#i dont know if art has much of a tag on tumblr but he gets a tag on this post
the-holy-ghosted · 24 days
*putting on a moustache and sunglasses*
So like what’s the deal with ghosted what’s that about
now see the deal with Ghosted is that it's not what happens within the events of the film that captivates me so much, though don't get me wrong i love this film to bits, but rather, it's the idea of what happens after the whole thing that makes me FUCKING NUTS
because the whole thing is relatively cut and dry in the sense that we don't have to guess about what happened before and we don't have to guess about how everybody is feeling in the present. we know (MOST) important characters backgrounds and what they're doing at Falkhill and slowly revealing Paul's context was pretty interesting if not a little abrupt at the end there but its the very last scene of this film down to the very frame that flips the whole hour and a half you just watched over on its head and prevents me from getting a good night's sleep because i can't stop thinking about it
explaining the plot of this movie is hard without sounding like im writing a pretentious review and not just talking out of my ass on tumblr but for my followers who haven't watched this movie and dont care enough to: Ghosted (2011) is set in a british prison in which Jack (John Lynch) is a long time prisoner who's wife just dumped him apparently on the anniversary of their sons death (tough break) and is being advised by his friend and cellmate Ahmed (Art Malik) (who does NOT get HALF as much screen-time or plot relevance as he DESERVES,) to find something to put his mind to and be proud of outside of his failures Paul (Martin Compston) is a prisoner who was just transferred out of a Young Offenders prison AS FAR AS WE'RE TOLD... though its noticeable from the beginning that hes not a very good liar and his story is suspicious at best Clay (Craig Parkinson) is kindof The Guy of their prison wing whos dealing drugs to other prisoners and assumes the position of authority over everybody else, though compared to other inmates with bigger cliques, his foundations are shaky. the description of this film on letterboxd calls him "the wing beast" and i have never cried laughing so hard reading something in my life
Clay and Jack both hone in on Paul immediately for different reasons. Jack, after his pep talk with Ahmed, sees Paul as a source of "a little self belief, something to be proud of", but Clay scoops him under his wing for being relatively young and impressionable. This puts Jack and Clay at odds with each other. after some plot, Paul gets into very big trouble with Clay and after An Incident is promptly plopped into Jacks hands, who had requested Paul move into his cell earlier but didn't have a good enough excuse for it. Well You've Got A Bloody Good Reason Now ect ect
Jack and Paul buddy up immediately and its noticable that Paul is sort of filling in the empty space where a son would be for Jack, however we discover that Paul has been lying about his past to everybody, including Jack. he lied about his family and he lied about having only just been transferred from Y.O. and hadn't been telling the whole truth about his sentence. what the truth ends up being, in a nutshell, is that Paul is accidentally responsible for the death of Jack's son, having been the one who started the house fire he died in (we were never even told that Jack's son died in a house fire before this, we are only told this in Paul's flashback at the end of the movie and are supposed to act, like, surprised?? whatever). consequentially, Jack flips his lid and prompts my personal favorite scene in this film in which he beats the living shit out of Paul with his bare hands and immediately regrets it the second the adrenaline wears off, hitting an alarm button within the cell that alerts the guards.
the guards whisk him away and he is put in solitary confinement, which we find out was actually the first sequence of the film where hes shown with an absurdly long beard, and considering every other fucking scene he's in is of him shaving his face, i assume this is to show just how long he's been kept in solitary confinement, which quite honestly was kindof exciting to realize at the end of the film.
and then. the end scene.
after solitary, Jack is put in cuffs and brought to see Paul who looked Extremely Dead after Jack had him, but hes not dead! just almost dead. Jack is sat next to him and tries to apologize but starts to cry, reaching out a hand to hold Paul's but retracting it regretfully. Paul, having looked unconscious not five seconds before, moves his hand to place it over Jack's...
and then the movie ends. and i am left writhing on my floor in anguish BUT NOT BEFORE I EXPLAIN TO YOU THAT THIS
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THIS is what the deal is with Ghosted
the pathetic gestures of "im sorry" and "its okay" are what kill me. sorry is nowhere near enough to justify anything that EITHER of them did, NOR should they be forgiven. AND YET.
and what gets my gears going is the thought of what everything looks like AFTER this scene. after they've bonded so close and after Jack already thought that Paul stopped lying to him, thinking that he could protect Paul from Clay now... after they started to fill the spaces for people they were missing in their lives... and after they've RUINED each others lives. They Have Ruined Each Others Lives and yet Paul probably would have had to DELIBERATELY ASK for them to bring Jack to see him because he just BEAT Paul within an INCH of his life and would NOT !! have brought Jack to see him upon Jack's own request!! Paul would have wanted to see him too!! after all this what does their relationship look like now... the image of father and son has been all but shattered in each other's eyes, one can assume, but are they still close... does the guilt and responsibility drift them apart or does it pull them inseparably together? Ahmed tells Jack that "there is no such thing as coincidence, only fate" but what does their fate look like... does it end here or does it mean that they're together indefinitely? the end of this film swings the door wide open and i think about it. way too often. unacceptably often, even.
all in all theres no reason that this should be my favorite film but it is. if nothing else it's made me look into the other actors involved and branch out with a to-watch list as long as my arm that will only get longer once i branch out from there. is it the perfect movie? no this film is mediocre at best. have i made a number of my friends sit down and watch it and listen to me yell incoherently about it? of course i have.
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moonys-love · 1 year
Howdy Pillar Headcanons :D
be aware this is my first time writing on tumblr so if its a tad odd in some places, i apologize :))) i should be doing my math work i missed or sleeping but guess what i wont
cw: staring mentions (?), howdy being cheesy, i think that's it? ( i do not know how to tag stories)
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(look at the funky man!!)
Dating Howdy!!
i just KNOW this man loves to give hugs from behind
everytime you're doing literally anything that has you with your back exposed, he's going to pick you up
you could be in the middle of cleaning and next thing you know four limbs are wrapped around you and you're being picked up
he is both big spoon and little spoon, ignore the fact that he's like 7 foot/213 cm
if you don't like being hugged/touched, that's fine! he likes to make sure that you're comfortable with how he shows affection.
instead of hugging you, he tends to move things around to make it more accessible for you (especially if you enjoy cooking/baking, there are a lot of things in the howdy-sized cabinets but not the y/n-sized cabinets)
sometimes he does purposefully move things out of your reach to have you call him over for help so he can come bother you >:)
that is until you learned that you can climb on the counters... (as someone who is short, this is in fact the most effective way of getting things [dont do this])
he loves holding hands with you! regardless of whether you're in public or at home, he enjoys making sure that you don't get lost /j ("Its hard to see you all the way down there, neighbor!")
he is also a big fan of pinky holding <3
i hc him to have some anxiety issues, so this is a big reason why he enjoys holding hands/pinkys
it's become a big way to help him calm down, and if you start rubbing shapes (?) into his hand it makes things a lot better (he does it to you too <3)
after a long day at the bugdega (bodega? I've seen someone call it that so I'm calling it that bc it's funky!), he will fwump literally anywhere it is convenient for him to do so
let's just hope you're not on the couch/bed because you are a candidate for him to do so! (good luck)
he constantly is making sure that you're ok, mentally and physically! he is a great listener, and he gives great advice too.
everytime you try to help him out at the bugdega, he CANNOT focus
he will literally stare at you for ages until either you or a neighbor points out he's doing so ("howdy, are you ok?" "huh- oh yeah! it's just that you're really pretty...")
he also gives you an 100% discount if you agree to a kiss
either he's really cheesy, or he's reciting poetry to you, there is in fact, no in-between
"i love you berry much! *holds out a strawberry*"
"If i was to be given the option of eternal life, i would turn it down, for a life without you is not one worth living."
all in all, your relationship is berry sweet!! (help i regret writing that)
Being friends with Howdy!!
if YOU have chaotic energy, HE has chaotic energy
he could be cheerfully having an exchange with julie to chanting "thief" to wally in the corner with you (art idea??? might make this)
howdy is great at adapting to your current mood! if you're being funky and all gremlin-like, so is he! if you're tired or sad, he makes sure to give you your time and space to talk if you want!
regardless of this, he does give mother-friend energy
not in the sense of like making sure you're sunscreened, but just looking out for you and making sure you're ok :O)
he LOVES to spook you. regardless of how tall he is, he is in fact, great at sneaking around!
he is also good at being quiet on his feet, which does not end well when you're in the middle of doing something
i feel like he is genuinely a sweet guy, but when he's with friends, he's a totally different caterpillar
if tiktok existed then, you would constantly point at him and say "caterpillar" in that voice (y'know the one from the audio that everyone draws frank spying on howdy with [i absolutely love that audio])
"did you hear? frank and eddie are finally dating!" "HAH WALLY OWES ME HIS APPLE SUPPLY"
wally is definitely a part of your guy's shenanigans btw it's canon I'm howdys hat
if howdy needs something delivered (most likely wallys hairspray/apples) and eddie isn't available, he asks you! you're practically a second employee so you might as well ahshefs
you still get an 100% discount, since you know, you're kinda working there so that's fabulous!!
he's practically your babysitter at this point i just kinda imagine y/n being one of the leash kids
he can and will throw you on top of his shoulders, you think he's not buff under those sleeves? he has to carry around literal HUNDREDS of apples for wally pretty much everyday
i feel like he likes making things with his hands (I'm really projecting here arent i)
random little figurines or things you enjoy will just appear. you have little to no clue where they came from but that's fineee
he knows some of the most obscure things, either about you, or anything really
he loves hearing people infodump about anything! he loves learning new things about people's special interests :D
at the end of the day, he appreciates being your friend so much! he's so glad he got to meet you <3
i am very tired so im probably going to sleep now!! i really liked making this but headcanons are not, in fact, my strong suit. requests are open, i would love to write some more for welcome home!!
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shygirl4991 · 3 months
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Cover art by @merp0515 Gmod art by @b-r-i-n-g-x Do not repost art (this fic is for my sib bringx have an awesome day!) Summary: Frustrated with SMG4, Three takes his stress out on a pair of dolls he put in Fours room.  Slowly secret feelings slip out with a guest catching the whole show.
Tag: love confession, first kiss, dorks in love,fluff
SMG3 huffs walking away from four and the rest of the crew annoyed, SMG4 wanted to do a video testing everyone's skills in different challenges. Four knew that Three wasn't about eating challenges and other silly activities the others would be into, yet the man still told Three he had to eat a bunch of pasta against their avatar. He storms into the castle thinking on how to blow off steam since the group was using his cafe as background to help boost interest. He noticed that Four left his room open, there in the chest of his room were two doll made to look like their old design. 
He keeps stomping as he makes his way to his partner's room, he slams the door shut and looks at the dolls. He picks them up frowning, seeing their old design brought back not so pleasant memories for him. He sits on the floor with the dolls and sighs changing the pitch of his voice he begins to move around the SMG4 doll “Oh Three mind doing some really stupid shit that will make you look like an idiot, haha that was a joke i dont give a shit go do it!”  he picks up his doll and starts moving it “You're just giving me these roles cause you know i'm better than you, i'm A tier while your just a D tier scrub!” 
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He kept going back and forth getting his anger about the events out of his system, slowly something else surfaced as he brought the doll together. He blushed seeing how close the dolls were, he brought them closer as his heart raced at the thought of making them kiss.  Is this something that he wanted? 
He thinks back over everything they have gone through, he had to admit since confessing he saw the other man as a friend the pair had gotten closer. They joke around more, they hold hands more often not because he likes it after all they had to use their powers in that way. Lately he has not been able to get SMG4 out of his head, the idea of spending time with him made his chest feel strange. He thinks back to the last time he felt this way, he met Gary, he saved him from an explosion he caused due to using too much gunpowder they hit it off well until his obsession with SMG4 got in the middle. 
He sighs dropping the dolls, everything that has gone wrong was because of the idiot. Yet at the same time all the best memories he had was also with the man, with conflicting emotions he grabs the dolls again and makes them kiss. 
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He smiles softly at the sight, it reminded him of their first kiss that Mario made them do. He acted like he hated it but deep down he knew he loved it, he changed his voice and moved the SMG4 doll “Your so awesome SMG3, no wonder you became tumblr sexy man. Lately my thoughts on you have changed.” he moves the other doll making it seem shocked “What are you saying SMG4!?” Lost in his game of pretending he doesn't hear the door open as SMG4 went to check on him. He blinks seeing Three sitting by his bed holding the two dolls, he slowly walks towards him hearing the man speaking.
SMG3 blushes feeling a bit embarrassed from what he was going to say “Well what i mean is i love you SMG3,” with that he makes the SMG4 doll kiss his. Seeing this SMG4 lets out a giggle “Hey Three what are you doing over there?” startled SMG3 screamed, throwing the dolls away from him.
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Three turns giving the man an awkward smile “OH SMG4 how long have you been there?” Four couldnt help the smirk growing on his face as he looked at the dolls now abandoned. “Oh just got here, heard a voice in my room and wanted to check it out.” he then walks over and sits next to the man still smirking “What were you doing?”
Three lets out a nervous chuckle “Uh oh! Getting stressed out so I was teaching your stupid doll a lesson!” He smiles feeling confident that his answer lured Four away from the truth. Four hums picking up his doll then he turns to SMG3 “Well don't stop because of me let me help you out!”  Three eyes go wide before he can decline the offer SMG4 presses the doll's lips on his cheek, causing him to blush.
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Three stared wide-eyed at Four who then hides behind the doll “I can't help that i fell in love with you, we are friends now no longer rivals! I’m sorry for hurting your feelings. Could you ever forgive me?” still blushing he grabs his doll and talks behind it “Sure whatever this is fucking stupid why are we doing this?” Four moves the doll closer to him. Three was watching every move that Four was doing, nervous as to what the man in blue was planning.
“Because we had a fight earlier and i want to make it up to you,” Three blinks surprised to hear four words. Without thinking he leans forward, seeing this Four took his chance placing his own lips on Three. After the quick kiss, Fours face was dark red, he got up acting as if nothing happened  “We should head back to the others!”  Three gets up and grabs the blushing man pulling him into another kiss, dolls forgotten on the floor as the two share a kiss. As they pull away, Four looks at Three in awe, Three rubbing his arm “uh what just happened?” 
Four shyly looked down “My confession with the doll wasn’t a lie, i got interested in dating…looked around and no one caught my eye. But that's when I noticed an apple already did and it's you..” SMG3 smiles hugging Four “You're such an idiot… I feel the same.” They pull away smiling softly at each other before leaving the room, Four then comes up with an idea. Telling Three he needs something he runs to his room and grabs the dolls, he places them on his bed now holding hands. He giggles and runs out of the room “HEY BABE NEW IDEA FOR A VIDEO!” 
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virtualrealityshow · 7 months
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HI! this is the vr-tv blog! second time im writing this since first time i wrote it tumblr just chucked the whole thing out the window. BUT THAT ASIDE welcome! :D
to clarify this isnt a narrative/interactive/arg blog but rather a dedicated blog for the vr-tv universe and just storing info, art, writings - whatever about it! yknow, for documentation's sake.
if you'd like to check out more of my work, my art blog is @y2kazoo . my main is @acnitemare if you wanna give me a follow there!
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(gonna keep this short and simple!)
TLDR: it's the 80's and a bunch of world-famous musicians across various genres have agreed to go on this experimental reality tv show hosted by a sentient AI named I. M. PEACEMOUTH. (he's up there waving & peeping over in the blog's icon!). the guy is formal and professional and a smooth talker, but clearly has shady intentions.
(to preface, this version of the 80's is way more technologically advanced than ours was, so in this timeline, around this time technical capacity for 3d virtual reality exists - albeit in a primitive form!)
the company that hosts this show is called CONGLOMOCORP and they're a massive enterprise with a big hold over a lot of markets but they've recently become pioneers in the field of music video production (think mtv type stuff).
they got the idea to make the 'ultimate music video', which is where we circle back to the musicians and the tv show thing.
you see, this 'ultimate music video' is actually a televised broadcast of a virtual reality simulation of this big, huge house thing that all the musicians live in for their time on the show - and the feed on it is always running (well, most of the time.)
in order to get on this show, all the musicians have had to go out to conglomocorp's studio and get put into a coma-like state; and from there, they were hooked up to these machines and their consciousnesses are the ones in the virtual reality. their avatars are shaped around the content of their souls, which is why a lot of the characters you'll see around here look kinda wacky and abstract!
conglomocorp sold the musicians on this idea by claiming that it was just going to be for 'about a year' and that their only intentions behind this project - named VR-TV - was that they just 'wanted to push the limits of technology to its fullest extent'. butttttt you know how it is with stories like this...
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a list of content warnings for things you might see on this blog! (just so you know, if this stuff ever pops up it will be tagged accordingly.) if more things come up that need to be added, i will put them on the list in due time.
✦ references to drug use
✦ unreality
✦ themes involving loss of agency
✦ body horror
✦ digital horror
✦ blood/gore
✦ mental manipulation & other people being manipulated
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✦ i LOVE getting fanart for my projects! if you make any fanart for vr-tv, be sure to send it in!!! i would LOVE to see it!!!
➢ side-note: the easiest way to get me to see your fanworks is by submitting it directly to this very blog! i dont check my notifications very often so if you just mention this blog or post it in a main tag for it, chances are i won't know. BUT if you just submit your fanart here, that's a surefire way to get me to see it AND i can display your work for all to see!!! it's a win-win :D
✦ fancharacters for vr-tv aren't just accepted, they're encouraged! if you want to make a wacky little guy for this thing then be my guest!
➢ side-note: it bares clarification here that vr-tv isn't a collaborative project, it's just something i make on my own. you're welcome to make fancharacters BUT they won't be considered canon! (it's just too much work for me to include multiple people's fan lore in with my own for this project, sorry!) you can still by all means draw canon characters hanging out or even draw oc x canon if you really like, but don't do so with the expectations of them being canonized if that makes sense! like with fanart, i encourage you to submit fancharacters here directly in the case that you make them!
✦ do NOT create nsfw content of vr-tv characters!!! that's just crossing a line that i am not comfortable seeing my characters depicted in. please dont :c
✦ ASKS ARE HEAVILY WELCOMED!!!!!!!!!!! if you send me an ask about this thing i will do everything in my power to answer it to the best of my ability. you can ask me anything about this thing, what certain character's favorite foods are, how the VR-TV virutal reality works (but keep in mind i am bad at describing technology things lol), your headcanons/theories, questions about the lore or character's motivations.... PLEASE ask me any of those and so much more! i will be glad to divulge information to you!
✦ in the case that you want to make ship art between two characters, please reach out to me thru the ask box beforehand to get my approval before you start making anything. i wouldn't want you to draw something i don't approve of especially between certain characters, my characters are precious to me and im admittedly very finicky about how my characters get depicted. (and me giving approval isn't a sign that the relationship will become canon, it's just a signifier that im okay with seeing content of those two characters in that sort of relationship. just thought that was worth adding!)
so yeah - that should cover all the bases!
enjoy your time here!!! buh bye!!!! hope to see you around soon! 👋 ★
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aephalen · 4 months
Hii im Aeph! Never made a pinned post before so hopefully im doing this right but heres a few important things about this blog!
Please ask before using my art! i usually dont mind its just good manners you know :)
if you urgently need me contact me on insta!
 still new to this whole tumblr thing, please bear with me 😭
 i sometimes forget to respond to comments, its not intentional im just very forgetful, sorry! :(
Carrd // Insta // Toyhouse
Art Tag → My art
Fnaf Tag → Fnaf
Asks Tag → Asks
Jester and the gang → Cotd
A lot of people ask me about him so here's his ref and some random info! My blog is pretty much decorated with him so why not :)
Ill probably be tossing random fun facts and updates down here so if youre interested feel free to read the nonsense below
I have a couple projects going on involving him, one of them being a site for him and the rest of his crew!
He started as a simple daycare oc but ive kinda separated him from sb completely and he now has his own location which is slightly connected to sister location, i need to redesign most of the other animatronics tho :(
I commissioned a fully rigged 3d model of him by hidiwimae! thats where my header comes from :)
He somehow kinda ended up representing me online on most platforms lmao
If i hear one more Fizzarolli comparison im gonna strangle someone, yes robot jester with sharp teeth i get it thank you
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istherewifiinhell · 1 month
HM for the bingo: matoba, um um um. your least favorite oppie. your most favorite starscreamer. ummmmm. Abyssal Black Flame Dragon
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shitty id in alt. WELL THATS URRRR GUY. thats the guy thats nat.sume is about. pretty sure <- took me like a year to figure out this is not the case. he is silly. ive seen it in the gag manga. hessss a pretty loser goth in and out of drag what is not to like. im just assuming ur the most right about him i dunno if that means other ppl are wrong tho
joelle joelleity joelletwo is trying to get my ass murdered on tumblr dot gov. EDITED AND UPDATED. need to reflect that my constant with this one is i get why megs got like that
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[alt]. ohhh buddy...... you asked. 1. no personality. 2. hate his whole vibe (aesthetics/affect) 3. BETRAYED THE REVOLUTION. 4. not a very good conflicted pasicfist if thats what they were gonna go for. 5. tee fee pee special. u know show dont tell. this is tell, then forget to bring up ever again. simply. simply. listen if the girlies in the tag have to make him interesting for their fanfic and fuck nasty shit (honourary) go with god. i have read good fic of him. but thats compliments to the fans. me personally. i would simply use any other iteration. i suppose u cant beat how DIVORCED this guy is. im not opposed any of his specific characteristics really. its the holistic sum thats my enemy.
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[ALT] actually can i edit this again lets do a bingo for bullying. he got bullied possible the most anyone has but ill bully him some more 😏🤨😳. now ur some ppl might think oh u like this screamer so much to u inversely not like this megs for beating him up. well not u tho. thats gotta be one of my favourite 2 minutes in all of tf kajdgbjfdhb. hes not real so hes fine with that i asked him myself. ANYWAY WHAT IF U WERE BACKED INTO A CORNER BY UR OWN VIOLENT IMPULSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF UR OWN ACTIONS and also millennia of unending war so u just decide to go full nihilist about it. and this literally saves your world and people. well not the ones u killed but most of em. and u keep winning <3 and ur pettiness and self severing survival instincts also saved the universe. btw. idk if i have HC so much as. i can see my reading of the text not being universal but also im right <3. billybob thompson one of 2 fav non latta screamers. prettiest modern screamer design
out of LEFT field but i LOVE IT
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[alt] wait how did u land on a orbeez side character i would at remember the vibes of enough to get double bingo. was it dragon sooyoung? kfjjdf. DO U KNOW. how often i watch something and think. this character would be improved if they were an edgy anime fourteen year old. WELL HERE IT IS. the most important thing u can be in the world is a shitty emo teen with a deviant art dragon fursona. i dont remember anything else im literally just like. thats perfect. what a shit head. the best character in the book now im saying so.
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kai-atlantis · 1 year
CW: pedo mention, suicide
I have a request. And this may get me blocked or hated even more by the AF community:
Can we stop the aminosity towards A/H shippers? Anti culture is celebrated in our fandom now, and like, cool if you don't ship anyone, but many of you on this platform find a way to literally bully or harass fans who are openly A/H. I also used to get endless inboxes of anon hate and harassment, even so far as telling me to 'KYS', or calling me a pedophile.
Let's make something very fucking clear: Redirect your issues to Colfer instead, because he wrote the 6th book. HE wrote the kiss. HE wrote them having feelings for eachother. Yes, as kids, a lot of us attached to this. Maybe it's from shared trauma, maybe it's a comfort place. Whatever someone's reason is for shipping, they DON'T need to explain themselves, or be made guilty for their preferences! Instead of harassing A/H shippers as if we spun the oldest celebrated ship from midair, how about you complain about damn Colfer?! He's not a poor innocent Irishman that had nothing to do with it. Give me a break.
Now, your hate and despise of the ship DOES affect other people when you go into the Hartemis tag and write on shippers' posts, literally heckling and harassing them. You know who you all are. I haven't checked it recently, but around 7 months ago, it was filled with HATE. HATE. AND HATE. I saw one very celebrated user telling Hartemis shippers to kill themselves. Honestly. If you look folks, it's there. Fuck that. If being an anti means you support hate and harassment, get the fuck off my tumblr lol.
I have had so many, SO many people come to me in messages to discuss A/H. I have had younger fans, literal kids, message me with art and explain they didn't feel safe posting it to tumblr because of the antis and hatred of A/H. ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME. Do you know how angry this makes me? This is disgusting behavior, that children can't post their work without an anti yelling at them they're supporting pedophilia.
Which do you think is more harmful?! Supporting A/H? Or isolating young teens or kids and making their work and art feel worthless and unwanted?
Btw: none of the A/H shippers call our ship Hartemis. That's a you guys thing, lol. We like A/H. They don't need a ship name so it's easier to mock.
In short, leave people alone. Stop intermingling your personal issues into other's lives. Don't like Hartemis? Leave the fandom then! You tell us to gtfo, so you can as well! 😬 I really dont have anything inspirational or nice to say here. I'm disappointed that such a tiny fandom has been literally split apart in half, and half of them are not allowed to interact with the other.
We're so tiny, guys. We literally don't have to isolate each other. I was so depressed when I first joined tumblr and got so much hate, and to know there are kids who are messaging me, revealing they're getting hate? That they're scared to post? To rant and rave and ramble like the rest of us? It's disappointing. It really is.
CW: pedo mention, suicide
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flower-zombie-rob · 2 years
so ill take some time to tell any newbies some fandom veteran unspoken rules or just remind people of things
There is not "wrong" versions of the egos!!! There are a million and one designs a for every ego depending on the blog, artist, writer etc. Every marvin looks like a wildly different character and people have their own headcannon personalities, genders, orientations and more for every ego. Some people have multiple aus and characters intertwined. So dont go telling anyone their version of the egos is incorrect or not accurate because these characters have been up for interpretation for a VERY long time so please remember that. If you dont like someones version of the egos or its not accurate to whatever cannon comes out, shut the fuck up and leave the one who created that version of said egos alone. All your ego designs are valid and creative and fantastic and dont drop them just for the cannon if you dont want to.
Ego shipping is fine! So far we have had no cannon confirmation to say that theyre siblings, the same person, or related in any way that would make ego shipping wrong. If that becomes the case, most people with either drop it or actively start making the egos their new OCs to continue shipping their personalities and designs. however, if that doesnt happen, dont bash people for shipping the egos. The sanders sides fandom and markiplier fandom get along just fine shipping characters played by the same guy so just be less judgy if you feel the need to tell people you dont like what they like. And if you really dont like it, its not that hard to just block an artist or ask them to tag their ship art and filter the tag. Its really not that deep so dont go sending anon hate to people for shipping the egos.
Dont be fucking rude. End of. Just dont be rude. If you dont like a blogs interpretation of the egos, just block them. Its not that hard. Be. Nice. Most of us are, but theres some bad apples so please dont be one of them and support artists and writters and editors you like and ignore others.
Ego cosplayers are fine and some of them are really cool and talented people so leave then alone with your hate. If you think theyre cringe, dont interact with their content. Sean has stated he likes them and/or apreciates their skills so dont send ego cosplayers hate. Support their talents god damnit.
Reblog, for the love of god reblog. We arent as big a fandom as we were and we have some serious talent in here. @leobashi @d-structive @tracobuttons @mythicalitycosplay @soopticboop @koryabeebee to name a few. And their content gets nowehere without reblogs. This isnt tiktok, therers no algorithm and liking does essentially nothing so boost content when you see it to make sure our artists remain motivated and adored as they deserve.
Share your content! We love to aee it and theres a criminally low amount of jse content on tumblr these days so give us all of it.
Robbie is a non canon ego and dont bash people for him being their favourite, hes great and hes flexible, being non cannon. Dont get angry for people putting him in the main tag because he is pretty much a part of it all and has been for a while, trust me id know.
Dont steal art(general advice)
Dont hassle @turquoisemagpie because theyre not going to give you any of seans content. At the most, you'll just give yourself a bad name in the community so just leave soph alone and dont nag them for any cannom content. Also sophs word is not gospel and their and is not all cannon confirmation so dont treat it that way. Theyre a person, not a content cow so give them lots of respect and love
Thats all i can think of but feel free to add. All in all i love this community and all of its members. It brings me so much joy to be a part of it and im glad that soon we could gave a whole new wave of members in this community too :)
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jaxieus · 11 months
ive written this three times but tumblr keeps messing up and undoing all the writing i did :'(
but i wont let it discourage me! ive got a lot to say about the art i made even though its messy sketches on mspain(t) XD
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i had been feeling burnt out and decided to draw comfort characters ( some that ive not drawn in a long time or have acknowledged but never drew before) and the carebears is a franchise thats been with me for so long i made a whole painting for class about it!
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i made a list and with utter shock i realized that i basically bacame my owm worts enemy! the list grew so much (and is still growing :')) and i only drew a few characters so far
i know ill render these soon but the others will take a while
(but im really concerned about how im gonna tag this without being obnoxious 🥲)
i have like alot to say about these characters i drew because they mean so much to me and i never really could delve into them at school.
theres more i want to say and its under the cut! :D
so this is gonna get a lil personal but hopefully not too much to the point its boring ,:)
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the first character i want to talk about is Ursula. i remember when i was younger being increadibly infatuated with her. i would draw her whenever i could. on chalkboards, the wall, i made paper cut-out of her and digitally drew her on ms paint! she was the first character that a had a desire to be close to in a way. a character albeit evil felt comforting and till this day make me tear up from how beautiful her design is! Ursula was the first female character i felt a strong aesthetic attraction to. (im just kinda a sucker for powerful women)
so i made sure to stay true to her design by keeping her body type and tentacles. basically just switching her hands and head to the carebears design (im still deciding whether or not to keep her hair)
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second has to be Rosalina. she really made me accept and realize that i did have an attraction to the same sex ':) i loved playing as her in smash bros, listening/watching her story in galaxy. i never really 'got' the whole thing but reflecting and growing as a person did make me realize that not just fictional men look great but women too!
her design is based on the carebear cousins because the main thing was the mane! you dont really see a bear with a long loc covering its eye so having her different from the others i think gives good variety
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third King Candy. oka y i recently feel back inlove with him! mostly because of @/ blackthewolf17's drawings of him!! and that made me rewatch the movie and wow! i remember liking his character a while back but i never really appreciated his as a villain! watching the movie and seeing the art made me remember the discussions i had with my fam about liking him and them not really understanding. (its kinda a running theme with a lot of the characters i like)
i wanted the characters the pop out and look recognizable. i kept the crown and collar. his belly badge is a paper covering his original badge! this one shows the crown and a few bits of candy. (leaning into the fact that he doesnt belong)
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next is NME SalesGuy for Four. (such a clever name) this dude is literally a character that i was shocked by his stature! i mean what did i expect? falling for a dude that exudes tall energy but is literally a short king! this dude was there during some cool family times while watching right back at ya!
while looking for references, i found i cb comic and i loved how their legs looked. it wasnt bent like the originals on the cards and i thought they looked really goofy! so i went with that with the design becasue he just doesnt really fit with everyone elses stlye
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fifth Rick Sanchez. man, this old man. has been with me through a lot. i saw a poster if the show before it premiered and two years after, i watched it and ive obsessed over him so much i made people watch Rick and Morty so i could talk with them about it. R&M really got me back onto tumblr because it was my entire personality since the show was at its peak and after. (old men tsk tsk) i made OCs Self inserts and played the mobile game. i literally memorized episodes to recite as i went to sleep. and analyzed frames of my fave episode to get better at animation!
i gave Rick clothes because i wanted him to have some flair. iconic elements of him is his tousled hair, coat and alcohol. (hes drinking 'happy juice')
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Sixth is Coach Brunt. a girlboss of a villain! she took care of and orphan and made her feel like she was her own! shes determined, strong, fierce, fit, has a great voice, money, and kind. what more could a girl ask for?? this was another character that i had seen while watching CS with the fam. (still havent completed it tho)
i did break the rule and give her a tuft of hair also ':/ but i like her BB i gave her.
its a paw punching a heart (maybe too violent)
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Seventh is Johan liebert. i really loved this dude. the series just made me think more about human nature and nurture. i met some cool people becasue of this dude. Johan in a way made me cope with the problems that happened in my life. he really was the character that i also found out i was ace+aro. i just loved drawing him. filling pages of my sketchbook and centering english papers based around him and the lessons i learned from seeing the bad in his character and how people might turnout to be similar and how it can be a problem. (idk if it made sense, but i learned to appreciate humanity more and not be so headstrong and become blinded by my views. but also learning that its good for people to know whats coming for the people that wronged you)
Johans BB is painted on white, so you wouldnt be able to see what he is all about :)
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theres is so much already but eighth is Senpai. this Fker is my worst enemy, just like all the characters i drew soo much of this guy that i thought i was gonna go crazy, there was a pang in my chest when the drawings looked like trash. he was the character that made me want to get better at art and engage more with people. i made a fnf OC to be this dudes father. (it was some of the most wholesome thing i ever drew)
Senpai has a more basic design. he also has his identifying elements like the backpack and mic
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ninth is Saul. my bbg. it started with the character but sadlt turned into a full obsession over Bob Odenkirk and finding all of his shows and movies that he directed of acted in. thankfully im not deep into it anymore. but when i regularly used instagram, you could see the decent into madness for him. i made animations and really detailed fanart. if Sen got me to draw my fave better, Bob made me attempt to perfect it.
his design sadly is my weakest. i wanted to add some fake hair on him. but im sure you can see that i got lazy. a few weeks ago i made versions of the BRBA&BCS cast as Geronimo Stilton characters and (sad excusee) but i didnt want to put more into the design because i became drained from looking at the growing list D;<
his BB is based on themis :)
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tenth is Big Jack Horner. i love this man. i ironically said "he was the hottest character in the movie" on my third watch and man i actually believed it on the way out of the theatre. i wanted to see if anyone liked him like i did and to my surprise people did! this dude has such a great bod, voice, attitude and like many of the characters i like i ask, "is there any proof of death? i dont think so".
i havent drawn him in months and i dont like that i havents so he was the first bear i drew. his BB is a pie but i think ill add his insignia or have him draw on it like Oopsie bear to fit his situation.
like maybe something silly like a frowning face on his BB
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im going to put eleven and twelve together because both play a similar role. my two men of science. ive only recently started to like Medic and Scudworth. these two bring such a great jot to me just like all to kooky men i like as well.
sadly, they both look the same, the only thing differentiating them is the glasses. i love their voices and design.
i ahve yet to give Scudsy his own BB tho.
last thing i want to say is why i chose carebears as the main style.
the franchise has been with me since i can even remember or at least before i could comprehend what it was. i remember seeining either oopsie or good luck bear plush at a carnival and i really wanted it but it was closing and i mean it was probably bigger than me so i couldnt get it and it became an obsession of mine! i loved green and a already had a few at home whats one more? so i tried to drop hints at my mom. well as good as a 5-7 yr old could do with drawings.
theres a lot more to say but i might go one for so long it wont fit here!
this was very long and if you read it thank you very much! im glad i got to comfortably speak my mind (well write it) in my own way that did have structure but felt more personal and less embarrassing that my english teacher asking me to write something about myself and my life. or my Art teacher saying i have the freedom to create something but then talk about it with in a time span because im not the only one that has something good to say about their art.
im not sure if all of it was understandable and might've been really unnecessary but im glad either way.
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slimy-vore-bog · 1 year
WARNING: groomer in the SFW vore community (serious)
Content/Trigger warning: discussions of grooming, mention of incest, and sexual and fatal vore
I am posting to tags to try to keep people safe!
This specifically occured in the Owl House corner of this community, but everyone should be warned
I will put the rest of the post below keep reading, but for now the person I'm accussing is known as "les-the-mess" on here and "LesTheMessy" on DeviantArt (I do not remember the discord name) and she is 23/24 years of age
And lastly that a real minor has been contacted by said person and made very uncomfortable (url will not be stated for their safety)
Remember to check everything I say for yourself, if you don't believe me; I would not accuse this person publicly if I didn't consider them a real threat All except the minor's statement are available online
I am feeling sick to my stomach that this happened and I don't know how to handle this. I'm going to tell this a bit more like a story so I can get it out easier
I was on DA (DeviantArt) when I saw something odd pop up; a vore edit of Catra and Adora with Luz and Amity as prey. I looked at it, because I am always up to find more sfw safe vore creators, but it was neither safe or non-sexual
There were clearly comments engaging with the art in a sexual way and the creator didn't discourage or delete said comments and the description itself mentioned how the vore was going to end with both prey characters dying.
This person had an identical avatar and near identical username to their URL here on tumblr and I was horrified as I knew that this person had interacted with a minor despite having "minors DNI" and that already gave me a slight prickling suspicion something was wrong (later learned she has even DMed them on discord...)
They had both minors and NSFW in her DNI so I didn't have anything to go after, as they didn't have any post with suspicious stuff here or followed any weird blogs and I brushed it off initially
Her posts on DA however... Very fucking damning: almost all their edits are of minors and adults in vore or of the character The Collector (Which is a child who is also a god; he is immortal, but at the point we last see them is mentally an 8-10 year old)
Now I didn't pick the most damning thing to screenshot, as it was too gross (unbirth incest between Luz the main character, her girlfriend and Luz's mother Camila) but here is one example of one of their posts:
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Odalia/nickname Mamadalia is an antagonist of the show and an adult woman
Here is a screenshot of her account on tumblr:
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Very lousily taken, but I was too distraught to care
I contacted the minor (who I am already friendly with, since I wanted to support the growth of their blog) as soon as I deemed this person to be a threat and the minor has told me that she has indeed acted weird towards them, but it only clicked now after I shared what I did...
The minors own words when I asked for details:
"I can't remeber what we talked about exactly since I deleted my discord in a panic-
But it was first of with the collector, at first it seemed harmless, but I started getting uncomfortable when it entered into the vore Stuff, like, I dont why but it rubbed me the wrong way but I didnt say anything since it sorta felt…uneasy to say the least, and i feel stupid because i never said anything about it
She also talked a lot about digestion aswell, and when I brought up the no minors thing- she said it was because she managed and 18+ discord server and it was okay for us to talk, and I feel this is extremely important to mention- she reposted your art to me without credit, I cant remeber everything but i hope this is enough"
Now the last thing I will say I don't have much of an opinion on, because of how severe the situation is, but I wanted to include the full message (Split up into paragraphs for easier reading)
I might have forgotten some stuff, but this is all I can think of right now
Please just stay safe, stay away and block/report this person!
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stargazer0001 · 11 months
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(art from above is by @/sleepinginmute.)
Hello everyone! I’m Stargazer0001! But you can just call me Star :3
my pronouns are she/they/he/it/astro in no particular order. I like em all so use them interchangeably
I'm your local lil space critter, who has declared themself the CEO of the rainworld ship Stargazer (spearmaster x rivulet x nightcat)
I'm a silly littol spacegender fellar :3 How can I be lesbian and spacegender at the same time you ask? Fuck you thats how!/j Im also asexual so no NSFW please! This blog is meant to be at least a bit more kid friendly, even if there are more mature topics
I am also a furry so if you do not like them then please leave here
I am also questioning if I am a therian and fictionkin. I have done research on both and I am now taking them into consideration. Im not gonna label myself yet because I still might not be, but if anyone has helpful info on them then please do share :)
I have a secret draw box! if you wanna draw for me anonymously, you can go here to do it! I check every couple days.
Ask box: Open
Ship requests: closed. Uhhh i frogor to update this for a while so uh yeagh.
Ask me stuff: Always open unless the ask box is closed
Tell me silly things: Yes I want to talk to people!! Please give me silly asks i need them....
art requests: not open sorry :( artblock is blocking my art so
I wanna make my blog more organized now so I am going to start tagging stuff
#my art Art that is made by me
#Art request anytime my art requests are open I will tag it with this
#ask An ask that I have answered, this also applies to anon asks
#Star.TXT document this is for anytime I am just talking
#vent this if for anytime I just need to talk and vent about stuff
#lil starz art this is for my really old art, such as the ones near the beginning of my Tumblr journey
#Silly chat this is me and my mutuals little chats! Like if they send a lighthearted friend ask I will tag it with silly chat
I rarely block people but I still will on occasion. Please don't take any hard feelings if I do block you.
Basic DNI such as NSFW blogs, homophobes, transphobes, fatphobes, racists, antifurries and antitherians, and zionists
Cool moots who you should go check out if you like my blog:
@critter2: My IRL bestie that ive been with for a long time. We've been together through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. The bestie ever :3
@cookieeevee: An amazing friend! The first person to ever really DM me on here and I'd like to say that we've grown to be good friends. We have amazing little chats and she's an amazing person! Their art is also so soft and squishable! Go check em out
@sleepinginmute: one of my first moots! Such an amazing and silly creature. Its art is amazing, and even though im unsure if it considers me a friend, I know that I do. I really do wish the best for it and I hope that it can be truly happy someday
@cumulusbrume: we dont interact very often anymore, but I still find him a great moot to this day
@athofear: I fun lil fello!! Always a fun time interacting with em. Their art is also superrr shaped and silly!! Always a treat to see them on my dash
@meowyncherry: we dont interact much but he gave me the kinitopet brainrot and their art is also super blorbo so :3
@suburbandrifts: once again, we dont interact very often but they seem very cool and silly/pos and their art is incredibly good! mm the colors are coloring/pos @weeeeblr:!!! The art ever actually!!! Idk how we're mutuals cause hes super cool actually. Great art, and his designs for basically everything is peak/srs
@bananacat76: the bestie does indeed make art!!! And said art is amazing!! Such a cool person and fren :3 their style is also incredibly interesting I need to study it under a microscope/aff
@keeper-of-magic:!!! Cool person alert!!! Their art is amazing and their worldbuiding skills are super awesome!!! I also gotta try and play DND with them sometime.... I have no idea how to but it seems fun, just like them!
@badgerfrost: the silly ever!!! Its art is very well colored and its basically eye candy at this point, and ever time we interact I KNOW its gonna be a goood time
@draagu: ohhhh the silly!!! We dont interact much but shes a super cool moot and idk how we're mutuals like. ??? awesome person with awesome art FOLLOWED ME????? Awesome
@dazzoot: we have interacted a total of like 1 time but cool mutual deserves an honorary tag
GO CHECK ALL OF THESE SILLY PPL OUT!!! THEY'RE AWESOME :333 (if I forgor anyone i am so sorry. Also if you want me to untag you just ask. I dont wanna make anyone uncomfy)
Talking to people spooks me
I have anxiety so please be patient with me, I usually overthink what I am going to say and then end up saying something either really stupid, kinda weird, or I just don't respond.
I am mentally a 5 year old so please inform me if I did something wrong, I usually wont notice or I will think its not an issue. Please be patient with me.
if you sat through all of that, congrats! You get rw gifs now :)
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starry-sky-orchestra · 8 months
Let's make smiles bloom, anytime, everywhere! (WONDERHOY~!★)
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welcome to my blog! (or welcome back if you knew me before i went by this user)
name: christy or papu either is fine
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: pansexual omniromantic
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i am certified the prettiest princess in the entire world. bow down to me or else you get the guillotine grrr
-pls use tone tags when ur talking to me it makes a big big difference!!!!!
-possibly neurodivergent
-uh i apologize a lot and im really sensitive so. uh. jus like reassure me a lot ig
-if you call me a dry texter i will literally block you. /j but srsly not every1 is the best at talking..
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-i have an agere blog which is basically my alt so follow that one if u want too. or not.
DNI: proshippers, anti antis(?? idk what this means but i see this in a lot of profiles), freakstarries, whatever weird pjsk fans call themselves, basic dni criteria ykyk, if u think age regression is a kink. it isn't. go fuck yoursel- if you support Sara_mjrb/lord_sara_gaming or mizumi-kagaho
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social time whoohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
discord: ask in dms
youtube: pan_pan_papu
tumblr: ur here already.
wattpad: coming soon?? maybe????????
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project sekai
danganronpa (well. barely.)
anime in general but most of the subreddits on reddit fucking suck. theyre all either weirdos or homophobic (as in, i like yuri but yaoi is EWWWWW guys cant like guys!! i wld fuck alstolfo tho)
bubble guppies
sanrio in general
im joining a lot of fandoms every day. too many to remember
parappa the rapper
cardcaptor sakura
animal crossing
shima shima tora no shimajiro
ojamajo doremi
little witch academia
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ummmm im hypersexual so like im more. weirder. than other people
fanfic writer. kind of. i have 200 million fankids and i will write about them ALL
i am probably the only shima shima tora no shimajiro fan ever. like im being serious its not that well known out of japan
i like karaoke!!!!!! kind of! its fun <3
also. i am being serious about potty training being my special intrest. pls dont think im weird.
if u ever wonder why all my fankids are so young/why i usually draw pjsk characters younger than they acc are then. ur reason is here.
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-my art is fucking ass. like seriously its so terrible its the worst thing you have ever see
-speaking of, if u dont like wxs m/f or vbs m/f dni. like imagine being pressed over two teenagers kissing. that is so silly. anyways most of my ships are m/f i dont know why i have a lot of m/m and f/f ships tho. there is no way you can convince me haruka kiritani is straight she is a girl kisser. same w airi.
-mahou shoujo has my heart and soul <33
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-i love ken shiraishi. whoever made an's dad design i love you so much he is such a dilf bro
-professional shitposter
-this is rlly cringe to admit. but. im one of those fictional other people ig? my f/o is arisa mochida from the hit game idolmaster cinderella girls starlight stage
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anyways my tags are
fanfics - fanfics. obvi.
ok thats it idk what else to write
oh damn i made this too long. anyways. heres my carrd. it looks better on phone.
ok goodbye
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page551 · 11 months
Do you think KDJ x HSY has gotten more popular in the fandom?
yes and no.
lemme explain
yes because firstly, as we know, orv fandom is constantly growing on all sorts of social media. the more the fandom grows the more posts will pop up and engagement will be had
secondly, orv is a meta heavy novel. and hsy, equally so, a meta heavy character. being one of the main three characters means that she has close relationships with the majority of the orv cast (sure kdj yjh and ysa are closer but you get the point) in fact I'd go so far and say that out of all 3 of yhk hsy is the most balanced when it comes to her relationships and i can make the argument that kdj is not too close with lsh and yma, or yjh is not close with ysa, jhw (outside of 0th turn) and lgy (<- altho hes more than willing to throw hands with him lmao)
now circling back to doksoo, whether in a platonic sense or a romantic sense, they are one of the key duos in orv so orv fans are bound to talk about them in whatever sense that we like them as.
now no, bcs as i said orv fandom is growing, doksoo shippers are growing in numbers, but so are shippers of other ships. i dont want to sound vague, but it also depends what your criteria to determine a ship's popularity is? likes on a fanart on twitter? notes on a post on tumblr? doksoo winning a poll on orv subreddit? the number of fics on ao3??
bbnim's sangsoo (not tagged) art reached 100k likes on twitter. another artist's joongdok (also not tagged) art reached 130k likes. does that mean that every single person that has interacted with these fanarts has been a shipper? no, it doesn't. someone can vaguely describe a doksoo trope on a tumblr post and go viral. does this mean that every single one that liked and reblogged that post is a doksoo shipper? also no. reddit is a different landmine altogether. m/f ships have always thrived there, until you consider that their shippers are dudebros who very much do not create any type of fan content.
now, while not the absolute factor, I'd say that the most reliable indicator is the number of fics (on different platforms such as ao3, wattpad, threadfics on twitter, mini fics on tumblr. and so on) and just wow theyre pitiful over there
tldr, these past few months that ive been active in the fandom I've noticed that doksoo shippers genuinely don't seem to grasp the general rules of the shipping side of the fandom(s) they lack imagination and delusion which you need if you want others to engage with your ship and fan content(they also spend way too much time trying hard to disprove joongdok moments but anw)
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deathclassic · 6 months
weekly wednesday tag game except its a thursday
thank you for thinking of me @iansw0rld @jrooc @skylerwinchester @creepkinginc @stocious @energievie
Which character from any media would you like to have as a father? idk man,,,,,phil from modern family i guess
If money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have? a giraffe.
what is your chinese takeout order? my family and i always get fried rice, sweet and sour pork, mixed veggies and chicken skewers - ALL vegetarian bc the restaurant is tao.
what's your favourite emoji? rock hands, im on desktop rn so
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house? theatre, slowly working on it lol
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly? i loved madeline, maisy, spot,,,,,,
what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself? cyber goth
what was your tumblr like when you first joined? emo shit and dan and phil,,,,i didnt know how it worked very well in 2011
if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best? oooh any of the pokemon worlds i will know everything
what is your favourite piece of art? theres something about starry night that always grabs my attention, i could list hundreds of pieces of art but starry night will be at the top each time.
do you have a water bottle? yessir
what fanfic trope is a quiet fave? single parent au's
do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it? not everyday but i have a backpack, it's black. umbrella, sketchbook, pens, sunscreen, bandaids, weirdest thing is probably the dragon ball z keychain that lives inside it bc i found it on the side of the road.
if you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be? none but i have read a decent mickey x lip once (pre ian)
what is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did? celebrity aus
do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian? yes, just slightly more awkwardly
who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house? carl took it wherever he went
everyone has been tagged and i dont want to bother anyone so,,,,hi
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suite-dee-reynolds · 1 year
Wait, you've been a Sunny fan for 8 years?! You've got to tell us how it's been in that time!!! What's the vibe been like here in that time and how has it changed? What were the big fan theories? Was r/iasip always such a hellhole dumpsterfire? What are the big things from the fandom back in the day that we don't know about but should?
Ooooh lets see what I remember-
Charlie reigned supreme- like really and truly so many blogs and so, so much content was Charlie Charlie Charlie, everyday, all the time and I mean he still is insanely popular but definitely back in the day Charlie in the show and of the cast was easily the most popular, like it felt like 7/10 posts were about him. Glenn was next in line but I do distinctly remember Kaitlin and Rob didn't have as much content about them, at a certain point I kinda was the Kaitlin Olson tag, that's not me being up myself I just used to be in her tag constantly and it'd be a lot of posts in a row of just me- the girls of the series def didnt always get the love they should and I'm not really sure that's changed much ☠ But yeah this was also around the time that everyone was also going gaga about Pacific Rim so that def made Charlie even more popular too.
Macdennis has always, always been a popular pairing but their popularity 100% has skyrocketed the past few years, and I mean SKYROCKETED. Like they're on par with some wildly popular mlm ships nowadays and it's lowkey so funny to see em in the ring with like. destiel 😂 now when I go in the tag it seems half the posts feature mac and dennis, which is notable to me bc Mac especially was kinda... Unloved is not the right way to phrase it bc fans have always loved him but Rob/Mac def didn't get /as/ much love back in the day. Like people often spoke of him as the weakest character but after season 13 I think he's gained more appreciation.
Fans have def gotten much bigger on theories and stuff these days, I'm sure they had em back then too but it wasn't as prevalent and none particularly stand out, it was usually just the "X characters are secretly sleeping together" type beat. I also remember a popular theory that everyone was going to die in the inevitable series finale but then the show never got cancelled and I dont know what that was about?
Reddit has always been messy and there def was a pretty big us vs them type vibe between sunny fans back then- though it was less reddit vs tumblr and more "straight dude bros" vs everyone else like I remember so many posts being like "Ugh straight dude bros don't get the show" I probably made some of those posts 😂 Lots of "Mac isn't actually gay" too which is very, very funny in hindsight- No one ever thought they'd canonize his sexuality.
Ummm... Probably the most notable thing to me tho is seeing how popular the cast has become, like 8 years ago Danny was the only "Big name" Like the media absolutely spoke of the show as these no name people and Danny Devito. I mean that was not totally the case for Charlie, he was becoming more and more popular and gaining traction in the mainstream with pacific rim and the likes but with Glenn, Kaitlin and Rob they were definitely not super well known outside Big always sunny fans so seeing them go from that to Rob being besties with Ryan Reynolds and stuff has honestly been super interesting and funny. Like I remember posting rob and kaitlins wedding pictures and getting so many people going WAIT THEYRE MARRIED?? it was hilarious to see the transition.
Yeah those are probably the biggest changes I can think of- it's gotten more popular which explains most of it, shipping has def become a much bigger thing as well, ships were pretty chill back then, there wasn't too much fic or art so thats different now :)
OH BUT ART! There's always been wonderful fan artists but nowadays wowee!! some amazing art for the series, like much more abundant! That's the gist of it :)
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blitzkennedyrieg · 1 month
Hi! so i realised your very very underrated, no offense..
So, as a person who gets somewhat noticed, i will give you some tips.
#Hashtags jesus Christ they are important
A hashtag is something im sure all tumblr users or just most ppl on social media are.. they help connect people with things they enjoy and like, which brings more attention to posts. I realised you dont do much or any at all Hashtag(s) and unfortunately you kinda need to. Maybe about 20-30, i know that sounds like a lot but its relatively easy to make a hashtag. Put what your post is about in many many forms of saying it, and no you cant do the same hashtag, it doesn't work. But just say it in different ways multiple times. anything can be made into a hashtag and you'll see everything you make below. Just click then 20-30 more later. You'll probably get the attention you deserve.
when answering asks i notice a lot of people just put #Asks or #Ask as the only hashtag when answering someones ask..But..That probably wont work, just hashtag a lot about what its about, or what the person asked about instead of just putting #Ask or #Example name Asked..which also wont work if you're not remotely popular
Also, when it comes to oc's you might have to realize you probably wont get much attention. people are more interested in something they already know everything about, like pennywise..sorta. Im a pennywise fan, so my work about him gets popular, because it has a fandom, or spy, he has a fandom too! So there are more people to interact with it because they know about it, more than just and oc only you might know about.
I also wanna say it takes a little bit of time, and i see you are taking a little bit of time. So, i apologize if this was like, idk forcing? I would just like to see your art get more recommended or recognised because your art is absolutely amazing dude. Keep it going man!
(also i love both the pennywise(s) and spy art<33)
hello anon! thank you for the tips and compliments i actually appreciate them a lot <3 but the reason i don't really tag my posts is because i've been on tumblr for like 2+ years i think and my days of trying to become a recognised popular artist are kinda in the past
i think i deleted all my old posts but if they were still up you'd be able to tell i was trying to get seen because i did add like a bajillion tags. there was a point where i stopped adding as many tags because i was content with the like 5 people looking at my posts
i appreciate the attention i get with the tags i do add but most of the time i just tag my stuff for blog organisation purposes. especially when it comes to my like OCs and stuff i just tag them with their story name. it's mainly just for my mutuals and friends to see and if anyone else happens to be interested while looking through my blog then that's a plus
but thank you nonetheless :^)
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