#hope you don't mind i just get really excited about those games at least once a year
pookietv · 2 months
checkmate | arthurtv
first non social media post!! hope u guys like and thank u for all the love straight away, very cool :)
a lil arthur tv x reader
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being round whilst the boys were watching the football was.. a strange experience to say the least. the moment you walk through the door you're practically having a can of beer shoved in your hand and ushered to come into the front room quietly so they don't miss any commentary.
though you didn't follow football too much, you did sit quiet and watch also, mainly just following what you're told, from chris telling you the ref is 'off his head' to george trying to convince you that the guy in goal is the best person on earth, it was quite interesting, besides the often shouting at the tv as if those in the commentary box could hear them.
as soon as you sat next to arthur he'd give you a small smile and nod, a quick hello before a comforting and quiet normal from arthur, his eyes trailing back to the tv as you crossed your legs, opened the can of beer and observed, slightly leaning your bodyweight on arthur, moving your head back to check he was okay with it, as you usually did, and he gave you a small grin, signalling it was fine.
when the game finished with an arsenal win (much to chris' enjoyment) the boys began chatting amongst themselves, and arthur pulled out his phone, beginning a chess game as they talked, and instantly got a bit of mocking for it.
"chess already, you sad, sad man," arthur hill laughed at his own remark a little, and arthur just shrugged, "it's fun and the games over so," he murmured, his cheeks slightly red but laughing himself also.
"to be fair, i always wanted to learn how to play chess, i mean i played a tiny bit in middle school but 'm not very good," you stated, and chris rolled his eyes, "not another nerd," but arthur looked up at you with his widely interested eyes.
"you wanna learn chess? i, i can try teach you, if you liked... i mean, i don't know how good of a coach i am but i can try," he offered, looking at you with a goofy and excited grin.
you nodded a little, smiling back, "yeah, sounds fun, i mean if you have the patience to teach me, i might not be very good," you added, as arthur shook his head a little "i'm sure you'll be fine, you're smart," adding "lemme go get my board," and leaving the room quite quickly, earning a snort from george.
"he's just happy that for once in his life he's not having to convince someone to play with him, and they actually want to play," he teased, and your eyes rolled a little, a small grin on your face.
"and especially because it's you," chris said, earning himself a soft shove from you and a little laugh.
"hey, leave the guy alone," you giggled a little.
"he's just dying for you to be mrs television," george charmed in with their not-so-subtle jokes about you and arthur.
it had been a running joke in the friend group for a while, that arthur had grown a bit of a crush on you, but you had shoved that in the back of your mind (or at least attempted to) because you were almost certain they were wrong and he was just a sweet guy.
it had also been a running teasing point that they all were also convinced that you had a crush on arthur too.
and whilst they weren't exactly wrong, you weren't going to give them the benefit of confirming it, or the leverage of admitting to them that they were right
"hm?" arthur said, his head cocked a little as he walked back into the living room, a box in his hands, clearly just curious about what the subject of conversation had turned to whilst he was gone.
"we were just talking about the fact that it's interesting that she wants to learn chess of all things," arthur hill teased, leading to everyone else giggling like school children.
arthur rolled his eyes, also used to the joking, "doesn't really surprise me, i mean you guys are too dense to play so hopefully if she gets a grip of it i might have a decent chess partner for once," he quipped back with a slight grin on his face, before opening the box on the coffee table and beginning to set out the pieces, as you sat on the other side of the coffee table, assuming the position to play.
"i'll let you play the white pieces, cause it means you get to go first," he says first, and you nod, looking down at the board, before he starts again, "you know the names of the pieces and how they move?"
"a little," you said, before pointing at some of the pieces, "a pawn, right? an' it just moves forward a space?" you stated, earning a nod from arthur.
"except on the first time you move them, then they can move two, if you like," he confirmed.
as you continued to play, the boys began rolling their eyes and proclaiming that you guys were 'officially nerds' and teasing before going into their rooms.
after a while, you had began to learn all the moves of pieces quite well, with small encouraging nods from arthur and little pieces of help so you weren't left completely stranded playing against someone much better than you.
"see, i've got you in check now, can you see it?" he asked a little softly as your eyes scanned across the board that was at least making a little more sense to you.
"mhm... it's your rook, right?" you said, though slightly unconvincingly as you bit on your nail a little, before arthur grinned.
"yeah, it is, so you obviously wanna move your king," he nodded, looking at you with almost a proud smile, "see, not long now and i'll have my own chess protégé," he joked a little, and you rolled your eyes.
"yeah, that may take a while arthur, but keep dreaming," you laughed back a little, looking up at him for a moment before back at the board. "by the way, why the hell is your guys' flat so cold? you guys can't afford the heating or something?" you teased a little more, before arthur shook his head.
"oh, i'm sorry, i didn't even realise it's cold, i thought it was warm, look, here," he practically babbled out before pulling his jumper from over his head, a baby blue one, and leaving him in a white shirt, well fitted on him.
"no, don't worry about it, you don't have to give me your-"
"no, seriously, take it, don't want you to be freezing," he murmured out, offering it to you, "like i said, i was warm anyways so,"
you nodded a little, looking at him with slightly flushed cheeks before taking it from him, thanking him quietly as you slipped it over your head.
"see? suits you more then me, anyways," he joked slightly but you shook your head.
"nah, i doubt it, probably look like shit right now, practically rolled out of bed when chris told me to come round," you joked a little, but arthur rolled his eyes a little, almost in disbelief.
"shut up, you. you know you always look good," he said, his own face flushed also.
"oh, um.. i mean, i doubt it, but thanks," you practically murmured out in response, cheeks burning red as you laughed a little at your own stupidly flustered state, eyes practically burning into the board in hopes that arthur could not see your flushed face as you moved a piece.
"i watched that shark documentary you recommended the other day," arthur stated, breaking the slight silence, and you looked back up at him, "oh yeah? what did you think?" you asked with a slight grin.
"the little section about shark bones was so cool!" he practically beamed, and you nodded, as he moved a piece in return.
"the part about when shark fossils are found they just look like bone because of calcium exposure! i thought that was so fucking cool," you giggled, and he nodded before pausing.
"i... i think it's really cool that i can always talk to you about my dumb interests like chess and animals and you're always interested and half of the time you know more then me, which i just find so cool," he said, and you smiled up at him slightly.
"well, i mean, its just... it is interesting, you know? i mean, you're very interesting, i like when you go on little rants about things and i get to listen," you nodded.
"i, um, i'm trying to say that, you know, i think it would be cool if we could go out and talk about weird things sometime," he said, and you felt your eyebrows furrow slightly, looking up at him with a slight twinge of confusion, his widened brown eyes looking down at you with a dopey grin.
"like, um... like a date, i mean," he clarified, before looking back at the board, "i have you in checkmate, by the way." he grinned slightly goofily.
"only you, arthur tv, could ask a girl out and checkmate her at the same time," you giggled a little, shaking your head in disbelief.
"i mean, i can take back the checkmate if that'll make you say yes?" he joked back.
"sure. i'll say i beat you in chess and you can take me on a date." you quipped back, and his grin only grew.
"best defeat of my life, easily."
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anim-ttrpgs · 9 months
🌤️ Share your favorite mechanic from a game you’re working on.
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I have a lot of mechanics in Eureka that I really really really love and have hardly seen anything similar to them anywhere else, but for the purposes of this ask I’m going to be answering with one of the unique ones that we haven’t talked about on here yet: The Woo Roll.
The Woo Roll is a special roll named in honor of director John Woo, well-known for his bombastic and extravagant use of practical effects in shootout scenes. Eureka boasts exciting and realistically dangerous firearms combat, and what better way to make deadly firearms combat more exciting in a theater-of-the-mind or grid-based shootout than by adding flavor and flare that emulates Hardboiled?
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Firstly, it should be noted that it’s actually relatively hard to hit a target in Eureka firearm combat, doing so requires a fairly high roll. That means that participants are going to be doing a lot of missing. Besides just having a higher Firearms skill, the best way to increase one’s chance to hit is by firing more bullets in a single turn in the hopes that at least one of those shots will roll high enough to hit, which is why automatic weapons are more powerful than others: It usually only takes one single bullet hitting to disable a human target, so even with a low Firearms skill, firing more bullets at once greatly increases the chance that at least one will hit.
However, realistically, most shootouts in Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy will be done using semi-automatic pistols, which are only capable of firing a maximum of 2 shots per turn. We don’t want to make our combat be just and endless boring montra of “shoot, miss, shoot, miss, shoot, miss”.
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So, how do we make missed shots fun?
The answer is the Woo Roll.
The Woo Roll is one of the few rolls in Eureka that doesn’t use 2D6, it only uses 1 D6.
(Quick note for those unaware: While Eureka is NOT a PbtA game, it does use a similar system of “Failure, Partial Success, and Full Success”, three possible outcomes of a dice roll instead of just Success and Failure.)
When firing a gun, all bullets fired that turn are rolled separately (we have a special speed-rolling system for when you’re firing more than 3 bullets in one turn but that’s a different post). A Full Success(10+ on a 2D6 roll) is required to hit the intended target with any given bullet, a Partial Success(7-9) and a Failure(2-6) both miss. But this is where the Woo Roll comes in.
I’ll let the actual Eureka rulebook take it from here.
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As you can see here, missed shots in Eureka still have some effect on the environment and situation, even if they do not kill their intended target. This ensures that a roll in firearm combat will always do something even if it is a miss, and reminds the players of one of the fundamental rules of gun safety: Don't just be sure of your target, be sure of what's behind your target! High-velocity lead doesn't stop being destructive just because it flew a little too far to the left!
The fact that a Woo Roll is much more likely to have a negative result if the shoot was a Failure vs a Partial Success means that handing someone a gun who has no idea how to use it can be more of a hazard than a benefit, but it's not impossible for them to get that one lucky shot that makes the difference. Likewise, a Woo Roll made from a Partial Success still has a small chance to cause disaster, so even very skilled shooters have to consider whether it's worth the risk to start firing bullets all over the place at all.
We also have tables the Narrator(Game Master) can roll on just in case the shootout runs out of Woo Roll Elements or it happens in place where no Woo Roll Elements would realistically be. Here's a sneak peak at the table for Negative Woo Rolls.
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Note also that this is a 2D6 table, meaning that the results closest to 7 are much more likely than the results farthest from 7.
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jinwoosungs · 5 months
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mike schmidt x fem.reader
the moment mike schmidt came home from his shift at work, you had already said your goodbyes and goodnights to abby. being hired as abby's babysitter for roughly a year now, you were close to the schmidt siblings and developed a relationship akin to friendship with them.
you held your bag in tow, brushing back your hair as you met with mike. there was a sheepish expression on his face, and you figured he was going to tell you that he would be late once more with your babysitting fee. yet when he reaches into the pockets of his jeans to pull out a stack of cash, you were pleasantly surprised, to say the least.
"thank you so much for your help. this should cover this week and the last but uhm, i'm sorry if it's a few dollars short."
you shake your head and told him not to worry about it, pocketing the money within your bag.
although you knew that it was time for you to go, there seemed to be something that stopped you from leaving. for starters, mike was still standing directly in front of you, eyes darting all across your form as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
you tilt your head at him in question, knowing that he wanted to say something to you with the way he kept opening and closing his mouth. he repeats your name a few times, the syllables coming out in stutters as he struggled to tell you something, yet still, nothing substantial ever came from his parted lips.
"mike, can she stay over for new years?!" just then, abby's voice was heard ringing across the room, with her standing just a few feet away from you and mike, her brown eyes widening with a strange eagerness within its innocent gleam.
"w-well- abby, it's getting kind of late and maybe she doesn't want to stick around anymore than-"
your sudden outburst makes mike take a step back as you could feel the heat against your cheeks. this was a secret kept to yourself and only to yourself- but ever since you had first laid eyes on mike, you developed a bit of a crush on him. he just looked so soft in his signature, hunter green sweater and jeans. his brown hair was perfectly tousled, and you hated to admit that those perfect curls that fell across his forehead made your hands tremble and ache with the need to run their fingertips against them.
to say you didn't mind staying close to mike (and abby) would be more than an understatement. each time they insisted that you stay over for dinner while watching a blockbuster movie or play a round of some board games, you never once declined their offer-
and you certainly weren't going to start now.
clearing your throat in hopes of hiding the fact that you really wanted to stick around, you gently let go of the straps of your bag, allowing it to fall against the floor with a gentle thump!
"as long as you're both okay with me being here, i-i don't mind sticking around for the new year."
by now, abby was jumping up and down excitedly, reaching mike as she gripped at his arms while repeating please please please like a never-ending mantra. a tiny smile graces his features as he meets your expectant gaze. "you really don't mind?"
"not in the slightest, mike."
you could practically feel the excitement in the air, their joy and happiness becoming so palatable that it became almost contagious. you spent the next couple of hours eating the freshly delivered pizza while watching the news coverage of the new years countdown in times square.
as time passed, you danced with the live music playing on the t.v., telling stories all while laughing and having a good time. the clock struck 11:50pm, and that was when the crowd was heard bursting with excitement at the new year that was quickly approaching. you, mike, and abby were settled on the couch, and you took notice of how abby was nodding off. her eyes kept squinting at the television screen, yet each time mike asked if she wanted him to take her to bed, she would vehemently shake her head no.
"'m fine, i'm not tired at all." there seemed to be a determination in abby's gaze, one that was fitting for such a strong willed girl like her. moving away from mike, she clutches her sketchbook close to her chest, her gaze now unwavering as she stared at the screen, ready to join in on the countdown.
you tried to ignore the warmth you felt with mike settled next to you. his close proximity wasn't anything foreign, but was something you knew you could never get used to. you could feel his shoulder occasionally brush against yours, but neither of you ever once said a word.
the clock read 11:55pm, and you became aware of some soft snores coming from the opposite end of the couch. with a tiny smile felt spreading across your face, you lean forward to see that abby was already sleeping, her tiny form curled up against the couch with her cheek resting against the armrest.
you were ready to say something; ready to comment on how cute abby was and how lucky she was to have him as her brother when the softest expression you had ever seen graces mike's features. you watch as the back of his hand gently touches abby's cheek, and you knew that you could no longer deny what you had been feeling for mike this entire time.
you knew that your heart was stolen by him ever since the day you first laid eyes on him.
gathering your courage, you swallow back the fear that was threatening to overcome you, knowing that if mike didn't know how you felt, then he may fall deeply for someone else. you shakily call out to mike, making him face you.
he detects the anxiety coursing through you, his expression filled with concern as he meets your gaze. "hey, what is it, what's wrong?"
you wring at your hands, clenching your fingertips together as a way to comfort yourself. you tried to keep your voice even while maintaining his gaze, but somewhere along the lines, you lost your courage.
wishing to hide yourself from mike, your eyes look away from him and towards the t.v. screen where they were now counting down the final minute for the new year.
you hear mike softly call out to you once more, "is everything okay?"
"everything is fine, mike. i was just wondering..."
you met his gaze while letting out a sigh. "i was just wondering if you had any new years resolutions you wished to achieve this new year."
you heard mike let out a soft chuckle, his hand reaching out to you as he brushes your cheek with his fingertips, "it's funny you ask, because i do have a resolution i hope to accomplish pretty soon, actually."
mike suddenly leans closer to you, making you nearly hold your breath when you said, "a-and what would that be?"
his lips were a mere centimeters away from yours, and you could feel his hot breath against your skin when he answers, "to finally make you mine."
3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEARS!
fireworks were seen dotting your periphery when mike finally kisses you, slotting his lips perfectly together against yours as you lean back against the couch, accepting his kisses. both of your eyes were clenched shut, yet it seemed that mike was always able to find you as he drew you to him. you could feel the way his hands delve into your hair, causing you to moan as you turned into a puddle whilst in his embrace.
you were ready to deepen the kiss, actually desiring for mike to take it further when a small giggle was heard. mike immediately pulls away from you, completely red-faced and mortified as abby was seen gazing at both you and mike.
"finally, it was time that you lovebirds got together. i got tired of seeing you dancing around each other and decided to take matters into my own hands." abby brushes back her strands of dark hair while ripping a page out of her sketchbook, giving it to mike before excusing herself to her bedroom.
your heart was still pounding, and you were certain that your expression held the same amount of embarrassment as mike's. you clear your throat and inch closer to him, curious as to what abby had given him.
as you rest your chin against his shoulder, you look down at the sketch clutched within mike's hand to see a cutely drawn picture of you and mike holding hands with abby off to the side, holding what looked like a bow and heart arrows. the picture was honestly so adorable that you and mike began laughing profusely.
by the end of your laughing fit, you were breathless, losing strength as you fell back into mike's arms. "i can't believe abby knew all along."
you shake your head in response all while facing him, settling yourself against his lap as you wrapped your arms around his neck. too caught up in your throes of first love, you began to press lingering butterfly kisses against his skin. "and to think i was foolish enough to try and hide my feelings from her."
mike hums in agreement, brushing his nose against yours in a sweet gesture that had your heart racing in response when he tells you. "as embarrassing as that was, i have to say, i'm glad that my new years resolution came true."
and you couldn't agree more to his sentiments.
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a.n. - i've missed writing for mike, so have something fluffy and sweet for the new year 🥹 🎆
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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yeppeudau · 4 months
Chapter thirty-one: our couple aregyu 🩵🧡
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banner by: @/seungstarss
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⎙ synopsis: In which you and Soobin have a crush on the others bff, who which coincidentally, are dating. So you do what any other people with a common goal would, and try to break them up. Except it doesn't go exactly as planned...
⎙ word count: 1.5k (+1 photo at the end)
⎙ warnings: none I don't think?? povs fck me up !!
♡a/n: hi guys🧍‍♀️(i have posted this and edited it like 5 times I'm a mess its been so long)
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As soon as class ends Soobin makes his way out to his locker, quickly grabbing his sweater and putting his books away before heading out of the building.
If he was being honest he was some what excited? To go and spend some time with his friends again (as well as the fact he would love some free money to spend on games). It had been some time since he had hung out with Heeseung and Jeongin, let alone Beomgyu. As they've both been preoccupied with other things.
One being the painful sight of having to see his best friend, and his crush eating each other's faces in the hallway. And maybe that was a little dramatic but still! It was something that would definitely be ingrained into his head no matter how much he wanted to forget it.
More over, he had to see you. Which, he was more than open to admit his distaste towards being in your presence, and you the same.
After the little argument the two of you had he's been in a worse mood then he would like to admit. You were just so pushy with EVERYTHING and he couldn't stand it. Boundaries? He was pretty sure you didn't know what those were. It was annoying him to say the least, but fortunately he needn't say anything when Beomgyu knew him like the back of his hand. He immediately sensed something was wrong and asked Soobin to come hangout.
He was happy to have a best friend who knew him so well, which also made him feel worse for even bothering with you in the first place. All this just to "not" break them up but "break them up" he was pretty sure even you were confused.
He felt a little guilty for agreeing to go along with your idea, but in its own way he's hoping all this would help him get over the bubbly student council president, thats what he's hoping at least.
Reaching the gates of the school he immediately noticed his friends, loud and running around like children. 'Why are they like this? ' Soobin thought to himself waiting for them to calm down and finally notice his presence. Thankfully that didn't take long as they greeted him happily patting his back.
Maybe this is exactly what he needed.
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You were ecstatic to say the least. You've finally gotten a chance to hangout with your dearest best friend again. Areum has always been a busy person but she has also always made time for you. Sometimes maybe a little too late but you could never hold it against her.
Walking into the store you were absolutely elated. You weren't a big fan of reading honestly, a wall of text really wasn't your go to, but stylized drawings along with smaller walls of text? Sign you up! The smell of books, the stationary you thought was too cute to use but would buy anyway, the merch of your favorite media, made you love this place.
Areum on the other hand was a big fan of those walls of texts. She actually didn't quite understand why you preferred comics and manga over a good book but she listened wholeheartedly whenever you talked about them. She was a great friend, more than you could say about yourself at the moment. But that was something you for you to push in the way back of your mind once again. 'Future me can deal with consequences right? ' and 'Enjoy the moment let's not go feeling guilty ' were all you said to yourself.
The two of you walked around the store together eventually picking out these cute sanrio matching keychains for each other.
"Areum I'm going to look at the manga 'kay?" you announced, to which she nodded and you walked off.
"today's going to be a good day I'm sure of it!" you assure yourself with a hearty pep in your step.
well, when do things ever go as planned?
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"Choi Soobin?" Soobin freezes at the the call of his name. That voice was all too familiar and not in a good way.
Turning from his original position slightly, he slowly cranks his neck up to meet the person who assumingly called him. Eyes trailing up suspiciously only to be met with none other than you. Arms crossed, foot tapping, with that ugly look of annoyance you always wore on your face looking down on him.
"Why are you here?!" you whisper yelled at him, causing him to roll his eyes in return.
What? could he not be in a perfectly public place when you're around now? He already has to at school, one more place wouldn't kill you, unfortunately. Soobin scoffs at your question, getting up from his position on the floor to stand in front of you mimicking your expression and stance as he raises his eye brow at you "It's a public book store, and I like books-" he motions to the wall of manga behind him before pursing his lips at using the word 'books' "-manga." he corrects.
You glare at him for a moment and he swears he's never wanted someone away from him more in his life. A 10 foot pole wouldn't even be enough distance between the two of you. He didn't need your nonsensical bickering today, or anyday preferably for that matter.
He was supposed to be enjoying himself with his friends trying to win a cheap reward for a cafe he barely even gets to go to anymore, he is not supposed to be agitated and talking to you.
Just as he's about to turn back around, clearly opting to ignore you, you grab his arm much to his surpise and discomfort. "Are you here with Gyu?" you suddenly ask.
'Of course that's what she would ask ' he thinks to himself, and for a moment he contemplates lying to you, because well, why should he tell you? But as if you read his mid (which is something he never thought was possible) you open your mouth again.
"Listen before you say anything I'm here with Areum thats why I'm asking" you state throwing a thump over you shoulder in the direction of the shorter who was currently flipping through a book.
As he looked in her direction an expression of "She looks so cute" was practically written all over his face.
You roll your eyes.
Coincidentally at that moment she must have felt someone staring as she turns to peak over her shoulder only to meet eyes with Soobin. Her brows shoot up in a pleasant surprise before going back to normal, she smiles brightly sending him a wave.
Soobin feels his heart beat quicken for a moment at the small gesture before slowly waving back dumbly. Only looking back in your direction when you let out a particularly noisy groan.
"Great, she's probably coming over here now. Is he here or not?"
"Uh, yeah he's at the game shop next door. I didn't want anything so I came here.." Soobin trails off still staring at the girl who is now, in fact walking over to the two of you. Hes not sure if he should be happy about this or still annoyed with the fact he had ran into you in the first place. Unfortunately you don't give him enough time to weigh the pros and cons of it before you harshly step (more like stomp) on his foot.
"Ow!" Soobin winces quickly kneeling down to hold his foot, maybe he really didn't have to think about the pros and cons.
"Leave before Beomgyu comes in here and looks for you, would'ya?"
"Why should I when you just assaulted me??" he snaps.
"Because I'm sure you also don't want to spend your day out with our lovely couple, now do you?" you argue back crossing your arms over your chest like some know-it-all.
But at that he silences, you were right, unfortunately, but you were right. And as much as he tells himself he would be okay with just being in her presence, recently that hasn't really been the case.
Maybe its been like that for a while now and he's just refused to acknowledge it, but either way it's not the time to be dwelling on it. He doesn't have the chance to anyway as Areum had reached them.
"Hey, Soobin! I didn't know you'd be here" Areum says with a tilt of her head as she smiles him.
That smile will be the death of him he swears. So much so he fails to give her a reply other than just blinking slowly at her.
But that doesn't seem to phase her as she speaks again "If you're here by yourself do you want to join us?" she asks, probably out of courtesy. But if it was any other day he'd be saying yes.
A simple "uh" is all he manages to let out before you take it upon yourself to speak for him.
"He can't! He was actually just leaving right Soobin??" you question through gritted teeth.
"Ah... yeah actually, I remembered I have something to do, sorry.." he mumbles scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh no, its okay! I just thought I'd ask. Have fun doing what you have to!"
"Yeah thanks.." Soobin says bye to Areum and sends you a glare before leaving the two of you.
"C'mon y/n ready to check out?"
"Huh? Yeah let me just grab this last thing."
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blue meas couldn't be tagged </3 lmk if i missed you!
taglist(open): @maitenight @kori-roe @rich-man-v @gyuville @darrensos @etherealcherrie @jjunis @i-yeseo @igotkpoops @ashxxkook @ilvaussie @soobin-chois @cha0thicpisces @ineedaherosavemeenow @luvsoobs @sukunasrealgf @captivq @baekberrie @knownunknown345 @stellz581 @jaycheoluwu @txtbrainrot @90s-belladonna @soobssup @miyawwn @tyigerz @imsiriuslyreal @txtbrainrot
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foxy-eva · 11 months
Soft & Sweet
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Summary: A confession between JJ and Tara leads to a night full of soft and sweet moments
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x Tara Lewis
Category: Fluff, Smut
Content Warnings: (18+, minors DNI) drinking alcohol (responsibly), separation mention (Will & JJ), JJ struggles with her sexuality, implied homophobia, coming-out, kissing, fingering, oral
Author's Note: I wrote this for the Pride Writing Challenge hosted by @the-guilty-writer ! Happy Pride! I love women.
Word Count: 2.6k
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Girl's night with the BAU ladies was a very important tradition for JJ. They could all forget about their professional demeanor for at least a couple of hours and show one another a softer side. Moments of light-hearted laughter and gossip seemed so rare in their line of work.
To her surprise, JJ didn't find all of her friends' familiar faces when she entered Tara's living room. Once she learned that Emily and Penelope had to cancel at the last second, her heartbeat got much louder than she'd expected. 
"Guess it's just gonna be the two of us tonight," Tara told JJ while pouring her a glass of her favorite white wine. 
Little did Tara know how much the prospect of being alone with her both excited and terrified JJ tremendously. As they both sat down on the couch, it became even harder for the blonde woman to relax. 
Tara noticed that, too. She brushed it off as some initial awkwardness between friends who had only ever hung out with each other when other people were present. It was the first time the two of them were alone with one another outside of work.
Tara pointed at the glass in JJ's hand and chuckled, "You better take a sip of that, you seem awfully tense tonight."
"Sorry," JJ apologized. "I just have a lot on my mind." 
Tara's facial features softened at her friend's words. She knew how hard leaving a marriage could be but she couldn't even begin to imagine how much more difficult that was when children were involved. 
"Are the boys with Will tonight?" 
JJ nodded, a shy smile visible on her face when she said, "They'll probably play video games all night."
Tara then asked the question her friend usually dreaded, "How are you holding up?" 
To her own surprise, JJ didn't need to lie when she answered, "I'm alright."
Those past few months had been complicated and difficult but slowly JJ was settling into her new life without Will as her partner. 
"Apparently Will started dating again and I'm actually happy for him."
"What about you?" Tara wanted to know. "An attractive woman like you surely gets asked out a lot."
A rosy shade spread over JJ's cheeks at the compliment. She thought about it for a moment but quickly realized that no man had caught her attention in a while. She struggled to be honest with herself but there was no denying how much she longed for something – someone – else. 
Shaking her head, she snickered, "I don't really feel like going out with men right now." 
Secretly she hoped that Tara would catch onto how that sentence was worded but she just joined JJ in her laughter and said, "You deserve a little break. Enjoy life as a single woman!" 
It wasn't the first time JJ had managed to control herself enough to deceive the best profilers in the country but this time she really hoped that Tara would see right through her. She didn't, though. 
There was a lot of gossip shared between the two women as the night went on. JJ managed to lock her feelings away for just a little while longer. However, each time she brought her glass to her lips she couldn't help but think about how much she yearned to feel Tara's skin against them instead.
She was far from being drunk after the first glass of wine was empty but she still felt intoxicated by Tara's presence. JJ wondered how often she'd have to drop her sight to the other woman's lips until she would catch onto it. 
After placing her glass on the coffee table JJ realized that just looking at Tara wouldn't be enough anymore. She felt like her heart might burst any moment now if she didn't bring to action what she had been so desperate to do for weeks. In a moment of comfortable silence between the two of them, JJ leaned closer to Tara and whispered her name. 
Right before their lips could touch, JJ felt a light pressure against her shoulders. Tara's palms were gentle but firm at the same time, pushing her away and denying her the sweetness JJ longed for. 
"JJ–," Tara whispered but was quickly interrupted.
"Sorry!" The blonde woman said as she leaned back again, leaving more distance between them than necessary. "It's just… you look so beautiful and your lips look so soft and…"
Tara reached out her hand to touch JJ's arm in an attempt to soothe her. It didn't work. 
"It's okay, don't worry about it," Tara told her. "I really like you, JJ. It's just that I have learned the hard way that it's not a good idea to hook up with straight girls."
JJ's chest felt heavier with each word being spoken. She got up from her place beside Tara to walk a few steps away, her eyes fixated on the floor as she tried to hinder the tears from spilling over her lashes. 
"I'm sorry," Tara softly spoke as she walked over to her. "I didn't mean to upset you."
JJ carefully thought about her words, restructuring sentences in her mind to make sure what she was about to say was the right thing. She already felt vulnerable, almost as if Tara was able to take a glance inside her chest to see how JJ's heart was beating just for her. 
"I come from a very small town in the middle of nowhere," JJ began, unable to lock eyes with Tara. "Traditions were very important and I still clearly remember how they used to talk about the people in the city. Dating boys was my only option, anything else was just a foreign concept that would definitely never apply to me."
She finally found Tara's eyes, who showed her the softest look she had ever seen. It encouraged JJ to keep going. 
"I was still so young when I got together with Will. I never really had a chance to explore this side of me, so I desperately tried to lock away. And even when my friendship with Emily got confusing all those years ago… I still couldn't admit the truth about myself." 
She took several deep breaths until a timid smile appeared on her face. She realized how safe she felt in that moment. She knew that Tara was the right person to trust with what she would say next. 
"Now that Will and I are separated I finally want to accept and explore… my queer side," she admitted and reached out to find Tara's hand. "And I'm sorry about before but… you're just so beautiful, Tara." 
Tara knew that they didn't need to have all the answers tonight when she stepped closer to JJ until hardly any distance could be found between the two of them. Her fingertips made contact with JJ's cheek and she almost got lost in the ocean that were her eyes. 
It felt like it was the first time Tara truly saw JJ. There was no more need to hide anything from one another as they stared at each other with open chests and hearts longing to find their counterpart. There was no need for words to be spoken for them to hear each other anyway. 
I have wanted this for so long. 
I have wanted you for so long. 
When Tara leaned down no force in this world could have held back JJ from capturing her lips. She felt the taller woman smile into the kiss, even more so when JJ swung her arms around Tara's neck to keep her in place. The kiss was tender but wild at the same time, both women displayed a hunger for each they had rarely experienced before. 
Kissing Tara felt like tasting the first droplets of water after a lifelong drought. It was revitalizing and exhilarating for JJ to feel Tara’s lips move against her own. When Tara deepened the kiss there was no way for JJ to hold back the quiet sigh escaping her throat. 
While Tara still cupped JJ's face, the blonde woman's hands became curious, almost greedy. She let her fingertips wander over Tara's sides and hips, firmly gripping the fabric of her clothes in an attempt to hold herself upright when her knees suddenly became so, so weak. 
Without ever really breaking contact, they walked over to Tara's bedroom. It was then that JJ's brain caught up with what was happening. She pulled back to find comfort in the warmth of Tara's irises. She had already noticed JJ's hesitation.
"We can slow down," Tara offered. 
JJ shook her head. "No, I want this. I'm just a little nervous."
With a smug grin painted over her face, Tara purred, "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you."
There was not a single doubt in JJ's mind that Tara would keep that promise. They took their time to help each other shed each piece of clothing until they stood in front of each other in only their underwear. 
Gently, Tara pushed her lover on the bed only to take a moment to let her eyes wander over her body. They lingered on the places that still held evidence of battles of the past and the miracle of bringing life into the world. Instinctively JJ tried to cover one particular scar on her stomach with her hand but Tara didn't allow that. 
She sat down beside her on the mattress to carefully remove her hand again. "You don't have to hide from me," Tara whispered. 
Tara's gentle fingertips traced the patch of calloused skin for a second before she lay down beside JJ. Their lips made contact once more and forgotten was any cruelness the past held for either of them. At least for tonight everything that mattered was showing each other how sweet and soft life could be. 
When JJ felt Tara's lips tracing along her neck, the first moan fell from her mouth. Her skin felt like it was on fire and could only be soothed by Tara's touch. She became eager to feel her against every inch of her body, hurriedly reaching behind her own back to open her bra and remove the fabric. 
Tara was in no mood to tease her, too mesmerizing was learning each of JJ's reactions to her touch. Once her breasts were revealed, Tara didn't waste any time to caress them. But licking and nipping on the sensitive skin of her chest quickly wasn't enough for her anymore. 
Tara was getting impatient to taste the honeyed wetness JJ had to offer between her thighs. She kissed down her stomach until she reached the seam of her panties. JJ became pliable under her touch and opened her legs to make room for her. 
Tara sat up between her legs and once again took a moment to admire the beauty of the woman lying before her. Her pupils almost swallowed the blue of her eyes and the rosy shade on her cheeks seemed to become darker by the second. When Tara's eyes wandered further down JJ's body, she noticed that her arousal had already soaked through the fabric of her panties.
JJ was yearning for her lover's touch, sure that she would combust if Tara waited just a second longer.
"Please…" JJ breathed to bring Tara back from her reverie.
"Sorry," Tara chuckled as she hooked her fingers under the waistband of the lacey fabric. "It's easy to get distracted when you look so pretty for me."
Once the piece of clothing was removed, Tara kissed along JJ's legs before finding her core. She was glistening with desire and looked so ready to be tasted. As she felt Tara's tongue collect the sweet evidence of desire that had gathered between her thighs, JJ's entire body began trembling. 
She dared to look down at the woman between her legs and almost lost her mind at the sight of Tara’s face buried against her center. Closing her eyes and leaning back was the safer option for now, JJ decided. Everything was already overwhelming, Tara's touch somehow being too much and not enough at the same time. 
"More," JJ whimpered and Tara understood. 
She found no resistance from JJ's body when she carefully let two of her fingers enter her. Just a few more moments passed until JJ finally found relief, the sounds of her ecstasy falling from her lips while her body pulsated around Tara's fingers. Tara helped her through her high before finding her place beside JJ once more. 
Tara kissed her lover’s cheek, certain that she had never seen JJ looking more beautiful than in that exact moment. That innocent gesture wasn't enough for either of them, their lips quickly finding each other once more. 
"You're still wearing too many clothes," JJ snickered as she reached around Tara's back to undo her bra. 
The remaining pieces of fabric were soon dropped to the floor, giving JJ unlimited access to Tara’s skin. Without ever breaking their kiss, JJ let her hands wander over Tara's body, eager to explore every curve and dip within reach. The softness she felt under her fingertips was not unlike the warm and fuzzy feeling filling her chest. 
When her hand descended further down Tara's body, JJ felt her pulling back from the kiss. 
"Do you not want this?" JJ softly asked. 
"No, I do want this. I just need you to know that you don't have to."
JJ smiled at Tara's words and breathed, "I know, but I really want to. I have thought about it for weeks." 
Tara couldn't help but open her legs for JJ at her words. JJ gladly accepted the offer, her hand finally making contact with Tara's heat. When JJ felt the wetness practically dripping from her core, she couldn't help but moan. 
She took her time exploring the silken skin, almost as if she was trying to memorize each of Tara's reactions to her touch. Her folds felt so delicate against JJ's fingertips, a sensation she wouldn't be able to forget anytime soon. When JJ focussed her attention on the little bud, Tara began singing her praise in the form of moans and sighs escaping her throat. 
Tara's palm made contact with JJ's hand, leading it towards her entrance. Timidly she let one finger glide into her, any hesitation quickly forgotten once she was certain that Tara was ready for their bodies to connect like this. Adding a second finger, JJ moved her hand against Tara's core, focussing on the feeling of being enveloped by her. 
Tara felt herself becoming greedy once more, unable to wait to experience JJ in the same way. Her hand made contact with JJ thigh while she purred, "I need to feel you."
JJ adjusted her position to make space for Tara's hand, gasping when she made contact with her still sensitive folds. There was no time to be wasted when Tara let her fingers enter JJ's body. They worked their hands against each other's cores while fervently kissing one another. 
Each moan was caught by the other's lips, only ever separating when the need for air got too overwhelming. They felt as if they might melt into each other as they chased their sweet relief. Together they entered a state of pure bliss, Tara falling over the edge just a few moments before JJ fell apart for the second time that evening. 
They found their home inside each other's arms with heaving chests and mouths gasping for air. It was as if time stood still as long as they held each other close, the erratic drums inside the other’s chest impossible to ignore. With gentle fingertips JJ drew random shapes on Tara's skin, smiling to herself when they morphed into little hearts. 
And for the first time in what felt forever, JJ could finally indulge in the sweetness life had to offer. 
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prodigal-explorer · 5 months
speaking of your turn to die i need your turn to die mutuals you don't understand it's a need
so here are some your turn to die opinions and if you agree with them i'd love to be your homie! i promise i have lots of headcanons and goofy jokes and badly constructed essays.
spoilers for your turn to die up to 3-1b!
my top favorite characters of all time are reko, nao, kai, and jou! honorable mentions are kanna, gin, q-taro, sara, and shin!
i'm honestly not a massive fan of any of the floor masters or dolls in 3-1 purely because i feel like i didn't get the chance to know them well. it's a real shame too because i think they're super cool! just not quite fleshed out enough to my liking. i'm hoping we at least learn more about the floor masters in the finale because they have the potential to be so interesting!
i don't really like shipping in your turn to die, i kinda think it's unnecessary (though i don't hate on people who do ship!), but if i had to pick a ship i like, it would be reko x nao! i think it could be cute, and they have a lot of sweet moments in the game!
my favorite part of your turn to die to play is hands down 2-1. those attractions are so much fun! and all the mystery is insane, the part with the fake mishima ai was INSANEE. i also really liked 3-1 because of the part where you use the lantern to uncover people's memories about hiyori and asu-naro. it was so cool to get a glimpse of people's pasts!
to be honest i'm kind of a noob so i can never get it straight which route is logic is which is emotion (even though it's probably really obvious), but my favorite route is the one where kanna and reko live! i watched a playthrough of a route where shin lives but i didn't really like it as much, even though it was interesting to see that side of it!
this isn't really an opinion, just a confession, but i'm really dumb and really bad at the logic stuff so i lowkey thought it was impossible to save reko for the first like three years of playing the game...i figured it out though!
i've never once used a walkthrough to figure out your turn to die, i've always just used my own brain to figure things out. maybe...uh...maybe in hindsight, that's why it took me so long to figure out how to save reko...
the only character in the entire franchise that i genuinely dislike is keiji. i just think he's kinda creepy and off-putting (though that might be in part due to translation errors)? also i'm lesbian so i don't really find him hot i think he just looks like a muscly piece of popcorn.
in terms of my opinion on who the "mastermind" is i actually have literally no idea? the only idea i kind of have is that it's either sara or keiji because they're the only two who we don't get to see how they signed the asu-naro vow. but i also don't really get how it would be either of them because keiji was a victim of hiyori's tricks too, and sara just seems totally clueless. it makes my brain hurt to think about so i kinda choose not to.
i think the "gin is the mastermind" theory is mind-bogglingly stupid. sorry LMAO-
i think the theory of jou being the son of mr. policeman is actually super cool! i don't really know why it exists but i've seen people talking about it and i think that would be a cool connection.
i've read a few things about the referendum theory and i think it's a cool theory! it kinda make sense, though there are a few holes that i can't logic my way through quite yet. it seems very plausible though, and it would make for an interesting plot!
i don't think shin is overrated at all. he's a super interesting character and i love how he contributes to the story, and all the twists about him are so unique and exciting! i do hate when people water him down to like a soggy little man who's super weak and innocent, though. the coolest thing about him is his fortitude!
in case it wasn't obvious, i am on team "q-taro is the goat", especially after 3-1b. even after accidentally getting the ending where q-taro abandoned all of us i was like "okay but that was lowkey cunty af of him..." i've always been on homie q-taro's side and i also think it's hilarious that he's like supposed to be an american stereotype.
anyway that's all i can think of! i hope some of y'all wanna be friends!!
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sylenth-l · 1 year
How are you feeling about Lightfall? People seem to be very divided on opinions 🤔 I personally hoped for more answered questions 😔😔
Well… I like the most gameplay/ui changes Bungie made in LF, but I don't like the campaign and almost everything about the story. But the thing is, I knew I won't like it when the first details and the updated logo dropped, so it's nothing new. This whole ✨super secret super city with super people✨ just didn't sound exciting for me from the beginning. I thought it looked extremely off for the Destiny setting, not something I'd personally like to see.
(Super subjective opinion below, with spoilers)
Its core idea is what bothers me the most, I guess... Those people from Neomuna gave 0 shit about the whole Solar system outside of their safe bubble for ages. They were chilling in arcades while hundreds, if not thousands, of people on Earth died from starvation and thirst, not even to mention countless wars. Even the Darkness itself arriving wasn't a good enough reason for them to show up, yet when their own asses got in the slightest danger, they're suddenly our besties and expect us to help them asap. Umm… I think such theme deserves at least some controversy and conflict to happen between the two sides, but no, we became friends in a minute and that was it. 
The way we accrue Strand is a joke, it literally just…… lays there in the middle of a random street…... I highly suspect originally it was supposed to be a part of Witch Queen, it would've fit there insanely better. Here it feels just as flat and random as everything else in this dlc. For me LF felt like a half-baked chunk of a different game. Not necessarily a bad one, just… different. You can cut out everything between the first and the last cutscenes and literally nothing will change. It's the most telling sign of the story being not that good, imo.
Tbh I don't feel like going further into the details and turning this post into a huge rant… I can mention a few things I liked instead!
LF had a bunch of excellent cutscenes, those I really enjoyed. The first and the last one ofc, the one with the Witness and Calus, Osiris and Rohan having a good talk, and the moment Caiatl appeared to fight alongside us was really cool. Witness, Osiris and Caiatl in general were the best things in LF for me, I guess. The idea of people living in a virtual space is also VERY interesting and I think Bungie should've gone all the way with it and said Neomuni had a virtual only society this whole time. What if the whole planet itself was modified to be just a huge server, containing data of all people living there? A few "Cloud Striders" could've been the only physical shells they had available for ages, and people could've taken turns in being uploaded into those fully cybernetic bodies, or maybe even several at once (let's say an engineer + a scientist + a warrior), to do the maintence and make sure the servers run as intended. That would've explained their total ignore of everything outside their own planet - they've truly surpassed all other species in the system to the point of not being able to interact with them properly due to the almost total disconnect from the physical world.
Also I get what you say about many unanswered questions. I personally wouldn't have mind it, if the story itself was more exciting/interesting, but sadly for me it wasn't, so the new terms and concepts being thrown around all the time felt irritating and confusing more than intriguing. But since the story campaign has a huge TBC written all over it, we have to just wait and see how it ends.
It's the first dlc i didn't like that much, so yeah… weird feelings. I just hope the next one is better.
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muzzlemouths · 1 year
I keep seeing posts for your dead mall dare au but I don’t know what it’s about???? Please educate me in the form of a long infodump (if you so wish)
With pleasure! Dead Mall Dare is an au that takes place in modern times but is based around a mall which was first opened and maintained in the 1970s.
The main allure of Superstar Shopping Center was the mascots. Sun, a cheerful face and upbeat personality who kept customers happy during their time at the mall, and Moon, whose laid back temperament appealed more to the night crowd. To quote the fic directly - Together they kept the place running like a well oiled machine (pun intended).
Unfortunately, the place closed within the same decade (or shortly thereafter) when disaster struck, and has been sealed up tight ever since. No one except those who lived through the event have any idea what really happened on that dark day, and those who lived to tell the tale have been long since bought out and hushed. Articles have been pulled, newspaper clippings burnt, and all evidence of the mall's untimely death wiped from the history books.
Enter y/n. You're a rookie urbex explorer who has a fair share of adventures under their belt already when you're suddenly dared to take on the notoriously haunted Superstar Shopping Center. Hardly anyone stepping foot into the mall has ever returned - and if they have, they're scared into silence and out of the urbex game for good. That oughta scare you, but instead, it just makes the exploration all the more exciting. So in you go.
Now, here's the issue. Urban exploring is all about wandering the crumbling and the forgotten. The thrill of it is in rediscovering something lost to the ages and feeling yourself become a part of a long dead history. The thing is, this mall doesn't look dead at all. Not once you're inside, at least. In fact, it looks just as alive and thriving as the day it first opened...save for some overgrowth and cracked tile. There's areas where, certainly, time has obviously taken its toll, but for the most part the mall is functioning fine within its locked doors.
This, of course, extends to the mascots, who are both perfectly alive and well, just waiting for the next customer to come strolling in!
Well, sort of. See, you're not actually supposed to be there. They're not actually supposed to be alive. And once you put two and two together, well, things start to get dangerous.
But hey, it's not all bad! You have two new friends to hang out with and a whole mall at your disposal, just waiting to be explored! Just make sure you stay out of that one room. That other room, too. Actually, maybe just stick to Sun, he'll surely keep you safe. Remember to keep the lights on!
Don't mind the stains, either. Do you know how hard it is to get blood out of shag carpet?
If you're interested in exploring this fic, you can find the first chapter here!
There's also a playlist, an art tag, and even a pinterest of the outfits you might catch our two celestial mascots in.
Hope this answers your intrigue sufficiently. Give the fic a read if you're feeling inclined, and remember to stay groovy!
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tricitymonsters · 11 months
Hii i was going through ur blog and saw u had plans for a gnc insectlike monster👀 Would you mind sharing some concept ideas/ fun facts that u had for them?
When I originally came up with the concept for TCM, I wanted to do six ROs. Mori and Amir were my first choices, then Akello won a popularity poll on the TCM discord that gave him the third slot out of the remaining character concepts.
The latter three routes I intended to make were Fira, my huge mean dragon/gargoyle woman, Ren, my gnc insectoid, and either Kazu or Raath, tbd via poll. (Raath was intended to be like a.... twisted MC corruption style route). Unfortunately, as you know, it takes a long time to make concept chapters and I wanted to get moving on the "real game" while interest was still fresh so earlier this year I decided to focus on developing the game through mori/amir/akello and see where to go once that's sort of situated.
SO Ren was intended to be a character that was about dichotomies and extremes, at least at an archetypal stage.
I wanted them to have cute, boyish looks but be relatively androgynous in shape to contrast the look and presentation of some of the other characters.
I played with the idea of making them transmasc (i still like the idea) but for now, I describe them as gnc as I'm not 100% settled on where I want their identity. I identify as gnc myself and see a lot of my own struggles in my trans friends and allies so I think there's a lot of common ground to explore along those themes regardless, which is exciting for me as a writer.
All of the TCM ROs are. Very confident. I wanted Ren to be more unsure, and maybe more hesitant to make bold decisions.
Ren's looks and demeanor might hint at someone who is easily pushed around but I wanted there to be a strong personality underneath when things get rocky.
They're a frycook/linecook but don't really SEEM to carry that Waffle House energy
They enjoy grandma style crafts (especially fiber arts and canning), going to local museums, and have a secret love of a lot of tech stuff. (They think homebrew handheld gaming systems are rad af)
They're 24 and cry looking at videos of red pandas (they're just so cute)
They deliberately sought out a demon deal
Their demon form is especially monstrous, in my head its modeled after like.... the xenomorph meats a mutant praying mantis.
They hate their demon form and struggle to come to terms with it a lot, something the MC was intended to play a big role in helping them overcome some of that.
I wanted to explore Ren as a human having a lower libido vs Ren as a demon having much higher sexual needs and the reconciliation in how we accept changing parts of ourselves. This is like a secondary theme in my brain right now, not sure it would be a main focus if Ren ends up with their own route but I think the idea's fascinating.
Their monster form has an ovipositor
No concept art of Ren exists right now but I'm hoping that one day, Ren will get to be a fully fleshed out character because I love their vibe and think they would bring a unique and special flavor to TCM lol!
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momentomori24 · 8 months
zero escape fan here:
if you want to play it yourself, i recommend playing 999 first on an emulator and using the ds version. 999 has a remaster that is sold with vlr and cant be bought seperately, so i like to think of it as a sort of "test run", and then you can get vlr on steam or whatever.
additionally, in the remaster they screw with the writing a bit? like, they change it from 2 screens at once to 2 screens you have to toggle. a LOT of letsplayers play on adventure mode, which ONLY has them talking and none of the important details present, so they have to make characters point out the obvious and it just sorta ruins the flow. if they play novel mode [which has both dialouge and the narration], it comes off as just constantly repeating itself. the worst part is that youll most likely have to look for playthroughs that are almost a decade old if you want to watch the original ds version as a playthrough— so i think its best to play that one yourself.
vlr and ztd dont have these issues, however, so feel free to watch those as playthroughs :) im new to your blog, so i dont know where you stand on the "ill only buy a game if i REALLY wanna play it and ill usually just watch a playthrough" to "if im interested in a game, ill buy it myself and play it and use letsplayers for recommendations" scale, but it seems like youre on the "only buy if necessary" end from what ive seen so far. im just trying to give advice :)
[and if youre iffy about emulating or dont want to "pirate" a game, nintendo has stopped production of this game and the consoles it plays on, so this is the only way to play this game unless you want to shell out at least 800 bucks for a new ds/3ds and a legit cartridge. the remaster takes 999 from what id call a masterpiece to just a good game, and ive played through both versions of the game 100% and the remaster got me LAUGHING in serious situations just because of the writing. the ds version is definitely the way to go for a first playthrough, at least in my opinion.]
anyways, from one zero escape fan to hopefully another one in the future, i hope you enjoy! play/watch a letsplay however you want, this is just one stranger's suggestion. having fun is the important part, and if you want any clarification tell me and ill send in another ask 👍
Thanks very much for the advice! And yeah, you've absolutely hit the nail on the head with the ''only buy if necessary'' XD I don't exactly come from a place with the income buy video games or the consoles needed to play them myself so easily, so Let's Plays it is! Which isn't too bad since I really like reacting to the game along with others, so I guess there's a silver lining there. Although I did hear about some issues with 999. Something about being sorta lost in translation too? NicoB's videos are exactly a decade old and the original ds version if memory serves, so I should be in clear with most of these issues. Good to know that the other two games are free to watch without difficulty at least.
I'm currently at the point where Akane and Junpei are investigating door 4 (with Lotus and Santa) and it's definitely super engaging at the moment. The investigation style really reminds me of DRA2 chapter 4's one, which was my absolute favourite investigation in the entire series (along with V3 chapter 4), so I'm super excited to see more of it! I love how the characters bounce off each other so well. I LIVE for Snake's snark and Akane's nerdiness, they're so lovely. And Nico's commentary during the more serious situations had me CACKLING so bad, especially how dirty he does the 9th dude every time it's amazing.
Stranger's suggestion or not, I very much appreciate the sentiment! I definitely feel like this will be a game I'll be stuck with for a while, but if it's already this fun now I think I'll be happy to stay ^-^ I'll be sure to keep this in mind! From one potential Zero Escape Fan to an already one, thanks and take care 👍
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I've been meaning to make a post on the new legends game since the announcement, but have continuously had stuff come up so finally getting around to it now. Noting now that I've only seen very little (I'll mention what beneath the cut) about it so if any of this has been proven/disproven, my bad I guess lmao. But yeah, with that in mind, these are my very late night thoughts/predictions for the game.
So starting off I want to say that the only things I have seen on this game is the trailer and that apparently the whole game happens within Lumiose City. My kneejerk reaction to it happening purely in Lumiose was disappointment but then I took a step back and remembered that this will be Lumiose before it becomes the city we know from X and Y. Realistically I cannot see them making the areas of the game either 1. any smaller than Legends Arceus or 2. if they are smaller, have any less areas than Legends Arceus. Like with all the work they've done since Sword and Shield with bigger areas, I have faith that the sizing won't be an issue here.
Plot wise I am a little nervous, but I think a lot of that is just because there's so much that is unknown for now. Like tbh we don't even know if it'll have the same elements as Legends Arceus. Like for all we know it's a level by level game that once you finish a level, you can't go back because that part of Lumiose will have been built. Like I doubt that's the case, I imagine it'll be similar to Legends Arceus because they know that works, but we just don't know for sure yet.
Much like everyone else, I do hope Zygarde gets a proper story and tbh I don't want the A in the title to be another legendary (I do have a theory that instead of a new one, it may be Arceus but we'll see), but as long as it's written well, I will be happy. I also do wonder if the swords of justice will play a role given them being based on the 3 musketeers and feeling like they should be in Kalos.
More broadly plotwise, I am also super happy that Kalos was picked because tbh it's one of my least favourite games given how many missed opportunities I felt it had (likely due to the lack of a 3rd game) so I am excited to hopefully see those gaps be filled.
But yeah, overall I will say though, with Legends Arceus being my favourite pokemon game, it does have a lot to live up to, and that makes me anxious.
As I'm sure is the case with most people, my main hope for this game is that there are new mega pokemon (and regional forms). And tbh, I hope that any pokemon that already has a mega doesn't get a new one... maybe with the exception of Blastoise and Venusaur because it'd be nice for Charizard to not have the special treatment lmao. I don't really have any hopes for specific pokemon to get a new form or mega, maybe something I wouldn't usually use. Like I had never used Muk before Sun and Moon and now Alolan Muk is a top 10 pokemon ever for me.
Starter wise, my first guess is that they will pick all 3 from ones that aren't generation 6 or generations that were picked for Legends Arceus. Sprigatito, Sobble and Torchic were the first to come to mind, but I also have a nagging (affectionate) feeling that Squirtle may also be picked. If I'm right, I will likely pick Sobble because I've never done a runthrough with it, but if it is Squirtle and not Sobble, I really don't know because I've used all three of those pretty evenly. Then again, Lavender specifically came from another region iirc (did we ever talk about the implications of this? Like the 'Hisuian' starter forms may not actually be from Hisui if he brought them along from where he was from. Like I know pokemon says it's the area that determines the form but it takes years/generations to adjust so there's likely another region that had at least similar if not the same final forms as the Hisuian starters) so they could use that as a reason to finally give the generation 6 starters a mega and/or new final form.
And there is probably more but it's 1am here so those thoughts will have to wait for another time.
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tuftypompom · 6 months
Update on the Chapter 3 Mock Stuff + Some Other Stuff!!
Hey all! It's me, your favorite purple goat with a booty stank upload and sleep schedule, Pompom!
Ever since the newsletter Toby had published on Halloween, I have started to feel less and less encouraged towards continuing my mock Chapter 3 content. On top of lacking any sort of consistent motivation towards making music like I used to have, it seems like we're nearing the release of Chapter 4 sometime within the next couple of years. Now, that's exciting, for sure! And, while it may seem like a long time, it's been, like, almost half a year since my last uploads, LIGHT THE LIGHTS and Written in Stone, and, while I certainly feel better than I had during that time, there's no denying that I still lack so much of the creative potential I once held, and I'm afraid my motivation has been so lacking, that I can't fathom when I'll ever feel the same again. I would kill to upload consistently again sometime, but it really does feel like I have to be on this little forced hiatus. Darn you, brain!
Well- Apologies for the pseudo vent post! But I only bring this up because, due to these complications, I've decided to just drop what I have now here. This doesn't mean I'll never pick these back up, but I feel terrible for leaving my last upload five months in the past, and I haven't really added anything major to any of these tracks since, well, forever ago! So, if it's something you're interested in, these three are among the primary tracks I was developing for my mock Chapter 3.
"Obligatory Field Area"
Obviously, this track holds no title. I mean, technically speaking, none of them do, but the other two I just decided to play along with the existing naming schemes of Deltarune character tracks (Like "Queen", or "Lancer" (But is that called "I'm the Bad Guy?" I don't really know...)). Meant to be the primary area of the mock chapter, resembling a similar, sprawling "field" to that of Hopes & Dreams and Cyber, this is where you would, inevitably, meet Tenna. The art was just a quick mockup I made and never expanded upon, so excuse the poor quality.
A (very short) song doodle I was making for Mike, the day host (Think of him and Tenna like Nickelodeon and Nick @ Nite, or Cartoon Network and Adult Swim!). Mike holds a more mature, thoughtful attitude and is much less of a "threat" to the Lightners. Even if he has a notably short temper, he knows how to keep his cool and to remain with his stage face on! Instead of directly stopping the Lightners, he more so just likes fooling with them to keep his audience entertained. That is until partway into the chapter, when a mysterious foe comes to bust the party and kick Mike off the stage...
A theme for the Big T himself, Tenna! He's a lot more, uhm.. Obnoxious? Than Mike? Being the night host, he holds a more brash attitude for his more mature audiences, and is a lot less thoughtful than Mike. There's not a lot else to say about him, as that's all I've really had in mind up to now, lol. Probably my favorite theme out of the three, though; Obviously, it's kind of a re-take of my previous "Mike" theme that was just made for funsies.
And that's it, really! Those are the three big songs I was doodling out before my brain said, "No." Perhaps sometime in the future I'll pick these back up and continuing developing my ideas. Thankfully, other than music, I've still been trying to get some stuff done, including prototyping various game ideas pseudo-privately. I do anticipate uploading on Tumblr more, I've just never really had a reason to do so as of yet, lol. Sometime, though, I'd love to eventually start posting about my coding projects, and maybe my art. I've never really worked with social media platforms before, admittedly, but I'll definitely try to at least consider branching out and experimenting more with Tumblr going forward.
Thank you all for the continued support! I hope to continue posting sometime, whether it be about music, coding, or whatever.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Just wanted to say that I love all your Elucien stuff! Keep ‘em coming! You put so much thought into it! I totally think they’re going to be end game. I see their amazing potential and am blown away by all the things you put together! I am SO excited for their story and to hear their own POVs! More than I was with Nesta and Cassian! Do you think the next book will be to resolve this strange love square between Elucien and Gwynriel? Lots of love!! 💕💕
Thank you for this message, it was exactly what I needed today 🥰
I don't think I've ever been so excited about a book as I am for Elucien's story. And this is coming from someone who was around when we had to wait for each next Harry Potter and Twilight book to be released 😂
As far as the complicated situation with E/riel / Elucien /Gwynriel, I would honestly be surprised if it hasn't already been resolved.
On Solstice, Elain and Az nearly kissed but at the end of that, he thinks to himself that he knew he had been wrong going near her. I don't think that's setting up the forbidden love story others think it does. I think it's to be taken literally, like, it really was a mistake from the start.
The whole situation brings to mind when Cassian told Nesta that if you get between a Male and his Mate, you learn consequences the hard way. And I think that's exactly what happened to Az when Rhys had to pull rank because of Az's idiocy and interest in Elain for the wrong reasons. He walked away from the house that night feeling angry and bitter and depressed and full of self loathing, basically at rock bottom (which later turned around quite a bit after his interactions with Gwyn).
After Solstice, 3 - 4 months go by and there is no further indication that Az and Elain are still interested in one another but there are positive moments that Az and Gwyn share.
Then SJM said that when CC3 is the next release, it will take place 6-9 months after the end of SF. So 9 - 13 months AFTER Solstice. That means at least a year will have gone by before the next ACOTAR book and I highly doubt Elain and Az are waiting that long, biding their time and planning to disobey Rhys. I feel like anything they thought might happen will have fizzled out.
I do think SJM will dedicate a paragraph to Elain or Az acknowledging the events of the past but more in an offhand way (i.e. "I thought that could have been something but I'm not sure it was for the right reasons)."
That means by the time we get an Elain or Az book, their story can focus on their endgame love interest (Elucien and Gwynriel) and not deal with the drama that happened months before.
I don't think my hope that the next ACOTAR book will pick up where SF left off (and be released before CC3) will come true but if there's any possibility of that, I still think the 4 months having passed since Solstice is enough time for both Elain and Az to realize they dodged a bullet with what happened and each will be ready to deal with the bigger problems of their past (losing Graysen and the loss of her humanity, and his, finally moving on from Mor for good). Once they address those issues they'll finally start their journey's forward with Lucien and Gwyn.
Lots of love to you too!!
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jojolovenotes · 1 year
Berryyyy hiiiii 💕 hope you’re doing well this fine week. It’s the 14th here so Happy White Day 💕
Also I love your f/o game idea and so I’d like to participate 👉🏼👈🏼 with Jotaro and 16 please? Thank you in advance ✨
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Meet Cutes: 16. meeting in a cinema, both there with their friends, but sitting next to each other and accidentally grabbing each other’s hand when something scary happens on screen
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You were excited to finally have some time off to spend with friends. It was exciting that you were all going to go to the movies; you actually couldn’t remember the last one you’d seen. At least this time you would be able to know what they were talking about! Your friends decided to go with a horror movie this time around, and while you didn’t mind the horror genre there was something different about watching it in a big theater in the dark. 
As your group walked into the cinema, you took a look behind you. It was already starting to get dark and you knew that meant the movie would be starting soon. You reached your hand out to hold on to one of your friend’s sleeves to be guided to your seat. 
“We’ve got these three seats here.” your friend said pointing at the seats. Your friends took the first two seats which left you with the innermost seat.
As you made your way to your seat, you noticed someone must be sitting next to you. Although you didn’t see anyone in the seat just yet, you saw a popcorn bucket and a drink to indicate the seat wasn’t vacant. Glancing over, you noticed a group of guys that were sitting next to the vacant seat… You wondered who would be sitting next to you, but for now you’d pay attention to the previews instead.
A couple of previews played, and the seat still remained empty… Now you wondered if the seat had been vacant after all, that was until you noticed the group of guys waving their arms out in the air to get the attention of their friend. You glanced over but couldn’t get a good look just yet at the guy that was going to sit next to you. From where you were sitting, all you could see was a tall shadow headed your way. 
You thought it might be best to just focus on the previews for now, but once the tall shadow was getting closer to his seat you couldn’t help but look over curiously trying to get a better look at the guy who was going to occupy the seat next to you. It was difficult to really make out his features using only the lights from the previews but he seemed to look like an intimidating type… You turned your attention back to the safety of the screen. 
Normally these genres of movies don't scare you, but it’s an entirely different experience watching it in a dark cinema with amplified sound. So many moments in the movie startled you - not because it was scary, but because the sound caught you off guard. You felt like you were beginning to be on edge not knowing when another loud noise might cause you to jump once more. 
You were getting by just fine, until a moment in the movie genuinely freaked you out, and you ended up reaching your hand for the closest thing to hold. You thought you were reading for the armrest from your seat, but you actually ended up reaching and holding the hand of the guy next to you. He didn’t seem to mind though, in fact he responded with a reassuring squeeze. You didn’t want to look over… There’s no way you wanted to deal with this embarrassment right now. The thing was though, when you tried to let go, it seemed the stranger didn’t mind to still hold your hand now giving you another reassuring squeeze.
Since he hadn’t let go, you finally mustered the courage to look over at him, but he had been keeping his eyes glued to the screen. You wondered if maybe, just maybe, this guy was a bit freaked out too. He sure didn’t show it on his features, but you noticed that he kept squeezing your hand a bit during those ‘jumpscare’ moments. This was… strangely comforting.
He might be a stranger, but you felt at ease now that you two were holding each other’s hands. Now you weren’t eager for the movie to finish, but at the same time now you were curious about introducing yourself to him once the film was over… You just hoped that your palms weren’t getting clammy from the nervousness and handholding!
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linawritestwst · 1 year
congrats on 1000+ followers!! 🎉 may I request a matchup? I don't have any preference, my pronouns is she/her, zodiac sign is Virgo, and mbti is ISTP
personality: I'd like to believe I'm funny 🙏 I'm someone who laughs a lot (?) even at the most dumbest things as long I get it and I actually find it funny lol. I don't like being alone outside but at home I'd like to have some alone time, I just like to surround myself with people (ex. family) I like and I'm comfortable with outside of home (doesn't have to be a large group of friends either). I get super excited if I found someone who share the same interests as me (cause rarely all my friends do), I can probably talk for hours about my interests. But I'm also someone who gets bored easily (mostly toward games doe), and I get over things easily (like I could dislike this person's persona one moment and the next I wouldn't feel anything about them). I smile a lot around my friends but some say I have a rbf. I'm quite blunt and sometimes my mouth works faster than my brain. I find myself having a hard time trusting people with my more private worries but it's not that big of a deal. I'd like to think I'm someone who doesn't have a lot of worries (but ofc there's some days where it just hits but rarely), I just go with the flow. I'm pretty open-minded and is okay with trying out new things, I love having fun (doe I get scared by bungee jumping and stuff, I'd still try it out at least once). Although I'm not very open and chatty with strangers, I open up more if we have smth in common or we talk often.
interests/hobbies: playing otome games and visual novels, reading webtoon/manga (my fave genre is romance), reading fanfics and writing them
what I look for in a partner: someone who can make me feel comfortable, respects me and supports in what I want to do (someone who would slap some sense in me when I go down the wrong path too) and maybe someone who can make me smile and laugh, I don't have much of a preference as long I like them
what I don't look for in a partner: someone who doesn't respect me
thank you in advance if u did my matchup!! ❤️❤️ hope u have a lovely day 🌻
- 🦥
hi and thank you so much, i hope you have a lovely day too <3
the character that i think would be a good partner for you is..
idia shroud!
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i'll explain why i chose him:
if it's easier for you to open up to those who have at least one thing in common with you, i think idia would be perfect to try and start a conversation with, since your interests are pretty similar. he may deny being a dating sim/romance manga and webtoon enjoyer, but i just know that he secretly likes this kind of stuff as well jdjdkdksddk. also he would probably think that you being a fan of a genre like that is actually kind of cute.
talking about your favorite games with him!! getting excited over them!! you don't have to worry about being annoying at all, honestly, idia is most likely the one who's more worried about sounding weird or making you uncomfortable. also idia might get scared of your bluntness at first, but to be honest, i think that could be a cute relationship dynamic? you two can be like 😐😥 also, maybe it would actually be better for him to know exactly what you're thinking because if you try to hide something from him or try to say it in a more polite way, he might take it the wrong way or he might start overthinking what you said.
if you like game/animanga memes or references, then sure, idia can make you laugh! he would send you a lot of these and when you tell him you laughed at them, he would go "YES Y/N NO ONE UNDERSTANDS ME LIKE YOU DO >:D" but he really is happy about making you smile. he would try to support you as much as he can too, but if you think of doing something too reckless or dangerous, idia will be there to stop you.. though his definitions of "reckless" and "dangerous" may be different from yours. hey, don't judge him, he's just worried about you, that's all!
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taiturner · 1 year
for the ask game: twd, fear and world beyond :)
Favorite character: Alden, Sasha, Aaron
Funniest character: Eric is the first person that comes to mind (I love when he's petty<3) but I'm blanking on everyone else
Best-looking character: Magna, Siddiq
3 favorite ships: Aaron/Eric, Denise/Tara, and the most unpopular opinion of all but Rosita/Gabriel is So special to me. Honorable mention to Elijah and Lydia, I know their development happens in the background but the parallels between them are so loud anyway and those last few episodes really got me.
Least favorite character: N*gan
Least favorite ship:  Lori and Sh*ne, get him away from her
Reason why I watch it: I know most people hate the bloated cast but I love it for that reason. I favor the later half of the series when there are so many different communities intricately linked, it makes for some really fun dynamics everywhere and there will really never be another show that gives you that
Why I started watching it: I basically had to bully myself into liking apocalypse shows (which is so ironic now because... my favorite things). I tried once and didn't make it past the pilot but then I picked it up a few years later (when season 9 was airing) and got hooked
Favorite character: Grace
Funniest character: I'm blanking 😔
Best-looking character: Luciana
3 favorite ships: Grace/Morgan, Sherry/Dwight, Al/Isabelle
Least favorite character: Troy
Least favorite ship:  I'm mostly blanking on every other ship in this show but actually the first one that comes to mind is Charlie (a 12 year old) and that 16 year old 🧍‍♂️ why'd they do my girl like that
Reason why I watch it: I don't always love the plot but I do love the characters so I've been holding on for them
Why I started watching it: I think I might've watched a few episodes of this before I ever started TWD but I was bored... I started again at season 4 because I heard about Al and I loved the concept of a journalist still interviewing people in the apocalypse, then I eventually went back to watch it all.
Favorite character: Iris and Leo are tied but Hope, Felix, Huck, and Silas are sooo close behind.
Funniest character: Elton maybe
Best-looking character: Sorry to be a Joe Holt stan but ♡ Leo
3 favorite ships: Felix/Will, Iris/Percy, Huck/Dennis
Least favorite character: This is one of the rare shows that I love love love every single character so it's really hard to answer this so. I guess Jadis because I have the least connection to her. Everyone else is my family <3
Least favorite ship:  I don't think I really have an answer for this because I liked all the established ships... I think Lyla/Leo were cute even though she was betraying him :( so I guess them for technical purposes.
Reason why I watch it: People call it a "teen drama" but I think it's much more aligned with "family drama." At its core its entirely about FAMILY! And the family dynamics in this show are so incredible. The complex siblings, complex friendships, putting your entire trust in someone that's inevitably going to betray you, it's so good to me. I also think coming of age in the apocalypse is a really fun story to tell, especially since these people have lived in the apocalypse for 10 years but haven't actually experienced it. People who hate this show are boring <3
Why I started watching it: I had basically just finished watching TWD for the first time when this show was announced so I was excited to see it from the start, and the premise of it all sounded really fun and I was sooo sad when the premiere got pushed back like... a year. This show is my best friend now.
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