#huge 2 cakes scenario
piosplayhouse · 1 month
Raising the word for scummies on here because I KNOW you want to read this so so bad
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tenjikubaby · 2 years
rindou may break his enemies’ bones but never ur heart <3 <3
alternatively titled, “projecting everything my last relationship lacked on imagined romantic scenarios with rindou”
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What’s it like having Rindou as your partner? Gender-neutral HCs
#2 Best Boyfriend Rindou. Dependable. Affectionate. Secret softie. 
➼ Rindou lets you listen to all his mixes and always asks what you think. He’s always excited to share them with you. Be honest but also hype him up, would you? He values your opinion so much. If you happen to love something he made, he’d be so, so happy. 
➼ He could remix your favorite song, maybe make an original mix inspired by music you like. Maybe you could work on something together if you’re a musician. 
➼ When you’re sleeping together, he tends to roll over so that you’re under him and just stays there. So in the morning, you wake up to a whole Rindou on top of you. He’s warm though, and honestly I wouldn’t complain. 
➼ Let’s say you’re the one who patches him up after he and Ran return from a fight. This guy would exaggerate his pain so you’d baby him more. (“Oh no, my poor baby! Where does it hurt?”) Either you fall for this act, or you know what he’s doing but choose to give him what he wants anyway. Ran would witness all this and just roll his eyes. 
➼ Would talk your ears off if you’d let him. Rindou has A LOT of stories to tell and he’s always excited to share them with you. He’s the type of person that, while telling his stories, would stop in the middle and say “Wait, wait. Before that, this happened,” and it’s adorable! But he’ll soon notice that he’s been talking too much. He’d say a sheepish sorry and asks about your day. (Note: It’s adorable how he shared two stories on his CB3 profile)
➼ He may talk a lot about himself and his experiences, but he is NOT the type of person to just let you finish and bring the topic back to him. Conversations with Rindou are always fulfilling for the both of you. You’re also free to talk to him about whatever! He loves to hear you talk about your interests as well, and loves when he learns new things from you. 
➼ He’d try to get into your interests so you’d have more stuff to talk about or do together. If you’re a reader, he’d ask for book recommendations (though I don’t really see him as someone who reads. If any of the Haitani brothers read, it would probably be Ran). He would pick it up and constantly update you on his progress.
➼ Expect A LOT of gifts on your birthday. A huge plushie? Yes. A cake or any dessert you like? Got it. A handwritten birthday letter? It’s there. A book, movie, or video game you’ve been wanting? Rindou remembered, and he got it for you. He never gives just one gift. 
➼ When he tried to make you a birthday cake, it was so dry and the frosting was so sloppily done. Ran saw and tried to help but he somehow made it worse and it looked like it was about to fall over. So they called Kaku over for help. Kaku helped them turn the failed cake into a cake pop bouquet while Izana watched and ate frosting. Rindou still owes him one. 
➼ Since TR is (mostly) set in the 2000s, I just thought of burned CDs! Rindou makes playlists for you and burns them onto CDs, which he would write little notes on. You do the same for him and he keeps all of them in his CD shelves to play whenever he misses you. 
➼ Kiss him out of the blue! Maybe do it while he’s talking or focusing intensely on something he’s doing. Do it, because it always makes him smile and you get to see his dimples. (Imagine Rindou with dimples? Waaaaaa ang guwapo :”) ) He’ll give you a kiss or more back.
➼ At night, if you’re not together, he calls you before bed to talk about how your days went. If your day was pretty uneventful, Rindou just rambles on about how his meeting went, something Ran did, or other stuff he might want to share. He’d say “good night” and “I love you” before hanging up.
➼ If you’re interested in fitness, that’s another thing you and your boyfriend can bond over! He’ll assist you through difficult exercises. Have you seen partner workouts? You’d definitely do those together. And if you’re okay with it, you might even do those partner workouts where the couples... kiss 😳 (It ends in a makeout session)
➼ Once Ran likes you enough, Ran might ask Rindou to invite you over for dinner. Rindou is then subjected to the torture of his of his brother showing you all his baby pics and sharing embarrassing stories from when they were kids. Rindou wanted you to get along with Ran, but not like this :( 
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imvenusasaboy · 2 months
Chapter 2 - Sea, Swallow Me
chapter 1
A blinding light shone through the un-closed blinds, Hosah's eyes burning as he awoke in a cold sweat.
That dream. Fuck.
So familiar, yet so terrifying. Something about feeling your body become frozen in place over what feels like an eternity really messes with one's brain.
That, however, was not Hosah's main problem. He was, once again, tiny. For some, this would be a nightmare scenario. For Hosah however, this was about half of his life. Deciding he couldn't stand feeling dirty from subconsciously crawling through a field in a thunderstorm, he went on about his morning.
Things weren't actually that bad when he was alone in the, once small- now huge, apartment. After a while, you figure out a system to get around. Which is exactly what Hosah had done.
Luckily for him, the bathroom was an en suite, meaning he just had to make a mad dash across the floor to avoid any dust bunnies out to get him, and he'd be just about able to get a bath. Piece of cake for someone that does this routinely and is the weight of a leaf.
Finally, after scaling the tiled walls of the bathroom like a mountain goat, he'd made it onto the counter. There was already a wooden bowl in the sink prepared for if- or when, this would happen, all that needed to be done was turn the tap on and wait for the water to heat up.
Hosah clung to the faucet, positioning himself perfectly to sit on the spout, before leaning back, balancing on his torso and doing a sort of limbo to pull the lever until the hot water ran on full blast. He lifted himself back up into the sitting position, legs dangling off the edge, leaning over the feel the water. Nice.
It only took a minute for the water to heat up; meaning it was time for Hosah to jump down and start filling the bowl ready to bathe. Careful to avoid the high pressure water coming out of the tap, he made his way to the side of the bowl and pushed it directly under the stream.
Now, he really needed to be quick, this was no large bowl, and he didn't want to overfill the makeshift bath. Hosah scrambled his way back into his original position, except this time he just had to push the lever all the way back.
It would've been perfect if his socks didn't dampen in the sink whilst pushing the bowl toward the water, as just at the last second, Hosah slipped and lost his balance standing on the faucet. Luckily for him, he was a menace on the monkey bars about twenty years ago, as now he dangled off of the lever. Hosah jumped back down onto the counter with ease, just as he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.
Damn. He looked like shit. Like, on-the-verge-of-death shit. Hosah stood leaning against the frame around the mirror, getting a close up of his unshaven stubble and grown own roots. He really needed to bleach his hair again.
It was a look he'd kept up with for almost five years, even though he thought he looked kind of ridiculous, it'd become part of his signature look. The only problem is it was no longer the icy colour he'd intended it to be, more like a yellow honey colour, one that was way too close to his skin's undertones, it washed him out completely.
Although he didn't want to think about his physical appearance anymore, he couldn't help but stare at his reflection in disgust. He didn't think he'd lost that much weight, but his hollowed cheeks and concave stomach said otherwise. Maybe his doctor was right after all.
Deciding this was a problem for the future, Hosah stripped off the already minimal clothing he had on and climbed down into the bath. This was probably his favourite part of being so small. Aside from sleeping anywhere and everywhere, because somehow it's socially acceptable to do so at such size, not that he was complaining.
For anyone else, the water would've been too hot, but for Hosah it was just right. He stretched out , slouching down deeper into the bowl, which was originally bought for side dishes of rice, finally taking a moment to clear his head of everything that had been bouncing around his mind the past day or so.
No matter how hard he tried to think of something else, it always went back to Edward. This was getting frustrating. His newfound assistant had become a plague on his mind, his moles all over his face, his subtly crooked teeth, his big, stupid hands. Eugh. Stop. Hosah dunked his head under the water in hopes that it'd rid his mind of unwanted thoughts.
That was until he remembered, he'd have to face the man at this size. Hosah could've burst into tears right then and there. Just the idea made his heart race. He flung his head back, getting droplets of water all on the mirror. Now was a good time to get out.
The tiny man struggled to get a good grip of the porcelain structure as he was now soaked to the skin, hair still dripping and getting into his eyes no matter how much he pushed it back. After many failed attempts, he finally was able to pull himself up onto the counter, rushing towards the hand towel now that the difference in temperature outside of the hot bath had hit him.
Hosah sat wrapped up in the towel, repeatedly scrubbing his head until his hair was somewhat dry and sticking up in every direction it could. He could fix it later, as now he had a few calls to make if he wanted to get to work on time. Although he knew he'd have to face Edward today, he still decided to give Jeanne a call first as he didn't bother to save his assistant's number into his phone just yet.
Sluggishly repeating all of his previous steps to get to the bathroom, Hosah made his way back to the side of the mattress he called a bed. There, his phone sat, right by his pile of regular sized clothes from last night. Although most people decided to move to smart phones, Hosah refused to upgrade his Blackberry Pearl 8220, it was still running perfectly fine, and he had all of his contacts on speed dial. Why fix what isn't broken?
The clock on the exterior read eight fifteen, meaning he still had about an hour to spare until he absolutely needed to be in the building. Perfect. Using the last of his strength, Hosah pushed the cover up, watching as the screen came to life. Turns out he actually had a missed call from Jeanne. Must've been whilst he was in the bath.
Balancing on the tip of his toes, Hosah stood over the keyboard, jumping from option to option until he heard the ringing sound of the receiving end. Hopping down and sitting by the microphone, he waited for Jeanne to pick up.
"Hello? Hosah? I called you, twenty minutes ago just about."
"Sorry, I wasn't in the room. Look- I've shrunk again, I don't have Edward's number. I'm naked and afraid."
"Ah, right. I'll give him a call. I'm at a scene right now, I'd come help you out myself if I could, really."
Hosah's 'Mmm.' wasn't picked up by the phone's audio. He really needed to upgrade, being barely able to decipher Jeanne's words through the static.
"Get dressed before he gets there, alright? I'll see you later."
And just like that, he hung up. Now that Hosah was left alone in silence again, he could truly soak in the terror of being around an unfamiliar person at his current height.
Begrudgingly, he made his way over to the miniature jewellery box that contained all of his size appropriate clothes. When he was this small, it was more like the size of a dresser as the lid came to about just under his collar bone.
Hosah didn't really have much choice. Nothing professional, at least. He just grabbed whatever was on the top of the pile. A scruffy blue checkered button up and some old dress pants that looked ridiculously big on him. It was a good thing the skater boy style was in at that moment. Still, he kept on a white vest for under his shirt as even when buttoned all the way to the top, it showed way too much of his chest to be comfortable. Hosah pulled his hair back out of his face for the last time. He looked more like a cowboy if anything.
Being a shifter was just one of the many things Hosah really hated about his life. Keeping in check with all the medication, trying not to be murdered by stampedes of feet on the way to the station, avoiding any weirdo that can have their way with him if they so desired to swoop down and scoop him up in public. What he couldn't wrap his head around was what was so hard about understanding that. Understanding that you can't just let any old new hire have the keys to his apartment and he trusted to 'take care of him'. If it wasn't for his immense pride, Hosah would've burst into tears right then and there.
He couldn't even pin point what one thing he was so scared of. It was all of it. Being vulnerable, being looked down upon, metaphorically and literally, the power imbalance, just how fragile he really was, so many different horrifying aspects that just made him feel worse and worse by the second.
Whatever, though. Hosah didn't care, he was better than caring. He couldn't care less, in fact, as he choked back the lump in his throat that may or may not have been his heart.
Hosah couldn't be rude when there was a guest coming to his house. If he could, he'd already be cleaning the mess of paints and easels going on in the living room corner, so the least he could do was prepare a cup of coffee for Edward.
Even this had a system in place, religiously, Hosah leaves water in the kettle. Now that he was thinking about it , it was probably unhygienic, but it worked, and he couldn't think of an alternative. By some stroke of luck, he also forgot to put back the dishes he had washed a few days prior. He'd need to do that once he was back to normal too.
After a long, painful trek across the once small apartment, he'd finally made it to the kitchen, where he'd have to repeat the same process as he'd done earlier to get onto the counter. If he had an ounce of fat on his body to support it, Hosah would be ripped at this point.
The main issue at hand was the kettle itself, there was no way in hell he'd ever be able to actually pour the contents out himself. Hopefully Edward doesn't mind the task. The things he did to be a good host to his house guests. He'd rethink his choice if the water hadn't already began to boil, now he was in a rush to actually prepare the rest of the drink.
Hosah hoisted himself up into the coffee jar, his feet balancing onto the edge of the container by a thread as it took all of his strength to lift the lid up. The pop of the jar opening was always very satisfying. Hastily, he began scooping handfuls of coffee into the freshly washed mug, in-fact it was still a little wet at the bottom as the granules melted and stuck themselves to the ceramic surface.
A knock at the door almost made Hosah loose his balance about three scoops in. Just in time for the kettle to finish boiling, perfect.
He felt his face flush with embarrassment as the keys fumbled on the other side of the door, standing on the edge of a coffee jar shoveling fist fulls of granules wasn't exactly the most common place people found others in.
Unfortunately, there was no time to get down as the door creaked open, the newfound assistant calling out;
"Hello? Hosah? Anybody home?"
He waited until the sound of the door clicking shut behind Edward to call back,
"In the kitchen!" Hosah yelled out, doubting he'd be heard at such size and from such a distance.
Each cautious footstep Edward took only made the nausea even worse. So slow, yet so impactful. He could probably smell the fear, hence why he was taking his sweet, sweet time. In that moment, Hosah figured he should stop watching so many vampire movies.
In the time taken for the newbie to actually get to the kitchen entrance, Hosah was able to quickly dump one more handful of coffee into the mug and hop back down to the marbled surface. A fresh face peeked into the room, almost as scared as the pocket sized man waiting for him on the countertop.
The smaller of the two's breathing shallowed, instinctively backing himself against the ceramic cup in the process. He would never truly get used to this. Despite having spent half of his life at the debilitating size, Hosah would always be scared. The fact Edward's expression only seemed to lighten up upon seeing him just made Hosah worry more about his safety.
Much faster this time, the assistant approached, now on one knee at eye level to the impossibly tiny man. He couldn't help but smile, there's just something so delightful about seeing his once intimidating and unapproachable boss at such an endearing size. Edward had never actually encountered a shrunken shifter so closely, what the human body can do is really amazing.
"Ah, the kettle is boiled, are you making coffee? Is that- safe to drink when you're, you know.." He signalled with his index finger and thumb to show exactly what was meant by the question.
Hosah stumbled on his words as he was confronted by the fact he'd have to communicate that it was Edward's turn in the process to pour the boiled water.
"It's for you actually." Muttering under his breath, Hosah's gaze, as it usually did, was back down to the surface under him.
Ah, of course, the only downside to being just about twenty four times smaller than the other person you're in conversation with. Tiny people have tiny voices.
"It's for you, I just.. wasn't sure if you preferred specific water to milk ratios. So I thought I'd let you do it." He wasn't usually the type of guy to repeat himself, but Hosah couldn't risk coming across as rude to a, in comparison to himself, literal giant.
Luckily, Edward seemed to find this amusing as his hands interlocked with a clap at his chin, showing his appreciation toward the gesture.
"Of course. Apologies, It's early, I'm silly. Thank you, you're very sweet." The massive hand coming down straight towards Hosah almost completely took his breath away, only when he'd flinched back, face hidden in his arms, did he notice Edward actually was reaching for the mug he was leant up against.
Fortunately for him, there would be more reason to be afraid. A shadow cast down onto Hosah's miniature frame as his assistant stood to his full height. He already towered above Hosah anyway, but this was just absurd. Turns out he was a no-milk-coffee kind of guy after all.
"Honestly, when I'm drinking hot coffee, I like to mix cinnamon or nutmeg in. A lot less bitter." Edward mindlessly chatted whilst swirling the granules around with a teaspoon he'd helped himself to.
Meanwhile, Hosah's heart raced as the ivory knuckles of the giant's hand just barely missed brushing against him. Without thinking, he replied,
"I carry around a little spice shaker of cinnamon everywhere I go, just to do that. Tastes way better that way. "
This actually wasn't a blatant lie for once. Hosah had a very bad habit of telling meaningless and insignificant lies when it felt necessary to add whatever relatability to a conversation. He doesn't even know why he does it himself, but it works.
"Oh! Really? Aha, we're more similar than you think, it seems." Edward turned, mug in hand, so his back was leant on the countertop. The two stood side by side for a moment, and everything seemed normal... To an extent.
That's right. The pair really were more alike than they'd both initially thought. Despite the sheer difference in size, in power, even in how they looked and presented themselves, to their core they were probably closer to identical than anything. There was something undeniably comforting about the fact, so much so that Hosah was able to breathe, for the first time in what felt like his entire life. It must've been quite the sigh, as it caught the giant's attention.
Usually being chuckled at would be immensely aggravating, but he felt as if it was deserved this time around. Hosah couldn't help but smile back, his hand now brushing through his choppy bleached locks.
Edward spun around on his heel to face his miniature superior, bringing Hosah down from the high of delusion. The much larger of the two leant forward, not realising his boss would just be getting a face full of chest in doing so. His hand was far, far too close to Hosah. It made him nervous.
Taking a final sip of the hot drink, Edward spoke up,
"Should probably start thinking about leaving. Thank you for the drink." The clunk of the ceramic against the hard marble counter was startling. "I'll wash up first,"
Before the host could protest and insist he can do it later, Edward had already gotten over to the cluttered kitchen sink in two short strides, pulling up his coat sleeves and helping himself to the finite amount of dish soap left in the bottle. Hosah should really invest in a size appropriate notepad to write all these things-he-needs-to-do down.
".. I'll get my coat and shoes, then."
Just as Hosah made his way to the edge of the counter, a slightly wet, flesh wall blocked his pathway. Edward's sudden, panicked movement caught him off guard, almost falling straight down onto his butt in response.
"Wait!- Wait, I'll get them for you. Just don't... Please don't- jump down from so high."
The tiny man, startled and unable to say anything, just nodded.
"I wasn't planning on it." He muttered under his breath.
Edward waited for a second before moving again to turn off the sink and dry his hands, not wanting to take his eyes off of the person he was hired to look out for incase he'd do anything stupid.
The silence of the apartment was painful. Hosah longed for any sort of noise to fill the void, the neighbors baby’s cry, a pin drop, literally anything.
"God, Hosah, you scared me." Edward smirked, still fumbling with the mug and tea towel in his hands. "Don't go hanging around edges like that anymore, for my sake, okay?"
The significantly smaller of the two couldn't hold back his scoff. Who did this guy think he was? Hosah didn't reply, just hummed a stubborn 'Mmm' as he liked to do, and turned to face the other way. No newbie was going to tell him where he could and couldn't 'hang around', that was for sure.
"Right," Edward returned to his position looming over the tiny detective, "Let's go get your stuff." He held out a freshly washed hand, open for Hosah to jump right on.
That was the issue. There was no way in hell he was getting onto that thing. He stood inspecting for a good few seconds, sizing up all the other possible routes he could take.
The hand stretched out some more, now as flat as it could possibly be, "It's okay, you don't have to be nervous, I'll be careful."
Oh. Oh now he's done it. The grimace on Hosah's face said it all.
"Just get on your knees and I'll do the rest."
The assistant did as he was told, but not without a "Geez, buy me dinner first at least" under his breath. Not amusing.
There was no denying it, Hosah was just as agile as any other city stray, hopping down from the counter top and onto the giant's shoulder like it was nothing, keeping perfect balance despite the drastic change in surface. Unfortunately, keeping up this image would prove to be increasingly difficult as said surface slowly stood to his full height and began walking aimlessly around the apartment.
Hosah, now grabbing onto his assistant's shirt collar for dear life, would have to show Edward the way.
"They're in - Woah, woah, slowly!" his legs almost buckled beneath him as the walking pace increased, "... They're in the bedroom. Straight ahead. Little jewellery box on the floor."
Edward made sure to slow his steps this time, "Right. Sorry."
Before actually entering the bedroom, something else caught Edward's attention. The half finished painting. Hosah had to stop himself from physically recoiling once realising what exactly the giant was looking at.
"Wow, I.. Hosah, you never told me you could paint like this!" There was no stopping him now, as he'd already abandoned their quest to retrieve the tiny coat and shoes, making his way over to the artist's station.
The person behind said piece turned his face towards Edward's neck, "It's still a work in progress, nobody was meant to see it yet. You know too much now, I'm gonna have to kill you you know."
"I didn't realise when I walked in, are all the artworks on the walls yours?" it was excruciatingly difficult for Edward to just look and not touch the canvas.
"...Yeah." Nobody was meant to see Hosah's paintings at all, never mind when they're still half complete. "Cmon, we're gonna be late. Let's go." he tapped the rookie detective's shoulder as though he were a horse, with Hosah being the jockey.
The whole experience just added more to the imaginary list of 'Things to do when regular height' , the apartment being criminally unfurnished was increasingly embarrassing, especially when the two entered Hosah's bedroom, which was completely empty aside from the futon on the floor, an old wardrobe, and a tiny jewellery box sitting next to the sheet-less bed.
To be fair, it was an extremely beautiful jewellery box. A vintage, European style container with a gold ridges and 4 little matching legs. Aside from the edges, the box itself had a white marbled pattern with tiny little red roses painted on top, the inside was lined with the same red shade in velvet form. Hosah didn't own many nice things, but this was certainly an exception.
Despite it seeming so spacious earlier, Hosah took that thought back as Edward picked it up in one hand, with the entire thing being barely the size of his palm, and popping the lid open with ease. Luckily his coat lay on the surface, but his little boots were buried deep under all of his other equally tiny clothes.
"Hold on, I'll get them." Hosah grumbled, slipping down to Edward's forearm, now balancing on the space between the wrist and the thumb.
The process was intended to be quick and painless, but as the pocket-sized detective dug around, two eyes about half the size of his entire being bore into him. The more he rushed, the more nervous he became, and with that meant the more messy he got whilst shuffling through the reasonably small pile of fabric. Ah, there they were!
Without thinking it through entirely, Hosah took a seat in the crook of the wrist and slipped the pair on. It wasn't until he got a glance of Edward's stupidly wide smile that he realised the dire mistake he'd made. He bit the bullet, finishing the job whilst making a vow to himself to never do anything that can be perceived as endearing ever again.
"You don't mind my shoes on your coat, right?"
Keeping his arms as still as possible when a miniature man walked along them proved to be extremely difficult for Edward.
"Go right ahead." He'd have nodded if he didn't worry the movement would sweep Hosah off of his newly equipped feet.
As swiftly and as quickly as he'd gotten down, Hosah made his way back up to the shoulder where he'd spend the foreseeable future perched upon. If it didn't kill him to admit out loud, he'd say Jeanne was right. Partially. Edward wasn't so bad after all.
Although he was gonna have to find a name that wasn't shared with the likes of a globally beloved vampire heart-throb.
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
Hello again, I'm here to request once more. Feel free to take all the time you need btw! I would always be patient for your wonderful works ^^
This time I'd like to request from the Drabble List#2 - 47 with the 020607 Trio (mainly Mahiru though). And yes, this is hugely inspired by that one minigram with Mahiru. And as usual, feel free to change the scenario and/or the characters.
Thank you again, good luck with your future studies and take all the time you need!!
Woo thank you so much!! :'D This one was a ton of fun (and once again led me to get smacked in the face with unlikely character parallels I wasn't aware of before). It's from Kazui's pov but it's still mainly about Mahiru. I ended up going canon-compliant, but I did consider sticking super close to the minigram and do a little normal-au where Mahiru drags them across Japan to make a perfectly homemade cake 😅
Everyone knew Mahiru had a tough time distinguishing genuine from joke, but Kazui hadn’t expected it to come back to bite him. Mahiru wasn’t stupid by any means; sometimes she just forgot that others weren’t as unabashedly honest as herself. When she said something, she meant it. Kazui… not so much.
Which is why, following a conversation about her skills in the kitchen, in response to being pressed about his own household, he thought it would be inconsequential to utter the following words to her.
“Bake me a cake, and we’ll talk.” 
Kazui had laughed his booming laugh, Mahiru had giggled in her sweet little way. Neither realized what had just transpired.
That is, until Yuno dragged Kazui across the prison the following day to make him aware of the monster he had released upon the kitchens. The two hurried over to find a massive operation underway: Mahiru had several layers in the works, she was stirring multiple fruit fillings, decoration choices scattered across the countertop, and anyone who dared venture too close was shooed away with a slap from her wooden spoon. 
It took a few minutes to get the situation all worked out.
“So… you didn’t really want a cake…?” She asked, pausing mid-stir. Her eyes were so big and round.
Yuno came to the rescue. “Of course he does!” She interrupted. “Everyone here would die for a taste of your baking~” 
Kazui nodded. “I just didn’t mean for you to work so hard for my sake. I’m really not worth all this effort…”
Mahiru’s jaw fell, offended on his behalf. “Yes you are!” Her attention was momentarily caught by a timer chiming. Kazui took the bowl from her so she could take a pan from the oven. He picked up where she left off stirring. 
“Either way, why don’t I help you out?” Yuno had grabbed some ingredients from the counter as well. “While we bake, I’ll tell you a little bit about myself. A little,” he repeated. 
And he did. Her questions were easier than he’d expected. While the others knew how to poke and prod about each other’s murders, Mahiru really did just want to know about his home life. While she buzzed around the kitchen switching pans and creating intricate icing patterns, she asked him about his childhood, his hobbies, his job. As soon as she saw his wife was a touchy subject, she let it drop (though with a bit of disappointment, to be sure). He scrambled a bit as Yuno the human lie detector would shoot him a look now and then. Overall, though, his measured answers managed to satisfy both women without giving much of himself away.
When they carried the spectacular cake into the common room to everyone’s amazement, Mahiru prodded him with her elbow.
“We should talk more! I mean, come on. How difficult was that?”
If only she knew the half of it.
“Hey, Mahiru.” Kazui traded weak smiles with Yuno as he joined her by the bed.
“Oh. Hi Kazui,” came her weak voice. She tried her best to smile under the tangle of bandages that surrounded her. Then, silence. 
Aside from a few coughs and small requests, that silence stretched on for hours. He and Yuno usually had a lot to talk about, but neither could muster anything up today.
He thought Mahiru had dozed off, but she surprised him by taking his hand. “Kazui?”
“Do you really think I’m unforgivable?” 
He blinked. “I can’t really say.” 
The moment the words left his lips, he knew they were the wrong ones. Well, the glare that Yuno was trying to murder him with also helped. “Er, I forgive you, of course. But… I don’t know anything about you, Mahiru. Not really. I can’t say why others would think you’re unforgivable or not.” 
“...I see.”
Yuno looked like she wanted to add something, but couldn’t find the words. Traces of emotions flickered over her face before she could cover them up. Kazui guessed she wanted to defend Mahiru. But maybe she also agreed with him. And that was when the realization struck him.
“I guess, I always thought you were so much better than me and Yuno when it came to talking about yourself. You do it all the time, and very easily. But now that I think about it, I probably know just as much about your situation as you know about mine. For such an honest person, you hide everything just like we do. Or maybe, you hide from everything, like we do.”
More silence.
A teary smile appeared on her face. “You know… you could bake me a cake… and maybe we’ll talk.”
Kazui didn’t laugh, and she didn’t giggle. He nodded, solemnly. “I think that’s a good idea.”
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vivalgi · 1 month
Damn how disappointed I was upon seeing that COP proposal special. I guess I forgot the demographics this app was made for but I had imagined a completely different scenario than this silly 2-chapter side quest.
I mean, it's a book about a duo who are both gender of choice. Why go for the stereotypical 'the LI proposes to the MC' trope and not something more original for a change? We don't have many GOC books involving engagement and marriage anyway and the few past ones were so obviously made with female MC and male LI in mind.
I'm having trouble coming up with that one time in the history of Choices where our character was the one making a huge romantic gesture. It's always been the LIs who organize dates, surprises and pamper the MCs in other ways. It would have been much cooler if the engagement was a huge part of the 3rd book where instead of Trystan being the typical Prince Charming/Knight in Shining Armor it would have been our usually serious detective MC trying to come out of their shell and be the romantic one instead.
Between solving crimes they could have been trying to plan a perfect proposal and it would have all gone to hell so the proposal would have taken place in the most unexpected place at the most unexpected time and perhaps Trystan would have surprised with their own ring at the same time because somehow that fkr knew about the MC's plans. Or maybe it's just missing Lovestruck hours because that's roughly how it all went down in Vanessa's route 😅
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But I guess PB had to give someone about to be laid off a short task to come up with a stupid engagement special to keep them busy until the doomsday. Book 3 will probably be a diamond spending spree, i.e. your typical Choices wedding book where it's the MC's job to pick the venue, dresses, cake designs etc. 🥱😪
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lilunaire · 3 months
I'm dying for any ghostflower TWBOS content you have
Can u give us any teaser 🥺 pretty please?
(If it's not too inconvenient off)
Hi anon, sorry for answering so late !!
Dont worry, I got your back now 😎 And since I'm so late against, here's two teaser for chapter 9 !
(side note : im so happy to have an ask you can't imagine-)
(teasers below the line)
Teaser 1
Four depressed teenage girls in their pajamas on a bed and a huge tub of ice cream.
They're watching a movie on Webflix, a movie that Margo chose ("It's not so bad," she told them.) And that was perfect, because at the moment, it was an average movie that they needed to watch. With this, they could continue talking while paying a little attention to what was going on.
It's hot in Mumbattan. The three guests each brought a fan, but it wasn't enough. Gwen didn't know she would need a seventy-centimeter-high pot of ice cream in her life until Margo told her it existed on her Earth.
Drowning your sorrows in ice cream, that's the ideal solution!
And by sticking your hands on it, you could be sure of being cooled off.
Gwen also had to admit that she'd seen… better than that. It was a film aimed at young adults (and to be completely honest, female young adults), very cliché and sometimes lame. Fortunately, the two main actors came to save the shaky scenario.
“Margo, I thought you said it was a good movie… Peni whined.
— Actually, I said “not so bad”.
— That’s not the word I would have used to describe it…”
“So, about your parents? Gayatri asked. How's it going?
— Still through divorce, but there's progress! If lawyers are right, just another month and it will finally be behind!"
With the divorce, Margo was already planning a lot of things: for starters, she will finally be able to invite her friends to her dimension without having to hide all the details of their visit. But also organize parties: Margo had parties in her soul.
Her mother was often away for work, and she intended to take advantage of it.
“Cool, I’ll come to squat more then, replied Gwen.
— Only if you bring cakes, it’s not open bar here.
— Deal."
Teaser 2 / CW : Implied nudity
Satisfied with her work, she comes to join him in the bathtub. He, in the meantime, had managed (with great difficulty) to sit down in the water. She comes to settle in too, pressing her back against the wall, which is still a little cold despite the scalding water.
When she opens her arms, Miles understands the message and comes to stick to her, letting her surround his body with her arms. He doesn't need to be asked to put his head back where it was earlier, that is to say against her neck, and once again inhales the comforting smell of peaches.
She lets her hands absently caress his chest and back, rubbing the bath suds onto his skin. He hums in pleasure and contentment, pressing himself deeper into her.
He knows he shouldn't. He had spent the last few hours trying to convince himself that he absolutely had to end this twisted relationship with her before it was too late.
But the feeling of her body against his acted like morphine, and he was addicted to it. He wants this moment to never end. He hears Gwen in the distance asking him if he wants her to wash his hair: that was probably a bad idea given the time. He would probably fall asleep with wet hair, and his mother would go crazy if she saw him do that, especially at this time of year.
But the “yes,” leaves his mouth before he can even form that coherent thought. She makes him to stand up so she can access his shampoos, and grabs the shower head, making sure to lower the water temperature to rinse his hair.
He closes his eyes, and he feels like he's falling asleep almost immediately. But he stays awake just so he doesn't miss what happens next.
IMPORTANT NOTE : hey people who actually speak english unlike me, would you mind helping me ? In Teaser number 1, i said "Four depressed teenage girls". So idk if it's okay in english, but since it doesn't work in french it makes me confused. I don't mean to say that they have depression, just that they're all in a bad mood (but i can't really write that you know ?). But everytime I try to translate it on internet, they all give me "depress". So if anyone can help me on this 🙏
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So, recently I’ve been seeing a lot of breeder family scenarios flying around in my feeds and I think I will put my two cents in. This goes out to @infinitegest who I’ve been seeing giving out a lot of these scenarios.
So, my thing is a family full of preggos within a house that can’t keep up with them. I’m talking about a very BIG family that takes breeding very seriously. It is tradition to them; it’s a huge part of their identity and it goes in hand with their great amount of fertility. So much so that a generation from said family could amount to the population of a small city sometimes.
Singleton pregnancies practically don’t exist with them. A small pregnancy for them is triplets. Every pregnancy out of this family is a show-stopper. And so because of this, they have this home that was built especially for them; to house their huge and ever-growing clan.
But it worked for only so long.
Each generation got bigger than the last. Their libidos got stronger, the number of multiples in each pregnancy increased and they cared less and less about giving their wombs and each other’s wombs a break.
The eldest members of the household, the grandparents for instance, have both been pumping out babies for over 20 years and still going strong. They themselves have an impressive amount of kids, but their kids and grandkids took the cake.
Nearly all of them were of age and had gotten into the family tradition and their bellies challenged all of their parents’ pregnancies from the past and the present and maybe in the future.
One of the grandparents’ kids from their first-ever batch got knocked up with an astonishing 25 babies on their first pregnancy and that shocked them. The people who were getting knocked up for decades with multiples were shocked by the new generation of fertility.
And the house was supposed to be adapted to handle their expanding families and bellies, but it has been done over. The house that was built to be the size of a mansion was too small for them! The doors were tiny, the hallways narrow and tight and God forbid there be more than four people in a room. That would be way too many people in one room. Everyone is always knocking into one another and there’s always the threat of getting stuck somewhere.
It honestly wouldn’t be a problem if everyone would quit getting so pregnant all the time, but you might as well tell them to stop breathing too. Breathing is like breeding in this family, that’s their motto.
And unfortunately, they can’t make adjustments.
At least not all the time.
The family is really always growing and they can’t be spending thousands of dollars on renovations that would need to be redone again later when that money could have been better spent on food, maternity or paternity clothes or baby supplies, or something else.
Also, there’s no telling who’s heavily pregnant and nearly finished gestating or who is just now getting started and is going to have a much greater gigantic belly down the line. It’s unpredictable how big someone is gonna get. Some grow at a snail’s pace, some through fixed growth spurts and others grow to the size of an elephant in seconds before your eyes. And it’s hard keeping track of all the babies in your womb sometimes.
The space in the house gets smaller every day. Too many people, too many bellies with too many babies in them and that’s a growing problem.
The youngest adult in the family has a hard time getting through a door by himself and he’s just 2 months pregnant along. He just might burst down a wall tomorrow. This is the countdown for the house before the family gets too big for it.
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lovegoodfics · 2 years
show me [eddie munson]
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eddie munson x reader
wc: 4.3k
warnings: smut, best friends being lovey, fluff, fingering, making out, orgasms, praise, innocence/corruption kink, loss of virginity (kinda but not rlly), multi part series, kinda dom!eddie.
part 1 | part 2 [coming soon]
Eddie had become your go to for a lot of things. When your first boyfriend cheated on you and broke your heart at 16, he picked up the pieces and taught you all of the lyrics to his favorite metal songs so you could rage-scream them in his van. When you ran away from your home after a fight with your mom at age 17, he took you in without a second thought and let you sleep in his room until things had simmered over and you had the courage to go back home.
His super-seniority meant that you both graduated in the same year, and when your mom didn’t show up in the stands, Uncle Wayne was quick to embrace you and Eddie all the same after the ceremony. He even sloppily added your name on to Eddie’s graduation cake last minute.
He was your safe haven, your go-to, your best friend. You had never kept a secret from him, and him from you. It wasn’t until now that you ever had an issue sharing something with him.
“C’mon! Just tell me, love, it can’t be that bad.” Eddie teased you while lazily twisting half-circles in his spinny chair.
“Forget it! I shouldn’t have even said anything!” You buried your face in your hands, your neck and cheeks red-hot from embarrassment.
“Can I guess it? If I guess it right can you tell me?” You wanted to slap that stupid little smirk off of his face, knowing the delight he took in your embarrassment.
“Something you wouldn’t tell me…” he trailed off, making a big show of tapping his chin in thought. “Something embarrassing…”
“Did you accidentally commit arson? Get pantsed in the mall?”
You couldn’t help but crack a smile behind your hands, spreading your fingers to get a glimpse of his face as he rambled off scenarios.
“Oh my god… did you shit your pants in public?”
You squealed out with laughter, breaking from your embarrassment-paralysis.
“Eddie! I did not shit myself!”
“Then it can’t be so bad. Shitting yourself is like rock-bottom, so now that we’ve ruled that out it can only go up from here.” The shit-eating grin never left his face, somehow making it easier to confess to him.
“Okay, okay, but you can’t laugh.”
He faked a serious face, staring at you with still-amused brown eyes. “I’ll be stone cold, I promise.”
“I’m nervous to go college,” you started. Eddie broke his promise seconds later, guffawing as he clapped his hands together.
“That’s it? That’s y/n’s deathbed, mortifying secret??”
“Let me finish!” you scolded, feeling the heat rise back up your neck. He put his hands up in surrender, eager to hear what could warrant such an unusual mood from you.
“Everybody in college is so experienced and I know like parties and hookups are a huge thing and I- I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“You don’t have to do that shit if you don’t want to.”
“No I want to it’s just-“
“Then what’s the problem?”
You smacked his arm, becoming frustrated that you couldn’t communicate the issue that had your stomach in knots for days. “My fucking god, Edward! Let a woman finish her sentence!”
“Damn,” he grumbled, rubbing where you smacked his bicep as if it actually hurt him.
“I just, I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“At parties? I’m not following.”
“Are you really gonna make me say it?” You whined. Usually he was so good at picking up what you were saying without having to really say much.
“Say what! Babe, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
You took a deep breath and squeezed your eyes shut, hoping it would be easier to say if you didn’t have to look at him. “I’veneverdoneanythingbefore.”
“What?” Eddie said, in a tone so confused you weren’t sure if he was shocked that you hadn’t done anything sexual or if he really just hadn’t heard you.
“I’ve never like, hooked up before. Or done anything at all. Nothing past a kiss at least.”
Eddie fell silent, and it took 30 seconds of the quiet air before you opened your eyes back up to gauge his reaction.
“Okay, you know what, that was so embarrassing and I shouldn’t have said anything, I don’t even know why I told you.” You started to ramble, standing up to gather your things and save yourself more embarrassment by remaining here.
“Hey, hey,” he grabbed your arm, sitting you back on the spot you occupied on his bed.
“No, no there’s nothing to be embarrassed of I’m just”, he rubbed the back of his neck as he collected his thoughts for what to say next, “surprised.”
When you didn’t speak, he continued. “There’s nothing wrong with being a virgin or not doing anything yet. I mean, I just assumed you had done stuff because guys were always all over you.”
“Guys were not ‘all over me’! I’ve literally had like, two boyfriends.”
“What do you mean? Like every guy in Hawkins had a crush on you. I’m pretty sure Gareth thought you were his soulmate when I brought you to Hellfire that one time.”
You smiled, remembering the way the boy clammed up every time you addressed him to ask a question about the campaign.
“Well I guess I didn’t notice. Not that it matters, since I’m still…”
“A virgin.” Eddie finished.
You scrunched up your nose and made a noise of disgust. “Please! I hate that word, stop saying it.”
He laughed a little, the playful smile brought back to his lips as your banter lightened up again.
“It’s not a dirty word, everybody takes their own time with things. I really doubt you’re the only one going to college a vir-“ he stopped and quickly corrected himself, “unexperienced.”
“But I don’t want to be unexperienced. I want to be prepared and learn with someone I know and trust so my first time isn’t with some frat guy.”
“You want to hook up with some meathead frat guy?” It was his turn to make a face of disgust as he pictured some Jason Carver-lookalike putting his sweaty hands all over sweet, innocent you.
“Not the point, Eddie.” You scolded him.
“Okay, okay. Sorry. So, you want to learn how to hook up with people before you leave?”
“More or less. It sounds weirder out loud.” You looked down at your hands as they twisted around each other on your lap.
You both sat in silence for a minute, letting the awkward topic sit heavy above you like a dark grey storm cloud.
“I could show you, if that’s what you want. I mean, you said you wanted someone you trusted.” He offered, his voice wavering without his normal obnoxious confidence.
“You’d do that for me?” You looked up from your hands and bit back a smile.
“I’d do anything for you. You know that.” Your smile escaped despite your efforts. You did know that. Hence, why you brought this to him.
“Okay.” You smiled and placed a hand on his, rubbing circles with your thumb like you usually did. He returned your smile, and the air between you wasn’t as awkward as you imagined it would be.
“We can go at your pace. I don’t want to rush you into anything, I’m serious. Say the word and we call the whole thing off and pretend this never happened.”
“I know.” You whispered, still smiling. You loved how he always made you feel comfortable and safe, even in situations filled with tension and uncertainty.
“Y/N!” Your little sister calls from the kitchen, “Eddie’s on the phone for you!”
You took your headphones off and paused your walkman, giggling at the thought of Eddie catching you listening to Madonna.
You took the phone from your sister and flipped her off as she wiggled her eyebrows and made smooching noises at you.
“Hey Eds,” you greeted, absentmindedly twirling the phone cord with one hand.
“Y/N!” His voice brightly chirped through the phone. “It’s been so long, forgot what your voice sounded like.”
You rolled your eyes and chuckled at his tendency to dramatize. “I saw you three days ago.”
“Far too long!” You laughed quietly at his antics. “Anyway, I’m gonna be on my way over to pick you up in like 5 minutes.”
“Sounds good.” It wasn’t out of the ordinary for Eddie to call and simply tell you he was picking you up. Half the time he didn’t even bother calling, he just showed up and crawled through your bedroom window to announce his presence.
“Just so you know, I have our first lesson planned for today.”
Your throat went dry. You almost forgot that he had agreed to walk you through your first sexual experiences.
“See you in 15, sweetheart.” You could hear his mocking grin through the line as he hung up the phone.
You ran back into your room and carefully speed-shaved your legs and pubic area at a world record speed. Seriously, if there’s like a Guinness World Record or an Olympic category for pre-hookup shaving, you would’ve won.
You cursed yourself for never bothering to buy any cute underwear as you tore apart your drawer, only finding your plain and polka-dotted bras and various fruit-decorated underwear.
You wanted to die at the thought of Eddie seeing you in your polka-dotted Target bra and your blue kiwi underwear with a little bow on the front.
You delved into the depths of the drawer, finding an old plain black bra that was half a size too small as the only acceptable option. The kiwi underwear would have to suffice, even though you already knew Eddie would tease you to hell’s end about them.
Eddie’s god-awful screeching horn sounded outside. “Shit,” you mumbled, scrambling around your bed that was now covered in mismatched underwear to locate your shorts and t-shirt again.
Slipping out your porch screen door, Eddie’s beaming face and an already opened passenger door greeted you.
You hopped into the seat, turning down the Metallica that was blasting from his stereo. “Your music’s always too loud,” you muttered, feeling the nerves and gravity of the impending situation starting to press down on your shoulders.
“On the contraire! In fact, I turned it down for you before I got here!”
“All of Indiana could hear that, what do you mean you turned it down?”
“All of Indiana would be lucky to be blessed with the sweet, smooth sound of real music then.”
You tried to match his smile, but it didn’t quite meet your eyes.
“Hey, you okay?” He placed a hand on your thigh, a gesture that was usually completely platonic and comforting, but you couldn’t help but add it onto your worsening nerves.
“Nervous,” you admitted, fumbling with the rings on his right hand.
“Hey,” he took your fumbling hands in his, giving them a squeeze. “We don’t have to do anything. Like I said, this is all for you and at your pace.”
You met his gaze, finding comfort in the sincerity of his big brown eyes. “I know, Eds. I’m just nervous. I’ll tell you if I don’t want to do anything.”
He pulled your hand up to his mouth and grazed your knuckles with a few kisses before pulling out of your driveway and onto the torn up roads that led back to the trailer park.
His van lurched and screeched the whole way, and you listened to Eddie ramble about his sadistic new DnD campaign and his new summer job at the local tackle and boating shop and how he’s been pestering Dustin to lead Hellfire now that he’s finally gone.
You were glad that he wasn’t making this awkward and in his own way, keeping you comfortable and your mind off of things by droning on about nothing important. Eddie was good at that stuff, the little things. It was a big reason why you loved him so much. Nothing was that big of a deal with him. He had such a way about him that everything rolled right off of his back, stuff that would have you stuck in bed for weeks without him.
“Wayne’s out for a few days, he mentioned something about some training in Ohio.” Eddie announced, throwing his keys on the already crowded kitchen counter.
“Want anything? A beer, soda?”
“Just water.” You we’re picking at the skin of your nails as you debated in your head how this would start. Would he just… go for it? Was he going to say something? Were you going to have to say something? If that was the case, maybe you would need more than just water to work up that nerve.
“Stop that.” Eddie separated your hands, rescuing your cuticles from the self-inflicted damage.
“I’m sorry,” you put your hands at your sides, feeling so out of place in a room that usually felt like home to you.
“Hey, woah.” He put his hands on your shoulders, gently rubbing a bit. “God, you are nervous. You’re shaking. Let’s just sit and talk for a minute, yeah?”
You turned your head to smile up at him. “Yeah, thanks. I don’t know why I’m so worried over nothing. I know I’m safe with you.”
“Good.” He pressed a gentle kiss to your shoulder before leading you to his room, opening the door for you and throwing some of the dirty laundry on his bed to a corner.
“What are we in the mood for? I’ve got some Ozzy, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath…” he trailed off, flipping through the box of cassettes on his desk, the only well-organized thing in his room. “Do not ask me for Aerosmith ever again. I put that cassette on only in your most trying of times because I fucking hate that band. I’ll compromise on AC/DC but that’s as far as I’ll go.”
You giggled, sitting up and making yourself comfortable between a few pillows on his bed. “Put on anything, just don’t make it so loud.”
“Too loud…” he mumbled, seeming to choose Iron Maiden’s “Killers” album as he popped a cassette in his stereo. “Have I not turned you to the dark side?”
Despite his complaining, he turned the stereo’s volume knob to the left, letting the music sit comfortably in the background.
“What do you want to start with?” Eddie asked, sitting across from you on the bed, one leg folded and the other hanging off the bed.
“Hey, I thought you said you had something planned out! I don’t know what I’m doing!”
“Yeah, yeah I have like, a general idea. A vague outline if you will. But I need the details to fully get creative and plan the campaign.”
“Oh my god if you refer to this as a campaign I’m not doing this with you.”
He threw his head back in laughter, finding amusement in your annoyance.
“So I’m assuming you won’t call me Dungeon Master then.”
Your mouth flew open, grossed out, annoyed, and simultaneously entertained by his gimmick.
“I’ll leave!” You went to stand with no intention of actually leaving, just wanting to get him to ask you to stay.
“Noooo! No! Okay, okay I’m sorry, no more Dungeons and Dragons references!” The smirk on his face and the light in his eyes showed he wasn’t really sorry, but you didn’t care.
You sat back down, the remnants of a smile still in your cheeks and eyes.
“What I mean by what do you want to start with is like, what have you done?” Eddie began, “What bases are we covering here?”
You think back to your two previous relationships and handful of situationships, nothing steamy jumping out at you. “Honestly I haven’t really done anything. I made out with Jimmy Parker when we dated for like a month last year but nothing else.”
“With tongue?” Eddie asked, in a tone that made it feel like you were almost gossiping about boys to a girl friend.
“Yeah but it wasn’t really good. He kind of just, like, shoved it down my throat.”
Eddie snickered at that, unable to quite picture the sight of Jimmy trying and failing to kiss you properly.
“Okay, so we can start there? We don’t have to go any further yet, it’s up to you.”
“Okay,” you smiled, the intense nerves from before long gone. “I’m kind of glad, I didn’t prepare much for this and I had to wear kiwi panties today.”
“Kiwi panties!” Eddie shouted in delight, nearly jumping out of his seat. “Those I have to see, even if it’s in a non-sexual setting.”
“Oh my god,” you rolled your eyes, not feeling the embarrassment hit you like you thought it would.
“Where do you even find Kiwi panties?” He questioned, kind of yelling it at you. Eddie had a volume problem when he was excited or riled up.
“Kohl’s…” you mumbled, giggling as a wave of laughter knocked Eddie on his back.
“They came in a pack of assorted fruits.”
“Assorted fruits!!” Eddie screamed in joy, rolling around on the bed in laughter.
You mocked real annoyance as you pulled him back up to a sitting position, hoping to end his gleeful brigade. “I’m glad you find amusement in my underpants, Munson.”
“Oh I have a lot of interest in your underpants, Y/N.” He wiggled his eyebrows, still laughing.
“I hate you,” your smile broke, lightly laughing along with him.
“Don’t you?” His head cocked to the side, his big smile settling into a smirk.
A silence settled between the both of you, the air filled with tension, but not uncomfortably so.
“I’m gonna kiss you,” he whispered, brushing a lock of your hair behind your ear and leaning in slightly. His breath smelt like coca cola and spearmint. “Let me know if you want to stop.”
You closed your eyes and his lips touched yours, his hand finding rest where your neck meets your jaw.
The kiss was slow at first, just getting used to the feeling of each other. He was gentle, tender, nothing like your sloppy makeouts in Jimmy’s car or behind the bleachers with your first boyfriend.
He pulled away and you followed him slightly, out of breath and wanting more. “I’m gonna add tongue, okay? You don’t want it to be too much at first, you just kind of want to…” he trailed off, reconnecting the space between you.
As your lips moved in sync, his tongue brushed your bottom lip, like he was testing the waters with you. In a silent move of approval, you deepened the kiss and found your hand a home on the back of his head, fisting his curls as you allowed him to add more tongue.
This was… nice. Nothing like your last kisses. It was sweet, passionate. You switched your position without breaking the kiss, moving closer to him. He pulled you into his lap, and your hand tugged at his curls as you uncontrollably rocked against him. Your open fist pulled his head back, allowing you to slot yourself slightly over him and lead.
“Shit,” he mumbled, breaking your contact and illiciting a whine from you as you tried to reconnect your lips.
You frowned as he didn’t return back to your kiss. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” he breathed out, almost in a laugh. “No, baby.” A beat passed before he spoke again. “Do you- have you ever touched yourself?”
Your face flushed with heat and you nodded at him, leaning back in and eager to keep kissing him, drunk on the feeling of it.
He redirected your head to leave open mouthed, sloppy kisses on your neck and jawline. Your pants and breathy moans at the new feeling sounded like harmonies to him.
“Show me,” he whispered, his lips dancing around your jaw. He turned you around with ease, pulling your back flush to his chest, continuing to shower you with sloppy kisses, careful not to leave any marks. Not yet.
He helped you with the waistband of your shorts, stretching them up and under your hips and down your legs.
The gentle, quiet, intense mood was replaced quickly with Eddie’s boisterous laugh at the sight of your infamous kiwi underwear.
“The Kiwis!” He exclaimed, snapping the elastic of your waistband.
“Eddie!” You whined, although him seeing them wasn’t as bad as you imagined. You had enough embarrassment for the day, maybe you plateaued and simply couldn’t feel it anymore.
“They’re better than I imagined!” He was still laughing as he helped you slip them off, throwing them to the side to join your shorts on his bedroom floor.
“Imagine my underwear a lot, Munson?” You didn’t know where this kick of courage came from to banter back instead of shying away, but you were grateful it was there.
“Always.” His smile was sugar sweet, still half mocking you but half serious.
His hands wrapped around the insides of your lower thighs as he hiked your legs up, now spread and bent at the knees.
You could see yourselves in the mirror of his dresser across from you, meeting his eyes in the reflection.
“Show me how you touch yourself when you’re alone,” he spoke into your ear, the hint of a smile still remaining in his voice.
You were nervous, but less so than before. This wasn’t as scary as you imagined it would be. Eddie was all sweet smiles and teasing glances, not mocking or intimidating or too experienced for you as you feared he would be.
Your hand slipped down to your pussy, your fingers gently rubbing through the folds and collecting the slickness that had formed while you and Eddie were kissing.
Your breath hitched as your fingers found your clit, lightly rubbing circles on it with your index and middle finger.
Eddie’s breath felt hot on the back of your neck, leaving kisses every few seconds but never taking his gaze off of your reflection. “Good girl,” he praised as your fingers picked up the pace and your gasps turned to breathy moans.
You clenched at his words, not without his notice. “Eddie,” you moaned, drawing his attention from your pussy to your face.
“Hm?” He hummed, still stealing glances at the obscene view in his dirty mirror.
“Can I-“ you increased the pressure on your clit, throwing your head back against his shoulders. “Can I have your fingers?”
He beamed at your request, staring down directly at you rather than your reflection.
“Good girl,” he praised again, his honey-smooth tone going straight to your core. “So brave for asking me.”
His right hand left it’s place on your abdomen and made its way to your entrance, just circling it at first.
“Ever finger yourself?” His voice was filled with lust, a slight rasp in it as he took in the scene below him.
You shook your head, rocking your hips forward to encourage his fingers inside of you.
“Words, baby.”
“No,” you exhaled, letting your eyes shut in overwhelming pleasure.
“Need me to teach you?” He teased your hole by just sliding the tip of his finger in, then removing it and continuing to run up and down your lips and around your entrance.
“Please, Eddie.”
“Such good manners.”
He slid his pointer finger in to the second knuckle gently, curving it slightly.
“You don’t want to go to fast,” he instructed, working the rest of his finger in at a mind numbing pace.
“Gotta ease into it baby.” Once his finger was fully in, he slowly started pumping it.
“Wanna curve your finger up like this.” You moaned as he narrated his movements, feeling heat start to rise in your abdomen.
“You wanna find- there it is,” a loud moan that would have embarrassed you otherwise escaped your lips as he tapped your g-spot.
“It should feel kind of rough and spongy. You just wanna work it right there.” Eddie continued pumping his finger in and out of you, curving it in a ‘come here’ motion as he did so.
He batted your hand away and replaced it with his left hand, rubbing figure 8s on your clit with a much more intense speed and pressure than you had previously.
“Eddie,” you moaned, opening your eyes halfway to meet his in the mirror.
“Hm?” He added another finger, illiciting a gasp from you as you bucked your hips towards his hands, drunk on the pleasure he was giving you.
“I’m close,” you admitted, grasping onto his t-shirt for dear life.
“Whenever you’re ready princess.” You couldn’t seem to still your hips as they uncontrollably rocked against his fingers, chasing the high that was building in your core.
His fingers sped up inside you and he pressed just a little bit harder on your clit, eager to watch his best friend come undone on his hands.
“God, Eddie!” You yelled out as your eyes screwed shut and your orgasm washed over you. Your nails dug into his wrist and shirt, unconcerned with the state of the fabric that you were surely stretching out.
He worked you through your orgasm, unsure whether he wanted to keep his eyes locked on your pussy that was now creaming around his fingers or your blissed out, pinched face that he wasn’t sure he’d ever get enough of.
He slowed his fingers, not fully stopping yet as you rode through. Once your legs started to close and you lazily pushed his hands away, he retracted his fingers.
You looked up at him with a smile, and he swore he could’ve creamed his pants right there.
“Open,” he softly instructed, letting the hand that had previously been fucking you into your lips as they closed around his fingers. You sucked them so obediently, letting your eyes flutter shut for a moment before meeting his again.
“That was so hot,” Eddie laughed, wiping his spit and orgasm-covered hands against his pant leg, leaving a wet smear on his thigh.
“Thank you,” you smiled, pressing a kiss against his throat.
“What are good teachers for?”
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writinandcrying · 1 year
2007 TMNT Movie Review
ok so i watched 2007 movie for the first time (ive read about it and seen some scenes, but never watched the whole thing) anyways finally got a hold of myself and watched it! Specially bc of 3 reasons
1- i need to cuz to fr wtf
2- bc of a certain match up 👀 @melancholysway
3- aaaand I wanted to visualize better a 10 part scenario COF COF @melancholysway hi babe
i decided to write down my comments (i usually dont comment on movies but me and jas talked SO MUCH about it i wanted to do this lmao) basically if you have seen the film (and love it like a certain someone) you will be able to recognize the scenes from the my comments without detailed description, TW spoilers if you havent watched it!
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Leo’s voice is HOT. mmhhmmOHMYGOD
Raph's movements and bike scenes are so smooth I love it
“sir im not playing hard to get this is not that kind of phoneline” ON A CHILDRENS MOVIE???????? KHBADKNJLJ
Donnie with his huge ass googles he’s so cute
APRIL???? SHORT HAIR APRIL?? CHANNEL APRIL??? SUIT APRIL??? Move aside Casey im down on one knee
I love the entrance to the lair, also I love when tmnt versions mix like subway stations with he sewers you know? Gives a perception that it isn’t so gloomy where they live and all
“I can’t even sleep without the sound of the subway rumbling above my head, i guess that’s what you get when you grow up on a house full of brothers” soft king we love to see it
Leo jumping out of a plane - AGAIN - like on the bayverse movies, every version he’s an adrenaline rookie istg
Raph diving on the elevator was fucking badass ngtl
Leo mispronouncing nightwatcher like a 40 y/o
Thinking out loud here I kinda wanted to know how they defeated The Shredder tho 
im gonna be honest...... besides rottmnt April..... i dont usually dig her, i always thinks theres some spice laking to her character, (bayverse included, sorry Megan Fox my queen) idk it feels the writers always go for miss perfect with her which doesn't give the character some interesting characteristics besides being "the perfect girl who's also the only one in the group" its lazy writing and it pisses me off. but this April??? i kinda like it! and her 2 LIL BUNS WHILE SHES TRAINING JDNJLA SHES SO CUTE
- “WHAT WAS THAT?” ”did I mention we ran into a monster last night’?” “oh you forgot buddy, did you also forget I only have a WODEN BAT?” im loving this Casey lmao 
“And now we got walking statues??? You got a plan for those?””hey those are a first for me too” WHO WROTE THIS MOVIE
Thinking out loud here part 2 the comeback - Like the only thing I miss is a more mature mikey I think? Everyone sort of grew up and have more mature lines, and he still on the "Yo dude” teenage phase, like idk if feels they all are in their mid/late 20s and Mikey still a 16 y/o :/ I wish writers would give him more development, or more clever lines? like clever pun lines if he's gonna be the comedy relief. anyways the only show I’ve seen doing more than just "dumb funny guy"for mikey is rottmnt 
Warn me next time, I got allergies - Casey I love you fr 
I wish they kept the birthday cake scene cuz the interaction with donnie, splinter aaaand Mikey is priceless
April and Casey apartment tho oh my 
Leo didnt even tell April or Casey that he came back????? bro??
THE DRAMAAAAAA with Raph and Leo omg seriously its like me and my sister but 10 times worse lmao
I love the background music is like… so early 2000s teens movie fhnsjdinaouji I know its an early 2000s teen movie but the music they be listening in the radio IS like.. something you would listen to in “she's the man” soundtrack and it makes it more realistic to the era it was made u feel 
*Makes passive aggressive comment about Raph*” “ok Leo whatever you say no one was talking about him” it goes b u s t e d you are busted
ABSOLUTELY LOVE when the movie starts playing badass music with radio police talking in the background and raph turns to the camera like its the office and simply says “they are playing my song”
Raph being done that Leo first idea when meeting the night watcher was to give him a lecture LMAO
I hate that Leo won the fight but the “good night dark prince” took me ujnnaojnjkl shut up Leonardo oh my god u r annoying *tucks hair*
*un-tucks hair* Bro I SWEAR I hate when Leo on any tmnt say they are better than Raph SHUT UP OH MY GOD
“Dont do this raph” “im done taking orders” PRESIDENTIAL ALERT THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING 10 bucks on Raph 
*raphs eyes soften after winning* and it was in this moment, he knew he fucked up
*runs away crying after fucking up an argument due angry issues*
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Shut up Master Splinter speech to Raph made me emotional 
April and Karai fighting (2 seconds) more culturally significant than the whole renaissance
Mikey and Casey having a special high five and APRIL PINCHING HIS ASS AAAAAAAAAAAA
“I presume this is the vortex for another dimension””cool. I want one” relatable 
Karai helping them - once again im in one knee
Leo did NOT say come to daddy oh my god that’s actually embarrassing
April driving poorly while arguing with Casey and karai + foot soldier in the back barely moving like its their emo children being forced into a family road trip gives me so much joy 
aaaaaand the movie is over! honestly there were some parts i didnt see it coming and udsjnounsoa like the little things they got away with it while being a children movie is surprising, sucks they couldnt make the other 3 movies :(
if you read all of this, first of all thank you and this for you:
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Replies! About the LiliMal comic + a lot of other stuff.
Anonymous asked:
Waittttt may I ask whose butts are featured in your latest LiliMal comic because there's a certain cake standing out from the rest~
Ahhh I’m sorry to disappoint, but I didn’t have anyone specific in mind when I drew this sufhsui BUT. I’m pretty sure Lilia does this to everyone (well other than Malleus), at least playfully (some of his slaps are not as neutral in nature 👀 )…
But damn you’re right, that cake is huge. I can’t think of anyone this big other than Jack but there’s no tail :( HmmMMMmmm
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Lilia hitting Malleus' butt literally awoke a fever of fanfic writing, so thanks for that boo!
Also, I feel like Lilia would try to find out all who thought touching Malleus was a smart idea and probably kill them either from jealousy, loyalty, or straight him being possessive and does it cause "He was mine. He will always be mine"
You’re welcome! I hope Malleus gets buttslapped more often… he deserves it lol
Lilia’s case is interesting, because on the one hand, he does want Malleus to have more connections, relationships, all this stuff, but he really is more possessive than even he himself realises, not to mention super protective. So I can picture him going after people with an excuse of them overstepping, but in actuality because he’s way too used to thinking that he is the only one who is allowed to treat Malleus this way.
Anonymous asked:
Nope! I’m just very slow + I have been busy lately, so I had to prioritize asks with shorter replies… but you’ll get your replies too, Anon! Here is one, but the other one will have to wait, since it’s a hc ask, and it’s more time consuming for me to wrote them…
Anonymous asked:
thoughts on the popular theory Jade ate his siblings? do you think any other Leeches existed, or if they did, if he had anything to do with their death?
So about this! We actually talked about it about a year ago here and there, and even though we mentioned it briefly, we still like this theory a lot. Katsu and I pretty much consider it canon lol Of course while keeping in mind that it was only implied and the circumstances around their siblings’ death might have been different yada yada you know what I mean.
So yeah, other Leeches absolutely existed, Jade and Floyd are the only ones who survived and it only happened because they joined forces. And we all know that Jade and Floyd both are quite hungry, so the scenario in which they hunted every single sibling down and ate them to grow stronger just feels correct, horribly morbid and super fun at the same time.
I don’t know, it’s just a very amusing thing to think about when you look at them doing regular college boy things. Especially Jade, since he likes acting all polite and proper. He’s out there doing his vice-housewarden things, talking to his classmates, managing finances for the Halloween event, and you look at him and think “this guy munched down his siblings when he was little” lol
It’s almost like they’re from a completely different and a much more cruel world…
Anonymous asked:
You've probably been asked before but, have vil and Ortho ever made a sex tape? If so who initiated and if not what made them think against it/do you think Ortho ever secretly filmed sessions for himself?
I don’t think Vil would want to have a sex tape even if it’s for a personal use; he’s probably heard so many stories about leaks and ruined reputations. He grew up surrounded by paparazzi and all kinds of nosy vultures, so he is very careful and secretive (and a bit paranoid) about his private live. So he probably treats every time he has sex as “once in a lifetime performance for his lover only”.
Which is ironic because Ortho really loves recording everything he sees and does. He loves rewatching, revisiting and analyzing (and doing other stuff if it’s sex tape we’re talking about hehe), so he’ll absolutely ask Vil to record everything or at least take some pictures or audio recordings, and he’ll be bummed out when Vil refuses. Vil is usually very doting and he allows him to do so many things, but this is something he is stubbornly against.
But if Vil doesn’t know about it, there is no harm, right? Ortho knows how to put cameras and sound-recording devices in a way he would never notice…
And if it’s the robot!Ortho we’re talking about, he doesn’t even need any extra devices: he records everything directly to his memory.
Anonymous asked:
I think everyone wants to bite Idia’s thighs tbh
Facts. And it’s funny, because Idia doesn’t even have much to bite there…
Anonymous asked:
Do you think Idia is touch-starved? I personally think that but I’m interested to know your thoughts
I think he is starved to the point of not wanting anything anymore, so he’s touch-died-of-hunger-years-ago. So it’s not like he is actively suffering, buuuut if someone was to get physical with him, his body would suddenly remember that being touched by someone actually feels very good, so he’ll get overwhelmed in a good way. He is very sensitive….
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venus-celestial · 5 months
(Mini Acotar Rant kinda)
I have an inherent need to see Nesta In the day court and summer court you can't convince me she wouldn't thrive in those courts
Like Traquin and Helion could both help her tremendously and they could become great friends with Nesta
(More under because this is a long one boys)
Traquin could help her overcome her fear of being submerged in water the summer court probably has pools of many different sizes and depths
They could start small like 5 inches of water and slowly work their way up until they get to the point nesta is ok in water deep enough her feet don't touch the floor
And through it all Traquin being caring and understanding and encouraging never pushing her when she she wants to stop always telling she's done good
Also if she accidentally sets something on fire he doesn't get mad he uses his powers to put it out and comforts her
Helion helping Nesta overcome her fear of fires he notices her flinch when he lights any fire and eventually after gentle coaxing he learns of her fear her trauma
He starts silencing the fires around his house with a spell and eventually asks if she would like him to help her with the fear
Nesta agreeing and Helion slowly getting her used to fire by making small fires in his palm and slowly making them bigger
And slowly getting her used to the noise by slowly lowering the spell that silences the fires until she doesn't need the spell up at all
Helion helping Nesta regulate and master her powers him researching and managing to make gems that store and regulate her power (less powerful siphons I hope I spelled that right)
Helion making jewelry out of them and giving them to her Nesta immediately feeling the efforts of them of her power being regulated and filtered and being over joyed
Helion teaching her to use her magic not for combat not for war but everyday tasks having her light the fires in the house or pick up a cup small things at first
Helion and Nesta learning she can manifest particularly anything she can think of her using this power to conjuror cake or books or tea
Helion being amazed when Nesta can not only conjuror fire but ice water plants and even starlight if she tries hard enough
Nesta using her powers to just have fun or do mundane things Nesta throwing water at Helion Nesta conjuring stars on the ceiling at night
Nesta making ice sculptures Nesta growing fruit for the hell of it Nesta conjuring cake and tea out of thin air to have while reading
Nesta finally having control of this power and not feeling like it's going to rip her apart and not needing to use it everyday because of the gems
Nesta happy and healing and becoming friends with 2 high lords and going back and forth between the two courts because they've both become her home
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(Ok time for head cannons / just scenarios that I envision with this)
Nesta making friends with a day court male who is twice her size but the biggest book nerd ever
Nesta making friends with workers at both summer and day and them being delighted everytime she returns to their court
Nesta just making friends who fallow her back and forth to both courts and tease her about her books but also read the books she recommendeds them
Traquin and Nesta going on evening works around summer courts Beaches and Traquin putting his jacket/coat on her when she gets cold
Nesta falling asleep on a pool float and Traquin having to have to retrieve her and trying not to wake her as he carries her out of the pool
Helion braiding gold and small jewels into Nesta's her while she sits and reads
Helion just doing Nesta's hair in general and always put in some type of pin or headband or any pretty hair accessories
Nesta falling asleep in Helion's huge library and it becomes a one man game of hide and seek as he looks for her and eventually finds and carries her to bed
Nesta and Helion bonding over books and giving each other recommendations and judging books together
Nesta and Traquin having water fights on the Daily powers and all there always being a huge mess afterwards
Nesta dancing in the shallow pools of the summer court and Traquin joining her
Nesta using her powers to make companions for herself basing them off of azs shadows and later making more animal shaped ones
The attendants of both summer court and Day court loving to help Nesta get ready be it for the day or an event
Nesta dressed in Day courts white and or summer courts blue and silver and white
Or fuck it Nesta in dark blue that fades to white and gold combining both day and summer because their both her home
Nesta Walking around both courts and at events wearing the colors of day and summer with her hair down and gold and silver in her hair and people mistaken her for the lady of both courts
Nesta finding a home friends and freedom in the courts of day and summer and no one being able to take her away from either court least they anger the respective High Lords
(That's it for this post sorry if it was long but I just need this in my life and I'm definitely going be drawing and writing about this idea for a while anyway hope you enjoyed)
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weebsinstash · 1 year
soooo what you're saying is yandere emperor & love sick concubine x empress au with bakugou as the emperor and izuku as his favourite concubine yeah??
oof those two would be an awful (read: amazing) duo for poor reader empress to go up against
Not going to lie I actually always meant to write more for Izuku??? I've actually had a decent amount of ideas for him because like, he already has habits that you can tweak ever so slightly and boom he's a lil yandere simp, drooling over you as he watches you from a distance and doodling into his lil notebook. He gives "hello mommy I love you so much and would die for you let's get married ❤️" energy but he's also feral enough that like. Could easily imagine him as one of those sweet tiny dudes who has a third leg and Fucks Severely. Like to be honest I'm a bottom as fuck and have always likes taller partners but certain personality types just deliver what is needed lmao. Like I've kinda unlocked a thing for having something smaller than you partner wise especially like that holds you down extremely easily, like the helplessness of it? Idk like in hentai where chicks get surrounded by like little tiny extremely strong but hugely dicked goblins, like not always that small obviously but you kind get the gist. Imagine an adult Izuku being shorter than you and younger than you and you think he's so passive and sweet or you think he's an annoying little boy and try to brush him off, and suddenly he's got you up against a wall hugging you so tight you can't shove him off and you're met with like the horror you can't overpower him by ANY means. And the whole time he's just like OuO sweet and smiling and just this secretly heinous little sex fiend who can easily fold you like a pretzel
But I will admit those two would work fairly well for this formula 😳 hm. The gears are turning. I dunno... hmm.....
Let's look at it from this angle. Bakugou is probably one of those Emperors that either killed all his brothers and took the throne by force, was his father's only child and usurped him, or maybe was a nobleman or high ranking soldier who became Emperor by wiping out the royal family. Just typical domination by overwhelming force kind of guy. Known as a somewhat of a savage albeit with amazing tactics skill and talented in warfare and combat. And then Midoriya is. Hm. Maybe a childhood friend or whatever but tbh I'm just kind of imagining him as this lil hippy thang that dresses in white and soft colors, I wouldn't say femboy per say but, maybe a little lmao. Katsuki sitting at his desk stamping documents and then here's Izuku bringing him tea and snack cakes and Bakugo is still like, a little rough, but nicer to him then he is to you lmao
But I just cannot imagine the like absolutely infuriating scenario of 1. Being stuck with Bakugo against your will in a political marriage 2. Having to perform duties you may not even be remotely interested in, for example tradtionally the Empress manages the other harem women who are often high ranking nobility but she's also not allowed to get involved in politics, so like, you influence but not much actual power of your own 3. He's not even a nice fucking person, like in this scenario you literally struggle to think of his good qualities that don't inevitably circle back to him being a brute 4. You're expected to have children with him and 5. On top of having to share him with other women, one of his concubines is a man who is essentially tries to guilt trip and pressure you into loving Bakugo
I remember in "I'm Divorcing My Tyrant Husband", which is kind of an infuriating read and idk if I would recommend it, the cruel tyrant Emperor doesn't respect his Empress because she's too nice and I imagine Bakugo, depending on what mood you're going for, would either be a condescending 'oh you're so weak and delicate, what use is there for you, worthless crybaby' OR 'you're so delicate therefore you must be kept like a precious caged animal where no harm can come to you like a beautiful rose encased in glass so it cannot wilt'
Bakugo would definitely be one of those characters who you constantly have massive 'misunderstandings' with, 'misunderstandings' translating to 'this guy is constantly a massive fucking asshole who doesn't properly communicate for shit' and Izuku is always trying to tell you how he "really" feels but since its never Katsuki himself you could care less. Like for example, an idea I can imagine for him is something like, Reader has a precious garden she takes care of day and night, while gardening you get bitten by a viper that was hiding in the brush, you get extremely ill, the next time you wake up and have recovered your entire garden is gone because he tore everything out and you're devastated because it feels like you've been punished for falling sick when his intention was to completely overturn your garden in case there were more vipers (which, to his credit there were, but you don't even care because you actively encouraged animals to take homes in your garden and now it's all ruined)
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bamboobrat · 1 year
succession s4 e3 recap: i just called to say are you a cunt? 2/2
part 1
how are we dealing so far? personally, i am not.
tom calls his boyfriend with the news of logan's death, which turns out to be a huge mistake because greg is a dipshit with no poker face and a simp for journalist ass.
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guys, i even feel bad for tom. wtf is this episode.
roman is still in denial.
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the genius of the writers confirmed: i spent ages wondering if it was real myself, since we never really saw logan and it felt unreal. so thanks for the torture, i guess.
just as the kids receive news they have stopped doing compressions, the ship leaves the dock.
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stress level: uncut gems.
hugo is here.
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if i saw this man on the worst day of my life i would jump ship.
he informs the sibs that the board is drafting a statement and the reactions are who tf asked.
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we see a shift from grief to strategy. new leadership means they need to position themselves.
tom wants people to know he was with logan as he died. karl, gerri and frank need their name on the statement. and although the healthy thing probably would be to grieve in peace, the kids need to stake their claim too.
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calling a confrontation in a karaoke bar a family function is controlling the narrative. words are just complicated airflow.
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this screenshot is just in here because it has gerri in it.
roman continues his denial tour, this time featuring gerri.
bla bla bla the marked bla bla bla stock prices bla bla shiv casually suggests they leave the plane in the air for a while because of business.
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shoot logan into deep space for all i care.
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inside you there are two wolves: one who cares about legacy and one that is suicidal.
in this scenario, i would be connor:
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actually, i'm shiv, turns out:)))
i'm sure the mommy issues comes as a surprise to no one.
kendall is on the funeral planning commitee.
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"funeral off the rack" was the alt title of this week's recap.
and then, just as roman has pointed out they can just be children who have lost their fathers, who need to grieve, rumors of logan's health leak.
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fucking greg.
i'm always here for a good sibling huddle.
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how "inspirational quote on a boomer facebook group" of them to believe they are actually needed at waystay.
don't stop believing and all that.
i repeat, don't stop believing:
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you go, gerri, give him nothing!!!!:(
the way she looked so concerned for them when she entered the room:(( but then he acted like an asshole:((( and now everything is horrible:((((
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indeed. how will i ever survive the six days leading up to the next episode?
(it's fanfiction, the answer is fanfiction)
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i know that hugo referred to the journos when he said he had briefed "their friendliest" but i like to believe he's talking about shiv.
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guys, i'm so drained.
more business. logan is the stock price. anthropomorphic shit that would probably mean something if i cared enough to focus on logan rn.
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at this point, it seems impossible that these three will turn on each other, but a lot can happen in seven episodes.
roman's adhd brain needs visual conformation.
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this is very important, says woman who forgets the produce if it's at the back of the fridge.
connor wins this episode.
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he got his way: statue of liberty, weirdly patriotic band, no cake.
the healthiest relationship in this show is the one that is openly transactional.
speaking of transactional relationships: shiv goes home with tom under the pretense that he has to explain to her the details of what happened on the plane.
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what are we thinking? is there hope? (of course not) do we care? (i do, i do a little)
we end on kendall alone and the siblings separated. bad omen.
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"i'll be broken when you die"
we await an unpredictable road ahead, friends. buckle up, fuckleheads.
part 1
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jewbeloved · 1 year
Since I hit 1k followers, I thought I would share a little more information about myself.
1. I'm kind of a shut-in since I have social anxiety and whatnot, I don't really open my personality out more unless I'm around people I feel comfortable with. In general, I prefer people who wouldn't judge me for my actions, my likes/dislikes, my gender, my sexuality, my fears, etc. and someone who doesn't get bored of me for not talking so much.
2. I'm a sweet tooth person, I have a lot of foods and drinks I like so I will list a couple. I like: Oreos, pizza (cheese with garlic), sugar frosting cookies, red velvet cake, donuts (chocolate and jelly-filled ones), sardines, yellowfin tuna, Mac n cheese (the one where you cook it in a pot), ice cream, fried chicken (Popeyes), and cheesecake!
I personally like soft drink sodas like: Sprite, fanta, Pepsi, and ginger ale!
3. I am currently asexual or aromantic, but I am still questioning my sexuality since I don't really know which one I am or not.
4. Hmm...I guess I wouldn't mind sharing the types of TV shows, animes, and video games I like. I have a lot of childhood TV shows I like and I still watch them today! My personal favorites are: South Park Tom and Jerry, TMNT, and Breadwinners! I like other TV shows but those 4 are my favorite ones that I always watched! and me liking South park should be obvious since my whole blog is filled with it Lmao.
I don't watch a lot of anime so I would list a few that I like. MHA, TBHK, and Zatch Bell.
Fnaf and Omori are probably the only video games I like.
5. I personally don't mind answering questions about myself, but as long as it isn't too personal I will answer almost anything (within my range of knowledge lol)
6. And the reason why I started this blog is because I'm not a huge fan of some south park stories I've read, especially the ones where they give the reader physical appearances (Hair length, color, eye color, clothes, and you get the idea). I am kind of tired of always reading a fanfic or scenario thinking that the gender is going to be male or neutral but I get jump scared by she/her pronouns. But putting all of that out of the way, I basically wanted to write my own fanfics and scenarios and I chose to write about south park so I started this blog. I know that everyone is not good at writing stuff but there are some good fanfics and scenarios I've read from people that are great!
By reading people's requests is giving me more motivation to continue writing more south park scenarios and headcanons! If I'm being honest, I probably will never get tired of south park it is my comfort life. But yeah, sorry for making you all have to read this 😅😅
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Twilight scenario please!! I just got news last month my first book was accepted by a publisher! It was almost 2 yrs worth of work after my 9 yr old niece passed in am accident. If I could make a double request as the characters I'd love to see wouldn't celebrate together.
I'd love to see how the Volturi would respond to the news! I'm thinking the reader is Alec's soul mate bloodsinger person.
The 2nd part would be the Cullens response(I could see Alice doing a big party!) with the reader being with Emmett. 💖💖
If two is too much please feel free to pick whichever one you feel you can do better! Thank you!!
Ohh, congratulations! You did a very good job! And my condolences.
I will write the Cullen scenario as I feel more comfortable with it.
All these hours of work finally paid off. Just the last finishing touches and then you would wait for a bit and find your book on the shelves of bookstores! Well, with a fake name of course since it would be confusing hoe a person could write books over the span of hundret years. But this one. This one was your very first book. And many would hopefully follow.
You let your eyes wander towards the clock above the door, noticing that nearly a whole day passed. You frowned. Where was Emmett? He tended to pop in, distracting you with kisses and letting you read small paragraphs of your book to him.
With worry lines featuring your face you finally stood up and closed your laptop gently. Silently you walked towards the door and opened ot, standing still and holding your breath to listen. Nothing. No one was there.
Confused you began to walk down the stairs, reaching the doors of the living room which was closed? Okay, something isn't right, you thought yourself as you reached to the doorknob to open it.
As soon as you opened that door, confetti sprayed in your face and you could heat how Esme instantly called out Alice with "Not in her face, dearie." Confused you shook your head, dragging your hand across your face to make sure you lost all confetti parts.
"What the heck...?", you began to ask as you turned towards your family. Everyone stood there like when you had birthday or something like that. Above them hung a huge sign with "Congratulations!" Everywhere were flying balloons and a big cake shaped like a book stood at one side.
"Congratulations for publishing your first book!", Carlisle said as he strode towards you, hugging you tightly towards him. Soon all of the other followed, leaving Emmett as the only one left.
He came instantly to you, hugging you as he whispered: "You did such a great job, darling. I am so proud of you." He gave you small kisses on your neck. You could feel how your heart nearly burst as you felt the love of everyone. Tears of happiness ran down your cheeks as you hugfed tightly back.
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defeatsthem · 10 months
Max/Nat for your meme
send me ♡ and i'll answer:
who buys generic brand products? who buys name-brand? I feel like Nattie always goes for name brands. Max just gets whatever his eyes land on first unless it's something he particularly knows and likes and knows the generic brand is pure shit.
who upgrades their iPhone/Android every single year? They both do. Natalya is constantly running low on space because of all the photos she takes of everything and Max upgrades because of all the photos of Piper he has stocked on his phone.
who complains about their day? who listens? Honestly, Natalya. Max listens and then cuts in to make a sexual joke or just lays on her tits as she complains. There are zero complaints from him when he's propped up on those, that's for sure.
who gets shit-faced drunk forcing the other to drive? Natalya. Max doesn't drink often.
who sends the other 20 tiktok's in a day and expects them to react to every single one? I feel like Max would, which inevitably caused Natalya to join it and, well, it'd be a page dedicated to 2 Paws that'd garner a pretty huge following in a fairly quick amount of time and we all know it'd be because he's featured in some content so he'd take all the credit.
who stuffs clean sheets in the closet without folding them? who complains about it? Max. It drives Nattie insane every single time.
who surprises the other with coffee/breakfast in the morning? I feel like this would be a trait Max would do out of the two because it'd be a way that he'd show love without actually having to say it.
who starts a food fight while they're preparing a meal? I feel like Natalya would and, again, Max would make it turn sexual real quick.
who thinks of the weirdest, out-of-pocket scenarios at 3 in the morning and calls/texts/talks to the other about it? Max most definitely. He's a man with a ADHD and is constantly hitting up google for all the dumb questions and theories he's got about everything.
who refuses to eat the first & last piece of bread in the bag? Max.
who doesn't like the crust on their sandwich? Max.
who goes to Target for one thing and walks out having spent $400? Natalya and Max just ponders why she'd shop where the poors shop and spend that kind of cash there.
who pays for the dinner? who pays for the drinks? Max pays for both. He's got no alterior motives for afterward now does he? Eyes emoji x 10.
who's always looking at the dessert menu before even ordering their drinks? I feel like it'd switch between the two at every date. They both have a sweet tooth.
during the movie previews, who's the first to say "i wanna see that movie"? Nattie.
who shoves the other into the pool fully clothed? I feel like this is a trait Natalya has.
who has to have the corner piece of a cake/brownie/etc? Max. It's the best part.
who brings home a dog/cat despite the other saying not to? Nattie! Max is worried Piper won't get along with a new cat because Piper and 2 Paws didn't at first and he's always thinking of his girl Piper.
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