#i like their artstyle a ton too
superchat · 8 months
whats that hamsterfragment girl's fucking problem
i love that artist, their styles so good
basically their oc is someone whose constantly finding the most bizarre ways to kill herself. whenever they make a new post ppl in the replies are like "wake up babe, new HamsterFragment art" and theyre trying to figure out just what the method is this time, cuz some of them get really fuckin abstract
there are some commentary relevant throughout them tho like this one can be seen to be about global warming
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a more recent one is about the stock market
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theyre morbid but theres a fanbase for it
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loregoddess · 3 months
okay one of my all-time favorite fanarts for the first Octopath game were these doodles of the travelers sleeping, and it made me want to make art of the Octo2 travelers sleeping but I don't have a lot of energy for art lately so I don't think that'll happen, however I was still inspired to come up with a whole bunch of headcanons about the sleeping habits of the Octo2 travelers, sooo...I wrote them instead. Cheers. (some story spoilers)
Ochette Ochette has official art showing her sleeping, so we know she sleeps curled in a tight little ball (although she probably repositions herself in her sleep), but I also think she nests. Like, all the time. Staying at an inn? Ochette turns those blankets into a nest and curls up in them. Camping? no need for a sleeping bag (unless it's cold) she'll just tamp down some grass and make a nest. Will also nest in trees by rearranging the branches and leaves. Nests in Osvald's hair on occasion.
Also I think Ochette's a huge cuddler. She's usually cuddled with Akala or Mahina, but once she gets to know the other travelers better and figures out their personal boundaries, she'll cuddle anyone who's okay with it (probably usually Agnea and Castti. Throne wants to cuddle Ochette so badly but refuses to ask...Ochette eventually figures it out though. Osvald swears he doesn't know anything about Ochette making nests of his hair or snuggling into his coat during cold nights, but everyone knows he has the soul of a loving father. One time Ochette fell asleep leaning against Hikari and he was afraid to move at all for the rest of the night).
Follows something of a crepuscular sleeping schedule, so Ochette's most active at dawn and dusk, naps in the middle of the day, and sleeps through most of the night (although she's skilled at night hunting and can stay up most of the night if need be). Ochette can technically stay awake for a couple of days at a time if she's taking breaks and short rests, since it's useful for tracking and stalking prey over longer distances, but doesn't prefer this type of a hunt. Can also technically follow a "typical diurnal human" sleeping schedule, but Ochette thinks it's stupid. Would love siestas if they existed in Solistia.
Overall quick to fall asleep, quick to wake up. Only feels groggy if it's cold or the weather's bad, as she'd prefer to continue sleeping snuggled up in her warm nest.
Castti Castti can sleep anywhere, anytime, in any position, but mostly because she does not have any sort of healthy sleeping habits or regular sleeping schedule. Terrible, terrible habit of just staying awake to help patients and then passing out as soon as she gets a brief break in her work (her sleeping at a table in her ending card artwork attests to this). She was better about getting proper sleep when she was with Eir's Apothecaries and could share the work, and the other travelers are good at nagging her to get to sleep, but Castti doesn't really hold her own sleep health to the same standards she'll expect of her patients (she is, canonically, a bit reckless about her own health, re: Osvald telling to her to take better care of herself in that one travel banter). Snores if she's gone too long without sleeping, and won't stop until she's gotten at least two hours of sleep.
Not a really deep sleeper, but not a light sleeper either. Castti has the ability to sort of sense when someone around her needs medical help, and wakes up accordingly to help them. If no one's in trouble though she could sleep through a hailstorm on a tin roof. Because she doesn't follow any fixed sleeping schedule, her body's innate sleeping cycles are a bit wonky, but if Castti allowed herself to return to a "normal" sleeping schedule she'd be the sort of person who was up before the sun rose, and be in bed as soon as the sun set.
Throne Throne is the lightest sleeper in the group. A mouse scampering across the inn floor could wake her. Always sleeps on her side with a dagger in hand. If she's at an inn, she chooses whichever bed is against a wall or in a corner with no windows, so that nothing can sneak up behind her as she sleeps, and sleeps facing out towards the rest of the room. If she's camping then she either chooses a location where she can't easily be ambushed (under an overhanging boulder/cliff, against a large tree), or begrudgingly sleeps on her back so she can survey the area around her. Once she's more comfortable with the other travelers, she's willing to treat them as "walls" that she can safely have her back to, but overall being raised by a syndicate of assassins made her an extremely cautious sleeper.
Given the nature of her work, Throne's mostly nocturnal, opting to sleep through the day, and be awake all night long. However, some jobs required more flexibility, so Throne also learned to just sort of be up whenever she needed to be up, and sleep whenever she could. If left to her own devices though she prefers to sleep through the day. Very quick to wake up, but also doesn't have too much trouble getting to sleep either.
Osvald Before prison Osvald was probably the sort of person to stay up late into the night as he pursued his research, and sleep in late during the morning. A very deep sleeper as well, although he did acquire the parental "oh shit, my kid needs me time to be fully awake" instinct when Elena was a baby that never really went away as she got older (Castti recruited Osvald to help her nurse the others when they get sick because he started having the parental "oh shit" reaction to the other travelers as well). If he needed to be up early for some sort of scholarly conference or to teach classes or something, then Rita was the one to get him up in a timely manner (she was more of a morning person), which was good because Osvald would take 1-2 hours just to fully wake up (very serious coffee person).
Osvald's time in prison changed him however, and between the cold and needing to survey everyone and everything in the prison, he stopped sleeping through the night and would sleep in short bursts instead. Like Throne, he became a very cautious sleeper, making sure his back was to a wall while he remained hyper-vigilant of his surroundings. Whatever his sleep schedule might have been didn't matter since he had to abide by the prison's work schedules. Being passed out as he washed up on the shores of Cape Cold was the first long "sleep" Osvald had in five years.
After escaping, he's sort of in a weird in-between state where part of his mind still thinks he's in constant danger and wants to continue being stressed and vigilant, and another part that realizes he's safe now and wants to finally get some rest. As a result Osvald's sleeping habits are...haphazard during his travels. Sometimes he manages to sleep just fine, sometimes he's restless, sometimes he'll be up for two days straight claiming he can't sleep. One time Castti offered him some sleeping medicine and he slept for almost an entire day. He doesn't stop being vigilant, although he's not quite as cautious as Throne (no weapons on hand), but this mostly just results in him knowing everyone else's sleeping habits and troubles. Partway through the travels, Osvald does ease up a bit as he's able to accept he's not in constant danger, and as he comes to trust the others more he begins to relax enough to start recovering his old sleeping habits.
Eventually, he is able to recover most of his sleeping habits, staying up late researching, and sleeping in late (unfortunately Clarissa and Elena have the same sleep schedule, so if they all need to be somewhere early chances are they're going to be collectively late). Osvald never does quite shake some of the habits picked up from prison though, and doesn't sleep as deeply as he once did.
Partitio Partitio doesn't sleep in any really odd positions, although he does rotisserie chicken through the night, turning from one side to his back to his other side to his stomach and back to his side, all without really waking up. Snores like a motor if he's on his back, but if one of the other travelers kicks him or tosses something at him, he'll turn over and stop snoring (won't remember this in the morning). Sleeps extremely deeply as well, and can sleep through almost anything. Coughing wakes Partitio up immediately though, because of the time he spent nursing his father's poor health--this in turn makes him a great nurse if any of the other travelers fall sick, and Castti was pretty quick to recruit him to being her aide as well.
Growing up working in mines meant Partitio was pretty tired come night, and would just pass out. He's a natural morning person, and typically follows a very regular "wake up with the rising sun, go to sleep with the starlight" schedule. Only oversleeps if he partied too hard late into the night, or else had to stay up all night for some reason.
Agnea Tosses and turns the most through the night. Not out of discomfort, Agnea just, doesn't really stay still when she sleeps, and sleeps in the strangest positions as well when she isn't moving around. At an inn the bed's covers will be an absolute mess when she gets up, and her sleeping bag ends up cocooned around her in ways the other travelers didn't think possible. Worst bedhead as well, it takes her a good half hour to get her hair brushed out sometimes. Which is fine because it usually takes her a bit to fully wake up in the morning (although if she's excited about something, Agnea can get up and be ready to go in ten minutes flat).
Also a bit of a sleep-talker, but the sort of "nonsense" sleep talk that almost seems to make sense but doesn't. The other travelers have held entire nonsense conversations with Agnea as she sleeps. She of course, does not have any memory of these conversations when she wakes up, nor do any of her dreams match the content of the conversations recounted to her. Agnea was a bit embarrassed by this at first, until she realized the others weren't teasing her to be mean, but because her nightly chatter was truly amusing in an endearing sort of way.
Prefers to sleep late into the morning/early afternoon and stay up into the night, since it fits her schedule as a dancer better. However, Angea also has one of those internal alarm clocks, so if she needs to get up early in the morning, she just tells herself at what time to wake up and then she does. Absolute envy of Pala, who does not have an internal alarm clock. Very useful when she's travelling though, since she can make sure all the other travelers are up on time if she needs too. Also, given the size of Solistia I'm assuming there's like, major time zone differences, but I feel like Agnea would be one of those people who almost never suffers from jetlag (partly bc the means to travel across the time zones quickly enough doesn't yet exist, but also because she just has a naturally good internal sense of time and adjusts to the times the sun rises and sets pretty quickly).
Temenos Temenos looks like he sleeps peacefully. On his back, hands folded over his chest, perfectly still, no matter if he's in a bed at an inn, or a sleeping bag while camping. The truth is it takes him 1-3 hours to actually fall asleep, and he's just pretending to sleep while he tries to get thoughts about whatever case (or general stress thoughts) out of his mind. Ochette, Throne, and Osvald have figured this out, since Temenos's breathing isn't actually steady until he's fallen asleep (Ochette has good ears, Throne's used to keeping a close eye on those around here, and Osvald also got good at monitoring his cellmates and the prison guards, which carried over to his traveling companions). Once he is asleep though, Temenos sleeps fairly deeply.
He's also had these issues getting to sleep since forever. When Temenos was really young, Jorg would read him stories from the scriptures, and once Temenos learned to read he'd stay up late reading and rereading these stories in hopes that the tedious language would bore him to sleep. This is at least part of the reason why he's memorized almost all the stories in the scriptures, even if he can't remember the details exactly. Sometimes if he knows he's not going to get to sleep easily, he'll still read, although he's expanded his reading list to just about every genre, and usually always has some sort of book on hand as a result.
Because he remains in the same position all night, Temenos wakes up stiff and needs to stretch to loosen his muscles. However, when he has nightmares he tends to toss and turn a bit, and then just wakes up achy from having slept in an odd position. Night owl by nature, feels most awake in the evening and early night, and would sleep half the day except his duties as inquisitor and cleric require Temenos to get up early (which he uses an alarm clock for, maybe? I mean, mechanical clocks do exist in Solistia, so...). Wakes up fairly quickly, but is always a little tired throughout the day.
Hikari Hikari tends to sleep mostly on his side, and also keeps a weapon nearby (he did grow up participating in a concerning number of wars and battles). He prefers to get up early and go to bed early, but given the need for flexibility on a battlefield, can and has stayed up through the night and slept part of the day with little consequence. Hikari's also an incredibly quiet and still sleeper, rarely repositioning except to sometimes roll onto his back.
He is also a deceptively peaceful-looking sleeper. Hikari's issue is less that he can't get to sleep easily, and more that he's afraid of the Shadow overtaking him somehow while he sleeps, a fear that was especially prevalent when he was in active warzones. Without anyone he could really discuss this with, Hikari had to figure out how to get to sleep on his own, and eventually settled for meditating before he planned to sleep. During his meditation he focuses on suppressing the Shadow the same way he's able to suppress it when he's awake, and specifically visualizes locking the Shadow away for the duration of his sleep. This meditation tactic, once Hikari refined it, did help him sleep with lessened fear of the Shadow overtaking him. It didn't stop him from occasionally having nightmares about the Shadow though, which eventually led to Hikari figuring out how to lucid dream so he could get the Shadow out of his dreams as well.
All this means that, so long as Hikari has adequate time to set up, he's able to meditate and then simply lay down and go to sleep. Unfortunately, it also means that he will refuse to sleep if he does not have adequate time to properly mediate, and has on occasion just...stayed awake for a concerning amount of time. Hikari's so earnest and polite about insisting he simply can't sleep though that the other travelers have a hard time arguing with him in these rare instances where he refuses to sleep. When, on occasion, he ends up knocked out from a battle (or getting zapped off a bridge), and doesn't have control over passing out, Hikari actually does fine, since his subconscious kicks in to keep him safe from the Shadow, but this doesn't stop him from practicing his disciplined sleep ritual.
Hikari doesn't ever truly stop his meditation before sleeping after the events of his story, but he stops forcing himself to stay awake out of fear if he can't meditate, much to the relief of his friends and retainers. It's less that Hikari no longer fears the Shadow, and more that he believes in his own strength to keep it out of his mind entirely. At that point, Hikari actually sleeps just as peacefully as he looks while sleeping.
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can-of-slorgs · 2 months
i love how you draw dr sloth
thanks, he's actually more fun to draw than I'd thought before hshshsh
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dianagj-art · 2 years
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I know is unfair of me to compare something I spent like, a minute, two minutes tops doing. vs something I spent way more time and effort on. 
But I love comparing my thumbnails vs my final sketches so here are some of my favorite panels for the httyd comic I’m doing.
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smille-c · 1 year
i wish people would draw fat character fat, and not with slightly large shoulder
i understand that you are learning but please at least try
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aaronymous999 · 7 months
Y’know, I’m appreciating the abundance of Spider-Sona tag games recently- so I’m gonna be making my own here! Only 10 questions because I don’t want to go too wild with this one- or else we’d be here all day!
Spider-Sona 10 Questions!
What artstyle is your Spider-Sona’s world? ( For example, Gwen’s world is watercolor, Hobie’s world is inspired by punk art and punk album covers, etc. be creative! )
Do any characters that appear in the 616 or 1610 universes appear in your Spider-Sona’s world? If so, who and how are their roles different? ( For example, if Hobie Brown is in your universe, is he still the Prowler? Is Peter Parker in your universe? )
Is there a specific species of spider your Spider-Sona was bitten by, or was based off of? ( Can’t think of any specific canon examples here- but I’ve seen a lot of Spider-Sonas based off wolf spiders for example! )
What city and what time period does your Spider-Sona live in?
Is your Spider-Sona in the Spider Society? Were they ever asked to join but declined? Were they not scouted at all? Did they join and then quit? Tell me all about it!
Does your Spider-Sona have organic webbing, or do they use web-shooters? Mix of both? And is their webbing typical spider webbing, or does it have a style to it? ( For example, Miguel’s webbing being red and presumably digital. )
Very important question here- do they have any pets? And if so, do they ever take them out on their crime fighting missions?
Are they the only Spider-Person in their universe? ( For example, Miles and Peter co-existing in the Insomniac Games )
Are there things that exist in their universe but don’t in others? ( For example, Comic Con existing in Miles-42’s universe but not in 1610 Miles’s! Or certain Marvel superheroes existing in their universe but not others. )
And lastly ( For now will probably make a few more of these… honestly I could make one daily but I don’t wanna bother people lol ) what does your Spider-Sona think about killing criminals… and their general approach to crime.
Okay and that’s a wrap for this one! Let me know if you want more of these and how frequently you’d like them! If you aren’t tagged, you can still absolutely do this by the way, just gonna tag a few mutuals and people I follow who I know have Spider-Sona’s! Please let me know if you would not like to be tagged in the future- no hard feelings I’m just autistic and need things to be spelled out bluntly for me!
@spidey-bie @the-cat-and-the-birdie @brown-spider @autisticarach
( You know actually I don’t follow a ton of Spider-Sona blogs so if you come across this post and would LIKE to be tagged in future tag games please let me know in the reblogs or the replies! )
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shadale-s-safe-space · 7 months
I don't know much about you as a person, but from what I can gather you've had a long journey with art, but still have the motivation to continue even when its rough. I'm sure you didn't start out making masterpieces, so if its not too much trouble, do you have any advice for a 16 year old artist losing motivation? i feel like im stagnating right now and its awful
Idk man, all I can say is, draw watchu want without the care who's gonna see it or what they gonna say , commit to new ideas and care less about pleasing everyone, because I know that way too well, I started learning by drawing animals, flowers and nature, "you should draw something else", switches to furries " No you must do human portraits", draws humans *no one fuckin cares*, and I felt miserable drawing what I didn't want all the damn time just trying to please everyone and be liked, hell, I still do that sometimes cuz I'm a dumbass. When in reality, when you do your own thing is when you're the happiest, this internet bullshit? Yeah don't trust the likes and favs, people like what they find relatable, no one really knows how much time you've spent on your drawing or how much you love it, when a 5 min doodle you did could do more than a painting that took 2 whole days to complete just to be scrapped in a new speedy record, paint what you love for yourself and you only.
Don't be shy to learn new things, I have tons of stuff I don't post here cuz I know people wouldn't care about it, but here for this post, have this that I practiced when I felt too depressed to think of anything good and wanted to step back from the MD artstyle
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You'll see, you'll thrive when you draw what you want, and get yourself a drawing buddy! That way you'll stop focusing on the internet and more on each other, and each other's improvement. Tbh I struggled with that one. Since everyone I had were not into art irl, I somehow managed to find someone after 10 years of drawing alone. I honestly wanted more people to join in and make an improvement circle, but unfortunately that never happened.
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I found myself twice as productive now than ever, even though I'm not active here as much I am still drawing and making things, ofc giving you more comics! And other fun things in the future I hope.
If you're struggling to draw something just do it, man commit, i was uncomfortable drawing men and male characters for years, I've wasted so many years being "too uncomfortable" and draw a naked person like yeesh who fucking cares, it's for studying.
And ofc if you feel like you're not improving at all please, please experiment with your artstyle and try something new, please refresh your mind, I was stuck for years doing the same thing over and over, same colors, same 2px brush, drawing like a machine same shit over and over, I felt so stuck and lost, but also afraid to do something new, idk why, I guess I never felt good enough or deserving of it. I also didn't go to art school, I am NOT a professional, nor will i ever be in my opinion. Hell, me feeling like I'll never be good enough left me afraid to try and apply for art school, they were asking for sculptures, different mediums all that scary stuff and I was like, I don't.. know.. how to do those things... I can't build a portfolio in less than 3 months?!?! I don't even know how to use half of what they're asking for!!
In reality at the end of the day, art is what you make of it and no one can stop you, search for inspirations and don't be afraid to try, yes you'll fail fist 2 or 10 or hell even 100 times, but you'll come back with more knowledge than ever.
For ending I give you the most confusing drawing to ever exist [dw he's just sleeping on top of her and she's just ghasping for air but awe romance or sum lol] is it weird? Yeah but I had a fun time making it hahaha
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Idk I'm bad at putting my thoughts together, but hopefully some of this helps.
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bloodrediscream · 11 months
Not necessarily an ask, but I adore all your AU’s, they’re very creative and your artstyle captivates them so well!! Although, I am more intrigued by the Reboot AU, hope to see more of him soon!
oh yes! To be completely honest with you, I think he has a ton of potential! although I personally like rubber hose a bit more because of the nostalgia. Reboot seems fun. He's still brand new too! I'm currently making a character Ai for him!
So stay tuned yay!!!
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
Bocchi The Rock! is really hitting sweet spots for me on how it presents its main character’s core plot concept. Bocchi is essentially K-On! but if main girl Yui was too introverted to function instead of too stupid to function; which is a challenge to make interesting. The Yui of this show, Hitori, is a social train wreck who convinced herself learning guitar would substitute for having a personality and make her friends, with the expected 0% success rate. The plot follows her new desperate attempt to achieve friend-dom by joining a band. Which is a character concept that gives us some extremely relatable content: 
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Yet the show does still have the challenge of making a character who sucks at socializing be the main character of a Slice of Life show about socializing. Its a comedy, obviously, but still that can get repetitive fast, these character types are often side characters for a reason. Shows like WataMote keep it fresh by making main girl Tomoko a degenerate scumbag on top of a shut-in, its the *degeneracy* that powers the show; you want to have an angle on characters like these
Bocchi’s angle is both character & directorial. On the character side, what endears me to Hitori is how much she is halfway there on understanding social interaction. She might be a breathing pink stress ball but she isn’t clueless, she knows, kindof, what you need to do to make friends - her panic-attack levels of social anxiety just preclude it. So you get opening scenes like these, where she dresses full-musician to go to school to inspire musician-types to talk to her:
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And it falls flat on her face because she has been there for months already and still refuses to initiate anything:
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But that is what fashion is for! She did look good, in another context this would work (and does accidentally to trigger the ~plot later)
Or when learning about her new also-weirdo band mate Ryo, she goes from “yes friend!!”:
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To, 5 seconds later on hearing that she spends her time visiting ruined buildings & second-hand clothing stores, “oh no, not like me at all”:
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Which is actually pretty smart for 5 seconds of thought, Hitori groks that interests correlate with personality and people relate to being alone differently.
The point is that Hitori’s social failure is stacked on top of social insight, the humor derives from what she gets right vs wrong. Her *almost* getting it is more enjoyable, and more importantly way more likeable, than her just flailing. She holds the stupid ball for sure but you get why, she is trying to throw it away at least, which is endearing instead of frustrating.
More exceptional is how the show communicates her struggle; she can’t talk good right? So tons of her dialogue is internal dialogue - which you have to spice up somehow, static shots w/ voice narration is not very fun. Bocchi has a grand time playing one of anime’s trump cards of having fantastical brain-scape setpieces to communicate mood. That ‘she is a loner’ revelation ain’t settling for some sparkling pink-background; we have a full apocalypse to carry her aborted dream instead:
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Communicating information hits the same struggle as emotion; this is a show about music after all, and another of anime’s strengths its presumption the audience actually is interested in the details of the niche hobby stuff the show is about. But Hitori-in-actuality couldn’t teach someone how to breathe let alone music tips, so instead we get random artistic cutaways to diagrams and explainers by imaginary instruments:
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Which I love! Its expressive, you can shift the artstyle in a way that doesn’t clash, it lets the animators flex technique, and the information gets across without dragging down pacing (a lot of media, *unable* to do this, simply cuts the information out entirely, primarily to spite me). 
And of course since all of this is happening inside Hitori’s head, she is, apparently, immensely creative - I love her now, teach me your ways my gumball princess! Her head would be a great place to be if you could lobotomize the anxiety somehow. All this means that Hitori, while awkward, is rarely cringe - partly because the directing always cuts away from any shots that would focus on cringe, but mainly because Hitori is too interesting to be cringe, you got other things to think about.
All in all Bocchi the Rock is my favourite silly-Slice-of-Life show of the season, and I hope it continues this level of playfulness going forward.
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occasionaltouhou · 2 months
so whenever I see ran in fanworks nowadays, she's almost universally portrayed as a calm, polite servant of yukari (with a ton of intimidation and power to back it up ofc). measured tone, neutral smiles, all that. but back in SSiB, she's a little gremlin who's sneaking around making deals with a toothy smile hidden behind her clasped hands. am I seeing an actual difference in her characterization (i.e. or am I making this up) and if so, did that shift also happen in official works post-SSiB?
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so here's what you need to bear in mind: between the release of ssib/cilr and udoalg, ran does not appear. like at all. she has a few cameos but basically no lines of dialogue whatsoever. so in terms of "official works", you basically only have udoalg to go off of
anyway, in terms of that shift itself - i don't think it's there, at least as far as canon goes. you could make the case that ssib is the outlier more than anything (she's pretty consistent between pcb, cilr, and udoalg) but even then i'd say that's more due to the artstyle than anything imo
that is to say, i feel like a lot of the time fanon is simply wrong about her in general, because by focusing on her in her role as a demure servant of yukari, people tend to downplay ran's arrogance. she's polite to yukari (obviously) but she tends to be pretty proud of herself and her power and her role as yukari's shikigami in other contexts. and as udoalg showed, she still has the arrogant pride of a nine-tailed kitsune, too. she thinks that she's better than other youkai, and she definitely thinks she's better than the human protagonists. if she weren't a smug know-it-all bastard then she wouldn't have to tried to fuck with the protagonists in pcb to begin with, y'know
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sparkly-caroline · 1 month
Okay, so basically, I've been revisiting the older FNF mods (from around 2020-2021), for nostalgia's sake. So I started rewatching the FNF HD mod. I knew it was 90% a reskin mod, so I did not have my expectations TOO high.
But for the most part, I don't dislike it as much as other people do, the artstyle's neat and it was one of the first few mods that tried to give FNF a story. Even if it's not as cool as it used to be back then, it was fine for its time.
But I do have ONE pet peeve with it. The part I remember disliking the most, even back in 2021:
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Pico. Yeah, I'm gonna be real, I did not like Pico in FNF HD. They just made him into the biggest dickhead imaginable in that mod.
I know Pico from FNF or even the Pico's School series isn't exactly a saint, I know that, but bruh, in FNF HD the guy was just insuferable.
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So it's true that GF's dad hired Pico to kill BF, that part is accurate.
But in vanilla FNF, Pico CHOSE to spare BF due to their past relationship. In HD, nah he's cool killing BF, he's just "playing with his food" before he does.
My dude, you have the gun, you want to kill BF, he's right there infront of you, why are you wasting your time doing this?? (Even if GF can just shoo him away with her demon powers anyway)
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Oh wait, he just does that anyway. He said "imma spare you if I jam to the beat". Nah, that was all one big lie.
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Screw you too.
And then there's the memey screenshot that's been flodding Twitter recently:
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No notes, 10 outta 10 /j
And then Pico loses again and GF sends him to the Shadow Realm. GGs, my boi, GGs.
That's about the only big peeve I have with the mod right now, the rest of it is fine... mostly. I mean, the dialogue is mostly some really sus stuff, a ton of innuendos, and then the Mommy Mearest week. That entire week was, uh... a little TOO much for me.
(rip the monetization of the let's play youtubers who uploaded videos when Week 4 HD came out lol).
And I like the new remixes of the songs for the most part. And as far as 2021 mods go, it didn't age THAT badly. I've been an FNF fan (ugh cringe) since Week 5 came out, I've seen WAY worse mods than HD.
But yeah... fuck Pico HD, don't like that guy. They did my fav character dirty... and that is the post. Follow for more ramblings/opinions of random stuff I find online, and hope y'all were as freaked out by this portrait as I was when I first saw it, peace-
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
My Rachel Elizabeth Dare headcanons
Natural redheaded and greeneyed yoruba nigerian second gen inmigrant.She's darkskin with 4d hair
Autistic with schizophrenia
No masking game and that's her and Percy's special connection origin
Dresses like Miss Frizzle but with punk accents.Example:Gaudy dress with colorful tights,demonias,a spike collar and pink tears eyeliner
Aroaceflux,lesbian and a trans woman.Her and Percy define their dynamic as either queerplatonic sapphic girlfriends or exes to even closer best friends depending on the Percyverse(I have two-Persephone Jackson,which is regular tgirl Percy,and Perseo Jackson,which is transfem bigender Percy and some more canon compliant)
She grows up to disenmantle her father's company to replace it with a solarpunk international bussiness and Percy and her go to protests and do activism together and she rubs off her gender presentation on her a bit or rather helps her realize they kinda have similar ones
Her full initials being RED was on purpose because she likes to think she's funny(and she right)
Her special interests are art,weirdcore,green,enviormentalism and anarchy,her safe foods are mac and cheese joll of rice and slurpies,her stims are yelling flappy hands and physically crashing(no,really)and her blue hairbrush became a safe item post Botl
Perfectly nigerian-american in the sense that she's happily at peace with both her cultures(AFRICAN-american tyvm)
A complete bombshell.She's pretty,cute,hot,beautiful-If there's a word for attractive,it fits Rachel.Much like Percy,it flies way over her head thanks to the lifelong bullied outcast status until high school starts and she gets to Camp Half-Blood and has every other girl throwing themselves at her and unlike,she actually wanted all of them so she had tons of lesbian adventures and came out with hot girl mentality.Her endgame is undecided by me because she's too good with literally every girl her age
Her and Jason are pretty good pals that became through Percy and same for Nico and Hazel.If Jercy,she's Percy's best woman at their wedding and i can see Daregrace as a thing either poly or on it's own,it's an excellent ship that would 100% happen(lesbian Rachel isn't something i'm too firm on,i also love bi Rachel).She bonds with Percy's kids(meaning Nico and Hazel)pretty well since she's such a sweet and fun person and they share interests
She went on her own Kane Chronicles Adventure with Zia,Walt and Anubis and got powered up for a hot minute thanks to her african roots(I'm black myself but if this is offensive lmk!!).They still talk on the regular and even metup irl again once and she was the first to meet norse demigods because she housed Alex in secret for a few weeks before Mr Dare found out and kicked her out and they had a heartwarming reunion years later
"C'mon,you can't be a REAL redhead,you're black!Just say you wanted attention!" "I'm not gonna suck you off bro,can you let me play with my Tamagotchi in peace?It's gonna kill itself just to get away from you and then you'll owe me money.At least use your free time to take a shower or something else productive like apologizing to your Mama." ".....O-Okay,sorry for bothering you."
Her favorite holiday is Valentine's Day purely for the aesthetics,she's a Final Girls Fangirl,she knows how to draw in artstyles that don't exist and she has an instagram that she only made so she could use it with her best friends but eventually she also came up with the idea to use it for education and activism so now it's got two sides to it
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lollipop-helo · 2 months
So, I was thinking about one of my most recent posts:
The one I talk about how much I hate doing digital lineart and that my artstyle depends on it.
And that gave me an idea!
What if I created a whole new artstyle for the sole purpose of not doing any lineart?
So that's what I did!! (⁠✯⁠ᴗ⁠✯⁠)
I didn't have any idea on what I'd do or how I would do it, so it's still a bit rough and the proportions and other stuff may be a bit off ┐⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠)⁠┌ I'll try to make it better with time!
Anyways, my first subject was....
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^ No bangs version (at first I completely forgot about them)
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^ w/ bangs version (With this, I found out I have no idea on how to draw his "hair")
HE'S SO FREAKING CUTE!!!!!!!! \⁠(⁠ÒwÓ)⁠/
"Oh but why did you draw him with lashes if he's a boy?" BECAUSE HE IS THE CUTEST AND LASHES MAKE EVERYTHING CUTER!!!!!! (⁠「⁠`⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠「
Now for the facts! :
Miles "Tails" Prower is a character from the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise.
His name is a pun that refers to "Miles Per Hour"
He is Sonic's sidekick, and had his first debut in 1992, in the game "Sonic The Hedgehog 2".
One of his favorite foods (if not his favorite) is mints!
Even though he is very young, being only 8 years old(or 4 ½ if we're taking "The Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog" into account), He is extremely smart and has a IQ of 300. He once even made a TV out of paperclips, for heck's sake!
He has made multiple gadgets and tech items because of his inteligence, his probably most famous/used one being "The Miles Electric", a multi-use portable computer, or the "Tornado", which is an airplane.
His intelligence and knoledge on technology is very advanced, with him being able to figure out how tech he'd never seen before works within only a few glances/minutes.
Although his main focus is in being a scientist that creates technology, he also has good knowledge in history, physics and just science in general
His origin story can vary a little depending on what piece of media we're talking about, but two things that are confirmed in the majority of iterations are that:
1- He used to get bullied in his village because of his 2 tails (That is also why his nickname is, well... Tails.)
And 2- One day he saw Sonic run by, found him cool and decided to follow him around until they became friends.
Tails can fly with his 2 tails, using them like a helicopter propeller. While flying, he is shown to be able to keep up with Sonic's speed, although he does get tired if he flies too much. Using his tails the same way, he can also push boats and stuff like that underwater. He also sometimes fights using them as weapon, and is a very skilled fighter.
Still about his tails and fighting skills, although I think those are just plot errors, he is shown to be able to use his tails to slice through metal, and is seemingly strong enough to lift up tons and sometimes is even faster than Sonic. (Okay, let me rephrase this. These definitely are plot errors. Sonic is literally supposed to be the fastest being on earth. And which 8 year old child can LIFT UP TONS OF STUFF??? It's already impressive that he can lift Sonic and other people up along with him when flying!)
He is agile and has some acrobatic skills.
Unlike Sonic, he is a good swimmer, and also a good cook.
I can't think of any more random facts..
And again, sorry for the drawing's awful quality, it is my first time trying that artsyle TwT I promise I'll get better.
Also, it's almost 2 AM and I should be sleeping long ago. ( ⁠ಥ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠ಥ )
So as always,
BYE BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And have a good night~!
(or day, idk.)
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calciumdreams · 2 days
Hi! I think your artstyle is really neat :] and I was wondering if you had any headcanons on Nightmare or Dust? (:
thanks! <3
uh well, i really do have a ton of headcanons jsjs. i am planning to do a comic about my take on the apple twins (and eventually dust and the others,, if i even finish this one that is,,) but i've only started drawing drafts like a week ago :,-}
my take on nm is that he's not really the personification of negativity (he does think he is and that by proxy he's cursed to bring grief and destruction to everyone who gets near him but that's just what the village made him believe), but he does need to feed on negative emotions tho.
he did create some chaos the first years he was around in the multiverse but after that he's just,, been on his own for a few hundred of years.
he avoids everyone, and only goes to other universes to feed on negativity or to get new books. he likes his routine and is uhh content with his solitude i guess, he tries to avoid thinking about his past. he likes taking care of his flowers and playing the piano.
i love dust so Much. for me his universe isn't exactly a regular ut timeline 'cuz somewhere down the line it corrupted and is only gonna get worse with all the resetting, he's quite different in personality to og sans (he kinda has to be lol).
he's slightly younger and isn't too nihilistic yet, he and his brother just moved to snowdin from who knows where and because of that they barely know anyone yet.
as usual everyone gets vague deja vú but now sans slowly starts remembering resets in a really disjointed way. he tries hard to convince everyone who will listen that there's something terrible coming, but his attempts keep failing and backfiring especially since his perception of time is so terrible because of the resets and he's getting really desperate. then usual dusttale happens,,
he's quiet, reserved, can't stop thinking about the past, especially since his dead brother is basically haunting him, they try to be civil with each other but is obviously pretty hard. on a nicer note, he really likes the surface and likes taking sun naps like a cat.
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gren-arlio · 3 months
Rewriting this sucks, but we ball. Welcome to Episode 13 of Waku Puyo Extras.
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(...If you saw the post before I deleted it, no you didn't. I hate my internet.)
Heya everyone, Gren here, rewriting this for a second time because I accidently clicked post and lost everything because my internet decided to be a dickhead. Welcome to Episode 13 of this wonderful show I've made, where I discuss random Puyo things and hope they make sense to an audience. They usually do.
Today we'll be focusing on our favorite idiot out there, Ms. Draco Centauros. It's wild how she's been with us since day one and we haven't made anything for and about her. This one might seem more summarized and less "Gren's rambling again," because man. Retyping sucks.
Uploads have been scarce due to school, we're hitting the toughest parts by far, I plan to change it sometime.
Let's begin, shall we? I hope you enjoy.
Oh, and please play Persona 3 Reload. Amazing game.
So Who IS Draco in Puyo?
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I have to specify Puyo so we can mention Madou stuff later, since it's how I wanna roll this time around.
She's been with us with a personality since what, 1992? And she's had two wonderful traits.
She loves beauty contests.
And she may be stupid.
We'll come to love and hate those traits later on down the line. Believe me on that. That's how she began in Tsu, after all.
However, everything changed when it came to Puyo SUN, where something very unique happened. She's now a protagonist, and I believe the first one to do so, a massive accomplishment. She's the protagonist of the Easy Mode Course, the shortest one, but that's fine.
She finds Skeleton-T heating up tea while she basically dying of heat, and she burns the tea, making the man (skeleton?) PISSED, and a fight happens, classic Puyo. After that, Draco encounters Harpy, who collapsed on the ground due to dehydration, so Draco saves her life via a water bottle. Sadly, it results in Harpy singing, and Draco to slowly die inside because...it's Harpy's singing for God's sake.
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And finally, she runs into Choppun (remember that guy?) He's land surfing on a rock... before he gets properly swept away by the water, thankfully. With that, Draco tries to relax, and uh, that doesn't end well. The sun's too hot, and she goes flying, not by her free will, of course, but because sunburn does that to someone...leading to her being the first fight of Arle's story, basically in severe pain due to that.
The fact that she got a protagonist role is something to behold, and it's very interesting to know that a common Mook like her was able to secure such a spot. Later on, other side characters like Witch and Lagnus would get the role in other games (Comet Summoner, Madou Saturn, etc,) but no, Draco is the first one to do that, a very big accomplishment in of itself. Nice one Draco.
And hey, she returns in Puyo~N too, being one of the first fights in the game.
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(Just want an excuse to show the artstyle. MAN, it's so good.)
Here, Arle asks if she knows who stole Carbuncle, as that's basically the plot of the entire game, but Draco has reverted back into her good old "Is she stupid?" personality, assumes she's there for a beauty contest and fights her, and loses, go figure. After that, she actually joins Arle for the search for her missing Carbuncle, alongside Witch, Serilly, and Chico.
She even says Gao. It's perfect.
But after that, it kinda went all over the place. It was her last real major/semi-prevelent role for a good bit. She's there in Minna, but she doesn't exactly do a ton. She's part of a long fetch quest where mail has been messed up, and her mail got lost 3 years ago because Witch accidently got it instead, but that's really about it. And then, like everyone in Compile besides Arle, she vanishes for The Fever Era. She doesn't even appear in 15th, when Nasu Grave and Zoh Daimoh made it. But hey, jokes on them, they haven't appeared since.
But after so long, Draco makes her grand return in Puyo 7.
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(Wonder who you saw first in this image. For me it was Raffine.)
Here, she's in the Bermuda Triangle because Dark Arle told her that there's a beauty contest there, and she just believes it. Ringo and Amitie go there for plot reasons, and Draco assumes they're there for the same reasons as her. Sadly, they're not, and Draco has been HOODWINKED. And as we know, if you play as Amitie, Witch and Harpy make their cameo appearance, new designs as all... just to not use them ever again. Makes me sad every time.
Draco reappears in 20th Anniversary, where Witch also makes her real debut back. Harpy died sadly. She got smacked to the Land of Chronicles instead. Back to Draco, she wants to find a really cool swimsuit Arle mentioned, but it's Draco, life hates her. After a slew of mishaps and ruining people's day, she finally finds it... and finds out it's from Suketoudara. Rip.
And hey, she reappears in Chronicle, where she's just minding her own business until she gets yoinked by the book that took everyone else to Ally's world. And in Draco Fashion... she assumes Ally and crew are there for a beauty pageant and won't be usurped. Wonder how many times I've mentioned her and beauty pageants, gotta keep count sometime.
She's in Tetris 1 and uh. She tries to eat O.
And uh...she does a talent show with Witch in the DLC. That's it.
She's one of the many people who got corrupted by Marle, but had Ringo fooled for a good bit on accident, and apologized for her odd behavior. Not her fault Marle is uh... quite the character.
And in side story stuff, she's just playing around with Mini Puyos since she finds them interesting. Unfortunately, Witch also finds them interesting and makes Draco her test subject for studying Mini Puyos, saying it'd at least be a good workout for her. And since we're playing as Draco, she does just that...for science, we swear. After that, Witch notes that due to their smaller size, much higher chains and such, before Draco says she's just there for a good time, much to Witch's annoyance.
So That's Puyo. How About Madou?
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(One guy out there just decided to make the coolest Draco art out there. Thanks man.)
Draco began in the series like many other characters, a Mook, a random encounter, a person Arle ran into during dungeon crawling adventures, the sort. It's simple enough, it's her beginnings.
However, I won't exactly be going in chronological order for this, rather, I want to mention some things here and there as I go.
Draco began to get fairly popular due to her design and appearances in Puyo, ala Witch, so she began to make a lot of appearances in side stuff, such as Disc Station games. She appears in a few off memory:
Tower of the Magician, where she's a random encounter Schezo can fight. Here though, she has a little more personality since it's been more established.
PuyoLympics, where she makes a cameo appearance in the swimming section of the game. She's not playable, like Rulue and Schezo, but she makes an appearance.
Rulue's Spring Break of Fists, where like many other characters, she talks a lot... because it's a visual novel. She only appears in one story route, like almost every other character in the game.
Arle Man'Yuki, where she's uh. There.
Madou Saturn, where she's a playable ally, but a temporary one.
Waku Puyo Dungeon and it's manga, where in the manga, she fights against and alongside Rulue.
So let's talk about her role in Saturn first. She's been chained up alongside Witch due to Incubus being Incubus, and you're given a choice to save her or Witch first. Today, it's Draco.
Arle and Rulue save Draco, and Draco's first thing to do is go to a beauty pageant...to find out that she's late and it's already over.
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And it leads to this. She's gone, bros. To the point where she doesn't help fight Schezo 3 minutes later. However, after said fight, she regains her senses and enters a whole other contest since the reward is a key that opens literally anything. You know, so they can save Witch.
Unfortunately, Yog Smoke is appearing, and it's not looking so good for our heroes, but we skim some smaller details, some fights later, it's honestly quite similar to Witch's route, down to the Schezo Refight and Jaan appearance, I guess to give players similar experiences. It's honestly a very nice role Draco has at least, where she's able to kinda bounce off Arle and Rulue decently well, and she's no slouch in combat either.
After saving Witch, she does leave you, but reappears at the end of the game at the very least. And that's mostly her role, she has her own quirks and her personality, while a little one dimensional as always, still leaves room up for some unique conversations with Arle and Rulue.
And even then, her role in Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon and its manga are at least more than that, to an extent. It depends on the Route.
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In Arle's Route (yeah, sorry for not translating in a hot minute. School work over that, sorry.) she relies more on her stupid self and assumes Arle is there for a beauty- basically the usual. However, at the very least, she does canonically say she can make 5 chains, before realizing they her and Arle are gonna PROPERLY fight rather than Puyo battle, which is neat. And even after defeat, she just trains to become even better, which is honestly a nice change of pace.
And in Schezo's route, it relies on Schezo also being partially a Grade A dunce, since the boss dialog is him misunderstanding Draco completely about "Something," before she says it's a Battle, leaving him to feel stupid for not thinking that. And after defeat and near the end of the game, Schezo runs into her again, and he says that he's not really interested in appealing to women or anyone, leading to Draco assuming he's gay, much to his annoyance. And on another talk, Draco mentions if he was more in touch with how people feel and watched his wording, Schezo would be even more popular with the ladies, before he's shocked that he's popular in general.
Notice how I haven't spoken about Rulue yet, and it's because...I dunno how she acts there. But I do somewhat know how she acts in the manga.
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(This requires context. Believe me.)
Like in the game, Draco is the boss of Fire Mountain, and since Rulue and Minotauros are there...to put it bluntly, the three fight. Draco's no slouch though, as she's able to actually fight Rulue competently and WIN round one, so to speak, which is the top image of the entire post.
When knocked out, Rulue begins to dream about Arle...and Satan. The rest is history. Round two happens, and it's a real back and forth, honestly. Draco lands good hits, Rulue gets good hits, before out of nowhere, steals the Naruto Handbook and Shadow Clone Justu's, shocking Draco and ending the fight there.
It's worth noting that it appears Draco might (or definitely does,) like or even crush on Rulue herself. Since this stupid 10 image limit it kicking my ass, you can probably find many pages online of those moments. Draco even tags along in fighting... these guys, who are basically traumatized from fighting Rulue.
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(They're in Saturn, that's for sure.)
And as such, ends our talk about Draco. She's a very fascinating character, since she hasn't changed a whole lot throughout the decades.
She's been fairly two-note for years now, but it doesn't really stop her from being a good and fun character, especially when Compile/SEGA decide to give her a little more than "Is she stupid?" and beauty pageants.
That'd be all from me. Adios.
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crazysodomite · 11 months
i see a ton of issues with 'creativity' in art online spaces on social media... not just the 'adoptables' community or whatever but it's REALLY bad in there. and i think i know why... man it's hard to structure my thoughts...
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'originality' is actually extremely narrow in art spaces specifically on social media. people get extremely fixated on having an 'original art style' but at the same time all art is being funneled into 1 specific way of making it. and when someone DOES go outside of the norm it becomes their 'thing'. their 'brand'. read: what sells their art/gets them popular.
a few examples: so many posts on the internet complaining about hating drawing lineart, having to redo the line 100 times, etc.
lineart is immediately suggested for beginners and most art is based on lineart first, which makes some people hate art. and they end up thinking doing it any other way is 'wrong' or 'too difficult'. beginners feel like they must make their art like this. sketch > lineart > color fill > shading > detail. when in reality you really don't have to do any of this at all. your art can truly be anything and anything that you hate about creating art can just be removed from the process. am i making any sense? i think i went through this process too. i started out doing lineart and i fucking hated it. i couldn't initially realize that painting is the easiest and most fun way for me to do art. because most art advice on social media (how most people nowadays try to learn i think) is aimed at this specific way to do it.
we aren't giving advice on how to explore art and creativity but only how to make your art most appealing...
same thing with smaller stuff like not being able to do the second eye in art. you don't even HAVE to make your art symmetrical. you can obviously desire that result but i feel like some people aren't even considering the possibility. and this isn't just because people are just lacking in creativity. if your art is 'too weird' and 'not pretty' 'outside of the norm' you will get bullied and made fun of viciously. your art can only venture outside the norm if it's still appealing. and most people aren't up to taking that risk because a few horrible words about a persons art can end their desire to do it completely!!! am i making any sense. when you venture and see art outside of what's popular on social media it's like your eyes are wide open...
and then, when someone does venture out of the norm in a creative and appealing way, it suddenly becomes 'their brand' and if someone creates something remotely similar to it, it's considered 'plagiarism' and drama and harassment follows. it's MY THING to draw this in that way. you can't get inspired by it. it's MY BRAND.
so we come to the conclusion of people trying to claim ideas as their own only and try to make profit out of it. and attack anyone who threatens 'their thing'. the endless battles over adoptable markings and palettes. the 'style theft'.
the 'my artstyle is so inconsistent'. it's okay to want to feel like your art is truly your own but the reality often is that. 'i need a concrete style so people expect this one specific thing from me and will pay for it' which obviously there's no blame in people trying to make money but the way it affects artists is just horrible.
the 'artist branding' thing is really fucking bad in adoptable spaces. if you're an 'in demand' artist a lot of attention is paid to your art not because people really enjoy it but because it has trade value. and even really gorgeous designs from people are looked over and devalued because they're not a high trade value artist...
im tired of trying to make my art appealing and popular instead of what i like to do. and im also tired of people not being able to appreciate art outside of it's most appealing form and calling ANYTHING outside what appeals to them bad or boring or whatever the fuck. i can really say more but i have trouble structuring my thoughts...
Mommy needs cigarettes 🚬 i just ranted on facebook.
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