#hey dear mike!!!
mel-loly · 4 months
-Manple being Manple lol <333
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(Mel-Loly POV: What..?😅)
Also- full art and the reference:
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belovedstilldear · 2 months
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evilminji · 5 months
You know how... world leaders can't just? SAY stuff? Because when they DO it's the Offical Stance(tm) of their Country?
That makes their Fuck Ups(tm) all the more serious. It's WHY they have press teams.
They said something, PUBLICLY, on LIVE TELEVISION, that? Can not be taken back? Full on "masks off, behold the horrors you have payed for" moment?
Sure, they could SAY "that wasn't me" and "I was brainwashed" etc etc. But? If it's BIG enough? UGLY enough? TRUE??? People WILL find it. Dig and dig and dig like termites in the walls. Hunt like bloodhounds.
Riot in the streets.
Because? All it would TAKE? Is ONE half ghost, a few too many long nights trying to balance college classes and his internship, a bigotry filled call from back home, and staring down that empty fridge with just one box of moldering take out, because he's been too busy and stressed to remember to get GROCERIES AND-
So this is what "so stressed you feel calm, I have run out of Fucks too give" feels like. Neat. *picks up phone* Hey, Sam? You still at that protest? Outside the presidential speech? Neat. Don't move.
One Phone Line Express later. SAM is telling him to breathe. Maybe... maybe calm down. Think about this. Others around her can see the same "spark of madness" glint in his almost zen like smile.
It Fiiiiine, Sam.
He's just here to Talk.
He disappears. Sam's freaking out. President stumbles but catches himself on the way to the mike. Up in the watch tower, various Magic users choke on their lunches, because a ghost just possessed the United States President.
He taps the Mike, smile, leans in real close like he's gonna Tell You Folks A Secret.... Aaaaand~
"The second you Die, you no longer have human rights. Doesn't matter how brief. Heart stops? You're sub-human scum! Non-sentient by American law. We here in the United Stares PROUDLY desecrate the bodies and graves of the dead. Tear apart the immortal souls of the innocent. And condemn you to oblivion crying, begging, and screaming for mercy! Why, obviously, is an act. Because souls don't have the RIGHT to feel fear or pain!
And YES. We do mean EVERYONE'S. Atlantian, Kryptonian, Martian. Canadian, Mexican, Russian, AND Chinese! I could keep going! Once you die? You belong to the United States to experiment on as we see fit! You're PROPERT now! So turn your nonrights having, nonsentient self in to the nearest GIW! For the good of AMERICA. Ectoplasmic Scum!"
*drops mic*
Jaws are on the floor. This was VETERANS DAY. Dead military Heros and smile for the cameras. A cake walk. Do a patriotism, rah rah. There.... there are DIPLOMATS in the crowd. Sure as SHIT, were more then a few foreign nationals WATCHING. Religious leaders looking on in fury, grief, and horror.
Reporters. Oh sweet Jesus the reporters.
The press secretary faints.
PANDEMONIUM. The president, still dazed and confused from being possessed, gets PUNCHED on live television be his VP, a deeply religious if moderately shady man. Take bribes? VP is cool with that. Bootstraps, peasants, and all that. But how DARE you fuck with the Souls of the dead. How DARE you!
Phones are blowing up, questions are being shouted, the JLA Dark FEEL like they should tell somebody about the ghost kid... but also this feels VERY "Call for help-y" so they might throw their weight around instead and pretend they know nothing. World leader are meaningfully staring at their Dear Beloved Dead Grandmother's photos as they send LIVID assistants to hound the American into answering the DAMN PHONE-!
And Danny?
Danny feels calmer now. He has stolen like....700 bucks from secret security's various wallets. He's going to buy himself BOUGIE groceries. Some...some NICE take out. Maybe a little cake. Yeah~ Cake for Danny~
If anyone needs him? No you don't. He needs to go do some shopping, eat, lie on the floor of his shower and just... vibe for a bit under the spray. In the dark maybe. Sleep for a week. Have his food. Yummy little treats.
Or he's gonna fuckin LOSE IT, man.
(Tucker is actively hacking his college schedule as they speak. He KNEW it. Called it! Too many classes! But does Mr "I can handle it" listen? Noooooooo! Now look what happened! Holy SHIT, Danny!)
@hypewinter @hdgnj @ailithnight @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter
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bayjaruchel · 6 months
Underneath The Strobe Light
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Pairing: Mike Schmidt (2023)/AFAB Reader
Rating: Explicit
Summary: You're aware of your feelings for Mike, but you're unsure if he feels the same. A single late-night conversation changes everything. (4.2k | originally posted on ao3 | Masterlist )
Extra Notes: Posted October 29, 2023
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You know Mike, sometimes. Mainly in bits and pieces. 
You know he has that poster of Nebraska above his bed; you know he's got a soft spot for terrible eighties cartoons. You know he likes his steak well done. Maybe it's generally useless information — but you've tucked it all away in a dear corner of your brain, in a well-worn cardboard box with his name scrawled fondly on the side in Sharpie. 
He's been busy nowadays, especially with his awful new job at that abandoned restaurant. You've always been there if he needs someone to watch over Abby. It's a strange juxtaposition— spending more and more time at his house, but spending less and less time actually talking to him. But you know he's exhausted, both mentally and physically. 
You don't expect much. You don't need much. Even though Mike's always offered to actually pay you for babysitting Abby, you've always declined. 
However— needing and wanting are two very different things. 
And you want. So, so much. 
Sitting here, on the couch in his living room, your mind always wanders back to him. Abby's a really nice kid, even if she's a little on the eccentric side. Whenever you're sitting with her, watching her draw or watching the television, you can't really focus on Mike. But now, with her safely put to bed … There's nothing to stop you. Nothing to distract you from the empty spot next to you on the couch. 
You blink, already bleary-eyed from the hour. There's some mediocre sitcom playing on the television. It's practically white noise, and you can feel yourself slowly but surely being lulled to sleep. The stubborn part of you wants to fight it. The tired part of you wants to just let it happen. You fumble for the remote instead, switching the channel. 
World News Now? 
Not bad, you think wryly, slumping back into the pillows. You liked the guy playing the accordion and singing about the news, polka-style. Hopefully they'll bring that back. Maybe large broadcasting networks actually do know their audiences. 
Yeah, no. 
You stifle a yawn, tugging your blanket a little tighter. The room's dark, so the only real sources of light are coming from the kitchen and the bluish glow of the television. The only sounds besides that of the T.V. are the occasional car passing by, joined by the gentle chorus of crickets. It's quiet, but not in a discomforting way. 
It's kind of perfect. Like your own little bubble in the world. Untouchable. Not until the sun rises, anyway. 
Your bubble suddenly pops when a car pulls into the driveway, tires crunching on the pavement, and your heart skips. 
It couldn't be anyone else. 
About a minute later, there's the sound of keys turning in the lock. The door swings open and then shuts behind him. Softly. He knows Abby would wake up if he slammed it. Then there's the thump of him setting down his stuff— carelessly. 
The couch cushions squeak a little when Mike sits down next to you. Silently. He's gotten rid of that stupid security vest. 
"Hey," you offer. 
"Hi," he obliges. 
You're sure he's not really paying attention to the T.V. "How was work?" 
It's bland small talk at best, and brutally annoying at worst. But it's the only way to move into interesting conversation territory. And he didn't just trudge past you to go flop down on his bed, so you're assuming he does want to talk. You might pretend not to know, but you're well aware of his social life— or lack thereof. Everyone needs to talk, sometimes. 
"Pretty dull." Rolling his probably stiff shoulders, he lets out a small sound of discomfort. Sheepishly, he murmurs: "I kind of … I kind of just napped, to be honest." 
"Aren't you supposed to be a security guard?" You tease. "That's a really important job, you know. You have to stop all the dangerous teenagers from breaking in and spray-painting dicks on the walls." 
He huffs out something reminiscent of a laugh. "Honestly, the pay's too low to take it seriously." 
"And yet … " 
"There weren't any kids, okay?" Mike shakes his head. When you turn to look at him, though, he's smiling. It's faint, but it's there. "No dangerous teenagers that I had to fight off. It was fine." 
You don't want to let the silence set in. 
"Oh, yeah, we finished the leftover spaghetti earlier. For dinner. I hope that's okay." 
"No, it's terrible," he deadpans. "I hate you." 
"Whatever." Mike snickers, and you bask in its gloriousness. "Yeah, it's okay. I know that I probably wouldn't have eaten it anyway. Did you, uh … " He pauses for a split second. "… Did you like it?" 
His tone makes you wonder, but you hastily brush it off. "Yeah, I did," you clarify, "the sauce was pretty great. Was it store-bought, or?" Because if it was, then where can I get it?
"Yup," he replies, popping the 'p'. "Great stuff, for something that's canned. But I always add a little more garlic powder, too." 
"Oh, really?" 
Mike hums an affirmation. "It's like magic, I'm telling you. Doesn't even take a lot to add flavor." 
"That's cool." You rustle with your blanket again, adjusting it more out of habit than anything else. That, and it's kind of cold. "I'll try and remember it for later." 
He's almost cheeky when he speaks. 
"It's life-changing." 
You can't help but snort. "You sound like an addict." 
Incredulously, he glances at you. "To what? Garlic powder?" 
"Pretty much, yeah." 
"I can't believe that you'd say that." He slowly shakes his head, for the second time in the span of roughly a minute. "Especially as someone who's experienced it firsthand—" 
"—you're the one talking about how life-changing it is—" 
"—you can't possibly ignore the irresistible savoriness of garlic powder." 
You look at one another for a moment. The sheer absurdity of the situation sets in all at once. And, well. He starts giggling, and you can't hold it in, either. How could you? Even though he looks at least part zombie, his eyes are still very much alive. Despite the blatant awkwardness and lingering shyness that always follows him around, he's still got a very contagious laugh.  
After you both calm down, he lets out a long sigh. 
"It's getting really late." 
You cling to what little stubbornness remains. "Yeah?" 
"Are you gonna head home?" 
Again, there's something there. Despite his nonchalant attitude, it's almost like— 
—but you're probably overthinking. Wouldn't be anything new. He has to get some rest, and so do you. The drowsiness repeatedly threatening to tug your eyelids closed is a testament to that. Normally, you'd just pass out on the couch or something, and take off early in the morning; before Mike and Abby wake up. But now, it's different. Now, you actually have to make a choice before your sleepy body makes it for you. 
"Um." You rub your eyes again. "I mean. I could, if it's bothering you—" 
"It's not." 
He interrupts you so quickly that it catches you off-guard. It seemingly catches him off-guard, too, judging by the way he promptly averts his gaze and pretends to care about the guy on the television going on about some sort of plumber strike in the city. 
"Oh." You need a second to process. "Oh, okay. Well, in that case … I don't really think that it'd be safe for me to drive right now." You laugh, a little too airily for it to be completely genuine. "I'd probably fall asleep at the wheel or something." At least that's the truth. "I'll just take the couch. As usual." 
"Okay," he says. He's back to murmuring. 
"And I'll be gone before you eat breakfast." Subconsciously, you're fiddling with the slightly frayed edges of the blanket. It's well-loved. "As usual." 
You think you hear him suck in a breath, seconds before: 
"Why don't you stay?"  
Your own breath stutters in your chest. 
"... what?" Is all you can manage, without horrifically humiliating yourself. 
"I mean," he rushes to correct himself, "you come by sometimes because you want to spend time with Abby— she likes you a lot, you know, sometimes I think she likes you more than she likes me . I think—" He's properly nervous now, his knee bouncing up and down. But he's already continuing before you can get a word in. "I think she'd like you to be here in the morning. And you don't accept pay, anyway. You just— won't." 
His nervousness is spreading to you. "Hey, I—" 
"Why are you here, anyway?" 
The question sounds like it's been a long time coming. He's demanding you now, brow furrowed and eyes sparking with emotion. "Is it out of pity? Do you feel sorry for me? Do you feel sorry for Abby? Because if you do, then— then you can just—" 
"It's not!" You exclaim. 
Immediately, you realize that there's a sleeping girl not too far away, and shamefully lower your voice. 
"... It's not, I promise. I just—" It takes a little while for you to gather the right words, and when you do, you don't drop your gaze from him. All of his previous frustration is all but gone, replaced by a slightly wide-eyed expression that's making your heart ache a little. "I genuinely really like spending time with Abby, okay? She's really sweet, and creative, and just a really great kid. And I—" 
You stop yourself. 
"And you what?" Mike asks, gently. 
Might as well, huh? 
"And I really like spending time with you, too," you admit, finally unable to meet his eyes and focusing on your lap instead. 
There's an incredibly tense beat, in which you swear your life flashes before your eyes. 
He's barely audible when he speaks. His knee has stopped bouncing, but he's playing with his thumbs. Clearly, your confession— vague as it was— resonated with him, in some way. You hope he understands what you meant, because you couldn't possibly put it all into words in a way that would make sense. 
"Feeling's mutual," he mutters. 
Your head almost snaps up at that. Maybe you had expected it, deep down— you're not oblivious, duh— but it's one thing to have a hunch, and another to have that hunch proven. And out loud, no less. 
"Yeah?" You dare to ask. 
Slowly, he looks up. He meets your eyes. 
"Yeah," he repeats breathlessly, like the wind's been knocked out of him. 
You let your blanket fall from your shoulders, and it slides all the way onto the floor. 
You reach out. 
He lets you lace your fingers through his. 
Mike's palm is sort of clammy— and he's shaking a little— but he still squeezes your hand. On instinct, you guess. It still makes you smile. He doesn't return it, but his lips are parted a little, and you really, really like that. More than you probably should. You like a lot of things about him more than you probably should. 
You scooch a little closer, and he doesn't move away. You let your gaze drop back down to his lips again, making your intentions clear. Still, you don't know if it's clear enough. You lean in, just barely. 
"... Can I?" 
His reply is almost instantaneous. 
You swallow all of the witty quips you could make, and kiss him instead. 
He's very tentative at first. Like he hasn't done this for a while. But you ease him into it— and before long, he's got one hand on the back of your neck, the other somewhere near your waist. He tastes like coffee and something else you can't really put your finger on. It doesn't really matter, though. Because you are kissing him, damnit! 
His eyes are still shut when you part— with a soft smack — but they flutter open after a second. You're not sure if you're supposed to say something meaningful. Luckily, he leans in instead, and your thoughts are immediately transported elsewhere. 
You kiss like this for a while. It's really nice, and you know he needs it. So do you. 
However— when you start losing track of time, lost in the moment, he makes a noise. 
It's quiet, definitely. But it's nothing like the little hums and sighs he's been making so far. It makes you shift closer, pressing more insistently into him. And he responds, enthusiastically wrapping his arms around you, closing the little distance between your bodies that there was. You can practically feel his heart jackrabbiting in his chest when you slip your tongue past his already kiss-swollen lips. 
He moans.  
You indulge yourself. For a little longer. And Mike chases you when you part. 
"We shouldn't do this in the living room," you whisper, nearly panting. "The couch is a little—" 
"Okay," he whispers back, already sounding wrecked. "Okay." 
You've been in his room before. You've sat on his bed— you've even laid on it before. But you've never straddled him on it before. It's a position that makes your head spin a little, and you occupy yourself with kissing him again. His hands fit perfectly on your hips, but they don't stay there for long, tragically— they trail upwards, up your waist, to your back. To your shoulders, and then back down again. It's as if he just can't get enough. You can't either. You need more. 
So, you tug at his shirt. He gets the message right away— hands scrambling to pull it up and over his head. He's still rather slim, but with a slight softness, mostly located in his midsection. There's a light dusting of dark hair on his chest, as well as the provocative happy trail leading down from his navel. You drag your eyes downward, admiring him, and then decide that you're wearing too much clothing. Your top comes off, dropped onto the floor near his. 
Mike takes more time to admire you when your torso is completely bare. His hands are warm on your bare skin, and slightly rough. Like before, he's hesitant at first, but when you encourage him— either literally or with physical indications— he grows bolder. His stubble scratches gently against you when his lips find your collarbone. 
You squirm a little, not even realizing it— and you feel him. Simultaneously, you both gasp. He's not fully there, but he's at least half-hard— and it can't be comfortable in those jeans. 
"Should I—" 
With steady fingers, you unbutton his fly, and then unzip him. It's a little awkward when he shimmies out of the jeans, and when you wriggle out of your bottoms— you both snicker a little, but he's back to comfortably breathless when you settle back onto his lap. Under normal circumstances, you would tease him again. And yet, you can't bring yourself to. Not right now, at least. 
All you want to do is keep going. 
You roll your hips, testing the waters. His breath audibly hitches, and his hands fly up to settle back on your hips. He looks up at you, eyes already half-lidded— and they close when you grind down again. And again. His lips are clumsier this time when you kiss him, but he still reciprocates all the same. The sensation of him directly underneath you like this is intoxicating. You can feel every little twitch and every little jolt. 
"Fuck," he breathes, long and drawn-out, " God, I can— I can see the spot on your—" 
"Yeah?" You encourage, grinding down again, drinking in his answering groan. "You like that?" 
  "Yes —" 
"You want me to take 'em off?" 
Mike's pupils are blown wide, even though his eyes are already dark as is in the dimness of the room. He nods, once, then twice. "Yes," he murmurs. "Please," he adds, for good measure. 
He stares openly when you get off him, just enough to peel off your last remaining layer of clothing. And when you sit back down, well. It's obvious that you'll have to give him a second. "Can I," he says, finally, "can I touch you?" The way he's looking up at you again is just so sweet, so needy, that you consider saying no. Your throbbing core quickly shuts that idea down. 
"Go on," you encourage. 
He helps you move so he has easier access, and—  
His fingertips find your slit, already wet for him.
"Look what you did to me," you murmur. 
He visibly flushes— and then carefully works one finger into your slick heat. The feeling, combined with his thumb brushing against your clit— it's relief that you've needed this entire time, and you can't help but let a quiet sound escape your lips. It's apparently enough incentive for him to quicken his pace a little. Deliberately, he continues massaging your sensitive nub in a firm but easy pattern as he gently pushes a second finger inside you. 
Mike may be out of practice, but evidently, he still knows what he's doing. He peppers kisses up and down your neck, some more open-mouthed than others. Crooking his fingers, he maintains his diligent rhythm. A thought floats through your mind, unbidden— he must have strong hands, if he's been able to keep up like this—   
Two becomes three, and you're spreading your thighs a little wider for him. He's still transfixed, but speeds up at your urging, breath hot against the divot between your neck and shoulder. You chance a glance down, and you can see the visible outline of him through his boxers. You did that to him. He's desperate— for you. 
"Mike," you gasp, "nnh—" 
"Yeah, c'mon," he mouths, against your neck, "c'mon—" He's not letting up in the slightest, and when you tell him to, he speeds up again. He needs to see you cum just as much as you need to feel it. Your needs and wants are rapidly blending into one. You squeeze your eyes shut, but open them to look at him. His dark curls are a mess, his hand working tirelessly between your legs. 
  "Mike —" 
He says your name in return, like he's the one in the vulnerable position. 
"Mike , 'm gonna— 'm gonna—"  
"Please," his breaths are ragged, debauched, "cum, please, c'mon, lemme see it—" 
"Oh —" 
The tension snaps, and you spasm around his fingers. Your hips twitch, and you moan, your mouth falling open as you ride out your orgasm. You're rising— falling — molten honey pooling in your core, before flowing throughout your body. And Mike keeps going throughout it all, letting you enjoy the sensations until you're fully satisfied. 
Nearly boneless, you sag backward. His fingers, soaked with your glistening release, slip out of your cunt with a wet noise. He doesn't waste any time in bringing them up into his mouth, cleaning them off with his tongue— at the taste of you, he groans, even though it's muffled. Your mind takes a moment to catch up again with the world, but another thought manifests itself— how would he react, if you let him use his mouth on you? How would his head look between your thighs? He would be noisy, wouldn't he? Enthusiastic, pliant, and—
Your desire, although it waned for a short minute, comes back tenfold. But you take one look down again and— you can do that later. Right now, you want him inside you. 
Mike lets you tug him down for another kiss. He lets you feel the worn fabric on his thighs, almost playfully. When you palm him through them— he hisses through his teeth, hypersensitive even though you've barely touched him yet. You're going to fix that, though. Hooking your thumbs into the waistband of his boxers, you tug them down. 
You were right. He's desperate. As soon as his overheated skin meets the cool air, he lets out another quiet hiss. And when you take him in hand— 
"Mmh —" A firm stroke from base to tip, and you've already got him. He's average in length, but a little girthy. You know he'll be perfect. There's a little drop at the head of his cock, and you resist the urge to lick it off, focusing instead on warming him up a little. He whispers your name, once, when you pump up and down, twisting your wrist. 
"Got a condom?" You ask, stilling for a second. His eyes snap to you. 
"Oh my God, " he quickly mutters under his breath, before raising his volume, "uh, yeah, I think so. Lemme—" And he's already scrambling off the bed, opening the drawers of his nightstand with speed, but somehow simultaneously managing not to make much noise. He rifles through them, but soon emerges victoriously with what he was looking for. It's a little funny, how he doesn't waste any time in ripping it open and tossing the garbage into the mostly-overfull pail near his bed. Hastily, he rolls on the condom. You think he's expecting you to lay back or get up on your hands and knees so he can fuck you like that— you wouldn't be entirely opposed to it— but that's not what you want right now. 
You place your hands on his chest and push him back down so he's sitting against the headboard. He goes without complaint, even shifting when he understands what you want to do. He's flushed almost down to his neck. 
When you sink down on him in a smooth slide, still slick from earlier, you both moan. He sounds strained— he's biting his lower lip, squirming until he finally bottoms out. You have to take a moment to catch your breath, too; the fullness is just how you imagined, but it's so, so much, especially because of your lingering sensitivity. 
"I'm not—" He audibly swallows, hands tightening on your waist when you move just a little, "oh, fuck, I'm not gonna— I'm not gonna last long." He's babbling a little. "You're tight, fuck." 
You rock back and forth, once, and it's enough to force a choked noise from his throat. You watch his face, observing every little twitch, the clenching of his jaw. You can't hesitate for much longer, though— so you begin lifting yourself and dropping yourself down on his cock. Just in little movements at first, so you can get used to the feeling. His eyes squeeze shut— 
"Look at me," you demand, and he does. He doesn't try and thrust up into you when you really start to move. Up and down, up and down, with lewd plaps that accompany your sounds; his grunts—  you swear you hear him whimper .  His eyelashes flutter open and closed, as he struggles to follow your command, wanting to be good. For you. Even though you can see his thighs flexing as he holds everything back. You ride him for all you're worth. 
True to his words, you can tell when he gets close. Maybe he's been on edge this entire time. You thread your fingers through his hair— he buries his face into the crook of your neck, maybe out of embarrassment. You can feel how flushed he is, a thin sheen of sweat covering both of your bodies. Your muscles are aching, but you're determined to make him cum. You're determined to do this for him. 
He says your name, but it's more of a whine. "Please — I'm gonna— I can't — "  
"Go on," you pant, "you can. Don't hold back." Your arms are wrapped around his neck, now, holding him tight; just like his arms around your waist. The contact is almost too much, but somehow it's still not enough, despite him being inside you. "Go on," you repeat, after he whines again, the sound sending white-hot heat straight to your core. "Cum." 
Mike twitches, and you can feel him pulse— the sound he lets out is high-pitched, muffled into your skin. You slow your movements— the aftershocks of his orgasm last longer than yours. It might've been a little while for you, but it had definitely been longer for him. 
He doesn't let go, even after his breathing's slowed down. 
Gently, you pull his head back so you can look at him. He looks up at you with slightly wet eyes. The kisses you press to his cheeks and forehead make him scrunch up his face. 
"Hey," he rasps, "I gotta throw out the condom. Hang on." 
"Yeah, okay." 
When he slips out of you, you both sigh a little. With unsteady fingers, he ties up the condom before chucking it into the pail. 
The sheets are cool on your skin when he pulls them over you both. The room reeks of sex, but both of you are too exhausted to care. When you turn to lay on your side, he's behind you, throwing an arm over your waist. Tugging you closer. Almost absentmindedly, there's a kiss pressed to the back of your head. 
"Thank you," he mumbles. 
You stare at the far wall, unable to close your eyes just yet. 
"For what?" 
"For—" A pause. "For everything, I guess." 
The awkwardness is back. But you let it in. You smile. 
"You're welcome." 
He doesn't respond, but shuffles nearer, chest pressed up against your back. It's not long before you're both fast asleep. 
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demonictacobeard · 2 months
Adam, coming out of his room for the first time:……Alright what the fuck do you guys even do here? Therapy, or some shit
Lucifer who had been waiting for him by the door: Charlie has activities usually, and is more then willing to talk to residents about their feelings and how they ended up in hell so that’s like therapy. I’m surprised you know about that, has heaven finally implemented it?
Adam, grumbling: No Heaven doesn’t fucking have therapy, but for the last ten years the newer winners have been asking why and the older angels had to find out what the fuck it is
Lucifer, humming: I do have to wonder how all the therapists up there don’t fall from utter frustration
Charlie, watching them come down the stairs excitedly: Hi Dad! Hi Adam! I’m so excited you came down. How are you feeling today, do you think you might be up for an activity? Or ooh, I never got to show you around the whole hotel just to your room. Whatever you feel like! Adam, stepping back: I knew she was excited during the meeting but Is she always this fucking cheery? It’s like Emily has a long lost twin from Hell
Angel Dust, from the bar: It’s the new resident joy, you’ll get used to it lambchop!
Husk, snorting: You act like you don’t adore that girl
Angel, pointing at him with three pointer fingers: You, shut up
Lucifer, beaming with pride: She’s very passionate about her work, always has been
Adam, groaning as Charlie looks at him with glimmering eyes: Dear fucking god, shit alright, fine I’ll take the tour
Vaggie, walking up to them with her spear: Good, because todays activity is Alastor’s idea and I don’t trust him not to ‘accidentally’ scar you emotionally instead
Charlie, gasping: Vaggie! Come on, Alastor wouldn’t do that
Lucifer and Vaggie, deadpan: Yes he would
Adam, crossing his arms: I don’t know the fucker, I just beat his ass, but yes the shit he would. Do you see that smile he has going on all the time? I haven’t seen one so fake since Michael’s
Lucifer, gaging: Hech Mike
Adam, nodding: Fucking Mike
Vaggie, vaguely remembering the angel: Do you mean….the Mike who was your bosses boss, the one who came around and inspected the exterminator’s once every ten years. That Mike?
Adam: That’s the bitch, Vag
Vaggie, her cheek twitching in anger: The ARCHANGEL MICHAEL?
Adam: Adding his title doesn’t unmake him a bitch
Lucifer, laughing: Nothing can
Charlie, smacking her head: Awful uncle Mike! Dad told me about him, don’t worry Adam Alastor is nothing like him. The smile is just….a tool for him? It’s harmless
Adam, rolling his eyes: The bartender just looked at you like you lied to gods face and then fucking spat on it, but whatever. I’ll do the activities and shit, later, but only ones you’re in charge of- why does your face look like that?
Charlie singing to Vaggie, after grabbing a confused Adam’s elbow and happily dragging him on the tour: He trusts meeeee!
Lucifer, following them: Thats still a little, you know
Angel, laughing at Alastor when he walked in ten minutes later: Hey Alastor, guess what sheep boy trusts the devil and the devil’s daughter more then you. How’s that make you feel?
Alastor, his smile becoming more genuine: Positively ‘devastated’
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fir3ylolol · 6 months
cure for insomnia
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pairing: Movie!Mike Schmidt x Reader
summary: mike comes home after a particularly hard night, completely exhausted. you know a way to help him sleep...
tw: vaginal sex, vaginal penetration, oral sex, eating out, cunniligus, sloppy making out, lazy-ish sex, dom/sub, sub!mike, dom!reader, praise, begging, afab reader, gn reader, he is actually so pathetic im losing my mind
a/n: hehehehe i love men who are kinda desperate. pls enjoy my first non-mk fic. not rly a fan of the creator, but i've got a lot of love for the franchise
word count: 1.21 k
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You awaken to hear the door opening then closing softly, and you turn over, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. You notice your alarm clock, loud red numbers reading ‘6:30’. You sit up slightly, stretching and yawning, as you hear the shuffling of someone removing their shoes. And there is that someone, Michael pushing through the door and landing face down on the bed. You pat his head gently, whispering to not disturb him, “Bad night?’ You hear him mumble into the blankets, “Awful.” He rolls over, starting to remove his shirt and taking a deep breath before speaking again. “Everything went wrong. Remember how Abby kept complaining that I wasn’t bringing her? I didn’t have enough time to get ready, which meant I forgot my sleeping pills. So I’m exhausted now.” You twist your mouth to the side, looking at him sympathetically. “I’m sorry dear, c’mere.” You pat the bed next to you, and he drags himself over, quite slowly.
He shuffles under the sheets with you, pulling you close. You giggle at him, face buried in your chest with content hums. But you wrap your arms around his head, one hand playing with his hair and the other gently scratching his back. He’s a complete sucker for your touch, visibly melting into the bed further. You can feel his hands slowly drifting around your back, tracing nonsense shapes. Until you feel his hands travel lower, even slower than before. You look down at him, wondering how someone so tired still has enough energy to do this. But his hands reach your ass, squeezing and kneading the flesh under his fingers. He groans out, and you feel his mouth open to press kisses into your clothed sternum. “Hey, what happened to ‘exhausted’, huh?’” You question down at him jokingly. Without moving his face, he speaks into your chest again, “I’m never too tired for you. Besides, I know Abby had a field trip today so she’s already gone.”
“Wow, you’re so prepared,” you tease gently, but the hand in his hair drifts lower, tangling at the nape of his neck. You gently pull, tilting his head back, which he does with a soft whine. “Want some help falling asleep? Hm?” He nods against your hold, eyes rolled back slightly. But you can feel his hands leave your ass and travel between your legs. “Can I…taste you first? Please?” He asks quietly, voice needy and desperate. Your eyelids flutter slightly, and the air in the room feels thicker. But who are you to turn down such a polite request? You nod, kissing him on the forehead gently. Before you know it, his face is between your thighs, staring up at you with sleepy eyes. He kisses against the underwear covering you, causing you to squirm at the feeling. Slowly, he removes them, losing himself momentarily as he stares in awe at you. “God…you’re stunning,” he breathes out, before diving in. Normally, he’s gentle, making sure you feel good at your pace. But this is not normally. Michael wastes no time in diving in, lips pressed against your clit and rolling it under his tongue. One hand props your thighs open and the other joins his mouth in making a mess of you, a finger curling inside you at a desperate pace. You jolt at the sudden feeling, and your hand resumes its place at his neck. He leans into the feeling, slowing down, but not stopping fully. “Is this for me, or you?” You say, trying to remain composed. Mumbling against you, he manages to say, “Myoum,” vibrations cause you to shiver. “Then go at my pace, yeah?” He nods and leans back in, the same movements but slower.
Now he’s actually working to draw you closer, sloppy movements that chase after your release. He’s laid out on his stomach, hips rolling in short, stuttering movements as he tries his hardest to feel good too. And your grip on his hair has tightened, half-fucking yourself against his face as your eyes are screwed up in pleasure and moans pour from your lips. He’s whimpering against you, looking up at you with eyes full of sleepy lust. You have no fear of holding back, curses of pleasure as you get close. You clamp down, trapping his face between your legs as you cum, shaking slightly at the intensity. You can hear his muffled moans, tongue lapping against you. You finally come down, releasing your grip on him with a sigh. He moves to your side and kisses you, the bottom half of his face soaked. You accept, messy and passionate lips crashing against each other as you wrap your arms around his back.
You let go and push against his shoulder, which he easily does, lying down on his back.  You help pull his pants and boxers off fully, cock finally free and weeping. Climbing on top of him, legs on either side of his hips, you kiss him again. His hands cling to your hips desperately as he tries to find release again, length pressing against your thigh. One of your hands travels down slowly, tracing against his chest, causing him to shiver. You grab him lightly, leaning closer to him and whispering in his ear, “Want me to take care of you, baby?” He nods desperately, whining through his nose. You rub the tip against you, as he jolts beneath you. 
As you ease yourself down, his grasp on your hips tightens, loud and heady moans pour out of his mouth. You waste no time, sharp rolls of your hips as you sit up. You watch how easily he comes undone completely, light whines and moans as he twists under you. He can barely control himself, exhaustion heightening his sensitivity. But you don’t ease up, continuing to use him as his face contorts in pleasure. You lean forward again, bouncing and squeezing him, chest pressed against him. You can feel the speed his heart is going, fast as a racehorse, with heavy breaths to match. He’s losing it now, seeing stars, only able to let out almost silent whimpers as his grip on you starts to slip. You press gentle kisses against his cheek and decide to be unfair, whispering to him, “Come on, cum for me love. You’ve been so good for me. You deserve it.” That does it, head pressed back into the mattress as he cums, hands shaking and legs kicking lightly. You’ve done it, you’ve destroyed him with just your body, as he babbles and whines incoherently. You stay on him as he comes down, watching as his movements still and his sounds grow quieter. As you climb off, he lets out a light whine but resumes his soft breathing once again. You lay next to him, smoothing down his hair and kissing his cheek. You go to speak but notice that he’s out cold, nearly snoring. You can’t help but giggle quietly to yourself, before wrapping around him gently. You don’t have anything to do today, and even if you did, you would stay here all day if he asked you to. As you enjoy the morning air, you hear him mumbling to himself, “I’m sore now.”
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flanaganfilm · 4 months
hey mike, big fan here. samantha sloyan is an incredible actor, no other character terrified me as much as bev keane did. what i wanted to know is, how is it like working with her and do you plan on casting her in any of your other future projects? also, was the character of tamerlane written with her in mind?
Sam is the BEST. I first met her as my wife Kate's best friend. They'd been incredibly close for years before we met, and Kate always insisted that Sam was the best actor she knew. I first worked with her on HUSH, where she played the doomed neighbor Sarah. That movie had very little money, and we couldn't afford to do much in the way of casting for supporting roles, so Kate suggested we ask Sam to do it as a favor. She flew in and delivered a wonderful character in only a few minutes of screen time, and a death scene that is absolutely harrowing. I immediately wanted to work with her again. I cast her in HILL HOUSE as Steven's wife, Leigh, and it was a fairly inconsequential part until the final episode, where she dropped a monologue that gave me goosebumps. So when MIDNIGHT MASS came around, I was writing the role of Bev Keane just for her. Netflix was initially resistant to casting her, wanting a "bigger name" for Bev, but we held firm on that. And after seeing her test for the part, they came around and agreed. Her performance roared out on the first day of shooting, and I knew it was going to be a career defining role for her. The ironic thing is that Sam is opposite of Bev Keane. She is maybe the kindest, quietest, most humble person I know. My biggest worry, while watching her play the part, was that she was doing such a good job that people may actively dislike her after they've seen it. Her rendition of Bev is just so loathsome, I was concerned that people might cross the street to avoid her when she went out in public. I wrote the roles of Shasta in MIDNIGHT CLUB and Tamerlane in USHER specifically for her. She has a terrific role in THE LIFE OF CHUCK, which will be finished soon, and I hope to work with her for the rest of my career. She's a ferociously talented actor, a great human being, and a dear friend.
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loverghoul · 9 months
thinking about Eddie’s dom voice being the same as his dramatic DM voice and Steve only finding out when he finally relents and joins a session. Also thinking about Eddie & Steve who haven’t yet met in person or seen each other’s faces but have been talking (and more) on the phone for weeks. Steve is picking Dustin up from a DnD session that’s run late -
Usually he would wait in the car, but tonight seems to be taking especially long, and Eddie, very unusually, hasn’t messaged him back for 2 hours now, so it’s either go in early or practice the breathing exercises Robin gets him to do when his anxiety flares up. He decides to go in early.
The lights are dimmed in the cafe, and the front door regretfully informs him that ‘sorry, we’re closed,’ but the door isn’t locked, and he can hear sounds of life spilling from the back of the building. The delighted yells of his pseudo-little brother and the rest of the party drown out the cafe’s entry bell. He follows the sounds of outraged yelling to the back of the room where the party & a couple of guys Steve doesn’t recognise are huddled around 3 tables pushed together. There’s a guy sitting at the head of the table, hunched forward, wild hair falling into his face as he gestures to the group. He’s pretty, Steve thinks idly, if a little dramatic. He’s perched atop a fucking throne and Steve is just about to roll his eyes when the man speaks in a low, gravelly tone. The one Steve has been hearing in every phone call, every dream, every fantasy he’s had for the past 7 weeks. The one that hooks straight into his gut and pulls.
Steve’s vaguely aware that somewhere his eyes have widened, and his mouth has parted into a soft ‘oh,’ and his body has frozen where he left it. He is also aware, far more saliently, of the quiet static in his bones, white noise rippling calmly in his brain, his overwhelming need to be good. Steve isn’t sure how long his body stands stationary, his consciousness floating 3 feet to the left, before the DnD group slowly turn to look back at him. Steve feels the guy at the head of the table’s stare the most, intense, almost-black eyes boring straight through to the core of him, trapping Steve in his gaze, a butterfly pinned under glass. The guy raises one unimpressed eyebrow, clears his throat, and Steve braces himself to hear the voice that’s roamed the passages of his mind every day for the past 7 weeks.
‘Hey, uh, did you miss the ‘closed’ sign on your way in, buddy?’ The guy, although Steve thinks he may as well reconcile this mystery man with his Eddie, drawls at him, almost bored sounding. The higher pitched, borderline nasal quality his voice has resumed helps force Steve back inside his own body with a jolt.
‘I’m here for little Dustin. My little brother. Dustin.’ Steve stammers, gesturing lamely to where Dustin has rested his head in his hands. A delightedly cruel grin stretches across the guy’s, Eddie’s face.
‘Well little Dustin, don’t want to keep your brother waiting,’ Eddie trills, his eyes roving lazily down Steve’s body before snapping back to the party. As he leans forward, steepling his fingers in front of his face, his voice takes on the deep, rumbling quality that Steve has come to be intimately familiar with, sending a flush to his cheeks and shiver through core of him. ‘And that, dear friends, is where we conclude our story for today.’
The table erupts into chaos, groans and protests flying, most of them aimed at Steve if Mike’s hissed ‘thanks a lot, Harrington’ is anything to go by. Steve shuffles his way to the front counter, shoulders nearly pinned to his ears, as he waits for the party to pack up and counts 5 things he can see, touch, smell, resolutely ignores what he can hear. Because there’s no way. There’s no way Dustin’s DM is Eddie, his Eddie, the man who’s been talking him to sleep for the best part of 2 months. The same Eddie who’s been coaxing him through the exploration of his submissive side. The same Eddie he’s supposed to be going on his first date with in, oh fuck, two days. The same Eddie he was just a stuttering, gormless, fool in front of. The same Eddie walking towards him now, nodding mildly at whatever Dustin is chattering away about, staring directly into Steve’s soul. Dustin doesn’t even slow as he passes Steve toward the exit, holding the door and gesturing towards the car expectantly. Steve fumbles with his keys, desperate leave and drive away from this cafe, maybe even the whole town, if only he weren’t held captive under Eddie’s stare.
‘See ya next time, Little Dustin,’ Eddie smirks, eyes never leaving Steve’s. Somewhere to Steve’s right Dustin grumbles in response as Eddie continues. ‘And Little Dustin’s not-so-little brother.’
‘Bye, Eddie.’ Steve’s voice comes out breathless, higher than he’s used to hearing from himself under normal circumstances. The shadow of a frown crosses Eddie’s features, a flash of recognition, thunder preceding lighting.
Eddie tilts his head in confusion, opens his mouth. ‘Ste-‘
Steve bolts.
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harveysweakness · 7 months
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A/N: Thank you for the request dear! Super fluffy you say? Super fluffy coming your way
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“You don’t look so good,” Rachel greeted, meeting you as soon as you’d stepped out of the elevator at the firm.
“I’m fine,” you replied, voice getting raspier by the second.
“Really? Because you sound like that now at 8AM so I can’t imagine what you’ll sound li-“
“Did you get those files?” You sighed, walking toward your office significantly slower than normal.
“Yes, I did but-“
“Rachel, let it go, please.”
“Fine,” the woman beside you huffed.
“Thank you. Now, I need to go through the files and you need to head to Reiter’s.”
“You’re letting me do it?” Rachel asked, surprised.
“You’re ready, we’ll give you a shot.”
“Thank you!” She squealed, before returning the same way you’d come. You couldn’t help but smile- the woman was far too excited about her work as an associate.
Walking into your office, you nearly collapsed into your chair. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt like this- congested, head throbbing, cold and hot at the same time, and just plain weak. But, mind over matter, right?
You continued to work, going through the large pile of files Rachel had gathered, searching for the right answer that would win you your case. Every so often you’d get a text from Rachel, letting you know whatever meeting she’d been in had gone well. It made you happy, knowing she was this good and didn’t always need your help anymore.
You’d just sat back in your chair for one second for a break when Donna knocked on the door.
“You didn’t greet Harvey this morning,” she said suspiciously.
“Busy day, Donna. I’m sorry but he can wait.”
She gave you a pointed look. “Now I know why you didn’t see him and that is exactly why you need to, Y/N.”
“Donna,” you sighed, though you both knew you could be convinced with just a little more of a push from her.
“Up, come on, up,” she insisted, moving into your office towards you. You stood before she could get to you, a little wobbly on your feet.
“Just got up too fast,” you muttered before she could say anything. Donna just hummed, sticking close to your side while you walked the short distance down the hall to Harvey’s office.
“Someone needs to see you,” she announced in Harvey’s doorway.
“Hey, I didn’t see you this morning,” your boyfriend greeted a bit hesitantly. It was odd that he hadn’t seen you, and it was odd how Donna had brought you here.
He was out of his chair in an instant, moving to stand in front of you.
“You’re sick, aren’t you?”
You couldn’t tell if it was the attention or the fact that you had a growing fever, but you suddenly felt dizzy, going so far as to grip onto Harvey while you swayed.
He steadied you and helped you over to his couch.
“You have a fever,” he murmured aloud, the back of his hand pressed to your forehead.
“I don’t feel good,” you admitted quietly. He frowned, a concerned expression on his face.
“Let’s get you home.”
“I have work to do,” you whispered. He shook his head.
“Rachel can take care of it. Donna said you already had her handling most of it today. There’s nothing left for you to do besides go home and rest.” His hand reached for yours, squeezing it gently. You nodded, letting your walls crash down as you stopped trying to convince yourself that you were going to make it the rest of the day. The man next to you, pulled you into him, not missing the way your eyes fluttered shut from exhaustion.
“Donna,” Harvey called. “Call Ray. Tell Mike he’s going to handle the rest of the day.”
“Already done.”
“I love that woman,” you sighed sleepily, cuddling in closer to Harvey.
“Sweetheart, don’t fall asleep. We have to get you home first,” your boyfriend chuckled, though the worry was evident in his voice. You groaned, but picked your head up and moved to stand, Harvey’s hand stopping you.
“Stay here, I’m going to grab your things.” He stood, bending down to press a quick kiss to your temple before leaving the room.
‘Watch her, Donna,’ you heard him say.
You shut your eyes once more, leaning back against the couch. You shivered, wishing the material was a warm one instead of the cool black leather. Though you knew it was un-ladylike, you pulled your knees up and tucked your legs underneath you, trying to savor your body heat.
Harvey was back a minute later, setting your things down on the table. He moved to pack up his bag, an eye on you constantly.
"Y/N, I've got your coat."
You dragged yourself upright, slowly getting your legs out from underneath you and standing.
"We'll be home soon," he said quietly as he helped you slide your arms into your coat. You pulled it tight around you as Harvey wound his arms around you and gave you a squeeze. You nodded, pulling away to grab your bag. Your boyfriend quickly moved around you and grabbed your bag before you could.
"I'm not helpless," you meekly retorted.
"I know, but you've got something else to hold."
Just then, Donna made her way into the office, a to-go cup in her hands.
"Tea for the ride," she said, giving a sympathetic smile as you took the warm cup.
"Thank you, Donna."
"Feel better."
"Ready?" Harvey asked. You nodded, taking the arm he offered.
Five minutes into the ride your eyes were fluttering shut. Harvey took the tea out of your hands without a word. He had to gently shake you awake when you arrived.
You let Harvey help you out of the car and you tilted your head, confused.
"This isn't my apartment building."
Your boyfriend chuckled, grabbing all of the bags. "It's mine." He pressed a kiss to your temple before guiding you towards the entrance.
"You took me to your apartment?"
"We aren't walking into Mike's, if that's what you're worried about."
You couldn't help but laugh, which quickly turned into a small coughing fit.
"Let's get you inside," Harvey murmured once you were finished.
An hour later, you were settled in Harvey's bed, a mountain of blankets piled on top for you. He'd gone above and beyond, ordering soup, medicine, teas, and anything else he thought you would like, including a fresh bouquet of roses. He'd set tissues and a trash can next to the bed and he'd joined you in bed the second he'd made sure you had everything.
You cuddled into him, before sitting up for a second and looking at him.
"Thank you," you said sincerely.
"You're welcome. Now come here."
You settled yourself in his arms again, eyes closing the second your face laid against his chest.
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lighthouseas · 9 months
established byler going clothes shopping together and mike tries on a leather jacket that he's kind of Unsure in. like he isn't sure if it looks good on him. so of course he consults will and is like hey how does this look ? (while doing a little flex ofc) and will is so error 404 cannot compute system shutdown about it. like. mike is waving a hand in his face , starting to get worried because he thinks will hates it and will is just 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 because All he can think about is the outline of mike's arms in the jacket and how it matches his hair and Oh Dear He Has Forgotten To Respond .
so instead, he just pulls mike into the nearest dressing room and lets him know how much he likes it with a makeout session CIVILIZED CONVERSATION
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mel-loly · 7 months
-Mike, Mike, Mike!!! <33
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tarjapearce · 9 months
Lips anon! Imagine the wife rizzing up Miguel at home first for once lol
Miguel is working out and she can't help but stare at his big ol bakery. She sneaks up behind him and traps a handful of cheek in a tight grasp. Miguel jolts and looks to find his horny wife.
They tease each other a bit before she sits down so he can give her a little show. Some silly booty shaking, then some lap grinding, then some serious pussy pounding with her legs wrapped around his waist and hands gripping his ass for dear life lol
A little Magic Mike Miguel? Perhaps 🤭 Mild nsfw under cut.
A grunt. A deep breath.
You watched him as his back flexed and the ripple of his muscles contorted at every move he made. Heavy small weights, lifted like they were anything but cardboard, sweat etched and oozed from the top of his back, his neck and his hair, done in a small manbun.
The sight made you bit your lip. Sometimes you truly wondered how you were able to get a man like him to be with you, date you and marrying you and out not one but two babies in you.
Too good for anyone else but me.
Miguel had told you once you had asked him out of true wonder. He was magnetic. He was now pushing himself up the bar, making the hard lines in his back to sharpen even more. God you loved leaving marks on that back. And he'd proudly wear them.
He was a solid 6'9", And you barely reached his chin. Thoughts of the previous night when he'd wake up, pissed at the thought someone else fucking you, to actually give your guts a bit of a mean arrangement.
Gabi was at school and Benjamin was with Peter, His play dates with Mayday had been incredibly well, and the little toothy mini version of him and you couldn't help but have lots of fun.
And so were you.
Sauntering over him, you squeezed his well defined, bubble like, and firm ass. He tensed and snapped his neck to look at you, a bit startled at the sudden action.
"Hola, nalgón." (Hey bubble-butt) he smirked at your improved spanish. His sweat acted like an aphrodisiac to your senses, clean, a bit of musky, and the remnants of earthy undertones.
You kissed his back, he coked an eyebrow to you, turning to face you, and still your grip on him was steely. Flushed cheeks and clammy hands, slow panting, full blown eyes, staring with hunger at him. a chill running down his spine.
"Hola, cariño" He smiled and pecked your lips. You chased his lips and he obliged with a knowing smirk, hand cupping your chin, a favorite and subtle way to assert his dominance over you, to then give you a kiss that only fed the fire raging between your legs.
He made you sat on the couch and his hands raked all over his chest hooking his thumbs the waistband of his sweatpants.
"Uh-uh" He shook his head, turned around and you couldn't help but smack his ass. A full on loud smack that send him laughing.
"¿Tienes hambre, mi reina?" (Hungry, my queen?) He prowled at your sitting form to then take your hands and place them over his torso.
"Touch me." you giggled at his command and raked tenderly your hands over him. Firm muscle that shivered under your needy touch. His eyes chasing yours. He cornered you between him and the couch. You groaned lowly as he locked your hips with his bent legs, as he sat ontop of you.
His hands took your wrist and placed them above your head.
"¿Qué quiere mi chaparrita? (What does my darling wants?)
It was enough for a single hand to hold your wrists above you as the other one, cupped your chin, making your gaze to lock with his.
"¿Un masage?" (A massage?)
You shook your head. A dangerous thrill invaded your body and you giggled, licking his thumb. He laughed and kissed your lips, but you needed more and he was teasing. Maybe payback for all the times you had provoked him without much advance, and leaving him with blue balls.
"¿Una buena cogida?" (A good fuck?)
You nodded almost too eager as you bit your lip
He hoisted you up in a swift movement, like if all his training was for a specific purpose, to lift you like he would pick a pillow. It paid off in so many ways, specially if he felt particularly dominating and pissed.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, his large hand squeezed handfuls of your generous and plump arse. You hips grind against him, but he smirks. The tips of his fangs baring.
"Let's get some cardio then." He threw you over his shoulder and spanked your ass with the same force you had slapped his before and hauled you to the bedroom
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david-talks-sw · 3 months
"I blame Red Riding Hood's Mom!"
"Obi-Wan was a parent surrogate for Anakin, but was terrible at it. He tried to instruct Anakin in the austere, objective Jedi way, but didn’t notice that Anakin did not have a foundation of humanity on which a conscience and good decision-making are based. Obi-Wan looked on Anakin as a brother... but Anakin needed a father. And there was no father. [The Prequel Jedi] unprepared to deal with, to guide, someone who was deeply mired in that world." - Aaron Allston, Star Wars Insider #145, 2013
"Obi-Wan trains Anakin, at first, out of a promise he makes to Qui-Gon, not because he cares about him. [...] He's a brother to Anakin, eventually, but he's not a father figure. That's a failing for Anakin. He doesn't have the family that he needs." - Dave Filoni, Disney Gallery: Mandalorian, “Legacy” 2020
"Anakin— yeah he ultimately makes the choice to turn to the Dark Side… but he has not, like… all of the systemic support that someone should have - when they experience trauma at the ages that he has experienced trauma - like, he has none of that, there." - Mike Chen, Star Wars Explained, 2022
The above statements are provably inaccurate, but hey it's a take that can be had. Sure. There's always more that could've been done.
Thing is, Anakin's story is one about personal responsibility. Per George Lucas, the core message of Star Wars, as a whole, is about you - dear viewer aged 6 to 12 who are starting to think for themselves - learning to be more selfless than selfish, more compassionate than greedy.
Anakin's story shows what happens when you don't do that.
Blaming the Jedi Order/Obi-Wan for what happened to Anakin is the same as arguing:
"Red Riding Hood getting eaten by the Wolf is her Mom's fault! What was she thinking, sending a child out to wander alone?! Of course she got eaten by a Wolf, she a kid, she don't know better!"
You can argue that. You can argue that Red Riding Hood's Mom should've gone with her to see Grandma. But that's not the point of the story, the point is "kids, don't try to take the quick/easy path because it's usually dangerous, and don't talk to strangers."
And I've yet to meet someone who would unironically blame Red Riding Hood's Mom. Because it's obvious that doing so would miss the point entirely.
Yet we do have a big chunk of the fandom whose takeaway from the Prequels is that Anakin's fall is on the Jedi's shoulders, even though that also misses the point.
That only indicates, to me, that what it's really about is...
For one generation, coping with a dislike of the Prequels. Trying to make them make sense and coming up with a headcanon that makes them "good," and nuanced.
For the younger audiences (first the one the Prequels were meant for but now also the Disney-era one), it's just them reciting what they've seen in the movies... which have been recontextualized and retconned through media written by people coming from that previous generation listed in point 1.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 7 months
Eddie and Steve stood in front of the kids, thinking they didn't know about them yet.
Eddie: Steve and I. . .are together.
Dustin: OH. MY. GOD! This is brand NEW information!
Steve: . . . You assholes already know, don't you?
Max: You were so obvious that even Mike figured it out.
Mike: HEY! What's that supposed to mean?
Max: It means that out of all of us, you're the most oblivious.
Mike: I thought that was Dustin!
Dustin: HEY!
Max: Oh, he is. He's nowhere near as oblivious as you are.
Mike: I am not that oblivious, am I? What else am I missing?
Max: Well, if you have to ask. . .
Eddie: *sighs* I think it's time we put them up for adoption, dear.
Steve: I think their parents would be pissed.
Eddie: Will they, though?
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keirawantstocry · 2 months
Prompt: fitpac learning about qtubbos nightmare polycule with 2 gods. Maybe bc he's possessed and they're arguing in his body LMAO
i made the nightmare polycule worse hope that helps
There were strange unnatural glints in Tubbo's eyes. That was the first thing that made Fit and Pac realize it wasn't just him inhabiting his body. Pac had seen the same look in Mike's eyes when his goddess wife was possessing him. 
"Oi!" he said, looking curiously at the person currently in control of Tubbo. "Who are you?" 
A voice similar to Tubbo's but louder said, "It is me, Tubbo. I fuck like crazy." Its voice descended into crazy laughter. Not Tubbo's laughter. 
The inflection was deep on the uh syllable of Tubbo's name to the point where even an idiot would be able to tell this was not Tubbo. 
"You're not Tubbo," Fit said. 
Not Tubbo turned his face to Fit. "Heyyy sexy." 
Fit froze. "I'm sorry what?" 
Not Tubbo's face shifted into a concerned expression as his voice got higher and softer. "Ignore him. So sorry guys. My boyfriend is an idiot." 
Tubbo's voice broke through. "He's an asshole!" 
The female voice slipped back over his with a deep sigh. 
A new voice cut in over the two of them, deeper than both of them. "Well, Tubbo's the idiot who signed the marriage papers." 
Pac and Fit exchanged a look. 
"Is your husband in there?" Pac asked carefully. 
The voice that appeared first came back. "Yes. I am his husband, who wants to fucking know?" Not Tubbo squinted at him. "Is one of you the man he's trying to leave me for?" 
Pac burst into laughter as Fit simply gaped in disbelief. "No?" 
"Não, não," Pac affirmed. "I am very pro-poly. We can all have him." 
Not Tubbo seemed content with this answer. "Fine. Still my husband." 
Tubbo's voice forced its way through once more. "You have a girlfriend?" 
The feminine voice cut over Tubbo's, softer than both of theirs but taking priority. "I'm used to it. He keeps flirting with men in front of me." 
The deep male voice shoved its way through. "That's true. We had gay sex yesterday." 
"That's not true!" Tubbo said, sounding so exhausted. 
"Yes it is," the deep voice said. 
"We're in a polycule," Tubbo's husband, Tom Pac thought his name was?, said. 
"No, we aren't!" Tubbo cried. 
Pac couldn't stop the laughter bubbling out of him. 
"We're getting a fucking divorce!" 
Tom's voice took the reins once again. "No we fucking aren't. Molly is fine with this." 
The feminine voice, Molly cut in, sounding amused. "Did you ask me if I was okay with it or did you just assume?" 
Not Tubbo rolled its eyes. "I don't need your permission dear. If I say you're okay with it then you're okay with it." 
The deeper male voice made a return. "You are a horrible boyfriend, you know that right?" 
"Shut the fuck up, Jack," Tom said. 
Tubbo took control again. "Sorry for the crazy amount of voices today, guys. Tom and Molly and Jack are all here. They're excited to talk." 
"It's been so long," Molly said. "Since we've had a human host to inhabit." She lifted her hand up to study it before smiling gently with Tubbo's mouth. It was slightly eerie. "Such a strong one as well." 
Pac nodded. "Oh yeah he's very strong." 
Tom's voice came through aggressively. "Hey, stop flirting with my husband." 
"You were literally flirting with me like three minutes ago?" Fit countered and Tom squinted at him before sighing. 
Tubbo laughed. The laughter wasn't just his own; it was a mix of a deep roarous laughter, light giggles, and the familiar tremor of Tubbo's laugh. 
"That's so freaky," Fit said softly to Pac who turned to him with a grin. 
"So cool though, right?" 
As the voices began to bicker over each other, Fit just laughed to himself. "Yeah, so fucking cool."
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munson-mjstan · 9 months
Here's a request for you, my dear! Reader writes for the school paper and is assigned an article highlighting different school clubs. She tries to interview Eddie about Hellfire, but he just assumes she's going to mock/tease him about being a "freak who likes to play fantasy games" and is really short with her. It hurts her feelings, and when someone (Dustin? Lucas? Mike?) points out what an asshole he was, he tries to make it right.
I can't wait to read it!
xoxoxo @munson-blurbs 💚
Thank you bug! @munson-blurbs
Warnings ⚠️: Angst, language, and fluff by the end
Minors D.N.I 18+
Wc: 2.9k
"Gotta go, I'm hungry, see you later!" Dustin departs but not before hugging you which you returned.
Trekking in the bustling hallway of your school, your peers making their way to their next classes. Upon entering the paper editing room you're met with Nancy, who had just turned to face whomever walked in, "Good morning!" she greeted you sporting a familiar grin.
"Another article set up for me? Geez, have you ever taken a break?" you joked with her, you had worked with Nancy for some time, and known her even longer, you used to help babysit her brother and his friends when they were younger. Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Will who had moved to California liked you and thought you were kind and warm.
Walking toward Nancy she answers, "A writer's job is never done, and yes, I have one in mind."
"What club is this? Between you and I, we've already interviewed all of them," you were confused, was there a new club you weren't familiar with?
"Hellfire," she shrugs, "I know I haven't interviewed the head honcho, Eddie Munson. Have you?"
"No, I haven't.." you shook your head and your voice got quiet, you'd forgotten about Hellfire. You don't know how you did, Eddie is infamous in Hawkins High. His wild antics in class, the cafeteria, and even the library were well known. You weren't going to lie to yourself, his personality had intimidated you.
He wasn't unkind to you, you both had exchanged polite smiles several times passing each other in the hallway on another monotonous day of school, "W-what time do I head over?" you ask Nancy, your voice apprehensive.
Giving you a sympathetic smile she responds, "Relax, it'll be fine, you got this!" Nancy encourages you, the energy radiating off her physique, "Find Mike, Dustin, or Lucas, and they'll tell you. According to rumors, take this with a grain of salt, they're a Satanic Cult." she rolled her eyes, "The shit people come up with is ridiculous, Mike is in Hellfire, it's just a Dungeons and Dragons club."
You agreed wholeheartedly, "Leave it to a bored small town to come up with something like that when it's just a game," familiar with D&D during your time babysitting Mike the game fascinated you, "so do you have some sort of plan? What do you want me to ask?" Attempting to divert your rising anxiety you focus your brain on the task at hand.
"Ask how he formed Hellfire, what gave him the idea, what makes it different from the other clubs. Come on, you've done this before, what's got you so anxious?"
Sighing in defeat, your gaze falls to the floor beneath your feet, "That obvious, huh?"
"It's not like you hide it well," she remarks with a smirk, your shoulders slump.
"I'm hopeless," you lament with a hint of playfulness.
"You're fine the way you are," she reassures you kindly.
Gathering your notebook and pencil you give Nancy a reluctant grin, "I got this,"
Nancy lights up at your words, "Great!" she pats your forearm, "Everyone's headed to lunch, you might catch Mike or someone from Hellfire on the way. Good luck!"
"Thanks, Nance," just like that she takes off, Fred Benson following suit.
Soon after you're out the door. Scanning carefully among the crowds of students you spot a familiar figure wearing a "Thinking cap" ball cap on his head. Zig-zagging your way through the crowd, your hand makes contact with the figure's shoulder, "Dustin!" you beam.
"Hey!" he turns to face you and gives you a big hug, "How have you been?"
"Oh, you know, getting through school," you shrug, "writing for the Hawkins paper," both of you move out of the way of the other students.
"How's that going?" Dustin asks, his grin not leaving his face.
"I need to interview Eddie for Hellfire, frankly I'm a little nervous,"
"That's great! We're gonna be famous!" he exclaims joyfully.
"I wouldn't go that far." you can't help but laugh at his vitality, scratching the back of your neck sheepishly, "What time do you start Hellfire?"
"After school. We usually try to wrap things up by 8:30 depending on what we're doing,"
"I-is Eddie nice?" your insecurities are rising and it's evident in your voice.
"Eddie is the best!" Dustin's grin gets wider, "He took Mike and me in when we were trying to find our place in Hawkins High! He's a great storyteller and world-builder! He even creates voices for the characters!" Dustin's admiration for Eddie seems to increase with every word that leaves his mouth, his eyes shining with respect, "The interview will go great!" Dustin's voice is the epitome of confidence.
Leaning against the wall a breath you didn't know you were holding in deflates out of your lungs like a balloon, taking your anxiety and insecurities out with it, "Thanks, Dusty, I needed that," you say with a smile, gratitude sparkling in your eyes.
"Anything for my favorite babysitter!" he playfully boops your nose.
You giggle, "You think it would be best if I wait until after Hellfire is over before I talk to him?"
"He'll be in a good mood. Post-campaign euphoria, y'know?"
Thinking back to the times the boys had finished a campaign, the victorious cries were heard from Nancys' basement, their energy infectious and journeying throughout the home, "I remember," you grin.
The drama class door swung open, and congratulatory cheers can be heard from the confines. Mike is the first to emerge, sporting a grin that seemed to split his countenance. His dark eyes meet yours, "We won!" he addresses you with exuberance walking over to you.
"Congratulations!" The post-campaign euphoria affects you similarly; goosebumps erupt up your arms.
"I heard from Dustin, you gonna interview Eddie? Also how long were you waiting out here?" he asks, concern etched in his voice.
"Yes, and about ten minutes, not long at all, gave me time to calm my nerves,"
Mike seemed to relax slightly at your admission, "You're nervous?"
"Just a little, I'll deal," you shrug.
Dustin, Jeff, Gareth, Erica, and Gary exit the drama room. Dustin strolls over to Mike and you, "Did Mike tell you we gained a victory?"
"Eddies ready for you, head on in,"
"He informed me of your success, congratulations!" both of you high-fived, and you gave Mike one as well, not wanting to leave him out.
Dustin said.
Inhaling and exhaling a breath you say, "I'm ready,"
"We'll wait for you out here, right Mike?" Dustin faces his friend.
"Thanks, kids, you're awesome!" giving them a wink you head inside the drama classroom where the leader of Hellfire awaited you.
"Huh? Oh! Right, sure," Mike agrees.
Peering inside you see the infamous Eddie Munson, seated on his throne with an intense glare set on you.
Clearing your throat and wiping your hands on your high-waisted pencil skirt, "H-hello, how do you do," you introduce yourself in a voice that resembles a mouse.
"Eddie Munson." he snaps, his voice low and guarded.
"I'm here to interview you for the Hawkins High paper," informing him of your intentions you try your best to make your voice even and professional. Sitting down in the chair closest to him, you open your notepad and remove your pencil from your ear. Getting right down to business you ask him your first question, "What made you start Hellfire?"
"Wanted more people to play D&D with. Next question."
His short and malicious tone hit you right in the heart, the pain feeling like ice. Your breathing becomes unsteady as you write down Eddie's answer, "I-I see."
Feeling a lump form in your throat, you ask your next question, "How has," swallowing the lump in your throat, "Forming this club improved your academic performance?"
He let out a laugh that resembled a feral beast, "School sucks, it always has. Next question." More icy pain shoots up your body, stabbing your heart, and now your voice trembles writing down his answer once again,
"R-right?" letting out a weak chuckle, you agree with him.
You have one question left! You can do this!
Mentally cheering yourself on, you press forward.
"Cut the bullshit already." Once more he interrupts you, he seems to be in a rush to get to the bottom of the matter, the only issue is you have no idea what his problem is.
"W-what?" you stutter, blinking back tears forming, his harsh tone is like a viper biting into your flesh; the sting unrelenting.
"You're only here to make fun of the 'freak' the 'satan worshiper' AND the 'cult leader'!" he stood abruptly slamming his hand on the table, you flinch.
"I would never–"
You could only stand there frozen, stunned as his verbal assault resumed, "Well it's not going to work this time!
"I don't believe you! You're just like everyone else; judging without bothering to get to know them!" The snake's venom is seeping into your bloodstream along with the icy chill of his words. Frankly, you were taken aback, you'd no idea he thought this way about you, and you had no idea why this was hurting you so vastly.
His next words were the nail in the proverbial coffin, "You're nothing." he seethed, speaking through clenched teeth.
The venom swallowed you whole as the ice caught in your throat. Tears cascade down past your waterline like a faucet. Dropping your notepad and pencil absentmindedly you cast one last gaze into his face. His eyes were cold with malice and contempt. Making a quick turn you sprint toward the door, each step on the linoleum floor causes more ice to stab your heart.
He had called you "nothing", and you felt like it. Bringing your knees to your chest in an attempt to comfort yourself you bury your head in between your knees but it brings no solace to the void that was starting to consume you.
The door opened with a bang startling Dustin and Mike, "That was fa– Hey what happened?" Dustin noticed your tear-stained face but couldn't say anything further, you were already running down the hall with sobs escaping unbidden from your lips. With your vision fuzzy from the tears you can barely make out the sign for the girl's bathroom. Bursting inside you lean against the door sinking to the floor you weep.
Eddie remained in the drama room, cleaning up the rest of the D&D pieces, a proud grin formed on his face, "Showed her," he murmurs.
"Eddie, what the hell happened?" Dustin makes an appearance, followed closely by Mike.
Eddie scoffs, facing the boys, "I protected us is what I did."
"How?" Mike asks, incredulously, not being able to comprehend what their Dungeon Master was saying.
"She is going to use that article to spread the rumors that Hellfire is a Satan-worshiping cult!" he asserts, picking up your notepad from the floor and tossing it onto the table, "Henderson, dispose of that."
Dustin picks up your notepad and peers at your notes or lack thereof he sees your teardrops on the paper, "No," he says firmly.
Eddie looks at Dustin, surprised that he refused his request, "And why not?"
"Because she's NOT like that!" Mike pipes up, the first to defend your honor.
Dustin nods at his best friend, "Mike's right, she'd never do something like that."
"What are you two, her knights in shining armor?" Eddie spat, he couldn't believe both of his friends weren't backing him up on this. He was one hundred percent certain you'd come to bully him, he wasn't going to take any chances, it was his job to protect his flock.
"Eddie," Dustin pinched the bridge of his nose, "what did you say to her?"
Eddie shrugged, "I told her she was nothing,"
"You mother–"
"Mike!" Dustin stopped Mike from saying something he'll most likely regret, "Eddie," he let out an exasperated sigh "She's one of the kindest people we've ever met. She babysat us when we were younger," Dustin explains, his tone serious. He's determined to let Eddie know he screwed up, "She genuinely cares about us and Dungeons and Dragons,"
Eddie slumped down on his throne, "So what you're saying is," he paused, there had to have been some merit to what they were saying if both Mike and Dustin were coming to your aid, "I screwed up?" he finishes, the realization sinking into him like a large stone into a lake.
"YES!" Dustin and Mike say in unison, the former slamming your notepad in front of Eddie's side of the table.
Your tearful expression flashed unbidden in Eddie's mind's eye; the sinking realization had finally hit him in full force. Placing his face in his hands he says, "Dammit!" his voice muffled, how could he have gotten something so wrong? Guilty bubbled in his gut, along with the fear that you won't forgive him, "I have to apologize! Right now!" he stands up in a panic grabbing your notepad, and frantically paces the room, "Where is she?" he demands the boys.
Eddie sprinted out the door in a desperate search for you.
"We don't know!" Will speaks up, "I can only guess she ran to the girl's bathroom."
Sitting on the cold, semi-dirty floor your wailing had subsided to short sobs and hiccups. How could he think so lowly of someone he had barely spoken to? You'd never imagined he'd be so cruel, callous, and so certain that you'd have malicious intent with your interview. You had a genuine interest in Dungeons & Dragons, and while you most likely wouldn't be good at it the game itself fascinated you.
Standing up on wobbly feet you stroll to one of the sinks and peer at your face. Your eyes are puffy and swollen with tear tracks down your cheeks, "Dammit," muttering to yourself, you half-heartedly wash your face the best you can. Sighing as droplets of water fall from your complexion, "What am I going to tell Nancy?"
Drying your face on the sandpaper-like paper towels you're startled by the bathroom door opening, instinctually your eyes fly to the door, surprised by the mop of frenzied curls that enter your field of vision. His remorseful, ashamed, and guilt-ridden face froze you on the spot.
"What are you–?"
"I'm so sorry!" he says between pants, as though he ran a marathon to find you, "I was wrong!"
Your face morphed into one of confusion, "Wrong about what?"
"I was wrong for assuming you'd bully me. I was wrong for not giving you a fair chance. I was wrong for being so cold to you. I was wrong about everything," he took several steps toward you until he was in front of you, "I'm sorry for making you cry…that is what I'm most ashamed of," his voice breaks, that's how you know his apology is sincere.
His words are like a panacea on your body; the frozen venom disperses. Peering into his eyes you say words he hoped to hear, "I accept your apology, Eddie Munson."
"Thank. You. Christ!" his shoulders slump in relaxation, "Oh!" he hands you your notepad, "Here, I'm sorry again,"
Gazing at the item in Eddie's hands you smile, "Thank you! And I'll accept that second apology on one condition."
"Name it and it's done."
"Can we leave? This is the girl's bathroom."
"Oh, shit!" he'd forgotten where he was, peering around he comments, "So much cleaner than the boys,"
"Okay, out!" you laugh, pushing him gently toward the door. Once you both were outside you say playfully, "You're forgiven, again,"
Eddie chuckles, "Thanks,"
"So," you hesitate, "are we friends now?" unsure of where you stand, you ask for clarification.
"Hell yeah, we're friends!" he says with conviction and no uncertainty.
"Good! That's good!" you grin.
"I want you to interview me properly this time. But before that, what was your last question?"
"My last question?"
"The one you were going to ask me before I blew up at you."
Your eyes widened in realization, "Oh that one!"
You clear your throat, "Among the people in Hellfire, who do you admire and why?"
Eddie looked taken aback; his mind drew a blank. Did he admire someone in Hellfire? He was admired, yes but did he ever feel that way for someone else? "Uh," he pauses, not knowing what to say.
"It's okay, we can answer the previous questions. The next paper doesn't come out until next week, I just like getting my work done early," Sensing his difficulty answering your question, you decide to ease his mind and give him time to think it over.
"Thank you, I'll answer your other questions at Benny's, I owe you a milkshake, my treat. I hope you don't mind a small detour I need to drive Henderson and Wheeler home," he starts to head back in the direction of the drama club, a spring in his step and humming a tune you didn't recognize.
"They are pretty cool." he agrees.
"Of course, I don't mind. Those kiddos are the best!" walking next to him, you praise the boys.
Once again you stroll the busy school hallways the next day, and you hear your name called.
"Hey!" Eddie approached with his hands behind his back.
"Hi, morning!" you greet him with a grin.
"I have the answer to your question."
"Oh? That's great! Do I need my notepad for this?" you ask, slinging your backpack off your shoulder.
"No, no this will be quick. It's you," he declares with a smile, his eyes shining with sincerity.
Your jaw drops, and your mind reels. You hadn't expected this, "What? Me?" you point to yourself.
"Yes, you, my new friend," he gazes at you fondly.
"I'm not a part of Hellfire,"
"Welcome to Hellfire."
"Not yet you're not," his arms move from behind his back, and he unveils the infamous shirt he and the rest of the club sport.
Reblogs and comments are appreciated! 💗
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