#i miss u supercorp i think about u all the time
bigmammallama5 · 5 months
Speaking of a previous fandom post I just shared: I have Not stepped away from fandom this fall, I’m just dealing with some health stuff and I’ve been pretty short on the energy I usually have. I’m doing okay and should be all the way better soon! But energy has been going to real job and pottery (which is also real gig job with taxable $ involved but pottery is the art form I have consistently fallen back on for comfort the past decade). I still have so much interest in unfinished fics and art I hope to return to in the new year. And I’m still hoping to noodle out some drawpiles with @sango-blep as my body and energy level allow. But yeah, still here just working to keep my nose above the water.
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sapphic-luthor · 4 years
Oh NO now I am thinking about Lena being touch starved in a flowers for algernon way. Like she had survived her life growing up with the Luthors with no true affection, then Kara comes along with seemingly guileless adoration, full of hugs and soft touches only for it all to come crashing down and Lena's right back in that touch-barren wasteland oh god in the immortal words of Cristina Yang SOMEONE SEDATE ME
i just read flowers for algernon for the first time because of this ask and let me tell you relating that to Lena Before Kara and Lena During Kara and Lena After hurts like fucking hell so thanks for that!!!!!
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blackteaandbones · 4 years
With Volume 3 of the Supercorp Zine underway, I figured I should finally get around to sharing my story from Volume 2!
“Home is Where the Mini-Marshmallows are”
Kara Danvers / Lena Luthor
Lena comes home from work to find an intruder in her apartment; a small, furry intruder with eight eyes, eight legs and a taste for marshmallows. Luckily, she’s dating the expert in alien pest control.
Lena Luthor was a strong, smart, successful woman, the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, a scientist, an engineer and a pretty damn good chess player.
She had single-handedly saved the world on multiple occasions.
She took on alien invasions, bio-weapons and super villains  and she won.
She was not the damsel in distress.
But when she got up in the middle of the night for a glass of water, and something small and furry (and blue?) streaked across the kitchen floor, over her bare feet and disappeared somewhere among the stacks of unopened boxes in her brand new apartment, she did what any reasonable, sane person would do; retreated to higher ground (aka a chair,) and called her girlfriend.
“In here!”
Kara had thrown a jacket on over her pajamas, but her hair was still sleep-tousled, her glasses were sitting crookedly on her nose, and she may or may not have broken the lock letting herself in. Lena had never been happier to see her. “Are you okay? You sounded really worried on the-” She paused, blinking up at Lena with that adorable little crinkle of confusion between her eyes. “What are you doing up there?”
Lena gathered what little dignity she could given the situation -stranded on a chair in the middle of her kitchen in nothing but her underthings and a dressing gown designed to show off more than it concealed- wrapping the sheer silk more firmly around herself and lifting her chin. “There's an alien in my apartment.”
“Psht, an alien?” Kara scoffed, straightening her glasses. “There's no alien in your apartment, why would you think there was alien in your apartment?”
Lena raised a single eyebrow.
“Oh, right.” Kara had the grace to look sheepish. “Old habits. What happened?”
Lena gave her a brief description of the encounter, shuddering at the memory of little feet running over her toes. “It's hiding somewhere in there,” she said, waving in the general direction of the rest of the apartment.
Kara frowned. “You're sure it wasn't a mouse?”
“Mice don't usually come in pastel.”
“Good point. So you're...”
“Staying right here.” Lena crossed her arms. “I don't do mice.”
“But you just said it wasn't a mouse...”
“It was small and furry and it had a tail. Don't judge me.”
“Okay.” Kara took off her jacket and and rolled up her sleeves. “I'll take a look.”
(Lena would have been lying if she said the sight of those well muscled forearms and Kara's endearingly serious save the day face, wasn't almost enough to make up for needing to be saved in the first place. Almost.)
Sliding her glasses down her nose Kara scanned the apartment, quickly spotting the tiny intruder hiding under Lena's bed. “There you are...”
Lena's room was dark and quiet. There was another stack of boxes piled up against the wall, but there was some evidence that she had started to unpack since the last time Kara was here; clothes hung up neatly in the closet, a few books on the shelf under the window and a picture of her and Kara on the bedside table. Kara smiled at that before kneeling down beside the bed and twitching the blanket aside to get a better look at their intruder.
Eight glowing eyes blinked back at her from the shadows.
Definitely not a mouse.
“Hey there little guy,” she crooned. “Don't be scared. Lena's super nice, really. You just surprised her that's all. Come on out and we'll try to figure out who you belong to...” While she was talking, she edged as far as she could under the bed and reached out a hand. All eight eyes narrowed, shrinking back against the wall. Kara stretched a little further and there was a flash of light, followed by a pop! and an electric sizzle. Kara yelped and jerked back, smacking her head against the bed frame which cracked and split down the middle, dropping the mattress down on top of her.
Kara?” Lena called from the kitchen. “What happened?”
“I owe you a new bed!” Kara yelled back, muffled by the tangle of bedding as she squirmed her way free.
“Well this isn't exactly how I imagined us breaking the first one in,” Lena drawled switching on the light, “but I suppose it's my fault for not going with the metal frame.”
“Ha, ha,” Kara muttered, feeling her face heat up. “You came down off your chair?”
“I was worried.”
“About my poor furniture. You on the other hand, are indestructible.”
Kara pouted, holding up her burned fingers. “Tell that to Pikachu!”
“It hurt you?” Lena softened instantly, taking Kara's hand and pressing a kiss to the reddened fingertips. Anything else she might have said was lost to the gooey haze that took over Kara's brain every time Lena's lips came anywhere near the vicinity of Kara's very gay self.
Lena sighed, but she looked pleased. “I asked if you think we should call Alex?”  
“What? No.” Kara shook her head. “It's not dangerous, just scared. Come on, I have an idea. You found it in the kitchen, right?”
“Yes...” Lena followed close behind, hanging onto the hem of Kara's pajama top and keeping a sharp look out for any movement from the rest of the apartment.
“Well maybe it was looking for something to eat.” Kara rummaged through the cupboards and pulled out a bag of mini-marshmallows. After she and Lena had become official, the Super Friends had banded together to move Lena out of the hotel and into her new penthouse apartment. Given who she was dating, that had included stocking up groceries.
With or without her approval.
Lena wrinkled her nose. “I don't remember buying those.”
“You didn't have any good snacks!” Kara opened the bag and took another quick scan of the apartment. “It's under the couch. I'm going to see if we can lure it out.” She laid a trail of marshmallows from the edge of the couch to the middle of the living room floor and emptied out a box of books. Then she tugged Lena over to the couch. Lena shuddered, but she sat down next to Kara, tucking her feet safely up under her.
“And now... we wait,”
“What if it doesn't like marshmallows?” Lena whispered.
“Everyone likes marshmallows,” Kara assured her, poised on her knees with the open box held at the ready.
“Are you sure that's going to hold it?”
They waited.
Lena tried to resist, she really did, but the minutes ticked by and Kara was right there...
“Lena...” Kara hissed.
“Stop distracting me!”
“Oh, is that distracting?” Lena purred. Stopping was the last thing on her mind. “What about this?”
They both froze at a rustle from under the couch. Kara held her breath and a small white ball of fluff slowly crept into view. It's fur was a constantly moving halo around it, oscillating through a pastel rainbow of colour and then back to white again. It had eight little legs ending in two toes each, feather-like feelers, and a long tail that curled up and over it's back. It gobbled up the first marshmallow with tiny little squeaks of excitement and quickly moved on to the second.
Kara untangled herself from Lena and lifted the box, sliding noiselessly off the couch and readying herself to strike. She waited until it had finished the second and third marshmallow before she pounced.
Three things happened very quickly.
Kara slammed the box down.
The alien burned a hole through the cardboard and bolted.
Lena screamed.
Kara spun around. Lena was frozen on the couch with the fluffy little arsonist in her lap, trying to hide itself  in her shirt and peeping the smallest and saddest little peeps either of them had ever heard.
“Oh...” Lena unfroze, tears filling her eyes. “She's so scared, can't you feel it?”
“Careful,” Kara cautioned as Lena let go of her death grip on the couch and brought her hands up to cradle the furry menace. “We don't know what... oh.”
“It's okay,” Lena said softly, stroking the strange white fur; pink and purple swirls radiating out from under her fingers. The alien's cries gradually tapered off as it snuggled in; turning around three times with its strangely clawed toes catching on the silk of Lena's shirt and it's yawn wide enough to reveal several rows of pointed teeth before laying down in a tight little knot and closing all eight of it's eyes, tail curled up over Lena's thumb like a cinnamon roll. It was cute, in that weird way all baby animals were cute, and Lena was clearly smitten.
Kara sat down carefully beside them. One eye opened and a menacing little growl rumbled out from under Lena's hands. “Seriously?” Kara huffed and moved back. The growling stopped. “Of course it only likes you.”
“She has good taste,” Lena teased, but she shuffled them around, tucking the alien into the crook of her elbow and drawing Kara's arm over her shoulder.
Kara wisely kept her fingers out of biting range. “How do you know it's a she?”
Len shrugged. “I have no idea. I just knew.” She looked up at Kara. “Could she be telepathic?”
“I wouldn't know,” Kara admitted. “Kryptonians are immune to psychic powers. I can ask J'onn, though. Maybe he could help us figure out where she came from. We can't give her to the DEO after what they did to the Morai, but we can't exactly keep her either. There's no way that thing is passing for a pekingese.”
“I could attach an image inducer to her collar,” Lena mused.  “We'll say we adopted a kitten. Lesbians like cats, right?”
Kara snorted a laugh. “I'll ask Alex, though she's probably going to say we're missing a few steps. I'm pretty sure it's moving in together, and then pets.”
“Well it's a good thing I already had an extra key made, isn't it?”
“You did?” Kara tried for casual but inside she was doing back flips.
“Of course, why do you think I took the penthouse with a skylight? I'm certainly not going to be the one flying in and out of-”
Kara cut her off with a kiss, and by the time she pulled away they were both grinning like idiots.
They stayed there until the first light of sunrise began filtering in through the wide wall of windows. Curtains were another thing Lena hadn't gotten around to yet, but Kara didn't mind. She didn't care if they ever got curtains. She had love and sunshine, what else could she possibly need? Breakfast probably, her grumbling stomach reminded her. Sighing, she eased out from underneath her girlfriend and headed for the kitchen.
Like the rest of the apartment, it was half-unpacked at best, which is probably why they hadn't noticed the small metal cylinder wedged under the corner of the fridge, and the scattered trail of glass leading back to a hole in the corner of the kitchen window. Kara pulled it free, wondering if this was how their guest had arrived. The pod, if that's what it was, was scratched and dented, with three long tapering ridges spaced equally around the outside and a rounded nose. Kara ran her fingers over a line of strange symbols etched into the side, nearly dropping it when they lit up, revealing a message in unfamiliar script. Before she could even attempt to decipher it, the message changed, switching rapidly through dozens of different languages before settling into  an archaic form of Kryptonian, written in an angular, slanting style that was difficult to read.
“Home, destroyed,” Kara murmured, sounding out the words one at a time, “daughter, only hope, please protect, thank you-” She broke off, covering her mouth with her hands. The pod hit the floor wit a dull clang.
“Lena?!” she called, heart pounding.
“Mmm?” Lena murmured from the living room.
“I think we might have to skip a few more relationship steps.”
“Because I'm pretty sure we just adopted a baby...”
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murdershegoat · 5 years
Every week after an episode it's been either "Lames sucks" or "Supercorps are racist." I almost miss when we had a common foe to unite us. Objectively, I think if they really had to go that route with no homophobic ulterior motives, it could've been handled much much better but it's not the absolute worst thing the show has ever done. At the same time, I don't think SC is any different than any other fandom that has a minority of vocal, toxic elements to it. Idk but I'm tired. Thoughts?
i think if they really cared about the show/if it were to happen without homophobic undertones it wouldve never happened in the first place. i honestly just think that james and lena have absolutely zero chemistry. and like, it’s okay to not have people in a relationship! they can just be single! they dont need to date!
can u believe i miss when monel was on the show bc at least we all had something we could hate together
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mooosicaldreamz · 7 years
I LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE. I don't know if you're still doing prompts, but if you areeeee, could you maybe do supercorp ice skating?
bros. you thought……..you thought i was done? with fulfilling the prompts left from my 1k follower extravaganza???? i’m not done. i still have like a whole page. sorry this took so long. anyway here’s some supercorp fucking ICE SKATING because I LOVE ICE SKATING FICS because I’M A BIG SAP??? here are my other ficlets, here is where u can give me coffee, here is my gf because we all know she’s the best. 
It’s cold and blustery the day Kara suggests it. They’re coming back from lunch, Kara’s arm wrapped around Lena’s shoulders and bleeding warmth into her. One moment, Kara is giving a blow-by-blow account of her and Snapper’s argument at the morning meeting, and the next, Lena’s losing her footing on a hidden patch of ice left over by some ice monster Supergirl had fought in the middle of L Corp’s plaza. She pretends not to notice that Kara takes a steady, floating hop and gets them over the patch, her hands gripping at Lena’s shoulders, pulling her ever closer.
It makes Lena laugh, and then Kara is laughing too, and she rolls her eyes when Lena calls her her hero and then they’re just looking at each other in the cold, a scarf wound around Lena’s neck and an adorable little knit beanie atop Kara’s head.
“You know, you should just build an ice skating rink out here,” Kara says, smiling and tugging Lena’s body forward again, toward the revolving doors of the front lobby. “You know, call it a science experiment, have your engineers keep ice up and running for a month. I’ll write a puff piece about it, and we can make Alex come skate - and she’s so bad, Lena.”
It makes Lena laugh even louder, and it makes their separation feel even colder when they shuffle into the revolving doors.
“You want me to somehow keep a sustainable ice rink together when the average December temperature is fifty degrees,” Jackson asks, looking down at the blueprints and then looking back at her.
“Yes,” Lena says. There’s no other option. The construction crew is already scheduled, the Plaza has been roped off and the south lobby entrance has already been prepped for use.
Jackson looks down at the blueprints again, then shrugs, a grin coming up across his face.
“Sounds like a fun time.”
The special coolant coils are on her desk in a week, and the rink springs up in the Plaza just after Thanksgiving. Three days before opening, she heads down to check on the progress with Jackson, only to find him caught square in Kara Danvers’s charms.
“ - so yeah, we created special coils to keep the ice cold at all times, and the panels on the roof are reflective, so it bounces the light away. It gets pretty rainy here in December, too, so we have a system of collecting and purifying the rainwater to reuse on the rink itself, so it sort of keeps itself - ”
“Mr. Lampard,” Lena says, and Jackson snaps to attention from where he’s leaning on the boards of the rink to talk at Kara. “Is this young woman bothering you?”
Kara had started smiling the minute she noticed Lena, but she breaks into laughter that seems to do nothing to calm Jackson down. He starts scrambling, almost slipping on the just-laid first layer of ice as he sort of stumbles through an explanation about how this lovely young woman from Catco is just interviewing me about the ice and the rink itself and no she’s bothering no one.
Kara hugs her in the middle of his explanation, her arms pulling tight at Lena and rubbing down her back, shaking warmth into her frame. She hadn’t anticipated spending very much time outside, but then - there was Kara Danvers.
“Oh, right,” Jackson says, looking relieved when Kara lets go of Lena but remains close. “You’re that Kara Danvers. Boss, no need to pull out the CEO treatment just to scare the shit out of me.”
“I thought it was rather funny,” Lena says, and Jackson rolls his eyes, and he’s walking-sliding away again, down the boards and over to his construction crew.
“You didn’t tell me you would be stopping by,” Lena says. Kara shrugs and smiles, adjusting the messenger bag she has slung across her shoulders.
“I was going to surprise you,” Kara says. “You know, tell you all about how I figured out what your secret project was, and then buy you some lunch at that disgusting place down the street.”
“I would hardly call the large construction project in front of my building a secret project. And I thought we had agreed that the black bean burgers were not that disgusting,” Lena says, warming some more as Kara stays close to her, rubbing at her arm absentmindedly and laughing.
“When does it open up?” Kara asks, looking out over the ice and then back to Lena, her glasses tilting down her nose.
“In a week,” Lena says. “We’re inviting children from the youth centers for opening day so you’ll have to wait your turn.”
Kara groans, her body knocking into Lena’s as she looks up at the ceiling in fake-frustration.
“Those darn kids,” Kara says, but she’s looking at Lena in such a way that Lena can’t help but smile.
Supergirl shows up on opening day, her cape rippling in the cold wind. The kids are thrilled by it, a loud, collective shriek of excitement rising up from the crowd of them in the lobby. Lena smiles indulgently at the other woman, at Kara, whose eyes are twinkling and whose smile is bright and kind.
“Miss Luthor,” she says. Lena imagines she’s trying to look professional, distant, even, but her cape brushes against Lena’s legs and she’s close enough that her warmth bleeds between them. “I was just informed you named this beautiful ice rink after me.”
“I thought it might bring in a little extra money if I painted that symbol of yours on the ice,” Lena says, a wry smile playing across her lips. Kara laughs then, her blonde curls swaying as she throws her head back.
“It’s my family’s crest,” Supergirl says, and Lena hears the click of some of the photographers cameras as she leans just the slightest bit closer. “The house of El. So it makes sense, in a way.”
Lena isn’t sure what to say to that. But she smiles, and so does Supergirl.
Kara shows up at the end of the business day, with her - their - friends in tow. She gets tossed a set of clothes, a sweatshirt that smells like Kara, and a pair of jeans that she left at Kara’s after they had gotten caught in a rainstorm, and then she’s being ushered downstairs, to the still-bustling ice rink.
“We have a bet open on who will fall first,” Kara says, conversationally, her skates already laced and a broad smile playing across her face. On her other side, Alex snorts and gives a particularly vicious tug to her own laces.
“It’s definitely James,” Alex says. Lena laughs when Kara does, tying her skates and kicking them out, her legs resting against Kara’s.
“Alex, it’s always you,” Kara insists, and her hand knocks against Lena’s thigh then, for leverage, as she shoves at her sister’s shoulder. It doesn’t move after Kara’s done, just rests there, and it’s so warm that Lena can’t think of anything else.
“I took ice skating lessons until I was seventeen, you know,” Lena offers, just before stepping out onto the ice. Kara laughs, brushes past her and is off quickly, doing a wide turn that brings her against the flow of traffic on the ice before she bumps up agains the boards just next to the entrance. Alex, who’s taking floundering and imperfect steps out onto the ice, throws a glare at Lena.
“Of course you did,” Alex says. Winn offers a hand to her as he slips out onto the ice then, and the glare he receives makes him cower.
“Alex, come on, let someone help,” Kara says, her hand resting against Lena’s on the boards between them. Lena can’t help but focus on that point of contact as Kara weaves her fingers between Lena’s, tying them together.
“No,” Alex insists, glaring now at her sister. “I’m an agent of a powerful, secret, government organization, not some damsel in distress who needs to be saved by Super - ”
She cuts herself off as color drains from her face, and she glances from Lena to the surrounding area. No one is paying any attention, except Maggie and James are laughing hysterically.
“J’onn’s going to be really mad at you,” Kara says, her fingers holding tight to Lena’s. “I’m glad it wasn’t me, for once.”
“Fuck,” Alex says, and then she helplessly hits the ice as she loses her edge.
“I already knew, you know,” as Kara tugs at Lena’s hand and pulls her onto the ice. They’re skating away all of a sudden, as Alex curses out the clutch of people all offering to help her up.
“I figured,” Kara shrugs, and she turns to grab for Lena’s other hand, skating backwards effortlessly. Lena wonders if she’s using her powers or if she’s just naturally good at it. “Thanks for putting my name on the ice, by the way. Kal made fun of me for three hours on our phone call yesterday.”
“Well, you did inspire me,” Lena says. “I thought it’d be a little odd to splash ‘The Kara Danvers Ice Rink’ all over everything. I went with the next best option.”
Kara pulls up to a stop, and Lena realizes they’ve centered themselves on the rink, right over Kara’s symbol. People flow past them in lazy circles, couples and children and more, National City swirling about as Kara smiles down at Lena, her hands tugging and tugging at Lena’s until their bodies bump together.
“You’re my favorite,” Kara says. Lena laughs a little, feeling Kara’s hands drift away from her hands and settle around her back, warmth pressing through her light coat.
“That’s my line,” Lena says, and Kara’s coming closer, a smile lighting up her face.
“Still true,” Kara says. And then Lena’s eyes slip closed, because Kara is kissing her, and it’s something close to perfection. She thinks, somewhere in the middle of the kiss, that she should give Jackson a nice Christmas bonus, but she chooses to wrap her arms around Kara’s neck and think about that later.
“I have a huge bruise on my knee from your dumb ice rink, Luthor,” Alex says, later that night, after the whole group has piled into Kara’s apartment and drank a good deal of spiked hot chocolate.
“You’ve finally caught onto my plan for world domination,” Lena says, running her hand through Kara’s hair when she sets her head on Lena’s shoulder. “Ice rinks.”
“It’s a miracle you survived,” Maggie says.
“Yeah, a Luthor on the warpath? Dangerous stuff,” Winn says, nudging at Lena and laughing loudly. It makes Lena laugh, too, and Kara does as well, their fingers linked together under the blanket slung across their laps.
“Fuck all of you,” Alex says. The whole room erupts into laughter as Alex flips them off individually, but Kara’s smile pressed against her neck is something else entirely.
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unicyclehippo · 7 years
omg can you please write a sequel/ part 2 to that supercorp fic you just posted where Lena finds out Kara is supergirl?!? It was so great but now I'm stressing that Lena doesn't react well. Only if you've got time of course :) also I love how you write supercorp in general, it's amazing and feels so on point
i have a fever & im hacking up a lung: this is, in my humble opinion, the time when my writing ability rly soars. rly comes into its strengths. rly just,,, fucjin rocks. enjoy, ur welcome :))/
kara has been waiting, and hoping - and stress eating her way through the kids menu - and more hoping, beyond the normal bounds of hope, that lena will turn up for the dinner date they’d set up before… before all that “i’m an alien blah blah specifically supergirl blah blah blah” stuff.
kara shoves her hand into her bowl of fries, pats around to find one as she checks the long row of windows and the two doors for any sign of lena. her face falls when all she encounters is the cool ceramic feeling of betrayal. and no lena.
she flags down a waiter.
“can i get another of the fries, please?”
he looks at her like he knows she’s already eaten her way through six of them. or maybe like he knows she’s been stood up. it makes her feel worse - slump back in her chair and try to keep from feeling like her heart is being crushed kind of worse - and he nods hurriedly and scurries away into the kitchen.
she pulls out her phone, taps on the second contact, aaalex.
>if after three hours someone hasn’t shown up to a dinner….
>u got stood up>or they’re dead
kara rolls her eyes. then has a minor panic because, well, lena is kind of a magnet for attempted murder. she strains her ears to listen for lena but it’s futile this close to the ground, this close to so many people.
>kara >lenas fine>dont break the restaurant or ur phone
kara blinks down at her phone.
>have you been playing with the telepath drugs
>no lol i learned my lesson. i just figured she’s the only one u have been going on dates with so…
kara glares down at her phone, taps the CALL button with furious precision.
“we aren’t dating, alex. they’re friend dates. dates between friends.”
“and also i have been on plenty of dates lately!”
“sure,” alex allows, but kara suspects she’s only half listening.
“they’re not dates,” she mutters. “but she did stand me up.”
“yeah i know. you put your "date between friends” in my calendar so i was kind of surprised when she marched herself into my office tonight. she signed everything.“ alex waits for a moment. kara says nothing, just stubbornly munches through the fries the waiter puts in front of her. she’s relieved to hear lena is actually okay, and that she signed, but it’s all overshadowed by the fact that lena isn’t here, with her, eating something kara can’t pronounce and gushing about the science she’s been working on and the way she smiles when kara orders seconds and tries to pay and alex is talking again. "not sure what kind of damage control thats worth, if any. i mean, she’s a luthor. but i told j'onn not to even think about wiping her. or, i thought it really loudly.”
kara sighs.
“as is my right as a big sister, i get to tell you you’re an idiot,” alex says, far more mildly than kara expected. or deserved, really. “so what the hell happened? i thought we’d at least talk about it before you told her.”
“it wasn’t something i could deny. maybe i could’ve,” kara mutters, “if it weren’t for my too expressive face.”
“the too expressive face,” alex agrees unhappily. “you got us in a lot of trouble with that.”
kara rolls her eyes. “sorry twelve years late?” she offers and alex hums her thanks. “plus m'gann said hi. like she knew me, you know? she didn’t know someone was with me, it’s not her fault, but yeah. lena knew. i could see it. and then we were at her place and i realised she just knew i was an al- a foreigner,” she corrects, looking around the mostly empty restaurant, “and not supergirl,”
“hold up. she let you into her place knowing you’re an alien?”
“huh, okay.”
“no, nothing. let me guess, you told her.”
“dramatic reveal and all.”
“and this was…”
“last night.” kara checks her watch, lifts her hand to get the bill. she grimaces when she sees how expensive it is to eat her way through her feelings. but hey, if she’s going all out, what’s a little more? “can i get two of your pizzas takeaway and also four brownies? please.”
the waiter looks ill at the request but kara is too upset to care that she’s eaten way too much tonight. by human standards. she could still eat.
“alex, you still there?”
“are you free tonight?”
“nope.” she pops the ‘p’ with some relish. “day off tomorrow, maggie and i are taking our bikes down the coast, remember?”
“right, right.” kara hands over her card to the waiter, signs the bill he brings over. “what do i do?”
“about lena?”
“no, about the state of affairs in, ugh i can’t be bothered,” she mutters. “yes, about lena.”
“um. well, she hasn’t tried to kill you yet so…talk to her?” kara hears her step out into an echoing room - the parking lot, she guesses, and alex’s car beeps. “hold on, i’ll switch you to my hands free,”
“no, no, it’s okay. drive safe and have fun tomorrow.”
“we will. and i love you.”
“love you too.”
“hi, jess.”
“kara!” jess smiles over at her. “late night for everyone, hmm?”
“yeah, what are you doing here? it’s midnight, you should be home.”
“i’m just finishing up some work, i have the week off from tomorrow,” she explains. “do you want to see miss luthor?”
her phone buzzes on the side and jess glances up at kara after reading the message.
“let me guess, she’s not in.” jess gives her an awkward smile and kara closes her eyes, nods. “of course,” she says quietly. “okay, well,” she swallows around the thick feeling of tears and sets the brownies on the counter. “um. these are for her. or you. have a good night bye have a fun week,” she says very quickly and almost runs back to the elevator.
it dings open in seconds and kara rushes in, leans back against the wall of it. she holds herself together as much as she can, can’t really help sniffling but she can excuse that on a cold. she stares over at the shut box doors of the elevator and knows the second she gets home she’s going flying.
she wonders if she still has her aunts suit. she doesn’t feel like reds and blues tonight, wants to fly without the expectation that comes with her suit.
the suit, alex tells her, was quarantined.
kara shoves herself into some old jeans and a deep blue sweater and jumps into the sky. when she’s higher than the tallest building, she rolls onto her back and floats, staring up at the sky.
winn is still in the DEO headquarters. she doesn’t fly down, but she hears him typing away and watching some show on his second monitor. he’s been working late a lot lately. she doesn’t know if something is wrong or if it’s more guardian business but she misses him. she’d text him an invite, or ask him about a game night, only she left her phone at home.
james is on the phone to lucy when she flies overhead and they’re over but he still sounds adoring when he speaks to her, and happy.
alex is - doing things no sister needs to hear.
lena’s voice is small and kara jerks, almost rolls into the path of a bat, before she detects the slight slight whine of a voicemail.
“i know it’s late, you’re probably asleep, i just wanted to talk and,”
kara lands with a slight thump on lena’s office balcony and lena turns. the slight stutter of her heart comes not when she sees kara’s face, but her body. or, clothes.
she ends her voicemail, steps over to unlock the door.
“hi. i wasn’t - i was flying, i heard you.”
“oh.” lena’s fingers twitch. she folds her arms. “i signed everything.”
“yeah. alex told me.”
“i apologise for missing dinner.”
kara takes a step back, shakes her head. lena looks nervous the moment she frowns and it rips at kara. she takes another step back.
“you didn’t miss it. you stood me up.” lena doesn’t say anything. “why - what does it change?” she asks. “how am i different?” she tries to keep the frustration from her voice but whatever, she’s upset that her best friend is all wonky over this, fight her about it.
“you’re supergirl.”
“if you say a luthor i’m going to scream,” kara tells her, and lena’s teeth click closed around that exact phrase. “i’ve been telling you for months that i don’t care about that.”
“that’s from before i knew,”
“but i knew!” kara cries. “i knew, and i meant it, and i still mean it, and i just want,” she stutters to a stop, lifts a hand to her eyes. she’s not wearing her glasses so she just covers them with a hand and slowly drags it away when she’s contained again. “i’m sorry i didn’t tell you. i didn’t want things to change. i didn’t,” the reason, or a reason, occurs to her and she sags a little. it’s selfish but lena deserves to know. “i didn’t want you to leave me,” she tells her, in a small voice.
lena has been very quiet and still as kara spoke and now she nods. “i am sorry about tonight. sometimes, i do things like that. when someone’s upset me.” she rolls her eyes delicately. “i’ve been told it’s a defence. throw someone off balance so i feel we’re on equal terms again.” her eyes are dark, cool. “i didn’t know. that you were an alien. i keep thinking and thinking, and i keep picking out all these instances and i just,” she shakes her head. “i can’t believe i didn’t know. i don’t like that i didn’t know.”
“i’m sorry.”
lena nods. “i can’t promise everything will be as it was before.”
kara nods as well. things - this, them - have changed and nothing goes back to how it was before a shift like that. as much as something might look the same, it never is.
“but i can tell you that in a month, there is a restaurant opening. i have four tickets, i would like for you to take one.” kara blinks at her. lena doesn’t smile but she does soften, a little. “i can’t tell how this is going to go, which is freaking me out a little and in a week i’m sure i’m gong to do something drastic,” she says with an edge of warning.
“i’ll be ready,” kara promises.
“good. all i can really say is that i will still want you to be around in a months time.” kara feels herself light up at the words. they’re not 'i’m not leaving you’ or 'i’m not sending you away’ but they’re pretty damn close. “and i don’t know how i feel about this, i don’t know when I’ll figure it out, but i already miss my friend kara.” kara nods her agreement. she can feel a lena sized hole opening up inside her the longer lena speaks, making herself clear that there is going to be a distance, a time for them to figure this out. she’s sure it’ll be a good thing; she’s equally sure it’ll hurt like hell.
“tomorrow is too soon to hang out, right?” kara checks. “it’s just, alex is away and winn is busy and,” she holds up her hands, shakes her head. “no, nevermind, too soon.”
it grows a little awkward - lena thanks her for the brownies, declines when kara offers to fly her home.
but the next morning, kara opens her front door to lena’s driver, a box of cookies and a small pot of yellow flowers and a note with just a short message.
'our lives are filled with tomorrow’s. this one isn’t ours, but perhaps the next one will be. enjoy your day x’
kara tucks it between the photo frame on her bedside table and the lamp and brings the flower pot with her to the couch. she sets up her next season and pulls the pot into her lap, wraps an arm around it. she pats the pot fondly, sends a photo of herself with it to lena, and settles in.
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portiialin · 7 years
Idk if u wanna do this but of course it'd be really nice. Luv angst so...Kara & Lena r in the middle of a date when an assassin comes, but Lena, not knowing Kara is Supergirl, takes some bullets for her. The shots gravely wound Lena & Kara is trying to save her, which she does. So like not total tragic angst.
I saw that @antoipe was in need of new supercorp fics so this is also for them. Enjoy!
Kara and Lena were going on their fifth date today and things were going great. The two were having so much fun, especially recently since they’ve had more time to go out, and neither of them thought the day could get any better.
They were right, of course, because the day only got worse.
“I can’t believe you’re eating a salad at a fast food restaurant,” Kara says, looking displeased and scrunching up her nose.
Lena shrugs with a smile on her face, “It’s never wrong to be healthy, Kara, you should try it some time.”
Kara snorts and mumbles, “Over my dead body.”
Lena hears her but doesn’t say anything, simply shaking her head.
That’s when the shots go off.
The first bullet hits Kara but surprisingly no one notices. She reaches over and grabs hold of Lena, pulling her under the table.
Bewildered, Lena shouts, “Kara, what’s going on?”
Kara tries to act as if she wasn’t just shot and as if this isn’t an assassination meant for her, “I don’t know?”
Lena narrows her eyes but doesn’t get to prod Kara because moments later, Kara is being pulled out from under the table by the man with a gun.
“Best wishes from Lillian Luthor,” he says, levelling his gun at Kara.
Blood rushes through Lena’s veins. How dare my mother attack Kara!
All she can see is the love of her life, in danger in front of a gun, about to be murdered by a man her mother sent.
Lena sees red.
Now, what she does next may be stupid…but only if she knew the full story. How was she supposed to know that Kara Danvers was Supergirl and that there was no need to take a bullet for her girlfriend?
She wasn’t supposed to know and she doesn’t know and so Lena Luthor runs forward and takes two bullets; one in the shoulder and one in the hip. It’s painful.
“Lena!” Kara shouts, rushing forward.
The man looks terrified at having shot the daughter of his employer.
Kara simply looks about ready to kill.
“Lena, hey, Lena stay with me, okay?” Kara shouts.
Except, Lena is losing too much blood way to fast and she can’t stay with her. She passes out but not before whispering, “I love you.”
This time it’s Kara who sees red. It takes approximately 1.2 seconds for Kara to knock out the man. He has many bruises and injuries.
Kara takes slight pleasure in it.
Only for a moment, though, because immediately she is calling the DEO to tell them about the situation and flying Lena’s unconscious and bleeding body to the DEO.
Kara tries to stem the bleeding but it’s just too much, oh god it’s so much, and Kara is panicking. Kara flies as fast as she can with a human in her arms to the decimal.
“Alex, J’onn, help…please!” Kara stutters out when she arrives at the DEO, tears beginning to leak as she watches her love fight for her life.
Lena is taken from her by the medics and it’s a struggle for Kara to let her go. She knows there’s nothing else she can do, though. She’s done what she can. She’s done her job.
(How well she thinks she did her job is for a later discussion.)
Alex, J’onn, James, Winn, M’gann—her family—hold her and help her through as Lena is in surgery.
Surgery for five hours.
At some points—the entire time—Kara wants to go find Lillian and destroy her, make her bleed for what she’s done to her own daughter, but Kara decides to take the other option. So, instead, Kara sits there with her family and cries and cries and prays to Rao and cries.
Because the woman she loves—and Rao, I haven’t told her that yet—is dying on a hospital gurney and she can see it. She watches it happen, watches Lena flatline three times.
It’s the worst thing she has ever experienced. All because she kept a secret from Lena. That’s when J’onn and Alex let her now, Lena deserves to know she’s Supergirl if Kara wants to tell her.
Kara resolves to tell her as soon as she can.
At the end of those five hours, the doctor finally walks up to Kara and smiles tiredly, “The operation was a success. The bullets were removed with no complications and she’s in recovery right now. Actually, she’s asking for Miss. Danvers.”
Kara bolts straight into the room with superhuman speed—literally.
“Lena, thank Rao!” Kara exclaims, rushing to hug her.
“Ow, ow, ow,” Lena says and winces.
“Shoot, sorry!” Kara apologizes, pulling her arms back quickly.
Lena laughs, “It’s fine, Kara. Thank you.”
Kara smiles and looks down before looking Lena straight in the eye and demanding, “Don’t you ever do that again.”
Lena shrugs and fiddles with the blanket on top of her, “What else was I supposed to do? Let the love of my life die because of my mother?”
“I’m Supergirl!” Kara blurts before wincing at her lack of tact. “I’m Supergirl and you should never put yourself in harms way for me like that ever again because I love you and it’s unnecessary.”
“Y-you’re Supergirl.” Lena pauses and then starts giggling. “Of course you are. The universe is like that isn’t it, having a Luthor fall in love with a Super.”
“Hey, if it helps, a Super fell right back in love with that Luthor,” Kara grins.
Lena smiles back before it fades off her face, “I’m sorry about my mother.”
“Woah, hey, no, none of this is your fault,” Kara assures Lena, taking a seat beside her in the hospital bed. “You are a good person and you are not your mother and you took a bullet for me. This is why I love you, you are good.”
A tear slips down Lena’s cheek and she hurriedly wipes it away, “T-thank you, Kara. That means a lot coming from Supergirl herself.”
They smile at each other and Lena snuggles into Kara’s arm. They lie there for a few moments before Kara speaks.
“Alex is making you a full wardrobe of bulletproof clothing, by the way.”
“It’s just to be safe! You are kind of reckless in your heroism.”
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harlivies · 7 years
U need to get the fuck over yourself. You'd probably be really happy if straight characters on shows were treated like shit wouldn't you? Boycotting supergirl? Wtf is even wrong with you.
U know there is nothing fucking great about an LGBT relationship represented on a tv show. It’s a fucking sexuality. That’s all. There is nothing to proud of for being gay, straight, bi, trans etc, those are things you can’t even control. All shows give interesting storylines to all characters, despite their sexuality. Just because something bad happens to a lesbian character on a show it doesn’t mean the show should be boycotted or whatever. Would u do the same if it was a straight person?
Dear anon, 
I took what you said to heart, and I thought long and hard about it, and it occurred to me that you may have a point. Yes, I would be really happy if straight characters on shows were treated like shit by the actors and actresses who portray them. In fact, I already get to live out that wild fantasy thanks to one miss Eliza Taylor, who bashes her basic m/f ship at any given chance, with the aid of her cast mates. You may think my happiness stems from petty reasons, and you may be right. I do get off knowing that, every now and then, some straights somewhere in the world get to walk in my shoes for a solid minute. 
There are plenty of great things about LGBT+ relationships and characters being represented on film and television, and I’m truly sorry your ignorant, privileged, homophobic, and most likely white ass that you probably wear as a hat keeps you from seeing that. I get it, it’s hard to understand some people crave representation when you, yourself, probably get to see a little bit of you in a character every time you turn on the television.
From your asks, you crave to be opressed so badly, you might as well be an All Lives Matter supporter. “You’d probably be really happy if straight characters on shows were treated like shit wouldn’t you?” “Would u do the same if it was a straight person?” Well pal, I have some news for you. This doesn’t happen to straight characters. Or people. Shocker. Call me heterophobic.
No, not all shows give interesting storylines to all their characters, and most shows have characters who are members of the LGBT+ community just for the sake of claiming they’re representing a population. Reality is, a large amount of shows that are out there nowadays thrive because the wlw community allows them to. We migrate from show to show in hopes we’ll find something that represents and respects us, and that is a rarity, especially since shows keep sidelining their gay (and I’m using ‘gay’ as an umbrella term here) characters.
This is happening with Supergirl, who queerbaited wlw into watching it with Sanvers only to demote one of the actresses for its third season, therefore decreasing the amount of f/f scenes in the show. Additionally, a great amount of viewers have taken a liking to Supercorp despite knowing the chances of it ever becoming canon are slim, and some people have started watching the show solely because of these characters and their relationship. So, at the moment, Supergirl is queerbaiting its fandom on two ends by promising Sanvers and not delivering, and using Supercorp scenes to give people a fake sense of security.
It’s absolutely valid to boycott a show on that alone. But Supergirl took it one step further, with members of its cast invalidating their own viewers in a rude and absolutely unnecessary way. So, I have absolutely no shame in asking people to boycott the show, Karahell fan, and I will continue to do so, as writers, producers, and actors alike need to realize their actions have consequences and they can’t just mistreat and take for granted the people who make their jobs a reality.
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meg-a-million-whats · 7 years
hey, are u taking supercorp prompts?? If you are, please write this one: kara and lena being comfortable of being barely naked around each other and touching and all of this start because lena stay a night on kara's place and kara is not used to use pants for sleep and they cuddle to sleep... like a pre-relationship fluff when everyone thinks they're dating because of the way they act around each other but they aren't (yet) it got a little confused im sorry lol
Note: Anon, I took some liberties with the prompt. Hope that’s alright.
[ao3] [prompt me]
The problem, in retrospect, was that Kara asked Alex whether this was something straight human girls did on the regular, and Alex swore up and down that it was, and that Kara had nothing to be wary of. Though it was Kara’s fault really, since Alex had proceeded to back up her claim by citing Animal House and Glee, and Kara, who unlike Alex had seen neither in her turbulent teenage years, took Alex’s expertise at face value.
The Situation itself began a couple months after the whole Rhea and Mon-El mess and followed hot at the heels of the Revealing Herself as Supergirl to Lena mess, which had resulted in a lot of shocked gasps and wide-eyed stares of hurt on Lena’s part that left Kara feeling kind of rotten on the inside. There were a lot of texts exchanged with emoji-less one-line replies, a lot of special flowers deliveries from Supergirl across the National City skyline, and a lot of sustainable organic vegan kale chocolates that mysteriously appeared at Lena’s doorsteps early weekend mornings. When Lena was finally ready to forgive her, they had dinner at Kara’s that ended with both of them drunk on different drinks and ranting agreeably at each other about men, mothers, and aliens.
What happened next was a bit of a blur to Kara, but this was Kara deduced:
Kara was not used to wearing pants to sleep, which meant she must have shucked them off at some point in the night out of discomfort—which was how they ended up over her lamp.
Lena must have felt the same, and done the same thing, which was why her dress hung over Kara’s dresser.
She and Lena had always been very tactile with each other, so of course they were also tactile with each other on Kara’s bed, drunk. Which would explain the cuddling.
There was no reason, no reason at all James and Winn had to barge into her bedroom in the morning like that.
“You weren’t answering your phone!” was James’s excuse over the phone ten minutes after he and Winn skedaddled out of her apartment at the sight of Kara and L-Corp’s CEO tangled together, mostly naked, in Kara’s bed. “We thought you were—I don’t know. We were supposed to go over that presentation of the effects of lead atmosphere on plant life at the DEO, and you weren’t there—”
“Did you really sleep with Lena Luthor?” was Winn’s question. He sounded a bit awed.
“No,” Kara said, glancing at Lena, who was shifting beneath the covers. “We were drunk, alright? I couldn’t fly; she couldn’t drive. So she stayed over. That’s it.”
“Well,” James said. “As long as you’re safe. Just get everything tidied up on your end and come over. We’ll tell J’onn that you were… otherwise occupied.”
Kara groaned. “Do you really have to phrase it that way?”
Lena woke a few minutes later, silently, in small moments: twitching, blinking her eyes open, then tilting her head to look up at Kara. When she smiled, that too was a small thing, but Kara felt the warmth of it spreading through her entire body like a yellow sun.
“Hey,” Lena said.
“How’d you feel?” Kara asked.
“Like I’ve been wrung dry,” Lena said, wry.
Kara laughed. “You know, that alien stuff really was potent. I can’t remember anything after laughing at your Alaskan penguin story.”
Lena, who had been stretching luxuriously beneath the morning sunlight, baring her smooth skin to the room—paused, again in the slightest movement. She asked, “Nothing at all?”
“No,” Kara said. She glanced at Lena. “I mean—did I—”
“No,” Lena said, and she sounded reassuring, so Kara believed her. She was looking for something on the ground. “No. You were definitely adorable while drunk, but—no.”
“Looking for this?” Kara said, handing her the dress.
“Yes,” Lena said, laughing softly at herself. “Thank you.”
When Lena was leaving the apartment, Kara slid her hand into Lena’s and said, “You know, last night was really fun. We should do it again. With maybe less—substances.”
Lena searched Kara’s eyes, then nodded. “Let’s. I’m glad we made up. I’ve missed you, these past few weeks.”
“Me too,” Kara said, breathless with happiness.
So it got to be a bit of a tradition, afterwards.
It was great to be able to hang out more often with Lena. They never got to see each other enough over the past year, and the sleepovers became their own little dates apart from their other friends. And Kara liked the sleepover aspects of it too. She liked watching horrible Netflix documentaries with Lena late into the night. She liked falling asleep with Lena by her side, because Lena was soft and warm and smelled nice. And she liked Lena being the first thing she saw when she woke up. She liked making breakfast with Lena—or for her, when Lena slept in after a long day at work.
When she told Winn and James this at Noonan’s one day, they looked at each other, then back at her.
“Kara—” James began, sliding his glass away.
“We think you like Lena Luthor,” Winn said. “In a I-want-to-make-babies-with-her sort of way.”
“What?” Kara said.
James shot Winn a glare. “In a romantic sort of way,” James corrected.
Winn waved his hand dismissively.
“It’s not like that,” Kara said. She fidgeted with her glasses to force herself to calm down. “It’s just— Look, neither of us had a lot of girl friends growing up, okay? So we both missed out on a lot of the—silly teen stuff, you know. Sleepovers. Pillow fights. Gossiping. Braiding each other’s hair.”
Winn looked at Kara’s elaborate fishtail braid and nodded, impressed.
“If we’re closer to each other than other people are, it’s just because we both don’t know how other girls behave,” Kara said.
“And that’s fine,” James said. “And I mean, obviously, you think of yourself as—” He paused delicately.
“Straight,” Winn supplied.
James’s lips twitched unhappily, but he continued, “And this would be a big change in that—perspective. And that can be terrifying. But you have to know that the people around you will be supportive. Me and Winn—obviously. Your sister—that goes without saying. J’onn—has more or less gone on with the assumption that you and Lena are dating—”
“What?” Kara said.
“Well, after the day Winn and I saw you together—with Lena— We didn’t mention Lena by name, of course, but you’ve talked about her so often that he… filled in the blanks.”
“Dude, it’s fine, let me,” Winn said, when Kara made more indignant sputtering noises. James raised his hands to yield the floor. Winn turned to Kara. “So you know how we, like, both at a thing for you at around the same time a couple years ago and then both got over it and now are friends?”
“Oh god,” James was saying.
“Yeah?” Kara said faintly.
“Thankfully, because of that, we’ve actually both discovered a very simple way to test whether two people are, like you said, ‘just friends.’ Are you ready for it?”
Kara looked at James. “Should I be scared?”
“What it’s called,” Winn pressed on, “is the ‘Would I Be Ridiculously Happy If She Were My Girlfriend’ Test.”
Later that week, Kara whipped out the test after she and Lena returned from watching the latest Melissa McCarthy comedy. They were in Lena’s apartment this time.
The test is simple, Winn had said. At every possible moment you’re with her, ask yourself the question: Would I be ridiculously happy if she were my girlfriend?
So when they were on Lena’s sofa discussing a topic at least four times removed from the movie, Kara popped herself the question, and boom—she suddenly had a vision of herself, cupping Lena’s face and stealing a kiss.
When Lena reached into her top cupboard to retrieve a mug, Kara asked herself the question, and boom—she was imagining herself lifting Lena up, as easily as one would a feather, kissing Lena when Lena turned back and giggled.
When Lena said, “I’m going to shower before I head to bed,” Kara saw herself stepping into the shower with Lena, and Lena laughing as she pulled her in.
When Lena came of the shower with only a towel wrapped around her torso, Kara saw herself smoothing back Lena’s hair and pressing her forehead against Lena’s.
When Lena briefly dropped her towel to pull on her underwear, Kara thought her head was going to explode.
Which was how she called Alex for the second time the morning after a sleepover with Lena.
“I think I’m bi,” Kara told Alex as soon as the line connected.
“Oh,” Alex said. “Oh. Congratulations. Thank you for telling me—”
“Alex, I love you, you’re the best sister in the world, and I promise you I’ll explain everything afterwards, but I need to talk to Maggie about this,” Kara said, because she finally realized that Alex was the sort of lucky bastard in the world who got engaged to the first person she fell in love with and really, really was not in the position to offer advice for anyone’s love life.
Maggie was laughing when she came on the phone, and laughing again when Kara finished the story of last night.
“So what do I do?” Kara asked anxiously.
“Well,” Maggie said. “First I’ll say that you and your sister really are super, Danvers.”
Kara muffled her groan in a throw pillow.
“Second, I’d say that you aren’t so much worried about being bi as you are about your relationship with Lena, aren’t you?”
Kara thought this over. “No,” she agreed.
“And how would you advise a straight friend with their straight love interest about how to deal with their straight romantic troubles?”
Kara blinked. “Talk to the other person.”
“There you go,” Maggie said cheerfully. “Congrats on discovering the wonderful world of loving girls, by the way. You know your sister and I will be rooting for you.”
Kara did explain everything to Alex, as well as James and Winn, over Settlers of Catan and chow mein at the end of the week. All three of them had solemn, rehearsed speeches prepared. They were happy she was brave enough to come out to them, they were grateful that she trusted them with this development, and they pledged to keep this fact to themselves unless she wished they shared it. The whole thing, even Alex’s portion, sounded like something pulled out of the straight ally handbook. Kara laughed and hugged them all.
They brainstormed ways of dealing with the Lena problem but were all sooner or later distracted by attempts to get the Longest Road Catan card or the call to save one lone alien from another rogue alien on the intersection of 10th and Downing Street. The rogue alien mugging actually ballooned into a whole separate issue dealing with intergalactic property rights and interplanetary court systems, and by the time her and Lena’s next date came around, Kara had nothing in the arsenal to last her through the evening.
They chose Netflix for the day: Lena wanted to check out Merlin because one of her assistants promised good things about it. While preparing the popcorn, Kara nearly let the bag slip from her hand and pressed the wrong buttons on her microwave three times before finally getting the whole thing running—and then realized she put it on the wrong setting entirely.
“I saw that you gave up on electrical devices and just used your heat vision,” Lena said, teasing, when Kara returned with a bowl of popcorn. “If there are malfunctions in your microwave, you know, I can fix it.”
“What? Oh no no,” Kara said. “I was just—testing out… myself. It’s good training, you know. Good control. Popcorn is a great training tool. That’s what my cousin always says too. Yup.”
Kara forced herself to laugh in three beats: Ha ha ha. Lena gave her a strange look.
Kara absorbed nothing from the first episode because her attention was wholly focused on Lena’s arm, which was slung over the top of the couch, fingers inches away from Kara’s neck. Occasionally, Lena would grab a handful of popcorn without looking and accidentally brush against Kara’s hair. Kara thought her heart was going to stop every instance this happened, but at the same time, she wondered—if Lena would reach just a little farther—rest her palm on Kara’s nape and gently pull her in for a kiss—
Nope. Bad thoughts. Bad Kara. Very bad. She grabbed fistfuls of popcorn and began eating them aggressively, much to Lena’s amusement.
In the end, it happened like this:
After Netflix, Lena stretched and tipped herself sideways to rest her head on Kara’s shoulder. She smelled like cinnamon.
“I think I’m ready to go to bed,” Lena said. She peered up at Kara beneath heavy lashes. “Join me?”
The guilt was all of a sudden too much, and Kara grabbed Lena by the shoulders and pushed her back so they were face-to-face with a good two feet of distance between them. Kara felt like her whole face was on fire, and if she kept silent any longer, steam would be whistling from her ears.
“Lena, listen,” Kara said. “I’ve realized something recently. And I feel like I need to tell you.”
“What is it?” Lena said, moving closer in concern.
Kara squeaked as she leaned back in tandem. “Um. It’s alright. I’m fine. Physically.”
She let her arms drop to the top of her criss-crossed legs.
“Lena, I think I like you. Romantically.” Kara forced her eyes to stay steady on her friend’s. “I only realized that recently. And I think—I think I want to date you. Because I like you. But I know you’ve never said anything about liking girls—so— I hope either way we can stay friends. But I just wanted to tell you that. That I really like you.”
By the end of her stilted little speech, she had dropped her gaze down to her hands, waiting for Lena’s verdict. As the silent stretched on, Kara imagined all the horror and anger and disgust that Lena was feeling, and Kara felt so ashamed of herself—really, why had she ever thought it was a good idea—
Lena cupped Kara’s chin.
“I feel the same way. Maybe since the first time I saw you,” Lena said softly. Time itself seemed crystalized; the outside world was a forgotten memory. Kara felt as though she was but a relic of a time when time was, silent and given only to the examination under Lena’s pale eyes. “Can I kiss you?”
And Kara could only breathe out, “Of course.”
“The first night I slept over,” Lena confessed, some hours later, as she lied next to Kara, “you told me I was beautiful, and you wanted to kiss me.”
“I did?”
“Well, you told me I was beautiful,” Lena said, smiling ruefully, “but you didn’t kiss me.”
Kara entangled her fingers with Lena’s. “That’s too bad. We could’ve been doing this sooner.”
“No. I think it was too early for you,” Lena said. “For us. We’d just made up. I don’t think you knew consciously, what you said then. And I didn’t know if you would still want the same things sober. It would’ve been bad timing all around.”
Lena turned to face her. “When you told me you were Supergirl, I had this—silly notion in my head that, ah, there was no way you would like me now. Supergirl had been this sort of—quintessential straight girl, you understand. At least in my head.”
Kara laughed.
“I know, it’s ridiculous. Stereotypes.” Lena rolled her eyes. “So I guess I was—I was half heart-broken too, when I was ignoring you.”
“I didn’t know,” Kara said softly.
“That’s why the night of the crazy drinking, that was when I thought, Maybe.”
Kara gasped. “So all this time you were trying to seduce me?”
“No. Yes.” Lena bit her lip and looked at her. “Maybe a little?”
Kara laughed and buried her face in Lena’s head. “Well, here I am. Seduced. What are you going to do with me?”
Lena grinned. “Wicked things.”
Kara leaned over to kiss Lena. “I look forward to it.”
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myheartisbro-ken · 7 years
Hi! 💙 I hope your are doing well. Congrats on the article. The reading will probably be okay. Are you a fast or slow reader? I read rather slowly, especially if I'm enjoying what I'm reading. It sticks with me better that way, but it takes me longer to do things. 😅 My semester ends next week, then have finals period. l'm taking Summer courses tho to get ahead. I get what you mean. I don't party, but around TH and F there's a certain restlessness about some of the students to drink/part. (Pt 1)
Ugh, I hate group work. 😐 Best of luck to you. Maybe your for a decent group. Anyway, I prefer morning courses. I get up at an obnoxiously early time to attend though. I’m fine with it though because it lets me take my courses in a block with out breaks, so once I’m done, I’ll be done for the day. 😥 Probably an unpopular schedule though. Oh, so My Immortal can actually be constructive to writers. That makes sense. It’s what a writer shouldn’t ever do. About JK, I think it’s an attempt (pt 2)(pt 3) Lowkey don’t recall my train of thought..Anyway, wow, I definitely agree with your statements about Lena knowing Kara’s dual identity. Snapper knowing wouldn’t help anything, since he’s too minor a character to do anything useful with information. Lena knowing would create more depth, tension, plot possibilities etc., which is why’d it would be a shame for her to be left in the dark. Also, I feel her not knowing (or at least theorizing Kara’s supergirl) is ooc. I suppose the writers– –haven’t had an issue with that based on what they’ve done to Alex. :-/ Hmph. I’m still so annoyed about that. Partially, because I’m a SuperCorp shipper, but mainly because it’s an insult to Alex’s personality to force her to advocate on Mon El’s behalf. Who was your favorite character from S1, btw? I’d probably go with Kara, but for S2 it’s definitely Lena. Anyway, yes Lena looks so amazing in the trailer! Heh, I intended it to be a soft FMK…I was going to make it all Katie, but wasn’t–(4)–words, words, something, but wasn’t going to be that cruel to you. (Hopefully that fit with my previous thing). Smh, you’ve no qualms though do you? ;-) I’m kidding. Your answers were well thought out…even though you didn’t kill anyone. I can’t blame you though. I don’t think Red K! Kara is all that bad, but she’s definitely intimidating, so is Kate. Anyway, let’s see FMK: Lena, Morgana,and Kate… :-/ 3 M'kay, that’s hard, especially since I love them all and ship SuperCorp. (5 TBC)–words, words, something, but wasn’t going to be that cruel to you. (Hopefully that fit with my previous thing). Smh, you’ve no qualms though do you? ;-) I’m kidding. Your answers were well thought out…even though you didn’t kill anyone. I can’t blame you though. I don’t think Red K! Kara is all that bad, but she’s definitely intimidating, so is Kate. Anyway, let’s see FMK: Lena, Morgana,and Kate… :-/ 3 M'kay, that’s hard, especially since I love them all and ship SuperCorp. (5 TBC)(6) Uh, let’s see. I’m going to assume they are all brought to current times, so the 21st century. I would marry Morgana. You know what? I’d marry Morgana S1 or S5 because I’ve so many emotions for her and what she went through. I’d want her to know someone would be on (*cough* and by *cough*) her side. Also, she has magic that’s cool, but not the point. I don’t really want Supergirl to kill me or be sad. I wouldn’t kill Lena as of now; she’s not done anything wrong. Also, her company is (TBC)(8?) So, yes: M:Morgana, F: Lena, K: Kate. Hmm, I see yours and raise you: FMK: Lucy, she’s a vampire now but has some control over it | Kara Danvers, more so S1 in personality, but she’s still elects to become a reporter and encourages you | Lena, before she met Kara and is still learning to be a CEO…I guess that’s a younger!Lena? Idk. Okay, that should work. I hope you have a good day and night. Do you read comics? I don’t, but was curious if you did. U seem to know some lore. :-)
Heyyy! I’m not so sure I’m a fast or slow reader, it depends on my state of mind, if I take my meds and external interruptions. Usually I can read pretty fast if it’s something I’m interested in but I tend to miss things and have to read it again, with school things I’m the worst. I still have things from last year that I never got around to read and one of them was about superman (I miss studying cinema because we could have an entire class about superman and co and then write fanfiction of the world as an activity). We don’t have summer classes here, that sounds interesting, it’d be nice to get ahead, also it’s about to be winter here so after July we’ll get maybe a month off and then it’s back to being unresponsible adults. I’ve nothing against drinking and partying, I like drinking (parties are usually weird but sometimes it’s cool) but don’t freaking leave class to do it, go after the class, how disrespectful is it to leave the poor teacher there waiting 20 minutes to see if the rest of the class will show up or they’ll have to do with six or seven people? Also you pay over 1.000 bucks a month to study and you don’t give a shit about being in class? it’s throwing money away and it’s disrespectful to whoever is paying school, even if that someone is yourself. I’m not those kids that say you should only do what’s right and never skip class never drink or do anything because you have to study instead of throwing your life away. But school is expensive and respect is something you should have for everyone (unless someone is a jerk, because it’s not murder if the person is a jerk…jk)
I never liked studying in the mornings but it’s sort of better, however, my classes only exist at night, there is morning journalism classes, but it’s in another neighborhood and we have to cross the bridge and there’s no cool campus. I like my campus.
group projects are the worst. They end friendships, they end marriages, they end happiness, they lead to murder… it’s never fun. I always imagine that scene with the guy getting pizza and coming back to the place on fire and people bleeding, or that one from Mean Girls with the fighting over Aaron Samuels in animal style. Those are the only representations of group projects that are realistic.
I love how you just started to talk about JK, had two words in and
Honestly Alex has been so ooc this season it’s almost sad. No offense to Sanvers, but I think even that relationship is a bit ooc. Not the fact that there is a relationship but how it is being handled. Not gonna go into it cuz I don’t want to rant here. but I would ship Sanvers if they had put a bit more of effort into getting them together not ‘I don’t want a baby gay rn, so let’s be friends. PSYCHE I just got shot in the most harmless area of my entire body, let's make out!’
The same Alex that thought James wasn’t good enough for Kara and decked Maxwell Lord for existing would never make excuses for someone that is basically the dumb alien version of Lord with worse hair and more aggression and more pretending to be a #goodguy who’s just trying so hard and changed because after 9 months on earth as a grown man he decided to read a book, feed himself and clean his own mess… or pretend to clean his own mess while Kara actually does it and he just sits there and says she’s annoying because she doesn’t want to run away from her problems. (hey look, ranting… she said with surprise in her voice for some reason)
My favorite character was definitely Cat… and Kara. Both at the same time, I can’t choose between them, please don’t make me. and now it’s Lena… and still Kara even though she’s basically dead inside and that girl who cries because her boyfriend is moving away and it will destroy her life because that person she knows nothing about and met 9 months ago when he tried to kill her and has been lying to her and shoving her self-esteem down ever since is apparently the most important person in her life and she can’t live without him. he cooked her breakfast so he can’t move away and face his responsibilities, she’s the best thing he’s ever known, not person, thing. That woman in the best thing… god, this is so gross I cannot continue even to joke about this. so yeah, Kara is SUPER ooc this season, but I still love her and have faith she will recover from this terrible illness and come back to us, I miss her.
Yes! I would totally still marry Morgana even season 5 Morgana. poor thing just needs a hug and a friend to tell her she’s not a monster for being born different. I might start crying now so I’ll change topics. 
Definitely Marry Kara, no questions asked. Fuck Lena because, I mean, just look at her. And Kill Lucy, my poor bby, but she’s a vampire so she has to go, control or not, ‘vegetarian’ vampires are dumb.
I do read comics, not as much as I’d like, but I also watched all of the DC cartoons (minus Legion because it looks dumb) most of Smallville and Lois & Clark and when I want to know some more I read about the storylines and all, like even when I don’t read the comic itself, I read about the comic. I won’t say I know all about everything, but I can hold my ground, I guess, I’m also not above admitting I don’t know/haven’t read enough about one subject/character and reading about that on one of the sites I trust. Also watched a lot of Marvel cartoons and most of the movies aaaand I read a lot of Marvel comics, specially Balck Widow, Hawkeye, and Young Avengers.
Did you watch any superhero cartoons? They were a pretty big deal in the 90′s and early 2000′s.
Hope you have a great day and night 💙😊
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lachenn · 7 years
Listen, It’s my time to complain abt supergirl! here we go:  regardless of what I say here I still love and support this show but I think it’s valid to criticize even the things we love. And I believe no tv show is above criticism.  I love every character on this show (yes even mon-el) and I ship whatever. (*cough* sanvers*cough* supercorp*) But I think this criticism is valid whatever u ship. Cause...where the fuck is the PLOT? Like I really hoped Kara had more of a storyline this season? Hell she could have. With Cadmus and her adoptive dad missing and all. Like hi. where the fuck is Alex’s dad??? where did that storyline go?  I thought , like a fool, that now that Kara got the interdimensional device. We would hit one of the MOST famous DC/supergirl/superman storyline with Powergirl. one of the most iconic dc superheroes out there. but no. let’s just stay here. wasting potential. ok
Also, I know yall dont like Mon-El but I do...so I’m just here wondering...where the fuck is his storyline?? like yea I get it he’s in love with Kara but?? The prince of Daxam storyline?? hello??? why are we losing all this time??
Also, I am super happy Sanvers is there. but...again...Alex’s dad?? hello?? how about Alex...u know...at least worries over her dad. And Maggie helping her deal with that situation. Idk. Something?
Also wtf are we doing with Ms Martian??? someone explain that to me. 
Every episode feels like a filler episode? even the ones that relate to cadmus they lead nowhere. We got Metallo as a villain again the other day and I thought that was such a waste btw like I’ve already seen this forgettable villain but whatever.  
Like...I don’t even know what to expect cause the plot is so loose. Where is the main storyline?? shit WHAT is the main storyline?? the prince of daxam? lillian luthor? Jeremiah? Cadmus? The Martians? we have barely touched any of this topics thoo idk.  Like...I just want this series to go somewhere...u feel me?
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 7 years
Lena Immaculate!
So a couple of days ago i stumbled upon this amazing gifset featuring Katie McGrath as a goth DJ, and it sort of inspired me to write a supercorp fic, featuring Goth engineering student Lena Luthor, and 9 puppies in a cardigan journalism student Kara Danvers.
Can also be read on AO3
Tortuous one, taboos undone
A glittering star on a sea of myriad waves
And a thickening mist, a seductress
Leading lovesick hearts astray
 “Hi, uhm, excuse me. Gosh am I interrupting. I’m so sorry, can I just trouble you for a moment.”
Lena slowly pulled off her headphones and glared at the girl who dared to disturb her sanctuary of study.
The girl looked like she had wandered right out of Pleasantville, all pink cardigans, blonde hair and bubbly smile.
“I’m listening.” Lena said folding her hands on top of her textbook, she wasn’t actually listening, but she figured it was the easiest way to get rid of little miss sunshine.
The girl spent a lot of time looking at Lena with an open mouth, it was probably the rings, or maybe the piercings, Lena wasn’t sure.
The girl opened her mouth to speak, and Lena mentally prepared herself to be asked about her lord and savior Jesus Christ. She had no idea why they kept letting nut jobs like her in at Metropolis U.
 “Uhm, I have to do an interview for my journalism class and I saw you sitting there, and was wondering if maybe you had the time. I’M SORRY FOR DISTURBING YOU I’LL JUST GO!” So not a religious nut, just a freshman in the field.
Lena wasn’t sure why she reached out to stop the retreating girl, she wanted to get back to her studies, not have to sit through 20 awkward, and vapid questions from the neighbor nice girl.
“No, its fine I need a break from the studies anyways.”
The blonde almost flew back. “Really?” She asked with eyes the size of teacups, Lena could have sworn she saw a tail wag between her legs.
“Yes, let me see if I can guess the topic: subcultural life on campus.” Lena sassed, gesturing at her heavy black clothes. She was already regretting agreeing to this.
“Actually it’s about studying engineering as a woman, and what kind of challenges you face, I saw that you were reading all these books about currents and physics and all kinds of clever stuff.” The girl smiled with her whole face, like she genuinely hadn’t realized Lena had just insulted her.
“Oh, uhm sorry for being presumptuous, yes I study electrical engineering I’m on my 3rd year what would you like to know?”
 The interview itself when smoothly. The blonde (Kara as she learned was her name), asked interesting but not too intimate questions. Then proudly showed Lena the notes she’d taken on her reporter pad (“cause I’m going to be a real reporter!”), before waltzing off to do whatever it was girls like her did.
Probably sing to her flock of forest friends while cleaning up after her evil stepsister.
 That should have been that right? Just a minor footnote in the melancholic story of her life.
Except somehow  that modern day disney princess with her locks of spun gold was haunting her dreams.
Lena had known she was gay since the first time her and Veronica snuck up to the old belfry after lights out. Her family hadn’t been near as okay with it, but that was another story.
What mattered was that she was familiar with the term gay panic, even though she had never experienced it herself.
Until now.
 She hadn’t seen Kara since that afternoon in the library 2 weeks ago.
It made sense, Metropolis U was a fairly compartmentalized university, engineering was taught in one end, the humanities in the other.
She had no reason to ever leave the engineering buildings except to study in the larger cross faculty library.
Which she admittedly did often, though it seemed Kara didn’t.
Lena would know she had been keeping a lookout.
 Lena didn’t really have any friends, it was a conscious decision, after first Veronica, then Lex, and then her mom, it just seemed easier to not get attached.
Contrary to what she heard people say behind her back (seriously was she back in middle school?) she didn’t walk around in trench coats and army boots to stand out, she did it to scare people off.
Also maybe because Alice from “Resident Evil” had sort of been her sexual awakening.
The closest thing she had was her roommate Jess, however that was more of a mutual politeness thing.
 Most of the time she was perfectly okay with her solitary lifestyle. Right now she needed someone to pull her out of her obsession, before she did something stupid.
Like exploit the schools poorly managed database structure to gain access to the schedule of all freshman journalism students, and plan to “randomly” stumble into her one day after class.
Not that she would ever do that.
Or debate whether Tuesday or Thursday was more likely to make Kara susceptible to an impulse trip to a café.
That would be stupid, and irresponsible, possibly illegal, and bordering on stalking.
 Lena arrived 25 minutes early outside the classroom.
She had meant to be there at most 5-10 before, just in case the lecture ended early.
Her fear got the better of her, so she looked up what the maximum amount of time school regulations allowed a lecturer to end the lesson too early was.
 She had been rehearsing her speech all morning, yet the moment Kara stepped out of that classroom it all left her.
At that point it was too late to turn around, she was already walking towards Kara.
Lena could do this! All she had to do was smile and be cool.
“Hi Lena, how are you doing?” Kara smiled while she spoke, and Lena swore it was getting harder to breathe.
“Fine thank you, I came by to ask how it went with your assignment.” All things considered, Lena was pretty impressed just how calm and coherent she was being in front of this literal ray of sunshine.
“Oh, uhm, it went really well, Professor Grant called it a mediocre attempt at decent journalism, so I think she liked it.” Kara had this cute little crinkle in her brow as she stared off into the distance, and tried to think about... something?
“I was wondering if you could perhaps be persuaded to tell me more about the assignment over a cup of coffee?” Lena made sure to add a seductive little wink to her proposition, which Kara missed entirely.”
“I don’t like coffee, could we get pastries instead?” Lena was about to politely chuckle at Kara’s joke, before she realized the blonde the blonde was completely serious.
“It’s a date.” Truth be told that last comment was a hail Mary from Lena, if she was going to do it, she was going to go all out.
Kara sputtered and recoiled. “Sorry I, um, I didn’t mean to drag you into something you don’t want, its okay we can just have coffee! I uhm, I, ah.” Lena wasn’t even sure what Kara was rambling about.
“Kara, stop panicking, I would like to go on a date with you, I was the one who asked.” Putting a grounding hand on her crush seemed to prevent her from taking flight through the roof, though her cheeks still looked about ready to spontaneously combust.
“Psh, me panic, no never, I’m the most collected person ever! Wait really?! You want to go on a date with me? As in a date date? As in you might like me date? Like, like me like me? That kind of date! But you’re so cool, and badass, and I’m just silly little me?”
It was weird, but Lena was already growing fond of Kara’s  tendency to ramble.
  They must have looked like an odd couple, walking down the hall side by side. Kara in an ensemble of  pastel colors, with her hair framing her head like a halo, next to Lena in black and silver, with sleek raven hair looking not unlike a widow’s veil.
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