#his name is short for apple bottom jeans (jeans) boots with the fur (with the fur)
ass-master-2000 · 1 year
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dios-tits420 · 2 years
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Chad JoJo Apple-Bottom
FULL NAME: Charlie Joe Jonas Apple-Bottom
GENDER: Transmasc Non-binary
AGE: 21
NATIONALITY: British-American
Charlie-Jo was found on the doorstep of a Southern Baptist Church as an infant. He was promptly adopted by the preacher and his wife and took their name Apple-Bottom. He had a rather uneventful childhood until he discovered that he was queer. Rather than let himself get disowned at 16, he ran away leaving a letter detailing his reasoning.
Newly free, he soon would develop his stand during a street fight in Louisville, Kentucky. Horrified by his new power, he set off trying to find his biological father’s identity for answers
Now 21, he took up bounty hunting. It brings in enough to live comfortably, and its the closest Chad is getting to closure
Pissed Jeans
Pissed Jean’s stand power Bathroom Laughter affects a victim's excretory system, making whatever living being affected immediately start excreting all vital nutrients.
This power can be administered by an object touched by the stand, guaranteeing a victim's death in 30 short minutes. Alternatively this power can be used close range, shortening the kill time to seconds depending on how many hits are landed.
Sketches under the cut
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Yes, jojo has those apple bottom jeans and boots with the fur.
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nightwingvixen23 · 4 years
Dick : *goes undercover at a Diamond District strip club in order to catch a notorious crime boss*
Red Hood & Arsenal : *working surveillance tech while also being simultaneous guides in Dick’s two-way earpiece*
Dick : *grinding shamelessly with a customer to get the absorption of their target in the club*
Red Hood : *over two-way* daaayum, is it hot in here or is it just me ?
Dick : *hissing below the music* you’re supposed to be on watch. i’m doing my job. do your’s, Red
Red Hood : don’t look like much of a job to me. looks more like play. shit Dickie, ya got the whole club lookin’ at you
Arsenal : *intercepting their feed* 🎶 --apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur, the whole club was lookin’ at her 🎶
Red Hod : *laughing*
Dick : *currently ignoring the childish chatter going on in his ear piece*
Red Hood : Arsenal’s got eyes on our target who’s currently up in the VIP room, basically takin’ refuge behind body guards; god damned pussy. . .
*crackling of static*
Red Hood : a’ight. now I’m gettin’ an update that ‘our little friend’ has specifically asked for you
Dick : got it. I’m on my way up
Red Hood : your ass better be; it’s time ta bust down Thotiana
Dick : 
Dick : what .
Red Hood : we’re using code names, aren’t we ??
Dick : yes we are; “RED HOOD ”
Red Hood : yes exactly; “THOTIANA ”
Dick : oh my god. stop talking.
*Later LATER in the Night*
Crime Boss : *successfully captured*
Dick : *hand cuffing his unconscious body to a pole*
Red Hood : *wiping blood from his helmet* gotta say, you look real sexy right now slappin’ those cuffs on a criminal dressed like that, Officer Thiccness
Dick : just shut up and call The Bat
Batman : *entering the room* 
Arsenal : well that was mighty quick as fuck
Batman : *stoically examining the bruised and unconscious crime boss*
Batman : . . .I suppose that I do have to hand it to you three, what with just how quick the success of tonight was while in comparison to most cases of this nature
Red Hood : I mean, seein’ as the real issue with these types of undercover pursuits is always about gettin’ the target to come to YOU ? well, you can just basically scrap that extended time frame of bullshit when in using Dickie here as the lure
Arsenal : it especially went easy tonight considering his  P A R T I C U L A R  choice in outfit 👌 however, those bootylicious shorts with the leather boots ?? oooh man, absolute perfection Dickie Baby, you chose the right highway
Dick : *defensively* FIRST of ALL--!! Red Hood is the one who gave me this outfit I’M not the one who had it in MY closet !!
Batman : *eyeing Jason*
Arsenal : damn. . . so, you wear that ??
Jason : 
Jason :
Jason : only on Tuesdays
Robin : *letting himself into the room*
Robin : Batman, I took the initiative to secure the locale where--*distractedly staring at Dick*
Robin : *blushing like mad*
Robin : *doesn’t know where to look*
Dick : *aware of just how short his shorts are*
Dick : . . .nothing
Arsenal : cool your jets, Robin. 
Red Hood : yeah man, be considerate. how else did you expect Thotiana to bust down ? ?
Robin :
Dick :
Batman :
Dick : i’m never teaming up with you two again.
Dick : like,
Dick : EVER.
Dick : *boots clicking as he leaves*
Red Hood : pick your jaw up, Robin. I mean like, i get that you just got your first taste of puberty’an all but god damn, there’s people in the room. control yourself
Robin : *attacks Jason*
Crime Boss : *waking up to The Batboys rolling around the room fighting while Arsenal uploads the entire thing to Snapchat* 
Batman : and all I ever want is one normal family interaction; but here we are
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jace-the-writer-guy · 5 years
Jace Reznor
Pokémon team
- Male cat Faunus with cat ears and tail as traits, covered in dark red fur
- Thick dark brown, medium-long hair wrapped in a ponytail with a portion cut short, going down almost over his right eye
- His left eye is sky-blue. His right eye changes between sapphire and emerald every so often.
- Six feet and three inches tall
- His body is toned. Nearly all of his muscle mass is hidden under his skin, only defined in his arms and his stomach a bit.
- His face has more soft features.
- His left arm is prosthetic, made of mostly black metal. It has three segmented silver plates on the shoulder, as well as silver knuckles. The palm and insides of the fingers are covered in soft padding like synthetic skin. He can feel things with it, and it can produce heat as if it were his normal arm
Jace's Outfits
Combat: He wears his brother's dark-red sleevless duster that goes to his knees, split up the front, back, and sides to the waist with the front closed over a dark-red t-shirt. It ends in two points at the bottom in the back behind the knees. On his right hand and wrist is a black fingerless glove and a long wristguard made of black metal. Under his duster is the harness for his weapon, which has a strong magnetic plate on the back of it.
Casual: A pair of blue jeans, his boots, a black shirt an a black open button up shirt. He always keeps his harness on under his button up shirt to keep his sword with him.
- Fourty two years old
- Leader of team JKDW (Jackdaw) and Raine's partner.
- Mate of Alyss Reznor
- Born in Atlas, but a Beacon graduate
- He was an orphan. His parents abandoned him on the street at six years old.
- He was kidnapped out of Atlas along with his adoptive brother, Genesis. The two were off guard while camping and they were kidnapped, and then experimented on. Sadly, Genesis and their adoptive father were killed in the escape, and that was when Jace lost his arm.
- His eyes are not their natural color. His right eye changes colors between emerald and sapphire due to a bit of his brother's aura flowing into him when he died, the same with his father's, who's eyes were sky blue and that gave Jace's left eye it's color.
- Loves apples
- He owns a motorcycle named Titan
- Will always take missions to rescue kidnapped people
Weapon and Semblance
Weapon: Legacy: It's an Artillery Claymore in every sense of the name. It is a large, double-edged greatsword with capabilities of firing very large rounds. When the ranged mode is activated, the tip of the sword opens to reveal the tip of the barrel. The trigger comes from the hilt near the middle, and a grip extends from the side above the receiver to take hold of. The magazine goes in the bottom side facing the ground. Can only be fired from the hip and the shots can be used to give Jace more power to his strikes. Along the sides of the blade in the middle all the way to the tip are red runes that glow when Jace puts his aura through it. It's six and a half feet long and a foot wide. The blade can also extend in width by a few more inches to block additional attacks and gunfire. Legacy is chambered in Savage Arms .50 Goliath rounds normally, but there were very rare occasions he switched the receiver and barrel to ones chambered in Atlesian Military grade 20mm Calamity rounds.
Family Semblance: Archangel: He was the first to discover this semblance out of himself and Alex, his brother. His wings have mostly red wings with slivers of green and blue and silver tips. He has a fifteen foot wing span.
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