#i own the word Banbae now
A random shower thought I had like 3 showers ago:
I was thinking to myself, I don't know what caused me to think this but I randomly started to think of something to call banban as a joke and out of nowhere the name
Comes into mind and I busted my ass laughing for some reason and a scenario of Bittergiggle jokingly calling him that appeared in my mind😭😭 I might draw it later
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nian-7 · 10 months
Hihihii!!! I hope ur cool if I send this request in right now to you :D so may I request a Platonic Matchup for banG dream and project sekai please? 어쨌든, 시작하자!
my name is joey, im 4teen, i have autism, ADHD, schizophrenia, OCD & BPD, im transgender (ftm), aromatic bisexual and unlabeled
appearance wise, im pretty midsize, im 5’6, white skinned, i have dyed black boy hair with bangs, hazel eyes, dark eyebags, piercings, i wear a lot of different styles like goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth and victorian goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome and kigurimin) scenemo/emo, & vkei ouji and lolita, when I’m at home/work/school I wear Streetwear clothes such as baggy stuff and I also wear a lot of Y2K stuff too
I’m a Aquarius, an ENTP/INFP, 4w3 and Extroverted
My top interest is anime/manga, my other main interests are gaming, anthropology, pathology, zoology, music (including Vocal Synths! I’m a vocaloid producer and a regular one too), filmmaking, art(drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning instruments, learning languages, tabletop RPGs, rhythm games, cosplaying, watching documentaries, going on walks, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, dancing, science/history, and cooking, art is definitely my top main hobby rn, im dedicating a lot of time to it
Im usually awkward at first when I meet someone new, unless if I feel really comfortable or if I’m in a safe situation, when I’m comfortable with a person you CANNOT shut me up, I’ll be rambling about my interests and shit, i have a hard time communicating and understanding social cues due to my autism, my emotions come off as sarcastic or silly, im someone very entertaining and calming to be around with, i have a hard time taking everything seriously, and I find humor in pretty much, i also feel the urge to correct any faulty information, i also talk very differently with my words since some people say I use “BIG” words, for the most part I’m pretty chill— but what some would consider “repressed anger issues” and I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked.
I’m like the dad friend and I have a bad habit of being a therapist for my friends, i like to keep stuff with me when I go out like chapstick and some water bottles for my friends and me as well, i really like to make things for people I’m close with and that includes drawing stuff for them as well, i have a realllllyyy overactive brain. i tend to get really deep and philosophical when I’m left on my own to long, so I try to keep myself and mind occupied with stuff to distract me, i dream to become a lead singer for a vkei band, also I know 6 languages which are Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Polish and French
likes: vocaloid/utau, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), felix kranken (twf), bread, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), musicals, hotels, my friends, enstars (switchP + more), rhythm games, doukyuusei, mystic messenger, twf, genshin, lemon demon/neil cicierega in general, breaking bad, eddsworld, homestuck, horimiya, hxh, the great gatsby, saiki k, hamilton (sadly, im sorry.)
dislikes: negitive mentions of my voice, comparing me to people/saying stuff like "you remind me of ____", and spiders
also these are some of my top kins!!:  hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), miyamura izumi (horimiya), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa) yuno gasai (future diary), gojo satoru (jujutsu kaisen), kangel (needy streamer overdose), ame-chan (needy streamer overdose) urumi akamaki (Alice in borderland) verosika mayday (helluva boss) idia shroud (twisted wonderland) and more....!
merci beaucoup! أتمنى لك يومًا رائعًا!
hii! i hope you find these matchups are sufficient since it's my first time doing one of these. enjoy!
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I match you with...
Mizuki Akiyama & Ena Shinonome!
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-The three of you are a chaotic trio. They both appreciate you a lot even if they really don't show it. You help them a lot whether it be with mental health or just simple things.
-Mizuki loves your sense of style. They absolutely adore going out shopping with you and finding clothes. It's one of their favorite things to do with whenever you both hang out together.
-They also love to just talk with you, it truly doesn't matter about what. Mizuki loves to just sit and talk and join in if you happen to be making something.
-Ena loves to do art 'challenges' with you if you ever bring one up. She finds them enjoyable and you always make her feel better about her art if she thinks it's not up to her own standards.
-It's an enjoyable friend group and you three always have each others back no matter how much you mess with each other.
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I match you with...
Reona (PAREO) Nyubara!
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-She adores your style. It doesn't matter what you're wearing, you'll always be receiving compliments from her on your outfits. She thinks they're so unique and fit you so well!
-Reona also loves your rambling about whatever topic you're interested in. She'll listen to you for hours just because she gets excited about it as well!
-The amount of foreign languages you know surprises her and she always loves to hear them all. It's so interesting to her to hear so many different languages.
-She always wants to repay you for all the cute things you make her! She cherishes them all and has them in her room. She'll do her best to somehow repay you for how nice you are to her!
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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lebomboniere06 · 1 year
Eiji Akaso: "Mai-chan (Haruka Fukuhara) I always have been admired you since I was little" "Maiagare!" What are Takashi's future highlights?
Interview with Akaso Eiji, the serial TV novel "Mai Agare!"
——How do you perceive Takashi’s growth so far as you act?
Akaso: Takashi, I think you've become more reliable. In particular, when I read the script, I felt that the way he was close to Asahi kun (Akihito Matano) in the 12th week was very nice. It's similar to how Mai-chan (Haruka Fukuhara) interacts with people. Don't walk on your own, sit next to you and wait, cherish being together. And she observes, "What kind of person is this person? What are they interested in?"
Takashi is sensitive and has always been good at adapting to those around him. Also, through tanka, I strongly feel that by facing myself firmly, I am moving forward without hesitation on the path I am walking now.
Meanwhile, in the 16th week broadcast, the old man (Iwao Yagi / Naoki Matayoshi) hands over the key to the used bookstore "Derashine". Personally, I wondered why he suddenly disappeared, but I think you were overwhelmed by the feeling of being happy to see you. I really respect my ochan Therefore, it became a scene where nature and gratitude overflowed.
——There was also a scene where Bamba (Sachiko/Junko Takahata) saved Takashi who was worried by saying, “It’s okay to meet the people around you.” Are there any Bamba words that touched your heart?
Akaso: Banba have a lot of truthful lines. I feel that there are many words that remove anxiety, such as "It's okay to fail" and "It's better to accept yourself." There are times when you can't think of such obvious things. It's a simple word, but it really touches your heart.
After that, a scene was drawn in which my father (Katsu / Tomomitsu Yamaguchi) and my mother (Yukino / Kuwabata) approached each other in an attempt to understand Takashi. I got a call. I myself felt a strong sense of family ties in this scene, and I thought it was really wonderful how the two of them tried so hard to understand each other.
——Akso-san, have you ever been told something that made you feel lighter?
Akaso: That's right. For me, most of my troubles have been overcome by giving up on myself. .
When an actor told me, "To get something, you have to give something away," it made sense. When you are torn between two paths, even though you are not prepared to give up one of them, even if you choose one, you will be half-hearted and you will not be able to see a new world. I strongly feel that when you gain something, you always lose something.
Also, my uncle often talked about philosophical things. When I was in the third grade of elementary school, he suddenly asked me, "What is a friend?" (laughs). Even if I answered, "Friends are the ones who are fun to be with," they only said, "Yeah." I was asked many other questions, and thanks to that, I think I've acquired the habit of thinking for myself. Even now, I sometimes unconsciously think about things like, “What does it mean to live?”
——How do you feel about the growth of the heroine Mai?
Of course, I feel that she has grown up, but the feeling that Mai-chan has always been straight-forward and has not changed since long ago is stronger. The way she approach people and the way she talks to them hasn't changed at all. For you, Mai-chan has been someone Takashi admired ever since he was little. I think that feeling became even stronger through the appearance of Mai-chan, who sincerely faces Asahi-kun.
——Are there any memorable episodes from when you were filming with Haruka Fukuhara and Mizuki Yamashita?
Akaso: Lately, we've gotten so close that I can't even remember what we talked about (laughs). That's how much I talk about silly things (laughs). For example, if someone speaks with a strange intonation, like “o↑cha↓”, they will speak with that intonation all the time.
Also, there was a scene of a Christmas party in the studio, and for the first time in a long time, all the childhood friends were together. At that time, we took a lot of pictures while wearing Santa's hat and mysterious glasses. Everyone was in high spirits, and I spent my time thinking, "You're the best childhood friend" (laughs).
Do you feel any changes in Fukuhara and Yamashita as you act?
I'm at the shooting site as Akaso-Takashi, so I can only think of Fukuhara-san and Yamashita-san as Mai-chan and Kurumi-chan. So, rather than saying, "That's a good play," I could only think, "I wonder what Mai-chan and Kurumi-chan are thinking."
Both of you are stoic.Yamashita repeatedly practiced the Kansai dialect, and Fukuhara talked (with the director) to organize her roles, I am happy to be with you on the “morning drama”.
——How do you feel about Takashi tanka?
 I feel that it's Takashi's way to express the beauty in tanka it's unique. It's nice to use simple words, such as "When a flying fish flies, he knows that there is a world outside the water that other fish know."
Influenced by Takashi's, I have also written some tanka. For example, when I remember and reflect on a word I said while drinking, I sometimes repeat that word over and over, so I try to make it into a tanka... It's like, "When I'm waiting for a taxi late at night at a drinking party, I repeat the words of regret" (laughs).
Also, when I bought a 110-yen plastic bottle for 200 yen, all the change came in 10-yen coins, so I made that into a tanka as well. The quality isn't high enough to show widely (laughs), so I'm only disseminating it through my fan club. If I can raise the quality a little more, I would like to post it on SNS as well.
——Finally, please give a message to the viewers.
After winning an award for Tanka, creative worries began to arise when it came time to create a collection of poems. In the midst of all this, the distance between Takashi and his loved ones has increased, he has more time to face himself, and he also encounters new people, leading to various conflicts.
I think it will be an angry development for Takashi but I would be happy if you could watch it. Personally,I played the role of growing a beard for the first time in my life, so I hope you will pay attention to that (laughs). I hope you will enjoy “Mai Agare!” until the end.
Source: NHK official web press
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alternatefandom · 4 years
The Three Faces of Furuya Rei, or: what moral philosophy does Furuya Rei subscribe to?
Furuya Rei is a fascinating character that can be difficult to understand. This is complicated by the fact that he presents three very different faces to us. Our very first impression of him was as the kindly waiter and detective, Amuro Tooru; next we are shown the antagonist, Bourbon, and last, we discover the driving force behind them: the undercover agent, Furuya Rei. These three personas act in a very different way, especially Bourbon, making Rei’s true motives and morality somewhat opaque to us. In this meta I will analyze Rei’s actions and motives in order to discern the true school of morality that he believes in.
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There are three major theories of morality; virtue ethics, utilitarianism, and deontology. However, in this meta I will be brush on ethical egoism as well. Let us first talk about the relevant theories.
Virtue Ethics is first and foremost concerned with character. Here, we judge right and wrong based on whether or not it is virtuous. A person’s action reflects on their character; a virtuous person will do virtuous actions, and vice versa. Therefore, virtue ethics defines virtuous actions as the right action.
Utilitarianism, on the other hand, defines right and wrong based on the consequence of the action. It is concerned with outcomes; in utilitarianism, the end justifies the means. As long as the action results in the greatest good for the greatest number of people, it is right.
Lastly, Deontology defines right and wrong based on what the duty of the subject is. It is concerned with motives; as long as the person was trying to fulfill their duty, then it is right according to deontology. What the duty itself is, of course, subject to argument.
Now out of these three moral theories, which one does Furuya Rei follow?
To analyze this, I will be including materials from the Zero the Enforcer movie as well. This is because in my opinion, we don't actually get much insight into Rei's motives in the manga; we are told what he wants, but we’re not really told why, at least not enough to explain how he justifies his actions for himself. Now let’s get to the analysis itself.
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First things first, I think we can safely say that Furuya Rei doesn’t subscribe to virtue ethics. In his debut as Amuro Tooru, in the private eye case, we see him allow Banba, a murder suspect, to destroy exonerating evidence. We also see him create a wrong deduction that almost damned an innocent man. With what we know of his deductive capabilities, as well as the fact that he had all pieces of the evidence and knowledge required to solve the case from the beginning, it is highly implied that he deliberately risked Banba’s freedom just to test Kogoro. Hardly the actions of a virtuous man. It should be noted, however, that in this case, Rei had still maintained control of the situation, thereby allowing him to keep the worst-case scenario from happening; as a PSB member, he would still be capable of exonerating Banba later.
I deliberately did not mention the Detectives’ Nocturne case, the Mystery Train case, as well as the Elementary Teacher Assault case, as I don’t believe that the evidence presented in these cases can conclusively point to Rei’s true intentions. There are always possible alternative interpretations that makes his actions possibly virtuous. However, I will mention the Zero the Enforcer movie. This movie clearly lays out that Rei is definitely not a nice person, and doesn’t mind that other people knows that about him. He deliberately framed Kogoro as a terrorism suspect; fabricated evidence, bugged Conan’s phone, and was generally manipulative. Thus, from the evidence, we can conclusively say that neither manga!Rei nor movie!Rei follow the school of Virtue Ethics.
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The second school of ethics we will analyze is utilitarianism. In utilitarianism, the end justifies the means. For Furuya Rei, ‘the end’ would probably be the downfall of the Black Organization, or, taking it further, the safety of Japan and its citizens. I have seen some people take the point of view that Rei had wanted to kill Sherry in the Mystery Train, so that she wouldn’t produce more works that could be used to harm innocents; if this is true, then he would definitely be an utilitarian. However, I’ve argued before that Rei had not intended to kill Shiho and instead had wanted to spirit her to safety, as she is a valuable lead into Elena Miyano’s whereabouts. Therefore, the Mystery Train case should not be taken as evidence that Rei is an utilitarian. 
As there is no evidence that Rei is an utilitarian, one way or another, one could argue that we could take Rei’s willingness to do morally-questionable things as evidence that he thinks it will lead to a better outcome for everyone, if not for one notable case: Akai Shuuichi.
In my opinion, utilitarianism is a very rational and cold moral philosophy; it is a moral school perfectly suited to geniuses, masterminds, and detectives like Rei. However, when it comes to Akai Shuuichi, we see Rei display zero reason. There is no obvious rationale why taking Akai out of the game would result in a better outcome for all, and Rei doesn’t even attempt to explain it; nonetheless, he continues to hunt Akai without any sense of guilt, which implies that he thinks hunting Akai is the correct course of action (note that I don’t necessarily think that Rei wants to kill Akai, despite what he said--more on that later). This implies that Furuya Rei does not necessarily believe in utilitarianism. 
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This brings us to the last major ethical theory: Deontology. Deontology is concerned with duty; it takes motive into account more than the actions itself. And Rei has so kindly told us which duty he has dedicated himself to in the Elementary School Assault case.
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That’s correct; he’s dedicated himself to his lovely, lovely Japan. Conan said it best:
“I was sure that since he said that to the FBI investigators... those beliefs!”
It becomes even clearer if you look at the Zero the Enforcer movie. There, Rei clearly states what he thought of his job to Kazami.
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In other words, our job isn’t always nice or even legal, but we have to finish it because it’s our duty.
If we take the point of view that Rei subscribes to deontology, a lot of his action becomes immediately explainable. He cuts contact with his old friends all to make sure they were safe, but he risks returning Hiromitsu’s cellphone to his older brother because he feels that it’s his duty as Hiromitsu’s friend. Arguably, he hunts Akai Shuuichi out of duty to his fallen friend, and yes, to his country. Akai, after all, was not only involved in Scotch’s death; he’s also operating illegally in Rei’s territory. This would explain why Rei brings PSB agents instead BO agents into the Scarlet Showdown; if Rei intended to kill Akai one way or another, bringing BO agents is definitely the way to do it. This is because bringing PSB means Akai would fall into PSB custody, and there Rei cannot do whatever he likes with Akai; he must answer to his superiors in the PSB. I believe that despite what Akai said, here Rei had only intended to arrest Akai.
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So why, then, did he say that he wished to kill Akai, right in front of Okiya Subaru’s face? This brings us to my last theory: it’s because to figure out how to act, Rei aligns each of his three faces to a different moral theory.
Amuro Tooru, quite obviously, follows virtue ethics. He is polite, kind, always helpful, always cheerful. He does not do morally questionable things; he is an upstanding member of society.
Furuya Rei, as we’ve discussed, is a deontologist.  He is dutiful to his friends and country but now he has no friends left so really it’s just his country. His ‘lover’ is Japan itself, and he is willing to do anything--anything--to keep her safe.
And Bourbon? Bourbon would probably loosely follow ethical egoism. It is out of the question for Rei to create an absolutely amoral persona for Bourbon--it would unnecessarily conflict with his deontologist morality. However, to fit in the Black Organization, he needs to create someone who would do terrible things without needing to justify it with ‘duty’ or ‘the greater good’. Someone who wouldn’t just do anything that’s asked of him too, so Rei could reasonably rein Bourbon in. Rei would probably style Bourbon as someone who looks out for his own interests, and only his own, whatever that may be.
And so when Rei wants to hunt down Shuuichi Akai, Bourbon would say that it’s because in his interest to do so--because he bears a grudge against Akai, perhaps, and as an organization member, murdering Akai is the only way to resolve it. Bourbon would investigate Okiya Subaru and corner him, but Rei wouldn’t bring the Organization into their confrontation. Bourbon would threaten Okiya Subaru with death--but Rei wouldn’t pull Okiya’s collar down and condemn him right then and there. Because at the end of the day, the one holding the wheels is Rei, not Bourbon, and whatever he may say, Furuya Rei is a dutiful police officer, and he believes in justice.
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non-writingwriter · 4 years
writing masterpost
Masterpost for my works - which is mostly fanfiction, with one original short story that happens to be here. Since they are scattered on here and on ao3 it’s getting difficult to keep track so I thought I’d gather them all and add on as I write ( ◜◡‾)
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
warmth, ~1100 words, hananene, rated G, hurt/comfort, fluff, they are in love but they don’t really know yet, also Hanako needs to be protected
The sunset streams in through the window, paints the bathroom in watercolour golds and pinks and oranges, and it's breathtaking. It must be warm – the light tinges his hand red and nothing else, and he does not cast a shadow against the door even though he's standing right in front of it. He doesn't exist. At least not in the actual sense of the word.
You shouldn't miss something you can't even remember, but Hanako does anyway.
now sleeps the crimson petal, now the white, ~6700 words, hananene, rated T, hanahaki disease, angst with a happy ending
(If you love someone in secret, or if your love is one-sided... sometimes, they say, if your bond is strong, your lungs will sprout flowers.
Aoi’s voice is clear as day in her memories, as is her mischievous grin while she tells her all about a curse, and about the way roots will pierce through your lungs and buds will crowd in your windpipe, like unspoken words of love do.)
It can’t be. But the the petals mock her with their beauty - she holds them between her fingers, careful, and they’re soft and fragile and she doesn’t know how something so delicate could ever cause her so much pain. She throws them away. It can’t be. It will pass.
Hanako brings flowers in his name. It’s only fair he’d bring them in Yashiro’s heart, too.
Assassination Classroom
the way you sing for me, ~1600 words, karunagi, rated E, aged up characters and light dom/sub
Karma has a problem. A really pretty, really loud problem. (It isn’t, in fact, a problem he has. It’s a problem the neighbours have that he happens to be accountable for.) Nagisa might be able to sneak up on Japan’s most feared assassins, but sure as hell he doesn’t make for a good neighbour. Karma tries to help. (More or less.)
The completely normal life of Karma Akabane, ~1200 words, karunagi, rated G, aged up characters and some fluff
Nagisa is a creature of habit - able to pull it off only because of the absolute surprise every day with him manages to be, with assassins still visiting them for dinner once a month and class reunions as often as they can. […]
Nagisa is set in his ways to the point that Karma knows from first-hand experience that very few things can stop him from starting to cook dinner at six o'clock.
Bungou Stray Dogs
Quiet days, ~1700 words, dazushi, rated G, getting-together-fluff and kind of a slice-of-life
They don’t get many quiet days, at the Agency. There are jobs to do and people to help and things to arrange, and they’re desperately understaffed ever since he can remember. No one has time for things like quiet. (Except sometimes they do.) […] Life at the Armed Detective Agency is dangerous and chaotic. An hectic mess, except when it’s not.
in your ears, eyes, hands, ~2200 words, dazushi, rated E, light dom/sub and rope bondage
He can’t see. The blindfold is securely tied over his eyes, plunging him in darkness he can’t breach with the tiger’s sight. Not that he actually can use it, anyway, not when Dazai makes sure to always be touching him. Sometimes, the tiger needs taming. Dazai is more than happy to provide an helping hand.
the mystery of love, ~1200 words, dazushi, rated G, everyone knows they’re dating except Atsushi
“Why does Dazai-san never come home for dinner?”, she asks, and he doesn’t really understand her point. Nor why she would ask in the first place - none of the others ever comes around for dinner, and she never seemed bothered by it.
“Neither does Kunikida, or Kenji, or Ranpo-san,” he says, trying to understand her reasons. She’s not fazed, taking another bite from the fish.
“But Kunikida-san or Kenji or Ranpo-san aren’t Dazai-san,” she replies, like it’s so completely obvious it’s not worth mentioning again.
during the storm, ~1200 words, dazushi, rated G, Dazai has nightmares even if he won’t admit it
He knows Dazai has a terrible bedhead in the mornings, he knows he likes to get up first and make breakfast for him and Kyouka even though he’s kind-of-probably still a guest, he knows he drinks definitely too much coffee, black and too strong for Atsushi to even tolerate its smell.
He knows what it feels like waking up next to someone and seeing their face still drowsy with sleep, he knows what it means to fall asleep to steady breathing close to him and an arm casually wrapped around his middle. He knows Dazai doesn’t sleep as much as he should, and he knows that he has nightmares on rainy nights.
He often has, but rainy nights are the worst. Atsushi is not about to ask why.
Boku no hero academia
waiting for you to come home, ~1500, tododeku, rated G, aged up and married characters, some sweet thing about the everyday life of superheroes
It’s hard to be one of the top superheroes in a city as busy and villain-ridden as Musutafu. Sure, it’s not Tokyo, but that somehow only makes it worse. […] It’s even harder to be married to one of the top superheroes in Musutafu. Or, in his case, to the top superhero of the city. Being heroes isn’t easy. Being married heroes just about doubles the difficulty.
Good Omens
oh, to be in love, ~400 combined, ineffable husbands, rated G, companion poems about love, fear, and patience
There are things unsaid unspeakable in the curve of his smile. - Honey fills your mouth hearing his name, as you pretend it is not spoken with hatred.
you can also find poem for the pining here and poem for the prisoner here
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
of courtains and betrayals, ~1000, banlin, rated G, prompt filling with everyday fluff and bickering idiots
Hitmen never die pretty deaths. Apparently, his not only won’t be pretty, but painful too. An extremely painful suicide. And all because he couldn’t tell the fundamental difference between forest green and peacock green. Or keep his mouth shut, for all that matters.
The Great Plan to Take Lin Xiaoming To The Gay Pride, ~1300, banlin, rated G, Lin has never heard of Pride and Banba makes sure to change that
There are things that everyone should do at least once before dying. And seen as likely as it is for a hitman to die any given day, before dying implies well before being twenty-one.
Those things include marching in a Pride - hell, knowing what a Pride is, in the first place.
It takes a while to explain it to him, and even when Banba manages, Lin doesn’t seem so enthusiastic.
Banba isn’t sure if it’s because he hates people or because he doesn’t believe him.
to think of time, ~6700 words, daisuga, rated T, Major Character Death (for in-verse situation), a Kimi no na wa daisuga au
It feels like falling. Falling in a life that isn’t his own, he sees colours and shapes exploding in all the corners of is mind, filling him to the brink with love for someone he doesn’t know. (For him.) […] He sees dancing and sunlight, and broken smiles smiled in a mirror – and he feels so full of life he could burst, and he has no idea how all this can be only half of him. (He thinks that if he was ever to see him whole, Suga could blind him for good.)
Shingeki no Kyojin
unfolded in brilliant lights, ~4300 words, eruri, rated E, dom/sub play, multiple orgasms and sub!Erwin
He doesn’t say anything. They look at each other, instead, for a long moment filled with silence. Levi’s gaze is heavy, meaningful. Assessing him, too. It makes him restless, already helplessly pinned under it before Levi even talks. The alcohol is a faraway thought in the back of his mind, almost forgotten. He needs this, now. (It had started because he needed it. […] Sometimes, it’s just easier to let Levi take charge.
Yuuri!!! on Ice
tip of my tongue, ~3400 words, fem!victuuri, rated E, a birthday smut for Victor with face-sitting and happy lesbians in general
«Vika?» «Mh?» «Vika.» «Mmh?» «What do you want for your birthday?» «You сидишь на my face.» «What?» «Don’t know the thing. Verb. Like on a chair.» «To sit?» «Да, that. Sit. On my face. Now sleep, ’s so late.»
Viktoriya’s birthday is in two weeks, and Yuuri has absolutely no idea what to get her. Luckily, she’s not as hard to please as one would think.
Original writing
blood and roses (or caffeine challenge #26), ~1000 words, rated G, femslash, it involves supernatural girlfriends and some subtle pining mostly
«I saw you in a painting, once. You looked younger.» Serena would laugh, at that, if it was appropriate. She stops before going through with it, the girl’s eyes flashing deep black in her mind. Maybe she can get a little afraid, sometimes.
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
Random Writing Tidbit-Ish?…
… Alternatively titled ‘I’m getting too far ahead of myself again’ or ‘I should be in bed right now.’
Or both?
So… I couldn’t get the ‘Go-Onger idea’ out of my head… And… Here we go?
Hopefully this isn’t too messy and vague?
(Another moment of silence for the horizontal line)
Coughing and sputtering for air, Kou struggled to drag himself back up. Everything hurt and his vision was blurry as he squinted around. The others seemed equally as stunned, scattered about—Melto and Asuna were each by his elbows, the brothers near them on either side. The Kishiryu had fallen around them as well, and he could hear their groans rumbling through the ground. A crackling sound like electricity brought his attention back to the one towering before them, staff in hand.
“This ends here.” The Druidon King declared, raising his hand—sizzling energy was collecting at his fingers, spiralling in a circle. “Become sacrifices.” Then energy shot out toward them, dark lightning reaching like talons, bearing down on them and even their Kishiryu.
Everything slowed down. In the haze around him, over the sounds of the electricity stretching toward them, he heard someone shouting. There was a heavy, booming sound behind them as Kishiryu moved. A hand connected with his shoulder, sending him careening back down, into Asuna, bowling her over as well. Black flashed across his vision at the same time green flickered in the corner of his eye. He heard TigerLance’s howl and MirNeedle’s roar.
The energy claws struck—and latched on.
“Touwa! Banba! No!” The cracking, panicked voice drawing out the last syllable was hardly recognisable as his own. If he screamed loud enough, long enough, then maybe… Somewhere beside him, he heard the others’ voices as well—Asuna shrieking, Melto shouting, even a high pitched squeak that might have been Ui.
Above them, he heard Tyramigo let out an equally terrified bellow, thundering across the sky. “TigerLance! MirNeedle!” The sound was closely followed distressed roars of Ankyrose and Triken, and a deep rumbling that shook the ground—the Black and Green Kishiryu’s cries of  pain.
Sounds that were echoed by their Ryusoulgers as the air around them crackled with dark energy, buzzing madly. It seemed like it was trying to drag something out of them, clawing at their bodies, while the King’s laughter at their agony rippled through the air. They both glowed faintly their respective colours, but the light was slowly seeping away from them, streaming back toward the Druidon’s extended arm. Neither of the brothers screamed, not even Touwa, but were clearly suffering as their legs and transformations gave out and both dropped to their knees.
Barely holding himself up, with tremendous effort, Touwa’s head turned toward his brother. “Ni… Nii-san…” Green’s voice was weak and breathless—like the light really was the life draining out of him. Slowly, shaking like a leaf, the boy hauled one arm up, reaching desperately for his older brother—whether for comfort or protection, Kou didn’t know.
Banba was in the same state, torn between alien exhaustion and the pain, but he snapped to attention at the sound of Touwa’s voice, even as damaged as it was. “… Touwa…” With equal difficulty, he raised his own hand, reaching back for Green’s just as urgently, both of them stretching their fingertips, grasping for each other right to the end.
They almost made it, fingertips a har’s breadth apart when their strengths gave out. Touwa went down first, collapsing the rest of the way to the ground, arm still extended, the green glow seeping away completely—Banba didn’t get time to react before he, too, slumped over, his hand only just barely out of reach of his brother’s, the black light around him gone.
The rumbling sound about them faded as the same fate befell TigerLance and MirNeedle.
Kou scrambled instinctively, mindlessly toward them, trying to push through the still-charged atmosphere to get nearer; his voice had mostly dried up after his initial scream, but he hoarsely mumbled the brothers’ names over and over, as if it were a spell that would wake them. Behind him, the others followed in the same automatic, panicked vein. He arrived at Banba’s side at the same time Melto made it to Touwa’s. Pulling Black into his arms, he desperately tried to shake him awake—but Banba’s head just bumped limply against his arm, features even stiller than regular unconsciousness. Blue did the same with Green, cradling the younger boy’s head in his hands like he was holding a kitten, trying to pull it back up in vain, despite Touwa laying just as still as his brother. Asuna and Ui joined them, Pink crawling forward to grab both the brothers’ shoulders, trying to shake them as well. Ui just dropped to her knees by Asuna’s shoulder, hands clamped to her mouth, trembling, tears welling in her eyes. Somewhere above them, they heard a series deep, resounding rumbles as their Kishiryu whined over the still forms of their brethren.
Neither Banba nor Touwa moved, both still as death.
Ice ran through Kou’s veins, and he would have sworn his own heart was stopping, too. “No…” The syllable died in his throat. He slumped forward, head dropping onto Black’s chest and found only deafening silence. He could barely find the will to breathe, too shattered even to cry.
Melto said nothing, just whimpered faintly and clutched the boy in his arms tighter to him. Touwa looked so uncharacteristically small, a painful reminder that he was even younger than them, barely older than a child. Blue buried his face in the boy’s hair, rocking back and forth slightly, his hands clenching to hold fistfuls of Green’s shirt.
Incoherent blubbering seemed to be the only sound Asuna could make, equally as incapable of any sort of speech. She gave up shaking them, too, her shoulders slumping—only her vice-like grip on the brothers’ shoulders kept her arms from dropping right to the ground. She looked like she might be about to throw up, just staring at the dirt, tears dribbling down her face spilling over as the welled in the corners of her eyes.
The one that was was standing was Ui, hands still clamped over her mouth, eyes wide as plates. She hadn’t made a sound since her original, horrified squeal, shocked into silence as well as motionlessness. The only thing differentiating her from a statue was the way she was shaking like a dry leaf in the wind, wavering back and forth like even the slightest breeze might carry her away.
Behind them, Tyramigo bent down to sadly nuzzle MirNeedle and TigerLance like he still thought he could wake them, while Triken and Ankyrose pawed anxiously at them.
Harsh laughter interrupted their grief, making their heads snap back up. The King was cackling madly, head thrown back toward the sky. He went on for a while before trailing off, rolling his shoulders and straightening, adjusting its crowned helm. As they watched in horror, two of the empty sockets flickered, glittering—and were filled with a green and black jewel respectively, both glimmering in the sunlight, even glowing faintly; and nestled beside each was a smaller gem, in the same colours, just as brilliant.
“Remarkable…” The Druidon mused. “Must be the Kishiryu…” Slowly, the monster surveyed them, taking in their expressions—so stunned and devastated they were almost blank. “Now do you understand?” He threw out his arms shouting to the sky. “Black and Green’s energy will be put to use for our conquest!” The glowing eyes narrowed, radiating twisted joy. “Your friends’ sacrifice has done nothing but ensure our victory—their deaths are just as pointless as your Master’s!”
Something fluttered in Kou’s chest, a burning spark against the numbness and cold. Pointless?
He let out another, barking laugh. “What a truly pitiful display! A perfect example of the failures of such sentimentality.”
The words fanned the spark smouldering in Red’s ribs, the flames rising. His hands tightened into fists on Banba’s arms, clutching bunches of Black’s sleeve until his knuckles turned white. Failure?
The King stepped toward them, relishing their distress. “But do not worry. I will send you to join your weakling comrades and Masters…”
Weak? The fire in Kou’s chest burned even hotter—and exploded.
He just remembered to pass Banba’s body to Asuna—who scrambled to catch him before he hit the ground, arms flying to wrap around Black’s shoulders—as he surged upward with a yell, RyusoulKen flashing into his hand, and charged the Druidon, swinging wildly. The King stepped easily out of the way with another chuckle—which served only to make Red angrier.
Spinning around, he attacked again, but this time the Druidon merely lazily raised his own weapon, blocking the blade easily, then leaning close to hiss tauntingly in the Ryusoulger’s face. “What’s this? Attacking in anger?” The words were dripping with disdain and cruel amusement. “How quaint.” A swift strike to the stomach sent Red reeling back, landing hard in the dirt.
“Kou! Stop!” Asuna’s voice hammered distantly against the roaring in his ears, breaking and full of grief and pleading. He ignored her, struggling back to his feet and rushed forward again—only to be knocked back once more, even further, rolling so far across the ground that his back bumped into Banba’s legs. When the King started laughing again, he let out another angry snarl and began trying to drag himself up once more.
Hands latched tightly around his arm. “Stop it!” It seemed Ui had found the strength to move. “Stop it, we need to run!”
Before he could either shake her off or speak, the King raised his hand again, the same light that had wrenched the life from Green and Black’s bodies collecting at his fingertips once more—and everything froze all over again as it bore down upon them, the lightning claws reaching out once more…
… To crash, sparking wildly, into a metal shield.
For a moment, none of them were sure what they were seeing. “… Gaisoulg…?” Asuna finally managed, clutching Banba closer, while Melto, still stunned mute, did the same with Touwa, in some instinctive attempt to try and protect the brothers from the darkness that had once been their Master.
Gaisoulg however, merely gave them a small glance over his shoulder before turning back toward the King. The Druidon lowered his arms, frowning angrily. “Gaisoulg… So you intend to betray us in the end, do you?”
“Betray you?” Gaisoulg’s warped voice sounded vaguely amused, but still not at all comforting. “Please, don’t delude yourself. I was never on anyone’s side to begin with.” The GaisoulKen spun around, swiping two shimmering purple arcs through the air, speeding towards the Druidon.
The King effortlessly batted the slices aside in a shower of sparks—but when his vision cleared, both Ryusoulgers and dark armour were gone.
This got long. I intend to write a second part, but I wanted to post this anyway.
Cannoli is… Somewhere else while this is happening? I dunno, I don’t have a good explanation for why he’s not around.
Also, yes. Sad Tyramigo. I’m sorry.
I’m also sure I’ll realise later there were other notes I meant to add that I forgot about.
9 notes · View notes
moczothe1st · 6 years
Let’s Play Fire Emblem IV: Genealogy of the Holy War, Part 19: He’s a Late Blume-er
Part 18
Welcome back to FEIV! You may recall last week we killed Ishtore, a man with amazing lightning magic and truly astounding (not GOOD, but astounding) hair. He will be missed. I mean, not by me, but someone will miss him.  I mean, not his girlfriend, she also died, but…. Look, it’s a whole thing. The key is that we took his castle, and nobody is gonna be happy about it.
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(See? No happiness.)
Bramsel: Men, this is our chance! Jabarro, send in your brigade! Hit them hard while their backs are turned! Leave no survivors!      
Jabarro: At once, sir!
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Lene: Don’t you get it? He’s just using your loyalty to treat you like a weapon! I… I hate him so much!  
Ares: Lene… no, that isn’t…
Lene: Okay, fine! Whatever! Go with him, if you love him so much! It’s your life to waste, after all! But you can just go forget we ever met!
Ares: Lene…
(In her defense, judging by last week we can safely assume she’s worked out Ares is the only thing keeping her from getting locked up in Bramsel’s rape dungeon.)
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(Yeah, here it comes. And meanwhile, at the other evil castle…)
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Blume: I want you to show these rebel pigs just what the empire can do!  
One of those Three Names he Just Said: Yes, Milord. Leave it to us.  
A Second One: We will never let you down, milord.
The Third: The rebels shall be destroyed quickly, cleanly, efficiently, and utterly. Excuse us, milord.
(All three of them are identical except for eye color and the game never says which is which until they’re on the field, so.  NO clue.)
Blume: Hmmm. Everything depends on you.
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(You may recall Tinni as being mentioned by a village two weeks ago, wherein they said she was much nicer than her family and the best person ever and definitely recruitable. And if Blume is her uncle, that means Taillte is her mom.  Arthur will want to have a chat with this one!)
Blume: Hmph. One would think I could expect more gratitude from someone I raised out of the goodness of my heart after her mother died. Or have you forgotten my many kindnesses?
Tinni: No, uncle…
Blume: Good. Now get moving! Remember, these rebels are responsible for murdering my dear son Ishtore, and his true love Liza! Avenging them is your mission, Tinni!
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Banba: We will be the ones to claim Seliph’s head as a trophy this day. We mustn’t be beaten by Tinni’s unit.  
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Tinni: I… don’t know what to do anymore. Oh, mother… what would you do…?
She would probably shout a lot, if I remember her right.  Now, our phase begins and…
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(Dammit, everyone needs to shut up!)
Lene: I see right through you! The moment Ares is out of sight you think it’s okay to act all tough again, you vile louse! Don’t even think about coming any closer. I don’t need Ares around to stop you!
Bramsel: Of all the nerve! You little wench!  Throw her in the dungeon! You’ll have plenty of time to think about what you’ve done there!
Lene: No! Ah… Ares…
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Jabarro: Oh well. I guess it’s all in the past. You��re gonna forget ‘er sooner or later.
Ares: I beg your pardon? What exactly are you trying to say, Jabarro?
Jabarro: Heh… oh, nothing. Well, ‘cept that I bet Bramsel’s right about to…
(Oooooh, that was the wrong answer.)
Ares: T-this can’t be… Jabarro! How could you know his foul intent, yet let your tongue lie still?!
Jabarro: You can’t worry ‘bout the fairer sex, Ares. Have your fun with ‘em, but never stick around for when their lives come crashing down…
Ares: How dare you?! And to think you held my trust for so long… I must return to Darna! Lene needs me!
Jabarro: Nah, that ain’t gonna happen, see. Nobody, and I mean nobody, blows off my orders and turns tail on my watch! Not even you, kid.
Ares: … I’ve come far in your company, Jabarro, but our association ends now. If anyone wishes to stop me, Mystletainn will eagerly welcome your necks!
Jabarro: Grr… I’ll show you your place, whelp!
And with that, Ares reveals what sets him apart from his dad: he puts his personal morals above his oaths to jerks! Or he just really digs dancers, one of the two. Either way, he is now on the team!
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And here’s our new BFF.  Ares is an overall phenomenal unit; like Shanan he joins up with his Holy Weapon and can therefore wreck most of the enemies on the map, but unlike Shanan he actually has pretty solid growths and will likely be a much tougher unit by the end of the game than he is now. Better still, he has a horse and comes with three great combat skills, Pursuit, Adept, and Vantage. TL;DR, we need to get this man to an Arena. For now, though, I run him south toward the rest of the army to meet his new friends.  
Now then. We have three armies to deal with. One moving south at us, following Ares. One moving west at us, with Tinni and the Three Stooges.  And one moving north to try and make one more shot at conquering Leonster.  Time to split the army. First, Fee is going to head toward Leonster, she can fly so she’ll beat the enemy there. She has an armorslayer sword and the enemy is all armor knights, she can hold the castle.  
Second, to the east, there’s two swordsmen blocking us off from getting Leif, Finn, and Nanna to the rest of the army.  Let’s move them. 
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 … Finn. For shame.  But at least you can promote now. I am going to send him off to our home castle ASAP. Going north to help Ares I send Oifey, Lana, Dermott, Shanan, Ulster, Johan, Patty, and Seliph since he needs to take the castle to save Lene.  Going east are Leif and Nanna, as they’re already there, and backing them up will be Julia, Larcei, Lester, and Arthur, who is needed to recruit Tinni.  I can’t see any reason this won’t work off the top of my head, but… I mean. Fire Emblem.  
End turn!
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Only one person could reach us, so this was a boring enemy phase. Next one will be much more… active. For now, though, let’s try to purge some of the northern enemy. 
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Well. This didn’t go badly, but not great either, barring Lana finally getting an Aideen-tier level. I just didn’t kill off as many as I’d been hoping to, and the enemy phase will be pretty dicey.  I think I’ll have Finn stick around to help this group, rather than letting Lana warp him back to promote right away.  
End turn.  This will be…. Fun.
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… *sigh* Well, I knew something could go wrong, but I didn’t see it being everyone dogpiling Johan of all people. Well, nice to be surprised, I suppose.
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This is becoming a pattern. I do something interesting, die, and have to go back to boring old ‘sit at the edge of their range and bait them out’.  I know it works, but really.
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Not bad at all! They tried to dogpile Ares this time, and like I said: he’s pretty badass. Probably would have died if Jabarro had taken a shot at him, but since it was specifically Jabarro’s range we were staying away from, we pulled through just fine. Now, to the eastern front.  
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… That was just sad, Leif.
Okay, our turn.  First thing to do is clear out Jabarro’s unit. The man himself is a giant pain, packing both a Silver Sword and a Skill Ring to leave him obnoxiously accurate. Let’s send in some heavy hitters to roll him down.  
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And Shanan gets the skill ring, which he absolutely does not need. He does need money, however, so selling that later will be a nice source of income for him to keep Balmung nice and shiny.  And from here, it’s really just a nice, normal purge.  
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And hey, Ares can chat with Seliph.  I wasn’t planning to do it right now, but they ended up next to each other, so why not.
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Ares: They call me the black knight, Ares. Perhaps you would recognize me better, however, as the son of Eldigan.  
Seliph: What?! It cannot be… you don’t mean the legendary Lord Eldigan of Nordion, do you?!
Ares: The very same! I am the son of Eldigan the Lionheart, the man your father killed in cold blood! My noble mother, the Lady Grainne, died wracked with grief and rage at Sigurd! It is high time you knew my family’s pain!
(Weeeeeeren’t you an infant at the time, bro? How do you know?)
Seliph: That’s… I don’t understand. As I was told, your father and mine were the closest of friends. As tragic as their end was, I don’t believe our fathers would ever have begrudged each other.
Ares: That’s impossible… Sigurd was my father’s mortal foe! This… this is all I’ve known my entire life…
Seliph: Please listen, Ares. Would you consider traveling with my army? I know we can resolve this misunderstanding, if we just give it some time. I hold the late Lord Eldigan in the utmost respect, just as my own father did. Please, understand this.
(I don’t respect him very much, if that helps.)
Ares: Seliph… very well. I can stay my hand for now. However, be warned. Should I learn that even a single word of your claim is false, your life is forfeit in your father’s place. Do I make myself clear, Seliph?
Seliph: if that happens, then do as you must. Ares… I wish you could know just how ecstatic our fathers would be to know we’ve met at last. If only it had been under better circumstances…
Neat. Now, where were we? Oh right, IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR.
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*snerk* I like how it took three people together to bring down the first Mage Sister, and Arthur alone completely wrecked the second.  Anyway, I have him and Julia blocking off the enemy; as long as Tinni doesn’t fuck this up and try to kill her invincible brother, I think we’re in a good place.
She’s gonna, huh.
*sigh* End turn.
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Okay. So far so good. But there’s still one more…
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Julia, I know you hunger for blood, but please don’t kill this one.
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Tinni you magnificent bitch, dodging on a 93% hit chance. I love you.
Our turn, and I start it with Arthur:
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Arthur: Really?! Then you’re Tinni! Oh, I’ve finally found you!
Tinni: Er… who are you?
Arthur: Here, maybe this will clear it up. This pendant is exactly the same as yours, and I’ve had it my whole life.
Tinni: Y-you’re right, but… what are you saying?
Arthur: See, years ago, my mother was a warrior in Sigurd’s army, and after the war she fled to Silesse with her children. When I was little, my mother and my newborn sister disappeared… I was left behind with nothing but this pendant. I only recently learned what happened. It was King Blume of Alster. He abducted them. He took my family from me. The rumors all said Mother had died awhile ago, but they also said my sister is still alive. That’s you, Tinni! I’ve finally found you after all these years! I came all this way just to see you again…
Tinni: I… I never even knew Blume did that to Mother… it makes sense, though. I can’t remember much of her, but I know I never saw her smile or laugh. You’re… my brother… ohhh… sniff…
Arthur: Would you play down your arms and join our army, Tinni? We’ve still got so much to talk about.
Tinni: Mm. Thank you, brother. I never did want to fight…
And that’s that. Let’s take a look at our new recruit:
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And there’s Tinni! She gets a lot of flak because she’s hard to build super-well, but honestly I like her. She’s also hard to make bad; she doesn’t have Pursuit, but neither did Taillte and she did just fine. I suspect the people who don’t like Tinni are mainly the people who didn’t really like her mother either; I know she has a pretty wide selection of the fandom who view her as too poorly-built to use and she should be left childless. But unlike most of these chuckleheads, Tinni actually has a character arc, and for me that’s enough to bring her along. And you know, it’s not like she’s bad at combat. Wrath, Adept, and Critical are all fine skills, and while she won’t have growths as good as her crazy brother’s, she’s still got two different Holy Bloods.  In my experience, she’s gonna get on just fine.    
And then, I don’t know, either I forgot to save or my file got corrupted and I lost the last two turns. I… I was very sad. So I had to re-do them, and since that many shots would make the update unbearably long, I will summarize:  Ares got half the levels (people kept ignoring him to go after Ulster this time?) but he was able to kill his old boss and get the Skill Ring, Patty got a very good level thanks to Dermott leaving some half-dead dudes behind, and Julia almost murdered Tinni.   But, on the plus side, Finn finally got warped home to promote.  
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*whistle* Take a look at that 25 Strength. That much power and a Brave weapon basically sets him up for the rest of the game, because he is gonna hit like a runaway freight train. Might have to be careful on defense, he’s only above-average in Speed and Defense and has no resistance worth mentioning, but as an offensive unit he’ll be a monster.  Let’s test him out in the arena while we’re here, he won’t be needed on the battlefield again for this map.
Finn: Seven wins, gained no levels. He might be a bit overpowered.  
Okay! End turn, this is going pretty well barring the occasional horrible glitch that I hate.  
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…. Well, other than that. I underestimated how quickly they’d get to Leonster and… *cough* may have forgotten to move Fee once or twice, so I think the enemy will be taking the castle after all. It’s not a big deal, they’re really expected to, but I’m still a little annoyed this is happening because I didn’t think.  Ah, well, it will just be a quick detour to liberate it after Seliph finishes up at Darna. I have him head toward it, his army pausing at the edge of the defenders’ movement range (see, I can learn) and have the eastern group start moving up toward Leonster. Fee pauses in a position to challenge one or two of the armors, hopefully the whole group will turn to chase her and she can run up to the castle and hide inside.  End turn!
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Jerks. You know, it’s kind of unfair that any of them can take a castle, but we can only have Seliph do it.  
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God, you are just like your mother.
To the north, Darna’s defense line doesn’t take the bait. They must not move until attacked. Well.
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Their loss. At our other army, I have Fee take out one armor unit:
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And then run away, hiding out over the ocean to her west to avoid any other counter attacks.  She hasn’t got much health left, so she needs to avoid any damage until I can get Nanna or Julia up there to help her out. They’re on their way, so this will be turning around shortly.  End turn; no enemies are close enough to take a swing at us, so it goes immediately back to our player phase.  
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Fantastic. Darna will fall on our next turn, and shortly after that the other team should be running into the unit who took Leonster. Fee probably won’t even die.  End turn! Once again, nothing on the enemy phase; they’re moving toward us, but they’re on the slow side.  On our turn, Julia patches up Fee to gain a level.
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Hehehe. I’m legit impressed by how well her speed is doing, it tends to be a lower growth.  The rest of their unit parks on the local villages to await the incoming storm o’ units.  
Now then, Darna. First, clear the last defender:
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 Bramsel is a general, despite appearances, and stat-wise he isn’t super impressive. His one and only real trick is that he’s packing a Horseslayer weapon, so cavalry had better be sure they’re gonna take him down if they take a swing at him.  He’s got no defense against distance attacks, but, like a doofus, I sent all the mages to the other army.  So, uh, Oifey… wanna try that javelin?
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Bramsel: Darna is my city! Mine! Nobody will ever take it from me!
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Well, it’s a start. Not sure this will work, but… Seliph, wanna give it a shot?
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FUCKING PAVISE. Okay, so Darna will fall next turn.  End turn. Ya jackass game.
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And that’s Bramsel. Our turn begins, and Seliph takes the castle.  
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Lewyn: It was the last free land in Jugdral. In battle after battle, the overwhelming might of the Loptyr Empire had devastated the resistance. Ultimately, the last of the resistance soldiers barricaded themselves within Darna’s walls. Battered and wounded, they were nonetheless determined to fight to the bitter end. But then, suddenly, there was a miracle… from the heavens descended twelve gods, who bestowed upon twelve young warriors miraculous weapons and immense power. Thus were born the Twelve Crusaders, the heroes who led the resistance to victory.
Seliph: That was the legendary Miracle of Darna, yes?
Lewyn: The very same. And even as we speak, Seliph, another miracle is dawning. Just as the resurrection of Loptyr looms on the horizon, so too are the Crusaders themselves arising in our world once more…
Seliph: I beg your pardon?
Lewyn: Heh… don’t worry Seliph. You’ll understand soon enough.
(Well. Seliph may not have a ton in common with his father, but he clearly has Sigurd-tier obliviousness.)  
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And of course he can’t rescue Lene because Seliph is standing in the way. Ironic, really; we could save Lene, our dancer, if we had a dancer to move Seliph. That’s Fire Emblem Philosophy 101, kids.  In any case, Lana starts warping people back to Melgen so they can have a shorter walk to rejoin the remaining action; Shanan goes first and Lana levels up.
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Then, while he’s at a friendly castle, Best Prince takes the opportunity to run the Arena.
Shanan: Seven wins, gained one level: +1 HP, +1 Skill, +1 Speed, +1 Defense.
*sniff* I may cry. He’s doing much better than I’d expect from him, I tell you that much.
Now, to deal with the Leonster enemies, who are (finally) in range.
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… Am I being trolled? Nanna? Are you trolling me? Because you’re doing the same fucking thing Ethlyn did.  You aren’t her child, Nanna. Leif is. If Leif didn’t get any magic ever I could understand it.  That’s genetics. But you’re just the same damn class!  I hate you.  
End turn.  Bitterly end turn.
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…. Bitterness increasing.
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*sigh* 25% chance to hit and she took it right on the jaw. Fire Emblem, ladies and gents!
Let’s… try this again. This time, let’s go mainly for the commander and try to take away their Leadership Stars, see if that works out better.
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… Welcome to the team, Ethlyn 2. 
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*sigh* Well, better. Nobody is dead, anyway.  Lana warps Seliph back to Melgen so he can start the long trek over to take some castles for us, and Ares goes into Darna to rescue his gal.
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Lene: Ares…
Ares: Oh! Is everything okay, Lene?!
Lene: N-no… it’s not… but someone from the liberation army rescued me… and… I knew you’d come, Ares…
Ares: Lene… I beg your forgiveness… I was a fool! I should have heeded you…
Lene: It’s okay… after all, you’re here now…
Ares: I swear to you, I’ll never let this happen again.  
Lene: And I swear I’ll try to keep my big mouth to myself from now on! Don’t ever leave me again, Ares…
… Dark! Anyway, Lene has no signed up, and as you might have guessed she is Sylvia and Claude’s daughter. And like her mother before her, her stats and all that junk are irrelevant so I don’t need to waste time showing it! She’s a dancer so she’s amazing and will be very, very useful to the army in any situation. And unlike Sylvia, we can actually use her from day one because it doesn’t matter if she gets married.  Go team!
Oh, and speaking of the team, time to finish that actual ‘war’ thing.
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Not bad at all, barring the fact Arthur has apparently decided he’s done with Perfect Levels. And with that, the map is basically over. The only enemy units remaining are Blume himself and the three generals in front of his castle. So it’s time, I think, to have assorted folks and units do stuff. I sell Seliph’s Brave Sword so I can pass it around, and have anyone who hasn’t finished the Arena take a shot at it.
Patty: Up to seven wins, gained two levels: +2 HP, +2 Skill, +1 Strength, +2 Luck, +1 Defense
Julia: Up to seven wins, gained one level: +1 HP, +1 Magic, +1 Luck, +1 Defense, +1 Resistance
Ares: Seven wins, gained two levels: +2 HP, +2 Strength, +1 Speed, +2 Luck, +2 Defense
Nanna: Seven wins, gained three levels: +3 HP, +2 Strength, +2 Speed, +1 Magic,, +1 Defense, +2 Luck, +1 Resistance
Leif: Seven wins, gained two levels: +2 HP, +1 Skill, +2 Strength, +1 Speed, +1 Luck, +1 Defense
Tinni: Seven wins, gained three levels: +3 HP, +2 Skill, +3 Speed, +1 Magic, +3 Luck, +1 Resistance
Also, Lana gains some levels from zapping people around:
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And some conversations happen.
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(“Ugh. More of the commonfolk. Oifey, where is my peasant-beating stick?!”)
Lene: I’m Lene, the Dancer!
Seliph: Y… you’re Lene?
Lene: Ooooh? Mister Seliph, is this the first time you’ve ever seen a dancer?
Seliph: Y-yes, miss…
Lene: Hee hee… that’s adorable!
(And it ends there. Lene knows what she wants in life, and it is to laugh at dorks.)
... Picture here an image of Leif introducing himself to Seliph. No such image exists because I’m a doofus.)
Leif: My parents both died in the Battle of Belhalla’s prelude… they were felled by a Thracian ambush. My homeland, Leonster, soon founds itself in the clutches of an Imperial occupation, and fell under the reign of its Duke Blume. If not for my knight, Finn, I wouldn’t be here today. He raised me in hiding in nearby villages, and we awaited the day Leonster would rise again.  We thought that day had finally come, but…
Seliph: … We both took to the battlefield around the same time, did we not? By now practically all of Jugdral knows of King Blume’s brutality. I sorely wish my army had arrived soon enough to properly aid you. You have my deepest apologies, Prince Leif.
Leif: No, Lord Seliph. I’m the one who should be apologizing. Our failure was squarely my fault.  However, this isn’t over yet. I am the son of Quan, a man worthy of being dubbed a Knight of Nova. I refuse to shame his legacy, and so I’ll live on. I’ll fight on, no matter the cost. To that end, Lord Seliph, my comrades and I would like to join your army.  I may not have much of an army left, but what I do have is yours. May we serve you well in restoring honor to Grannvale.  
Seliph: Thank you, Prince Leif.  Often have I heard it said that our fathers were inseparable friends, bound together to the bitter end in both life and death.  Not to mention your mother, Queen Ethlyn, is also my aunt…
(“Oh yeah, we’re literally cousins, forgot for a bit!”)
Seliph: Both of your parents gave their lives to support my father’s cause. Prince Leif, you have my deepest, most heartfelt apologies for their sacrifice.
Leif: Thank you, but that isn’t necessary. I’m proud of my parents, and have the utmost respect for Lord Sigurd. The only hatred I bear is for the true villains, Emperor Arvis and King Travant!
(Holy crap, Leif is logically blaming the people actually at fault? Are we sure he’s an anime teenager?)
Seliph: As do I. Prince Leif, in the name of our late fathers’ last wishes, I seek to restore peace and light to all of Jugdral. Please, join me in my cause!
Leif: Yes, milord! You have my blade as your own!
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Dermott: Perfect! I’m your brother, Dermott!
(“Excuse me? I was always told my brother’s name was Diarm-“ “YUP, DERMOTT, THAT’S ME.”)
Nanna: What?! What… are you talking about…?
Dermott: I didn’t know until recently, either. King Lewyn told me everything.   In the war seventeen years ago, I was with the kids who fled to Isaach. But you were born after our mother went to Leonster.
Nanna: You… you’re my brother? Then where’s Mother now?!
Dermott: Er… ‘Where’s Mother’?  What are you getting at here, Nanna?
Nanna: I haven’t seen her in so long… when I was around three years old, she left us and traveled alone to Isaach, to try and find you. She never came back. I’ve waited to see her again for years…
Dermott: She did? But… but I never saw her…!
Nanna: You… didn’t? Then where is she…
Dermott: The Yied Desert… it’s a treacherous place. Very few lone travelers survive it…
Nanna: … No! Oh, mother…
(And Nanna gains +1 Luck from that, because… tragedy… builds character…?)
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Tinni: I am Tinni… Arthur’s sister…
Seliph: Ah, of course. I’ve been told your story, Tinni.
Tinni: Um… I’m sorry!
Seliph: You’ve nothing to apologize for, Tinni. With the likes of King Blume for an uncle, I completely understand. You had no choice.
Tinni: Are… are you forgiving me, sir?
Seliph: Certainly! There’s no question that you’re not our enemy, and it would be an honor to have you with us.
Tinni: Wow… you’re everything the stories say you are! I wish we could’ve met sooner…
Seliph: Heh… thank you. Listen, Tinni… I know fighting your own family is a painful prospect, so please, don’t force yourself if you’re at all uncomfortable.
Tinni: Sir…
He actually means that literally.  Tinni vs. Blume is very painful to her, in a very literal, physical way.  He’ll kick her ass.  
All right. Now that we’ve gotten that all done, and Seliph has gone up to retake Leonster, the rest of the army turns to Blume.  He’s guarded by three generals, all of whom have Silver Blades and Steel Bows, so there isn’t a safe range to hit them from. But that’s nothing new. The real problem is Blume himself.
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Yeah. Yeah. You remember Mjolnir, I hope, from when Reptor made our lives hell with it.  Well, Blume takes after dear old dad.  He can’t double attack with it, his only ability is Pavise, but he’s still very fast and hits very hard. And to make matters worse he has a droppable Silver Blade, so ideally we want someone who can use swords to bring him down. Realistically that means ‘Shanan or Ares’ because another Holy Weapon is your best shot at doing it without dying.    
So first things first, let’s move the guards.
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Geez, these guys are beefy. That was to kill one of them.  Ulster, can you do better?
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… Sorrrrrrta? He didn’t get hit in return, at least. But I also can’t get anyone else in position to support him, so he’s probably gonna get pounded in the face next turn.  Speaking of next turn, end turn!
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Okay. Our turn, and there’s only one general left. Let’s clear that fucker out before we do anything else.
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Ugh. I should point out that this is not actually the land of the Omni-Generals; Blume has four leadership stars and he buffs his troops up considerably. I take a few turns here to rest up, heal up, and send Shanan to liberate the remaining villages because he’s desperately short on cash.  Julia levels from healing:
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You might have noticed she didn’t gain a point of magic? She’s already hit the cap. Can’t go higher until she promotes. I love my princess. <3
Now. Blume. He has conversations with three different characters, two of whom should not be allowed anywhere near him.  Since I love you guys, and I’m willing to use save states to cheese for story content, here they are.
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(Frankly, I’m just amazed she hit him.)
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Blume: Hmph! A likely retort, but only one of us will die this day, and it shall not be me!
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(Well, he wasn’t wrong.)
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Blume: Gah… impudent whelp! Just try me!
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*whistle* Well. It was a close thing, but he clearly tried real good. It was caught at a bad moment, but that last shot was a crit that left Blume with only 13HP. And Ares is in range!  
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Yeah, we’re not done with this jackass just yet.  Still, for the moment, Ares has a backup sword to use so he doesn’t burn through his Mystletainn all the time, and that’s all I asked for. Shanan spends the next few turns getting paid:
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(Well. Only one now.)
Info Master: Ishtar’s ruling over Manster right now, and Ishtore’s posted at Fort Melgen, both doing Blume’s dirty work. Unlike their folks, they’re fine youths. You’ll be sure to face ‘em sooner or later… be on your guard, stranger.
(“They’re great kids! But, you know, they definitely will try to kill you.”)
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Why Is He Smiling: His rule’s been one tragedy after another… Just when we thought he couldn’t get any worse, now he’s just letting those child hunts happen! We can’t take this anymore…
And with that, nothing else to do on this map, so let’s call it a day. Seliph, do the honors!
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Lewyn: Eh, these sorts of things can’t be helped. After all, the war’s only just beginning.  
Seliph: And yet, the citizens are already all so eager to support us! I’ve seldom seen such joy…
Lewyn: For the first time, they’ve got hope for a future free from the Empire’s abuse.  YOU are the people’s last hope, Seliph, but the worst of the war still lies ahead.  
Seliph: Mm. And yet, I’ve so much incredible talent fighting by my side! With such amazing men and women with me, I know no challenge will be too great!
(I kind of morbidly wonder what he says if you let everyone die except him at this point.)
Lewyn: Yeah… you’ll all do just fine, Seliph.
 *whew* Well. Thank you for being chill about this for once, Lewyn.  I enjoy you more when you aren’t bitching at me.  Now then, see you all next week when… *shudder*
When Blume calls in… … … …
Resets: 24. It’s all downhill from here, folks.
Part 20
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rafyki · 6 years
18 or 27 on the sarcasm prompts for IbiMiya if you’re still doing them?? (It’s so hard to find Ibitani fans in the fandom nowadays omg how ya doin)
I’m so sorry it took me so long!!! I’m a super slow writer orz
But, anyway, this got super long (it’s like almost 2k words wtf I so can’t write short stuff), and it’s pre-slash, but I hope you’ll like it! 
27: “I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence behind.”
Ibitani was angry.Incredibly, absolutely, completely angry. So angry that he couldbarely think straight, so angry that if someone would have looked athim the wrong way he wasn’t sure if he would have been able to stophimself from punching them right in the face.
It had been a while sincehe had felt like that. Admittedly, in the past year it had happened rarely – sure, he had felt angry, but not so much that he couldn’tthink of anything else but that pressing feeling. No, since he hadjoined the bicycle club, he had felt calmer, more in control ofhimself and his anger, he hadn’t felt the sudden urge to just beatsomeone up to make himself feel better.
It hadn’t happened sincehe had joined the club – since he had met Miya.
But today, today Ibitaniwas feeling exactly like he had felt almost every single of his lifebefore that, like he had somehow regressed to how he was before theclub – before Miya.
He wasangry, he wanted to punch something, someone, and release like thatall the pent up anger and frustration that seemed to run through hisveins instead of blood.
Hehad seen Banba on the street, while going to school; he had seen himand ignored him, but the damn asshole had looked at him, his stupid, annoying, presumptuous eyes fixed on Ibitani, and had had the guts tosnicker. He had snickered,he had dared to deride Ibitani like that again, knowing full well,again, that Ibitani couldn’t respond in any way.
Ibitanihad wanted nothing more than to punch him, one, two, three times, hehad wanted to just punch away his damn smile. He wanted to punch himbecause he was a coward who had taken advantage of the fact that heand Miya couldn’t respond to his provocations and had used them aspunching bags; he wanted to beat him up until he couldn’t evenremember his own name.
But hecouldn’t, because it would mess everything up, because he probablywouldn’t be the only one who would get in trouble, because he couldend up bringing Miya into his mess, too.
So, hewas angry, and he was doing his best to try and keep it inside.
Mostof all, though, he was angry for the same fact that he was angry. Hehad thought he had moved past that, he had thought that somethingthat had happened more than a year before couldn’t affect him thatmuch – honestly, he had thought he was better than that.
Asfocused as he was on himself and his own thoughts, he didn’t hear hisname being called nor the footsteps following him, until Miya grabbedhis wrist to make him stop.
“Oi,dipshit, don’t you just ignore me!”
“Letme go, Miya, I’m not in the mood”, Ibitani all but growled back,freeing himself from the hold and starting walking again. Briefly, hethought he was thankful that there was no one else in the corridor.
Heonly stopped when he felt the pressure of a hand on his shoulderholding him back. “What the hell is your problem, Ibitani?”, Miyasaid, when Ibitani turned around, looking at him with his eyebrowsraised and annoyance – and maybe concern –in his eyes.
“Noneof your business, leave me alone”.
Ibitaniwanted to punch him, he wanted to punch him because it was Miya’sfault that he couldn’t just beat up Banba when he wanted, it was hisfault for making him care so much about the club, so much about him.
It wasMiya’s fault, and Ibitani wanted nothing more than to punch himsquare in the face.
But hedidn’t, not only because he couldn’t, but because Miya was stilllooking at him with concern, and Ibitani felt so exposed under thatgaze that he felt the sudden need to flee as far away as possible.
“Comeon, let’s go”, Miya said and, this time, when he started walking,it was Ibitani who followed him, without really thinking about what he was doing.
“Eh?Where? We have to go to class, Miya”.
Miyastopped, and looked back at him shrugging. “Let’s skip”, he said.
“Ah!?We can’t!”
“Oh,come one, it’s no big deal. And, besides”, he added, “you looklike you’re about to kill someone, Ibitani”.
Theystood there, staring at each other for a few moments. Ibitani feltcalled out – he hadn’t been trying to hide how he was feeling, butthe fact that Miya had understood so quickly and was doing this forhim made him at the same time annoyed and pleased. He got the feelingthat he couldn’t hide anything from Miya even if he tried to – notthat he really wanted to, he suddenly realized.
“Fine,let’s go”.
Theywent to the roof. Maybe it was the fresh air, or maybe it was justMiya’s somewhat calming presence, but Ibitani felt better. Stillangry, still wanting to release the anger by punching someone, butstill better.
Hemoved near the wall and set on the ground and, after a moment, Miyajoined him.
Ibitaniwasn’t sure why they were there. Sure, he had to admit that Miya wasprobably right and he had indeed been on the verge of doing somethingreally stupid like picking a fight with some random person, but hedidn’t understand why they were there, why Miya was willing to skipclass and risking to get in trouble with the club, all because of him.
“So,you’re gonna tell me what’s gotten into you today?”, Miya suddenlysaid, after some long minutes of silence, snatching Ibitani away fromhis thoughts.
Thetruth was that Ibitani didn’t want to talk about it – he feltstupid for having let something so stupid gotten to him that much, hefelt even more stupid because he could still feel the anger runningthrough him, because he knew that if he had had to possibility hewould have beaten up Banba right then and there without thinkingtwice about it.
Miyaknew him – hell, Miya probably knew him better than anyone else;and yet, Ibitani didn’t want to tell him, didn’t want to let him knowhow little he had changed over the past year. So he didn’t, he justkept staring right ahead of him, eyes fixed on the sky.
Heheard Miya sighing, frustrated.
“Ayear ago, you tried to throw me off this roof”.
And,really, of all the things he could have imagined Miya would say, thatdefinitely wasn’t one.
"Ah!?Are you trying to piss me off even more, Miya?”, Ibitani said,finally turning towards Miya and meeting his eyes.
Hedidn’t really need to be reminded of that, especially not in thatmoment.
“Maybe”,Miya smirked, and the sight of that smile made Ibitani’s heart flip,everything else forgotten for a moment. “What are you gonna do,throw me off the roof again?”
“Oh,fuck you, Miya”, Ibitani replied, lowering his eyes – in partbecause he felt ashamed, and in part simply because it was hard tomaintain eye contact when Miya was looking at him like that, all softand teasing. “You were annoying as hell, of course I tried to killyou”, he murmured, knowing full well that there wasn’t a realreason for what he had tried to do, and feeling incredibly stupid foreven trying to actually doing it. He suddenly realized that he hadnever apologized to Miya for it.
Butit didn’t seem that Miya really cared about that, because he justlaughed, his head thrown back, his arms around his stomach. “Whatkind of reasoning is that!?”, he said between laughter. “Whatwould you have done after that?”
“Idon’t know! Hide your corpse?”
“Ibitani,you’d be the worst murderer ever”.
“Oh,come on, as if you could do any better!”
Miyawas still laughing, and, with every second that passed, Ibitani wasfinding it harder and harder to keep basking in his self pity – itwas hard, not to join Miya and forget everything else when they werelike that, when he was looking at Ibitani like that, like nothingelse really mattered in the world.
“Sure,Iam one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave noforensic evidence behind”,Miya said, trying – and epically failing in suppressing hislaughter and keeping a straight face. “I already have a plan”.
“Yeah?And what would that be?”, Ibitani asked, a smile raising to hislips.
“It’seasy, killin’ you in the middle of the ocean and throwin’ your bodyin the water so no one would ever find you”, Miya said, as it wasthe most obvious thing ever – as if that whole conversation madeany sense at all.
Now,Ibitani couldn’t really hold his laughter in anymore. It took him along minute to be able to finally calm down and catch his breath.When he did, and looked back at Miya, he found him already looking athim, smile still on his lips, eyes still shining with hilarity.Ibitani allowed himself to get lost in them for a couple of momentsbefore looking away, hiding the blush on his cheeks behind his hair.
Suddenly,he realized that all the anger he had felt only minutes before wascompletely gone, lost in the laughter and the somehow weird intimacyof the moment.
Healmost laughed again. It was amazing, how Miya could help him calmdown by talking about killing each other – it was absolutelyridiculous, but Ibitani wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Youknow, Ibitani”, Miya started saying, “it’s okay to be angrysometimes. Just come to me when it happens, okay?”.
Ibitanioften felt like Miya could read him with too much ease, like he wasan open book to him – and now, now was one of those times, whenIbitani felt like Miya could literally read his mind, understandinghim with nothing more than a glance. He was looking at Ibitani likehe knew exactly what had been the cause of his bad mood.
Dumbfounded,his heart beating way faster than normal, Ibitani couldn’t do muchmore than nodding.
“We’vecome a long way from then”.
“Fromlast year”, Miya clarified. “We’ve come a long way”.
Andsuddenly, sitting on the roof where he had tried to kill the guy nowsitting close next to him, the guy who had, in such a short span oftime, become one of the most important people in his life –suddenly, Ibitani felt calmer than he had felt in a long while, andrealized that Miya was really right.
“Yeah,Miya, I guess you’re right”.
This was way longer than I intended, sorry, I got carried away lol I hope you liked it!!
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sparklyjojos · 6 years
I’ve already finished reading Smoke, Soil or Sacrifices, as it’s pretty short for Maijo standards (~350 pages), and the weirdest thing about it was that it wasn’t weird. At all. No supernatural events, no bizarre characters. Just a story about one dysfunctional family and the intergenerational cycle of violence with a backdrop of an ongoing serial attacker case investigation. I’ll write a proper summary post later, probably.
Some familiar names show up: one of the biggest helpers in the case is Shirai Masami (the guy Jorge calls to ask about the inmates’ dreams in Jorge Joestar; apparently Shirai’s a public prosecutor in this book), Kato Satoshi appears as a background character (he’s Serika’s husband in Jorge Joestar), and the sons of the victims tend to share their names with the Angel Bunnies.
Then there’s the DEEP LORE: the missing level of narration I’ve mentioned in another post. Namely the narrator’s older brother, Natsukawa Saburou. He’s a writer of mystery books featuring detective Runbaba 12 as the main character. Yeah, Runbaba 12, as in that dude who stars in The World is Made out of Closed Rooms and has cameos in Jorge Joestar and Disco Detective Wednesday. The character is based off of Saburou’s real life friend and detective, Banba Junjirou, who gets affectionately called Runbaba sometimes. (Sadly we don’t learn much about Banba apart from ‘has long hair, resembles a fairy from a fairytale book illustration, and is both quirky af and smart af’ before he gets killed.) Saburou mentions a few times that he’d like to write about x topic in the future, and I have a weird feeling these happen to be in other Maijo books; I know for certain the near-death experience thing is in Asura Girl, for example. I know Saburou is the narrator in Maijo’s second book, The Childish Darkness, and it pains me that I have no way to read that right now. (Pains me especially ever since I’ve learned that the plot of that features three mysterious keywords, that just happen to be ‘Kandai’, ‘Seijitsu’ and ‘Shoujiki’. With the deep lore implication that Saburou later took those words and reused them in his own work. Excuse me while I scream). 
I was still kinda skeptical about the Saburou = another narration level thing, but apparently there is a short story by Maijo called 駒月万紀子 (sadly even harder to get a hold on) that implies pretty clearly that one of Saburou’s books is *drumroll* Tsukumojuku. Seriously. So it’s likely that ‘the other God’ thing Tsukumojuku mentions is actually Saburou.
What the fuck is lore honestly.
In Smoke, Soil and Sacrifices there’s also this weird eldritch god thing called the Great God Jawakutora-sin, who likes spirals and giving people near-death experiences to cleanse their souls or something, but it turns out the god doesn’t exist and its name was just an anagram of someone else’s name... in this narration layer, at least, as apparently Jawakutora is mentioned in some other Maijo books. At this point I expect Nishi Akatsuki to eventually become similar to Castle Rock, Maine in the ‘oops our quiet town may have some unresolved Elder Ones issues’ department. Also Jawakutora’s symbol is something like this. Sweet dreams.
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cqjy1000-blog · 6 years
Bright Moonlight Before My Bed (Part 1)
(I can’t think of a summary so this will have to do for now. HTR fic. BanLin. ...Angst? Low stakes angst? Blood. Death. Except not really. Excessive ellipses.)
Banba carefully surveyed himself and his surroundings. His hands were handcuffed in front of him. He was in a small, empty, windowless room devoid of any fixtures, with the exception of a dim light bulb that hung from the ceiling.
He stood up and tried to open the door in front of him. No good, it was locked. The door looked and felt rather sturdy, and he doubted that he could kick it open.
How had he gotten there? What was this situation? It seemed like something that might have resulted from a job he was working on, but he had no recollection of having taken any kind of case like this. In fact, he had no memory of how he had gotten inside this room. The last thing he remembered was watching television with Lin before going to bed. He felt relatively clear-headed and pain-free, so he ruled out being drugged and kidnapped in his sleep without his knowledge.
After careful consideration, Banba concluded that this was, in all likelihood, a dream.
“What kind of dream is this, though?” he muttered to himself. Was he supposed to figure a way to get out of this room?
He realized that there were muffled sounds coming from somewhere in the distance, on the other side of the walls. If he strained his ears, he could make out some screaming and hurried footsteps. After a while, those sounds had ceased, and the only thing he could hear was a single set of footsteps approaching. They were slow and occasionally unsteady.
It sounded like the owner of those footsteps had made it just outside his room. Banba could hear laboured breathing and the jingling of keys. The person on the other side of the door seemed to be trying to open it. That suited him fine, so he stepped back and waited, wondering what was going to happen next.
The door swung open to a shocking sight. Lin stood before him in blood-soaked clothing, panting and leaning on the door for support. He clutched at his abdomen, from which blood was running down his fingers and body, staining him in streaks of red. His eyes were barely open and he was pale-faced and grimacing in obvious pain.
“Lin-chan!” Banba rushed forward and tried to hold him up as best he could with his hands bound.
“Right, your handcuffs. Hold on, I’ll unlock them.” Lin fumbled with the keyring in his hand and held up a small key.
“Don’t worry about that right now!”
“Idiot... we have to get this open or you’ll be useless.” Lin’s hand was shaking as he attempted to fit the key into the keyhole in the handcuffs.
“Let me do it.” Banba took the keys from Lin’s cold, trembling fingers and stuck the handcuff key in as fast as he could. He had the handcuffs open and off of his wrists within seconds.
The minute he had his arms free, Lin turned on his heel and started slowly walking away from the room down the hall, using the wall as support. “Follow me,” he said.
“Wait, Lin-chan.” It took no effort for Banba to catch up to him and put an arm around him to steady him and halt his movement. “Tell me what happened.”
Lin leaned against him and started speaking. “You got captured... and I came to get you. Some guy got me but... It’s fine, they’re all dead.”
“Who captured me?”
Lin shrugged and didn’t continue his explanation. Maybe he didn’t know. Or maybe it didn’t matter.
Banba glanced out the window in the hall and saw what appeared to be a loading dock. Could this be somewhere at the wharf? He looked into a window further down the hall and saw a forest landscape. It didn’t match up.
This was a dream, all right.
He turned back to Lin and asked, “Lin-chan, can I see that injury?”
Lin lifted his shirt carefully and showed him, prompting Banba to frown and suck a breath in through his teeth. There was a grisly stab wound on the centre left of his abdomen. It was deep and looked to have been made by a blade of some kind. This one was deeper than the one he had gotten previously.
“It’s fine.” While saying that, Lin took off his jacket and shirt and tore the shirt. Banba helped him rip it into several pieces and wrap it tightly across his midsection against the wound. After they were done, he helped Lin put his jacket back on.  
Banba didn’t know if it would be enough treatment for that kind of injury in a nightmare, but it would have to be enough for now. He sighed. “Okay, let’s get out of here. Can you walk?”
Lin hesitated before shaking his head. “I’ll carry you then?” Banba offered, but he was already leaning down in preparation.
Lin didn’t protest as he hooked an arm underneath his legs and lifted him into his arms. He leaned against Banba’s chest, resting his head on his shoulder, and closed his eyes in pain. Some strands of hair were stuck to his face from sweat.
With Lin in his arms, Banba tried to navigate through the building and find the exit. They passed by many dead bodies along the way. Of course they’re all dead, Banba thought. Even the Lin-chan inside my imagination is skilled. They didn’t stand a chance.
However, despite his best efforts, he couldn’t find the way out. The place was a labyrinth. He carried Lin through hallway after hallway, trekked up and down several flights of stairs, opened door after door, and they ended up nowhere. The space made no logical sense, and no matter what he tried he could not free them from the confusing mess of architecture
Wait, shouldn’t I be able to control this? Since he knew this was a nightmare, then couldn’t he turn this into a lucid dream? He could will an exit into existence or will Lin’s injuries out of existence.
Banba tried applying his thoughts to the situation, but it was in vain. They kept going down endless corridors, and Lin remained as badly injured as before.
Why is my mind doing this to us? Or, to me, I guess? Banba looked down at the person he was holding. This wasn’t the real Lin, he recognized that, but it still made his chest ache to see him in pain. At that moment, he wanted to get them to safety more than anything.
As he walked, he noticed Lin’s breathing become fainter, and a feeling of dread set in. The bleeding from Lin’s wound wasn’t stopping, despite the pressure Lin was trying to put on it. On the contrary, the bloodstain on Banba’s own shirt from where Lin’s body made contact with his was growing. The red soaked into his clothing and gradually spread.
“Banba, wait, I –” Lin started coughing violently, interrupting what he was saying. He raised his other hand to his mouth and blood leaked through his fingers as he coughed. Banba halted immediately and knelt down, afraid that the movement would make him drop him.
Finally, Lin stopped coughing and leaned back against Banba tiredly. “Can we stop for a bit?” he asked, his voice hoarse.
“Of course.” Banba sat down and leaned back against the wall, setting Lin down in his lap. He held him as tight as he thought he could without hurting him and sighed, defeated. He doubted that he would be able to take them both away from this impossible space. And he was starting to suspect that this was one of those nightmares.
All of this would end if he just woke up right now. He knew that. He knew that he wouldn’t have to see Lin in pain like this, growing weaker and weaker from the blood loss. He could wake up in his apartment, and see Lin safe and sound, happy and healthy. Right now, that was what he wanted, more than anything.
But, even though the person he was currently holding was generated by his own mind, even though all of this would vanish once he opened his eyes, he had to see this through to the end. Banba just couldn’t leave this Lin here by himself. He would be lonely.
“Sorry, Banba.” Lin’s soft voice roused him from his thoughts. “It didn’t have to... be like this. I... should have been... more careful...”
“No, Lin-chan. It was me,” Banba replied with conviction. “I’m the one who messed up.” He didn’t know what had happened, or if indeed anything had happened before the moment the nightmare scenario started, but he was sure of this. He was the one who had been locked in that room, after all. And Lin was the one who saved him.
“Lin-chan, why did you do all of this?” He didn’t know why he asked this question. The actual reason this Lin did all of this – kill a building full of people, get stabbed and keep going just to rescue him – was probably that Banba’s mind made him. But he asked anyway. He would probably ask the real one the same thing.
“Because... you were... in trouble...” Lin’s soft, halting words somehow had a determined quality to them. “I had to... come get you and... bring you home...”
The troubled expression on Banba’s face, which had been present ever since he saw Lin in the doorway, became more distraught. This kind of attitude felt worryingly familiar. “You can’t... You can’t go this far just for me.”
“Of course I can...”
“No, Lin-chan.” He didn’t know who he was speaking to anymore. “Please never do this... I’m not worth losin’ your life over.”
“I disagree...”
“Banba.” Before he could launch into whatever he was going to say – Banba wasn’t too sure himself – Lin interrupted him, mustering up the strength to lean back and look him in the eye. “You should go...”
“What?” Go where? They were both trapped here.
“You don’t... have to... watch this...” Lin’s gaze was unexpectedly piercing, coming from someone who could barely bring himself to sit up, and his tone was strange. It sounded like there was a hidden meaning behind what he was saying. Was it possible that he had realized what all of this was? “Leave... go home...”
“No.”  He had already made up his mind. Banba used the hand that wasn’t supporting Lin to find Lin’s free hand and hold it gently. Lin’s hand was quite a bit colder than it had been when he touched it earlier.
“I’m not leaving you here,” Banba said firmly. He leaned down and pressed his lips against Lin’s temple, and then held him close to his chest.
“I’m staying.”
And so he did. Banba talked softly to him, even after Lin stopped responding to the sound of his voice, and never let go of his hand. Lin bled out in his lap. His breathing grew lighter and lighter until it ceased altogether, and he stopped moving.
Perhaps that should have been the end of it. Banba could have woken up then. But he chose to sit there and hold Lin’s body for a while longer.
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Inishowen 100- A Handy Guide
Hey Guys, Hannah here for my first blog.Myself and 4 other classmates have teamed together and have been tasked with creating a blog. We have decided to write about our own area as we are each from different counties in Ireland.
So how else to tour Inishowen but through a virtual road trip of the infamous Inishowen 100.
Disclaimer: We thought as a group it would be fun if we made each blog funny but in writing this I've realized just how unfunny i am, so if any jokes seem painful or embarrassing please skim over and forget what you just read!
To be perfectly honest I don't know where you’re meant to begin but for handiness i’m going to suggest Malin Head.
Mile 1
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Okay so mile 1 of our 100 mile road trip(don't let the 100 miles put you off, skipping a few  towns is encouraged but we’ll get to that later).Malin head and the roads leading to it are honestly one of the most beautiful and impressive landscapes I've ever seen.So beautiful in fact that star wars filmed here last year so you don't have to take my word on it.
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On the flat plain just below the Banba’s Tower at Malin Head, Ireland’s most northerly point is the word EIRE, marked in stone and painted white. This was an important navigational marker for pilots in World War Two to alert aircraft to neutral Ireland.Now that the history aspect is covered,I recommend picking up a coffee (you’ll need it )and a brownie at Ireland's most northerly coffee van,Caffe Banba.
Mile 10
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Follow the signs for Culdaff from malin head and away we go again on our journey.The beach is a must see here if you’re brave enough to deal with the cold or smart enough to have wrapped up warm.This breathtaking beach is the perfect place to get those steps in before lunch.
And as for lunch Mcgrory's in culdaff is your best bet ( not only because i work there) but it was recently named one of Ireland's 100 best restaurants by the sunday times.Pull up have a meal and a drink or two and appreciate the astonishing history of the backroom.
The Backroom in McGrory’s is widely regarded as one of the best small music venues in Ireland., The Backroom history alone tells an interesting, rather surprising story for a venue in a village of just over 200 people. World famous names, such as Peter Green (Fleetwood Mac), Chic and Guy Clark , along with esteemed local and Irish musicians, such as Paul Brady, Mary Black, The Saw Doctors, Danny O Reilly (The Coronas), Cara Dillon, Altan, Declan O’Rourke, The Strypes and Damien Dempsey have all taken to the stage of The Backroom, performing in this renowned intimate venue.
Mile 20
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Onto Kinnagoe Bay for our next stop.The scenery as you approach this beautiful cove is quite breathtaking and when you descend to the actual beach you feel as if you are in another world, feeling totally cut off by the sea front and the sheer cliffs to every side It’s claim to fame is  for being the location of the wreck of the Armada ship La Trinidad Valencera on 16 September 1588, in memory of which a plaque is mounted.
Mile 35
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Okay now this one might not  be for everyone but I  still think it needs a mention. The Bailey Redcastle, probably the best worst nightclub in Ireland.Out in the middle of nowhere where it doesn't seem to matter how drunk you get or if you’re even 18 a great night will be had. 
Side note if you’re 18 or older you’ll probably feel a bit old but if you’ve ended up there you are obviously drunk enough to not care so enjoy the cheap drink and have a boogie.
Mile 55
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Okay so here's where we start to skip, not because you should by any means but i just haven't a clue what's in Fahan so let's move on. Follow signs for Fahan and just drive on and we’ll be on the right track.
Mile 70
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Okay Dunree Fort is our next stop. Fort Dunree remained under British sovereignty until 3 October 1938 when, pursuant to the Anglo-Irish Trade Agreement of 25 April 1938, the territory was seceded to Ireland.The fort is now a military museum with detailed exhibitions, many restored guns such as BL 6 inch Mk VII naval gun and an old military camp. There are also displays about the area birds, marine life and coastal vegetation.To be honest i’ve never been here but heard it's a must so included it for that reason!
Mile 80
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Second last stop for all yous weary travellers out there, and it's a good one I promise. Ballyliffin, home to The Dubai Duty Free Golf open in 2018 and most importantly home to Nancy's Barn one of Ireland's best cafes i promise yous!If you're a fan of chowder then this place is unmissable as it t took home first prize in the seafood category at the 36th annual Great Chowder Cook-Off in Rhode Island, the longest-running event of its kind in the USA and the crème de la crème of chowder contests worldwide.So pop in try the delicious food and maybe head down to Pollen Beach a few short minutes away to walk off the well deserved meal. 
Mile 90
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Here we go our last stop for this road trip. Carndonagh,the best for last ( again probably biased because i live here but sure we’ll say nothing)At this stage I would recommend you go look at the Church of The Sacred Heart and admire its beauty but I know yous would prefer a pint at this stage so that's where we’re going to go.Start off in the persian or the glen for one or two and as we all know one is never one so the sportsmans is always a good shout for the many to follow. Most of the many pubs in Cran will have music on the weekend so sure try them all and head on down to tul na ri for a nightclub that would rival coppers (ahemm)
Mile 100
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If you're fit to drive after trying all the pubs in Carn then head back up to Malin Head and you’ll have completed the infamous Inishowen 100 journey. 
Disclaimer all mile signposts are approximate from my best guess and a few google searches.
**Also a pubcrawl version of the Inishowen 100 exists which promises to be more fun so each to their own I suppose.**
0 notes
non-writingwriter · 5 years
The Great Plan to Take Lin Xiaoming To The Gay Pride
Hello there! I’m back in the fandom with a little drabble I wrote during Pride month like, last year. And then proceeded to forget all about it until now, when I was looking through my files to do some organising and I found it abandoned in a corner. It’s a cute, silly thing, but I like it and I hope you do too! :)
Banba is well aware that the better part of Lin's life hadn't been exactly easy. Or common, by any means.
And yet.
There are things that everyone should do at least once before dying. And seen as likely as it is for a hitman to die any given day, before dying implies well before being twenty-one.
Those things include marching in a Pride - hell, knowing what a Pride is, in the first place.
It takes a while to explain it to him, and even when Banba manages, Lin doesn't seem so enthusiastic.
Banba isn't sure if it's because he hates people or because he doesn't believe him.
At times, Banba wonders how Lin would be now if he knew asexuality was a thing ten years ago, or if he was ever given the time and place to grow up like every child should. He wouldn't probably be the Lin he is now, but he wonders anyway.
Banba also wishes he could give it to him. He can't, clearly, but he can take him to Pride.
Hakata's Gay Pride might not be New York's, but it's not bad for a start.
The morning of the Big Day he still hasn't told Lin anything about The Great Plan to Take Lin Xiaoming To The Gay Pride - which is admittedly a bit of a long title for a plan, so TGTLXTGP for short.
(Everyone they know knows about TGTLXTGP. It was a necessary evil, because he needs Enokida to keep an eye out for any problems and he needs Jirou's face paint, seen as he never thought about buying grey and white.
When he shows up at the bar, Jirou has to physically restrain his daughter from coming home with him to paint Lin's cheeks. He would have let her, had it been someone else - maybe next year they could go together, he says.
It's selfish of him, but he really really wants to be the first - and possibly the only - one to see Lin's eyes when the truth and high of people and music kicks in. He might even laugh.
Banba really really hopes he does. There isn't one single better way to die.)
He comes home a little later than he planned for, so he can't exactly ease Lin into the idea like he had hoped to do.
Instead, he sits him down on the couch, face paint in hand, and he prays Lin won't bite all of his fingers off. 
"We're going to Pride. And I am going to paint your cheeks, because I'll be damned if you don't get the full experience, Lin-chan." he says, going for cheerful in the hopes Lin will be too blindsided by the sudden attack to answer it with one of his own.
He only looks confused, though. Well, angry-confused, which is how Lin looks a great deal of the time anyway.
"That's completely idiotic. Why should you paint me?" he asks, a frown firmly in place on his face and weariness in his eyes.
Banba tries to smile bigger, and it's not too hard. It's oh so delightful to be the one that gets to cross this bridge with him.
"It's to show you're part of a group, Lin-chan. If you're really against it I won't push it, but I thought it could be nice for you to wear the asexual colours?" and he can see Lin frown, confused. He doesn't question him further, probably deeming it useless to ask where these supposed colours come from or something along those lines.
He nods, quickly, when Banba questioningly raises the palette again, and that's enough.
(He does quite a good job, the colours blending nicely together without being a shapeless mess. The unique grey of his eyes is almost the same as the one on his skin, and Banba stares at his face a hell of a lot of time more than recommended, but he can't exactly help himself.
He startles when Lin glares at him, making it obvious he's been spacing out for a while.
The glare almost completely disappears when he smiles, offering him the paint.
"Care to help me, Lin-chan?" he asks, beaming when he nods again, curiosity in his expression.)
Banba can sense Lin's nervousness when they finally join the parade, laughter and loud music echoing in the square where they're regrouping before starting to walk.
He lets his right hand relax, maybe a little too close to Lin's side than strictly necessary, just in case. He's actually surprised when Lin takes it, squeezing it forcefully and pretending not to.
He's not looking at him, assessing his surroundings with that angry-confused expression on that Banba finds so familiar and that is probably scaring off half of the people that would like to talk to them.
(Banba is sure there is at least someone, because Hakata's community is small and Lin's face is new and this is the first year he's not with Jirou. Rumours have probably already started, but he only grips Lin's hand more strongly, trying to be reassuring.)
Lin tenses up when someone - judging by the flag she's carrying around, she's with the ace/aro group, which makes sense - gets close to them despite his murderous glances.
The girl seems friendly enough, innocuous - suddenly shy under their joint scrutiny.
"Hello!" she begins, too loud even though the music is still louder. Lin frowns - he frowns more -and she awkwardly waves at them, still smiling hesitantly. She talks directly to him, looking towards Banba sometimes like she's making sure she's not bothering, because Lin surely is looking at her like she is. "I just noticed the flag on your face, you know. I wanted to ask if maybe you wanted to join us for the parade?" she keeps going, and then, quickly, when she notices the way Lin is clinging to his side, "You both, of course."
(At that, Banba sees out of the corner of his eye the way Lin's free hand relaxes a little, falling further away from the knife strapped to his thigh.
Instincts are hard to eradicate, but he's an optimist. A couple of years of this, and he might at least agree to wear something else, maybe hide the knife in his boot.
Oh, wouldn't it be nice to see him wearing boots. He makes a mental note for himself, in case the possibility to ask ever presents itself.)
They end up marching almost the whole thing next to the group. Lin is stiff, at first - almost timid, in a way Banba never thought he would be.
(But is it weird, in the end?
He thinks about things confessed in the dead of night, whispered - sometimes only wrenched words.
Fear. Alone. Freak. The only one. Machine. Wrong. Freak, freak, freak.
He knows how that was the worst possible thing to be, in his situation.
He will never know how it must feel to know he's not alone at all.)
He lets his hair down quickly enough, once he decides nobody is trying to kill them and he hasn't tried to kill anybody. He still scowls, still frowns, still looks kind of angry - but there's something, in his eyes, while he listens to stories and shared experiences and things Banba will never be able to understand, or to explain to him.
He listens, and when he glances up at him - when they're almost done, music getting louder and colours brighter, laughter resounding in the air like silver bells - Banba sees the wonder, innocent and wide-eyed and beautiful, just for a moment.
He doesn't laugh, but he does something even better.
Honestly, Banba can't recall a time when being kissed within an inch of his life felt as good.
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non-writingwriter · 5 years
writing masterpost
Masterpost for my works - which is mostly fanfiction, with one original short story that happens to be here. Since they are scattered on here and on ao3 it’s getting difficult to keep track so I thought I’d gather them all and add on as I write ( ◜◡‾)
Assassination Classroom
the way you sing for me, ~1600 words, karunagi, rated E, aged up characters and light dom/sub
Karma has a problem. A really pretty, really loud problem. (It isn’t, in fact, a problem he has. It’s a problem the neighbours have that he happens to be accountable for.) Nagisa might be able to sneak up on Japan’s most feared assassins, but sure as hell he doesn’t make for a good neighbour. Karma tries to help. (More or less.)
The completely normal life of Karma Akabane, ~1200 words, karunagi, rated G, aged up characters and some fluff
Nagisa is a creature of habit - able to pull it off only because of the absolute surprise every day with him manages to be, with assassins still visiting them for dinner once a month and class reunions as often as they can. […]
Nagisa is set in his ways to the point that Karma knows from first-hand experience that very few things can stop him from starting to cook dinner at six o'clock.
Bungou Stray Dogs
Quiet days, ~1700 words, dazushi, rated G, getting-together-fluff and kind of a slice-of-life
They don’t get many quiet days, at the Agency. There are jobs to do and people to help and things to arrange, and they’re desperately understaffed ever since he can remember. No one has time for things like quiet. (Except sometimes they do.) […] Life at the Armed Detective Agency is dangerous and chaotic. An hectic mess, except when it’s not.
in your ears, eyes, hands, ~2200 words, dazushi, rated E, light dom/sub and rope bondage
He can’t see. The blindfold is securely tied over his eyes, plunging him in darkness he can’t breach with the tiger’s sight. Not that he actually can use it, anyway, not when Dazai makes sure to always be touching him. Sometimes, the tiger needs taming. Dazai is more than happy to provide an helping hand.
the mystery of love, ~1200 words, dazushi, rated G, everyone knows they’re dating except Atsushi
“Why does Dazai-san never come home for dinner?”, she asks, and he doesn’t really understand her point. Nor why she would ask in the first place - none of the others ever comes around for dinner, and she never seemed bothered by it.
“Neither does Kunikida, or Kenji, or Ranpo-san,” he says, trying to understand her reasons. She’s not fazed, taking another bite from the fish.
“But Kunikida-san or Kenji or Ranpo-san aren’t Dazai-san,” she replies, like it’s so completely obvious it’s not worth mentioning again.
during the storm, ~1200 words, dazushi, rated G, Dazai has nightmares even if he won’t admit it
He knows Dazai has a terrible bedhead in the mornings, he knows he likes to get up first and make breakfast for him and Kyouka even though he’s kind-of-probably still a guest, he knows he drinks definitely too much coffee, black and too strong for Atsushi to even tolerate its smell.
He knows what it feels like waking up next to someone and seeing their face still drowsy with sleep, he knows what it means to fall asleep to steady breathing close to him and an arm casually wrapped around his middle. He knows Dazai doesn’t sleep as much as he should, and he knows that he has nightmares on rainy nights.
He often has, but rainy nights are the worst. Atsushi is not about to ask why.
Boku no hero academia
waiting for you to come home, ~1500, tododeku, rated G, aged up and married characters, some sweet thing about the everyday life of superheroes
It’s hard to be one of the top superheroes in a city as busy and villain-ridden as Musutafu. Sure, it’s not Tokyo, but that somehow only makes it worse. […] It’s even harder to be married to one of the top superheroes in Musutafu. Or, in his case, to the top superhero of the city. Being heroes isn’t easy. Being married heroes just about doubles the difficulty.
Good Omens
oh, to be in love, ~400 combined, ineffable husbands, rated G, companion poems about love, fear, and patience
There are things unsaid unspeakable in the curve of his smile. - Honey fills your mouth hearing his name, as you pretend it is not spoken with hatred.
you can also find poem for the pining here and poem for the prisoner here
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
of courtains and betrayals, ~1000, banlin, rated G, prompt filling with everyday fluff and bickering idiots
Hitmen never die pretty deaths. Apparently, his not only won’t be pretty, but painful too. An extremely painful suicide. And all because he couldn’t tell the fundamental difference between forest green and peacock green. Or keep his mouth shut, for all that matters.
The Great Plan to Take Lin Xiaoming To The Gay Pride, ~1300, banlin, rated G, Lin has never heard of Pride and Banba makes sure to change that
There are things that everyone should do at least once before dying. And seen as likely as it is for a hitman to die any given day, before dying implies well before being twenty-one.
Those things include marching in a Pride - hell, knowing what a Pride is, in the first place.
It takes a while to explain it to him, and even when Banba manages, Lin doesn’t seem so enthusiastic.
Banba isn’t sure if it’s because he hates people or because he doesn’t believe him.
to think of time, ~6700 words, daisuga, rated T, Major Character Death (for in-verse situation), a Kimi no na wa daisuga au
It feels like falling. Falling in a life that isn’t his own, he sees colours and shapes exploding in all the corners of is mind, filling him to the brink with love for someone he doesn’t know. (For him.) […] He sees dancing and sunlight, and broken smiles smiled in a mirror – and he feels so full of life he could burst, and he has no idea how all this can be only half of him. (He thinks that if he was ever to see him whole, Suga could blind him for good.)
Shingeki no Kyojin
unfolded in brilliant lights, ~4300 words, eruri, rated E, dom/sub play, multiple orgasms and sub!Erwin
He doesn’t say anything. They look at each other, instead, for a long moment filled with silence. Levi’s gaze is heavy, meaningful. Assessing him, too. It makes him restless, already helplessly pinned under it before Levi even talks. The alcohol is a faraway thought in the back of his mind, almost forgotten. He needs this, now. (It had started because he needed it. […] Sometimes, it’s just easier to let Levi take charge.
Yuuri!!! on Ice
tip of my tongue, ~3400 words, fem!victuuri, rated E, a birthday smut for Victor with face-sitting and happy lesbians in general
«Vika?» «Mh?» «Vika.» «Mmh?» «What do you want for your birthday?» «You сидишь на my face.» «What?» «Don’t know the thing. Verb. Like on a chair.» «To sit?» «Да, that. Sit. On my face. Now sleep, ’s so late.»
Viktoriya’s birthday is in two weeks, and Yuuri has absolutely no idea what to get her. Luckily, she’s not as hard to please as one would think.
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
warmth, ~1100 words, hananene, rated G, hurt/comfort, fluff, they are in love but they don’t really know yet, also Hanako needs to be protected
Original writing
blood and roses (or caffeine challenge #26), ~1000 words, rated G, femslash, it involves supernatural girlfriends and some subtle pining mostly
«I saw you in a painting, once. You looked younger.» Serena would laugh, at that, if it was appropriate. She stops before going through with it, the girl’s eyes flashing deep black in her mind. Maybe she can get a little afraid, sometimes.
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
Random Writing Demo…
… Okay.
First off, I would like to blame my three main enablers:
And I.
Also this is Banba’s fault and I hope he’s proud of himself.
I guess you could say this is a little like a game demo—bc it’s rough around the edges, and I cannot guarantee that this is exactly how it will appear in the finished product.
Long Post.
Okay. So. You wanna know how this started? *breaks out Mike’s Hard Lemonade bc it’s pretty much the only alcohol I can drink and dramatically opens bottle while equally melodramatic western music plays in the background as I lean forward on my stool, putting one foot up on the table and then slamming by bottle down* I’ll tell ya how this started.
It started with one, single question:
What if there were evil clones of the Masters?
Quick summary of how we got to this point (in dramatic summary fashion!): (Obviously, this takes place later in the series, once we’re all rather attached. And is less on the killing people XD) After the Druidon manage to steal Kou, Asuna, and Melto’s RyuSouls, the team sets out to retrieve them. They succeed, but encounter what appears to be Masters Red, Pink, and Blue alive! The Druidon claim that they used the Souls to revive them, but something is wrong—the Master’s personalities have been horribly twisted, and they’re siding with the Druidon! Worse, they have now one, single mission: to kill their former students! The three are incredibly distraught, and can’t bring themselves to properly fight their own Masters, and the team only just manages to survive the first encounter and retreat back to the Tatsui house. There, Banba and Touwa decide to try and spare the the trio from having to fight their beloved Masters again, and depart to fight the copies alone. However, it seems the false Masters also have the ability to hypnotise others! While the Ryusoulgers were regrouping have been amassing an army of mind controlled civilians as shields! The fight goes badly, and the brothers are soon overwhelmed…
Banba crashed roughly into the ground, landing hard on his wounded shoulder. He tasted blood from a split lip as he struggled to rise, and his vision was blurring slightly. He didn’t get much time to get his bearings, because hands appeared, dragging him back up by his arms, twisting his shoulder and the sizeable cut on his chest even more. He was forced up to his knees, restrained by the hold of multiple people—they were all clearly civilians, all had the same blank gaze. Normally, he’d’ve been able to get free from any one of them, even wounded—but there were so many that their hold seemed practically unbreakable. When he heard his brother cry out somewhere off in the haze, however, he still tried, gritting his teeth against the pain when the strain aggravated his injuries even more.
He was about to call Touwa’s name when he was abruptly interrupted by a sword blade at his throat—specifically, his own RyusoulKen.
Turning his head just bit, he glared at the person holding it. He may not have known the face, but he’d been well informed that the cold, heartless look did not belong there.
“You two were quite reckless.” The tone was just as frozen as the expression—bemused, bored, and dangerous. “All this for those three?”
For the first time in a while, it took effort to keep his emotions under control, between worry for his brother and direness of their situation—but he focused on the pain from his injuries and the harsh sting of the sword point with every breath he took to keep his head clear. “You wouldn’t understand,” He managed to snarl, and almost succeeded in keeping his voice completely even.
The fake smirked cruelly, turning the sword slightly under Banba’s chin to force his head up further, so that they were looking right into each other’s faces. “Oh? I’d think we know them much better than you.”
“You don’t know them.” Black growled back. “Especially not anymore.”
“You think quite highly of them,” The clone replied, “Risking your lives like this.” His eyes narrowed in thought, the ruthless grin growing wider. “And what do we do with you now…? Slit your throats and leave them your dead bodies as a present?” The sword edge pushed harder against Banba’s throat, pricking slightly and making even more difficult to breathe calmly, as the copy considered his choices.
“I don’t care what you do to me.” Black hissed, straining forward again, despite the sword. “But leave. Those four. Alone.” Each word made the blade sting against his skin, and he felt  a trickle of warmth when it drew blood, but he still spat them back at the copy’s face with as much force as he could.
The fake Master Red studied his glare silently for a moment, staring right back into his eyes. “… I didn’t think you were such a noble fool.”
“I protect what’s important to me.”
The imposter’s head tilted slightly, looking his captive over more thoroughly—until his eyes finally lighted on Black’s necklace. “Important, hm…?” He mused softly.
Slowly, the sword lowered away from Banba’s throat for a moment, the point tracing down the line of his neck to his collarbone. Turning it to slip the tip through the necklace cord, the clone gingerly lifted the pendant clear of Banba’s shirt collar, balanced on the flat side of the blade. For a very long moment, he held it there, tilting the sword just slightly for better light. There was blood smeared on the front and back from the stab wound in the Black’s shoulder and the gash on his chest—bright red which was still wet, smudging slightly onto the blade. Banba tried to jerk away, but the the hands holding him down were also on his shoulders now, and found himself unable to move at all. 
“Well then…” The copy whispered—then he swiftly crouched down, catching the pendant in his hand and laying the blade edge back against Banba’s throat in the same motion. He turned the pendant over in its fingertips thoughtfully for a moment—then hooked two fingers around the cord, gripping tightly. “… If they won’t come for us…” Turning the sword so that the flat side was against Black’s throat, he yanked, hard. A slice of burning pain cut across the back and sides of Banba’s neck when the latch of the necklace snapped and both it and the cord cut into his skin as it was wrenched off. The motion his head forward against the blade so roughly he couldn’t breathe for a moment, and was forced to gasp for breath when he fell back again. The fake rose, though he readjusted the RyusoulKen to ensure it stayed against Banba’s throat—not as closely as before, but near enough that Black’s slightly panicked pulse was pounding against the metal. His other hand held the necklace up by the cord, dangling the pendant to inspect it even closer. Finally, his gaze returned to his prisoner, eyes gleaming with a vicious brand of delight at the horror he could see slowly creeping into the Ryusoulger’s expression. “… Maybe they’ll come for you.”
Banba’s heart skipped, and he struggled against the hands holding him again. “You…!”
In response, the fake spun the blade around and struck him across the face with the hilt of his own sword, leaving more blood in his mouth and an ugly cut on his cheek. “Behave.” The imposter growled. “We only need one of you alive, and neither of you have to be in one piece.” The sword point slipped immediately back under Banba’s chin, forcibly dragging his head back up to look into the clone’s merciless eyes again without a chance to recover from the hit. “So don’t try anything. Unless you want to watch us feed your little brother to a Minusaur.” There was a commotion nearby, and the clone looked over his shoulder casually. “Same goes for you, boy.” He called, as the fake Master Blue dragged a fiercely resisting Touwa bodily into sight. “Stop squirming before it kills your brother.” The blade point pressed closer, cutting another thin line of red beneath Banba’s jaw.
Touwa froze immediately, gaze flying to his brother, quickly taking in the extent of his injuries, genuine terror brimming in his eyes. Finally, his eyes fell to the ground and he nodded meekly when the copy gave him a questioning look.
“Good boy.” Grunted the fake Blue, reestablishing his hold now that Green had stilled.
The fake Master Pink appeared on Banba’s other side, and took over holding a sword—Touwa’s RyusoulKen—to Black’s throat when the fake Red moved away, striding toward where the Blue clone was holding Touwa. “Well, well…” The clone murmured, taking Green’s arm and pulling it sharply up to examine the bracelet on the boy’s wrist. “… You’ve got one, too…” He smirked again. “It does pay to have a matching set.” Unceremoniously, he pulled Touwa’s arm straight by the wrist, and wrenched the bracelet sharply off as well, causing Touwa to wince slightly as the cord burned his wrist. Stepping back, the clone Red held the bracelet up to look over its pendant, too—there was blood smudged on it, as well, running down Touwa’s arm from a bad gash above his elbow.
Banba took the brief moment of respite to check his younger brother for other injuries. Aside from the nasty cut on his arm, Touwa had several bad scrapes, and another nasty looking graze on his head, matting his hair with more blood, but he still looked alert and was moving normally. None of his injuries were as bad as Banba had feared. Relief allowed his shoulders to relax a bit—his own mind was still hazy and his movements sluggish from pain and blood loss, and it was probably only going to get worse. But if there was a chance to get Touwa safe… Especially if he could manage it before those three, in their incurable kindness, fell into whatever trap the imposters were planning.
But then the fake Red gestured sharply to the false Pink. The RyusoulKen disappeared from his throat for a moment, and there was rustling and a rush of air behind him—something struck him hard on the back of the head, and everything went black.
And that concludes this demo! XD
There might be another later… ^^
But I hope people enjoyed. And that they might actually be interested in seeing the full thing at some point… DX
(Also, I would like to personally apologise to Master Red—it’s a clone, okay?)
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
Random Writing Parts 2!…
… Anyone remember this post?
Well… I finally wrote a parts 2.
Melto and Touwa this time! Aka Mom and baby. XD
Also, can we please have another moment of silence for the horizontal line.
And also my sticky keyboard. I should clean this… DX
After they got through this, Touwa was going to have to ask Melto to spar some time.
Assuming they got through this.
He ducked away from another swing of Blue’s, still doing his best to keep his distance. The trio had already proved themselves more capable than he’d originally assumed, but he was definitely coming to the conclusion that he really hadn’t been giving Melto enough credit. Blue was the quieter type, and often seemed like he was hiding behind Kou and Asuna—but his skills were nothing short of impressive in practice; Touwa suspected the only reasons he was able to keep up was his own speed and that he was used to training with his brother. Melto was good, but he had nothing on Banba. Not that Touwa was at all a match for his brother, either—it just meant he’d gotten pretty damn good at dodging. But Banba always got him eventually, and though it was taking Melto much longer… Under the effects of the Minusaur’s power, Blue didn’t appear to be feeling fatigue, and he was starting to run out of steam.
He was painfully reminded of the fact when the tip of Melto’s sword caught his side, cutting through his shirts and leaving a long, angry slash across his mid-torso and knocking him off balance. Stumbling back, he clutched at his side, finding it wet and sticky. The next time Blue swung at him, the sword grazed his cheek, leaving another stinging cut. Leaping back as far as he could, he struggled to recover his bearings. “You still can’t hear me?” He panted, trying to catch his breath, wavering on his feet again, hoping to maybe give the other Ryusoulger pause. Blue made no reply, merely staring at him—he could feel the blankness of the other Ryusoulger’s gaze through the helmet, remembered the unnatural, shimmering frost that was creeping over his teammate’s complexion. “… Right.”
Then Blue came at him again, and he was desperately evading once more—but try as he might, he couldn’t recover the rhythm. Melto’s blade caught him again in the shoulder, then scraped down his arm as he pulled back. His head started to swim a little; this wasn’t just tiring—though the wounds were not particularly deep, the constant movement was twisting and aggravating them. He was steadily losing blood with each motion he made. His breath was racing, it was getting harder to keep his balance, and he was losing strength. He was running out of time.
Finally, a dodge from a swing at his chest turned into a stumble and he crashed backwards, slamming into the ground, the point of Blue’s snagging his shirt and slicing through it, though not close enough to do much damage—yet. As he scrambled to right himself, Melto shambled closer, raising the blade again… A slight movement and a small sound caught his attention; something had dropped from the other Ryusoulger’s belt to the ground—a small beaded charm. One he’d caught Blue brooding over a few times when Melto had thought no one else was looking.
He barely recollected himself in time to roll away from the next swing of the sword, though the motion made him even more dizzy and he just barely made it. Struggling up, he crawled forward, grasping frantically for the charm—he didn’t know anything about it, really, but the fact that Melto carried it everywhere and clutched it so tightly had to mean it was important to him. HIs strength was spent and his mind fogging over—if he had a chance this was it.
His fingers closed around the talisman, and he rolled on to his back and holding it up as Blue came at him again, blade raised to strike once more. “Wait!” He ducked his head, squeezing his eyes shut, just in case.
But the blow never came. Slowly, he cracked his eye open, raising his head. Melto had frozen, the sword edge hovering hardly a hair’s breadth from the charm in Touwa’s raised palm, and the other Ryusoulger was staring down at it, transfixed.
Green struggled to steady his breath enough to speak. “… Remember this?” He was desperately trying to think of what to say—not knowing what the charm was made it harder, but could waste the chance. “It’s important to you, right? To the real you.”
For a long time, there was only silence—and then, “… Master…?”
Touwa blinked. He’d known that Kou’s Master had been killed by Tankjoh, and he supposed had presumed that something similar had befallen the other two, but it had never really felt right to ask. Now it seemed he was staking his life and so much else on how much Master Blue had meant to Melto. At the very least, it seemed to be working, as Blue faded back a step, sword lowering, his hand moving to clutch his head.
Gingerly, Touwa leveraged himself into a sitting position with his free hand, the other continuing to hold out the charm. “You guys want to save everyone, right?” He panted. “Shouldn’t…” It was getting hard to focus, but he pressed on, “… Shouldn’t that include you guys?” His arm drooped, trembling, as he lost more energy. But Melto dropped the RyusoulKen, shaking his head and clutching it more, this time with both hands, stumbling back again. With new hope, Green struggled to keep the talisman up, though his vision was starting to blur and words were hard to come by. “I…” Desperation gave way to a burst of adrenaline, and he shouted the first thing he felt, his voice cracking with emotion, “… The person I want to save right now is you!”
Melto went completely still, and for seconds upon seconds, even the air itself felt frozen. Then, slowly, ever so slowly, Blue lowered his hands. “… T… Touwa…?” With a shimmer, the other Ryusoulger’s transformation dropped. He blinked a few times, voice and expression groggy like he’d just woken from a deep sleep. The frost was gone from his skin, and his gaze was his own. “… Wh… What is…?”
Touwa’s arm dropped to the ground as he let out a relieved sigh, his shoulders sagging. “… It worked…” He managed. “You…” The fog caught him then, and he keeled over backwards towards the ground.
With a yelp, Melto dove forward, panic sharply clearing the clouds from his mind, and just barely managed to catch Green’s head before it hit the ground, cradling it in his hands until he  was able to get his arm around the boy’s shoulders, resting his head on it. “Touwa?!” He looked Touwa over frantically, and his heart sank at what he saw. None of the wounds were particularly deep, but they looked twisted and painful, and Green was frighteningly pale. “… Touwa?” His gaze drifted to the other Ryusoulger’s hand, still clutching something—and when he reached out to retrieve it, it was…
His blood ran cold. He looked over Green’s wounds once more—there was absolutely no doubt they had been made by a sword, and a slightly glance over his shoulder revealed his own RyusoulKen discarded on the ground. Little snatches and flashes flickered through his memory—none good, all painful. His breath caught, and his hands began to shake, his grip on Touwa’s shoulder tightening, tears welling in his eyes for the first time since he’d lost his Master. This… He had… He had done…
“… Melto.” A voice came from his Changer, quiet and uncharacteristically gentle in the way it said his name. He knew it, too. “Are you there?”
“… Kanaro?” The word was barely a croak, “… Touwa…” His throat went dry. He didn’t trust himself to say more yet.
Fortunately, it seemed Gold did not expect him too. “… I figured.” There was something clipped, restrained about the reply, but Kanaro didn’t wait for him to answer. “Asuna, too. Ui…” He trailed off. “… Just… Wait where you are. I’ll come find you.” There was a pause, an ominous one. “Kou…”
“I’ll call him.” Melto quickly interrupted, though his voice was still terribly hoarse, but his mind was already desperately seeking the comfort of logic and sense. If Asuna had suffered the same fate he had, then it stood to reason that Kou might have, as well—in all likelihood, it might be better for an old friend to contact him, a voice he’d known since childhood, just in case.
“But, Kanaro?” There was a sound on the other end, like Gold had been about to hang up. Melto cast another look at the unnaturally pale boy in his arms, wounds still bleeding. “… Hurry.”
Melto would absolutely be one to dive forward and catch one of the others’ heads before they hit the ground. Banba too, I think. XD There will be a parts 3 to this coming at some point. And probably a parts 4. And maybe even a parts 0, bc I came up w/ the results before the set up. Whoops.
These aren’t on AO3 yet, I think I’m gonna finish ‘em all and post them all at once.
Another moment of silence for my sticky keyboard.
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non-writingwriter · 5 years
writing masterpost
Masterpost for my works - which is mostly fanfiction, with one original short story that happens to be here. Since they are scattered on here and on ao3 it’s getting difficult to keep track so I thought I’d gather them all and add on as I write ( ◜◡‾)
Assassination Classroom
the way you sing for me, ~1600 words, karunagi, rated E, aged up characters and light dom/sub
Karma has a problem. A really pretty, really loud problem. (It isn't, in fact, a problem he has. It's a problem the neighbours have that he happens to be accountable for.) Nagisa might be able to sneak up on Japan's most feared assassins, but sure as hell he doesn't make for a good neighbour. Karma tries to help. (More or less.) 
The completely normal life of Karma Akabane, ~1200 words, karunagi, rated G, aged up characters and some fluff
Nagisa is a creature of habit - able to pull it off only because of the absolute surprise every day with him manages to be, with assassins still visiting them for dinner once a month and class reunions as often as they can. [...]
Nagisa is set in his ways to the point that Karma knows from first-hand experience that very few things can stop him from starting to cook dinner at six o'clock.
Bungou Stray Dogs
Quiet days, ~1700 words, dazushi, rated G, getting-together-fluff and kind of a slice-of-life
They don't get many quiet days, at the Agency. There are jobs to do and people to help and things to arrange, and they're desperately understaffed ever since he can remember. No one has time for things like quiet. (Except sometimes they do.) [...] Life at the Armed Detective Agency is dangerous and chaotic. An hectic mess, except when it's not.
in your ears, eyes, hands, ~2200 words, dazushi, rated E, light dom/sub and rope bondage
He can't see. The blindfold is securely tied over his eyes, plunging him in darkness he can't breach with the tiger's sight. Not that he actually can use it, anyway, not when Dazai makes sure to always be touching him. Sometimes, the tiger needs taming. Dazai is more than happy to provide an helping hand.
the mystery of love, ~1200 words, dazushi, rated G, everyone knows they’re dating except Atsushi
“Why does Dazai-san never come home for dinner?”, she asks, and he doesn’t really understand her point. Nor why she would ask in the first place - none of the others ever comes around for dinner, and she never seemed bothered by it.
“Neither does Kunikida, or Kenji, or Ranpo-san,” he says, trying to understand her reasons. She’s not fazed, taking another bite from the fish.
“But Kunikida-san or Kenji or Ranpo-san aren’t Dazai-san,” she replies, like it’s so completely obvious it’s not worth mentioning again.
during the storm, ~1200 words, dazushi, rated G, Dazai has nightmares even if he won’t admit it
He knows Dazai has a terrible bedhead in the mornings, he knows he likes to get up first and make breakfast for him and Kyouka even though he’s kind-of-probably still a guest, he knows he drinks definitely too much coffee, black and too strong for Atsushi to even tolerate its smell.
He knows what it feels like waking up next to someone and seeing their face still drowsy with sleep, he knows what it means to fall asleep to steady breathing close to him and an arm casually wrapped around his middle. He knows Dazai doesn’t sleep as much as he should, and he knows that he has nightmares on rainy nights.
He often has, but rainy nights are the worst. Atsushi is not about to ask why.
Boku no hero academia
waiting for you to come home, ~1500, tododeku, rated G, aged up and married characters, some sweet thing about the everyday life of superheroes
It's hard to be one of the top superheroes in a city as busy and villain-ridden as Musutafu. Sure, it's not Tokyo, but that somehow only makes it worse. [...] It's even harder to be married to one of the top superheroes in Musutafu. Or, in his case, to the top superhero of the city. Being heroes isn't easy. Being married heroes just about doubles the difficulty.
Good Omens
oh, to be in love, ~400 combined, ineffable husbands, rated G, companion poems about love, fear, and patience
There are things unsaid unspeakable in the curve of his smile. - Honey fills your mouth hearing his name, as you pretend it is not spoken with hatred.
you can also find poem for the pining here and poem for the prisoner here
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
of courtains and betrayals, ~1000, banlin, rated G, prompt filling with everyday fluff and bickering idiots
Hitmen never die pretty deaths. Apparently, his not only won’t be pretty, but painful too. An extremely painful suicide. And all because he couldn’t tell the fundamental difference between forest green and peacock green. Or keep his mouth shut, for all that matters.
The Great Plan to Take Lin Xiaoming To The Gay Pride, ~1300, banlin, rated G, Lin has never heard of Pride and Banba makes sure to change that
There are things that everyone should do at least once before dying. And seen as likely as it is for a hitman to die any given day, before dying implies well before being twenty-one.
Those things include marching in a Pride - hell, knowing what a Pride is, in the first place.
It takes a while to explain it to him, and even when Banba manages, Lin doesn’t seem so enthusiastic.
Banba isn’t sure if it’s because he hates people or because he doesn’t believe him.
to think of time, ~6700 words, daisuga, rated T, Major Character Death (for in-verse situation), a Kimi no na wa daisuga au
It feels like falling. Falling in a life that isn't his own, he sees colours and shapes exploding in all the corners of is mind, filling him to the brink with love for someone he doesn't know. (For him.) [...] He sees dancing and sunlight, and broken smiles smiled in a mirror – and he feels so full of life he could burst, and he has no idea how all this can be only half of him. (He thinks that if he was ever to see him whole, Suga could blind him for good.)
Shingeki no Kyojin
unfolded in brilliant lights, ~4300 words, eruri, rated E, dom/sub play, multiple orgasms and sub!Erwin
He doesn't say anything. They look at each other, instead, for a long moment filled with silence. Levi's gaze is heavy, meaningful. Assessing him, too. It makes him restless, already helplessly pinned under it before Levi even talks. The alcohol is a faraway thought in the back of his mind, almost forgotten. He needs this, now. (It had started because he needed it. [...] Sometimes, it's just easier to let Levi take charge.
Yuuri!!! on Ice
tip of my tongue, ~3400 words, fem!victuuri, rated E, a birthday smut for Victor with face-sitting and happy lesbians in general
«Vika?» «Mh?» «Vika.» «Mmh?» «What do you want for your birthday?» «You сидишь на my face.» «What?» «Don't know the thing. Verb. Like on a chair.» «To sit?» «Да, that. Sit. On my face. Now sleep, 's so late.»
Viktoriya's birthday is in two weeks, and Yuuri has absolutely no idea what to get her. Luckily, she's not as hard to please as one would think.
Original writing
blood and roses (or caffeine challenge #26), ~1000 words, rated G, femslash, it involves supernatural girlfriends and some subtle pining mostly
«I saw you in a painting, once. You looked younger.» Serena would laugh, at that, if it was appropriate. She stops before going through with it, the girl’s eyes flashing deep black in her mind. Maybe she can get a little afraid, sometimes.
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