#i am excited for the others tho
femalewhumper701 · 1 month
For my own reference:
Stray Cat Rock Movies and Directors, In Order of Production
1. Delinquent Girl Boss (Yasuhara Hasebe)
2. Wild Jumbo (Toshiya Fujita)
3. Sex Hunter (Yasuharu Hasebe)
4. Machine Animal (Yasuharu Hasebe)
5. Beat 71 (Toshiya Fujita)
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(Ignore the fact that I use tiktok while reading this post) Anyway, LOVE theater kid tiktok. Right now my fyp is literally:
“The Mean Girls movie was so good, maybe even better than the stage show. The instrumentals and vocals were insane, the cinematography was on point and the comedy and casting were perfect. And Reneé Rapp was so hot”
“The Mean Girls movie was an atrocious monstrosity missing all the good songs and good singers of the stage show, and the instrumental, timing, and key changes were Not It. And Reneé Rapp was so hot”
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sysig · 7 months
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Simon Petrikov is a service top and you can fight me about it (Patreon)
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kingkatsuki · 1 month
Specifically thinking about long distance relationships today.
So tell me how you and your f/o would first meet online?
#I feel like Bakugou and I would meet in one of those online games he’s downloaded to mindlessly waste time between shifts#and he’s so foul at first because he thinks I’m weak but we play and he realises that I’m#actually whooping everyone and he’s like well damn okay#and now he’s messaging in the alliance chat and like getting excited when I’m online even tho he tries to hide it#and gets annoyed when other creeps in his alliance try to flirt with me#and then he’s asking for my discord#me and Sanemi get into a fight on discord the first time we interact#in some stupid big server I only joined for the emojis#but he’s a jerk so I tell him to shut up and a message later I find a msg notification and it’s him trying to continue the conversation😭#enjin slides into my dms on Instagram#he finds my post at a concert and hates the fuckboys that are commenting below#ends up messaging me to see if I’m okay but then immediately worries he’s one of those guys#Tamsy I feel like is that mutual I’ve had forever on twt and we like each others posts but we’ve NEVER talked to each other??#it’s not until I’m feeling sad at 2am and I post something self-deprecating that he drops me a msg🥺#and we end up staying up until 5am just talking to each other#Kirishima is ALWAYS the guy that responds to my ‘morning’ with a morning back! every day without fail#and I slide into his DMs one day and ask how he’s ALWAYS awake when I am??? like to say it back so quick#and he admits he’s kinda learned my schedule and he tries to be online for it because it’s one of the best parts of his day#and he likes saying it back😭😭😭 even if he’s off from a night shift and needs sleep he can’t without seeing me msg#Shindou blatantly flirts with me in a gaming discord and I think he’s an incel so I block him#he gets a friend to ping me to beg me to unblock him and I refuse#the friend then sends another message with a screenshot of Shindou basically begging me to unblock him😭#Dot and I meet in one of those AITA Reddit threads#and we end up borderline arguing over whether op is TA#so much that we get told to take it elsewhere😭😭😭#enjo#bakujo#eijo#but also catch me sending Dynamight sassy banter on his official socials😭😂
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hellsite-hall-of-fame · 11 months
Do you sleep with socks on
this is such a random ask that I feel like i’m morally required to answer it lol
and the answer is- this ✨mysterious✨ museum curator obviously never sleeps soooo that answers your question :)
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padfootastic · 8 months
hello! i am back with yet another…thing. thank u for the tag @lovelymasks <3 (i realised, upon second reading, that this was supposed to be a sunday snippet but i’m an idiot n therefore this is now a saturday snippet mwuah)
I think you should go to a Healer, Sirius. 
Why, he’d asked, flippant. What was there to do with a Healer when you were a convict on the run? Besides, Sirius was wrong in a way that couldn’t be made right. He was past the point of return. Healers would’ve barely known what to do with him before Azkaban, let alone in the condition he was in now. 
Because you look like a stiff wind will blow you over, Harry’d answered, though the answering flippancy didn’t quite land the way he intended because what Sirius heard was ‘Because I don't want to lose anyone else.’ 
What Harry didn't say, and Sirius didn’t want to hear, was ‘Because I can’t lose another parent.’
He quietly acquiesced after that. The trembling, hopeful smile growing on his godson’s face was enough to wipe away all apprehensions after that. 
Until now, when Harry was at Hogwarts, and he was second guessing this whole business. 
Did he really need a Healer, like, really?
One look at the mirror in front of him gave him a solid, sturdy answer. 
He was dressed in his old rags and it was a testament to the conditions of Azkaban that clothes from when he was younger, before hitting his final growth spurts, were barely just fitting him now. Sirius’ back was almost constantly bent these days--all days spent curled up in a ball seemed to have reshaped his skeletal structure, who knew--each vertebrae gaining a distinct notch in the column of his skin. His stomach was a fascinating blend of too small and too bloated. He couldn’t keep anything down, but he wasn’t able to eat much either. A mystery for the ages. 
Less said about his face, the better. Sirius wasn’t vain, never had any reason to be, but there was a certain…pride he’d maintained, a level of outward appearance that was considered bare minimum for a Black, a conditioning he’d never managed to shake off. 
It was that conditioning itching at him now, turning him away from any reflective surface before he could see his distorted features, grotesque and inhuman, staring back at him. 
And ultimately, it was that, he realised with a shameful sort of guilt, that pushed him to see a Healer. Not his godson’s pleading look, not concern for his wellbeing--but leftovers from an upbringing that he hated, his mother’s words he couldn’t stop hearing, his father’s sharp commands. 
Ultimately, it was his blood that made him give in, as it always did. 
further tagging @jmagnabo92 @soopsiedaisies @groundzero-v 💜
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milkbreadtoast · 9 months
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This meme is ancient but I randomly saw it again and i needed to do it..... (not sure abt some of the charas but just wanted to fill up space dmfbn)
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natsmagi · 5 months
switch climax is now just around the corner and i need u guys to know if akira fucks up the writing u will never hear from me again.
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agriocnemis · 18 days
say what you want about the honkai star rail community, but honestly the best thing to come out of it is just straight up Argenti and his fan base.
like, originally I mained him because he is useful for physical damage and his ult is very fun to use.... but man does he speak like some medieval knight who is so excited about the modern era he's in instead of being freaked the fuck out.
also mostly because of this one meme I have realized how much he literally just acts like this:
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I can never see him in a bad light than being far too willing to 1v1 people needlessly. he's just oddly chill and helpful once you convince him of something.
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b4kuch1n · 5 months
Your swsh art always makes me want to replay the game because i love it and its my favorite pokemon game and every time i play another pokemon game i think of it how i miss certain elements from swsh. Then i boot up the game and im once again caught in the 1 hour 40 minutes hand held intro and im like ah- now i remember why i have been playing other pokemon games instead of this one. Happy (late?) birthday!
you don't want to listen to hop? you don't want to hear him teach you about type matchups? you don't wanna let him cheer u on...? 🥺 waa....?
#ask#bakuspeech#I am joking to be clear lmao#thank u happy bday to me !!#tbh I got real used to pokemon overexpositioning since sumo lol. it's kind of a boon for me#cause I'm not a Gamer™ and my brain takes stuff on Very slowly#so the tutorial stuff and the cutscenes give me time to catch up. also it's still fun to see these guys run around#I am in fact here for these guys lol. weird thing to say about the game built on and with an essential focus on the pokemon I know#I just like humans! I just like watching hop running circles around my player character all excited#and leon being a dick to his hometown people when they're expecting 'leon' back and they get the champion instead#and you get to see sonia used to dealing with it but the frustration never fully fades and how close she is to hop and that picture's bleak#listen this is my bread&butter lol. leon really doesn't show up That much himself around the game he's a shadow casted over the story#it's always interesting to me! does Not mean it's not sluggish to other people who want to play the game lmao#but I like it. also the tutorial at least the first time around was necessary to me bc the difficulty scales way up later on lol#it's a very good first pokemon game I maintain this. sumo never managed to teach me the same way swsh did#I still care drampa tho thank u drampa for being real I love u#lmao it feels like saying I'm not a Gamer™ violates some tenets of having adhd somehow. but its just the case here#the main genres I play are 'itch games tangential to the haunted ps1 people' and 'popcap-style casual games'#my sport's figuring out shapes n movin my stylus sadly. well not sadly why would that be sad
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yardsards · 2 years
s1 luz was at least a little bit gay for willow i will not be told otherwise
idk if it was a full on crush but it was at least one of those types of nebulous not-quite-romantic not-quite-platonic "hahaha, unless..." type friendships that a lot of queer teens have, u know the ones
#girl was just walkin around sayin shit like ''you're right! my friend IS very cute!''#which can be just regular platonic bc luz is friendly like that but in this case i feel like it's A Little Bit Gay#eliot posts#toh#the owl house#luz noceda#willow park#just. remembering why i liked willuz/willumity so much.#i kinda headcanon willow as grey-aro and polyam (this literally came to me in a dream)#and i feel like her ideal relationship IS a kind of ambiguous sorta-but-not-quite-romantic sort of dealio#tho i also like the headcanons that she's just plain bi or pan or lesbian in this context too#bc again that sort of ambiguous friendship seems to be VERY common among queer teen friend groups (and not just aspec queers)#like it was A Thing between some of my high school friends and many other queer ppl i've talked to have said similar lmao#tho i also find the headcanon that she's 100% aroace and also uninterested in any relationships outside if friendship to be v fun#just like. basically everyone falling in love w her but her being totally uninterested#but being her friend is so Delightful that none of em rlly have any complaints there#like that scene in carmilla where dani turns down kirsch and says she just sees him as a friend and he gets really excited like#''yes! i am in the friend zone! she sees me as a friend!!! she's so cool i am excited to be her friend!''#willow taking after canon aroace icon lilith ''constantly turning down suitors but keeping their gifts'' clawthorne#my sister is just straight but this one time when she was in hs a guy asked her out w a massive tub of cheese puff balls#(she was obsessed w those things)#and she turned him down but kept the cheese puffs and ate them for like a solid month
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lupucs · 1 year
Gosh I love your art!
But uh whats your favorite deltarune ships?
Thank you so much!! Oh gosh, you really caught me off guard with this one hah!
Well, uh I think it should be pretty obvious which ships I like by now...
It's clearly-
It's obviously...
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dummerjan · 3 months
DDT is coming to Germany! In just 5 days and I found out 10 minutes ago. I already have theatre tickets for that day but who cares. I would sell one of my kindeys to see them.
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simpjaes · 3 months
no because you saying that just excites me knowing this will be my type of fic. tho honestly i get you, it's frustrating when no one's forcing anyone to read something they're not comfortable with. ily just know there are readers out there that appreciate your time and work 🫶
like i said in the tags. if someone finds my fics, reads the warnings, and clicks that fucking "read more" tab thinking they're not gonna get exactly what i fucking said it would be, that's entirely between them and god.
whether they liked it or not. whether they feel guilty or not.
when you come to my inbox to tell you how bad you feel about being turned on by something i literally wrote, i can't help but question what it is that made you feel the need to send me that as feedback of all things.
i know, i know. i ask for feedback. I want feedback. but do you wanna know what I don't want?
someone's post nut clarity.
on another note, if someone reads my warnings and then clicks in to read just to find things to bother them and disrupt their peace? once again that's between them and god. i write within my own triggers and no one elses. curate your own experience online, because i'm not gonna do it for you. i do my part by warning you.
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aria0fgold · 5 days
I actually forgot the kaishin incident even happened. I immediately just yeeted that information off of the plane of reality it's just sooo BAD. In my mind, Kaito and Shinichi aren't related to one another still and Kaito's dad is 6 feet under the Earth's crust as he SHOULD BE.
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7roaches · 9 months
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chat is this real 🙁
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