#i don't even want to know the layers of this man's brains i am perfectly fine loving him like this
hirakiyois · 29 days
you're laughing. beloved network tv show 911's resident single dad with repressed homosexuality is dating three people at once and you're laughing.
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daidonzo · 1 year
Chapter 2 - King meets Pawn
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The Beach had been slowly filling up with people.
Savine walked through the corridors of the resort, wearing nothing but a white bikini, a gun on her right hand.
Occasionally someone would come up to try and talk to her. Flirt with her. Become friends. They were interested in many things - where was she from (Clearly not Japan), what was she doing here (Survive, just like the rest of you), which games had she already played (You'd be surprised), what was her favorite movie (American Psycho. Always have identified myself with Patrick Bateman) or which kind of music she enjoyed listening to (None). The answer to all of those questions was always the same: silence. Their faces would fall, usually after a few minutes, and they would scurry away.
Now, they avoid me like the plague.
It is better like this.
I don't need company.
Posing as a player had been fun, entertaining.
It almost felt like being alive, those seconds after they game had started and the rules had been explained, the feeling of excitement, or something that resembled it enough, building in her throat. The heart beating fast. The thin layer of sweat covering the skin due to tension.
Is it bad that I enjoy the games so much?
They did this to me.
Didn't they?
She shook her head. She was the King, the King of Spades, even if nobody knew… Yet. The moment a shred of doubt was planted in her mind, she wouldn't be able to do this any longer.
And I want to keep doing this.
Don't I?
She nodded towards Aguni, who was already in the room where the Hatter would talk to the executive members of this wonderful utopia. One could argue the militant was the only person she was close to. They didn't know anything about each other, but at least Savine tolerated his presence. When they had to renew their visa, they would also typically go play games together. I am strong for a woman, but he is stronger than most men. It never hurts to keep one of those close.
She positioned herself in a corner, as she usually did, crossing her arms over her chest.
The board started coming in. She had been there since nearly the beginning, her status of citizen in the Borderlands allowing her to know stuff others wouldn't. So she had arrived mere days after Takeru Danma, now better known as the Hatter, had decided to found The Beach, an oasis in the desert that was this cruel, barbaric world. A comforting place where all players could be together, play the games together and get cards together. Cards for him, of course.
What a pity he is losing his head.
His obsession with the cards was getting worse and worse every day. At the beginning, there had been only two rules: you must always be wearing a bathing suit, so that you could not hide any weapons in your clothing, and you were free to live your life as you wished. Until some players had hidden cards from him and he had chosen to install a third one.
Death to the traitors.
Takeru was convinced that once he would get one of each card, he would be able to go back to the real world. Savine had to keep a smile from forming on her lips.
Yes, Hatter, get all the cards. Do it. Then, it's my time to shine.
A wrinkle appeared between her perfectly shaven eyebrows - she put the effort to look good even in this wasteland of a place - when she saw someone she didn't recognize entering the room.
A man, at least half a head shorter than her, with dark eyes and blonde hair to his shoulders. He was wearing a bathing suit, yes, but also a white hoodie. He had his hands in his pockets and was, just like her, attentively observing everything around him. Everyone around him.
His eyes met hers. He waved in her direction, after a few seconds.
She didn't wave back.
The meeting started. Savine didn't intervene in any way. She was part of Aguni's crew, not the Hatter's. Which meant she just had to stand there, look as threatening and menacing as she possibly could and pretend to not have more than two brain cells.
'First, I'd like to introduce you to Chishiya, the new member of our board.'
So that's your name. Chishiya.
Savine didn't exactly know why, but she didn't like him. There was nothing intimidating about him, being a short and skinny-looking little thing, even if he had a pretty face, but there was something else. Something coming off him in waves. An air of superiority, something that made her skin turn cold despite the heat.
And everyone around him seemed to notice. Niragi, who was at his back, shifting uncomfortably his weight from one foot to the other. Ann, sitting in the chair beside him, putting as much distance as possible between her body and his.
You don't look like it, but you're dangerous. And, as the Hatter was saying, he had brought more cards to the Beach than anyone, ever before.
'More than you, Savine.' Takeru added, now turning to face her.
She smiled. Only with her mouth - her eyes cold like death.
'Someone had to, sooner or later.' She simply shrugged.
Chishiya looked at her again, undaunted.
She was in a vile mood.
And was still when she left the meeting, an hour later, aggressively walking towards the door, her face as soft and sweet as her eyes were hard. She wanted to leave as soon as she could, knowing that if she looked for it, she would easily find something else to make her even angrier.
That little man - Chishiya - stopped her just as she was crossing the door's frame.
What do you want, you stupid idiot?
'Can I help you?'
'I just wanted to check that it did not bother you. Not being the one who brought the most cards any longer.' He had an apologetic smile on his face.
I am the fucking King. There is nobody above me, nobody! You arrogant, self-important ass!
'Oh, no, don't worry about it. I don't really care.' She smiled as sweetly as she could.
'I think you do.' His expression had turned serious. He was still smiling, but it had changed completely, only one corner of his mouth bent upwards. There was a hint of diversion in his brown eyes, darker than hers.
'You think wrong.' Savine's tone had also change. Now it was sharp, like a knife. If you could have stabbed someone with a sentence, Chishiya would be lying on the floor on a pool of his own blood.
'We could help each other.' To what? Do you want me to get you something from the top shelf?
'I could kill you if I wanted to.'
'You have more brains than all of the other militants together. You won't.'
'Look, Chishiya…' She rolled the 's' in his name so hard, she practically hissed it. 'Just so that we don't get off with the wrong foot…'
She leaned towards him, only few centimeters separating her face from his and looked him dead in the eye.
'Leave me the fuck alone.'
And just like that, pushed him out of her way without any care, and continued walking.
What an annoying little creature.
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agentmarcuspike · 6 months
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i was tagged by @iamasaddie to do one and mentioned in @joelsversion's (!!!) and i love these things so here's mine! tumblr wrapped 2023. most of my top fics are the ones i read early on this year and am still thinking about. that altered my brain chemistry or left pictures so palpable in my mind that i want to eat them.
thank you, fic writers & gif makers & other creators for all you've shared this year ♡
links to the top fics under the cut!
A Lover's Pinch by @hier--soir
this Joel keeps me up at night. he's such a soft wreck of a man, so real and so believable, and i am in love with him. the references to classic literature, the way Joel Miller being a literature professor is made to feel so natural, and the tension?! chef's kiss. perfection. reading this (and getting to talk about it with the author herself!) has inspired my own writing so so much. i am grateful.
In My Hometown by @swiftispunk
i think this was the first full fic series i've read, and discovering it before all the chapters were out, following it as it was being made, has been, i kid you not, life changing for me. especially because it introduced me to hannah, my friend. happy birthday, jesus!
Of All The Gin Joints by @whataperfectwasteoftime
the scenes from this story keep popping into my head when i'm just trying to mind my own business, going about my day. i am being haunted by Marcus Pike thanks to this. and my dating standards? ruined. my ideal relationship summed up in 7k words. also the fact that i used to thirst after Patrick Jane (but mostly Simon Baker, let's be real) is laughable now.
Atrophy by @yeyinde
something something something poetry. there's a quote from this fic that i keep in my notes app and read to anyone who ever doubts fanfiction being literature. this is that quote:
“It's his own fault, he thinks, for stuffing his grief in the same place he keeps his worry.”
i don't know what it is, i'm not even sure i fully understand it, but it did something to me, and i keep it with me in my heart now.
tender / and what's left by @moondirti
also one of the first fics i read, and it set the standard sky high. the way Joel is described in this has added an entire extra layer to him as a character for me, and it was perfectly captured with this sentence:
«Joel is a man of blunt lines and frayed edges, and though he seems especially bronze at this time of day, you know you can't touch him to feel the sun.»
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gillianthecat · 2 years
Man. Every time I'm like, I'm not going to analyze, I'm not even going to take notes when watching. And then, well that was just too adorable, I have to write that down... And then sixteen hundred words later we have this. Anyways, here's my best attempt at not analyzing episode eight of The Eclipse:
~ I'm rewatching episode 8 of the The Eclipse to refresh myself for ep 9 and... adggddhjsk I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. That kiss. Ayan is our consent king. That was so tender and lovely. Their faces. And this time watching I realized that at the breakfast table Ayan was flirting by saying "I like what your parents made" while staring into Akk's eyes, implying that he liked Akk. There may have been more layers to the joke that didn't make it through translation.
~ Kang's defensive immediate denial that anything happened that night - not just denial but blocking the possibility from even being raised. And Thua's hurt eyes but willingness to go along with it, so as not to rock the boat, so as to protect Kan from his fears 💔
~ And Kan's jealousy/protectiveness in the car. The first time around I read it as mostly jealousy but this viewing I think Kan was noticing how uncomfortable Thua was getting squished in the middle and was more acting out of protectiveness.
~ And of course Ayan's quick "Ok!" in agreeing to sit on Akk's lap was both hilarious and a perfect characterization of all of them. This show mixes humor and tenderness and angst and serious issues so well, in a way that really works for me. The humor usually feels perfectly timed, just when I (and the characters) need a break from some heaviness, and it's never done in a way that undermines the characters or the serious issues.
~ Does Thua suspect that "Bruce Wayne" is Kan? I kind of think he does, but I don't have a reason for it other than that Thua is pretty socially astute.
~ I am very intrigued by this complex-ifying of Thua's stepdad. I think it's a good thing for the story, and more interesting. And he seems like he'll be our glimpse into Suppalo's history, and the fact that this cult/oppression shit has a long legacy there. I like seeing that along with being an asshole to Thua he is also protective. I don't know enough to say more about their relationship, and the hurt that Thua experiences from him is real, but these added layers make for a more interesting story. I hope we get the end of his story at some point.
~ Also it makes an ominous transition to Akk patrolling the school at night.
~ He can't help but smile at a message from Ayan, even if he doesn't really want it. 😍
~ 🙈 this feels like a horror movie I don't watch horror movies. Chadok certainly knows how to stage himself for maximum intimidation. The way he puts his hand on in Akk's shoulder is so awkwardly unnatural which ramps up the feeling he's only doing it to be controlling. And the way Akk looks at the hand - it's the literal symbol of Chadok/Suppalo's control over him. He's literally under Chadok's thumb.
~ Akk 😟 Under pressure from all sides. His parents were so excited about him going to university and now Chadok is telling him the way to afford it is to do what Chadok says. My poor baby. (Larger political metaphors too of course but I don't feel like thinking about that now.)
~ What did Thua want to say? Is he just distracted by Kan sweaty and bare-armed, or was there something else on his mind?
~ So cute ☺️ (though when did Kan have time to send a message?) Is Thua intentionally checking if Kan's phone pings? My guess is yes. Their smiles!!!
~ I don't really have the brain capacity for political analysis right now. But "how are the prefects going to handle it?" Forcing the students into policing each other... And reputation=power.
~ Kan grabbing Thua's wrist! This time seemingly without having to work himself up to it!
~ Why don't we get any more Teacher Waree?! I want to see what color she wears next. Did she have a more limited shooting schedule? I can't imagine that she'll never appear again.
~ Wat is so oblivious to the undercurrents of his friends' relationships. It's kind of adorable. I don't know if he's just decided he doesn't want to get involved, or if he genuinely doesn't notice. But Kan is pleased about Ayan's interest in Akk. Whether for their sake (despite his anxiety around queerness) or because it means Ayan isn't interested in Thua, I can't tell. But he is starting to open himself up to allowing himself to be queer and in love 🥰
~ Tender oh so tender. Ayan's care! (For a school with an actual medical professional on staff, they seem to rely on students to do an awful lot of the medical care. Both here and with Kan's ambiguous injury later on. But I'll allow it for the romance and tenderness of it all. And I think the US tends to assign caretaking duties to professionals more than Thailand does, so it's probably also partly my cultural lens.)
~ I wish they'd kept the literal translations of "big body" and "little body." Bigfoot and Shortstop sound weird to me and to my US American ears have connotations that I don't think are intended.
~ I'm staring to really like the soundtrack. I love all the music they play for the tender scenes. So I think it was just the specific choice of Dramatic Music that felt like it was drilling into my brain. I don't know if they were able to commission a specific score - my guess is that with their budget they had to find relatively cheap existing works to license. But whoever choose and mixed them is overall doing a great job.
~ More judo sexiness and staring ☺️ Ayan taking advantage of the moment to talk to Akk. I like the evolution of the way Ayan looks at Akk as he's pinned beneath him.
~ Explicit homophobia from the judo teacher 😟
~ This wound tending doesn't really make sense (at least sit on the side of the injured arm, Thua) but it's very sweet and a great excuse for Kan to take off his shirt and have Thua touch him. (And my vote for sexiest liniment rubbing still goes to Guardian.)
~ Kan put on perfume because he didn't want to smell bad for Thua!!! ☺️🥰💀 And what's even more amazing is he's now willing to admit it to Thua. I love seeing him slowly overcoming his fears. These boys. This conversation. The way they look at each other.
~ Fuck off Chadok with your intimidation and threats. The pressure Akk is under right now! Torn into pieces inside. Namo the mystery man is here spying.
~ I'm curious if there's some in-world logic to days for uniforms vs. athletic wear, or if it's just the production team deciding how childish vs. sexy they want the cast to look for those scenes.
~ And mysterious Namo resorts to flattery when caught. It could be genuine hero worship, but it doesn't feel like it.
~ I'm curious if moms bringing trays of juice and food to their kids bedroom is a real thing in Thailand, or just a tv mom thing.
~ Ayan. Ayan my darling. You also have the world on your shoulders, though in your case it seems like it's mostly you putting it there. I'm glad that we get this outside perspective, the check from the mom that Ayan isn't responsible for his uncle, that this probably isn't a healthy obsession for him. That sometimes people are depressed and commit suicide and there's nothing the people who love them can to save them. Even though Ayan's right about Suppalo's evilness and brainwashing, he's not necessarily right about why his uncle Dika died. And what's good about this story is I think it could work either way.
~ Aye baby, you're in so much pain. I'm glad you'll let your mama hug you. It makes me nervous how long he took to answer her question "you're not leaving me too?" Are we all assuming Akk is the one person he's still worried about?
~ (But also, clues! Directly linked to Chadok!)
Hoodie!!☺️ Aye bought a second hoodie so Akk could keep that one!!☺️
~ Akk pressured from all sides and overwhelmed. I don't think Aye is doing the wrong thing in pushing him (on any of the fronts he's pushing him on) but I do feel for Akk.
~ Straightforward political manifesto from Ayan here. And he knows the pressure Akk is under, he knows it must be from the administration (as personified by Chadok) but he doesn't know how to free Akk from it. Both of their desperation here - Ayan is letting his be seen, Akk is trying to keep his hidden.
~ I'm still not sure how Akk is supposed to prove this to Ayan. Unless it's all an excuse to get into Chadok's office to search for the journal.
~ I'm so curious about this... painting? tape art? in Chadok's office. It seems so colorful and creative and out of character for him. Why is it there? Who made it? It's probably an irrelevant detail but then again it could be the key to everything. (Maybe Dika made it?)
~ (Ok. It doesn't really matter. But Aye is so bad at searching. But also Chadoks office is really empty for an school administrator. Where are the filing cabinets and piles and piles of papers? Why are your drawers basically empty? Why are you "hiding" a stolen journal alone under your very empty desk? Like, I'm sure he's not the person doing most of the work around there, but I can't believe he wouldn't be drowning in paperwork anyways.) I'm just going to get this out of my system and then embrace suspension of disbelief.
~ But also! Did Chadok steal it himself or did he have assistance?
~ Thua's trip looked fake, but I'm just assuming it was badly staged and not some sort of plot on Thua's part.
~ Cliffhanger!
Ok, that's it for last week's episode. On to today's. I may or may not write something about it, but I will probably keep the tag filtered because I'm still feeling like I need to mainly marinate in this show right now and not analyze it too much. There is so much brilliant analysis here on tumblr, but I was starting to find thinking too deeply about the show was detracting from experiencing it.
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ser-rctslcyer · 2 years
truly didn't think anyone wanted to see my bullshitting in the tags but uh here we go
[below the cut is me being very sappy about my love for dragons]
Okay so I know you might mean about got/hotd (and i will get there) but I very much adore dragons and just need to scream about them for a sec.
Ever since I was little, I always had a huge affinity for dragons. I don't know what exactly drew me in but it probably had something to do with their amazing designs, colors, and personalities they got to have. I own like several different dragon books (4-7) because that's how obsessed I was as a kid. I wanted to know anything and everything about them, not realizing dragons have such a vast lore and change between depictions-- but little me did not give a fucking shit. I collected a book that went through like the basic overview of dragons, I got another book (drawing book) that went through different types of dragons, and a few more that I can't remember off the top of my head. Anything remotely dragon related I wanted because I was that kid. Not to mention the vast amount of drawings and writings I did about dragons. I made oc dragons, backstories, came up with a different language — I’m pretty sure I even talked about dragons in my school work. I was obsessed man (still am).
Now I watched a lot of different shows/movies/games even that had some dragon in it-- and it would instantly become my favorite thing from it. So obliviously , I grew attachments to a lot of them but here a just a handful who mean the most to me, the dragon kid--
Mulan - Mushu
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I will never not love this funky lil man, okay? Like who the fuck doesn’t want a little pocket sized dragon to follow you around?
He's giddy, exuberant, and most importantly funny. Honestly, why I probably love Mulan so much is for him alone. I know I wished, for like the longest time, to have a lil dragon who would follow me around everywhere/talk to me— that was the dream for me. Although the boosts himself up to sound all big and bad dragon, he really comes across as friendly which I enjoyed a lot. He’s comedic but in the end proves that’s he’s truly has a big heart. Most book depreciations I had read had always either made the dragon big and scary or like all-knowing and untouchable. For me, as a kid, Mushu was a little hilarious red dragon that could keep me company, give me advice (albeit maybe a little bad), or just chill in my company. He was the almost ideal dragon in my brain I wanted to bond with and take on grand adventures.
Spirited Away - Haku/Kohaku
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Now, I preface this with I have Spirited Away in DVD— and would put that disk in religiously; that was my movie.
I love Spirited Away (one of the first anime movies I ever watched) for all the incredible character designs and to the sheer magnitude of the fantastical setting it take places. As a kid, I wanted to explore those strange worlds between and see all different types of people, creatures and just experience fantasy. Like, yeah is it pretty fucked up watching your parents turn into pigs-- but holy shit, yall see No-Face???? My fucking beloved right there; I adored them immediately when I watched that movie. like their design, although “basic” is very fucking cool and they’re such an amazing fucking character, even without having to say much. Absorbing creatures and using their voices to speak but also gaining their personality-- there is so many layers to No-Face, it’s impossible not be intrigued and infatuated with them. (
I say all this  (not cause i was drawn off subject) to say--
Of course was also drawn to Haku. Yes, kid me had a big fucking crush on him(i mean truly who didn’t have a crush on hm bro); he fits my lovely lil blorbo niche perfectly. The stoic yet observant character was very interesting to me and I wanted to know more about him upon immediately seeing him. Then there was his dragon form, which is one of my favorites till this day; the white and green fur is iconic. He’s a bit more feral in that form but he’s not feral for no reason. His name has been stolen from him, forgotten so he acts accordingly; untrusting, aloof, and callous until Chihiro saves him from Yubaba’s control. Once gets his real name again, he’s free again and he does what he is meant to do. The reveal of him being a river spirit, and the way in which his dragon moves, smooth and flowing like water-- it’s simply perfect!!! 
HTTYD - Toothless
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Now I wasn’t the biggest biggest fan of How To Train Your Dragon (I say having seen the 2nd movie in theater), I did enjoy the seeing all the varied types of dragons in the show, especially Toothless. First off, Night Fury is a hard name for a species of dragon. The concept of a disabled dragon was something I’ve never seen before, and it was very cool to see a dragon adapt to having an artificial limb. Then there was also the retractable teeth, which I thought was fucking cool too. Toothless’s curious, cat-like, personality was very nice to see and I enjoy the little goober. 
Hobbit Trilogy - Smaug
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I know The Hobbit  trilogy gets a lot of shit but I can’t help but to like it for a bunch of different reasons. One of those being Smaug. Look I know every other dragon on this list has been actually either sweet or they’re not really mean but I just had to like this motherfucker. 
Foremost I absolutely adore his design, I think he also has another great and amazing dragon design. The sheer eyes scene at the end of ‘An Unexpected Journey”, had lil ol kid me wiggling in my fucking seat. He’s so fucking big (even though he’s one of the smaller ones in the universe) and seeing how easily he tore about Laketown in meer seconds was terrifying-- but also super cool. His look and movements are very fucking creepy too. The way he shifts around when talking to Bilbo when he first discovers him, it’s very clear it is a predator stalking his prey. He knows he’s intimidating and uses that to his advantage; keeping his movements slow so his “victims” can get the idea that he is this massive, undefeatable being. He’s proper and respectable, his ego and pride getting the best of him because he knows there’s nothing they can do to hurt him; they can’t possibly kill him. Then when he’s finally angered, his stature changes and he begins using his body like the weapon it’s designed to be. He’s agitated and swats with his tail and tries biting a whole lot more because at this point he doesn’t give a fuck. 
Smaug is such a douche of a dragon too, he embodies the typical dragon instincts (wanting his big ol pile of dwarf gold) whilst being a snarky bitch about it. He’s both archetypes of dragons in one, all knowing and an asshole, who doesn’t care who the fuck he’s got to hurt to get to his fucking gold. He toys with Bilbo, simultaneously warning him of Thorin’s downfall but also making him fear the things to come. Then when he finally sees Thorin again, he eggs him on-- knowing how easily he gets under his skin, knowing that really he can’t do anything to hurt him; he does the same thing with Bard. He uses his words to pick and pry at people’s head because he’s got a superiority complex; he is a high being, why should he listen to anyone else? I love how strong his ego was, how much he really gave no shit about anyone else and how even visceral his death was-- like watching a flame finally die out. 
GOT/HOTD - Rhaegal, Viserion, Drogon, Syrax, Caraxes (spoilers btw)
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What you’ve all been waiting for!!! So funnily enough, I did come into the GOT scene pretty late (around s6-ish) and I really enjoyed lots of things about the series-- especially the dragons. 
I adore the design of these boys so much-- they huge, different colors, spiky and look like they can (and very much will) turn your ass to dust. But at the same time we can see their thoughts and emotions through their eyes, how they process the words from Dany or the emotions from others. I truly think they have a level of empathy, besides with Dany, and their little softening expressions as they recognize those emotions and then go about doing their dragon business. 
The depiction of dragons in GOT is really one of my favorite, because just like humans they have bonds, whether it’s between their rider or even each other. Rhaegal, Viserion, and Drogon being Dany’s children was so sweet to me because even through the struggles they recognized her as their rider, their mother and wanted to protect her and they also see each other as family. They’re a unit! It did hurt badly seeing their reactions to Viserion’s death and then Drogon’s was painful because their own little family fell right a part through their fingers. We see how badly Dany takes it but also Drogon who loses his brother’s and his mother in the process. He’s hurting just as bad but there is no comfort as he still wants to follow his mom to the end, and there’s no sympathies for him from anyone. I like to think him burning the throne was a way for him to process his ever growing grief, destroying the thing that had destroyed the only family he had ever known. 
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Okay so with HOTD I am very happy to see dragons back again, like bro I missed them so much.
I love the relationship that Syrax and Rhaenyra have, it’s so sweet and perfectly mimics how Dany was with her children. It’s very clear the dedication the two of them have between each other and she easily picks up on Rhaenyra’s emotions. I love Syrax’s color, although there is something about her face shape that I don’t really like, she’s a beautiful dragon. 
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Then there’s Caraxes (i apologize for the bias that is about to come out). I fucking adore Caraxes, his design is literally everything, like god he’s so fucking badass. The blood red color, the horns; truly a magnificent dragon indeed. I read somewhere that he’s deformed which is why the way he looks like how he does and also sound like that and I still think its amazing. He works with his elongated body, using his long neck like he’s a snake. He’s so fucking beautiful, I adore him. 
It’s very clear he’s got the same strong bond with Daemon and he’s clearly very protective of him. Perhaps they bond in a way because they both feel out of place in the family (dragon lineage for Caraxes) because they’re so different from everyone else. 
In conclusion - i think got/hotd dragons and their riders should go off  and chill on beaches and be happy because they deserve it. 
Now if you made it this far (or just scrolled all the way down), I congratulate you; you made it through me losing my entire fucking mind. Truly I haven’t had a big time to talk about dragons like this in a while or in such detail and if you read I hope you enjoyed my thoughts. There are so many cool and interesting things about these creatures and I always and happy to see all different sorts of approaches to them. Anyways ramble over.
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sweeterthanthis · 3 years
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Pairing: Dark!Ransom Drysdale x F!Reader
Summary: When Ransom takes you to the most expensive restaurant in Boston, he's not prepared to go without what he thinks he's owed. Even if you don't want to give it to him.
Warnings: NONCON, sexual violence, heavy knife play, mild blood play, humiliation, vaginal penetration, anal, anal creampie, forced orgasm, 18+.
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: This is very dark. Please take the warnings seriously and scroll on by if it's not your cup of tea. I am not responsible for your media consumption. Thank you so much to @cockslut-padalecki for beta'ing this for me. I appreciate and love you! And big thanks to @msmarvelwrites and @river-soul for pre-reading and all your encouragement throughout. You're both incredible 🖤
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‘How did I get myself into this mess?’
That thought had entered your mind a thousand times, from the second he insisted on ordering your drink for you. You don't even like red wine. But he  insisted. Just like he insisted on ordering you the salmon. Insisted on paying the bill. Insisted on sharing a cab home. Insisted on walking you to your doorstep. You didn't notice him wave the cab off into the night, and if you had, you’d have run inside as fast as your feet could carry you. 
You’ve been locked away in the bathroom for god knows how long, working your way through a panic, and desperately trying to figure out a way to get him out of here. Out of your house, and out of your life. 
Sure, Ransom is  gorgeous. When he’d first walked into the restaurant - twenty minutes late, of course - you were practically squirming in your seat. Bright, ocean blue eyes, chestnut hair perfectly coiffed and not a strand out of place, cheekbones that could cut glass. The man was a delight for the eyes, but it didn’t take you long to figure out that he was anything but sweet. 
He’s condescending, arrogant, spiteful, clearly spoiled rotten - and in a nutshell, the total opposite of anything you’re looking for in a potential romantic partner. You had considered, just for a moment, inviting him into your bed for the night. A one and done kind of thing. Just to test out that admittedly impressive physique. But the second he cupped the waitresses ass right in front of you, you knew that wasn’t going to happen either. 
“You’ve been in there an awfully long time, sweetheart.” His voice is muffled by the wood, the door handle jimmying as he tries to twist it free of the catch in the lock. Your hands are shaking, purse strewn across the couch, your cell phone completely out of reach. “C’mon, what are you doing in there? Didn’t even offer me a drink before you hid yourself away. Not a very good hostess, are you?” 
You clench your jaw, teeth gritted together as you ball your hands into fists; trying to rid yourself of the unbridled rage threatening to claw its way out. Nothing good will come of you losing it. Looking at your reflection in the mirror, you let out a shaky breath - trying to find some semblance of calm amongst the chaos. 
“I-” your voice shaky, you grip the edge of the sink to ground yourself. “I would like you to leave. I’m not feeling well. Must have been something I ate. Maybe the salmon?” 
Silence falls upon you, and you release a breath you don’t  realise  you’ve been holding when you hear your front door slam shut a few moments later. Guess you were right about one thing. He really was an asshole. Sure, you aren’t  sick - but he doesn’t know that. He hadn’t  even bothered to ask you if you were okay, just upped and left. 
You splash some cool water on your face, brush the taste of bitter red wine from your teeth and tongue, and remove your makeup. You can’t help but huff a laugh at the thought of telling the girls at work just how fucking atrocious your date was. At least you have a funny story to tell. You’d be laughing about it soon enough, right? 
Making your way out of the bathroom, you pull the cord and turn off the light; locking the front door and hanging your keys up on the hook. You stifle a yawn as you make your way upstairs to your bedroom, pulling a sleep shirt from your dresser and tossing it onto the bed. 
You spy your reflection in the mirror, furrowing your brow and muttering to yourself, “Wasted yet another gorgeous dress on yet another asshole.” 
Reaching awkwardly to unzip yourself, you shrug out of the dress and throw it into the laundry hamper at the end of your bed. You’re about to shuffle out of your lacy panties when your eyes land on the contents of your makeup bag strewn across the floor, and your heart misses a beat because you could have sworn it was on your dressing table when you left. 
You look to the window to see if the heavy breeze knocked it over, but it’s closed; just like you know it would be. You shake your head from side to side, trying to rid yourself of all the silly thoughts flooding your brain. 
“Swear I’m going fucking crazy sometimes.” 
You sink to your knees with little to no grace, reaching for your mascara and your lipsticks, throwing them back into your cosmetic bag. You can’t shake the feeling in the pit of your stomach. Something’s not right. You still your movements, sucking in a breath through your nostrils as you look around the room. 
Your heart stops in your chest, breath hitching in your throat when you see it. 
A camel coloured, woollen coat that you’d recognise anywhere, draped across the arm of the chaise lounge in the corner of your bedroom; and you freeze. 
You can’t move a muscle, tears pricking at your eyes. The realisation dawns on you, as if someone dumps a bucket of ice water on your head. 
He’s still here. 
“Anybody ever tell you you’re way too trusting?” His voice startles you, your body turning to face the doorway; Ransom’s large shadow illuminated by the light from the hall. His lecherous eyes wander over your body as you try to cover your modesty, standing on wobbly knees and reaching for the sleep shirt on your bed. “Oh, I wouldn’t bother with that if I were you. You won’t be needing it tonight.” 
“Yo-you need to leave,” you stutter, holding the shirt tight against your chest, your knuckles white from gripping the thin cotton material. Your gut twists when he smirks at you, one hand behind his back and the other resting on his hip. You find your voice again, a little sterner this time. “I don’t want you here. Leave or I’ll call the cops.” 
Ransom takes a stride forward as you take furtive little steps backwards, back digging into the dresser behind you. He cocks his head to the side, eyeing you from head to toe, and then back again. 
“Little lamb cornered by the wolf, huh? What did you expect, princess? I wined and dined your stubborn ass at the most expensive restaurant in Boston, and you think I’m gonna let you decide when the night’s over?” 
You’re shaking, teeth chattering together in fright as he looms closer to you; his body a few feet from yours, crystal blue eyes burning with an intensity that chills you to the bone. He reaches for the shirt in your grasp swiftly, ripping it from your fingers and throwing it back over his shoulder - your hands the only thing left to protect your modesty. 
“C’mon. Playing hard to get isn’t cute on you. Show me what I paid for.” 
Your eyes flit from left to right, brain whirring as you try to figure out a way to escape him. There’s no doubt in your mind what he intends to do to you, and the mere thought of it causes bile to rise and burn in your throat. 
“Go on. Try it,” he mocks, sensing your flight response rising to the surface. “Run. See how far you get. Maybe you’ll get a kick out of it. I knew you were into some kinky shit. Took it upon myself to have a little look-see through your bedside cabinet.” 
Heat rises in your cheeks as shame engulfs you, the thought of him prying into your collection of vibrators and toys making your nose scrunch up in disgust. The last thing you could ever want is for him to put his hands on you. 
You need to get the hell out. 
He’s too fast for you though, snatching you up in his arms the second you get close enough, your back pressed roughly against his chest as his arm wraps around your waist. You feel a cool chill at your jugular, your eyes flitting down to the shine of a blade and a sob emitting from your mouth, the tip of it digging into your throat just enough to break the first layer of skin. 
“You know, it’s a real shame it had to be this way,” he hums, breath hot against your ear as he walks you backwards a little. You want to struggle against his grasp, your mind screaming at you to act, to do something - anything. But the knife at your throat is enough to frighten you senseless. “I’m a real good fuck. Ask around, you’ll find that out. But you just had to go and make it difficult, didn’t you, princess?” 
“Please,” you whisper, fingernails digging into the cashmere sleeve of his sweater. “Please, don’t do this. You don’t have to do this.” 
He pulls the knife away from your neck just enough so his tongue can lathe at the crimson droplet seeping from the tiny wound; humming in satisfaction at the taste of your blood on his tongue. 
“If your pussy tastes as good as that, I might have to come back for seconds.” 
You’re shaking like a leaf, clinging to him to hold yourself up, his hips grinding against your ass - the prominent bulge beneath his trousers pressing into the crease of your behind. 
“Please, I don’t want this. P-please.” 
“Please, please,” he taunts, spinning you round in his hold to face him, the knife in his hand snaking beneath the lace front of your bra and slashing it open - your breasts falling free as he shoves you back against your bed. “You’ll be begging soon enough, but it won’t be for me to stop.” 
You lay there frozen, barely breathing as he pulls his sweater up over his head, his broad chest outlined in the shadow of the dim light. You must be staring, because he’s smirking again. Smirking at you as if you want this, as if you’re enjoying it. 
“You know how lucky you are that I even took you out for dinner tonight, princess? I can’t remember the last time I fucked a girl in a bed. We don’t usually make it out of the car before they’re dropping their panties for me.” 
Your eyes fix on the ceiling above you, arms resting against the mattress limply as you begin to accept it. It’s going to happen. He’s gone too far to stop now. His naked form is on top of you, forcing your thighs apart as he looms down over you. He pinches your chin between his thumb and forefinger, forcing you to look at him as he runs the tip of the blade down over the valley of your breasts. 
“C’mon. Give me a smile,” he whispers, his mouth latching painfully onto your nipple as he sucks it between his teeth. You hiss, your legs flailing either side of his waist as you struggle. “I bet, if I slip my fingers inside that little lace number - you’ll be soaked.” 
You're crying, tears rolling down over your cheeks and onto the sheets below. You cringe when you feel the heavy thud of his cock against your lace covered core, closing your eyes and breathing in deep through your nostrils. 
"Shall we find out?" Ransom asks, but he doesn't want an answer. He's not going to give you a choice in the matter regardless of what you say. He sits back on his haunches, the flat of the blade making its way down over your stomach, dipping just beneath the waistband of your panties. "I'll make you a deal, princess. If you're not wet when I cut these panties off, I'll let you go."
You can't help but sob harshly, because you can already feel it. Your body betrays your mind, and heat spreads between your thighs, the dampness coating the gusset of your underwear. And he knows it, too. Can tell by the expression of shame on your features. 
You jolt up the bed when the chill of the blade drags across your inner thigh, slipping beneath the lace and resting against your heated core. You hate the way your pussy clenches at the sensation, cursing yourself inwardly as he chuckles. 
You feel the strain of material against your hips as he twists the blade, the serrated edge tearing through your underwear in one swift movement - leaving your cunt bare for his possessive stare. 
Ransom lifts the knife up in front of him, smirking at the sight of it, the flat edge glistening and slick from your juices. You want to vomit. You think you might when he lowers it to your lips, pressing it against them and stroking the apple of your cheek with his thumb. A misplaced tenderness that you don't appreciate. 
"Looks like I was right, doesn't it?" He huffs proudly, nudging your bottom lip down with the tip of the knife. "Open up, princess. You can say you don't want it, but that pussy - oh, that pussy - she wants it."
His eyes are ferocious as you shy away, nuzzling your face into the mattress and refusing to follow his instruction. The slap of the blade on your cheek makes you cry out, dampness coating your cheek as he brings it back to your mouth. 
"Don't make it worse for yourself. Do as you're told, and I might even let you come tonight. Bet I could get one outta you in less than five minutes. Wanna make that bet? Didn't work out so well for you the last time, did it?"
"Now, stick your tongue out." You do it, hesitating a little when the tip of your tongue hits the metal - the salty sweet tang of your essence soaking into your tastebuds. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it?"
You flinch as he wipes the remainder of your slick against your cheek, the blade nicking your jawline on the way down, warmth rising to the surface as a droplet of blood trickles down to the hollow of your throat. 
"Now, can I put the fucking knife down? Been waiting all night to get my hands on this tight body."
You hesitate a little, nodding slowly and letting your tears of anguish flow freely. He tosses the knife onto the floor next to his clothes, trapping your body against the mattress with his as he forces his mouth onto yours. He kisses you with a ferocity that knocks you off kilter, his tongue forcing its way between your teeth. You fight the urge to bite down, his strength easily overpowering yours. You just want it to be over. 
"Next time I'll take my time, get to know what makes this body tick. But I think I've waited long enough to get inside that little cunt, don't you?"
Next time.
You swallow down the bile that gathers in the back of your throat, holding your breath when he reaches between your bodies and runs his fingers through your traitorously sloppy folds - pinching at your clit and making you shriek. 
"Absolutely fucking drenched. You act all demure and frigid, but deep down you're just a whore looking to get fucked." You can't hold back the whimper that escapes you when he rubs on your sensitive nub, tiny - strangely tender - circles causing you to pant. "That's it. Just enjoy it, princess. Behave, and I'll make it good for you."
You can feel that all familiar tingle rising to the surface, one hand gripping the sheets beside you and the other covering your mouth, almost as if you're trying to hold in your mewls. It's disgusting, he is disgusting - but you find yourself only a handful of strokes away from your orgasm. Ransom rips your hand away from your mouth, positioning your hands above your head and securing them both with one of his own. 
"No. I wanna hear those pretty noises. I deserve them." Ransom's ministrations quicken, your cunt clenching and releasing as you hold your breath and try to stave it off; but it's no use. "Oh, here it comes."
Your whole body jerks as you try to wriggle free of his grasp, your climax crashing over you and sending you dizzy, blood pounding in your ears and your cries ringing out in the air. Fresh tears fall at the realisation that he was right. How easy it was to send you hurtling over the edge. You're disgusted with yourself. 
"I'd hate to say I told you so, princess - actually no, that's a lie - I fucking told you so," he sneers, shoving your thighs apart once more and settling between them, your wrist aching from the force of his grip. "Now, be a good girl and beg for it."
"Fuck you," you snap, your suppressed rage bursting out of you as you spit in his face - your saliva rolling down his cheek. 
The blood drains from your face as he smirks and wipes it away with the back of his hand, reaching for your throat and squeezing roughly. He brings himself level with you, his eyes staring a hole through your skull as he seethes. "That was a mistake. I was gonna make it good for you, but now I'm just gonna take exactly what I want."
You're on your front before you know it, your body free of his weight as he leans back and reaches down over the edge of the bed. You try to scramble away when you see the knife in his hand, desperate sobs wracking your body when he grips your ankle and tugs you back towards him; his knees either side of your thighs as he presses his chest against your back. 
"Please!" you cry, shuddering as he drags the tip of the knife up over the curve of your spine. "Please, I'm begging you, you don't have to do this."
"Yeah, I do. Feel how hard you got me?" he purrs, slapping the heavy weight of his dick against the cleft of your ass. You wince and clench your thighs, but it's no use, the bulbous head prodding at your hole. "When's the last time you got fucked? Not that it matters. You've never been fucked like this."
"No!" you scream, his hefty girth splitting you open in one brutal thrust, pussy fluttering to try and accommodate him. He's huge and you're sobbing. "No, please no."
"Jesus fucking Christ, that's some good pussy," he grunts in your ear, the pressure from the knife nudging against the column of your throat. "Does it hurt, princess? I don't care."
You sigh with relief when he withdraws, but he soon punches the breath from your lungs when he fills you up again - his hips pounding against your ass, flesh rippling from the sheer force of it.
"You're gonna come all over my dick, and you're gonna say thank you. Got it?" he spits, punching into you mercilessly, fucking your frozen body into the mattress. You cry out when he applies more pressure to the blade, your pulse thrumming against the metal. "I said, got it?"
"Yes!" you howl, clinging to the comforter and bracing yourself for each violation of your soaked channel. 
You hate the way your cunt sucks him in, despise the way your knees tremble as he sets your nerve endings on fire. He can feel the way your body reacts to him, teases you with it, whispers filth over your shoulder that makes your gut twist. 
"You look so pretty when you cry, has anyone ever told you that? I think you're gonna come again." 
Every muscle in your body tenses up, his animalistic grunts vibrating against the nape of your neck at the feel of your walls clinging onto him. 
"Oh, you are. And then I'm gonna fill you up. I hope you're on birth control."
You are. Thank fucking God, you are. But the fact that he truly doesn't care makes your blood run cold. He's a fucking psychopath, and you just need to make it out of this alive. 
Ransom sets the knife down behind him, bicep curling around your throat and tugging your head back against his collarbone - devious eyes searing into yours, bloodshot and damp with tears. 
"You're a mess, look at you," he smirks, throwing his head back in pleasure when he punches against the deepest parts of you, balls slapping against the crease between your thighs. You close your eyes, try to take yourself somewhere peaceful in your head. Just want this to be over. "You can close your eyes, but your body is on fire for me, princess. I can feel it, and I know you can, too."
He's right. Your limbs are trembling, the sound of flesh smacking against flesh like static in your ears. You climb higher with each stroke of his throbbing cock against your swollen walls. 
"Oh!" you  gasp, his lips latching onto your shoulder and sucking a purple bruise into your dewy skin. You can't take it, so close to shattering that your body just takes over. "I-, fuck!"
"Thank me. Say thank you when you come on my dick. Remember who makes you feel this good. Say it."
Your eyes roll back, a garbled mess of words spilling from your lips and your head pounding. You're wrecked, pliable and fucked out beneath him - your ruined, abused cunt gripping him so fucking tight, you barely register the loss as he withdraws. Your brain is hazy, the blunt pressure of his cock pressing against your asshole making your eyes snap open in fright.
"N-ah!" you yelp, the crown of him punching through the tight ring of muscle, tip nestling inside as you tremble from the foreign intrusion. His hot, sticky spend splashes against your insides, sharp jerks of his hips sending shooting pains throughout your body.
"I said I was gonna fill you up. I didn't say where."
Ransom takes a minute, burying his nose in your hair and inhaling the scent of your coconut conditioner. It sickens you, the way he praises you as your body lays lifeless beneath him while he recovers from his climax. 
You barely move when he lifts himself off you, you don't even blink as the sound of his belt buckle clinking alerts you to the fact that he's redressing. Your mind is shot, your body is wrecked, and you choke out a sob when you feel his come ooze out and nestle between your pussy lips. 
"Thanks for the date," he leans down and kisses you on the cheek, and you recoil in disgust. "Next time you seduce me like that, you could at least buy me flowers first. Oh, and don't forget to lock up. There are some real assholes out there."
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ditttiii · 4 years
Finding Me Through You (Part 2)
A Jungkook x Reader Two-shot
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Genre: Angst // comfort (soft) // romance // strangers to friends to lovers // a hybrid AU // college AU // 
Warnings: maybe a curse word?
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 4929 for the series. 3400 for this part.
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Summary:   You lose yourself to the feeling of having the man you love, kiss you and it feels like a homecoming. It feels like having the stars align perfectly, it feels like having your world tilt back on its axis. It feels like magic, joy—love.
Jeon Jungkook. The campus heartthrob. Captain of the football team. High School Prom King. Teacher’s favourite. Student body favourite. Anyone, and everyone’s favourite. This is the story of how you went from strangers to best friends to finally lovers and if in the way you somehow found yourself? well that was just a bonus.
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Nearly six months have passed since you first met Jungkook. You were still a little shy and quiet, but with Jungkooks' help and his constant support and soft reassurances, you had slowly started to come out of your shell. You were in no way shape or form anything like Jungkook was, but you also weren't the doormat that you used to be, and for that you were thankful. 
You hear the sound of approaching footsteps and before you can turn to take a look, an arm is suddenly over your shoulders pulling you closer into someone's side.
You let out a quiet 'umph' and push your hair back from your eyes, craning your neck up and shooting a glare as your eyes catch that of your best friends. 
Jungkook in response only grins wider, ruffling your hair as his hand finds its way to your scalp. With a squeal, you duck and try to push him away, the sound of your laughter ringing in the air like wind chimes in a breeze. 
"Stop! Kook, I swear—Eeepppp!" Your warning is cut off as Jungkook moves his hand from your shoulders to your waist and pulls you closer. Your body slams into his and the breath gets knocked out of you from the impact. You blush as you feel his solid, corded muscles from even under the layers of both your hoodies. 
It was no secret that your best friend was hot—ridiculously hot, you have always known that. Even in the past when you two had been barely acquaintances at best and strangers at worst, you knew he was hot. But the only difference between now and then was that you didn't care before. However, now as you feel his warmth seep into you from between the layers of your clothes, you can't not care. You avert your eyes from his and scratch your ear, casually pulling your strands free from behind where they were tucked and create a curtain of hair over your flaming red cheeks. 
You hear Jungkook laugh at your attempt at ignoring him and feel as he leans down to leave a soft peck on your head. The feel of his full, soft, lips tangible, and real even through the many strands of hair in between.
Sometimes you think Jungkook is the best thing that has ever happened to you, while other times you think your friendship is like a rose, lined with thorns unseen from a distance. Thorns that were your feelings for him, the same feelings which while you couldn't see in the past, now you were fully aware of. The constant prick of them is a presence in your heart both comforting and not.
"What's your next class?" You ask in an attempt to distract him and his attention away from you. It works as you see Jungkook tilt his head to the side and squint into the distance. Deep in his thoughts, as he tries to remember his schedule. 
You think it's unfair how good looking your best friend is, how ridiculously, unfairly good looking he is. His eyes, a soft shade of brown that are always warm when looking back into yours, are big and doe-like, forever curious and inviting. Sometimes, you think if you look into them long enough you'll drown in their depths. You'll drown and never find your way back and then you wouldn't want to because you like being lost more, and—that, That scares you. 
It scares you so much because you have never felt so strongly before. So powerfully that, it's like every single cell in your body calls out for Jungkook, longs for his presence more than it wishes for water or air. Your feelings have never been so consumingly deep—true and as your eyes track the way your best friend's lips move as he talks, you think maybe you never will again. Not after him.
And somewhere deep in your heart, something twinges painfully at the realization that this is it for you. You will forever be that girl in love with her best friend, the one whose love was, in the end, left unreciprocated. 
You snap your gaze away from Jungkook and to the hallway in front of you, as your eyes burn with repressed unshed tears. Tears that you will never let fall, because you would rather choose death over letting Jungkook feel guilt for your feelings.
However, as his hand makes its way back to your waist, the burn grows stronger, the sting in your throat, sharper as you try to ignore the way your heart races, the way the skin under his hand tingles and instead fake a laugh, forcing a normal facade over your longing heart as you continue to pretend like every second of having him close but not yours wasn't slowly killing you. 
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You groan as you shift your bag higher up your shoulders, the strain, an annoyance that you hadn't expected to feel in college. 
'What's the point of passing out from high school if the textbooks are just going to get thicker and more unbearable?' You think to yourself as you make your way across the campus, to your next class. 
As you walk by the cafeteria on your way, from the corner of your eyes you see a group huddled around the edge of the cafeteria. You raise your eyebrows when you see just who is in the centre of that group.  
'Ha Rin' your brain supplies in helpfully and you slow your steps, curious to see what Jungkook's ex-girlfriend has been up to, since their breakup last week. They hadn't dated for too long, maybe two weeks. When you look back at it, you don't think that in the time that you have known Jungkook, you have ever seen him date anyone for more than a month. 
It was something that confused you at the start, the boy who had stepped up to defend you— a virtual stranger, was actually a player? It had been months since that realization on your part and while you have slowly come to accept that dating was just Jungkooks’ way of living, it always caught you a little by surprise hearing about another one of his breakups. 
In some ways, it was a reminder that he would pick every other single girl in college before he'd ever consider dating you, and 'Even then he'll probably choose not to date instead', you think annoyed and a little jealous. 
You don't have to look too hard to see what Jungkook must have seen in her. She was undeniably gorgeous, her hair was long and lustrous, her smile wide and beaming. It wasn't hard to see why most guys in your college wanted her, while most girls wanted to be her. You look at the way she throws her head back when she laughs and feel a stab of jealousy run through you at the realisation that, no you'll never be that graceful. 
Tamping down the green, ugly feeling in your stomach, you move to walk away from the group. Hurrying past the group in the cafeteria, you walk as quickly as you can to your next class, but before you can leave the cafeteria, you catch a part of their conversation that makes you pause. 
"—ugh, seriously I don't know who Jungkook thinks he is but I would never let a guy cheat on me and then continue to date me. I mean can you believe the audacity of that guy, sleeping around with other girls while he's in a relationship with me?! No wonder he's as popular as he is, whoring around through half the college will obviously do that for you. He's honestly disgusting, and I am so glad I broke up with him coz like ugh, walking STD much?" 
Your eyes widen as you hear that and register the voice of the speaker as Ha Rin in your brain. Your hands' clench and your claws feel sharp, as your usual iron-clad hold over your anger slowly starts to slip, the more you hear her talk. 
She was talking—lying, about the man you were in love with, the man who had painstakingly taken care of you for the past six months, the man who had pulled you out from your own shadow, the man who had held you close and rocked you to sleep as your tears soaked through his shirt on nights when you couldn't even bring yourself to breathe through your tears and snot—too disgusted by your skin. 
Jungkook had made you fall in love with yourself, just as much as he had made you fall in love with him. Your best friend was many things, but a cheater he was not. 
Blinded by anger and fueled by your newly discovered protective instincts, you march over to their table. Your feet slap hard against the pavement and the sound of you walking, resounds through the cafeteria like an ominous warning before an approaching storm. 
Your palm comes crashing down, over the surface of the table Ha Rin was sitting on as your gaze locks with hers. Her eyes widen and you lean in closer, the blood in your veins thrumming with anger and your breaths coming out in tiny angry huffs. Your hybrid instincts take over as they shift to protect what you consider family, and you let your eyes turn into slits, menacing, dark, and beyond furious. 
"I am sorry, I don't think, I heard you right, did you say Jungkook was a cheater?" You ask in a deceptively calm voice and the table under your hand creeks, as you lean in closer to her. Your lips pull back in a snarl as you ask that and you can practically sniff the fear oozing off her as your eyes track the movement in her throat, hear the sound of her gulping. 
While Ha Rin was gorgeous, stunning, and elegant in ways you would never be, you were strong, sharp, and lethal, in ways she—a gazelle hybrid would never be. 
You pause, watch her pupils shake, track the drops of perspiration across her forehead, and wait for her to answer. After a few minutes of stunned silence pass, you lean back a little as your eyes glance over everyone gathered. 
Once you are sure that everyone's attention is on you, you growl out, voice still low but not any less menacing, "Jeon Jungkook is not a cheater. Never was and never will be, and anyone pathetic and desperate enough, to be making up lies like that about him, will be answering to me, and I assure you that I won't be so nice next time."
For the first time ever as you leave a stunned, scared crowd behind in your wake, you feel proud. While you might never be Jungkooks' girlfriend, you were his best friend, and to you, that matters more in all the ways that count. 
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Your face feels flushed and your legs feel like Jelly as you walk out of your last period class. Your sudden bout of bravery hadn't quite fully sunk in until you were sitting in your class surrounded by your classmates, most of whom were giving you varying looks ranging from scared, to awed, to impressed? 
This feeling of being seen is foreign to you. While your popularity has definitely soared ever since you had started hanging out with Jungkook, it was never because of you or anything you did. You were just Jeon Jungkooks’ best friend. 
But this time, it's different. 
People are looking at you, seeing you for who you are, and not just as someone's best friend. It is a novel, foreign feeling—one that you haven't felt before, but also one that when you think about it, you would like to feel more often.  
You let out a giggle as you think that, your cheeks still flushed, feel warm as you look up at the clear, blue sky. The late afternoon breeze feels cool on your skin as you stroll through the campus grounds, a mile-long grin stretched across your face.
Before you can turn to greet him back, he is slamming into you, and the breath leaves your body—again. 
"Dammit, Kook! You seriously need to stop doing that before you dislocate my spine, you freaking giant of a human" You playfully grumble as you push Jungkook away with a soft huff and push your hair back, wincing a little when your feet still feel a little unsteady. 
"Are you kidding me right now, woman?" You hear Jungkook speak and then you are in his arms, your feet off the ground as he holds you up high and all you can do is squeal in surprise. 
"The hell Kook! Put me down! What's gotten into you?" You question, your voice shrill and surprised as you wrap your arms around his neck. The thickly corded muscles of his shoulder feel bunched under your grip, and it takes every ounce of self-control that you have, to not blush.
You look down when he doesn't answer and freeze, too lost in your thoughts and worries about blushing, you hadn't noticed how close you two were before. 
But now as you look into Jungkooks’ twinkling, deep, brown chocolate eyes, see the small mole under his rosy lower lip, feel the small, warm puffs of his breath on your face, you realize just how close your faces are. 
Your breathing goes shallow as your eyes flicker all over his face, trying to capture every single detail—from the scar on his cheek to his fuller lower lip, you trace every single feature of his, your actions seemingly beyond your control. 
When your eyes finally snap back to his, you see him already looking back at you, his eyes soft and brimming with fondness, and you don't know—don't understand why.
"Wh-what is this about?" You ask softly, not wanting to break whatever spell has been cast, whatever bubble, the two of you have built. 
Jungkook hums, the sound coming from somewhere deep in his chest, echoing and flowing into you, from where you are pressed tight close to him.
His eyes search yours and yours shy away, flicker down to his throat where you see his Adam's apple bob, as he swallows and suddenly you feel parched. 
"You fought for me." He states, and your eyes snap back over to his. 
"Huh?" You reply back incoherently as your thoughts feel fuzzy and unclear, so close to him. 
"At the cafeteria, you fought with Ha Rin for me, defended my honour. Why? You don't like confrontations, why did you do it then?" Jungkook asks as he slowly lowers you back to the ground, your chests brush against each other, not a sliver of space between the two of you and your hands unconsciously grip his shoulders tighter, too afraid to let go and somehow lose this closeness. 
You try to think through the fog in your mind to find out what Jungkook is talking about. 
However, your remembrance of the scene from the cafeteria earlier serves as a bucket of ice-cold water being poured over you, and you are snapping back to reality, stumbling away from him as your cheeks flush and your heart races. You suddenly wish to run far, far away. Avoid this conversation, as all your bravado from earlier slips and flows down the metaphorical drain, leaving you feeling vulnerable, naked. 
'Stupid. Stupid! How are you going to explain that, you idiot?' your panicked brain supplies before continuing, 'As if having feelings for your best friend wasn't bad enough already, now him and probably the entire university knows about it too.' 
You try to create some distance between the two of you, but before you can move too far Jungkooks’ hand wraps around your wrist and pulls you closer to him. Your sweaty, cold hand leeches away at his warmth as you try not to make eye contact with him, your hope is to be subtle, but you don't think you are.
"Hey, listen to me," He says and grabs your chin softly, turning your face closer to him as his thumb absently rubs over the cleft in your chin. The feel of his calloused thumb over the soft skin of your chin has your face bursting in colour as your pulse rises embarrassingly fast.
You try to mumble out a 'yes', but it sounds incoherent even to your ears, and so you clear your throat and try again, voicing out a soft 'yeah' instead. It isn't much of an improvement, but you also can't bring yourself to articulate better and so you just force your eyes to meet Jungkooks’ and hope that he understands.
Thankfully, he does and then proceeds to take the lead. 
"Hey, it's alright okay? I am not mad or angry or whatever it is that you think I am feeling in that head of yours" He says, tapping your temple softly to emphasise his point and then continues, "I think what you did today was brave, admirable and badass!" At this he grins and gives you a little shake until you finally let out a smile off your own slip and snort out a soft "dork" under your breath.
"I am proud of you." 
Your eyes soften as you hear that and you feel your eyes burn again with unshed tears. 
You let your eyes lock with Jungkooks and feel as his grip over your chin loosens and both his hands, travel to your cheeks, finally curling around your jaw and cradling your face, his fingers slipping behind your ears and softly caressing the sensitive skin there.
The feel of his hands splayed over your skin like that, so soft, so gentle—as though you are an invaluable porcelain doll, has tears springing to your eyes. 
Tiny, warm, tear droplets pool out of your eyes and slip down your cheeks. 
The sight of your tears has Jungkook tightening his grip on you, his face inching closer to yours as your hands find their way to his hoodie, grasping the material and fisting it. 
"I love you," You tell him, tired of keeping your feelings to yourself, you finally let them out. Let your lips form the words, your heart feels every time he is close to you, every time he looks at you as though you are his entire world. 
Maybe you are deluding yourself, imagining things you want, wishing for things that aren't there. But as you look back into Jungkooks’ eye, see them still softened, warm, gentle and brimming with love, you think maybe you're not. Maybe, just maybe, your best friend is in love with you too. 
You inch closer, hesitant but assured by the knowledge that Jungkook hadn't yet pushed you away either. 
You move an inch and Jungkook moves two, the two of you closing the space between together. Symbolic of how your relationship works, how the two of you always stand for each other, protecting, caring—loving, the other. 
Your lips touch his and the first caress, leaves a shiver down your spine. The feel of his full, soft lip is like paradise between your lips. The feeling, everything that you had hoped, dreamed of and more. 
His arms wrap around your waist and bring you closer until there isn't a hairsbreadth of space between you two.Your lips move against each other, full of pecks, soft bites, tongue, lust and love.
Pulling back away from you, he looks into your eyes and you no longer see a boy or a man. No, you see your entire world, your rock, the being your very soul is in love with. 
And then he says, "I love you too" and it's perfect. This moment the two of you have created—magical, surreal, beautiful and oh so perfect. 
You laugh and it comes out sounding wobbly. You think you might be crying but then you look at Jungkook and he is crying, and you think it's okay, and then you kiss him again. Your cheeks touch and his tears mix with yours and it feels like nirvana. 
You lose yourself to the feeling of having the man you love, kiss you and it feels like a homecoming. It feels like having the stars align perfectly, it feels like having your world tilt back on its axis. It feels like magic, joy—love.
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A/N: 💖
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thirstyandbeautiful · 3 years
Oh I don't want you dead but I am having a lot of fun with your reactions <3
A knock on the bathroom door pulls you from your memories. "Are you okay?" Daddy's voice, despite all you could remember from last night, you couldn't remember their names. You hoped it would come to you soon, but the way your mind drew a complete blank didn't look good.
"Yeah, do you have a shirt I could borrow?"
"Was just about to offer one. When you're ready we need to talk." Right... talk about last night. If you wait any longer you'll hide in the bathroom until they leave, so you open the door. And then you're face to face with him again.
"Please," you're so full, full of Papi and Daddy's cocks. Your brain feels like it's melting, any rational thought or even any thought unrelating to getting fucked and filled impossible. "Fill me, breed me."
"Beg for it baby girl, you have to earn it." Daddy's voice is close enough to your ear it sends shivers through you. "Beg or we'll pull out and cum on you."
The whine you let out is animalistic, high pitched, desperate, slightly pained. "No Daddy, please. Please cum in me. Papi tell him please!" You look up at the man holding you in his arms, eyes wide and pleading. "I've been so good and I need it. Need you both." Papi stays quiet, tightening the grip he has with the arm around your waist. Then with the strength of just one arm he lifts you, just enough there's a few inches less of him inside you but enough that Daddy can fit his full length inside you.
"Daddy can't tell me what to do, and I want to fill you so badly." That's how he starts the rhythm of lifting you up and down his cock while Daddy fucks you. The wet friction against your walls drags you closer and closer to orgasm and further from reality mentally.
Daddy's the one who reaches his peak first. The hot thick cum fills what little space is left inside you, when there's no space left it leaks down the length of his cock adding another layer of lubricant allowing him to fuck you even easier. His orgasm sparks a chain reaction, Papi cumming next at just the right moment. He's as deep as he can get inside you, you feel his cum so deep inside you know if you pressed a hand to your stomach you'd be pushing against the pressure the cum is creating inside. That same pressure, that feeling of being fuller than you've ever been is the sign that it's your turn. It's now or never, you're right on the precipice.
"Shit, Michael!" Michael. The name suits Papi perfectly. "Stay with me darling, I got you."
Next part now now now now
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penny44224 · 4 years
I'm home
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(It’s been a while I hope you like it😫)
Drinking your freshly brewed coffee as you sat in your office while observing the outside scenery from the window. It’s been exactly five years since you have been married to Chris or formally known as Bang Chan from Stray Kids. What started as a random encounter turned into blissful romance.
You both fought hard to keep your relationship going from the company, parents, and of course the fans. But successfully, everyone saw how much your love for one other is and eventually let it be. This is what you wanted right, to finally be with Chan without second-guessing yourself. So why are you unhappy. The public thinks you guys are living the happy married life together, but in private, you guys were struggling. To start it off, Bang Chan still works for JYP. Meaning, he lives in Seoul while he also lives in Australia which is where you live. You’ve been pushing about wanting to start a family with him ever since you guys got married but the long-distance is becoming a real issue.
You knew how much he loved his career and you support him fully without a doubt. But you couldn’t take it. Because to be honest, you were just lonely. It’s been 8 months since the last time you guys saw each other, felt each other, and kiss each other. You longed for him physically but you knew it wasn’t you say so. You accepted the long distance while you guys were dating but now being married, it was a different story.
Last night, you decided to call him up but that was a horrible idea. You just wanted to check up on him, but it escalated to an intense argument. The last thing you remember is him saying to you, “why the fuck am I still with you!” You never felt so broken that you barely got sleep last night.
Now you're in your office, trying your best to get through the day. On cue, that’s when your coworkers, Lia, Beth, and Maxine came in.
“Y/N did you not see my text messages I sent you!” said Lia
“Oh I’m sorry I haven’t been on my phone” you replied quietly
The girls were always used to your uplifting spirit but notice a sad tone in your voice
“Hey honey you ok?” Beth asked walked closer to you
That’s when finally last night’s emotion hit you. You started brawling in front of your friends while they immediately comfort you. You began to tell them everything that has happened.
“Oh my goodness, I never knew you were dealing with this sweetie,” Maxine says as she hugs you
“I don’t know what to do anymore, does he even love me or are we just staying together because of how hard we fought to be together, “ you say as more tears begin to fall down your cheek
“Don’t say that girl, you know he loves you melanin and all! You guys fought because of how much you love each other. That’s what matters” Maxine states
“But I can’t believe he said that to you, he knows I will literally go to Seoul to beat his ass up!” Lia replied which made you guys giggle
“Exactly go book a flight now and a hotel too” Beth added
“Oh guys stop,” you say now laughing as the tears start to dry
”You know what we can do to cheer you up!” Lia gasped
The girls looked at each other unsure
”THE CLUB” Lia yelled excitedly
”oh my goodness yasss, we can go to the one that just opened!” Beth added
” Uhh guys I'm not sure going to the club will help my problem,” y/n said
”Trust us y/n, the more you stress, the more you will become depressed. So let just let go for one night. ” Maxine says sweetly
You did want to forget about what happened last night so you agreed
”yayyy we gonna party!” Lia jumped up and down
”umm guys, is it ok if I invite Susie, you know she's new to town and I want to show her around,” Beth asked
”of course, she can come” you answered unaware of the butterfly effect you just created
After two hours of getting ready, you examined your self in the mirror. Your hair was up in a high ponytail, smokey face look, a strapless burgundy dress that hugged your curves and lace heels.
”Your gonna have a fun night,” you tell yourself as you hear beeping outside
As you guys were at the club, the girls literally on cloud nine. But you were still in your mood because of what Chan said. That's when Susie, the coworker came over to you
”Hey I heard what happened to you,” Susie said
”of course you did, Beth has a big mouth,” you said rubbing your forehead
”Heyy you need a drink, I'll go get one for you ” She winked and left before you can decline her suggestion
As Susie received your drink, she turned around (with her back facing you ) and dropped a small pill inside of it. When the pill dissolved she walked right toward you
”Here this will help you to let loose” Susie says as she hands you your drink
Your mind was screaming at you don't do it. But you just want to let go of all this hurt you were feeling.As you finished the drink, a rush of adrenaline took over your body in an instant.
After at least ten minutes, you were dancing on top of the bar table while the crowd cheers you on too. Your friends taking videos of you while hyping you up. That when you saw a man from across the room looking at you. The way he stared at you made you dance sexier. He began to smirk and lick his lips at you. Enjoying the effect you had on him, you got off the bar table.
”Girl what was that, you were killin it,” Lia said chapping her hands
” You said get loose so I'm doing exactly that. ” you said flipping your ponytail as you walk toward the mysterious man
As you walked toward him, he stands up from his seat. You got a good look at him, muscles trying their best out hold inside his button-up shirt, hair perfectly styled, and a smile that can light up the room.
”What's your name, handsome?” you asked
”B/W (your bias wrecker) ” he said with a smile
” mmm, you wanna dance,” you said stretch your arm out to him
He took it as you brought him to the center of the dance floor. You two began dancing for quite a while until the DJ started to play slow R&B aka sexual music. (B/W) held your waist and brought you closer to him. You felt everything as his body and your body closed the gap between you too. The feeling was addicting as you feel his lips shadow your neck and bulge on your thigh. You look up at him slowly to meet his eyes. Once both of your eyes met, all you saw was darkness and lust
As you open your eyes, you began stretching. But that's when you felt immediately nauseous, jumped out of bed, and sprinted to the bathroom. After throwing up for the fourth time. You tried reaching for the toilet paper where you usually put it but all you felt was a wall. That when your senses hit you, this wasn't your house.
As you look around your surroundings., you realized. This was a hotel! Maybe the girls and I crashed her because we were so drunk. So you washed up and left the bathroom. As you were walking toward the bedroom, you halt your action immediately. You looked on the floor and saw clothes. But not only yours, male clothes too. So many thoughts filled your head as it pounds. You finally reached the bed and saw him, (B/W) sleeping peacefully yet naked. That when you started to remember everything last night. You felt can not be described. Guilt layer 1 You quickly put on your clothes, grabbed your phone and bolted out of the building.
As you reached home you hopped into the shower. You began to break down letting all last night's mistakes and your latest fight with Chan flood the shower. You cheated on your husband replied over and over in your brain. As guilt flood the atmosphere. You felt extremely horrible but you knew you had to tell him. Guilt layer 2
As you got changed and decided to empty the trash, as you were organizing from the recyclables to the trash, you found a pregnancy box. That’s when you felt a cold chill rise. You forgot to check if you wore a condom, but you rushed out of the hotel room without asking the man. What you were about to do felt sick but you wanted to make sure
After waiting the exact time, you finally saw your results...you never wanted to jump out of a window so badly but you couldn’t since there was not another human inside you. You called up Maxine, telling her everything while balling your eyes out. Guilt layer part 3
” I'm a horrible wife, Maxine. I got so sad that I drank my feelings out because my husband said he doesn't know why he's with me. A-and I made an m-mistake and slept with (B/W) and now I'm giving pregnant. Pregnant from someone who isn't my husband! ” you cried out in pain while lying down in the floor
” y/n how did you even get this drunk in the first place?” Maxine asked
”Well Susie gave a drink, it tasted very fizzy for a drink. ” you said as you sniffed
”Oh my fucking gosh that bitch drugged you. I knew there was something wrong with her I just couldn't put my finger in it. One of my coworkers says they were there last night as saw her in the act but was too drunk to remember until this morning. I'm so sorry I should if stood by you” Maxine explain sadly
”So I'm a cheating worthless wife, who got pregnant over a one night stand because j was drugged by my co worker..” you say blankly analyzing how broken you felt. Your emotions are now numb, realizing everything was your fault. If you would have just said no all of these events would not have taken place. But the only person you can blame is yourself. Guilt layer 4
”y/n don't do anything stupid, we're coming over there right now,” Maxine says but you hung up the phone without giving her an answer
You got up from the floor and loom in the mirror. Your hair was a mess, your face, and a bit swelled from all the crying. You took a deep breath and try telling your self you will be ok. You grabbed the pregnancy test and walked out of the bathroom. Once you enter the living room, you halt your movements as your eyes couldn't believe what you were seeing.
Your one-night stand (B/W) standing with your purse that you probably left at the hotel in his hands while displaying shook expression. But that's not what you shocked about. It was because your husband was also standing in your shared living room with your favorite flowers in his hands looking at you with an expression you can't identify.
Both men are looking at you, while you looking at them thinking this was a dream. But somehow you were still missing something. Your eyes turned traveled to the living table where all you guys family photos we're placed. But there was one photo that stood out the most. It was a photo of your husband and (B/w) in a picture together, a high school picture together. Now all the puzzles pieces are now connected. B/w was chan childhood friend he has mentions you about but you never really met him until now well last night. As the final cherry on top, the guilt cake was completed of worse wife ever. It like Chan knew your realization, he heard everything you said from the bathroom since you were practically yelling and especially (B/W) too.
That when Chan began to speak
”I'm home”
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yellowocaballero · 4 years
[1] im very excited by the new chapter!! i love how multi-dimensional you build the characters to be, and how you don't shy from flaws and leave people as sea urchins they are, not just vague globules with all the edges broken off by fandom. you went walt whitman on them (ie they contain multitudes). also sea urchins are cool and used in biology a lot don't disregard them!! anyway it reads like. everyone has an agenda in your writing, they rnt puppeted by the narrative. they feel real!!!
[2] and i think i have a vague idea of why exactly most ppl write fic the way they do, and how... naive, in a way, young people are. naive isn't a word that fits, but it's. ugh. it's like, they are honest with each other and don't look for ulterior motives yet? and so it's not reflected in their writing too. i dunno, im one of them young peoples. A N Y W A Y i just wanted to ask WHAT'S UP W MARTIN IN THE FIC??? WHAT IS HE. im afraid ill never know and im interested jn what your brain will do
Thank you for the comment! I really enjoy incorporating character flaws into how I think of a character, because it makes them relatable and allows them to grow. TMA is a great series for this, because the characters are so flawed that they’re borderline unrecognizable if you take that away. Everybody is motivated by their own desires, and their own flaws. 
Re: your second point, perhaps! I definitely agree that when I was younger I was definitely more straightforward than I am now, lol. Actually, Melanie in the first chapter of Space Cadet is based a little off how I was when I was fifteen - not in any dramatic sense, but just in the way that she desperately wants to integrate into a group but doesn’t know how. But I think fandom in general just has this tendency to...smooth over the wrinkles of characters. It’s like a game of telephone: we consume the original media, then we retell it through fic or fanfic, then someone else reads our fic and begins basing their characters slightly off that, etc, etc...a lot of things get lost. A lot of interesting things: I feel like it’s been pretty obvious so far, but I dislike how a lot of people portray Martin, and to a lesser extent Jon. Let Martin be petty and mean 2k20! Dude can be a bit of a bitch sometimes. That’s what makes him fun. Jon and Martin are characters outside of...JonMartin, please. Please. 
I think it’s a matter of...I don’t want to say writing skill, because that’s not true. But definitely it’s a matter of priorities in writing. I’m REALLY into characterization, and also I really enjoy writing assholes, so my stories are character driven. Other people just really enjoy writing H/C or romance or safehouse fic, and that’s perfectly cool and fun too! We all like different things, and we all write for different audiences or even different moods.  
Re: Martin...SLAUGHTER!MARTIN! SLAUGHTER!MARTIN! SLAUGHTER!MARTIN! His politeness and sweaters are a thin layer of paper machine that make up a pinata of sheer blinding homicidal rage. His knife collection is terrifying but he keeps on insisting that they’re just for cooking. Jon is too himbo to notice any of this. Daisy is the Cassandra, the only person who recognizes that this man is completely bugnuts, but everyone else just thinks he’s the nicest guy on Earth. And this BEFORE S4. Stay tuned! Thanks for the comment!
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staytiny-angel · 5 years
Pairing - Drew McIntyre/Seth Rollins/Becky Lynch
Rating: Explicit (Its filth yall)
Warnings: SMUT, Sex Magic, Mentions of decapitation, and a severed head?
Summary: King Sethiel, Queen Rebecca and their loyal General Drew celebrate finally taking back Seth's birthright.
Taglist: @hitory--chan @theworldofotps @finnsauroraborealis @axelwolf8109 @mondaynightriott @sethsevolution @rxllynch @writinglionqueen @swifteforeverandalways @neversatisfiedgirl @lkasapovic @new-zealand-chic
Authors Note: See this picture 🔽🔽🔽
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this man is trying to ruin my entire existence, I swear to God. I am currently writing 5 other fics and this big Scottish motherfucker done totally derailed me. And then these two who just ruin me everyday.
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King Sethiel sat on his throne, Queen Rebecca by his side both monarchs becoming increasingly annoyed with the way they were being spoken to as they listened to the advisor they'd inherited drone on about the state of their newly won kingdom.
General Drew McIntyre stood to the side as he watched his King and Queen become more and more fed up with the way Lord Heyman patronizingly spoke to them.
While yes, his King and Queen were young both Sethiel and Rebecca were a formidable force on the battlefield and not ones to be trifled with. The Mage and Warrior had defeated Sethiel's Warlord grandfather and after his parents had refused to take the throne, taken it for themselves.
'Can we kill him yet?' Rebecca mouthed at him, rolling her eyes in disgust when Drew shook his head.
"Do you really think that you're going to just pull the wool over our eyes as you did my grandfather?" Sethiel finally says in a deceptively quiet voice. "You know, Lord Heyman I do try my best not to use mind spells…they have a habit of leaving a…shall we say lasting impression on the victim's mind….but I find I haven't the patience for my General and Queen to discover the rest of your deceptions."
"My King, I have no idea what you could possibly mean by…." Heyman says trying to find a way out of the trap he could already feel closing around him
Seth simply makes a delicate motion in the air cutting off the portly man's words with a spark of purple energy.
"Please, no more lies Lord Heyman," Seth says rising from his throne and walking towards the man, Drew at his heels, just in case. "Now let's see what exactly you have planned." The master mage says before chanting under his breath as a halo of dark purple energy surrounds the panicking Lord's head.
Drew loved this part. While he and his Queen had no problems beating the truth out of their enemies…his King, who quite frankly was always attractive despite being a bit of a brat at times was even more so when using his magic. Most people found the purple glow that currently filled Seth's normally dark brown eyes disturbing but not Drew. Those eyes meant life to him for his king's magic-filled eyes had been the first thing he'd seen when the then Prince had quite literally brought Drew back from the dead.
Drew, Sethiel, and Rebecca had all grown up together in the kingdom ruled by Rebecca's older brother. Seth's parents had begged King Balor for sanctuary when they had managed to escape Princess Stephanie's father who had tried to stop the Princess from marrying Seth's father who he believed wasn't good enough (or controllable enough) for his daughter. Drew's parents had made a similar decision and followed the displaced Princess and her soldier into King Balor and Queen Violet's kingdom.
The three of them had been inseparable ever since, so much so that when Drew had been killed protecting them from a wolf attack, the Prince, in his grief ripped a hole in the afterlife to bring Drew back to them. That moment cemented them, the princely mage, the warrior princess and their trusted knight as more then childhood friends. They were all they would ever need and as long as they were together? Everyone else should just get out of their way.
"He plans to set his pet beast loose on us in the night," his King says bringing Drew out of the past and into the present as the spell around Heyman shattered and the traitorous Lord came back to himself.
At these words, Queen Rebecca rose and retrieved a blood-soaked sack from behind her throne "Was he now? Too bad I beheaded that monster yesterday then." She says with a wicked smirk as she walked down to where the other three men were standing and dumped the severed head of Brock Lesnar at Heyman's feet to his disgusted horror and her men's awe.
Drew whistled "That new ax I gifted you for yule came in handy I see."
"It surely did," She replied with a smile
"Take him away," Seth told the guards at the door. "And place his beastly lover's head in the cell with him to remind him of his mistakes"
"Do not come back here." Rebecca added "We will come out when we're ready"
As soon as the heavy doors close behind the last of the guards, and Seth locks them with a flash of purple light. Drew tugs his King toward him, covering the monarch's mouth with his own in a rough kiss.
"You know what being so close to your magic does to me, love" he growls
"Why do you think I did it?" Seth replies with a naughty smirk causing their Queen to giggle
"And you, little minx. When did you sneak off and behead Heyman's beast?"
"Last night, while you two were…otherwise engaged" she replies cheekily right before Drew gives her an equally rough and passionate kiss.
"Throne, my wicked ones." He says nudging them both toward the dias. "Let's celebrate. Our last enemy has been defeated and your birthright is finally yours My King" Drew says softly before sitting in Seth's throne himself.
"Kneel, your majesties" Drew commands
Seth and Becky share an equally evil grin and kneel before the general of their armies "But I thought we were in charge," Becky says looking up at him innocently
"I mean really, that's my throne. I could have you executed" Seth says equally innocent
"Silence teases. I have been with both of you for most of my life, and we all know who is in charge when it comes to these sorts of activities" Drew says on a deep chuckle, spreading his legs to create a space for both of them.
Already knowing exactly what their lover wanted of them, the King and Queen worked together to undo the laces on Drew's breeches, freeing his already hard cock.
"Don't," Drew says before either of them could get a word in. "You both know quite well what you do to me. Now take care of it"
Drew looked down and moaned as his pair of pretty royals began to lick at his cock together, sometimes getting distracted by one another and kissing deeply.
"Give me these," Drew says, scooping their crowns off their heads and tossing Becky's onto the seat of her throne, before placing Seth's on his own head.
"You're so cruel, Love" Seth murmurs between licks and sucks at the head of his lover's cock "You know what you wearing my crown does to ME"
"Turnabout is fair play, darling" Drew murmurs in return taking a fistful of raven hair in one hand and one of firey orange-red in the other, moaning as they expertly licked and sucked at him.
"Up, spitfire. Take that gown off" Drew orders his Queen
Quickly doing as her general commands, soon his Queen's perfectly curvy warrior's body was bared to his gaze.
"Seth, go sit on our Queen's throne. You may watch and touch .but if you come you will be punished" Drew tells his King
"Yes, sir" Seth replied quietly before stripping and settling himself in his Queen's throne, holding her crown in hands for a moment before shrugging and placing the Onyx and Silver tiara on his own head.
After making sure Seth had done as he said Drew turned is attention to the woman standing in front of him. "Now as for you. Eyes on me, Spitfire.” Waiting for her to do as he said and look at him he told her “I want this sexy fucking mouth on my cock” he says rubbing his thumb across her plush red lips.
Becky smirked and gracefully kneeling between his legs took her lover’s cock in her mouth, causing his head to drop back on the couch and let loose a loud groan. “That’s it, love,” He said running his fingers through her long red hair, as she started to bob her head taking him deeper and deeper with each pass.
After a few long minutes, he tugged on her hair signaling to stop. “Our Spitfire is so good at that," Drew says lazily looking over at Seth, sitting there stroking his own cock slowly.
"I don’t want to come down your throat right now sweetheart, but I do want my mouth on that cunt." Drew growls standing and in one motion placing his Queen in the seat he was just occupying.
Now Drew was the one kneeling in front of the throne as he placed his Queen's legs over the armrest and buried his face in between her legs
“Bloody Hell your so good at this please baby, fuck you take care of me so good,” Becky said babbling as he slowly fried her brain with pleasure, his thick beard rasping against her thighs adding another layer of sensation to the always overwhelming experience.
“Come on, Spitfire come on my face, then I’m going to make you come again on my cock”
Almost instantly after being given permission, Rebecca wailed Drew’s name loudly as she fell over into her orgasm, not giving a damn who might have heard her. It wasn't like the entire kingdom didn't know that they were actually ruled by three instead of two and that the first decree wasn't going to be making group marriages legal so that their precious knight would be the King he was meant to be alongside them.
Before her pussy could even stop spasming in pleasure Drew reached down and gripped her hips and in an impressive show of strength hauled her up onto his lap and impaled her right on his rigid cock, causing an instant second orgasm as he started bouncing her up and down taking her hard and deep just the way she loved it.
Another one, spitfire, with me.” He said before taking one hand off her hip to rub at her swollen, sensitive clit.
“DREW!” She screamed as she came for the third time, the tight, clenching inner muscles of her pussy dragging Drew happily over the edge with her with a guttural groan of her name.
Both Becky and Drew turned their heads to face Seth, where he was still sitting, practically vibrating as he now gripped the armrests of his wife's throne, a ring of pale purple magic circling the base of his cock.
"Our King was such a good boy wasn't he darling?" Drew says to Becky, licking his lips. "I think he deserves a reward, don't you? Why don't you go…help him out?"
Becky got to her husband first, removing her crown from his head and placing it on the ground before straddling his lap and running her hands through his long raven hair. "Such a good boy, listening to our lover."
"Make our Queen come again, love. Then you can remove the spell and have your own release." Drew says watching them with a filthy smile.
"Are you ready for me, My King" Becky asks kissing him gently
"Please…please use me, my Queen," Seth whispered in a broken voice that bordered on a whine.
All three lovers moan as Becky took Seth's needy cock inside her and she began to rock back and forth chasing another orgasm
"That's it darling," Seth said leaning down to suck a hard nipple into his mouth.
"Come again, sweetheart. Come for both your Kings." Drew growled
Becky's orgasmic scream was so loud Drew knew the maids would be blushing in their presence for a fortnight.
"Can.…I? Can I….please?" Seth begged
"Release your spell, Darling" Becky gasps, still shaken by the aftershocks of her pleasure "Fill me up"
Seth threw his head back as his eyes turned an even brighter purple and every candle in the throne room flared as he flooded her pussy with his seed.
"Don't even think about falling asleep, Darlings we have a chamber for that" Drew scolds them, only to be greeted by twin snores
Drew sighed, realizing he'd spoken too late and after dressing himself went to clear the hallways once again so he wouldn't have to kill anyone for seeing his lovers naked when he carried them to bed.
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yoolee · 7 years
(1/3) I don't ever interact much on Tumblr, but I wanted - no, NEEDED - to express how much I adore your Saizo fics, and by extension your other SLBP drabbles. The epilogue to 'Stay' took my breath away. I am in awe at how perfectly you write Saizo, how easily you capture his voice. I squealed throughout every story because his affection and adoration for MC is so apparent yet subtle beneath your prose. 'Little One' is a personal fav for its tenderness, 'Stay' is a tour de force and...
AKoaDK, while hot, just amazes me for how loving the whole scenario is. Every fic you’ve written is just so on point with character, voice and detail that I wish you wrote for the app itself. If you don’t mind a question– do ideas for stories/drabbles come easily to you? And is the actual writing mostly a breeze or a struggle Regardless, please know that you’ve got a very eager fan who thinks you’re awesome and will read anything you write (especially if it’s Saizo 😍). Keep on doing what you do, girl. PS: for real THANK YOU for an amazing epilogue to ‘Stay’. My heart could not handle being broken into so many pieces with the original ending. Still loved it but everywhere hurt afterwards… 😭💖
Oh my goodness ;.; I REALLY HOPE you don’t mind me posting this instead of responding privately! If you’d rather me take it down, I will repost as a text with it anonymous.
I have read this like five times because it genuinely mademe tear up ;.; god I don’t have words. Thank you. I have so many feelings aboutSaizo in particular and about HIS feelings and I am so damn glad they are getting across because I wouldn’t have themif the original authors of the app weren’t so good at what they do and so if Ihave come in any way close to evoking the same thing I am thrilled. I AM ESPECIALLY happy to see you say that about AKoaDK becausethat’s how I feel too - I know it’s smut and I know it’s exciting and all thatbut it’s an expression of love and that’s so important. That’s the MOSTimportant. I’m a romantic sap y'all.That’s why I love SLBP so much. There’s so much depth and passion to play with,and it isn’t just the love story,it’s these rich and wonderful characters with rich and complex lives and their love in turn is rich and complex and layered with so much energy and so many moments and I justlove it, those moments, and I want to share my love of them and have MORE of them so I try and make them and knowing that I am doing so justsatisfies this craving in my heart  and is the most satisfying and wonderful thing to hear ;.; SO YES. MY GOD, THANK YOU. All my love
And for your question! They do and they don’t! Once I havean idea, the actual writing of it flies by. As often as not, it’s actually really hard to capture my thoughtsquickly enough, so I write out of order, because if I think of something I feel‘fits’ I have to quick scramble to write it down, and then I come back laterand figure out how everything connects. I tend to write ‘out’ from the center–90%of the time I have NO idea where I’m going with something. I have one, keycentral point, and I start there and it comes as I go and I hop chaotically aroundto whichever point pops into my head next. It seems to work for me? I call ‘emmy snowball moments. Like, with Waffle Cottage, it started as three-sentencething, and I posted it, and @mai-dreaming built on it, and the 'snowballmoment’ was imagining Shingen charming one of the princesses out of her dress,because that freed up the dress to go on the MC, and it exploded from there.And even then, to give an example, the Kenshin bits of the Waffle CottageChronicles were some of the last bits written, and Stay was written completely out of order, with bits addedback in on my first re-read when I noticed certain characters hadn’t appearedwho needed to, and I used them to reinforce ideas that were going to come laterthat I’d already written. I DID write it all at one time, in one long computer session, but just not in order. 99% of what I write is done in one fell swoop, MAYBE two because sometimes I have to go to work snrk. BUT it is also why I lean so heavily on @juniperotomewho is amazing and gives me legit and thorough feedback, recommendations and ideas and helps make my ramblings alittle more clear for an audience/reader who doesn’t have the benefit of beinginside my brain to know what I meant. She is an amazing editor and catches somany things and gives me so many key phrases and moments and helps me tone downand clarify things.  NOT AN EASY TASK. 
But, I have no discipline. If the inspiration isn’t there, I got nothing. I have twooutstanding fic requests from my giveaway months ago and trust me I sit overhere in SHAME because I want to write them, and I just need to sit down and doit, but I haven’t found my 'snowball moments’ to write out from yet. I keepevery prompt sent to me, because I am always hoping the snowball moment willhit, but I make zero progress untilit does and sometimes it takes awhile and sometimes it may not come. Whichreally means I just need to make some up and try them - the act of writinginspires more writing, which is what happens with some of my headcanon posts.If I start with the 'easy’ ones, the ones that are harder for me to write comea little more easily once I’m in writing mode.  I have this ridiculous sense of obligation toinclude everyone once I’ve started XD but some are much easier than others; Istruggle with Yasu, in part because he IS one of my favorites, but you have topick like which one of him you’re writing, boy goes through a couple variations@.@ and I also struggle with Kojuro because he’s just too organized and calm,you can’t just randomly plonk into ridiculous shenanigans like you can withYukimura and, as established, I am impulsiveso characters that require planning don’t come as easily. I deal best inridiculousness.
I re-edit everything becauseI typically don’t re-read my shorter stuff until like a week after it’s posted,and then I edit like fifty things. I’ve already edited the Stay epilogue threetimes and I only posted it yesterday XD I wish I could just get it spot on thefirst time but I’m too impatient, but every time I re-read something I’m like'that phrase is ugly let’s fix it’ or 'I’m gonna add ALL the sentences here’ (Iam a comma and parenthesis abuser, I sprinkle them everywhere for decoration -I write like I talk) and that’s where my impatience in the typing babble stream comes back to haunt me. 
I LOVE slice of life. I love the romance and everything too,but I love the idea of this world and these characters so I really enjoywriting all of the ridiculous little moments I imagine happen in their day-to-daylives. I think it makes them more real! Which is why I love things like AU Sasukebeing the first one up clamoring for pancakes and Shigezane cracking dad jokes whilehe and the MC hide in a in the enemy’s linen closet ('Man I really feel likewe’ve been hung out to dry, huh MC?Huh, huh?’) and Ieyasu on babysitting duty once Nobu procreates having conversations with this putrid,squalling creature who has just eaten his strawberries. I’m big on happyendings, too. I am glad my one foray into angst has been well received and I amtruly proud of that, but I invariably have to find some way to sneak some hopeinto all things XD
That is a hella long answer.I like to talk about myself SORRY!
And thank you so much! I was sitting here thinking 'wow, mynext post will be my 200th on this blog what should it be’ and I was going togo with a like a very off-topic gif of a kid hugging a chicken and then I gotthis BEAUTIFUL and WONDERFUL ask and I sat here kind of weepy and sniffly for abit, so thank you thank you thank you.
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