#idk if anyone made this compilation yet
ilynpilled · 1 year
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We look up at the same stars, and see such different things.
A Storm of Swords - Jon III
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Do you think Keefe will be involved in Stellarlune? After looking at the author’s Instagram account, many of the lines that were deleted from Stellarlune involve Sophie and Ro. I think this shows that Keefe is barely in the novel because there are not any lines between him and Sophie? Do agree or no? I would like Sophie to find him soon but I wonder what will happen in the novel in the meantime. With Keefe’s absence, I am hoping that instead of endless pages dedicated to the love triangle, the author will finally begin to wrap up the countless plot threads that still need to be answered. Do you think she will be able to do this or not?
I think Keefe is too important to the story to not be involved in Stellarlune. Our last cliffhanger was specifically about him and his actions, and throughout the series the cliffhangers have been indicators of what's going to be significant in the next book.
A few recent examples: the Flashback cliffhanger about being unmatchable and the Legacy focus on Sophie's match status and bio parents, the Nightfall cliffhanger about Alvar's memories and the Flashback focus on searching his memories and the Vacker Legacy, the Lodestar cliffhanger about Amy remembering Sophie and the Nightfall focus on her human family, and so on and so forth. I think it stands to reason this trend will continue with Stellarlune, meaning while Keefe doesn't have to be the biggest thing, he will have significance in the book's plot.
I reason that the explanation behind the deleted quotes excluding things to do with Keefe is specifically because so much about him is up in the air. Any quotes talking to him would immediately tell us that there is a scene in the novel where Sophie and Keefe have contact, which is a significant spoiler. The thing about deleted quotes is that they don't really tell us anything at all, yet we still get content! When Stina talks about Sophie earning the Neverseen's respect we don't know anything about that! It tells us very little as to what's happened; it could be referring to burning down the storehouse, it could be referring to something she did we don't know about yet!
But with Keefe there's not a lot of wiggle room there. If Sophie and Keefe talked we'd know where the story was heading and that they had direct contact. We'd very quickly narrow things down significantly, and even if we'd still be a little lost it's still more telling than Shannon probably wants. So I think I'd argue that the lack of Keefe in the deleted quotes isn't actually reflective of his importance in the story.
As for the plot threads, I do think Shannon will be able to wrap them up in the next two books. I think it's actually already begun, even. Keefe's legacy has been discussed for a while and we've gradually been learning more and more about it throughout the books; his new ability is another step towards that. So I think we are making progress towards it all, there's just enough going on simultaneously that it's hard to identify it. Which isn't to say Shannon's doing a bad job writing it, that's just a natural consequence of this kind of story, not a critique.
Additionally, at least in my experience, when things start to really come together it happens quickly. There's a lot of lead up then everything clicks and things progress much faster than the rest of the story. Going into it it may feel like too much to ever all come together, but it's entirely possible that once it all clicks it'll move fast from there and two books will be more than enough to wrap everything up.
A mini comparison would be the plot of Lodestar where throughout the whole book we were leading up to Lumenaria, to Sophie being there. She learned about the treaties, was invited to be at the negotiations, was learning about outward channeling and how it works, etc. But then when it actually all came together and Lumenaria fell it was quick. Most of the work was the set up. You can find things like that in a lot of books! In this case we'd just be applying it to a whole series instead of one isolated book.
So to summarize all of that: I think Keefe will be important in Stellarlune, and I think it's still completely and entirely possible for the series to be wrapped up in the two final books! At least that's how I view things, but I suppose whether or not I'm right remains to be seen. Thanks for the questions though, they're incredibly thought provoking!
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theemporium · 9 months
idk if you’ve seen it but there’s a trend on TikTok of playing a voicemail of a creepy guy in front of your boyfriend and I feel like brothers bff!reader would have to literally console quinn after trying that prank on him. boy would be murderous.
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
It was just meant to be a prank. 
A friend had sent you it, laughing at the compilation of reactions the video included to the fake voicemail. It was entertaining seeing how these men reacted differently, or seeing how many of them instantly became protective of the woman in their life who played the fake voicemail. 
You thought it looked fun to try out. 
It was some random week in October when you decided to fly out and spend some time with Quinn. It was reading week back in college and you had worked pretty well at staying on top of your classes, so you deserved the treat to fly out and spend some time with your boy. 
And other than the practices Quinn had to attend, he was practically glued to your side the rest of the week which made it easy to pull off the prank on a Thursday morning when you were sitting on the counter as Quinn made you both coffee. 
“Oh god.” 
“What’s wrong?” Quinn asked, his back still facing you but the disgusted scoff gave him a clear understanding that you weren’t happy. 
“Nothing, just an annoying lab partner,” you murmured, pressing your lips together to try and hold back your giggles. “I think he left me a voicemail.”
Quinn didn’t get much of a chance to say anything before the voicemail started. You watched him closely, the way his actions paused as he began to listen. 
“This is the final chance I am giving you. You are being ridiculous, and like most women, not thinking logically. Consider this your last chance to put your emotions aside and think with your brain.”
The coffee was abandoned in seconds as Quinn whirled around, looking at you with an expression mixed between shock and disgust. He placed his hands on the counter, stepping towards you as he continued to listen to the voicemail. 
“I am a good guy, one of the best you are going to find. So, I suggest you stop playing this hard-to-get game because nobody is believing you. You won’t find anyone better than me, not at college and not in bed. I have reservations for Friday night at the Italian place off campus. I expect you there and—”
“Absolutely fucking not,” Quinn gritted out between clenched teeth, a disgruntled scoff leaving his lips as he reached for his phone. “Give me a name.”
You blinked, almost surprised by the expression on his face. You didn’t think you had ever seen Quinn so angry before, not even on the ice. 
“A name,” Quinn repeated as he looked over towards you, eyes darkened and jaw clenched. “That is…he’s a fucking pervert. And a creep. I don’t want him near you. I don’t want him in the fucking college.” 
“Quinn—” you started, but he was lost to his own anger now.
“I’m gonna make sure he’s kicked out and sent somewhere far fucking away from you. Better yet, we can get a restraining order,” he continued as he scrolled through his phone, his eyebrows furrowed together as he searched for something. “I don’t want you going back with him just walking around. Does Luke even know? Does anyone—”
“Quinn,” you said again, a little louder this time as you rounded the counter to gently take ahold of his hands. You slowly pried the phone from his hands, a sheepish expression on your face. “He isn’t real.”
He frowned. “What? Babe, you don’t have to protect him—”
“I’m not protecting anyone, Quinn, I—” You took a deep breath before you continued. “It was a prank I saw on Tiktok. People were posting their partner’s reactions and I thought it would be funny.”
“Oh,” was all Quinn seemed to say.
“I’m sorry—” But you cut yourself off when he launched towards you, wrapping you in a tight hug as he clung onto you. Your arms automatically wrapped around his torso, nuzzling yourself further into his chest.
“You’d tell me if something like that was really happening, right?” Quinn murmured against the top of your head. 
“Of course,” you answered honestly.
“Good,” he said with a small sigh, his arms tightening around you. “I’d kill any fucker that makes you uncomfortable.”
You snorted. “It was kinda hot seeing you get all protective.”
“I’m glad you think as much because even though I know it’s fake, my body hasn’t caught on yet so I am not letting you go for the next hour,” Quinn murmured, though you could hear the smile in his voice.
“I have no issue with that,” you replied honestly, biting back your own grin as he placed a kiss to your forehead.
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Hello idk if you'll see this but I always thought of this story where (name) was an omega but he faked being an alpha "he worked with bonten" and one day Kakucho will find a heat pills bottle in the kitchen bc (name) forgot it.
They'll find out later and knot the shit out if him (most likely angry sex) get it?
so yea yea have a nice dayyy. ♡
Bonten x male reader omegaverse
Warnings: nsfw, smut, male reader, omegaverse, dubious consent, like very dubious, gangbang, group sex, cum, gay
(Name) kept his secondary gender a well hidden secret, pretending to be an alpha and hope to god no one finds out.
(Name) took his medication in the kitchen, pain meds and heat surpessants; he had a mission coming up soon.
Didn't need his heat getting in the way.
"(Name)! My office now" Sanzu hissed out, (name) making his way to the office, his meds haven't kicked in fully, his brain slightly fuzzy.
He barely processed the fact he only put his pain meds in his pocket.
Kakucho was exhausted as he walked out of his office for coffee, sluggishly preparing it when he saw the medical bottle on the counter.
"Omegex heat surpessants... Extra strength" Kakucho slowly read the over the countertop bottle, no prescription "there's an Omega among us..." He whispered with furrowed brows.
He had to inform the others.
Omegas weren't allowed in Bonten.
It was a rule.
Omegas were fragile.
"Progress on the deal with the french?" Sanzu spoke curtly As he eyed the "alpha" before him, he was truly beautiful in alpha standards... One wouldn't believe he was an alpha if it wasn't for the scent.
Mikeys a cute alpha so...
"I got them to agree in our favor, in exchange they wanted tickets to the Jade Gala... They want to rub elbows with the gangs of Asia" he said professionally and Sanzu hummed with thought, staring at the paperwork (name) compiled "good boy" he said simply and (name) practically beat his Omega with a bat to not respond with the praise with anything than "thank you sir."
When (name) stepped out he took a shaking breath at the pharamones Sanzu pumped out, the alphas scent was numbing and he knew Sanzu was doing it to remind him who he is as if anyone in this building could forget.
(Name) felt the wave wash over him and panicked as he went to check his pockets for his heat suppressants..."no nonono" (name) mumbled panicked and immediately stormed to the elevator to head to the garage and get the hell out of here.
"Someone's an Omega?" Ran mumbled methodically as he looked at the label "where did you find it?" Sanzu asked having just come from his meeting with (name) "kitchen by your office... Who was the last person there?"
"(Name--" realization washed over all of Bonten and mochi stood first to their surprise "well we did want an Omega in our pack... Why not be the one we've been jerking off to"
The higher ups didn't miss the "alpha" who worked hard and fast, the men spoke about about the... Attraction they held for (name) amongst themselves.
(Name) was strong, capable and had an air about him the others couldn't figure out.
They also felt... Safe with him.
It was strange... Terrifying.
But now it all made sense.
He almost had them.
(Name) stumbled into his apartment and fell to the ground, panicking and shaking as his pre heat settled in "why didn't they work?!" (Name) cried getting up and stumbling into his bathroom to find his other bottle only to not find it "Omega..." Rindōs voice called to the Omega who fell to the ground and whined stressfully as footsteps grew closer and the door opened to eight VERY smug men "poor thing... Silly omegas trying to be alphas..." Koko cooed as Mochi scooped the Omega up "no..." (Name) mumbled weakly as the others chuckled "little bunny in the lion's den..." Kakucho cooed as they went to the omegas bedroom and placed him on the bed.
(Name) stared at them angrily, he wasn't in heat yet as he sat up defensively and glared at them heatidly "what... What do you want from me? You know now... So what"
"Oh please baby... You can't act like you haven't noticed how we look at you" Mochi said condicendingly and (name) glared with a slight blush "so... Hm!" A wave washed over him as he let out a soft moan "you broke our rules... Deceived us... Normally we would kill those who did that" Mikey rumbled as he got into (name)s space and pinned him to the bed "you're our Omega now..." He hissed out with a blank cold expression, something he had only seen when Mikey was absolutely livid.
And boy was he ever.
He had no choice but to accept being their Omega as his instincts took over slowly, baring his neck with a whine, gasping when Mikey licked up his neck "our Omega needs a good knot in him to remind him of who he is..." Takeomi finally spoke up and Mikey got off him so everyone could enjoy their little mate to be.
Hands touched, groped and rubbed everywhere as strong hands removed his clothes, the others themselves getting naked and (name) tried not drooling at the sight of them as his Omega took over fully, Rindō taking his hand and letting him touch his abs with a grin as the Omega chirped.
Alphas were strong... Protect pups...
(Name) was gone as he crawled towards them, the smell of slick heavy as Koko went behind to get a good look "you ever been with an alpha, baby?" He hummed taking a long kick at his ass and (name) tilted his head before crying out, Sanzu taking the opportunity to shove his tongue down his throat as they manhandled him to sit on Kokos face, Mikey giving hickeys and jerking him off as the Haitanis played with his nipples.
Kakucho and Mochi used his hands to give themselves handjobs and Mikey and Sanzu moved slightly so takeomi could Jerk him and (name) off together.
(Name) was in a haze as he rode Kokos face, only able to moan and pant in Sanzus mouth as their teeth clashed, the pink haired man gripping his jaw almost painfully as his tongue took control of (name)s mouth.
"How could anyone think you're an alpha... So desperate and slutty..."
(Name) was never leaving them.
(Name) cried as everyone pulled away "hey angel..." Mochi whispered in his ear "present"
(Name) layed on his back without any further prompting and spread his legs from them all to see, slick pouring out like crazy as he humped nothing.
The other men looked at Kakucho "what?"
"You found out first... You get to take this pretty boys virginity..." Ran said simply, Kakucho moving to spread (name)s ass cheeks before talking him by the knees and bending them on (name)s chest.
Kakucho barely waited for him to adjust as he pushed in "grinning at (name)s cry "lying omegas get fucked stupid... Though you must have been stupid already to lie-" he thrusted particularly hard "- about being - " he lifted (name by the back "-an alpha!" He began jack hammering (name as the Omega wrapped his arms around the others neck and licked and nipped at his scent gland before Mikey lifted his face and pressed his cock to (name)s lips and (name) sucked on the tip before sucking his cock like his life depended on it, deep throating like he was made for it.
The others played with his body, taking his hands and jerking themselves off with it or some simply jerked themselves off at the sight of the man whose been starring in their raunchiest dreams but god is this far better.
He was the sexiest thing they ever came across.
But when he's coherent he will have to answer questions.
Kakucho fucked (name) aggressively, his moans shaking from the frantic pounding only muffled by Mikey fucking his throat.
Kakucho groped and smacked the omegas ass "fucking close..." He hissed out as he fucked feverishly.
(Name) whined as Mikey came down his throat, ass tightening around Kakucho with a vice grip and the Alpha pushed his knot in, locking them together as he came deep in his ass "get fucking pregnant..."
Kakucho bit one side of his neck as (name) did the same, the others excited for the chance to claim him when they got a chance to fuck him stupid.
"Get food and water, we have to get him ready for the next round" Mikey said strictly as they went and got supplies, Sanzu grabbing a wet cloth from the ensuite bathroom to clean him up a bit "you're definitely gonna get knocked up by the end of this baby" Sanzu said with a cruel grin, he couldn't wait for (name) to be coherent again.
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fumifooms · 8 months
Marchil crumbs masterpost
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Because I can and I will. Someone already made a tiny one way back but I lost it idk if it was here or on reddit… And we’re so small that we have no tag… I can’t credit you sorry marchil warrior you are not forgotten. I’ll definitely updating this whenever I find a new crumb. We’ve already reached the 30 pics cap part 2 coming soon. They do interact a ton I suppose. As always it’s not because I put moments on here that I’m saying they’re inherently romantic blablabla.
Part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7
My vision: Unstoppable force vs immovable object. Corrupt (money) bitter divorcee and corrupt (magic) hopeless romantic. Emotional constipation vs emotional intelligence. Streets savvy vs prestigious academic. Girl with the longest lifespan possible who has trauma over loss x guy with the shortest lifespan who has trauma over past romance. They would take their romantic interest to the fricking grave.  Halfling vs elf. Emotionally distant vs clingy and needy… Not that Chilchuck doesn’t seek her attention plenty ngl. By all means they are so incompatible and yet their dynamic is so delightful, opposites certainly do attract if Kui’s to be believed because these two constantly drift towards each other.
To me they're the embodiment of "If we want the rewards of being loved we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known". Oh actually that'd apply to Laios and Dunmeshi as a whole as well-
She’s his worst nightmare. Opening up to someone?? The audacity to ask that of him. She raises his blood pressure to dangerous levels. He would risk his life for her.
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HIS WORST NIGHTMARE (what he needs). She's classified as a friend who won’t shut up btw Notice how on the dating sim chapter cover, the clicky hand is always on the choice he ended up choosing in canon except for two, Falin’s and Marcille’s. Meaning he may have hesitated on it, on telling her she was pretty? She’s front and center~
It’s notable that Marcille is the main victim of his teasing, he criticizes Laios and everyone plenty but teasing is done much more towards her than anyone else, and we can see that it is something he enjoys. Perhaps one of the things that put him in a good mood the most, besides alcohol and laughing at others in general lol. Here’s a post compiling a lot of that teasing: link
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He often confronts her about things and teases/insults her but it's always without any real animosity, sometimes having problems with her actions but never disliking her.
She craves his approval? More likely than you think.
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Chilchuck having a sparkly flustered Marcille on his mind and failing to pull her ponytail so she'd give him her attention the right way, then being devastated when she claps back lol. For as much as he teases her, she’s very much able to stand up for herself when it goes too far and to challenge him on some flaws he may have.
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Marcille’s canon shapeshifter of Chilchuck is the most convincing one/last one standing! In which he was nicer because Marcille still had some trouble not seeing him as young and thus innocent. Which besides the whole age thing, her having an accurate but nicer version of Chilchuck in her mind is pretty flattering lol
In the earlier chapters they stick by each other the most, often sharing knowing glances and judging the other together. They share this complicity and "wow finally someone sane in this party" energy that none of the others have in quite that way. Comrades in disgust.
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He cannot escape her gossip, she will not rest until she knows all and has met his family and romanticized his life and relationships. She’s the one who pushes Chilchuck to be more open about himself the most. Which, we do also see her being jealous when Chilchuck opens up more to others instead of her, like pic below. Moreover, we see that she’s able to read him like a book to the point that it freaks him out!! Oh the horror of being known… Relationship goals, freak him out bc you understand him so well Oh can I just point out as well that they're the only ones who saw each other's succubus. Like wow knowing each other's most alluring form? Dayum
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When doing her theory about what happened between him and his wife, the pictures where her roleplaying as his wife, like literally with her being a half-foot like in the changeling chapters and the mini chilchuck for a baby lmaooo. Which I just now realized that means Marcille’s question about if his wife has blonde hair is valid, we technically don’t know if he already liked blondes or if it’s an acquired taste. Give me a sec to recover from that-
But yeah Marcille is so people-obsessed that she catalogues every little detail about someone, like how Chilchuck complains when he has to wait after someone… She notices things and takes them in stride even if they’re flaws. (In first page, it's the bottom row middle panel)
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She wanted to sleep in his bed when Izutsumi was being clingy and she didn't want to sleep alone <3
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Here he goes to her to either help her stay upright or comfort her… Uncharacteristic of him but very sweet. What are you gonna do if she collapses on you big guy, collapse along in a show of solidarity?
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He's been shown to make sure Marcille stays safe a few times as well, like below. No I will not accept "she's the healer of the party" as a full explanation. He really does get an arc, from not wanting to be anywhere near the battlefield to sticking by his party members. Unlike Laios, Senshi and Izutsumi they both tend to hang in the back in battles, I love how they often strategize together as well.
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The reverse is also sometimes true. Especially with how non-shy Marcille is with physical contact, interestingly she's way less delicate about saving others than him lol.
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He’s the only one shown to flinch when she makes a noisein the bath which leads me to think he’s the one most flustered by the whole Marcille changing and bathing close by thing, it prob doesn’t help that he has great hearing but yeah, he seems to be hyperaware of her presence in those instances and overreacts.
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"Come with me and braid my hair every day!" Meanwhile Chilchuck is fighting for his life holding her at an arm’s length
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I can’t believe this is on his ADVENTURER’S BIBLE DESCRIPTION like that thing is one big paragraph about his whole character and you allotted that important limited space for this. Kui do you hear yourself
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Part 2 here
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to-thelakes · 4 months
Reader and Luke not being together yet (even tho theyre both stupidly in love with the other (duh)) and reader falls asleep on Luke in the jet after a rough case!!
statistical anomaly
pairing; luke alvez x fem!reader
summary; after a case drags you to the jet late at night, you fall asleep on luke's shoulder but not before overhearing him talk about you
warnings; fluff, tired reader, team being absolute chaotic little gremlins, spencer reid (my beloved <3)
notes; i saw this and despite how ill i feel (nothing is new there, literally been dying for six months straight(not actually, just feels that way)), i was kicking my feet and giggling because STOP, i need this and want this in my life. so, i may have written a little drabble hehe, is it edited? no. is there mistakes? probably, i'm tired. but the thoughts of luke alvez never stop so enjoy
(also i made this before a case instead of after bc i just honestly, idk, i just did, so whoops but same vibes)
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It was late when you were called in for a case. You had just got home, texting Luke that you were home safe (like you always did) when Garcia called. She profusely apologised for calling you in so late but then asked you to come back. You did, without question. It wasn’t Garcia’s fault and there were lives to save; even if you were exhausted. 
A soft sigh escaped your lips as you settled into the jet. You were sat around the table. Luke was next to you and Emily and Reid were sat across from you. You all had the case files out, the laptop with Garcia on it was on the table too. Emily began to run you all through the case, preliminary discussions passing quickly without much of a word from you.
You were exhausted and your brain was lagging behind so you knew it was better to stay quiet for now. Once you were done, everyone slipped away into their own little group. Reid and Emily were discussing the case while you simply closed the case file. Luke glanced down at you.
“Everything okay?” He asked softly. You ran your hand across your face before you nodded your head but you weren’t convincing him or anyone. He gently took a hold of your wrist, resting it against the table, “Do you want a coffee?” He added after a moment. You shook your head.
“I’m fine, really,” You attempted to convince him but he wasn’t. He glanced around before his gaze returned to you, “Talk me through the background,” You requested. Luke looked at you for a moment and he eventually gave in to you. You were giving him the eyes and he couldn’t ever resist that. So, he began to read through the background that Garcia had managed to compile.
You really tried to listen but listening to Luke’s voice was calming you down. You felt the exhaustion seeping back in and you let your head rest against Luke’s arm. He - obviously - didn’t have a problem with it. Any excuse to have you close was good enough for him. He loved holding you, touching you, keeping you close.
“Did you get any of that?” He teased softly, noticing how your eyes had fallen closed. You mumbled something but he didn’t catch any of it. You were clearly exhausted and so he shuffled so that you could rest more comfortably against his shoulder, “I’ll wake you when the flight lands,” He whispered softly into your ear. You hummed happily in response before you let sleep take you.
It was hard for Emily and Reid not to notice. Reid was the first to suspect that there was something going on between the two of you but whenever he brought it up, he was shut down. But the rest of the team were catching on now.
“You know, a friendship, on average, takes 21.9 months to turn romantic,” Reid stated and Luke lifted his gaze up, cocking an eyebrow, “But you’ve been friends for nearly three years, so you’re both a statistical anomaly,” He added. Luke tried his best not to shift but it was clear that he was baffled by Reid’s sudden statistics.
“Reid,” Emily warned. It wasn’t that she didn’t want Reid to talk because she did enjoy hearing him but she didn’t want to make a situation out of this right now. They had other things to worry about.
“Nothing is going on between us,” Luke responded. A scoff escaped Emily’s lips involuntarily and Luke’s head snapped towards her, “I’m letting her sleep,” He defended. Emily tried to distract herself from this conversation by looking at the case file but she was still gonna be nosy.
“You let her touch you more than anyone else on the team. You also regularly watch her while she’s working and you’re much more engaged when she speaks and you’re more likely to defend her when one of us fights against her theories. You might not have something going on but you clearly love her and she loves you,” Reid stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Luke’s eyes widened and he glanced down at you before he looked back at Reid.
“How do you know that?” Luke asked, the emotions warring in his chest as he tilted his head to the side slightly.
“Oh, she told me,” A smile appeared on his face and you bit your lip as you still rested against Luke’s shoulder. You had been asleep for a little bit but Reid and Luke speaking had roused you from the brink. You had been silently listening but Reid noticed you begin to smirk slightly.
“Stop talking about me, please,” You mumbled, your tone thick was exhaustion. Luke’s eyes widened and Reid chuckled softly, “I’m trying to get some sleep.” Luke looked down at you and then back at Reid and he seemed completely dumb-founded. He was at a loss for words. It was cute and that is why you just let yourself settle back down and go back to sleep. You needed it.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hi Shaz, It’s my birthday today but I need cheering up. Can you hit me up with some of your favourite underrated jikook moments and why 💜💛🐰🐤 (and if people can comment some of theirs too if they have any)
First things first, HBD Anon!!!! 🎉🎉🎈🎈🎉🎊🎊🎂🎂🎂🍾🍾🍷🍷🍹🍺🍺🍸🥂🍸🥂🎂🎈🎈
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Smile today, don't let anyone bring you down. No matter what. 💜💜
Second of all, u guys that keep sending me asks about my ___ Jikook moments, you are killing me! It's torture. To have to choose from what we have is really hard y'all. It's not easy.
But okay, my favourite underrated Jikook moments. Let's get into it. Again, HBD!! 🎈🎈🎈
Number 1 >> Decoration tah!
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For the life of me I cannot explain why I love this moment as much as I do. I just know it puts the biggest smile on my face whenever it comes up in a compilation I'm watching. Idk what it is, I just think this moment is wholesome AF. And when JK reacted to it I DIED!!!! It was everything to me, i was so happy. Of course its underrated, coz they're not really doing anything. Just laughing about and having a good time enjoying each other's company. But I love 2 see it. 😍😍
Number 2>> JK preparing a plate for them and Jimin turning to JK to ask for more soup.
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It's so domestic 😭 Because this is how they are on their normal day to day lives. Like Jin told us; JK is Jimin's chef. And as we already saw, JK always makes sure Jimin is very well fed, always. Even blows the soup for him if it's hot and we have seen him feed Jimin many times. This moment, no one talks about, but I just really like it.
Number 3>> When JK was there for Jimin when he got nervous
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It criminal that this isn't one of the most popular Jikook moments. The way JK was giving Jimin ALL his attention. The way he was nodding along in encouragement. The way he got closer when Jimin made that mistake. The way JK didn't move back into position until he was sure Jimin had gotten back on track. This moment was e👏🏾very👏🏾thing👏🏾 and I wish we talked about it more. JK did so well as Jimin's boyfriend there. He showed up. He really fucking showed up. I respect this man so damn much for always showing up.
I enjoyed Jeonssy's analysis of this moment. You can watch it here if you like.
Number 4>>> Jimin, kneeling, doing that thing with his tongue while looking up at JK 👀
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I think the reason Jikookers don't talk about this moment it's because of how sexually suggestive it is. And you can see the moment Jimin catches himself too. Mans got carried away there for a second. I wasn't around for kitty gang Jimin but I believe it when people say he was wildin'. Like Jimin, please, we know you get down on your knees for the Jungkonda, we did not need a visual. 🙈🙈🙈
I high key love that moment very, very much. 🥵
Number 5>> Jungkook waiting and waiting and waiting for Jimin all because his boyfriend asked him to.
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Aish. Y'all don't get it. JK was among the first people who finished. This is episode 126-127. They're some of my favourite episodes that I rewatch all the time. They were so good. Anyway, Mr. Competitive finished 2nd so he was gonna go be among the first people to go home. And he was excited too! But then Mimi said 2 words: Jungkookah, wait. And that's all she wrote 🤭🤭🤭
Y'all aren't getting it. This was actually huge. I wouldn't do that for my sister and I love that bitch. If I finish a game first, and she kept losing and losing and kept me waiting for an hour I would take off. Shit, I'd take off after 20 minutes. You know who I'd wait for though? My partner 😂 Because that's just how it works. Jimin has the boyfriend privilege. Sure this was him being in charge but also this was JK listening to his man and doing exactly what he said. Now I'm thinking about Bon voyage season 4 when JK stayed by the doorway and didn't move simply because Jimin asked. Who said JK doesn't listen to Jimin again? 🤭
Anyway, JK couldn't wait to leave. We can tell by how happy he was when Jimin won rock paper scissors, and yet, he didn't mind waiting for as long as he did for Jimin who finished last. This moment is massive and I think it should be treated as such. 😔
Number 6>> When JK did this.
He probably just wanted to touch his baby. But also, it looks like he made Jimin stop. And Jimin listened and stood there and they did that adorable dance together. The dance part is not underrated. But the way JK touched Jimin is. And I absolutely love this cute, soft moment.
Number 7>> Speaking of touching. This compilation of Jikook touching on stage for the sake of touching. It's actually really subtle and kudos to the Armys who first noticed this is a thing that they do. Jikook absolutely love the stage. JK was asked when he feels most connected to the members and he said he loves when him and Jimin high five on stage. That's when he feels the most connected. He singled out Jimin even though the question was about all of them. And this thing where they touch like this for no reason whatsoever, proves his statement to be true. I freaking love them!
Number 8>> When JK was asked to rate the members and he finally put Jimin as number one. Everyone always talks about JK putting Jimin last in the past. But I'm not sure this moment gets the hype it deserves. This question was stupid AF to begin with but whatever. What I love about this moment is how JK didn't even bother to rate anyone else. He just said Jimin is the most handsome according to his own personal criteria, and then left it at that. Almost like he only cared that Jimin knew he was number one. He wanted Jimin to know he was done playing games. So rating the rest was irrelevant when he'd already made his point.
I also don't think Jimin was expecting this which is a bit sad, idk. But I'm sure he appreciated not being ranked last. Again. However i don't think that was ever going to happen. By this time JK was done pretending he didn't like Jimin on and off camera. He'd stopped pretending he didn't have feelings for him so I think many of us, much like RM, expected JK to place Jimin first at this particular juncture.
Number 9>> Gaaaaaaah! I love this so freaking much!!!! Okay so Jimin is a blusher. We know this. While when he blushes for JK it can be more intense than for other members, Jimin is a blusher. Its a thing he does. JK on the other hand, not so much. Which is why I love this so fucking much. 😍😍 My other underrated moment is JK blushing for Jimin. I literally never see people talk about this even though JK doesn't blush or get shy for anyone else apart from Jimin. I mean look at this!!!
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I said look at this!!! Are you looking??
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You guys don't listen to me. Did you see?? Especially the black swan one??? Shiet. A bashful JK? Sign me up! JK does not blush for other people. He's not a blusher. Only Jimin can make him that shy. Do y'all get it? This side of JK is reserved for Jimin and Jimin only. He's the only one that affects JK this way. Aaaaah feels. 😭😭😭 FEELS.
It's criminal, absolutely criminal that people overlook shy, blushy JK. I love to see it. I love it so much. I could watch it all day.
Last but not least. Number 10>> This.
I mean, what is wrong with you people? Honestly. By you people I mean antis because... okay first of all, lets watch the video. Not the first part where they sing to eo. That's definitely not an underrated moment. I mean the second part at the concert.
Did you see that?
JK doing that 👆🏽 and Jimin doing this, these 2 moments sit at the same table. They outed themselves here guys. And no one was listening. They are telling us look, its him. Its him. They took risks and said fuck it. And they got away with it. Like they get away with everything else. Smh 😑
They literally outed their relationship guys. We should be freaking out more. That moment at that concert is super underrated. And it requires Eagle eyed army to see it. But damn, JK really did that. Wow.
Just wow.
Anyway anon. That's all I got for now. Happy birthday once again. If Jikook isn't real, then neither I'm I.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 10 months
but what I've noticed is that western artist stan twitter has accepted jk. I don't see anyone being racist or calling him a fraud the way they did with jimin. They were literally camped up in any jimin related tweets spreading negativity, be it lana stans or taylor stans. But now they're sudden so proud of jk for defeating morgan wallen but the reaction was completely the opposite when jimin topped the chart. Idk what it is that jk has for him to be accepted by those kind of stans so i wouldn't be surprised if he actually reaches jb heights of fame with scooters help. Bts and jimin faced a lot of backlash from western stans but not jk and that says a lot, scooter made the right choice, cause he is already treated like a western artist by people in the US. This is totally based off what I'm currently seeing online tho, i have no clue as to how he is being received outside of scmed
You might not know this yet, but let me tell you a secret... The internet is a very huge place. Like, really really big. And the world outside internet? Even bigger.
I've definitely seen people under those pop base tweets or whatever calling him fraud, saying "yeah after the 29r738 remix" and all that. So many people were literally under every seven tweet saying "latto's impact, latto carried". Just for the sake of it.
You must know Lana stans were literally saying "Jimin is our only competition". Exactly who's Jungkook supposed to compete with right now? He almost lost to a man singing about guns in front of a power point presentation.
I personally saw lots of praise for Jimin, if that's what you're concerned about. To this day, I still see it. I just saw it yesterday on this tweet too.
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Last week or something I saw some compilation of screenshots of people on TikTok saying they're obsessed with this song and how it's the best song this year.
If you want to hyperfocus on the negative stuff that's on you. I'm just going to be honest and say that I can't take you or anyone like that seriously because at some point all this negativity starts to sound downright pathological to people who are on the receiving end of it. After all, you're simply not saying the whole truth, and the only reason for that is y'all's mania of clinging on to every little negative thing and never overcoming a tweet that said "Jimin flop". I see viral hate tweets against Taylor everyday, and how exactly is that affecting her?
The glass is not always half empty, just saying.
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ct-multifandom · 7 months
Hey so there was this theory with the pic of Emilie and Gabriel looking at lil Adrien and I just wanted to ask you if you could explain it a bit more clearly cuz this theory sounds absolutely insanely fantastic and id like to understand it properly,thanks sm
Hi! Sorry for the very late response. I’m still not caught up on the show, so I’m probably missing many details, and for that reason I’d like to open this post up to other people to discuss because I think the things I noticed in prior seasons have become more relevant with the s5 finale.
the Amelie vs Emilie “theory”
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For the new people, about a year ago I made two posts in response to the s4 episodes Wishmaker and Gabriel Agreste pointing out things that caught my eye regarding the twins.
All in all I don’t have much of a solid conclusion for the “theory” which is why it’s so confusing. It’s mostly a compilation of details I thought were strange and potentially foreshadowing a future plot twist. I’ll list some below.
In Wishmaker, Adrien’s baby memory depicts his mother with blue eyes and his father with green eyes. Astruc claims this was an error, which might be true.
Many depictions of Emilie have her in black and white. For example, the movie she starred in was B&W, and Felix and Kagami’s award winning indie film was all B&W, plus their eye colors didn’t change anyway under the masks
When Gabriel made the wish, Emilie didn’t open her eyes, she stayed dead
In the first post I pointed out that Emilie and Amelie are wearing different colored blazers, although I believe Astruc has since also said that’s insignificant. Once again dk if that’s true or not. In Andre’s dream box, he has headshots of supposedly young Tomoe and either Emilie or Amelie, but she’s wearing Amelie’s blazer.
Of course, since I’ve made those posts, we’ve seen actual scenes of Gabriel and his wife where she clearly has green eyes
I want to put emphasis on this because I’ve never seen anyone except me mention it: in the episode Gabriel Agreste, Gabriel’s tablet falls and breaks due to Marino’s antics. Amelie and Felix are the only guests to arrive AFTER this and NOT get their finger prints scanned.
Most recently, the writers commented on the finale. They said that Emilie has not come back to life, but intentionally avoided specifying who was at the pool party in the big sunhat. This would lead us to just say it’s Amelie then, but the vagueness makes me wonder.
The writers also suggested they left the contents of Gabriel’s wish vague on purpose to pull some twist. They said you’d think it just healed Nathalie’s illness, but that’s not all, and there’s a trick to it.
Minor note, but the whole reason people were confused about the swimsuit woman’s identity is because the leaked texture reference page for her character model was labeled Emilie. Either they changed the story, had a spelling mixup, or [insert conspiracy]
Adding on, after the first post I made, someone sent me old concept art of Adrien’s mom simply labeled “Adrien’s mother”. Either they didn’t come up with her name yet back then, or [insert conspiracy]
So at the end of the day, I have some level of confidence that they’re planning something with these GDV twins, but every explanation I can come up with for it sounds kinda crazy. Perhaps the most straightforward thing I can suggest is that the two swapped places early on in the overall plot? Idk. I’d love to hear other people’s ideas no matter how crazy. Maybe Gabriel wished for Emilie’s ghost to possess Amelie, awaken in the dead of night, and carry on his legacy of throwing plastic trash directly into the river. Who even is Emilie? Who’s Amelie? I’m excited to see where it all goes.
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suns-pott · 2 years
Losing my mind over the Jazz on the clock music video
So Luxiem's Jazz on the clock music video dropped almost a week ago, and I've noticed they've hidden some things in there. I haven't seen anyone solve it yet and I'm stuck so I'm looking to the internet for help and to compile what I've figured out so far. There's gonna be a million screenshots.
The plot is made clear to us through the various newspapers shown throughout the video.
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Some of it is hard to read but I can make out the messages in order from top to bottom of the middle newspaper:
Lords are on alert.
Luxiem sent a notice to the lords.
Luxiem, a group of thieves causing havoc in the city, is the next target a lord?
A letter of warning sent to the lord.
And to the right I can make out the message:
A succession of security incidents
The number of riots continues to increase
Their news again. Luxiem. a group of thieves who target the mansions of aristocrats and steal their money and goods to give back to the common people.
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And another newspaper that reads:
Luxiem, stealing the crown.
Last night Luxiem stole the crown at the clock tower.
Luxiem appears at the clock tower.
With all this we can say Luxiem are like a robin hood kind of group, stealing from rich and giving to the poor. And they decide to steal a crown at a clock tower which seems to be their biggest heist yet.
Hidden messages
There's some numbered sentences sprinkled throughout the video, I have no idea how many there are but the video ends with the number 10 so I think there's 10 of them?? The first newspaper that was shown above has a number one with the message: I wanna live free all the time. Keepin' it reals what we do. As for number 2...
The video starts with this morse code message.
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I looked to the comments for people who know morse code and I found a comment by moon?!
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So during Ike's first appearance in the video there's this text shown sideways.
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2. But I can't do that in this city that has taken over.
Which member would win an arm wrestling competition? What did Mysta say? Go to that person.
The first Luxiem game show was hosted by Mysta some months ago, and I went back and checked who Mysta wrote would win an arm wrestling match, that being Luca. (This screenshot is cropped so none of the members are shown but Ike is on the left and Luca is on the right just believe me ok-)
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There's a number 3 on the left with the text: But I can't do that in this city that has taken over. And on the right there's the message: Let's go to the top of the 636c6fb20746f776572.
Now I have no idea what the numbers are, I'm sure it's some kind of code out of the many different ones that exist. So I didn't solve it, I just found it bc of the number.
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4. I don't want to see you cry anymore.
Again I have no idea what the jumble of letters and numbers mean but i found number 5 anyway and now that I type this out I am not smart enough to actually solve this-
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5. So I take the crown. I'll cast a spell on you give you a taste.
So I'm not sure if there are more numbers, there probably is, but I've rewatched this goddamn video several times and I just don't know where to go from here. And now I'm screaming this into the void for help.
Also I have these and idk what to do with them, I'm sure they will be relevant later but it is 1 am and I am running on 4 hours of sleep already and I should probably sleep.
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Anyways I'm gonna get some sleep now, thank you for reading this whole ass rant I have going on. I will get back to the regularly scheduled requests in a bit, summer school is kind of kicking my ass at the moment, and writer's block at the same time. I just need to get my ass moving.
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dawnfinchh · 2 years
i made full “canon” allegiances for the start of into the wild/tpb: link to google doc
this is for fanfic/writing purposes, in case anyone needs a resource like this. hopefully someone does or else i just wasted a lot of time.
explanations of stuff under the cut
obviously, thunderclan was easy. shadowclan, riverclan, and windclan were harder. i compiled allegiances of cats who were probably alive around that time, and then i narrowed it down from there. lots of wiki searching. lots of digging through the books. 
i also have allegiances of cats who were alive before itw but not mentioned recently in the timeline for me to deem them “alive” recently enough to be on here. (so many cats just like. stop showing up halfway through super editions with no mention of where they went) i might post that one too?
general stuff:
wiki pages are linked to all the cats’ names
med cat = cleric just bc
cats are generally listed from oldest to youngest within their rank. most ages are based simply on vibe and surrounding information, ie finchflight is probably at least 8 years old because he mentored rowanberry, who is 7 years old. i may add specific ages later
sc, rc, and wc all have “kit” ranks while tc does not. this is because there are characters that would probably be kit-aged at this time, but have no confirmed parents
rosetail is listed
rusty is listed under kittypets
sighs in yellowfang’s secret
whitethroat - he isn’t mentioned in yellowfang’s secret, but needs to be a warrior by rising storm. making him a kit works
darkflower - she isn’t mentioned in yellowfang’s secret, but needs to be a queen by fire and ice. making her a kit... works. (looks at dawncloud)
applefur and ratscar - they aren’t mentioned in yellowfang’s secret, but they need to be warriors by tigerclaw’s fury(/forest of secrets). making them kits works
oakfur - he isn’t mentioned in yellowfang’s secret, but he needs to be an apprentice by fire and ice. he honestly probably doesn’t even need to be born yet bc brokenstar but he’d be born decently soon.
the “elders” rank is just kind of the elders’ camp
specific timing on a few things!
if you go back like a moon, sunfish and whitefang are alive. if you go forward, whiteclaw is a warrior.
“gray tom” is a canonical nameless kit lilystem has. why did they decide to do this when she has two named others? idk
post exile, but very low on cats either way due to the large gap between tallstar’s revenge and itw. a lot of cats i pulled from future allegiances
morningflower - she doesn’t have gorsepaw until fire and ice, so she’s a warrior
oatwhisker, rushtail, and darkfoot - elders from arc two. they can be warriors in arc one
thrushwing - the canonnity of her story is questionable, but listen. windclan needs more she-cats. 
gorsetail and robinwing - warriors from dawn. i made them apprentices, but it’d be fine making them warriors
runningbrook, webfoot, and whitetail - they are apprentices in fire and ice, which means they were kits around this time
cloudrunner - he’s only in tallstar’s revenge, but he needs to make gorsepaw with morningflower
cats outside clans
bloodclan doesnt get their own category because they only have like 5 guys
rusty is listed here
i’ll make corrections if anyone has them
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skunkg1rll · 5 months
honestlyyyy i just rlly miss when i was deeply nd profoundly in love with all the bts members. i listened to their music everyday, i had folders where i saved my fav pics of them, i read fanfics all day, i wrote fanfics abt them, i watched their mvs and compilation vids of them all the time, i had a twitter fanaccount where it was sm fun talking to my moots, i wrote letters to the members, i had dreams abt them, daydreamed abt them... etc etc. tbh i had this sort of detached attachment. like i deeply loved them, but i knew that it would never be anything more than a fan loving their idol that dont even know you exist. it was comfortable that way. i would never be heartbroken by them, they didnt knew i existed. i'd never get to talk to them and build a real connection. it was shallow yet deep at the same time. i actually miss it so much. they brought me so much comfort, they supported me thru tough days at school, when i had social anxiety outside, when i had to do things that scared me i just thought of them and repeated their names. when i was lonely i talked to them in my daydreams. they were always there for me. and they would never let me down, bc they would never ever know me and be disappointed by me and leave me. they still feel like family to me in a way. this is smth that is very pathetic to ppl, but like idc. it isnt sad or pathetic to me, esp when i knew where the limits and lines were. i daydreamed abt them being my boyfriends but i knew they were never gonna be and that was safe to me. never knowing them was a comfort and security. it's like having what i needed the most without the fear and discomfort. there was a time where all i wanted was to just have a job and my apartment and spend my days at work and then my freetime reading nd writing fics abt them. listen to their music and follow their careers. but.... i grew out of it. i was attached to them for almost 4yrs, which is the longest i've ver liked anyone or anything. but i cant control what i feel connected to or not. it just happens. sometimes i try to get back that feeling, but it just wont spark!!!! i mourn my connection for them sometimes. it was so so so comforting and safe and they saved my life once upon a time. they made life less scary for me. they made me feel a desire to live. that love i have for them is still there, it's just duller and softer. i wish it could be just as bright and intense as back then bc they helped me so much, but i cant force it. i havent had anything like that since then or before. my latest connection and attachment to an actual person i have a real relationship to and talk to has just hurt me. idk i miss it... just wanna go back to my life as an army fangirl
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cal-kestis · 1 year
creator tag game
i was tagged by @anewhope and @grogus-dad​ <3 ty valentina and emi!
rules: pick your 5 favourite gifsets of 2022 that got less than 1000 notes and then pick 10 gifsets of someone else’s from 2022 that got less than 1000 notes (it’s really easy to see note counts and lots of posts in the archive page)
music in the obi-wan kenobi teaser – this was the first time i did the soundwaves concept and developed this layout so it’s special to me. and i really like the addition of the music history!
max mayfield + black, white, and red – i made a soundwaves tutorial for usergif using this scene without plans to do anything else with the gif, but some members in usergif convinced me to do a whole set and i like how it came out! especially the rewind effect
bridgerton siblings x “best friends” by 5sos – i was inspired by gallery walls in home decor and this is my fav song off 5sos5 and i love their sibling dynamic so :’’’)
anthony bridgerton x tamagotchi – this gifset is literally all my fav things: anthony, teal, cute animations and graphics
kanthony + my top tracks from 5SOS5 – kinda niche of me i guess to combine two very different things but i think this is some of my best coloring yet. also, not my usual gfx style imo, so it challenged me a bit
this kanthony x “crazy in love” by @darcyscarden bc the blending and that color isolation in the 3rd gif!!!
the haunting of bly manner by @anewhope – i remember valentina workshopping this in psc and how quickly and beautifully it came together. the gold is still so stunning to me <3
the mandalorian ch. 6 by @pedrorascal – this layout is still one of the coolest i’ve seen and i love the text animations!
rogue one color palette by @grogus-dad – idk how this layout hasn’t been trending EVERYWHERE since emi dropped this masterpiece!! the colors are stunning and the color swatches are genius
abednedo names referencing the beastie boys by @madeline-kahn – outer glow is such an underused text effect imo and i love how it looks matched with the gif colors in this beautiful set!
obi-wan and leia by @djarin – elio’s coloring is just on another level always and this set is no exception. these colors make me so happy!
the bridgerton bros as powerpuff girls by @wakandasforever – this set is 10000000% accurate and 10000000000% cute
wednesday s1 episodes by @seance – the blending! the purple & gold! the typography! deserves wayyy more notes tbh
kanthony in s2 by @kathrynshahn – this blue is so stunning like. i can’t even explain why this exact shade of blue is so perfect to me but it is. not to mention the super cool animated transitions!
fav media & blorbos by @jakeyp – every set ives drops is so unique and beautifully composed. i love the vibrant colors and the playful typography. more people need to rb compilation sets just for the sheer beauty of them. this set should be at thousands of notes!
tagging everyone above and anyone else who wants to do this!
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dojae-huh · 10 months
jdjdjdjdjfkgljskl glad you like my jae description 🤣
here's the links to english profiles for lastart team. i wonder if you find anyone more interesting as a person or as an idol after reading their profile? 🤔
yusion and lastart trainee profile threads
daeyoung profile https://twitter.com/969901z/status/1692503810584010834
bonus yusion info compilation https://twitter.com/969901z/status/1674973991105167363
icymi i read on twt that ryu is jpop group exile tribe alan shirahama's younger brother and he was a graduate from expg, same performance arts school as shotaro. he's used to performing to some extent ig but i find him impressive anyway cos jp and kr training styles seem different. he looks less nervous than some trainees and has potential as vocalist and dancer both, lead for now but might move up with more experience.
ig anderson's half korean and canadian cos he doesn't speak jp and he kinda understands korean, just more comfy with english?
idk anyone's last name except ryu shirahama and kim daeyoung, the latter from a b*llying rumor which i hope isn't true. lots of allegations these days and some seemed legit but proven false later after damage's done so 😓
interestingly daeyoung got a bad rumor already. it's so quiet about the other trainees except old vids of ryu again. jungmin and minjae are korean and not a single singing vid even tho they got cast thru their singing vids? on the other hand daeyoung hasn't even debuted or sung yet. it could be a stretch to assume he's in the final lineup, someone knows and wanna ruin him with this rumor but that's not wholely impossible. or it's dark marketing combining with his new addition status at this point. maybe it will be months until we know since sm still not clearing wonbin and sohee allegations. lately sm new debut groups getting attacks just like karina was but sm cleared up and she got confirmation and support.
im sorry i'm still not shutting up yet 😭 let's look at riize and lastart training time until debut or official reveal and think about their roles and suitability (source for riize, not officially confirmed like lastart https://twitter.com/riize_net/status/1691497735759769600)
wonbin - 7 years
eunseok - 6 years till nct, 7 years till riize
yushi - 5 years
sungchan - 4 years till nct, 8 years till riize
sion - 4 years
seunghan - 3 years till nct, 4 years till riize
sohee, anton - 3 years
jungmin - 3 years
minjae - 2 years
riku, ryo, sakuya - 1 year
heitetsu - 10 months
haruta - 8 months
shotaro - 6-7 months if i remember correctly till nct, 4 years till riize
anderson, kassho - 6 months
daeyoung - 3 months
ryu - 2 weeks
i heard sion debut got changed between nct tokyo and riize. he's not that neo yet but i think he can become neo later rather than fit in riize? riize is looking to be a heavily performance group with grungey, emo but youthful style?? i follow lastart more than riize lmao so correct me if i'm wrong. based on few materials that we have, shotaro, wonbin and seunghan are on the upper levels of dancing and seunghan could also be lead vocal. eunseok didn't impress me despite his long training but he might have other charms. anton is very popular but not a strong dancer yet. sohee is vocal. sungchan doesn't catch my eye when he dances but he has experience to guide others. tho not dancers, so far i see sohee and sungchan have unique performer skills in the group as main vocalist and main rapper. anton probably composes or plays music but he sure attracts fans and might grow or have surprise vocal or rap skills unrevealed by sm? eunseok is a visual ig, it's been a while since sm revealed him. having said all this, everyone looks cool in siren and the 4 non-dancers keep up with showonseung. idk if it's an effect of seeing their confirmed debut that made me biased and think they all fit riize.
i agree with another anon that lastart boys look not ready to be neo but i personally find a few trainees with more outstanding skills than a few riize members. i prefer riku's rap to sungchan and minjae's and jungmin's singing are probably better or around the same as sohee (tho to be fair, sohee hasn't shown much yet). the lastart boys need practice and experience for charisma and dance performance, which riize has more, and their own songs to see if they can nail it like riize nails theirs. sm probably wants us to root for lastart team and watch them grow like jpop idol groups as huh and other anons here pointed out.
looking back lastart boys are styled and portrayed similar to sr15b aka our first neos. xiaohenyang and kunwoocas too. i was a casual audience in sr15b era and neo concepts weren't explained fully back then so i had no idea sr15b needed to be neo like this 🤣 i felt they were youthful but saw their talents. obv they weren't as polished as now but more experienced than lastart overall tho. doie was an emotional singer from the start. taeil and jae less emotional than doie but in rookies time, they did perform better than minjae and jungmin in emotions and dance and jaeil dance better than doie anyways. jaedo did so well when t7s came out tho and without you had more emotions than jungmin and minjae's duet. after that doie keeps growing in stage presence, appeal and expression (besides emotional singing). even if jungmin and minjae don't become a skilled dancer like jae, they need to find other ways to captivate like the way doie dances with facial expression. riku, yushi, anderson, ryu, sakuya and sion look like they are on their way to becoming neo, on different extent. daeyoung is said to get good comments in dancing so we'll see.
ok my last comment for now 😅 agree with you and another anon too about the lack of correlation with previous nct units especially experience and memories. even memories, wayv has a gap with 127 and dreamies. when sungsho was in nct, yuta was the official bridge for shotaro and some members spent time with them but i bet the members were surprised by plan changes too, even if some of them were affected by unit or plan changes themselves. sm might do a show next year after the japan showcase for all units but now the gap feels even wider than sr22b. yuta probably won't appear in lastart survival show either.
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As I said before, Daeyong's answers were interesting. "Nevertheless", the lyrics of choice and "when I'm drenched with sweat (i.e. gave it my all)". He seems to have grit and desire to improve. History requires a lot of memorisation.
Some seem more suited to the idol job based on their answers.
Anderson probably just started with Korean, as he lives in Korea, there is more opportunities to practice around the clock.
Ryu's English is evidently good. The phrase that Anderson said wasn't easy (not the words, the meaning behind). It also improve his chances. Nowadays a group needs an English speaker. Not only for the West, many countries in Asia also use it. If Anderson is taken in, Ryu could be the of help as well.
What are the chances of Dae's classmates watching an idol show to release a rumour about him the day he was introduced? And to write on Pann of all places? Kfans can investigate, it's not hard to visit the school and ask around in the neirboughood or dig FB. More like someone didn't like an addition of a new contestant and a rival. We'll see. If the rumours are true, for SM it's easy to just not include him in the final line up.
Both the new bg and the Japanese unit were supposed to debut earlier (the were rumours about last summer). I guess some old trainees left seeing how many recent additions are in Lastart. The new SM gg was ready by Spring already, but their debut has been postponed as well.
Wasn't Sungchan a deer? Why frog emoji? Rebranding?
I can't support the convo about Riize, haven't watched anything sans Siren with them yet.
I keep comparing Lastart contestants to SR15B, which is unfair, considering their training period (with exeption of YuSion, and, perhaps, Jungmin). Not to mention, the numbers for the show aren't given time to be polished as much as a debut choreo would be.
No kidding, stright from NCT's pre-debut book.
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Side note. I think now I get why there was little of JaeDo and a lot of HanDo during Rookies times. The two were supposed to debut in the Chinese unit...
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Jaehyun was born on Valentine's day for a reason. The Universe created the Chinese ban for him, lol.
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Back to the new neos.
SM wasn't happy with Minjae if they kept looking for more main-vocal material. Ryu and Daeyoung were casted very recently.
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the-golden-ghost · 2 years
Updates on Sam's Family
Jerome: Sam's dad. Has some kind of Evil profession like idk selling insurance. Social-climby. A thorough and complete bastard who would sell all his kids to Satan for a corn chip and has tried to do it!
Blanche: Sam's mom. A timid and ineffectually polite little woman with a love of crafting and antique dolls. She also sucks, for reasons I won't elaborate on.
Herman: Formerly Jarvis but I never intended that to be his final name lmao. He MIGHT be Faith's dad depending on what route I end up taking but if so she and Anya have different mothers. He basically is just his dad's replacement. Whether he wants this or not has never been relevant to Jerome. He peaked in high school and has no morals but he doesn't do anything outright EVIL either. Actually he just doesn't really do anything, at all.
Winslow: The elder of The Twins™ and the Nutcase Sibling. We could compile a list on everything Wrong with Win but we'd be here all night. He's failed at everything in his life from college to career building to parenting but he IS a mechanical genius, and well, talent is talent! He made a career of harnessing The Horrors to build deathtraps and doomsday devices of all shapes and sizes. All on commission, of course, never for his own use. He's not a monster, after all (in his own words), and it pays the bills.
Maxine: The younger twin and also The BESTEST and SMARTEST and SUCCESSFULEST sibling (just ask her!) She managed to make a high-paying career as a defense lawyer WHILE the Horror Apocalypse was in full swing and she's damn proud of it. Not just anyone can do that. Anyway she's fabulously wealthy and so blinded by her own awesomeness that she refuses to admit that anything might be wrong with her. A non-insignificant portion of her job involves Keeping Her Twin Out Of Prison For Aiding In What Could Be Called "Murder"
Samuel: The shop owner ever. He had one dream in his pathetic little life: to open a humble pawnshop, get married, and raise a family. Unfortunately his DICKWEED FAMILY decided to open ALL THE HOSTS OF HELL and that kinda ran his business into the ground and caused his wife to leave him which led to his eventual suicide. Which led to the haunting of the shop, which led us to the plot.
Cecilia: The baby of the family. Anything fucked up that happened with the family both before and after The Horrors got unleashed has been hidden from her view with a web of carefully constructed lies to keep her Pristine and Untouched and Untraumatized. She's the perfect child, the perfect wife, the perfect mom, the perfect sister. She's also damn aware of how much her family sucks but she wants as much as they do to keep up the facade. She was the one they CHOSE to live the perfect life, after all. Shouldn't she play the part and be happy to be in it?
Anya: Herman's daughter. 19 years old. In college to become a claims adjuster. Not her chosen profession; she'd rather be in paranormal studies but her father wants her to have a stable, normal career and a good life.
Emmeline: Cecilia's daughter. 7 years old. She was born just months after Sam died. She's also an absolute MENACE and likes to collect bugs (alive and dead), crown herself the Swamp Queen (covered in mud and leaves as is fitting) and tell anyone who listens about the beheadings of medieval monarchs in GREAT detail.
Bianca: Win's daughter; still working on her so I don't know much yet but she Exists that's all I can say
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inf1nyxw0rlds · 3 months
while i'm here, apologies for the inactivity – i'm someone who struggles with the ordeal of perception but i have had a few things in the works, some dating back as far as a year, that just aren't ready to post yet (assuming i'll be confident enough to do so). i prefer having stuff mostly ready before i show it, though i've considered sharing some of my favourite snippets. idk. i'm not good with decisions.
i have a couple of posts i want to get made which i can maybe sort out though – gonna repost a slightly updated version of my Infinite Isn't Weak essay after deleting it months ago due to The Fear also known as aforementioned perception centered anxiety, among some other things like debunking misinfo and compiling some useful resources for my fellow jackalheads
ANYWAY. my inbox is open if anyone ever wants to drop in and ask me opinions or, headcanons or whatever about infinite and if you're lucky i'll be brave enough to actually reply <3 idk what else to say end post
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