#i miss my pixel children :(
aliengirl · 1 year
My queue ended (i only have one more post) and i didnt have time to play/edit pics, im sorry 💔 hope you all still stick with me even if i didnt post for a bit 🥺
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simmerianne93 · 2 months
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 Hello everyone!! How are you today?
Today is International Book Day, and as such I'm bringing a little posepack for those little pixels that are starting the ride to read and find a lot of fun and worlds under words.
At what age did you start reading?
My mom tells me that she missed the exact moment 'cause I just got to her and showed her i knew how to read but i was 3 years old back then.
So I thought about making some poses for the little toddlers that are starting to read with and without help haha and I have to say that I'm in love with these poses, they're really cute!!
BTW for the last 3 poses I tried to contact with Mel Bennet (the original creator of the acc) for them to convert the acc to toddler, but they didn't answer so I took the dare to convert the book accessory to toddlers for them to hold the book like a big child hehe. All the textures and the mesh belong to Mel, so the credit goes to them, I just converted it to toddlers.
I hope you like them and enjoy them, and I wish a happy international book day to those who love to read!!!
What is on it?
1 Duo pose for an ADULT sim and a TODDLER sim.
5 Trio poses for an ADULT sim and 2 TODDLER sims.
1 Duo pose for 2 TODDLER sims.
2 Solo poses for a TODDLER sim.
What do you need?
Andrew's poses player 
Teleport any sim by Scumbumbo or Mccc by deaderpool.
Mel bennett's children's book accessory
[Simmerianne93]MBChildrensbook_poseacc_TODDLERS (download it at the bottom of the original post)
Instructions in the original post.
Do not claim my creations as your own.
Do not re-upload or modify my creations.
Do not make money of my creations.
Do not include my creations in Mods folders to download.
Please follow my Term Of Use.
Download it now here — [FREE FOR EVERYONE]
If you want to support me:  Patreon | Ko-fi
All my poses overview: Pinterest |  Wix | Tumblr
More in-game preview pics of all my poses: Instagram
My socials: Twitter | BlueSky | Instagram | Tumblr 
I really hope you like them and I will say in advance: Thank you so much for use them.
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chronically-ghosted · 9 months
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Little Monsters
rating: 18+ Explicit
pairing: dieter x f!reader
word count: 5K
summary: A phone call home to your family has you missing them desperately . . . especially your husband, who always knows exactly what you need.
warnings/tags: pregnancy, Dieter has children and is actually a really good dad, director!reader, 1st half is mind numbing tooth rotting FLUFF, 2nd half is straight filth and dieter has a nasty nasty mouth, masturbation, camera/phone sex, slight breeding kink, one single use of ‘Daddy’, if I had an ounce of shame left in me I would not have posted this
a/n: special shout outs go to @spookyxsam for showing me about how babies work and to @lunapascal and @mysterious-moonstruck-musings for talking me off the daddy dieter ledge. this is my first pregnancy fic and i do not know what came over me (she lied, knowing damn good and well what happened to her brain chemistry)
from @yoursoulsunbreakable 's request: Hello sweetie, congratulations on your milestone <3 Here's my request for the little drabble: 5. “Tell me what you would want to do, if you were here right now.” With our precious Dieter and smutty? Hope it'll inspire you 😘
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“Tell me what you would want to do, if you were here right now.”
“Oh, Dieter, I’d – I’d –,”
You let out a burst of air from your lips, flopping back against the pillows. “I’d ask you for a foot rub,” you whine into the camera. 
He chuckles, the sound a bit garbled through the speakers. He leans forward into the camera, as if trying to see down your body, the angle of the phone against the hotel’s lamp not quite right. 
“Is Bravo Baby number three giving you trouble?” 
You eye your swelling feet over the steadily swelling bump. Well into your second trimester and the list of shoes in your closet you could still wear is shrinking rapidly. This also happened with your second child and when Dieter made one joke about keeping you barefoot in the kitchen, you nearly threw a butcher’s knife at his head. You stroke the left side of your stomach to preemptively soothe the little brat before they start wailing on that spot all night, sighing into your husband’s sympathetic, pixelated face. 
“They’ve been grouchy all day. Tom had to leave me in the car for a bit after we scouted a potential place for the exterior shots to finish taking pictures because somebody was having a grand old time wearing me out.” You narrow your eyes at him through the camera. “As if there was any doubt this was your child.” 
This is a constant inside joke between you. Your first kid, a girl, was a beautiful blend of both you and Dieter. His eyes, but your hair, your cheeks, and his nose. He also got to name her – said it came to him after he bought some chocolate and water at the hospital lounge –
“Zelle, Dieter, ‘Zelle’?? Like the money transaction service?” 
But you had been too zonked out on painkillers and endorphins to object (you thought it was beautiful at the time), and he signed the papers anyway. Neither of you had come up with a fitting name before then and he swears the instant he held his baby girl in his hands for the first time, it came to him, as if the stars rearranged themselves in the sky with that name. Incurably a romantic at heart – your husband – you found it sweet and also idiotic, but it was too late now. 
Your second one, Orion, had his name written down on a post-it note you carried in your purse for months and you made sure to show the nurse when you were admitted. Not that Dieter would intentionally go against the name you had agreed on if the baby was a boy, but there was a slim chance he’d get so caught up in the moment and, with watery eyes, tell the nurse to write something like Mars Bar on the birth certificate. 
And, for all that, Orion could have been a carbon copy of you.
The joke started when Dieter picked him up from his crib one night and brought that gurgling little mouth right up to his nose. “Are you sure you didn’t just spontaneously create this one? I don’t see a single hint of me in this little guy.” To which Orion giggled around a drool-damp fist and promptly bopped his father on the nose with it. 
“Are you saying you don’t remember what happened the night he was conceived?” You asked with a smirk over your shoulder as you returned some baby bibs to the drawer. 
Dieter snorted and slid Orion into the crook of his arm, those onesie-white feet seen kicking over his forearm. “Now Mommy is just being plain silly.”
That was five years ago and you couldn’t exactly deny you were excited for the smell of newborn to be all over your husband again. 
“I’ll be glad when we hit the last trimester,” he says, chin propped up on his wrist to stare down at you in his other palm, “so I can wave that doctor’s note in your face when you try to work too hard . . . like you are now.” 
You shift onto your side to face him, rolling your eyes. “You only like the third trimester for the sex hormones.” 
After spending most of your first pregnancy, and at least half of your second, trying to claw Dieter’s eyes out if he so much as breathed in your direction, he was delighted to find that by month seven, the hellcat who had taken over his wife’s body turned into a needy, whiny little kitten. 
Some of the best orgasms of his life come from those months, he swears up and down. 
“I’m not going to complain,” he grins, peering down at you from those prescription sunglasses. The Dieter you used to know wore them because he was constantly hungover; your husband wears them because he keeps accidentally misplacing his actual prescription glasses. “All I’m saying is you better be back in time so Daddy can play house with Mommy.” 
The shrill cry is heard through the phone, the closed bedroom door, and at least one hallway:
“Is Mommy on the phone?” 
Barely a second later, you watch over his shoulder as the door flings open and a wild blur of arms and legs dogpiles Dieter onto the bed. You hear him grunt, the camera flips up to the ceiling, as Zelle and Orion clamor for the phone. Chuckling to yourself, you take up the phone from the bedside table and hold it in your palm as you lean back against the pillows and your children’s faces flash over the small screen. 
“Mommy, I made a bug out of noodles and string today.”
“Mommy, I saw a cat that looked like a cow today.”
“Mommy, Daddy’s broccoli tasted funny - you cook it better!”
“Hey!” He lunges for Zelle’s little ankle and pulls her up around her waist as she giggles helplessly. 
You can barely see them, Orion’s pudgy little finger over most of the camera, Dieter’s hair and Zelle’s kicking feet visible only in flashes. 
“You better go help your sister, Orion!” 
Needing no other prompting, he drops the phone against the pillows and leaps onto his father, squealing at the noise Dieter makes. Where Orion got your looks, he had all of his father’s mannerism. You blinked twice when as a toddler Orion’s purposeful pout had looked so similar to his father’s, you wondered if they had practiced it together. Orion is ruthless when it comes to the tickle wars and immediately goes for Dieter’s neck. 
“Help!” he chokes, “I’m being overrun by tiny monsters!”
Zelle roars at his hip and Orion howls – he’d be a werewolf for Halloween a third year in a row if the tradition continued. Despite more frequent and loud protests about his poor back, Dieter lunges forward and yanks Zelle under his arm like she’s a football. He does the same to Orion and faceplants with both of them successfully pinned. It’s the oldest trick in the book and you muse what he’s going to do when they are too big to do that to anymore. But, as Dieter likes to say, one colossal nightmare at a time. 
“Peace treaty?” His voice is muffled by the blanket. 
“Stand and deliver,” they repeat, breathlessly and red faced. He lets them go and the two bodies barely move, grins still plastered to their faces. Cheeks pink, Dieter crawls over and snags the phone.
“See, darling?” he says between heavy breaths, “this parenting stuff is easy.” 
“Mommy, when are you coming home?” Zelle pops her head between Dieter and the phone, her cheek pink and her little hands pushing her hair off her face. 
“Yeah!” Orion pipes up, crawling over Dieter’s back, hooking his tiny hands over his father’s throat. Dieter’s eyes bug out for a moment before adjusting the five year old’s grip. “Are you done chasing the dragon?”
At that, Dieter snickers and you can’t glare with fire in your eyes like you’d like to so you plaster on an overly sweet smile on your face. 
“Rori, we asked you not to say that. It’s a stork, remember?” 
Orion frowns into Dieter’s curls. “But I want a baby brother or sister that comes from a dragon’s egg.” 
“Yeah, Mom, a dragon baby is way cooler than a stork baby.” 
Oh, you are going to kill him. 
This was another ongoing joke . . . for Dieter. Orion’s teacher called home one night after Orion proudly announced that his mommy was off chasing the dragon. Understandably concerned about the phrase, she called to make sure everything was alright, only to find out what he meant was that his mother was expecting a new baby and instead of a stork, his father told him that Mommy was going to find a dragon to put a new egg inside her tummy, and then the new baby would eventually pop out from the egg. 
This was something you had to relay through the phone to the teacher . . . because Dieter was curled up on the floor, laughing so hard he went mute, tears rolling down red cheeks. This had been his ‘stork’ story for Orion, and apparently unaware of just how impressionable a five-year-old is, told him that Mommy was chasing the dragon for a new egg. Dieter says his greatest regret in his life is that he wasn’t there to see the look on Orion’s teacher’s face. 
After that, you (and Dieter once he recovered) tried to alter the story enough so that he wouldn’t accidentally imply his mother was off on a drug binge, but evidently too much stuck. 
“I’m meeting with the dragon tomorrow, okay? I’m not chasing after anything. We’re having lunch. Right, Dad?”
“Absolutely.” He nods seriously at Orion and kisses that fat little cheek. 
“When is the dragon gonna give you the egg with my baby sister in it?” Zelle asks, matching Dieter on her stomach. Dieter’s confidence manifested perfectly in his daughter; you and him had told her many times that the baby might be a little brother, but she just stuck her nose in the air. “I know it’s a sister,” she said, with a characteristic roll of her eyes. 
“A couple more months, baby,” you smile, unconsciously rubbing at your stomach again. Baby Bravo is suspiciously quiet. Not soon enough. “But I’ll be home tomorrow, but you two have to be good for Dad until then, okay?” 
Orion nods from Dieter’s shoulder, but Zelle smirks up at her father in a way that is well beyond her six years.
“I promise to eat all of Daddy’s nasty broccoli!”
Dieter’s own impish nature, thrown right back at him. The one solace you found is that your husband might have finally met his match. 
He grabs her, flips her on her back, and blows a strawberry on her tummy as she shrieks with glee. 
“Alright – that’s it – it’s bath time for all naughty monsters!” He hikes Orion over his shoulder and picks up Zelle by her waist. He glances back over at you, his eyes bright and a giant smile on his face. 
You swear every time you see Orion, there’s less and less baby in his pudgy face, his little hands. Zelle is constantly saying and doing things that surprises you with the depth of their awareness and you know it doesn’t all come from you or Dieter. 
Your heart actually aches from missing them so much. 
“Monsters, say goodnight to Queen Monster–,” more yelling, roaring, “I’ll call you later tonight, okay, baby?” 
You nod, your eyes suddenly hot and tight. “O-okay – love you all.”
“LOVE YOU!” The three-headed monster yells in unison as it lumbers out of the bedroom.
You end the call, just before the tears spill. Again on your back, you stare at the ceiling feeling incredibly sorry for yourself when the baby rolls over and kicks you in the ribs. 
Hey, I’m here too!
You laugh, a little watery, and you wipe your eyes with your palms. Just get through tonight and you’re home. 
“Okay, okay, I’m up. Let’s get ready for bed, would you like that?”
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It’s late. You know you should be asleep already, but the shower had taken longer than expected. The phone call with your husband and children lingered in your mind when you turned on the water and stripped down. Your heart was so full to see Orion’s pout and Zelle’s mischievous grin, especially after such a long day on your feet and for all his teasing, Dieter’s own ease and confidence as a father, as well as a husband, left you feeling . . . warm. In fact, your mind’s eye lingers on him in the memory of the call: his beautiful, rich curls – those square black glasses that made him look annoyingly mysterious and so goddamn hot – his biceps flexing as he throws around his children with ease, his shoulders broad and straining against his shirt — his bulging forearm making his triangle tattoo pop – his wedding ring that replaced all the other rings –
The good news is the baby was almost here. The bad news is that you’re suddenly irrationally horny and your all-too-eager husband was a plane ride away. 
Entirely naked besides the white hotel robe around your shoulders, you sternly ignore the plush tingling between your legs and try to focus on rubbing in lotion into your legs, your hips, over the old and new stretch marks over your stomach. Your fingers rub underneath the curve of your stomach and accidentally brush the damp curls, sending tiny shock waves up your pelvis. You gasp lowly, freezing, eyes tightly shut, fighting back that wave of arousal. 
Goddamn it. 
At first you think the ringing is between your ears, your blood rushing hard and fast, and then you realize it’s actually your phone going off.
Daddy Dieter, the screen reads.
You frown at the clock – if it’s late for you, then it’s very late for him. When he said he’d call you later, you didn’t think he meant literally later tonight. Still frowning, you put down the bottle of lotion and answer the phone.
“Hey, baby. How’s your night?” 
He pulls back the phone and your mouth flushes with spit. He’s shirtless, sunglasses replaced with his actual glasses, that silver earring glinting in the low light. In the center of your bed, he’s propped up on several pillows with his arm tucked behind his head. He has thickened over the years, his chest and shoulders taking on a new weight as if he physically grew into fatherhood — and God, if his bicep was bulging before –
“Dieter –,” your voice is hoarse at first and you have to clear your throat to get anything out of your mouth that isn’t a whine. “Dieter, what are you doing up?”
He shrugs like he’s just been bored at home. “Bath time was easy. Orion wanted just one story and Zelle didn’t put up a fight when I told her it was bedtime and she had to put away the crayons.” 
You narrow your eyes. “Did you slip them Benadryl?” 
“Wow! No! Did you ever think that maybe I’m just that good of a dad?” He scoffs, mildly offended. And then he smirks. “I told them you’d come home sooner if they were good.”
“Ah, the old Santa Claus trick.” You nod sagely and sit down on the edge of the bed, the movement tugging the robe slightly. “Always a classic.”
“Yeah, I –,” Dieter’s eyes widen, edges going dark. “Are you naked?” 
You swallow, his sudden shift in tone causing your thighs to clench. You cross your legs as tightly as your belly will allow, your chin held high.
“I’m in a robe, Dieter. Took a long shower.”
His eyes glitter with interest, the tip of his tongue running on the edge of his bottom lip. “How long?”  
Feeling hot and swollen for months now, you flush pink, an overripe peach beneath the slightest pressure of his thumb. 
“Dieter–,” it’s a whine but you shake your head. “Please don’t tease. I’m so . . . sensitive right now, and I won’t be home until tomorrow and–,”
“Baby, baby, breathe. I know it hurts.” He sits up, his eyes big and dark. “I remember how wet you get around now.”
Your cunt drools onto the robe below you, thighs sticky, his words ringing in your ears. 
“Dieter, don’t –,”
“I know I can’t help you but what if I showed you how to help yourself?” 
You whimper, arousal now hot and warm in the pit of your stomach. The strength of it makes your pelvis ache. You know it won’t be the same as him, but his voice, it might be enough. You nod, your heart pounding, hand holding the phone shaking. 
“Then lie back, baby.” Dieter purrs and it’s almost like he’s pushing you back with his hands. You shift up the bed, careful to not step on your robe with your heels as you center yourself in the covers. But Dieter’s moving, off the bed, and he’s adjusting something behind his phone.
The baby inside you can feel your heartbeat racing and they turn, uneasy. You soothe them with small circles just above your hips, your lips between your teeth. But that touch on your skin, the look in Dieter’s eyes, you brush lower on your skin and immediately you shudder. 
“Baby, please, hurry, whatever you’re doing, hurry –,” 
You drop your fingers over your thighs, curling and uncurling, drawing imaginary lines like he does in the mornings against your shoulders and back. 
“Just a second, sorry, almost got it.”
Then he steps back, the phone hovering in the air. Dieter sits on the bed and the camera holds the entire bed in view. Dieter is nothing if not a performer, bringing a tripod into the bedroom when he knows you need him the most. He���s so fucking hot.
“Can you see me, baby?” 
You nod stiffly. “How do you want me?” 
“Whatever way is comfortable,” he smiles and it’s almost as hot as his smirk. Fuck, he loves you so much. You slide the robe off your shoulders, exposing the tops of your breasts as best you can and still keeping your phone up. “Perfect, baby, that’s perfect.” 
Your hand drops to your thigh again, dragging your nails up under the swell of your belly and you twitch. 
“T-tell me what you would want to do,” you begin, your voice shaking, arousal smooth as it licks up your spine, “if you were here right now.” You feel warm all over, the sheets cool against your calves. 
This far away, you can’t see his eyes clear enough to watch them darken entirely, but his low grunt is enough. It’s time for him to perform for his pregnant and insatiable wife. 
He slips his glasses off and tosses them onto the bedside table, where they land with a clatter. You can’t even think of scolding him when he lifts his hips and yanks his gray sweatpants down his knees, then to the floor. He’s half-hard as he shuffles back to the pillows, nearly in the same position you are. You shift to match him entirely, needing the immersion to be total and complete. You’d cry if he could actually touch you.
“Are you comfortable?”
You nod again. But Dieter shakes his head, his fingers digging into his thighs. “I can’t see you this far away, baby. I need you to say it. Talk to me.”
He was usually the one vocal enough for both of you, any coherent language impossible with the mess he makes out of you. You can’t imagine what you’re going to sound like, not when you’re this needy and desperate already.
“O-okay, Dieter, I’ll try.” 
“Good girl.” You whimper again, trying to restrain from touching yourself before he tells you to. But you’re throbbing, the heat blooming from your cunt rushing to the rest of your body, the baby in you restless. As if mother and child can only be soothed by their father. “Now, breathe, darling, you’re flushed.” 
You inhale, the air notching on every bone in your spine, and exhale, your lungs shuddering, eyes shut. “Dieter, please, tell me what you’d –,” 
“I’d touch your thighs,” he says with such immediacy, your eyes spring open. He’s got the knee farthest from you bent up, as if putting himself on display, turning his hips towards the camera slightly. His other leg is stretched out long beside him and his left hand strokes his cock. Hair and shoulders backlit from the far lamp, the image of him like this alone — just for you — has your cunt clenching, a moan spilling from your lips. “Touch your thighs, baby.”
You can’t grab as much skin as he does, but you try. You lift your knees, and massage the backs of your thighs, then up to your knees, and back down. You can almost feel his breath on your calves and you shudder. “What else? W-where else?” 
“I’ve been thinking about your tits for days,” he groans, the sound strangled, his cock now fully-hard and red. He cups himself, twisting as slow as he can take it. “Tell me what your tits feel like.” 
“Sensitive,” you gasp as you draw two fingers across your nipple and squeeze gently. Dieter only uses his mouth now on them, so you wet them with yours and return them to your swollen bud, slowly twisting and pulling. 
He’s watching you through the camera, eyes wide, breath sharp when you suck your fingers into your mouth. “Fuck, yeah, that’s right. Get them wet. What are you thinking about?”
“You. Your lips around my nipple, under my breast. Your teeth. They’re so heavy, Dieter.” 
His hips jerk under his hand, his fingers moving faster now. You can’t quite hear what he’s muttering, but you catch weak mumblings, “gonna feed our baby”, “yeah, your tits”, the baby” —
“Dieter, please–,” 
“Touch yourself with your fingers wet from your mouth. T-t-tell me what it feels like.”
With a relieved cry, you slide your hand down from your tits, over the swell of your belly, and in between your thighs. Wetness clings to the curls, to the curve of your ass, your body so ready to take him, and it locks up when you slip a finger inside.
“So wet. Warm. How many fingers can I put in?”
“One, but – can you already do two?”
You nod, the huff arching into a whine. “Yeah, baby. You have no idea how wet I am. I can slip in two with no resistance.”
“Jesus,” he pants and slows down, his hips rocking of their own accord. “You’ve got me so hard.” 
You curl your fingers inside of you, searching for that spot made and found and praised by him. Your folds plump and achy, you twist your wrist, scissor your fingers, but it’s not the same. It’s not the same as his three fingers plugging you up, readying you to take so much of him, it’s enough to ease the sharp ache for a bit. You moan, fucking yourself more. He hears it, sees it, and grunts. 
“You can come wherever you want, baby,” he murmurs, his own hand hesitant to match your speed. He tugs on his balls and his toes curl, his neck long and tense. “Fuck, I need your hands.”
“Me too,” you sob, real tears pricking the corners of your eyes. It feels good but it’s not the relief you need. It’s pathetic but you don’t want to stop. You can’t get in deep enough, even if you could get around your big belly. “Dieter, I can’t reach. It’s – I’m –,”
“Breathe, love, it’s okay.” His voice is soothing, calming. The same one he uses when you’re in labor and the sweet honey warmth of it sinks into your bones, easing the panic. You slow, gasping, tears pooling down your temple. Your orgasm is harsh, sunken in the dark, waiting for you to draw it out.
“What can you reach?”
“My clit.” 
“Then touch that. Can I see?”
You nod, angle the phone down as you rub that electric nub. 
“Oh, fuck, baby. I know it’s frustrating and I know it hurts, but you look so fucking good. So wet for me. Your pussy is perfect, pink, just how I like her.”
“Yeah?” you spin your fingers faster. That hot arousal returns steadily, melting back the resentment towards your own body the longer he praises. 
“Oh yeah.” You can hear the slap of skin on the other end of the phone and you can picture Dieter flat on his back jerking himself off to your pulsating cunt and you moan, loudly, tension evaporating from your body. “How do you feel?”
“Good. Tight. I just need a bit more.” 
“Me too. Let me see your face, pretty girl.” You turn the camera and gape at the sight on the screen. 
Precum drips out of his now-purple cock, his chest flushed and neck sweaty. He’s twirling the head around with his thumb at the pace you’ve set with your fingers against your clit. 
“Look at what you’ve done to me. You’re so fucking gorgeous. Can’t wait for you to be home so I can eat you out for hours.” 
“I want your cock in me, Dieter,” you gasp, furiously rubbing on your clit, sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through you. Your cunt clenches in time with your thudding heartbeat. “You’re so thick. I wanna feel the stretch.”
“Oh, I’m gonna fuck you hard.” The confession is a low snarl, a promise made between the ridges of his teeth. He fucks his fist faster, the noise over his labored breathing obscene. “Gonna put your hands on the headboard, your pussy in my lap and I’m gonna fuck up into you until I fill you full again. Wanna make you pregnant twice.” 
Arousal floods your veins, your thighs a gooey mess. You toss your head back, back arching, and you moan as loud as you can. 
“Oh– shit, oh, oh, shit–,”
“You’re gonna leak all over my thighs and when you’re done coming so hard you can’t see straight, I’m gonna lick it up all off you, my wife. Mine. My baby. Mine. Fuck, you look so good full of me.”
He’s never this possessive, never angry that he can’t have you but he sounds livid. He fucks his fist, his hips bucking into nothing, his other hand squeezing his thigh so hard his knuckles go white. 
You circle your clit one more time and finally — your orgasm crests, your body locking up, your cunt gushing – and it leaves your mouth before you can stop it –
“Oh, Daddy–,”
You hear him gasp as if electrocuted, and you have to drop your phone to steady yourself as the weight of white-hot pleasure explodes across your body. You rock, breath gone from your lungs, mouth open in a silent scream, and everything slams back into you and you gasp, high and loud, every inch of your skin hot and trembling. You don’t realize you’re sweating until you feel it drip off your neck.  
All you can hear is Dieter panting from your phone amongst the covers, the sound muffled. Your eyes flutter as the warm waves languish, then curl, and finally, you sigh as the last waves drain out of your body. If you weren’t lying down you’re sure you’d be dizzy.
“Oh my god,” you mutter breathlessly to no one in particular.
“B-baby, you still there?”
You blindly feel around for your phone, arm so weak it’s trembling as you pull the camera towards your face
Dieter looks about as fucked out as you feel. Cock limp and still dribbling, his stomach and chest are covered in cum. He pushes his damp hair off his forehead, eyes wide and staring at the ceiling. 
“Holy shit, baby, that was …”
“Yeah,” you nod, swallowing your dry tongue, wishing again he was here so he could get you a glass of water. “I hope that wasn’t all of it because I really want you to say all of those things again tomorrow when you’re inside me.”
He groans and adjusts his limp cock. “You say that now but wait until Baby Bravo kicks you in the kidneys. You’ll be feeling a lot less generous towards this,” he gestures aimlessly to his naked body, “then.”
You chuckle. “Let’s just hope for the best. Besides,” you say, groaning a bit as you sit up to wipe the sweat off your neck with the robe, “I’m pretty sure I can have you eating out of the palm of my hand. Now that I know your secret . . . Daddy.” 
Dieter groans as you laugh. He shakes his head. “You shouldn’t be so surprised by now when you make me discover new kinks.” 
“Mhmm hmm.” 
He rolls his eyes as he gets up and picks the phone off the tripod. Holding the phone to his face, he wipes the cum off with his sweatpants before turning his attention back to you.
“How are you? Feel better?”
“Much better.” You stretch and lean back in the bed. If he was here, you’d probably be asking to eat you out, but at least the knife’s edge of desire has dulled. You can at least wait until nap time to jump your husband’s bones. 
“Good,” Dieter sighs, satisfied. “I’ll be there to pick you up from the airport tomorrow, okay?”
He always gets like this the nearer the due date comes, as if he can’t stand to see you lift a finger unnecessarily. You smile and nod, never wanting it to be any other way. 
“I’ll text you when I land.”
“Okay. Good night, my biggest love. I love you, so much.” 
“I love you too, Dieter.” Goddamn hormones, making you cry again. 
“Now lemme say goodbye to our little traveler.”
You wipe your eyes with your thumb as you tilt the phone to your swollen belly. 
“Good night, Baby Bravo. Can’t wait to have you around.”
And, at the sound of their father’s voice, they stir. Not kick or hurt. Just a tiny foot against your tight skin.
You are officially crying now. 
“They said hi, didn’t they?”
You’re nodding, crying, and he can’t see a damn thing. “Yeah,” you say quietly. “They said good night, Dad.”
He’s patient with you as you wipe your eyes, cheeks flushed again. 
“Baby, don’t cry, you’re breaking my heart.”
“You’re just a really good dad. And I’m so lucky,” you blubber. “This is it! I’m never leaving to go scouting again. I can’t take it.” 
“Mhmm. Let’s revisit that when you’re about two months postpartum and clawing at the walls.”
You laugh with him, your own sticky and goopy. “Fine.”
“Go to bed, love, and for the record, I’m the lucky one. Don’t forget that. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Good night.” You blow a kiss and he catches it. You roll your eyes. “Love you.”
“Love you too.”
You stay like that for a bit, cradled by the pillows, and your phone on your chest, thinking about everything from Dieter to the next school picture day, to the next family vacation, and of course, the zillion things you have to get done with work before the baby comes — hopefully all from the home office.
She kicks. 
You smile, wondering how you and Zelle both just know it’s a girl. Dieter has his own suspicions, he says, but he’s saving them. Orion would probably be thrilled to have a dragon in the family. You snort, hand over the place where she put her little foot.
“I miss them too, sweetie. And once you’re here, we’ll outnumber those silly boys. Maybe we’ll have to get a dog. You’ll like dogs.”
She’s silent, maybe sleeping, maybe thinking about what the heck a dog is. You smile, turn off the lamp, and peel back the covers. The sheets are cool and soft.
You fall asleep, dreaming of little feet, and hands, and wedding rings.
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barefoot-joker · 1 year
Birthday Yandere!William Afton X Reader
I smiled as I walked down the sidewalk to my older sister’s work. She had forgotten her lunch because she was helping our younger brother get ready for school. We had all woken up a bit late, so we rushed Isaac out the door before Trish headed out. I’ll admit it was rough with my sister at work, my brother at school and me taking care of the trailer; we never really got time off to spend with each other. That’s why I was happy to bring Trish her lunch, it would finally give us a chance to chat for a minute or two.
It took me a few more minutes to walk the rest of the sidewalk before reaching the parking lot. Before me stood the only pizzeria in town: Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. It was quite the spectacle even now and was very popular for children’s birthday parties. Trish and I had taken Isaac there for his birthday and he absolutely had a blast. I mean what was there not to love? It had an arcade, pretty good pizza, and singing animatronics! I had never seen anything like that before, it was just so fascinating. 
I opened the front door and a little bell went off as I did. Standing by the host desk, I waited for someone to direct me to my sister. “Oh, hello there, Y/n! It’s a pleasure to see you again!”
I looked up to see Henry, one of the owners. Henry was such a nice man. He would watch Isaac and I while we waited for Trish to finish her shift sometimes. He just looked like a teddy bear with his chubby appearance, blonde curly hair and beard, and those black thick rimmed glasses. “Hiya, Henry! Trish forgot her lunch, so I was just delivering it.”
“Oh yeah, of course. She’s a bit busy right now. We had a lunch rush. If you would like, you can wait in the arcade and I can direct her when she has some free time.”
“That would be great. Thanks, Henry!”
“Of course!”
“Mr. Emily, could you come here please”, a female called.
“Excuse me, Y/n.”
Henry walked off to go help, so I headed to the arcade. The blinking lights and loud sound effects was a bit calming to me. It was also fun to see kids be excited over 8-bit pixels. As I watched kids run around, I felt a dark presence looming behind me, almost suffocating. I looked over my shoulder to see a slim figure. I couldn’t quite identify who it was until I fully turned. 
Of freaking course.
The man’s skin was a bit pale, and his brunette locks looked unkempt. While he was slim, he still had a broad figure in the shoulders and the scent of cigarette smoke was slight on his white button up. “Miss Y/n, what a pleasant surprise. It’s so lovely to see you.”
Those gray eyes stared down at me, searching my face for some sort of reaction. I felt a shiver go down my spine. “What brings you here? I haven’t seen much of you lately. Or are you just trying to ignore me?”
A smirk played with the corner of his lips and I couldn’t help the gulp that went down my throat. I absolutely hated running into Mr. William Afton. He creeped me out and made me so uncomfortable. “I was bringing T-trish her lunch. S-she forgot it.”
I didn’t even bother with his other questions. If I had, who knows how Mr. Afton would have responded. “Ah, such a great sister! You know, you remind me of my dear Elizabeth. She does her best to protect Evan from Michael. She makes me so proud.”
Something sinister flickered in his eyes and I took a slight step back. “T-thank you?”
He stepped closer, his breath brushing against my face. Even that felt terrible, the brushing feeling like small claws digging into my flesh. Just as he was about to say something, Trish walked in. “There you are, Y/n! Henry said you’d be in here.”
I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. Thank God Trish came. She noticed my scared expression and grabbed my hand. Leading me away, I could feel Mr. Afton’s gaze dig into my back. “Thanks for saving me back there, Trish.”
“Of course. Mr. Afton can be a bit creepy at times.”
At times? How about all the time.
To make sure we were far enough away, Trish had walked us over by the host stand. “Now, what is it you came here for?”
“You forgot your lunch at the house again,” I lifted up the brown paper sack.
“Oh Y/n, thanks so much! I completely forgot about it!”
“I know, but you’re a busy lady.”
She gave me a kiss to the cheek. I smiled and looked beyond her shoulder. My eyes widened at seeing Mr. Afton peering through the doorway. His eyes stared at my sister down with such disgust. If looks could kill, she’d be bleeding profusely on the checkered floor. “Well, I’d better get back to work. I’ll see you and Isaac later, okay?”
She gave me a kiss on the forehead before taking the sack lunch, quickly sauntering off. I could still feel Mr. Afton’s gaze on me, so I left quickly out the front door. 
It wasn’t until 9:00 pm till Trish came home. By then I had retrieved Isaac from school, helped him with his homework, and gotten dinner ready. The three of us sat around the small dining table, munching on some chili. Isaac told us about his school day and Trish told us about work. I just sat quietly. “You know Y/n, your birthday is coming up here in a few weeks. Do you know what you want for a present yet?”
“No and you don’t have to worry. Just being with you two will make me happy.”
“But Y/n”, Isaac replied, “it’s your birthday! You deserve the world!”
I lightly smiled. They were always so sweet to me, but I really didn’t need anything. Quality time with them would be just enough. “At least think it over, okay? Isaac and I want to get you something.”
Trish set her hand on top of mine, giving it a light squeeze. 
“Okay.” I only said that to please them.
After we finished eating, we cleaned up dinner. The rest of the night we played a couple rounds of cards before heading to bed.
The next couple of weeks went by normally. Trish and Isaac kept asking about what I wanted for my birthday and I always gave the same response. A couple of times I had to go to Freddy’s to give Trish something. During those visits Mr. Afton was being creepy again. 
His silver eyes seemed softer around me compared to the harshness they held for his employees.
His hands would linger on my shoulder, his touch light and gentle.
I never seeked him out but he always found me in the restaurant. It felt like we had a red string of fate connected to us and he tugged until he was near.
He even suggested I work at the pizzeria, but I immediately turned him down. No way was I going to work alongside him and his creepy behavior.
He just made me feel sick.
Time flew by and soon enough it was my birthday. The morning was spent having my favorite breakfast before we headed to the park. We walked around a bit and just had fun. At some point Trish had to leave to get something for later tonight (probably a cake), so Isaac and I headed back to the house. We played some card games, board games, watched TV and read together.
The hours ticked by and while we had fun, we hadn’t heard from Trish. I was starting to get worried. Freddy’s wasn’t too far from our house and she always called when she was on her way home. No, something must have happened.
“Isaac, I want you to stay here. I’m going to go look for Trish.”
“But I want to come with!”
“Somebody needs to be here in case she calls. Can you do that for me?”
He nodded. “Good. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
I gave him a kiss to the forehead and quickly threw on some shoes. Heading out the door, I went as fast as I could to the pizzeria. Please let Trish be okay! Please!
I threw open the front door and skidded to a stop in the middle of the dining room. “Trish! Trish, where are you?!”
Suddenly, the eerie tune of Happy Birthday carried through the halls. I whipped my head around when I heard footsteps, my eyes widening when I saw a yellow rabbit headed right for me. I tried to move but as soon as I did the bunny grasped my hand, tugging me down the hall. “H-hey! Let go of me! Trish! Trish!”
I was dragged down a dim hallway, yelling at this thing to let me go. It opened a door and suddenly we were in a backroom of the restaurant. I was slightly pushed into the room, the door locking behind us. Even though I was frightened of what the rabbit would do, I forced myself to look around the room.
I really wish I hadn’t.
The room had been decorated for a birthday party. Streamers and balloons hung from every possible place; a birthday sign hung on the wall; a small table with a festive cloth sat in the middle with a birthday cake. The candles were lit and sitting next to it was my sister. Her head was tilted towards her chest and her hair blocked her face. “TRISH!”
I ran over and lifted her head up.
My eyes widened.
My breath caught in my throat.
My hands shook.
I let out a shrill scream.
Across Trish’s neck was a deep cut, thick blood running down the front of her shirt. Her eyes were glassed over and she looked like she was in pain. A dark chuckle made me look at the yellow bunny and that’s when I saw the blood stains. “Y-you! How could you?! Show yourself!”
And so it did. The thick gloved hands unclipped the grotesque cartoon head and pulled up.
I could have died right there. 
Standing in front of me with a wide grin was Mr. Afton.
“Speechless? No matter. There will be plenty of time for us to talk, my dear.”
“W-what do you mean? Why did you kill Trish? She never did anything to you!”
He looked offended at that comment. “Of course she did. She kept us apart. Can’t you see? We belong together. After all, I put so much effort into this relationship so far. I’d hate for my flirtation to go to waste.”
I gasped. 
No way was this murderer and I meant to be together!
I ran for the door but Mr. Afton pulled me into a tight embrace against his costume. I screamed and struggled in his grip. He just held tight. “I see you are not in the mood for a party right now. That’s okay. We can have our own celebration at home.”
“Sorry about this, love.”
My head was thrust at the wall and suddenly pain shot through my skull. The room was spinning and soon I blacked out.
I groaned as my eyes slowly opened. My head was just pounding and the cool cloth on my head was nice. “Finally starting to wake, my dear?”
I peered to my left and saw Mr. Afton sitting in a chair next to the bed I was on top of. He was out of the horrid costume and was now sporting a dark purple dress shirt and dark gray striped pants. “W-where am I?”
“Home.” He let his fingers stroke the top of my forehead into my scalp. 
I whined and tried to move away but the mad man was quick to grab me. He held me down and in my blurry state I tried to get away. “There’s no point in escaping, my love. You are mine and I am yours. We’re going to be together forever.”
“N-no! I don’t want that!”
“You’ll get used to it, my dear.”
“Mr. Afton-”
“Call me William. After all, we're past the formalities phase.”
With that he leaned down and gave my cheek a kiss. I threw my head to the right, not wanting to look at him. However, his fingers wrapped around my chin and forced my head back to him. “I’m being very generous, love.”
That woke me up. 
“Generous? Generous?! You made advances towards me when I made no indication I liked you. Y-you killed my sister for God’s sake!”
I thrashed around and William had to hold me down tighter. “Let go!”
“Come now, darling. Behave. It’s still your birthday, don’t you want to celebrate?”
“Not with you! I hate you! I hate you, William!”
A deep smirk set on his face and his eyes softened. “I love it when you say my name.”
He leaned down and kissed my lips. I struggled against him and bit his lip. He pulled back and licked lip, the blood going into his mouth. He smiled wide.
“Happy Birthday, soon to be Mrs. Afton.”
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jdragsky · 2 years
ive been thinking a lot lately about how 20th century pixel art was made for CRT screens, which display light very differently and thus has a very different set of design priorities than modern pixel art, where 20th century pixel art seeks to hide its pixels while modern pixel art emphasizes them (thats not the point of this post dont get hung up on this stay with me)
and also how upset art historians got in the 1960s when michelangelo's paintings in the sistine chapel were cleaned for the first time in five hundred years and historians were forced to acknowledge that all the depth and murky secretive qualities they loved so much were actually the accumulated result of hundreds of years of candle soot (thats not the point EITHER stay with me stay with me)
and then i think about how art is a constant renegotiated game of generational shifting, how we begin at a point of mutual understanding between the artist and audience, but over hundreds and thousands of years, more and more context is lost until we don't even know context has been lost, and new context is given which changes the work, and how every time we come back to shakespeare or michelangelo or miyamoto the world has elided us, slipped out of our hands and become something new, and everything we make will do that too (we're almost at the point, hold tight for a little longer loves)
and what i love about games is that they make this renegotiation process really clear and open because what is minecraft if not the sistine chapel of children and their playgrounds, an object which begs the player to take it and reinterpret it! what will minecraft be in a hundred years? five hundred? a thousand? will children still be fighting the end dragon long after the cultural conceits of "boss battles" and "raids" have escaped the cultural lexicon of game-story beats? (this is my point thank you for getting here)
the game is transforming in your hands when you play. it needs your eyes to make it real, it asks you to see and through seeing to miss what the designers saw, because that's what makes it good
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roseharpermaxwell · 6 months
RWRB FirstPrince Single Parent & Parent Recs
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My favorite single parent or parent recs below!
I Dissent! by Mel_1999. G, 1.4k. A police officer is coming to give a safety talk at school and, as a lawyer, Alex has a lot of things to say about it. Those things include planning an entire presentation for their son's class about their constitutional rights.
Henry is horrified, but supportive.
The Evening Routine by TuppingLiberty. T, 1.8k. Henry comes home late and joins Alex and their daughter, Isabella, in their night-time routine. Domestic fluff with a fade-to-black sex scene and adult language, so rated T.
(even though you want to) please try to never grow up by @coffeecatsme. T, 1.8k. “You better have a good fucking reason for sending me to voicemail, Hen.” He glares at the phone for one second before he actually sees the screen, and then his face melts into something Henry can only describe as fond. “Oh,” he whispers, dropping his mug of coffee onto the counter so he can lean in closer to the phone. “Look who’s there.”
“Yeah.” Henry keeps his voice so low he isn’t even sure Alex can hear him. He doesn’t seem to mind, eyes taking in the picture in front of him with parted lips, the edge of his finger covering the camera when he undoubtedly reaches to caress his daughter’s head.
Or, Alex misses his daughter when he goes back to work after a long paternity leave.
(We) Loved Her First by @hgejfmw-hgejhsf. G, 2k. When I thought about all of the things I wanted to say to you both today, my initial urge was to write a letter. I could borrow Dad’s fountain pen from his top desk drawer and watch the ink soak slowly into the cardstock paper, to blow it dry and carefully crease it in three places before sliding it into an envelope and sealing it with the wax seal Papa bought a few years back, that he said we could use to send our Christmas cards to Sandringham in a more formal way so that Uncle Pip wouldn’t expect to find us wearing matching Christmas tree onesies inside.
But then I realized, a letter isn’t your style. It isn’t our style. Your story, the same story weaved together countless times throughout my life into a tapestry of your love that blanketed me at night whenever I needed comforting, was told through a series of pixels swirling through the air and crossing the void of space and time within moments. So, I decided it was only fitting to continue that tradition and to follow in your footsteps…an email, it is.
Alex and Henry's daughter sends them an email just before they walk her down the aisle on her wedding day.
Teachable Moments by @everwitch-magiks. T, 2.1k. Alex is a single dad. His daughter, Elena, is as curious as she’s clever and quite a handful. Luckily, Alex has a solid support system—he can always count on Elena’s aunts, as well as on her kindergarten teacher. Her very wonderful, very attractive kindergarten teacher.
But kindergarten doesn't last forever.
even children get older by blueberriesandcream. G, 2.2k. on her grandchildren's first day of school, ellen claremont looks at alex and has some regrets. (alex makes it better for everyone.)
Giving Yourself Grace by TuppingLiberty. T, 2.9k. Isabella is very young, and Alex is home alone with her for the first time while Henry is away for the shelter. He learns some dark truths about himself when he struggles to help Isabella.
fully booked by riversdeep. T, 3.2k. A hand tugs at Henry’s sweater as he’s rearranging the Austen section, and he smiles, abandoning his books and crouching down. “Hello, Sophia.”
Today, Sophia's decked out in a Spiderman costume, complete with a matching tiny backpack and camera.
“Hi, Mister Henry.”
“Yeah, hi, Mister Henry.”
Henry laughs, heart impossibly warm. “Hello to you too, Alex. The books are on the counter, I’ve had them set aside for you.”
A little off the top by @clottedcreamfudge. T, 3.4k. “How old's David? Mine's almost 4 and she's cute but a lot of work.”
“Oh! He's 5 – it was his birthday last week, actually.”
“No kidding? Did you have a party?”
God, this man sees right through him. “With cake and invitations and a themed piñata, for my sins,” he confesses. “Does that make me awfully gauche?”
“Nope,” Alex says, popping the 'p' and winking at Henry's reflection. “But that might mostly be 'cause I have no idea what that means.”
Henry has literally never had such a good time while having his hair cut.
look in the mirror (and show me who you see) by blueberriesandcream. G, 3.5k. henry comes home to find alex in a predicament when their daughter gets bubble gum in his hair
Lost and Found by @sherryvalli. T, 3.9k. “Now, I don’t know about you, but I distinctly remember telling you to stay.”
“Sorry,” she said, not sounding very sorry at all. Henry made a mental note to teach her how to at least pretend to be contrite.
“You’re… she - you can speak English?”
Henry looked up. The man was turned towards him now. His eyes were the first thing Henry noticed. Wide and a deep brown, with impossibly long and dark eyelashes that seemed to touch his cheeks every time he blinked. And his mouth - it was open now in surprise and disbelief, but it was perfectly curved and bitten pink, and Henry had no problem picturing it curled into a smirk. A handsome serial killer, then.
Single dad Henry loses his daughter at the Met and ends up finding more than he bargained for.
kiss me on this cold december night by blackrose1002. M, 4.7k. “Hey, can I get an Americano to go? With double espresso?”
Even though he’s not working the register – because he’s making the bloody gingerbread nightmares – the simple order is enough to catch Henry’s attention and he looks up.
He immediately wishes he didn’t.
Right there, currently paying for his normal, boring coffee, is a man that’s possibly the most beautiful man Henry has ever seen. With his dark curls and beautiful brown eyes, eyelashes so long they don’t seem real and a smile lighting up his entire face, the man is simply stunning.
Henry would make anything for him.
Any coffee, including the goddamn gingerbread latte.
Or his bed, after getting thoroughly fucked into his mattress.
(Or the one where Henry works as a barista and one day the most beautiful man in the world orders the most boring coffee and saves Henry's sanity)
Isn't she lovely, isn't she wonderful by Liloandbitch. M, 5.6k. No one will ever believe him when he tells them Henry said the word DILF.
that's the way love goes by @waterloolovers. M, 6.3k. “Daddy. I want a little sister,” Dani had announced one day. Henry choked on his tea while Alex dropped the spatula straight onto the floor. “Um.” Henry cleared his throat. “Your papi and I will have to talk about that, okay?”
The Eternal Struggle by Celaestis. T, 6.7k. "Love, we can't put 'gender is a social construct, bitches' on an official royal birth announcement."
Five times parenthood beat Henry and Alex, and one time they won parenting.
Secret Ingredient by floatingaway4. T, 8.2k. It’s not unusual for the shelters to call each other when they need temporary space. Henry doesn’t normally take children that young, but he can accommodate them in an emergency. He just has to make sure the staff keeps an eye on this kid. 
What could possibly go wrong?
Oh what a laugh it would have been by @hgejfmw-hgejhsf. E, 11k. When Alex dresses as Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, their five-year-old daughter makes an extra special, last-minute Christmas wish. AND
Alex leaves his Santa suit on for a private evening with Henry while everyone else is snug in their beds.
in paper rings, in picture frames, in latte art series by coffeecatsme. T, 15k. “You little menace,” a voice says from the door, entirely too fond to be anything mean. “I told you to wait by the car, not go inside.” The man steps inside, shaking the rain from his hair, and Henry is treated to the sight of the most beautiful man he’s seen in his entire life, standing in the middle of his shop with clothes dripping to the floor and raincoat bundled up around him. He notices then the umbrella clutched in the little boy’s hand, the innocent wide eyes watching his father, and the picture forms in his head.
Or, five times Henry makes a piece of art for Alex's son on his drinks, and one time he does it for Alex himself.
Confidential Memorandum by sherryvalli.  T, 17k. "Hello, Mr. Fox-Mountchristen's office. How may I help you?"
"Hello, can I speak to Mr. Fox-Mount-krishen, please?"
Alex blinked. After two weeks of hearing nothing but the voices of snooty men and frazzled secretaries calling in, the person on the other line now sounded decidedly neither snooty nor male nor in any way adult.
It was a little girl.
"Mr. Fox-Mountchristen's unfortunately in a meeting right now,” Alex began slowly, “but I could take a message?"
"Oh." The girl paused. "You're not Mr. Hunter."
Alex starts a new job as Henry's new assistant. Henry's daughter keeps calling the office and leaving him messages.
Longer Than Most by @happinessofthepursuit. E, 26k. “Oh,” Alex says. “Sick.”
Henry can’t help but grin. He can’t believe he’s so bloody gone on a man who says sick and dude, who he’s slept with all of one time and proceeded to knock him up. Henry’s a cliche, honestly.
“It is, indeed, sick, as you say.”
Alex rolls his eyes, but his cheeks darken a shade, giving him away a bit. “Listen, the closest I get to poetry is your fucking face. Excuse me if my vocabulary doesn’t quite compare to yours.”
Or, Alex and Henry have a one night stand. That is, until a baby’s involved.
Family Lines series by @cultofsappho. T, 41k. Henry turned his attention back to the girl in front of him, she seemed to be pivoting from star-stuck to actual distress. “Are you okay?”
"I'm gay!" She blurted the words out before slapping a hand over her mouth like she couldn’t believe what she’d just said.
Henry chuckles, his cheeks flushing pink. "Me too."
Henry and Alex had been thinking about fostering for years now, they were just waiting for the right kid to (aparently literally) fall into their life.
True Love Stories Never Have Endings series by @historicallysam. E, 69k. “The beauty of love is that you can fall into it with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.” - Ritu Ghatourey
Henry expects the coming school year to be much the same as the previous ones. He couldn't be more wrong.
orion in your fingertips series by acastle. E, 168k. “She truly is your daughter, Alex,” Henry sighs, defeated.
“Fuck off, sweetheart,” he laughs, a soundbite of the sun. Henry forces himself not to physically react, the term of endearment sweet and menacingly familiar coming from Alex’s lips. It’s been years. “You know they’re useful.”
“Ah yes, eyelashes, truly a formidable instrument in managing international relations.”
Alex grins, and Henry is too late to catch the slightest downward lilt on the corner of his mouth, “Worked on you once, didn’t it?”
Oh, did that ache. 
(Much had happened since the time Henry had told Alex to leave. Alex had passed the bar, gotten married, had the most beautiful daughter. And Henry, well. He stayed right where he was.)
*And podfic of a flicker, a spark by the incomparable RattleandHum @thirdeye1234.
I only tag an author once per post, but I'm still figuring out firstprince author handles. If you see one I may not know or find a broken link, please give me a heads up!
Master List of RWRB FirstPrince Recs
Master List of Recommendations
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likesplatterpaint · 6 months
How many pufferfishs do you guys have? And any that are none puffs?
I've done posts like these before, but this is an updated, condensed one complete with collage!
These are our current puffs: Bonk the F8, (4 yrs), Burd the GSP (8 yrs), Yamuel the Potato (2 yrs), Blips (x 10, collectively almost 2 yrs), and Waldo the baby fahaka (2 months). They all have their own tag which is just "(name) Feesh." or "The Blips" If you want to see them all at once, check the tag "Gen and Mike's puffers"
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We have had several bettas though Mike (justifiably) put a moratorium on that species some years back. We have a community tank of gold dust platies (The Guy Fieris), 2 honey gouramis (Soup and Lemon), 2 mollies and a pair of Bulgarian Seal Point Angelfish (Bluecifer and Blillith)- their tag is "Pond Tank." We have 9 axolotls as well- Bibz, Meatball, Noice and their children- Vector, Pixel, Rigatoni, Pasta, and Robit, all tagged Gen and Mike's Lotls
I have been keeping puffers for a decade now, so a few of our other sweet departed babies below. We lost Louie most recently in Oct 2023 and I miss him desperately. He was almost a foot long. Waldo has big fins to fill. Feather was my very first puffer, and is tattooed on my left arm! I will probably get a Louie Tat some day too.
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Thanks for asking! They are our pride and joy.
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miaogo · 7 months
So I saw the movie today (fnaf movie spoilers ahead)
I really enjoyed every single bit of it, that intro (the pixel one) was absolutely beautiful (also what a banger honestly) I really loved the parallels to the games and books:
For example, the guy that got killed by the cupcake (honestly a menace) had a shirt with the "midnight motorist" minigame on it (I was so happy when I noticed that)
Also I'm a firm believer that the Schmidt's are a direct parallel to the Emily's
(I could be severely mistaken with this btw)
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I mean also the "my dad couldn't handle it" (something of those sorts [I watched the movie only twice today so I can't still quote it perfectly]) really parallels the books and also kinda the games.
+ William stopping at Mike's surname? It might be either because he recognised it as the surname of one of his victims or actually knew this was "Henry's" kid.
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The unused animatronics being ones from the books was amazing too.
Also the mattpad cameo? Really unexpected but really liked (it's thanks to him that I got to know this franchise in a more serious way[not counting some mentions I had heard before] .
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Vanessa, I think that she might have been using another name other than her "original"
I mean William changed his so that he could "distance" himself from the missing children
So Vanessa might have done the same to separate from William (as she should honestly)
Also I think it's implied that Vanessa actually did keep in touch with William, since he seems to have told her to keep Mike away from the truth.
Really liked Williams charactization in this movie, he felt like no one could catch him, he was so sure of himself but gets proven wrong and gets to rot away for idk how long (in movie universe+if it's eternity he deserves it)
Also springlock scene (yippee)
Also I loved the animatronics behaving like kids (mostly) , because that's what they actually are , they are" just poor little souls that got forced to take that role"
yes that is a living tombstone reference, i loved their song being in the credits (also the puppets melody too! I hope that if there is a sequel that the puppet is there [maybe it's mike's brother])
Anyway I'm gonna use some things I liked about the movie to characterise my own version of the characters.
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aquilacalvitium · 9 months
Hey, I really liked learning about Nate from you. I also would like to hear about FNAF if you're up for it? I like the art I see around for it, especially the Sun and Moon boy, but have never really engaged passed that. I know it's based on a horror game which is Not something I've got the guts to play 😅 but I'd love to hear about the story of it and about the characters if you'd like to talk about them?
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Gif from FNAF The Musical
Now I'm letting you know right off the bat that this post is very long. Much longer than my infodump about Nate. If it's too much I don't expect you to go out of your way to read it all.
I've explained the first three games and will explain the rest in a reblog :)
That means if you wanna know about the Sun and Moon boy, that'll be in a reblog too since they're very recent characters.
So if you rely know nothing about FNAF then I'm going to start with the fact that it does involve child murder. We never see anything on screen, but it's pretty obvious that it's happening/has happened. And of the very few gruesome events they actually show, they're all in 8-bit so it's just like a few red pixels.
I hope you're buckled in because I'm about to walk you through ALL OF THE GAMES FROM BEGINNING TO END. Also I'm not the best with lore, I'm not very smart, but I'm going to explain it to the best of my knowledge which considering how complex this franchise is, that's all anyone can really do.
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A small indie game called Five Nights at Freddy's drops suddenly on the 8th of August in 2014 and immediately blows up. This game was a last-ditch attempt by developer Scott Cawthon to create a successful game after several previous failed attempts. His previous game had recieved some negative feedback with reviewers saying his characters moved like "creepy aniamtronics", so he ran with the idea and made a game centred around creepy animatronics.
You play as a night guard keeping an eye on the four animatronics in this Chuck E. Cheese style pizzeria: Foxy the pirate fox, Chica the chicken, Bonnie the bunny and Freddy Fazbear. You're informed that the characters wander at night to stop their servos from locking up and that if they see you, they'll think you're an animatronic endoskeleton with no suit and will try to stuff you inside one. Now considering those suits are full of metal and electronics that would crush you to death, that's not really something you want to happen. So you must ration your limited battery power to keep an eye on where the animatronics are in the building and closing the doors to your office to keep them out. As the week goes on, the animatronics get more and more aggressive with only Bonny and Chica active at first, then Foxy joining in and eventually Freddy himself.
Now on it's surface this is already pretty scary, but then you realise weird newspaper clippings starting to appear on the walls in the cameras. A close-up look at these clippings tell the news story of five children going missing at Freddy Fazbear's. A suspect was caught but discharged due to no evidence being found. Papers dated a little later talk about complaints from restaurant patrons that the animatronics are starting to stink and weird fluids are oozing out of them.
While it's never officially stated, it's made pretty obvious to the player that the five children who went missing were killed and stuffed inside the animatronics. But wait, there are only four animatronics, right? Wrong! While Foxy, Bonnie, Chica and Freddy are indeed the only four on show, there is a secret fifth animatronic referred to as Golden Freddy.
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Golden Freddy appears on rare occasions in the camera. Upon doing so, he will then force the camera to close, revealing that he's somehow appeared inside your office. Staring at him for too long will cause the game to crash and shut down, and the only way to survive him is to flip the camera back up as quickly as possible.
And for a few months, that was where the story stayed. Five murdered children and five murderous animstronics. Up until November of the same year.
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(Got sick of looking through the gif gallery, it's like 98% stim boards ugh)
FNAF 2 was like FNAF 1 but bigger! Instead of just five animatronics, FNAF 2 upgraded to eleven! You had the brand new "toy" animatronics with brighter colours, smoother textures and an overall much cuter appearance, and the old "withered" animatronics rotting away in the back room. On top of them, you also had two brand new animatronics referred to as Balloon Boy (BB) and The Puppet/Marionette.
This game's mechanics were pretty different where instead of having an office with two doors, you had two air vents either side of you, one massive hallway right in front of you and zero doors. Different animatronics would approach you from the vents or hallway and you and to remember which ones could be stopped with the torch and which ones would leave if you had a Freddy Fazbear mask on. The Puppet and BB were unique in their own mechanics. BB wouldn't kill you if he got in, but he would steal the batteries to your torch making you defenseless against certain characters and constantly laughing his extremely annoying laugh. And the Puppet remained inside his gift box in Prize Corner as long as you kept his music box wound up. Let the music box run out and you'll start to hear Pop Goes the Weasel which unfortunately means that you're now dead. 100%. The Puppet is on his way and once he's out of the box there's nothing you can do to stop him. At all.
Now the immediate impression everyone had was that this game was a sequel, until you looked closer at the evidence. For one, the withered animatronics - aside from being withered and broken - look very different to their FNAF 1 counterparts. The guy on the phone who talks to you every night (dubbed Phone Guy) is still alive even though he died on night four of FNAF 1. And the Phone Guy also states that once you've completed your week, you're free to move to a day position and Phone Guy himself will probably take up the role of night guard - the position we replace in FNAF 1 after his death.
FNAF 2 takes place before FNAF 1! But why do the animatronics want to kill you if the FNAF 1 killings haven't happened yet?
Now it has been a while so my knowledge about the earlier games is a tad rusty, but between every night there is an 8-bit mini game such as Foxy Go! Go! Go!, and Give Gifts/Give Life. In Foxy Go! Go! Go! You play as Foxy leaving his stage to entertain children. You do this once, then twice, and then three times. But on the third time, there's a strange purple man standing to the side of your stage. Once you leave the stage, you find not five children but five ghosts. The children are dead, and the purple man is to blame. We can prove this in the mini game Take Cake to the Children in which you control Freddy doing as the name suggests and taking cake to children who get progressively more upset the longer you take. But you notice that at the top of the screen, outside the pizzeria, is a single, lonely crying child. That child stays where they are until finally, a purple car pulls up and the purple man from earlier gets out. The player can do nothing but watch as the child's tears grow and grow until they become a ghost. Then the purple guy gets in his car and drives away. That child is dead.
Finally, in Give Gifts/Give Life, you play as the Puppet. There's no beating around the Bush here, you're in a room with four dead children. The Pupept goes to each four and gives them each a present, but that doesn't work. They're still dead. He then goes around again, doing as the title says and giving life. He places an animatronic head on each child. Once the fourth head is on, you get jumpscared by Golden Freddy and the nights continue. But if you're incredibly perceptive, you may notice that there is a single frame right before the jumpscare in which a fifth ghost child appears in the middle of the room.
These are previous murders, ones that all took place before the FNAF 1 location opened and ghosts that possessed the original now withered animatronics. But what about the toy animatronics? Well they're easy to explain.
Phone Guy explains how these new high-tech robots are built with face recognition software and have been programmed with a list of criminals in order to keep the children attending the restaurant safe. Whoever you are, whoever you're playing as, you are one of those people. Or at least you look like one. More on that later.
So then there came FNAF 3
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This game is set thirty years after the closure of the last Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria - the FNAF 1 location and it doesn't actually take place in a pizzeria, but rather a low-budget horror attraction based on the rumours and myths surrounding the pizzeria franchise.
You work as a security guard keeping an eye on the attraction the week before it opens. You're accompanied by Phone Dude, similar to Phone Guy in that he speaks to you over the phone and gives you information, but a different person altogether.
Night one is entirely uneventful as you listen to Phone Dude drop a whole bunch of information on you and when he finally hangs up you realise it's 5am and nothing has happened. Yup, night one is actually completely harmless. But then night two starts and Phone Dude tells you that "we found one. A real one." He quickly has to go and leaves you with bunch of recordings that he mentioned in night one which all turn out to be training tapes from old Fazbear locations voiced by none other than our friend the Phone Guy! Quickly, you'll notice something moving in the cameras and sometimes even hallucinations. These are the Phantom animatronics and they're not actually there. They appear suddenly in various places and unless you manage to flip up/down the camera in time, they will jumpscare you. The good news is, they can't kill you since they're not real. Instead, they cause all of your systems to crash which you then need to reboot. Yeah, this game has various systems that break down randomly throughout the night that you need to keep active in order to survive.
But there is one animatronics that's both real and a real threat. Springtrap.
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Springtrap is... disturbing. He's worse than all the other animstronics we've met so far. I mean, his jumpscare is a little tame compared to them, but when you realise just what he is? Yikes.
Focusing on his mechanics first, you need to keep him away from you by blocking air vents and luring him with voice recordings. He's actually not that difficult as long as you keep a close eye on him.
Now, just like FNAF 2, this game has mini games between each night. You can play them all normally and complete them all as intended, but that will lead you to receiving the bad ending. Getting the good ending requires finding clues within those minigames, performing certain actions in the real game and then playing bonus mini games which are now accessible. BUT, you then need to glitch out those mini games in order to find crying children and give them cake. It's weird.
Doing all of these will eventually lead you to the minigame Happiest Day. Technically you can access and beat this mini game on any night, but you must complete all the hidden mini games and then this one to get the good ending. In it, you control a child in a puppet mask walking through a Fazbear restaurant. You walk past the four children you met on previous nights now wearing character masks and give them one a big cake. A fifth child standing on the other side of the table and crying will then put on a Golden Freddy mask. Finally, all six children will disappear, leaving their masks behind.
Beating the game after this will give you to the good ending. The children's spirits have been set free and are no longer possessing the animatronics.
So, what is Springtrap, anyway? Well... gore warning.
The normal minigames throughout the week have you playing as animatronics following a mysterious "Shadow Freddy" through an abandoned and broken Fazbear Restaurant until Purple Guy from FNAF 2 shows up and dismantles you. On the final night, you then play as a ghost child. Going to the room where Purple Guy dismantled the aniamtronics will trigger an interesting situation. Four other ghosts will block the exit while you chase Purple Guy. He will be thoroughly freaking out and will keep running away until finally he runs inside a limp golden rabbit costume in the corner to hide. He seems victorious, laughing at you. Until you hear a sudden crunch and he starts shivering. Slowly, he collapses to the ground as red pixels spray out of the suit. So what happened?
Well in the tapes left by Phone Guy, you will learn about suits called Springlock Suits. These function as normal animatronics but include springlock mechanisms. These mechanisms hold back all the animatronic parts, allowing a person to get inside and wear it as a costume. But there's a huge problem here. That's a lot of animatronic parts being held back by tiny springs. So... what would happen if a spring failed while a person was inside?
You also learn from the tapes that after a certain sprinlock failure, the safe rooms in the pizzerias where the suits are kept are being bricked up permanently.
Springtrap is the Purple Guy. He's the child murderer. And he was crushed to death inside a golden rabbit springlock suit. He was then bricked up in a wall for around thirty years, rotting and decaying, until the room was finally reopened and the suit collected for Fabear Frights, the horror attraction.
That's pretty messed up, huh?
WHEW! Okay this post is getting pretty long and I don't want to overwhelm you. I'm going to leave it here, but I will reblog and it and explain the next three games when I can.
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fountainpenguin · 7 months
Riddle's Traffictober - Batch 4
The final Traffictober one-shots are up on my AO3! Happy November!
Full series - Find full list and tags here
Batch 1 Post - Traffictobers 1 to 7
Batch 2 Post - Traffictobers 8 to 14
Batch 3 Post - Traffictobers 15 to 21
These are Gen and T-rated Traffic SMP fanfics (one-shots) of various lengths. Give 'em a look if you think you may enjoy:
22 - “The Children of Dust and Ashes” (Link) - [NW AU] - 16-year-old Scott is caught off guard when his bandmate Impulse gets possessed by the soul of an ancient builder who really, really liked cherry wood. Impulse hurls Scott's axe off a cliff.
Secret Life - Neighborhood Watch AU retelling of Secret Life Episode 1 for Gem & The Scotts... The trio are 16 and Skizz is 18, and they take shelter after witnessing a zombie outbreak in a nearby village.
23 - “Blurring the Lines” (Link) - Young Scar reflects on his life in the Clocker family... and works through his feelings about his mom's new "soulmate" and his dad's new "fishing buddy."
Limited Life - A Scar-centric contemporary suburban AU [No death game] based around the Clocker family, with references to events and roleplay from the other Life series.
This was my first take on Neighborhood Watch AU, but it's just a standalone now. Still cute and seems to be a fan favorite, which I'm satisfied with <3
24 - “Hey Mumbo wtf?” (Link) - Since eating Grian's soul, Mumbo's started growing gemstone wings. Local wing admirer of an ex-husband can't help but notice.
Server Hub - On the 288th anniversary of Netty's last logout, the Bad Boys cheer Martyn with a night on the town. On his way out, he crosses paths with Mumbo for the first time since they roleplayed as husbands on Last Life. Affectionately awkward reunions are had.
Also a study in making settings feel alive and populated. Pretty happy with it!
25 - “You Can Sleep While I Drive” (Link) - Drabbles about one member of each Double Life soulmate pair watching the other sleep.
Double Life - Cozy beds in the napping story, where everyone is sleeping. It's a whole lot of fluff, unless you're Impulse threatening to get your husband TP'd to the other side of the map or you're Scott who's convinced his soulmate is cheating on him.
26 - “Dear Future Captain” (Link) - Bdubs and Martyn try teaching SnifferMyFeet how to fly. This is followed by Martyn filing an incident report because he ripped out Jellie's soul and came this close to dropping her in the Void.
Server Hub - I don't really have a good reason for this one- I just enjoy phantom hybrid flock drama and it made me laugh. Chapter 1 is up now and it will be 2 or 3 in total.
27 - “Enter Mr. Littlewood” (Link) - [NW AU] The Clocker kids pester Martyn with questions... most notably, "Are you divorced?" and "If you're Mom's 'one true soulmate,' how come she had us with Etho?"
Neighborhood Watch AU - Direct sequel to "Scary Stories For Young Fox Hybrids."
28 - “Birdwatcher” (Link) - Grian has an affair that flicks his soul wings on. Scar confronts him and Grian whips out the gaslighting. A confused Scar picks up the pieces left behind.
Double Life - Grian and Scar aren't dating. They're just soulmates. Grian is quick to remind Scar about this. It's not cheating to pursue other options when you're just roommates, right? Geez...
This one's a particular favorite; I love the motion and dialogue <3
29 - “Wake Me Up When Last Life Ends” (Link) - Scott works late and misses dinner. Again. He and Jimmy have a serious talk about their relationship.
Break up with the server hub admin at your own risk (ft. Mean Gals movie night).
30 - “The Leftovers” (Link) - Martyn and Cleo spend the night at Box, which - by law and by will - is now their base. Martyn makes one last appeal urging Cleo to take him back. Cleo sets him straight.
Double Life - I write a lot about pixel people phasing through each other because they don't have love hearts / hitbox collision. Now that we're at the end of Traffictober, here's a fluffy story about Cleo purposely eating golden carrots so she can carry a sleeping Martyn down the stairs.
I've been wanting to write this one since before I started Traffictober, but kept pushing it off... It came out better than I could have hoped and it's definitely a personal favorite. "You don't even know me" Cleo, my beloved <3
31 - “Closed Door Policy” (Link) - Two naked and scared individuals seek shelter at a non-anarchy server hub. One is a soul ripped out of his own body. The other is a dragon.
Pre-Canon - A glimpse at the early days of the New Star Station portal hub. Scott helps Etho take in two injured refugees... Chapter 1 is up, will probably be 3 or 4 chapters total.
My Traffictober challenge is complete at 226k words! I think my October writing comes out to be 250k if we include the Dog's Life chapter updates too. I'm really proud of what I've done and it's great to have a win under my belt after not feeling my best for a while.
Happy with it, back to our regularly scheduled programming soon, and I hope you all enjoyed! 💚 💛 ❤️
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please i am on my knees begging for more of the TWST boys reacting to some of the SCPs from Researcher!MC’s world /nf
OOC: Hello! I’m the creator of SCP!MC/Yuu, and the one who also created the MC/Yuu from Hazbin Hotel (Demon Lord!MC/Yuu or Static Demon!MC/Yuu). Sorry to keep you waiting for some time.
God, they are plenty of anomalies that SCP!MC/Yuu forbid the boys to interact with. Such as SCP-173 (The Sculpture) (Peanut looking-ass who hasn’t clean its booty for some time) or SCP-682 (The Hard-to-Destroy Reptile).
SCP!MC/Yuu: We lost many lives trying to contain that oversized lizard. It didn’t help that Floyd wanted to squeeze the subject when I told him numerous times “no”. Did he listen? Of course not. Many field agents had to restrain him from entering 682’s chamber.
Don’t get me started on SCP-2386 (Pink Ladies). Those parasitic hoes are nasty insects, especially towards the male species.
SCP!MC/Yuu: Agree. I had to pull everyone back when D-Class subjects were transferring some for testing. When the anomalies saw them, they looked ready to tear them apart and kept banging against the indestructible glass that made up their container.
I mean…The guys look like they can attract anyone, especially the female audience.
SCP!MC/Yuu: Not funny. Fortunately, none of them had to experience such troubles as I told my colleagues and other foundation members to look after them. However, they have met some with good intentions.
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[SCP-999 a.k.a. The Tickle Monster]
SCP!MC/Yuu would introduce the TWST Boys to 999 at its pen.
At first some were unnerved by the entity as it seems nothing but a sentient pile of orange goo with beady black eyes.
Others were already feeling happiness to seeing 999.
Grim, the ever-loving menace he is, despises 999 because he was pushed back by SCP!MC/Yuu that one time. (Don’t worry. They apologized and gifted him tuna cans.)
SCP-999: *Crawls over to Kalim and hugs him*
SCP!MC/Yuu: Awww…He likes you already.
Kalim: Aww! You are such a cute slime monster!
Cater: *Pulls out his phone* Gotta put this on MagiCam!
SCP!MC/Yuu: Whoa, hey! Cater, you can’t do that.
Cater: Why not?
SCP!MC/Yuu: All photos, videos, or audio recordings are prohibited within the foundation without authorization because that would risk the staff members and the object itself from the public being exposed. This includes your world’s public.
Ace: Seriously? Your job is lame.
SCP!MC/Yuu: I’m sorry you can’t collect memories, but you can always visit the foundation if I’m around.
Deuce: At least we can see you and others personally.
[999 crawls over towards everyone and hugs everyone.]
SCP!MC/Yuu: See? This is better than MagiCam and whatnot.
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[SCP-5094 a.k.a. Miss J’s Whiz Kidz Schoolhouse]
Dr. MC/Yuu would pull out a disc and insert it in an older desktop computer model.
SCP!MC/Yuu: I granted permission to borrow this specific CD from Junior Researcher Xenia Chau. Now we can finally meet Miss. J.
When the desktop computer finally opens up, it shows a 2D character of a colorfully pixelated teacher named Miss. J (Which her name varies like Miss. Joy.)
Dr. MC/Yuu introduced themselves to the teacher and then the TWST Boys.
They explained that the boys were also their case and still running tests on the coffin that transported people to their “Wonderland.”
Most of them seemed fascinated by Miss. J while others were suspicious of the anomaly. Especially to a certain genius otaku.
Idia: *Perplexed by Miss. J and how she functions* You don’t seem to have any programs advanced enough to be sentient… *Mumbles under his breath* What are you?
SCP!MC/Yuu: Idia, that’s rude.
Miss. J: It’s quite alright, Dr. MC/Yuu. To be honest, I have no idea what am I. All I want is to educate children with knowledge of various fields and be engaged to learn more.
SCP!MC/Yuu: *Nods* That’s true to your nature. To be honest, I had a copy of you back when I was still a little kid. I didn’t know you or the others were alive and I wish I had kept mine for good memories. You- I mean, the other you kept me to be more open about everything.
Miss. J: *Smiles through the screen* It seems she did a great job teaching you to become a great person.
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[SCP-2295 a.k.a. The Bear with a Heart of Patchwork]
Dr. MC/Yuu already filled some paperwork and contacted Dr. Gergis to have access of meeting Kairos.
The permission was granted and now everyone can see the little bear.
SCP!MC/Yuu: Kairos! *Picks up the patchwork teddy bear and hugs him*
Jack: What’s special about a stuffed bear?
SCP!MC/Yuu: Kairos has anomalous properties who detects major trauma to an organ within a two meter distance of a human. Then he would recreate that said organ (SCP-2295-1) with materials like fabric and stuffing. He then replaces the damaged organ with the one he fashioned and despite it not being biologically and chemically matching with the original organ, it still functions naturally.
[Then Kairos leaps out of Dr. MC/Yuu’s arms and rushes out of the room.]
SCP!MC/Yuu: Follow him!
[Everyone follows the patchwork bear to the infirmary where a young D-Class is exhibiting collapsed lungs. Kairos was by the patient’s bed and pulls out his needles, threads, and a fabric scissor. What was missing is leftover fabric and stuffing.]
SCP!MC/Yuu: Wait, wait, wait! *Yanks off their lab coat and tears it apart*
Riddle: What are you doing?!
SCP!MC/Yuu: Chill. I have spare coats. Kairos needs materials for his operation. *Rushes into the ward and passes their ruined coat to the bear* He needs stuffing, ASAP! *Commands a technician to gather nearby stuffing*
[After the materials are brought together, Kairos quickly fashions a new set of lungs with mismatched patterns and within a second, the new organs disappear in the D-Class’s chest. The patient is now breathing steadily and it seems the operation is a success.]
SCP!MC/Yuu: *Leaves the infirmary with Kairos in their arms* Good job, buddy. You saved another life. *Hugs the bear*
Riddle: *Jaw dropped* How…?
SCP!MC/Yuu: Oh, right. Your family is involved with the medical field back in your world and this is unlike what you would have expected. I wish I can explain more about the little one’s abilities, but unfortunately there’s no reports or records of where the faulty organs disappeared to. It’s still ongoing though.
Riddle: *Hesitant to ask something*
SCP!MC/Yuu: *Notices* Well, Kairos doesn’t hold any malicious intentions. You can hold him until we reach back to his chamber. I already hogged enough cuddles for today. *Passes the bear to Riddle*
Riddle: *Carefully holds Kairos in his arms*
SCP!MC/Yuu: We should get going. We don’t want Dr. Gergis to be worried about his anomaly subject.
[All the TWST boys and Dr. MC/Yuu then starts heading back to the chamber. Without everyone acknowledging Riddle at the time, he gently hugs the bear.]
Riddle: *Hugging the bear* You did a good job.
Cater: *Recording the whole time* Oh Great Seven.
Riddle: *Blushes hard of embarrassment* AHH! NO VIDEO RECORDING WITHIN THE FOUNDATION!!! Cater, delete that video. Delete it! If you don’t delete that video, it’s off with your head!
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fundielicious-simblr · 5 months
I finally bit the bullet and did an updated group photo for gen 3 because I wanted to replace the header I have for this account right now. I'm still stuck on what to do for a profile picture, but I'll figure it out eventually I guess. When planning out the posing for this, I was inspired by @duggardata to do some info points for my sims, so I'm going to be doing some basic and random facts about these little bunches of pixels to end the year. This ended up being a mini thesis, so grab a snack if you plan on scrolling down, and I'll put the post under the cut to save your scrolling the TL. When I started this it was meant to be a small cute post with random information, and has now become an actual analysis. If I've missed anything or if i find more that I can talk about, there definitely can be more of these later down the line.
I'm going to queue this for 11:30pm my timezone, so I wish you all a very happy new year, may you get everything you desire and more!
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This is all 36 people that make up the 3rd generation. I've arranged them in birth order, so this is technically chronological I guess. I did mess up when I got to the end because I forgot about Ashton (Allan & Casandra's 13th - the irony 😂) and plopped her further down than she should be.
Names L-R:
Back: Adalynn Leonard, Barrett Collins, Macie Collins, Carter Paulson, Abbey Hill, Brittany Dahlmann, Zoe Moreno, Valentina Townsend, Alan Paulson, Tanner Collins, Maggie Wright, Celeste Paulson.
Middle: Kyra Shearer, Reece Collins, Kristyn Crocker, Sabrina Crawford, Beckett Collins, Amira Eichelburg, Priscilla Roberts, Annette Collins, Jarrod Paulson, James Hunt, Charles Collins, Zachary Paulson.
Front: Rory Godwin, Ruby Rae Godwin, Parker Collins, Ava Grace Godwin, Conner Paulson, Jarrett Paulson, Gabriela Hunt, James Lee Collins, Matthew Collins, Ashton Collins, Amelia Godwin, Archie Collins.
Now onto the stats!
Out of the 36 :-
Men: 17
Women: 19
The split between men and women is 49/51 (don't quote me on my maths, I dropped maths classes as soon as I was able to 😂) Within the siblings groups it's definitely not as even, though the final results even themselves out. Gender roles are heavily enforced in these households, so ones that are female heavy (Allan and Casandra's 8 girls to 5 boys) compared to those that are male heavy (Claire and Ryan's 6 boys to 4 girls) will have different experiences. Having girls being born earlier in the birth order definitely helps lighten the load when there's a new children every other year.
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Marriage is definitely a stage of life that fundies emphasise for their kids, with purity culture pushing for them to be married as soon as possible to (A) prevent sin and (B) produce children as fast as possible. Of course, there's those for whom marriage doesn't happen at the desired time, but in times like this the advice is to wait "on the Lord's timing".
For those eligible for marriage out of the 36:
21 are married
1 is engaged
1 is in a courtship
The average age for marriage is 22. The youngest age being 18 (Maggie, Reece, Priscilla) and the oldest being 29 (Abbey)
I don't have exact data for the courtships so I can't do an average, but I can say the longest relationship prior to engagement was Abbey and Adam's - they dated for two years before getting engaged.
Speaking of dating, fundies and many other conservative christians push courting rather than dating. They reason that it's more serious and with the purpose of marriage, and if you add in purity culture there's the argument that they're saving 'pieces of their heart' for their future spouse. Out of the 23 couples who are either married or on their way there, only 2 couples kissed before marriage: Abbey & Adam and Brittany & Colton. These two couples weren't held to as strict standards as their cousins due to their parents outlook on things, they already knew that their daughters didn't personally agree with the convictions on purity (plus with brittany marrying into a well known political family, they saw it as a means to an end 😂) The other 19 couples (soon to be 20) saved their first kiss for the altar, as will the one courting couple (Zachary & Kelsey). Only 3 couples had no touch courtships the whole way through (and this number is debatable because I myself couldn't keep a storyline straight hehe - but from the character personalities and different plotlines let's agree with 3): Reece & Stacie, Alan & Tessa, and Tanner & Tabitha. In all 3 cases it was the girls family that set the stricter rules, which is more common as girls are engineered to guard their purity.
As if common with real life fundies, the older the kids get the faster they get in courtships that end in marriage. This is one of that things that you can't really predict since people's stories are different, Adalynn was the first one to get married 13 years ago, and the next family wedding was Barrett's 3 years later. In the first 9 years since the 3rd generation started getting married, 8 couples were married. The beginning of the next decade is when things started to happen in a flurry, 5 couples got married with four of them having their first child in the same year (this wont make sense, but if i try to make it fit real world parameters i'll acc go insane HAHA - this is fictional so it's allowed not to make sense) The most couples to get married in a year is 7 couples, and with the 13 left I doubt that there will be the same back to back that was happening earlier. The girls have gotten married faster than the boys, but that was to be expected when you consider that gender roles play heavily into fundie culture. It's easier to marry off a daughter to be a wife and mother than having to marry of a son, she will be provided for but he needs to be in the place where he can provide for a family that has the potential to grow exponentially. Obviously because this is a game where reality is suspended, the men in the game don't have to do much to be providers.
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Education is important as it shapes a person's thoughts and opinions, therefore fundies are more than likely to homeschool their children so that they are in control of what their child is exposed to. For those who think total at home education isn't where the Lord is leading them, there are other options available such as a homeschool co-op and private christian schools, with the last resort being the public education system.
The 2nd generation are quite diverse with their belief systems, influencing their thoughts and opinions around how they educated their children - and let's be honest, finances do play a certain role here whether you like it or not.
Allan & Casandra - Casandra totally homeschooled all 13 of their children through K-12.
Branden & Lea - Lea homeschooled their 3 children from kindergarten through to grade 8, and for high school the kids attended a private christian school.
Claire and Ryan - Claire totally homeschooled/currently homeschools their 10 children.
Danielle and Sebastian - Danielle totally homeschooled/homeschools their two children.
Elaine and Taylor - Elaine homeschooled/homeschools their 5 children through a homeschool co-op that she taught at prior to having children. The kids are educated by various teachers that specialise in different subjects using an approved curriculum.
Fletcher and Cara - They've chosen to send their son to a private christian K-12 school.
Grayson and Keira - Keira homeschools the kids until they're in grade 8, then they send the kids to a private christian school for high school.
When it comes to university, fundies definitely don't push it onto their children as they see it as a place where they'd be brainwashed. As the times have changed, there have been more and more conservative christian universities that have opened up that cater to fundies, so there are more fundies getting a tertiary education.
Right now there are only 8 out of the 36 sims that have gotten degrees or are actively pursuing them:
Beckett - He's the only one of his siblings to attach themselves to a university, even if his degree was in Bible & Missions at a very conservative bible college. His siblings' skill sets are either self taught or they were mentored by someone, though his sister Amira is doing an associates degree at some point (I just haven't figured out in what yet).
Abbey - She has an distinguished degree in biology and currently works as a marine biologist. I sent her and her sister to the in game university and physically sent them to classes and everything (which is something I'm never doing again HAHA). Back then I also didn't have the thought to send them to a christian university, so let's pretend she just skipped everything evolutionary for her degree.
Brittany - She has a distinguished degree in communications and worked as a political commentator before getting married. She and her sister were the first girls to go to university from their cohort (as well as the first to not be homeschooled), especially since they're in the first phase of the 3rd generation when the 'vibe' in their extended family was very conservative.
Tanner - He has his MD and is now working as a doctor (using the in-game university mechanics) he was also the first boy to attend a secular university, but there obviously weren't as many opinions on him doing it than on his sisters doing it.
James - He has his degree in Bible Counselling with a focus on Youth and Ministry from a local bible college in his area. It was a two year degree to help create missionaries that could be sent out to help churches. He met his wife whilst at university and they married as soon as they graduated, they now live in henley on Bagley as missionaries assigned to help grow a church there. His sister Gabriella doesn't know what she wants to do (i also have no clue), so that will be revealed in due time.
Kyra - She got her degree in early education and is now a kindergarten teacher at a private christian school, she even met her husband at the school through his niblings. Her mother (Elaine) being a teacher and her father also being college educated was definitely an inspiration to her. Being educated in a homeschool co-op also helped her realise her love of teaching.
Rory - Rory is currently at a local university getting a law degree (for my game i'm using a mix of education systems, incase you get confused) and is currently enjoying it. He initially wanted to join the police force like his uncle and cousin, but decided on enrolling in university instead. His parent's are encouraging him down the political route, but with a law degree he can do anything.
Ruby Rae - She's currently in nursing school and is enjoying learning the curriculum. In my head she's always been that character that I'd send off to nursing school, especially with her uncle marrying a nurse, it just felt meant to be for her character. I initially envisioned one of allan and casandra's girls maybe going to nursing school too, but in the end it didn't pan out.
The only ones I can say are definitely attending college in some form are James Lee (Fletcher), Matthew and Archie (Grayson). They'll be like their parents and go to fairly conservative universities and go on to live your average fundie-lite conservative life.
CW: There will be mentions of pregnancy, problems with getting and staying pregnant, pregnancy loss, and infertility of various kinds.
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Fundies think of children as gifts from God, with many taking that ideology and running with it, usually ending up with children in the double digits if their fertility agrees with it. The notion of being 'quiverfull' implies that a couple don't use any methods of contraception, with the idea that if God wants them to have a child then they will conceive and birth one. 6 couples of the 2nd generation (Allan to Elaine, then Grayson) were all open to whatever kids the Lord would give them, and they ended up with a variety of children - one couple having 13 and another having just 2. Life throws various curveballs, or as they say "the Lord works in mysterious ways", so there can be many plans that don't work out - let's not forget that people's fertility isn't always textbook. Casandra had 2 miscarriages that I didn't plan in game, the mod I have gets triggered by certain conditions and the alert was a surprise to me. I don't roll for pregnancy losses, unless difficulties getting and/or staying pregnant are part of that character's story for whatever reason e.g. Madelynn, Stacie, etc.
Out of the 21 married couples, only 4 don't have children: Abbey & Adam, Beckett & Mandy, James & Emma, and the newlyweds Parker and Lana.
Abbey and Adam - They're not quiverfull so they've got a timeline for when they'll have children, but they definitely want them.
Beckett and Mandy - They've been married for around 4 years and have not yet had children, they're marked as a quiverfull couple so they're not preventing pregnancy, there's just no children as of yet. Honestly speaking, I haven't thought that far about the ways that children appear in their storyline but I have 3-4 options about where things could go.
James and Emma - These two are in the same boat as Beckett and Mandy in terms of their views on children, they want them but haven't 'been blessed' with them yet. In the actual game they're side characters, so I let the 'Neighbourhood Stories' take over their story unless I see it necessary to intervene.
Parker and Lana - They're newlyweds, so there could be a pregnancy announcement from them any day now. Though I have taken real life parameters into consideration with how fast a couple does conceive, since in real life it can take the average 'healthy' couple up to a year to get pregnant. So you'll just have to wait and see when Lana will be posting a sonogram 😂
Of the 17 couples that have children, they have birthed a whopping 50 children that make up the ever growing 4th generation. There are currently only 2 pregnant women that are gestating 3 children, which is I think the lowest to ever happen by holiday season. The speed at which they have children has definitely sped up the more couples get married. When Adalynn got married in 2010, she had cousins still being born, so for the first five years (2010 - 2015) the 10 grandchildren that were born came from her, Barrett, and Valentina (let's not forget that Kyleigh had triplets then twins back to back, so she went from zero to five children in 3 years)
The 10 children born in the 4 years after that are from Adalynn, Barrett, Carter, Valentina, and Brittany. The next 3 years (2020-2023; i use years to count so i don't get lost, but I make it a point not to mention years in the posts cause that adds opportunities for confusion 😂) were a wedding and baby boom, bringing us to the present day. 2020 had 5 couples marry and birth four children, 2021 holds the record for the most weddings and the most children born: 7 couples married and there were 12 children born. 2023 isn't finished in the game, but so far there has been 1 couple married with another set to marry at the end of the year. So far in 2023 there have been 5 children born, and the pregnancies that are in game aren't set to give birth this year so that's the number for that year.
With all these births happening in waves essentially, how fast are these sims multiplying? In true duggardata fashion I've got the intervals ready for you:
Adalynn & Mason - 9 children in 13 years of marriage: 7 singletons and 1 pair of twins, 8 boys and 1 girl.
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Fundies are known to have their kids learn a skills, usually in the form of musical instruments. From my own childhood as well as research I've gathered via many hours of watching and reading, a musical instrument is the best thing to learn as the 'easiest' way to glorify God is through music. Music plays an important role in worship services, and so having children that can play instruments well allows for them to 'be of use' for worship; families also capitalise on said talent and travel around playing music as a ministry.
The skillset of the 2nd generation does play a role into how their children ended up:
Allan worked as a carpenter (and by carpenter i mean he reached level 10 of the woodworking skill and would just make things to sell) whilst being a Pastor, before retiring and working as a Pastor fulltime. He didn't learn how to play an instrument as he was focused on learning a skill that would help provide for a family.
Branden found his skills in writing, he worked as a writer in the writer field and wrote books that now provide him with royalties, like his brother, he wasn't enrolled in music lessons as his parents had other priorities set for him.
Claire was enrolled in music lessons and found she had a real skills for playing the piano as well as writing music, her mother also had her and her sisters learn homemaking skills such as gardening, cooking, balancing a checkbook and how to run a household. Claire put being a wife and mother first, but also continues to use her skills to minister for the Lord. She's become well known for her performance as well as her hymnal music arrangements (think Kim Collingsworth-esque vibe) and also teaches music as various music camps from time to time.
Danielle learnt how to play the violin as well as learning how to be a homemaker, and as she got married later in life she was the person who stepped in to run the house after her mother passed. She uses her skills whenever asked, like playing at church or at various worship events, but she's mainly focused on gardening and baking.
Elaine learnt how to play the piano and used to play at church and various events, but found her joy was in teaching. She took over homeschooling her younger siblings and went on to earn her teaching qualifications.
Fletcher was taught the piano by his older sisters, but lessons weren't pushed on him by his parents. He went on to focus on fitness and joined the police force after finishing highschool.
Grayson was more book focused and didn't learn an instrument, similar to Elaine he focused more on books and studying and ended up going to medical school.
Harley is the youngest girl and learnt how to play the guitar as a girl, as she was the youngest she didn't have to perform as often as the older siblings did. She went on to get a degree in Fine Arts and now works as the editor in chief at San Myshuno's biggest fashion magasine.
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It's easiest to display the information based on the sibling order from gen 2, so here's the list of the various skillsets of the 3rd generation:
A -
Casandra being your typical conservative fundie woman, made sure that all the kids got music lessons, whatever she couldn't teach herself she found someone to teach them. Piano: Since Casandra plays the piano she taught the kids until they were in their teens, then if they chose to continue they could get lessons with Claira. Adalynn, Macie, Zoe, Beckett, Charles and Ashton chose to learn the piano and so far Zoe is the only one who has taken that and made it a career of sorts like her aunt Claire. Violin: Macie also chose to learn violin, with Amira, Priscilla, and Annette also learning the violin. Guitar: The boys mostly chose to learn the guitar, Barrett, Reece, and Parker all chose the guitar, with Maggie being the only girl to choose to learn the guitar. Of the 13 kids to learn a musical instrument, only Zoe has taken it and made it something that monetarily supports her.
B -
Lea learned how to play piano growing up, and enrolled all three of her children in piano lessons. Abbey, Brittany, and Tanner all had piano lessons until they were in their teens and focused on different extracurricular activities once they joined the private christian school.
C -
Claire made sure all her children know an instrument, the four girls (Valentina, Celeste, Kristyn, Sabrina) all know both the piano and the violin, with the 6 boys all learning piano and Carter and Alan also learning how to play the guitar. There were many suggestions of them starting a family band, but Claire and Ryan didn't feel that the Lord was leading them in that direction.
D -
Both James and Emma have learnt to play the piano, James' wife Emma can play the piano, violin, and the flute and has her degree (from a biblical college) in music with a focus on worship music.
E -
Elaine put all the kids into either piano or violin lessons, Kyra did lessons in both until she was a teenager, Rory did piano until he was a teenager, Ruby Rae did violin lessons and still plays at church, Ava Grace continues to play Piano, and Amelia still does violin lessons.
F -
Fletcher and Cara put their son into organised sports, so no music lessons this side.
G -
Keira wanted her boys to have some musical knowledge, so Matthew does guitar lessons and Archie does piano lessons.
That's all I've got for now, but as I was doing this I definitely found more things that I could write about in a few months. I hope you enjoy this!
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foxyk7 · 1 year
Tale of the Bunny Man (A Fnaf Fangame)
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So, today I bring you guys some good news!
Me and a few friends of mine have been doing a FNAF fangame that is suppose to launch this year! (since it’s the bunny year and all).
This will be mostly me just talking about the game and what we did already! expect for a few things than could potentially be a spoiler.
First of all let me introduce our team:
Me ( @foxyk7​ ), Glitchmoth and Classy as the mains artist’s of the project, Glitchmoth doing more of the pixel arts in the game and me and Classy doing the animatronic’s designs and all!
Dr.Cross as our main 3D modeler, programmer and composer/songwriter.
@zeriq-5​ and Classy as the mains script writers, Zeriq also being our main director.
And for last but not less important Fnafy! being our Beta Tester giving us the feedback!
Now, a little about our game!
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Your daughter has been missing for a Month, along with other children you knew about and now you’re here to prove that she is still alive. You’re here to go back to the abandoned Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza Establishment and bring your child back home safely. However, not everything is always that simple in this tale, as the rabbit hole goes much, much deeper.
Face the truth, no matter how heart-wrenching it may be.
This game features two distinct play styles. One is set during a late-night power outage, where you will have to fend for yourself against the monsters patrolling the halls. The other has you learning what happened in the final moments leading up to a specific date. Either way, you will learn what caused things to lead up to the closure of the establishment, in Tales of the Bunny Man.
I can’t really say much about it since most of the things I wanna talk about is spoiler. But you can bet that TOTB is going to be quite the shock!
About the things that I can show you guys is a sneak peek of our favorite girl!
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She is the only animatronic that when Cross came to show the 3D model of her I got a fucking jumpscare of this thing! of course it doesn’t mean the other aren’t as scary as her. Believe me... there’s worse’s.
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And as just scare and creepy looking our girl look, her plush is too! but of course she is not alone! here we can have a sneak peek of what our favorite purple bunny would look like! and I must say, the plushie’s look alot like our big furry friends!!
Also the animatronic’s are mostly inspired in the old Chuck.e.Chesse robot designs.
If you got interest in our little FNAF fangame give us a chance and give a look at it in our official page on gamejolt!
wanna see more of it? check out our twitter page!
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bunnysuitconman · 1 year
So is GlitchTrap a robot or guy in a rabbit suit ?
SHORT ANSWER: yes! and more!
Okay okay, MY personal continuity is my own and probably diverges alot from actual canon. You basically have split timelines here as in the first 8 games are their own self contained story with that ending where everyone is burned and William afton is in fnaf hell for all eternity. But in the release of Help wanted its revealed that the previous Fnaf games are within universe fictional games that fictionalized scott cawthon commissioned by Fazcorp in order to fictionalize and bury any news about William Afton's murders and later dissaperance. It's never stated but i assume that Fazcorps suing of fictional Scott was also the plan or atleast became that plan after the success in order to further drive the narritive of that William afton's murder is an urban legend and it "damaged" the fazcorp brand, likely leading to settlement out of court and things like character rights being handed over and Fazcorp leaning into the horror concept, thus why you see characters like ennard on a cardboard standee in security breech and the "dr.scraptrap" arcade machine.
SO Glitchtrap, to me, is the costume that William put on to do the majority if not all of his child murdering. In fnaf 3 there is kind of a hint towards it's existance and it interlinks with the crying childs death. After the bite of 83' happened the Springsuits where "temporarly out of use" and replacement suits where found on short notice and are implied to be not of the best quality (thus glitchtraps visible stiching and wall eyed nature) Where fnaf 3 diverges is of course that William is using Spring Bonnie to lure children into the back room, while in the help wanted pizza party section he's Glitchtrap. Now, it makes a little more sense to me that he used the glitchtrap costume seeing as murder is a messy job and when you've experianced first hand that just, tears can set off the spring locks in a suit you wouldn't want to risk getting yourself crushed so easily when you have an established costume that staff know should be used.
William Afton still IS in spring bonnie though he still becomes springtrap, now if i had it my way i would personally make it canonical that William wasn't seeing ghosts and he got inside of springbonnie in order to scare them, Henry Emily forced him inside springbonnie in an act of vigalante justice. But this isn't supported by anything and it's just a me thing because i like the idea that Henry Emily was previously shown in the hero role in the previous games but in reality he was a more flawed man who fucked up in these ways.
so forward to help wanted, old code is extracted from old circitboards in order to help the game development and supposedly they scan in springtrap. William being intertwined with springtrap he's essentially a ghost in the machine in a sense, his "body" is whats left of springtrap, now burntrap. but his "mind" is glitchtrap, there is and isn't an actual body in there, it's a, thing? Several things?
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the purest form of his soul is the pixelated goop monster in princess quest.
Another instance of his "body" and "mind" being two seperate things is Burntraps laugh and Vanessas missing lines. Burntrap has a very normal, laugh that turns very glichty and corrupted, and Vanessa has cut lines that sound like a largely regular conversation where she's being scolded by her higher ups which i believe would of been the reveal that the really normal sounding voice was coming out of the shambling corpse of burntrap, though in turn the reveal could of been that Vanessa's one sided conversation was just that she can only hear him as he exists within her. He's in the glitchtrap suit to me because of his high emotional connection to the suit and also because it's in his nature as a ghost to repeat his actions and the defining point in his life was his downward spiral and murdering all them kids, even though he's still very sentient to me he's still trapped in a cycle, because Cassidy is arguably the one that is just as sentient as he is, in my concept it's more interesting to me that Cassidy, the most human we've ever seen her in princess quest is the reason why William keeps coming back, as a child killed never been able to live her life, her desire to live in these estranged ways from reality and repeatedly have revenge on william in order to be the hero of her own story is tragic! Now i personally don't like the whole "vanny is possessed" thing though, it's pretty much there in SB's endings, i like giving her some agency in her murders, but with how Williams ghost interacts with technology and also people he's possibly like a hive mind? split apart, the possibility that he can possess or live in many different people, and in secuirty breech it was implied that help wanted might of been shipped with the glitch maze arcade machine and fazcorps further fictionalization of william supposedly making sure that glitchtrap is an intended feature and not a bug dispite the side effects of mind invasion you get if you delve deep enough into the game.
So um, hopefully my rambling isn't too nonsensical, i'm sure you can poke many a hole into it but Glitchtrap is a guy in a suit, Glitchtrap is a robot, glitchtrap is a computer virus and he's also a ghost, he's everything and everyone <3
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idleglowingpixels · 7 months
(Disclaimer: this post contains spoilers for the FNAF movie, and isn't being made to invalidate anyone's opinions on the material. You can like/love the movie, and/or dislike/hate the movie! Also this started as a post talking about how people say it's inaccurate to the games but it actually isn't, then eventually turned into my review of it lol.)
What I keep hearing around the internet: "This is nothing like the games, it's supposed to be an R-rated gorefest! We should've seen all five kids get brutally slaughtered and stuffed into the animatronics, not whatever that stupid intro sequence was. The games showed it so why couldn't the movie do the same?" "Why are the animatronics friendly with Abby? That's not how it is in the games, the animatronics kill anyone regardless of age." "It's hardly even scary, the games were much more terrifying than this." "Why is the movie so focused on the story? It's supposed to be about bloody murder and revenge." "This isn't a horror/comedy series, what the hell."
What FNAF games are like: -Mild to barely any gore; the most gruesome of content visually is shown via pixel minigames (Mainly FNAF 2, 3 & 4, & SL) or minor gore like the eyes popping out of the Freddy head in FNAF1's game over screen, as to not be too violent for its rating, E-12 -Animatronics are corrupted by the spirits of dead children (Missing Children's Incident (MCI) newspapers from FNAF 1), exacting vengeance on adults because of their killer, but being friendly toward other children --"Uh, by now I’m sure you’ve noticed the older models, sitting in the back room. Uh, those are from the previous location, we just use them for parts now. The idea at first was to repair them. Uh, they even started retrofitting them with some of the newer technology." (FNAF2 - NIGHT 2) --"Someone may have tampered with their facial recognition systems, we’re not sure. But the characters have been acting very unusual, almost aggressive towards the staff. They interact with the kids just fine, but when they encounter an adult, they just…stare." (FNAF2 - NIGHT 4) --I'm using the calls from FNAF 2 in reference here because it is a prequel to FNAF 1, and as far as I can tell, it was confirmed the withered animatronics from 2 are modified to become the ones in 1 ("But they were just so ugly, you know? And the smell…ugh." (FNAF 2 -- NIGHT 2) "If I were forced to sing those same stupid songs for twenty years and I never got a bath? I’d probably be a bit irritable at night too." (FNAF 1 -- NIGHT 1)) -The games are relatively scary in the aspect of environmental horror; dim lighting, sounds that have no origin and/or are meant to trip you up & make you uneasy, characters suddenly appearing in the doorways/entrances to your office; they are also heavily jumpscare-reliant, you either win or get jumped by one of the animatronics -The storytelling format through the games evolved over time (mainly focusing on Scott era games (FNAF1-UCN)) with more voice actors and whatnot, but the early trilogy solely relied on phone calls which were written to be morbidly awkward and funny despite the circumstances --In later games, the plot develops as Michael Afton (our (debatable) main protagonist across the franchise) goes after the restaurants & the killer, his father William in an attempt to set the children's spirits free
What the FNAF movie is like: -Mild to barely any gore, most we see is through pixel animation (the kids being lured away through the intro sequence) OR minor gore in dark lighting/silhouettes as to not be too violent for its rating, PG-13 -Animatronics are corrupted by the spirits of dead children, exacting vengeance on adults because of their killer (who in this case is manipulating their perception of memories to be their friend and ally), but being friendly toward other children --The only exception to this is when they are corrupted by William Afton's influence, in the case of them attempting to put Abby in a springlock suit (that looks like the Ella dolls from the books but I think is intended to be this universe's Circus Baby because of Abby's anagram name for Baby) -The movie is relatively scary in the aspect of environmental horror; dim lighting, sounds that have no origin and/or are meant to trip you up & make you uneasy, characters suddenly appearing in the doorways/entrances to the office; they are also heavily jumpscare-reliant (Foxy's runs down the hallway, the infamous Balloon Boy jumpscares, any instances of the animatronics throughout the film suddenly moving to kill or attack characters (Bonnie in the closet killing Hank, Freddy's spirit pulling Max in for the kill, Chica sending Karl through the vent after the older brother of Max & at Mike later in the movie), the Fritz/Foxy kid jumpscare during the dream sequence, Abby being suddenly pulled up from the ballpit to then cut back to Mike hearing her scream, I could go on but I think I made the point) -The storytelling in the film, while not spectacular by any means, is synonymous to the writing in the games, where there's this awkwardness and humor to a lot of the story because of just how nonsensical it all is (which YES, admittedly kills the environmental horror atmosphere in parts of the story, even I can admit to that) -While Mike, Abby and Garret aren't related to William in the film, they are clearly parallels to Michael, Circus Baby/Elizabeth and Crying Child in the games --I would like to point out that Vanessa takes on the role of being William's daughter who wants to make him happy, which is more-so what Elizabeth is as a character, except she isn't partaking in the bloodshed, but she is pretty much a bystander to it all --I mention Circus Baby in relation to Abby more than Elizabeth because Abby has more of a sarcastic wit and just generally feels closer in personality to Baby's in SL
(Okay now here's my stance on the movie, please read this before reblogging or commenting, it's important for context)
I feel like a lotta people (mainly the ones currently in their late teens & overall 20s-plus) forget a majority of the fanbase were in the target demographic nearly a decade ago when the games started (which was scary to many including myself back then), and now act like it's obligated to "grow up" to more mature content with its initial user base who are now grown adults. But there's still a LOT of young kids who are into the franchise now (again, the intended target demographic is young teens), and it wouldn't make sense if the scary-to-kids-but-not-really-to-adults jumpscare video game suddenly became some SAW-esque R-rated gruesome slasher film when that is never what the franchise was meant to be, nor did it ACT like that's what it was. If you want that, Wally's Wonderland is right there.
There's so much fan entitlement going on regarding the movie right now, it's deranged. You can dislike or hate the movie all you want, I have criticism for it too. I do feel like the tone shifted back and forth a lot, but not in the way where it would make sense for the storytelling. It could've been a lot better written in general, and the exposition dumps Vanessa has throughout could've easily been replaced with a newspaper about the MCI up on the wall while Mike's first walking through the pizzeria, him reacting to the smell from the rotting corpses in the bots, have one of Phone Guy's original recordings play or have the woman from the training video treat the video format in a similar vein.
The way I see it, I had low expectations going into the film and just expected general stuff from the initial game or two in an adjacent, but not exact, adaptation. I've been doing this low-expectation thing since Detective Pikachu, but always try to be optimistic. And the FNAF movie was pretty much exactly what I figured it would be, based on how its story is described through the Phone Guy calls and the post-Sister Location approach of dry/morbid humor mixed in with actual movement, beyond the sit-&-survive office we got used to in the first handful of titles. I really only expected that the animatronics were gonna be friendly with Abby based on FNAF 2's calls, and it was a solid prediction.
Was it a scary movie? No, not really. The jumps got me plenty, especially Max's death cause holy shit I wasn't expecting someone to get chomped in half (and also Balloon Boy, fuck you you little bastard), but the story wasn't scary. It was honestly a tragedy of events going on across all the characters, just really sad but more of a horror-mystery I suppose.
And again, you are allowed to have an opinion and not be satisfied with what was provided in the film. I think there's a lot of room for improvement, and I think it was LS Mark who pointed out in his video that this was Scott and his cowriters' first screenplay, so I agree that they should've had a couple other writers who mainly write films to help form it into a better story for a movie. But it was a serviceable adaptation, and was accurate to the level of extremes being depicted in the games (and no, not all of it works for film, but that's okay to be satisfied or dissatisfied with). And it is fucking exhausting seeing people act like FNAF was always some super horrifying mature adult thing when that's just what the fanmade horror content like FNAF VHS is (Don't support FNAF VHS tho, its creator's a creep who sent NSFW shit to an underage kid knowingly for several years :/ Nasty af).
I think its positives & negatives are generally the same as the Pokemon, Sonic & Mario adaptations as of recent, where you're having to form an entire 90-120 minute movie based off of a few voice lines or body language of the non-speaking characters, and a generally simple plotline. So it typically leads to serviceable movies, but nothing groundbreaking or a masterpiece by ANY means of the term (basically like 50-70% out of 100%, average but not above that from a writing standpoint; I personally have it at 8/10 because it definitely satisfied what I thought it was gonna be, though it's based on personal enjoyment and not its writing/storytelling).
I haven't read the FNAF books and honestly have no interest in doing so, so they don't really matter to me, but I know for a fact this is mostly based on FNAF1 (Ik William going by an alias was a Silver Eyes thing but again, haven't read it so that's the only similarity to the books that I know of). And for what it is, it did its job.
Recent video game film adaptations are very good at making fans happy with references, the similar storylines, and mostly game-accurate depictions of its characters. I think the biggest problem with them is that they stick so close to the games' stories, which are simplified for the sake of the gameplay loop, that the writers for these films are almost afraid to take risks and change a few things up in the way it's told in order to properly adapt & expand the story into a film format. Personally I think Sonic did it best so far based on its source material (though not by a lot), but I liked this movie about the same as Mario's.
It hit all the beats I figured it would hit based on the trailers, and I do feel bad for the people who didn't enjoy it the same way I did, even if their expectations were low or similar to my own. But Scott said in a recent post that he's been listening to people's criticism for the movie, and he generally takes good-faith criticism to heart for better products in future content as far as I've seen it over the years. So hopefully for the near-inevitable sequel, we'll get to see the wrinkles in the first movie's adaptation ironed out in the next film.
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disregardcanon · 7 months
a few thoughts after the fnaf movie
first you gotta know that my sole exposures to fnaf are first grade to eighth grade kids trying to explain it to me with their little manuals, seeing a post or two drift over my dashboard, and like. a few fan songs. the one with the "listen close! follow my instructions!" comes to mind
so ya girl does not know The Lore TM beyond "dead kids in suits?" "murder at the chuck e cheese?" "i think it might be a multiverse?"
the use of children's drawings worked well narratively and visually and i really liked the pixel drawings for the opening credits scene. personally i also liked the way that the animatronics looked in the cgi style. i dunno, it felt off putting in a good way.
when was it supposed to be set? because i thought that the like. mid 2000s tv set at mike and abby's place was supposed to show they were too poor to update things, but my roommate thought that it was supposed to be set then. considering that the murders were supposed to have happened "in the 80s" and vanessa, who was mid thirties at the latest would have been around for them... i dunno. timeline's wonky
i liked the child actors for the kids in the animatronics. but what was up with the blond kid? was he in a different, more corrupted freddie suit? was he supposed to be vanessa's brother?
how did they know that the kids going missing were in any way related to freddie's? was he dumb enough to snatch them up from his own pizza place? and why did he steal their other brother? was he just kidnapping kids left and right to kill? was it for fun or was it for mad experiments to see how to shove a ghost in an animatronic?
was vanessa a real cop who only got the job to keep an eye on the security guards at freddie's and cover things up as best as possible?
me consulting the council of children when i go to work on monday: okay what the frickidy freddie doo happened in this movie and how does it relate to all of your Deep Lore TM
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