#i need to actually post to my headcanon blog but i am incapable of wording things eloquently
abijahfowler · 1 month
most unrealistic part of abijah fowlers design to me is the fact that they believe that man would ever have pearly whites. like historical lack of care for hygiene in europe aside him? you think he takes care of his hygiene? his teeth? you think mister “i don’t shower unless i have a gun held to me whole simultaneously being hog tied and waterboarded” would use crest whitening strips? please…
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theshinobiway · 5 years
Isn’t it weirder to ship the characters with yourself than with other characters?
Hey There!
First, thanks for reaching out with a question like this. I want to do your question justice because it’s actually a complex subject. To start, I have a few topics I’d like to touch on:
What does it mean to “Ship” yourself with a character?
How can it be Beneficial/Harmful?
Is it Strange?
What does it mean to “Ship” yourself with a character?                             
“Shipping” would be best defined as the following: Initially derived from the word relationship, is the desire by fans for two or more people, either real-life people or fictional characters (in film, literature, television etc.) to be in a romantic relationship.
This is fairly broad, but actually doesn’t even seem to include a provision for self-ships. Does that mean that self-ships are too uncommon to even mention in the definition of shipping? well, no, not necessarily.
Because the question was phrased “Isn’t it weirder to ship yourself with a character” the implication comes across as though my writing is actually a self-insert of myself as an author. Let me take a second to address this:
When I write headcanons/scenarios, I’m actually not writing self x character. I’m writing reader x character, which separates me mentally and emotionally from the subject matter. I envision myself within my writing only as necessary to write sensory detail, such as the following:
“The alcoholic haze that blurred your vision before gave the world a surreal, almost painted expression. Scenes that would not have fascinated you before were prime entertainment for the intoxicated. Lights danced around the street, peeking out from the silhouettes of the passers-by as they went about their ways, unconcerned for the magical visions that surrounded them. And Kami, and the smell of the food stands was enough to make you hungry for seconds.”
When I write emotional and romantic scenes, I personally pull from my own experiences with romance. My writing has developed in this area only because I’m in a current, long-term relationship that has the emotional depth the likes of which I’ve never experienced before. It would make me uncomfortable to envision myself that intimately with a character because I’ve already got a real-life s/o. They’re the actual reason it’s easy to write the emotionally-charged romantic scenes that I’ve grown to love writing. It’s complicated to explain, but much of my writing is “purely business,” though the emotions are real.
That’s just me, though. If a writer does scenes more based on fantasy or puts themselves more explicitly in those situations, those habits are part of their private writing process and are entirely within their right.
So now, I’ve got two smaller questions to cover:
If someone envisions themselves in their own writing with a character, is it wrong?No. I’ll talk about OCs under the next heading.
If someone envisions themselves with a character at all, is it wrong/weird?Actually, it’s incredibly normal. But there are certain things to be aware of which I’ll explain in a second.
How is it Beneficial/Harmful?
Shipping of any kind, as we have seen in a variety of fan communities, can have the effect of being incredibly harmful. Shipping is not okay when the following is true:
One or more parties is a real-life person who has not consented to the ship. (Tom Holland x Spiderman)
Both parties are real-life people not playing a character (Sorry, K-Pop fandom, you’re getting called out here.)
Both parties are real-life people [who may or may not have already expressed their discomfort with being shipped, it doesn’t matter.] (Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, Zendaya and Tom Holland)
The ship is pedophilic in nature (Sebastian and Ciel from Black Butler)
Shipping of two fictional characters does not normally fall under this umbrella. Awesome! But wait, what about shipping with oneself? The real-life person has consented to the ship.
Fictional characters (fictional identities, such as Spiderman, Sherlock, and not Tom Holland or BC) are imagined and incapable of personhood, therefore they do not need consent the same way a real-life person does. The depiction of pedophilia is still a crime, therefore, they cannot be shipped.
All stories, by the way, were created because someone imagined them. I’ve often seen the phrase “self-insert” as a tool used to shame others who create an OC for a story. 
What this says, on a literal level, is that the creator of the OC has absolutely no right to create a character to their liking that lets them imagine themselves as part of a story they love or to share an original character that they created for an established story, no matter how much they deviate from the author. Other authors who create an original story, especially female authors, have faced this criticism as well. (Interestingly enough, this doesn’t come up nearly as often with male authors, unless a harmful depiction of a female is involved.)
Personally? I do not regularly envision my authors as their characters, and I know from personal experience that in my own creation of OCs and Characters that they can be incredibly detached. Many of my OCs share none of the same character traits as me, or if they do, it’s a few insignificant details.
Still, if an OC shares much in common with the author (as most firsts do) then that’s not an issue either. It has little impact on the story. Some people actually like reading the author’s OC because they find the character to be relatable, likable, or to have qualities they enjoy.
The argument that “Self-Insert makes the writing bad” is faulty. Writing is bad because the writing is bad. It is not bad because it’s a self-insert. The issues are that the character is uninteresting, static, or unrealistic.
Character x Reader/Imaginer shipping is harmful only when the fantasy prevents someone from living healthily because of their attachment to the ship. I am not a psychologist so I cannot explain this in psychological jargon, but any fantasy that creates a detachment from reality that is:
Causes serious hindrance to the fantasizer’s perception of reality
Affects the real-life ability to connect to others
is a harmful fantasy.
Fantasies that are enjoyed with a sense of impermanence and can be openly recognized as fantasies are not harmful or wrong, or really even “weird.” They are, once again, a normal part of the very human desire to imagine oneself in desirable situations.
The same way people create, commission, or request fanart, there’s a similar demand for writers. That’s where this blog falls in with the fandom. because I can’t feckin draw
What are the benefits? Two. And they’re pretty great ones:
In allowing themselves to indulge in romantic stories involving a character, many people end up discovering different traits about themselves (I’m passionate just like them! We both love XYZ!), or they can eventually isolate qualities they like in real-life people (“Hey, here’s a picture of all the anime characters I like, can’t you tell I have a type?)
It’s also beneficial for the sheer sake of entertainment for entertainment’s sake. People are allowed to have fantasies. They are allowed to share fantasies with friends/communities where this is a welcome topic. They are allowed to envision characters as they wish. They are allowed to imagine character romantically, the same way they could envision that “perfect s/o” that they made up all by themselves.
Frankly, I could care less who fantasizes about what. It’s all meant to be enjoyed and it’s nice if my writing gets appreciated along the way. People’s opinions about other things I disagree with don’t even cross my mind on a daily basis.
And unless it’s put in your face,  I firmly believe other people shouldn’t care about other opinions that much either. Isn’t it just draining? Let things just be.
Is it Strange?
Well, that’s relative.
A lot of people have preferences for ships in certain media, like Daenerys and Jon Snow. Other people prefer to just imagine about Jon Snow or Daenerys. There are just as many posts praising a single character as there are shipping them together.
So why is it then that reader insert can be considered strange if the celebration/admiration/crush on a character is fairly normal?
The reason for all of this is simple: Many people find that the sharing of fantasies is an uncomfortable topic. And on some level, it is. People are often sensitive about their own imaginations, keep that part of them private, and prefer not to share or have that shared with them. It’s a normal and acceptable boundary to have.
Would you gush to your boss about how much you love Bakugo from BHNA, or would you be more comfortable sharing that with a close friend who also loves watching the show? Other people are fine relating to others over shared fantasies. Which is why there’s a community for it, particularly here on Tumblr.
The only difference between a character that one person creates and enjoys in their own head and one that has been established in media, is that the latter character comes from another imagination already has a story attached to them that has been publicly shared.
Is it weird to have a piece of media—art, writing, what have you—that lends itself to the reader to be the main character? 
Well, personally, that’s left to the consumer of media. Some people like the “choose-your-own adventure books,” some don’t. Some like video games where you create your own character (like Skyrim) some prefer a set main character with concrete traits (like Samus Aran from Metroid.)
All creators seek to replicate, on some level, an experience that they want their consumers to be a part of. They do this through the lens of their characters. This takes various forms in TV media: 
Main characters that are “Stock” (like Kirito from SAO: Talented young Japanese male, dark hair, dark eyes, noble “hero” personality. He’s similar to many other protagonists from other harem anime) 
Or that have “Strong” Personalities (like Naruto from, well, Naruto: Similar to other shounen archetypes but he can be differentiated easily, he has a strong personality, unique traits, and quirks.)
Watcher(Reader) x Character falls into the “stock” main character: Not many definable traits, easy to imagine yourself as the character to fill in the gaps, etc.
Thus, these types of character x reader stories exist in popular TV shows, with characters that the reader has the chance to envision themselves with.
It’s hard to do watcher x character when a character needs at least some physical form. Otome Games, Harem anime, Average joe-schmoe gets the guy/girl, High school girl in a movie gets her crush, etc. all fall under the same genre of the “main character with general traits that fits the most common denominator.” Surprise! The intent is that you do put yourself in the main character’s shoes and you can idolize the guy/girl they go after.
Thus, character x watcher(reader) exists in popular media already.
It’s basically the written form of “create your own character in a video game, now you get to marry/romance who you want!” Guess what other forms of media let you romance your preferred fictional character?
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
Yep, the most popular video games out there. Does everyone play these types of games? No. That’s perfectly fine.
Here’s the final answer, though: Some characters do not exist in video games that allow a romance option. Some do not exist in tv series that allow the teasing of a possible romance with a “blank slate” main character.
Reader-insert writing is only the written form of an open-ended particular romance arc with a character, meant to be experienced in the same way you could explore that option within a suitor-friendly video game.
If you find OCs “weird,” or a reader insert “weird,” then it’s because that particular form of media simply does not attract you. You are free to disregard that part of the fandom, just as much as I disregard shipping content that does not cater to my own preferences.
Thanks for contributing to the blog!
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go ahead do all the things in the ship post ~
me: oh shit i missed this ask
me: what ship post???????????????? *scrolls blog back to Xmas*
Is it this one, anon??
wait that went to the main blog? I got an anon on the main blog? jfc it’s a miracle.
Welp, sorry, anon, this definitely won’t be what you wanted, feel free to ask again for what you want!
Ship that you have as an OTP: 🌹
Ship that you’re indifferent to: 😑
Am I indifferent to anything??? There are so few possible ships lol. I’m reasonably indifferent to ships with Glain in them, for my own writing purposes, as I headcanon Glain as aroace and happy single. 
Ship that makes you sad: 💔
JESS/MORGAN noooooooooooo why Caine
Brendan/Neska!! see above!!!
I am incapable of writing happy Jess/Khalila/Dario poly. I have tried. It dunt work. 
I suspect there are more answers in my brain that are hiding rn. 
Ship that you find disgusting: 💩
Haven’t found one yet, and probably won’t. Disgusting is a strong word. You wanna ship, idk, Eskander/Wolfe? Artifex/Wolfe? Go ahead!!
No, ok, here’s my point. I don’t actually think there are any ships that I would consider disgusting, but there are several ships that I wouldn’t read if they were treated as fluffy and normal. If I read a dodgy ship, I want to explore the fucked-up-ness. 
Ship that you find cute but don’t ship: ✌
@librarysnek has done Glain/Morgan, that was adorable. 
Ship that you secretly like: 💚
I don’t think I have secrets on here lol. *pokes the brain* I mean, I haven’t spoken about Annis/Morgan for  a while?? Thank you Sword and Pen for getting rid of an excellent opportunity. (Sin? Not Sin? Who knows??)
Ship that you used to have as an OTP: 💙
I was 100% Thomas/Jess. Don’t get me wrong, I still ship them SO MUCH but they don’t occupy OTP space in my brain anymore. 
Ship that you find most sexy: 👅
... Sugar Baby AU Nic/Dario ... 
Ship that you can never see happening: 👎
Like I said before, anything with Glain in it. 
Actually, better, also, I don’t see any shippiness in Thomas/Glain. Shut up Khalila, you were wrong. I actually have a theory for that which I might remember should I ever reach that point in the reread. Like, some people have adorable platonic headcanons for them, and that’s great, I love that, but not romantic shipping, not for me. 
Ship that is canon but you don’t ship: 💤
Keria/Eskander. I don’t caaaaaaaaaaare.
Ship that is unpopular but you still like: 💘
Everything I sin lol. 
Ship that is taboo: 💦
AHAHAHAHAHAHA. I LIVE FOR TABOO. I am also up for reading noncon stuff too, don’t know if I’ll write any though.
Ship that pisses you off: 💣
???? i don’t? think? any??
Ship you’re curious about: 👀
You mean other than using Annis and Saleh as my headcanon sluts who sleep with the whole gang one by one?? 
I am eternally curious about Jess/Khalila. I can’t untangle Khalila from Dario enough to write it properly myself, but I ship it SO HARD and am DYING to see someone do it. 
I am also curious about ships involving the new Curia. I’m tentatively shipping the Litterae Magnus, Carole Vargas, with the Artifex Magnus, Greta Jones, as well as some Thomas/Greta. (Maybe Vargas/Dario, just for sinful fun...)
Ship that needs more love: 💖
Thomas/Jess ALWAYS needs more love imo. 
I’d also love more exploration of Santi and Zara - poor @wolfespuppies is tackling that whole mystery alone!!
Ship that is most misunderstood: 💢
meh, idk?
Ship that you didn’t expect to ship but now do:
Gold-standard answer to this question is Khalila/Dario. I started off as a Thomas/Jess, Wolfe/Santi girl with virtually no interest in K/D. No, I have no fucking idea what happened, either.  
I also really didn’t expect, when I first headcanoned Dario as fancying Santi, to be actually shipping them a year later, though admittedly only in a Daddy kink AU. 
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somniatcr · 5 years
      character study series--- d.azai o.samu
where do i even begin--- dazai is possibly... probably... the most complex character within my little roster. and, like izaya  ( who i’ve already done a post like this for, which can be found here )  and the rest of my muses i suppose, my dazai is very headcanon based  ( though i do take a lot of reference from the series itself, i tend to portray him as i see fit and most enjoy doing so without sacrificing the things that i believe to be pivotal to his character );  to be entirely honest, when it comes to the manga, for bungou stray dogs and for nearly every series to ever exist, i’m not, nor do i imagine that i will ever be, entirely caught up.
all that said, let us delve into dazai; into the way that he thinks, the way that he functions, the way that he acts, and generally who is he as a person  ( as well as how i, personally, view and portray his character ).
let me first kick things off with a significant change that i’ve made in regard to his character, in how he’ll be portrayed here on this blog. dazai canonically has a deeply troubled mind. though his frequent, and oftentimes wistful, talk of death and his suicidal behaviors are rarely, if ever, taken seriously within the series itself  ( rather being treated as a source of comedic relief, which does somewhat bother me, but it is what it is ),  likely due to this penchant that he has for jesting and for over-dramatics, the reality that his mind is very dark and very deeply troubled remains. he feels as though there is this deep, dark hole  ( an emptiness, a void )  within him that he’s incapable of filling, regardless of however hard that he tries. a large majority of his life was spent dedicated to this, to trying to fill it, to trying to find some sort of reason to live  ( which is why he had initially aligned himself with the port mafia to begin with; he believed that he could, perhaps, find what he’d been searching for, what he’d been longing for, if he lived this life of conflict, of bloodshed and war ),  though, obviously, this was to no avail. and while, yes, he will at times use self-depreciating humor, and while, yes, at times his humor may be dark, a bit morbid, his depression and his suicidal thoughts, tendencies, are not rooted in comedy, they are not a source of comedic relief and i, personally, don’t write him, portray him, in that particular light.
that said, does he ultimately want to die? in his youth, yes, absolutely. he hadn’t yet met anyone that he cared for  ( he had no attachments, had never felt nor experienced any genuine form of love ).  he too no joy from life, spent all this time searching, aching, for purpose, yet couldn’t find it.
and then he met people who meant something. he met chuuya who, though he was adamant that he couldn’t stand him, was interesting. he met odasaku, who managed to break through his barriers unlike anyone before  ( or after )  him, who wormed his way into dazai’s heart and gave him this friendship that he never knew that he’d wanted, nor needed, who provided him with a much needed positive role model and with this beacon of hope. this--- this was pivotal in setting about a turning point, in finally setting him on a different path, in giving him the purpose that he’d been searching for all those years. although an irrefutable tragedy, oda’s death ultimately brought about new life in that it  ( and in oda’s dying words )  gave dazai a will to live.
all the same, he does still suffer from depression, he’s an insomniac, and he does still struggle with suicidal ideation  ( in that he still thinks about death, about dying and all of the ways that he could go about doing it, fairly often ). 
moving on,
this is a man with a very dark and violent past, an important thing to keep in mind. while little is known about his past bar from the knowledge that he was affiliated with the port mafia, that he’s been rooted within this world since he was around fourteen years old, back when he met mori ougai  ( as well as the fact that he managed to wind up being the youngest executive in port mafia history ),  it can be surmised that his time spent working beneath mori likely, at least in part, has resulted in his penchant for apathy, his tendency to emotionally detach himself from others, from death, and from traumatic experiences as a whole  ( he’s actually been shown attempting to fill that hole in his heart, in fact, to find joy, to feel something in causing harm to and in killing others, though he never quite does manage to get what he wants ).  his experience as a killer and as highly skilled interrogator  ( it’s worth noting that he, in fact, specialized in torturing others for information; he’s even once gone so far as to state that there wasn’t a single prisoner who ultimately didn’t wind up spilling everything when he was the one tasked with retrieving it--- and while still being a child ),  has been alluded to on more than one occasion and, even to this day, he still manages to command respect and to inspire fear throughout the port mafia, albeit no longer being a member himself.
he is unconcerned with the idea good and evil. while he currently affiliates himself with the armed detective agency, now working to protect  ( and to save )  the city and the lives of its inhabitants, his motivation to do so was primarily spurred by the words of a friend prior to his passing;  ’ be on the side that saves people. if both sides are the same, be a good man; save the weak and protect the orphans. neither good nor evil means much to you, i know… but that’d make you at least a little bit better. i know better than anyone because… i am your friend. ’
it’s these words, oda sakunosuke, that finally sets him on a different path, that leads him to meeting the members of the armed detective agency, that leads him to meeting nakajima atsushi, an orphan who’s life he, ultimately, does wind up making a difference in, providing him with much needed guidance  ( though to say that all of his methods, and all of his motives, in doing so are genuinely good, genuinely selfless, and always would be a little hard-pressed--- also, it’s worth keeping in mind that this is the second orphan to have been taken beneath his wing; the first being akutagawa ryunosuke who’s experiences with dazai were significantly different, the training that he endured beneath him being absolutely hellish, horrific, and cruel ).
ultimately, with him, the ends justify the means and, so, the actions, whether good or evil, mean little to him. he’s willing to use any means, any method, to achieve his goals; this includes playing dirty, causing harm to others, killing / death when deemed necessary, and so on and so forth. such as, for example, purposefully deflating the airbag in someone’s car prior to a car ‘accident’, in turn causing extensive injuries that he’s only willing to have healed by a fellow ability user in exchange for having a young girl pardoned of her past crimes. the end goal was ultimately good, sure, but the means of getting there were anything but.
he’s also an exceptional liar. while his ability to intricately weave together falsehoods, from the most small and insignificant of lies to the most complex of tales, comes naturally, his time spent working for the port mafia only honed his abilities further. and while is doesn’t lie constantly, perhaps not even frequently  ( instead opting to simply abstain from providing an answer altogether ),  he is, in himself, a walking fabrication, putting on a perennial facade all his own; fake. his true thoughts and emotions are rarely so much as even alluded to, frequently hidden behind a mask of his creation, perfectly crafted and nearly impossible to crack. furthermore, his true intentions, frequently, are left unrevealed until he, himself, chooses to reveal them. in truth, there isn’t a person alive who truly knows or who genuinely understands him. there are a select few  ( such as mori ougai, nakahara chuuya )  who come, in their own way, close through all of their time spent working with him  ( a former mentor, a former partner ),  though none are able to comprehend his actions, his mind, in their entirely, not quite the way that oda was once able to.
it doesn’t help that he is also a man of mystery and deflection. while he may talk and act as though he’s an open book  ( and believe me, he does just this and often ),  he rarely, if ever, speaks of himself, in regard to his past and present alike. thoughts are locked away, left solely for him to ruminate upon, and emotions are kept hidden, locked deep, deep within, if not attempted to be brushed away in their entirety. furthermore, he has a habit of leaving his comrades, his friends if you can quite call them that, in the dark when it comes to long-game plans and strategies that he has devised and it’s virtually impossible to get a straight or genuine answer from him upon asking a question, so most times it isn’t even worth the effort that it takes to form the words  ( not that this has ever stopped anyone from trying, much to their ultimate chagrin ).
and, finally, a basic character and personality breakdown,
name.  DAZAI OSAMU, 太宰治 age / d.o.b.  22 / JUNE 19 species.  HUMAN / GIFTED ethnicity.  JAPANESE gender.  CIS-MALE, HE / HIM occupation.  DETECTIVE / PORT MAFIA EXECUTIVE  ( FORMER ) affiliation.  ARMED DETECTIVE AGENCY / PORT MAFIA  ( FORMER ) height.  181 CM / 5'11" weight.  67 KG / 147-148 LBS build.  SLIM, LONG-LIMBED hair color.  DEEP BROWN, ESPRESSO; MILD, NATURAL WAVES eye color.  RED-BROWN, CHESTNUT blood type.  AB r / o, s / o.  DEMIROMANTIC PANSEXUAL noticeable features.  WEARS BANDAGES THAT COVER THE LARGE MAJORITY OF HIS BODY  ( * explanation to be provided below );  ONLY HIS FACE, HANDS, AND FEET REMAIN UNCOVERED
he covers himself in bandages for two very specific reasons. the first being that his body is absolutely riddled with scars; while some were obtained during his port mafia days, equally as many were self-inflicted. the second, they serve as a sort of security blanket, providing him with an unconventional source of comfort.
he’s very well read. he enjoys novels of a wide variety, though he’s usually only seen reading books about suicide or death. he isn’t partial to poetry, however.
he isn’t a big eater whatsoever. he’s generally a one meal per day sort of person and doesn’t snack particularly often furthermore.
he listens to music fairly often during his free time  ( when he isn’t reading ).  while he doesn’t have much of a preference as far as genres are concerned, he does gravitate primarily toward music that he finds calming, more mellow, or relatable.
he’s highly skilled in the art of lock-picking. he could chalk it up to his time spent with the port mafia, but in truth it’s a talent he’s had since he was a kid.
he doesn’t have a drivers license. he’s never been especially concerned with getting himself one and doesn’t really find that he feels the need for one even now.
he dislikes fizzy and / or bubbly beverages. for the most part, he’s a tea or a coffee drinker, although he’s fine with water, too. also, whiskey. he loves a good whiskey.
he enjoys good company  ( although he finds that it’s rare to come by ),  good and meaningful conversation, summer storms, late night rain showers, autumn leaves, seafood, and fresh, clean scents.
he dislikes overly sweet foods, the sound of babies crying  ( and loud noises in general ),  dogs, hot weather, and boring, tedious, and / or repetitive work  ( such as paperwork, for example ).
he frequently smells of soap, laundry detergent, and cotton intermingled with a natural scent all his own; fresh, warm, and clean with a hint of musk.
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junkobears · 6 years
Here Lies Dreaded V3 Discourse
So I have seemed to cause a huge kerfuffle in the hardcore Ouma conspiracy theorists standom, and a banal (if condescending, but seeing the response to it honestly justifies it more than anything now. “Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it”, you better believe I can take it and will now PROPERLY dish it out right back at you) comment about one of Tsumugi’s anime references has led to someone launching a hilariously personal attack at me for Daring To Disagree With A Theory That Was Posted On A Public Website. Someone who I wasn’t even initially responding too, at that. And has now blocked me before even allowing me to respond and clarify my original comments. Don’t want to deal with the consequences of being a repugnant, rude person I guess? Shock and surprise for Tumblr.
The link to the post is here, but I’ve taken the liberty to screenshot it just in case it gets deleted later, in hope that maybe there’ll be some reflection on this person’s part that this really is not an acceptable way to respond to people who have a dissenting opinion? Anyways, I will be responding to the personal attack post and that will be the last time I interact with this group, because clearly it’s not worth it to actually have a discussion about our respective ending theories. I ain’t got time beyond this for tedious insecure fucks these days.
Anyways, my response is under the cut to save my poor followers’ dashes. Sorry to drag drama onto my blog but I can’t really let this slide. I’m also tagging @jacks-plays-drv3 just because I assume the twin comes with the other with these two, and I want my response to have been seen.
Screenshot In This Link - This post is long enough without the image taking up more space, haha.
Let’s start with this mess, shall we? And I will go into painstaking detail.
Paragraph 1: So this already starts off with a whole lot of needless aggression and projection. So I’m not even going to attempt to be nice back. But: maybe I haven’t proven anything because I literally had not typed up a response to clarify my original comments @ Jacks yet before the rabid attack dog was unleashed? Like, there was literally no attempt from you to have a discussion that was a genuine offer from me, I was not out to get you actually. I also honestly just laughed at being called shallow, JUST LIKE THAT HORRIBLE CHARACTER TSUMUGI SHIROGANE right off the bat as well. That’s a compliment really, honey. Weirdly I don’t share the same opinions as you do. Tsumugi is my fave and unlike you I actually think about and HAVE analyzed/discussed her character in detail previously, which I would’ve been happy to share had you not immediately went into Blind Raging Idiot Mode. Guess we can’t have it all, huh?
As for needing proof that she makes the Flashback Lights... nevermind the CG that literally shows her making them during Chapter 6, but do you have proof that Monokuma is the person who makes the Lights instead of just placing them for the students? I doubt it, somehow. Cuz a lot of your theories don’t actually have any concrete proof. Quelle surprise. Probably why anyone not immediately on board with your headcanon gets you so goddamn angry, huh? Cuz it’s completely baseless and you know it at heart.
As for the Ouma comments, actually I have read the assorted creator comments regarding his character even if you like to believe I’m a slobbering moron who turned my brain off as soon as I finished V3, so yes I already know that his name was chosen to sound mastermind-like. Maybe this was to emphasize and make his fake mastermind reveal appear more legit on first read? JUST A THOUGHT, SWEETIE. You know the entire fucking point of Chapter 5? You’re so slavishly devoted to your theory that you actually are incapable of reading the basic fucking text from the actual game, but again. Not a surprise. Considering what I’ve read from your blog (really, who are you again? I only knew Jacks’ blog from before all this, so you taking such a personal offense at my comments is honestly hilarious but baffling at the same time. It ain’t all about you, babe.)
As for the lab door, here’s an simpler explanation (Occam’s Razor, look it up): The star sign constellation pattern was there as a hint for the player to connect Ouma’s messages from his dorm room to the vault in Amami’s lab once its opened and you can see the star signs in there. Or perhaps it was designed like that by TDR to make the students make that connection as well in the original script and think that Ouma was the mastermind cuz of the connection to Amami’s lab? Literally, there are a lot of possibilities, cuz it’s a NOTHING DETAIL THAT DOESN’T ACTUALLY MATTER IN THE BIG PICTURE. Considering Kodaka’s track record with writing these games I don’t actually believe it’s anything major, personally. He doesn’t really strike me as the type to hide this completely separate story underneath the actual story we got, and with such vague nothing “”””””””””””clues””””””””””””. You and Jacks do yourselves (well you already do cuz you love to jack yourselves off with how CLEVER AND BETTER you are than the rest of us plebs), sure, in believing otherwise (You have way too much faith in him as a writer. Or you’re desperately trying to pretend V3 wasn’t poorly written cuz you don’t like the Ch. 6 twist) but also realize that its nothing more than extrapolation on your part that it actually means anything beyond the.... SHALLOW (horror scream) connection given in-game.
And really, who the fuck cares if it doesn’t match the title of ‘Supreme Leader’? It’s already a ridiculous talent as it stands already. The entire point of his character is that everything about him, his motives and his talent is contradictory and weird. That’s why I like him, actually. He isn’t an abused martyr who never lies like you goons believe and he also isn’t the evil monstrous chessmaster some of the fandom thinks. It’s Complex Motives™ .
Anyways moving on. Pointing out an anime reference =/= DISREGARDING PEOPLE’S ANALYSIS. Pointing out that most of the plot leads up to and supports the fiction twist =/= uncritically agreeing with everything Tsumugi says. Actually, after examining the game’s story for myself I came to the conclusion that all the clues in it really only support her version of the story, really. There are a few things I think she lied about, but it is not CONCLUSIVELY proven she lied in my opinion and so I don’t really give a fucking toss until new canon comes out and reveals more of the V3 story. Oumatwin don’t real, gurl. If there was actually anything in-game beyond one obvious joke line in the NON-CANON!!!!!!! bonus mode supporting that he existed, maybe I’d respect your theory more. Even though you don’t deserve respect after your little tantrum. 
Paragraph 2: Jesus I already am investing way too much time into this response at people who don’t actually deserve it, oh well. But laughing hard at the attempt to try and act as if you weren’t being a snobby asshole with your comments. Again, HUGE AMOUNTS OF PROJECTION at me about things I literally have never done and said. I have never interacted with you or Jacks prior to my initial comment. No fucking clue why you brought up the SaiOuma shit, cuz I don’t even LIKE Saihara as a character and don’t like that fujobait ship in the slightest? But I guess it’s easier to assume that all your critics are the exact same fucking person with the same opinions, so you can feel more persecuted, huh? You literally did not even wait for me to respond or check my blog that would’ve easily disproven these dumb-as-fuck assumptions. And get off the fucking high horse (pun completely intended), you lot are not the only people in this fandom who are capable of critical thought. How completely self-obsessed can you be? 
For someone who claims to have a lot of critical thinking skills compared to this nasty fandom, you really are terrible at parsing other people’s words. You fucking know when I said “group of anime fans” that I was referring to Team Danganronpa, the organization literally mentioned in game as running the game. The group Tsumugi is part of. She literally has a company badge FFS. THEY ARE ANIME FANS. THEY ALL STARTED KILLING GAMES CUZ THEY ALL LOVE THIS SHITTY SERIES. I can’t believe this had to be explained. And the rest of this paragraph word salad is the most pedantic argument. It’s really not hard to believe an organization in this series would have access to all this tech. And yes, it’s a popular TV show in-universe, of course it’ll have funding. And the whole damn point of the ending is that the V3 world is consuming fiction the wrong way by having real-life killing games, missing the entire point of the DR series and fiction in general? What’s your actual point?
Paragraph 3: Again more assumptions, I wasn’t ‘crying’ about being called gullible. I was just pointing it out as part of your extremely unnecessary smug dismissal of my post. That you really haven’t disproved at all, btw. Honestly the childish response you both had to me just makes me laugh out of pity more than anything. And if I was really upset I wouldn’t have offered to have a discussion with you or even continued to reply after Jacks initial (vague) post about what I said. So don’t put words in my mouth. And yes my analysis was not completed in my initial comments. It’s Tumblr fucking replies, I can’t fit the entire fucking dissertation of Tsumugi opinions in there for you to jeer at in there. Again, I offered to share my opinions and got this as a response, so lol. You are your own worst enemy when it comes to trying to get people to take you and your theories seriously. 
Paragraph 4: Especially since you immediately jump to PULLING THINGS OUT OF YOUR ASS (seriously, fucking snorted at this part. I want this whole diatribe on my fucking gravestone. It’s by far the most hilariously petty thing ever said about me on this site.) instead of letting me explain my position. If you just want to be in the creepy cult Oumatwin echo chamber you should’ve just said and blocked me ASAP instead of word salading vague bullshit justifications for why actually people who disagree with you are just stupid crybabies who can never hope to understand your genius. Again, my initial comments didn’t whine about not being taken seriously at all, I was pointing out the hypocrisy/rudeness is all. And again, get off the high horse about critical thinking. I have thought about Tsumugi’s character and how she relates to the over-arching plot and how truthful it is, and the overall ‘mystery’ of V3 (spoiler: there is none. it was all solved by chapter 6). I have thought about this game. In fact I dedicate too much time to critical analysis of this series that doesn’t actually deserve it cuz lately I find Kodaka to be a hack writer. Your assumptions are flat-out wrong, dear. And AGAIN. I WOULD’VE. SHARED AND DISCUSSED IN MORE DETAIL HAD I BEEN GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY. But rude fucks gonna vomit shit out of their mouth cuz they have literally no self-control and have meltdowns at the slightest difference of opinion, I guess. 
Your extreme hatred for Tsumugi as a character truly shines through. Clearly no thought has been put into her from your end, even though you and Jacks rage about people not taking Ouma seriously as a character. Double standards as always with fujos. Nothing I’m not used too, she is incredibly unpopular in this fandom. And everyone is entitled to their own opinions. So I’m not even mad at that. I have never said otherwise. Even you and Jacks are valid in having your own theories and thoughts. The ending of V3 is designed entirely so everyone can analyze the game for themselves and draw their own conclusions about the story and themes. That’s the whole point. Even though I personally dislike that as a writing decision on Kodaka’s part because I would prefer the story to be conclusively ended and the epilogue is a giant turd that misses the entire point of Chapter 6 and enables shit (anal pun intended, dumbass) like this to start spreading as “Analysis”. But hey, to each their own.
However I will not be interacting with either of you again after this post though, even though I was willing to discuss beforehand, because you both have shown yourselves to be incredibly vile with the way you approach other people in this fandom, and especially those who don’t share your conspiracy theory. Despite the absolutely ironic comments I’ve seen from Oumanous in their later, also terrible posts about how you need to understand your opponent before engaging, which they literally failed entirely to do before engaging the firing squad at me and other commentators who responded. So much for the sanctity of discussion, huh? Enjoy your circlejerk. Everyone else who follows me in this fandom though? Please consider blocking these two if you are also a sane human being who is capable of polite discussion/disagreements. They are not worth your time otherwise. They were really not worth my time writing this post, but I felt I had to say something.
In conclusion: Out with the both of you.
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honestlywilde · 7 years
5 OTPs and 10 Facts About Me
Stolen from @gaysparkler because these ask memes are wonderful ice-breakers to chatting with and making new friends amongst my followers.
5 OTPs
Elizabeth Bennet x Fitzwilliam Darcy- I read this book and got started on these two very young, and immediately after reading had to watch every adaptation I could find (Thus began my obsession with Colin Firth. lol). I don’t even know where to begin with them, because I love them so, and so much has been said of them already, but I love reading and watching the evolution of their relationship. And Darcy respecting Elizabeth’s boundaries after she rejects him? Yeah, that’s definitely attractive.
Jane Eyre x Edward Rochester- Not unlike Mr. Rochester (though there’s just something about men in this romantic period novels being rubbish at expressing it), Jane Eyre was definitely love at first sight/read. I love her fiery spirit, her stubbornness and that she proved herself independent and more than capable. She doesn’t need Mr. Rochester to get by or even be happy. She takes him back on her own terms. I think that’s awesome.
Remus Lupin x Sirius Black- There are a great many things I love about the Harry Potter books. If you get me started, we might be here all day. That said among my complaints/critiques about it, chief among them would be these two. Implied LGBTQIA is nice, but representation is always better. I guard the headcanon that these two had some deeper romantic relationship between the two of them with my life. Not for a moment am I invalidating their incredible friendship, or his later relationship with Tonks, I love that. But as a young closeted bisexual kid, longing for representation, I saw a lot of parallels and a kind of kindred spirit with Remus Lupin. I will always ship him with happiness, and to my mind reading (and rereading) the series he and Sirius deserved that with one another. The war and Voldemort robbed them.
Garrus x Shepard- Every time I play through ME I tell myself I’m going to romance someone else, then I hit ME2 and my resolve always wavers. I just love their mutual admiration and respect for one another. Admittedly, I think as a narrative it might have been more interesting and in line with the headcanons about my Shepard not to jump from friends to friends with benefits before establishing a sort of romantic relationship, but it’s still beautiful and I love it to pieces, especially in ME3. The shooting competition, dancing together, & all the times he refers to Shepard as his girlfriend with such a sense of pride in the Citadel DLC.
Hawke x Fenris- Dragon Age 2 was actually my first Dragon Age game, so my first Hawke will always have a special place in my heart. I played a male mage, and like my Hawke was immediately drawn to the Broody elf. As anyone who plays the class will tell you, romancing Fenris as a mage siding with his fellows will tell you it takes some additional effort, but it’s so worth it. As a domestic abuse survivor, I have so much respect for those responsible for the narrative including Fenris pulling away to examine himself as an individual and try to heal after their first night together before pursuing more of a relationship with Hawke, despite the fact it’s clearly hard for him because he cares for the other so much. Fenris deserves happiness and love, and it’s so rewarding to see that come to fruition.
(Full disclosure, as most of you who follow my blog know, there are a great many other ships in my armada, cannon and not, but these are among the first five that came to mind. Honorary mentions/close runners-up include: Newt Geiszler x Hermann Gottlieb, Dorian Pavus x Inquisitor, Warden x Alistair Theirin, Cassandra Pentaghast x Varric Tethras, M!Shepard x Kaidan Alenko, Fox Mulder x Dana Scully, and many more.)
10 facts about me
1. I’m pretty much completely incapable of reading a book, or watching a show/movie without developing feels, headcanons, and/or writing additional scenes in my head. And I’m totally fine with that.
2. I read an average of anywhere from 15 to 75k words per day in fanfic for the many fandoms/pairings I enjoy.
3. I absolutely love music. That said because I am an auditory learner as well as neurodivergent some songs I can’t listen to without instantly being transported back to a certain memory and the mood I was in then when I heard that song.
4. I’ve always loved and wanted tattoos (Sleeves, truth be told), but grew up with very conservative parents that wouldn’t allow it and convinced me I’d never get a job with any. I’ve finally decided on and drawn up the design for my first tattoo and am hoping to get it for myself for Christmas this year.
5. I had hair that went halfway down my back until I was a senior in high school, and have been steadily getting it cut progressively shorter ever since. I shaved one side of my head for the first time this year and have been loving it. I feel empowered, and experience dysphoria just a bit less often with it.
6. The first selfie I posted on Facebook with the aforementioned haircut, earned several concerned messages from my extended and conservative family members asking if I was sick because a medical procedure was the only reason they could conceive of a woman shaving any amount of her hair off.
7. I used to be physically and verbally bullied in school. I lacked the strength or confidence to fight back, but finally one day toward the end of one school year one of my bullies tripped me. I fell flat on my face and all my books and things went flying everywhere. The bully kicked me hard in the ribs and made it clear they weren’t planning on stopping anytime soon and I decided I’d had enough. I somehow managed to get them down on the floor with me, and promptly sat my “fat ass” right in the middle of their chest and waited while they struggled and hurled insults at me until a teacher showed up. I still don’t think I deserved detention, but I have no regrets. 8. I cannot stand styrofoam. Touching it, or hearing that sort of high-pitched scratchy noise when it brushes against something? Yeah, it’s like nails down a chalkboard for me. I experience full-body shudders every time. Even packing peanuts will do it. So, of course, my husband takes perverse pleasure in tormenting me with it.
9. As a young preteen, I let my aunt teach me how to use a sewing machine for the sole purpose of being able to make more of my own pieces for cosplay costumes rather than relying on buying something close to what I needed or wanted. She doesn’t entirely get why I love it so much, but I still send her progress shots and selfies with each new costume I put together.
10. My favorite pick-me-up when I’m in a funk is to throw on a wig, maybe some basic makeup, a casual cosplay outfit, blast my music and dance around the house.
I never know who to tag and I’m not sure who’s already done this, so I’ll tag @winternoble ,@seaweedredandbrown ,@heatherfield , and anyone else who’s interested. Make sure you tag me, I’d love to read your answers and get to know you better! <3
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crossedbeams · 7 years
My Last Word on Gillovny/Gilligan/UGH
Or a treatise on double standards, confirmation bias and FOR FUCKS SAKE IT’S NONE OF OUR BUSINESS.
I KEEP getting asks about this, and on anon so I can’t answer privately so this is the post that I go out on in terms of trying to explain myself. I will just link back to this.
Yes. I used to be be Gillovny. Pretty hardcore, it’s a lovely freindship and I’m a romantic. But then the landscape changed, and gradually so did my view. Now, if I had to put money on it, I guess I’d back Peter Morgan, but I also refuse to reduce any woman, especially one as boss ass as Gillian Anderson, to who she is dating. 
The rest is going under the cut. Beware, I may use actual rational reasoning so if that kinda stuff offends you, look away and unfollow me, because I am done with the Trump style “information” and “fact” going around.
Why I started believing in Gillovny: The first non MSR interaction I saw between GA & DD was Kimmel. It was cute, there seemed to be a lot of cute, I’m a romantic, their history is interesting, their friendship lovely and neither of them was linked to anyone else.
Why I stopped believing in Gillovny (the romance): It stopped adding up. For me, the fact that there have never been any public sightings, and that they denied it was always my sticking point. While all the other “evidence” was cute, add someone that Gillian is being seen with to the mix and suddenly the balance switches. So I stepped back, but I still believed I could participate in the “gillovny” fandom, by appreciating their wonderful friendship.
Turns out I was wrong.
And here’s why.
The second I posted a picture of Gillian and Peter Morgan, at an actual real life thing where they both were, just because it was a nice picture, I had people screaming at me for shoving it in their face, for being gross, anting to know why I would believe they were dating.
And I was like WHUT. I thought maybe it was kneejerk, people upset that maybe the thing they’d shipped might not be real. I figured it would calm down. I left it alone.
But as time passes, it hasn’t, all that has happened is the fandom has been arbitrarily divided in to “us” and “them”. “Us” being the people who still ardently believe in Gillovny, and them being.... well anyone else.
And even that wouldn’t be so bad, I don’t expect people to agree with me on everything but I do expect them to respect my space, and respect the people they claim to care about. Which is what is not happening anymore.
This is how it works.
If Gillian is seen with a man at an event.
The man is PM - UGH. Promo. Get him off my dash.
So far not so bad right? People don’t have to like PM. That’s fine, They maybe shouldn’t be so damn rude about his looks because, are we really that shallow, but people are gonna be nasty. But then the other side of the coin.
If Gillian is seen without a man at an event.
If the absent man is DD - well of course - they are keeping their love a secret. They have to.
If the absent man is PM - see, they're not together, if he loved her he would be there to support her work.
Umm... this doesn’t add up. And it gets more ridiculous.
The fact that Gillian and David have not been seen, spotted, given a joint anything since August last year.
Gillovny - Well that’s because we know that when they’re both quiet they’re together. Their love is secret remember.
Gilligan - Have been seen. Multiple times. And photographed. But this has been explained away by a (frankly insane) theory about cross promotion.
This is just the beginning, the double standard runs so deep (handholding for “Gillovny” is proof that they’re together. For “Gilligan” it’s him dragging her like an animal. Gillian looking happily at DD is eysex, at PM it’s “oh she’s looking over his head at someone off camera”). 
It. is. insane. 
But the thing is, a lot of us here are a little insane. So I wouldn’t even hold that against the people who want to stay in the Gillovny camp. YOu can believe what you want to believe.
Where I CANNOT stand by, is at the double standard facing bloggers.
I get it, Gillovny is old, it will probably always have a place in some people’s hearts. But that does NOT mean it is right, or that talking about, or posting pictures of either Gillian or David with anyone else is in someway “wrong”.
I regularly have to scroll pass Gillovny RPF on my dash, it skeeves me out these days, but I scroll past. I’m a big girl.
But when a photograph, an actual literal, real life picture of two people at an event is posted, and reblogged, it’s as if the people reblogging it have posted snuff porn images or something. 
This literally happened. You can interpret it how you like, but implying that reality is shameful/gross/equivalent to RPF/headcanons is so fucked up. It just so happens that the most recent pictures of Gillian in public have Peter Morgan in them. So as a Gillian blog I am going to reblog them. Deal with it. 
People are entitled to their stories. But they should acknowledge them as such. Opinions, and strings of coincidences with a nice narrative are not the same as “the truth”. You can’t ask for a pass for your shipper headcanon and then reject actual happenings as gross and inappropriate. That’s ridiculous.
And it gets worse, because here is the kicker.
I have never seen posted, or posted myself, anything to try and “convince” anyone that Gilligan is real. I have reblogged pictures of them together, because they’re nice pictures. I have said Gillian looks happy, because she does, there are also lots of solo pics in my happy Gillian tag (Implying the only person she can look happy with is DD is just... nope. ) All I have done, is reblog reality with my thoughts, and the odd utterly ridiculous, obviously a joke, thing from the one blog that seems to have a sense of humour about the thing.
But I don’t message people on anon, or otherwise, and try and explain away their point of view. I don’t pick everything I see or hear about Gillian apart to try an prove my point or disprove the opinions of those who want to believe in Gillovny. Some blogs have made it their mission to analyse to death every image, tweet and maybe sighting to prove their point is valid. And every one of those blogs falls on the Gillovny side. Some days it makes me think that they lack the conviction of their own belief, to need to try and undermine anything that doesn’t fit their narrative, and other days I think they’re just bored, or grieving, but most days I try not to think on it at all. 
Instead, I just blog what I want to, try to be respectful, and am constantly flabbergasted to have that thrown back in my face.
If not believing in Gillovny makes me a bad person, then I guess I’m a bad person. If posting pictures of actual events makes me gross, then I guess I’m gross. If saying when things go to far, and pointing out inconsistencies of reason and blatant lies being peddled as fact is “bullying” then I guess I’m a bully.
But I don’t think I’m any of those things. I think I’m a thoughtful person, with my own mind, who tries to respect others but also stands up for decent behaviour and sound reasoning. I laugh at things that are funny, I yell at things that are gross and I often fuck up.
I will not be shamed into silence by a noisy minority, who seem to feel that their opinion is not only “fact” but a fact that everyone must buy into. I will not stop posting pictures that don’t “fit” into that world view. I will not apologise for laughing at what has become ridiculous. 
Because make no mistake, it has become a farce. Just because you say something enough times and all your friends say it too and loudly, that thing does not become true. Its the tactic Trump is employing, that we all ridicule him for but seem incapable of spotting in our own backyard. Facts and real happenings can’t be “fake”,. they’re facts. Dana Scully is rolling her eyes so hard at this right now that she’s likely sprained something.
In conclusion... if all this doesn’t sound like something you can stomach, unfollow me, block me, but just stay out of my inbox and off my posts. It’s tacky, and I hate it.
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