#i would've had to have gone insane
yrsonpurpose · 8 months
alex: henry and i have been together since the beginning of this year
henry at the beginning of the year:
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celestiachan · 5 months
i am thinking about how fucked up my mom made me and just when i was getting over that how fucked up she made me and just when i was getting over that the pandemic started and irreversible harm was done to my psyche
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angelsdean · 1 year
say what you want abt jackles but in the wake of thee market research that said no bi dean / canon destiel reunion (EYE truly believe they were meant to go canon in tombstone) he still went in for the tender face cradle fond smile 'you-wanna-kiss-him-sooo-bad' look....joices
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maxiewolfe · 1 year
the worst thing to me about how the triad ended this season is that we basically got back to their starting point, there's no growth for audrey or aki at all, they say stuff and then don't do them, so it is exactly as max says they just want sex which is the usual trope for polyamorous relationships in media and I'm so tireddddd like I really wanted to see audrey and aki do something to keep the relationship together, we see aud all the episode thinking about their relationship, like yeah I dont want to lose max but I also dont want to lose Aki, JC telling her to take some time was supposed to work towards her saying I want both of them I can make this work I'm in, instead we never see her realize anything more than she's okay with max leaving in terms of not making an actual effort to make him stay... this was awful, not even emotional enough for me, I wanted to see audrey and aki actually showing emotions!!! thomas as always served with his acting, and we have once again max crying exposing his feelings and being fucking honest and audrey and aki just watching him, godddd I'm so disappointed lmao
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radical-dadical-rafael · 11 months
thinks so much abt Tim Stoker and the lonely
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sunkissed-zegras · 23 days
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౨ৎ ─ summary | request -> "Omg a fic where Paige and reader have always had this sort of sarcastic bickering borderline mean type of relationship/rivalry but one day the tension suddenly just goes from competitive to sexual and thennnnm ykkkk"
─ word count | 3.7k
─ warnings | NSFW under the cut, read at your own discretion! whoo, where do i begin???? paige/reader being a fucking ASSES (like super mean) and lots of insecurity, cc mention and comparison (pls don't come 4 me it's for the plot!!!!!! i didnt mean it!!!!), lots of arguing and fighting, mean!paige (like.... im talking MEAN), fingering (r receiving), so much dirty talk, idk if i missed anything lmk
─ ev's notes | the chokehold the pic in the middle has on me IS INSANE, also finishing a smut at 11 am should be a crime 😭 (but i’m feeding yall so be grateful)
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THE GAME COULDN'T have gone worse.
The opposing team seemed to effortlessly dominate every aspect of the game. Shots that normally found their mark clanked off the rim, passes were intercepted with unnerving frequency, and the defense resembled more of a sieve than a fortress. Your entire team was quiet in the locker-room and Geno had told them that they needed the night to regroup, and they'll talk about it when they got home.
You made your way upstairs with Azzi and Aubrey, both trying their best to make you feel better. You played like shit, plain and simple and despite what your teammates were telling you, it was true.
You couldn't shake off the feeling of letting your team down. In the game, you were a shadow of your usual self. Your shots seemed to lack both the usual power and precision. Your attempts to drive to the basket were easily thrown by their defense, leaving you frustrated and angry.
Even your usually reliable defense broke under the pressure. You found yourself out of position more often than not, leaving gaping holes for the opposing team to exploit. Your reactions were slow, your movements sluggish, as if your body refused to respond to the commands of your mind.
"Hey," Azzi grabbed your arm so that you could meet her gaze. "We win and lose as a team, alright? This isn't all on you, we all played like shit tonight."
"But we always come back, Y/N." Aubrey added as you met her gaze as well. Their words would've made you feel better if this wasn't the worst you'd played all season, maybe even your entire college career.
You didn't bother to respond, you stayed quiet as you walked in your Azzi's hotel room and in there was Nika and Paige. They were seated on the bed, Nika looking more defeated than Paige, she looked more pissed than anything.
Paige didn't even acknowledge you as you walked in as she greeted Azzi and Aubrey, but you didn't even care right now. You were not in the mood for her shit, not after the game you just played tonight.
You sank into a chair in the corner of the room, the weight of the defeat pressing down on you like a leaden blanket. Nika's defeated expression mirrored your own feelings, while Paige's indifference grated on your already frayed nerves.
You listened as Azzi and Aubrey exchanged small talk with Nika and Paige, their voices a distant murmur in the back of your mind. But you couldn't bring yourself to join in the conversation, couldn't muster the energy to plaster on a fake smile and pretend that everything was okay.
Instead, you sat in silence, lost in your own thoughts. The events of the game replayed in your mind like a nightmare, each mistake magnified in the harsh light of hindsight. You wanted nothing more than to forget about the game, to push it to the back of your mind and move on, but the sting of defeat lingered like a stubborn stain.
"You okay, babe?" Nika's voice rang out as you got pulled back into reality. All the girls attention was now on you, feeling a bit self-conscious.
You forced a weak smile, attempting to brush off Nika's concern. "Yeah, just... processing everything, you know?" Your voice sounded hollow, even to your own ears.
"What's going on?" Nika asked, the concern evident in her face. "Talk to us, please, Y/N."
Nika knew how hard you were on yourself, she had seen you weather victories and defeats alike, always striving for perfection. Her gentle prodding encouraged you to open up, even if it meant admitting your own vulnerabilities.
"I played like shit," was all you could get out as you leaned forward, feeling their gaze on you. "I don't know what was so different about tonight but I just felt like the weight of the entire team was on my back and I didn't know I was carrying it until the end, and I just crumbled to the pressure."
"We all have our moments, Y/N." Azzi spoke up, empathy evident in her expression. But before anyone else could respond, Paige scoffed as she met your gaze.
"Carried the team? We all did what we could tonight and we don't need your shit." Paige's voice dripped with contempt, her words like a slap in the face.
You felt a surge of anger rising within you, fueled by the frustration of the game and now mixed by Paige's bitter words. How dare she dismiss your struggles so callously?
"What's your fucking issue, Paige?" you retorted, your voice tinged with frustration.
Paige's eyes narrowed as she glared at you. "My issue? Maybe if you didn't choke every time the pressure was on, we wouldn't be in this mess," she shot back, her words cutting like a knife. "You're always making excuses for yourself, Y/N."
You scoffed, getting up from the chair to glare at her. "I'm not making excuses, I'm acknowledging reality. We all had a bad game, Paige. It's not like you were lighting it up out there either."
"I did better than you, that's for fucking sure." Paige's voice came out bitter as you felt yourself let out a quiet scoff. You couldn't fight with her anymore, you were exhausted, both mentally and physically.
"Guys, stop it." Azzi's voice cut through the tension like a knife but neither of you acknowledged her, you both just kept glaring at each other.
"You're a bitch, Paige. You're just jealous because at the end of the day, you're just a burnt out star who can't handle not being in the spotlight anymore. Sorry that Caitlin's out there doing better than you, and that you feel the need to be a fucking ass all the time," you retorted, your words dripping with venom.
The frustration of the game, mixed with years of simmering animosity, boiled over into this heated argument that neither of you seemed willing to back down from. You didn't know why you brought up Caitlin, but all you knew was that you'd definitely get a reaction.
Paige's eyes flashed with anger, her jaw tightening as she glared up at you. "The fuck you have to bring Caitlin into this? At least I was a star, you'll never make into the WNBA with that attitude, I promise you that. You're just a selfish brat who can't handle criticism-"
"Hey!" Nika's shout rang out as she glanced in between the two of you. "One more word from either of you and I'm telling Geno, you guys are teammates and you need to act like it."
You glanced at Nika, seeing the disappointment etched on her face, and then back at Paige. Despite the rivalry between you, you knew that Nika was right ─ however, you weren't quite ready to admit that.
You scoffed as you exhaled, feeling everyone's eyes on you. You didn't acknowledge any of them as you left the hotel room, feeling your eyes burn with unshed tears. You were embarrassed, Paige had always been hard on you for seemingly no good reason but it's never gotten this bad.
You two had always been good sports, even when the other played like shit. She never brought anything up that would actually hurt your feelings, unlike tonight. You didn't know why, you tried to think back at what could've changed tonight but came up with nothing that made sense. You just hoped it wouldn't affect the way you played with her, you didn't want it to effect the team more than it has.
You walked into your hotel room, locking the door behind you as you walked into the bathroom, ready for a warm shower to drown out the rest of the world.
"Who is it?" You asked as you heard the knocking on the door. It was nearing two in the morning and you had just stepped out of the much-needed shower, clad only in your robe.
"It's me," Paige's voice was quiet as she spoke, your whole body tensing up just at the sound. You sighed deeply as you walked up to the door, opening it to reveal a slightly disheveled Paige.
She looked really, really good; she had her hair up in a loose bun, her gray sweats were slightly rolling off her hips and her shirt fit her just perfectly. Goddamnit, Y/N ─ focus. You tried to hide the tug of attraction you felt towards Paige, pushing the distracting thoughts aside as you met her gaze.
"What do you want?" you asked, your tone guarded as you leaned against the doorframe.
"Let me come in," Paige's statement didn't come off as a question, more like a demand. You sighed and leaned backward so that she could enter.
Before you could say anything, Paige started talking. "I don't appreciate you comparing me to Caitlin, especially after the season I had."
You scoffed in disbelief as you closed the door. "You came in here just to say that?"
Paige turned so she could send you a glare. "I came in originally cause I was gonna apologize. But then I remembered the whole Caitlin thing-"
"What's up with you and Caitlin?" Your words came out with the same intensity as hers did. "I don't know why you took that comment to heart because you started this whole damn thing."
Paige's expression hardened, a defensive edge creeping into her demeanor. "What do you mean by that?" she snapped, her tone sharp with irritation. "I had the most terrible season, and everyone has been comparing me to her-"
You felt a surge of frustration rising within you, the tension between you and Paige reaching a boiling point. "And what about everything I've been through this season?" you shot back, your voice tinged with anger. "You think this season has been a cakewalk for me? You think I don't know what it's like to struggle?"
Paige's jaw clenched, her gaze hardening as she met yours head-on. "This isn't about that," she retorted, her voice low and tense. "This is about you and Caitlin suddenly being all buddy-buddy after the Iowa game. The comments under your posts, the calling and the texting. It's obsessive and annoying, I don't like it and I don't want you hanging around her anymore."
You paused for a second, trying to process her words. Paige's accusation caught you off guard, the weight of her words sinking in like a lead weight in your chest. Was she jealous? You couldn't help but let out a small laugh as Paige's eyebrows furrowed.
"The fuck you laughing for? You think this is funny?" Paige's eyebrows furrowed even further, her frustration palpable as she waited for your response.
"Aww, are you jealous?" Your words came out amused as Paige kept glaring at you. "I'm not replacing you or the team, she has a boyfriend."
"I'm not jealous," Paige's glare intensified, her jaw tightening with frustration at your teasing remark. "Don't flatter yourself, Y/N. I couldn't care less about your little fling with Caitlin."
"Then what's your problem?" you pressed, unable to resist the urge to push her buttons further. "If it's not jealousy, then why are you so worked up about it?"
Paige's nostrils flared slightly as she averted her gaze for a moment, before looking back up at you. "Cause it's no damn comparison. At the end of the day, you're on my team and you're mine," she paused as she shook her head. "My friend," she quickly clarified.
You blinked in surprise at Paige's sudden intensity, the weight of her words sinking in like a heavy anchor. The possessiveness in her tone left you feeling flustered, unsure of how to respond.
"Paige..." you began, your voice trailing off as you struggled to find the right words. But before you could even process anything, her lips were on yours and your back was pushed up against the wall.
Instinctively, your arms found their way around her shoulders, pulling her closer as you responded to her kiss with equal fervor. The heat of the moment consumed you, erasing any doubts or reservations as you lost yourself in the sensation of her lips on yours.
Her lips on yours sent a shiver down your spine, electrifying every nerve in your body as you surrendered to the passion that consumed you. All thoughts of the past were forgotten as you gave yourself over to the intoxicating enticement of Paige's lips.
Her hands slide up your body and hold your neck as you let out a soft whimper, causing your head to fall back against the wall. Paige's lips began leaving open-mouthed kisses all over your jaw and neck, as her hands explore your body.
This couldn't be happening, you kept thinking to yourself. After playing on the same team as Paige for almost three years now, it felt like this was a fever dream ─ but you didn't mind it, not at all.
Her lips found yours again, kissing you roughly as your hands gripped her head. With ease, she lifted you up into her arms, your weight feeling insignificant against her strength. She kept her lips on yours as she carried you toward the bed, dropping you swiftly as your hands found her face.
Paige's hands had easy access to your body due the robe, that she quickly slid off as her lips stayed on yours. She pulled away for a second, breathless, as she took in your body with admiration in her gaze. You felt self-conscious for a moment, but you had no time to dwell on it as Paige pulled you down on the bed.
"You're fucking gorgeous," she mumbled as she pressed kisses all over your neck. "I hate how gorgeous you are."
Your mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions as Paige's words and actions washed over you. Part of you wanted to resist, to question the sudden intensity of this moment, but another part of you couldn't deny the undeniable chemistry between you and Paige.
But as her lips trailed along your neck, you found yourself unable to resist the pull any longer. With each kiss, each touch, you felt yourself unraveling, giving in to the utter need that surged through your body.
"I hate how you make me feel," Paige whispered against your skin, her voice husky with desire. "Every time I'm near you, it's like I lose control. Like I can't think straight."
Her words sent a shiver down your spine, igniting a fire within you that burned brighter with each moment. You reached up to cup her face, guiding her lips back to yours in a desperate kiss, hungry for the taste of her against your skin.
You reached out to her, your fingers tangling in her hair as you pulled her closer, unable to resist the magnetic pull that drew you together. "I hate how much I want you," Paige groaned, her voice tinged with frustration as she pressed her lips against your neck with force, pulling a soft whimper from your lips.
"I hate how much I need you," Paige spoke as she gazed into your eyes, her grip tightening on your waist as she pulled you closer. "But I'm not gonna fight it anymore. I'm done pretending like I don't want you, okay?"
You felt a rush of heat flood through you at her confession swirling in the pit of your stomach. In that moment, all you could think about was Paige completely, letting her consume you with her passion and desire.
"I want you, too, P." You finally let out, your voice quivering as she began to caress your thigh.
Paige scoffed, shaking her head at your words. "I know, I know you do."
She pushed her lips into yours again, a needy moan escaping your lips as she pushed you onto the bed. She straddled your hips as she kissed all over your neck, feeling yourself pulsate beneath her. You couldn't even think straight anymore, your mind was complete mush as she kept kissing all over your neck and jaw.
Paige mouth traveled down toward your stomach, leaving sloppy kisses and hickeys all over it. Your hands found her blonde hair, tugging as she teased you. Her blue eyes were completely focused on you, every reaction and every sound that you made, fueling her desire even further. With each kiss, each touch, she seemed determined to leave her mark on you, to brand you as hers in every way possible.
And you welcomed it, craving the intensity like a starving soul. With each tug of your fingers in her hair, Paige responded with a groan of satisfaction, her lips and tongue leaving a trail of fire across your skin.
She pried open your legs slowly, her gaze still lingering as your breath hitched. "Fuck," she mumbled as her eyes flickered toward your soaking cunt ─ she was at a loss for words.
Paige fingers teased your entrance, pulling needy whimpers from your bruised lips. "You're so wet for me, baby," she finally plunged a finger into you, causing a borderline pornographic moan to leave your mouth.
Every sensation was heightened, every touch sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your body as she thrusted her finger in and out of you. She wasn't gentle by any means, you could practically feel the anger radiating from her body as she watched you.
You leaned further into the bed, covering your face with your arms as a string of moans left your mouth. Almost immediately, Paige gripped your arm and pulled it off of your face. "I want you to look at me while I fuck you, alright?"
You couldn't reply with any words, you weren't even sure you were conscious at this point ─ the exhaustion from the game, the anger from the earlier argument and now the utter pleasure of you were feeling was fogging up your brain, you couldn't even think straight anymore; all you could do was sit there and take it.
You tried your best to keep your eyes on her, but you felt yourself slipping as you arch your back. She added another finger, causing a new sensation jolting down your body ─ you hadn't even orgasmed yet and you feel beyond overstimulated.
"Does Caitlin do this better than me, huh?" She mumbled as she leaned forward to press a sloppy kiss to yours lips. "Fucking answer me," she groaned as she pulled away.
You shook your head fervently, the only words you were really understanding were "Caitlin" and "better". Her movements became faster and deeper with your answer, causing another loud moan to slip out of your lips.
"Fuck, please," you cried out as you leaned back into the bed. Paige quickly pulled you down by your hips, making sure to pin you down as she continued to finger-fuck you. "Please,"
"So polite, baby. Fucking three years, it took me three years to realize that they only thing you needed was a good fuck for you to be nice, huh?" She spoke harshly as she felt you tighten around her fingers, your face contorting into utter pleasure as you shut your eyes. "Now I know whenever I need you to shut up, all I need to do is fuck you, right baby?"
Her words all blurred in your mind as she began rubbing your clit, and you were cumming all over her fingers ─ the knot snapped hard, you were crying out so loudly, Paige was worried the neighbor's were gonna call the office.
She helped you ride your high as you caught your breath, before she pulled out her sticky fingers from your cunt. Before you could even process it, she stuffed them inside your mouth roughly as her blue eyes analyzed you.
You sucked them clean as you finally came back down to Earth, finally (kinda) being able to think straight. You were breathless, your legs were shaky and you were sweaty all over again. You finally opened your eyes to meet Paige's eyes, your heart almost jumping out of your chest at the look of utter admiration on her usually disinterested face (at least, when it came to you).
Before either of you could revel in the moment any longer, Paige's phone began to buzz in her sweatpants. She sighed loudly before picking it up, "What's up?"
You could recognize Nika's voice as she spoke but you couldn't quite understand what she was saying. However, when Paige's expression turned cocky as she took another look at you, you had a couple ideas on what it could be about.
"Yep, we made up. We're fine now, don't worry. Yeah, we're good, y'all can head to bed," she nodded along with whatever Nika was saying, a cocky ass smirk on her lips.
"You wanna talk to her? You sure?" Paige took a look at your disheveled appearance, laughing as your eyes went wide. Before you could protest, she handed you the phone. "Here you go,"
"Hey, babe," she spoke softly through the phone. "I made P go and apologize, I hate seeing you fight like this and-"
Her voice slowly became background noise as Paige leaned back into the bed, pulling you into her chest. Your heart began beating out of your chest as you relaxed into her embrace.
"-And I just love you guys, okay? Y/N, you still there?"
"Y-yeah, sorry. I'm just sleepy, we love you too, Nika," you got out as Paige smirked at you.
"Okay, okay," Nika replied, her voice filled with genuine affection. "Get some rest, okay?"
You said your goodbyes before handing the phone back to Paige, who ended the call with a satisfied grin. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at Paige, only she would fuck your brains out then make you answer the phone.
You laid on her chest quietly as she pulled the blanket over your body, pulling you even closer. You guys sat in silence, both of you knew there was a lot of debrief ─ however, both of you were too tired to bring it up.
"I'm sorry for bringing up Caitlin, that was a bitch move," you began as you closed your eyes, getting comfortable beside Paige.
Paige's hand gently traced patterns on your back as she sighed softly. "No, I'm sorry too," she murmured, her voice filled with sincerity. "For being a bitch, and saying all that stuff about you not making it into the WNBA,"
"I know you didn't mean it," you mumbled as you felt yourself drift off into sleep. Paige leaned over slightly to turn off the lights, and you both slowly drifted off the sleep.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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norrisleclercf1 · 14 days
Mafia idea! What if they are both in the mafia and the driver (imma let you choose) gets kidnapped and badass mafia reader saves them and lectures them about being stupid lol
A/N: The fact I had to have an internal battle with to make this Lando or Charles should really speak how well this fits them
"Eh?" Dropping the ruby necklace, you stare in shock as your second in command had just given you the latest update on your husband.
"Yes ma'am, we're sorry, it just...happened," He cringes as your eyes narrow, and you suck on your teeth, looking at the jewels your people just stole, from the same person whose just now taken your husband. Groaning you rub your temples and lean back staring out to the ocean view.
"Please get the cars ready, we have to go get him." Joris nods, knowing and feeling horrible for the lecture that Charles is going to get from being stupid. I mean it wasn't his fault, he simply got distracted at gorgeous tear drop ruby earrings, and how gorgeous they'd look with the matching necklace.
Next thing Joris knows, Charles is gone, and they can't find him.
"You are stupid," Andrea seethes, as Charles just calmly stares at the earrings, shit he wanted those earrings so bad for you, you'd get that please smirk on your face and kiss his cheek. Damn, he really needs them, cause then you'd call him a good boy and maybe even, "Charles!" Wincing, Charles turns and glares at his third in command.
"Can you for once, not think about your wife, who is going to murder us," Andrea hisses, and Charles grumbles in French as the men from earlier come in. "Stupid fucks, thinking they could steal from us," Charles just rolls his eyes, annoyed with the fact they've ruined his day.
He was supposed to be home, and pulling your apart while wearing the jewels he stole for you, and only the jewels. "Stupid dumbfucks, ruined my plans with my wife," Charles grumbles in French while Andrea stares at him in shock.
He's a child, how the fuck is he running a worldwide mafia and people fear him?
Andrea shakes his head, sighing as Charles just glares, but stops hearing gunfire and the familiar sound of heels clicking. "What the-" The words are cut short as two bullets cut through the air, easily ending the men. "Bebe!" Charles sounds like a delighted puppy as you step into the room, glaring at the two men.
"It's his fault," Andrea is quick to point the blame, but Charles could care less about that, not when you're here wearing the ruby necklace. "You look so gorgeous, ugh," Charles quickly gets out of the ropes, which has Andrea's head whirling. That little fuck could've gotten us out.
Charles moves to hug and kiss you, but you place the barrel of your gun into his chest. "Are you serious, you think I'm going to kiss you? Charles Marc Herve, you are lucky I don't banish you to Amsterdam and let Max deal with you," Charles whines, knowing that Max would put him in his place quickly and you wouldn't even care.
"Please don't I'm sorry, I was just trying to get the matching earrings," Charles grumbles grabbing them, as you roll your eyes. "Charlie, you could've been hurt love," You whine, cutting Andrea loose who moves quick to escape you two.
"Pfft, I would've been fine, more so annoyed, but look how gorgeous they look on you, fuck," Charles growls, and you just glare at your husband. "When we get home," Charles nods his head quickly dashing out to the car. "I love him," You sigh, Joris and Andrea staring at the two of you like you were insane.
"They're crazy,"
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blue-blue-blooms · 1 month
A Little Crush   
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Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader
Part 1
Summary: In which Eddie develops a crush on the Henderson sister.
You weren't sure exactly when your life had gone to absolute shit. Was it when you found a strange, superpowered adolescent girl living in Mike Wheeler's basement? Was it when you walked in on a baby demogorgan eating your cat? Or was it when you were drugged by evil Russians operating under Starcourt Mall? You couldn't even remember a time when life was normal. If someone had told you that you would become best friends with Steve 'The Hair' Harrington and fight literal monsters from an alternate universe alongside Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan 'The Creep' Byers a few years ago, you would've laughed in their face. Now? You'd survived the most traumatising events of your life alongside these people. You were bonded for life.
The last few years had also made you closer with Dustin. You loved your baby brother and his weird friends, especially since you'd spent so much time babysitting them. But no amount of love could make you say yes to what they were asking of you.
"Please?" Dustin begged, following you down the hallway as you made your way to Ms. O'Connell's class.
"No! I have, like, three essays due this week, Dustin. I don't have the time to sub." You respond.
"It's only for tonight! Lucas can't make it and we really need a sub. We're nearly done with the campaign and Eddie will kill us if we make him reschedule!" Dustin pleads.
You were really happy that Dustin and Mike had found a safe space in high school. Lord knows those two idiots needed it. Freshmen year is probably the toughest of them all. You're new, scared, and lonely. You were really glad that they'd found friends, a place where they could be their nerdy selves and feel accepted. Hell, even you'd dabbled in their interests when you'd babysat them. DnD wasn't half bad, and not nearly as hard to undertand as you once thought. You'd spent many nights in Mike's basement playing with them. The first few times, you'd get your character killed in the first fifteen minutes. But after a while, you started making progress (even though you're convinced that the party was exceptionally lenient with you after you once burst into tears over getting killed off).
"I'll do your half of the chores for a week!" Dustin exclaims.
That makes you stop.
"A week?" You turn around to look at him, "Make it two weeks and I'll sub."
"Two? Are you insane!?" Dustin yells, making a few people lingering in the hallway turn and look at you both.
"Two or no deal, Dusty Buns," You tease, "And be quick, I'm late for my class."
"Fine!" Dustin says, "And stop calling me 'Dusty Buns'"
"Why? Is that nickname just for Suzy Poo?" You tease.
Dustin glowers at you as you walk off.
"So, who's the DM?" You ask as you walk alongside Dustin and Mike.
"It's Eddie, Eddie Munson. He's a senior. Long hair, wears a hellfire T-Shirt, I talk about him constantly. God, do you ever listen to me?" Dustin claims exasperatedly.
"Oh! Eddie as in your new favorite older male best friend who Steve's weirdly jealous of?" You ask, "I've seen him around. Is he the one who jumps on lunch tables and yells a lot?"
"Yup." Mike responded, "He's a bit scary when he's revved up. Just warning you beforehand in case he comes off...a bit intimidating."
You nod.
"Hasn't he been held back, like, three times?" You ask.
Before either of the boys could answer, you reach the room. The first thing you see is the table where the game is set. There are three boys sat around, all with Hellfire T-Shirts on. Your eyes fleet from one to the other until finally landing on Eddie. You recognise him immediately from the amount of times you've seen him yelling in the cafeteria.
Dustin and Mike failed to mention how cute he was, you think.
His hair was long and wavy. He was wearing multiple rings. And he was covered in tattoos. You're pretty sure you saw a few bats peeking from under his sleeve.
"Who's this?" One of the guys asks, making all three turn around and look at you.
"This is Y/N! She's subbing for Lucas!" Mike says, the words spilling out fast and nervously.
Why the hell are they so jittery?
"Yeah, she's my sister! The one I mentioned a couple days ago." Dustin adds.
"Does she even know how to play DnD?" The other boy asks.
"Okay, excuse me, I wouldn't have come if I didn't know how to play," You finally speak, waving your hand a little to get their attention.
"So, this is your infamous sister?" Eddie finally speaks, his eyes landing on you, "You know, I thought he made you up. What's your class and level? Level One Elf?"
Elf? Is he mocking me?
"Are you mocking me?" You ask incredously.
"Is he mocking me?" you turn towards Dustin and Mike who immediately start gesticulating, probably asking you to shut up.
"My name is Aeren Sirenfall and I'm a level 14 chaotic good half-elf rogue. I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison-soaked kukri. And I'll smile as I watch them die a slow...agonising...death." You say, your voice slow and hard as you glare at Eddie, "So, are we gonna play this stupid game or not?"
You're pretty sure you hear one of the boys mutter a 'she's terrifying' to Dustin.
You watch as Eddie's eyes slowly soften and a grin emerges on his face, "Welcome to Hellfire Club."
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strqwberryfield · 4 months
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ot7 - when you come back from a trip.
contains fluff (i was listening to wave to earth whilst writing this)
heeseung: bro he missed you so much he actually started crying and hugged you to death when you were unpacking your items from your suitcase. "hee i love you dearly but plz let go i feel like I'm about to suffocate" but he just ignores you since 'you left him to suffer and he was touch starved'. but after you do your duties he just smothers you with his love and follows you around like a lost puppy.
jay: this man is basically a dream. he is not real. i feel like he would help you unpack your belongings since you had a long flight and you might have been too tired to do all of it. cooks you a warm comforting meal and asks you questions about what you did and what you ate so he could try and recreate it (on his enlog when he was cooking for his mum he said that when he went to Milan, he had a type of pasta he liked and wanted to recreate it).
jake: another lost puppy following you around. he says "next time when we are on tour im gonna bring you with me for company" since he didn't like being alone without his beloved. he clings to you like you haven't seen each other in ages. wherever you go he follows and if you are cooking a meal for the both of you he literally hugs you from behind and begs for your attention like you were purposely ignoring him. but once you hug him back he would not let you go.
sunghoon: i feel like he would be happy that you have returned because he would've gone insane with jake's and ni-ki's bickering and fighting along with heeseung shouting when he plays video games. once you hug him when you enter the shared home he melts. he claims that "if you went another day on the trip he would've called you crying because he couldn't deal with the members". he's lowkey stressed about upcoming tours and comebacks that he hasn't had time to himself. so when you return he can finally feel safe and calm.
sunoo: i love this man so much. he would be so happy when you returned to him in one because he also couldn't deal with the members. the day after you return, you would do a spa sesh since you couldn't attend the last one. pampers you with his love like you were about to die. you spill any type of gossip that happened for example: your friend decided to turn against you for no specific reason even though you did nothing to then that so-called friend got kicked off that plane for being disruptive on the way back to south korea. he was eating that shit up and his reactions were so cute.
jungwon: he is so silly omg i love him. when you get him a souvenir he gets so happy and cherishes it. i feel like he would follow you around speaking english in his aggressively cute voice. "was the trip slay! y/n??" "yes, the trip was slay! wonnie". would ask you about where you went, how it was and what you ate. he would also lie on you when you are relaxing on the couch since you went for so long. he promised you that when he goes on tour he would get souvenirs from each location. he sleeps so much better when you are here with him in bed.
ni-ki: he denies that he didn't miss you but deep down he did. since it has been confirmed that riki hugs something to sleep. he missed your presence dearly and struggled to sleep without hugging you or having skin contact with each other. but when you return from visiting your family for the weekend - he jumps onto you and hugs you. when you bought him a plush as a souvenir, he would never let it go and would use it as an alternative if you were to make a trip like that again and hug it to sleep and spray it with his favourite perfume that you bought for yourself.
a/n: sigh.
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pettydollie · 2 months
♡.˚ ୨୧ 。˚ ♡.˚ eyes wide open
♡ summary: doing a bikini car wash was a lot easier than expected.. until your crush shows up ♡ warnings/notes: suggestive, matt sturniolo x reader, reader & matt are in hs, cursing ♡ wc: 945
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you finished writing "CAR WASH FOR CHARITY" on your cardboard sign, putting the cap on the sharpie. the sun shines directly onto you and a small group of your girlfriends from school. one of your teachers encouraged everyone to find ways to gain money to donate to any charity of the school's choosing for extra credit in his class. so you and your group of friends decided a bikini car wash would be best.
"okay, donee!" you notify the girls while adjusting your pink bikini top. "oh god, it's already so hot." a girl fanned herself with her hand with sweat starting to moisten her very exposed body. you chuckle before reaching into your tiny purse that sat on your friend's car hood and pulling out lipgloss. seeing someone pull up, you quickly swipe a decent amount on your lips and grab the sponges.
everyone decided earlier that you should be the one to greet the customers since you're obviously the sweetest girl here. you strut up to the driver's side, your tits bouncing as you walk. the driver rolls down his window and you recognize him to be someone from your school. "hiya, jeremiah!" you wave with an inviting smile spread across your face, also nodding towards his friend in the passenger seat. he shamelessly eyes you up and down, not bothering to refrain himself. his buddy hits his arm, shaking his head with widened eyes. jeremiah rolls his. "shut up, i'm paying for this shit, may as well enjoy it."
about two hours have gone by, but thankfully it's still early! you girls sat on each others cars for your lunch break, munching and discussing the people who've come by. "yuck, that guy was seriously messed up, probably drunk." a girl scrunched up her nose. your close friend's eyes brightened, turning to you unexpectantly. "on a completely unrelated note, matt told nate who told jason who told madi who told me that he's coming by in the afternoon!" she squeals, shaking your arm excitedly. the other girls gasp and join in on the squealing, hyping you up.
a small smile creeps onto your lips, however, you're insanely nervous. your once silly little crush had fully blossomed into large and heavy feelings for the boy. last year, you would've probably jumped for joy and stripped naked so he'd notice you. you remind yourself that you're doing this for a good cause and extra credit. this is fine!
you wipe the sweat dripping from your neck when you hear an engine running. you turn around and see the vehicle your friends were just talking about. how very cliche. you throw the rest of your lunch out, walking up to the window. the face you'll never get tired of looking at blinks back at you once the window was halfway rolled down. "hey, n/n."
you smile toothily, "heyy matt! hi chris." you greet and the boy waves back with a smug grin. you hold your hands behind your back, lightly swinging back and forth. "i didn't know you guys were coming..!"
matt rolls his eyes. "fuckin' chris wanted to come." chris shoves his arm before muttering something under his breath with a sly smirk on his face. the boy scoffs in return, turning back to you. "we'll take the deluxe." he hands you the money and with that, you call over the girls.
like the other customers, your friends didn't hold back on rubbing their tits against the windows to earn cash tips. however, this time it was different because unlike the other guys, matt's eyes didn't scan every single inch of their bodies. you nervously scrub the car as you try to keep his gaze on you. under normal circumstances, you probably would've kept from showing off your body to matt. you were too shy for that anyhow. you still feel nervous, and even more so as bold thoughts flood your brain. ehhh fuck it, why not?
you confidently bring the sponge off the vehicle, raising it just under your neck. you squeeze it, bubbles and soapy liquid gushing out and trickling down the valley of your breasts. matt watches it fall to your stomach and down your thighs. he swallows, looking away before he gets hard-- that'd be embarrassing. but you're embarrassed too, you immediately regret your bold decision. especially when some of the girls cheer you on. matt looks back up, still looking at you. you bite your lip, moving closer to the car to finish cleaning.
once the car is fully rinsed, matt hands you a tip of $20. your eyes widen. "oh wow!" you giggle, bouncing on your heels, your tits jiggling. (matt has to clear his throat and look away). "thanks so much! so, um.. i'll see you around." you innocently smile as if you're not standing in front of him showing off most of your body. matt almost wishes he could stay just to keep watch of you so nobody tries anything with a sweet girl like you. "oorrr.. you can stay. only if you want!" you exclaim, biting the inside of your cheek shyly. he chuckles in response, bringing up a finger. he motions towards himself for you to come closer. you lean down, head slightly peeking in the open window.
"i'm gonna drop off chris, babe. i'll be back." he kisses your cheek with a pink face before winking and putting the car in reverse. you nod, bewildered and your mouth a little open. you step back and wave to chris whose clapping and you hear him say, "damnn, when did you grow a pair??" matt rolls his eyes and smiles at you before pulling out.
shitty ending mb :C tags! <3 (mentioning @emmastvrn bc u commented on the post hehe) @sturn777 @stargirlsturniololover @junnniiieee07 @mattsneezing @freshloveee @freshsturns @emma4eva @r6diosturns @matthasmywholeheart @donthugmeimhot @blahbel668
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apomaro-mellow · 6 months
Every Baby Needs a Daddy 2
Part 1
Eddie hadn't forgotten about Steve the next day. Far from it. But his early morning thoughts had been occupied with getting up in time and going through his morning routine. It wasn't until he got dressed and put his jacket on, the same one from yesterday, that he was hit with the remnants of Steve's scent. He lifted it to his nose and took a deep breath.
His number was still in the pocket. Would texting him now seem desperate? Eddie took another breath. Fuck appearances. He had to see him again.
Steve had been prepared to chalk up last night to a fever dream. Or even if it was somehow real, that Eddie wouldn't call or text. Or even if he did, it wouldn't be until weeks or months later when he remembered the pathetic omega he'd met one rainy night.
And then he checked his phone on his lunch break and saw that he had a few messages. All from an unknown number.
'hey' 'it's me' 'Eddie' 'that guy you met last night?' 'I was thinking that i could maybe take you out to dinner again?'
Steve beamed so hard anyone looking might think he was insane. How cool should he play it? Maybe he should wait until he got off of work. Would it be better to call? By the looks of the texts, Eddie seemed really into him. Would Steve be able to string him along for longer?
The moment the thought passed through it was gone. He had woken up this morning, yearning for Eddie's scent. If he got close to him again, there was no way that he could make him wait.
Steve told him that he was free any time.
It probably came off as desperate but he didn't care. He wanted Eddie and wanted to be wanted by him. He couldn't afford to play it cool.
Three days later, Steve was standing outside of a nice restaurant. Eddie had sent the location and Steve dressed in the best clothes he owned. Thankfully he didn't have much of a reason to wear them, so they looked fresh and he went the extra mile to iron them. It was a nice collared shirt in blue and some khaki pants. A car drove up and Eddie came out of it, tossing the keys to a valet.
Eddie had offered to pick him up from his apartment but Steve refused for some reason. It felt like a dignity thing.
"Hey there, handsome", Eddie grinned. He had a red button down over black slacks and that leather jacket again. Steve needed to bury his face in it, in Eddie.
Steve got part of his wish when Eddie slung an around his waist and led him inside. He refrained from turning his head to dip his nose into it and drown himself in Eddie. They sat down and a waiter was with them right away for their drink orders. The waiter asked about wine as Steve looked at the menu.
"Hmm, whatever's red and sweet, my good man", Eddie said.
"We have a nice Cabernet, if you would like."
Eddie looked like he was about to agree when Steve spoke up. "Eddie, what are you eating?"
The alpha glanced at the menu before pushing air out of his mouth. "Probably a steak, beautiful. I'm actually not all that picky."
"We'll take a Caremenare", Steve said. "One from Bordeaux if you have one, if not anything on from southern France is fine."
Eddie gave Steve an appraising look as the waiter walked off to get their drinks. He let out a low whistle and then Steve stiffened.
"You know your stuff."
"I uh, yeah", Steve cleared his throat. "This seems like a real classy joint. Normally a server will ask what you plan on dining on before giving a wine suggestion."
"Ah, so he thought I was some bum who would've been happy drinking some cooking sherry?"
"Basically." Steve hadn't meant to show off like that. It just came out.
Eddie didn't look put off though. If anything, he looked impressed.
"You know, I'm not hard to please. I'm the type to drink whatever they put in front of me. Unless it's vodka." Eddie stuck his tongue out in disgust.
"I figured a rock star would have more refined tastes", Steve said.
"Oh I think I've got great tastes", Eddie said, licking a canine.
Steve had been looking at the menu, about to ask what he meant he saw the look Eddie was giving him. He quickly snapped the menu back up to cover his face and how warm it felt. Steve was no stranger to blatant flirting. He'd frequently laid it on thick himself. But knowing who Eddie was and how they'd met put an extra layer on it.
Did Eddie like him for himself? Or because he seemed easy? They started talking, the conversation now about traveling. Eddie was telling him of a particularly wild night in Italy and Steve was halfway in thought.
Would he feel different if Eddie was just a normal alpha? Or was it the fact that Eddie knew he was half the way to destitute that made Steve hesitant? Above all, Steve just didn't know if Eddie respected him or if he felt sorry for him. Eddie hadn't ever said anything condescending about him or omegas in general though. He'd never made Steve feel lower than him. He made sure he was comfortable with rides and being paid for before doing so.
Steve remembered what his best friend told him before abandoning him (getting her dream job) across the country. Basically, waste not, want not, but applying it to everything. If Eddie wanted to take him out and buy him meals and drinks, who was Steve to deny him? And if he wanted something sweet after, well Steve wouldn't be upset.
"Wait, you tried sneaking into the catacombs? You know it's a tourist site? You can just get a guide and go in", Steve said.
"Yeah, well Jeff had this bright idea of going in without permission, cause you know, rebellion is totally more metal than just hiring a tour guide, and going at like 2 am because that's the 'best time'", Eddie did air quotes and rolled his eyes. "And also tried to get into more restricted areas."
"Lemme guess, Jeff's a free spirited explorer?"
"I like adventure as much as the next guy, but I also like seeing the sky", Eddie said. "And Gareth's worse. Dude froze solid the moment we got down there. Hell of a time to learn he's got claustrophobia."
Their orders were taken and Eddie watched probably with a bit too much interest as Steve ate. He was enjoying this ritzy fare as much as he did the bar and local restaurant from before. Maybe Steve was the type to fit in anywhere. Eddie wanted to give him more. He'd seen some of the couples around them. People with clearly money to spare and they lavished it on the beauty dining with them. Gilded omegas. Kept omegas.
"I just wanted to, I don't know, take care of him", Eddie had lamented to his band mates while on a Zoom call.
"What, like a puppy?", Grant asked while in the middle of doing laundry.
"No! Yes? Like, ugggh", Eddie ran his hands down his face. "I know how this is gonna sound. Don't judge me."
"Holy shit", Gareth paused in his gaming to look at Eddie's face on one of his screens. "Dudes, I think it's finally happening."
"No fucking way", Jeff said.
Eddie turned around in his chair, trying to turn his back to them but he went to hard and did a 360 instead.
"Eddie, do you wanna be his-"
"Please don't say it out loud", Eddie covered his face with his hands.
"He does", Jeff said. "He wants to be a sugar daddy."
"This guy's gotta be hot. You got pics?", Grant asked.
"No one's that hot", Gareth said. "Chrissy was that hot and you still didn't-"
"Alright, forget I said anything. This is supposed to be a brainstorming sesh", Eddie quickly changed the subject.
Eddie wanted Steve to be his. But he didn't just want to date him. He wanted to spoil him, take him on exotic vacations, show him off, have Steve lie in bed without a care outside of being Eddie's baby.
But he couldn't just ask that, could he? That was probably one aspect of celebrity life Eddie, nor any of the other guys really knew too well. Getting a date? Easy. Getting someone like this? Would Steve even want to do that? He probably had his own goals and aspirations that went beyond being some guy's plaything. God though, Eddie would treat him so right. Steve really wouldn't want for anything.
"So, I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but how does a uh, fine vintage such as yourself find him single?"
"'Fine vintage'? Are you calling me old?", Steve asked with mock offense.
"Well you wear it very nicely", Eddie quipped back.
"For the record, I'm not chronically single. I've just been pretty busy lately. Had a few quick lays, but nothing serious for a while."
"How about somethingggg not serious buuut pretty exclusive?", Eddie asked. He leaned a little closer to Steve and was able to smell the increased interest. Good.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you, me, on a French beach in about a month. You could really show off that wino talent."
Steve snickered and moved a little closer to Eddie. "Well you can start with not calling me a 'wino'. And if you really want me to show off, you'll have to take my to Italy."
Eddie put an arm around Steve. "That can be arranged." He started to kiss his neck and let out a soft growl at the way Steve melted under his lips. His hand found Steve's thigh and gave it a squeeze.
Steve hummed and turned his head to kiss Eddie's cheek, then grabbed his hand and threaded their fingers together. He gave Eddie's lips a rather chaste kiss but then whispered against them.
"Take me to your place."
dont @ me on the wine stuff i literally drank a $7 bottle of vermouth yesterday and enjoyed it clearly i am not an expert.
Part 3
Tag Team
@awkotaco24 @lingeringmirth @littlewildflowerkitten @estrellami-1 @tartarusknight @velocitytimes2 @mrsjellymunson @trashcanniballecter @marklee-blackmore @dragonmama76 @paintsplatteredandimperfect
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 2 months
Apologies — Lucifer X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of tragic death, mentions of assault, insinuation of a mental breakdown, Angel being a caring and kinky bestie, Fat Nuggets being an absolute sweetheart, Lucifer being a mess, fluff, brief sexual innuendos.
Word Count: 1.3K
Summary: You got into an argument with Lucifer and it ended with you walking out.
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It had been a stupid argument that caused you to walk out before you could say something you'd regret. It hadn't been stupid to you, but rather Lucifer described it as stupid.
He realized his mistake the moment your eyes widened, filled with tears and you walked out the door without another word. He followed you, but it was too late. You were gone from his sight and you could be anywhere, especially with your long list of contacts and insane ability to hide in the shadows.
You opened up to him about the way you died. Ten years you had been in hell and told nobody how you met your tragic end. Nobody asked. Not until Lucifer, not until today.
The details of your captors drugging, breaking, and killing you slowly to avenge their friend who you accidentally killed, to save you and your best friend from being assaulted, came out.
Kicking. Screaming. Turning your throat raw with emotion, they came out.
You weren't even sure how it had turned into an argument, when your boyfriend of a year was the one who wanted to know.
Before you knew it, you found yourself at the hotel. It was the safest place to go, you thought. Charlie was thankfully out for the day, having mentioned over breakfast that she was taking Vaggie to the only art gallery in the Pride Ring.
The doors slammed behind you as you attempted to reign in your emotions. It didn't matter what you did, hot tears streamed down your face and your hands trembled with every step.
Angel reached you just in time for your legs to give out. He caught you and held you close, having never seen you like that before. His first instinct was to question you on what happened, but he could feel your sobs becoming heavier.
He scooped you up easily and got you upstairs to his room, asking that nobody says a word about you being there. If asked, nobody had seen you since breakfast.
Angel Dust rubbed circles on your back, like you had done for him many times, as he waited for you to calm down and regulate your breathing enough to speak clearly.
For him, it felt odd being the one to give comfort, rather than receiving it from you.
"You wanna tell me what happened, Toots? Coming in like that, you got me all worried."
You turned your head to the side and sniffled, embarrassment creeping in at the fact that your best friend had just seen you have a breakdown. And you had cried into the fluff of his chest so easily, as if you had done it a dozen times.
You stayed silent for another couple moments, not yet trusting yourself to speak without a trembling voice.
He kept rubbing circles on your back, just like you always did when he needed an extra moment or two to compose himself after a particularly rough session at the studio.
"I told him how I died." You said. Your voice was so quiet and defeated that Angel almost missed it. He would've, had he not been waiting to hear your voice.
It didn't take a rocket scientist for him to know that you meant Lucifer. After all, you spent most of your free time with him and the rest of it was helping out at the hotel (mostly keeping an eye on Alastor).
"It didn't go well?" Angel asked. You shook your head and inhaled a shaky breath.
"We ended up arguing — I couldn't even tell you about what, but he said the argument was stupid. . . I guess he was right. The argument was stupid and so am I, for even thinking —"
"Hey, you're not stupid." Angel firmly cut you off. His tone of voice caught you by surprise. "You're one of the smartest sinners I know, and that's saying something because I know some real dumb fucks that would blow your fuckin' mind, Toots."
You went silent again. Angel sighed.
"Listen, you don't have to tell me how you died. I'd never pressure you to, just like you never pressured me to tell you. . . But as your best friend in all of hell, I'm obligated to tell you that you shouldn't hide from your problems."
"That's kinda my thing, though." You sighed.
"I know. But you'll have to talk to him eventually." He untangled his limbs from yours and gently lifted you so that he could lay you on his bed. "I'm gonna grab something from the kitchen for you, alright? Get some rest. You cried for like an hour."
You adjusted yourself until you were in a comfortable position. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I'll be back." He scratched Fat Nuggets head before he slipped out of the room.
The plump little pig easily maneuvered the bed, grunting with each step until he landed in front of your face and licked your nose. You couldn't help but smile at the adorable creature.
"Hey, Nuggs. . ." You cooed, allowing the little pig to lay himself against your chest.
You didn't even notice that his warmth lulled you to sleep until a glass of water and a pastry of sorts being set on the bedside table roused you from your light slumber.
"Hey, you." You stretched your stiff muscles as you greeted your friend. How much time had passed? It couldn't have been more than five minutes, right?
Angel didn't hesitate to get straight to the point as he saw you were feeling far better than you had been when you arrived.
"The short king is here. He wants to see you, doesn't believe you're not here."
You groaned and sat up, reaching for the water and pastry. The water chilled your throat and the small fruit pastry calmed the hunger that had apparently been there all afternoon.
"What do I do?" You ask once you've finished.
"Suck his dick or let him eat you out, I don't know, somethin'. You do better with this therapy shit than I do."
You groan once again as you stand from the bed, finally deciding to talk to him. Angel was right. You were better at the therapy shit than he was. He was there for you and tried his best. That was all that mattered.
You purposely took your time getting to the lobby, trying to go over what you wanted to say in your head.
But once you got down there and Lucifer laid eyes on you, he sprung into action, rushing over to pull you into his arms.
"[Y/N]! Honey, baby, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for any of that to happen the way it did! I don't care — I mean, I do," he stuttered nervously. "What I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry and I love you. Please forgive me! I never want to see you look at me like that again, I'm sorry. . ."
The words came out so quickly that you barely had the brain power to understand what he was saying, but it clicked soon and you wrapped your arms around him.
"I forgive you. . . I shouldn't have walked out, so I'm sorry too. . . I love you so much. . ."
Lucifer released his hold on you enough to get a good look at your face. "Never apologize for something you have the right to feel some way about."
You smile softly and cup his cheeks with both hands, pressing a quick kiss square on his lips.
He groaned the moment you pulled away. "Then you do the same, Luci. . . Can we please discuss murder plans over dinner from that place you told me about that just reopened down the street?" You ask sweetly.
"Absolutely we can! Anything you want, honey, it's yours. Anything at all." He promised with a broad smile. He had a feeling that he knew which murders you were planning, especially since he had been planning them the entire time you were telling him your story.
You knew he was already two steps ahead. That was good enough for you.
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eveninggstar · 5 months
Can I request a johnnie fic where he’s streaming and she’s also there and reacts to stuff with him
I feel like this request sucks but ily bye
TikTok reaction
Summary: you and your boyfriend, Johnnie, watch some random guys tiktok page for a video
Warnings: fluff, play arguing, Johnnie joking about having a foot fetish, no use of y/n, pre-established relationship, readers looks not specified, reader intended to be female (doesn’t have to be tho)
A/N: heyyyyy, sorry i’ve been gone for under a month. happy new year(it’s the 18th almost 19th) love everyone for liking, reposting or commenting love you all, and the silent readers 💕💕💕
ty anonymous for the cute request, more Jake and Johnnie to come love you guys, sorry it’s short <3
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Johnnies voice echoed through the walls as he introduced the video. His voice was comforting to you as he joked about having a good day. Johnnie had invited you over to react to a tiktok guy for a youtube video, you agreed happy to spend time with him. Even if it meant you were watching weirdos on the internet.
"Alright, we're going in." He put on his headphones, but paused halfway. Your named echoed through the house as he yelled for you. As you walked into frame you acted like an adorned celebrity, giving the odd 'Thank you, thank you. No, no autographs.' Johnnies Timmy-esque "Yay!" would only suggest that in post there would be a ground applauding, hopefully or it would've been incredibly awkward.
When you sat down, Johnnie grabbed your face, "Once we start watching these we will never be the same again." He forced your head to nod as his striking blue eyes practically stared into your soul.
Johnnie started to explain the trend that the tiktoker you were watching was about to do, "When you're wearing clothes that are not flattering and you do a face like-" he pulled an ugly face, still looking hilariously cute, "-and you go ahhhh! The you do a transformation like-" he posed in several ways, the camera zooming in on your cringed out face as you looked at him (jokingly).
The camera went back to him with his arms held up in an awkward position, "i'm sexy." Then it cut back to your face looking as if you were scared of your boyfriend sitting beside you.
"The people will be like," Johnnie began stuttering.
"eh, wu, ah," you mocked putting your face closer to his, smiling when he turned to you.
"Why won't you let me live?" He replied in his Timmy voice, the. the two of you burst out laughing away from one another.
As he continued to explain the trend of being unconventionally attractive then to attractive, you could help yourself to offhandedly say, "When's that going to happen to you?"
"Eh-" Johnnie paused, "Shut up!" he jokingly yelled with a smile.
As you and Johnnie watched the guys tiktok's, you could feel your sanity slowly decreasing. Especially when there was the foot phone stand video...
"Johnnie, what the fuck!" You yelled as the video continued, the guy rubbing a woman's foot whilst in the phone.
"It's a good idea!" He defended.
"No it's not." you slapped his arm.
"Let's test it." He put a finger up, as if he had an idea. This earned a grossed out look, causing Johnnie to make a slurping sound with his mouth.
"You are actually insane."
446 words
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maple-the-awesome · 2 months
The Chain Meets You, His Partner || 2/3
Part 1 || Part 3
Pairing: Hyrule, Sky, Wind x GN! Reader
Requested by @temporarilyablog: i see requests are open still so im coming to you with a thought i had recently:how about a Link from the Chain interacting with the reader, another Link's s/o from their original adventures, when *their* Link isn't around. i can see some teasing another Link with the reader that they've only known through little stories here and here, or others grilling the reader relentlessly because another Link was so shy about their relationship and partner, and wants to know how that Link is like around someone he allows himself to relax.its kinda like when the Chain met Malon for the first time and interacted with her for stories about old man Timeand as always stay awesome, i love your writing!
Zelda Masterlist 💙Fandom Masterlist
Concerningly delighted or eerily eager - the Chain can’t quite agree on which descriptor best described their teammate the best once he realized they had all landed in his Hyrule. Bubbling with excitement ever since while maintaining a pace some of the other boys have to jog after, Link doesn’t waste breath saying where he’s leading them, although that giddy smile upon his face - as much as he tries to hide it - is plenty for the wiser heroes to get the hint…
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Hyrule's time is 'rough around the edges', to put it easily, not that it can't be expected considering all the stories he's rather casually told the others about regarding both his world and adventures. Even the Kingdom's Castle - usually a centerpiece to the land - is beaten down and, in most aspects, less...impressive compared to what most of the heroes are accustomed to seeing, although for a simple traveler like Hyrule, it still holds quite a bit of significance.
"I just want to speak to the Sovereign before we move on - to let them know why I've been away," He rambles his explanation to the Chain, his outward emotions suddenly undergoing yet another change. His once untroubled smile becomes wary, his hands unstill as he fidgets with his sleeves. That prior excitement he had held when first suggesting they even go to the Castle has now turned into what the other heroes misjudge to be poorly hidden nerves, "I don't want them to be left assuming I'm dead in a ditch somewhere."
"Makes sense," Warrior nods, keeping a careful eye on Hyrule's behavior. Being a captain in charge of so many, he can spot a shift in confidence from a mile away, "You have been gone for a while."
"We're not going to be - I don't know - arrested on the spot or anything, right?" Legend asks, his focus more on the guards who maintain obvious glaring suspicions towards the group despite allowing them inside once confirming their famed hero's identity. 
"Why would we be arrested?"
"You mentioned how much of a hardass your Sovereign can be," The Vet clarifies with a casual shrug, "And a paranoid one, too, if these guards leave anything to the imagination. Leaders like that don't usually need much reason to throw someone in a dungeon. Nine random heroes showing up while claiming to be from different timelines, all chasing some shadow lizard through magic portals? We'll sound insane."
Hyrule frowns and maybe even takes some offense to Legend's observations which is why his rebuttal is so swift, "They -...They aren't like that! The previous King died suddenly. They were forced to take on the throne without much notice and at a young age, too! After everything Ganon put this kingdom through - Of course they're going to be paranoid, but they're reasonable and fair. There's nothing to worry about. Besides, we don't have to mention the exact reasoning for our meeting. I just...I would just like to see them while I can…"
The red on Hyrule's cheeks would've no doubt been noticed if not for the Chain's collective attention being stolen elsewhere, focused upon a pair of large doors that open into the Castle's throne room. Inside, a series of guards line the walls and at the opposite end sits the very subject of their conversation.
Your expression is stern and cold as you sit upon your claim dressed in expensive, colorful garments fitting for a proper monarch of your time. The golden crown upon your head shimmers in torch light, yet its glow is quickly outshined by your eyes which go wide with delight once you recognize your hero amongst this crowd of ragtag travelers. 
"Link…!" In an instant, you rise, your smile as grand as your divine beauty. Whether you gracefully walk or float down the stairs, there would be no visual difference. What is true is that you meet Hyrule at the bottom of those four measly steps, welcoming him with a strong embrace he's eager to return.
"...Your Majesty..." He doesn't realize just how quiet his voice is, whispered beside your ear as he forgets about the world while in your arms again. Oh, how he's missed this feeling!
The Chain is left in awe - No, it would be more accurate to say they're completely dumbfounded. Hyrule has always spoken favorably about the Royal Family of his time, tying especially pleasant compliments to the kingdom’s head. As stern as he admits you can appear, only good things have been attached to your name from your wise leadership to the love you hold towards your people, however not once - not a single murmur or breath - had ever dared mention your very apparent fondness for each other which certainly goes beyond the ordinary relationship of a monarch and their realm’s savior.
Even after your embrace, it's obvious that you hold nothing except the greatest of affections towards your hero. You look at him as if he's the sun that gives your kingdom life; the courage that keeps you going despite such challenging times. Hyrule's, of course, no better when it comes to you. It's not until now that his friend's realize they're previous mistake in assuming he was afraid to see you. No, that wasn't fear before, it was shyness. The thought of you had him feeling both delighted and sheepish. Now that he's here, though, his grin is uncontrollable. 
"Your Majesty, I'd like to meet the friends I've been traveling with -"
"- A Sovereign?! You're dating the freaking Sovereign and you didn't think to mention that small detail earlier?!" Legend suddenly shouts, demolishing the silence that had befallen the Chain.
He can’t help it! He feels utterly scammed! Hyrule had told everyone a great deal about his kingdom’s Sovereign, yet had only confessed to his predecessor during a late night heart-to-heart that he holds deep feelings towards a mysterious someone back home; someone he fears telling of his secret endearment. Not once - Not a single damn time - had he so much as let on that they’re the same person!
Legend isn’t sure what strikes his nerves more: the fact that Hyrule would be dumb enough not to add the important context that it’s royalty he’s in love with or that he’s dense enough to somehow believe you don’t love him back despite it being clear you’re totally whipped for him! Is he blind? Completely and utterly dull in the brain?!
Poor Hyrule's whole face explodes in red after Legend's outburst, and his condition is made no better when the others add in their own comments to this already awkward situation.
"Now it makes sense why you wanted to come here so badly," Wild nods in understanding, having previously been confused as to why Hyrule would care to go out of his way to let the royal family know of his whereabouts if he had no ties to them.
"To think our humble traveler could land a monarch. I mean, good for you and all," Warrior crosses his arms with a smirk, hoping to mask his slight jealousy.
The Traveler is left stammering for a response, finding himself suddenly overwhelmed.
"‘Dating’? Well, this is certainly news to me," You frown with a hand placed delicately above your heart. Turning to your hero, you can only look betrayed, "Link, I would've hoped you'd tell me. I could've cleared more of my schedule to be with you in that case."
"And all those suitors the advisors have been arranging - I’ll have to tell them to abandon their efforts! Excellent, seeing as I didn’t truly care for their match-making attempts,” You huff, not giving Hyrule anytime to explain himself as you get right to business, waving your maid over to make a note, “But that should free up a considerable amount of my time…Will you and your friends be staying long? I can have the kitchen staff whip up a nice feast for later if you do.”
“Um -”
“- Can we?! My feet are aching!” Wind whines, practically deflating on the spot. The only thing holding him up is Warrior who scowls at his poor manners and forces him to stand upright.
Time is quick to step in front of the group and bow, hoping you dismiss their lack of grace, “If you don’t mind, Your Majesty. We wouldn’t want to trouble you.”
“Not at all. It isn't often that we receive guests. I’ll have word sent to the kitchen right away. In the meantime, Lady Impa here can show you to a room where you may rest,” You finish writing on the paper she holds, allowing her to take both the paper and quill before once again giving your full attention to the travelers, “I have a meeting with the Zora Queen in precisely ten minutes, but following that the rest of my afternoon should be clear.”
You then face Hyrule, smirking at his flustered state, “Once that meeting is over, my time is yours, Link, if you wish to fill me in on your recent endeavors. I must say, I’m particularly interested in learning just how long we’ve supposedly been dating for.”
“...R - Right…Of course…” The poor boy squeaks, unable to process many thoughts beyond the feeling of his face overheating when you press a quick kiss to his cheek before leaving the room with your guards. Even the weight of Legend’s arm over his shoulder is barely enough to break him from his trance when the past hero leans in with a smug whisper:
“You’re welcome, buddy.”
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From the moment he first stepped through that last portal, Sky has been radiating with pure glee. Anyone could understand why. He’s finally returned to Skyloft, a place he’s been missing so dearly ever since the start of this adventure months ago. Of course, home isn’t the only thing he’s been dying to be apart from.
Most of the other Links have long taken notice to Sky’s heartache which has been poorly hidden behind dreary melodies played on his harp and heaps of carved projects to distract from lonesome silence; somebody’s been on his mind, their absences from his life slowly driving him insane despite his efforts to remain focused.
That said, it’s no wonder that Sky is excited to be home again, moving at a hasty pace some assumed he’d be incapable of. Even the jolly greetings and curious questions from locals don’t slow him down much, his steps swift in bringing him to the doorstep of a brightly colored home no different from the many others that surround it, but it’s still special for what it holds inside.
There’s a short internal debate to be seen on Sky’s face - one where he hesitates to open the door because wouldn’t that be rude to simply invite himself into someone else’s house unannounced? Then again, it’s not like proper manners have ever stopped him before, and they won’t start today. He decides to impatiently let himself in. Forgiveness can be sought after later.
Every ache of his travel-worn body and each gloomy thought surrounding his collective adventures melt away like magic by the mere sight of you. You must’ve just been about to leave - that or you recently arrived home, because you’re still in your knight’s uniform, caught mid-adjusting your belt when you look up at the man standing in your doorway.
Surprised for sure, yet it’s also a welcomed feeling when you rush to meet your lover half-way. There’s no words for the amount of joy you feel in holding him tight, possibly even shedding a few tears as he decorates your face in dozens of butterfly kisses, one for each second he’s thought of you while apart.
It takes some time and a loud clearing of someone’s throat for the Hero of Sky to remember his companions who all wait awkwardly around the doorway. Even when snapped out of his trance, he’s still grinning ear-to-ear like a lovestruck fool, his arm unmoving from where it remains wrapped around your waist as he introduces you.
Needless to say, it’s nice to finally be able to put a face to the name sighed so often. You’re sociable and polite, yet if that sword upon your back is any indication, you must be a strong fighter to have secured yourself a position amongst the knights of Skyloft.
To the Chain’s luck, it turns out you had just arrived home which grants them plenty of time to bend your ear. They have lots of questions, their curiosity only being natural since your place on the timeline is so different from their own. They ask about your life in the clouds, job as a knight, and most importantly, your relationship with Sky who’s thrilled to expand upon such a wonderful topic himself by sharing his own honored memories.
“‘seems our Skylofian here is truly whipped,” Twilight chuckles at the end of Sky’s latest story, although truthfully he’s starting to have trouble hiding his boredom. 
At this point, Sky’s been rambling about his affections towards you for well over an hour, sparing no detail from your first meeting as children to practically each and every date you’ve shared since becoming more than friends. As happy as the boys are for him - truly, they are - they do have their limits for how much lovey-dovey they can take in one day. Legend in particular looks like he’s seconds away from banging his head against the table.
“I am~” Sky exhales lovingly while staring at you with hearts in his eyes. You find his attention endearing and give his hand a squeeze as it sits intertwined with yours on your lap.
“So, when’s the wedding?” Time queries, half-teasing and half-genuine.
“Oh, I don’t know…” You scratch the back of your head bashfully, but when your attention falls back to Sky, you find him still staring at you, this time with a pout no different from a baby remlit’s. Rolling your eyes, you lean into him with a dramatized sigh, “He’d have to ask me first, but I’m hoping being around you eight will give him the courage to do so soon. We’re only getting older, after all.”
“Why drag your feet? You’re clearly in love.”
“You’ve got a willin’ partner right here. No need to hesitate.”
“You know, we’ve passed a few merchants who sell rings during our journey.”
“Yeah, cheaply made ones. If you want something fancy, Castle Town is the place to go.”
“Not too fancy. A simple yet well-thought out gesture can go a long way.”
“A strong protection spell wouldn’t hurt, though.”
“I know a Gerudo who handcrafts the most beautiful jewelry. If we end up in my Hyrule, I could introduce you.”
“Oh, or Tetra’s crew has a TON of jewelry! Maybe you can find a nice ring in their stash?”
Sky laughs awkwardly as the other heroes suddenly bombard him with their ‘helpful’ suggestions, chattering away as they begin putting together the pieces for a proper proposal. When he glances your way, you’re not-so-subtly hiding your amused smile behind your hand, clearly looking forward to whatever plan they end up holding him to later. Hopefully, you won’t have to wait long to find out.
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Wind’s destination isn’t too far from the last portal opened which is good because the others have a hard time keeping up with the younger boy who effortlessly dashes across the deep sand-covered beach, heading directly to one of the few huts on this small island they’ve found themselves on.
He doesn’t wait for his companions to catch up. He might not have even noticed they fell behind. His focus is primarily on reaching home, practically overboiling with excitement at the prospect of seeing his family again. It’s always a relief for his dear grandmother to see him safe, shedding many tears as she hugs her grandson with a grip unthought of for a little old woman. 
Wind’s grandmother has a list of questions she asks at the speed of light which must not be unusual seeing as he answers each just as skillfully, telling her where he’s been, who he’s been with, and confirming that yes, he’s well fed. Of course, it’s only natural that the same questions are also asked of each and every hero who steps through her front door, after all, curiosity is second only to her naturally nurturing spirit. Who cares how old some of them are? No matter the age, they’re no different than her grandson in her eyes!
A sudden shrill of jubilation scares the group half to death mere milliseconds before a small girl comes racing through the front door, leaping into her older brother’s arms with similar cries about how much she’s missed him. She’s followed by another adult who’s much calmer in their approach, yet nevertheless gleefully smiling as they eagerly accept their turn in hugging the teen while welcoming him home.
You attend to Wind tenderly, quickly pulling away from the hug to check over his face and account for any new scars. Your hand then lingers on his cheek as you sigh at his smiled reassurances, looking down upon him with an amount of love and care not too far off from how his own grandmother had.
It’s only after ensuring his well-being that you address his traveling companions. You’re barely fazed by the large group when you introduce yourself, having become accustomed to Wind’s strange ability to make friends with almost anyone during his adventures. They seem to be a bunch of respectable young men, anyway, judging on their politeness, and as you tell them, friends of Wind’s are always welcomed.
After introductions - which are short seeing as most in this room share the same name - Wind’s grandmother suggests a tour be given to your visitors. Being such a small community on a more lonesome edge of the map, newcomers are rare, so Wind and Aryall immediately leap at the chance to show their new friends around the island that they love. Who would you be to deny their adorable puppy-dog eyes?
Realistically, there isn’t that much to see aside from a few landmarks, interesting locals, and a population of chubby pigs, however if there’s any benefit to being surrounded by an ocean, it’s that there’s lots of good places to swim and seeing as most of the Links are long overdue for some quality time spent as normal teenagers, they’re happy for the break. 
Most of the boys partake in jumping from the rocks to see who can create the biggest splash, although Legend and Sky favor staying on land to help Aryall build a sandcastle for her seagull friends. You, meanwhile, relax in the sun, keeping a careful eye on all activities which has simply become second nature to you at this point. While Wind may be a fourteen-year-old who has sailed across the entire ocean, you don’t think you’ll ever stop worrying for his safety.
“Those kids seem rather fond of you.”
You glance up to the oldest Link of the group - you believe you heard the other’s refer to him as ‘Time’ - as he invites himself to sit next to you in the sand. Despite several pleas for the other boys, he had turned down their attempts at getting him in the water. Maybe for the best, since they’re now starting to toss each other off the rocks.
“I would hope so. I’ve known them both since before they could walk.”
“I take it you’re their guardian?”
Humming at his observation, you turn back to watch the younger kids and teens, “...People on our island have always kept an eye out for each other, but…Well, when Link and Aryall’s parents passed, I guess you could say I felt extra inclined to help. 
“I don’t have any family of my own here and there’s only so much their poor grandma can do at her age. Unfortunately, keeping up with two lively kids can be a struggle for her, so I’ve done what I can to remove some of that stress from her shoulders. With no kids of my own, I have the time and quite frankly, I enjoy the opportunity to feel…-”
“- To feel like a parent?”
“...Yeah…” You frown, pulling your knees to your chest with a sigh, “Of course, I don’t go around calling myself that. I wouldn’t want to overstep any boundaries, you know? Especially not for Link. Aryall - She was so young when they lost their parents, so I think it’s always been easier for her to see me as fitting the role, but Link…He was five. He still remembers them, so I doubt he’ll ever exactly see me as any kind of replacement.” 
“I wouldn’t say that,” Time objects kindly, following your gaze out to where Wind fights to wiggle himself out of Warrior’s grip. Seconds before he can be pushed off the rock, Wild and Twilight come up behind the two, shoving Warrior overboard just as Wind slips away, “I suppose I can’t speak directly for him, but I can say he refers to you as his parent quite frequently around us.”
“...Does he?” You blink in surprise. Wind’s never said anything in particular that would make you think he sees you in that light, but now that you think about it, when you first met Tetra, she referred to you as Wind’s parent, too. Did she say it out of mistaken observation like you assumed then or because Wind told her?
“From the sounds of it, you’ve made quite the impact on his life, one he admires greatly.”
You once again look back to the group, catching Wind’s eyes. He perks up, immediately waving as he shouts for you ‘Watch this!’ before running and leaping into the water with a giant cannonball and nearly on top of Warrior’s head much to the older boy’s annoyance. Once resurfacing, he searches for your attention and beams when he finds your proud smile reflecting back at him.
You’re thankful that he becomes distracted by the other boys jumping in, because as soon as he looks away, you can feel yourself becoming teary eyed. Perhaps you’ve been overthinking things this entire time. You were so focused on giving him space and not forcing a relationship that you failed to pick up on the little signs that he’s already accepted you. Wind has always been close to you, never shying away from hugs after his adventures while always seeking both your attention and approval; something he only does with his family.
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apocalypseornaw · 3 months
Very Unexpected
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Sam Winchester x Reader
Follow up to Unexpected
Sam has his soul and now his memories back. You've been avoiding what happened between the two of you but with Dean's meddling the two of you finally face it.
You moved through Bobby's safe room, listening to the music flowing from your phone as you did an inventory list for him to see what all was there and what needed to be stocked up. You told yourself you were doing these small tasks to help Bobby but in reality it was to avoid a certain long legged hunter that was upstairs.
Every time you looked at Sam you felt a mixture of guilt and shame. Why hadn't you realized just how wrong he was when you'd spent days sharing a bed with him? Why had you been stupid enough to think it meant something? Of course he never would've crossed that line with you had he not been soulless.
Backing him and Dean on that Arachne hunt and seeing just how many women Sam had bedded in that town alone made you sneak away to the nearest clinic at the first chance. Luckily you tested clean. Why hadn't you at the very least made him use a condom?
What was worse than before when he didn't have the memories of his “gap year” as you and Dean had deemed it, was knowing he had his memories. What must he think of you? Especially considering he hadn't even attempted to mention it.
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A few weeks had passed since he got his memories back and Cas healed the crack in his psyche. Unfortunately you and the boys had also started gravitating towards Bobby's any time a hunt wasn't going on so there was a lot of overlap. All of you were welcomed at Bobby's whenever and you loved seeing Dean, he was your best friend but seeing Sam made you feel so much you didn't want to.
A tap at the open door had you spinning around to face whoever it was. Dean stood just outside the doorway with a small smile “You need any help sweetheart?” You shrugged, he hadn't had an easy time either. He'd lost Lisa and Ben thanks to Samuel Campbell but that was an entirely different story.
“Want to check ammo?” You asked and he nodded “Yes ma'am”
The two of you fell into a silent rhythm and pretty soon the inventory was done and your excuse for avoiding Sam was gone. You stood outside the armory, resharpening a machete and Dean watched you for a second before nodding towards the ceiling “Something wrong between you and Sammy?”
You hung the machete up before cutting your eyes at him “Not that I know of, why?” He leveled you with a look “How many years have I known you? Plus I practically raised him” You shook your head “It's nothing important Dean. I promise. I think I'm just feeling guilty for not telling you he was back sooner”
He nodded but you knew he didn't fully believe you but you also knew he'd let it go for your sake “You know you can tell me right? Want me to kick his ass? Cause I will” you laughed “No ass kicking needed” he grinned “In that case, I was thinking movie night? Pizza and we make him and Bobby watch all the horror movies we love” you felt a smile slipping onto your face “Now you're speaking my language Winchester”
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Sam heard you and Dean coming up the stairs and tried to act as if he hadn't been standing at the top of the stairs hoping to catch you alone for a second to talk. That seemed damn near impossible. The only time you weren't glued to Dean or hovering around Bobby was when you went to the bathroom,showered and slept.
He needed to talk to you about the memories from those days he spent with you in his arms that were driving him insane. From the moment he woke you up with you,Dean and Bobby hovering he'd known from the way you looked at him something had happened between you and him.
Then when that Arachne case had come up and he started connecting the dots of the women he'd slept with he could feel a wall slam up between the two of you and he'd had a feeling then what had happened. The wall came crashing down, memories flooding him of everything he'd done the year he was soulless along with memories of torture from the cage.
Funny thing was that clinging to the memories of you helped him from getting completely washed under. The way you'd looked at him, the way you felt, fuck the way you'd tasted. It was everything he'd wanted for so long and never gave in to.
Once his memories had been restored and the crack healed he'd hoped you would bring it up, want to talk but instead you'd become scarce. Hell this was the first time in almost a month he and Dean had been at Bobby's with you for longer than a day without you hitting the road.
The two of you made it up to the hallway and you froze when your eyes met his but only for a second before you schooled your features and smiled “Movie night Sam. We're going on a snack run. Any requests?” He shook his head “I'll take whatever”
Dean rolled his eyes “Yeah we know Sammy” you laughed at the underlying joke considering Dean had been giving Sam hell about in his words “All the pent up years came out and he decided to whore it up soulless” if only Dean knew..
“I'll grab something if I think you'll like it” you promised then followed Dean out the door.
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You were ordering the pizzas in the kitchen so Dean took the opportunity to bump Sam “What's up with you and her?”
Sam looked towards the kitchen then the stairs where Bobby was in the shower. “They're both busy. Now spill” Sam let out a breath “I don't know” “Bullshit. She tried telling me that. I have to let her by with a few white lies but c'mon man. It's getting hard to be under the same room as you two. Did you have a fight or something?”
“Or something” Sam scoffed and knew the moment Dean's eyes widened “You didn't” Sam groaned burying his face in his hands “I did. About five months after the fight between Lucifer and Michael”
Dean was quiet so Sam cut his eyes up at him. After a minute Dean shrugged “How was it?” “DUDE” they both glanced back towards the kitchen at Sam's outburst but you were still talking to the pizza place.
Dean looked back at Sam “You've had a thing for her for years. Oh she's so beautiful. She's such an amazing hunter. She's so smart. What's the issue?” Sam scrubbed a hand down his face “I spent three days fucking her around the same time I fucked my way through a town?”
Dean grimaced “Shit, wait three days? Didn't know ya had it in ya Sammy” he almost looked proud but then he looked back towards the kitchen “I've been making jokes” Sam nodded and Dean grimaced again “Fix it. Talk to her. We're all we got. We can't lose anyone else”
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After the pizza was delivered Bobby ate then went to bed leaving you, Sam and Dean in the living room. You were curled up on one corner of the couch with your legs across Dean's lap as you watched nightmare on Elm Street.
Sam was in Bobby's recliner and didn't really seem to be paying attention to the movie but you could feel his eyes on you every now and then.
After two movies Sam stood up “I'm heading up” you looked from him to Dean “What about you?” Dean shrugged “We got two more movies sweetheart. They always tap first”
You both bid Sam goodnight then Dean started Candyman. After a few minutes he paused it and laid a hand on your ankles “Can we talk?” You raised an eyebrow “You're currently talking” he gave you that look so you grinned “Sorry. Go ahead”
He tilted his head, his jaw clenching and you knew he was trying to think of a way to approach whatever it was. You kicked your legs against his lightly “Just talk” he looked towards the stairs “He told me”
It took you just a minute to register before you were pulling the hoodie you had on up to cover your face, a groan escaping you “Why did he tell you? It's not that big a deal. We had sex a couple times. That was apparently nothing to him during that time”
Dean moved to pull the hoodie down so he could see your face “Ever think maybe you were before Arachne town? Or ever think maybe he had a thing for you before then?” You shook your head slowly “No, he didn't Dean. I mean yeah we kissed a couple times but that was it. What happened between us with him not having his soul…it was like a supernatural mickie. He didn't want me he just wanted a release”
“Or being soulless meant he wasn't worried you'd turn him down” you sucked your bottom lip between your teeth and chewed it for breath before releasing it all the while really letting his words sink in. He never lied to spare your feelings. That was why you two were so close. “When did you get smart Winchester?” He laughed “Oh I just act this way sweetheart. Now please talk to him, he's doing that pouty thing and it's pathetic”
“Now?” You asked and he nodded “I'd bet clearing bodies solo on the next hunt he's still up” you shrugged “You're on” and shook his hand before throwing your legs off his lap and heading for the stairs.
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Sam laid across the bed, staring up at the ceiling fan as it slowly moved around. You would barely talk to him, no matter the fake smiles and niceties he knew was your effort to appear to act normal. He had no idea how to fix this if you wouldn't be alone around him.
He heard someone step on the creaky board in the hallway right before there was a knock on the door. “Yeah Dean?” He called out expecting his older brother to pop his head in but when the door cracked open your face came into view “Can I come in Sam?”
Sam's eyes widened and you saw about a thousand emotions flash through them as he sat up, throwing his long legs off the bed. “Yeah, um sure, of course”
You gave him a slight smile as you shut the door behind you and walked over to the steamer trunk that was next to the bed and sat on it to face him. Once you were sitting down he ran a hand through his hair, something you knew was a nervous thing.
“Something wrong?” He asked after a breath. You slowly raised your eyes to meet his and smiled a bit more genuine “I think you know what's wrong. The damn elephant in the room is just going to keep growing if we don't talk about it”
Ok, this was it. You, talking to him about what happened. So many different worries went through his mind at once. What if you hated him? It was clear you regretted it. A flash of you underneath him, body nearly folded in half as he slammed into you went through his mind and a brand new worry took front and center. What if he had hurt you?
He was a bigger guy, in strength and other areas as well. Fuck, why hadn't he considered that before now? He looked down at his hands, staring at them and god help his traitorous brain all he could think about was how they'd looked on your body, wrapped around your neck.
“Please tell me I didn't hurt you” he finally spoke. When he slowly raised his gaze you were watching him, a look of confusion on your beautiful face before you laughed, a short bark of a sound “You mean physically? God no Sam. Even soulless you asked before you did anything and checked in with me more than once to make sure I was enjoying myself”
That was a relief but you'd said no to physically meaning he had indeed hurt you. You took a deep breath before continuing “Mentally it messed me up. I wanted to believe it meant more to you than it did. Years of wanting you… then came having to hide it so I wasn't the scratch at the wall then Arachne town happened and I was slapped in the face with the reality that it'd truly just been sex to you. Amazing, mind blowing, toe curling, wet dream inspiring sex but still just that”
“Mind blowing huh?” He teased and you rolled your eyes, a smirk slipping onto his face “Of course that's what you'd hear out of that” he patted the bed next to him “Come here, please”
You took a deep breath then walked over to sit next to Sam, leaving enough room you could turn to face him with your legs tucked under you. You picked at the little ducks that were on your lounge pants, funnily enough you'd stolen them from Dean's laundry basket.
One of his larger hands came to cover yours and the other went to your chin, forcing your head back very gently so you had to look him in the eyes “Can I be completely honest?” You nodded “Sam, you've been my friend for years just tell me”
He smiled “Those three days were the best of my life. Those memories kept the ones from the cage from winning out. I've wanted you for years, you're beautiful and an amazing hunter and everything I could ever want in a woman”
“Everything?” You asked with a small smile and he nodded “Everything” his eyes slipped down to your lips then back up “It meant something to me too. I don't care who else I slept with when I was soulless, you're the one I would want to spend the rest of my life with. You're the one who knows me inside and out. You're the one who has been a constant in mine and Dean's lives. Always popping up when we need you and I know had we not lied to get you on the other coast you would've been front row fighting against Lucifer and Michael too. You're sitting here in ducky pajamas and a scooby doo shirt and it's taking every ounce of strength I have to not kiss you right now”
You couldn't believe your ears. It was everything you'd wanted him to say and more. “Are you sure?” You asked and he dropped his head forward, pressing his forehead against yours “Baby what can I do to prove it to you?” “Kiss me” you whispered and that was all it took.
He surged forward, cupping your face in his hands as his lips met yours. The kiss was bruising and hungry, the gentleness of his confession overwhelmed by the want you both felt for each other, memories of the nights spent in each other's arms charging the kiss.
Once the need for air pushed you away from each other he kissed down your jaw, turning your neck to give him access to more skin. His hands moved to your hips tugging forward until you crawled into his lap, straddling him.
The grip on your hips tightened as he pulled you down against him, rolling his hips so you could feel just what a kiss had done to him. He leaned back to look up at you,keeping one hand on your hip he used the other to push your hair back out of your face “Those other women were after you. When I woke up and you were gone I wanted to chase after you but Samuel was there and even soulless I knew I didn't want you anywhere around that man. It's been torture being so damn close to you and not being able to touch you, seeing you so relaxed around Dean and so tense around me. If you'll give me a chance, give us a chance I can be a good man. I can love you and protect you and never let those doubts worm their way into your head again”
You bit your lip and for a moment wanted to make him wonder but your resilience was only so strong. “I can give us a chance” the smile he gave you was so damn gorgeous it made your heart flip. You rolled your hips down against his and smiled innocently when his eyes got darker “We're at Bobby's. Dean's downstairs”
“Then I guess that's your job to keep me quiet then huh?” He grinned at your words “That you asking me for something princess?” Any other person would've gotten hit for calling you princess but from Sam? Christ it made heat roll through you “Lock the door and show me you want me”
He groaned lightly and moved you from his lap. Before you could blink he'd locked the door and was back at the bed, kneeling next to it and pulling you towards him. “I'm gonna make you feel good sweetheart but no matter how much I love the way you sound we gotta be quiet. If you get too loud I can't make you come”
You clenched your thighs together at his words. Fuck, the effect this man had on you. “That ok baby?” You nodded and he shook his head, hands on the waistband of your lounge pants “Words baby” “I'll be quiet Sam I promise” he grinned “Let's see if you can keep that promise"
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percyluvr · 3 months
could you write a fic with clarisse and a nonbinary child of thanatos reader, where they absolutely DOMINATE in capture the flag?
clarisse la rue x gn child of thanatos!reader summary: clarisse and her s/o are undefeated in capture the flag wc: 1127
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It was widely known at Camp Half-Blood that if you weren't on Clarisse and her significant other's capture that flag team, you were on the losing team. Even before the two of you began dating, you were a force that no one wanted to mess with.
Your friendship had been very interesting for the other campers to witness, mainly for the reason that Clarisse seemed to warm up to you so quickly, almost as if there was an invisible string of fate tying her to you. The first time the two of you met, Clarisse was almost awkward when she spoke to you, and from then on, the two of you had been an extremely powerful force.
The two of you fit together like a puzzle, your minds always being on the same wavelength. If one of you strayed from the battle strategy you had come up with, the other could immediately tell why and what to do from that point on, which made capture the flag a breeze for your team.
You were sat in the Ares cabin with Clarisse, going over the strategy for the capture the flag, though it wasn't really necessary since the two of you were always in sync, but you thought it never hurt to be extra thorough. Even though the Athena cabin was on the opposing team, when they were usually on your team, the two of you were completely confident that you wouldn't have a problem winning.
"We'll charge together, but once we get through their second line of defense, you'll sneak past and grab the flag. Then, you'll go through the route we marked back to our base, and that'll conclude the game. Easy win for us, again," Clarisse states, making you grin.
The plan may seem simple, especially when it was the Athena cabin you were going against, but you had the entire Ares cabin on yours, and you had more faith in them for these types of things, but that's not to say the Athena kids are not master strategists, because they definitely are.
The next few days came and went, and it was finally time for your and Clarisse's favorite day of the month, capture the flag. The two of you shared a large breakfast, making sure to eat nutritious things to give you extra energy.
After breakfast, everyone headed to the forest and put on their armor and helmets.
"Thirty minutes until the game begins, get set up now. The games begin when you hear the horn, as per usual," Chiron says.
"Alright, does everyone remember the plan?" You ask, making sure that no one would mess up your victory, if that was even possible.
You heard many variations of confirmation, and so you and Clarisse sent everyone off to get into positions.
"You ready to absolutely dominate today?" Clarisse asks, as if she didn't already know the answer.
"Obviously, when am I not ready to hand someone's ass to them?" You joke.
Clarisse gives you a grin, and the two of you head off into the forest.
You two quietly talk for the remaining minutes, immediately focusing in when you hear the horn blast. You and Clarisse sprint off, slowly relaxing into a slightly slower pace to maintain your energy.
When you finally reach the other team's first line of defense, it was just as the two of you expected.
Clarisse knew that you were absolutely insane when it came to fighting, but you'd reached a new level in the past month of training. It was like the world had gone still except for you fighting. She was in the middle of a fight, and all she could look at was you. You fought like an absolute demon, your sword slashing so fast that she it seemed like you hadn't moved it at all. She could tell that you were still holding back, on account of it being a camp game and all, but she would've loved to see you with no restrictions.
It seemed like the fight lasted mere seconds, and all of the other campers lay on the ground. She stared at you in awe before coming back to her senses.
"Come on, we still have a game to win," she says to you, as if she wasn't just staring at you like you were a god.
When the two of you reached the second line of defense, you snuck off without a trace, something that you'd inherited from your dad. If Clarisse hadn't seen you fighting before, she would've wondered if you had ever been by her side in the first place.
You had no concerns about Clarisse fighting off the other team, so you quickly ran through the woods, fighting off stray campers that you came across.
When you reached the flag, you were astonished to find it completely unguarded. You wasted no time in sprinting over to the flag, grasping it in your hands and making a mad dash back through the forest.
You were careful not to step in any of the traps that the Hephaestus cabin must've made and placed strategically throughout the forest. You would've taken time to be impressed by how thorough they were with it, but you had a game to win.
In no time, you found Clarisse, signaling from the sides of the forest that you had gotten the flag. She grinned at you and finished off the fight she was in with some random camper, quickly catching up to you.
You made it back to your side in record time, hearing Chiron make a surprised noise and blow the horn, signaling the end of the game.
You jumped into Clarisse's awaiting arms. No matter how many times you felt her strong arms hold you, you would always be affected by it. There was something about feeling her hold you, knowing she would always protect you that made you feel all warm inside. She kissed you liked she'd been waiting her whole life to feel your lips pressed up against hers, and if you count about 2 hours as her whole life, then yes, she had been waiting her whole life.
When both teams had made it back to the river, Chiron announced that your team had won in a record-breaking 45 minutes, and you team shouted in celebration. You and Clarisse, however, celebrated by her taking off both of your helmets, picking you up into her beefy arms and kissing you with a passion that you'd never felt from her. She was just so enamored by you and how powerful you were that she never wanted to let go, but unfortunately had to so the two of you could celebrate, though she still didn't release her tight grip on your hand.
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