#i'm being silly don't mind me
whumperofworlds · 2 months
Sorry everyone, next year on my event it's gonna be nothing but "Used as Bait" for all the days and alternate prompts.
Oops, all Used as Bait!
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kanobarlowe · 16 days
I haven't posted at all about it here but my controversial takes about BG3 are a threat. I love the game but my takes to friends have already caused arguments. Y'all could never be ready for me.
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llamahearted · 1 year
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listen. all I wanted to do was learn to draw the otp kissing, but the problem here is,,, they keep cracking each other up
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peachypunchh · 9 days
it's my personal belief that Gillion needs glasses while on land but doesn't realize his vision is even different from everyone else's.
in the water he sees great! it's what tritons are made to do! but above water things are blurry and he's nearsighted. tritons can survive on land, but it's not an ideal situation (as shown by the fact that Gillion sleeps in barrels and bathtubs). he assumes that's just how land creatures are because how would he know any better? this is just another challenge that he's willing to face.
so yeah, he's totally visually impaired. lots of fish and amphibians can't see well outside of water, and i'm choosing to believe that Gillion is the same way.
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posletsvet · 9 months
Going through a 'Trigun → Jujutsu Kaisen' hyperfixation pipeline is.... uhm. Understandable.
Hand gestures
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Fake smiles
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Villains starting off as deeply empathetic
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Said villains' delusional goal to create a 'better' new world by genocide
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'Sworn friend' / 'my one and only'
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And my favourite: tragic gays
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midnightfrappe · 7 months
FNAF MOVIE THEORY AND RAMBLING (spoilers with some images and quotes)
Okay so, idk where to start but i'll try to make everything that i say connect, starting with Garrett, Mike's lost brother.
We see the exact moment he was taken, just playing around and the next second he was in a car that was driving off. But there was no screaming, not even a scared face from Garrett, this is a kid who's not sure why his brother is chasing the car with so much fear.
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We obviously know at the end of the movie that William was the one that did it, but there was never an explanation of why. He did say ''First i killed your brother. Now i'll kill you'', but how did he know about Mike's brother? It could be Vanessa that told him about Mike's brother, but there was something off about William since the beginning of the movie, before Vanessa even knew Mike.
Mike is searching for a job and ''Steve'' is looking thru his records and saying he's trying to figure out who he is. Well, that's exactly what he does when he reads his name. He quickly looks up to him in a shocked way, even getting a closer look at Mike like he was trying to recognize his face which he probably does because he starts acting weird and nervous, then he is very insisting on giving him the job that he knows will surely kill him.
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But then again, how does he know Mike and Garrett? The name Schmit could be one of the reasons and just looking at Mike's face is a confirmation. Now this is where i start with my theory.
Garrett was taken just like Charlie in the games, no one was looking and then a car just passed by to use that opportunity, making them the first victims in the movie and games respectively.
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Now, that gives the possibility that Garrett's father was somehow connected to William, perhaps as a friend or coworker, because why would William go to a place as far away as the woods just to kidnap and kill a random child if the pizzeria was the safest option? He had a reason to target his friend's son, I can't think of one rn, but that could mean Garrett's dad takes the rol of Henry. Explaining why William recognizes Mike, he was the older son of his friend, the brother of his first victim.
As a bonus, that could explain why Garret didn't scream or looked scared and everything happened so fast. He just saw a familiar face, someone his dad knew and wasn't really a stranger.
William says to Mike at the end ''You couldn't just leave it alone, could you?'', he knows what he did and thinks Mike was trying to go after him (i mean, he was looking for him thru his dreams, but something tells me William thinks he was searching for him irl, that's why he's shocked when he sees him right in his office, the thinks Mike finally found him but my guy was just trying to look for a job lmao).
Now getting a little crazier, in the credits we hear some words that say ''COME FIND ME'', who do we need to find? the children? We already know where they are. William? Let that mf be trapped where he is. The only one we don't know where it ended up was Garrett, but where is he? Maybe that music box at the end is an indication that Puppet is present, and the possibility of having some things related to the games could mean that Garrett may or may not be related to the puppet. (Coffcoff Garret being the Puppet just like Charlie).
Now for some silly stuff: I really think this is an AU where William and Henry swap children, Henry has 3 and William only has one. Of course William would have a normal life after killing kids and ruining Henry's life, he doesn't have to worry about his children killing each other, he just takes care of one who can be easily manipulated and lives a normal life as a career counselor. Giving his trophy (the pizzeria) people who can keep it safe.
Meanwhile Henry's family suffers just like the game but with extra steps, but I also think that Mike and Garret having a good relationship is proof of good parenting, not like the games where Mike bullies his little brother and William doesn't give a fuck about them or Elizabeth. That's also my opinion that the movies could work without the bite of '83 or even sister location, all of that could be avoided with a loving family.
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The family Michael Afton and his brothers needed, the one that they deserved.
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''This isn't how it happend. This isn't real.''
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fancychaostraveller · 6 months
I have made something.
It's Gooseneto, in bright red and magenta
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And Peace was never an option.
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*heavy gasp* IT'S COMING CLOSER
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(And so Gooseneto, that like its owner Magneto doesn't appreciate humans, has attacked us. -and won-)
(Thanksfully Professor X talked it to not end us all)
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angeart · 21 days
hhau grian: scar, i'm not dying on our wedding night!
narrator voice: he did, in fact, die on their wedding night
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lunarharp · 6 months
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Very important conferences.
#witch hat tag#orufrey#some real serious discussions goin on in this atelier today. dont u doubt it.#agott is the only one who has ever thought about this because she is a 12 year old lesbian and UMM..FRIEND? LIKE FRIEND? IS THAT..LEGAL???#this is all i drew today because silly things like this take hours lol. at least it's practice for poses -_-#i got the pattern of the girls' dresses wrong but i couldn't be bothered to change halfway through.#don't worry if you're like what is the naakiwan downs. is that name even mentioned in the main manga#ANYWAY i KEEP thinking about what if it's actually banned for professors and watchful eyes to date like that would make a lot of sense.#like maybe it should be banned. SO??? are they just low-key Aware of what the deal is and they're just Putting their feelings aside#until graduation??? take my tassel as an unspoken reminder of how i feel?? living together trial period?? this feels like it's truly it#When we're free to be together........ Sensei loves homophobia parallels without there actually being homophobia#Let's invent reasons why men cant be together. Ummm well whatever. i'm screaming in my head but it's fine.#this will probably form the theme of my orufrey for a while. i've thought of this before but for some reason today it's big for me.#i guess the tassels might not specifically be a part of that since they exchanged them before tower of books#and qifrey made his mysterious decision to be a teacher after that and..well whatever. I need more of backstory and just..everything?#But i also don't mind when vinanna interrupts my wishes with just a chapter of just being really dreamy? I love witch hat?
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iguessitsjustme · 2 months
I did a thing...I made this for me but feel free to join me while I track whether or not ql characters keep their glasses
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juniperleafdelivery · 1 month
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* very much hope the other person here is kabru because that means so so much to me
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mothwing-weekly · 5 months
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Mothwing Weekly - 09
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milkyetoile · 2 months
so my favorite line in A Crown of Candy was "where is your bulb now?" obviously since I'm obsessed with Lapin, but I love how Liam's "slammed down big-style" (thank you Ally Beardsley) became such an iconic running bit that got carried over to The Ravening War...which is really funny considering TRW comes first chronologically. in canon, it's an established expression already.
does anyone else think about where this expression could have originated in Calorum? like...idk a food you'd have to slam down to make in a way. bread because dough, so Ceresia? it was Senator Ariana who first said it in TRW 😂 or mochi because it traditionally gets pounded so maybe borders of Ceresia and Candia then? idk, it's just funny to think about 🤣
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boss-the-goofball · 2 months
Why use Truck-kun to Isekai your Protagonists when you can use something even better?
Drop a piano on their heads!
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pencil-for-a-dog · 1 year
Danny phantom but the series it's told by clockwork, so everytime a new episode starts he's just like "Here we go again" and everytime an arc comes to a closure he goes "Another chapter in Daniel's life has been closed" with the fourth wall breaking of "IT'S DANNY. D-A-N-N-U. DANNY" and the "This is going to have consequences..." And some THIS WASN'T ON THF SCRIPT- DANIEL THE HEC-"
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 5 months
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"For a self-proclaimed researcher... I thought you'd know by now that Psychic-types are weak against Ghost." "Morty-ehehe! B-But I'm nohohot a type specialist!" "Maybe should've thought of that first before deciding to wake me up so early."
A spiritual successor to this lil doodle of mine 🫣💖💕
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