#i stopped drawing to watch tiktok and when i tried to turn my laptop back on it shit itself
lesbiten · 11 months
my laptop bluescreened 🙂
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nbrook29 · 3 years
101, 104 and 110 for the dialogue prompts 🖤
101. “I’m ok, thank you. Just please, stop talking to me.”
104. “You weren’t supposed to laugh! I’m so embarrassed!”
The 110 one is not included here, but I also got it from someone else so it's gonna be filled later :)
* * *
Robbe hears the doorbell coming from downstairs, but he stays put, knowing his mom is in the kitchen so she’ll open the door while he adds two last sentences to his final history essay. He’s clicking ‘save’ when there’s a knock on his door, and without waiting for a response, Sander’s smiling face pops from behind it.
“I didn’t say you could come in,” Robbe grins at him cheekily, standing up from his swivel chair for the first time in hours. He immediately pulls Sander into his bedroom, looping his arms around his neck as the boy kicks the door closed behind him, licking into Robbe’s mouth in no time.
He feels a light slap on his butt as a response to his words, and then Sander disentangles himself from him to flop dramatically on the bed, a groan leaving his mouth.
“I’ve just participated in the dullest lecture known to humanity,” he complains, pouting at Robbe. “I need you to entertain me or I’mma die of boredom tonight.”
Sander’s pleading eyes make him snort, but he grabs his laptop and joins him on his bed, rearranging the pillows to make it more comfortable for them to sit straight.
“Okay, drama queen, what do you wanna watch?”
“I get to choose tonight?” Sander’s face lights up with excitement and it’s adorable how little it takes to make him look like that. When Robbe nods, amused, he gets a kiss on his shoulder as a thank you before Sander turns his attention to the screen where Robbe started the endless scrolling on Netflix.
He’s a picky viewer so eventually Robbe leaves him with his computer and goes to the kitchen to make them popcorn and grab some chips. It’s where he’s confronted by his mom who catches him midwalk back to the bedroom to gently remind him that she’s staying home tonight and not going out and that please take that into account, honey. And then she shoots him a wink and now it’s Robbe who’s going to die.
Of shame.
Beet red and mortified, Robbe enters his room and at Sander’s questioning look he tells him his mom basically requested them to keep quiet this time. Unsurprisingly, Sander is unaffected, grinning at Robbe like it’s funny.
“It’s all your fault, by the way,” Robbe accuses him, thinking back to last Friday night.
“You’re right, I’m so sorry I’m so good in bed you can’t contain the noise you ma-”
He doesn’t manage to finish his sentence, cut off by the popcorn Robbe throws at him.
“Who’s being a drama queen now?!”
“My mom heard us, Sander, do you understand how embarrassing that is?!”
Sander rolls his eyes and pulls at his sleeve to make him sit back on the bed, careful not to spill the bowl full of popcorn.
Once he has him where he wants him, sulky eyes on him, he frames his face with his hands and says placatingly, “This isn’t a big deal, Robbe.”
Robbe looks very unconvinced so Sander leans in to catch his frowning lips in a kiss to ease his worries.
Then he claps his hands, nodding at the screen. “Look, I chose a movie for us?”
Robbe turns around reluctantly to check it out and cocks his brow when he sees the newest horror that everybody’s been talking about.
“You really want to watch this?”
“You don’t?”
“No, I do, I love horror movies, but knowing you I thought you’re gonna choose some psychological drama.”
Sander shrugs. “I wanna see what the hype is all about.”
It’s a surprising turn of events, but Robbe is not going to question it any longer because he really wants to see that movie. They turn the lights off and get comfortable on the bed, sitting upright for the time being to avoid choking on the popcorn. But Robbe is not capable of having Sander in his bed right next to him and not having any type of body contact so he innocently swings his leg on his lap, scooching a little closer, a small smile blooming on his face when Sander doesn’t even question it, just starts drawing random patterns on his sweatpants-clad thigh.
An hour into the movie and Robbe is having so much fun because it’s just the right amount of scary combined with some weird psycho shit and frankly, that’s his all time favorite combination. He’s been feeding Sander chips for the last ten minutes, his arm absent-mindedly traveling between the bowl and his boyfriend’s mouth as he himself has been completely engrossed into the movie, eyes wide and jaw dropped, not paying much attention to his surroundings.
It’s why he doesn’t notice the slow but steady attempts of Sander’s to merge his body into Robbe’s. It’s only when he turns to him to comment on the latest jump scare he realizes half of Sander’s face is hidden in Robbe’s left sleeve, eyes wide and scared as they peek reluctantly at the screen.
“Yeah?” he squeaks out.
“Are you scared?”
That earns him a doubtful look, and Sander had to realize he’s not very convincing at the moment because his shoulders drop, the defensive look on his face replaced with resignation.
“I have a confession to make,” he takes a deep breath as if he was about to drop a bomb on Robbe. “Horror movies terrify me.”
Robbe blinks at him in confusion. “But you were the one who chose this one for us to watch.”
“I thought I got over it. I was wrong. I was so wrong.”
It’s not that funny. Really, it isn’t. But there’s something about the face Sander is making that pulls an involuntary giggle out of him.
His boyfriend’s not very happy about that.
“Shut up, you weren’t supposed to laugh!” he whines at him, accusation in his voice, and his cheeks couldn’t be redder if they tried, Robbe notices as Sander hides them in his hands. “I’m so embarrassed.”
“I’m sorry!” he pauses the movie and turns fully to him. “I’m not laughing at you, I swear. It’s actually kinda adorable,” Robbe adds in a soothing tone, trying to remedy the situation, but Sander’s not very happy about that particular comparison.
“Great, now I’m adorable, that’s so much better,” he mutters grumpily, and then he ostensibly leans away from the kiss Robbe’s about to place on his cheek in order to pacify him.
His question is met with silence as Sander keeps being stubborn, still offended.
“Play the stupid movie.”
“Are you su-”
Robbe has to bite his lip to keep from laughing again, knowing it wouldn’t be well received. He’s not exactly worried about Sander being mad at him right now because he’s well aware of having a couple of tricks up his sleeve to smooth his ruffled feathers. For now, he resorts to pressing “play” and trying not to coo at Sander’s pouty face.
The movie only gets scarier and more twisted since then onwards. For Robbe, it’s top entertainment, but when he glances surreptitiously at Sander’s face it’s ghost-white, and something tells him it’s not only because of the light from the screen. And it’s not like Robbe actually enjoys seeing his boyfriend suffer.
“Are you alright?” he asks softly, hand reaching to rub his thigh in what he hopes is a comforting touch.
“Yes, I’m okay, thank you. Just please, stop talking to me.”
Okay, still mad then.
Robbe keeps his hand where he put it and counts it as a win when Sander doesn’t swat it away.
They get to hour and 40 minutes, an hour of the movie still ahead of them when Sander reaches his breaking point.
“Fuck, I don’t care anymore, call me a wuss or whatever, but please turn it off, I’m done,” he groans, a pained expression on his face as he brings his legs in and hugs his knees, looking like a little boy and breaking Robbe’s heart a little.
He shuts the computer right away, his bedroom swamped in darkness as a result, only the moonlight creeping in through the big window making it possible for him to see Sander’s pale face. He gathers him into his arms, grateful he’s not putting up a fight and instead eagerly letting Robbe hold him.
“Do you honestly think I’m gonna call you a wuss? Especially in not, like, a teasing way?”
The shrug he gets as a response is miniscule, but it’s there.
He sighs, nosing along Sander’s hairline and pressing a kiss to his forehead which makes Sander cuddle even more into him. Robbe takes that as a sign of forgiveness for his previous unfortunate laughter.
"I kinda know you wouldn't, but... I want you to think I'm, you know, cool and stuff," comes a small voice from under Robbe's jaw.
"But I will always think you're cool and stuff."
"Yeah?" Sander blinks at him with his insecure eyes.
He places his head back in the nook of Robbe's neck, nuzzling in like a cat.
They're silent for a few seconds before Robbe speaks again.
"Can I kiss you now?"
"Yes, I'll allow it."
Robbe snorts, fingers tangling in the brown strands as he angles Sander's head for a proper kiss and once he's done with him, his cheeks look much more human-like, blood flowing back to his face.
"Wanna watch stupid TikTok videos for a change?"
Sander nods against his chest, a smile on his lips now.
His arm tightens around Robbe's waist as he says, "I hope you're aware I'm sleeping here tonight cause there's no way in hell I'm gonna be alone in bed after this shit."
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Love Like This (A. Matthews/ M. Marner)
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“I want one.”
“Mitch, are you insane?!”
“No! They're just so cute and I want one.”
Auston is shocked, silent. Mitch and Auston are laying together on their couch in their shared apartment, Mitch watching as Auston mindlessly scrolls through TikTok. The two of them watch a clip of a baby, maybe two or three years old, giggling and smiling at the camera.
“Please,” Mitch whines. Auston sits up and half grins, half frowns at Mitch.
“Baby, this isn't a small thing. This isn't like wanting to get ice cream for dinner or deciding to skip practice… A baby isn't something we decide on a whim.”
“Stop talking to me like I'm a child, Aus,” Mitch huffs. “I know what I’m talking about, and I really do want one.” He becomes somber and takes Auston’s phone from him and places it beside him, then grabs both his hands and pulls them into his lap. “I'm serious about this. I've been thinking about it for a while and I want to be a dad. I want us to be dads.”
Auston just stares at him, unsure of how to respond. “Mitch, I, um…” he trails off and laughs lightly under his breath. “You know I love you, and I've obviously thought about it a bit, too. You'd make an incredible dad, I'm sure. But nobody even knows we're married, and you wanna adopt kids?”
“Do you seriously care about what people will think? We can talk to Kyle and make a post on Insta or something. Please, Auston, I love you and I want a kid with you. Just think about it, okay?” He reaches up to cup Auston’s cheek in his hand, and Auston turns his head to kiss his palm.
“I’ll think about it Mitchy. I promise.”
“I love you,” Mitch grins wide and leans in to kiss Auston lightly, then pushes him back onto the couch and moves to straddle him.
“You said a kid, baby. That means one.”
“I know what I said, but look at them! How can you not absolutely adore them.” Mitch’s eyes race across the laptop screen, which displays pictures upon pictures of smiling children. Mitch singles out a picture of two little boys grinning up at the camera and doesn’t remove his eyes from them.
Auston turns his head to look at his husband and shakes his head, smiling.
“Yes, they're cute. But you are insane. I don't know if I'll be able to even handle one kid, nevermind two little boys.”
Mitch wraps his arms around Auston’s waist and grins up at him. “You won't be alone, and it'll be fun! A challenge.”
“Oh my God,” Auston groans, running his hands down his face, then back up through his hair. He mockingly glares at Mitch, a smile slowly breaking out on his face. As much as he tries, he can never say no to Mitch when he gets like this. Auston loves him, maybe a bit too much sometimes. “Fine, we’ll meet them. I hate you.”
“I love you too, Aus,” Mitch draws out the words, smiling wide and leaning into him.
“I can’t believe you’ve talked me into this,” Auston says, getting up from his seat and walking around the kitchen. “Are you sure we’re ready to be parents?”
“One hundred percent,” Mitch frowns, “But honestly, if you’re so unsure, we can wait. I don’t want to force you into this.”
“You’re not forcing me into anything and you wouldn't be able to even if you tried.” Auston grabs two Perrier waters from the fridge and tosses one of the cans to Mitch, who catches it and sets it on the table, not breaking eye-contact with his husband. “I just want to be sure that we’re not rushing into anything. That we’re not making a mistake.”
“You’re scared.”
“No,” he scoffs, “What are you talking about?”
Mitch grins softly, his eyes sparkling, and his voice has a slight joking tone to it. “You’re scared, baby.”
He stands up and grabs his drink to bring it with him next to Auston. Mitch gently sets the can on the counter and puts his hands on either side of Auston’s waist. “You are incredible, Auston. You amaze me every single day. You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I can’t imagine my life without you by my side.” Auston stares down at Mitch, his dark eyes bouncing back and forth between Mitch’s. “And I know that won’t change with kids. You are going to make an incredible father. Even if we suck at it, we’ll still be great. We’ll learn from our mistakes. My mom will be more than willing to help us. She even said she’d be open to moving in with us-”
“No. No, not happening,” Auston giggles.
Mitch laughs. “Okay, fine. But my point is, we’re great. You’re amazing. And everything is going to be completely and utterly awesome. Imagine the look on Freddie’s face when we invite him over and there's two little boys, our babies, yelling ‘Uncle Fred!’”
Auston smiles and leans down slightly to kiss Mitch gently on the lips. “I fucking love you.”
“I know,” and he spins on his heel to go back to the computer, Auston laughing and followingon his heels.
“Dad,” the little boy sitting in Auston’s lap giggles and tries to squirm away, but Auston adjusts his grip on the child and holds him tighter to him.
“Hmm?” Auston stares into the little boy’s brown eyes. He never thought he could possibly love something this much. He adores Mitch, and he would give up his life for him in two seconds, but this, this is something else. He looks into the big, brown eyes, stares at the little nose and perfect little lips, the mop of light brown hair on his head, falling into his eyes when he laughs, and it feels like everything makes sense. Like time stops and it’s just Auston and his little boy alone in the world, safe from everything and everyone.
“Auston, stop terrorizing Andrew. He just wants to watch his show.” Mitch enters the room with a baby, less than a year old, swaddled in his arm. Using his free hand, Mitch tosses the tv remote to Andrew and the boy gets away from Auston quick enough to change the channel from whatever football game is on to Paw Patrol. Andrew crawls up onto the leather couch and makes himself comfortable, resting his head on a red pillow. Auston then abandons his spot on the floor and gets up to adjust pillows for Mitch to sit down. The two hockey players sit next to each other, and Mitch hands the little bundle in his arms to Auston.
“Hey, little guy,” Auston coos, rocking the baby slightly. “I can’t believe he’s real.” Mitch just watches Auston with Liam in his arms, so in love. Auston looks up at him and the two just stare at each other, smiling. Mitch leans in and kisses Auston gently on the lips, then pulls away and moves to cuddle with Andrew.
Auston watches them for a moment, mesmerized. A couple years ago, he was afraid to tell Mitch how he felt about him, terrified he wouldn’t feel the same, and that he would lose his best friend. And now, they’re married, living in an expensive apartment in downtown Toronto, playing for the greatest club in the NHL, married, with two kids. Auston kisses Liam on the forehead, and the baby’s nose twitches in his sleep. “I love you,” he whispers, and he knows this baby won’t go a day without knowing he is absolutely adored.
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taeswurld · 3 years
Ace VI [Shitshow]
pairing: bakugo x fem!reader 
genre: humor, romance 
TW: violence, cursing, angst, fluff
 Shifting into My Hero was a total mistake, all those tiktoks you watched on a daily about shifting somehow convinced your brain to take part. Now the question is how to wake up, and most importantly, DON’T GET ATTACHED TO STUPID DRAWINGS!
HI! New chapter! Kinda late! Sorry! Let me know if you wanna be mentioned in the taglist! Here’s Shitshow!
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After that shitshow, you took a nap. 
It’s not that you passed out, no no. 
You definitely did not pass out in Bakugou’s arms. Nope. 
You simply took a nap. A three hour nap. You just so happened to fall asleep while he was holding you. End of story. 
To be fair, you had a really tiring day, and it was only 4 in the afternoon. 
You woke up in an alternate dimension with no clue what was going on whatsoever, and then realized you had superpowers. In fact, a power so super, it was difficult to control. 
Once you came to, you realized you weren't in Gym Gamma anymore, but instead in someone’s room. 
Hmm. Smells like cinnamon. 
As you looked around, you found Midoriya and Todoroki holding ice to their heads and Bakugou cleaning up the dried blood down his ears, grumbling about how this ‘always fucking happens’ and ‘why do I even fucking bother’. While you were lied down on a bed, Bakugou was looking at the hanging mirror and Midoriya and Todoroki were sitting on some beanbag chairs. 
When you made a quick move to rub your eyes, Midoriya stood up and walked over to you. 
“Y/N! You woke up! Are you feeling better?” Midoriya asked. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Where’s Hiro? And where are we?” You asked as you moved to sit up. 
“Whoa, slow down there, Y/N.” Todoroki moved to push you back down. “Hiro’s taking a nap under the bed. His tail’s hanging out.”
At the sound of his name, he crawled out from under the bed to check up on you. Moving your hand to pet his fur, he sat on Todoroki feet. 
“I think your wolf is sick. He’s acting quite odd. Earlier he kept rubbing up against me.” Todoroki told you with a deadpan expression. 
“No, Todo, I think he just wanted a few pets. And he’s a husky, not a wolf. I don’t think I have enough talent to train a wolf.” You quirked an eyebrow at his comment. Jesus how dense is this guy? 
“Where are we anyways, it looks familiar but I can’t straight out recognize this room.” You ask, checking out the room. 
There was a few posters hung up, a couple of model airplanes on a shelf, along with school books. A desk was at the corner of the wall, piled with papers, a laptop, and a couple comic books. There was a couple of shoes on the floor, and some clothes sprawled out. And it smelled strongly of men’s cologne, but it wasn't cheap or tacky, it was for sure expensive, like the type a celebrity would wear. And caramel. Your nose was filled to the brim with the smell of caramel. 
“We’re in my room dumbass,” Bakugou says as he turns around, finally getting all the dried blood out. “After training, the four of us usually end up here for whatever goddamn reason. Even though I’ve said more than once that you fucktards aren't allowed here.” He said rolling his eyes complaining. 
“Okay Mr. Attitude, I didn’t order an extra side of sarcasm with your stupid ass answer. But thanks for taking care of me, I guess.” You said giving him a small smile of appreciation. “I like your room by the way. It’s very, Bakugou of you.” You said as your smiled widened to a full grin. 
“I’m sorry, just how the fuck did you use my name?” He said giving you a small, but semi playful glare.
“Moving on,” Midoriya said pressing his lips together, trying his best to prevent a smirk from showing up. “Y/N, your control is has gotten a little worse.”
“You’re control has gone batshit crazy.” Todorki butts in with a small smile. 
“Well, I mean, I wouldn't put it that way,” he says giving him a slight glare. 
Todorki’s smile grows wider, giving Midoriya a small shrug. 
Turning back to you, Midoriya begins going on about how you had an amazing control for a quirk so powerful. “It was insane. You could be the angriest person in the room, angrier than even Kacchan-” 
“Highly impossible, this man is a chihuahua incarnate.” You said, giving a small smirk, finally moving to sit up so you can semi-look them in the eye. 
“Okay princess, you’re lucky you’re injured and I’m feeling nice, because if it were up to me, your attitude would've been given a check a long ass time ago.” He says turning to you to give a small scowl. 
“Anyways,” Midoriya cuts in, giving both of you an annoyed look. “You’re emotions could be overflowing, but you always managed to keep your quirk in check. However, in the last couple of days, I’ve noticed you become slightly more agitated, up to the incident that happened last night, and then this morning, waking up to a pounding headache and in what you call an alternate dimension.” He says crouching down a little to be at head-level with you. 
“Yeah, I don't really understand that.” Todorki says, furrowing his eyebrows. “You were completely fine yesterday, other than being a little bit quieter and more snappy than usual. How the hell did your conscience manage to switch you out to a different dimension where you believe this is all fake?” He turns giving you a confused look. 
“Look, in all honesty, I don't know. All I know is that you guys were like, in this T.V. show I watched a lot, and then I woke up IN the T.V. show. Like literally yesterday I was attending my online classes, I scrolled through my phone a little and then I took a nap. Next thing I know, I wake up here, no memories of this place, or any of you. Shit, I know what memories you guys claim to have with me, but frankly those are all experiences I’ve read in like fan fictions” You say.
“What the shit is a fan fiction?” Bakugou asks, giving you a very much confused, yet judgmental stare. 
 “Not important,” you claim, blushing. These guys do not need to know that you’ve literally read about them fucking your brains out, especially Bakugou. God knows you’ll never hear the end of it. 
“And everyone keeps talking about this incident that happened last night. But nobody has filled me in. You mind telling me what's going on?” You ask, giving each of them a questioning stare. 
“Last night you went out to train your quirk.” Midoriya says. 
“You’ve said you’ve been feeling off for days. When I tried to talk to you about it, your bitchass got all pissy and then stomped off.” Bakugou says looking away, a little pissed off at the way past-you pushed him away. 
“When we went to go check on you, your were losing control of your power, your hands covered in this blinding light before it took over your entire body. Aizawa had to come out to stop you because you were screaming in pain really loud. Once he turned off your power, you had blood oozing out of your ears and  you were passed out.” Todorki says, not giving much attention to you, as he was too busy giving out stiff pets to Hiro. 
“We called out to Recovery Girl, but she said the only thing we could do is make sure you get a good nights sleep and hope you wake up better in the morning.” Midoriya says giving you a soft stare. 
“Jesus christ that sounds like a shitshow.” You say, rubbing your temples in hoping to relieve some of your stress. 
“You can bet your ass it was. You weren't even supposed to go to train today, but Tweedle Stupid and Tweedle Stupider,” Bakugou says giving Todoroki and Midoriya a harsh glare. “decided to test out your control again. Apparently the fact that you may not be okay didn’t cross their pea-sized minds.” He growls. 
“Hey! You know just as much as I do how important it is for her to maintain her control. We’ve gotta see where she is. After all, she’s got one of the strongest quirks in the class.” Midoriya says defending his actions. 
“Dude, she’s literally the only person who could keep up with our crazy training schedules. And,” Todorki says giving him a glare right back, “you forget that she was also a target at the training camp. Only difference is I managed to grab her out of the League’s hands. Her quirk is literally wanted everywhere. If she doesn’t get her shit together soon, she can end up in danger real quick.” He states. 
Sheesh, what a fucking reality check. 
Well, as ‘reality’ as this dimension gets. 
taglist : lanaxians-2
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There’s not really any good food in the house right now, so I made a simple meat sandwich yesterday while Mom called for Skye’s help with making Bernie memes (the saltiness has now left me, but it’s a bit ironic that she doesn’t ask the graphic design student sitting right next to her how to use Ibis on her phone). Then we watched a remake of Shrek on YouTube on the TV, which was hilarious, but I think I was the only one who stayed and watched the entire thing. Skye loved it, but had to use the bathroom halfway through, and she takes a while.
Later, I was watching random videos and TikToks and such, and Skye comes in and comments on how I was the only one still out here. Joined me in watching videos, probably was drawing a bit, and then Xan started screaming. He wanted the family laptop for games, but Bry was playing Roblox, so obviously, that meant screaming to him. Screaming like he was being murdered.
Skye wanted me to try dealing with it since it could possibly wake Mom from her nap, and she took out the trash, so it was my turn to do something. I said no at first. I felt hot, sweaty, gross, and was probably gonna lose it at him, but I didn’t feel like screaming right then.
At some point, I decided I was mentally ready to go deal with it, and I actually went in there and tried. Didn’t get much in because Xan had to pee , but he was still screaming though, about how his turn was next in the laptop order.
“We DON’T HAVE a set laptop order. It’s whoever needs it the most.”
Kept screaming about how, “YES WE DO!” I refilled the soap bottle, trying to ask him, “what did I say earlier about how if you’re rude then people don’t wanna be nice to you? Like giving you the laptop?” I don’t remember if he mocked me or started screaming again, but I slapped him once in the face. He was furious that I even dare do such a thing to him, and stormed off to his bed, screaming some more. I washed my hands because they were a little soapy, and when he still wasn’t done screaming, I went in there, held down his legs so he couldn’t kick me, and hit him once on the head (couldn’t get in another shocker on the face because he was moving too much) and reiterated to him loudly that “PEOPLE DON’T WANNA BE NICE TO SOMEONE WHO’S MEAN TO THEM, AND YOU’RE BEING MEAN BY SCREAMING AND BOTHERING EVERYONE.”
He finally stopped screaming, and was just crying now, and I let him go and stepped back. I was probably repeating myself (palilalia), and Skye came in and interrupted me, trying to take control of the situation, which seriously annoyed me. Everyone in this house is always interrupting each other.
“This is why I didn’t wanna help in the first place! You guys want me to help, but then don’t want to LET ME HELP!”
I left the room, but I was still seething. At two different points in the night, I bashed my head into the door of the butter compartment in the fridge, which is oddly satisfying, and I eventually decided to use Xan’s school Chromebook for my own stuff. I couldn’t rant about anything on Tumblr last night though, because his school laptop apparently blocks this site. So the only thing I could do was school work.
Skye took Xan on a walk around the neighborhood, and when they came back, they were both still calm. I was frustrated that I couldn't focus on much, and I put the dog outside at some point because she peed in her crate.
Eventually, I had to use the bathroom, and I was planning on taking a while to finish a couple of assignments while I was in there (I can focus best in the bathroom because I’m completely alone), so I figured I had to clean her crate right then or someone would put her back in it while a puddle was still there, so I took care of it. Wiped down her crate floor and her paws, had her go to bed, and told her oyasumi. You know, being a responsible person and cleaning up after “our” dog (more like my dog, because I’m almost always the one taking care of her, and the one she misses the most when I leave the room).
I few minutes later, I wished I hadn’t done any of that.
I had thought that maybe the assignments were due at midnight, but no. It was 10:45. At 10:43, when I finally started the quiz, I was like, “oh, well. I guess I’m turning this in late. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
A minute and two questions in, and it tells me that the quiz will be submitted in one minute. I typed “AAAAAAAAA” into the written response field, it submitted, and then I lost it. Crying on the toilet. I checked my other assignments, and it turns out, all of the past ones were LOCKED. More crying. If this is the type of class this is gonna be all semester, I’m SCREWED.
Out of the bathroom, I collapsed on the floor and just laid there for a while. I wanted to email my professor and beg for mercy, but since I was using my brother’s school laptop, I couldn’t even email. I would have to add a new account to the device, but I don’t have a district email address, so it would never let me. I’ve tried my university email before, but this system is unforgiving.
Eventually, Bry was done with the family laptop, but then gave it to Xan so he could use it before bed, so I had to wait for his turn to be up as well. When it finally was, and someone was trying to hand it to me, I said something about needing to take a few more minutes to clear my head, and Bry took that as, “go ahead and use it some more.”
Bry’s a fucking brat too. Mom says she wants the family computer in the common areas of the house at all times, but he’ll just take it and hide away with it in his room. When it was still Xan’s turn, I asked where the charger was, since I saw only one charger by the outlet (charging Xan’s laptop for school on Monday), and he left the room like he was going to go get it. I knew it was in his room, but he came back empty-handed. I went to go get it, because that’s suspicious, and it was on the floor in the hallway. Mind you, I know for sure that it wasn’t there before, because a few minutes previously, I was lying there in defeat. He tried denying putting it on the floor for us to “find,” but it was kinda obvious he was lying and I tried pointing it out. Nobody else cared though, and just told me to quiet down. I get kinda loud sometimes.
Anyway, he took both the laptop and the charger back down the hall after I said I needed to take a mental break. “Mom says she doesn’t want the laptop to leave the common areas. The charger should never be in your room.”
“Okay,” he says as he continues walking down the hall with the Chromebook and it’s charger. I hate when he does that. He’ll say okay as if he’s gonna do what you say, while very obviously not listening and not giving a fuck. Sometimes staring you in the face as he says it, and then turning and defying you as you watch.
I ended up falling asleep on the living room floor while watching WALL-E.
Woke up this morning, used the bathroom, made my frap, and then walked in there and took it off of his bed. It was folded shut, charging, and everything. He had no plans of putting it away in the living room where it belongs, which is infuriating because my own laptop sucks and I plan on using this one for school this semester. I’ve never done school completely online before, so I’d at least like the stress of a dysfunctioning laptop to be taken off my plate. Bry was woken up when I took it, but I don’t care. That just meant he could unplug the charger from the wall for me instead of having to reach over and get it myself. Fell asleep again, so only I and my puppy girl are awake now. Kare was awake at some point, but she went from the living room floor straight to Mom’s bed. (Honestly, I feel like it that continues, it’s gonna be like that one episode of that show where the little girl refused to sleep anywhere but her mom’s bed, and the mom was losing a ton of sleep over it until she started telling her no.)
I sure hope Bry had a dry night. The laptop wasn’t wet when I picked it up, but you never know. One time, his phone wasn’t charging, and when I suggested cleaning the port, the Q-tip came back yellow.
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