#okay so i was right about Wild Jumbo
femalewhumper701 · 1 month
For my own reference:
Stray Cat Rock Movies and Directors, In Order of Production
1. Delinquent Girl Boss (Yasuhara Hasebe)
2. Wild Jumbo (Toshiya Fujita)
3. Sex Hunter (Yasuharu Hasebe)
4. Machine Animal (Yasuharu Hasebe)
5. Beat 71 (Toshiya Fujita)
0 notes
badbatchsprincess · 29 days
Heated ~ pt.13
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 ~ Pt.6 ~ Pt.7 ~ Pt.8 ~ Pt.9 ~ Pt.10 ~Pt.11 ~ Pt.12 ~ Pt.13
Summary: This is an ABO Bad batch!Poly x Omega Reader smut with a plot. This takes place as an AU before order 66. Y/N previously served under the 501st before being transferred to Special Forces 99. This is her adventure with these rowdy Alphas in a quickly changing universe.
THIS IS AN ABO AU ABOUT THE BAD BATCH (NO CANON OMEGA!) Due to the unfortunate situation of her name being Omega… Omega the child from the canon series is not going to be apart of this fanfic/porn with a plot. I feel obligated to put this warning in because it makes my skin crawl thinking anyone could make that mistake. 
Warnings: No smut in this chapter... but don't worry! Chapter 14; we will be returning to our regular smut programming.
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─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
"So, Anakin Skywalker took you to Lothal?" Hunter was trying to make sense of Echo’s wild story.
"When Ahsoka was still barely a pup, he took her on a tour of all the known Jedi temples in the known regions," Echo recounted. "It was to show her the generations of Jedi history. We had taken that Venator all over the galaxy. Lothal was one of them, and I think it’s far enough away from Empire jurisdiction that we could get there unnoticed."
"And why are we bothering with a Jedi temple? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but none of us are Jedi," Tech remarked, knelt on the ground, holding you to his chest, running comforting hands over your trembling form. The boys took turns trying to keep you warm as your temperature dropped for reasons Tech and you couldn’t understand.
"You said it wasn’t medical. This is a soul bond issue; that's the spiritual world," Echo reasoned. "We might not understand it, but I’ve seen some pretty crazy stuff with the Jedi. All of it's real, even though it sounds like mumbo jumbo to people like us."
"It’s real," you whispered. "I’ve seen it."
"You've seen what?" Tech looked down at you.
"The mumbo jumbo… Ahsoka showed me many things when we were younger." You nuzzled into Tech for comfort.
"She’s someone we could actually use right about now, assuming she survived the order," Echo said, shaking his head.
You bit back your emotions, too exhausted to cry anymore. You didn’t want to think about that. Not now, anyways. You and Echo had spent too many nights talking about Ahsoka leaving the pack. 
"We’re approaching," Echo said, taking control of the Marauder. Tech stood up, passing you to Wrecker for a snuggle before returning to his seat to land the ship.
"Where are we supposed to go?" Tech asked as they entered the planet’s atmosphere.
"I was actually hoping Hunter could help us with that," Echo said, punching a few buttons above his head making the engines rumble.
"And what exactly do you want me to look for?" Hunter said.
"I kind of remember the general location Skywalker had been. I’ll land us there, but you can use your electromagnetic senses to find the temple," Echo explained.
"Ahsoka told me that all living things have the Force flowing through us. It’s how she and Ani could feel where we all were and that everything is connected. Everything flows through each other, which I’m thinking is what Echo is talking about.” You lifted your head to explain, “Ani said the Force is pure light energy," you remembered, recalling all the times you had caught the two Jedi meditating before battle.
"If it’s electro currents, I should be able to pick up on it, but I don’t exactly know what I’m looking for," Hunter said, watching as Echo guided the ship to an open field with rolling grasses.
"Anything that feels strange, I would assume," Tech said as the ship touched down with a gentle thud.
You tried to stand, but you were feeling too weak. Wrecker caught you before you stumbled. You groaned as he lifted you up, even though he was as gentle as could be, it didn’t change the fact your bones ached like your heart did… it craved one thing… Crosshair.
"Okay, let’s get our things and let Hunter get to work," Echo said, standing up and grabbing his pack and weapon. Wrecker carried you out of the ship like a just-married bride and into the waist high grass. Hunter knelt down, taking off his glove to touch the earth. He placed his palm to the soil, looking up over the grasses.
"There are animals everywhere," he said, looking around, but the grasses camouflaged them. He raised his gun up in the air, firing a single shot into the sky. The blast startled all of the loth cats, which picked their heads up to stare before scampering off with a meow.
"Tookas!" you said excitedly, seeing all of the different colors fleeing the area.
"They’re all over this place," Hunter confirmed, choosing the best direction. "I’m wanting to head this way," he said, pointing towards a mountain range. "There’s something with a deeper energetic vibration in that direction I think it’s a good place to start."
"Alright, here we go," Wrecker said, following behind Hunter, carrying you like you weighed nothing.
The trek felt like it had gone on forever. Even though you weren’t putting in any effort, the body chills and aches were making you miserable. This was truly hell. You honestly would have taken Hunter’s blade to the shoulder again if it meant you were cured. 
"Almost there, little tooka," Wrecker said, sensing your discomfort.
"Just a little further," Hunter added, feeling their journey was coming to an end. The vibrations were becoming more tangible. 
"Does any of this feel familiar, Echo?" Tech asked, pulling out his scanners as they approached the egg-shaped rock formations ahead.
"It all looks the same to me, but General Skywalker had us stay back with the ship. All I remember is the mountain range and the fields," Echo replied.
"I don’t see a temple," Hunter said, leading them into a narrow crevice. Everyone squeezed between the smooth rocks, following the sergeant. You watched Hunter as he kept switching his directions. 
You clung onto Wrecker as he stepped up and over various rocks. Hunter kept bending down to touch and feel the rocks, seemingly guiding you somewhere.
You lulled your head to the side, sensing something was watching you. When you looked, all you saw was more stones. You closed your eyes and leaned back into Wrecker’s chest, ignoring the sensations. It was probably all the spirits Soka would tell you about. 
"What are you feeling, Hunter?" Tech asked, raising his scanner in the air, trying to get a better picture of where they were in case he missed something.
"It’s just like a storm of electrodes," he said, looking around. "This place is like nowhere else I’ve ever been."
"Not even on Mimban?" Echo asked.
"No, this is different… it’s…" He raised his head in the air, sniffing, and shook his head. "Ugh… Just more tookas," he shook his head, "Echo, are you sure this is the place?"
"I wouldn’t forget something like this. Anakin took Ahsoka here. I’m certain."
"I miss Soka," you mumbled, thinking about the little Togruta you thought of as a sister.
"Whoa!" Tech stopped in his tracks and pointed to a ridge above their heads. "A rare albino tooka," he exclaimed, pulling down his helmet, leans to snap a photo.
"Sightseeing later, vod," Hunter said, continuing to walk. Wrecker sighed and adjusted his grip on you before trudging on.
Once Hunter got frustrated enough, he halted the group so Echo and Tech could get some water and food into you. You curled up on a flat rock, tucking into yourself for warmth against the sun-warmed stone.
"This would be a really good time for someone to have secret Jedi powers," Echo joked.
"Pip?" Hunter raised a brow at you.
"Sorry, Sarge," you weakly laughed, "Just a normy nat born."
"How unfortunate," he smiled trying to hide his worry ay seeing you like this. It was obvious you health was deteriorating quickly the longer this dragged on. 
"Well, we’re not entirely sure about that," Tech joked. "Seems to be pretty abnormal if you ask me," he referred to the current situation.
"What if it was something the Imperials did to me while I was out?" you rolled onto your back, liking the warm stone, "We can’t know for sure."
"Bonds can’t be manufactured," Echo shook his head.
"While I do have special bonds with all of you, I didn’t think I had developed a mate bond with Crosshair… at least not yet. It hasn’t been long enough," you looked up at the puffy clouds in the sky.
"Stranger things have happened," Hunter shrugged.
"Have they?" Wrecker petted your hair, looking around, "This seems pretty strange to me."
Tech snorted in agreement, "Should we keep going?"
"No," you pouted, "I like this rock, it’s warm."
"We can stay a little longer," Hunter leaned against one of the egg-shaped stones, "Warm up, Pip."
You purred in content, rolling back onto your side, absorbing the heat.
Wrecker continued to run his fingers through your hair as you felt yourself start to drift off into a little nap.
Just as you were drifting off into blissful sleep, you heard a whisper.
"Pip," Hunter said so quietly you almost mistook it for the wind.
You blinked open your eyes, feeling Wrecker’s fingers stilled in your hair. When you opened your eyes, you saw the same albino tooka sitting just next to your head, staring right at you with its beaming azure eyes.
Everyone remained deathly still, scared to scare off the creature.
You watched Tech hit record on his helmet, capturing the rare moment.
You slowly lifted your head, trying to sit up. The tooka sat on its haunches, watching you. You tilted your head to the side, and it mimicked you. You gasped quietly, looking at the tiny creature. It stepped forwards, rubbing its cheek and side against your leather boots before sauntering off again. This time, you stood up, suddenly feeling well enough to walk, and followed the creature without a word to the others.
Tech was about to interject, but Echo put a hand on his chest, silencing his brother. The Alphas watched curiously as you trailed after the small creature.
"The Force," Echo whispered, jumping over a stone to catch up to you.
"There’s no way you know this is the Force," Tech grumbled.
"Why did it choose her?" Echo retorted.
"Because she’s the least threatening," Tech argued. "It is known animals prefer human females."
"No, idiot," Echo shook his head, "This is how the Force works."
"That is yet to be determined," the pilot shook his head… mumbo jumbo.
They watched you follow the tooka in a trance-like state as you squeezed between narrow passageways that they struggled to get through.
"Adi’ka," Hunter whispered, not wanting to scare off the animal.
You didn’t respond, just continued to follow the animal.
The boys shared a look of concern at your lack of acknowledgement . Echo, however, wasn’t put off. He was confident you had found what you were all looking for. He continued staying close. He had definitely seen stranger things serving under Anakin.
It wasn’t lost on him that your energy magically restored in the presence of the little creature along with your unusual attire matching the feline. The Force works in strange ways, but he was so sure. 
You eventually reached a clearing surrounded by stones. The ground was covered in swirling ancient carvings spanning the entire clearing. The tooka led you to the center where the swirls stopped. Your body came to a halt, and the boys slowly inched inside, keeping to the walls.
You plopped down onto the ground, kneeling at the center and hitting back on your haunches, mirroring the tooka.
“What is she doing?” Wrecker whispered. The others didn’t answer; they just watched as you remained still, seemingly meditating.
“I don’t like this,” Hunter said, moving to step forward, but a ferocious growl halted his movements. Wrecker gasped, seeing the absolutely monumental wolf appear from between the surrounding rocks. It was a couple of feet taller than himself, which made him even more uneasy.
It snarled, baring its teeth at the boys as it began to circle you. Hunter grabbed his gun on reflex, but when he went to shoot the wolf, the gun jammed.
“What the?” He pulled the trigger again, but no blast came.
The wolf stared at him as another appeared, and then another! Five wolves in total began to walk in circles around you as you sat with the tooka almost unaware of their presence.
Then, to everyone’s utter shock, the wolf spoke, “I know why you have come to this place.”
“Holy Kark,” Wrecker shook his head, thinking he was imagining things.
“I know why you have brought this female here,” he said, looking in your direction, seeing you still in the trance. The wolf’s baritone voice sent chills down Hunter’s spine.
“We just want to know if she’s okay,” Hunter stepped forward pleadingly.
“Very few Jedi have found this place,” the wolf growled, “How is it you have found this place?”
“I’ve been here before,” Echo offered, “My General was a Jedi; he brought his Padawan here many years ago.”
“The Force has led you here,” the wolf continued his prowl, “This female is much more connected to the Force than you may have believed.”
“She’s Jedi?” Hunter asked.
“No,” the Wolf shook his head.
You felt your body grow weak, and you slumped to your side before lying down in the center of the rock monument.
“Y/N!” Hunter wanted to rush to your side, but the Wolves snapped at him, forcing him back or else he’d be met with sharp white fangs.
“Please! She’s sick!” The Sergeant was starting to feel himself get sick from worry. Watching you lay there was sending his instincts into overdrive… he felt helpless for the first time in his life.
“Young Y/N is not sick,” the wolf halted his prowl, and the others followed suit. They took a seat on their haunches, facing you like guardian angels.
“Then what’s wrong with her?” Tech demanded.
“Your people call her Ori’Sol,” the wolf rumbled.
They looked to Tech, “It’s Mando’a for many.” The pilot informed.
“We weren’t raised with our kind,” Hunter shook his head, “We don’t know who Ori’Sol is.”
The wolf stared at him with deep piercing eyes, “The first Ori’Sol was an ancient Jedi named Kaj. She was an omega, such as your mate. While omegas and alphas desire monogamy, her Jedi ways forced her to detach from these desires, and she split her soul bond into many pieces. Through her mastery of the Force, she accomplished this,” the wolf looked down at your small frame, “Thus the ancient line of Ori’Sol was born. This female is a descendant of Kaj, ten thousand generations later.”
“So what does that mean?” Hunter shook his head, trying to understand how this relates.
“Ori’Sol have the ability to have many mates, as did Kaj. It would seem her soul has already chosen before her mind and body.”
“Our brother, Crosshair?” Hunter clarified.
“He is one,” the wolf tilted his head, “But there appears to be more.”
“What do we have to do to help her?” Hunter’s worry was growing.
“We will help her now,” the wolf looked to the others surrounding her, “Sever this premature bond, but be warned, this female has a tumultuous story filled with many trials and tribulations.”
“Will it hurt her or Crosshair?” Tech asked.
“No harm will come to your mate,” the wolves all lowered themselves down onto their elbows and paws. They bowed their heads, and you rolled onto your back, looking up at the sky.
Then the brightest of white light appeared overhead, and your lithe form began to hover in the air with the power of the force. 
The boys all stared in pure astonishment. Wrecker let out an audible gasp. 
The wolves continued their Force magic, lifting your body higher as more and more light flooded in. Then all of the ancient carvings lit up with that same light, causing the boys to close their eyes or risk going blind. They shielded themselves from the brightness, flinching as it peaked.
Then in a blink, the light vanished.
The boys opened their eyes, adjusting to the sudden darkness. When they looked around, it was no longer mid-day; overhead, the night sky shone bright with twinkling stars, and your form lay alone in the center of the clearing still on your side.
There were no longer any wolves or tookas, just the five of you alone in the Lothal wilderness.
“Y/N!” Hunter ran forward, kneeling down at your side, rolling you over onto your back, and feeling for a pulse. You groaned, feeling his hands poking around your neck frantically.
Hunter sighed with relief.
Tech pulled out his datapad to scan your temp, “Back to normal.”
“Did they do it?” Wrecker asked, leaning over you, “They fixed Pip?”
“Hold on, Wrecker, let her wake up first,” Echo urged.
You blinked open your eyes slowly, adjusting to the fact it was now nighttime. You took a deep gasp in, sitting upright suddenly.
“You okay?” Echo knelt in front of you.
“What was that?” You touched your chest, feeling slightly… empty? It was a strange feeling. Where the agonizing pain was, there was just… nothing. It felt kind of like a hole in your chest.
“The Force,” Echo nodded, “Good enough for you?” He looked at Tech.
“Fine, I concede. Next time we see a white tooka, we follow it,” Tech rolled his eyes.
“A white tooka?” You asked, using Hunter’s shoulder to help you stand up, getting used to standing up again on your own two feet.
“Yeah, Pip,” Wrecker scratched the back of his head, “There was a white tooka that brought us here, and then these massive talking wolves healed you.”
You just looked at Wrecker like he had grown three heads before looking at the others.
“He’s telling the truth,” Hunter shrugged.
“No kriffin' way,” you swatted at your white torn clothes, trying to dust yourself off.
“No shit,” Echo laughed, “Now that has to be the strangest thing I’ve ever seen.” He punched Wrecker, “I told you guys.”
“You were, in fact, correct, Echo,” Tech nodded.
“Hah!” Echo jeered, “Write that down!”
“Ugh,” Tech groaned before pulling out his datapad, trying to retrace their steps.
“Let’s get back to the ship,” Hunter turned back the way they came.
“You feeling better?” Wrecker nudged you.
You smiled, “Yeah. I feel normal again.”
“Good!” He smiled, ushering for you to walk first.
“And we know you’re not a Jedi!” Echo laughed.
You scrunched your brows, “What?”
“We’ll tell you about it back on the ship,” Hunter shook his head, leading the expedition.
“I feel like I missed a lot,” you sighed, stepping over a large rock.
“Oh yeah,” Echo replied, pushing you up onto a rock that was a little too tall.
“Ugh why can’t things ever just go smoothly?” You growled, hauling yourself up to swing your leg up.
“Because that’s not the way our lives are written,” Echo joked.
“Then I need to speak to the author,” you slid down the other side, almost plummeting into Hunter.
“Alright, it’s a quick walk once we hit the grasslands,” Hunter said, squeezing through a narrow pass.
“Sounds good,” you sighed, “I’m hungry.”
“You and me both!” Wrecker’s boisterous voice echoed between the rocks.
You trailed after Hunter, following him back the same way they came. Reaching out, you ran your fingers through the dancing grasses, feeling the smooth leaves stroke your hands. Looking out around you, there was nothing but rolling hills and the Marauder in sight. Even under the night sky, Lothal’s moon lit up the land with silvery white light. It was beautiful, you thought. You heard the chittering of wild loth cats in the distance, settling in for the night while you finally could see the ship getting closer.
Feeling a particularly strong gust of wind blow past your face, you briefly looked behind you back at the rocky mountains. Wrecker, Tech, and Echo turned to look at what you were looking at, but like you, saw nothing but grey rocks.
“Let’s make some dinner,” Hunter said, opening the hatch and allowing you to climb in first. You stepped inside, smelling the lingering scent of your distress from earlier and turned up your nose.
“I’ll start dinner, but someone explain to me what just happened out there,” you grabbed a pan off the wire rack and set it down on the electro burner.
“Well…” Hunter looked to the others, “You fell asleep on that sun stone. Then that white tooka appeared. You followed it for a while all the way to a clearing in the stones. Then five giant wolves appeared. They told us why you were experiencing that sickness, and then they healed you.”
“It was like a giant ball of light!” Wrecker waved his hands around, “Like a small sun! And you were floating in the air! And the wolves could talk!”
You looked at him with wide eyes, “I floated?”
They nodded their heads.
“Anything else?” You asked, ripping open the ration pack and putting the contents into the pan to heat it up.
“No… that pretty much covers it,” Echo set his helmet down and started peeling his armor off.
“Fascinating,” you said, still in a bit of disbelief, “So what was the reasoning for the sickness in the first place?”
You watched them look at each other, exchanging looks of trepidation. It seemed like they were trying their best to choose their words carefully.
“Mesh’la,” Hunter began, “It would seem your lineage is very, very old. On Mandalore, our people have a word for those in your line…”
You raised a brow.
“Ori’Sol,” he said, sitting down at the table bench, “The loth wolves told us that they knew why we had brought you to them. They told us you were Ori’Sol. Your lineage goes back to ancient Jedi. They didn’t seem surprised you were feeling this sickness.”
“What is Ori’Sol? Am I Mandalorian like you?” You asked, setting down your stirring spoon.
“No, well, I don’t think you are,” Tech corrected, “Ori’Sol is an old legend from our people. It’s a story about an ancient Jedi who had many alphas and many pups. She had started many lines of omegas with the same ability. They spread all throughout the galaxy over many generations.” He had been researching on your walk back, you realized.
You were still confused, “So what? Am I part of this lineage?”
“It would seem, you’re an Ori’Sol Omega. Very rare in our designations,” Tech explained, “It means you can have many mates.”
“The wolves said you were sick because your soul had already chosen Crosshair as a mate despite no bite,” Echo said.
“What?” You shook your head with a laugh, “That doesn’t make any sense. Crosshair isn’t my mate.”
“It doesn’t really seem to make a difference. It’s more like your soul chose him as a mate,” Hunter explained, “Which also means that if the same rules apply, so did he.”
"That's why you felt the pain of the betrayal after Order 66," Tech pointed out. You just stood there, confused, jaw hanging open, flabbergasted. "How is that even possible?"
"I'm assuming that's why Crosshair had to be tortured. He was fighting the clone programming, trying to save you," Tech nodded.
You felt tears welling up in your eyes. Quickly wiping them away, you took a deep breath to center yourself. "Okay, but I know he's not my mate... he doesn't smell any different like everyone says a mate does."
"I think it's one-sided with an Ori'Sol," Hunter thought. "That makes the most sense as you smell very unique to us."
"Fives said even you smelled good to him," Tech typed into his datapad, looking for an answer. "What if an Ori'Sol carries the unique scent to attract many different alphas instead of just the fated singular partner?"
"Uh, this is getting more confusing," Wrecker plopped down next to you while you continued to cook.
"This is just a hypothesis," you shook your head. "I've never even heard of Ori'Sol Omegas before."
"Not many have," Tech said, scrolling through information. "It seems a lot of them have historically been executed."
"Oh, great," you sighed, picking up a plate to dump the steaming contents of food onto for Wrecker.
"Except on Mandalore," Tech showed you his datapad.
You read through the explanation. Since Mandalore had many matriarchal practices, Ori'Sol omegas were considered great gifts to society. Their unique nature was seen as a blessing from the gods.
"Hmm," you ripped open a packet of freeze-dried vegetables and started rehydrating them.
"Pip is a blessing," Wrecker crushed you into a hug. You squeaked before going limp. Wrecker smiled and put you back down on your feet with a kiss to your head. You looked at them as they stayed standing there, looking like they still had something else to say.
"Spill it before I make Echo tell me," you pointed a spoon in their direction.
Hunter swallowed and looked to Tech.
Tech pushed up his goggles. "The last part of the interaction with the loth wolves revealed that you also view... us," he gestured to his brothers, "as your mates."
You felt the blush creeping up on your cheeks then looked down to the food, continuing to turn them over in the sizzling pan.
"Anything else?" you coughed, feeling Wrecker staring into your soul.
"And the wolf told us to take care of you," Hunter whispered. "To take care of our mate."
You looked up at him. Did that mean... no...
"Your soul chose us mesh'la, but it seems ours chose yours too," Hunter crossed his arms over his broad chest.
You turned off the burner and set down the spoon starting to feel your heart race. Hunter perked up hearing the change in speed.
"I don't even know what to say," you sat down, running a hand through your hair, feeling stress flooding your system. "That means we're mated? I don't understand… If I leave your sides, am I going to, like, die? What if something happens to one of you? Oh my god. Is that why they had to put me into stasis while you were off-planet? Oh my god... oh my god!" You stood up abruptly, "Crosshair's never going to stop searching for me... He's going to go fucking feral!" You squeaked. "He's probably coming right now!”
Echo stood up. "Relax, there's no way he knows where we are."
"But I've seen him track his targets. He's almost as good at it as Hunter," you whined. "It's only a matter of time!”
"Y/N, please calm down," Tech sighed. "You're going to faint again."
You let out a stressed cry before starting to pace in a circle. "What exactly did the wolves do to fix the bond?” You touched your sternum, “It feels empty in here.” 
Hunter looked down at the ground, knowing you weren't going to like the answer. "They severed it," he said with an exhale.
You shrieked. "He's going to think I'm dead! If there's a bond, he would have felt it! He's going to hunt you all down to the ends of the galaxy!" This was so royally bad. Crosshair was definitely losing his damn mind right now. Probably tearing apart Tapoca city and murdering everyone in sight as we speak.
"We can handle Crosshair," Hunter reassured. "You need to try to calm down or you'll faint like Tech said."
You forced yourself to sit back down.
"What about the Empire?" you looked at them frantically. "They know! And they wanted me for something. They let Crosshair be around me... and Tarkin! They know exactly what I am."
"We still need to figure out what that might be, but maybe it won't matter if we just lay low and stay out of the way of the Empire," Wrecker suggested.
"And where could we possibly do that?" you growled, pushing your palms to your forehead. "They're everywhere. You guys don't even have any credits!"
They blanked, realizing this might be a little more difficult than they had realized.
"Oh my god! My credits!" you stood up. "We have to go to a banking system right now! I have to pull out all my credits before the Empire seizes them." You stole Tech's datapad from his hand to start searching for places. "If they're coming after me, or if Crosshair is, they'll know where I am when I pull the money. We'll have to leave quickly and hide somewhere fast."
"Assuming they haven't changed the currency," Tech noted. "If that's the case, then I think your credits may not be as valuable."
"Regardless, we have to do this fast," you nodded to the ship console. "Get it going or whatever Hunter says."
They looked to Hunter, who repeated the same gesture, and they sprung into action.
"What system has your same banking union?" Tech asked, taking back his datapad. "Ord Mantel?" He scowled.
"It's the closest, and yeah, my bank is a little sus. That's what happens when you grow up dirt-poor on Coruscant," you crossed your arms defensively.
"Ord Mantel it is," Tech punched in the coordinate codes.
Hunter wrapped a hand around your bicep, guiding you into the bunks. You allowed him to drag you through the ship before stepping aside away from his brothers. "Don't think I'm just going to let you gloss over the fact that we're mates," he cornered you, pressing you against the wall of his bunk. 
You pressed your hands to his chest and looked up at him as he caged you in. Your heart continued to race but the adoring look in his eyes started to dull the panic. 
"I don't even know what to say or think, Hunter..." you looked down suddenly, too overwhelmed by his intense eyes. "This is just happening so fast."
"I literally witnessed the craziest shit of my life today, only to confirm that you are, in fact, made for me," he gently gripped your chin, lifting it to force you to look at him. "We can take it at whatever pace you want, mesh'la, but I'm never, ever letting you go.” He vowed.
You struggled to breathe; he was making you feel warm and tingly. "I just want it all to happen naturally. There isn't exactly a handbook for this particular situation."
He chuckled. "Wouldn't that be nice?"
"The universe is changing so fast... and—" you croaked, "and Cross..." Your heart ached just a tinge, "This isn't the situation I imagined when picturing my future with my husband."
"I don't think it was for any of us," he agreed, "We kind of just came to terms with the fact we'd probably die on the battlefield. I never thought we'd be here now, but as shitty as it is, I wouldn't change it for the world as long as I get to have met you." He nuzzled the side of your head.
"I wouldn't change it either, Hunter," you sighed, "I just don't even know how to handle this. Like, are you all okay with this? This is kind of crazy."
"I think my vod are fine with it," he let out a breathy laugh, "We've wanted you for much longer than all of this."
"Do you think the Ori'Sol thing is why you were all more inclined to share?" you wondered.
"Maybe," he nodded, "Clones have a tendency to share everything... even women," he smirked, "But this always felt a bit deeper, I think."
"You think the Force bonded our souls earlier than all of this?" you asked.
"Yeah," he smiled, "I do."
"I'd like to think that too," you smiled up at him. He returned the expression before leaning forwards to bring his lips to yours. You smiled into the kiss, letting him guide you.
This kiss was so much more different than the ones before. It was filled with so much love and emotion, you felt yourself flutter with excitement.
"Hey… Hey!" Wrecker burst into the room pouting as you two broke apart smiling.
"I want pip time," he reached for you, but Hunter shoved him away.
"She's not a toy, Wrek," he growled.
"I know," he crossed his arms, "She's our mate."
You shivered from the conviction in his voice. It felt so right to hear him call you that. It felt like you belonged. And you hadn't felt like that in a long while.
You felt the ship rumble as it lifted into the air. The trip to Ord Mantel wouldn't take long, according to Tech, which you were glad for. Time was of the essence.
You looked between Hunter and Wrecker, "So how does this work? How do I make sure you're all happy?"
Hunter crossed his arms, "We can make a schedule, so everyone gets their fair time with you on their own. We can start building relationships that way."
"Works for me," Wrecker agreed.
"And what about…" you pointed to your neck, specifically the gland there, "How does that work?"
"One bridge at a time," Hunter smiled, "Plus, I don't think we're ready for that big step yet, huh?"
You nodded, glad that was his answer. You were a little intimidated by a lifelong commitment like that, but then again, you didn't know if that even would apply to you in this circumstance.
An omega with multiple alphas? That's insane. This whole thing is insane...
"Can I have the first night?" Wrecker asked, making you smile at the lovey eyes he was giving you.
"We draw straws," Hunter rolled his eyes.
Wrecker groaned but relented. Fair is fair.
"You're seriously drawing straws?" Echo shook his head.
"Well, what else do you suggest?" Hunter held out his fist with the straws.
Echo just shut his mouth to let the sergeant carry on.
"Longest gets the first night, shortest gets third," he said, holding out his fist.
Tech drew, then Wrecker, leaving Hunter with the last one.
They all flipped over their palms, revealing the stick lengths.
Wrecker groaned; his was third.
You stifled a giggle at his forlorn expression.
Tech revealed his, then Hunter.
Hunter had the longest, and Tech had the middle.
So that was the order... eldest to youngest, how coincidental.
"So that's settled," you smirked, leaning into Echo. He just threw his scomp arm around your shoulder, watching Wrecker grovel for Tech's night instead. You laughed, feeling the first semblance of normalcy again... even the nagging reminder of Crosshair settled in the back of your mind giving you a moment of peace.
Echo then whipped around, hearing the telltale chime that you were exiting hyperspace, "On approach," he said, sitting back down in his chair with Tech.
"Ord Mantel, everyone," Echo said, directing Tech to the nearest empty spaceport.
The Marauder was set down gently, and the five of you exited the ship. You threw the last few remaining credits you had at the port owner before taking off into the unfamiliar city.
"The bank should be just up here," Tech directed everyone to a seedy-looking building.
"That doesn't look like a bank," you raised a brow.
"It would appear to be a local dive bar, but it says here that the owner has a money transfer machine inside," Tech replied.
"Whatever works," you dug around in your bag, pulling your bank card out. Hunter entered first with Wrecker, while you followed behind with Echo and Tech.
The bar was dark and dingy, with two locals playing sabacc at a table, but other than that, the place was empty. You saw the money transfer machine in the back corner and made a beeline while the others checked out the bar.
While you were plugging in your banking info, Echo and Hunter settled at the counter.
“You know her credits won't hold us for long. The Republic doesn’t pay anyone very well,” Echo pointed out.
“It will be enough to get us on our feet. We’ll pick a low-key planet on the outer rim and find some land to keep her safe,” Hunter rested an elbow on the table, watching you carefully.
“You know he’ll come after you,” Echo said lowly. “She’s right, it’s only a matter of time. Especially if he thinks she’s dead.”
“He won’t be able to find us. We won’t leave a trail,” Hunter replied.
“What happens if she needs him?” Echo asked honestly. He was still worried you’d eventually turn sick again.
Hunter stared at his vod. “Then we’ll find him.”
“You make everything sound simple,” Echo shook his head. “Nothing about this is simple. What if this new empire decides they want her?”
“Then we’ll disappear,” Hunter stared at you. “I won't lose her, Echo. I can’t.”
Echo sighed as you came trotting over. You gave them a solemn shake of the head. “It didn’t work,” you groaned, “They already changed the currency.” 
Echo looked to Hunter.
“I hear you need some work,” a smiley voice caught all of your attention.
“And you are?” Echo deadpanned.
“The owner of this fine establishment,” the Trandoshan waved around. “I’m Cid,” she narrowed her yellow eyes. “You’re clones.”
Hunter furrowed his brow.
“I’m in need of some muscle. You guys complete this job for me, I’ll split the earnings 60% - $40,” she offered.
“What do we get out of this?” Tech asked. “We seem to be doing all the heavy lifting.”
“I don’t tell the Empire sweet-cheeks is here,” she pointed at you with her gangly claw, “and we both get paid.”
Hunter tensed. She must have overheard him talking to Echo at the bar. Kark.
“What’s the job?” Hunter asked skeptically knowing they are going to be in desperate need of some credits. 
“A rescue,” she pulled out a bar stool to sit. “I need you to find a kid named Muchi…”
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Get ready for the smut.... its... coming 😏
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
Taglist: @substantial-exposure
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wickerfox · 3 months
× Who's Hoodie
× Is it in the same time setting as MH
× Did it start the same way as a dumb school film project?
× From what I understood Scar takes the role of Tim, is bro a chainsmoker too LMFAO.
× Is Grian canonically gay too
× Would it be a wild correct guess that Amy is Lizzie and Alex is Joel since yk based from obvious plot points?
(before I start, placing this disclaimer here at the top since I have friends who don't frequent mcyt and might get confused, but when I talk abt this au I'm specifically talking abt the characters, not the content creators themselves. Anyway)
Jay- Grian, it made the most sense in my head, but I actually flip flopped on this so many times bc he also works so well as Tim or Alex, but at some point I went "wait it's an au, we can see how the story changes with Grian as the protag" so Grian's the protag now
Tim/Masky- Scar, I'm a transparent desert duo enjoyer and had a similar flip flop with him as I did Grian bc he'd also work as Jay but I was halfway through that drawing and had a similar thought process to the one i had abt Grian
Brian/Hoodie- Jimmy, I wanted to keep the cast focused to life series and evo members and he made the most sense to me lore wise, especially with the idea that in this au he was one of the ones with the earliest exposure to The Watcher (bc I love Canary Curse symbolism)
Alex- This one was the toughest choice bc no matter what a fav is going to loose it. Good thing this based on the Life Series! As much as I Love the idea of Joel and Lizzie as Alex and Amy, I actually went with Martyn. Again, the character is pretty involved with the Watcher Lore so it made the most sense as the character that is arguably most effected by it. (Although for a brief moment I considered Mumbo Jumbo bc,,, how fucking funny would that be)
Jessica- Jessica's gotta be Pearl right? It makes the most sense for it to be Pearl, I don't even need reasoning for this it makes sense
Amy- So who's Amy then? Scott actually! He's not Martyn's boyfriend in this, he's just a really good friend of his who was super involved in the production. Also like in mh, he's Pearl's roommate.
Sarah- Ren. Can't have a life series au featuring desert duo and not have some renchanting. Who else would be one of the leading actors in Martyn's short film?
Seth- Big B, again Evo connection made sense to me, and depending on your own personal theory on who the third person running the totheark account is, both Big B and Ren have interesting implications, even if both their rolls are p minor in this au
With the cast out of the way other questions !!!
It's set in a kind of nebulous time frame that's probably a little closer to present day, but it does still start with a student film project. When asked Why Martyn chose to use tapes he says something about wanting a more authentic feel to the film but in reality he just thought using tapes was a cool idea and doesn't want to admit that it's kind of impractical now.
In this au Scar doesn't smoke, but instead I like the headcannon that he just has boxes of candy/bubblegum cigarettes on him at all times. He'll pull one out, pause, and offer one to someone and when they say no he's just like "Okay, your loss" and watch as they get all confused when he starts unwrapping it asdfghkgkdjhfjsh
Is Grian gay in this au? Whose to say. (Real answer tho, I'm a notorious Jam shipper and while I'm not an active shipper when it comes to hermitcraft or the life series, I don't really mind it so the relationship is left kind of ambiguous)
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Hello! Im Entity of the 404 system (main: @404-systemnotfound)
Im a minor, and ill be posting my ideas mainly for *my* characters, and not others, unless given permission by the roleplayers to do so!
my chracters: Cub, Clownpierce, Grumbot, Emperor Grumbot, and Mumbo Jumbo
So, what is Elysian?
Elysian is a (less known mcyts) roleplay discord server!
Lore (copied and pasted from the server itself)
Everything had been okay. It was okay. There was the modern district and that's all they needed, busy streets and 9-5 jobs. Everyone knew to stay in their own lane, not bothering anyone else. Everyone was okay with the boring life, because at least they could eat and have a roof over their head. With the rare occasion of being able to buy something for yourself as a treat. It was okay until they appeared. Everyone was restless, anxiously pacing and tearing apart their house. Looking, looking for who was watching them.
It was the year 3087, humanity has had powers for 50 years now. 50 years ago, the world was washed over with a unrelenting feeling of being watched. It stayed like that for months, getting more powerful by every terrified screech and sob. Then, it stopped. It stopped and everyone could go back to their normal life. Right? Then there were breakouts, often during moments of stress or extreme emotions. Around 70% of the world was gifted with some power, ranging from firey-sneezes to controlling the weather. The powers were supposed to be a sign of a new era, a new life for all. But, who was supposed to guess this new life for some people was dedicated to killing. Dedicated to take over. Dedicated to make you suffer. New districts were made, first, Aqua Town. It was for those whos power involved water or water breathing. Second, Fantasy. Third, Industrial. Fourth, Medieval. And last, Pirate Island. Of course, there were other areas in the middle and the outside of everything else.
Will you be a villain, or a hero? Are you in the middle as a vigilante? Where do you stand in the world? (civilians are allowed, of course!!)
You are apart of a government program named EVO. You get paid for every villain you bring down, and every vigilante you turn into the police. A lot of you have strong powers and a even stronger mindset. You don't know much about EVO, they simply send notes to you. On special occasions, they send a anonymous person for your next mission. Sometimes you will be paired together with people you don't know, but most people have a hero group they work with. Going against EVO isn't strongly suggested. You are normally requited with EVO when you are young, and it's almost impossible to leave it.
The world is against you, basically. So your going against the world. Most of you live in the attention you get, and those who don't often have a better chance of not being caught. There's a variety of reasons why you could've chosen to be a villain, but some simply dont have one. They just love the chaos of it all. Powers are often wild, unpredictable. EVO has a personal target on your back. Your life is hard, trying to find ways to avoid death by heros and other things that kill you. Its often suggested to team up with vigilantes.
EVO wants your head on a spike. Most people who are vigilantes do it because they don't want to be stuck being a hero. You want to help people without the reward or fame. Rare occasions with vigilantes being famous are there, though not often. It's hard to keep up with the heros and villains. Most of you have to stick in a group, stragglers captured. Other then that, its up to you. Whatever you want to do, if you want to cause mayhem as a vigilante, or save people as a vigilante. Its all up to you.
server link: https://discord.gg/drnHtabzeZ
#deepdark elysian art
#deepdark elysian info
#deepdark elysian drabbles
#deepdark elysian stories
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unnamed-proxy · 30 days
What happened in gobb? If u wish to ramble I'm all ears! /gen /nf
AAAAH re-entering fandoms am I right? TvT
OKAAAY OKAY SO WHERE DO I START (spoilers under the cut in case anyone cares)
First off, menu music? Kind of a banger, also the voice actors popped off with this one oh my stars. Especially the lady voicing the safety tapes I love her voice so much
Second off, and this is the most unbelievable part I know, it was actually kind of??? Tense??? Eerie even??? At points which is shocking enough on its own
Oh oh! Syringeon made his debut here too! His voice actor was killing it too, pretty decent model as well imo, I like the stupid eye movements it does
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Anyways Syringeon tells us about his plan to capture Josh in order to defeat sir Dadadoo, and it turns out it’s kinda his fault that Dadadoo has control of everyone right now as he’s the one who gave the queen’s scepter mind control abilities (somehow??? For some reason???) so he’s kinda stupid but it’s okay
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I have nothing of importance to say about these guys I just think their dance moves rocked and their designs are goofy as hell (/aff)
Oh, Uhyeah is here too, he voices this guy. Nice hat dude
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Toadster is back!!!! Banbalena (is that how you spell it? Still don’t know) is corrupted though, L
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He’s still awesome, his VA deserves more recognition I’ll just say it
Bittergiggle’s back!!!!! They look like this now :), chase music also slaps
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Anyways Bittergiggle gets toadsted (fuckign dies)
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Times like these I wish the models were more expressive (and that Toadster didn’t look like that. Ew) because this whole scene is just Ty and Paul popping off for literally no reason
This part’s mainly what my og post was referring to cuz I saw it all over Twitter and it sucked me back into this fever dream 😭
SPEAKING OF FEVER DREAMS (I’m so good at transitions oh em gee)
Y’know that one scene from Penguins of Madagascar where all the penguins are falling out of the plane? Okay now imagine that but it’s stinger Flynn and Banban bickering like an old married couple for the 5th time leading to the plane starting to crash and exploding (worlds tamest stinger-ban interaction)
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“I will stop consuming slop” I say before inevitably consuming more slop once a new banban game comes out /hj
Honestly I think this might’ve been the biggest step up so far! The puzzles were pretty neat, I always liked the color puzzle from the first game and the memory match from this one is just that but better, even had my photographic memory ass struggling at points
Game ends off with Jumbo Josh just… beating the shit out of Sir Dadadoo and his army???? Really easily too. Damn, Josh, didn’t know you were(n’t) chill like that. And he eats the scepter cuz of course he does, good job sir Jumbonious J. Josh
AND BEFORE I FORGET APPARENTLY BANBAN ISN’T EVEN BANBAN???? I THINK???? There’s a whole other banban that’s blue with a yellow beard thing?? And yellow eye lashes?? I reached the image limit so I can’t show you but I promise I’m not making this up I’m so serious
The mural in the end bit has the red banban as a sticker thing overlapping the blue one which you peel off, revealing the blue “original” banban, than Syringeon makes you unconscious. Blue guy is on the cover of the next game so that’s gonna be…. Something.
Btw yes absolutely, always a wild ride rejoining a fandom TvT, like reuniting with a childhood friend every time, a friend you can ramble about (you’re always welcome to do the same @ me if you’d like btw! :D /nf)
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vrankup · 9 months
The Power of Site Auditing: Unveiling the Secrets
Hey, awesome folks It's your digital marketing agency in dwarka, vrankup! 🌟 Wanna dive into the world of site auditing? Buckle up 'cause we're about to take a wild ride through this whole deal. If you're scratching your head, wondering what the heck site auditing even is, no worries – I got your back. Imagine this: your website's like your crib, right? And just like you gotta clean up your room every now and then, your site needs a good ol' check-up too. That's where site auditing struts in, making sure your digital crib is A-OK.
## Site Auditing Demystified
Okay, so what's this site auditing mumbo jumbo? It's basically like when you give your car a thorough once-over – checking the tires, oil, brakes, the whole shebang. Well, a site audit does that, but for your website. It's like an online detective mission where you figure out what's working, what's not, and how to make your website a total rockstar.
## Uncovering the Hidden Juicy Bits
Imagine your website's a cool old attic, packed with all sorts of cool stuff. But, you know, it can also get a bit messy up there. A site audit's like going through all those dusty boxes, finding those rad treasures you forgot about. Broken links? Nah, we ain't got time for those. We're hunting down forgotten pages and giving 'em a fresh coat of digital paint.
## The Magic of Content
Hold up, let's talk about content. Your website's like a big, interactive storybook, and the words you put on it? They're like the magic spells that captivate your visitors. During a site audit, you're like the content wizard, making sure your spells are top-notch. Is your content telling the right tale? Is it speaking to your peeps? A site audit sorts all that out, making sure your website's words are pure gold.
## Speed: Fasten Your Digital Seatbelt
You ever been stuck in traffic, just waiting forever? Ain't nobody got time for that, especially on the internet highway. Site speed's the superhero that zooms your visitors to where they wanna go, pronto. A site audit's like giving your site a turbo boost – finding what's slowing things down and making sure your pages load faster than a sneeze.
## User Experience: Making it Easy Peasy
Picture this: you're on a crazy cool adventure, but you got no clue where you're going. Not fun, right? Your website's gotta be easy to navigate, like a well-marked trail. A site audit's like the mapmaker, ensuring your visitors sail smoothly through your digital wonderland. No more lost souls – just happy explorers.
## SEO: The Way to be Seen
Yo, wanna be the star of the show? You gotta strut your stuff where everyone can see ya. SEO's like your backstage pass to fame, and a site audit's your personal coach. It sniffs out keywords, polishes your tags, and gets you all ready to shine on that search engine stage.
## Wrapping Up the Party
You made it, legends! You just conquered the wild ride of site auditing. You've got the know-how to turn your digital pad into a rockin' hotspot. But guess what? Site auditing ain't a one-hit wonder. Keep coming back to it, keep fine-tuning your crib, and keep blowing minds with your awesome website. So go out there, fellow rockstars, and keep slaying the digital game! 🚀🎸
Catch you later,
digital marketing agency in dwarka |vrankup|
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Okay, I actually really love a mountain lion for Cyllene?? Bc you're absolutely right on all accounts. Which would make her friendship with Laventon if he was a bunny even more hilarious since mountain lions eat rabbits far more regularly than lions or tigers do. And speaking of hilarious, if we make Laventon a rabbit, that makes two of the tallest characters in the game, both with a similarly hunched posture and often frowning, lagomorphs. Jumbo size rabbits. Wait, would he be a wild rabbit like a cottontail or would he be a domestic one? Asking because lop ears would make his hat easier to wear. And also because I can't decide if it'd be better for him and Ingo to look similar from a distance only to get a "wait, no, what?" reaction from Galaxy folks once they get close enough to see that Ingo is Not a rabbit, or not.
And the worst part is that Ingo doesn't even know why he feels that way. The lack of memories means that he doesn't know why he always feels like something is wrong and he's unsafe or what he could do to make it better. It probably actually gets worse once he becomes a warden and the only safe people around for miles are Melli, Electrode, Sneasler, and maybe some of the Galaxy Team. It might have him sticking very close to Sneasler, at least until he becomes a bit more acclimated to being even more isolated, because he's just so used to using the Buddy System he tries to do it automatically. Does he like his job? Yes. It's it hell on his instincts? Also yes.
Ohhh, okay, that does make sense. So like in this case he'd just be on edge pretty much always, but he doesn't quite compute it so he doesn't really react accordingly until seemingly randomly he'll Panic? His body is going through the stress of being constantly afraid because his brain is throwing out danger signals, but at the same time it's not really registering until it reaches a breaking point he didn't see coming.
The issue there is that his ears are so damn big. Even if he lays them back they just stick out behind him rather than being able to be stuffed down his coat or something. He'd have to like, constantly be wearing the hood on his tunic whenever he's in the Icelands, and it'd probably have to be modified to be extra insulating. Maybe that's part of why they made him a warden. Like they didn't want to just get rid of him, they adopted him and he's theirs now, but like with the reptiles he's just really not suited to the cold and keeping him there is dangerous. Added to him being great with pokemon and Sneasler needing a warden, Irida made it a win-win situation. Not that the highlands are always great in terms of that because of the altitude, but it's leagues better than the Icelands. He looks really dumb with his hood up and hat on and he doesn't like how it folds his ears, but if he loses even more of his ears to frostbite Irida might have to hunt him for sport.
Lmao, okay I can dig Adaman as a frilled lizard. I feel like he'd try really hard not to ever use his frills, and normally he's chill enough never to even want to, but I do like imagining him and Melli being introduced and at some point something prompts him to flare them to which Melli is like, "ah, you're a man of culture, I see. I have decided that we're friends now. Be grateful."
(It's a good thing that the Pearl Clan is all about the worship of the space/land their god has given them so that even if members can't often come back for safety reasons it probably wouldn't feel like as much of a punishment as it might to the Diamond Clan or Galaxy Team. And I know canon doesn't really support it, but I feel like they'd be the ones most likely to travel around so anyone effectively exiled would still be part of their community to some extent when people met up with them.)
How about a goat? You can still shear them like a sheep, but they're a bit more aggressive and independent, and Cabala is rather ornery lol. For Palina I was thinking a sea or northern river otter. With her noble living on an island, I feel like she should be something that can swim as well as live in the cold, and iirc she's supposed to be reminiscent of those drivers who collect pearls in Japan, which sounds ottery to me. Gaeric could be like, a moose or Polar bear or something. For Sabi I was toying with her possibly being a snowy owl, but it'd also be pretty cute if she was a flightless bird that got to fly on her noble (not that any of the other bird anthros can fly I think, unless they want to flap around looking like archeops in more than just their hands, but still.)
i was thinking domestic lop too, actually! for a bonus, the english lop is thought to be one of the oldest domestic rabbit breeds which fits with laventon being from galar. they also have ears long enough to rival a jackrabbit's lol they just go the complete other direction. and cyllene is just so confused but for some reason continues going along with it. dammit he duped her into being friends, how dare he. (would laventon, being a rabbit himself, be one of the most weirded out by ingo's I Guess That Looks Like A Rabbit But What The Fuck-ness? like sort of an uncanny valley? or would he just be like "hello fellow lagomorph!" and think nothing more of it. and it's more the rest of the survey corps that looks between the two of them with increasing confusion)
and the unfortunate thing is, i bet ingo actually outpaces sneasler (who is not really that fast) on flat ground, so if he abruptly decides to take off in a panic she literally can't keep up with him. usually it's not so bad that he isn't still able to make decisions even if he is panicking, and instinct will usually prioritize buddy system, but sometimes something else spooks him or all it registers is that she's a big predator and decides to make him fucking book it away from her. and then her warden's just like, Gone, and also he's clearly not thinking straight and needs help but she can't help him if he runs off and disappears into the hills, ingo get back here dammit-
and obviously that kind of constant stress, on the verge of physical panic even if he isn't actively, is. rrreally not good for you. the uncanniness of seeing a jackrabbit when you're used to arctic/snowshoe hares and rabbits is probably not helped by the fact that even for a jackrabbit he legitimately is way too thin and wide-eyed and constantly tense and breathes too hard and too fast. again that's maybe not something he notices consciously, because he's so checked-out, but it is something other people might pick up on if they see him often enough.
and then, if his clothes are so focused on insulation and he's lost a lot of his heat-dish ears, he's probably pretty prone to overheating when that comes up. if he goes towards the mirelands/coastlands he just like, Can't thermoregulate that well. irida was right, the highlands really are the best place for him. love the thought that the pearl clan worships space so members living far away isn't necessarily viewed as a punishment, i think that's really cute and makes sense.
lol, i feel like adaman will probably flare them a little bit at irida when they're sniping at each other, but that's basically just their version of exchanging pleasantries so it's not really more than a little lift, the only time the protagonist ever sees him full-on display is when melli breaks into his meeting with kamado and he's like WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A CONVERSATION YOU INTERRUPTING CHICKEN. melli, naturally, does not care. (would there be some communication confusion over the fact that frilled lizards use their frills for threat displays but peacocks use their feathers for courtship? or is that just a running joke in their friend group. or does melli actually have the entirely learned habit of doing angry displays that he picked up from adaman, lol)
oh yeah calaba as a goat could work! and gaeric as a polar bear for sure. palina as an otter would also make sense... and then that adds layers to her losing her lord to the ocean, ouch. but then i feel like iscan would also work really well as an otter, hmm... maybe one of them is a river otter and the other one is a sea otter? not sure. or maybe one of them's some kind of seal hmmm.
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 year
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Title: Bryan360's OC - Emme, Scottie, Windy & Jo
Here’s my May’s “Secret Art Trade” for my A-Pal, Bryan360/BryanVelasquez87. 🙂
• His OC trio has come to an end, with these Final three slots in one artwork. Or rather, "four" OCs because my A-Pal wants me to draw two OCs under one middle part. Nonetheless, here are the three OCs that my A-Pal asked for:
• Emme 🦌🌻: A lovable deer who's interested in flowers & seeing cute pictures that will be fitted through her smartphone. Not to mention, Jo's long-time friend & Maxwell's love interest.
• Jo🐆🏃‍♀️: Speaking of, here's Emme's best friend & Sam's love interest who can do fast on either track & field or in the wild through the landscapes of Africa (Hmm... From Morocco to South Africa... Can she handle the long mile?).
• Scottie 🐰📚🍌& Windy 🐰🎤: And finally, the father & mother of Maxwell, May & Sam (which is adopted). Scottie is an illustrator who can draw animated cartoons with his traditional art skills of paper & notepad. Plus, he's a huge fan of "Donkey Kong" when he was a childhood playing with his Nintendo game console. And, Windy is an amateur singer who can sing with her wonderful voice. No wonder, that she's a “Carrot Princess of Pop” from her throwback school years. Nowadays, since she's an adult stage, will she participate in the U.S. singing competition (you know, "American Idol", "The Voice", or "The X Factor")? Who knows?
Aww, man! His entire OCs are now complete! Yeah, even though, I've lost my other files, which I won't talk about it, but hey, I'm happy that I've drawn 34 OCs in 2 years! 😁📝🎨 And who knows? I predict, that my A-Pal will make a brand new OCs, in his future plan(s).
But for now, I deserved a toast to myself! 🥂😊
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Well, that’s all for now.🙂 If you haven’t seen my previous revamp digital artworks from this year, then I’ll provide some links down below.↓😉
Previous [Bryan360’s OC Trio]:
• Noteson, Brown & Wilson (Apr 9th, 2021)
• Sallie Chip, Choco & Jumbo - Revamped (June 13th, 2021)
• Heffy, Todd & Marco - Revamped (Aug 6th, 2021)
• Cheddars, Stripes & Bucky - Revamped (Aug 19th, 2021)
• Maxwell, May & Sam - Revamped (Sept 13th, 2021)
• Foofie, Oinks & Joey (Oct 11th, 2021)
• Ziggy, Bearo & Beara (Jan 25, 2022)
• The Red Panda Kids [Niu, Yuan, and Little Yang] (Apr 22, 2022)
• Leo, Mikey & Katie (Jul 10th, 2022)
• Batty Midnight, Jazzy & Cinnamon (Jan 25th, 2023)
Emme, Scottie, Windy & Jo are owned by @bryan360
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wh4thefnk · 11 months
Lily clearly pulled a “nevermind hoe” with that married man tho 💀💀//
yeah i have to think that the novelty of dating him or just being around him might wear off quick depending on the person’s personality 💀 especially for someone already as famous and successful as lily james. he doesn’t really have anything that she can’t already get for herself so she doesn’t have to force herself to tolerate him for some benefits lmao
i’ve never been a marvel fan or in marvel circles so i remember my honest first impression of chris wasn’t stellar and i honestly couldn’t understand all the hype around him. yes he’s attractive but the way people talk you would think he’s literally the only attractive man ever to exist and there’s no man that surpasses or even matches his attractiveness it’s so wild. like it was genuinely very confusing to me???? i was like lowkey this man looks like a pencil what are you seeing please
but i was like this many people can’t be wrong right? and maybe i’m just being overly judgmental so i watched some of his interviews and i thought this man is a little phony like his laughing where he clutches his left pec is a bit over the top and the way he would talk over people was a bit questionable at times but then i watched some of his more reflective stuff and i know he wasn’t saying anything hugely profound but i was like huh maybe there is another side to him and he genuinely has a desire to explore “deeper” topics and he’s not just a basic white bread overgrown disney kid with basic tastes 💀 mind you this was covid so like i had time lmao
so i started warming to him because i admired the thoughtfulness i thought i saw in him and i was like maybe his big ass laughing is genuine and he really is just that joyous and dorky and dumb in a jumbo way and maybe i just can’t relate because we’ve had different life experiences and i started to see him differently especially when i saw his interactions with scott and lisa i was like ohhhh that’s just how your family is valid plus when he was being so vocal about social justice issues i was like okay maybe you alright white man. i liked that he had such a sense of justice and connection to humanity and what was right and wrong that he felt compelled to speak even though he did not need to. ohhh you’re gonna make a whole ass political platform even though you’re not a politician because you’re just that passionate? wow okay respect 🫡
like obviously he still said and did some dumb white man things because he is a dumb white man in a world that allows dumb white men to remain dumb white men. like why are you as a white man speaking on kanye? shhhh 🤫 why are you saying a black family forgiving the murder of their loved one is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen? like that’s gross fr i’m begging please shut up shut up shut up 🤐 why did you think participating in a white savior movie was a good idea? why was asp going to do a series in the middle east that you didn’t go through with bc twitter rightfully dragged your ass so bad????? why do you seem so pro military and pro police? 😭 why did you autograph a prop bomb that represents the killings of innocent people? but my ass really thought he was genuine and his heart was in the right place and he would grow in his activism as he was exposed to new ideas 🙄 i know I’M the dummy
i don’t even know what i’m saying atp lmao the peer pressure brainwashing worked i guess like i don’t think he’s satan but maybe he is very much just some obnoxious guy who laughs too loud and deep down i still don’t understand why the karolinas and captreginas in his fandom find him so remarkable and magical and even the general public too. people REALLY like him. is he truly truly objectively that goddamn fucking attractive? like is it actually that serious? is it literally just the steve rogersificaion of his public image? i don’t even know where i stand anymore i’m just here observing🧍‍♀️
SORRY for the novel 😭💀
(also curious to know your first impressions of chris? are you an og fan? 👀)
Don’t worry bestie, feel free to vent 😂
I had been into Chris for a while, I witnessed him dating Minka and everything; never got in the depths of the fandom tho, I guess lurking never piqued my interest. And through the years my attention to him has swayed on and off.
My impression of him is that I found him endearing and sounded like a genuinely nice guy (and maybe he is, specially in a social level) and honestly I enjoyed his movies; to this day I think that as an actor he had or has potential to be better. And of course he’s done things that at first glance can easily charmed the public into thinking he’s very unique; for example having a political platform and being outspoken about certain things; he’s the guy with the cute dog that he rescued; it might sound silly but I genuinely liked him dating age appropriate women, I did think that little fact set him apart and (the worst of all, now I understand how this isn’t necessarily a nice/kind pov) dating Jenny did wonders for his image somehow, I vividly remember talking to another fan about this, how non-superficial he was for dating her, that it showed he valued character and personality the most 🤩
Maybe the peer pressure worked on me too 😂 I don’t think he’s the devil or anything; I would say he’s just disappointing; and I see character flaws coming to the surface right now, stuff that do not necessarily align with how he was portrayed, plus learning and rethinking other things. I definitely do not see him the same way anymore. I mean at the end it’s his life and he doesn’t owe strangers anything; but I guess we are also in the court of public opinion.
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redwinterroses · 3 years
I hear you're a hermitcraft fan, and sorry if this is a dumb question but I've been considering watching them and don't know where to start because it seems like there's a lot going on. any suggestions? thank you ^^
Oh my friend!! Absolutely not a dumb question! Thanks for popping by. <3
There IS a lot going on, but you have two things going for you right now:
a) season 8 just started, so you don't have a lot you'll necessarily want to catch up on and
b) everyone is using a proximity chat mod this season, and living very close together (ironic for a server called Hermitcraft lol) so they all appear in each other's vids a lot -- which means you don't have to watch everyone or even most of them to have a good idea of what's going on.
Now -- that said, where you start and which hermit you watch is a personal preference thing, and I highly rec clicking through a bunch of them just for a few minutes to see who you like best. There is no "best" hermit! They're ALL delightful, and they all do amazing content.
A quick breakdown of some of MY personal faves:
Grian: everyone is going to recommend Grian to you, lol. He's definitely the most popular hermit, and for good reason: the guy makes quality content and he's a fun chaos gremlin to watch. If you like a good variety of hijinks and fun builds, Grian is a good go-to. This season, he's interacting a lot with Mumbo Jumbo, ImpulseSV, PearlescentMoon, and GoodTimesWithScar, so that gets you practically half the server right there XD
ImpulseSV: Impulse is currently one of my top-5 hermits. Major dad vibes, cool redstone projects (he's one of the more technical players, lots of massive farms usually), and he JUST went to full-time content creator (or...well, he's going to. He's 95% of the way committed, but it's a big leap to take for a guy with kids) so I definitely want to send support his way.
If you want good story stuff, check out DocM77 and/or Renthedog this season. I am so not sure where this is all going, but between Doc's incredible technical skills (he's the Doc who's being referenced in the Minecraft menu splash text "What's up, Doc?" He's an actual legend and lost an arm [in character lol] PvP fighting Dinnerbone. THE Dinnerbone. No, I'm not making that up) and Ren's amazing storytelling ability, whatever this mystery is they're working on will be A Real Trip, Baby.
If you're looking for something a little more chill, check out someone like Welsknight (I say "chill"... guy has chill vibes but he also went and got two full netherite suits in like, the first week of the season sooooo... #respectthegrind) or GeminiTay (suuuuuper sweet but also will cut you. Has two modes: preschool teacher and mafia boss. Building genius going hardcore into cottage core right now. Also one of the youngest members of the server) or VintageBeef (Beef is building a massive spaceship this season, which is a blast.)
For more goofy, funny players, check out Iskall (the man is brilliant but also deliberately a derp and his comedic timing is on point), GoodTimesWithScar (disabled gamer representation! also a derp, but this time With Story. And like... insanely beautiful builds), BdoubleO100 (feral cartoon chihuahua man in a midwestern dad's body, makes a lot of wild noises and builds mountains between episodes), or Tango Tek (Tango is also in my top five, I love him, and the man is an absolute redstone genius. Has been inventing iron farms since before iron farms existed, no exaggeration. He built a working (mostly) version of Among Us in survival last season. Insane.)
And last but not least, even if you decide Hermitcraft isn't for you, I highly encourage you to sub to Xisumavoid. He's the server's main admin, and also keeps up with Minecraft updates -- does a lot of snapshot preview testing vids, mythbusting about new update features, and generally is a great person to follow to keep up with Minecraft as a game.
...okay, that's probably WAY more info than you ever wanted, lol. And I left off sooooo many worthy hermits -- check out hermitcraft.com for a full list of all of them with links to their channels. Like I said, I definitely recommend clicking through to everyone for a few minutes, just to see who you kind of vibe with. There's no pressure to keep up with everyone, and if you really start liking what you see but don't want to try and watch a ton of vids every week? Check out the Hermitcraft Recap, run by Pixlriffs and ZloyXP. They're not hermits directly, but they do a weekly rundown of server shenanigans that can be an absolute lifesaver for those of us who like... actually have other things that have to be done. XD
Hope that helps!!
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bellfort3 · 2 years
SBI Fanfics of the Week (week 60)
The Moon, She Calls Me Home by SilverWing15
He should--he can’t be doing this. He’s a werewolf, he’s dangerous, this is dangerous, for him, for everyone he might encounter. He can’t control himself.
But he feels in control.
He feels powerful and strong and wild. But not wild in an out of control way, wild in the way wolves are wild. Independent, untamed, confident, even under all his anxiety. He is a wolf, this is his world, this is his grass. This is where he belongs.
Not locked up in a basement, not chained and behind bars.
Here, out here, in the moonlight, in the night breeze, with the grass under his paws.
He takes a step towards the trees. The shadows are beckoning him. Calling him like friends, the leaves rustle, whispering of all the games they could play, how far he could run, how loud he could be without worrying Dream at all.
He takes another step. Another.
He’s walking, trotting, running.
He’s free.
alone i pick you by wednesdayevening
Tommy doesn’t have a compass. No perpetually spinning needle. No north star. No ethereal magnetism, no soulmate magic mumbo-jumbo crap. Phil has two, and Tommy’s got none.
And it sucks. There’s no sugar-coating it: having no soulmate fucking sucks. But it's bearable. He lives with it. And then one of his friends find theirs, and it's suddenly exponentially more shit.
fear or love? by Drhair76
"Sometimes I feel like I've got to get the fuck away from myself or I'll explode." Tommy admits.
or, everything is fickle and Tommy tries to understand it all.
Bruising Like A Bad Apple by Soulless_Fawn
“Tommy!” Wilbur yells, sounding cheerful as always. But there was an undertone to it, a factor that made him pausing in sitting back down. Tommy frowned, bringing his phone closer even if he didn’t really need to with it being on speaker.
“Yea?” He asks, hand wringing out beside him. Did something happen that he wasn’t aware of?
“Are you okay?” He asks suddenly, still sounding cheerful. “ Chats asking about you.” And just like that Tommy understands what’s up. He’s scared to look at the time.
“Shit.” He says, throwing his phone onto his mattress as he hurries to get ready. His fans are going to kill him.
“Okay I muted for a second, where are you dude? We have been planning this since last week.” Wilbur doesn’t sound angry and the thought of Wilbur having to keep back the fans claws at his heart. He knows Wilbur wouldn’t be mad at him for something like this, but he feels like he should. He’s messing up everything, again! And for what? A couple plot points forward into an imagery world he created in his head?
Basically; Tommy’s parents are not always around and he deals with this by daydreaming his life away. His friends don’t like this.
It's Called: Freefall by third_crow
“Look, Tommy, I know this is a lot–”
“I don’t need the pity party,” Tommy interrupted. “Aw, it must be so hard, aw, how sad, it’s… fuckin’… it’s fine. Yeah? So just– how long do I have to stay here?” Phil took a breath, straightening his back.
“At least until we can contact your mom,” he said. “That’s step one.”
“There’s more steps?” Tommy asked incredulously.
“Well, it’s a complicated situation. The fact that they’re already struggling to make contact is… well, it’s a red flag. You lived with your brother, but your mother never transferred sole custody, and considering the situation that left you in, there's some question as to whether or not she may be involved in your brother’s… business.”
“Drugs,” Tommy said.
“Yes. Drugs.”
Or, Phil is a foster parent who takes in emergency cases, and Tommy… well, Tommy sure is an emergency.
come rest your bones next to me by florasics
Wilbur hums again, trying to keep his voice level and calm as worry pools in his heart. “Do you know what time it is right now, lovely?”
“Right now? Uh.” Faint rustling is heard from the other side of the call, along with another tired groan from Tommy. “It is…oh shit.”
or; tommy overworks himself and ends up sleeping through an important stream. wilbur calls him and is a good brother :D !
Homesick by woamx
Tommys officially moved out of his parents house, but everything about new experiences just screams wrong. He talks to Wilbur about it.
hearth, home, right here by Larkspursprings
“Wilbur!” Tommy hollers, beaming, as Wilbur joins the call. “How’re you doing, man? What’s going on?”
“Not much,” Wilbur says, and stifles a yawn. “What’s … ‘s there something I was s’posed to be here for?”
Tommy wracks his brain. “Well, I’m streaming,” he says, “at the moment.” As if to agree, his chat flies by at the speed of light, mostly proclamations of SLEEPYBUR and HI WILBURRR and KEKW. “Happy freaking … Christmas, I guess!”
His brain screams at him, Tell Wilbur, tell Wilbur, tell Wilbur. I’m alone. I’m alone. I’m alone.
Tommy thinks he’ll be alone for the holidays. Wilbur, Phil, and Techno refuse to let that happen.
lucky by lucysgotnotalent
“Hey, Toms? Do you want to go out with me and Tech today? I was planning on asking you yesterday, but you were out with Tubbo and Ranboo all day, and I kinda forgot,” Wilbur asked him.
"Well," Tommy paused. He knew he wouldn’t do very well walking around shopping with how warm and dizzy he was, but he normally wouldn’t pass up an opportunity like this. He wanted to go, and he was pretty sure Wilbur would be suspicious if he declined. Techno and Wilbur rarely had free time like this anymore.
“If you’re not feeling up to it then you don’t have to come.” Wilbur added after a second.
“I’m feeling perfectly up to it!” Tommy said.
Wilbur grinned, and Tommy had this strange feeling that he had just fallen into a trap of some sort.
tommy gets sick. his brothers are busier than ever, and his dad is just as busy as he's always been (which is very). instead of bothering them with his silly cold, he decides to take care of it himself. it doesn't quite work out for him.
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bat-connoisseur · 3 years
If you have any interest or much to say about dsmp along with hermitcraft.
Hermit you would most love to see on dsmp (short visit, alongside hermitcraft, or swapping to)
And possibly the other way around?
(now me saying personally)
Grian would probably be the obvious guess as he is used to a bit of chaos, and is okay with roleplay, with scar being a similar option, but I have something a little different.
Mumbo. Killsalot. Jumbo.
It seems kind of out of left field, but especially if on a little bit longer could be interesting. He while it isn't always obvious adds a bunch of little plot when he tries to build lately, like the story he was trying to build up is his S7 base with the aincent and new, and it would be cool to see more people that are good with redstone on DSMP
(though personally while he probably wouldn't even be on a little bit, I would still rather him on hermitcraft)
And now since I brought up swap I might throw this up as well
Techno, while not much a builder, by his own admission would be fun to see, and already has met some of the hermitcraft members such as some of the fun when grian gave him a nickname so quickly in the pride MCC. And while he does get really into the lore he is also able to just chill, and make banter on the server, and is great just chilling. (and it's not like it would make any difference to his upload schedule)
I have little to no personal interest in Dsmp, so I don't really have any opinions on a swap, but I LOVE the idea of Mumbo on there. Because you're right, he's not an obvious choice by any means, but he would be very unique on there, and would bring something very different to the table. Plus, it would be interesting to see how he would adapt to the wildly different environment. Would he try and match or at least participate in that SMP's wild energy and lore? Would he find a quiet corner of the server and try and keep out of trouble? Would he do something totally out of the left field, and end up living up to the K in Mumbo K Jumbo? I have genuinely no idea, but it's very fun to speculate!
As for Techno on Hermitcraft, that would also be interesting, but perhaps not as wild as the Mumbo on dmsp thing. Hermitcraft has a LOT of variety, and sure, there aren't many serious PvPers on there, but PvP isn't a huge component of what's on hc (although I suppose that could change if he set up some kind of game), but even so he would bring something interesting from the table, coming from a very, very different perspective of how to play Minecraft than the Hermits.
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6peaches · 3 years
Richard Siken - You Are Jeff
1 There are two twins on motorbikes but one is farther up the road, beyond the hairpin turn, or just before it, depending on which twin you are in love with at the time. Do not choose sides yet. It is still to your advan- tage to remain impartial. Both motorbikes are shiny red and both boys have perfect teeth, dark hair, soft hands. The one in front will want to take you apart, and slowly. His deft and stubby fingers searching every shank and lock for weaknesses. You could love this boy with all your heart. The other brother only wants to stitch you back together. The sun shines down. It’s a beautiful day. Consider the hairpin turn. Do not choose sides yet.
2 There are two twins on motorbikes but one is farther up the road. Let’s call them Jeff. And because the first Jeff is in front we’ll consider him the older, and therefore responsible for lending money and the occa- sional punch in the shoulder. World-wise, world-weary, and not his mother’s favorite, this Jeff will always win when it all comes down to fisticuffs. Unfortunately for him, it doesn’t always all come down to fisticuffs. Jeff is thinking about his brother down the winding road be- hind him. He is thinking that if only he could cut him open and peel him back and crawl inside this second skin, then he could relive that last mile again: reborn, wild-eyed, free.
3 There are two twins on motorbikes but one is farther up the road, beyond the hairpin turn, or just before it, depending on which Jeff you are. It could have been so beautiful—you scout out the road ahead and I will watch your back, how it was and how it will be, memory and fantasy— but each Jeff wants to be the other one. My name is Jeff and I’m tired of looking at the back of your head. My name is Jeff and I’m tired of seeing my hand me down clothes. Look, Jeff, I’m telling you, for the last time, I mean it, etcetera. They are the same and they are not the same. They are the same and they hate each other for it.
4 Your name is Jeff and somewhere up ahead of you your brother has pulled to the side of the road and he is waiting for you with a lug wrench clutched in his greasy fist. O how he loves you, darling boy. O how, like always, he invents the monsters underneath the bed to get you to sleep next to him, chest to chest or chest to back, the covers drawn around you in an act of faith against the night. When he throws the wrench into the air it will catch the light as it spins toward you. Look—it looks like a star. You had expected something else, anything else, but the wrench never reaches you. It hangs in the air like that, spinning in the air like that. It’s beautiful.
5 Let’s say God in his High Heaven is hungry and has decided to make himself some tuna fish sandwiches. He’s already finished making two of them, on sourdough, before he realizes that the fish is bad. What is he going to do with these sandwiches? They’re already made, but he doesn’t want to eat them.
Let’s say the Devil is played by two men. We’ll call them Jeff. Dark hair, green eyes, white teeth, pink tongues—they’re twins. The one on the left has gone bad in the middle, and the other one on the left is about to. As they wrestle, you can tell that they have forgotten about God, and they are very hungry.
6 You are playing cards with three men named Jeff. Two of the Jeffs seem somewhat familiar, but the Jeff across from you keeps staring at your hands, your mouth, and you’re certain that you’ve never seen this Jeff before. But he’s on your team, and you’re ahead, you’re winning big, and yet the other Jeffs keep smiling at you like there’s no tomorrow. They all have perfect teeth: white, square, clean, even. And, for some reason, the lighting in the room makes their teeth seem closer than they should be, as if each mouth was a place, a living room with pink carpet and the window’s open. Come back from the window, Jefferson. Take off those wet clothes and come over here, by the fire.
7 You are playing cards with three Jeffs. One is your father, one is your brother, and the other is your current boyfriend. All of them have seen you naked and heard you talking in your sleep. Your boyfriend Jeff gets up to answer the phone. To them he is a mirror, but to you he is a room. Phone’s for you, Jeff says. Hey! It’s Uncle Jeff, who isn’t really your uncle, but you can’t talk right now, one of the Jeffs has put his tongue in your mouth. Please let it be the right one.
8 Two brothers are fighting by the side of the road. Two motorbikes have fallen over on the shoulder, leaking oil into the dirt, while the interlocking brothers grapple and swing. You see them through the backseat window as you and your parents drive past. You are twelve years old. You do not have a brother. You have never experienced anything this ferocious or intentional with another person. Your mother is pretending that she hasn’t seen anything. Your father is fiddling with the knobs of the radio. There is an empty space next to you in the backseat of the station wagon. Make it the shape of everything you need. Now say hello.
9 You are in an ordinary suburban bedroom with bunk beds, a bookshelf, two wooden desks and chairs. You are lying on your back, on the top bunk, very close to the textured ceiling, staring straight at it in fact, and the room is still dark except for a wedge of powdery light that spills in from the adjoining bathroom. The bathroom is covered in mint green tile and someone is in there, singing very softly. Is he singing to you? For you? Black cherries in chocolate, the ring around the moon, a bee- tle underneath a glass—you cannot make out all the words, but you’re sure he knows you’re in there, and he’s singing to you, even though you don’t know who he is.
10 You see it as a room, a tabernacle, the dark hotel. You’re in the hallway again, and you open the door, and if you’re ready you’ll see it, but maybe one part of your mind decides that the other parts aren’t ready, and then you don’t remember where you’ve been, and you find yourself down the hall again, the lights gone dim as the left hand sings the right hand back to sleep. It’s a puzzle: each piece, each room, each time you put your hand to the knob, your mouth to the hand, your ear to the wound that whispers.
You’re in the hallway again. The radio is playing your favorite song. You’re in the hallway. Open the door again. Open the door.
11 Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. Can the heart escape? Does love even care? Snow falls as we dump the booth in the bay.
Suppose for a moment we are crowded around a pier, waiting for something to ripple the water. We believe in you. There is no danger. It is not getting dark, we want to say.
12 Consider the hairpin turn. It is waiting for you like a red door or the broken leg of a dog. The sun is shining, O how the sun shines down! Your speedometer and your handgrips and the feel of the road below you, how it knows you, the black ribbon spread out on the greens be- tween these lines that suddenly don’t reach to the horizon. It is waiting, like a broken door, like the red dog that chases its tail and eats your rose- bushes and then must be forgiven. Who do you love, Jeff? Who do you love? You were driving toward something and then, well, then you found yourself driving the other way. The dog is asleep. The road is be- hind you. O how the sun shines down.
13 This time everyone has the best intentions. You have cancer. Let’s say you have cancer. Let’s say you’ve swallowed a bad thing and now it’s got its hands inside you. This is the essence of love and failure. You see what I mean but you’re happy anyway, and that’s okay, it’s a love story after all, a lasting love, a wonderful adventure with lots of action, where the mirror says mirror and the hand says hand and the front door never says Sorry Charlie. So the doctor says you need more stitches and the bruise cream isn’t working. So much for the facts. Let’s say you’re still completely in the dark but we love you anyway. We love you. We really do.
14 After work you go to the grocery store to get some milk and a carton of cigarettes. Where did you get those bruises? You don’t remember. Work was boring. You find a jar of bruise cream and a can of stewed tomatoes. Maybe a salad? Spinach, walnuts, blue cheese, apples, and you can’t decide between the Extra Large or Jumbo black olives. Which is bigger anyway? Extra Large has a blue label, Jumbo has a purple label. Both cans cost $1.29. While you’re deciding, the afternoon light is streaming through the windows behind the bank of checkout coun- ters. Take the light inside you like a blessing, like a knee in the chest, holding onto it and not letting it go. Now let it go.
15 Like sandpaper, the light, or a blessing, or a bruise. Blood everywhere, he said, the red light hemorrhaging from everywhere at once. The train station blue, your lips blue, hands cold and the blue wind. Or a horse, your favorite horse now raised up again out of the mud and galloping galloping always toward you. In your ruined shirt, on the last day, while the bruise won’t heal, and the stain stays put, the red light streaming in from everywhere at once. Your broken ribs, the back of your head, your hand to mouth or hand to now, right now, like you mean it, like it’s split- ting you in two. Now look at the lights, the lights.
16 You and your lover are making out in the corner booth of a seedy bar. The booths are plush and the drinks are cheap and in this dim and smoky light you can barely tell whose hands are whose. Someone raises their glass for a toast. Is that the Hand of Judgment or the Hand of Mercy? The bartender smiles, running a rag across the burnished wood of the bar. The drink in front of you has already been paid for. Drink it, the bartender says. It’s yours, you deserve it. It’s already been paid for. Somebody’s paid for it already. There’s no mistake, he says. It’s your drink, the one you asked for, just the way you like it. How can you refuse Hands of fire, hands of air, hands of water, hands of dirt. Someone’s doing all the talking but no one’s lips move. Consider the hairpin turn.
17 The motorbikes are neck and neck but where’s the checkered flag we all expected, waving in the distance, telling you you’re home again, home? He’s next to you, right next to you in fact, so close, or. . . he isn’t. Imagine a room. Yes, imagine a room: two chairs facing the window but nobody moves. Don’t move. Keep staring straight into my eyes. It feels like you’re not moving, the way when, dancing, the room will suddenly fall away. You’re dancing: you’re neck and neck or cheek to cheek, he’s there or he isn’t, the open road. Imagine a room. Imagine you’re danc- ing. Imagine the room now falling away. Don’t move.
18 Two brothers: one of them wants to take you apart. Two brothers: one of them wants to put you back together. It’s time to choose sides now. The stitches or the devouring mouth? You want an alibi? You don’t get an alibi, you get two brothers. Here are two Jeffs. Pick one. This is how you make the meaning, you take two things and try to define the space between them. Jeff or Jeff? Who do you want to be? You just wanted to play in your own backyard, but you don’t know where your own yard is, exactly. You just wanted to prove there was one safe place, just one safe place where you could love him. You have not found that place yet. You have not made that place yet. You are here. You are here. You’re still right here.
19 Here are your names and here is the list and here are the things you left behind: The mark on the floor from pushing your chair back, your un- derwear, one half brick of cheese, the kind I don’t like, wrapped up, and poorly, and abandoned on the second shelf next to the poppyseed dress- ing, which is also yours. Here’s the champagne on the floor, and here are your house keys, and here are the curtains that your cat peed on. And here is your cat, who keeps eating grass and vomiting in the hall- way. Here is the list with all of your names, Jeff. They’re not the same name, Jeff. They’re not the same at all.
20 There are two twins on motorbikes but they are not on motorbikes, they’re in a garden where the flowers are as big as thumbs. Imagine you are in a field of daisies. What are you doing in a field of daisies? Get up! Let’s say you’re not in the field anymore. Let’s say they’re not brothers anymore. That’s right, they’re not brothers, they’re just one guy, and he knows you, and he’s talking to you, but you’re in pain and you can- not understand him. What are you still doing in this field? Get out of the field! You should be in the hotel room! You should, at least, be try- ing to get back into the hotel room. Ah! Now the field is empty.
21 Hold onto your voice. Hold onto your breath. Don’t make a noise, don’t leave the room until I come back from the dead for you. I will come back from the dead for you. This could be a city. This could be a graveyard. This could be the basket of a big balloon. Leave the lights on. Leave a trail of letters like those little knots of bread we used to dream about. We used to dream about them. We used to do a lot of things. Put your hand to the knob, your mouth to the hand, pick up the bread and devour it. I’m in the hallway again, I’m in the hallway. The radio’s playing my favorite song. Leave the lights on. Keep talking. I’ll keep walking toward the sound of your voice.
22 Someone had a party while you were sleeping but you weren’t really sleeping, you were sick, and parts of you were burning, and you couldn’t move. Perhaps the party was in your honor. You can’t remem- ber. It seems the phone was ringing in the dream you were having but there’s no proof. A dish in the sink that might be yours, some clothes on the floor that might belong to someone else. When was the last time you found yourself looking out of this window. Hey! This is a beautiful window! This is a beautiful view! Those trees lined up like that, and the way the stars are spinning over them like that, spinning in the air like that, like wrenches.
23 Let’s say that God is the space between two men and the Devil is the space between two men. Here: I’ll be all of them-Jeff and Jeff and Jeff and Jeff are standing on the shoulder of the highway, four motorbikes knocked over, two wrenches spinning in the ordinary air. Two of these Jeffs are windows, and two of these Jeffs are doors, and all of these Jeffs are trying to tell you something. Come closer. We’ll whisper it in your ear. It’s like seeing your face in a bowl of soup, cream of potato, and the eyes shining back like spoons. If we wanted to tell you everything, we would leave more footprints in the snow or kiss you harder. One thing. Come closer. Listen . . .
24 You’re in a car with a beautiful boy, and he won’t tell you that he loves you, but he loves you. And you feel like you’ve done something terr- ible, like robbed a liquor store, or swallowed pills, or shoveled yourself a grave in the dirt, and you’re tired. You’re in a car with a beautiful boy, and you’re trying not to tell him that you love him, and you’re trying to choke down the feeling, and you’re trembling, but he reaches over and he touches you, like a prayer for which no words exist, and you feel your heart taking root in your body, like you’ve discovered something you don’t even have a name for.
- You Are Jeff by Richard Siken
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themurphyzone · 3 years
PatB: Snowball Ep Talk
You know, I really do love the episode Snowball (my personal favorite AKOM episode) but I don’t think I’ve ever talked about it here much, and if I did it’s probably really only because of the flashback sequence. 
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Okay so all looks good so far. Chain letter scheme and superstition, a standard introduction to Brain’s latest plot of world domination. All looks good. Plus I just like this shot of Pinky. Don’t mind me, just starting off light here with a smushed Pinky. 
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I just like Pinky’s pose here. He’s so cute. 
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You will bow before Troz.
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“I met a Snowball today! Right here in the lab!” -Pinky
You know, I just find the implications of this line hysterical. This means that Snowball was in the lab that day, waiting for the moment to strike, and he definitely pushed his stolen chain letter through the mail slot. 
And then he lets Pinky see him, and no it’s not just a passing glance either cause Pinky specifically describes a tattoo with an A and a circle and points to his leg. Which means Snowball deliberately lifted the fur on his leg and showed his tattoo to Pinky. 
Like, wow. 
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“It means, Pinky, that evil lurks among us. By the name of Snowball! SNOWBALLLLLLLL!” -Brain 
Talk about a bad breakup. *Alexa play Bad Blood*
Personally I think one of the interesting visual cues is that Snowball purposely plants himself into the mice’s space. There’s a lot of that in this episode. He knows how to rile up Brain and hit him where it hurts, namely through Pinky. 
Brain values his personal space, and he values a sense of control. When Snowball invades that space, Brain loses control, and his anger can lead him to make some very ill-informed decisions. Which is exactly what Snowball aims for. 
“You think Pinky is an asset?” 
“Anything I can take from you is an asset.”
Ah yes, Snowball’s mission statement. Crush everything Brain has into dust. 
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The flashback sequence. Dear God this flashback sequence. They were both so cute! 
You know, it’s really sad that a younger Brain acted more like Pinky. Making silly faces and trying to get someone to laugh are such Pinky things to do. I know canon is loose but if you consider this flashback taking place shortly after Brain was captured from the wild, then young Brain didn’t gain a grasp on what happened to him until after the gene splicer.  
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Ok but Brain was literally right there when the gene splicer exploded. Imagine having your cranium size dramatically increase, you’re injured, you’ve suddenly gained sentience, and as if all that wasn’t enough, you see the gene splicer explode with your only friend inside. 
Oh, and said friend’s mind was probably damaged in the explosion and now he hates your guts. And though you’re angry with him for his betrayal, some part of you will never stop caring about him. 
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Once again, Snowball needs to learn to keep his hands to himself. 
This conversation here establishes Snowball as the perfect third character. He appears only in a handful of eps, but he’s fun to watch and love to hate. Snowball challenges the mice’s relationship. Snowball sees the weak points; the insults, the reliance on each other, and twists them to his advantage. And Pinky even admits he’s hurt by Brain’s insults occasionally, though he still loves being around him. 
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“Pinky, the Brain doesn’t care about you. He’s just using you.” 
“No, he’s not.”
It’s really interesting to me how Pinky denies Snowball’s statement, yet his ears go down to show that he’s affected by the idea of being used. Pinky and the Brain may be night and day, but one thing they do have in common is their tendency to deny certain things. Brain with emotions and affection and Pinky with concepts he’d rather not admit the possibility of. 
Coming back to this later. 
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Non plot related but Brain is teeny tiny and I love how he just trusts Pinky to catch him
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Side note: I apologize if any of these screenshots look weird. It’s an AKOM ep. 
I just find it hilarious how they clearly run around where Snowball can see and hear them. Like they just shout Snowball’s name in the middle of the room. You’re terrible at being sneaky little mice. Please. 
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Those dang boomers and their old timey 90s computers. Technology is ruining boomers. Can’t even hold a conversation anymore cause they keep looking at their screens. 
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No touchy! 
Well, it’s awful nice of Snowball to engage in nepotism and offer Brain a position in his administration...and then tempt Pinky with an amusement park when he refuses. 
You really gotta appreciate the complexity of Snowball’s plans. Stealing the chain letter fails->plant seeds of doubt in Pinky’s mind, even if this doesn’t work right off the bat, the idea will still be there-> take over a corporation->impersonate Bill Gates->When the mice show up, offer to co-rule the world on expectations that Brain will refuse->make co-ruler offer to Pinky->wait for Brain to open his big mouth and drive Pinky away. 
All to take everything Brain has. His dignity, Pinky, his meager resources. Like holy Snowball, Batman.  
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And then Snowball reveals the amusement park he had specifically built for Pinky. 
And here we have the most heartbreaking line of the ep. If I had the ability video edit I would’ve put the entire line on audio because Brain’s tone is very important here. It’s about 12:38 to 12:57 in the ep if you want to see for yourself. 
“Oh, go ahead, Pinky. I don’t need you. What did you think, I just have you around so I can steal your brilliant ideas and claim them as my own? That I’m just using you, Pinky? Oh yes, I’m using you for your brilliance!” 
First of all, very poor word choice, especially to someone who has trouble understanding sarcasm. I just want to dissect this statement here. 
The Literal Meaning: You’re an idiot to think you were ever more than an assistant. 
This is what Pinky hears. 
But if you listen to Brain’s tone rather than just reading the line, he sounds genuinely hurt that Pinky would ever be tempted by something as frivolous as an amusement park. It’s Pinky, so he just sees ‘ooh fun rides, cotton candy, and carnival games’! 
But Brain is perfectly aware that this is Snowball’s well-crafted method of taking away the only thing he truly has, and he knows it’s working. And he’s hurt. 
The Actual Meaning: Snowball’s trying to separate us and you’re falling for it, Pinky. You may be an idiot, but many of my plans never would’ve come to fruition without you. You’re much more than an assistant. You’re my friend and my world.  
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Unfortunately, all Pinky hears is that Brain was only using him. That Brain values him for manual labor and an extra hand only, rather than a treasured companion. The fact that Brain often falls short of making Pinky feel appreciated just adds to this. 
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And now that he no longer has Pinky, Brain’s spirit is crushed. Brain is persistent, but without Pinky, he has no reason to be. 
As far as he knows, his only two friends have turned their backs on him and couldn’t care less if he has nowhere else to go. 
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Poor thing. He needs hugs. 
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“I didn’t think it was possible. Humanity has actually gotten dumber.” -Brain
OK I think this one shot establishes what the world would be like under Snowball. His name is everywhere, and he tells the population to do stupid things just to bask in his own superiority. 
However, I can’t see Brain putting his name on every building so frivolously like this if he ruled the world. Sure, he’d name a bunch of things after himself and Pinky, but it would be more meaningful to them. 
Brain wants humanity to advance, not regress. 
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Poor Pinky. Despite all this new extravagance and luxury, he’s also lonely. The room and bed are large, but it lacks personality. He’s sleeping with an ACME Labs snow globe, and other than a reference to Citizen Kane, it also shows that he’s not happy with this. 
The worst thing in the world for these mice is separation from each other. 
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Suicide by cat. 
Poor little guy can’t make it on his own. Luckily, he snaps out of it. 
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“My world. I must save MY world!” 
Said while looking at a picture of Pinky. Real subtle there Brain. 
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“Look, you fool. You have no brilliant ideas. I’m only using you to get at him! So just stay quiet!” -Snowball
“You’re...using me?” -Pinky
He was just a bargaining chip. Never a friend. 
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“What do you want?” 
“My friend. And MY world!”
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He makes martial arts noises like a dork. I love him. 
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I love how their characters are reflected in the mecha designs (also I had no idea Snowball was Iron Man!) 
Snowball’s is overall the more efficient design. It’s also much more combat ready and violent. In comparison, Brain’s suit is simply operated with a bunch of levers. It’s alright for peaceful situations like getting around faster or simply blending with a human population, but in a straight up fight the levers take too much time to operate. 
Snowball is more efficient than Brain, and while he’s got the ego, he lacks the insecurities that hold Brain back. His confidence makes him such an effective foe. And more importantly, Snowball doesn’t value Pinky’s companionship. He’s a tool and nothing more. Compare that to Brain. While Brain struggles at showing it, he ultimately wants Pinky’s input and values his jumbo-sized heart. 
Somewhat off topic, but I feel like the reboot missed this aspect of Brain and made him too overly edgy and violent (reboot!Brain would probably prefer Snowball’s mecha design over his counterpart’s). The only time Brain should become violent, if not for comedy, is when he’s protecting Pinky. His plans should have a level of restraint to them, and Pinky is the moral compass.  
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I just like this shit-eating grin right here (I mean, he did eat shit in Welcome to the Jungle so...lol)
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This is such an insanely clever move for Pinky. I feel like Brain would be like ‘oh my god Pinky!’ and then ‘wow, that’s actually brilliant what the heck is this tingling feeling’. 
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I know this is a case of Where the Hell is Springfield but gdi aren’t they supposed to be in southern California. 
Ok fine I realize the ending to this ep is a reference to North by Northwest cause they somehow got to Mt. Rushmore but still 
Weird tangent but North by Northwest’s ending bothers me (not gonna fault this ep as it’s just a parody)? I’m sorry the girl is barely hanging onto Mt. Rushmore, the dude pulls her up, and then they have sex in a car. The sudden transition always seemed weird to me. 
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I am ending this analysis post with a weird shot of Snowball cause i can and it’s his episode. 
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ctay21 · 4 years
I am so excited to participate in @nakunakunomi 750 followers event! Hazel is such an amazing and inspiring writer, if you haven’t read any of her works you need to check her blog out! This was so much fun to write. Honestly it’s really just a self indulgent fic, but I hope you guys can love it and find comfort in it like I can! 😌❤️
Also I’m posting this on mobile and don’t know how to add the keep reading break... 🙈 so sorry!
Comfort Cookies
Word count: 2,103
Relationship: Sanji x female reader
Warnings: mentions of a nightmare
Cliche prompt: I don’t usually share food, but I’ll make an exception for you.
Random Word to include: sentence
Summary: You wake up from a nightmare and try your best to comfort yourself. Sanji eventually finds you and helps you calm down and get into a better head space and mood.
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You bolted up out of a dead sleep, covered in a light sheen of sweat. Sanji's arm fell off your shoulder and softly landed in your lap. You grabbed at your chest because your heart was beating so fast, it felt like it was going to fly out. You couldn’t even register any sounds beyond the pounding of your heartbeat in your eardrums.
Bringing a hand up to wipe your forehead and face. You realize that you woke up crying. Taking big deep breaths to try and calm yourself and stop your body from shaking. You look over to Sanji to see if you woke him up. He’s still peacefully sleeping with a small smile on his face. Not wanting to wake him up but knowing you needed to calm down, you decided to take a walk up on deck.
Carefully sliding out of Sanji's grasp and out of bed. You grab one of Sanji's hoodies and slip it on before quietly opening the door and stepping into the hall. Turning around you make sure the door shuts and clicks before heading off for your walk.
Once you get up on deck headed for the railing to look out into the sea. You look around to make sure no one is around or can see you. Confirming you’re alone, you start quietly sobbing and curl in on yourself. Constant negative thoughts rolling through your head. You’re not good enough to be a part of the crew. You don’t deserve to be on the crew. You’re the weakest link. They would be better off without you constantly dragging them down. Sanji is only with you to make sure you don’t get killed by an enemy. Sanji would be better off with someone who was more on his level. All these horrible thoughts kept running through your head and you couldn’t stop them, nor could you stop the flow of tears streaming down your face.
With no concept of time after what felt like hours of crying and feeling bad for yourself, realistically it was only twenty minutes. You thought to yourself that you were done throwing a pity party for your feelings! You started saying affirming sentences out loud to the sea, hoping to bring up your mood and banish all the negative thoughts rolling in your mind.
“I am strong.”
“I am confident in my ability to help my crew.”
“My friends love me and do not see me as a burden.”
“Sanji loves me unconditionally no matter what.”
“I am a Straw Hat Pirate and no one can take that away from me!”
Taking a deep cleansing breath, you felt much better after saying all that out loud. Finally calm enough to head back to bed, you turn around and start heading to your shared bedroom with sanji. As you’re walking your stomach rumbles and you quietly giggle to yourself because only you would cry so hard that you made yourself hungry. Turning around you head to the kitchens deciding to make a comfort snack before heading back to bed.
Feeling like you wanted a tiny bit more comfort and were feeling a little nostalgic. You step into the kitchen and decide that you wanted to make your grandma’s chocolate chip cookies that your mom always made you on rough days when you were a kid.
While the oven is preheating. You walk through the pantry grabbing all the necessary ingredients like flour, sugar, eggs and chocolate. You head to the table and get to work. Taking your time weighing out all the ingredients and mixing the dough. Giggling you put the last ingredient in which is your grandma's “secret ingredient” it’s cinnamon but the way she always said it made you laugh. Scooping out the dough, you put it on a sheet tray and into the oven. Setting a timer and cleaning your dishes.
Once the kitchen was clean, your cookies still had 10 minutes left till they were done. Too tired to stand any longer, you sit down in front of the oven door to watch the cookies bake and slowly spread. When all of a sudden you see legs on either side of you and feel arms wrap around your waist, pulling you into a strong chest.
“(Y/n) I finally found you.” Sanji whispered into your ear. Hearing Sanji’s voice made you relax and let out the breath you had involuntarily held in.
“Oh my gosh! You scared me!” You yell whispered to him as you smacked his arm.
“What?! First off, you scared me when I woke up and you weren’t there. Your side of the bed was cold and I searched the whole deck for ten minutes before I noticed the light on in here and came to check.” He ranted but you could tell it was out of love and there was no heat behind his words.
“I’m sorry… I.. um.. woke up from a bad nightmare.. I guess I just felt like I needed to work through it on my own.. I didn’t want to bother you. You looked so peaceful that I didn’t want to wake you up..” You quietly muttered, hanging your head down while fidgeting with your hands. Sanji gently cups your face with both hands and turns you so you're facing him.
“Hey, you will never bother me or make me mad if you wake me up. I don’t care what time it is or what’s happening around us. You’re hurting and I want to be there to help in any way that I can. I love you (y/n), nothing will change that.” He gently said while pressing his forehead to yours.
“Okay.” You exhale, staying in this position. As you tell him about your nightmare and all the negative thoughts that sometimes plague your mind at night. He just listens to you explain your nightmare and fears, occasionally giving you a comforting squeeze. Once you were done you looked up at him and smiled softly.
“Thank you for listening to me babe, I love you too and you’re right I’m sorry. I’ll wake you up next time.” You shakily spoke through the new lump in your throat. Sanji moved your head back to look into your eyes and wiped your tears away with his thumbs.
“Hey, no need to be sorry! I will always be here to listen to you and comfort you. Also I love hearing I’m right, you need to start saying that more often.” He joked, mainly trying to lift your spirits and make you laugh.
“Stop! You’re so ridiculous sometimes.” You giggle while rolling your eyes at him and shaking your head.
Hearing the timer go off, you got super excited for your cookies! You shoved Sanji to the side and stood up real fast to grab the cookies out of the oven before they could burn. Setting the cookies on top of the oven, you turned it off and turned around to proudly show off your cookies to your boyfriend. Not immediately seeing him standing behind you like you expected, you look down to see he is still laying on the ground with a hurt expression on his face.
“What?!” You wondered, thinking you didn’t shove him that hard.
“(Y/n)... you come into MY kitchen and bake cookies at two in the morning.. then you have the audacity to shove me.. I’m just hurt! I can’t believe my precious (y/n) would do this to me.” Sanji exclaimed while fake crying still sprawled out on the floor.
“Ohh clam down, I cleaned the kitchen. Besides I didn’t even push that hard. You’re being dramatic, get up.” You spoke as you impatiently poked at your cookies to see if they were cool enough to eat.
“So what did my lovely (y/n) make me?” He sang as he got off the floor and stood behind you and looked over your shoulder.
“I made myself chocolate chip cookies. I made you a clean kitchen, so you didn’t have dishes to do in the morning before breakfast.” You playfully say to him, as you poke him in the chest then cross your arms.
“What!! I don’t even get to taste one of your cookies?!?!” He exclaimed.
“Yea I don’t like sharing, you know that.” You simply stated back to him.
“(Y/n) that is so unfair. Also you have 12 jumbo cookies. I know you’re only going to eat one! Please let me have one.” He begged.
“I don’t usually share food, but I’ll make an exception for you.” You smiled at him, giggling at his reaction.
“Here’s your cookie.” You mutter still pretending like you didn’t want to share.
You watched as Sanji took his first bite. He got a huge smile on his face, heart eyes and everything. He then looked down at you.
“(Y/n)... I think I’ve fallen in love with you all over again. These are amazing! Where did you learn how to make these?” He excitedly said.
“It’s an old family recipe, my grandma taught me how to make them. My mom always made them for me on rough days, when she knew I needed a pick me up.” You explained to him.
“Something tastes different, whats all in here?” He asked trying to figure out why they tasted different than normal chocolate chip cookies.
“Well it is a family recipe, with a secret ingredient. I’m not telling you. I’m sure you could figure it out pretty quickly though.” You stated as you continued to eat your warm cookie.
Sanji just started rattling off different ingredients it could be, they were all off the wall crazy stuff as well. Once even asking if it was tuna. At this point you’re just laughing because you know he’s making up the most wild guesses he can to purposefully make you laugh.
“Okay, but on a real note. Is it cinnamon?” Sanji asked while hugging you from behind.
“Fine you got me, yes it is cinnamon. Do you want the recipe?” You asked as you turned around and buried your face in his chest letting out a huge yawn.
“Yea, but I’ll get it from you tomorrow because it looks like we need to get someone to bed.” Sanji said as he poked your cheek.
“Carry me?” You asked as you raised your arms up around his neck and gave him your best puppy dog face.
“Anything for you princess, come on let’s get you to bed.” He whispered while picking you up so you could still be hugging him, dangling your feet on each side of him. He started carrying you out of the kitchen, making sure to turn all the lights off as he went. He almost got off the deck when he saw zoro off to the side.
“Hey, did you guys just come from the kitchen. I thought I smelled cookies being baked.” Zoro asked while walking up to you two.
“Yea, but (y/n) doesn’t share with Mossheads! So you can’t have any!” Sanji yelled at zoro, while still walking away, not even bothering to stop and talk to him.
“Don’t listen to him Zoro. They’re on a plate on the table, please help yourself.” You whisper yelled to him pretending Sanji couldn’t hear you.
“Thanks (y/n), you’re my favorite baker!” Zoro called out right before Sanji walked through the door to the inside of the ship.
Sanji chose to ignore both you and Zoro for the time being, choosing to walk the rest of the way in silence. When he reached your shared bedroom. He walked in and laid you down on the bed, climbing in after you and pulling you close to his chest. After a few minutes of cuddling right before you felt yourself about to drift off. You felt his fingers brush your hair back and tuck it behind your ear. You looked up and made eye contact.
“(Y/n), you seriously deserve to be on this crew. You are so strong and amazing, and you help us so much. The crew wouldn’t be the same without you. I wouldn’t be the same without you. I love you.” Sanji whispered before pulling you close and giving you a soft sweet kiss on the lips.
“Thank you, I love you too.” You spoke just as softly as you pressed your forehead against his and fell into a deep peaceful sleep, feeling deeply loved.
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Death Road Pt 1
The tank sized All Terrain vehicle looked like an interplanetary rover rolling across a barren landscape. It was heedless in is straight track, crushing plants and cacti that had taken decades to grow in this unforgiving environment but only a few people cared for the destruction this alien invasion was visited on this place. The more important thing was destroying that threat that had crushed countless human lives. Were it allowed to continue to exist, it could threaten all of human existence. So such ecological damage was considered acceptable collateral. At the wheel, Lu Mingfei opened his mouth in an expansive yawn. Tigre was still awake and looking up and out the skylight. He’d seen the International Space Station fly by and was looking for it to circle back.
The desert night was extremely black. There were no human settlements for hundreds of miles in any direction. When it came to the United States, this was the most isolated of any place in the country. The air was extremely still and scarcely anything moved or made a sound save the growling engine of the massive tank.
His radio crackled to life. “This is Professor Manstein on the nightwatch. Lu Mingfei do you read?”
“I do read. Right now we’re still on our way at about 15 miles per hour. Temperature is at a stupid 85 degrees for this time of night and I’m sweating my ass off. What was the Gear Department thinking by not giving us AC in a fucking desert!” Lu Mingfei snarled into the CB radio. “Are they trying to kill me?”
Silence over the radio and then Manstein chuckled. “It sounds like you’re doing well. How is Tigre?”
“Tigre, do you feel anything?” Lu Mingfei looked at Tigre. The young man had removed his shirt to deal with the heat revealing thick dark scars across his muscular body. It reminded him of the character Zangief who regularly fought against bears to train for the tournament in the Street Fighter games.
He was key to this mission. Thanks to Toyama’s psychological Speech Spirit probing his mind, he’d led them to an extremely well hidden area of potential dragon activity. However, for such a high level mission, this one was unusual in its uncertainty. There was only the occasional reports of EMPs knocking out power to a sparse population and the tales from people crossing the desert of a route where people disappeared. It was very similar to reports about the Bermuda Triangle that were largely exaggerated and had nothing to do with dragons, so the School Board ignored it. With the visions received by Professor Toyama however, they couldn’t ignore this area any longer.
“Same as before. I just feel really happy to be here.” Tigre closed his eyes. “Like this is where I’m supposed to be.”
“We’re still about 3 miles away from the first EMP point on this road. No sign of any dragon activity and Tigre is normal... status...” Lu Mingfei paused in his description. Tigre’s psychological state could point the way to this new threat but even this was a shot in the dark. Lu Mingfei hadn’t told him this, of course, lest the monitoring end up skewed by the knowledge.
Mingfei had seen the vision that Toyama and sketched on a piece of paper. A massive tree growing out of the corpse of a dragon, a tree big enough to dwarf a jumbo passenger jet. But he could hardly believe the smallest tree could survive out here. He started to wonder if this was a wild goose chase. Or perhaps it was a hope of his. This was the first mission he was leading without the help of Chu Zihang and Caesar Gattuso and the responsibility was weighing on his mind. These people were in the same position he was when he first came to Cassell College.
The vehicle came to a stop at the first EMP point reported. This one was recorded by a satellite passing over. The EMP was strong enough to put out power for an entire city and was recorded as a military exercise, but there was no sign of any military installations here. Mingfei picked up his CB radio. “You girls okay back there?”
“Yes!” Three female voices responded simultaneously.
“Okay, we’re going to do our first ground survey, suit up and let’s go.” Mingfei put the vehicle in park and kept it running and undid his seatbelt. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“Yes.” Tigre looked at him curiously. “I’m not going out?”
“No.” Lu Mingfei undid his seatbelt. “Your Speech Spirit is still unknown so you’re more useful as a last resort.”
“Last resort?” Tigre frowned. “But what if my Speech Spirit is useless?”
Lu Mingfei didn’t respond immediately. His thoughts cast back to the terrible power of Chisei Gen and Erii Uesugi. How Chisei kept his gravity bending Yanling secret until the end of the fight and how Erii Uesugi reserved her power until everything was hopeless in the Japanese Trench. Then he looked at Tigre. “You’re S-ranked. There’s no way. Stay put.” He pointed firmly to the floor of the truck. “That’s an order.”
“Yes sir.” 
“If you need something, just radio.” Lu Mingfei checked the battery on his two-way and jumped out of the truck.
The girls were already filing out of the truck. They were all dressed in black fully hooded cloaks and armed with rifles. It was surprising because the last thing one would want to wear was the color black in a desert. But the color doesn’t just absorb sunlight, but also absorbs body heat, which keeps one cooler. At night in the lack of sunlight, the heat of their bodies were readily taken up by their black clothes. They looked like a group of cultists from a Dungeons and Dragons game.
Dragon embryos gave off electromagnetism that could interfere with signals and electronic equipment. A simple EMF meter was standard equipment for teams. They each turned on their meters. “We’re going to travel in groups of two, keep the vehicle in sight at all times. You can easily walk in circles without a reference point. Celeste, go with Porsche. Ruby, come with me. Keep talking over the radio so I can hear you.”
The team separated, each one walking on opposite sides of the truck. Two points of light distanced themselves from each other in either direction. 
“How is Tigre?” Celeste’s voice came over the radio. 
“Leave Tigre to me.” Lu Mingfei looked around at the flat landscape. He could see for miles. There was nothing here.
“What is up with him anyway?” Porsche sounded off first. “I know he’s S-ranked and all, but you guys act like he’s some wild animal. He seems like a normal guy to me.”
“I’m glad you feel that way, Porsche. He’s normal. As normal as me.” Lu Mingfei stared quietly into the distance. “I want you to treat him like a normal person, even if he’s not.” He turned and glanced at the truck then he turned back. “Moving 20 paces. Forward.” He counted his steps watching his monitor.
“We’ve got something!”
Mingfei’s eyes widened slightly. “EMF?”
“Yes, very strong. Getting stronger!”
“Celeste! Get back to the truck! Now! Now!” Mingfei turned on his heel and started running.
“The fuck is that?!”
“Shoot it!”
Mingfei’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as gunfire shattered the silence.
Behind him, a sudden roar rattled his ears. He felt a blast of hot breath and heard Ruby’s frantic, desperate screaming.
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