#i'm sorry i can't draw boats for the life of me
wheels-of-despair · 10 days
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Live A Little | A Worth It AU | Ralph Penbury x You | Masterlist
In This Edition: The unsinkable ship sinks! Words: 3.2k
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You're recovering from a particularly passionate round of love-making when someone knocks at Ralph's door.
You draw the sheets up to cover your exposed chest with wide eyes. Were you too loud? Has someone reported you? Are you going to be carted away for having premarital sex on an ocean liner? Is it Aunt Molly, here to tell you that she was only joking about not coming back to your room tonight? Is it Victoria, coming to ruin your night?
As your mind goes wild with worry, Ralph reaches for the pocket watch beside his bed.
"It's after midnight," he grumbles, but stands and pulls on his robe. He notices your fear, and his grumpy face softens. "Stay there, love, I'm sure it's nothing. I'll take care of it."
You slink further beneath the covers and close your eyes, hoping whoever it is has no idea you're in here.
"Sorry to wake you, sir, but the captain has ordered everyone to put on their life belts and come to the boat deck. Be sure to dress warmly, it's quite cold out."
"What's happened?" Ralph asks, but there's no answer.
You come out of hiding when the door closes.
"They want us to put on life belts and warm clothes," Ralph recaps, scratching his head. "But he wouldn't say why. Suppose we ought to?"
You clamber out of bed silently and get dressed as quickly as you can, with the assistance of Ralph. Disturbing first-class passengers in the middle of the night? That decision was not made lightly. Something is wrong.
"I should go check in with my aunt," you say quietly, shaking with fear. Ralph notices, and envelops you in a warm hug.
"And get your coat," he reminds you with a kiss to your forehead. "Let me finish getting dressed, and I'll escort you to her."
"Thank you," you whisper.
Ralph finishes dressing and pulls two life belts from the wardrobe. He drapes the life belts and his coat over his arm, and guides you from the room.
The hallway is bustling with confused passengers.
"One second," he says gently, stopping to knock on Victoria's door. "Victoria!"
"What?!" she snaps from within.
"Did the steward tell you to put on a life belt and come above deck?"
"It makes me look like a damned cow!"
"Are you coming?"
"Do not rush me, Ralph!"
"Let's go," he sighs.
You hold tightly to Ralph's hand as he leads you through the crowded hallways. You open the door of your cabin to find Aunt Molly, already dressed for the cold and wearing her life belt, rifling through the wardrobe.
"There you are honey, I was getting ready to come find you! Here, put this on."
She holds out your coat, and you let her help you into it.
"Are you alright?" she asks. Are you? Your hands are shaking, and your heart is beating much faster than it should be. You can't seem to find your words.
"It's a little hectic out there in the halls, she'll be alright once things calm down," Ralph answers for you. He slips your life belt over your coat and ties the laces while you stand there, shaking uselessly.
"You better suit up too too, darlin', don't want you catching pneumonia out there."
Molly's concern for Ralph brings a smile to your face, and kicks your body back into gear. He shrugs into his coat, and you step forward to help him into his life belt. He smiles in thanks.
"Alright, are we ready? It's probably just some kind of drill, we'll be back to bed in an hour. But it's better safe than sorry!"
Your aunt's calm and positive demeanor makes you relax enough to nod in agreement. Ralph wraps an arm around your back and leads you out of the room. You look back to make sure Molly is following.
"I'm right here, honey," she says.
A crowd has gathered at the end of the hallway. You and Ralph stop, rather than force your way through them. This feels wrong. Everything about this feels wrong.
"The man said to the deck, people!" your aunt reminds them. She steps around you and starts walking. After a few bumps, people begin to move aside. You and Ralph follow in her wake. There's not enough room to walk side by side, so his fingers intertwine with yours, and you follow closely behind. You hold on to him gratefully; you're never letting him go.
You step out onto the deck, and the frigid air bites at your exposed skin immediately. You hold Ralph's hand tighter and follow him through the crowd. The deck is packed with bodies. Crewmen shout orders all around and struggle with ropes holding up the lifeboats, the crowd buzzes with questions, and something mechanical is making a horrible racket. It's overwhelming. When Ralph finally stops, he turns to you.
"Are you alright, love?" You don't respond, but he pulls you close.
The unsinkable ship is sinking. They're evacuating passengers. They're sending tiny toy boats out into the massive sea, where humans will be separated from the darkness and creatures below by a single strip of wood and a prayer.
The thought makes your knees give out, and Ralph grabs you and holds you to him.
"It's alright," he says into your ear. "It's going to be alright."
You cling to him, trying to focus on his calming presence and warmth, rather than the chaos and cold around you… until a familiar voice sends a chill down your spine.
"There you are, Ralph!" Victoria huffs, shoving her way through the crowd to get to him. "I can't believe you abandoned me in my time of crisis!"
"I'm sorry," he apologizes, although he doesn't need to. She hadn't sounded like she needed any help. She and her girlfriends have opted out of the unflattering life belts, donning fur coats and hats instead.
"Honestly, running off with some trollop instead of looking after your own sister. What's gotten into you?!"
Before Ralph can reply, one of the officers yells something you can't hear, and the line lurches forward. You hold tightly to him, for fear of falling and being trampled. He gives you a squeeze and keeps you right next to him.
"WOMEN AND CHILDREN ONLY!" the officer bellows.
Before you can start panicking about what this means for Ralph, Victoria and her girlfriends rush forward. They knock into the pair of you as they pass, eager to get closer to the front of the line.
"Victoria?" he asks in a small voice. It's a wonder she even heard him.
"You heard the man, Ralph!" she snaps. He stands there, frozen, watching his sister push her way to the boat.
"Oh! Ralph!" she says, turning. Has she realized that she's leaving her brother to his death? Is she at least going to say goodbye? "Do you have any money on you? Geraldine cleaned me out at dominoes after dinner, and that worthless maid of mine said the purser's office was closed," she pouts.
That's when you see Ralph's heart break for the third time during this short trip.
"What the hell is the matter with you?" You've been struggling to find your words all night, but your rage unsticks your tongue.
"It's not like he's going to need it," Victoria shrugs. Your jaw drops. You'd very much like to push her over the edge of the ship, but that would require leaving Ralph's side.
"You're next, miss!" a crew member announces. Victoria pushes one of her alleged friends out of the way and steps to the front of the line, and a man lifts her down into the boat and out of sight. Ralph's face crumples, and you pull him to you. The line lurches forward again, but you don't care. The only thing you care about is Ralph.
"Come on," your aunt shouts a moment later, waving you toward her from her place at the front of the line she's reclaimed, now that Victoria and her friends have been seated. You can't let Ralph go. You watch an officer help Aunt Molly in, and she turns her attention to you as soon as she's inside.
"Get in the boat," she orders, firmer now. You shake your head.
"Girl, get over here!"
"No," you whisper, knowing she can't hear you. She fixes you with a fiery glare. "I love you, Aunt Molly," you say a bit louder. "Tell my parents I love them, too." Ralph lifts his head to look at you, not quite comprehending what's happening in his heartbroken state. One look at his tear-streaked face is all it takes to know you're doing the right thing.
It's the only thing.
"Don't you dare!" Molly gets up from her seat to come get you, and nearly knocks over the woman climbing in.
You take Ralph's hand and begin backing away. He doesn't put up a fight; he follows blindly, tears still streaming down his face.
"I'm not done living yet!" you yell to Aunt Molly before disappearing into the crowd. You and Ralph keep stumbling backwards until you hit a wall. While it's mostly women at the front, the men stand here in a cloud of cigar smoke, probably hoping the officer will soften or call for a volunteer oarsman.
You focus on Ralph, who's still in shock over being abandoned by the person he entered this world with. Sobs rack through his body, their volume lessened by sound of the chatter and machinery nearby.
"Come on, sweetheart." You wrap an arm around his waist, made bulkier by the life belt and coat, and begin walking away from the crowd. By the time you reach the other side of the deck - less crowded, but more tilted - Ralph has started coming to his senses.
"You should've gotten on the boat. I should have made you."
"Do I look like the kind of person who can be made to do anything?" you ask, looking up at him with a playful smile. He does not return it.
"We're going to die here," he trembles.
"Ralph, we're all going to die sometime," you say gently, reaching out to wipe away a tear. You don't know how or why you're being so calm about this, but a sense of peace has washed over you since dragging Ralph away from the crowd. His face crumples again. You wrap your arms around him and hold him tight, letting him sob on your shoulder until a thought occurs to you.
"Ralph?" you place a hand on each of his shoulders and push him back so you can look at him. Tears stream from his eyes and into the corners of his mouth. You reach up to wipe them away. "I've got a story for you." Holding his face in your hands and staring into his bloodshot eyes, you smile. "It's about a girl who decided she'd rather spend the next ten minutes with the boy she loves… than a lifetime with one she doesn't." His chin quivers. "How's that for romantic?" you laugh, wiping away a tear of your own.
"You're mad," he says in disbelief.
"You're not the first person to tell me that," you chuckle.
"I can't believe you missed your chance because of me," he shakes his head, "You shouldn't have--" You silence him with a warm embrace.
"You're worth it," you whisper into his ear. "I love you, Ralph."
"I love you too," he mumbles into your neck. "Would you really have married me some day?"
"Absolutely," you answer with sincerity.
Ralph pulls back and chuckles darkly, wiping his eyes. "Finally find someone who actually loves me, and now we're both going to die."
"But at least we get to do it together." You share a smile and lean your foreheads together, closing your eyes and savoring each other's warmth on this cold night.
There are worse ways to die, you suppose.
Your heads snap up and turn in the direction of the shout.
"Come along, miss, there's still room," an older gentleman with a mustache holds an inviting hand out. Behind him, a small gathering of men part to reveal an impatient officer and a half-full life boat.
"Not without him," you say firmly.
"Don't be stupid," Ralph mutters. You don't move.
The mustached man turns to the officer, who waves you forward. "Come on, then." You grab Ralph's hand and rush toward the boat before the officer can change his mind.
"Are you sure?" Ralph asks as you approach. You mentally shush him.
"Can't fill a boat with women when there are none," the officer shrugs. "In you get." Two men help you climb into the boat, but you don't sit until Ralph is halfway over the railing behind you. Once he's in place beside you, you survey the crowd. There really are no more women here. It seems they've all gathered on the side where it seems safer.
The officer waves more men forward. You and Ralph cling to each other for dear life as they clamber aboard, rocking the little boat with each step.
"Right then, that's enough. Lower away!" The officer orders, before a great drop makes your heart rise into your throat. Ralph holds you tighter, and you bury your face in his shoulder. You're probably only dropping a few inches at a time, but you're sure that with each drop, the boat is going to tip over and you're going to fall into the ocean. You close your eyes tight and cling to the man you love, feeling sicker with each drop, until you hit the water.
Only then do you open your eyes. You're in the ocean. One tiny little boat on that great wide sea. You look up at the officer, smaller in the distance now. The sky lights up behind him with a flare, signaling for help. The men in your boat remove the ropes and reach for oars.
You want desperately to shut your eyes and block it all out as you leave Titanic behind, but you can't look away. You can't even blink. Are your eyes frozen? You don't know how you were able to stand upright on that tilting ship; her front is considerably closer to the sea than her back. Everyone still on board looks crooked.
You thought the sight of the ship's tilt was terrifying, but nothing could have prepared you for what came next.
You and Ralph hold each other and watch the next several minutes unfold in absolute horror. You can't move. You can't speak. You can't even cry as you watch the sea snap the unsinkable ship in half with an ungodly roar and pull her beneath the surface to claim her.
But you can hear the people she left behind.
The only thing louder than the screams is the silence that follows.
You and Ralph sit together, huddled as close as you can get on the dark and tiny boat, for what feels like days. It's pitch black. You've never been so cold in your life. Your only comfort is knowing that Ralph is beside you.
When the sun begins to rise, you close your eyes for what you imagine is the first time in hours. You feel the rays warming your frozen face, and breathe out a shaky sigh. It's a comfort, despite the choppy sea and the biting wind that had arrived with the dawn.
"Look!" someone shouts. You don't have the strength to turn, but gather from the excited shouts that a ship has been spotted. You stay tucked into Ralph's side as the men with the oars begin rowing faster, with renewed purpose, toward the ship that's come to your rescue.
The Titanic's lifeboats reunite beside the ship. Carpathia, her bow reads. You watch from below as a rope ladder is thrown down, and survivors begin climbing it one by one and disappearing into a hole in the side of the ship. The children, and others too weak to climb on their own, are hoisted up in a canvas sack.
You wait patiently, close to your Ralph, until your boat arrives at the ladder. He begins rubbing your hands between his, trying to get some feeling back into them before you have use them to climb. You'll die before you let them hoist you up like a child.
The men insist the ladies go first. You insist on being the last. The men encourage you when it's your turn, like you've been holding back because you're afraid. You're not afraid. You just don't want to leave Ralph behind. You look at him when it's your turn.
"Go on, love, I'll be right behind you," he croaks out. You squeeze his hand and take hold of the ladder, looking up at your seemingly impossible task. You can do this. This is nothing. You begin your climb, counting each rung as you ascend, until you're pulled into the ship by two pairs of strong hands. You collapse on the floor behind them, summoning the last bit of your strength to crawl to the wall and get out of the way.
A moment later, Ralph joins you on the floor. Your names and necessary information are recorded in a logbook as the hallway fills with people from your boat.
When everyone is out, a steward asks you all to follow him. You and Ralph haul yourselves off the floor and weave through a labyrinth of hallways and stairs, into a lounge of some sort with plush carpets and chairs everywhere. You're each given a blanket, instructed where to find tea and coffee and hot soup, and left to your own devices. You look around helplessly for a moment, not sure what to do or where to go. At least it's warm. Other passengers are curled up in chairs, or shakily drinking tea, or frantically searching for loved ones.
Spotting a quiet corner behind a table and chairs, you pull Ralph toward it. His feet drag as he follows. Neither of you has the energy to hunt for food. Sleep seems like the best option. You begin to untie your life belt, but hesitate with a look at Ralph.
"Why does it feel like we should leave them on?" you ask, your voice hoarse.
"Because nothing will ever feel safe again," he responds, with no emotion in his voice. You give his hand a quick squeeze and begin untying yours.
"I think I'll take body heat over a slab of cork today."
Ralph unties his as well, and you set them aside. You use your coats to create a makeshift bed on the floor, and lie down with your back to the wall. Ralph joins you without hesitation.
He snuggles close in your little nook behind the chairs, and you combine your blankets and pull one up over your heads. After being exposed to the cold wind on the frozen sea for so long, this warm little cocoon with Ralph is the only place you want to be.
"Love you," he whispers, eyes already beginning to drift closed.
"Love you, too," you whisper back, using your last bit of strength to lean forward a few inches and kiss the tip of his frozen nose.
And then, you both pass out in your quiet little hiding place, completely oblivious to the hundreds of people flowing in and out of this room.
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Note: The order was "women and children first." Officer Lightoller, on the port side, interpreted this as "women and children only". Officer Murdoch, on the starboard side, interpreted this as "women and children first… then men, if there's room." There were boats with men-folk, from all classes - and several working men, too - and they did not have to bribe their way on. They just had to be in the right place at the right time.
And thanks to our love for Ralph, that's exactly where he was.
This is where you and Ralph spent the night.
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
I just looked at all the new photos
Val with 2 guns-yep that script leak of him comparing them to dicks is probably true (also why is there a poster of himself with guns wtf??)
Vox in front of those TV screens-Jesus dude, my fucking eyes hurt looking at the clash of blue, white, and red
Charlie with drawings-Inside Every Demon is a Rainbow?? She gonna sing that or make a reference to it?
Angel and Husk singing-I don't know what it is, but Angel looks particularly off here.
"Vaggie"-I think her head looks too big/ she looks pretty off. I also had a headcanon she went to Hell because she murdered a r*pist or something. But she's a fallen angel now??? Can't wait to see this bullshit 💀 (also not sure if it's been pointed out but-*female angels named after women's genitals="Vaggie/Vagatha" 😐
Cherri-Why did they post her in her default pose? (Also I'm so sorry to Kendraws, fuck Viv for stealing her design from you)
Charlie/Rosie/Alastor-Where the fuck are your shadows??? This looks so fucking off and stilted?? (Same goes for that shot of Charlie in front of the bar)
Charlie/Alastor-God this should awaken something in me but it doesn't. This shot looks so bad dude. His face/mouth looks so off.
Carmella Carmine and two demons-This shot probably looks the fucking worst. Jesus, just look at how weird this looks.
Angel Dust on the bed-Wtf is this blank expression?? What did they do to you, Angel?? Also him sitting and flipping someone off-thats a weird shot too. I can't explain it but he just looks fucking weird.
Vaggie/Charlie pointing at her-their heads looks so fucking weird dude. Especially Vaggie's. Looks too weird.
Charlie/Lucifer-others are saying this too, but he looks (and sounds) like Charlie's older brother and not her father. Also... too much red. Why is he coated in fucking red???
The only shots I like?
Sir Pen, Vaggie hanging off the boat, Alastor w/horns/talking at his radio station, Niffty, the shot of the whole gang, Angel next to Niffty (his facial expression looks good here).
Dude... what the fuck is this. 4+ years of this?? I hope fans come to their senses and realize that these Same Face Syndrome Characters, overabundance of reds/pinks/whites, nauseating colors and camera work, animation errors, and garbage writing (based off script leaks) were not worth it, and all the money they spend on Amazon or merch, is not fucking worth it.
Guaranteed Viv spent most of the money on her precious Broadway actors to skimp on the animation (probably paid out of her own pocket too) THE THING SHE CLAIMS TO CARE AND LOVE THE MOST ABOUT.
Ashley, Michael, and everyone else, you guys dodged a massive bullet. I can't wait for this soulless train wreck to get mocked mercilessly online and Viv throws the biggest fit of her life, ruining her career.
That moment can't come soon enough.
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marymary-diva17 · 2 months
My snow princess
Hakoda x reader
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You had always prayed to the spirts that one day you will find true love, maybe it will be someone within your tribe or another water tribe. It seems like the spirts had already decided on who will be with you in the future, and who you will help make a life with in the southern water tribe.
Y/n " ......." you are out of the village on your own this warm day, as everyone else was going on with their lives.
?????? " y/n" you soon heard your name getting called you soon looked to see your brother boat coming to dock he was also with Hakoda. You had waved them to and soon ran to the dock to meet them.
y/n " so boys how was the fishing trip today"
bato " it was good"
Hakoda " yeah we brought back a good haul you see"
y/n " oh yes I can see that ... bato why do you have ink on your face"
Hakodate " your brother here grabbed a octopus and you can say it was not happy"
bato " yes now I'm a total mess"
y/n " you can off in the water and here dry dry, we don't need you getting sick" you had pulled out a rag from your fur coat pocket, and soon handed it towards bato.
bato " thanks"
y/n " your welcome"
bato " I'm going to clean off I will be back soon and I will help you all move the stuff" bato soon walked away leaving you and Hakoda on the docks.
y/n " why do I have a feeling you were trying to pull a prank with the octopus like last time"
Hakoda " what makes you think I'm the prankster all the times and not your brother"
y/n " you are the one who leads the pranks and my brother follows"
Hakoda " fine you caught me" Hakoda laugh which made you laugh as well, the duo was soon looked each other in the eyes. It soon felt like they were the only ones in the world right now.
Hakoda " y/n"
y/n " Hakoda" the two are very close to each other it seems like they are leaning in for a kiss, they were so close together as the moment was drawing them together. until there was a sound of something hitting the ground getting the duo attention. They soon looked back to see bato and there other young man standing near a fallen brawls.
Hakoda " hey guys"
y/n " you know I remembered there some something that home I need to take care of, so I will see you later bye" you soon rushed off from Hakoda as the moment had been completely ruined, by the on lookers.
later that night
bato " I'm sorry about earlier on the dock I tried ti stop them but it failed"
y/n " it okay it not like moments like that will ever happen again"
bato " I gave toe fools a good yelling to for ruing your time with Hakoda, and I thought leaving you two alone will be good enough"
y/n " bato it fine no need to blame yourself"
????? " hello" you and bato had looked up and saw hakoda was by the entrance.
bato " hakoda what do you honor this evening visit to our home"
hakoda " I was hoping y/n was free for a night walk under the stars"
y/n " umm...."
bato " go it will be okay I can clean up from here"
y/n " thank you" you soon grabbed your fur coat and put it on, as you soon walked out of the home with hakoda. The two of you soon walk out of the village, and were now walking around together.
hakoda " the stars are very beautiful night as we have a clear sky to see everything, even the moon is bright as well"
y/n " yes" the two of you are walking together enjoy the silence and each other company.
y/n " you know the winter solstice is coming up the end of this year, and welcoming a new year as well"
hakoda " yes"
y/n " I can't wait to see what the new year will offer us"
hakoda " all this year I hope not to entering the new year alone"
y/n " oh"
hakoda " yes I hope to hava special women wearing the necklace with me as we enter the new year" hakoda soon showed you his mother betrothal necklace.
Hakoda " I since we were young have always had feeling for you, that have grown over the years and now I'm hoping you feel the same and wish to spend the rest of our lives together ... so will you do me the honor on taking this necklace and becoming my wife in the coming new year"
y/n " yes I will love too" you soon hugged hakoda not notching you two are on unbalance ground, soon leading you two to fall into the snowy ground. Which had an end result of you two being covered in snow.
hakoda " well it seems like you are becoming my snow princess"
y/n " whatever my prankster" you soon kissed hakoda and he had kissed you back, the next day an announcement had been made about the betrothal of you and hakoda and the future wedding to come. In the new year the two of you will be married and soon be blessed with a son named sokk and later on a daughter named katara.
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theerurishipper · 6 months
This is going to be long so I can understood if you ignored it just see it as me venting my frustrations with her character. I'm just about done with her which sucks since I use to love her a lot. Sorry for sounding negative in this ask I sent you hope it wasn't a bother.
You've successfully swayed me into becoming a staunch supporter of Chat Noir; how audacious of you! Just kidding, of course. I now grasp your perspective regarding the complexities of Marinette's situation. In the past, I never delved into their dynamic and, admittedly, held some reservations about Chat Noir for frequently causing problems and adding stress to Ladybug's plate, a sentiment that seemed prevalent in the fandom and one I once shared.
Honestly, Season 5 was my breaking point. That episode where she powered down and tried to talk some sense into Gabriel? It made me see her in a whole new light. If it were any other parents, she'd be all action, no chat. But because it's Gabriel, Adrien's dad, there's this glaring bias, and it's been a massive letdown for me. She made her bed, and now she has to lie in it. It's not just Ladybug who's drawing my frustration but also her dedicated supporters. Some, who use Marinette who's age I assume to be around 14 often use her age as a shield. It's strange to witness this phenomenon in the Miraculous fan community, where her character's age is consistently invoked as an excuse. They seem to forget that she's a fictional character, brought to life through pixels and scripted character arcs. I've been a fan in various mediums, but the Miraculous fandom takes the cake for clinging to this age excuse. It's like they think 14 and the stress of her trauma are the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free cards. But hey, what else is new in the world of fandom, right?
Back when I was a ripe old age of 14, I did some growing up, and now at the age of 21, I can confidently say Marinette's actions don't resonate with me at all. I'm all about that honesty, and I can't see myself pulling off any of her shenanigans. I mean, why keep secrets in the first place, especially when you've been partnered up for ages? If we're in the same boat, risking our lives and all, it just seems unfair to leave the other person in the dark when we stumble upon something fishy. That's just basic BFF code, isn't it?
I had some optimism when Season 5 rolled around, but man, it just felt all kinds of wrong. There was something off about it, and Adrien... oh boy, he's like a completely different person from Season 1. I mean, he actually had some color in his skin – talk about a glow-up! He used to look so much happier as Chat Noir. Now, it's like he's tiptoeing around, walking on metaphorical eggshells.
And don't even get me started on the LadyNoir dynamic. It's like a trainwreck in slow motion, and it stinks. I mean, I've watched Totally Spies, and those characters, they had their own stuff going on, but they had each other's backs. It's crystal clear that Miraculous Ladybug is missing that camaraderie.
Her portrayal as a romantic interest, whether in or out of her superhero costume, has been notably lacking. In neither capacity does she appear to be a suitable match for Adrien, and her dynamic with Chat Noir has been fractured to an irreparable extent, leaving much to be desired.
This indeed raises a pertinent question – how can they be considered soulmates or destined for each other when the connection is this lackluster? Adrien seemed to have a more promising dynamic with Kagami than with our primary female protagonist. In Season 5, it appears as though they simply forced them together without genuine chemistry or compatibility. It's all about what he caters to her Marinette the star!
Her performance as a superheroine leaves much to be desired. I find myself questioning her role as the protagonist, particularly given the abundance of problematic situations within the show, many of which are left unaddressed. There's a conspicuous absence of meaningful connections with the victims, with only fleeting interactions following the vanquishing of the villain. The absence of emotional depth is striking. I can't help but wonder why she's the star of the show. There's a disturbing amount of abuse happening, and the lack of follow-up with victims is baffling. It's like they defeat the bad guys and call it a day, no emotional depth, nada.
Upon witnessing her actions in the finale, I reached my breaking point. She ranks as one of the most disappointing female magical heroines when compared to Bloom, Luz, and Iris from Lolirock. Her treatment of her partner left me deeply disheartened, and I remain uncertain about what her fans could possibly rescue to redeem her character.
Thank you for reading~
Feel free to vent, anon, it's never a bother!
I'm glad my points resonated with you! I'm not posting all this to try to change anyone's mind, but it is nice to see that people are considering what I have to say.
And I agree with a lot of what you have to say! I will say, though, that I don't really think Marinette is to blame all that much for Gabriel winning. It's not her fault that he stabbed her in the back. She gave him a chance and he ruined it, and that's all on him. And one more thing I sort of disagree with is that Ladybug doesn't form meaningful connections with the victims. I think it's rather unfair to expect her to form deep emotional connections with every single person she saves. Both Ladybug and Chat Noir do spend some time comforting the victims after the fights, but I think they can't be expected to stick around and solve every problem. I hope this doesn't seem rude, it's just my take.
But I agree largely with everything else! I especially like this point:
It's not just Ladybug who's drawing my frustration but also her dedicated supporters. Some, who use Marinette who's age I assume to be around 14 often use her age as a shield. It's strange to witness this phenomenon in the Miraculous fan community, where her character's age is consistently invoked as an excuse. They seem to forget that she's a fictional character, brought to life through pixels and scripted character arcs. I've been a fan in various mediums, but the Miraculous fandom takes the cake for clinging to this age excuse. It's like they think 14 and the stress of her trauma are the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free cards.
This is so right. Like, Marinette is a 14-year-old, but that isn't really an excuse? It's an explanation and a valid one, certainly, but it's not an excuse. At any rate, it's not the fact that she's making mistakes that's the problem, it's the fact that she never seems to learn from them. I admit this is a writing issue and Marinette is, at the end of the day, the mouthpiece for the writers, but it does not help me connect with her like I used to. Using her age as a constant excuse does not fly after a certain point of time.
At the end of the day, whatever Marinette does is portrayed as the right thing to do, and it makes it more obvious than ever that she's not a real approximation of a 14-year-old. She's a character in a children's cartoon who serves as the writers' mouthpiece, and whatever is coming from the writers' is some weird ass shit.
And I also very much agree with your assessment of the Ladynoir dynamic. It really sucks how low it's fallen. It was a major draw of the show for me, and now it's been reduced to nothing, all to prop up the least interesting side of the square. It's too bad.
Thank you for your ask!
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Oi, lads, I'm not dead!
So sorry for the complete lack of posting, adult life and all getting in the way and work has been kicking my ass and barely leaving me any energy or motivation to draw.
Unfortunately also my interests have been shifting a bit, mainly to Cars, as well as a couple other interests that are resurfacing. I still love Ttte and Tugs, but.. My horizons are broadening, I could say. With everything going on in my life and how busy I've been it might take a while for me to get back into posting here, and I thank all of you for being patient with me.
I've been considering for a long time making a non specific art blog, given I tend to have multiple hyperfixations at once. Again, it might take a while to actually get it made and put up but it's still a big possibility. I'll probably just change up this one since a lot of my stuff is already on it, just gotta change the name and basis and poof! New blog!
So I thank everyone for your patience and support, and I'll try my best to get back in the swing of things. I can't promise daily posts or anything, Tumblr is only a small part of my life and for me personally it can take a lot of energy to take care of, but it'll at least be more often than once every two months, lol. Maybe every other day or something. Anyway, that's all from me, sorry for the absence, and expect some big changes coming. If you're interested in what my other stuff may be then great! If you're not, you're of course free to leave. :3
I won't stop doing the boats and trains, it just won't be my main focus anymore. So, yeah. Hope you have a great day, stay safe, and uh, peace out nerds. 👉👉✨
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ironladders · 7 days
so i had a thought about ashrah and syzoth and i really dont know how to feel about it so i want your input. and keep in mind i am still new to MK lore and dont understand the ins and outs of it like most other people do. but i read that in past timelines at least, demons of the netherrealm were dead bodies reanimated by quan chi. so i was wondering, how do you feel about the idea of ashrah having been syzoths wife in her past life, probably unbeknownst to her. does it make sense, the implications of it, etc.
hi sorry i was in figure drawing when i got this ask & that class lasts 6 hours 🫠 art school was a mistake
anyways: this is so good and yet evil oh my god??????? it probably wouldn't work in canon unless stuff got retconned, but the implications here are so interesting to me regardless and you could do so much stuff character-wise (especially for ashrah) with this concept.....
first off, don't worry about not knowing extensive details about mk lore. it's bound to be confusing for someone new to the franchise, and even then plenty of us who've been here for a while don't entirely know what's going on either. i had to look up half the shit i mention in this post just to make sure i'm not off by a bunch
syzoth would have the biggest mental breakdown ever if this were a thing. poor guy can't catch a break
this would be a lot for ashrah, if she were to find out or otherwise put the pieces together. i mean, her whole thing is wanting to be fully human, and yet in this idea, she's not aware that she once already was human. that would be absolutely wild and 100% turn her entire world upside-down if she were to ever find out that truth.
the angst in this idea would go crazy. I LOVE IT. i think that syzoth would be reluctant to get close in any way with ashrah (at least initially) because, even if he doesn't know about how some demons are dead people brought back to life, ashrah physically resembling + sounding like his dead wife would mess with his head SO much.
poor ashrah, too; she's trying to learn what it means to be human and make friends with all these new people, and everyone in the good-guys group seems to be willing to be open with her--except for syzoth. and she has zero clue why. of course, because of their similar pasts and common struggles, they'd probably be drawn to each other anyways, but it'd be 10x more depressing than in canon
i imagine in this concept, shang killed her and then gave her corpse to quan chi. i don't think shang tsung would've given syzoth's family the dignity of dying in the living forest, tbh, i personally believe he dragged them off somewhere far away to die (which is also how i imagine syzoth went so long without knowing they were dead in the first place. easier to keep him in the dark about his family's fate if he's not aware of where they are). alternatively, ashrah could be put in a similar boat to old-timeline hanzo, who was a vengeful spirit of the netherrealm after being killed by bi-han, and then continuously manipulated by quan chi. i guess she would have to be somehow turned from a spectre to a demon, but i'm sure they can figure it out with magic lmfao
you're sort of right about the reanimated/reincarnation thing, it just doesn't apply to every type of demon. (more lore explanation under the cut bc i rambled a lot and it got a bit long oops) (if you read up on all this already and this information is useless to you i sincerely apologize in advance)
the lots of different demon types in mortal kombat: imps, oni, the enenera, cambions, and other miscellaneous ones. iirc there was also gonna be another class called "elder demons" (like elder gods but not really???? i guess???) in an older game but that was scrapped.
there’s technically a difference between the oni and other demons, because quan chi in the old timeline was an oni before he turned into a demon after mastering sorcery. so i guess oni are like… lower than demons??? or something?????? i’m not actually sure what the difference is between the two tbh 😓
we know that the enenra are created from the souls of slain mortals, so they'd be an example of an undead person coming back as a demon, as mentioned in this very sad scenario. the only enenra that we've actually met in canon is smoke, who was explained to be one after dying as a child via his mk9 ending
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it's really fucked up lol, some cult kidnapped & sacrificed him when he just a kid
so that would be one example of how in this au/scenario/thing, ashrah could've had a human life once and not be aware of it. this tracks pretty well with mk9 smoke not remembering his previous life or death, until his early memories came back to him after so long.
the only issue is that smoke was reborn as an enenra right after he was killed, and after he took out his revenge on the cultists, he woke back up in his human body with no memories of his previous life. so i assume this would apply to any other enenra: they die, come back and do their thing, then go back to their original bodies right where they died with no memories of their old lives. they don't minecraft respawn in the netherrealm, which is where ashrah is from. but if pre-death ashrah in this au was dragged to the netherrealm and then killed, then brought back as a demon that's further manipulated by quan chi's dark magic, i guess it could work?????
(speaking of the enenra: in one of his mk1 intros with ashrah, smoke mentions dreaming of the enenra. so either tomas already died in this new timeline & just isn't aware of it, OR he's gonna kick the bucket soon and come back as an enenra. either way, we should probably prepare his funeral in advance lmfao).
there have also been demons that aren’t enenra, but are still dead people reincarnated by quan chi, as you mentioned. they're really obscure characters -- i had to look them up to make sure i wasn't making this up in my head lmfao -- but in the show mortal kombat: conquest there's siann, mika, and sora. they're undead corpses of the netherrealm that were brought back to life as demons via quan chi's magic
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they lived they served cunt they died
from my understanding (i haven't watched mk:c, i just read their wiki page) they were basically being forced to work for quan chi otherwise he threatened take away their living forms, which sucks. also mika might have a crush on quan chi….. for some reason???
the difference between these three and the enenra, though, is that they seem to actually be aware that they're undead lol. but maybe that's just because quan chi keeps threatening them with being corpses again if they don't follow his orders (again, haven't watched mk:c). who knows! their wiki page isn’t that long and doesn’t give me much info so i don’t have much to go off of 🤷🏻‍♂️
ashrah in mk1 does have a canonical demon type; she mentions that her and her sisters are cambions in an intro with kitana, hence how sareena can seamlessly change between her human-ish and demon form. i don’t thiiiink cambions are “reborn”/undead the same way the enenra would be? in irl folklore “cambion” is used to refer to either a changeling — which makes sense given sareena — or a demon-human hybrid. i really doubt ashrah’s the latter, though, so i suppose she just... spawned into existence as a cambion one day. or maybe she has demon parents running around somewhere. idk bro
i guess what i’m trying to tie together here is that in the “ashrah is a reborn dead person but doesnt know it and unfortunately said dead person is syzoth’s dead wife” nightmare scenario you’ve presented to my inbox, it could go a few ways:
she’s an enenra
same situation as the mk:c girls
hanzo-esque situation (although he's not a demon so. idk)
the second one is probably more in line with what you're thinking of, except that unlike the mk:c girls, ashrah would be kept in the dark that she's a reanimated corpse of a human woman.
and, i said this earlier, but i'll say it again: this would be a wild twist for ashrah character-wise. imagine: she’s fighting for her absolution, fighting to be a human and rid herself of her demonic nature, and then it turns out all along that at one point, there was a time ashrah was human. she had a human life and appearance once, and it was all ripped from her one day and she had no idea. even if her previous life wasn’t related to syzoth or anyone else on the roster, that would still suck. but on the other hand, i think it would give her even more incentive to purify her soul & finally kill quan chi. she'd be hurt, angry, want vengeance for the human woman she once was. the woman that was wrongfully murdered for a sorcerer's selfish gains. the possibilities are endless!!!
i dunno what else to put here or how to end this off, but i've got so many thoughts now... oughh
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foxes-that-run · 6 months
Fools gold
As well as posting about it this week, Harry referenced Case of You in Fools Gold for One Direction in 2014. California on Joni Mitchell's Blue also influenced Canyon Moon.
Similar to Case of You, it is about knowing he loves someone who doesn’t prioritize their love and continuing on. Neither 1D or Harry have played it live, though Niaill has. He's doesn't even look comfortable introducing it in this promo holding a banana??
While they are all credited for the song to MTV Jamie Scott indicated he wrote it with only Harry. He posted this photo with Harry wearing the Haylor ring on 14 September 14, they were in LA that day, while Taylor was slaying in this photo shoot in NYC.
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Rolling Stone Interview
2 weeks before that photo Taylor's 1989 Rolling Stone interview came out. Which is a bit humble-braggy and possibly from her own hurt and wanting to protect the private she minimised their relationship. She said it's pointless to date if you're not in love and watching her dating has become a national past time. RS said she sounded jaded when she said her life is not conducive to bringing other people into it. She doesn't say much about Harry, but ends that section with saying Style should have been called "I’m Not Even Sorry."
To a hopeless romantic like Harry who wore he heart on his sleeve I can see why he could write a song like Fools Gold. He was much kinder to their relationship in his RS interview for example.
Its on Four which also included Stockholm Syndrome. It released in 17 November 2014, 3 weeks after 1989. Harry has talked about making the album (21 mins) under mattresses in hotel rooms. There is footage that set up at 34 mins into the TV special. In that context, a 20 year old rockstar slipping in an older reference to a guitar ballard about heartbreak is a lovely glimpse of the artist he would become.
[Verse 1: Niall] I'm like a crow on a wire You're the shinin' distraction that makes me fly home I'm like a boat on the water You're the raise on the waves that calm my mind, oh, every time
A crow on a wire is a lonely dark figure sitting above everything, drawn to fly to the shiny Taylor. Taylor calls Harry shiny later in DBATC. Several of Harry's tattoos and songs are about coming home, Taylor was with him when he got the ship tattoo. Here, the rise of the waves is the current that brings him there, what draws him in. This Love makes the same analogy of a high tide bringing Harry back. This is a theme in later songs like Sweet Creature.
[Pre-Chorus: Harry] But I know in my heart You're not a constant star
The pre-chorus references Case of You's opening line: "Just before our love got lost you said / "I am as constant as a northern star" / And I said, "Constantly in the darkness / Where's that at? / If you want me I'll be in the bar"
The northern star is not constant, it moves. In the opening of Case of You, the muse saying "I won't be a constant for you" which leads Joni to drink. Here Harry is saying his muse is fickle.
[Chorus: Harry, All] And, yeah, I've let you use me from the day that we first met But I'm not done yet Falling for your fool's gold And I knew that you turned it on for everyone you met But I don't regret Falling for your fool's gold
Harry goes on to say he is feeling used by the muse, possibly because he doesn't see that his feelings of longing and wanting a great love are reciprocated. But he's not done, and is being constant in loving her. He sees that she is a Mirrorball, and feeling like he was played. With hindsight we know they both felt a little this way, and maybe that sentiment is why he never played this song.
[Verse 2: Liam] I'm the first to admit that I'm reckless I get lost in your beauty and I can't see two feet in front of me [Bridge: Zayn] Yeah, I know your love's not real That's not the way it feels That's not the way you feel
In the bridge Harry again says he sees it is reckless to fall for his muse, but is anyway. He is telling himself the muse doesn't feel the same way but it feels like they do. I think in hindsight, knowing they both continued in this way for another decade that it would have been confusing to have a different private and public lives. The launch of 1989 would have been the first time Taylor talked about their love in a real way, and it was minimised in most of the promos with refrains of 'the overriding feeling was anxiety'.
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a-hazbin-reader · 2 months
Well Nix is absolutely gorgeous, real form or makeup. If you have more photos of her, don't be afraid to send it! She's wayyyy too pretty! I'm ngl, when I first discovered your blog, the first thing I noticed (besides Alastor X Reader stuff LMAO) was Nix and how pretty she was and I thought she was from a book and I wanted to see more of her.
You mentioned you wrote an entire backstory for her? What is the rest of her backstory? :0
Also her name based off the Greek Goddess, Nyx? (Personification of the night)
I based her name off of one of the oceanids, Nix because originally, she was just 100% a mermaid demon but I also really love the idea of that too! Nix is the name she picked for herself in hell
Okay, I'll indulge in this because I'm really excited to get it all out-
TW: Implied SA, Murder, Death
When she was alive:
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Name: Mariella
Age: 28 (1912-1940)
She lived with her father and her little brother, Louis(He was only her half brother but both their mothers died after birth)
She loved both her father and Louis deeply, having long since determined that she'll live her life for herself when her father is dead and Louis is grown
"I'm nearly grown, Mariella! You don't have to baby me!"
"You still have four more years to go until you're a legal adult, my little treasure~"
She worked as a librarian during the day and picked up shifts at a diner when money became tight
And if she came home late in the night and happened to notice her father was gone? Well, he must have a good reason for it
She didn't know what her father was involved in, how deep in debt he was in order to keep feeding his habits
Not until she came home one day to find her home being ransacked by loan sharks
She found her father beaten and hunched over her little brother, trying to protect him from the blows
She hadn't heard Louis cry like that since he was a little boy, fuck, he still was a little boy in her eyes
She desperately tried to get the men to stop, offering them all the money she had, offering them anything
Anything to make them leave her family alone
So they take her offer
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She's different after that
She tries not to let Louis see how that night affected her, tries to give him some normalcy, and be brave for him
But she wakes up every morning with him in her bed and fresh tears on her face
She can't look her father in the eyes anymore, and he doesn't have the words to convey how sorry he is
"I have to go, Papa."
She tries to go on like that for as long as she's able, until she finds Louis guarding her door one night, shaking and holding a bat
"I-I heard a noise and I just wanted to protect you...this time..."
She can't go on like this, and she won't let Louis go on like this
"Oh Louis..."
Somehow she finds herself hunting down one of the loan sharks, the supposed leader, and she kills him
She hadn't originally planned to kill him but he forced her hand and the next thing she knew she was covered in blood
It feels good, better than good, it feels like taking control of her life again
"Louis, I promise you that nobody is going to harm us again.."
It takes years for her to hunt down all of them, and now she's nearly found the last one
In that time, Louis has turned into a man before her eyes, her father has passed and she's killed 6 men
She finds the 7th and last man on the docks, she makes a mess of his boat and can't bring herself to care
She can't bring herself to care when the police arrive, her victim's screams having drawn attention to her
She doesn't care when they draw their guns, when they scream at her to drop her weapon, when there's a loud shot ringing in the air
Suddenly, her body crumples, and she can't move, tumbling into the black waters below
Her lungs fill with water while her blood turns everything around her red
When Nix realizes she's in hell, she has a small breakdown
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Until she figures out that the men who ruined her life are also down in hell and then she's filled with a familiar resolve
She gets to hunt them down all over again and this time she doesn't have to worry about Louis finding out
So she restarts her life down in hell, new name, new career and definitely a new look
Because the black and white isn't cutting it, who is she? Betty Boop?
She fucking wishes she was Betty Boop
She creates work as a hitman/information broker
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She's determined, often letting her drive to hunt down the original 7 overrule everything else in her afterlife
She pretends that her kills are all business but anyone who's seen her in action would know she secretly enjoys it
She won't accept payment for what she deems as a special cases(what qualifies as a special case? You'll have to ask her)
Nix is seen as cold, snarky, and ruthless but has a tendency to soften up around people she senses need a gentle hand
It's also really fucking easy to make her laugh no matter how hard she tries to be stoic about things
Little kid: Oh fuck! Nix: 😤🥴🤣
She still can't fully shake off the woman she used to be, no matter how hard she tries, Mariella is still with her
If an overlord or someone powerful wants her services? She's going to absolutely take them for all their worth because fuck them
But it's a lonely life and sometimes she wishes she made time for people then she remembers that she's in hell and the people here ain't worth shit
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Thinks the idea of redemption is nice but not for her, she has no desire to leave hell
Not even to see Louis or her father
But the idea of bringing hell to heaven? Making them for pay allowing the past play out the way it did?
For encouraging all that horrible shit in the world because it makes people better for it?
She could get behind that
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Okay! Okay! I'm done! Back to your regularly scheduled program!!
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kebriones · 5 months
As an artist yourself i want to ask for your opinion. I want to draw couples in Greek mythology like Hades and Persephone but i feel already that people will think of them as overrated for someone to make art again for this couple for the millionth time.
Or when great artists make art about one specific couple so i personally feel that i can't make about the same couple. Like for example i would like to make art of Alcibiades but you already draw Alcibiades so amazingly it feels like i can't do it
Unless i am totally overthinking it without reason idk sorry for the rant 😔
Dear Anon, I will preface this by saying I completely understand what you are saying.
But life is very short and when you have a harmless and creative thing you WANT to do, like drawing something, you should just do it. Absolutely go and draw as much hades/Persephone art as you want. Because it's so popular, yes, some stranger online will perhaps see it and scoff "oh another hades/pers shipper ugh". That's fine. Don't mind that. It's unavoidable There will be dozens of other people who will enjoy it and will love your art.
Second point: never ever think that you mustn't draw something because someone more skilled is already drawing it. I'm not sure what the root of this way of thinking is, to give you some specific advice on combating it, but I know other people irl who have a similar issue of feeling like they're trespassing on some "better artist's territory"
I can only tell you that you never ever lose your right to draw something you want and sharing it with people, even if you're five years old and drawing stick figures. I myself will be ecstatic to see ANY fanart of Alcibiades, all of them are amazing to me. And this has been the case in all fandoms and art spaces I've been in. Especially fanart, will be enjoyed no matter your skill level.
I can't find it right now, but there's a comic where it shows two bakers, and one of them is feeling bad because their cake isn't as fancy as the other's , but the person who gets the two cakes is super happy because they got two cakes. More art is always welcome, nevermind what the style or skill level is, and never ever ever ever think you shouldn't draw something because it's overdone, or already being drawn by others.
Also like the Alcibiades fandom is small and we all need to pull out weight in this boat so go draw Alcibiades this instant 😠 😠
I'm joking <3 but i hope you get the sentiment. And I hope you draw whatever you want.
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paunchsalazar · 1 year
have you taken any drawing or art classes outside the classes you took in college? I studied illustration in school but a lot of the actual drawing classes sort of sucked so I find myself wondering if it’s worth it to pursue a more formal class or if I should try more YouTube tutorials (books on drawing all seem to following a specific type of drawing that I don’t want to do or are too general). Mainly because I can spend time drawing but find myself stagnating without a goal or guide. This would also be both for my own personal hobby and sort of for my job. Maybe I’m just asking if you have any drawing resources that you found helpful. Also I’m sorry to hear you are burnt out but wanted to say painting en plein air is pretty fun and doesn’t have too much of a price tag for a gouache set and watercolor notebook and a couple of brushes (you can go pretty barebones with it and it was a nice way for me to get out of the house when I did it frequently)
I haven't really taken any drawing or art classes outside of school since high school, one life drawing class with long poses and sometimes particular materials, another that was just an open session with a model and a teacher/artist who drew on their own and sometimes gave tips. otherwise, it's just been that and college classes.
agreed... I still doodle, but I feel like I just hang out in my comfort zone and make tiny incremental progress at best, but can't come up with anything in particular to push it...
I wish I had good resources, but I feel like I'm honestly in the same boat! i have friends that have taken classes for digital painting/lighting and some for boarding but never had the time to do so myself.. waiting to see how long I remain unemployed before signing up for something that takes multiple weeks/months.
yeah... i used to have a watercolor brush pen + travel set to sort of fill in simple drawings and maybe do quick studies, but I've never really sat down and tried to do plein air... i will see what color gouache paint I still have and see if I can do anything or if it will require a trip to the art supplies store. thank you for your encouragement!! seriously!! it is possible but intimidating...
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*gets close to mic and whispers*
It's Rosa, b#®ch!
Jk ily, now here's my submission for the surprise date thingy and lemme tell you, I'm sooo happy they're still open.
Now, about me, hmm, where do I start... am a bit of a weirdo, I guess, or well, I've been told that I am a very unusual personality. If you'd like, I could provide some insights on my physical appearance, but I deliberately left that out, as I believe that falling in love has little to do with bra size and eye color.
I am a very private person; I take some time to warm up and won't do that with anyone, but once I am comfortable, I am very passionate, talkative and have been told I have a wicked sense of humour. Also, while I am fairly introverted, I am by no means shy or a pushover; in fact, I have no problem speaking my mind, even if others think it is weird. I do have a clear idea of what I want, but I am not stuck on it and always open to new things and perspectives.
In my free time, I draw and paint a lot, experimenting a lot with different mediums and styles. I also enjoy gardening and cooking, reading, and spending lots of time alone in nature, be it on walks, with my boat on the river or also rock climbing. I am very interested in history, particularly military and art history; trying to reconstruct how the daily life of the people really was like is very interesting to me. And the thought that all of it already happened and nobody can change it also is strangely comforting to me. I also love systems; building them and exploring them in my mind to make sense of the world.
My MBTI type is INTJ and my Enneagram type is 4w5 (I find tests like these very interesting, because they help me make sense of my own and other people's emotions which I struggle with at times).
I value smartness (even though I think of myself as arrogant for it), creativity, uniqueness and individualism. What really annoys me is things like drama, gossip and being forced into smalltalk.
I am into men, and character-wise, I'd love any of the clones, or, if that's not possible, a villain.
Sorry this got so long, I got - once again - carried away, but thought the more information I provide, the more accurate does my match get.
Thank you so much in advance!
Rosaaa! First of all, love getting to know more about you from this. You seem very cool, and I wanted to make sure you were set up with someone just as cool too, so I've called in a favor to set you up with a very special clone. (But I'm also nervous what you'll think about this one since he's not a common character 🙃)
Your date is...
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Not much is known about this guy, and he prefers it that way. He won't necessarily go out of his way to maintain his mystery, but he will also prefer your date be in a part of town he knows his clone brothers don't frequent. He'll say it's to explore a new place, but secretly he's nervous and doesn't want anyone to know. What if you don't like him? What if he messes up the date somehow? He'd be so embarrassed.
Thankfully he doesn't have anything to worry about, at least as far as the date is concerned. He walks up to you with his helmet beneath his arm and you can't help but comment on what seems to be a hand-painted design. This immediately launches you two into conversation about art, which leads into sharing about all the crafty projects you've both been working on, which then turns into chat about other pastimes you share. You'll be amazed at how much this guy does in what little spare time he has, and he'll be equally enthralled by how easy it is to talk to you.
You'll have walked side-by-side in conversation all over the city, barely aware of your surroundings as you learn more about each other. Blackout regrets that time slipped away so quickly, he'd wanted to treat you to a drink or dessert or something. His nerves return at the end, worried he didn't take good enough care of you to warrant his ask for a second date. If you gave him another chance, though, he'll definitely prove himself worthy of your affections. You'll be one of the rare few in the galaxy he lets close.
Want to be set up on a blind date with a Star Wars character?
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jaywings · 1 year
OC askmeme: 7, 11, 14, 21, 25, 30, 32, 39, 49? (Oh gosh that's a lot I'm sorry)
Did you guys know I've got OCs? I got OCs
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
Yes! I do have a scattering of OCs that aren't part of a major story I'm working on, but for the most part my OCs are part of a handful of stories I've got. Particularly these two guys at the moment!
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
I was trying to think about this and honestly I can't think of anyone, really. Clearly I need happier characters?? I'll have to work on that and see if I can find a place for a sunshiney character.
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Both of these kids have tragic backstories (it comes with being a vampire), but I'll introduce Vincent there on the right. If you've read Dracula then you know that he comes to England on board a ship and, over the course of the voyage, he kills the entire crew. Vincent's story was a few years after that time, but not many. He boarded a boat along with his older brother to come to America but he never made it alive. Unbeknownst to everyone, there was a vampire hiding on board...
When other passengers saw the strange bite marks on him, they bound his hands and feet and threw him overboard to prevent others from being infected. The ship sailed on without him. His brother started a life in his new country; he found a job, married, and had kids of his own, always trying to forget what had happened to his sibling.
Vincent did make it to shore, eventually, but he was already dead. Or rather, Un-dead.
21. Your most artistic OC
That might be Mollie Hawkins (aged 13). She illustrates her own entries in her field journals about the fantastical creatures she comes across or rescues.
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
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Ilich, the third kid in my vampire trio, was created in middle school to be a lot like me. Shy, few friends, loves animals, loves to read, etc. I've ended up struggling a lot over the years to make her more interesting.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
Terry, probably. He'd find them comforting and huggable when he doesn't want touch from anyone else.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Ethel Sullivan is the closest I have, I think. She can communicate with ghosts, but sometimes it's very taxing and leaves white streaks in her hair. She gave up on trying to get ghosts to leave her alone and now helps them move on, or figures out how to defeat them if they're dangerous.
39. Introduce any character you want
Some of my OCs are from dreams I've had. Though unnamed in the original dream, Morra is a short, motherly creature living in a cursed house. She's aligned with the earth element and loves cleaning, collecting colorful gemstones, and griping about fairies.
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49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
Vue, the "cat." If a meme is clever, he'd love it.
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year
"Ed, enough!"
He bites his lip. There's that tingle again.
In his distraction, he forgets to stop doing what he'd been at, solely to make Stede shout at him in that specific deep, commanding, delicious way-
"Ed! What is this; I said stop!"
This time, he's taking his sweet time tying up the struggling and wiggling French hostage in his arms. Not a life ending thing to do slowly, so that Stede notices and frowns and fusses, but follows it up with a smile and a kiss and a reassurance he's just being a grump (not that Ed would hold it against him in any case, since he's been the one initiating these moments since the first genuine one at the party)-
"Edward!" Stede snaps, his voice sharp and crisp over the sound of the looting and killing crew. "Either tie them up, or toss them to me to take care of! Now!"
He's hard. Really fucking hard. He's never pushed it this far before; usually he complies with Stede's second shout.
The hostage has noticed and gives him a curious look.
"Not because of you," Ed sneers. "Though, you're fine, I mean. Not my taste personally."
The French officer nods, then resumes their fighting against him. Their ass pushes extra hard against his cock now and again, and he finds himself absentmindedly wondering what defenses one could develop for this attack, aside from not being hard mid-raid of course-
"Edward!" Stede's over to him in a beat, hand on his arm. "Did you hear me? What is going on?!"
He moans. Completely unintended, when he had meant to open his mouth to say something cute and bratty in response.
Stede blinks, his eyes drift to Ed's trousers, then back up to Ed's gaze.
He smirks, and tries to yank the officer from Ed's grasp.
"That is my hostage!" Ed leans into it, fighting off a giggle. He doesn't want to break this impromptu scene, not when he's so fucking close.
"Then capture them properly or kill them!" Stede shouts. "I'm your co-captain; I won't have insubordination!"
He slams the officer hard into the mast behind them. "I'm fucking Blackbeard; I'll be as insubordinate as I want!"
"Edward! Stand down now!"
He tosses the officer to the ground as he comes, then pulls Stede close by the loose black cravat he's wearing.
He's aware he's essentially grinding against Stede like he's lost his mind, that Stede is moaning into his mouth in between sloppy kisses, and that the crew has stopped all they had been doing and gone silent.
"Sorry about that argument," Stede says as Ed pauses to look to the watching crew. "We couldn't decide what to do with this hostage!"
Ed nods, but he can see their eyes. That lie was never gonna survive or be taken remotely seriously.
"Maybe you two should continue that discussion back on the ship," Olu suggests. "We'll be a little bit yet, but then you have plenty of time to...argue."
He smiles and grabs Stede's hand and leads him towards one of their dinghies, while Stede laughs and calls out a few last minute instructions to the crew.
"It does that much for you, hm?" Stede asks as Ed rows them back towards the Revenge. "You know I wasn't serious after the second shout, right? I could tell you were playing around or something, and-"
"I know," Ed interrupts gently. "I did have him though."
"Did you?" Stede's brow arches. "Argumentative again, are we?"
Ed grins and giggles. He's a mess yet from the hostage situation, but his cock twitches in his trousers even so.
"I did, and I am!"
"Edward," Stede draws it out in a playfully warning tone. "I won't have that from my co-captain."
"Make me stop then," Ed purrs. He'd fuck Stede right now if it wouldn't potentially tip the boat. But if he can't have that, he wants however close they can get.
"Pull the oars up," Stede commands softly.
Ed tosses water into the boat in his rush to pull the oars in.
"Good boy," Stede murmurs. "Are you going to listen now?"
Ed shakes his head with a smirk.
Stede giggles, but resumes the bit not a second later. "Then you'll have to wait for me to do everything I want to you, and keep rowing."
Ed pulls the oars back out and rows.
"I didn't even have to ask," Stede smiles. "That's not enough to get you out of this though."
One of his hands lingers on Ed's thigh, warm and moving slowly in random teasing patterns. Ed desperately wants it on his bare skin rather than the leather of his trousers.
"No coming until I say," Stede continues. "No matter where my hands go or how they touch you."
He's already aching, feels like being a horny teenager again.
"Don't you dare," Stede hisses. "Relax."
Then, he snickers. "Oh I can't. It would be too mean."
"What?" Ed asks.
"I know what to say to make you fail," Stede giggles. "I'm almost positive it'll set you off."
Ed whines. He doesn't even try to stop it.
"Shall I try it and we'll see?" Stede asks. "It won't be held against you at all, of course. It's one thing for you to come before I say, but another for me to purposefully-"
"I love you too," Ed interrupts as he yanks the oars back in. "Please. We can rile each other up again once we're back onboard."
Stede's lids flutter and he leans in to kiss Ed, his hand creeping up Ed's thigh to rest on the outline of his hard cock.
"Please," Ed whines.
Stede's other hand holds the side of the dinghy to keep himself steady. "Please what?"
"Say it," Ed replies. "What you think will make me-"
"That's not how you say it," Stede scolds him softly.
"You're fucking killing me," Ed groans, willing Stede's hand on his cock to move at least.
Stede's eyes light up. "Finally."
Stede's hand barely moves over him as he mutters the demand in Ed's ear. "Stand down, Ed."
"Fuck," in a soft whimper is all Ed can manage as his cock pulses.
"Looks like I was right," Stede chuckles. "Shall I finish rowing us back?"
"Mhm," Ed nods.
"Okay. You alright to rest until we get there?"
He nods again. Any other words are beyond him for the moment.
"Then we'll get you a bath and get comfortable and rest," Stede continues as he grabs the oars and settles back on his seat.
"And I'll suck you off until you come down my throat," Ed adds with a shaky voice. "At least once."
Stede swallows hard.
"To make up for being so argumentative and insubordinate," Ed teases. "Can you focus enough to row?"
The answer, as it turns out, is kind of. Though Ed can admit he makes it take longer each time he mentions to Stede how he really just wanted his mouth full, hence his being so mouthy before. Surely Stede has something he could keep in there?
The oars get tossed into the sea the second they're close enough to climb the ladder on the Revenge, and Ed almost breaks the scene to ask Stede if he isn't sure they might need those.
Then he hears the soft sound of silk being pulled off and tossed aside, and nothing else matters but Stede.
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s-brant · 1 year
uuummmmm i’m just gonna pretend that was not ending. “/that/ had to happen to fulfill his arc” no thank you this was my comfort fic and u took it from me!!!!! that didn’t happen!!! they escaped together on the boat shut the fuck up
like genuinely i’m so fucking heartbroken and distraught it can’t end that way it literally can’t i’ve been crying for so long (2/3)
like genuinely fuck u dude 😭 i was gonna have to re-read this one all the time cause it was my new comfort fic BUT NNNNOOOOOOOOO U HAD TO DO THAT WHAT THE HELL WHO HURT YOU (3/3)
okay i can't tell if the aggression is a joke so you got me sweatin' 😅 i'm a sensitive gal lol
anyway, i'm sorry for making you cry over the ending and i'm honestly touched that it meant enough to you that you ended up emotional over it, but the unpleasant ending was so necessary for this story in my opinion. there's a lot of foreshadowing for it, actually, if you go back and look, and i tried to foreshadow it with drawing comparisons between getaway car and the fictional stories mentioned in it (papillion and titanic: in papillon, the main character escapes the prison on the island by jumping into the ocean off the cliff and escaping with a raft he made, leaving his friend dega behind at the top, and in titanic, we know how that ends). i was actually inspired to foreshadow the ending with the fictional stories mentioned in it by the film portrait de la jeune fille en feu. in the movie, one of the characters reads the story of orpheus and eurydice, and the ending of the love story directly parallels that. that movie, as well as many other tragic movies/plays i love (like titanic, portrait de la jeune fille en feu, the phantom of the opera, romeo and juliet, and so on) really inspired me to write an ending where everything doesn't end in "happily ever after" because it so rarely happens in real life. i really like the idea that he gave up everything for her, and she finds a way to keep going in spite of how much it hurts because i can resonate with that kind of grief and transformation of self so heavily. i always have tried to do it in other stories but never had the balls to, so i'm really glad i was able to do it for this.
but, just because the ending is sad doesn't mean you can't enjoy rereading the other parts. feel free to read one through seven without rereading this one if it's too sad. with the ending and all, it's still one of my comfort fics as far as the ones i've written myself go.
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havoc-bloom · 2 years
I'm intrigued by the HK matchup and thought id try?
I'm a queer disaster who likes painting and drawing, gardening, and playing piano. If you let me on a nice enough day I'll end up spending hours elbow deep in dirt pulling up roots and rocks. (And scolding the wasps)
I'm generally friendly, if a bit shy at first, but pretty quickly open up and tend to be pretty loud and brash. I like to say I have a spine of aluminum foil (looks shiny, crumbles immediately under pressure) and generally avoid conflict. I also tend to be pretty affectionate once I'm comfortable enough. Also will send cursed memes and images to friends.
Somewhat sappy and very much enjoy thinking of weddings. And flowers.
(edit: pronoun change! sorry for the drama :()
Hey friend! This was surprisingly hard to find a match for, but I think I have a good match!
I pair you with...
The Hollow Knight!
Yup, you get the title character! Congrats!
I like to think they enjoy gardening. They def have a cactus or succulent in their home, and they take very good care of it. They would love to garden with you!
It also names it’s plants. The cactus-succulent is named Allie :)
Memes > life. They didn't get to live most of their life due to holding the Radiance, but now they can do whatever they want! Including finding the most cursed memes they can! Fun!!
They’re so shy omg, you'll have to help them open up, but once they do they’re adorable!
They’re really a big ol' teddy bear when you get to know them, hopeless romantic type, SUPER clingy and very touch-starved. Please give them affection qwq
Your spine is made of aluminum foil. Theirs is made of glass. The slightest bit of pressure and they shatter. Guess y'all are in the same boat :]
They can't paint really but if you get out some acrylics they'll try to finger-paint! Very tactile person, best works with physical things.
Doesn't know piano, but they think it's so pretty when you play. It barely remembers back when It was a child, when The Pale King would find just a bit of free time to play piano. Brings back good memories.
And there you have it! Enjoy the plant-loving teddy bear of a giant this bug is! <3
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tiaamorosa · 3 months
Keon & Javier (Part 6)
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One of the rules here on Caracan is that when a new castaway lands on this island, you should report it to the mayor and administrator, Mr. Sparks. He then ensures that the new inhabitant is allocated a house and a few other things to get him started. But that will probably not be necessary. Nevertheless, you should at least introduce yourself and register. "This is the library, he's doing an inventory today".
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In the library, Mr. Sparks was sorting through some of the books that had been brought in by the island's writers. He also had to put some of them back in their proper place. "Mr. Sparks, we have a new resident on the island." Michael Sparks is the oldest resident here and it had been decided that he should be the administrator and mayor of the island. He knows everyone. The old man looked over Javier's shoulder. "I see, a little exotic. Does he speak our language?"/ "Just ask him yourself"…
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"Hel-lo, my name is Mi-cha-el, can you un-der-stand me?". While Mr. Sparks tries to make contact with the exotic-looking man, Javier visibly has to stifle his laughter. After all, it's not every day that you meet someone whose skin color is even darker than Mr. Donovan's. "I understand you very well, Michael, I'm pleased to meet you, my name is Keon"/ "oh!?".
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"Excuse me, but… you remind me a bit of those wild ones from the jungle, please don't take that as an insult"/ "I'm not offended, hehe, you just wanted to test me, I understand that."/ "Haha, yes, but even if we didn't speak the same language, we would certainly have found another way to communicate. Well, how did you end up here and where did you come from?". Of course, these questions had to be asked and Keon had already prepared some answers for them.
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Mr. Sparks' wife, Vinetta, was also here to give her husband a helping hand with sorting the books. "Javier, you haven't been around for a while, how are you?"/ "Yes, that's right, and we don't live very far apart. I've been very busy with my work"/ "When will we see something new from you?"/ "Soon, I'm sure".
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A little later. Of course, Keon couldn't tell Michael the whole truth about himself. That's why he had deliberately left out the werewolf thing. He told him that he had lost his family in a fire. And he wanted to draw a line under the current stage of his life and discover something new. But then he was caught up in an unexpected storm that threw him off the boat. "These waters here are very treacherous and the weather is also unpredictable".
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"So you also come from a somewhat remote part of these oceans? I am very sorry for what your family has had to endure. We landed here unintentionally 15 years ago. We can't even manage to build a big ship, because most of the wood has been used for the houses. We try to make the best of it here. Have you been told about the rules here?"…
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"Yes, Javier explained the rules to me and… The circumstances are completely different here, I'm aware of that. The most difficult thing for me is probably the change in diet"/ "Unfortunately, everyone has had to get used to that. We really appreciate a good roast, but the game here doesn't reproduce as quickly as in other regions of the world. There are no green forests and lush meadows here, at least not huge areas. Have you learned a trade, Keon?".
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"No real profession, but I'm very skilled and talented in many things. You can use me wherever you want"/ "hm, people are always needed in the sawmill. I'm sure I'll think of something else. And of course we'd also like to build you a house…"/ "No!"/ "No? Wouldn't you like to have something of your own?"/ "Javier and I, we share … Some things in common, he offered me the chance to live in his house and I agreed".
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The old lady listened with one ear to the other during her conversation with Javier. She has known Javier since he was a little boy. She practically helped raise him and knows him better than anyone else here. And so she whispered quietly so that no one would hear. "That's a very attractive man, Javier". But he just kept quiet, smiled and nodded in agreement.
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After the conversation with Mr. Sparks was over, Keon went back to Javier. "So, were you able to sort a few things out?"/ "Yes, he says I can stay with you. And he also wants me to help with some of the work here. He's still looking for a suitable job for me"/ "All right. This is his wife, by the way, she's my adoptive mother"/ "oh, hello"/ "hnhn, hello. Go outside, you two, it's good weather today".
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Mr. and Mrs. Weiss also seem to have a request to see the mayor today, or they just want to visit the library. "Hey, have you seen? Someone new has arrived here"/ "Is there a dog around here? I'm allergic to dog hair…" / "No, we don't actually have any dogs on the island" / "Yes, Marie has one, but she never takes it into public buildings".
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Back outside, the two of them talked again about the conversation with Mr. Sparks. "That went quite well for now, didn't it?"/ "Yes, even if I don't really like lying to other people"/ "I'm afraid you have to do that here. Or do you want the others to go into complete panic mode when they find out what you are? I know how self-confident you are and I like that about you"/"With you, I can be who I am. And for the others, I'm… a somewhat shy wild boy, hehe.". Javier had to laugh and would have liked to hug Keon tightly, but they held back for the time being. "Come on, I'll show you where we get our food from now."
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Javier took Keon to the market room, where the inhabitants of the island offered their home-grown fruit and vegetables for sale and barter. But this was a little overwhelming for him and his inner wolf. The smells of the many different types of fruit and vegetables mingling together didn't exactly please his nose. "You're right… You can only become a vegetarian here, no meat? Not even a tiny sausage?".
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"I told you, everything is a bit different here. You can get fish without end, but sausage and other meat is only available here on special days. As far as I know, the hunter has shot another deer, so there'll probably be something to celebrate or talk about soon."/ "rrmm"/ "I know. Calm down. hey, we'll work it out, okay?". Keon wrinkled his nose. "hh. First I have to get out of here, otherwise it'll rip my sinuses apart"
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One thing was clear: the small main square would definitely not be Keon's favorite place, at least not the market area. Far too many smells, bundled close together, his sensitive sense of smell couldn't cope with that. That's why Javier took him to a place where almost everyone likes to stop by. "This place smells of sweat and exertion, hehe, I might like that".
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The idea of setting up a small gym on the island was born a long time ago. The men in particular complained about the lack of opportunities to really work out physically. And so a few of these opportunities were created to make this possible. "haha, you're not torturing yourself like that because of me, are you?"/ "I need… A few more muscles, fff, for you it's easy, there's an animal inside you".
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Keon likes this place. In his old home, he used to train in the open air. Together with the others. And so he remembers his brothers and other family members with whom he used to wrestle and train. A brief wistful moment, which he then suppressed and decided for himself to come here more often.
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What was a lot of effort for Javier was really easy for Keon. After training together, they enjoyed cooling off in the large pond. "You built it all yourselves?"/ "Yes, I took part too. The women wanted the pond"/ "hehe. You have to show me all the women"
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Enjoying a bit of light-heartedness together. That was a great feeling for both of them. Even if Keon can't put the loss of his family to the back of his mind so quickly, he has found someone who understands him and doesn't seem to be afraid of him. But what will it be like the next time he transforms?
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That same evening, Javier made sure that Keon had a proper meal. Raw meat, because that was what he craved the most, especially his second self. "We should do this every evening, shouldn't we?"/ "Sure… But I can't tell you how long the animal in me will be satisfied with fish."/ "It's a big challenge now…"/ "Yes." Keon looked out to sea and listened to himself. ("This can't go on for long. I hope that one day I can lead a life without you")
Now we leave Javier and Keon for the time being and see how the other inhabitants of this island are doing and how they are coping with their lives. The story will take its course…
End of Part 6
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