huxianposts · 2 years
Someone: why do you like pegoryu so much
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nuuneyraegon · 2 years
acqua nel sangue
hello. so, after the urging of both @azukokarisma and @huxianposts, i have decided to post this thing i wrote. it’s not quite “complete” enough to go up on ao3 or anything, but a lot of my friends liked it so i might as well put it out there for the rest of you guys.
disclaimer: this was written in discord at like 4 am after i was possessed by the whump ghost (NOT CLICKBAIT) so it’s a little rough and messy. sorry about that. also, brief content warnings for drowning/near-drowning and vomit. 
(i just think it’s fun when the non-healer gets forced into the healing role anyway 😔👌)
If there’s a single thing that Mista can pride himself on, it has to be his ability to stay collected under intense, life-threatening pressure. He’s been shot at - and shot - more times than he can possibly count, but he’s always ice-cool and laser-focused as soon as he’s on the right side of a gun, that sort of inner calm that just comes naturally to him.
But right now, looking down at Giorno - on the ground, clammy and pale and way too fucking still - all of that steady confidence feels like it’s crumbled to dust.
One of his gloves is almost completely off, sitting pinned up under his hand, and his nails are blue, just like his lips - and shit, Mista’s already put a bullet in the face of the Stand user who did this and called for help from the mob doctors who would actually know what to do here, but none of that matters now because, right at this moment, it’s only the two of them stuffed into this sequestered back alley.
He leans all the way down, sweat pooling under his hat, and listens at Giorno’s mouth-
Nothing. He’s not breathing. There’s a faint, foamy trickle of something dripping from the corner of his mouth, the remnants of that goddamn Stand that ambushed them and filled Giorno’s lungs with water, trying to drown Passione’s don in a place without a single canal or fountain.
No pulse, either. Mista lifts his hand from his neck, fingers shaking. This is all his fault. 
He- he needs to fix this. He needs to do something, because Giorno isn’t going to last until the professionals get here - he’s the one who shoved Mista away, stepping straight into that Stand’s range instead so that his trusted gunman wouldn’t be affected by its attack and could take the user out.
Mista tears Giorno’s jacket open. He hisses, through his teeth, locking his fingers together and stacking his hands on the center of his chest, right where he thinks they’re supposed to go - because he’s never done this before in his fucking life, but he doesn’t have a choice if-
His hands slam down into Giorno's body. It's Queen, he thinks, that's supposed to be playing in his head right now, but there's nothing but static and his own blood that buzzes in his ears as he pushes down, again and again, water and froth spurting from Giorno's mouth with each compression. The water is an unnatural, sickly green, intricate swirls moving across its surface like some kind of strange gemstone, disgusting and beautiful at the same time as it dribbles down the sides of his face. 
Mista's panting. He feels bone crack under his hands, and he has to push himself to keep going, remind himself that there's no time at all to be gentle right now. This is awful, this is exhausting, but he can't stop, not until Giorno opens his eyes again, not until everything's back to the way it's supposed to be.
"C'mon," he growls, each syllable punched from his lungs, "Goddamnit, Giorno, get...get the fuck back here! You're not- you don't get to do this to me, you're not gonna do this to everybody-"
The Pistols sit, tiny and gold and huddled together, at the very edge of his vision - he must have summoned them without meaning to, desperate for anything that could possibly help him here, even if all they can do is watch the scene in front of them with their eyes blown wide. Due is cursing, and Cinque is trembling with his hands over his mouth, but it's all just background noise, it doesn't matter-
The water keeps coming. How in God's name can a single man have inhaled this much? Giorno, damn him, is stubbornly refusing to let the color return to his face, his cheeks still pale and chalky - and Mista doesn't know for the life of him if he's doing a good job or if he's just wasting his time here, if he's just making things worse and leaving ugly, angry purple bruises across his boss's chest.
"Fuck," he gasps, vision starting to blur. Sweat's dripping out from under his hair. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, no, you absolute asshole, wake the hell up-"
Then he hears a wet, bubbly noise, somewhere in between a cough and a gag, and a moment later there's another jet of nasty green Stand water and vomit spilling out of Giorno's mouth - and then his eyes flutter open, just a little bit, the faintest sliver of turquoise visible through his lashes, and-
And Mista almost collapses right then and there. 
There's breath inside Giorno's body again, gasping and jagged but there, his chest and sides heaving like they're trying to make up for lost time, his heart thumping under Mista's palm. Before Mista has the chance to say or do anything, Uno, Cinque and Sei are down at Giorno's level, crouching down and pushing his head off to the side so that he won't choke on the contents of his own stomach. 
Mista's arms are numb. His head suddenly feels dizzy, flooded with relief and exhaustion all at once, and it takes everything he has not to just fall face-first onto Giorno and refuse to get up.
"H-hey, man." He resolves, instead, to lean back on his heels and brush some of the hair from Giorno's face - he's still way too pale, but there's some improvement, at least. "Looks like you're alive again. Can you talk to me?"
"...Yes." Giorno's voice is weak, thread-thin, fingers barely managing to curl around Mista's pant leg. "You...you need to turn me over. Onto my side."
Of course a literal fucking drowning wouldn't reduce his shrewdness any. After what they just had to do, Mista's arms and shoulders feel like they've been replaced with jelly, but he still does his best to comply, rolling him over so that the rest of his body's aligned with his head. The cobbled ground is slick and wet with all kinds of gross shit at this point, but they're both covered with it regardless, so a little more probably isn't going to hurt.
"They're on their way, y'know." Mista watches Giorno's breathing, a hand at his chest to capture every single rise and fall. "The doctors in Passione. They're gonna take good care of you."
"I...I knew that's what you would do." Giorno laughs, the sound faint and barely-there, but it shines like a beacon. He coughs up a bit more water and mucus, exhausted and wheezing. "That's why...it's why I took that attack. Because I knew you could kill the user faster than me. And- and then you'd save me. I knew that too."
"Hey, no, wait, you're the one who can heal people! I...I think I actually mighta broken your ribs when I was-"
"That's fine. I'll just make new ones." As shaky as it is, his voice is weighted, filled with sincerity - and, more than that, pure, unadulterated faith. "Guido. You...you don't need to heal someone to save them. You did fine. I didn't...I didn't have any doubt that you would."
"You're insane," Mista half-laughs, half-cries. "Fuck you, boss. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." He leans over Giorno, greeted with half-open eyes and the slightest hint of a smile. "Just keep talking 'till they get here, okay? Stay awake. I never wanna have to do that shit again."
"Whatever you say, underboss."
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 2 years
We Do Not Talk About the Beta Drive Incident (Destiny/Destiny 2) and/or God Won't Let Me Die (Persona 5)? :3 I am very intrigued by the titles!!!
Have I mentioned you're the best? Cause you're the best, honey. I'll give you a bit of both, partly because they're both excellent choices, partly because you're literally the only person who's sent an ask. I'll be posting the snippets under a cut because as always, my writing is a little chunky.
Alright, so We Do Not Talk About The Beta Drive Incident is definitely one of my older pieces, hasn't been touched in close to two years, minimum. (I love Destiny's worldbuilding, but the way 2 has been turned into a live service game that keeps vaulting content, it's hard to be excited for the game itself these days. Anyways.) It's a little bit about one of my Destiny ocs, Ferris-3 and some of her mad-science work in her earlier days as a Cryptarch and Research and Development technician after retiring from field work as a Titan and the Beta Drive was/is her life's work and best attempt at improving life for the Last City. Title comes from the fact that this incident escalated into a constant, centuries-long argument and rivalry between her and one of the canon characters, to the point where all parties aware of the Beta Drive were strictly forbidden from mentioning it by Tower leadership so that she and Asher would stop fighting about it, and they were given restraining orders against each other for the same reason. And that ban lasted for up until just after the start of the vanilla campaign of D2, but that's another story in and of itself.
This one is a lot of me making assumptions about space travel time and limitations that doesn't get elaborated on much in canon and then going from there as an excuse for a character study.
As far as God Won't Let Me Die, that was actually the second Persona fic I started writing, even before I put metaphorical pen to paper on Misguided Wingman. It was another Akechi-centric fic after Biffable Betrayal, kinda focused on my own headcanons on how the metaverse/cognitive world works and how the hell the little bastard could have survived for Royal and that ending. Short version, I started playing with the idea that the cognitive world, being that it borders on being a living thing in and of itself, doesn't like when physical beings die in a metaphysical place, weird shit happens around a death that doesn't dissipate like a shadow, so the cognitive world started learning to spit said people on the cusp of death back out into the physical world. It's not perfect, sometimes it happens with just enough room that the doomed can be saved or even walk away entirely unscathed (ex: Ryuji and Shido's palace). (I will not be getting into how my brain took off with "well but how and why did the other world learn to do that?" and how an oc fic concept got out of hand and I've now got the barest bones concept for a story if I ever get my brain on track enough to run a persona themed ttrpg in Voidheart Symphony, because that's a whole other thing.)
Anyways, short version, he doesn't remember because using That Ability on himself for the first time did funky shit to his memory, but he got spat out and scooped up by someone with a vested interest in him owing them a debt while keeping the fact that The Detective Prince had a bullet wound in his gut quiet because at that point things were circling the drain and neither of them were gonna want media attention. The title comes from him continuing to stare down death fully expecting to not walk away from a situation, and getting dragged back at the last second like the world's most melodramatic yoyo, to be left sitting there with increasing annoyance going "well shit. I'm not dead. ...Now what?"
Send me the name of one of my many many wips, and I'll tell you about it!
We Do Not Talk About The Beta Drive Incident
The ship pulled out of orbit and up into the inky black of open space. After a full night and then half past sunrise, Ferris-3 and Penny had integrated the drive, crunched the numbers, and come up with promising results.
"Alright, moment of truth. Penny, start recording. This is Beta Drive field test one, EX21 Slipper Misfit. Clearest path has been calculated--"
"--and triple checked--" Pendragon added.
"--good, systems are green, inputting coordinates now. We're plotting a course to 100 kilometers above the surface of Pluto from just above the Karman Line on Earth. By my calculations, the Beta Drive should allow us to traverse the distance in 16.8 Earth standard minutes compared to our current warp drive technology, which allows us to make that jump in an average of approximately 1.6 Earth standard hours." Ferris said for the log. "Even if the Beta Drive does not perform to the projected time, any improvement over current capabilities could be game changing for the City and the deployment times for our forces. Plus, if I don't blow up I'll get to rub half the Cryptarchy's faces in it." She cleared her throat. "Uh, go ahead and strike that last bit from the log. Drive is spinning up now, things are looking good—wait. Shit. Shit!"
Something under the control panel sparked and the smell of ozone filled the compartment. The Beta Drive's readout was going berserk and the ship lurched forward harder than the inertial dampeners could compensate for. Ferris-3 was thrown back in her seat and she barely managed to grab Penny out of the air before the Ghost hit the back wall of the cockpit.
"The drive's been overloaded, it's going critical!" Penny said and integrated with Ferris' armor. "I'm getting you out of here before we blow--"
"No! I'm rerouting power to our auxiliary systems! I just need to level it out! I'm not losing this thing without a fight!"
"Just like a damn Titan." Penny grumbled over comms. "Overriding safeties and overclocking shields, doubling life support output and dampener compensation, looks like we're leveling out but not fast enough!"
"I can get this, I just need to discharge the--" Ferris was cut off by an arc of plasma from a nearby panel. "Fuck! Initialize thruster override, now!" The ship lurched again, harder than before, and then leveled back out. "I think... I think we got it."
And then silence enveloped the two of them as they were left drifting through the vacuum of space.
"Uh. Where's the ship?" Penny asked, her voice not quite over comms and not quite directly in Ferris-3's head. Ferris desperately twisted as best as she could, unable to see the ship in any direction.
"Goddammit! Pull up the tracker now."
"Alright. Wow. That thing's moving faster than we anticipated, by a lot." Pendragon said, clearly in awe of whatever her readings said.
"Where is it?"
"It just pinged back in out of warp somewhere past Pluto and then dropped back into warp and disappeared. It's... It's left the solar system."
"Left the..." Rage, despair, disbelief, and bittersweet triumph all roiled in her head and then gave way to nothing. Ferris had gone entirely numb and couldn’t breathe. Not that it mattered to an Exo in the vaccuum of space. "80 years... My life's work... poof."
"It was more of a 'vworp.' I've sent a message out to the City, they're sending someone to come get us."
According to Penny's clock, they had floated out in the vacuum of space for 20 minutes before a ship flew by for pickup. 20 agonizing minutes where Ferris had gone over every detail in her head and with Penny, checking and re-checking the recording of the launch for what could have possibly gone wrong before their ride came into view. They both recognized it as their old friend's favorite jumpship.
"Hey there, Fay. I was really hoping to catch you before you got going with that thing." The familiar voice crackled over comms.
"Bradley? Didn't you have a job on Mars?" Pendragon asked.
Ferris was still beyond words and dropped numbly into the passenger seat after her Ghost transmatted them onto his ship.
"I did, but Caribou-13 took care of it instead. Swooped in, kicked ten kinds of ass, and swooped right back out before they knew what hit em.” The Titan bragged on his wife with a smile in his voice that faltered. “Y’know. After she grabbed the jumpship that I said I'd loan you."
"WHAT." Ferris' head snapped up.
"Yeah. You grabbed the wrong ship cause some Warlock parked in my spot, and now he's... he's not happy." Bradley explained. Ferris jumped out of her seat in equal parts triumph and revelation and started pacing in the limited space of the ship.
"That wasn't a spare CX20 coupling in your EX21! The ship was a CX20 Slipper Misfit! That's what happened, the power output was wrong, that's why the drive overloaded like that! It wasn't a fluke in my calculations it was...” She stopped and sat back down slowly, then dropped her head into her hands, “It was... a goddamn rookie mistake, I didn't even check to make sure it was the right fucking ship. I just launched my life's work and some poor shmuck's fancy ship out into the fucking void... because of a rookie mistake."
“I don’t know if I’d say poor, but shmuck is definitely right. You remember that one Awoken Warlock with a hate-on for Titans?” Bradley asked.
“I know like six people who fit that description, big guy. Try specifics. Name? Looks?” Ferris answered dryly. If she’d been depressed before, now she was flat out desolate over one of the dumbest moves she’d made in her life. “You do pretty decent impressions, what’d they sound like?”
Bradley cleared his throat and his voice jumped from its usual baritone timbre to a sharp, staccato, nasally whine, “Hm, one of you obnoxious, thick-headed Titans has clearly stolen my prize ship in an attempt at a juvenile prank! I will have whomever is responsible reported to Osiris himself and I will have their head! I am a genius who has no time for such tomfoolery! Warlocks are the best, rabragragh! I know words with seven syllables and will use them at any given chance because layman’s terms that everyone understands are all beneath me!” Ferris-3 groaned and dropped her head into her hands. If he was as spot-on as he always was, and she had no doubt about it, then she would have preferred Bradley had just left her floating.
“Ughhhhh, not him. Fuckin’ Asher Mir?”
“That’s the one! And yeah, he was going purple in the face when I last saw him. If you’re lucky, you might be able to slip past him cause he passed out from shouting.”
God Won't Let Me Die
Goro Akechi faced death, unafraid. In his last moments he had struck a deal with his greatest rival and only friend; that Masayoshi Shido would pay for his sins and Goro would survive long enough for a rematch with the Phantom Thieves’ illustrious leader, who was somewhere between denial and bargaining in the stages of grief. Anger would suit Joker, Goro mused as he faced down his own mortality, but depression? Certainly not. He wondered how long that glove of his would keep Joker from reaching acceptance.
The cognitive puppet wearing Goro’s face clutched his bleeding side as he leveled his gun at the real detective prince, who returned the gesture in kind. The moment before death brought a strange, slow sort of clarity. The loud banging of Skull’s and Joker’s fists against the other side of the sealed bulkhead stood in stark contrast to the soft creak of Not-Akechi’s leather gloves as his finger tightened on the trigger. That sound, in turn, had synchronized almost perfectly with the twisting of his fake’s face into a mask of agony and pure, seething hatred. The real Goro was faster, but only barely. Watching his imitator disappear into a sizzling of black mist, he felt himself sink into darkness a split second later, dimly aware of the searing pain in his abdomen. He would have regrets, such as not seeing Shido beg for forgiveness, as well as not keeping his end of the deal, but he wasn’t afraid.
Goro Akechi was prepared to die.
He was not prepared to wake up three days later in a back-alley mafia hospital under the name Taro Tanaka, of all names, courtesy of Shido’s personal “cleaner.” Something about solidarity between those that the mastermind himself would see scrubbed out before taking the Prime Minister’s office. It was essentially a favor for a favor, each of them looking the other way while the other disappeared, rather than turning on each other in hopes of currying favor with the captain of a rapidly sinking ship, and if the captain called either of his cleaners to dispose of one another, they’d simply let the call go unanswered.
So Taro Tanaka, the definitely-not-famous-Second-Detective-Prince-Goro-Akechi-as-seen-on-tv, sat quietly for weeks and healed from the gunshot wound; low and sloppy, it would have taken him a while to bleed out after losing consciousness. On and off for days he kept coming back to that and the fact that Shido must have thought so little of the skills he’d taken advantage of for nearly three years. It was a bitter, childish thought that stung only slightly less than the stitched up hole in his abdomen.
He didn’t tell the Phantom Thieves he was alive. After all, Kurusu had let him think he had died, it only seemed fair to return the surprise. When they broadcasted their calling card video across every available screen in Japan, Goro permitted himself the satisfaction of imagining Shido panicking in his office, frantic to stop the change of heart at any cost. He’d likely try to forcibly collapse his Palace, but the Thieves had slipped a tighter noose than that once already. Probably several times by that point, actually. They’d be fine. Surely they’d be fine, and really, why should he care otherwise? Goro considered infiltrating the Palace himself; to tag along unseen like he had so many times before until the final confrontation, then take his pound of flesh from Shido’s shadow alongside the rest of them. That he’d end up warning them of their narrower escape window was only a side effect, and not one worth reopening his wound when it had only just started knitting back together properly.
Days and nameless doctors passed, and a knot of anxiety formed somewhere behind the stitches. Low and sloppy, he thought for the hundredth time that day. Although to be fair, the fake had just been shot himself. Still no news of the Phantom Thieves, still no news of the change of heart. So Goro slept; between the hole in his chest and the things lurking in his subconscious, it wasn’t especially restful, even with a strong cocktail of painkillers in his system.
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mishimalovemail · 3 years
For the Salty Ask meme: 7 and/or 15?
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now? i wouldn’t say “can’t stand”, but i used to be more sympathetic to adachi. now i’m just wary of people who are super into him and i am sort of standoffish in my “appreciation” of him. still think he’s an interesting character, but i’ve seen too many people try to woobify him.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? haven’t read mementos missions but i do not like that ren has a babyface and rock hard abs. incorrect. awful. put that away. haven’t seen the p5 anime to completion, but i think there should have been more mishima (: i can say with certainty that this is not a popular opinion lol. p4 anime absolutely slaughtered ai ebihara, which i will never forgive it for, no matter how many Yu Funney Moments it gives me as repentance. 
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tiffycat · 4 years
For the Artist Ask: 6 or 8! :D
6: Draw a same pic with your dominant and non-dominant hand.
Ive been on a mishima kick so heres my boy
god drawing with my left was so much harder than i thought it’d be but i hope i still did well 😊
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I answered 8 here
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mollypaup · 4 years
For the lovely ask: poetry?
Poetry-favorite poem?
Nikki Giovanni's Allowables is very good:
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For the fic ask: 14, 19, and/or 20?
14. What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
“Write what you know” is literally the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard.
19. Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
wjoiefjweoifew I don’t know what it feels like to have a muse
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
Dim lights, lo-fi/ambient music, and the ability to wrest myself free of distractions.
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milquetoastboy · 4 years
⌛ prompt is any lyric from the song you're listening to rn (please let me know if I'm doing this wrong aasdfghjk)
muse talks about backstory! || @huxianposts || accepting!
current song: dirty imbecile - the happy fits
picking a lyric from this is the hardest thing i’ve ever done in my life, but we’re going with: All these things I’ve tried, boy: Be cute, be dumb, be wise, be young
“While moving to Tokyo meant finding myself, it also meant reinventing myself over and over.” He admits this quietly, toe pushing into the ground where he’s staring. “I needed confidants, and everyone needs something different from me, so I had to play a lot of different roles.” It’s strange, admitting it out loud- he doesn’t think he’s ever actually voiced how this makes him feel, how he’s become a weird... collection, rather than one person. It makes sense, he supposes, given how many masks he’s meant to wear as the wildcard. 
“I still don’t think I really know who I am, and that’s... terrifying. I don’t know what comes after Joker.” That didn’t feel particularly good out loud either. “But then again, maybe being versions upon versions of yourself is the point- or just who I am.” He wonders, not for the first time, how long he’s been meant for this, how much of his fate has been tied to the metaverse and the velvet room. Did his life ever truly belong to him? Even before, he’d been whatever his parents wanted... whatever his peers wanted him to be. Akira shakes his head as if to clear the thoughts gathering there. “Everyone wears some kind of mask, I guess. And I’m no different.”
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nonbinary-ryuji · 5 years
🏳️‍🌈 Chie Satonaka?
I could see her definitely being an nb lesbian! She prbly goes mostly by she/her but is also fine with he/him pronouns!
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Akira, during a hold-up: You need proper punishment!
Ryuji: I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me.
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huxianposts · 3 years
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what ryuji said in game: yeah we knew each other from middle school
what he really meant: we were PE buddies. ann couldn’t even touch her toes lmao
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subbyp · 2 years
@huxianposts I didn’t want to reblog your pegoryu analysis mainly because I’m only like 1/3 through the game and I’m avoiding spoilers BUT
I read a bit of it and your characterization of Ren’s Abillities as aspects of himself that he’s regaining is fucking brilliant and I wish I had thought of it
also it makes extra sense because you keep encountering dialogue prompts that you can’t choose at your current Ability level. usually that would be crappy design, but here it serves as an indicator that these are thoughts and opinions Ren is having that he’s too wary/scared/dissociated to express
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 2 years
For the "Why do you follow me" meme: red, green, and pink!!!
Hi honey!!!
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My dude, you're gonna make me blush
Send me some colors, tell me why you're following me!
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mishimalovemail · 4 years
For the ship meme on holding things: Akeshima?
thank you
The umbrella, when it rains - akechi simply by virtue of being the kind of person who actually owns and carries an umbrella. mishima, like me, just doesn’t have one and walks in the rain unshielded as if there is no other option.
The popcorn at the cinema - they put it between them awkwardly and keep bumping it into each other because neither of them wants to hog all of it.
The baby, when it cries - to quote hark a vagrant: WHAT baby
The ice cream cone, when they share - that’s a cute image... akechi holds it and eats most of it because unlike popcorn, he is a sweets consumption machine.
The remote, when they sit down to watch a movie - mishima has better taste in movies. letting akechi have the remote is dangerous. they WILL end up watching sherlock or some mcu movie.
The basket, when they go shopping - akechi pushes the cart because mishima stops every 2 feet to look at random things neither of them needs and if he stalls too long, akechi will just walk off without him.
The door, on dates - they both awkwardly try to and end up standing in front of the door refusing to budge because they don’t know what the other is going to do.
The other’s hand, most often - mishima is clingier in general physically.
Their breath, upon seeing the other on their wedding day - i refuse to believe these idiots would get married.
The camera, when they take pictures together - akechi is king of selfies. change my mind.
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raes-trash-art · 3 years
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my half of an art trade with @huxianposts​!! this was a super cool drawing to make and translating the live-action characters to my style was really fun! thank you so much for requesting these two i had a blast
me seeing and drawing these characters
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mollypaup · 4 years
For the soft asks: mochi or strawberry?
mochi - favorite studio ghibli film?
Well, it isn't technically a ghibli film, but I love Mary and the Witch's Flower. Otherwise probably Ponyo or Howl's Moving Castle.
strawberry - favorite fruit?
Hm.....I love fruit a lot, so it's hard to choose....probably peaches? All pit fruits are The Best.
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