#hopefully that'll get done tomorrow
raksh-writes · 8 months
Tfw I have so much to do, and so much I want to do, but my body hits me with the "is it a migraine? Or am I actually getting sick?" episode of the miserable sunday variation.
Fun :)
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gible-love-nibles · 1 year
On god I forgot to be online today
But hey, I got more progress on Clare Carder and that's all that really matters to me
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moe-broey · 6 months
Piercing bump jumpscare......... 😔💔
Only on my left fang! But man that is a bummer... esp bc healing has gone so smoothly otherwise. From what it seems like though, I should be able to do some at home treatments and Hopefully it'll pass.
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the-music-keeper · 8 months
Objective #5 is done.
I seriously have my work cut out for me tomorrow. This is no joke at all.
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ladybirdswritings · 8 months
BEAUTY AND THE HYBRID - Klaus Mikaelson Fanfiction
summary: the slip of burlap rope brings an unsuspecting girl into the arms of a vicious, bloodthirsty creature.
warnings: mentions of ab*se, stockholm syndrome, captivity, dea*h, and violence.
next chapter <3 | ao3 | tag list
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"Oh fuck yeah!"
My face tints a rose-like pink, burning at my cheeks as I scold my sister with wide eyes. She is happy today, and that's rare for us. Regardless, happy or not, her sailor's mouth never fails to mortify me. The patrons of this syrup scented diner stare for a moment, but return to their meal soon enough.
Birdie is fourteen today, and her eyes are eager and swimming with starvation as she inhales the powdered sugar air. I can't really afford this, not right now at least. Probably not tomorrow either, but today is her birthday. She'll only be fourteen once and- mom would have done the same thing. In fact, mom did do the same thing. Many times for me. When I turned twelve, we snuck into a cake shop and ate each sugared treat cased in glass displays. That was my favorite birthday.
I am not brave enough or- stupid enough to steal from anyone else. I have done enough of that this week.
"Dude, they have french toast coated in chocolate syrup."
Birdie is drooling now, I smile at her.
"Whatever you want, Birdie."
It's sad, how this is like Christmas for her. A warm meal at a shitty Mystic Falls Diner for the big one four. I will do more, soon. This however, it will be dealt with if I just take over Riley's night shift at the Grille- she won't mind the time off anyways.
The waitress is a strawberry blonde, her legs seem to go for miles. Her eyes are a pretty blue and her smile is tinted pink. Birdie wastes no time.
"Chocolate syrup french toast please! Heavy emphasis on the chocolate syrup... Ooh! And a stack of four pumpkin pancakes with whipped cream and lots of bacon and eggs on the side. Some orange juice too."
The waitress stifles her grin as she jots Birdie's order down on yellow pad paper.
"And for you?"
Birdie looks at me hopefully. I gaze into her eyes for a moment and pretend that my next words will be a request of pumpkin pancakes too.
"Oh that's everything, I'm not hungry."
Guilt floods them,
"I can hold off on the pump-"
"No Birdie, really I am not hungry."
I'm starving. My stomach growls in protest, luckily quiet enough for only me to hear. Birdie believes me, at least I hope she does as she sinks back into the booth.
The waitress smiles sympathetically, nodding once before scurrying off.
Birdie is impatient, drumming her fingers on the cherry wood as we wait. It isn't just the food she's impatient for. She groans.
"Ahhh- apple! C'mon- can't we just take a two second peek at what's in the big dumb thing?"
My brows twitch in discomfort and urgency, and I lift my finger to hush her. Maybe what that man said was all just to scare me, maybe he thought it was funny. It is the month of halloween after all, I have learned in my years here how serious all of Mystic Falls takes it. Still, I don't wan't to take any chances.
I shake my head at her,
"No. Not happening. That dude told us to keep this locked tight under all circumstances."
Birdie only rolls her eyes at that,
"Pfft. That guy was probably just trying to scare us. Ooh! I bet its drugs, or illegal weapons! Or illegal drug weapons!"
I shush her again.
"It doesn't matter what it is, it's not ours. I'm not opening it. I need it safe till midnight, till I get the payout and we get the hell out of Mystic Falls."
Birdie frowns, eyes gazing at the lonely jack-o-lantern glowing golden on the concrete outside.
"You think all that money is gonna buy us real fancy meds for dad? Like ones that'll get him better quickly?"
I wince at the question, I want to say yes but I truthfully don't know. He's worsened this month, I only hope these days. So does Birdie. It's her birthday, I can't make her sad.
"I'm sure we'll figure it out, we always do. Dad's gonna be fine. We're gonna have lots of money, money for medicine and money for unlimited pumpkin pancakes until you're at least forty three."
Birdie nods in agreement with that statement, "fuck yeah." she whispers. She tries to keep it discreet but, I hear it anyways. I ignore it.
The strawberry blonde waitress returns, juggling Birdie's food on a golden arm. She places four plates down in front of my lanky sister, her eyes light up like a million fireworks have ignited within them.
"Brought you a coffee pot sugar, its on the house."
The waitress, Karen, she smiles softly and it's warm like the coffee pot. She throws pink packets of sugar and small cups of cream in front of me. It'll keep me awake, I'm grateful. I thank her as I pour the bitter drink into the mug and breathe in the aroma.
Birdie is devouring her food as if it will up and leave her.
"My my, all this food. Today a special occasion?" Karen inquires, I nod with a warm grin.
"It's her birthday."
Karen gasps, "A birthday!? Well how old are you sweetheart? Old enough to pay the bill?" She jests.
Birdie shakes her head, teeth crushing a mixture of chocolate whipped pumpkin toast topped with bacon and egg. Whatever she could fit in her mouth. "Nope. Fourteen." She speaks muffled with a mouth full of food- her words are hardly audible, masked by her chewing. I repeat it to the waitress.
"Well then, a birthday calls for a special treat don't it? I'll go get one."
I nod gratefully, "Thanks. Hey um- do you guys have a bathroom?"
She points to the right and I slide out of the booth-gripping the white oak case in my hands. I'll bring it with me. I would be a fool to lose it, let alone leave it with my very occupied sister. I almost don't believe it's anything of importance, probably just some cruel prank. My intuition reminds me just how too good to be true it sounds. Yet, I am hopeful this month. So I'm playing along anyways.
My eyes are glued to the case as I walk right, so much so that I don't see the polished boots in front of me. I gasp, accepting the fate of the floor before it even greets me. We never meet. I clutch on to the fabric smelling of maple and bourbon. It tethers me, lifting me to my feet.
It is silent, I meet ice blue eyes.
They bore past my very being, into something I don't even see myself. My soul, maybe. He is tall, tall enough that it makes me feel quite small. He has golden brown hair that curls at the tips, and golden brown stubble that surrounds pink lips. His eyes, they're all I see.
I stumble, he steadies me again with two strong hands.
"Holy shit!" Birdie calls, maybe amused- maybe relieved. She saw that, everyone saw that. My cheeks are pink again, as are the tips of my ears. The man's eyes wander around us, and it seems like that is enough for everyone. They all mind their business and return to their meals. As if he just cast a spell to detour their gazes.
His hands still grasp me as his eyes devour my composure.
"Are you all right?" His voice is like honey, stuck in a glass pot but glazing sweetness dripping from the very lid. It is deep, accented. He isn't from here.
I can't speak, I feel like I am crushed under his boot, the same one I tripped over. I only nod.
He releases me, slowly.
His eyes remain on mine, until they don't. He peers at the white oak case with an expression I cannot begin to describe. I watch him for a moment, analyzing. Fear strums at my core... its familiarity- I think. Or maybe I am just paranoid. I gulp, bending down to collect the case in my hands in an instant before he gets the chance to. I gaze at it, praying my fall didn't disrupt whatever lay inside.
He gazes at it too.
I have to speak now, otherwise I will be stuck frozen here.
"I apologize I um- I should have been paying more attention."
He doesn't tear his gaze away from the case. Not at first, for a moment that seems far too long for me to stomach. He breaks, eventually and a part of me is relieved but it seems a bigger part of me wishes he would just return his stare toward the case again. His eyes feel like they're burning through me. Like as if I try and speak again, my voice will falter to nothingness.
"You're alright, sweetheart. On you go."
Sweetheart. It calms the nerves. I nod gratefully, but his eyes returning to what is grasped in my hands just reminds me of why exactly I should be stepping rather than shaking. A gulp, then I am on my way, feet clashing against the noir tiles. Birdie is accompanied by the waitress, I catch glimpse in a napkin holder and sigh in relief as I push through the faded blue door.
I am eager to release the case from my burning hands, I was gripping it tight enough to callous my reddened palms. I throw it on the ceramic sink as the faucet squeaks, my trembling hands splash my pink face with warm water. I heat even more.
The mirror greets my pallid features, sunken in with exhaustion and hunger. It also meets my eyes, swimming with a melting pot of emotions. My breaths are shallow and labored, and my heart is pounding on its cages.
I splash my face again and yet? I cannot shake the feeling that this won't be the last time I see that man again...
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stealingpotatoes · 9 months
closing ko-fi requests ):
I'm honestly so sad abt doing this after all these years but I've gotta close ko-fi requests 😔 I really can't justify the time I spend on them against the amount I earn on them ): it's been fine before but as I'm goin into my last year of uni I need to get a better balance between uni work and art-money work. on this, commissions are getting an overhaul in the coming weeks bc I know I'm super undercharging lmao which I can't keep up, bc again, I've gotta try not to fail my degree while also making sure art is a viable side hustle loll.
I may open kofi reqs again when I've got more time (or failing that make them a part of kofi memberships at some point)!!! but for now rip kofi reqs ): (my kofi will obvs stay open for support and -- if you want smthn back for ur support -- kofi membership early access!!)
HOWEVER in better news with my commissions overhaul I'm gonna be opening a new, cheaper type of commission so hopefully that'll be a nice balance for everyone!
got one last request to finish and it's a big'un so should be a nice sendoff to kofi requests!! hopefully done by tomorrow
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bigwishes · 2 years
I hear there are wishes being granted? But granting basic wishes all day must be a bit exhausting, so I am here with a fun challenge to hopefully spice up your day!
I want to see how big you can make me. I have always dreamed of being one of those mountains of muscle on the Mr. Olympia stage, but just know that if I ever got to that point, it wouldn’t be enough and I would want more. So I’m hoping your magic may be able to help me fulfill that wish while pushing the limits of magic as well.
Genie. I wish to be as big and muscular as your magic can possibly make me be.
So you wanna be big, You wanna be as big as my magic can possibly make you well sure. Simple as can be. Of course I'm not going to sit here for the next god knows how long to listen to you go "mm maybe 20 pounds more" or decide when you go too big. So you get a wonderful muscle growth curse, basically what you asked for it is my magic after all. So enjoy your journey, getting a little bigger every day.
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After your first day you were ripped. A gorgeous stud absolutely ripped to the yards. You are absolutely irresistible, even to yourself as you spent almost the entire night after your first transformation pumping your own dick and moaning. Rubbing your body worshipping yourself but as hot as you look now you can't wait to get bigger, can't wait for the curse to really kick in.
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You won't up in the morning feeling sore, like every muscle in your body had been torn thousands of times in just a few hours. You got up from your bed and looked at yourself in the mirror.
"fuck, I'm so much bigger than I was yesterday, this body its..."
You rub you hands all over yourself, enjoying every bump and swelled muscle. Each muscle you moved was tight and tense like you had never taken a rest day in years of working your whole body.
"fuck how good would I look with a pump?" you questioned biting your lip. You'd fuck yourself if you could, maybe that'll be your next wish, for a clone.
You closed your eyes rubbing your body, worshipping yourself, maybe you'd workout tomorrow, start chasing a pump to see how good you'd look swollen out.
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A few days had gone by and you'd swollen bigger than any bloke you've ever seen. You had the bright idea of starting a tinder profile to and start dating, you'd have guys crawling all over you. Problem was you'd have to update your profile twice a day. Once when you woke up to your new size and a second time after your work out. Turns out once you gained a pump it wouldn't go down and it felt incredible.
You can't fucking wait to get bigger, so much bigger, you thought of maybe wishing for the curse to act twice as fast, or maybe even be twice as fast and twice as strong.
A few guys had commented that your head was starting to look small compared to your body. One bloke said how shrunken you must be down stairs from roid usage but it hadn't shrunk at all, or at least you were pretty sure it hadn't. You couldn't see it like you used to from the size of your pecs, and your hands had gotten so massive you could crush your dick if you weren't careful...but still there was no doubt in your mind, you were excited for more size, you were pretty sure...90% sure.
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It hadn't even been a fully 2 weeks and you had grown into a monster. You were out of breath simply from moving your hulking frame, You wanted to stop working out, stop chasing the pump, slow down the growth but you couldn't. It was so addicting, lifting as many plates as the bar would hold, feeling the straining blood filled pump turn to solid muscle mass moments later, originally it would leave you smirking for an hour, now its just a brief second of joy before you realise what you'd done.
You see your phone vibrate on the bench. You waddled your hulking frame and struggled to bend to pick it up. Just a mere few steps and you were having to take a break to catch your breath. Picking up your phone your eyes lit up, a message from a bodybuilder you'd been chatting with.
"so...you just keep getting bigger?"
"yeah bro, I know its weird but it was a wish"
"I believe you, I saw you a few days ago haha"
"so...what do you think about being offical? fancy waking up on a bigger chest each day 😉"
"sorry bro, you were hot, and kept getting hotter, the size was great but now, now you look way too roided out for me"
"Its not roids though it magic"
"yeah I know but you look way too roided and you're gonna get bigger I don't know if I can be with a guy who could crush my spine if he rolls over in his sleep"
You chucked your phone down back on the bench waddling back to the dumbbells, you picked them up and started pumping your muscle, feeling yourself growing larger and larger. You were happy to stay this big, maybe even 20 pounds larger, but...when was it going to end...would it end....were you happy like this? with each curl you whispered to your reflection.
"I wish I was 20 pounds smaller, I wish the growth would stop, I..." but sorry mate, now you're in for a real treat, you've hit the point where a few more pounds aren't going to be noticed, no, now your growth is going to get so much better, or worse depending on your outlook. Tomorrow you'll wake up 300 pounds heavier, and the next day, and the next until that won't be noticed and you'll be gaining 500 a day. This won't ever stop, you wanted to be as big as my magic can make you well there is no limit to how big I can make you. You're going to regret the wording on that wish mate.
Morphs used by MAX MORPHS: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/maxmorphs Rene1morphs: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/rene1morphs
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buttdawg · 4 months
There's really not a lot I can say that hasn't already been said. It looks like Vince McMahon's downfall in 2022 was just a warmup for what's happening in 2024. This time the allegations are a lot more detailed and horrific. Apparently Slim Jim decided to pause their sponsorship deal with WWE and that seems to have spooked TKO enough that Vince resigned.
Compare that to the scandal in '22, where Vince seemed to be in big trouble, but there didn't seem to be enough leverage to oust him from the company, then he finally did step down, and then he ended up coming back. This time things are happening much faster, and people are speculating about the complicity of others in the company. "What did Triple H know and when did he know it?" That sort of thing.
I'm just some dork on the internet, but it looks to me like Vince is running out of road. Pre-2022, he could rely on his majority shareholder power to wield unlimited power in WWE. I was kind of surprised he stepped down in 2022 at all, so when he used the majority shareholder power to get back in, I wasn't too surprised. They said it was just so he could preside over the sale to TKO, but that's over now, and they've been reducing his influence over WWE ever since. Now he's resigned completely, so all he has left are the shares he has in TKO, which he was in the process of selling off.
The way I understood it, he had so many that he couldn't sell them all in one go, because that would tank the stock, so he had to do it in big chunks over several months. That's assuming he intended to sell it all in the first place, and maybe his plans have changed now. Still, he's not going to have TKO or WWE to back him up in the future. They're going to want to cut ties with him quickly, so when all is said and done, it'll be Vince facing these allegations without the corporate machine behind him. I don't know how much that matters. I mean, he'll still have his vast personal fortune and legal resources, but this feels different. If that NDA gets voided, there could be even more allegations that come to light, and he'll come off looking even worse.
Realistically, he'll probably die of old age before he faces any real consequences. That sucks, but at least there can be some sort of dismantling of Vince's reputation. In 2022 he made that last appearance on Smackdown and fans were chanting "Thank you, Vince" and it was pretty sickening to hear. Maybe we're finally nearing the end of people trying to pretend like Vince McMahon was some sort of genius promoter. I don't think anyone's going to be thanking him much from here on out.
As for TKO, hopefully this will lead to some sort of purge of whoever was complicit in all of this. I'd be very surprised if we ever saw Brock Lesnar in a WWE ring again, and there's probably more names that'll come out of this. WWE claimed to do an investigation into all of this before, and apparently they weren't very thorough, so whoever's behind that will have to face the music. The Royal Rumble's tomorrow, and right now the most interesting part of it sounds like the press event after the show. I don't know what Paul Levesque's role in all of this was, but it's hard to believe he worked for WWE for 29 years and had no idea what Vince was up to. He voted against his return in 2023, so that means something. I have to think his career in WWE management will never be the same after this.
However it shakes out, hopefully this will allow TKO to clean house and put it all behind them. And maybe that'll put more pressure on other promotions to clean their houses... Well, I'm probably being too optimistic.
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luchadorbard · 4 months
The Fallen Angles of our better nature (An OC short story)
(EDITORIAL NOTE: I've made various changes to this story after first posting it, mostly grammar and spelling. I have also changed a key aspect in the story itself to move away from a real world organization. Primarily to keep with the 'out there', fictitious nature of the sci-fi. I also no longer wish my story to be associated with a hyper-litigious group that has ALLEGEDLY many bad actors within it. I've made this change a while ago however this information has been brought to my attention recently and has further validated my decision. Please enjoy.)
"Guess who got tickets to the art expo!" Evelyn practically sang the question as the door to her apartment shut behind her. Her wife's head slowly peered around the door frame.
"Finally! It's not like I'm in that damn exhibit." Amanda smiled as she moved out of the study to stride over to Evelyn. Her hanging black Mohawk swaying slightly with each step, before quickly tamed with one of her large hands running through her shaved half of her head.
"With all the confusion in the wake of the director resigning, it's not that surprising honey." She leaned up and exchanged a quick kiss with her wife before she pulled back.
"Will Ame be there? They're kind of the whole reason for that piece in the first place."
"Amethyst will be there, don't worry about. It's they're translator drones that'll be the big question." She tossed her things on to the near by couch. "Got an outfit ready for tomorrow night?"
Amanda shook her head. "I'm torn, the suit and tie still calls to me but we'd both look great in clashing dresses."
Evelyn smirked as she let her fiery hair down. "You'll look good in anything dear."
Her partner sighed and dragged a hand over her face. "You always say that to avoid picking one. It can't be true all the time!"
Evelyn chortled as she made her way upstairs. "I'll stop saying it when it is!" She started the process of decompressing after a day of work as reflected on what drew them to this new milestone.
She remembered when she first met Amanada, the memory so vivid it bordered on a vision. One of the many mass planet wide protests that rocked Norumbega after the planetary governor announced another round of crippling austerity, another round of new measures against the Xalens aliens on world and another round of empowered security forces.
New Holguín was one of the epicenter of the push back, and her local parish had been key of not only providing support and logistics for the protests themselves but also helping the strange abstract aliens protect themselves from local authorities pointed ire.
She was there, a pale siege tower of a woman. One of the many members of local branch of the Chapel of Baphomet united in common cause with Evelyn and her congregation. Her aura seemed to have a natural command to her fellow protesters.
When the line of contact had grown more rowdy, her and her fellow believers were injured in a security line push, her group was the closest street medics they access to and urgency outweighed there reservations about there presentation.
"Let me get a look at it." Amanda readied the med kit without even looking at it, her attention laser focused on wound itself. "Hopefully it's just a shallow cut."
Droplets of blood from the scrap on Evelyn's arm were staining the larger woman's fingers, her black nail polish and her jacket. Evelyn shook her head. "It was just an awkward fall during the push. I got lucky, Matthews needs the help more than me."
Amanda raised an eyebrow as she sprayed a sanitizing solution on the cut before quickly wrapped it up. "You won't be so lucky if it gets infected. I'd see a doctor proper just to be safe."
"I'm not leaving until this is done." Evelyn stared back up at the woman, quiet defiance burning in her green eyes, the subtle implications of her removal not lost on her.
"This isn't a game. That could have easily turned into a stampede or a crush." Amanda tone wasn't confrontational or hostile, but it did carry the weight of a warning.
Evelyn remained unmoved. "I'm not leaving my congregation or the Xalens out there." An edge crept into her voice she didn't know she had, catching Amanda off guard. She nodded in response as more injured came in, demanding attention.
Once the days protest finally settled down, the pair had crashed at the Amanda's chapel branch with many of the more badly injured of Evelyn's congregation needing to stay there. Once the initial awkward introductions and opening questions had passed, the pair seemed to relax and words came more freely.
"Evelyn O'Sullivan and Amanda Saarela, with the contribution of 'Baphomet's grace'." The announcer's proclamation was met with a smattering of polite applause. Evelyn practically hung off her wife's arm and broad shoulders as pair gave respectful waves to the rest of the galley before the next artist in attendance was pointed out.
The obsidian statue gleamed in the gallery lighting to an almost mirror polish, the goat head figure shielding several Xalens with his wings and arms. Many of that species in attendance as well, hovering between exhibits as crystalline rock orbited there stony cores.
"There's still too many mistakes in it." Amanda said unprompted as she sighed. "The wing span is all wrong and those horns..." A groan of disgust escaped her throat.
Evelyn turned to face her wife. "Or, you've just been looking at it for too long, honey. Just let other people enjoy it." Amanda eyes remained fixed on her creation, forcing Eve to turn her head to match her eyes. "It's -fine- Amanda."
Her wife sighed and clearly fought back the urge to contest and just accepted it and shook her head.
"A concordance of address flows from gates of purple." The robotic voice startled pair, there full attention to the approaching newcomer. Amethyst hovered with several robotic translation drones orbiting the angular center speckled with purple crystals, along side the more mundane rock fragments.
"Amethyst! Hello! I'm so glad you could make it." Evelyn let go of her wife as the pair walked over. "Enjoying gallery so far?"
A sound like grinding stone as well as quick flashes of light between the gems followed as the translation drones whirred to life.
"The stimulation of senses harmonize to create an eruption of potent thought. We assume this is the efficacious outcome."
Amanda couldn't help but chuckle under her breath. "I mean, that's one of way to look at it. I guess." She gestured with her head back to her own work. "You helped make that happen, Ame. Thank you. I mean it."
There was silence as the orbiting objects realigned and swapped positions before the rumblings and translations resumed. "We are ebullient that our form could help produce harmonization of potent thought. Should you required furtherance in concordance or even, a hymn! We shall be willing to render utility."
The Xalen shuddered before it then floated away leaving the pair alone as Amanda seemed to un-tense as Eve stroked her broad shoulder. "Told you it was fine."
Amanda quickly snagged a drink from one of the automated refreshment carts and downed it in a single swig, before she took a sharp inhale. "I'm going to need a few more of these."
The pair settled on the roof top of the gallery, Evelyn pouring the pair of them another glass of wine as Amanda folded her suit jacket to one side.
"I'd wager somewhere in the pirate fringes, no way he could show himself in Gaia aligned space or any of Earth's allies." Evelyn pointed to some of the distant stars in the night sky.
Amanda took another long sip. "Hah, I doubt its so dramatic. Former Governor Bjelke probably just bought a domicile-barge and is skulking between grey ports. Sadly, justice for people like him is a very rare thing. Likely he'll slink away with his stolen fortune and fade into unearned obscurity." A long sighed followed.
Evelyn reached over to squeeze her wife's hand. "We saved our world, at least for now." Amanda returned the affection but clearly didn't seem soothed by that prospect. Sensing a lull in the conversation Evelyn smirked and leaned back on her palms.
"Remember our wedding?"
Amanda looked at her before she chuckled. "How could I forget. That ordained Father of yours was unflappable! I couldn't even get him to raise an eyebrow no matter what I said about the theological relationship between our Gods."
Evelyn sipped her wine. "Father Gutiérrez does confession. You'll have to work a lot harder than that to phase him." The shared laughter flowed as easily as the wine.
"I remember my niece taking so much sugar she was trying to climb the Baphomet statue before my sister stopped her. God Emma's was menace when she got going."
The painful snap of current events shattered the memory like a stone in a pond. Amanda looked over to her wife who had suddenly gone quiet.
"Any more news about San Riccardo?"
"Lots of news, most of it bad. Both governments in orbit are jockeying for a fight and terrorists strikes on the ground are growing in frequency and size."
Amanda didn't let the silence linger. "We could sponsor them out of there. I'm sure they'd be happy to stay with us."
"They would be, but my sister is trying to get her family to Naxian space for asylum but that's a bureaucratic nightmare." She sighed and hugged herself. "I pray it'll be enough, that they can get out before it gets any worse."
Evelyn poured the last of the wine for the pair of them as they downed the last of it. Amanda shifted over to bring her wife into a hug as she cupped her face in her hands. "Then let me pray with you. And when we're done, let's fight for them. For everyone. Together."
Evelyn could feel tears stain her eyes as moved closer, sharing a kiss under the stars.
(This was an idea that started out kind of as a joke. 'What if a Catholic Christian and a Atheistic Satanist became a couple based on there mutual interests of social/economic justice.' But the more I sort of mulled on the idea I wanted to make it a more serious idea so I kept working on it and decided to set it in one of my original Science fiction settings. I might write more about these two. Hope it comes across the way I intend it to and I'm open to feedback!)
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It's 2am on... I don't know what day it is. Is it January yet? I haven't kept track. The earliest I've gotten out of bed since my mom went into the hospital is 2:30pm, and I usually don't fall asleep until like 5-8am. I can't remember when I last showered. I don't have any clean clothes to wear except for shirts, because I haven't done laundry in only Odin knows how long. Last time I brushed my hair was probably Saturday. I haven't gotten my meds refilled but that'll hopefully be done today. And the meds I do have I haven't been keeping up with completely. But a kind stranger bought me a pizza tonight, and I promised them I'd at least shower. So... I guess I should go ahead and do that instead of eating depression food (chocolate chip pancakes and cookies in a mug) every few hours. It's 2:45am now. But I'd rather take the shower now than wait another minute for that. I feel gross... Mom may come home today. I don't know for sure, but the doctors said she'd be coming home tomorrow for the past 5 days, then continued to push the time back. I understand, and I want her to stay as long as she needs to be safe. But I just miss her dearly... I haven't seen her in person for over a week... I didn't even get to do a video call with her today... You know, my lupus is flaring so bad that I had to call out of work Christmas Eve. I couldn't move. Couldn't stand. I'm still in pain days later, however many it may have been since then. I go to sleep and it's dark. I wake up and it's dark. And maybe, one day soon, I'll see the sun again... Gotta keep going until I do.
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abrushwithdeath · 6 months
((Hey! Again, just wanted to say that I'm still alive ^^; As I said before, the interview went really well last week. Got my fingerprints done on Thursday morning. Had a call back yesterday morning. Tomorrow I have to go fill out some paperwork at 1, then, after that's finished, I could start working literally any time. It's going to be shorter shifts at the start, and it's only a temp / sub position (though it could turn to full time in the future) so, for now, I'll probably be working quite a bit / nearly full time until the person I'm covering for comes back. Then it's kind of... work whenever they need me. Which means probably having to get a second part time job just to be safe ^^; But hopefully that won't happen until well after Christmas.
Anyway- I can't make any promises about when I'll get to stuff, I've been trying to gather things up to put in my drafts to do when I have motivation. But for right now, between the move, unpacking, holidays, visiting family, babysitting (which has been, like, 3 times in the past week alone and the kids are great but they're 3 and 5 so... yeah, it can feel like a lot), and having been at least mildly sick for the last 3 weeks straight... I've just had a lot of brain fog and not a lot of motivation to write. However-! I'm trying to get back into READING, which always helps me get back into WRITING when I'm stuck! I just have to find a book that'll hook me enough that it gets my brain reeling again! (I'm also gonna try to sit down tonight and just WRITE a little, even if it's just short replies, so here's hoping that helps! Sometimes I just have to force myself to write some ^^;)
So, yeah! Book recs are always appreciated (though I can't promise I'll be able to read everything that's recommended because I have very limited $ right now), as are song recs (sometimes songs give me fun ideas~) Also, seriously, 1,000,000,000% always feel free to toss plot ideas / AU ideas / ship songs or playlists / whatever my way because they get my brain going sometimes! I know I've not been especially chatty lately, but I promise that I'm at least READING everything you send! So don't hold back! Sometimes all it takes is one fun little idea to get my mind running enough to start writing again xD
Love you guys! I hope your December is going well <3))
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askuprisingrottmnt · 7 months
Oof, yeah I get your frustrations. Especially since Donnie is in pain and there's not much you can do.
I don't really understand why it's better to have only 1 doctor. Why can't there be 2? I mean, I guess there might be some conflict, but still....
Alexandri has some experience with first aid, right? Hopefully, that'll be enough until tomorrow. And if things do turn for the worst, his mom would be able to get there, right?
Hello! Alexandri here! Hijacked Mikey's phone to answer your burning questions!
The reason it's better to have only one doctor to handle Donnie is because of the Psychological Ramifications that comes with multiple faces after the traumas that come with being a subject in PBH. Especially with the circumstances, any kind of doctor is going to probably trigger a trauma response, and especially if said Doctor wears a white doctors coat, it most definitely will. My mother is in the practice of making her patients comfortable, and usually that means wearing casual or comfortable clothing.
My mother specializes in the treatment of Betahound recovery and knows much more about the psychological damage done to subjects such as Donatello. She is more equipped and prepared for whatever may come from what has happened to him. Big Mama's doctor (Although I am sure he is well qualified to treat injuries), has no experience in the matter. Which is WHY she is the best option for Donatello's health.
She is trained in every possible treatment, has treated several Betahounds including Markus as well as the other known incomplete Beta (which is what we consider Donatello since he did not finish the first phase), and considering she is Chief Medic where we're from, she is the obvious pick. Big Mama is just being petty against our General, Damon.
And to answer your last question: I am more than experienced in first aid. I just don't have all the tools or training in the bigger issues that I suspect may be happening with him. And I hope so too, because none of us want him to die.
Damon has given us the order to get my mother here if anything goes critical in the night. She could be here in a heartbeat if she needed to. I just hope it doesn't come to that.
~Yours sincerely, Alexandri Van Zauber
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I'm back home with power on and air conditioning running and so much work to do in my kitchen today.
And then I get to go grocery shopping. May put that off until tomorrow. *sigh*
l'm behind on stuff I wanted to get done in the house this last week because I wasn't in the house to do them. Feeling a bit frustrated, but I've finished the first wave of work in the kitchen and am now taking a break. Going to have to scrub down pretty much the entire fridge, especially the freezer. But at least all the stuff that would have smelled up the house my dad helped me bag up yesterday. Looks like trash pickup actually came through this morning so there's that gone. Of course now I have more trash from going through what was left in the fridge.
But my plex server is back up and running so I can start my music and hopefully that'll help relax me a bit before my break time is over and I'm back in the kitchen.
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schizochasm · 27 days
Today was a fucking shit show.
Suicidal all day. Kept myself busy to not think or feel. Ended up being really productive as a result. (So that'll be nice)
Then I watched a movie that made me go into psychosis, unplanned.
Schizo paced and talked to him outside.
Had an episode.
Kept doing shit.
Had Another episode.
And now I'm sitting here, with nothing left to do. Unable to sleep. Hating myself and my brain and life.
Yet I can't slow down and rest in fear of yet another episode.
At Least I'm feeling less suicidal.
And I did get a lot of shit done.
So hopefully tomorrow this'll have been kinda a good thing.
God I hate being schizo sometimes.
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softsky-daily · 1 month
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The sky looked like a painting today.
Positive thing: I had my last day of prac ever.
It didn't feel too momentous, but it went well and I'm glad for that. I'm just waiting on paperwork from my last clients and then I can attach them to their file and say I'm done. Hopefully no issues come up from that.
I literally thought tomorrow was Friday for whatever reason and got all excited about going to the big Asian market like I planned but it's actually Thursday and I still have class. But after I think my classmate friends are gonna get dinner to celebrate the end of the semester (well I still have a class left on the 30th but still) so that'll be fun.
I wish I could go to that dim sum place I really like... too bad it's so far away. Anyways I am so sleepy zzz
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Mystery chickens arrive Wednesday and I'm so fucking hyyyyyyyype. I'm also nearly done with my week (especially since I have a short day tomorrow) and while I do have some paperwork and cleaning and henhouse set up this weekend (plus birthday shenanigans) I am hoping to relax a little and maybe get myself in order.
I pruned the seed lists down a bit as well so that the initial purchases are more affordable, and hopefully that means I will be able to buy a round with each of the next two pay periods. That should let me sow just in time for the end of the month and the beginning of summer (perfect timing for veggies given our long growing season here). That means we'll be able to have the hens and the garden up and running by the end of the summer, and I can finally start to relax about groceries. I do still need to find a good place to buy our bulk shelf stable goods, but once I do we can buy those monthly, gather our produce and eggs daily with a little biweekly supplement from the farmer's market, and have a weekly butcher trip, and we should be back to an affordable grocery budget again.
The bills are back to being manageable, and are all paid off except for the insurance which I called about today and nearly had a heart attack about but should be able to get paid off next month. I need to find about $400 for it that I'm not totally sure about right now, but I will make that happen.
I want to be able to keep up with my work as best I can, and I also want to start trying to be more proactive about my non-work time so I'm not feeling so overwhelmed and burnt out. We're mostly settled into the house now, and while we're behind schedule (understandably lol) of where I'd hoped to be by now, I think I can make our life plans keep working on a reasonable timeline if I just keep chipping away. For one, I want to get a clothesline so I can start handwashing our and line drying our clothes rather than continuing to spend our money and time at the laundromat. I did pick up septic safe laundry powder I can use in the upstairs bathtub. All I have to do now is buy and run a clothesline. Pretty sure I know where I want to run it too, as wifey and I have discussed that previously. Might look into a vintage washing board too if I can find one, as I HATE having to scrub and spin in the tub by hand. That should keep us until we can save up for our combo unit, or at least a washing machine.
I know wifey wants to look for a couch and a dining table with chairs for us. And I'd like to snag a buikt in sewing table for my office, maybe a small loom if I can find an affordable one. I might even set up a lace making station in my lil alcove I think, it has great lighting for the fine motor work.
The yard still needs trees and bushes planted, but honestly that may just be a next year project. I may have to accept that. That's okay though. Gives me time to better clear out the invasive jasmine and see how the rhizomatics alter the soil composition. Maybe this year we focus on the soil, the chickens, and the basic functions like the couch and sewing machine and clothesline. And then next year we can focus more on trees and bushes, washing machine, and creek rehab. Things that are likely to be more expensive or time consuming/complex.
I am really looking forward to digging into creek rehabilitation when we get to that point. The creek has visibly slowed it's momentum as time passes, and I can see the debris crowding out the water flow, but as we shore up the creek walls, add native water plants to filter and aerate the water, and reinvigorate the ecosystem, I'm hoping that we'll start seeing amphibians and salamanders more often. Right now we get large animals and some wild birds, so I think there must be at least some insect populations, but I know the dynamics of the creek are pretty limited at the moment. With luck that'll change quickly once the right natives are in place. There's an existing creek restoration project in the city I'm hoping to volunteer with and get some tips from on how to implement ours.
Anyway, I'm just really feeling optimistic, even if I know that there's still a lot of work ahead of us. It feels like the work is actually happening. Fingers crossed we're able to keep making headway.
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