you did damage what we payed for. I expect to at least be paid back in the amount the broken eggs cost. Think you can do that?
Delinquent A: Don’t think you can boss us around, just because we broke a few eggs!
Yuu: This is more than just about a few eggs. As I recall you two have been causing quite a bit of trouble as of late. Would be a shame if the principal knew of your antics.
*This was very much true as Yuu had used the ghost camera to take pictures of both the good and the bad. Let’s just say that Yuu had quite a bit of dirt on these two in particular*
Delinquent B: Is that a threat I hear?
Yuu: A warning actually.
Delinquent A: Looks like we need to teach these two a lesson.
Deuce: HEY! You don’t get to make decisions for us! These eggs… instead of becoming a chick they were gonna make us a delicious tart!! And you sure as he!! wouldn’t EVER hurt my friends! You get it! Huh!?
Delinquent B: What’s this guy’s problem all the sudden!?
Deuce: If you don’t wanna pay for the six eggs you broke… I’ll just punch you six times instead.
Delinquent A: Whaaaaa!?
Yuu: Time to fight!
Deuce: Grit your teeth a$$ho!e$!!
Let’s just say that the two never stood a chance. With Deuce’s experience in fights and Yuu’s self-defense training, they wiped the floor with the two delinquents.
Delinquent A: T-these two are straight-up mad! That wasn’t just six hits! Lair!
Yuu: OH! So you want some more huh!?
Delinquent B: Let’s get the he!! out of here! I’m sorry to all chickens!
Deuce: Apologize 100 times next you eat eggs! Dumb@$$e$!!
Grim: Wow!
Deuce: Huff, huff… Ugh!!
Grim: What just happened?
Deuce: …I screwed up… I vowed that I would definitely be a honor student this time…! In middle school, all I ever did was screw around… I constantly skipped school and spent my day getting into fights. I disrespected my teachers, hung around sketchy upperclassman, and bleached my hair to death. Even ran around all over the place riding a magical wheel. I was a terrible person that went as far as to use magic to lord over those that couldn’t.
Grim: Just now you went full on bad boy on those guys!
Deuce: Then one night... I saw my mom hiding away in tears as she called my grandma. "Was the I raised him wrong? Would it have been better if he had both parents?" She was wrong. Mom never did anything wrong. It was all me! So when the carriage from Night Raven College came to get me... My mom was so happy and I don't want to make her cry again. This time. I'm going to be an honor student my mom can be proud of. Then I do this... $hit!
Grim: But, y'know... Does being an honor student mean you have to grin and bare everything?
Deuce: Huh?
Grim: Those delinquents deserved another 10 punches if you ask me! You and Yuu fought them off before I could, though.
Yuu: I think that your mom would be proud that you are trying to be a better student. In my eyes, you are doing a lot better than back then.
Deuce: You guys...
Yuu: Even honor students get mad too.
Deuce: Really? ...Heh heh. May those baby chicks rest in peace.
Yuu: There is something that I need to tell you.
Deuce: What do you mean?
Yuu: The eggs that we bought will never turn into chicks as they were never fertilized.
Deuce: WHAT?!? You've gotta be kidding!?
Back at the kitchen, they gave the ingredients to Trey who then proceeded to finish making the tart. Which turned out to be amazing and looked really good.
Ace: Did something happen while you were out shopping?
Yuu: Chick shock...
Deuce: For 16 years... I believed that...
Ace: Making sweets takes so much time. I'm exhausted...
Cater: Good work! Is the tart finished? The decorations look super cute! It's totally magicam-gramble! Let me take a pic.
Ace: Ah! What'd you come here for?
Cater: I came by to check on my cute underclassmen, working so hard. Ahaha, you look beat!
Trey: Things you aren't used to tire you out quick. So when you're tired you need to eat something sweet. Go ahead and try the mont blanc we made.
Everyone: Yay!
Yuu: Are you sure?
Trey: It's fine.
Ace: Cater, you did come here just in time to eat the tart!
Yuu: Almost like you planned it.
Cater: Just a coincidence I promise.
Grim: Waaahaaa... It smells so deliciously sweet. The chestnuts on top are glossy while the cream underneath is so fluffy! Let's eat!
Yuu: Please don't eat it all. We still need a tart for the Unbirthday Party.
Grim: I know
Ace: Ah! Holy crap!
Cater: So good!
Deuce: Amazing... It's like what you get in stores.
Grim: It's not overly sweet but still has a richness to it! It's like a garden of chestnuts in my mouth!
Yuu: It's amazing! I definitely think that Riddle will love this.
Trey: Thank you.
Cater: Oh yeah. Hey Trey, do the thing.
Trey: The thing? ...Oh, that. So what are your favorite foods?
Ace: Mine's cherry pie and hamburgers.
Grim: My number one is canned tuna. And cheese omurice, and grilled meat, and pudding!
Deuce: If I have to pick, omurice, I guess.
Yuu: Mine would have to be breaded shrimp.
Cater: And mine is grilled lamb with diablo sauce.
Trey: Alright here we go, ... Doodle Suit!
There was a sound, a flash, and then nothing.
Deuce: ...? This is?
Trey: Now take another bite of the mont blanc.
Ace: Hm? Hmmmmm? This is... mont blanc but it tastes like cherry pie!
Grim: It tastes like canned tuna! *Chomp chomp* Ohh, now it's cheese omurice! And grilled chicken, *munch munch*, and pudding!
Yuu: Wow! It really does taste like breaded shrimp!
Cater: Isn't it fun? If you did this while having tea with a girl, they'd be super impressed!
Deuce: It's amazing. Is changing the flavor of food your unique magic, Trey?
Trey: Actually, it's magic that "overwrites a component". So not just taste, but I can also overwrite the color or scent or really anything. The overwrite only lasts a short time so that's why it's like a doodle or scribble. That's why I've named this magic "doodle" since it's not permanent.
Grim: With your "Doodle Suit" my dream of all you can eat canned tuna isn't just a dream. It's so much better than the magic Riddle uses to bully people.
Trey: No... My magic is nothing more than child's play when compared to Riddle's He's on a different level. ...It's getting late. Let's go home and give Riddle the tart tomorrow. Tomorrow is the Unbirthday Party. Don't be late.
Yuu: Hang on. Do you have a book of the rules?
Trey: Yeah, why?
Yuu: I want to make sure that there is nothing against a mont blanc at an Unbirthday Party.
Cater: Good thinking Yuu.
Ace: So, did you find anything Yuu?
Yuu: Here we are. Rule Number 562: Refrain from bringing marron tarts for the Unbirthday Party."
Trey: Wow, I almost missed that one. Good thing Yuu double-checked the rules.
Yuu: It's kinda a talent of mine. Knowing the rules and when a rule applies to a situation or not. It's weird, I know.
Cater: Far from it. If you hadn't checked then Riddle would have most likely been furious.
Ace: Yuu, I owe you one.
Yuu: Then I think that we should keep the tart in the kitchen, explain ourselves to Riddle and hope that he takes the collar off of Ace.
Ace: One more thing. Yuu, can you let me sleep over again? My cruel upperclassmen aren't going to let me in the dorm!
Cater: Wow. So prickly!
Deuce: Ace, don't force Yuu to spoil you too much.
Grim: Yeah! You gotta pay to stay! 10 cans of tuna!
Ace: What! Are you telling me to sleep outside?
Yuu: No, no. Ace, you can stay but now you owe me two favors.
Ace: Fine by me! Thank Yuu!
Trey: Deuce, why don't you stay in their dorm to keep an eye on Ace? As the vice dorm leader, I give you permission.
Cater: Trey, aren't you spoiling the newbies. I'm jelly. Yuu, can I go too?
Yuu: I don't think so. The dorm needs some intense TLC and I'm pretty sure that you're needed in the dorm.
Cater: Tch. Bringin' me down.
Trey: Yuu, I'm sorry about forcing those two on you. We're counting on you tomorrow.
Yuu: It's fine and I will be sure that they are on their best behavior tomorrow.
Ace: Tomorrow is the Unbirthday Party. This damn collar is definitely coming off! Just you watch, Riddle.
As Yuu, Ace, Grim, and Deuce made their way to the dorm Yuu coudn't help but feel as if something was very wrong in the dorm. And that Riddle was in great danger, but from what?
That is where I will end this chapter and the next will continue to the morning of the Unbirthday Party. Until then, hope everyone is doing ok.
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teacup-crow · 3 years
Maybe, Maybe, Maybe
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Fun bit of survivors’ guilt for @badthingshappenbingo, based pretty heavily off Don’t Poke the Bear and Variations on a Theme. Post-finale.
They take it in turns to keep watch for when he wakes up: Doug, Reneé, Isabel, first names still such a novelty. Just his luck, he opens his eyes to the impassive face of Captain Lovelace.
“Hi, dickbag. Sore head?”
“Unnnnhh…” he whines as if he’s lying under a ton of rocks rather than a cosy quilt on Renee’s living room floor. His face is a patchwork of bruising. “Aspirin?”
She takes pity, and passes him two and a glass of water. The sitting up takes longer than he thought it would.
“You look terrible. Lucky for you, Renee makes a mean chilli con carne. Never would have guessed she could cook.”
“No thanks, I should, should be going-”
“You need food in your system, that’s non-negotiable. First thing’s first, though, you’re having a shower, and you either go willingly or get dragged bodily, because you goddamn stink. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, sir,” he mumbles automatically, and he remembers the Colonel - Warren? Was it on a day he could call him Warren? - once saying something similar and his head pounds. ((“mr jacobi, of all the irresponsible, stupid shit i have seen from you this really takes the-“))
“Bathroom’s on the second floor, just past the master bedroom. Dominick put a pile of clean clothes in there before he left for work. And it’s Isabel, okay? Not sir. Not Captain. Never again.”
“Who did this to you?”
He grips his mug of sweet tea like it’s thousand dollar whiskey. He’s still ashen. “I did this to me.”
“You beat the shit out of yourself? Okay, yeah. Don’t buy that one.” Isabel repeats the question. “Who did this to you?”
“Just some guys I pissed off. I don’t know how many. I don’t know who. Happy now?”
The room goes silent. Isabel continues:
“And did you go provoking them deliberately?”
Not for the first time, Renee wonders whether they should have included Doug in this little intervention. He’s been through so much just like the rest of them, but he doesn’t know it, and he’s clearly freaking out at the situation.
“Why would he want something like that to happen? He looks terrible!”
“I don’t know, Doug,” Isabel says levelly. “Care to answer, Jacobi?”
He’s not on a first name basis, apparently.
“Not… I didn’t... no. No, no, no. I was too drunk and… picking fights, but suddenly there were too many of them, okay? But I got out. And if I want to drink then that’s my own problem, so thank you for the hospitality but-“
Renee cuts in there. “When you drink yourself into a stupor, get attacked by a gang in a back alley, and stumble into my doorway at 0300 hours after six months of radio silence, it becomes our problem.” Her look of pity makes his stomach churn even more than the chilli did. He breathes in, hold, out; in, hold, out; in-((alana’s breathing technique and why why why is she everywhere in everything why does he have to see her out of the corner of his eye when it’s been so long he can’t properly remember her face-))
“Fine. What do you want from me?”
“You are a good man and you saved every single one of our lives and we need to understand why you’re so intent on throwing yours away.”
Jacobi starts laughing then, guttural laughs that worsen the ache in his head and bones but he can’t seem to stop them. “...me? I’m a good man? Oh my God, Lieutenant, that’s hilarious. Give us another.”
“You need to take this seriously! This is a form of self harm! You could have died!” Isabel is pacing up and down. She and Renee do good cop, bad cop like it’s a professional sport.
“Boo fucking hoo. And the world would forever be worse off for my passing.”
Isabel stops, and turns back towards him with some heat in her gaze. “I have lost too many crew members who deserved to die far less than you do. Okay? Is that what you want to hear? Do you need me to reconfirm that you are a an asshole? Do you need to hear about how Fisher, and Hui, and Fourier, and Lambert were all far better people than you will ever, ever be? Or will you accept that you are good in there? That deep down you’re on the right-“
“We burned their letters.” He’s staring at the duvet he’s wrapped in, running his finger over the flowers on the pattern. “Okay? Still think I’m a good person?”
“...wait. What?” She laughs a little, in shock perhaps. “But you told me…”
“I told you what I needed to tell you to make you trust me. We burned your crew’s letters. Lambert’s… I remember those especially. His hands were shaking really hard when he wrote them, weren’t they.”
It’s not a question.
Isabel stops pacing, and Jacobi grins again but it doesn’t reach his bruised eyes when he looks up at her. “More than mine, even. You could tell he was sick. They didn’t make any sense. We laughed at them. The irony of a Communications Officer who can’t communicate. Are you listening to me? We read their letters and we burned them and we laughed about it-“
Renee loses her softness. “Jacobi, that is enough!”
Isabel has a hand on her chest as if something has hit her there. She counts to ten in her head, ((fisher’s technique to try and stop her fighting with sam, never worked but still stuck in her head, or this copy of her head, or whoever she is now-)) and leaves the room.
They hear her slamming drawers in the kitchen.
Doug glances at Jacobi and shakes his head, before hurrying after her.
“How could you,” Reneé says. “How could you.”
“I don’t know. Will you let me go and ruin my own life now?”
“Never,” she replies. “Because, God help me, you’re still a member of my crew.”
At that, his eyes prick with tears he can’t explain. He rolls over on the air bed, and closes them.
“Lovelace?” Jacobi finally makes himself walk into the kitchen, grimacing like each step is on hot sand. The words are monotone. “I’m so sorry. What I did and said is... inexcusable.”
“Nope. That’s too large a word for your vocabulary. Come back to me with an apology Renée didn’t script,” Isabel snaps, going back to scribbling in a sketchbook.
“Look, I’m not much good at this-“
“You’re telling me.”
“I’m… really used to people yelling at me and hitting me until they feel better. Or you can shoot me if you like!”
“Jesus. Well, I am not about to do that to ease your guilt. You look like you’d snap if one more person poked you. So apologise properly.”
“I’m sorry…”
“For?” Isabel prompts over the top of her book.
“I’m sorry for burning your crew’s letters.”
“You did what you were ordered to do. It is what it is. I’m not condoning it.”
There’s a moment of silence, and Jacobi realises she’s waiting for him to continue. “And… I’m sorry for bringing it up. That was… needlessly cruel. It sucked.”
“It really did,” she replies, putting the book down. “Tell you what: that sounded somewhat genuine, and Goddard brought out the shit in all of us. You look so pathetic, I’m going to forgive you. Not because you deserve it, but because I don’t bear grudges. Not anymore.”
She holds out a hand, and he shakes it. “Thank you.”
“Wow. That actually hurt for you to say.”
Jacobi nods. He sits down across from her at Renée’s huge darkwood table, and thinks about how she and Dominick must have bought this when they moved in together with plans to have people over for dinner every other night. Maybe even plans to have kids.
He wonders if Dominick ate at it alone while his wife was gone.
“So, you gone on that holiday yet?”
“No, actually. I’ve legally been dead for about seven years, so getting a passport is proving pretty tricky.”
“I can imagine.”
“Where have you been, anyway? We tried to get into contact with you. We drove down to your old apartment - got your address from the Goddard database - but it was cleaned out.”
Jacobi looks sheepish. “Yeah, well, I’d mostly been staying at Alana’s for the last few years or overnight at… yeah… so I’d not been a very good tenant and turns out they took ‘lost in space’ as the perfect opportunity to kick me out. So I’ve been sofa to sofa, on the streets a bit-”
“For heaven’s sake, Jacobi. We would have helped you, you stupid asshole! All you had to do was ask and you could have stayed here! Renee and Dominick would probably even let you have a cheese collection or whatever the fuck it was.”
“Guess the amount of drinks it takes for me to lose my pride is somewhere over eighteen?”
“How do you have a functioning liver?”
They sit in an almost comfortable silence for a few minutes, Isabel reopening her sketchbook.
“I never knew you drew.”
“You never knew me outside of a life-threatening situation.” Isabel sighs, twists the pencil between her fingers. “I don’t think I did. Before. The old ‘me’, I mean. But I was bored and I can’t get a job because of the ‘being dead’ issue, so I thought I should take up a hobby or something. Might be therapeutic. I’m not very good at it…”
“Can I see?”
“I, uh,” Isabel suddenly looks uncertain. “I drew her. Maxwell. I drew everyone, actually. Are you sure you want to look?”
He leafs through the pages, at first simple doodles before branching into full portraits. Eiffel, upside down and smoking a cigarette. Hilbert, looking troubled at a shadow behind him he can’t quite see. Two ghostlike figures in lab coats staring out at the star, the man with a prophetic terror etched on his face - must be Isabel’s old crewmates. Mr Cutter smiles up at him with far too many sharp teeth in sharper lines where the pencil was pressed far too hard and he turns the page quickly. There’s Kepler, mid-whiskey speech and it almost stops his heart. He pauses. Maxwell.
In the picture, her eyes are shining as she stares at Hera’s console, fingers nothing more than a blur - the three-day stint she spent trying to get the AI online. Aside from the orange and blue of Wolf 359, elsewhere in the book Isabel has barely used colour, but here the room is bathed in a serene green light from the screens. Behind Maxwell, Jacobi sees himself, little more than a stocky, sketchy outline, waiting for her to finish.
He looks so proud of her.
He looks so… content.
After staring for a long moment, Jacobi closes the book and hands it back. “Thank you.”
“You can keep the pictures of them, if you like,” Isabel offers, but he doesn’t know whether he would like, so he says:
“Tell me about your crew.”
“Your old crew. Tell me about them. Was Lambert the one staring at...?”
“No. No. No, that was Kuan Hui, our senior astrophysicist. He was whipsmart and funny and fearless, until the time Goddard Futuristics played around in his brain, stretched out his perception of time. He was completely alone in the dark for two weeks. His smile never really reached his eyes after that.”
Jacobi sips tea awkwardly, even though it’s cold.
“Something like that, it stays with you. At least he had Fourier, though.”
“That’s the woman behind him?”
“Junior physicist. Victoire Fourier had eyes like stars. Cleverest person I’ve ever met. She played six instruments, spoke four languages and she had the most gentle soul. She used to read to Hui when he got sick with Decima. Coughed up every organ in his body. I thought it would break her, but she was made of stern stuff. She vanished off the space station in the final days and I still don’t know what exactly happened to her-”
“I… do. If you want to know, I mean.”
Isabel shakes her head. Then pauses. Then shakes her head again. “I get the feeling whoever is to blame is long gone.”
Jacobi shrugs. “Who else?”
“Well, there was Mace Fisher. Fisher… Fisher died because of me, not Goddard Futuristics. Asteroid shower tore him from my hands. He had a boyfriend waiting at home. He was sensitive, sensible, grounding. A real older brother type. I- I didn’t deal particularly well with his death. Well, you know that much.”
((Pill popper!)) Jacobi gulps more cold tea.
“And Lambert?”
“Sam Lambert. Officer Samuel Lambert had a stick up his ass. He was whiny, and authoritarian, and he treasured his copy of Pryce and Carter more than Reneé and Kepler combined did. He drove me nearly insane, and I drove him likewise. The best second in command you could ask for. A damn good man. Sam got sick after Hui, so we knew what was coming. What it meant. He was brave, though. At first.”
((“C-Captain, please shoot me, please, it hurts, it hurts, Captain, please, I just want it to-”)
She falters.
“You know, it’s not even really about the Hephaestus. I keep… it’s insane, but I keep thinking about… I was an explosives guy for the Air Force. Before Goddard. A trigger failed and two men died. Andrews and Sullivan. I haven’t thought about them in years and suddenly-“
“They’re everywhere?”
There’s a sudden understanding between them.
“They’re everywhere. Them and Maxwell and Kepler. They’re in mirrors, in the back of my brain, around corners.”
“Flashes of them.”
“And if you just reach out far enough, maybe-“
((let’s go be monsters)), Jacobi’s brain echoes. He grits his teeth.
“Did it stop for you? When does it stop?” He finds himself asking. Isabel doesn’t answer.
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