#idk something about girl dad Steve Harrington
urhoneycombwitch · 1 month
dad!steve x mom!reader thots below
I think Steve would be an absolute nervous wreck w his first kid. helicopter dad to the maxxxx. don’t speak to me or my infant daughter ever again without dousing yourself in hand sanitizer before interacting w/us. snobbiest dad in the pick up line. no she can’t HAVE that kind of candy she’s ALLERGIC to red dye 3. babe yes she is remember her ears got kind of hot last time she had a Snickers??
he’s delusional and in love w/her and she’s got him wrapped around her finger from day one ☝️ falls for her charm every time. it’s an inherited Harrington trait, she bats her eyelashes and gets what she damn well pleases.
and thennnnn your second baby is a breeze. easy delivery easy baby stages an absolute delight, and suddenly there’s balance in life and Steve just chills out. aaalllll the way. even Robin is impressed with him. they’re at a park one day with the two girls, and Robin goes hey Steve. Uhhh. your eldest rascal is trying to balance on the metal balancing beam. over some bark chips. ur not gonna intervene, for real???
and Steve (with his youngest snuggled in a baby bjorn on his chest. and sunglasses up in that nest of hair. and he’s wearing tight Levi’s btw. just for visuals. needed you to know.) checks his watch and goes yeah if she starts doing kick flips off it let me know. she landed a back hand spring the other day it was dope 😎
sometimes it takes two (well, three, including you) to smooth out that lingering fear of being a bad dad. like ah yes this is me in my natural form. of course I will love them better than anyone else has ever loved me because I have so much of it to give!!!!
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fantasylandloser · 10 months
marriage pact
summary: besties that plan to get married
warnings: smut, mdni, dry humping, idrk what else I should put here so message me and lmk, steve's happy trail, slutty steve, big dick steve
pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
A/n: This started off as one thing then it manifested into something else, and this is 4k words of idk and there MIGHT be a part 2
update here is part 2
Steve loved your slumber parties that had carried over from your childhood. Initially the two of you would binge watch movies, while his parents were who knows where. Up until you were about twelve he slept in the bed with you until one day your parents decided that he couldn’t do that anymore and gave him his own room for when he stayed over. 
Your family was well off due to your father being in business with his and it was probably no big deal for them, but Steve appreciated it nevertheless. He felt so loved in your home, so he made it his second. He was there at least three nights a week, until the two of you got into highschool and his dad wanted him to get serious about basketball. Then it was late night practices and meeting up with girls. He still came around at least once a week for dinners, but usually he was busy. 
You were surprised when he didn’t go away for college. Even more so when he decided to get his own job and start at the community college in Hawkins instead of living off his parents. Eventually he was back to being at your house all the time, until one day your mom randomly asked him to move in, suggesting that he was there all the time anyway. Which he agreed to with speed. So, now your slumber parties were more frequent, and more fun now that you were adults and your mom took away the rule that Steve couldn’t stay in your room.
Now your slumber parties included the two of you gossiping for hours on end about who was pregnant, talking through movies, and newly you doing Steve’s skincare. At first he tried to pretend that he didn’t like it, until one day you decided you didn’t feel like it and he begged you to do it anyway.
“Close your eyes.” You say from your position on his stomach, your thighs fitting snug on each side of him. One of his hands resting on each one. You didn’t need to be sitting on him of course, but Steve claimed it would be easier on your back if he were laying down (which was not true) but you went along with it because it was Steve.
“So bossy.” He murmurs but closes his eyes nonetheless, his fingers messing with the hem of your shorts. You hum in acknowledgement not really able to focus on the task at hand. 
“Is this new?” Steve asks, referring to the cool goopy substance that you were putting on his face.
“Yeah, I’m testing it on you before I put it on my face.” You say jokingly. But not really, considering that's what you were actually doing.
The snort Steve lets out brings a smile to your face. “Well, I’ve been your test dummy since we were kids so I’m not surprised.” 
“Glad that you finally accepted the dynamic of this friendship. Now stop talking.” He huffs at the command but still listens anyway, a small smile resting on his face,that you could never ask him to wipe away. Your brain short circuits a bit when he pulls his hand back to the center of your thigh, his thumb continuously rubbing over the smooth skin. You couldn’t help but wonder when that got added to the dynamic of your friendship. 
“Now sit with that for ten minutes.” You could see him getting ready to protest so you quickly added, “and be still!” You know he’s gonna bitch about it when you go to take the mask off. He hates sitting still more than anything but he could deal for ten minutes.
When he feels the pressure from your body weight pressing into his stomach start to lighten, his hands finding your waist even with his eyes closed.
“Steve.” You huff, knowing he’s not going to let you move until he can, but it’s not like you actually put up a fight. Not like you actually wanted to be away from his warmth. So you stayed simply sitting on him for ten minutes. Watching him, thinking about how he was still so pretty even with the mask on his face.
When it was time for you to take it off. You almost didn’t want to, but you did , pleased to see that the product left him glowing. 
Steve finally opened his eyes after almost falling asleep when he heard you sigh sweetly. “All done?” He asks hoping that you weren’t even though he’d been laying there for about thirty minutes.  
“Yep.” You say until you remember the little gift you picked up for him at the store. “Wait one more thing.” Steve lets you get off him this time, a little hesitant but you don’t point it out. 
When you come back with what looked like a broken whisk, Steve was a little reluctant. “I think this is where my test dummy days end.” You roll your eyes at his dramatics sliding back to your spot on his stomach.
“You’ll like it.” You tell him. Despite the growing anticipation about whatever the device was, Steve is quick to accept you and it into his space, his hands on your hips to steady you as you sit down. 
“I doubt- fuckkk.” Steve moans raggedly, cutting himself off and surprising you, making you stop your movements with the hair massager. You catch your composure quickly though, continuing to massage his scalp.
“So dramatic.” You try to tease, to lighten the heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach. You knew Steve had a thing for getting his hair pulled. He hooked up with half the girls in your class, so his likes and dislikes tended to get around and made for some pretty interesting lunch room conversations.
You didn’t realize a scalp massage would elicit the same reaction. You also didn’t realize that his reaction would have an effect on you. His whole body seemed to glitch. HIs eyes are barely able to stay open and the grip on your hips tightening.
Once his initial dramatics calmed down, he began letting out soft appreciative sighs. His grip on you fades to soft circles on your thighs.
“I’m gonna marry you.” He tells you, with his eyes closed. You knew he meant it. He told you that he wanted to marry you one day in high school. He’d been drunk but he let you all the way in on his plan to make a life with you, one day when you’re both ready.
He told you how he thought about building a house for you, and having your last name be harrington and how he wanted to have a bunch of kids with you. You thought he’d been joking teasing him about it the next day, but he simply smiled at you with a blush forming on his cheeks telling you that he meant it.
Ever since then, every couple of months he’d say it again. Like he was reminding you, or really asking you to wait for him. Which you did. Neither of you had made much of a move or anything and sometimes one of you would date  someone else, but in the back of your mind you would always remember that you were marrying Steve and that’s just the way it was.
“Mhmm.” You hum, simply acknowledging like usual. To your surprise Steve's eyes open and he zeroes in on your face. 
“I’m serious.” He’d never done this before, made more room for conversation about it. He seemed like he wanted more than gentle acknowledgment.
“I know.” You say, pretending to busy yourself as you set the massager to the side, just to get away from the intense way he’s looking at you. When he sits up on the headboard you know he means business. You never guessed now would be the time you finally actually talked about it.
“Do you really?” He asks. Steve didn’t know if you knew how serious he was.
“Yeah.. we’re getting married.” You tell him, fidgeting with one of his hands in your, absently looking at his nails instead of him. “You’re gonna build me a two story house, two streets away from my moms. In that field we used to play in. And we’re gonna have six babies and I will not let you help me name any of them because I already have a list.” You catch a quick glimpse of his face. “I remember.” You tell him. 
You expect him to let it go now that you’ve rehashed the entire plan he layed out for you years ago. You don’t remember when you got so attached to the idea. Or when you started contributing your own dreams to the plan but it had grown for you and speaking it out loud you realized how badly you needed it to happen.
“You have a list?” Steve’s chest was warm as it dawned on him that you wanted a future with him the same way he did with you.
Your face warmed, embarrassed thinking that he would tease you. “Yes. They’re all non negotiable.”
“Can I see it?” He asks, his voice soft. “Please, honey.” Honey. This is no longer best friend Steve. This is future husband Steve, making his first ever appearance. 
When you shake your head with a shy smile, Steve can’t help but smile back.”Why not?” He asks you in that same soft voice that had you feeling gooey on the inside. 
“Stop using that voice.” You whisper, feeling flushed. Steve couldn’t help but chuckle. He’d never known you to be shy, but here you were being all bossy while hiding your face in his neck. 
“You’re so perfect.” He’s teasing you, trying to see how embarrassed you’ll get. He also means every bit. “Prettiest girl in the world.”
“You’re bein’ weird.” You tell him unsure what to do with yourself with all these changes being made so quickly.  
“It was weird not telling you how beautiful you are everyday.” You don’t expect him to keep listing. “So sweet, too.” He adds. “Always taking care of me and never letting me praise you for it. I can’t wait to take care of you.” The implications of that do not go over your head. “Bet you’ll be such a good little wife.” 
Steve expects you to make some little quip or try to play off how embarrassed you feel. He’s expecting you to descelate how quickly he’s moving. But instead your voice whispers “I hope so.” You’re right in his ear too, so he knows he isn’t mistaken and he knows that this is the last night you’ll ever consider yourself just friends.
Steve should have kissed you last night. He can’t help but think about that over and over, as he realizes he didn’t seal the deal. He should have done something to prove to you how serious he was. 
But it was too late because he didn’t kiss you and the morning had been decidedly awkward when you realized you didn’t know what any of that meant for your immediate friendship. Because initially the plan had been to wait. Was the wait over? Did you want it to be over? You spent the majority of your day trying not to think about it. Steve however wouldn’t shut up about it. Sadly for Robin she had to be on the receiving end of this conversation.
“Robin, this is serious. What if I fucked everything up? What if she thinks I’m leading her on?” Steve runs a hand through his hair, seemingly deep in thought. 
“I doubt that. I mean you’re planning on marrying her- which I take offense to not knowing about this little pact or whatever,” she adds. “But that’s like the total opposite of leading on.” She tries to reassure wanting to really get Steve to shut up about it.
“No you don’t get it-” Steve starts again, only to be interrupted. 
“Ughhhh!! How can I not get it if this is your sixth time going over it? Steve, I get it! You’re overthinking this when it’s really simple.” Robin gestures. “You love her and you want to get married and blah blah blah, but before you guys get married how about you try to, I don’t know actually date?” She says sarcastically. “Unless you were just going to propose after a thousand years of sleepovers and dating other people.” She adds. 
And although it was unnecessarily sassy, Steve realized that Robin might have a point. “So I should ask her out?” He tries to clarify much to Robin’s dismay. Luckily for her the door opening saved her from another round of easily answered questions. And even more lucky for her it was you and not an actual customer.
“Hey what are you-” Steve was cut off by you taking his hand and dragging him to where you knew the break room was after bringing him lunch on multiple occasions. You had tried and failed to not think about this whole situation. 
The one thing that had been bothering you the most is how long it was taking. You realized it was because you let Steve call the shots, and you quickly remembered why you never let Steve call the shots. Steve took too long to make decisions and well you knew what you wanted. So you had always been the leader in your friendship, deciding what movies you’d watch, what games you’d play, the parties you would go to. Everything really. You could do that here too, you realized. 
When you close the door behind you Steve is looking at you expectantly. He’s half thinking that you’re gonna cuss him out, so he doesn’t expect it when you grab him by his shirt to kiss him. You’re all over him for about five seconds. Your scent. Your taste. Your skin. Your hair. Then you’re gone. Patting his shirt back in place, shakily. You’re nervous. Steve realizes. 
“Okay that was all-” Steve’s pulling you back to him before you can run off. Letting his lips capture yours just the way he’d dreamed of. Feeling you relax into him as he cradles your face.
“So sweet.” He murmurs against your lips. He finds it amusing how the words send you back into your shyness from last night. The way you went from determined to timid and unable to even look at him properly. Steve was curious about this side of you. You were never this easily flustered.
“When did you get so shy?” He asks and you know he’s taunting you. He’s still holding you close to him, his fingers messing with the ends of your hair as he tries to find any reason to keep touching you. 
“M’not.” You oppose half-heartedly. He lets out a gentle sound of acknowledgment, obviously ignoring you, and knowing he would press all those buttons later. Privately. 
“You’re so beautiful.” You think he’s still teasing you and you hate that it's working when you feel your face heat up and you’re hiding it in his chest. Steve really means it though, it was the first thought that came to his head when he saw you walking through the door. Your hair free and your face without makeup. A skirt that your mom would deem a few inches too short and a shirt that he’s seen a million times because you love it so much. 
Gathering your courage, you finally look at him. His kiss swollen lips are the first thing that grabs your attention the second is the way he’s looking at you. Like he’s waiting on you to call the next shot. 
“Will Robin be okay, if we go to your car?” The next few moments are a blur because now he’s the one dragging you out of the breakroom, pausing only long enough for Steve to beg Robin to cover for him. Which she agreed to with a poorly concealed smirk on her face.
You were expecting Steve to open the back door and usher you inside. Instead he opens the driver side and pats his lap expectantly, after moving his seat all the way back. When you hesitate he’s grabbing you by your thighs and maneuvering you to where he wants you. “What if someone sees us?” You ask, knowing how fast information like this whipped around town. 
“Nobody parks on this side, honey.” Steve tells you those big puppy dog eyes staring into you. And because he’s Steve, and he’s calling you honey, and you trust him more than anyone you know, you believe him. 
“Okay.” Is all you say before your lips are back on Steve’s. It was a sweet kiss really, and Steve tried to let you control it for a while, until you were trying to back away from him again. With his experienced lips working over yours, you’re so consumed you barely realize the way you’re grinding yourself over his lap. Well not until his hands are on your ass, pushing your skirt up and controlling your once sloppy movement.
“There you go, sweetheart.” He says breathlessly, when he finally comes up for air. His lips find purchase against your neck. He kisses his way up the slope of it, relishing in the sound of your little gasps, until one particular spot sends a shudder down your spine. He sucks that spot. 
Absent-mindedly, your hands find their way off his shoulders and into his hair, barely thinking about it twice before you rake your nails across his scalp softly. The soft hum he lets out gives you indication that you should continue. Your hands stay in his hair for a bit, and you’re too nervous to actually pull it, but it does get you thinking about the other places on his body he has hair. Namely his happy trail. It sat perfectly right in between his abs and you usually had to avoid looking for your own sake. 
You’re yanking his shirt out of his jeans before you give it much more thought. And even though you’re too busy humping Steve to get a good look, feeling it against your bare hands has you whimpering. 
“Stevie-” You’re cut off by your own moan as your clit catches perfectly against Steve’s zipper. It doesn’t get past Steve that you sound so fucked out. Your tone bordering on a whine, clearly frustrated.
“Look at you.” Steve coos. “Doin’ such a good job for me, sweet girl.” Pressing a light kiss to your lips. Steve couldn’t help watching you chase your own pleasure, shivering at his praise.. Your eyes pinched shut, but your hands are all over him like you know every part of his body. 
“Can you open your eyes for me?” He asks with his hands pushing your hair out your face. When you do, he admires how dazed you look. How you probably barely remember your own name. “There she is.” Steve knew he was about two seconds from coming in his pants. He was also aware of the fact that once you were done with him he’d have to go back inside to finish working his shift.
“Stevie” You start again, “M’so close. Feels so good.” You tell him, your movements becoming frantic causing your boobs to sway deliciously. You don’t register your top being pulled down, until you feel Steve licking at your nipple.
A hungry groan rising from the back of his throat. “Perfect fucking tits.” His hands leave your ass, leaving the pace to you. He pinches your right nipple between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it to test your reaction. When you lurch into him. Humping him harder than before, he knows he’s a goner. But you are first. Your orgasm hits you so fast, it surprises you with tears springing to your eyes at the intensity. 
Steve’s a close second behind you, leaving the two of you panting and trying to catch your breath. As soon as Steve recovers he’s tending to you, pulling your top back in place, trying to see how you felt. 
He can’t help but admire that after that you went right back to your embarrassed state, obviously self conscious. “You’re perfect.” He tells you again, pressing another light kiss to your lips. When you grin at him, his heart beats fast and he can’t help but be happy at the line the two of you just crossed. 
“You too.” You say, your head is still a bit fuzzy as you check the damage. You’re about to launch into an apology about the obvious wet spot on Steve jeans but he beats you to it. “Stop worrying.” He’d been watching the spot form as time went on and kept willing it to get bigger. Liked that you were making a mess all over him and yourself too. 
“You have to go back to work.” You state, guiltily. 
“I have an extra pair of pants in the backseat, sweetheart. We’re all good.” You’re relieved for a number of reasons, climbing off him into the passenger seat. You don’t know what you were expecting but you realized it wasn’t him yanking his pants off, revealing his now cum stained gray boxers. And you certainly weren’t expecting him to drag the boxers off as well, which revealed his huge fucking dick. The tip is now sloppy and slightly red, and you can tell it isn’t as hard as it was.
“Oh fuck.” You say barely recognizing your own voice. Only to repeat yourself when he uses his sullied boxers to wipe the rest of the cum off, watching it twitch from the stimulation.
“He doesn’t like to be stared at, ya know.” Steve teases you, reaching back for his jeans. 
Your eyes keep flickering back to his face and back to his dick, and you know there’s no way he’s been carrying that around for the entirety of your friendship and you simply had no idea.
“Steve.” You say dumbfounded. No words available to express your shock, as he pulled his pants on to cover himself.
“No more ‘Stevie’?” He asks, mocking you. The smile on his face tells you he’s just messing with you but you can’t help your cheeks going up in flames.
“You’re the worst.” You huff, but you’re still smiling despite your embarrassment. 
“Mhm.” He’s reaching over the console to kiss you again, this time sweet and chaste. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll stretch you open for me, before I fuck you, sweetheart.” You gasp feeling his hand on the band of your underwear.
“Lift up for me.” You do, allowing him to pull the drenched fabric off of you, you hide your face in your hands when he lifts it to his face to sniff. You were quickly coming to the realization that your best friend was dirtier than you ever realized, even with all the gossip that got back to you.
You feel yourself manage to flush even further when he murmurs to himself “sweetest fucking girl” he stuffing them in his pocket in the next second, then reaching back over for you when his phone lights up. 
Robin’s name lighting up the screen. He huffs a little as he reads the text and you know she’s getting snappy. 
“Come on, let's go before Robin kills you.”  There’s no use in asking for your underwear back so you just pull your skirt down as far as it will go before stepping out the car, trying to ignore the slickness of your thighs. After Steve walks you to your car, he presses a kiss to your forehead, stating that you’ll talk later. 
When he walks back into Family Video he looks disheveled, a completely new pair of pants, his shirt no longer tucked and wrinkled, but Robin is relieved to know that she won’t have to answer anymore stupid questions from him.So she leaves him be for the moment, but he definitely owes her big time. 
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ashwhowrites · 9 months
I just saw you wrote a Dad's best friend! Hopper, and I was wondering if you could write a Dad's best friend! Eddie Munson x Harrington! Reader, like what would happen if Steve's daughter falls for Eddie, who's her dad's friend, and maybe Steve finds out about it, Idk, I just thought abt that
.....I kinda love this? I wrote this kinda turned on so it's very sexual
I'm not going to try to figure out the correct math for the age difference so the reader is of age and that's what we are going with
⚠️smutty, age difference
Dad's best friend
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Steve and Eddie went back to high school, but the friendship died out after the events of the upside down. Eddie moved out of Hawkins and went for the rockstar life. Steve stayed back and had a family of his own.
Steve hadn't seen Eddie in almost twenty years, but they kept in touch. Eddie wasn't married or had any kids, just touring the world. Steve had a daughter, Y/N. And she reminded Steve of Eddie a lot. She liked the darker colors, listening to her music on the highest volume, and pushing Steve's buttons.
But when Eddie called asking for a place to crash for a while, Steve didn't waste a second to take him in.
Steve sat next to Eddie at the kitchen counter as Eddie told him stories about life on the road. Eddie was in the middle of a story when a younger girl walked into the kitchen, coming in from the front door. A tiny skirt with lacey tights that disappeared into black boots. A tight tank top showing off her chest perfectly. Eddie had a feeling he shouldn't be looking, Was this Steve's girlfriend or something? Eddie tried to look away, but his eyes ran down the girl's body, his jeans tightening when he saw a tattoo lingering up her thigh.
"Um Y/N, would you mind changing? I have a guest here." Steve groaned, not surprised by his daughter's choice of clothes.
"Seems to me that he isn't bothered." She smirked, a wink in Eddie's direction. But listened to her dad's orders and headed upstairs to change. Eddie felt his face turn red as he was caught. A hand in his lap as he readjusted himself.
"Sorry about her, she likes to push boundaries." Steve joked, standing up as he grabbed himself another beer.
"No worries. Is she your girlfriend?" Eddie asked the question that was stuck in his head. Steve always got the hot ones. And this girl was by far the hottest girl Eddie had seen. And he's slept with countless women and men on his tour. And none matched her.
Steve had an uncomfortable look on his face as he said, "No...she's my daughter." Eddie nearly spit out the beer he was sipping on. His eyes bulging out of his head.
"She's what? She doesn't look...what?" Eddie was lost. She didn't resemble Steve at all.
"She looks just like her mom, but we got a divorce and I got full custody when Y/N was ten. I don't think she enjoys living with her dad all the time." Steve joked.
Eddie's head continued spinning all night. He stayed in the guest bedroom, the door cracked. He could see her door through the small opening. Band posters covered her door and pictures of her friends. Eddie hated the way he felt his cock growing hard as he thought of her behind the door.
It was wrong. She was Steve's daughter and too young. But the small skirt and tattoo flashed through Eddie's mind as he slipped his hand into his boxers. He closed his eyes as he pictured her. The way she'd look riding him in that tiny skirt, having to stay quiet so Steve didn't hear them. Eddie bit his lip so his moans didn't leave his mouth. Working himself closer to an orgasm, lost in the feeling. Cumming in his hand as he breathed through his orgasm. He opened his eyes and sat up. He planned to go to the bathroom to clean up but he froze when he saw her standing at his door, a smirk creeping through the tiny crack of the door. He was frozen as she walked back to her room and closed the door.
The next morning Eddie walked into the kitchen, Steve was making breakfast. Eddie greeted him as he sat at the table. A hot cup of coffee was placed in front of him, pink nails caught his eye. He looked up and there she was. That same smirk on her face as she sat across from him. She didn't say anything and neither did he. But his eyes devoured the way she looked in her long T-shirt and tiny shorts.
"How was the first night? Is the bed comfy enough?" Steve asked, placing down the eggs as he took a seat at the end of the table.
Eddie blushed at the question, nodding his head as he sipped his coffee. "Yeah, it was fine."
"Y/N didn't keep you up, did she? She likes to stay up late and make noise." Steve joked, punching his daughter's arm lightly.
"I didn't keep him up..on purpose." She smiled.
Within a month, she was driving Eddie insane. Her small outfits, walking around in towels and making comments. Eddie felt like he was being tortured but he loved it. But there were moments where it felt like they were connecting. Conversations on the front step as they shared a cigarette. Movie nights where Steve passed out a minute in, so they talked through the rest of it. She played her games, but she also opened up to him and he saw all the layers that were made of her.
"I'll be back on Monday, please be nice to Eddie and help him out," Steve said as he grabbed his suitcase.
"I will!" Y/N promised as she hugged her dad goodbye. Once he walked out the door, she raced to her bedroom. Eddie was out at the moment, and it gave her the perfect amount of time.
Eddie pulled into the driveway, a little confused to see Steve's car was gone. He walked in and yelled out for anyone, but no one replied. He shrugged his shoulders as he walked up to his room. He opened his door but froze on the spot.
Y/N sat on her knees on his bed. A red lacey bra on her chest and red underwear to match. Red bows on her thighs as it connected to her garter. Fishnets covered her legs. She leaned over so her breasts practically spilled out of the bra.
"Cat got your tongue?" She asked, a pout on her face as she sat up.
Eddie was trying his best to look somewhere else, but he wanted to soak her in. Her skin looked soft and warm. Her skin glowed and looked perfect, he wanted to destroy it with bite marks.
"What are you doing?" Eddie finally got out. She laughed as she stood up. Now walking towards him.
"Trying to fuck you, isn't it obvious?" She joked, her hands running up and down his chest. She teased him with her fingernails as she turned her head to stare at him.
"Your dad.." he started but Y/N cut him off. "He's gone for the weekend. Don't worry about him. I know you want this and I know you think of me when you jerk off."
Eddie hated that he was caught. "I think of you when I touch myself too." She whispered as she reached her hands into his hair. Tugging slightly, falling into the sound of his grunt. Eddie's mind was going blank, just the images of how she looked fucking herself to him. Just a few feet away from his room.
"You're his daughter, this can't happen." He finally got out, removing her hands from him. Forcing himself to step back and collect his thoughts. He was older and he needed to act like it.
"Forget about him! I like you and you like me, don't you?" She asked. Eddie knew he did, it went way past sexual. She was smart and creative. He loved spending time with her, the nights she was sweet and they just got to talk. He learned so much about her and he felt himself falling for her. But he couldn't do that to Steve.
The silence was eating her alive. Did she read him wrong? She could have sworn he was interested in her. The way he stared at her when she talked, the way he always gave her more of the blanket during movie nights. She had a crush on him and she made it obvious. He never seemed uncomfortable or wanted to turn her away. Until now, at least.
"You don't, do you?" She whispered. Embarrassment fled through her body like a flood. She felt like an idiot. Standing there in lingerie she purposely bought for her dad's fucking best friend. How could she be so dumb?
She felt the need to cry, but she forced it back as she quickly pushed past him and raced into her bedroom. She slammed the door and raced to change into normal clothes. She felt the tears falling as she yanked the lingerie off of herself. She felt like the material was burning her.
She froze when she heard knocks on her door.
"Y/N, can we talk?" Usually his voice made her melt, but it made her feel cold.
"No" she spat as she shoved the lingerie into the trash.
"Please? I'm sorry! We just can't happen. I'm your dad's friend and he took me in. I can't fuck that up and I can't ruin your relationship with him. You deserve someone who is put together and someone your age." He tried to explain, but all she heard was the rejection. He didn't like her. He didn't want her. All those nights where she thought he felt something wasn't real.
Eddie sighed as he heard silence on the other side of the door. He was an idiot. He knew he was making the right choice for her. She was young and didn't know what she was getting into with him.
Eddie didn't see her at all the next morning, she never left her room. Not for food, the bathroom, or anything. He knocked every hour but nothing. He was really worried about her, but he knew it wasn't his place to worry about her.
It was Saturday night and Eddie ordered a pizza, he got one for her as well, if she made her way downstairs. As he set it on the counter, the house phone rang. He picked it up once he saw Steve's name.
"Hey! Is Y/N there? She won't pick up her phone." Steve said, Eddie quickly talked to him and walked up the stairs.
Knocking on her door, "Your dad is on the phone!" He yelled through the door. And to his surprise, she opened the door.
A dead look on her face as she grabbed the phone and slammed the door. But Eddie was confused about her outfit. She was dressed up. She was in a tiny black dress, tights and those boots again. Her makeup is done with red lips and winged eyeliner. Her hair rested on her shoulders.
He waited outside the door, hearing her hang up as she opened the door. Knocking right into Eddie, not expecting him to still be there.
"eavesdropping much?" She spat as she walked past him and headed for the stairs.
"Where are you going?" He asked, following her down the stairs. Hating that his cock was growing hard under his sweatpants as the dress rolled up her thighs.
"A party." She kept it short as she grabbed her keys.
"Do you plan to drink? I can pick you up." Eddie offered, but the same dead look was on her face.
"I can take care of myself, and I don't need a babysitter." She spat as she went out the door.
Eddie tried to wait up in case she called. But it was nearly two in the morning and he was exhausted. He cleaned up the kitchen and living room. And headed to his room.
He fell asleep fast, waking up when he heard the front door slam and giggles echoing through the empty house. He sighed as he rolled out of bed, throwing on a shirt. He opened his door and caught the shadows of two people bumping around as they worked their way into her room.
He had a sick feeling in his stomach and a feeling of absolute rage filling his bones. He flicked on the hallway light, his eyes glaring as he took in the boy who was groping her with no care in the world. Her dress flipped up, and Eddie could see the familiar laced underwear from the other night. It was almost like a punch in his gut. He didn't like knowing she dressed up for someone else, the same way she tried for him.
"Privacy please." She snickered, shoving the boy into her room as she slammed the door behind her.
Eddie wanted to break down the door and grab that asshole by his throat. And beat the shit out of him, but he couldn't. He needed to get his jealousy in check.
He shut his door and got back in bed. Within seconds he could hear her moaning down the hallway. She was as angelic as he thought she would be. She sounded memorizing, he almost forgot that he wasn't pulling the sounds from her. But the reminder traveled to his ears when he heard her moaning a name that wasn't his. He couldn't tell if she was purposely torturing him or if she was truly having the best sex of her life. He prayed it was the first one. He prayed that she wasn't enjoying a second of it. That she was picturing Eddie instead. Her eyes were closed and she drowned in the fantasy of Eddie touching her in the ways they both wanted more than anything.
The next morning, Eddie was worried about seeing her. But Steve came home tomorrow and he'd instantly pick up on the weird energy between them.
So he told himself to be an adult and leave his room. He heard sounds in the kitchen, he slowly walked towards the sounds. Breathing a sigh of relief to see her alone she mixed her coffee. Eddie felt a lump in his throat as he saw the marks all over her skin. The skin Eddie wanted to mark as his. Now it was covered in some asshole from a party that probably didn't treasure her body the way it deserved.
She didn't say a word, and neither did he. He slid next to her to make his coffee but stopped when she placed the mug in front of him. Already filled and made the way he liked. He smiled at the action and went to say thank you but she already walked out.
He quickly followed her, stopping her bedroom door before it shut.
"Can we talk?" He asked again
She sighed and walked to her bed. She sat on it as she sipped her coffee. He followed behind her. His stomach was in knots as he saw her dress and lingerie scattered all around the floor.
"I didn't mean to hurt you." He admitted, keeping his eyes on her as she looked down at her cup. She shrugged her shoulders, "I kinda hurt myself, Eddie. It's okay." She said
"Why do you think that?" He asked, he wasn't sure what she meant by hurting herself.
"I mean that I had this whole idea that you liked me and you were attracted to me. I thought maybe you wanted me in the same way I wanted you. But I figured you didn't want to make any moves since you didn't want to be disrespectful to my dad. So I thought if I made the move for us...I don't know." She scoffed. Hearing herself out loud reminded her how dumb she was acting.
"But, you turned me away," she said sadly, finally looking at him. His eyes stared into hers, seeing the slight water that was filling. "I bought the sexiest lingerie I could find for you, and made an absolute fool of myself by throwing myself at you like a desperate whore. " she laughed at herself, her eyes now back on the cup. "I hurt myself by thinking you fell for me too."
"Y/N..." he tried but she cut him off. "But you were right. I mean my dad would never agree to this. He would hate me even more than he does now. And I'd make him hate you, and you are the only friend he has now. I need to stop ruining his life." She cried, wiping her tears as she cuddled into herself.
"He doesn't hate you at all. He adores you." Eddie tried but she shook her head. "He does! And he just wants to protect you."
"Thanks." She smiled. "He's back tomorrow so I guess I should clean up." She said, Eddie took the hint and got up. He walked to the door but slowly turned to her. The sight of her bruised skin and clothes on the floor reminded him of what happened last night. A reminder that she'd always be someone else's.
"Y/N?" She looked up, a small smile on her face as she encouraged him to talk. She watched as he set down his cup, walked to her, and placed hers on the desk beside her.
"What are you doing?" She asked, but he didn't say a word. Just looking into her eyes as he pushed her back on the bed, she sat still. Praying if she didn't move a muscle, he wouldn't stop what he was going to do.
Her whole body fired up like electricity as he crawled on top of her and smashed his lips on hers. He hungrily tasted her and gripped her hips as he grinded against her. Eddie never felt this way for anyone, ever. It's been years of being lonely on the road, wishing for someone to be there with him through everything. If that was her, he wasn't going to let Steve stop him.
She was melting into her sheets. Everything she was dying to have was happening. The feeling of his lips attacking hers, his cock rubbing against her thigh. His smell filled her nose. Her hands traveled to his hair, yanking it as she shoved her tongue in his mouth. His hard body was against hers as his tongue moved inside her mouth.
He pulled away, breathing heavily as his forehead rested against hers. She stared at him in awe as she breathed against him.
"Sure this is what you want?" He whispered, his eyes soaking in her face. His right hand cupped her cheek, his thumb stroking her skin softly. She was beautiful.
"Yes." She said instantly, her hands moving under his shirt, feeling his forbidden skin under her nails.
He pulled back and removed his shirt, she followed his movement and yanked off hers. Leaving her in her underwear as she watched him remove the rest of his clothes.
She felt her insides burn and cunt twitch as she looked at his hard cock. She could feel her mouth-watering, his hands yanking off her underwear and shoving her thighs apart. She watched as he got on his knees, dragging her closer to his mouth. She was panting before his lips even touched her. He spit on her clit and rubbed his spit around. She was clawing at her sheets, he didn't waste a second before his tongue was moving against her. He ate her out like he'd been starving for months. She was a panting mess underneath him, her teasing act out the window as she felt her body disappearing.
"Jesus Eddie." She moaned she's never felt such pleasure before and he's been eating her out for a solid two minutes at most.
Hearing his name fall from her lips had his cock twitching. He almost felt like he could cum from eating her out. She tasted amazing. He didn't give a fuck about letting guys her age have her. They wouldn't know how to please her. He knew he could make her cum better than anyone. He was lost in how wet she was, wanting to suck her dry.
"Gonna!" She squirmed, her thighs clamping around his head as she came. Eddie didn't pull away, continuing his attack on her cunt as she tried to pull him off. But the longer he went, the weaker she became. Lying dead against the bed as she twitched and squirmed from his tongue. Almost like she's done when he decides.
After what felt like hours, he pulled away. His chin soaked as he smiled up at her. She couldn't tell if she was smiling back at him or not, she couldn't feel a thing.
She felt him moving her body further up the bed, her head against the pillows as he was on top of her again. His forehead was against hers as he slowly pushed himself inside of her. She felt her eyes rolling in the back of her head as her cunt stretched to take him in. He kissed her nose softly as he pushed himself in. Giving her a second to adjust. She breathed through her nose as she gripped his bicep.
"Look at you, taking me so well." He praised, kissing her lips. He waited a few more seconds before he started moving in and out of her. Clenching his jaw as he felt her cunt sucking him back in.
"Faster, please." She whined. He smashed his lips against hers again as he thrust inside of her. He was going fast and hard, but she loved it. She clawed at his back, moaning as he hit every spot inside of her effortlessly. He filled her perfectly, it made his head spin.
He pulled away to move his attention to her neck. Jealousy in his bones when he spotted the marks. She gasped as he lifted her leg and put it over his shoulder. Somehow pounding into her harder. She couldn't speak, or form any thoughts. He was fucking her straight dead in the head. He latched his mouth right on top of the hickey, forming his own on top of it. He knew it was sore by the hissing that left her lips. But he didn't care. He would cover every mark she had with his own.
She felt a small smirk forming on her face, realizing he was putting his mark over the ones from before. She found his jealousy incredibly attractive. And she loved that it made him fuck her harder.
His mouth stayed on her neck, as his hand moved down to her clit. Rubbing her clit fast as he felt himself growing close. Her mouth dropped open as she felt herself clenching around him. His fingers on her clit was practically dragging the orgasm out of her.
She couldn't even form the words, just digging her nails into his skin as she soaked his cock in her cum. Panting against him her thighs shook.
Eddie immediately came right after, feeling her cum soak him completely, and sent him over. He trusted slowly inside of her as he came. Emptying himself inside of her, he pecked her lips as he slid out.
"Oh fuck." He moaned, leaning back on his legs as he watched his cum leak out of her. He pushed it back inside with his fingers, loving the way she shook and tried to swat his hand away. He leaned into her, "Shh, pretty girls deserve to keep all my cum." She nodded as she allowed him to finger the cum back inside of her. She felt used and abused and loved it.
The sun was bright through her curtains, framing Eddie in a perfect way that she couldn't take her eyes off.
"You're so pretty." She sighed, her hands tracing his face. He laughed as he grabbed her hands from his face and kissed her knuckles.
"You're pretty too." He said.
He rested next to her, bringing her in his arms. Her back to his chest as she closed her eyes.
"I fell for you too." He whispered.
"Eddie! He's coming home any minute!" She laughed, trying to remove Eddie's arms from her. But he was stronger than she was. His arms wrapped around her waist as he kissed her neck.
"Fine fine!" He pouted, allowing her to put space between them as she finished making dinner. Eddie moved to the table and sat down. Watching her make their plates for dinner. Her marks were covered in makeup, not wanting to give her dad a heart attack, but Eddie missed seeing them.
"I'm home!" Steve entered, a smile on his face as Y/N hugged him.
"Perfect timing! I just finished dinner for us!" She said, placing the plates down on the table.
"I'll bring these to your room, you sit and eat." Y/N offered. Steve looked at her weirdly but accepted the offer.
He sat down at the table and dug into his plate. Eddie got up to grab a beer, stretching to get it off the top shelf.
Steve's eyes landed on Eddie's back, the bottom of his shirt rising, and red scratches were all down his back.
"I hope you didn't fuck someone with my daughter in the house." Steve scolded, his eyes hard as Eddie froze.
"Excuse me?" Eddie chuckled, turning around to see a displeased Steve.
"Your back? It's covered in marks. I'm fine with you having people over, but please don't have sex with my daughter across the hall." Steve said.
"Right....don't have sex with your daughter...when she's across the hall," Eddie repeated.
What Steve didn't know couldn't kill him, right?
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @inesven
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ihni · 4 months
Okay so I read a fic (in another fandom) that made me think, and this morning I woke up with ready-made fic idea in my head which I will ABSOLUTELY NOT WRITE, I have too many WIPs already, so I'll just ... write it all out here and then hope that's enough to get it out of my head.
So! Harringroveson-ish. Very rough, train-of-thought style.
Imagine Eddie and Steve smoking together and hooking up on the regular, because they both live in a small town and it's difficult and risky to find another guy who's willing to fool around in small-town Hawkins. So they've been doing it for a while, and they have fun and like each other kind of a lot and are comfortable with each other and all even though they keep it on the downlow for obvious reasons.
And then Billy Hargrove rolls into town, and he's mesmerizing and both Steve and Eddie can't really keep away from him. But Billy's acting so über straight that surely, none of them have a chance, right? So they may talk about him when they're together (for the Thrill or Sexytimes of it, idk), but they don't really think they have a chance. Until they start realizing that Billy's eyes ... wanders, if he thinks no one is watching. So they start talking about it, about trying to see if they can seduce him to the gay side of Hawkins, and it's mostly a joke between them, to get the other riled up when they're together; talking about what they'd do to him if they could. Because Billy's always taking girls out, and he's got quite the reputation - SURELY he's got a lot of sexual experience and would be up for whatever, right?
And like, they both think that THEY'd be the one to succeed to sway Billy over. Steve thinks that since he's the former King Steve and plays sports with Billy and they hang out in the same circles, of course he'd have luck with the guy than Eddie, but Eddie claims that with the music Billy listens to and the car he's got, he's obviously got more in common with Eddie than Steve ...
So they make a bet. Mostly as a joke, but a bet nonetheless; Which one of them will bed Billy first?
Meanwhile, Billy is of course secretly gay and has been moved to a closed-minded town against his will by his abusive dad for being found out just kissing another boy, and even though he's secretly eyeing both the former King of Hawkins High and the King of the Freaks, he does not fool himself into thinking something will happen. He can't allow himself to show a single sign of his preferences. So he takes girls out on dates, a string of them, and he parties and he flirts and he wraps Hawkins around his thumb, and only shows the careful mask he has created, and not an ounce of the real Billy, because he wants to live until graduation, thank you very much.
He had planned to just keep his head above water and survive until he could get the hell out of town, but that gets increasingly difficult when the two guys who he's been eyeing start to approach him. Trying to be friends? Trying to throw him off? Or ... check out the competition? Billy's not sure what's going on here, but he knows it's messing with his mask and his composure. Harrington didn't use to play this hard in gym, did he? Rubbing up on Billy like he is, now. Didn't use to smile at him and talk to him and like, stretch out in the shower after practice. And Munson had kept his distance until then, so what's up with the way he suddenly appears whenever Billy's sneaking off for a smoke, offering a good price on weed and inviting Billy to see his band play?
So, Steve and Eddie do their best to seduce Billy, mostly as a challenge between the two of them, but when they notice that Billy gets flustered when they touch him or lets his gaze for a little too long when they do things like stretch or lick their lips and so on, they start to suspect that this could actually happen. It's not so far-fetched as they might have thought. So they talk, and find it very exhilerating to imagine that maybe they both actually stand a chance, here ... but of course, the bet is still on. Who will have him first?
Billy's only human. And gay. And desperately alone in this sea of people, since no one knows the real him. So he's falling for it, even if he's hesitant and afraid (because of Neil, because of what if this is an elaborate prank, and also partly because all that he's done with a boy thus far has been kissing (Your choice as to what he has actually done with girls)).
Maybe both Eddie and Steve are getting bolder, right about now. Putting the moves on Billy, so that there's no mistaking their intentions. And Billy is tempted, so very tempted - but also so very scared. He backs off, or draws back, or maybe stammeringly mentions that his dad would kill him if he found out. "He's not gonna find out," whoever is with him says, but Billy bites his lip. Hesitates. Shakes his head.
But like, of course, eventually one of them - Steve or Eddie, your pick - succeeds. Billy gives in, gives up, throws caution to the wind. He gets to sleep with at least one of his crushes, and it's GOOD, it's so much better than he could have ever imagined sex to be and he can't believe he's so lucky that he gets to have this.
And of course whoever won the bet is thrilled. Both because they got to fuck Billy (who they are realizing that they LIKE, just like they like their other boyfriend), but also because of the thrill of winning the bet. So after, directly after or the morning after, your choice, they hurry back to their boyfriend to gloat about their win. Maybe they have to look for him, though, so they don't find him right away. Because of course for PLOT REASONS we need Billy to be at that place, too - feeling light, happy, and for the first time not feeling like a prisoner in this town - and overhearing. Overhearing the gloating, the "I won our bet" and "yup, fucked him good" and the "he was so sweet, you should have seen him". And then, for added angst, of course Billy sees the two of them kissing, making out. Looking very busy and into each other.
Billy should be angry, but he's so shocked and gutted that he can't bring up even a spark of anger.
And I want them to spot him there. Realize, by the paleness of his face, that he heard every word. That he thinks they've used him, made fun of him - and they kind of HAVE. But when they break apart and turn horrified eyes on him, Billy turns and runs. They go after him, try to stop him, but oh THERE's that anger (bubbling up to hide the HURT), so he rips himself out of their grip and snarls at them not to TOUCH HIM. Maybe he yells at them, for using him and stringing him along and making him think he meant something when really he was just a pawn, just a game. Maybe he doesn't say ANYTHING, just blinks away tears and leaves. I don't know which is worse.
But he leaves, and they feel horrible. They realize that they fucked up BIG TIME, they should have approached this differently, they never should have made that bet. They talk (again) and realize that they actually DO both like him, and they want him with THEM, all three o f them together. They decide to try to make things right, somehow. Explain to Billy, grovel at his feet etc.
But oh, it's not that easy of course. Because Neil has gotten wind of Billy being seen with some boy (maybe a neighbor saw him when either Eddie or Steve reached for his hand or pressed a kiss to his cheek or something, in the late stages of the seduction), and he punishes Billy for it. Severly. Billy's home from school for a week, recovering. Steve and Eddie thinks he's avoiding them, but eventually put their foot down like, enough is enough, if he doesn't come to us we'll come to him, so they go to his house.
Thankfully, Neil isn't home. But Billy is. And when he opens the door, still black and blue, they are horrified. Billy is afraid that anyone will see them and tells them to go, and even scrapes up some anger and tells them that this is their fault, which shuts down their attempts at apologies, and then slams the door in their face.
Eddie and Steve do some more talking, maybe some minor stake-outs. Realizes that when Billy said his dad would kill him, he meant it, and if the man knew what Billy had done, Billy might be lying dead in a ditch somewhere. They feel bad (as they should, and also because this is my fic and I live for the guilt).
In the end, I think they'd have to find a way to get Billy out of his abusive household, as a way to prove they are sorry, and that they're serious about him. Maybe they set something up to make sure Neil gets caught in the act, maybe they involve the police, maybe they blackmail the man or threaten him somehow. I don't care how. But they get Billy SAFE. And THEN they grovel. As they damn well should.
And I hope that eventually, they manage to convince Billy that in fact, they were BOTH into him from the start, and the bet was just a way for them to dare to act on it. They both wanted him, with them both. And they still want him.
And maybe Billy might just be lonely enough to eventually believe them.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
We're A Family Part 10 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: I had many feels with this one. From this point forward I may start aging everyone up a bit just because I have some ideas with Steddie being girl dads and then Dylan needing them for advice all growing boys need. Im also drooling to get to teacher Steve... We also may throw another kid in there. Idk. Definitely not 6 @sidthedollface2 !!!
Warnings: ANGST and SMUT with a dash of fluff. Reader interacts with her mother which is always fun (I may also be dealing with things personal in this regard that flowed into my writing...), Reader and boys fight! I know! Its a small one though. She mentions feelings from her previous marriage and feeling like she isn't enough. Um...I think that it.
Word count: 4085
“I know, sweetheart. I miss them to.”
You and Aurora were sitting on the floor of your bedroom while Dylan laid a few feet away patting the floor. 
“Come on, Ro. You can do it.” She giggled at her brother as she tried to take a step forward before falling back on her butt.
This was the fourth day in a row that the guys hadn’t been home in time for dinner. Eddie had been working late at the shop while Steve had stayed behind at school to work on a project he had due. You missed them terribly but you would never bring it up. They were both working so hard to take care of you and the kids but you’d be lying if you said there weren’t a few times you had some flashbacks to your previous marriage. 
You reminded yourself constantly that this was different. Charlie had always been out on the town with his friends or fucking other women behind your back. Eddie and Steve were both at work. You weren’t allowed to be angry…right? It’s ok though. The guys said tomorrow everything would go back to normal…right?
The sound of your phone ringing startled you back to reality. 
“Hey! Is my son there?”
“Lynette? No, he isn’t and if he was I wouldn’t let you talk to him.”
She aggressively sighs. “Just like Wayne. So fucking self-righteous. I need to know if he’s going to the hearing.”
“Oh, well, I can answer that. No. Now leave him alone.”
Dylan laughed as you hung up the phone. “You’re so spicy, mom.”
“Yeah, it comes with old age.” He laughs harder as you laugh with him. “You want to watch a movie, weirdo?”
Steve sighed as he quietly opened the front door to a relatively dark house. Like you had been doing all week, the kitchen light remained on illuminating the entryway enough for him so he could see. 
“Hey, Munson.”
“Harrington. You’re just walking in to I see?”
He nodded as he reached for the fridge door, softly smiling at the food you left behind for them. 
“We don’t deserve her.” As he turns back around, he notices Eddie reading the note you left behind. Even though you could text them, you always left a note on the counter giving them a play by play of the evening. The metalhead hands it to Steve as he retrieves a beer and leans against the counter. 
“Eddie and Steve,
Dylan insisted on Chinese food so I ordered you both something and left it in the fridge. He had a good day and even told me about a new girl in his class :P. I think he likes her.
Ro still hasn’t got walking down. Our son keeps calling to her like she’s a dog and all she does is laugh lol She has definitely mastered crawling for sure. I saved the lives of one of your guitars, Ed!
She asks for you guys a lot. At night while we’re watching tv, she’ll point or look around and call out for ‘dada’. She misses you two…we all do…
Eddie, baby, your mom called my phone tonight looking for you asking about the hearing. I told her you didn’t want to go. I wanted to give you a heads up just in case she tries calling you to.
I love you both so much,
Y/N <3 “
“Steve, one of us should at least be here.”
“I know… I don’t know what to fucking do, Eddie. This is a big project for the semester and then I have to still go to work and make money. What about you?”
“I’m working to, man. I have more responsibility now and not just here. I…”, he exhales as he heads for the stairs. “I’m too fucking tired.”
Their hearts break when they enter the bedroom, finding all three of you asleep on the bed. Steve carefully picks up Aurora from your chest as Eddie pries Dylan from your hip, carrying them to their respective areas. 
Without even changing, they threw themselves into bed next to you, pulling you into their embrace as they fell asleep. 
When you woke up, they were both already gone for work. The only reason you knew they even came home was because you could still smell their scent lingering in the sheets. 
For the rest of the Saturday, you busied yourself around the house to make the time go by faster. Eddie and Steve were supposed to come home by 6 but the anger didn’t start to rise until 7 when neither of them had come back yet. Stomping to your phone you noticed a few texts you had missed. Steve said that the group he was working with in his class had some free time so he was going to run to one of their houses to finish up their project and Eddie said he had to work late again but promised he’d be home by 8 at the latest. 
You fumed as you paced in the kitchen. They promised today everything would go back to normal. They told you things were going to go back to how they were so they could at least see the kids before they went to bed. Without thinking it through you grabbed your phone and texted them a response.
“Fuck you both.”
Thirty minutes later, both boys angrily barreled into the house, shocked to find not you but Kierra in the living room. 
“I don’t know what you two did but my sister is pissed.”
“Where is she?”
“She said she needed to let off some steam.”
“Kierra, come on, we know you know where she is.”
Your sister glared in their direction, rising to her feet with Aurora on her hip. 
“Dada. Dada.”, she clapped reaching for Steve.
“I’m taking them to my house to spend the night. Talk to her, gentlemen. Y/N can handle a lot but she won’t put up with another Charlie.” It was their turn to glare, hating being compared to your douchebag ex. “She’s at The Hideout. Bring your shield and swords. My sister isn’t exactly a happy drunk.”
I’m not supposed to be angry. I’m not supposed to be angry. I’m not—” 
You chugged back the liquid in your glass as you lit another one of Eddie’s cigarettes. You imagined you looked pretty pathetic in a dark bar, smoking a cigarette in a shirt and jacket that were two sizes too big but you needed them close to you. Eddie’s jacket and one of Steve’s button up shirts were blanketed in their smells that had you hugging yourself as you tried to push back the tears that tried to run down your face. 
“Man trouble?” Your eyes shoot up to meet your moms as she sits diagonal from you at the bar, ordering a drink of her own as she lights up the cigarette in her mouth. “I swear me being here is a coincidence. It seems Mrs. Harrington and I don’t have a lot to talk about these days. Plus, she spends less time at that country club now that she’s at your house more.”
“Can I just drink alone, please?”, you whine. 
Your mother nods as she takes a sip of the martini that was handed to her. “How’s, um, how’s Dylan?”
“You would know if you bothered to come by or even call.” She looks down as you snap at her, immediately feeling guilty. “He’s doing ok. He plays baseball now and is dead set on teaching Aurora how to walk.”
“Is that the baby’s name?”
“My daughter, your granddaughter? Yes, it is.”
Your mother sighs as she turns to fully face you. “I don’t have a problem with her. I hope you know that. Janet showed me some pictures of her. She’s really beautiful.”
“No, you just have a problem with her mother being together with her fathers.”
“That’s what I’m talking about, Y/N! She has ONE father. ONE parent. How are you going to explain that to her when she gets older. Hell, how are you going to explain it to her now?! I imagine for a toddler that will be extremely confusing. And have you even considered what school will be like for her?! You’re so selfish, Y/N.”
You chugged down the rest of the liquor in your glass as you began to subtly cry. You already felt selfish for being angry with the boys…this is the last thing you needed. 
“Y/N, let me call Eddie to pick you up!”
“I’m not driving, Nick!”, you shouted as you exited the bar.
As you began your trek into the parking lot, your mother’s voice floated from behind you. 
“Y/N, come on. Let me drive you home.”
“Don’t!”, you snap as you turn on her. “Don’t pretend like you fucking care about me now. Don’t patronize me and pretend like you give a fuck about me or my kids! You told Charlie all about my life and things he didn’t need to fucking know which kick started a brand-new custody filing which fucking back fired because even a court so far seems to think my home is better than his! He felt so cornered he took him from school without telling me and got arrested. Did you know that?”
“Did you know that no one makes fun of Dylan at school and most of his friends think it’s ‘cool’ he has three parents? Of course, my son doesn’t care about that. All he cares about is the fact that he finally has men in his life who are there and actually make him feel wanted!”
This was a long time coming. Everything you been holding in was finally spilling out of you and you couldn’t reel it back in. A hand suddenly touched your arm but you didn’t bother turning around. At that moment, it didn’t matter. 
“Y/N, baby, come on.”, Steve murmured before you yanked out of his grasp.
“Aurora may only be one but believe it or not she understands that these two are her father. Biologically, yes, one helped make her but it takes more than that to be a parent but you wouldn’t understand anything about that, would you? I haven’t seen you in almost 2 years and why?! Because I found two good people I love and love me back? Jesus, you’re right. I am fucking selfish! I’m not perfect!”
As you spoke, Eddie and Steve tried to pull you towards the car but you kept fighting to get out of their grasp. 
“Why am I not enough for you?”
Eddie finally stepped in front of you, blocking your mom from your view as he grabbed your biceps forcing you to look at him. 
“Stop! Stop... Get in the car, sweetheart.”
Steve opened the back door, guiding you in before facing your mom. “You know, for someone who cares about how people perceive her, you give off a really shitty image. Maybe it’s time to consider if you’re trying to impress the right people.”
You barge into the house and head straight for the liquor cabinet in the kitchen.
“Fucking child proof...garbage…ugh!”, you whine as you aggressively pull on the child lock attached to the door.
“You don’t need anymore alcohol, Y/N.” Both men were leaning against opposite counters watching you. 
“I’m sorry, Steven, but you don’t get to tell me what to do. I’m an adult—”
“Whose acting like a child.”, Eddie cut you off.
“Said the man who acts like a kid 24/7.” You glare at them as you exhale. “Fuck this. I’m going to bed.” As you tried to head towards the stairs, they both cut you off. “Move.”
“Or what?”, Steve challenged. 
It had been awhile since you saw this version them; the angry version that didn’t mind playing into your attitude with a fury of their own. 
Turning on your heels, you planned to go around the counter through the living room but Eddie cut you off. 
“What was that text about? ‘Fuck you both.’”
“You BOTH promised me you would be home today?!”
“Sorry, honey. Shit came up. It’s not like we’re out on the town or having any fucking fun! Eddie and I are working our asses off!”
“So do I! I work an 8hr shift AND come home to take care of TWO kids alone!”
“We talked about this, Y/N. You knew when Steve started school and I took that promotion our schedules would be tight. You said you were fine with it.”
“Well maybe I’m not! And tight is completely different that not seeing you at all.”
“What do we do then, huh? You want me to quit my job so we can scrape by for the next year and a half? Maybe, Ed can go back to his old position that he hated. At least everyone would be fucking happy!”
You marched outside, slamming the backdoor as you lit a fresh cigarette. 
“Hey! Don’t walk away! We aren’t done.”
“I DON’T KNOW!”, you screamed. Your hands beginning to shake as the tears started to flow again. “I don’t know, Eddie. I-I know I’m not allowed to be angry and I know that you guys aren’t doing anything wrong or anything like that. But I hear Dylan talk and see Aurora search for you…then I go to bed alone and I just…I feel like I did when I was married to Charlie.”
“That’s…”, Steve aggressively sighs as he tries to control his temper. “That’s not fair, Y/N.”
“I know but, fuck. Maybe I am selfish.”
“If there’s one thing you’re not, sweetheart, it’s selfish. Don’t bring your mom’s ignorance into this because what she thinks about you and us doesn’t matter. What I do want to focus on is you’re the second person today to compare us to your ex and I don’t fucking like it.”
“Me either.”, Steve chimed in.
“Y/N, we know you went through a lot with him and still are but we aren’t him. How would you feel if we said something you did reminded us of Emily.” You cringed at the thought. “Exactly. We would never fucking hurt you the way Charlie did and we would never fucking give up on you either.” You made a funny face in his direction so Eddie continued. 
“Baby, he stopped fighting for you the moment he cheated on you. Fucking asshole was so petty he wouldn’t even let the mother of his child and son stay in their home.”
“If he hadn’t done that though, I never would have met you two.” You flashed them a slanted smile as you wiped your eyes. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking when I sent that text earlier. You know me, I saw red and… I was just so excited you guys were going to be home.”
Your gaze shifted between theirs as something quickly passed through their eyes, something you hadn’t seen directed towards you since living across from them...
 “I’m going to go get ready for bed.” You grin again, tossing the cigarette into the ashtray before swishing past them into the house. 
A hand abruptly grabs your shoulder, spinning you around as lips crash to yours. The many rings on his fingers tells you its Eddie as he pushes you against the living room wall. There’s a neediness to both your energies as he hastily unbuttons your pants and slides his hand under the waistband of your panties, making you moan as he roughly inserts two of his fingers into your cunt. 
You cling to his neck as he sucks on yours, thrusting into you at an aggressive pace. 
“E-Eddie… slow…oh my god…slow down.”
Without a word, he does as you ask, choosing to curl his fingers deep inside of you. Your legs began to shake as you reached down to grip his wrist. You tried to pull at his hair to look at his face but his lips remained attached to your neck. Instead, you searched for Steve, finding him leaning beside you both, his eyes overshadowed with that determination you saw before. 
Tonight, it was just you three and it had been so long since you had been together not just sexually but intimately. You were hurting and so were they. They missed you as much as you missed them and tonight they were going to show you how much. Tonight, the house belonged to you guys and they were going to make you scream their names so all of Hawkins understood you were theirs, no matter what.
You moan his name repeatedly as you cum, yanking Steve’s shirt to bring his lips to yours. As soon as Eddie removed his hand, the other man lifted you into his arms, bringing you into the kitchen and placing you on the island in the middle. The metalhead came around to grip your waist as Steve aggressively tugged off your jeans and panties. 
After pulling you closer to the edge, he threw off his shirt before kneeling, opening your legs wider, and wrapping his mouth around your clit. His motions were just as fast as Eddie, not allowing you much time to catch your breath. Lips and teeth warmed your breast as Eddie switched between the two. 
“I…guys…please…fuck…” You were struggling to form words as they both overwhelmed your senses. The sharp, cold temperature of the granite hit your back as you laid flat against it, thrusting your hips against the man’s face till you felt the coil snap and you came again. Eddie lifted you, placing you on your feet, and turning you so your back was to his chest. 
He fumbled with his belt as he walked you towards the stairs, kicking them and his boxers to the side as you fall forward onto the steps. The man licks his hand, pumping himself a few times before pushing into you as you moan. His fingers clung to your hips as he thrust into you, the obscene sound of skin hitting skin filling the area. 
Footsteps echoed beside you as Steve pushed off his own attire tossing it to the ground. After sliding himself in front of you, your hands grip his thighs for support as you encase his cock with your lips. 
He grunts at the feeling as you moan and bob your head, pulling your hair into a ponytail so he can watch you take him. Eddie falls forward, grinding into your pussy hard as his hands roam your now sweaty body. 
You lift your head, continuing to jerk him as fast as you can, shouting Eddie’s name as you hurtle quickly over that ledge again. He groans as you flutter around him, pulling out before taking you in his arms as he heads for the bedroom. 
Throwing you onto your back on the mattress, he lifts one of your legs over his shoulder and breaches your entrance again as he chases his high. Steve climbs up beside you, licking his fingers and reaching between you to rub your swollen clit. 
“Please…I can’t…again…too much…” They both silently continue what they were doing, lost in you and the moment. Eddie grunts as he cums, thrusting his hips till he empties inside of you. 
Steve takes over as the other boy pulls out and backs away, sliding himself into you before pushing your legs together and turning you on your side. This position had him deeper inside of you then you had ever felt as you gripped the sheets for support, needing to hold on to something as he smacked his hips against yours. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw his hand reaching for yours, quickly reaching over to take it as he gripped you tightly. The sound of your whimpers and moans escalated until you couldn’t hold back anymore, crying and shouting Steve’s name into the darkness. His body folded over your own slightly as his rhythm sputtered and he came, rope after rope filling you up. 
The room feel quiet except for your sniffles into the blankets. Someone gently lifted you into their arms and carried you to the bathroom before placing you on your feet by the tub. Looking up, you met Eddie’s soft brown eyes as he smiled, brushing your hair behind your ear. A loud grunt left him as you practically tackled him, wrapping your arms around his waist as you cried into his chest. Steve came up behind you, hugging you as he rested his cheek on your head. 
They waited for the bathtub to fill before releasing you, holding your hand as you stepped inside and immediately tugged your knees under your chin as they joined you. After Steve delicately pulled up your hair, he tenderly ran his palms along your shoulders and down your arms as Eddie cleaned your body. 
“I don’t like this…the silence…” The only reason you knew they heard you was because their movements paused for a moment before they continued. “Please say something.”
“You’re more than enough.” Your eyes met Eddie’s in total confusion. “You asked your mom why you weren’t enough and I know part of the reason you feel the way you’ve been feeling is because Charlie made you believe that to. You’re MORE than enough. You are everything.”
“You’re not selfish for feeling the way you’ve been feeling, Y/N.”, Steve continued after. “We miss you to and the kids. When you said Dylan has been trying to show Ro how to walk more, I panicked like what if we weren’t here when she finally did?”
You sighed as you leaned against his chest.
“We finished our project so I’m done there and, of course, the semester ends next week so I’ll be home more. Maybe next semester, I can cut back on some of my hours at work. Things might be a bit tight but…”
“Maybe not.”
“What do you mean, Ed?”
“The owner of the shop, Scott? He’s retiring after the new year. Part of the reason I’ve been staying late is because… he’s been talking about giving the garage to me.”
“Eddie, oh my god. That’s amazing!” You lean forward wrapping your arms around his neck. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up including my own if he decided against it. But, baby, this would mean I could be home more and we would have more money. Steve could even solely focus on school but knowing him he would insist on continuing to work.”
“You’re not wrong.”, Steve chuckles. 
“But what about music? Corroded Coffin?”
“I can practice more with them to. Sweetheart, I’m not going to become a rockstar in the next year.”, he laughs. 
“You’re already a rockstar to me.”, you smile as you kiss his lips.
“Oh hey, look. The entire Munson-Harrington clan came to get you guys AND they seem happy.”, Kierra grins as she opens her door wider to allow you three into her home. “Did you fall on your knees and beg for forgiveness?”
“Eh something like that.”, Eddie laughs. 
“Your mother was at the bar to last night. I’m not sure if she told you that.”
Your sister sighed at Steve’s comment. “I swear to God, that woman can be so…ugh! What did she say, Y/N?” When you didn’t answer, she turned to face you, noticing your eyes focusing on the kids. 
Dylan was holding Aurora’s hand allow her to balance before letting her go. She took one wobbly step forward before falling on her butt and smiling up at him. You sunk to your knees placing yourself a small distance away from her. Your son lifted her up again, holding her hand as he guided her towards you before letting her go. She stood still just for a moment as she looked your way. 
“Come here, baby. I missed you. Give mama a hug?”
You reached out your arms as she giggled before slowly taking two steps forward. She almost fell catching herself on her hands before pushing back to a standing position. 
She took two more determined steps by herself before falling into your lap. 
“Oh, Wayne’s going to hate that.”, Eddie grinned. 
“God job, Ro.” Steve kissed her forehead as she keened into your neck. 
“Get ready, boys. Here comes the fun part. Running after a toddler around a two story house with sticky fingers.”, Kierra laughed as she wrapped her arms around you leaning her head on the Aurora’s back. 
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks
@alienthings @steddieloverrr @manda-panda-monium
@decadentwombatmiracle @katie-tibo @marsupiooo
@local-stoner-bitch @steamystrangerfics @lunatictardis
@adaydreamaway08 @hazydespair @actuallyspencerreid
@moviefreak1205 @waylandmorgernsternherondal-blog
@kik51199 @strngrlytn @idkidknemore @damon-loves-pie
@k-k0129 @micheledawn1975 @eddie86baby
@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @3rriberri
@sashaphantomhive @chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes
@munsonzzgf @munsonmoonshine86
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amloveabledeathmo · 3 months
A Stranger Things Steve Harrington Eddie Munson fic summary for an idea I will probably never have the energy to write.
So to start off it's a few years down the line and Eddie is touring with Corroded Coffin and Robin is getting a degree in something cool and Steve has dabbled with college but didn't really find it to be to his liking. He thinks about what makes him happy and it's of course Eddie and Robbin and the kids. Since his parents are the ones with money he decides to talk to them about his big idea. He wants to buy Hawkins high school (idk why it's not being used, maybe they built a new one) that he went to and convert it into a large house where he can become a full time foster parent.
Surprisingly his parents are more than happy to bankroll this project since they have been looking for ways to help the family name with volunteer work but neither of them were interested so this way they can say they are helping children in need and that their son gave up everything to be the best foster parent he could.
Steve is excited and tells Eddie and Robin. Eddie is on tour so can't do much but Robin starts helping all the time. Her and Steve pick out rooms for themselves and then design every classroom into a bedroom complete with walk in closet and bathroom. Each room has a queen bed, a desk with a good chair, beanbags. They figure it's best to keep things simple where the kids can easily decorate the rooms to their liking.
Robin gets given four tomato starts out of a red wagon on her way home one day which starts her on a gardening adventure. They are able to plan out an amazing garden and playground.
Steve's parents are in town and decide to take Steve to the mall to shop for some bedding/accessories for the house (and get photos for their bragging networking).
Eddie finds out about the mall plans from Steve and drives straight to the mall to meet him at the food court. He's just off a tour but wanted to see Steve who is so excited that Eddie put him above sleep. When Steve sees his parents he asks if Eddie wants to hang out with them but Eddie is way to tired so declines. They both stand up and give each other a good hug, arms wrapped around the other with their noses tucked into the others neck. Eddie leaves.
When Steve is shopping with his parents they start asking about his friend. Steve doesn't really elaborate too much as he is occupied on picking the best most fun things out he can.
His parents ask him to dinner the next night and tell him they wouldn't mind if he wanted to bring someone else. Steve is oblivious. At dinner his parents ask increasingly less subtle questions before finally just asking why Steve had never told them or introduced them to his girlfriend. Steve gets defensive about Robin and they're like no we know she's gay, your girlfriend from the mall.
Steve is flabbergasted. His dad starts asking if it's because his girlfriend dresses too alternative or looks too masculine and thought that they wouldn't approve. Steve doesn't know how to explain.
He ends up telling Eddie all about it and Eddie agrees to a harebrained scheme of playing Steve's girlfriend. Shenanigans ensue, including two oh shit I'm attracted to my male best friend crisis's. They end up kissing somehow, Steve confesses that Eddie is a guy not a girl and his parents are like yay now our selfless son is also gay which gives us another in to certain society members and events.
Eddie and Steve foster many kids, and adopt some. Eddie gets to be a famous rock star and Robin lives at the house with them and her eventual partner so the kids end up with four parents. All around a good time.
@steddiehyperfixation I had this idea and was hoping you'd have thoughts on it lol.
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weird-an · 1 year
hello! idk if you take prompts/suggestions for ficlets but I really love your writing and this idea just popped into my head so I figured I’d ask!
Billy or Steve (idc which) having a really goofy laugh. Maybe they’ve been told in the past that it’s an ugly laugh or people usually cringe and end the conversation once The Laugh jumps out. Billy/Steve have resolved to not laughing (or maybe changing their laugh) to avoid the embarrassment of rejection again. But one day when they’re hanging out together (as friends or as an already established couple whichever you prefer), Billy/Steve gets a little too comfortable and The Laugh slips out. Billy/Steve is mortified, but it turns out that the other absolutely adores The Laugh.
It can be as angsty or as fluffy as you deem fit, I trust your literary judgement.
tw: bullying, Billy hurting someone in response to that, mentions of (verbal) abuse.
Billy's laugh is too high pitched and when he laughs really really hard, it always chokes in a sort of hiccup and squiek.
"You sound like a fucking girl," his dad tells him. "Cut it off."
So Billy tries to keep his mouth shut. To not laugh at home which is easy because Neil gives him nothing to laugh about anyway.
The boy that shoves him into the lockers at school, calls him fat because of his chubby cheeks and the same slurs his dad uses at home, catches him laughing at a stupid comic someone drew at his desk one day.
"You laugh like a pig," he says. "Piggy Billy."
It becomes a nickname he never asked for. He hears it in the hallways, in the lockers, everywhere.
His mom tells him that he doesn't need to listen to them. But then she fucking leaves and there's no one else to listen to except them and their ugly words.
Billy stops laughing at all. But he starts pushing back.
The anger inside him is a friend, getting bigger with every insult thrown, makes him strong. It's like a tunnel that only leads one way. He nearly breaks the kid's arm when he calls him Piggy Billy one more time.
They stop calling him that. Billy doesn't start to laugh again. He feels bad for losing his temper, but it works in his favor.
He doesn't think about laughing. They move to Hawkins and now its even hard to smile.
Then Steve Harrington decides to hang out with him, because he sees something in him that Billy doesn't really get. Because he tries to make Billy grin even when he's so angry and just wants to lash out and break something until it's as broken as he is. Because it works when Steve tries to put a smile on his lips and Billy wants to return the favor.
One day, they're stretched out on Steve's bed, skin still flushed and nerves tingling from the aftermath of their orgasms.
Steve's breathes ghosts over his neck and his fingers slide along Billy's ribs.
It tickles. Billy laughs. Too high pitched, choking on the grunt on the end. His mouth snaps shut and his cheeks burn when he realizes it.
He stares at the ceiling, panting and waits for Steve to joke about it.
"Oh my God," Steve looks absolutely delighted. "This is so cute."
He tickles Billy again. Billy's laugh slips out again, with that much force like it has just piled up in all these years, waiting to leave his throat.
"Cute," Steve says again.
"Fuck off. I'm not cute." Billy gasps, trying to catch his breath. His cheeks burn.
"Of course not," Steve says entirely insincere. He sits up. "Why didn't I ever hear that laugh before?"
A careless question that sounds too much like an accusation.
"I don't laugh."
Steve falls silent. A hint of confusion on his face changes into something else. Pity, sadness, Billy isn't sure what. But it's gone in a second.
"Well, you should. I like it."
"Just suck my dick, will ya?" Billy rolls his eyes, when Steve tickles him again.
The laugh shakes Billy from head to toes.
"I like it," Steve repeats.
He fucking means it, Billy realizes. There is that weird feeling in his chest again he always gets when Steve likes something about him. Despite of Billy being Billy.
The next time he laughs is when they watch a movie, Billy is sprawled out on the couch, head on Steve's lap.
The movie is stupid. It's so stupid, it's funny. The Laugh bubbles up again and he wants to slap his hand in front of his mouth, but Steve catches it before he's there, intertwining their fingers.
It's easier to laugh after that.
Billy laughs and Steve kisses him. It feels fucking good.
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leossmoonn · 2 years
hang around the ice cream with steve during the summer and while you’re sitting there reading and eating ice cream and steve getting jealous
Idk what this is. I just love Steve and all I’ve been doing is imagining him being my husband. So enjoy this blurb
Warning: gets a little 😏😏 suggestive at the end (nothing major)
Steve doesn’t consider himself the jealous type. He’s Steve “the hair” Harrington. What does he have to be worried abt? I mean, the fact that he works at Scoops Ahoy and is basically a dad-mom to a bunch of 13 year olds is what makes him Steve “the hair” Harrington, right?
No, Steve was painfully aware of how uncool he became and the fact that a very cool guy walked in and set his sights on you made him crush an ice cream cone
“She looks like she’s bored, Steve. Don’t worry about it,” Robin says. “Um, how do you know? You’ve never flirted with a guy before,” Steve says.
“Disregarding that. Anyways, she’s not flirting. She looks so uncomfortable.”
“No, she’s smiling,” Steve says. “Yeah, fake smiling. You see how her eyes don’t squint and crinkle?” Robin points out.
“What? Have you been like, stalking my girlfriend?”
“Steve, shut up. Now look at her and tell me she’s enjoying the conversation.”
Steve looks at you and it looks like you’re enjoying the conversation. But you’re a nice person and it’s not like it was weird to have convos with random ppl in stores. You did it all the time. But this time it was different bc now you’re bc Steve was ruining his own day by being his own villain.
“Yo, Y/n!” Robin shouts. “What the hell are you doing!?” Steve exclaims.
“Steve needs to tell you something!” Robin pushes Steve out from behind the counter. She’s like 😁👍 and Steve know obvs is like 😡🖕🏻 but he goes over to you anyways.
“Hey, Stevie!” You grin. And now Steve feels so bad for ever thinking you would cheat. I mean, the way you smile at him just says it all.
“Hey, honey. How, uh, how’s it going?” Steve asks. “Good. Hey, have you met Frank?” You ask.
Steve paints on a tight smile. “Yeah, he’s in our uh, science class, right?”
“Woah, Steve, you’re dating her?” Frank asks. “Yeah, why?” Steve asks.
“That’s so cool! Man, after your downfall, we all thought you were such a nerd and a loser, but you’re with a total catch now!”
“Thanks, Frank. I appreciate it,” you smile.
While Steve tries to act friendly, he can see through Frank. He’s looking at you like how Steve used to look at girls before he learned some humility: like a piece of meat. It made Steve’s blood boil.
So Steve decides to be discreet and show Frank that you are Steve’s. He slips his arm around your shoulder and kisses your cheek.
“Yep, Y/n is the best!” Steve beams. It’s not like he’s lying bc well, you are the best. He just really wants to punch Frank in the face.
You can totally see through Steve. You look at him like 🤨 “don’t you have a job to go back to?”
“What? Scooping ice cream doesn’t take that much effort. Robin has it covered,” Steve says.
“Yeah, dude, it’s kind of irresponsible to leave your post. I can keep Y/n company,” Frank says.
“Oh, I’m sure she’d rather be alone. Right, sweetie?” Steve hums.
You’re like 🙄 and not bc you like frank or anything, but it’s so obvious was Steve is doing, and him and Frank are basically having a staring contest and probably like a sword fight in each other’s minds. So you decide to play into Steve’s words.
“Steve is right, Frank. You did kind of interrupt my reading,” you gesture to your book.
“Right, my bad. Next time I’ll make sure you aren’t reading,” Frank smiles.
“Good idea,” you nod. “Well, I gotta get back to work. I’ll talk to you later?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, have fu - Steve!” You gasp as he crashes his lips onto yours. You can’t help but just melt into him. He’s Steve “the hair” Harrington, after all, and he’s completely stolen your heart <3 (aw so cute)
Frank obviously leaves with a glare on his face. You swear he mutters “Stupid Harrington stealing all the hot ones.”
You leave after a little bit but come back after Steve’s shift to pick him up.
“You hungry? My mom saved some leftovers for you,” you say.
“Yes, please. I’m starving,” he groans.
“Great. Why don’t you sleep over tonight?” You ask.
“Sounds like a plan,” he smiles. He leans in to kiss you but you stop him. He pouts, “what? Did I do something wrong?”
“No, but we do have to talk,” you say. “I know, I’m sorry we’re out of your favorite ice cream. This stupid store sucks,” he says.
You smile, “it’s not that, Steve. Remember earlier with Frank?”
“Yeah,” Steve frowns. “Well, I wanted to ask you why you did all that. Were going jealous?” You ask.
“Pffft me, jealous? Nah,” he shrugs.
You raise your brows. “Really, Steve? Making out with me right in front of him?”
“Don’t pretend like you didn’t like it.”
“I did like it, but please tell me why were you jealous!”
He sighs. “I guess… I’m just not cool anymore. And I know that sounds shallow because I’ve been trying not to care so much, but I can’t help but care. I used to be this guy who everyone bowed down to. Now I’m just this guy who scoops ice cream and gets chocolate sauce all over him every time I try to drizzle.”
You can’t help but laugh. He’s like :(( “why are you laughing?”
“Honey, I know you miss being King Steve, but you have to know by now that all that was so insignificant and just stupid. Think about how you were a year ago: jackass, man whore, ass —”
“Must you go on,” he remarks. You grin, “sorry. Anyways, I know being popular was like the best thing ever, but think about what you have now. Best friends, who may be 13 year olds, but they’re all the best. You have a stable job, decent grades now, and a girlfriend who I recall is a catch.”
He sighs, “yeah, I know. I’m really thankful for you guys. I’m really happy that I’m babysitter Steve and not man-whore Steve, but I’m just afraid.”
“Afraid of what, baby?” You ask.
“You started dating me just after I became uncool. So you saw how cool I was and I’m afraid that one day you’ll miss that and end up going to someone cool like Frank.”
“Steve, are you serious?” You ask. “Yes, I am! I know it’s so stupid, but that’s how I feel,” he frowns.
“Hey, it’s not stupid, honey. I just don’t think you understand how cool you are.”
He’s like 🤨 “um, do you know who I am?”
“Yes, I do. You’re Steve “the babysitter” Harrington. The most caring, loving, tough guy out there. You’re a hero, Steve. Not only to me and the kids, but to the world. You’re so cool, and you know why? Because you gave up all that douchebag crap to be a great person.”
Ugh and he’s looking up at you with those big honey brown eyes with his cheeks painted pink. (I would die for him basically)
“Really?” He asks. “Mhm,” you smile. You wrap your arms around his middle and peck his cheek. “Not to mention, you, Steve Harrington, make a certain girl very happy in bed.”
He grins, “oh, yeah?” “Yep,” you giggle.
“Well, good, because I’ve heard that this girl is a real catch.”
“You’ve heard?” You scoff. “Yep, I’ve heard. I think I might have to take this girl out to really know, though,” he sighs.
“Oh, really? To where?” You ask.
“Her favorite restaurant at 7 pm tomorrow.”
“Are you asking me out but talking about me like I’m not here?” You smirk.
“If I was, would you say yes?” He asks. You giggle, “yes.”
“Great. Wear that little green dress, yeah?” He hums.
You roll your eyes. “You’re such a dork.”
“But a cool one, right?”
You sigh, “yes, you are a cool dork.” You kiss him sweetly, but then pull away. “But, Frank is pretty cool, too. I don’t know, Stevie, he might got you beat.”
Steve wraps his arms around you and pulls you flush against him. “We’ll see about that after I’m done with you tonight.”
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girasollake · 2 years
IMAGINE while the gang are out doing their bit and Eddie is still hiding out, the reader has to keep him company and make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. She takes like board games and stuff to pass the time and hopefully make it a little less awkward. BASICALLY IDK HOW BUT THEY END UP FUCKING 😭😭😭😭
unexpected | e.m.
Tumblr media
pairing: eddie munson x afab!fem!reader
type: smut
warnings: sex 18+, minors DNI, swear words, pullout method, cum on body?, pussy eating, hair pulling, neck holding?(not choking), guys idk what more..
summary: in the ask:]
a/n: i have been writing it for like two past hours, i am so terrified of watching the new episodes when i wake up cause rn its 1 am and i wanna go to sleep, if they kill eddie or steve im suing... anyway i hope you'll like this piece anon<3 (also i feel like i suck at writing smut)
word count: about 2k
It was a windy afternoon. (Y/n) was sitting on her bed reading a stupid book her dad had made her read. Branches of a tree outside were softly hitting her bedroom window, the wind was making weird sounds. She turned over and tossed her book on the floor. With a sigh she got up and made her way downstairs. She didn’t want to interrupt her father who was working so she went to the kitchen. She was a bit tired from the morning events where she had to help her friends so she definitely needed a cup of coffee at that moment. While she was making the drink the doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it dad!” She yelled, voice directed towards the office.
She opened the door and saw Robin, the rest of her friends sitting in a car parked in the street. Robin was grinning and fumbling with her hands.
“What is it this time?” (Y/n) threw her head back and sighed.
“I just have a tiny, really tiny, little favour to ask you.” Robin bit her lip. “Can you watch Eddie tonight and like keep him company? We have some really important stuff to do and we need someone to… you know… make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.”
(Y/n) massaged her temples with her fingers, eyes closed. An annoyed groan escaped her lips but after all she agreed.
“Just wait a minute, I’ll go grab some games and tell my dad that I’ll sleep at your place.”
Robin was patiently waiting in the car with the others when the door opened and slammed just as fast.
“Thank yo-“ Steve started saying.
“Shut up and drive Harrington before I change my mind.”
All she wanted was a peaceful evening, maybe a warm bath. All of the latest events were getting into her head and she needed something to take her mind off of them, that something certainly wasn’t Eddie. She didn’t know him at all except for the fact he was quite weird, at least that’s what she had gathered from the 30 minutes she had spent with him. Maybe getting to know him more wouldn’t be that bad?
She took her bag and swung it over her shoulder. She slammed the door of Steve’s car again and started walking towards the boathouse.
“We’ll be back in 5 hours!” Robin screamed through the unrolled window.
“WHAT!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN 5 HOURS?!” (Y/n) turned around, anger written on her face.
“Or more!” She waved her hand at the furious girl while Steve was driving away.
(Y/n) groaned and adjusted her bag. She knocked on the door and opened it slowly.
“Eddie? It’s (Y/n). I’m here to babysit you.” She whispered while entering the boathouse.
He was sitting with his back pressed to the wooden wall, gaze fixed on the lake.
“I don’t need a babysitter.” He muttered.
“I know, but the others would disagree.” She came closer and took a seat next to him. “I have some board games to pass the time.”
Eddie finally looked at her, she had looked the same in the morning but now her smile looked more authentic, there was softness in her eyes. He put his beer aside and shifted in his seat.
“Okay, show me what you’ve got.” He smirked and nodded towards her bag.
(Y/n) couldn’t deny, she started feeling a bit tense. It wasn’t because she was scared, it’s because she started noticing his best features. The fact that she was left with this man alone was also doing the job. She observed him while he was looking through her games. His brows furrowed, mouth slightly agape, veiny hands caressing the boxes.
Were those rings there before?
“This one should be good, I played it once or twice.” He handed her the box. “You want to make a bet?” He added, his body softly leant towards her, enough for her to notice.
“Um, what kind of bet?” She tucked a strand of her behind her ear.
“If I win, you give me a kiss.”
“Pshh, hell no Munson.” She rolled her eyes.
“Come on, what do you have to lose?” He tilted his head.
Right, what do I have to lose?
“Yeah, ok, I’ll do it. But if I win, you will lent me some of your Metallica records when you get out of this shitty situation.”
“You like Metallica?”
“I like many things you wouldn’t think I like.” She winked. “So deal?”
They shook hands and started playing the game. Two hours of constant mocking, bickering and swearing passed and now they were waiting for the moment of truth. Eddie shook the dice in his hands and threw it on the board.
“I WON! HOLY SHIT!” He screamed, his arms flying to the air. Then his eyes met (Y/n)’s. “You know what that means, (L/n)”
She gulped and felt her body going even more tense than before.  Just his presence was enough and now a kiss?
It’s just a kiss.
It’s just a kiss from a hot metalhead, you can do it.
She tried to reassure herself while Eddie sat next to her. His hand came up to hold her cheek and he slowly turned her head to face him. His cold rings were like ice to her heated face. Eddie leaned in and their lips collided in a soft, warm kiss. His hand went into her hair gripping it gently. The kiss was short, they pulled apart and (Y/n)’s eyes looked straight into his, she didn’t waste a second to connect their lips again. This time it was messier and harder, filled with passion. She sat up and then quickly swung one of her legs over Eddie so that she would sit on him.
“It was supposed to be one kiss.” He said while he tried to catch his breath.
“I can stop if you want to.” She whispered, her lips softly sucking on his neck.
“Fuck no.”
He switched their positions so that she would be underneath him. That place wasn’t the cleanest but neither of them cared at that moment. Eddie’s lips were attacking her jaw and neck where he left two small hickeys. (Y/n) cupped his face with her hands and made him look at her.
“Touch me Eddie.”
He lowered his head to kiss her again and just before they kissed he whispered the words “As you wish”. One of his hands lifted her shirt, his fingers caressing her delicate body. There was this feeling again, his cold rings against her warm skin were making her shiver. She moaned into the kiss, Eddie’s desire growing stronger. He took off her shirt and started kissing everything on his way, he then placed his hand on one of her breasts squeezing it lightly. He then took it out of the cup and started circling his tongue on her nipple, the other boob being massaged with his other hand. (Y/n) threw her head back, her body arching into his. He used her movement to his advantage, his hands sneaking onto her  back and quickly unclasping her bra. He threw it somewhere next to them and then took off his own shirt. They were both staring at each other, it was getting dark but the sunset was still present and it gave them all the light that was needed. He was in awe of her messed up hair, soft breaths coming from swollen lips and her breasts moving with each of those breaths. She was in awe of his softly sculpted body, tattoos adoring his skin and his face features which were so unique and well-matched. Her fingers started dancing on the tattoos, slowly tracing their outlines.
“You like them?” He asked her.
She nodded softly and smiled.
“I just didn’t expect you had so many.” She looked up at him. “They’re hot.”
“I know they are.” He gave her a smug smile and kissed her.
He grinded into her and groaned into the kiss. (Y/n) softly scratched his back and deepened the kiss at the same time. Eddie’s hand cupped her boob again, his finger gently flicking her nipple. Then she was the one grinding into him, pressing her hips into his more and more.
“Are you sure?” He whispered.
“Shut up and fuck me Munson.” She arched her back again and pulled him towards her.
Eddie didn’t waste a second to take off her jeans and panties, but before he did what he was asked to he wanted to do one more thing. He lowered his head and trailed kisses from her neck down to her thighs. His fingers slightly tickling her lower belly and hip bones. He placed a soft kiss on her clit earning a moan from her. He held her hips tightly and started flicking his tongue occasionally licking all over. She was shaking, hands gripping his hair, her orgasm approaching rather quickly but Eddie stopped right before it hit her.
“I want you to cum when I’m inside you.” He said and pressed their lips together.
He threw his pants and underwear to the side and lined himself up with her entrance. He lowered his body and connected their lips again. She felt his tip slide inside her, it was uncomfortable at first but when she felt all of him it was amazing. They both gasped at the feeling and Eddie started slowly moving his hips.
“Faster.” She managed to say between the moans.
Eddie did what she said, his body loudly slamming against hers. He changed the position and threw her legs onto his shoulders which sent (Y/n) over the edge. She came without a warning, her walls squeezing Eddie’s penis and enhancing his pleasure.
“Fuck Eddie, fuck, fuck, fuck!!” She screamed while digging her nails into his arms.
Eddie helped her through her orgasm and then pulled out. She whimpered at the loss of contact thinking he was also finished but she was so wrong. He held her up and turned her around so that she was on all fours and pressed her head down. He waited a couple seconds and then shoved himself inside of her, she screamed and desperately tried to hold onto something but with no luck. She closed her hands into fists and moaned with each of his thrusts.
“You like being fucked like that?” He asked and went even faster.
She didn’t answer him, her vision going blurry from the pleasure. Eddie noticed that and pulled her up by the hair.
“I asked you a question.”
She gasped at the new sensation of her hair being pulled, she had never felt so much pleasure during sex. She didn’t know how much more she could take but this feeling of him filling her up was the only important thing, she didn’t want to lose it. Eddie let go of her hair and placed his hand on her throat pulling her towards him. They were both on their knees, Eddie fucking her from behind, her whole body pressed into his. His other hand started massaging her sensitive spot on her pussy. Next thing she knew she was cumming again. She threw her head back onto his shoulder, his hot breath hitting her cheek. After her orgasm he helped her get on all fours again and pulled out quickly, she collapsed on the floor and felt something warm on her back. Eddie groaned and sighed.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“Mhm..” She mumbled still trying to catch her breath.
Eddie stood up and dressed himself into his clothes scattered on the floor, he then took a towel which was a bit old and dirty and used it to wipe off the cum from (Y/n)’s back. He threw it somewhere under the table and helped her sit up. After helping her dress up he took a blanket Dustin had brought him and covered them both with it.
“Was I too rough?”
“No Eddie, you were perfect.” She kissed him on the cheek and then nuzzled her head into his chest.
Just before she fell asleep she thought of the plans she had had before she had come to spend time with him. Maybe she was wrong? Maybe Eddie was that something to take her mind off of things?
taglist: @r93339 @stvrdustalexx @cursedandromedablack @ccosmic-illusion @luvwanda @justice4lils @heizenka @wolfstarsimpxx @madokas-heart @screambih @lyntic @freeshavocadoooo @laracrof7s @naturalswifty89 @bvmbshell @alainabooks143 @squidwardsluverxx @phantomxoxo @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @stilesks @ilovedilfs32 @kaitlin-r130 @greengarsstuff @axen-gers @088i880 @ilovefictionalbrunettes
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daddyy333 · 2 years
Teen dad!Steve Harrington blurb
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
Word count: 0.9k
warnings: teen parents, Steve being a really god dad (it melts my mf heart so I need a warning sometimes😭😭) uhhh idk
summary: just teen dad!Steve fluff
“Hi, baby girl. Oh, hi sweetness” you said as you scooped your daughter up, picking her up from daycare. She used to go to work with Steve since she was a quiet baby and was a bit too small to be around so many people and so many germs but she was almost a year old now and since about 6 or 7 months old she’s been in daycare since you could afford it.
“Mama!” She said and you smiled, thanking the caretaker that brought you to her and leaving. You kissed her cheek and said “did you have a good day bub?” She babbled something and you smiled, opening the car door.
You got her settled in her car seat and “talked” with her the whole ride to starcourt. You went inside and she was super excited to see her dada, running as fast as her little legs would take her. You chuckled and scooped her up, going up the escalator.
“Mamaaa” she whined and you ran a hand through her hair. You readjusted her so she was in a better position for you to hold her and said “we’re gonna see dada in a minute Amber. You gotta be patient”
As soon as she saw the front of the Scoops Ahoy shop, she kicked her feet excitedly and giggled “dada”. You walked over and he smiled from ear to ear as soon as he saw his girls. “Dadaaa!!!” She yelled, kicking her feet a bunch.
You winced, setting her down as Steve came out from behind the counter and she ran to him. He threw her up in the air a few times, making her giggle and squeal. “Ohh, I missed this face” he said, kissing her chubby cheeks a million times.
You walked over to Robin and sighed, shaking your head. “You know there was a time where I used to be his favorite and he would be that excited to see me. Now the little creature I created has him wrapped around her little finger” you said and she chuckled.
“Yea, she does. She eat every last bit of our caramel ice cream every day cause he can’t say no to her” Robin said and you chuckled. He put her on the ground, letting her run to the back of the counters and say hi to aunt Robbie.
He walked over to you and cupped your cheeks, kissing you softly. “Hi, beautiful. How was your day?” He asked, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you to his chest. You smiled and said “it was good. Both of us missed you, but Amber was dying to see you today”
He chuckled and kissed your head, rubbing your back gently. He pulled away and kissed you one more time before you both went behind the counters, and you sat up on that counter behind the ice creams and cash register as you kept Amber entertained while Steve and Robin dealt with some customers.
He turned around as soon as he was done with some caramel ice cream for little Amber and vanilla for you. You thanked him and then made Amber babble “thank you” in hopes that eventually when she really started talking she’d learn manners quickly from hearing them so many times.
“Airplane!” He said, making that engine noise as he slowly moved the spoon towards her and she giggled, opening her mouth when it got closer. She let out a little “mmmm” as she ate it, clapping her hands.
He smiled and she whined, wanting more. Once she finished Steve wiped her hands and mouth with a baby wipe and put her on his shoulders, talking with you about each other's day as she played with his hair, his sailor hat barely hanging on her little head.
“I can’t believe you had a baby with a child” Robin said, shaking her head as you watched him run around the empty mall, jumping up on stuff and pretending she was an airplane. You chuckled and said “at least he knows exactly what she wants seeing as he has the maturity of a 1 year old too”
He put her on the Indiana Flyer and she giggled, kicking her little feet excitedly as Steve placed his hands on her little waist, making sure she didn’t fall or anything. Once the ride finished, he scooped her up and threw her up in the air, and put her back on his shoulders.
Steve pulled you in, wrapping his arm around you as you walked to the car, keeping one hand above him to keep Amber safe. Robin always sat in the back when you drove her home so she could play with Amber, whilst you and Steve joked around and talked about your days.
“Is she sleeping?” Steve asked and Robin nodded, watching her as she slept with Robins hand on her little chest, her tiny hands holding onto her fingers. He smiled and said “she was so energetic today” “I know…Ms. Bella said she didn’t nap today, I thought she would crash on the way here” you said and he chuckled.
You dropped Robin off and headed home with Steve. You woke Amber up so she could have dinner and bathe and spend time with you guys. She kept falling asleep the whole time but eventually she was in bed, passed out for the night leaving you and Steve to do whatever you wanted.
“Dinner was delicious my love” you said, he offered to make you guys dinner whilst you showered and relaxed. You wrapped your arms around his waist and he smiled, finishing up the dishes and turning around. He hugged you and kissed you softly. “I love you. You’re such a good dad to Amber, you know that?” You said and he sighed softly. He looked at the baby monitor and said “I try”
As of now I’m writing for
Eddie Munson
Joseph Quinn
Jamie Bower
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Maya Hawke
So just comment the taglist you want to be added to and I’ll add you :)
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Full house au roommate notes pt 2
Alright, here's the second part to this post. It'll also involve a few random side notes and headcanons and whatnot
As usual, this will contain spoilers for my full house au
Ok so as I said this part is mostly about the kids. There are 7 of them split up into 3 rooms, so they had to be split 2/2/3, with one room having a bunk bed instead of a second single-person bed. They were originally planning to put all the girls together since, y'know, numbers, as well as what I said in the last part about the parents not wanting boys and girls to share rooms*
*I wanted to sort of expand on this for a moment. Personally I think it's silly- and kinda gross tbh- to suggest boys and girls can't share rooms or to assume that something would happen if they did, but it felt like a realistic thing for parents of teens to take issue with in a situation like this, considering their generally heteronormative culture. I know mine would have, lol.
Of course everyone's different about it, but those who didn't think it should matter (Joyce, Karen, Susan) didn't think it was worth arguing with those who did (Hopper, Ted, the Sinclairs). Hopper was particularly against coed rooming, since Mike was part of the equation (he's a little behind lol, mileven is not together in this au; they broke up pretty much right after the events of s4), and the Sinclairs mainly didn't want Lucas rooming with Max. Claudia didn't care either way.
As for the guardians of the "adults" (aside from Nancy & Jon, whose parents I've already talked about), they either don't care, since their kids are grown, or weren't even involved (the Harringtons are left out of the loop and don't know about any of this and I don't know if Argyle even has parents). The Buckleys are pretty chill in general and Wayne has never been one to tell his nephew what to do
However, they decided against this arrangement for Erica's sake, since she doesn't really know the other girls all that well yet, and we ended up with the actual roommate pairings, as follows
Erica, Lucas, and Dustin are roommates, since E & L are siblings, L & D are longtime friends, and E & D have more history than she has with the others (s3). I also intentionally placed these 3 on the same floor as Eddie and Steve, since those two are familiar with and important to the boys and since Steve is the "adult" Erica knows the best. (Dustin may not have an older sibling to share a floor with like Mike Will El and Erica but he does have his dads). Basically it's the Scoops Troop floor, but with Eddie & Lucas instead of Robin
That left Max and El to be roommates, which they were both thrilled about- M told E it would be like having a sleepover every night, and that they should put up a "no boys allowed" sign on their door just to piss the boys off. Protective dad Hopper enthusiastically agreed with this idea and didn't catch his daughter rolling her eyes
I also put Robin & Nancy on the same side as Max & El so they share a bathroom; seemed like that would be preferable to sharing one with the guys (not to be sexist or anything but this way the ladies don't have to deal with piss on the toilet seat or awkward questions about the "feminine hygiene products" in the cabinet. Which reminds me- did anyone ever explain to El wtf a period is??? Bc I highly doubt the Hawkins lab kids had any sort of health education and usually that's something your mom would teach you about. Idk I might address that at some point. But also- if any of the girls are having shark week problems and Robin or Nancy isn't available, they go to Eddie. I haven't decided if he's out to them but either way they know they can count on him for that sort of thing)
And then there's Mike and Will. I'm pretty sure they were always going to room together, regardless of what I had to do with organizing everyone else, because they've been practically inseparable ever since the Byers reunited with the Hawkins crew. Sharing a room is comfortable, familiar, after their years of childhood friendship. And, again, I made sure to place them on the same floor as their siblings; Nancy is diagonal to Mike, and Will is two doors down from Jon and just across the hall from El
I think that's about it for the roommate notes, the next segment might be closer looks/design details of individual rooms. Nobody asked for it but I'm having fun, so. Yeah >:3
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!reader? (no physical descriptions)
Tumblr media
Summary: Steve Harrington is an 80s male version of matilda. 
Word count: 1.9k (just something smol)
Warnings: almost pure angst. super tw to daddy issues and fights/arguments. mostly a steve x father fic with mentions of reader. ALSO idk what season or year this is set in. maybe season 2-3 ish. there's also cursing. OH i also named his dad bc writing mr. harrington all the time gave me anxiety so let's imagine his name is Blake. yes, i got inspiration after Blake Carrington......
English is NOT my first language.
A/N: hello cuties, so just in case we don't get Steve confronting his family in s5...wrote this. and also of course this is based on dawson's creek and harry's song. feeling versatile today. love you all and I HOPE YOU ENJOY <3 
Steve got home after a double tutoring session for his SAT's. To say he was exhausted would be an understatement, but at least it helped him not to think about Y/N, his girlfriend that actually made it out of Hawkins after high school. Don't get me wrong, he was so proud of her for pursuing her dreams, but that didn't mean he didn't miss her to death and wish she was with him every night.
After entering the kitchen to make himself a sandwich because, of course, there wasn't food already made. It was his everyday routine, but when he turned around, he noticed his dad. Weird. He thought. He's almost never home, and when he is, it's like he avoids being in the same room as Steve. Yet here he was, passed out on the family couch next to a bottle of whisky. I guess it was a long day for him too.
Steve couldn't help but stare at him and feel empty. After a few moments of contemplating his next move, he decided to sit on the couch in front of him. He knew his father wouldn't wake up, yet he still sat down just for the nostalgia and pain of it all.
"So I guess this is as good a time as any to have that father-son talk." Steve looked at him and saw how he had this subtle snore. Great.
Steve made this lower voice impersonating his dad. "So, how are you doing at summer school, Steve?"
"Well, actually, dad, I'm doing all right. You know, I'm really turning things around. It turns out I'm pretty smart. Maybe I'm college-bound after all."
"Good man, Steve, I always knew you'd turn out to be something. How are the ladies treating you?"
"Uh, I met this woman." Steve answered himself and couldn't help but blush just at the thought of her.
"Is she cute?"
"Cute? man, uh, Y/N's beautiful. She's smart, she's funny. I tell you, this girl is really something special. And...whatever the reason, she seems to think I'm pretty special too." 
He couldn't stop smiling by now. A warm feeling was taking over his body, one he was familiar with since he started dating Y/N. But that smile, that nice warm feeling, suddenly disappeared, making Steve frown and almost contain his tears. This is not what he was intending to do by having a fake conversation with his father. But he stayed with it.
"So why can't you see that? Hmm? Why can't you see me, man? When did you give up on me? when I was five? Hmm, ten? twelve? I'm eighteen years old, dad.
Steve was sobbing by now. He couldn't breathe properly either. He was embarrased to be perfectly honest but all those emotions he had bottled up for years were coming out. He couldn't help it even if he tried. And he did try.
"And I'm here, and I'm not perfect, but I try so hard for you. I just—it's your job. It's your job to love me. Because you're my father, no matter who I am or what I become. I can't do this by myself."
Steve didn't realize until now how much he actually needed his parents. Yeah, the party was great, as were his best friend and girlfriend, but the validation and support of his parents is something he always hopes he will get one day.
But it didn't seem like that would happen any time soon. 
Later that week...
After another natural disaster in Hawkins, Steve wasn't surprised if it ended up being connected to the Upside Down or the lab, for that matter. But of course, his father didn't know that. So, after a long day at the office doing whatever it is that stock marketers do, Mr. Harrington met with Steve.
Steve wasn't really paying attention to what was happening; it wasn't anything new to him. He was consumed by the thought of his girlfriend once again. Fuck, he missed her. He missed her a lot. Sure, they would call each other every day, but it didn't make it any less hard on him. He wonders if Y/N felt the same way about their separation. Or was he too codependent?
Steve's dad shook him out of his thoughts when he started talking again.
"The sheriff was lying to me. He's in it up to his neck and he knows it."
Of course Steve knew Hopper. He's done everything in his power to protect the kids, so this type of incident wasn't him. It couldn't be.
"Come on, you don't even know if this has anything to do with him." Steve was trying to lift the mood and make his father not put the blame on Hopper.
"A random arson incident in the middle of Hawkins? Let's consider the likelihood of that, Steve." Blake scoffed, looking at Steve like he was delusional or just plain stupid.
How wrong he was.
"If God hadn't blessed you with my good looks, I wouldn't know whose son you were. Why don't you drive yourself home before you make another embarrassing comment.” 
Steve just stared at the man. Wondering how on earth were they related. 
"I think I'll walk."
Blake contained a laugh. Again, making Steve look bad in front of all his coworkers.
"As if I care."
Just as Steve was turning around to leave, he decided to add one more comment.
"You know, we assumed you did, Pop." he said smiling with his sarcastic and mocking voice. It was basically a fuck you, dad.
Blake was surprised at his comeback—was he trying to embarrass him? Nope. He wouldn't tolerate it.
"You'll have to excuse my son, boys. His girlfriend moves away and suddenly it's his time of the month." he said, forcing a laugh to make it seem like it was no big deal.
"Hey, screw you, okay?" Steve was getting annoyed by now. He wouldn't let himself be talked down like that anymore.
Blake tried to put Steve aside to talk to him in a more private environment, in which he most definitely would be scolding Steve for his attitude towards him.
But when he tried to grab his arm,
"Get your hands off me, alright? You don't touch me again, ever!" Steve was now shouting. The mere idea of his father having anything to do with him disgusted him more in that moment than any other day.
Mr. Harrington made that fake laugh again, trying to keep an appeareance in front of everyone else in the scene.
"Finally, my boy gets a pair. All it took was getting his heart broken by some little girl with a few screws loose."
Steve lost it. In his eighteen years, he had never punched his dad, not until today that is. He didn't know anything about you. He didn't know that you are the most amazing person to ever grace his existence.
"Y/N did more for my life in six months than you did in eighteen years, you rotten son of a bitch. So if you want to make fun of me, you want to burst out on me? That's fine. But if you make even the slightest disparaging remark about the woman I love, I swear to God, you'll be calling this town from a hospital bed, you understand?"
Blake was speechless. He didn't even move from the position where Steve had punched him just a minute ago.
With that, Steve was ready to leave. He couldn't look at his dad anymore. But first, now that he seemed to have his full attention after all these years, he had one more thing to say. To him, to everyone for that matter. Screw the reputation.
"And one more thing, even if Hopper was involved in all of this, he's still ten times the father you ever were."
The next day...
Steve was at the park waiting for the kids to call him through the walkie-talkie and ask him to pick them up from their D&D session. Just another regular day for him: picking up the kids, waiting for it to be night, and calling Y/N's dorm. He's sure her roommate is sick of all the calling, but he couldn't care less. He needed to hear her sweet voice. Yeah, he was codependent alright.
And just like yesterday, someone interrupted his thoughts. His dad. Talk about a surprise.
"What are you doing here?"
Mr. Harrington sat next to Steve on the park bench, leaving enough space for another person to fit between the two of them.
"For starters, you punched me."
Of course. Steve thought that's what he'd say.
"If you came looking for an apology, you're barking up the wrong tree."
"No, I don't need one. I deserved it. Good for you for doing it." What had gotten into Blake Harrington?
When Steve didn't respond, he decided to keep making conversation, something he clearly wasn't used to.
"You got another phone call today from Y/N. We talked for a long time. She's uh, kind of chatty, that one."
Steve smiled to himself. "Yeah, she is."
"She sounded sweet as hell, Steve. So, I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. I really don't know anything about her."
Steve finally got the courage to look him in the eyes. "Apology accepted." 
Steve got up from the bench after that. He wanted to see what his father's next step would be. Would he follow him? Or leave now that he has a clean concience? 
"I'm not done."
To Steve's surprise, Blake got up as well.
"As little as I know about her, I know even less about you, my own son."
They stay put for a moment, waiting for someone to continue. Mr. Harrington guessed that would be him again.
"I realized that as Y/N was trying to fill me in on what you two had been through, I didn't know about any of that. She said you were her hero. It was nice to hear."
That brought tears to Steve's eyes but he wouldn't let them fall. His lips stayed pressed together hoping the force would also help stop the tears. Boys don't cry, he reasoned, or at least not in front of Blake Harrington. 
When Blake still got no verbal response from his son, he thought it was fitting. How many times has he done the same to Steve?
"Anyway, I called the school and I explained things to them. They're going to let you make up the finals next week when you feel up to it."
"Thank you." Steve was finally able to get the words out. You could see the pain in his eyes, yet he refused to be open about it.
"It's the least I could do." Even though Blake's voice didn't seem affected by all of this, you could see pain in his eyes too. From what? We don't exactly know. Yet. 
"I'm sorry I haven't been the kind of father that you felt you could share your story with."
Fuck it. Steve started shredding tears; it wasn't a full crying look, but it was in the making. It was bound to happen, that's for sure.
"Uh, there's just one other thing here. Y/N wanted me to give you something."
You could tell Mr. Harrington was nervous—a little uncomfortable even. Meanwhile Steve had this confused expression. That's when his father started getting closer to hug him, patting his back a few times before pulling away. It was a quick hug. An awkward one too.
After that awkward embrace, they looked into each others eyes and saw the hurt they both shared, that's when they went for another hug. A hug that was expected for eighteen years. Steve finally broke down thinking this could possibly still be a dream, either way, he was going to take the deal.
feedback and comments are greatly appreciated <3
should I start a steve tag list? i'm conflicted..
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tarantula-teeth · 5 months
WIP Tag game!!
Tagged by dear @meggie-stardust
I am always working on at least 10 fics at any given time. They cycle around until I finish them and then a new one gets added.
Actively in progress:
Bending Back rewrite (85% complete!!)
Wicked Dreams rewrite (75% written, 50% rewritten)
Fore Majeure : Not safe or sane but very consensual sterek fic
Bonding: cute(?) bdsm fic, sterek
for they don't have trees: teen wolf movie fix-it, stiles and eli team up to resurrect derek
Steve Harrington’s Journey into Marriage and Homemaking: fic about steve's parents dying and leaving him a 12 year old sister to raise
Fics hanging out in the WIP archive for a while I might revisit:
Amnesia!fic: peter gets amnesia and doesn't tell anyone about it, steter
20-something deaton and peter accidentally summon present day stiles: deaton/peter/stiles
the one where stiles uses peter to get revenge on his ex (who is scott's dad)
every box a girl: after finding her sister's remains, betty returns to riverdale on a mandated mental health leave and begins to KILL
babadook fic: has nothing to do with the babadook, stiles accidentally splits his younger self off from his body and has to reconcile with it to be complete
genderswap steter
amnesia chris peacemaker thinks he's dating vigilante
gender weirding peacemaker fic
WIPs I'm pretty sure I will never complete:
Mitch fic: mitch from american assassin gets dropped in beacon hills
stiles wakes up as a vampire
peter accidentally summons his younger self but also body swaps with him (i think being forced to interact with yourself is interesting) (was gonna be lydia/stiles/peter)
witcher au
Not abandoned but idk if it will ever be done:
third part of the space between verse
i think most people have been tagged so if you're doubled just know you're loved. i will tag @dear-massacre @cw0ffeefandomaddict @vmures and anyone else who wants to share. i will come ask questions fs
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wisdomssdaughterr · 2 years
Idk if writing requests are open but maybe if you have time: can you do one with Steve and Dustin or the scoops troop having a movie marathon and they all end up cuddling next to each other? And putting their heads on each other’s shoulders. And during the movie they keep commenting (cuz they would do that and they’re just like me fr).
okay this kinda got out of hand (and I hope headcanons are okay instead of like a little blurb!)
Scoops Troop Movie Night
- post-starcourt the four odd friends, strange children, and non-blood related siblings all start to hang around the harrington house more.
- steve tries to act like it annoys him but his house is usually empty and he enjoys their company more then he’d ever admit aloud.
- after school homework sessions at the dining room table and weekend meet-ups before driving to the arcade slowly become just erica and dustin lingering around the house and taking it over.
- robin invading steve’s space was one thing. her clothes had a growing pile in the corner of his room (because every time she comes over she makes up some excuse to steal his clothes and “forgets” to return them).
- but dustin and erica were somewhat new territory for steve. babysitting was something he had a handle on, but having dustin and erica around shifted from babysitting to just having two younger siblings that he housed half the time.
- it was robin who suggested a movie night, and it took almost a week for them to agree on a movie. (they never actually came to an agreement they just agreed that movie night would be a weekly thing and they’d take turns picking the movie.)
- erica got to pick first because some shit about her being the youngest. and she obviously picked the cheesiest, bright pink hued, bubble teenage dream kind of movie (and steve enjoys the shit out of it).
- they all start spread out across the living room. but when bowls of popcorn have to be shared and all of that jazz, they end up smushed shoulder to shoulder on steve’s couch.
- erica is sandwiched between steve and robin. dustin is close to steve’s other side while robin and erica share a blanket.
- by the halfway point of the movie robin is asleep on erica’s shoulder, drooling slightly and erica rolls her eyes, but doesn’t shove the older girl off. she just kinda falls like a domino into steve’s side to she doesn’t have to hold robin up.
- by the time the credits roll, both dustin and erica are knocked out, leaving steve practically swarmed in a pile of heavy limbs, blankets, and pillows on his couch.
- again, he wants to be annoyed or roll his eyes at how the group couldn’t even stay away long enough to watch the movie they all argued over for a full week. but he just felt warm and fuzzy and loved.
- the following morning robin wakes up first and makes them all breakfast.
- dustin puts on music and he twirls erica around, while still half asleep, in the middle of the kitchen while singing off-key.
- they’re all fixed in a fit of giggles and smiles while they eat half-burnt pancakes and already plan out their next movie night (“we’ll stay awake next time! this was a one time thing!” - it wasn’t and somehow at least two of them end up falling asleep before the movie concludes in the weeks to come).
- bonus!! I think it would be really funny for erica and dustin to start referring to robin as dad and steve as mom (but platonically) and steve teases robin that now his kids are now her kids (they’re platonically married idk what to tell you).
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Playing the Game Part 10 (Steve X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: I bare you this gift because I can! (And I love you).
There's definitely a taglist somewhere. Idk where it is. Please enjoy! This series was my first time writing for Daddy Steve. I think I've gotten better. ENJOY! <3
Warnings: Daddy Steve and Sub Plus Size Reader and all that implies (I regret nothing!), Smut, angst, and all the fluff. Steve and Y/N get into a fight and he throws a tantrum (and something of the readers against a wall).
Word Count: 3432
It had been two years since you started your relationship with Steve Harrington. You two had been living together for just shy of a year and happier than you ever thought you could be. Your sex life between you guys had hit heights you didn’t think possible. Before he moved in, you both had just started treading the line of Steve being more dominant in the bedroom. 
Now he was more than comfortable when it came to punishments and keeping your bratty butt in line. The quiet moments were even sweeter, when he would hold you after and tell you how much he loved you. In the mornings, sometimes he would surprise you with breakfast in bed or at night take you out to a fancy dinner where he could show you off, dancing with you till the restaurant you were at had to close. 
Your family fully embraced him especially since his dad still hated that you were together. Instead of cutting Steve off like he threatened, he severely reined in the income he provided to his son hoping that it would scare him enough to leave you causing fights between the two of you often. 
“Steve, I feel bad! I feel like you struggle because of me!”
“Baby girl, I’m alive because of you! You woke me up to what actually being fucking happy feels like!”
“That’s sweet and everything but some of the extra stuff you insist on doing for me is financially draining you—”
“Don’t talk down to me like your him! I have enough money to take care of us AND give you the life you deserve!”
“But the thing is you don’t!”
“What should I do, huh? You want me to break up with you so I can get my inheritance back? Then what? I’ll just go back to my apartment, sit alone, and just be miserable for the rest of my life. But, hey, at least I’ll be rich!”
“Penny for your thoughts, babe.”, Robin smiles as she bumps you with her hip. 
“I just…I don’t know. Steve’s been acting kind of different lately. I feel bad because I know he wants to take care of me and be that ever attentive boyfriend but with my salary and his income at Family Video…”, you sigh. “I wish he understood that I don’t need the extras. I just want him.”
You friend pulls you into her arms as she hugs you. 
“The financial thing won’t be an issue too much longer if he lands this job at his dad’s firm.”, Eddie retorts as he continues staking comics on the shelf in front of him. 
“I’m sorry. When he what?”
Eddie’s eyes meet yours in apprehension. “I…thought you knew. He’s been interviewing at his dad’s office these past couple of weeks.”
You glance at Robin whose eyes are just as wide as yours. “He didn’t mention anything to me.”
“Why did he tell you, Munson?”
“Again, I thought you knew, sweetheart. He didn’t imply that you didn’t. He picked me up from the bar about a week ago wearing a suit. I asked him why he was all dressed up and he told me. No hesitation of anything.”
As if on cue, Steve enters your store shaking his umbrella before placing it near the door. As he turns to face everyone, he realized you guys were already staring at him. 
Your head tilts to the side as you fold your arms over your chest. 
“Wow, holy shit. Look at that comic I see on the wall over there in the back of the store where I can’t hear a thing. Eddie, can you show it to me?”
“No. I want to watch her kill him.”
Steve’s head turns to his friend as Robin growls. “Come on, you idiot.”, she scolds as she tugs on his arm.
“Ok, apparently I did something.”
“You look good, Harrington. No interview at your dad’s firm today?” 
His jaw tightens as he walks towards you, placing his jacket on the counter. 
“Not today no. My final interview is Friday.”
“And you didn’t tell me because…”
“I knew you would get mad.”
“You’re fucking right I would except now I’m even more angry because you hid it from me. Steve, you can’t work there. It will be like living with him all over again.”
“First off, you need to check that tone, little one. Secondly, I handled it.”
“What does that mean?”
“Y/N, it’s a good job. I’ll make more money, benefits, and things like that. And… he said he would give me my inheritance back even if we stay together.”
Your mouth opened to say something but the words wouldn’t come out. The only words you could manage to muster out was a meek but strong, “Fuck you.”
Steve’s eyes lit a blaze as he stepped closer to you. “Want to try that again?”
“Fuck. You. EDDIE!”
“Yes! Yes, ma’am!”, the boy exclaimed as he skidded around the corner. 
“Close the store for me tonight.”, you glare at Steve as you toss the metalhead your keys. “Daddy and I have some things we need to hash out.”
You angrily slam open your apartment door as you both stomp inside. 
“Well, baby girl, where do we begin?”, Steve asked sarcastically. 
“Don’t! Don’t you dare call me that right now Steve. I am furious with you!”
“You just called me by my title in front of one of our friends. I can call you whatever the fuck I want and you have no right to be angry with me! You’re the one that’s always saying you feel bad because you think it’s your fault that my father cut me off. Now I’ll get the money AND have a better income. What’s the fucking problem!?”
“The problem is you are going to be fucking miserable! Do you really think that makes me feel better?! You working somewhere you hate? Why does it have to be with him?! There are so many other companies you can apply for.”
“My father runs almost every major company in Hawkins, honey. There is no where I could go where I wouldn’t be under his thumb.”
“Then why leave Family Video. You love it there and working with Robin.”
“I love you more.”
“Steve, what does that even mean?! I have never asked you to be anything more than yourself and to do what makes you happy. I’ve also told you a thousand times I don’t need extra things like fancy dinner dates or jewelry!”
His head snapped towards you then, glaring at you through angry eyes. “Fine! You know what? Fuck it! You’re right, Y/N. I spoil you too fucking much. We don’t need these extra things. You don’t want me to take you to dinner that’s fine.” He glides past you into your shared bedroom and starts pulling things out of your closet. “These clothes and my suits? Don’t need them.” 
Steve grabs the box you keep your jewelry in and hurls it across the room. “Won’t be needing that anymore. From now on, baby, I’m going to be one of those strict Daddy’s. You don’t need any of these things or want any of the nice shit I do for you, right? RIGHT?!”
“Jesus, you’re already starting to sound like him.” He charges up to you till his face is hovering just above your own. Your fury filled eyes meet his as you stare at each other. “Steve, I—”
“Don’t talk. Just listen, little girl.” His nostrils flare as your jaw clenches. This was the first time since you told him the origin of your hatred for that name that he had used it and it still seemed to get a rise out of you. “I’m tired of having this fucking fight. I know you feel bad that my dad cut me off but that had nothing to do with you. That was a long time coming. Do you seriously think being me, I wouldn’t have done something to piss him off.”
“Then why work for him, Steven?” If he was going to use the name you hated, you could play that game to. His face twitched in anger but you noticed something else that you hadn’t seen before. “Are you hiding something from me? Beside the interviews…”
He turned away from you, grabbing his jacket as he headed for the front door. Hastily, you ran to cut him off, placing your body in front of it. 
“Daddy, what’s going on?”
“God, you are just on a roll today with being a fucking brat.”
“Said the baby who doesn’t feel man enough to tell me the entire truth.”
He snickered as he took a couple steps aways from you. A few moments passed before he finally spoke. 
“I went to a jewelry store with Jonathan a couple of weeks ago. He was looking at engagement rings because he wants to purpose to Nancy. While we were browsing, I kept thinking ‘This would look beautiful on Y/N.’ or ‘I bet baby girl would love this one.’” He chuckles out a sigh as he turns to look at you. “Honey, even a down payment on the cheapest engagement ring is over a month’s worth of my income at Family Video. Then I got to thinking ‘Geez, Harrington. Can’t even afford the fucking wedding ring. How are you going to help pay for the wedding? Honeymoon? A house so you and Y/N can start a family? Kids…”
“So you’re right. Not only am I not man enough to tell you the truth but I’m not man enough to fucking give you the life that you deserve.”
You felt terrible. He had never mentioned any of this to you so you thought he has trying to make more money to be able to provide you extras but instead was willing to work under a man he hates to give you what he considered as necessities.
“Steve, I—”
“Just move, Y/N. I need to clear my head.”
You threw your arms around his waist as his remained at his sides. “Daddy, I love you so much. I wish I could make you understand, I…I don’t need a fancy ring, honeymoon, or even a fancy house. All I need is you. If you want to work at a different place or make more money that’s fine. I support you but don’t do it for me. Do it for you and do something that makes you happy.”
He sighed; his tone still stern but much softer than before. “This is the last time I’m going to ask. Move. Or I will move you.”
You did as you were told and he slammed the front door as he left you alone.
Steve wasn’t gone for long, coming back an hour and a half later to find you on the floor of your bedroom next to the pile of clothes he had thrown with your knees to your chin and your head in your lap. 
He moved the bottle of vodka to your side out of the way as he sat down, leaning against the wall behind you. 
“Y/N…”, he began but your gravelly voice cut him off. 
“I hate when you leave like that.”, you turn so your watery eyes can find his. “I know you’re just trying to cool off but I hate not knowing where you are especially after a fight. I get scared you’re going to disappear again.”
“I went for a walk. Just around this little area, ya know? There’re these two-story houses back there.”, he gestures absently outside. “There’s one in particular with stuff hung up in the window that have to belong to a little boy’s room. Sometimes, I picture me coming up the driveway in my BMW, running up the walkway in my suit and some kind of ratty but overpriced brief case filled with documents I don’t care about.”
You scoot back so your closer to him as you listen to him speak.
“I would open the door and see my beautiful wife sitting in the living room with our kid who definitely has my hair…” He smiles when you giggle. “…and you’re reading them one of the new comics you got from the store. As I head towards you guys to see what you’re up to, I pass our wedding photo. Robin has on this goofy pink bridesmaid dress you picked out but she’s rockin’ it.”
“I always liked purple.”, you grin. 
“Oh, that’s a good choice. Eddie and Dustin are making stupid faces that they refer to as metal.”, he playfully rolls his eyes. “You stand out though…in your gorgeous white dress that just flows perfectly around your hips… and you have this…fucking beautiful wide smile…”, Steve’s voice cracks as he turns his head away from you.
“You think I just want to make more money to do this extra stuff for you and yeah, I do. I wish I could do more than just dinner and a fancy necklace. My dad always took my mom to Europe and things like that before he fully settled into being a douchebag. But the things I do for you now, I do because I CAN afford them and I do them because I fucking love you. This job? My inheritance? I’m doing that for us.”
His hand reaches out to caress your cheek. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, baby girl. I want THATlife with you.”
You tackle him, crashing your lips to his. Steve’s back falls against the floor as you straddle his waist, his hands brush your hair back as he holds your face to his. Your kisses come with a sense of urgency as if you’ll explode if you don’t have him right this moment. 
Leaning back, you hastily pull off his shirt as his own palms rip yours open. Pushing the garment down your arms, he tosses it to the side as he sits up to suck on that sweet spot on your neck that has you running your fingers through his hair as you moan. 
As your hips grind against his, he groans, flipping you on to your back as he yanks off your bra and squeezes your tits roughly in his hands. Steve’s tongue plays with your nipples as your back arches, pushing yourself harder against him. 
“Please, Daddy. F-fuck. Fuck me.”
He growls at the sound of you begging, needing to be inside of you just as badly. With your legs still clinging to him, he sits back on his knees to unbutton your pants, trying desperately to tug them off. Quickly lifting yourself up, you unbuckle his belt blindly as your mouth trails kisses up his stomach. 
Steve sighs happily above you as his fingers tangle in your hair before pulling your head back to kiss your lips. 
Raising your body, you allow him to remove your jeans and panties so he can do the same as you get to your feet. You wrap your arms around his neck as he follows you to your bed, collapsing on top of you as his tongue glides along your skin. 
“Daddy. I need you…please…”
“You need me? Where do you need Daddy, baby girl?”
You whimper as you roll your hips, dragging your pussy lips along his cock. “I need you inside of me, Daddy. I need you to fuck me.”
Steve smirked as he spit into his palm, stroking himself a few times before guiding himself into your core. Your eyes rolled back as he gradually lowered his chest to yours, balancing on his elbows as he gazed down at you. 
“How do you need it, honey? Do you need it deep…and…hard?” With those last few words, he roughly thrust his hips into yours, grinning as your mouth fell open. “Yeah? Does that feel good, baby?”
“Yes—mmm—your cock feels good. Tell me…tell me more about…our future, Daddy.”
A breathy laugh escapes his chest. “What do you want to know?”
“Are you still fucking me like this?”
His grin grows as his forehead presses against yours. “Baby girl, I’ll be making love to you till we physically can’t and even then, the nurses will have to pull us apart.”
You laugh and he stops moving as he watches you. “How do you see our future?”
You lift your head to kiss him. “All I see is you.”
Steve pumps into you again at a faster rhythm as you drag your nails down his back. “Cum for me, baby. I want to feel you squeeze my cock when you do.”
Your hands clung to his shoulders as the ball in your belly dropped and you panted out moans as you came. 
“Yes… fucking good girl. My good girl.”, he praises as he chases his high. 
His breathing stutters as he grunts just above your lips. Pressing him tighter to you, you felt him warm your insides as he thrust his seed into your sex. 
Delicately, he pulls out of you, Steve’s strong hands behind your back as he lifts you to your feet.
“Be careful, baby. Don’t step on the things here.” He gestures towards your jewelry box he threw. You silently nodded as he led you into the bathroom and prepared the shower.
“How much control would he have over you?” Steve looks down at you in confusion as he guides you under the water before following behind. “Your father?”
“Not much but he owns the company and is in the building so…” As he starts to clean your body, he notices your eyes stare off into the void. “What are you thinking, honey?”
“My dad has been wanting to invest some money and purchase another business in Hawkins. Right now, he just owns the shop my mother works at. I shouldn’t say just…I mean the store has made a lot of money for them both. What if… he could convince the owner to sell Family Video?”
“Y/N, if he wants to invest money somewhere he should do it in you. You love that comic bookstore.”
“Yeah, but I love you more.”, you respond coyly raising your eyebrow as you repeat his earlier words. “Plus, the lady that owns my store is barely involved and trusts me with everything so it’s basically already mine. Steve, my family loves you and he would definitely take care of you, Robin, and Keith.”
His forehead leans down against yours as you wrap your arms around him. 
“It wouldn’t hurt to talk to him about it.”
“Yay!” Steve smiled against your kisses as you excitedly brought his lips to yours. “I just want you to be happy….I just want you.”
After finishing your shower, he dries you, tugs one of his shirts over your head, and places you into bed. You watch him as he wonders around the room, tugging on some shorts before bending down to gather your jewelry box in the corner. 
“I’m sorry for this.”, his jaw clenches as he hangs his head. “I’m sorry if I scared you or anything.”
“You behaving like a baby doesn’t scare me.”
Steve chuckles as he smirks in your direction. “I deserve that.”
“You hiding things from me and then leaving like you did. THAT frightens me…”
“I deserve that to.”, he sighs. Steve walks on his knees towards the side of the bed and reaches over to pet your head. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner that I was interviewing at my dad’s firm. Seeing those engagement rings had me both excited and terrified. I spent so much time not being with you when I could have been, you know? I feel like I wasted so much time being a dumbass that I want my life with you to begin as soon as possible. I’m just broke as hell.”
He smiles when you laugh. “You started off sounding like this would be a great proposal speech and then ended it like that!” Your fingers grip the ones he has resting on your cheek. “Baby, you could purpose to me with a zip tie and I would say yes. Our wedding could be in the Hawkins grocery store wearing overalls with messy hair and I would still say I do. You don’t need to impress me with over the top or even traditional things. I’m already impressed, Daddy.”
Steve leans up to kiss your lips, yelping jokingly when you pull him on top of you. 
“Now that was a way better proposal speech, baby girl.”
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WIP ask game:
-Deal with vecna
-Jonathan & Dustin team up
Ooo, yes some fun ones!
Deal with vecna This is a very mean little fic where Steve overhears Nancy and Robin saying some things (that they don't really mean, everyone is just scared and frustrated, but he doesn't know this) and decides that since he's not needed or useful there, he's going to find Vecna and try to trade himself for Max. Vecna will be more open to the idea than Steve ever thought, but for very NSFW-type reasons.
Part of why it's still a WIP is that I don't really know... where it's going? I could probably end it soon after where I've last added to it, but I'm still trying to figure out whether Steve should be saved or if that's going to be his life from now on. a little snippet:
That… stings. It's not that they don't care—or Steve's been telling himself it isn't. He's just good at pretending to be fine, to be normal. His dad made sure he got a lot of practice. 
But after today—after the last few weeks, months, when did Dustin start getting tired of him?—Steve knows he's been lying to himself just as well as he lies to everybody else. 
"I would do anything to keep one of my kids safe," he says, meeting Vecna's eyes. "Anything. And Max is one of my kids, even if she doesn't-- even if she doesn't care." The letter she'd written him is still folded in his pocket and he tries to tell himself that it means something, that she wrote one for him, too. 
But if it doesn't, if she only wrote it to avoid the awkwardness it might have created if he'd been the only one without a letter, that wouldn't change anything.
Jonathan & Dustin team up
I've been playing that Stranger Things: Puzzle Tales game on my phone and in it, you send some of the characters on investigations. Sometimes together. Recently, I ended up sending both Jonathan and Dustin on one and came up with an idea I suddenly wanted to see.
Dustin and Jonathan doing some sort of investigation, having gotten paired up together through circumstance or something. Jonathan following the same line of thought he had with Nancy at the end of season 4 and saying something along the lines of "must be nice to get a break from being paired with Steve" (but idk more in character whenever I actually get there) and Dustin getting annoyed and listing off all the things Steve does/has done for him and his friends (things like standing in front of a demodog for a girl he only first met a couple hours before, which Jonathan would have no reason to have been told about).
That OR Dustin offhandedly mentioning stuff about Steve and Jonathan being very ??? about it because it clashes with the idea of Steve Harrington he's had in his head for forever.
It's still in the very early stages and could go either way.
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