#i love you ragbros
dizzybizz · 6 months
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KAEYA BIRTHDAY ??? ?? i love you mr alberich sir i love you oh so so so much.
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uh dialogue for this one but more legible under the cut (and a messy ragbros page)
Klee: Kaeya! Come down here! Kaeya: Oh? heh. What is it, Spark Knight?
Klee: Happy Birthday! It is today? Right? I even double-checked with Albedo and everything but I don't know... Klee: It's a Calla Lily! You like those, right? Kaeya: I certainly do! Thank y- Klee: Oh. Klee: OK OK OK- Kaeya: Hm? Klee: Kaeya you have to promise to not tell Master Jean about this one! Kaeya: You can count on me to keep my lips sealed.
Klee: OK! Close your eyes- eye- and hold out your hands! Kaeya: Mhm! Klee: OK! You can open them! TA-DA~!
Klee: I made a bomb for you! It even has an eyepatch! He can look after you when I'm somewhere else. Take good care of him! Oh yeah- He explodes if you- Kaeya?
Kaeya: Thank you Klee! Thank you very much! Klee: You're VERY welcome Kaeya!
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a lil ragbros too.... kaeya and his red siblings amirite (bursts into tears).. also i am so obsessed with chibi diluc saying "bring em in..."
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holderof-cats · 3 months
Some days I'm normal, other days i think about how maybe the only reason Kaeya survived his fight with Diluc was because every cut made by that claymore was cauterized immediately because of the pyro :(
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newbieineverything · 8 months
Wonder if Kaeya thought Diluc hated him, because when Diluc returned to Mond he was so different than when he was younger.
The Diluc he knew wears his emotions on his sleeves, be it anger, happiness, frustration, sadness,...etc.
But this Diluc is...blank. He's serious all the time. Blank face, annoyed frown, sarcastic/tired/professional voice it's only one of those three.
His brother who couldn't lie, who could only be described as sunshine personified who he could hide, be protected, bask and work in his shadow turned into someone who's always annoyed at worst or plain tired all the time at best.
How guilty could he have felt, to be a reason in this transformation. When did he start thinking that the three years away did more damage and that incident wasn't the only reason.
Does he stay up at night thinking that if he didn't encourage Diluc to leave, some of his brother's old personality, his faith in the world could have been salvaged?
When was he able to get close to Diluc again? To realize that even after everything it's still his brother. Yes, he changed but beneath all that he's still the brother who loved him.
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kaeyapilled · 11 months
This is miserable but I think we need more Kaeya Afraid of Diluc. Like, yeah, Kaeya will antagonize him on purpose (he calls it playing with fire. Nobody else thinks it's funny) but the second Diluc gets Actually Angry (usually not at him) Kaeya is halfway across the city suddenly very busy with his knightly duties. Naturally, rather than deal with the intense guilt, Diluc goes the other direction and starts doing vigilante justice.
The avoidance does not help them reconcile lmao
this is like a more fun rendition of the relatively common headcanon i see that kaeya's afraid of fire because of The Fight. really good concept
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breezy-cheezy · 2 years
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Annnnd the rest of my DIluc week drawings, from @drawingwithdonnie ‘s promo list awhile back! I believe the prompts were: Phoenix, Then and Now, Vision (haha blind Diluc), Family, annnd Happy Birthday (going for a reconciliation thing because. Wow they need it.)
Please do not tag with shipping tags, thanks!
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falling-star-cygnus · 27 days
popular characters and their obscure media lookalikes that keep me up at night -> part one <-
Diluc Ragnvindr & Spirit Albarn {Genshin Impact} & {Soul Eater}
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i can't be the only one that sees it, right -> like-
Broad shoulders Thin waists They both have slight chub to their cheeks Grumpy expressions Fluffy//Stringy red hair that goes through the middle of their face Family issues Unresolved beef with doctors Pretty powerful for their respective media Seen in bars [albeit for different reasons]
this does not mean i think they act similar in any shape or form -> this is just a silly little comparison i felt compelled to share <- ↓ Diluc is arguably a much a better person than Spirit is and acts a lot more serious while Spirit sleeps around and generally seems more sociable- if a bit of a goof -> Diluc can't handle his alcohol, Spirit can
and this is completely unrelated, but Spirit is such a cool name. if my name was Spirit I would hype myself up so annoyingly hard i'd probably get bullied. but it wouldn't matter bc my name would be friggin SPIRIT
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nanbaka-82 · 2 years
I like to think that the Ragnvindrs gave Kaeya his love language, in the way that they helped him get used to it, specifically physical affection and gift giving! He used to see Diluc be such a cuddly child with Addie and Crepus and soon him, and being unused to the touch, he slowly learned to love it and associate it with love and home, but after everything fell apart he learned to hide that part of him :(
Gift giving tho!!! Little Diluc used to draw little things and give them to everyone at the Winery!! He’d also gather lil trinkets and gift them to others too! (Kaeya being his target most times, queue early adoption Kaeya confused like “… do you want me to pay you back?”) And soon little kaeya, inspired by his big brother did the same but always left the gifts without being seen, too shy to do it in person (but everyone knew and loved it anyway)
Addie is wearing a flower in her hair the next day? kaeya gleams, its the one he gifted her! Elzer has a new hairstyle? Oh!! its the comb Kaeya left in his drawer after he learned he lost his!! Diluc is running around with a handmade necklace he found magically under his pillow? Oh little Kaeya is absolutely melting!
Gift giving stayed with him as he grew older but he still does it under wraps! for example! Jean’s party!!! And I bet whenever someone needs a little something in the Knights like a new pen, a spare piece of armor, even a new hair clip, they find it suddenly on their desk, but this time no one but Jean knows its Kaeya’s doing, same with the other people of Mond!
Diluc knows its Kaeya when Klee hurtles in with a new bag having “Magically appeared when Klee was sleeping!!” though, and he always feels warm to know that somewhere under all that flare and masks his sweet little brother still exists with his heart of gold!!
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ilumin · 8 months
Ragbros brainrot
Okay, first of all, Kaeya's and Diluc's relationship is strictly familiar, no ships here. Self insert thing but it's up to you if it's romantic or platonic.
No pronouns are used for reader, OH and also! Few spoilers from Kaeya's Hangout, and just Kaeya's and Diluc's backstories.
OKAY, I know I was supposed to write something about Neuvillette but... This doesn't want to leave my head. Am I the only one who craves seeing Kaeya and Diluc being just... Kaeya and Diluc?
And no, I don't mean it in their usual way. I need to see them as happy siblings. Both are so traumatized and lonely, they both deserve a bear hug, PLEASE.
I need to see them laughing.
Don't get me wrong, I love their soft chuckles in the game, but I mean, laughing their asses off.
I want to see them just laugh, holding onto their stomachs, wheezing and all that. I want to see them genuinely smile at each other, talk like they used to in the past.
I need to see them being just siblings.
Doing pranks to each other but enjoying each other's company. Gossiping about everything and nothing at the same time as they sit to dinner table at the winery, eating their favorite meals prepared by Adelinde.
I just need them to be family again.
I know their backstories pretty well (I'm fucking obsessed) and I know they both been through a lot, and yet, it physically hurts me to see them so conflicted.
I know that's a canon that they don't really like each other anymore, but with every meeting they have in game, I just like to imagine their life without them being conflicted and just being brothers as they are.
For example, just like when they were kids. In Kaeya's Hangout, Adelinde told us a story from their childhood, about how Diluc once wanted to sneak into their father's basement, where they stored all of the wine, when they were still kids. How he got Kaeya to stay on watch but in the end, they got caught by Adelinde, and were forced to clean every barrel in the Winery. Like when Kaeya decided he'll help Diluc, even if it was mostly Diluc's fault and Diluc's responsibility to make up for his mistake. Why? Because they were brothers.
A Spring afternoon, both Kaeya and Diluc are just enjoying their day in domestic way, for example - Helping Adelinde and the rest of the staff clean the Winery. You're there too, of course, doing the same thing as them, dusting and putting all the things to their places. And they're just... So relaxed, jabbing each other playfully, maybe there's music and you three dance as you clean.
Just... Enjoying the moment, forgetting about everything that's bad, all problems are far, far away from you as you laugh, jump, skip and dance like children, not thinking about anyone's opinion.
Adelinde is just standing in the entrance to the main hall, looking at you three with a soft smile on her elderly face, seeing them both finally happy, and with someone who also takes care of them.
Even if there's stock of papers on Diluc's desk to be yet signed that will probably take him entire night to get through, even if there's some affairs in the City of Freedom that Kaeya can't refuse to take care, even if you have your own things to do that makes your head spin...
You guys are genuine happy.
Kaeya once again has a place to call home
Diluc once again has people to call his family
And you, once again, can see them smile.
Gosh, I'm so down for them.
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torgawl · 7 months
i'm too mentally unwell for this (people shoving ragbros angst in my face at 10 am)
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gunstellations · 1 year
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glacialswordsman · 27 days
i'm normal i'm normal i'm sooo normal i'm so fucking normal over certain relationships i'm so normal i promise i PROOOOMISE I'M NORMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL
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glazelilyy · 2 years
hi i love kaeya alberich so much
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kaeyapilled · 11 months
wheres that post thats like. ragbros reconciliation content needs more screaming and yelling at each other. whoever said that you are SO right
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urmom-jokes-ceo · 2 years
"I don't get why you keep wasting yourself like this" Diluc muttered with an annoyed frown, reaching for the glass that was currently in Kaeya's hand. The other man's head was currently laying on the inside of his other elbow, aparently asleep.
It had been just two days ago that he'd come back to the City of Freedom from his four-years-long trip, and he was already having to tolerate his brother's– no, Kaeya's annoying behaviours.
The bluenette hadn't even had the modals to attend to the party the city's patrons had organizated to celebrate Diluc's return. How disrespectful.
"You wouldn't get it." Out of the sudden, Kaeya replied, making Diluc's brows slightly rise in surprise: he'd thought the other had already passed out from alcohol. Still, the surprise didn't last long, because his annoyance returned.
"You have no idea..." Kaeya began, but his voice faltered. Diluc kept doing the task at hand: come back to the counter, get the cleaning rag he'd been using and begin rubbing the dirty spots on the glass, accompanying the action with some water from the sink.
Then, there was movement on the table Kaeya was sitting on, and when Diluc turned to look at him, he found the other had sit up, and was now, rather angrily, pointing at him with his index.
"You don't know how much it took for me to reconstruct my life back." It sounded like there was a hint of sadness, Diluc noted, but ignored the fact. "Do you think you have any idea about the way people looked at me when you disappeared?" Now there was just venom on his voice.
"He probably was the reason the Ragvindr kid left, and it was probably to take all the money for himself, people would whisper behind my back." The hand that'd been lifted now curled into a tight fist. "You didn't have to see those looks of disgust and hate they threw at me. When I entered any facility, and when eyes landed on me, they were never friendly."
And then, the two men locked gazes. Kaeya's gaze was full of hatred and resentment. Diluc's, on the other hand, was the most concerned he'd looked in five years.
"Don't." A fist hit against the table, making Diluc flinch and blink from the initial and sudden surprise. "Don't you dare give me that look. I don't want your pity. I don't need it."
"I had been doing so well without you," His voice lowered at the end of the sentence. "you don't know how much it took for me to be well again." Kaeya, then, placed his hands on his face, more especifically, covering both of his eyes. "It's not fair." He whispered, but loud enough for Diluc to hear.
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frozenambiguity · 1 year
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«The day Diluc is not such a bore is the day I rejoice».
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nyartuwu · 1 year
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Words Unsaid Unheard
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