#i think i will also have Far too many pink ornaments LMAO this is a small tree..
nomaishuttle · 5 months
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hexalene · 6 years
So i uh. Was scrolling through, and found the florist stories? And was wondering if there were any more? Cause they're great, and i love them.
There are always more, my dear anon (・ω・)ノ
So this story is about three particular interactions I had with one of the regular shoppers at our store! I want to clarify that these three interactions weren’t sequential, but over the course of about eight months, which will hopefully make sense by the end :)
A tiny old lady comes up to me and asks if any of the plants we have are good for coughs, like natural cough drops?
Well, as far as I knew, no. But! We did have tea, locally produced honey, and ginger root. As I’m walking her over to the shelf, I notice she’s not looking me in the eye, but at my hair.
My hair is fairly long, and dyed bright ass purple. I love it. Most older people do not. So I keep talking, hoping to get through this interaction without a lecture about jobstobbers.
Unfortunately, it was not meant to be. Tea, ginger, and honey in hand, this tiny old lady smiles and thanks me, and says,
“But sweetheart, whatever did your poor mother say when she saw what you did to your lovely hair?”
Truthfully, I respond: “She started buying me purple clothes that match the color of my hair.”
Around thanksgiving, we’re looking for fresh basil to season her tomato soup with.
About this time, she’s gotten used to my dyed hair, sort of (we’ve had many many many conversations about “my poor mother” who she genuinely cannot believe likes my hair).
“But don’t you worry what the boys your age must think of you?”
I’m holding two potted basil in my hands, and we’d just been talking about how this plant will keep growing if she cares for it, which she was very excited about. This foray back into The State Of My Hair is a little out of nowhere, although I could tell she was distressed over the new pink tips that had faded in.
My first impulse is to tell her that the girls I’m into have way crazier hair than me, but while she’s never said anything homophobic, I wasn’t up to that battle. Besides, I do like this woman. “Well, ma’am, I don’t think I’d want to date someone who couldn’t love me over something as shallow as my hair color…”
That seems to give her some thought, because she nods. She also sighs and says, “Jennifer wants to color her hair.”
Jennifer is her eleven year old great-granddaughter. Jennifer has also recently discovered the pop-punk scene and thinks I am some sort of pop-punk god. This is an adorable misconception that I AM going to go on a tangent about, so buckle up:
Jennifer usually accompanies her great grandma to the grocery store, so we’ve met a few times. This time, I’m wearing a Panic! At The Disco shirt, and we get to chatting about Fall Out Boy, when I happen to mention going to see them in concert back in 2007.
Jennifer’s eyes go HUGE and she whispers, “You got to see them in concert in 2007?? I wasn’t even alive back then!”
…the story ends here because I promptly crumbled into ash and died, leaving my florist station unmanned, my shop abandoned, and my youth draining into the gutters with the fragile remains of my ego.
“I wasn’t even alive back then!” Christ I’m getting old. This is only going to get worse as I get older too, god I remember when you could only watch anime by pirating it off of old VHS tapes and all of the cool anime merch had to be bought in a shady ass adult video store with curtains separating the kids from the dildos. My mom came in with me exactly once, and saw Inuyasha playing in shitty quality on a tiny TV and would you BE-LIEVE it had to be one of those bathing scenes. Took me years of swearing up and down that anime wasn’t synonymous with porn before she would let me buy Spirited Away on DVD, much less deign to watch—
Wait, too much tangent, back to grandma.
Jennifer is tip-toeing around Granny’s conservative sensibilities by gingerly applying small streaks of chalk color to her hair. Easing grandma into the idea of colored hair. I suspect I’m also being used to desensitize granny somewhat, as I’m CLEARLY employable, healthy, and sane. It’s a process.
At this moment, Jennifer is sporting one (1) streak of pink in her bangs. So rebellious. I tell them honestly that I think it looks cute, and besides, the schools around here allow it now, so it can’t be that bad, right?
Grandma purses her lips, and takes the basil plants from my hands. “Well, I suppose this chalk stuff is okay, since it washes out. But could you imagine such a thing on a woman my age?”
“Hey, why not?” I tell her. “You’ve got pure white hair so it would take the color really well, you’re married, you’ve got two generations of grandkids…why not have some fun?”
She looks absolutely gobsmacked. “Me! With colored hair! Oh, that’s ridiculous, dear.”
You can probably guess where this is heading.
As much as I would LOVE to say that this nice grandma went whole hog and dyed her hair bright neon pink or something, this customer isn’t that wild lmao.
Instead, around last Christmas, this happened:
The poinsettias are in, which is both blessing and curse. They come in a MASSIVE variety of boxes, with traditional poinsettia arrangements and the endless string of strange novelty poinsettia ornament vases. They’re TINY, half of them are BROKEN, and the Christmas trees will be arriving in like, ten minutes, and the early birds and prudent customers are all swarming us like VULTURES.
Among these vultures is grandma, Jennifer, and Jennifer’s father (?). They catch my eye, and break out of the kettle to speak to me. I’ve never met the man, but he just stands there on his phone looking vaguely annoyed, so for our purposes, he’s not there.
Jennifer points to her grandma’s head and whispers, “Look!”
Two locks—barely a fourth of an inch each—have been colored red and green. A strand between them is still white. All three have been tied into a red, white, and green braid. The braid is carefully clipped into a bun with a tiny gold icon of the manger scene.
As I’m gasping and congratulating grandma for her rebellion, she’s giggling with excitement and tells me, “I made sure to talk to Father Ben about it first, and he promised me that the Lord would see this as a lovely way to celebrate His son’s birth.”
She paused, then said, “It’s temporary, of course.”
“Oh, of course.” I tell her. “You can’t go too crazy right out the gate.”
And she nods, “Exactly. That’s what I told Jennifer. You know, I’ve never done anything like this in my life? Can you believe that? My husband was so surprised!”
(Last I heard, grandma has not dyed her hair again, although she is still very very proud of herself for doing so. I haven’t seen her lately, but I’m hoping she comes around this Christmas with more dyed braids)
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pikapeppa · 6 years
I'd like to see you do either prompt 11, 20 or 23! X3 Although if you want a off the list idea i have one! Fenris and mage hawke finding out their child is also a mage! Can't wait to read whatever you decide to write! x3
Ayyyy thank you for the prompts! Honestly I will probably fill them all (except the child one - I generally don’t “do” fics with children lmao), but I’ll start with #23: “This is not new. It only feels like it.” (It was easy to incorporate into the Fenhawke oneshot I was already writing! 😉) For @dadrunkwriting, and also for Fictober 2018.
Fandom: Dragon Age IIPairing: Fenris x femHawkeRating: Mature
Read on AO3 instead. 
With all the care of a mother laying down a child, Hawke laid her cards on the table.
The party instantly dissolved into an uproar of laughter and jeering. Varric chuckled and shook his head, and Sebastian absolutely roared with mirth while Anders pounded his fist on the table. Merrill wrung her hands and dithered about Hawke taking poor risks; meanwhile, Isabela began insulting the Fereldan mage with gleeful relish.
Aveline, on the other hand, shook her head in dismay. “Hawke, why would you raise the stakes so high with such a terrible hand? What were you thinking?” she scolded.
Hawke smiled sheepishly and shrugged. “I tried to bluff! Bluffing normally works so well when we visit the Gallows. Cullen still believes that Anders is just practicing voices for an independent opera production at the Blooming Rose.” She winked at Fenris.
Fenris just shook his head and folded his arms. “You don’t have enough coin to pay off the raise, do you?”
“Nope, she doesn’t,” Varric interjected. “I’ve been counting.”
Hawke shot him a mock-offended look. “You’ve been counting my coin? Isn’t that cheating?”
“It’s only cheating if he counts your cards, not your coin,” Sebastian replied. “And that’s only for certain games. I still can’t believe you don’t know this, Hawke.” He grinned at her as he sipped his water.
She threw her hands up in exasperation. “I’m a late bloomer with this game, all right? So sue me!”
“No one’s going to sue,” Fenris drawled. “But you have to pay your debt to me. I am winning, after all.” He raised one challenging eyebrow at her.
Her bright coppery eyes darted to his face, and Fenris fought back a smile at the mischievous smirk that dimpled her cheeks. “Well, Fenris, as you so smugly pointed out, I’ve got no coin left,” she said. “So what do you suggest?”
“Give him the shirt off your back,” Isabela interrupted. Her arms were folded and her smile was broad and wicked, and Fenris watched curiously as Hawke abruptly elbowed the brazen pirate.
“Bels,” she hissed.
Aveline rolled her eyes. “Of course you would suggest making it a stripping game. Trollop,” she said primly.
“Prude,” Isabela returned absently, but her eyes were still on Hawke. She elbowed the mage in return and jerked her chin in Fenris’s direction. “Go on, Hawke, give him your shirt. That’s sure to balance the scales. Isn’t that right, Fenris?”
Varric grumbled something about a perfectly good card game being dragged off the rails, and Merrill began twittering to Aveline about humans and cards and getting naked, but Fenris ignored them; he was too busy watching as Hawke’s cheeks warmed to a rosy pink.
Finally Hawke scoffed and rolled her eyes at Isabela. “Fine, I’ll give him my shirt. But only if you take yours off too, you cheeky bitch.” Fenris noted with interest that Hawke wouldn’t meet his eyes.
Isabela cackled, then pushed back from the table. “Done,” she declared.
Aveline groaned. “Oh Maker’s breath, Hawke, don’t encourage her…”
It was too late. Isabela had already pulled off her thigh-length tunic, leaving her practically naked except for her boots, bright blue brassière, and leather shorts that were hardly more than smallclothes. The brazen pirate carelessly tossed her tunic at Sebastian, then turned to Hawke with a complacent smirk. “There. Your turn, sweet thing.”
Sebastian abruptly rose from the table, almost knocking his chair over in the process. “I have to go and, er, pray. Thank you for the hospitality, Hawke, I’ll see you tomorrow-” He bolted from the table, chased by another wave of laughter and jeering from the rest of the group.
Fenris, meanwhile, kept his eyes on Hawke. She’d finally deigned to meet his gaze, and now it seemed that neither of them could look away. Her expression was more than just the usual mischief. There was something intense in the cant of her eyebrows or the heat of her dark golden eyes, and Fenris simply watched her, waiting to see what she would do.
Finally she rose to her feet. In one smooth motion, she pulled her loose silk tunic over her head.
Isabela and Anders hooted encouragement, and Merrill giggled and covered her face while Varric and Aveline shook their heads and groaned. Without breaking from his gaze, Hawke tossed her tunic across the table and into his lap.
“Satisfied?” she said.
Fenris wasn’t satisfied - not by far. The blood in his veins felt like it was pumping too fast, a surge of heat and something undeniably feral that started low in his abdomen and burned up into his chest.
Without moving his eyes from her face, he studied her half-bared body from the periphery of his vision. A wicked-looking pattern of black ink traced back from her left collarbone over her shoulder, and he could see hints of the tattoo curling around the edge of her ribs. Her breasts weren’t nearly as generous as Isabela’s, and her simple leather bustier was nowhere near as ornamental as the pirate’s blue lace, but that simple leather bustier was the sole focus of Fenris’s attention.
His mouth was dry. His pulse pounded in his ears. He liked her simple bustier. He wanted to see the curves that lay beneath it. He wanted-
“Rynne, darling? I’m home!”
Fenris jolted out of his salacious reverie as Leandra Amell’s voice drifted up from the foyer. Varric snickered as Hawke’s expression transformed from a look of heated challenge to sheer panic.
“Shit!” she squeaked, and Merrill gasped as Hawke suddenly lunged across the table toward Fenris.
Fenris froze. Her supple body, her maddeningly hidden breasts coming closer, the subtle cleft of her cleavage as she surged toward him, her left hand on the table, her right hand reaching toward his lap-
She grabbed her silken tunic from his lap, then scrambled back toward her chair as Isabela crowed with delighted mirth. “What in the Maker’s massive balls is she doing home? I thought she’d be gone all night,” Hawke hissed as she roughly hauled her tunic back on. She ran her fingers through her chestnut hair, then pointed at the still-cackling Isabela. “Can one of you get this one to put her top back on?” she demanded, then ran off toward the stairs. “Mother! I thought you’d be with Uncle Gamlen until…”
Her voice disappeared to the lower level of the house, and Varric sighed happily. “I guess the party’s over, then,” he said. He started gathering the cards as Aveline began collecting their many empty bottles.
“There’s never a dull moment with her, is there?” Anders chirped. He rose to help Aveline with the bottles as Merrill scurried off, muttering something about a rag to wipe the table.
Fenris slowly rose from his chair and wandered toward the liquor table. He knew he should probably help the others to tidy the detritus of the evening, but he felt oddly off-balance.
He leaned his elbows on the railing and gazed vacantly down at the fireplace. This is not new, he told himself. It only feels like it. But it was hard to convince himself when this was the only attraction he could recall.
A moment later, a fully-dressed Isabela sidled up to him. “We’re heading out,” she said. “But you should stay.”
Her tone was innocent - which, for Isabela, indicated that she meant to be nothing of the sort. Fenris frowned. “No. I’ll leave as well. There’s no reason for me to stay.”
Isabela scoffed and cocked one graceful eyebrow. “You’re even stupider than Hawke,” she announced. She then lowered her voice to a murmur. “Listen, Fenris, I only say this because I care.”
Fenris scowled more deeply at the serious expression on Isabela’s face. She pursed her lips. “If you don’t fuck Hawke soon,” she said, “then I will.”
A wicked little smile lifted the corners of her lips, but Fenris was not amused. The Rivaini rogue was so damned nosy, always sticking her nose where it didn’t belong. Isabela didn’t know what she was talking about. Fenris couldn’t be sure that Hawke meant it with the flirting. She flirted with everyone. Cullen could barely make eye contact with her without blushing like an untouched youth.
But it wasn’t about Hawke, not really. It was Fenris himself. He must have been with someone before; he was almost sure of it. But that was the problem. He wasn’t sure.
The surging of lust, the impulse to reach out and stroke her unexpectedly tattooed skin - it was like breathing, easy and confident and good, but he couldn’t be completely sure that he’d… done this before. He couldn’t fucking remember.
Isabela made it sound so simple, when the truth was anything but.
Fenris didn’t want to tell Isabela that. He didn’t want to tell that to anyone. It wasn’t anyone’s business but his own.
He took a quiet, deep breath to calm his frustration, then shot Isabela a little smirk. “I admit I’m surprised you haven’t already,” he retorted.
Isabela winked. “Who said I haven’t?” she drawled. Then she nudged him playfully with her hip and sauntered away.
Fenris rolled his eyes, then followed Isabela and the others down the stairs.
Hawke was hugging Merrill goodbye while teasing Aveline about staying out so late, and Fenris slowly joined the others as they bade her farewell. Isabela kissed her noisily on the cheek and laughed raucously as Hawke playfully slapped her on the ass, and then only Fenris was left.
He nodded politely. “Hawke,” he said.
She nodded politely in return. “Fenris.”
Her eyes were like flames. They danced with brazen orange heat, and Fenris could feel the tips of his ears warming as they gazed at each other. He watched the movement of her throat as she swallowed and the slow rise of her chest as she inhaled, and he remembered the sight of her simple leather bustier…
He wanted to touch her. She was less than an arm’s length away. He wanted to peel back his sleeves, slide his hand beneath her thin silk tunic and up along the golden skin of her midriff.
Such a simple thing to want. Or so it would seem.
He took a step back. “Goodnight,” he said.
She exhaled, then smiled ruefully at him as though he’d bested her somehow. “Goodnight,” she said. “Don’t get kidnapped on your way home. I can’t be bothered to make any heroic rescues tonight.”
Fenris snorted. He could feel his shoulders relaxing and his stomach sinking at her light-hearted levity. “I’ll bring you the eviscerated hearts of anyone who dares to try,” he replied.
She grinned. “Lovely. We’ll make them into a nourishing stew for Toby. Though it’s probably a bad idea to give a mabari a taste for human flesh.” She knelt to scratch her faithful hound behind the ears.
Fenris grunted in amusement, then left Hawke’s mansion without further ado.
The nighttime air was cool as he slunk through the shadows back to his mansion. Fenris breathed deeply as he walked, thankful for the crisp air that cleared the heat from his cheeks and the confusion from his mind.
There was no reason to worry about the blurry fog of his unknown past, because Hawke was simply flirting. It was what she did. The heat in her amber eyes, the intensity of her stare as it hooked into his chest and held him in a tense and breathless stasis: that was just what she did.
He would convince himself of this, in time.
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mrs-lunna · 6 years
Kim Nam-Sun || part 1 (dad!au)
Summary:  Namjoon is a translator from a big multinational and a single father of a little girl called Nam-sun. All his life turns around her, but when you — his scary boss — appears in his peaceful life and a war sets in his back between you and his daughter is when things gets complicated.
Warnings: none yet
Genre: comedy (kind of), romance, fluff, angst
Word Count: +7k
Author’s note: Whoaaa i was so excited to post this lmao. It’s kinda long because I needed to shorten the number of parts (i didn’t want a 20 chapter long fanfiction). I think that Namjoon as father would be so good so I couldn’t help myself in not post something like that someday. Hope you reaaally enjoy this. ♥
P.S: I did a fmv based on this fic, hope you enjoy it too! FMV
That day was rainy and the wind was strong. Even if was only 3p.m it seems to be almost night because of the cloudy sky. Everyone on Seoul streets seemed too busy to care about how desperate Namjoon was while walking in the middle of the crowd; pushing his brown hair back he tried to call again to his boss, he needed to do this twice until the man pick his phone up.
“Yes, Sr. Kim?” The rough voice spoke through the phone making he gets some chills down his spine.
“Sr. Park, I really want to talk about that change” Namjoon was straightforward while walking towards a near café.
“I thought that everything was very clear, Sr. Kim.”
“I know that we already talked, but this is impracticable! I have lots of projects in that company, some of them are already getting ready to launch!”
He entered in the café holding his phone with one hand and choosing the coffee with the free hand, walking to a small table near the window.
“I’ll take care of it, but please, Sr. Kim, you are the most capable among your colleagues.” The old man sighed in the phone before continue to speak. “It’ll be better for you there. You’ll get promoted, will have a higher salary, more free time to your daughter…”
It was his weakness.
Kim Nam Sun was his only and beloved daughter. It was so hard to say ‘no’ for anything that will be good for her — yet bad for him. Namjoon was about to refuse again, but sighed instead.
“How much free time I’ll have?” he asked curiously while thanked the girl who brought his coffee with a small smile.
“Twice a week you’ll have a day off. The work isn’t that hard either.”
Kim Namjoon never was so tempted since he saw the game that Nam Sun wanted to her birthday and was almost get him a heart attack because of its expensive price.
“I’ll really have this or you’re just lying again to me?” he asked suspiciously drinking another gulp of the coffee.
“When did I lie to you?” Sr. Park yelled through the line and cleared his throat after. “Look, we can’t deny the ask coming from the main company neither we can’t send someone who can’t handle the situation.”
Another sigh and Namjoon nodded, realizing some seconds after that his boss couldn’t see him.
“Okay, okay. I’m going, but you need to keep your word.”
They talked for some more minutes about how everything was going to work and they hang up. The man finished his coffee and sighed defeated. He really liked his work, his colleagues and was okay about the salary that he was receiving. Of course, receiving more wasn’t bad, but working for the main company? It could be harder than before and he was afraid that he ended losing his job.
And lose his job isn’t an option when you have a seven years old daughter.
He stood up thoughtful and walked toward the cashier to pay his coffee. While taking off the money he saw a pretty box decorated with pink butterflies and cute cupcakes inside.
“Can you please give me that pink box?”
Nam-sun would like these cupcakes, he thought while walking towards the bus stop. Namjoon looked at each cupcake carefully, they were pretty and decorated with crowns, butterflies and hearts, and definitely she’d like all of them!
He took off his cellphone to look at the hours, but get distracted; his wallpaper was him and his lovely daughter playing in the park together. He remembered that day very clearly, they had so much fun...
“Oh it’s almost time to pick her.” He mumbled to himself when he saw the hours. The bus came in the right time, quickly he got in and seated near the window. Took that bus made him remember so many things and most of them he wanted to forget.
When the bus stopped near a school, Namjoon get out and started to search among the crowd of kids and mothers his little girl. He asked to some teacher about her and she guided him towards the class where the girl where waiting patiently for him.
“Nam-sun, your dad is here!”  The teacher said loudly enough for her to listen at the opposite side of the class. She smiled when her small bright eyes saw her dad standing there and ran to him, hugging his legs and waist tightly.
“How are you, princess?” He asked sweetly to her while caressing her hair.
“I’m okay, dad!” She answered smiling and let go of him to get her backpack. “Can we go now?” she asked and he nodded holding her hands and thanking the teacher before go.
While walking towards the exit, Namjoon saw some mothers that had children in the same class as Nam-sun, and waved to them friendly.
“Ah, Namjoon!” one of them shouted, making him stop near the exit and he turned back to see a woman holding hands of two children, she was smiling even if her children were shouting and fighting. “Don’t forget the parent’s reunion next week, okay?”
“Oh, I won’t! Thanks Sae-ra, see you tomorrow!” He thanked her and bowed before leave with his daughter.
Their apartment weren’t far from the school, that’s why they always walked back home.
Nam-sun was the sweetest child alive for him, she was seven years old and was very talkative and energetic. Everyday she’d talk about how her day was on school and what she did with her friends or what her teachers taught her and how every single thing happened along the day.
Namjoon loved her so much that his heart ached only to think that someone could hurt her, but unfortunately, she was already hurt.
The air was tense in the large and luxurious room.
The clock ticking non-stop in the other side of the room was making chills run down his spine; beside the clock no other noise could be heard there. In front of him there was a large wood table, amounts of papers carefully organized on the right side, a laptop on the center and some stuff on the left side. The decoration also was very pretty; vases with plants, near the door, some brown chairs around and huge shelves with books and ceramic ornaments occupying the back wall.
Everything there made him hesitant, but nothing could compare with the sharp gaze coming from a pair of dark brown eyes.
The fancy woman was sat behind the large table with some papers — probably his — in her hands. She seemed quite tall, was dressed in a pretty black dress and a white coat was resting on the left side of the table, her heels were making noise as they hit softly the wooden floor, making him even more nervous.
However, he couldn’t deny one thing: she was beautiful. Her long face always held a strong feeling, those dark brown eyes carefully contoured by black eyeliner and red lips made her even more powerful.
“Well… Kim Namjoon…” she started with a sharp voice and he sat correctly on the chair. “You were highly recommended by the director in Ilsan, do you know that right?”
He nodded and gave her a slightly smile.
“I do! I’m honored to be here, in the main company.”
“You should be.” She lifts up her eyes to meet his and then put the papers on the table. “Your curriculum is quite impressive as well.” Her voice echoed through the whole office and then hit his ears like music. “You can start tomorrow, okay? I had some work left by the previous translator that I need in urge. My secretary is going to take you to your area.”
He stood up, but didn’t leave.
“Excuse me, but, Mr. Park told me that twice a week I’d have a day off, then…”
“Then do you want to be sure about it?” He nodded and she sighed, standing up too. “You’re a very special case, Mr. Kim.”
���Yes, Mr. Park begged me to hire you; he told me that you were too ‘big’ for an Ilsan’s filial, that you deserved more. That’s why I’m treating you in a special way, so be grateful and do your best here, okay?” The seriousness in her tone made him avoid her gaze and look to his own feet.
“Thank you, Mrs. I’ll do my best here.” Namjoon bowed, then turned around and leave.
Kang Yerim, the director’s secretary, was waiting outside the office and guided him towards the main places in the company, introducing those who were important for him to know at the first moment, the timetable, where he was going to work and some of his coworkers.
Every single part in that company seemed to be twice more expensive and bigger than his previous company, that somehow made him uncomfortable; he was a simple man, luxurious things didn’t suit him too much, that’s why he was hesitant to accept that offer.
But, it’s going to be his new start for him and for his daughter.
Namjoon never ran so much in his life.  
His legs were tremble and he thought that he couldn’t made it on time.
And he didn’t.
But wasn’t so late than he thought. Nam-sun’s school was in Ilsan and his new work in Seoul, so the way was longer now. He entered in the building a little embarrassed for being late, his mind forget completely about the parent’s reunion, he was so busy lately with the papers of his transference and with some researches.
With fast paces he was searching Nam-sun’s class in the corridor; when he found, immediately opened the door and searched his daughter among the children, founding her sat in the small chair alone while all the others were with their mothers.
All the gazes were for him when he stepped in. The teacher seemed surprise, like the others mothers, but a big smile was formed in his little girl’s face. It made his running worth.
“I’m really sorry, Mrs. Oh.” Namjoon bowed to show how sorry he was. “I had an interview in Seoul today and it took me more time than expected. I’m really sorry.”
Mrs. Oh smiled and then pointed to the vague sit near Nam-sun, the man walked and sat there, still breathless.
“Don’t worry, Mr. Kim. You aren’t that late, but someone was very worried about you.” Her look shifted from him to the girl sat beside him.
Namjoon kneeled in front of her and hugged her tightly; she put her small arms around her father’s neck and hugged him too.
“I was worried that I’d be alone.” She whispered with a sad tone and it broke his heart so much that he felt his air disappear from his lungs.
“You… You will never be alone, okay? I’m always right here for you, my princess.” He replied and then kissed her forehead before stood up and sat again. Some mothers were looking to them with a pitiful gaze, but it didn’t bother him.
Just because her mother wasn’t there, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t receive love or that he couldn’t take care of her, actually it was the opposite. They relation never lack love even for a moment, they trust in each other, they were a truly family.
“Oh, Mr. Kim, do you want some snacks?” The teacher came with a small tray with some sandwiches and sliced fruits; he nodded and took a sandwich. “Do you want some too, Nam-sun?” the little girl nodded and took the small bowl with sliced fruits, what made him happy to see her eating well.
After some talking about the timetables, the classes and extra classes, the teacher used a slide to show some graphics and images and explain things in a better way.
“So, the school is going to have a healthy way to handle with the children.” She explained while pointing to some images of simple exercises with children. “We are going to have some time before and after their classes, and an especial day on the week to make a small running around the park near. Also, we want you, parents, to help them with their alimentation; here we’re going to give them some fruits, natural food and juices, but we want you to help us.” She passed the slides and it showed some pictures of foods that were healthier. “Give them some of these kind of food in your home too, so they can get used to it. We are very worried about the state of children’s health nowadays; everything has too much salt and sugar, so we hope that with that the next generation could have a healthier future.”
“Excuse me, but I think that the parents need to change their alimentation as well.” Namjoon said. “It’s very hard to try to convince a child to do something that we don’t do.”
Mrs. Oh and others mothers nodded at his statement.
“You’re right, Mr. Kim. It needs to affect the whole family to really happen. But not everyone is really willing to do it completely, that’s why we are making something that is going to work. However, now I need to trust you to help yourself and your family.” The teacher explained smiling. “Send your children with natural sandwiches and some fruits that they like as well.”
After some more talking and explanations, they were free to go. Namjoon walked towards the teacher and took the attendance paper to sign and she held his hands softly, making him a little startled.
“It was very good that you could make it today, Mr. Kim.” She said with a soft smile and he smiled back, a little confused about to answer.
“Yeah, Nam-sun was relying on me, so I couldn’t disappoint her.” He answered and she let go of his hands to take something behind her.
“Ah, and take it. It’s a list of some kind of natural foods that you can do for her, they are easy to do.” She gave to him a sheet.
“Oh, thank you. It’s gonna be very useful.” He thanked and then a familiar voice called him, Nam-sun was waiting for him near the door and he saw the perfect opportunity to leave. “Well, I need to go. See you next week, Mrs. Oh.”
“See you, Mr. Kim.”
Quickly Namjoon leave the classroom and walked to his daughter, who was laughing alone. Playfully she ran towards the exit and he followed her, already knowing what she was thinking. He held one of her hands took her backpack and then started to walk to home slowly.
“I think that Mrs. Oh likes you, dad.” She said and he laughed rolling his eyes.
“What are you saying? You’re only seven years old, you don’t know stuffs like this.” He denied, in complete surprise. Since when she knows about what is like someone? Does she like someone in her school?
“I do know stuffs like this. It’s like the stories that I see, the girl falls in love with the prince.”
Namjoon laughed loudly at that.
“First of all, I’m not a prince, second of all, you should stop seeing so many things like this.” he spoke in disbelief that things nowadays are making the children know this kind of stuff. In his times, things weren’t that way.
After they arrive home, his mom called him to say that she was going to pick Nam-sun up in one hour.
It was usual now, every weekend, Namjoon’s mom would stay with her granddaughter; they live on opposite parts of the city so they can’t see each other often. Also, Nam-sun loves there, where her grandmother lives there’s parks, playgrounds and she had lots of friends there.
Quickly the girl took a shower and changed her clothes into something comfortable, the man finished to fill her backpack with some toys, books that she likes and some clothes — most of them he bought only to his mom keep them there for when Nam-sun stays.
Exactly one hour after, someone knocked the door and the girl rushed to open.
“GRANDMA!” she shouted while hugging the lady standing outside.
Namjoon’s mom, were a young old lady with hers 57 years old, she was still very active. She helped him when he was left to take care alone of his daughter, she even moved to his apartment during her baby’s days. He couldn’t say how grateful he was.
She even taught him the basic of how to cook without kill your daughter or burn his kitchen.
“Mom, how are you?” he asked while hugging her tightly.
“I’m doing fine, what about you?”
“I’m good, too.”
“I’m good too, grandma!” Nam-sun spoke while jumping around them, making both of them laughed.
“Of course you are, my dear. Now go grab your things and we’re going.”
Nam-sun nodded and rushed to her room.
Namjoon and his mom hugged again and talked a little more about some random topics before the little girl came back jumping around like a dark haired bunny.
“I’m ready, bye dad!” she hugged him, kissing his cheeks before walking outside.
“Take care, Nam-sun, call me every day, right?”
“Yes dad!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll bring her alive on the Sunday.” His mother rolled her eyes with so much protectiveness, she blew a kiss to him and then left too.
He lay on the couch and heard the silence fill the house, at times like this he could even hear the sound of his new neighbor cleaning his house or the person from the floor above him walking heavily; Namjoon sighed and closed his eyes after.
“I hate this silence.”
Namjoon woke up early in that Saturday.
It was his first day in the new company so he tried his best to not arrive late. Dressed in a pale blue shirt, dark blue blazer and a black jeans, he choose don’t use too much his casual style — that he was used to dress in his past company —, he didn’t know how they normally dressed there, but didn’t want to make a bad impression in his first day.
While eating the breakfast a new message popped up in the screen of his phone, it was the car workshop, saying that his car was finally done. It was about two months that other car crashed into his badly and he had to take the bus every day.  
The day have started really well, the only bad thing in all of this was Nam-sun’s absence.
“As you already know, this will be your desk.” Yerim, the secretary who helped him yesterday said with a bright smile in her face. She was guiding him to his station; when they entered all the eyes landed on the man. “Most of them are translators as well, but they work with different languages and in different areas.”
He looked at them with the gentlest expression that he could do; most of the workers were women with different ages, but he saw some men at the end of the room.
The room itself was huge, clean and surrounded with big windows. There were at least ten tables — a table for worker — with computers, chairs and books and papers everywhere. However everything seemed to be very strict and clear, very different from his past company, where everyone was a mess with their documents and archives.
“Guys, this is our new English-Korean translator, Kim Namjoon, from Ilsan.” The secretary spoke excitedly, suddenly the workers started to stand up and walk towards him to greet him.
He wasn’t expecting so much kindness, actually he expected that coldness would predominate there, it was odd, but he liked the first impression of everyone.
“Well, let’s introduce everyone.” Yerim walked towards them and organized everyone in a line in front of him before speak again. “Kwon Sunhee, Japanese.” She pointed to a young and cute girl and then continued to quickly introduce everyone and their areas. “Yoon Sungmin, Chinese. Go Naeun, French. Bom Haenim, Portuguese. Choi Sanghun, Italian. Min Yoongi, Spanish. Hae Chaerin, she works with international publicity. Jung Hoseok, Arabian and… That’s all for now.” She finished a little breathless. Namjoon was shocked, but bowed and smiled to everyone.
“It’s really nice know all of you.” He greeted sincerely. “I had no idea how big this company could be. In Ilsan we just have to work with English and Chinese.” The man spoke a little embarrassed for being so surprised.
Yerim held his hands to show him his desk, it makes him a little uncomfortable — he still didn’t get why everyone just take his hands in theirs every single time—, but wasn’t something that could kill him, that’s why he preferred stay silent.
“This is your desk. You can organize your things here and then start your work.”
“Oh, yes. Thank you, Yerim; you helped me really much.” He bowed to her to show his gratitude and she smiled seeming a little embarrassed.
“It’s my pleasure to help you.” She said politely and kindly. “Well, I need to go now, D.Boss will cut my head off if I get late. See you later, guys.” She ran through the corridors until gets off of sight.
Namjoon was with his things packed in a box that Nam-sun insisted to organize and decorate with flower sticks and colorful drawings. He smiled while taking and opening it; his desk was already clean and with the basics, so he could just decorate with his personal things.
It was quite big and had small walls at the sides, and of course, white. He started to take off some picture frames of him and Nam-sun and of him and his parents, andof his parents and Nam-sun, also some papers and books that he used to consult, and a small surprise was some Polaroids of him, his daughter, his parents and other things that Nam-sun took photos — like the sky, letters, books, toys and parks. He gave her an Instant Camera at her last birthday and she loved it, but he didn’t expect her to put her photos in his box.
Namjoon didn’t notice his own smile with the photos until someone taps his shoulders.
“Whoa, who is this little girl? Your sister?” a woman asked curiously pointing to Nam-sun’s image in the Polaroid. He didn’t memorize her name, but was the Japanese translator girl.
“She is my daughter.” The shocked expression in her face was common for him now; almost nobody suspected that he had a daughter. Well, he was really young though.
“What? Really?” he nodded and gave her one of the pictures of his sweetheart. “Are you married?”
“No, I’m not.” He smiled and she gave him back the picture. “You can say that I’m divorced.”
“Wow, I didn’t expect that. How old is she?”
“She’s seven years old.” Another shook expression came from her. “And I’m twenty-six years old, if it’s what are you going to ask.” He said kindly, chuckling and looking away for some moments to stick the Polaroids in the small walls of his desk. “I was really young when Nam-sun was born. You can say it was a surprise.” a sweet joke left his lips making her giggle.
“Oh, I see.” She said smiling. “Anyways she’s really pretty, she resembles you.” It was a simple phrase, but Namjoon loved so much to hear it, was something that always relieved him.
“Thank you!”
They exchange some more words to know a little better each other before she walk back to her desk. Namjoon tried his best to let everything organized, but he was too messy to it, so he let it be and started to work.
During the lunch time, Yerim came with others, Sunhee and Naeun, carrying food for everyone. In their bags had a little bit of everything, so they could serve themselves. They said that usually didn’t go to the refectory because of the work so Namjoon stayed there with them. All of them were chatting about funny things that happened there, but the man was really into a deep conversation with Min Yoongi, he was a year older than him and worked with Spanish — language that he was trying to learn since the last year. The older gave him some tips that could help him to learn faster.
“Gosh, D.Boss is soooo annoying!” Yerim complained furious and everyone laughed.
“D.Boss? Are you talking about Mrs.___?” Namjoon asked confused and they nodded, then he spelled her name trying to find the letter D in it, but her name didn’t have one. “But her name doesn’t have D in it.”
“This D came from Demon.” Yoongi explained simply and he suppressed a laugh.
“A-ah…” the others laughed at his reaction and tried to explain the reasons for that so he could understand better the situation.
“She’s a monster, always full of herself just because of her position and money. Everyone says that our previous English translator left because she treated him so badly.” Hoseok explained with the creepiest tone he had. “That’s why you should be careful around her and-”
“Did this company pays you to be chatting and eating like this?” a voice sounded out of nowhere scared all of them, mainly Namjoon who was too concentrate in their stories to pay attention to his surroundings.
Y/N, the D.Boss, was standing at the door with his dark make up, red lips, long brown hair and wine dress expressing how the scene of the translators — and her secretary — eating and gossiping was disgusting to her.
“Back to work, the time for lunch is over.” She announced with the serious tone of hers before changing the gaze for Yerim. “You, come. I have a meeting to prepare.”
The secretary stood up sadly and waved a goodbye for them.
“Come on, let’s work.” Yoongi said throwing his trash at the bin.
Namjoon stood up and did the same, walking towards his desk. When he took the papers to work, a shining thing caught his attention. Candies where at the end of his box, he smiled to himself taking the small pot and put some of them at his desk before offers to his colleagues; Nam-sun was so kind to remember that he works better with something sweet, mainly when he feels nervous.
And right now, nervousness was the only thing he could feel.
Was too late to go back to Ilsan?
“What? She isn’t here?” Jin asked shocked and sighed in disbelief. “Shit.”
“I thought that I was your friend, you traitor.” Namjoon hit him with his feet while the man was passing besides him.
Kim Seokjin was two years older than him and his friend from university. A hard-to-believe twenty-eight man, married with an amazing woman and with a little son, Seo-Joon, at the same age of Nam-sun. Their children were very friends almost since they were babies. Jin worked at the same company that Namjoon used to work, but in the publicity area.
“Yah, I really wanted to see Nam-sun, but since she isn’t here, let’s talk about something serious.” He sat at the couch were the translator was lying down watching the movie at the TV.
“Serious? Like how you’re getting older and ugly?” Namjoon teased laughing and Jin threw a stuffed animal that was near.
“Yah! I’m just getting better with the age okay? I’m like wine.” He defended himself and laughed too, but then his expression was filled with seriousness again. “Now, seriously, I have something to tell you.” He stated and then breathed in before speak. “I think I saw her.”
Immediately Namjoon sat up and looked at him with widen eyes, Jin almost could see those dark eyes begging for his laugh and joking expression but neither of them could come.
“Stop joking, hyung.”
“I’m not, Namjoon.” He sighed again. “I was leaving the company last week and I saw someone that really looks like her walking around Nam-sun’s school.”
“It’s impossible…” the younger mumbled and massaged his forehead with his eyes shut.
“I’m still not sure, but I thought that was better warning you.”  
He nodded and then sighed deeply standing up and walking towards the kitchen, taking a glass of water to calm his nerves down.
“Yeah, thanks hyung. I’ll be careful for now on.”
Really careful, he repeated to himself multiple times. He decided a long time ago that nothing would hurt his Nam-sun again.
“Daddy!” a high-pitched voice echoed through the living room.
Sunday night came and with it, Nam-sun too. It was almost eight hours, he already had his dinner alone — if he knew that she’d arrive so early he’d have waited a little more. His mother was holding a yellow backpack, grinning while closing the door behind her.
“Princess!” Namjoon exclaimed happily and opened his arms widely just for the girl jump in it. He hugged her tightly, spinning and lifting her playfully. “I missed you so bad!” he said in a low tone and she smiled.
“Me too, dad!”
They broke the hug and he put her sat in the couch, walking towards his mother who just watched the scene with a wide smile on her face. He kissed her forehead and took the bag placing it on the floor near the couch.
“How are you mom?”
“Sad to say goodbye to my little girl.” she said stroking his hair gently, sitting in the couch near Nam-sun. The man followed them and sat too.
“Just for a week, mom.” he said smiling and rolling his dark eyes. That lady was so dramatic when she wanted to.
“It pass so slowly!” they laughed at her statement.
The talk flowed easily, Nam-sun spoke about her weekend at her grandma’s house and her friends there, Namjoon about his job in the new company and how everyone was nice and gentle — except for D.Boss, of course — and his mom lamented about how the weekend passed fast.
The older one left after almost one hour and half, leaving them alone in the apartment. The man turned to see his daughter half asleep in the couch.
“Nam-sun, you need take a shower before sleep.” he said softly, shaking her slowly and the girl nodded, walking towards the bathroom.
He took her floral pajamas and gave to her before she enters in the shower. Quickly he prepared her bed, taking her pink blanket and turning on the table lamp. Nam-sun’s room was quite big, all decorated with pink and white things, shelves with books and stuffed animals, a comfortable bed near the window — she liked being waked by the sunlight — and a wardrobe in the other wall. He bought everything she wanted to decorate the room when they moved to that new apartment, almost three years ago.
When the girl entered in the room, with her cute pajama and messy hair, he smiled at the sight and she jumped in the bed covering herself in the blankets.
“Dad, can you read a history for me?” she asked looking straight into his eyes and he nodded, walking towards a shelf and taking a book that he had bought some weeks ago.
“Why do you want me to read for you today?” he questioned while sitting next to her in the bed, stroking gently her bangs.
“Anything. I just missed your voice reading for me.”
He couldn’t deny he was touched by these words. The past few weeks have become a big mess, a new company, more work to do… He had forgotten to give her enough attention.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ll read more stories for you from now on, okay?” he promised and she lift her pinky to him, making the man chuckle before intertwine his fingers with hers.  
“Pinky promise?”
“Pinky promise!” He smiled and opened the first page of the book. “The girl and the wind.” his low voice echoed, he read the title and breathed in before flip the page and continue. “Once in a small city, a little girl called Bo-ra asked the wind if it knew how was the world. On the other day, she asked why it was so cold during the winter. Everyday she would came with a different question for the wind, but no one answered her...”
He continued the story in the same velvet voice until Nam-sun fell asleep. His eyes landed on her small face, chubby cheeks, pinkish lips, flawless skin, long brown hair and a gentle expression. Everyday he talked to himself about how lucky he was to have her in his life, actually, she is his life. Without her near him everything seemed monochrome.
Silently, he placed a small kiss on her forehead and covered her better with the blanket before pip-toe towards the door and close it softly.
He headed to the living room again and organized better the space; tomorrow was his day off and he planned to spend the morning with Nam-sun — maybe took her to a library or something like that  — and at the night, after her school they could go to the cinema and watch a new movie.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” he said to himself proudly while turning off the lights and locking the door. Sleepy, the man made his way towards his own bedroom.
It was simple decorated with monochrome colors, like black, gray and white. His bed was quite big for him alone, but Nam-sun always opposed when he talked about buy a smaller, she loved it because she could sleep with him when she got nightmares. The translator also loved art, his bedroom was full of paintings and small sculptures, in the nightstand near his bed there were some frames with him, his parents and his daughter in the park near there.
Namjoon was so tired that night.
He only realized that when he took a warm shower and jump into his oversized bed and turned off the lights. It didn’t take him too long for him to fall asleep.
“Daddy! Daddy wake uuuup!” the familiar voice echoed through his room hitting right into his sleepy mind. “Daddy! It’s getting late!”
“Nam-sun...” it was all that he could mumble in his semi-unconscious state; he rolled in the bed trying sleep a little more, but she jumped into his bed and started to shake him. “Let me sleep a little more!”
“No! Today is your day off and we need to enjoy!” she exclaimed pulling his arm with all her strength, but it wasn’t too useful since his body didn't move an inch.  “Daddy!”
Namjoon sighed before open his eyes and met her pouted face, he smiled before sat on the bed; the little girl jumped in his arms and hugged him tightly, breaking the hug seconds after.
“Where are we going today?” she asked excitedly with thousands of ideas coming in her mind.
“I was thinking about going to the library to buy new books for us and then we could have lunch in that restaurant that you like.” he said his plan for their morning, approaching a little more to her, he started to fix that messy hair of hers while stroking it gently.
A big smiled was formed into her face and her expression brighten with his words. She loved going to the library with him, since she was a baby he teaches her to read a lot of different books, until now it works well. Even his scientific books she likes to read sometimes.
“I saw a really good book in the school these days, maybe we can search it in the library!”
“Let’s search it then!” he agreed and then stood up from the bed, stretching his body lightly. “Go take your shower and choose pretty clothes, okay?”
Quickly she jumped off the bed and rushed towards her room excitedly. He grinned to see his daughter so happy, was a long time since they went out to have some fun, just both; honestly he was anxious too.
He choose some basic red shirt with a picture of an old man in the front — until now he didn’t know why he bought that, but was very comfortable —, blue jeans and black casual shoes. His bedroom was gifted with a bathroom only for him, so he didn’t need to wait for Nam-sun gets ready.
She loved to brush her hair for a long time, making sure that it was truly perfect, that’s why he loved that apartment with two bathrooms.
In instants he was ready to leave, walking towards the living room he stopped when saw Nam-sun struggling to get a ponytail done, a smile formed in his face before entering into her room.
“Need some help?” he teased and she pouted letting go of her hair, nodding after.
Namjoon sat on her bed and called her to sat beside him, quickly he finish the ponytail — not so amazing, but enough for her; she thanked and stood up, spinning in front of him, waiting for his compliments to her looks.
She was beautifully dressed with a green shirt with flower pattern in the whole fabric, black jeans and black shoes, her hair done with a ponytail, she also had some colorful bracelets with different phrases and jewels shapes.
“Whoa… My little girl is so pretty!” he complimented with a huge smile and she turned again happily.
“Thank you dad!”
Didn’t took them too long to leave the house and find a near café, he thought that could be better eat the breakfast outside since his cooking skills weren't too good.  
After eat they headed to the library, where they spent the most part of the morning, reading and searching for the books that they wanted to buy. The place was big and had amounts of different styles of books, starting with children books to scientific themes.
“I already choose the ones that I want, what about you?” the girl asked with three or four books in her small hands, he offered to carry them, but she denied. “I can carry them, dad, thanks!”
“Right, so we can go pay for them now.” he said walking towards  the cashier, he was focused on confirming the title of the books that he choose, making sure that he didn’t forget any of them that didn’t see the moment that his little girl bumped in someone’s back, just realizing when the sound of a crash startled him.
Nam-sun’s groan made his heart sank instantly; he put his books on the floor and kneeled to check on her. She wasn’t hurt, just startled by the sudden crash, he helped her to stand up and the books from the floor.
“Are you okay?” he asked to her a little worried and she nodded, but with her eyes focused on someone in front of her. That was when he noticed that someone else was involved. “Oh, Nam-sun please apologize with the Ms… ___?” his tone changed when he lift his eyes to met the already familiar face.
D.Boss was standing there with her usual dark clothes and strong make-up; her hair falling perfectly over her shoulders. Her sharp gaze shifted from the girl to him.
“Ah, Mr. Kim.” that was all that left her reddish lips.
“Good morning, Ms. ___… Hm, y-you aren’t hurt right?” he asked trying to be the kindest person alive in that moment. She shook her head, but her eyes didn’t left Nam-sun’s figure. “Oh, that’s my daughter, Nam-sun.”
“Hi.” the girl’s voice sounded heavy than the usual and Namjoon whispered a ‘please apologize with her from the bump into her.’ “I’m sorry from bump into you.” she repeated almost the same thing that he said and the man smiled a little tense.
“That’s okay.” D.Boss answered with her common dry tone.
“But who is she, dad?”
“Ah, that’s the D- I mean, she’s the director of my new company, Ms. ___.” he exclaimed quickly and the dark pair of doe eyes of his daughter analyzed the woman from the head to the toes and then sighed.
“I prefer Mr. Park.” her statement caught everyone off guard, the woman arched an eyebrow and he laughed weakly.
“Nam-sun, don’t say things like this, you don’t even know her.” he scolded her softly.
“Don’t worry, Mr. Kim. I don’t get bothered with this kind of… Thing.”
The silent fell heavy over them, the air was tense and he wanted to leave there as fast as he can; even if Nam-sun’s attitude were wrong, he could only agree, Mr. Park were way more kind than D.Boss.
“Well, we need to go now.” he said with a small smile and took the books from the floor. “See you tomorrow, Ms. ___.” With one of his hand he carried the books and with the other he held his daughter’s hand.
Namjoon didn’t notice the exchange of deaths glares that Nam-sun and Ms. ___ gave to each other before losing themselves in the shelves of the library.
With a heavy sigh he put his things on the cashier and waited his time.
“Nam-sun, why did you talk that way with Ms. ___?” he asked, looking straight into her eyes and she shook her shoulders.
“But I prefer Mr. Park. He was nicer and gave me candies!”
“Well, true… Yah! Don’t tell you just like him because he gave you candies!” Namjoon laughed in disbelief and started to take off his wallet to pay for the books. “But still you shouldn’t talk that way with someone older, specially if she has a position so important.”
“Which position?”
“My boss.” both laughed before leave the store and head toward a park that was close to their apartment.
There were some friends from her class playing together, so the girl didn’t lost the chance to play with them. The man enjoyed the  moment to sat for a while in a bench near. He answered some messages from Jin and Yoongi — the last one was a surprise for him.
Some mothers of the children there sat near him to talk a bit about school and home stuff and he ended up trapped in the chat as well. Little things like ‘that whether is terrible for my son’s asthma’ or ‘that children mess so much at home’ were more than common for him to hear and even talk.
Since he become father, these kind of topics were often throw on him, at the start it was a bit uncomfortable, but with the time he was getting so good that some mothers came to him just to ask some advices.
“Yeohan is impossible. I can’t even take my eyes from him for a minute that he makes a huge mess.” Sara, the mother of one of Nam-sun’s classmates stated to him and to the others mothers there.
“I can feel you, my daughter is the same.” another said with a heavy sigh before turn her eyes to Namjoon. “Nam-sun seems so well behaved, what’s your secret?”
He giggled and then thought a little bit about the topic.
“I don’t think that there’s a secret. Usually children at this age needs a lot attention and love from parents, when they don’t receive it they start to make everything in their power to show for it.” He explained and they nodded showing deep concentration for what the man was saying. “I always try to show Nam-sun that I’ll be there with her, and when I can’t do something with her I calmly explain the reason why. So with time she started to get used to it.”
“Oh, Namjoon-ah! You are such a great dad!” They said loudly and even though he acted humble, he felt his chest inflate proudly. Nothing made him more happy than hear the he was a good dad.
“I’ll try to use this new kind of approach with Yeohan!”
“Patience is the key” he remembered and they smiled gratefully.
After the lunch, Nam-sun went to the school and he finished some papers from work and read some chapters of his new books, during the night they went to the cinema to watch a movie that she wanted and relax a bit.
The day was great; he missed spend the day with his daughter like that, usually if he wasn’t working at the company he would be working at home so his time to himself and for his sweetheart was short.
He was confident that a good time was about to come.
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tsaritsa · 7 years
Pretty Things
this fic can also be found on ff.net or ao3
I know Arakawa said that there wasn’t an equivalent of Valentine’s Day in Amestris, but you can bet that won’t stop me from pretending there is. You know Mustang would be all over it.
Thanks to Camila (@didsomeonesayroyai) for giving me the inspiration for this fic!!!!! Would you believe Ana the Angst Queen (I didn’t choose the angst life, the angst life chose me) is gonna write pure royai fluff??? I certainly can’t lmao.
Comments and feedback are always appreciated and encouraged! I hope you all spend Valentine’s with the people you love, platonic or otherwise.
It was ten past nine in the morning on Valentine’s Day and Riza Hawkeye was already exhausted and quite happy to call it quits and crawl back into bed. It wasn’t like she hated Valentine’s Day – indeed; she could not claim that her heart had been broken on the most ironic of days, or that she had been left waiting in a restaurant for a person that never showed.
It was just the…overtness of the whole experience that left her weary. She wasn’t one for large declarations of affection – not many people really, when she thought about it – though she knew the districts were more conservative than the likes of Central. But still, who decided that you had to shout your love from the rooftops (in some cases, quite literally – Hessel from accounts had reportedly climbed up the Edgar Glover building and had been yelling indistinctly through a  megaphone as she had walked through the compound) in order to ensure someone knew that they had an admirer?
It baffled her.
Nonetheless, Eastern City Command was abuzz today, with the secretaries flitting around like butterflies to their friends in archives, gushing about how so-and-so had been presented with a bouquet larger than her person, and Sophie from the Marlborough division had been proposed to with a ten-carat diamond that was probably worth more than her yearly salary.
It was all very well and good to celebrate love (Riza didn’t consider herself a completely heartless person, rumours aside), but why others had to also participate was beyond her. Other peoples’ opinions should not be integral to a lasting relationship, she thought grumpily. Perhaps in the early versions of the holiday the intentions had been good – but now it was simply the time of year where those in relationships would be embarrassingly unashamed in their shenanigans and make everybody who wasn’t in one feel terrible about their lack of a partner.
Naturally, it stung a little for her too, but she wasn’t going to throw herself a pity-party because she couldn’t have what she wanted. There was no time to feel sorry for yourself when there was an office of men who would be complaining all day about how unfair it was they had to work when their time would be better spent wooing.
It. Was. Ridiculous.
“Lieutenant Hawkeye! Good morning!”
Riza turned to see Sergeant Fuery walking towards her quickly; his arms already full of folders. “I suppose you heard about Hessel?” he asked, bending down to give Hayate an affectionate rub.
Riza snorted. “I don’t think anybody could have missed him. Did you hear about Private Mannors?”
Fuery grinned, keeping pace with her as they made their way to the office. “I got a blow-by-blow account of the whole thing. Would you care for to know the change in humidity before or after she said yes?”
Riza laughed. “At least we’re not in Marlborough today,” she commented dryly. “Is everyone else here already?”
Fuery nodded, looking away for a moment. “I think so. A year without histrionics from Lieutenant Havoc would be appreciated, but I doubt we’ll have much luck regardless.”
Riza nodded. “Or the Colonel.”
The younger man cleared his throat suddenly, ducking his head a little. “Yes,” he managed, a strange quality creeping into his tone. “But the Colonel has always been a very reliable person.”
Riza looked at Fuery, her brow furrowed. “I suppose so, Sergeant,” she replied suspiciously, watching the man carefully.
Fuery smiled brightly. “At least today will be interesting!” he said, opening the door to their department quickly. He ducked inside, and Riza stopped, taking in the scene before her with growing dread.
The first thing she noticed when she stepped into the room was how red it was – it was like a tomato had burst all over the office. There were balloons – the ones filled with helium dotted the roof of their department, red and white ribbons dripping down like ornamental stalactites. There were boxes upon boxes wrapped in ornate paper and bows. There was a teddy-bear on her chair. Paper hearts in every shade of pink and red were scattered around her desk. There were flowers too, she noticed, covering every inch of her desk that wasn’t already occupied. Roses, tulips, carnations – she even spied some spider lilies amongst there, a little morbidly amongst the other, more playful meanings.
Colonel Mustang waved at her from where he was leaning against his doorway, with the widest shit-eating grin she had ever seen on his face. “Ah, Lieutenant Hawkeye! I was just wondering where you had gotten to.”
“Sir,” she said by way of greeting, closing the door behind her carefully, her eyes never leaving the red chaos in front of her. “Why is my desk covered in…boxes?”
“They are gifts, Lieutenant,” he corrected, pushing off the doorway and moving into the office proper, the grin never leaving his face. “Gifts for a very special member of our team.”
She bit her lip, shaking her head. “They are unnecessary, sir,” she replied, moving closer to her desk. The pungency of the flowers was apparent now – not entirely awful, but far more than what she was used to – she knew her perfume had notes of rose in it but this was on a whole other level.
She picked up the teddy bear sitting on her chair and examined it. It was a plush little thing, the brown paws sewn to a heart. “You’re very sweet, sir,” she said quietly, aware that the rest of the office was watching this exchange carefully – and she thought Hessel would be the big gossip today. Surely the man knew better than to be quite so…obvious about it?
“Wait, did you think that this was for you, Lieutenant?” The Colonel laughed. “I know you’re not fond of this holiday. Hayate however, doesn’t give a shit.” He was right – her dog was already sniffing at the flowers and boxes at the foot of her desk with interest. At least the gesture (ridiculous, unreasonable, absurd gesture) wouldn’t be completely wasted.
“Sir?” she asked, confused. He just laughed harder, clutching at his sides. She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. Already the man wasn’t making sense.
She really should have called in sick today.
Riza tried a different tack with her superior officer, who was still giggling like a school girl. “He’s a dog, Colonel. Of course he wouldn’t care.”
Mustang shook his head, wiping at his eyes a little. “Correction, dear Lieutenant: he’s the most wonderful and beautiful dog in the history of dogs ever.”
She sighed. “That may be so, sir, but-”
“And he is a loyal and integral part to our team – which is why he gets a Valentine’s gift and you don’t.”
She stared at the man, her mind struggling to keep up. “Wait – this is all for…Hayate?”
The Colonel nodded enthusiastically, trying his best not to burst out into laughter again. “He’s been such a loyal companion all these years – I couldn’t think of a better way to show how much I appreciate him!”
She glanced back to her desk, spying a familiar brand of confectionary.
“You know chocolate is poisonous to dogs, right?” she asked wryly.
Mustang threw a hand to his chest, gaping at her like she had mortally wounded him. “Lieutenant, I am appalled you would think I would deliberately poison your dog. I asked the confectioner to make it for dogs in mind.”
“Then you must know tulips and lilies are extremely poisonous as well.”
The office erupted into laughter, and Riza smiled sweetly at the Colonel, who was looking thoroughly ashamed.
“It’s alright, sir,” she said kindly, patting him on the shoulder. “I know you tried. Hayate appreciates it – but I really need you to clean this up. I can hardly work here if I’m going to go into a flower-induced coma.”
“Yes, Lieutenant. Right away.”
By the time she got back home, it was already seven and the sun was just beginning to set. All in all, the day hadn’t been too awful, she considered as she got out a soup from her icebox and set a pot on her stovetop.
Warm arms snaked around her as she began to prepare some bread to go with the slowly-melting block of soup. “Hello,” she said quietly, unable to keep the smile off her face as she felt soft kisses along her neck.
“Hello,” Roy replied, his voice muffled by her skin. They stood in silence for a while as Riza continued dicing the garlic and parsley.
“I think Hayate really enjoys the bear,” Riza said, shifting away from his hold to check on the soup, which was slowly becoming liquid once more.
“Oh? That’s good.” He paused, watching her as she stirred the pot. “I’m sorry about the flowers,” he said, holding out his arms. She smiled warmly, walking into his embracing and kissing him soundly. “I know,” she answered, sliding her arms around his neck. “But spider lilies? That’s a bit morbid, even for you.”
Roy shrugged, his hands moving down to her hips and sliding under the edge of her shirt. “They’re pretty. Pretty things are often sad.”
“So what does that make me?” Riza asked, shifting closer to him. Roy grinned, catching her mouth once more.
“Beautiful things,” he murmured over her mouth, “are sublime.”
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