#i'm either working or it's not playing on any channel in my area
heavyhitterheaux · 7 months
This is the first time all season that I've actually gotten to watch Joe play and I'm HYPEEEE
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rabbitsrams · 9 months
Stupid sweet domestic schlatt hcs NOW! 😤
please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
YES this is my fav thing ever🥺🥺i'm gonna make a little spin on it by adding y'all living together for the first time!!!
♡ moving into an apartment together
♡ this is yours and his first time living with a partner and it's a bit nerve-wracking but also very exciting!
♡ schlatt was the one who asked you to move in with him but you also were thinking about possibly living with him
♡ you have been together for about a year and a half at this point
♡ decorating the house with things from yours and schlatt's previous places
♡ it's a nice little blend of both you and schlatt <3
♡ you guys have a whole shelf filled with little knick-knacks, books, albums and more of yours and of schlatts! it's in the living room by the tv <3
♡ the cats and any pet(s) you may have all have their own little areas with food, toys, trees, etc.
♡ your bedroom has the two little bedside things for you and schlatt, chock full of your essentials
♡ the bathroom has your respective toothbrushes, toothpastes, face wash, etc. on either side of the sink
♡ can you tell i've played unpacking
♡ doing chores together/dividing the work
♡ putting on music as you clean/cook/etc. and dancing like absolute dorks
♡ also cooking for each other and together!! so you don't order from delivery apps all the time lol
♡ okay this is gonna make me sound like a dork but... i would LOVE to go grocery shopping w/ schlatt.
♡ like idk, buying shit you both need together, unloading the car then putting everything away together? i need😭
♡ also doing your morning routines together or it overlapping!!!!!!
♡ you and schlatt making sure you have everything you need + also you eat before going to work/going out for the day
♡ you have a shared office where one side schlatt records/streams/edits/etc. while the other side you do work for your job
♡ the pets have their own little trees/areas where they chill if they want to keep you guys company
♡ you coming into the office while schlatt's working to bring him food if he hasn't eaten
♡ his twitch chat LOVES you.
♡ they love when you come in to say hi or bring him smthn and beg him to bring you onto the stream
♡ on occasion you do come on stream or during recordings and he loves it bc he loves showing you off
♡ but you try to keep it to a minimum since you want more privacy lol
♡ making a couple of vlogs on the schlagg channel of some domestic stuff (cooking a new recipe, setup tour ft. your desk, etc.)
♡ you becoming his cameraperson for those vlogs when he goes out
if yall want a part 2 please lmk i will write 100 of these i love them sm
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tedcicle · 5 months
Official Palcove Propaganda Post
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[ID: Text with a fire effect that says "WATCH PALCOVE NOW" in red capital letters. /.End ID.] Now you may be asking... Who?
Palcove is both the name of the iconic duo of Ted Nivison (of Rainforest Cafe/Margaritaville/400mg edible fame) and Charlie Slimecicle (professional gay sex roleplayer, at least that's what he should be known for) and the area they lived in during their brief time on EpicSMP (a modded SMP created by, uh... *cough* Matt SuperMega *cough*. You can hazard a guess as to why this SMP didn’t really take off.)
Okay, why should I care?
I shan't lie and say EpicSMP is like, crazy good, or a hidden gem, or YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS — really, it's basically TekkitLive but there's way more people on it. It's a largely forgotten SMP, overshadowed by more popular and successful SMPs that happened before or around it. (OriginsSMP, for example.) There's a bunch of interesting duos trying to start their own businesses, and while nothing happened happened, at the end everybody died, which is interesting to think about. (Actually, wait... yeah, it’s just like TekkitLive.) But it was fun. There were some good bits, some light roleplay, and enough seedlings of a plotline to get an average viewer Andy like me invested in. There was some kind of season 2, but it never took off. I'm sure MCYT fans are accustomed to the disappointment of non-existent fandoms, unfinished stories, or lacking narratives by now (Shadow of Israphel was my first heartbreak, but maybe yours was something else). Another one wouldn’t hurt, right? Why Palcove specifically? Well, as a former SMPLiver— (I am escorted off the stage to a chorus of boos) I just really like Ted and Charlie's dynamic. They’re the perfect comedy duo. Charlie works best when he has someone to bounce bits off of, and Ted knows exactly how to pick up what Charlie is putting down and elevate it to the next level. (The adverb and adjective bit in the first VOD had me DYING.) Story-wise, Charlie had a satisfying character arc. He’s a pivotal character and I liked how he plays off of Schlatt and Swagger, too. Not to mention, this is the last time Ted has uploaded or streamed any Minecraft content... I miss him, chat. Also, it makes me happy. Isn't that enough?
Well, okay, you got me interested. How do I watch?
I'm glad you asked (even if you wouldn't fucking say that, I don't care). Firstly, a primer. Sometimes we start a new thing, but it ends up not being to our liking, and that's fine. Maybe you want to walk around and see how it fits before you commit. That's fine! All I ask for is 14 minutes of your time. That's like, 4 songs.
This video is the first day edited down into a nice, palatable, taste-tester, courtesy of unknown energy on YouTube. It's so nice and cozy and comfy, it's the equivalent of a mug of hot chocolate curled up in an armchair with a warm blanket wrapped around you. As for continuing, I highly recommend starting with Charlie's POV. It's probably who you're most familiar with, and he bothered to edit down his streams (even if the videos are like, an hour long). If you like listening to men argue and make the unfunniest jokes imaginable, then definitely try the full VODs. All of these have been archived by the channel EpicSMPVods.
Charlie's POV Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 VODS Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | End of S1* Ted's POV Episode 1 (Yes, he really only did one episode) VODS Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5
*This VOD is Swagger's POV, as Charlie didn't upload the finale at all, and the VOD of it either doesn’t exist or wasn’t archived. The relevant Charlie section starts around 15 minutes in.
And if you want more of the story, well, Swagger has one of the most comprehensive EpicSMP POVs.
Final Thoughts
Like many other “stream only” SMPs, a lot of content regarding them simply gets lost and forgotten. There's plenty of reasons why EpicSMP wasn't very successful (in-depth analysis post pending). I’m just glad that not only did Palcove exist, but it's archived. It just so happened to survive against surmountable odds and even have what I consider a satisfying narrative ending (in-depth analysis post pending). And I’m insane about it. And everyone else should be, too.
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[ID: Text with a fire effect "WATCH PALCOVE NOW" in red capital letters. /.End ID.]
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legolasghosty · 3 months
54. At the next inconvenience I will start biting people. - feels like any of the girls... or Alex. Do with that what you will.
Oh gosh you're so right... and this seems like a great way to channel all of my almost finals week frustration...
Willie fumbles for the handle to Julie and Flynn's apartment with his hands full of pastries and drinks he snagged before he finished his shift. Hey, nothing says late-night study session like day-old muffins, right? He finally manages to get the door open and stumbles through the entrance into the kitchen/living area.
Flynn, Reggie, and Alex all look up at his entrance. Julie is still glued to her laptop, Carrie has her eyes shut as she focuses on whatever is playing in her headphones, and Luke... might be asleep.
"I come bearing sustenance," Willie says, their voice coming out a worn-out edition of their usual customer service tone. He sets the drink carriers down on the counter, then drops the bag of pastries beside them. "I make no promises about how edible and/or hot stuff still is, but better than nothing."
"Gimme," Flynn groans, making grabby hands at him from where she's sprawled on the couch, one leg in Julie's lap and the other tucked up to her chest. "But heat it up first, at the next minor inconvenience I'm going to start biting people."
"Kinky," Reggie jokes weakly from where he's sprawled out on the floor, surrounded by papers.
"Not the way I do it," Flynn growls back. "I'm about a millimeter away from egging this professor's house for all the BS she's pulled this quarter."
"Warming up the coffee, got it," Willie cuts in, grabbing Flynn's cup and heading for the microwave. "Love me some minor vandalism, but we should probably save it for after finals."
"Or like after we graduate?" Alex suggests, his pencil thumping out a soft but steady beat against the edge of his textbook. "So they can't screw you over academically?"
"She'd have to catch me first," Flynn points out.
Willie just shrugs and starts handing out drinks as the two of them banter back and forth about the best timeline in which to get revenge on their professors. Luke's goes in the fridge. Reggie downs probably half of his mocha in ten seconds. Flynn takes a long sip of her massive latte and sighs. Willie can almost feel the humanity returning to her system as the caffeine settles. Julie barely even looks up when he sets her tea down on the table. Alex takes his lemonade with a smile and a hand on Willie's wrist to pull them down for a quick kiss.
"How was work?" he asks when they separate.
"Nasty," Willie admits. "Coffee shop near campus the week before finals kind of nasty. Got yelled at by like three people."
Alex winces. "I'm sorry," he offers.
Willie shrugs. "Can't say I blame them. I'm not far off blowing my lid either with Covington's exam coming up."
"If he fails you, I'll get more eggs," Flynn states. "We can get him and mine together."
"You're amazing," Willie tells her gratefully.
"You brought me coffee," she points out.
"Point taken," they laugh.
He returns to the kitchen to grab the bag of pastries and his backpack, then settles in beside Alex, leaning back against the couch near Flynn's hip. They pop open their laptop, gratefully accepting Carrie's offer to plug in the charging cord. Alex shifts a little closer so their shoulders are brushing and Willie leans into it, letting the warmth burn off some of the stress of the day.
Finals suck, but at least they can all do the suckiness together.
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bomberqueen17 · 11 months
I'm in Maine with my dude. Our anniversary is around the 4th of July so we kinda try to do stuff around then. This year is 22 years, which marks the point at which it's been more than half of each of our lives. So that's keen. Not to be mushy.
I just saw a thing about celebrating Pickett's Charge Day and it amused me a lot. As an impressionable child I read Michael Shaara's The Killer Angels repeatedly, which is an account of the battle of Gettysburg with alternating points of view from participants on both sides-- it was adapted into a movie but I didn't see that so IDK if it captured any of what I found so poignant in the narrative. (Does the song Kathleen Mavourneen play a big role in the movie? bc it does in the book.) But because of this I knew that it was the 20th Maine Reg't led by Col. Joshua Chamberlain that held the left flank against repeated assaults on that day, so it seems fitting. I looked it up before I posted this, but I did actually know that.
No, I've never been to the battlefield at Gettysburg either, I'm a poor secondhand student of the civil war. My mom wrote a book about it but it's unpublished, she just put it up on the town website. LMK if you want to read it (I'm not linking directly to it because it's on the town website so it's kind of uh doxxy, LOL); it's an extremely dry work, simply recounting the results of her research into the service record, origins, and ultimate fate of every single person she could track down who either served in the regiment our town sent to the war, OR who served in the war and later settled in our town. It was years of research by her including many trips to battlefields. This is my background, is all I'm saying, and the reason why I know the names of like a bunch of the colonels at Gettysburg without checking.
Anyhow. We're not up here for civil war purposes, we're here to sit in a house on a lake and listen to some loons. We went last night and got on a schooner and schooned around Penobscot Bay, which was fantastic; saw the sunset, but not the moonrise, as it was cloudy. It's been mostly rainy here but it stopped raining long enough for that and that's all I care about. If it rains tonight, so much the better, as it'll keep the noise down. Na ha I'm the Grinch of the Fourth of July.
so anyway a couple of photos and some meandery stories behind the cut:
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I'm putting the descriptions/captions in the alt, idk how well that works. Ah you can see the lighthouse here-- Camden, ME has a slightly dangerous harbor entry , with two nice wide channels that allow easy entry but a large submerged rock ledge in the middle that at high tide is completely invisible. Every year, our skipper said, some boat forgets about this and runs violently aground. This year's sacrifice was a 50-foot powerboat, and he heard the mayday call as he was on his morning commute. Some lobstermen were in range and managed to haul the boat off the rocks and tow it in to port, but it sank in the launch area-- still, they could easily raise it from there. The passengers were all unharmed, following behind in a dinghy very abashed. A couple weeks later on one of his several-times-daily tours our captain found all the cushions from the wrecked powerboat washed ashore in a nearby cove, and was wondering at the etiquette-- should he collect and return them? He did not reveal whether he had, as conversation moved on.
He was a college kid, raised locally, home for the summers, but in his senior year as a computer engineer up at the U of Maine in one of the campuses about an hour away.
Since it was not very windy we had to use the motor a bit, but we did sail for a goodly while, and in the very light breeze he said "So I'm going to do a controlled jibe here, because the wind is super chill, and if you know a lot about sailing you'll know why I've been taught not to do this move but this is the ideal condition for it. So everybody duck, I'm holding it but the boom is going to move."
A schooner has two masts, so that meant both booms moved. And the mate controlled the forward one admirably, and he the aft, and we were all fine. But as we were coming into the harbor and taking the sails down, the forward boom swung again a little unexpectedly, and the passengers sitting below it had to duck. The mate worriedly asked if everyone was okay, and one woman said "Oh, no, I had a past life regression where I learned I was killed by a sail boom, so I'm really good at ducking!" to which the mate cheerfully, slightly awkwardly, replied "Oh that's great! that! uh! I mean not that you died! But that you didn't this time!" which was extremely gracious of her, especially given that she was about seventeen years old. (She had just been explaining to us that her doctor made her wear glasses full time now because she had gotten her driver's license and he didn't think she should drive without glasses.)
ANYWAY the lighthouse at Camden has been automated since the 1980s, like all US lighthouses, BUT has still had a lighthouse keeper-- a local woman lived there 50 years and raised a family there and only recently at 90 retired as the keeper, and now the assistant harbormaster lives out there. Nobody really needs to be in that lighthouse but it's a point of local pride to have a manned lighthouse.
There are also bell buoys, which I hadn't really noticed as a thing before-- but it's just a buoy with a large bell on it, and the waves' rocking tolls the bell constantly, and it's meant to warn of a hazard. There are several in Camden harbor, because there are a number of very tall rocks that stick up out of the otherwise mostly 180-200ft depth, and some of those rocks are submerged at high tide so you would never see them coming and your onboard depth sensor thing wouldn't catch them in time. (Those rocks, our skipper said, are called The Graves, because of the number of wrecks on them, but they're so steep you can almost touch them from the side of a passing boat; they're used as turning points in some of the tall ship racing that happens locally, and he was aboard one once that turned so tight around one of those rocks and he said he was so terrified the whole time and would never himself sail that close to one.)
It was so calm while we were out there-- Lake Erie is choppier-- but it was sunset, which is when the wind changes direction usually, and the weather here has been heavy rain for days and it was a break in the weather. Anyway that was the Atlantic Ocean, though we weren't really out in it, it was all Penebscot Bay.
Apparently the Olad's original name when commissioned was The Whistle Binkie, which is terrible and hilarious.
OK next slide, good thing I'm only doing two
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Good morning, I woke at 5 and noticed the sky was pink and knew it would be fleeting, so I threw my bathrobe on and went out even though I really needed to pee, so I suffered for this art-- I got out a little ways on the dock and listened to a loon calling and took several photos, and then went inside and when I came back out the light had gone, so I'm glad I ran out when I did. Those bridges are narrow though, and I'm not the steadiest when I first wake up, so I was not going all the way out to that last dock. The view is great from that last dock but the great view is to the north, and the pink clouds were to the west, so for this photo, this was the better view anyway.
This is Megunticook Lake.
Today we have no plans; the restaurants downtown were nuts last night, we walked into one place at 4:45 and were told we could be seated around 6:25, so we walked back out and went instead to the Sea Dog brewery, which I had heard of-- I've had their beer somewhere-- but we're thinking tonight will be nuts, so we're going to stay home and eat the stuff we brought for today's lunch instead, and we're going to venture out for lunch today in hopes that it will be less insane.
We'd asked the skipper of the Olad what the 4th of July was going to be like, did he have the day off etc, and he laughed and said no, he works on that day, but it is kiiiind of the worst, because everyone with a boat or access to a boat has to take it out on the 4th of July, and they're all drunk, so he spends most of the day trying to avoid drunk boaters and trying to make sure nobody falls off his boat. (When we'd boarded he'd given us the rules before we pulled out of the berth, and the only actual rule was stay on the boat, and I don't like to think about how emphatic he had to be about that.) I think I mentioned, he was like twenty, and when someone asked him how long he'd been doing this he blithely said "oh this is my first day!" but then admitted it was actually his first season as skipper, but he'd been crewing these kinds of boats for about five years now. Uncommonly among tourist attractions, his job had gotten more busy during the pandemic, because honestly it's an extremely low-risk activity, you could not be any less enclosed, though they had to abide by the same regulations re: mask wearing as airplanes and large commercial ferries, so it was a bit silly-- but absolutely lowest risk of all given that they're wind-operated.
So we know Camden town is going to be insane all day tomorrow, and there's a fireworks display they launch off a boat in the harbor, and we are not going to attempt to go see it! We will hear it from here, and that is fine. We brought our own sparklers, should we be so inclined.
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7grandmel · 4 months
Todays rip: 28/01/2024
Me and the rest area of the melee here, singing, "Where'd you go​?​"
Season 7 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume Ruby
Ripped by Kenji Furutani
Y'know, for having followed the channel since way back in 2016, it's kind of funny it took until just last year for me to see the term "rip-hop" be used, in the comments to Me and the rest area of the melee here, singing, "Where'd you go​?​". I've covered plenty of rap mashups here on the blog before, be it kirby will never have drip *spits out cereal*, Top of the Looping Steps, or Noonsummer Madness, and while the directions for all these mashups are obviously different based on the tracks used, the latter in particular - Noonsummer Madness - has really stuck with me since covering it. And I think it is specifically because it uses its two sources to specifically embrace a chill, laid-back vibe, one similar to rips like Sidelined Symphony and Yoshi's Cookie World. If we're to be technical, all rap mashups count as rip-hop, but its these emotional rips in particular that truly begin to define the term for me.
A lot of the appeal with video game music, beyond its sheer quality of composition, arrangement, and so forth, is the emotional, nostalgic ties that you form with it through the act of playing. Listening to music through albums necessitates that you form your own associations with them - either that you know about the artists behind them and what they represent, or that you're able to associate the music with important parts of your life, or simply that the music brings you back to younger times upon relistening years later. A big reason why, growing up, I always found VGM so much more appealing to listen to than what the radio suggested was because those connections were already made from playing the game - I'd associate boss music with the emotions I felt upon fighting said boss, RPG town music with the state of my party and game experience up to that point, menu music associated with just how many hours I'd sunk into the game in question - this last reason in particular is precisely why rips like Neon Wi-Fi click so well for me. Nostalgia's a very powerful tool to bring out emotions in the listener, yet the one it seems to be best at leveraging is that of sheer sentimentality: the smiles and tears we had along the way.
And that, to me, is the purest essence of Rip-Hop, and what rips like Me and the rest area of the melee here, singing, "Where'd you go​?​" truly mean to me. Relistening to video game music I'm already well acquainted with doesn't always strike me as "nostalgic" when I've been hearing it so frequently in videos or just through replaying the games, yet...there's a sort of further emotional impact that gets extracted from them through little more than the power of a good rap song mashed up with it. Where'd You Go by Fort Minor of Linkin Park fame is, like with Noonsummer Madness, not a song I hold much of any memories with - yet the simple addition of its vocals and thumping percussion contrast so beautifully with Melee's All-Star Rest Area theme.
There's a beauty to just how simple the Rest Area theme is, being driven by a sequence of only 20 notes played in bunches of three, yet coated in a heavenly backing of pianos and string. That pairing of simplicity in melody yet beautiful instrumentation sort of embodies why "rip-hop" as a rip category is able to work so beautifully - many times, you don't need to jump through the most complex hoops to bring out the most out of two songs through mashing them up. Althesame, the amount of small tweaks done to both songs to make Me and the rest area of the melee here, singing, "Where'd you go​?​" work so seamlessly are still both noticeable and very much appreciated. I haven't been aware of Kenji Furutani's contributions to the channel until just recently, but with rips like this and more under their belt, its clear to me just how much of an understanding he has of the true potential video game music holds.
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a-tale-never-told · 8 months
One Ride in the Sunset.
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September 3rd, 2012, 4:15pm, 14th Avenue Drive, Kyoto, South Japan.
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(Okay, that checks another thing off the list of chores they gave me this morning. Never expected that I'd have this much work on my hands though, considering that the paper info was really short .)
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(Still, I've got a long way to go before finishing everything, so I should probably get to the post office to drop off the check now. In the meantime though, let's see what on's the radio for today, just to keep myself entertained for now)
*"After putting the paper down, Hajime reaches for the radio and begins to switch channels for anything, be it music or news*"
Brzzt!- Coming in from Toyoko, where a raccoon started to eat, what I presume is a chili dog-Brzzt!- Today on Sunday night live, we have-Brzzt!
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(Hey... This actually isn't that bad of a song. It's catchy, so there is that at least, right? And it's decent for a sundown.)
*"After changing the Radio, Hajime lays back and turns to the left lane, heading for the postal area, as the song begins to play whilst the sun sets*"
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(Well Haji, you've made it through the first week, and still, we haven't known anything about Natsumi, or any of the Kuzuryus. We also don't even know the reason why Honami has issues with the Kuzuryus... it's like we almost accomplished nothing last week)
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( But then again, I cannot say that with certainty, as we did manage to get some stuff done, like going to the library to get some books to help me investigate the situation. As well as the fact that I managed to spend some quality hangout time with the girls outside of work)
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(Speaking of that, I think that conversation really did help me calm down a bit yesterday. I honestly am glad to have people who truly care about me and my well-being, aside from my parents of course.)
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(Mikan... the nurse who seems so timid and shy, yet is always caring and thoughtful of others, always willing to help the sick, old or young. She may look meek at first glance, but she's really much a sweetheart to almost everyone she comes across and I'm blessed to work with her, especially since she's so dedicated to her position as a nurse.)
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( Ibuki... the girl that likes to party on and is pretty much hyperactive almost 80% of the time, but she surprisingly has a wise, contemplative mind for someone of her age. Still, I did really enjoy the wisdom she tried to give. I honestly never knew she was actually capable of doing that, especially since she seems so hyper and upbeat every single day. Still, she's pretty nice, to be honest.)
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(And Chiaki... *sighs* God, where would I be without her? She's pretty much the first friend I've ever made in life, and we'd only grown stronger ever since. She's kind, considerate of others, inspiring, and just an absolutely nice person to be around. Even during the times when either I'm not in the best mood or she isn't, we both try to improve our relationship as friends, one step at a time. She pretty much tried to comfort me about my lack of talent and I greatly appreciate that.)
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(I honestly don't deserve those three. They're far too sweet and compassionate for this world, which has now become a place where you have to be judged by society based on your racial color and talent. And through all of the darkness in this world, they're pretty much shining beacons of hope, to overcome the despair of feeling hopeless in life.)
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( So I'll try. I'll try to take their advice seriously from now on, as this is advice to give me a healthy mindset going forward. I think the point of what they wanted to say is to be yourself and not lose your sense of self and individuality, to work for that talent while also not losing sight of the ones you love and cherish the most in life. And just... have hope for yourself and for the future. Because isn't that what life's all abo-)
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"*Upon hearing those beeps, Hajime turns his head to the front to see a car coming straight at him. Seeing the vehicle right in front of him, Hinata tried to swerve out of the way, but it was too late, as the front of the car collided with the other car's front, sending shards of glass flying across the interior as both cars came to an absolute stop. One of the shards nearly hit Hinata right in the head, though he managed to get out of the way in time. Still, the impact is enough to make him fall onto the floor of the car, making him lose consciousness...*"
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risu5waffles · 10 months
If Roppongi Is Six Trees, What's the Word for TEN Fires?
Here we are again, something, something pleasure.
We played these on stream and i just fell in love wiv them. The concept is just so good. Little dioramas clearly conveying the feel of the different story mode stages? Like, that's inspired. And it largely works. There're a few bits here and there where they could have tightened and polished, but it totally works, and i'm surprised it took this long for me to stumble across someone who did it and did it well.
The concept here is cute and funny, and it's another one where i found myself thinking "why haven't i seen someone try something like this sooner"? The execution leaves a little to be desired, tho'. i feel like the course takes you away from the scoreboard to soon and for too long, so you kinda lose that little extra spice that sells you on the play. Still, the race is a solid one, not top-tier, but definitely good and fun. Kuro_96_33 did another really good level that i may take a look at in the future, but that @soupum has covered on his channel, where they go through the basics of level design and how connectors work, wiv a little bit of simple logic (LBP1-era) set-up for good measure (that area's unfortunately broken, but you can leave the level after the basics have been covered). It's really good advice for new creators, and presented clearly (bilingually, no less!), and not in any kind of jerky way. i really enjoyed that one.
Someone on the subreddit asked "hey, how do i get the Simon Says pin", and someone else rec'ed this level, and i thought "hey, i don't have the Simon Says pin either, and now i do, and you could too. i should play wiv state sensors more. i feel like you could get up to all kinds of shenanigans. Maybe next level.
It's a level about K-trucks. i like K-trucks. i have fond memories of riding home from bbq's when we'd visit honeybunny's folks down in Amami. Everyone drunk as hell and piled in the truck bed. i've also got a pretty bad story that didn't directly involve me, but hurt some folx i care a lot about, so maybe i should shut my mouth before i go and make myself sad. Still love k-trucks tho', and this level's a fun little race, so i can't complain about that.
We talked about this on Friday. It's still very much what it is. This particular footage was from before i figured out you could get that score bubble sign, unfortunately, but i was too busy putting out fires to go and swap the videos. Such is life, sometimes.
i really loved this level. Some of the bits were actually kind of tricky, and i was kind of proud of myself that i got them figured out. i feel like it's pretty rare anymore to see these kinds of puzzles; working both the brainmeats, but also actually physically manipulating things. It was super cool to run into this one.
This one was alright enough, i guess? Pretty standard post-MGS DLC kill everything wiv the paintinator platformer. It's fine. Not particularly inspired, but fine. It is a shame it's broken the way it is. The level might not have been top of the pops, but i was having a good enough time wiv it. Just LBP1 things, i guess.
This one's actually surprisingly good. Solid, robust platformer, nicely presented. The enemies are a bit of a mixed bag, but i think that's fairly par for the course for an LBP1 level. It could be a bit tough to make things act wiv dynamism. Not impossible, but i feel like it was a limited palette for the types of enemies you could work in. Still, just looking at them from an objects standpoint, they're nice enough, and that dragon-y thing at the end was pretty cool.
So that's the ten for this go about. If you missed the last post, i have to write a term paper about why i'm trans, and why i totes need this fucking on-paper diagnosis, and it can't be 5000 words of "because immigration fucked me and won't update my paperwork the way they're supposed to." Actually, i don't know how long it's supposed to be; the nurse didn't specify. She just said "from childhood," and i wanna be, like, "bitch, i am 45 fucking years old. 'From childhood' covers a goddamned lot of goddamned ground by this point." i may be experiencing a little stress.
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sparkylurkdragon · 2 years
re:PA/pennsylvania: that's super interesting! i understand why PA would be easier to say since pennsylvania is a mouthful. are there any other oddities you noticed from your days as a call center? i'm from indiana so i always get super interested in the weirdness of the midwest, but honestly i just love any sort of regional language difference that arises over time.
Off the top of my head:
No one who isn't in one of the Pacific Coast states can say Oregon right, but it's especially bad with Southerners. (It's either "organ," like the body part or instrument, or "OR-ih-GIN"/"OR-ih-GUN" with the middle syllable barely voiced. "Ar-ee-gawn" is right out.)
Being from a rural-ish area where interrupting people is Rude with Corporate Mandates To Never Interrupt The Customer and Make Small Talk laid on top of that does not play well when speaking to folks from large cities like New York City, where's it's at least not rude to talk over someone to get things done faster and is rude to engage in smalltalk when they're there to solve a problem. (At least, this is my understanding. Like I say, I'm from a relatively rural area, but then again I also don't like small talk that distracts from what I'm trying to do.)
New Yorkers saying things like "badda bing, badda bip" is an exaggeration, but I did get one caller who actually did use that phrase and related ones. It took everything in me to not ask if he was in the mafia.
Boomhauer's accent is not an exaggeration. The two separate gents I spoke with who talked like him were from Louisiana.
Speaking of Louisana, they have parishes rather than counties, and get Real Mad when you ask them what county they're in (necessary to make the local channels work correctly sometimes).
I don't recall anything in particular about Indiana or the Midwest in general, but this may be for the same kinds of reasons I don't recall anything much about Oregon or the West Coast in general from the call centre days: my dad's from Kansas and I've visited a few times, so I'm already somewhat familiar with it. Some of the things I've osmosed from my dad include saying "worsh" instead of "wash" half the time (including talking about the state north of me, Worshington) and saying "crick" instead of "creek" for a small, shallow river. Dad also calls cicadas "circadas".
My own native Oregonian accent eats t's directly after n's. So, I'll say "Innernet" and "innercom" for "Internet" and "intercom". I think this is a thing in a lot of American English accents.
I also have a very strong cot/caught merger: the words "cot" and "caught" sound exactly the same in my accent, and trying to make them sound distinct makes my brain hurt.
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penelopepserver · 7 months
Sunday weekly roundup! 5th november
TONS going on this week! I'm bringing you the good, the bad and the completely stupid!! Cain was interviewed today so expect his interview to be posted tmw.
•Server's "Counting if bored" channel is currently at 243!
Server addition count (29th of October- 5th of November): 27 new characters to the server!
This includes,
•quentin. Quentin, quentin, quentin you silly goose.
•Riley but crazy
•new, st caedes cast!
Lovely selection.. however for all the characters we've gained, we're missing one!
Danielle is canonically missing☹️☹️ You'll be happy to know a search party is now undergoing with progress being made (IM IN IT TOO!!! IM IN A ROLEPLAY YOU GUYS!!)- see image for further details. If you know anything please lmk or tell Lucius (her brother). If we keep this up, we'll find her before her birthday and we'll throw her a party! :))
The current consensus is that she's was kidnapped and is now being held up in a strange building within the forest! All by the TERRIBLE Dr Kaid- related to Dr Rachnid somehow.
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Also did I mention MY POOKIE DODGEMS IS THERE TOO!? I'm trying to get his attention but he like.. hasn't talked to me yet... but its okay! Its only a matter of time. :)
Regarding the search too- tensions are rising within the team and we only just started! Ethans brought a knife, acting suspicious, and Foghearts NOT happy. I'm once again blessed to get the best seat in the house to watch this go down! Will they fight? Will they argue? Will they put their team at risk!?
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Arabella x Kolby
Arabella and Kolby are AT IT AGAIN! Man are these guys gonna go out or what? Stay tuned folks because something is BOUND to happen! For context, Ethan, our resident supernatural hunter, is ON THE HUNT and Arabella could be in trouble due to her connections with ghosts and demons! Not to mention her strange appearance. Don't you worry though because her Knight in shining armour, Kolby, is there to protect her >:))
Speaking of, Kolbys gotten Arabella a new pet! A silhouki egg- not to push any ideas but isn't this like playing house? I mean that in a good way. Let's hope it hatches before Arabella can cook it into a cake or sacrifice it!
(special mention to Riley for getting these pics for me)
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Ellie x Tiana
This was ONLY JUST BROUGHT TO MY ATTENTION but ELLIE X TIANA IS A THING and I am SO AAAAAA!! Personally, a suprise to be sure but a welcome one! Their adults versions have been submitted to the server and are canonically MARRIED ugh I am SO proud of them, the little sillies<33 however- we must turn our attention to the current day Ellie and Tiana! Our cool emo x silly goober! Will they ask eachother out knowing they get married in the future anyway!? I'm waiting. You're waiting. Quentin, make it happen.
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Captain Pickles! That violent pirate! He's been under our radars, making suspiciously anti-gay comments! It's been reiterated that he does drag, but what's that in the grand scheme of things if you're not a supporter? If I were you, I'd keep my distance. He's continously dead named his own child Kolby, he's blown up at Morphine with his go-to insult being gay AND he called Fibblestew, an elderly man, a c word! Okau maybe its a bit unrelated butbit still shows hes a bad person. Captain Pickles is NOT live laugh loving and you shouldn't be live laugh loving him either!
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(Disclaimer, Pickles was given a flag and was forgiven.. but I'm not gonna talk abt that >:)) )
St Caedes opens!
A new private school has opened up in our local area run by Mr Kinderswatter, but we've gotten word the school is not all it's cut out to be- dangerous headmasters? Iron maidens? Sad, abused children? Call me crazy, but we may have a Matilda the musical au in the works here ladies and gentlemen.
Names of the students will be kept a secret for their privacy, but you can bet its the rich of the rich on this server. And trust me, theres ALOT of rich kids on this server. I may have to take further research in the future!
New Devileena movie!
Ive gotten FIRST WORD of a NEW upcoming Devileena movie!!! No trailer or cast drop yet, but that leaves more to the imagination. A movie in which Devileena is a villan, taking care of a space baby? this is SO mistki coded. Devileena is so Mistki coded. I theorise the child in said movie is a character we've already seen before- if not then it must be a popular child actor! State your predictions, closest answer wins a prize!!
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That's the end of our Sunday roundup, boy am I tired! So much going on... penelope Paparazzi, signing out!
-Penelope Paparazzi
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dream-mind-warper · 1 year
After the recent events that had happened, Sarafei needed some time to settle and recollect her thoughts, but she was certain that the person there was Matteo! It had to be someone else; there was no way it could have been someone else. "Should I go look for him?" "Where would I even start?" These thoughts spiralling in her head were getting overwhelming; maybe something to eat should help with it! There was a bakery nearby that she heard of that seemed to be quite popular and had gotten a lot of positive reviews as well as 5 stars on food review sites. Parking near the bakery, Sarafei walked in and saw how nicely it was decorated with flowers and decorations displayed. There were different kinds of sweets and pastries on the counter and shelves, which looked freshly made. 
"Hello?  Anyone working here? "I wanted to see if maybe someone worked here." There was no response yet until a woman popped out from under the counter with flour in her hair. As they got themselves up, she dusted herself off and looked at Sarafei. "Sorry!  But the bakery is closed right now. "I'm behind schedule on a delivery for a function, so I cannot serve you!" She was frantically trying to prepare the orders she needed. It seems like this girl could use the extra help in getting everything ready. "Hey! "If it's no trouble, I can help you out!" The lady thought for a moment and passed the spoon to Sarafei before telling her which to mix in what bowl. 
After a complete mess, they had the orders ready to be packed and delivered for transport, and the lady was thankful for Sarafei helping them out. "fter a complete mess, they had the orders ready to be packed and delivered for transport, and the lady was thankful for Sarafei helping them out. "Honestly, I was worried these orders wouldn't be made in time, but you were definitely a great help. Have you maybe considered working at a bakery?" The question about a new job had been hovering in Sarafei's mind as her job at the library was not going well either. Looking for a new job wouldn't hurt, but shes not an expert on baking, and classes are very expensive to pay for. But she did appreciate the thought of it: Look, uh, miss?" The lady introduced herself.
As Imani Moulin to Sarafei. Look, Miss Imani, as much as I love the idea of being able to work here... I don't have any skills in the baking department."
 Imani told her not to worry as she was the owner of the bakery and could help her out with anything that was needed, and she only needed to supply her own apron and hairtie. Sarafei decided to think about the offer, got a doughnut to go, and went back into her car, pulling out of the parking area. She drove through the town when a missing poster was put up of someone, but their face was covered by a black square, which made it hard to recognise, but either way, she really wanted to get home. Pulling into the driveway, Sarafei went into her house only to find that something did not feel right at all, but she couldn't figure it out. Hm, I wonder if NBC has any new episodes of A Different World on." She turned on the TV, and a couple of ads played before an odd broadcast showed up regarding whether anyone had seen a young man who looked exactly like the person from her dream! "What the fuck!?" Grabbing the remote, she changed the channel to something else before the same thing popped up.
 "How can someone like that be even missing! I saw him walking outside. She was starting to feel very uneasy about all this and soon felt a hand on her shoulder, causing her to scream. Someone Sarafei had thought was only in her dreams was right there in her house! Celina's appearance looked more humanoid with her white hair brushed out and wearing a pink dress along with her Mary Jane shoes. "Celina!? Celina! Why are you in my house?" She soon had her mouth covered up to prevent them from speaking as Celina dragged them upstairs to her room. "Shhh! Someone right now has been watching you the whole time and tracking you in your dreams!" Nonono, this is not a dream! This is definitely not a dream because she would be well aware if it was. "Dream!? How can this be a dream? I'm fully awake right now! I don't know what kind of bullshit this is, but you've got to be pulling some grade A level prank to think I'm still dreaming.".
 Celina heard that she crossed herarms looking a bit offended by Sarafei, in which she explained that when they met at the library, her physical or reality form was never taken home, and someone whom Celina feared had taken Sarafei to their place to use as a pawn for their sick game. "Who are you talking about?" When she asked, Celina was really unsure if she should answer her question, so she instead asked "Hey, do you have a pack on you?". Luckily, Sarafei always had one on hand, so she gave a cigarette to Celina and had one herself while the two headed out for a smoke out front.
Celina looked up at the sky, which was now a mix of purple, and saw the houses all lined up with their pastel colours and white tile roofs. She puffed out a bit of smoke before telling Sarafei that she had been taken to this place and used to find them; this place is located near the woods, and if it exists in the dream, then it should exist in reality at the same location. "I would come with you, but my job right now is to stay hidden and out of sight. I can give you a map there, but be careful with who you talk to." Sarafei held the map and promised she would return home in reality. The map had areas marked unsafe too, so she knew which areas to avoid, but for now a nap was needed in order to get some energy to drive. "oh! I might try working at a bakery when all this is over; if you visit, can I bake for you?" Celina giggled at the idea until she left to let Sarafei rest for the moment.
Meanwhile at the bakery, Imani was visited by Pollen, who seemed really unhappy with her. "You said you had this handled, but she is still here." The baker sighed before pulling out her cabinet behind a bag of sugar and some kind of drug. "I told you I'm handling it. I can also say the others she will meet might not be as successful in your request,"Pollen huffed, crossing her arms before leaving the bakery, where there was no one outside but her. "Celina, I don't know what you're up to, but it has to stop," and with that, they walked through the street, looking at the beautiful purple sky and the hills seen in the distance.
After her nap, Sarafei packed a couple of things she might need in case the car needs gas, so a pit stop at the station is in order. "Looks like I'm going to be escaping this dream." starting the car Sarafei drove off to the unknown facility to get home for real. "So first stop at the nearest station to fill up, then head to a farm and try to locate a key, but be aware of the farmer." That seemed easy enough to do! She looked at the scenery around her and wondered how Kija was doing. He had known her since they met at the library, both looking for work, and the two grew to become really great friends. Once she's awake, maybe the two can go to that diner he's always talking about. When she wakes up, that is
Shes going to wake up
Shes going to wake up
Shes going to wake up
Shes going to wake up
Shes going to wake up
S h e   w i l l   w a k e    u p.
[The next update will feature something special]
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Does ketu in the 5th house hinder or heighten your intelligence? I have a hard time interpreting my ketu in Aries in the 5th house placement because there’s a lot of contradicting explanations of ketu in general. I’ve heard mostly that either ketu in this position denies children all together or makes them very strange and I want to have a family and children someday. In regards to intelligence I’ve mostly read explanations that this placement can either make you slow or make you a genius. How do I interpret this placement? Seeing as it also casts dristi on the lagna how would that play out? Sorry if this is a lot, ketu genuinely confounds me, but maybe that’s the point.
In order to better understand Ketu Nakshatras and Ketu energies in general, read this.
I have seen the 5th house being linked with "creative" intelligence before...but frankly I believe every house has its own brand of intelligence or creativity that just works in different ways, and none of them are better than the other and shouldn't be dismissed. We may say the 3rd or 6th house, being linked to traditional Mercurial skills are the "typical intelligent" spots...but life is so much more complex than that, and everyone has something to contribute. Just like this cliché of a person who may very badly suck at math but be extremely visually gifted. The 5th house gifts are more about the ability to take the internal, nourishing light of 4th house inspiration and taking them a step further by expressing these inspired energies in front of another. That's why it's so "obviously" and publicly creative...because this is the point in the zodiac, where the energy is very "fresh" and inspired and ready to be shared due to its fiery nature. Depends on how it works in one's chart though...house rulership will determine the results of how well the house functions, any planets placed within will make it a more obvious goal in this incarnation for the individual.
In my opinion, Ketu's goal is not really to hinder anything, but more so refine it. Ketu is very fastidious, it's not easily satisfied, so it leads to a lot of subconscious self-imposed restrictions in one's psyche, simply because we want the best in that area. People really get the negative narrative on Ketu energies...but Ketu just has no patience for the "low vibrational" things associated with living on Earth, wanting to have the height and depth of the experience...with an undertone of "if I already have to lower myself into a human body, I want to make it count". What it results in practically is that you may not bother to do most of the superficial, commonly practiced social things in the area related that house, because you simply can't be bothered, but at the same time you are a natural at expressing its energies. It doesn't "cut you off" from that or deny you the significations of that house...but it would make you unhappy if you tried to do things in a socially acceptable way, instead of doing it your unique way. Which with Ketu is actually the right way.
Channelling your Ketu is super powerful. If Ketu was detaching you from its matters, I wouldn't be doing spiritual/astrology/tarot healing work, but instead its ingrained into my way of living and I feel 8th house very strongly in my chart. I'm also very satisfied with how I deal with these matters, since Ketu gives past life mastery, and I pick up tarot and astrology practically on the fly, not to mention I constantly grow and develop in life. I have seen people with a struggling 8th house get "energetically constipated" instead, I never had that problem, in fact the more I feel like something is trying to hold me back, the more I try to find equilibrium and transform. If you channel your Ketu well, it is the one area that you can trust yourself to be effortlessly good at. But indeed, I don't really read too many astrology analysis posts or consume other people's content much at all. In fact when I try doing that, I feel like it throws me off and makes me anxious and stressed. Which is why I joke that I write astrology content, not read it lol. Especially the prediction part makes me always panic "what if my life goes to crap even more or never gets better?", which is counterproductive. When I focus on just sharing myself and letting the flow of life happen, things go much more smoothly.
What does that mean for you with the 5th house? You shouldn't rehearse your performance in any way. Ketu does well in Aries, especially in Ashwini Nakshatra, as the fiery nature of its energy is well channelled and gives a zest for life. You should allow yourself natural spontaneity in your actions and not overthink them. You should allow yourself to follow the right impulses. You should allow any family affairs to unfold naturally. Meaning, if you want to have a child, accept that you will have it when and how you are meant to if you do, let go of any planning. You should not worry if you're "too slow or too fast" but just be yourself and express yourself, and from that authentic place, you have a gift to actually attract crowds through Rahu in the 11th house. If it's eccentric, so be it.
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supersizemeplz · 4 years
Mr. Telephone Man
SupernaturalAU!Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader
Another #supersizedfic short. In honor of spooky season approaching. If you want, you can listen to this as you read. Enjoy!
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Soft, scooting footsteps echoed in the hallway from the furry bunny slippers that kept your feet warm. Their white fur matched the fuzz that lined the length of your robe. It's fabric almost touched the floor, if not for it stopping just above your ankle. Your hands cupped a warm mug of hot chocolate, careful not to waste a drop as you drifted over to the large windows of your living room.
You held the steaming cup with you left hand, catching the fabric of the curtain with your right. A single glance from the window gave view of the street below. Few people walked around, getting to wherever they were going. Stores began to close as it inched closer to ten o'clock. Taking a step closer to the recently cleaned glass, your eye caught the body of a busy male as he was turned to the old pay phone across the street. Between the bakery and the black owned boutique.
"I didn't know that worked.." You thought aloud, mumbling it to yourself. The curtain closed with ease as you gave the thought no more attention. Missing the look he’d given your window over his shoulder once you’d walked away. A look over to the front door reassured you of it being locked along with the extra security measure you'd bought from Amazon to stop any intruders if they got past the dead bolt. Back to my halloween movies.
The soft mumbles of a Tia and Tamera Mowry welcomed you from the television, portraying their characters from Twitches. Which you'd been waiting to watch to welcome in the fall weather. You'd made up your mind that you'd skip the scary movies while you were home alone. They always made you uneasy so you'd settled for some Disney channel movies. A pumpkin spice scent wafted from the candle on the shelf in the corner of your room to add to the warmth.
Sitting your cup on the nightstand, you tightened the string on your robe. Your hands focused on securing your braids beneath the silk scarf that held them back. The lengthy braids had been on a bun atop your head for the past few days and it felt good to finally be free of the heavy donut of hair.
Approaching your bedroom window, you grabbed your curtains with either hand to close them. Though a glance out the window stopped you again. Aside from the few cars that passed and the couple of strangers still walking along the sidewalk, the street traffic was dying down.
It was something you'd grown used to, sometimes watching them from your third floor apartment window. People watching. There were a bunch of interesting characters that crossed the not so busy path, some more odd than others. But you'd never seen anyone use that pay phone.
"Damn, he's still there?" You looked to the back of the broad shouldered man. He rested a hand atop the payphone, still speaking into the phone. Must've been a serious call. His movements ceased for a moment, him looking at the phone before he looked to the side of him. It took a sudden look towards your window to make you yank the curtains shut.
You'd gasped in the moment, but found yourself laughing once you'd climbed into bed. Picking up the hot chocolate, you blew over it gently. Before taking a small sip. A warm tingle fell over you and you relaxed against the pillows comforting you.
Halfway through the movie, your phone lit up. At first with regular notifications but then with a call. You glanced over to see who the caller was but seen an unknown number. One thing about you, unknown numbers stayed unanswered. Silencing the phone, you went back to your movie.
Your beverage was a few sips from being done, but you'd sat the cup aside anyway. The cover was pulled up to your chest since the house was a bit cooler. It wasn't to suspicious being that you liked it to be cool when you went to bed so you could bury yourself in the sheets. But it was really cold as hell.
You'd decided to power through the drop in temperature, being content as long as you stayed in the bed. The phone began its ringing against the nightstand once again and you looked over to it. The same number. "Who in the hell is this calling me?"
You reached out a hand from the warmth of your sheets, grabbing the phone and bringing it closer. The area code familiar, being that it was your hometown's. Maybe it was someone with a new number. Your cousin changed phone numbers like you change hairstyles. Pressing accept at the top of the screen, you put it to your ear.
You stayed quiet for a moment before saying your hello. No one answered immediately. The creeped you for sure but it didn't send a chill down your spine like the sudden voice did. "I was wondering if you'd fallen asleep.. you never came back to the window." You didn't say anything, more confused than anything before it settled in.
"Who is this?" You sat up, looking to the closed curtains. How did they get your number? "This better not be you Chris. Playing on my damn phone." Your younger cousin knew how scary you were and he'd pranked you a couple of times before.
His chuckle chilled you, making you fist the sheet as you became nervous. "It's no prank, princess. Just me and you." That was as the line that made you hang up. You went to your messages, finding your cousins name and texting a quick paragraph. With a mumble under your breath, you'd rolled your eyes and tossed your phone to the bed beside you.
"Maybe I need to change my damn number." You went back to watching your movie, getting into your relaxed state again. A ding from your phone minutes later pulled you from the movie once again. From Chris with a confused 'I'm out with my girl and her parents. What are you talking about?'. You furrowed your eyebrows at the message, looking back to the curtains.
Just as you'd began to text back, the number popped up again. You stared at the screen in fear as it vibrated in your hands. Once the ringing stopped, you let out a sigh of relief. Then two dings alerted you of a text message.
Come on now. Don't tell me that I've scared you off.
Another two dings.
I thought we were just getting acquainted.
Another two dings.
How about this?... You let me in and I'll explain it all. Please?🥺
A picture dropped after the string of messages. Your body froze up as you studied the screen. "No, no, no.." Dropping the phone, you gasped out as the device fell from your hands. Three knocks to the bedroom door caught your attention, but what you seen caught the scream in your throat. Just as the candle went out on its own.
He stood there, broad stature and a full on grin. Golden fangs gleaming from the light of the television. "Knock, knock."
@sisterwifeudaku @kumkaniudaku @wawakanda-btch @theunsweetenedtruth @marvelmaree @chaneajoyyy @wakanda-inspired @princesskillmonger @liviy00 @xsweetdellzx @muse-of-mbaku @killmongerdispussy @thehomierobbstark @princessstevens @killmongerthiskoochie @cecereads209 @beautifullmelodyxx @soufcakmistress
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frostahesmegabite · 2 years
XIV. The Madrugad How good is their self control?
XV. The Red Grail Describe their ideal form of absolute hedonism, pleasure to the point of pain. What would they gorge on forever if they could?
XIV. The Madrugad How good is their self control? "Oh, my self control is pretty good for tha largest part. I know my short comings and since I know em, I try to avoid things that'll set me off easily. Sometimes shit'll surprise me or catch me off guard and that's when I lose my shit... Which, I really need to work on... A -lot-. So, I guess in comparison to some folks, I'm middle ground." XV. The Red Grail Describe their ideal form of absolute hedonism, pleasure to the point of pain. What would they gorge on forever if they could? [ TW's here; Bloody/Violent stuff basically & a confession to public play. Please keep in mind, that while Mega has that kink, any public play actually done is specifically kept to NPC's and I'd never condone any lewd scenes to be done in a public channel due to the potential for exposure to minors (that and not everyone wants to read that shit either, so.). I also encourage heavy topics such as blood, gore and violence to be limited to private areas and/or channels where all parties are warned before hand. ]
"Part'a this is actually how I keep to keep my self control a lot and it helps that I got a fiance that's a Troll who uses Alchemical stuff ta speed up her recovery time even more, so. Keep that in mind." "A lotta my hedonistic tendencies tend to revolve around potentially getting caught in public scenes of debauchery or just outright violent sexual acts where Nat and I are tearin each other up. Granted, don't get me wrong, we ain't partakin in cannibalism or nothin, ain't quite that crazy. But we make full use'a out magical abilities, teeth, claws, strength, and that doesn't even cover whatever tools or toys we bring into tha scene to spice things up even further! Heck, one time we broke into a business and went at it like a pack'a rabid hyena's and by tha time we was done it straight up looked like a horrible sexualized murder occurred and we made sure to take healing potions and use a hefty amount'a magic to heal ourselves up and we stood in tha crowd and pretended to be shocked and amazed as people watched in curiousity as ta what happened. It was fuckin amazing..." He stops. "Oh! Ta be fair, cause I knew they were gonna have to replace a lotta shit, I made an anonymous donation later to make sure it was all taken care of, including any 'bringing shit up to date' that they may have needed as a way of repaying for tha fun. But, yeah and truth be told, I don't think Nat and I have even hit our limits yet and we've had some get really crazy. Considering how things work for us, I imagine we're gonna be exploring each other for ages to come!" [ Thanks for the asks @trishelle! I don't think I've received asks from you before, but you picked some juicy ones to jump on as firsts if that's the case! <3 ]
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languagehealing · 2 years
Thank you for being so prompt with a reply, and so patient in your wording. It’s got me thinking about a few different things. One, most of the stuff I find is from pirated or otherwise back-channel sources, when it isn’t so old that it’s fallen into public domain. It makes me wonder if as a long-term project it would be useful to collate those pirated sources for anyone to find - that way more people would have free access to the study of the languages in academic spheres. Secondly, and perhaps more pertinently - do you know of any reputable language preservation funds or the like? While there’s not much of that stuff in my immediate area, I recently got a better hold on my finances and the beginnings of a job, and I’d love to help out any way I can, even if it’s just donations.
Thanks for following up! Gonna answer this one under a cut to not take over anyone's dash, since this one might get longer.
Obvious disclaimer: I am by no means an expert, I'm just one Native. I do not speak for my entire tribe, let alone the entire Indigenous American community.
1) Piracy As A Solution
This topic also becomes a very complex one I feel, and it also really ties back into the ideas explored in the original post.
I'm going to say this first - I am not against piracy. Especially in terms of this topic, it is 100% true that piracy of Native American language resources can be a vital lifeline for Natives to learn their ancestral languages. Its definitely helped me immensely in revitalizing and preserving my culture. The ability to find those resources for free readily available is critical to boosting language usage. But its far from a perfect solution.
For one, there's no way to regulate it. It gives Native peoples a way to access their language without barriers, but that also means it gives white people that same access. So it really brings us back to that original question of if white people have the right to learn those languages. And if we decide they do have that right, this method does go against some of the core ideas that survey expressed (paying for the right to learn, being immersed in a community). And of course, someone can use a pirated source on top of paying for classes/other sources. Someone can use a pirated source to help them as they immerse and also learn within a community. But there's no way to ensure that - Natives lose control of this aspect and are left at the mercy of what white people choose to do. Because with pirated sources they can just as easily use it to exploit, appropriate, and further steal those languages.
And not all piracy carries the same ethical weight here. Its one thing to pirate the $2,000 Hopi dictionary made by and for white academics, versus the dictionary that was painstakingly made by a tribal elder who witnessed the violence of colonialism and devoted their final years to this project to preserve their language for their descendants. Its one thing to pirate the now-dead white anthropologist's translations of tribal stories from the 18-1900s, versus the bilingual storybook made by a modern Native writer who relies on that revenue to provide for their family. For the first of these, piracy does contribute to decolonization by breaking down class and racial barriers. But for the latter, piracy is exploiting the work of Natives.
And the one that is potentially more ethical to pirate is the one that is going to inherently be the less reputable source, as it was made by white people, potentially with evil motives like missionary work.
With all those considerations, some Natives may feel that the benefits outweigh the downsides. Its worth the risk as long as it helps even just one Native kid learn their language. But for others, they may not feel the same, and feel it should be closely guarded. And who are we to tell either of them that they are wrong?
When it comes to making these languages more accessible for Native people to learn their own languages, piracy can definitely play a role, but relying on it is just taking away from the actual barriers. White people turn these languages into "academic" pursuits that drive the prices up. White people enforced blood quantum onto tribal law that makes it harder for unenrolled Natives to access resources provided by the tribal government. White people put Natives into residential schools and all the horrors they caused to scare elders out of ever letting their language be spoken again. White people colonized the land and enforced new colonial languages that are inescapable except for in certain parts of reservations.
And all of that leads into the second part of your question. I know you just asked about funds to donate to, but I want to expand on that.
2) How To Actually Help Language Efforts
1. Focus locally. There are thousands of tribes, you cannot possible give each one the same amount of care. If you live in the Americas, I guarantee there is something nearby you can focus on. Even if there are no nearby reservations, your land belongs to someone. Find out who, and go from there. Yeah, its probably faster to donate to one of the well-known tribes, but for long-term efforts, you will make a much bigger difference where you live. As for where to donate, the tribal government website will have places. Look for tribal colleges, organizations, volunteers and activists, or hell, even just individual Natives you see who are in need. Its a lot easier to preserve your language if you aren't worried about starving or losing your housing.
2. Consistency over grandiosity. In my opinion, its better to make repeated, small donations, over one large donation and then you call it done. Constant support is needed. Some Natives have shared the idea of "paying rent" to the tribes, which of course ties back into focusing locally. It doesn't make sense to pay rent to the Lakota if you don't live on Lakota land.
3. Get involved beyond funds. Building connections can be so vital to making progress, and of course, it can create really meaningful bonds for you as well. Based on whatever COVID can allow, look into protests, events local tribes are holding, if they are doing anything that may need volunteers to help, etc. These may relate specifically to language-preservation, or something else! And if you do decide to learn the language, this is where you will truly get the immersion needed to learn well and learn with respect.
4. Stand with Natives in politics. Support Native politicians. Advocate and vote for LandBack. Raise awareness for MMIW. Like I said above, stability and security is the prime condition for language survival. If people have ways to get food, to get care, to get support, culture and language will do better. Until our sisters, mothers, matriarchs, and Two Spirit relatives are safe and have their rightful power restored, and we gain sovereignty over our ancestral home, our languages, and our people, will suffer. Languages are never divorced from the politics of their people, so Native languages are no exception.
5. If you own land/a home, you especially should build a bond with your local tribe and work with them. There may be options for you to literally give the land back to the tribes. No, this does not mean you are going to lose your home and get kicked out. What this may affect is how you pay taxes and who they go to, what type of land cultivation you may do to restore and heal the traditional ecology, and other things. I am not an expert in this regard, so again, talking with your local tribe will be the best way to get information about this and see what options exist.
And yes, most of things I listed here do not directly revolve around language learning. But all the same, all of these will help language preservation. And it may be overwhelming to learn about at first and get involved with! And that's okay, but the journey is well worth it. I highly recommend looking at what other Natives have to say, because many people are far more qualified and experience than me, and their words need to be heard as well.
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I just discovered a new YouTube channel that I'm really digging. It's a guy who tells stories, basically, and it's quite fascinating. He has a lot of recent material and his stories are engaging, and for the most part, well-researched. He is also reliable about citing sources, and he is a charismatic presenter. What brought me to him is that he tells true stories of crazy things that happened, and I'm kind of a true-crime buff and fan of Curiosities and Oddments.
The true and well-researched stories he tells are of real-life horror: that poor guy that got stuck in Nutty Putty cave and died, absolutely chilling stories of scuba-diving deaths, and really awful crimes. He told a true story I'd never heard before about a guy being cooked alive with boiling water and steam under the streets of NYC that legit gave me nightmares. About 1/3 of the stories he tells are stories I've heard before. Lots of them have even been made into movies. He sticks to the facts and tells it well.
For about two weeks, I got caught up on all his videos. Or, ALMOST all. He also has videos labeled stuff like "Halloween Horror Stories", and he tells stories of ghost, UFO, and other supernatural encounters. Personally, I don't believe in ghosts or UFO's, and I think that almost all sightings or encounters of these kinds are either intentional deception--hoaxes--or an unknown earthly explanation. Just because we don't know the explanation, doesn't mean there isn't one.
(This includes the entire cast of Cryptozoology's Greatest Hits--Nessie, Bigfoot, Champ, etc. I still claim and stand by it, that every single Chupacabre sighting in and around Texas is a coyote with sarcoptic mange. Fight me.) I watch these videos while I'm working from home, and generally just let auto play choose the next one. That's how I saw the handful of these that I saw. Now, I mostly skip those videos, which is cool, because they are maybe 15% of his content, so he's still an excellent creator.
I grew up in the country. No, not those subdivisions that promise "country life", with city convenience, the actual Texas Hill Country. Having successfully adapted to city life, I am accustomed to knowing things that city people know that country people don't (let's face it, rural areas are rife with ignorance of all kinds), but once in a Blue Moon, I find the opposite, and it always takes me by surprise.
There are some things that people who are from big cities just don't know. Like for example, the woods aren't scary. They're not. Shhhh. Keep that quiet. Because camping stories are VERY well represented in supernatural fiction; they're like the Pizza Guy in porn. The details keep changing, but basically: Someone went camping, heard a lot of strange noises, saw something moving in the distance, or maybe a bright light, and smelled something stinky. They immediately ran back to their car and barely made it out with their lives, and no one knows, to this day, what that was. Wooooooo :-|
I vaguely remember one where a woman went alone on something like a 5-day camping trip, and didn't return. Three weeks later, she ran out of the woods, terrified, without any of her gear, certain that "something" was after her. I actually laughed out loud. And another Bear Grylls wanna-be heard noises in the dark, went to investigate, and then saw his own light moving back at camp, and ran for his life. He was lucky to make it back to his Mercedes alive.
I could actually walk you through how that g-g-g-ghost was me and my brother when we were kids. And it's not because we just enjoyed terrorizing campers. Most of these stories are because people from the city think [trees = forest = public property], but that's not the case at all. The problem is, these “adventurers” didn't even do enough recon for their trip to realize they are on private land, and have pitched their tent in someone's orchard. The noise they heard was the middle-school-age children that live there, hiking up from the house to find out why there's a fire burning in the berry patch.
As a bonus, these misplaced "campers" pay out gold every time they get hit, like Sonic the Hedgehog. Whenever they startle, they drop a Coleman stove, a Maglite, and a sleeping bag from Nordstroms. And they should also maybe do a little more research on the plants and fish they were eating in that area. Or else, stick to eating just their dang organic vegan gluten-free granola from Whole Foods when they need to feel Hippie Chic and At One with Mother Gaia. 🙄
Go home, Paighslyye, this ain't Coachella and you don't belong out here. Don't worry, I'll get the gate you found closed but left open, so my neighbor's livestock doesn't cause a fatal car accident on the highway. But you gotta quit swinging that stupid machete around. Cause you've already cut yourself twice, but mostly, because those grapevines you're hacking at were imported from Europe. And btw, if you'd assembled your dumb titanium rod and sealskin yurt 20 yards to the west, you'd have fallen 100 feet down an unmarked well and drowned before anyone found you. And please stay away from the razor wire fence over there that you don't even see. You'd get cut, but also, there's a bull in that pasture. Do you need the wifi password or nah? 😉
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