#idk this was just such a clear mental picture
wildwood-faun · 2 years
The picture: me, going up to a bucket labelled "autistic traits". There is a lid on the bucket. I take the lid off and peer into the bucket. After a pause, I utter the words "what the fuck".
I put the lid back on the bucket.
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eonars · 14 days
um. tfw your life is about to change massively very very soon and it still doesn't even feel real yet and still feels like somethings gonna pop up and it won't actually happen and also you're scared as fuck that you're too stupid to actually do it and it'll all be for nothing
#like what do you mean full time salaried w benefits and paid vacation just to do. school.#what made you so enthusiastically think i was the perfect one to do this#when the last approx 20something other guys were like ummmm no you cannot do it#tbf like all that other shit up there aside#this did actually come at the perfect time#i look back on who i was during my masters and i legit do not recognize that person#i barely even remember it i have to look at pictures to think back on who i was#in a strange roundabout way being forced home to stay for a while#kind of re centered me and gave me time to come back to myself in a big way. i was really lost before#and chaining something like this directly after my masters would have been disasters#even like this time last year i did not have this level of mental clarity#and i think thats why i didn't get any of the other positions i was just in a fog and i think people could tell#so as much as like im super scared and nervous about this big change and big exit from my comfort zone#and a little sad and mournful that im leaving my family and wont hear my native language all day every day anymore#im the most ready ive ever been#2019 me was NOT ready im scared of her tbh!! idk what wave i was on but it was weirdo shit!#im also proud that i essentially rawdogged and brute forced a lot of introspection and improvement#entirely on my own#like i really can only just describe it as clarity i feel like i matured 10 years in 4 and cleared all the fog#i feel so good about the way i handle things and react to things now vs then#im like 500x more unbothered and actually know how to put myself first now#anyway uh this prob could have been its own post in and of itself#but woteva innit im proud of how much internal repairs i did on myself over the last few years#became a stable genius as it were#whos a lot more clearly defined and present#but fuck man! i am still scared of being 2stupid
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silver-la-pixels · 1 year
#I failed 2 consecutive college sems. I got the credits but my gpa was too low both times#I'm still on my first financial aid grant and idk if I have to pay it back now that I'm on suspension#I dont even have the money to pay back what was left after financial aid.#My family has made it very clear that I have no support from them if this happened and it did.#I'm a goddam teenager. I work a minimum wage job part time. I cant.#Everythime someone failing college came up they would say how stupid they were and what a waste of space and that I better not be like them#After I left HS my dad didn expect me to go to college and explained I would have to buy my own insurance and whatnot#Anytime I tried to bring it up with my mom she would coldly tell me I better not fail or else.#I did everything. I went to the classes. I took the notes. I did the tests. No drugs. No partying. I still. Fucking. Failed.#I was stressed all the time. My sister pointed it out and all my mom said was that I had no reason to be stressed out it was stupid#I obviously cant expect support from those people much less tell them I failed twice.#I didn't expect to even get this far. I might have mental illness. Since it takes a million years just to get an appointment that *might*#*or just maybe* get me a referral to an evaluation I'll never know.#Anything I get from my family is completely conditional. My dad treats me like a stray dog.#I've considered suicide to not drown my family in debt since the grant dies with the user but they laugh at suididers#If I Kms-ed I would get ridicule beyond the grave and no prayers. Its sick and twisted. It almost amuses them to th think about.#If I tried and failed that it would be even worse.#I'm only holding it out bc these assholes come from super religious families and would probably condemn my soul upon hearing the news#Like...the last girl in out family to not follow their views was totally outcast and still shunned and shamed today#I can only hope that some horrible accidenttakes me out of the picture or that my brain damage is so bad that I'm forgiven from it#Even if the only damage is that I have to skip a semester my family wont take it well and my ass is still on the line#I cant fucking tell anyone (irl) anything. I cant trust any of them. I cant rely on any of them. I hate it.#I am beyond trapped. Theres no way out of any of this.
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troybarnesbucky · 1 month
just returning here after 2 years of not being on this cursed app to say one thing and one thing only. i LEFT this app because of rampant antisemitism and dehumanization that i witnessed two years ago. my last post was about the death of sarah halimi z’l, which you were all silent about. today, six months after the most violent and deadly attack on jews since the Shoah, i return to see how the virulent and disgusting antisemitism that pushed me away from here is even worse than it ever was. i was on tumblr, with various accounts, for more than a decade. it was NEVER this bad but then again, the dehumanization of jews has become so normalized in the last five or six years, so idk why i’m surprised.
well i’m not really surprised. but i’m here because i want to say i told you so, but it’s pointless. you all don’t care. you don’t care that jewish people in your own countries, let alone israel (god forbid lollll) are being abused, attacked, bullied and dehumanized at pre-Shoah levels. you would rather that happen than exhibit nuance, empathy for everyone, or stay silent when you don’t need to say a fucking thing about a conflict miles and miles away from you, in distance and in reality. i’ve lost friends, i’ve lost my last year of education, i lost my mental health, all because when it comes to jews, no amount of repeating the same stupid, violent pattern of dehumanization will teach you non-jews (and yes, some of you jews too) the lesson of antisemitism and its poisonous, conspiratorial and dangerous nature.
we know you don’t care. it’s been made so abundantly clear, not just now but in the last six, seven, eight years. when the only antisemitism you cared about was in a harry potter book, or in trump’s dumbass comments, or in a movie about a jew with a prosthetic nose. and even then most of you didn’t care, you didn’t let us jews define our oppression — so we know you don’t care enough to give us that “privilege” now.
but i know, maybe twenty or thirty years from now, you’ll look at pictures and maybe even history books and remember what you said, did, and fought for. maybe you won’t. maybe you’ll still be sick, poisoned by antisemitism and unable to shake it off. or maybe not, and only then will you realize that you perpetuated this violence, evil, this dehumanization of jews. you called us nazis, you spit at our faces while we begged to be seen, you engaged in violent antisemitism comparable to nazi-era rhetoric. and maybe THEN you’ll feel bad. but then it’ll be too late.
to any jew that comes across this post, you’re not alone. my DMs are always open — i don’t come on this app much but will always be happy to talk. am yisrael chai ❤️
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canisalbus · 3 months
might be an odd question, but i have a theory after noticing trends amongst artists iv known in my life and SO FAR it's rung true so im expanding sample size
IDK if u know what aphantasia is already so I'm including reference [forgive me if uv already spoken abt this also]
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Where would u say u fit on the scale?
For me I cannot see an apple, I know I am supposed to, or I will see concepts of it [like how the flesh is shiny and holds water droplets but i do not SEE it nor can i hold a clear visual of anything in my mind for that matter it is always flashing IDEAS like components of a visual, never the whole thing]
I'm asking because of people I've asked about this, there's a quality of their art that [i dont know how to put into words WHY] reminds me of each other, and I'm wondering if u will give me the same answer they have because I am a curious little bastard
I'm pretty sure I'm 1? I think I might have one of those brains that operate mostly on visuals. I don't need to close my eyes to see the image in my mind, it just sort of "opens in a different window" and I'm looking at reality and the mental image simultaneously.
It's never a flat picture, I see a 3D model of sorts, and I can rotate it around, cut it into pieces, look "through it" to see it from outside and inside at the same time, and arrange it to different poses if it's a character. Sometimes when I'm drawing something, I imagine what it would feel like to touch it and hold it in my hands, and that helps me to figure out how to convey a better sense of volume and tangibility.
I also think in images (or, like, gifs?) and I've never had an internal monologue. It surprised me when I heard that some people actually have a narrator in their heads, I can't imagine what it's like.
It's not always fun though, sometimes I get pretty nasty intrusive thoughts and they come in forms of vivid and very unpleasant mental images. Like visiting a relative's grave and being hit with a crisp picture of their decomposing body. Or getting those "I could walk in front of that car/ jump down from here" call of the void thoughts and instantly getting a brain illustration of it playing out from an onlooker's point of view and what the aftermath would look like. They're most distressing when it's bad things happening to someone I care about, for example I have a really persistent one about accidentally slamming a door on my cat and seeing him crushed and dying.
Oddly enough it doesn't extend to all visual thinking. My mind's eye and visual memory work well, but I also have severe face blindness and practically nonexistent ability to form mental spatial maps of my surroundings.
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allur1ngs · 5 months
✮ see no evil, hear no evil ✮
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TW: unedited, smut (dom & top!bada, sub & bottom!reader, teasing, strap usage–r!receiving, reader tries to ride bada’s strap for a bit before bada takes control, bada is very cocky in this one…idk mafia bada is just always so cocky to me during sex, bada’s strap is referred to as a cock/dick, exhibitionism, bada doesn’t receive again, sorry…, erm… dumbification, hyo hears you and bada fucking two times, she will never rest…), italicized words with quotes around them in this fic indicate a thought, and in a long block of text indicate a flash back, the picture in the middle purely for aesthetics/a visual aid and not meant to represent reader’s skin tone or body type!! this is entirely canon divergent and not a part of the mafia au timeline!!!!!!!!!!! if you want to read the canon version of this scenario, read this
SUMMARY: hyo will always be a dedicated bodyguard. she takes pride in the fact that she is able to stay by your side each day, and protect you. the only downside? she has to exercise immense amounts of self-restraint when she stands outside your bedroom or office door, and hears bada fucking you.
WC: 5.6k
A/N: an anon asked it so we did it!! a collab w my wife @bebeyue, make sure to read her continuation of this by clicking the three ellipsis at the end of this fic (this is a threat)!!!! this is the only time i’m cosigning on any form of hyo content–i make exceptions for aeri–so enjoy this one piece!! (ps. pls do not send any requests for hyo–i’m only writing for bada!!) but besides that, again, this is a “behind the scenes” of this drabble, but uses this fic as an opening, pls enjoy!!
DISCLAIMER: all characteristics portrayed are purely speculation and fiction, they are not meant to reflect bada or team bebe’s actual character, values, or attitudes. please keep this in mind!!
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Kim Hyo is a diligent bodyguard, and no one can deny that fact. Although Bada may at times nitpick at things she does, she can’t dismiss Hyo’s commitment to her job as your bodyguard. Through thick and thin, she’s been there, watching over you. Early mornings and late nights, her presence is never far.
Take, for instance, the current situation unfolding between you, Bada, and Hyo.
"I'm starting to think you really do want us to get caught." Bada’s voice comes from inside her office, and leaks into the hallway. Coincidently, you’d accidentally left the door open when you entered to hand your faincée her glasses. Now that accident left you in a rather compromising position.
Hyo stands outside Bada’s office, her back against the wall as your fiancée eats you out and toys with you. She’s not exactly sure what is specifically happening inside but from the sounds of moans, you’re enjoying what Bada is doing to you.
"I-I don't." You answer your fiancée’s prior statement, a hint of shame creeping into your voice.
"There you go again," Bada says, tapping her tongue against the roof of her mouth in displeasure. 
Hyo hears a shuffling sound and then another moan rings out from the office, this time the sound is significantly louder–she lets out a sharp breath and clutches her hands tightly together in front of her, struggling to keep up her professionalism. 
"Do you enjoy lying to me?" Bada continues.
Trying to distract herself, Hyo forces herself to think of something else. “What are we having for dinner tonight–” She begins a thought, but it’s interrupted by the sound of Bada’s stern voice speaking up again.
"Should I make you cum like this? Make you fucking cum all over your panties as punishment?"
“No.” You squeak, "Please--"
“The Boss is being very stern this time.” Hyo finally manages to collect herself enough to think a clear, coherent thought. “The last time this happened–” Her thought is interrupted by another that invades her mind. 
“Be honest, you like that type of stuff–” Tatter’s amused voice echoes in your bodyguard’s mind, her entire body going rigid.
“Fuck.” She mentally curses, closing her eyes behind her sunglasses. “It’s not like that–” Despite what fibs Hyo may try to convince herself of, the mind never lies. It is the truest and most honest representation of thought.
So it’s natural that Hyo thinks of the night prior to this most recent excursion between you and Bada, when you’d engaged in such activities.
The day had begun normally, much like today had, until certain events led your bodyguard to a cruel fate.
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3 days earlier
Standing on the steps of the Lee mansion, you beckon over your wife. “Come here,” you say, voice brimming with excitement.
Bada, who’d just spoken to Hyo, and asked her to bring around her Porsche 918 Spyder, turns to look up at you standing on the second step of the stairs toward the open driveway. “Coming.” She says, dismissing Hyo as she ascends the steps in your direction. When she reaches the step you’re standing on, positions herself behind you and starts to trail kisses up and down your neck. “Have I told you that you look beautiful? I love this dress…”
“You’ve only told me five times already.” You laugh while reaching into the pockets of your dress–a feature that you reverently appreciate–to pull out your phone. “But thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.” She mumbles into your skin, dragging her nose up and down while continuing to press heated, wet kisses on the crook of your neck.
“Bada, I want to take a picture.” You huff, trying to focus on opening the camera app on your phone.
“Take one then, I’m not stopping you.” She replies, never slowing down her sweet assault on your neck. 
“I can’t when you’re kissing me.” You argue back lightheartedly.
“Just angle the phone so I’m not in frame–”
Not convinced, you gently shy away from Bada’s lips. “I’ll let you give me kisses after I’ve taken the picture. Just two seconds, alright?”
“Fine.” Your fiancée pouts as she wraps her right arm under your boobs, unintentionally making them pop.
You barely notice as you lean back into her chest and hold up your phone, closing your eyes and smiling for the picture. But Bada does. She sees the way the skin of your tits shine in the low light, and how the picture looks incredibly intimate, like it’s something not meant to be seen by foreign eyes. She leans in, completely entranced by the photo, and your reflection–
The moment slips away like a gentle whisper in the breeze as you slowly open your eyes and your smile widens at the picture. You don’t comment on the nature of the photo, only saying, “It’s so cute, I have to post it on Instagram!” Which you quickly do, all the while Bada remains silent, moving her head back into the crook of your neck.
The kisses she’d given you prior, although passionate, are nothing compared to the heat with which she charges the kisses she places on your skin now. She uses just the tip of her tongue and drags it across your neck, which makes you freeze, and a puff of air leave your lips.
“Maybe we should stay in.” She whispers between kisses.
“Bada, you made reservations.” You mumble, bringing your hand up to the side of her head, clutching onto strands of her long, black and white striped hair. At the same time, Hyo pulls up in the Porsche. She parks it right in front of you both, then turns to face you, but when she catches sight of the intimate moment you two are sharing, she instantly faces forward and clears her throat. She tries to make it seem like she’s not listening to what either of you are saying, but your close proximity makes it almost impossible. 
“Fuck the reservations,” Bada says into your skin, winding her other arm around your midsection–again making your tits pop out. “It’s been a while since we had sex.”
“Bada, Hyo is here with the car.” You whisper, using weak force to pull on Bada’s hair in an attempt to pull her off of your neck.
You succeed, but your fiancée is displeased. “So?”
“So,” you give Bada an astonished glance, “she can hear and see us–”
“She’s not even looking our way.” Bada points at Hyo, who’s scrolling through her photo albums, trying to busy herself. “She’s on her phone–” Your fiancée suddenly frowns, pressing you closer to her chest. “Hyo, why are you looking at your phone?”
Your bodyguard instantly sits up and snaps her head in Bada’s direction, looking like she’s about to break out in a cold sweat. “Sorry Boss, I was just…uh–”
“Oh stop picking on her.” You gently swat at your fiancée’s arm and break away from her hold, quickly grabbing her hand and practically dragging her forward. “Let’s just go and eat dinner like we’d planned–”
Although you’re not able to see, Bada sends Hyo a look that screams, “You ruined my plans,” as you force her into the car.
Hyo gulps, moving to face forward and placing her hands on the wheel of the car.
Yeah, she’s in for it.
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The rest of the night surprisingly goes without a hitch after that. After leaving the Lee mansion, Hyo had proceeded to drive you two to the La Yeon, an upscale restaurant that serves traditional Korean cuisine, and only caters forty guests at a time. Bada had reserved a private room for you both to dine, so naturally Hyos stood outside as watch, only hearing small noises from your lively chatter.
But the real hell began on the car ride back to the Lee mansion. 
The three of you had been sitting in a peaceful silence when you suddenly spoke up, curiosity striking you, "Just how much did you have to pay for the private room we ate in?"
Bada nonchalantly shrugs, "Not much."
"Somehow, I doubt that," you banter. 
Bada shifts her gaze from staring straight ahead to glance at you. "Well, it wasn't much for me."
"Ah, that makes more sense," you nod, releasing a small laugh. "But you know, you don't have to take me to fancy restaurants. I'd be happy to spend time with you, no matter where we do it."
Your fiancée shakes her head, "I don't take you out of obligation. I do so because I love you. I want you to experience establishments that are worthy of your presence."
Turning your attention to Bada, you gaze at her through the barely-lit car. Her eyes reflect deep sincerity, sending butterflies fluttering in your stomach. "Bada... I'm just a woman—"
"You're not just a woman," she interrupts, her eyes stern yet holding glints of love behind the firmness. "You are my woman. My fiancée. What kind of spouse would I be if I didn't treat you?"
Bada's passionate gaze makes you turn away, your hand ghosting over your mouth as you grow bashful. "You can't just say things like that," you whisper, your voice meek and soft.
"Why? Does hearing how much I love you make you nervous?" Bada laughs, amused by your reaction.
"I just..." you trail off, struggling to find words to express your feelings. "I love you." Those three words are the only way to convey the warmth coursing through your body.
Bada smiles softly, grabbing your hand which you’d positioned in your lap. "I love you more."
You intertwine your fingers with hers, observing the way she affectionately runs her thumb over the gem on your engagement ring. "But you know," you suddenly add, prompting your wife to look up from your joined hands to meet your gaze. "you could have mentioned we were going to a Michelin-star restaurant. I felt a bit underdressed..." Your eyes shift down to the silky white dress you're wearing. While undeniably elegant, its somewhat scandalous design features thin straps supporting a teardrop-shaped neckline that accentuates your boobs, which gracefully twists into the bodice and tapers into the gown's lower hem.
"Underdressed?" Bada says incredulously. "You look absolutely beautiful–"
"All the other women were wearing name brands and elegant dresses–" you protest, but are cut off.
"What does it matter what they were wearing?" Bada furrows her eyebrows, genuinely confused by your words. “You could walk into this restaurant in your pajamas, and you’d still outshine every single one of those women.”
You let out a sharp breath, smiling shyly. “There you go again. I think you enjoy making me flustered.”
“If you’ve just barely realized that, I clearly have not been doing my job.” Bada laughs, gently squeezing your hand, which still remains in her grasp. “By the way, I thought I had thoroughly expressed how much I love the way you look, earlier.”
A fire lights in your stomach as you glance at her. “Well…”
“I really am not doing my job, am I?” Bada uses her unoccupied hand to gently touch the side of your face, and leans in. “I’ll just have to show you how beautiful you look in this dress.”
That last sentence sealed Hyo’s fate. She continued to drive as you let out small giggles, and Bada whispered things in your ear. What exactly she said, Hyo doesn’t want to imagine.
Upon arrival at the Lee mansion, you and Bada are a mess of scandalous whispers, and chuckles as you both ascend up the steps, your bodyguard lagging behind to park the car. But it seems you two are far too excited to keep your hands off each other, because when Hyo walks toward the Lee mansion steps after returning the Porsche to the garage, you’re both nowhere to be found. Your bodyguard rushes up the steps, mumbling curse words under her breath as she opens the door and races up the mansion’s winding staircase, heading toward the only place you must be, your shared bedroom. 
When she makes it there, she instantly walks to the right side of the door, her back up against the wall. She lets out a small sigh of relief, glad that Bada was too busy to tell her off for lagging behind. 
But then she hears it, a small sound, simple and tiny, innocent. 
“Bada!” You squeal, while a creaking sound barely reaches Hyo’s ears. It sounds like you’d been thrown onto the bed.
Inside the bedroom, Bada moves to hover above you, planting either of her arms beside your head. She smirks down at you, her eyes sweeping over every sliver of your skin that’s available to her prying eyes. She leans in to rub her nose against yours cutely, watching how you crinkle yours and smile out of instinct. “You’re fucking adorable.” Bada breathes, then places a sweet kiss on your lips.
“I love you.” You whisper when she pulls away.
“I love you more.” She whispers back, moving her hand to grab at one of the straps of your dress. She thumbs at the silk until she slowly begins to move the strap down your shoulder, the movement so light a shiver runs up your spine as you watch her. When she fully slips down the strap of the dress, your bare tit is exposed to the cold air, which makes your nipple pebbling because of the sudden temperature difference. “No bra?” Bada presses her thumb against your nipple, starting to trace delicate, mithodical circles to the sensitive bud.
“The fabric is thicker than it looks–” You breathe, but the words die on your lips as your fiancée moves to drag the other strap of your dress down. Now both of your tits are exposed to Bada’s hungry eyes.
“I really love this dress.” She grabs either side of your boobs, pushing them together to oggle the way your flesh meets to make a tantilizing image. The soft skin of your tits glows in the light, and the way your nipples continue to pebble because of the cold has Bada captivated.
“I think you should take it off me.” You say coquettishly. 
Bada stares at you for a moment with an excused expression before she releases your tits and sits up. “Actually, I had different plans for you.” She steps away from the bed, making her way to the dresser beside it before opening the bottom drawer. You turn your head to the side to watch with a confused expression, but what she pulls out from the drawer makes you smile.
Bada takes out a bottle of lube and her long, black strap, glancing at you from the corner of her eyes to see you carefully studying her every move with excitement in your eyes. “Looking forward to it, are we?” She remarks.
“Should I not be?” You flip over onto your stomach, placing your head in the palm of your hand as Bada begins to take off her dress pants and shirt. Like always, she only has her boxers and her bra on while she puts on her strap.
“Do you need help?” You pipe up.
Bada looks up and smiles. “If you’re offering.”
You quickly get off the bed and kneel down in front of your fiancée, helping her manuver through the harness and secure it onto her pelvis. When you’ve finished, you don’t stand up, instead, you look at Bada as you lean forward to press a kiss on the head of her cock, running your tounge along the silicone.
Bada lets a small hiss at your actions, her hand coming down to gently rest on your head. “C’mon.” She pats your head, signalling you to get up.
You do so without a single protest falling from your lips, but you take the bottle of lube out of Bada’s hand, pop it open and slowly place a glob of the sticky substance into the palm of your hand. Before your finacée can say anything, you lean in and place a passionate, all-tongue kiss as you rub up and down in cock, twisting your wrist like you’re really trying to give her a hand job.
Bada groans into your lips, grabbing the sides of your face and deepening the kiss until you’re just swapping saliva messily, small strings of it clinging to each other’s lips, connecting you two together. “Sit on the bed.” She whispers inbetween your clash of mouths.
You pause, then take a step back from your fiancée, your lips parted as you let out staggering breaths. Backing up until you feel the edge of the bed gently collide with your legs you sit down like you were told to.
Bada is quick to follow after you, but to your surprise, she doesn’t push your back onto the bed; instead, she climbs on and reclines against the bedframe with her back cradled by pillows. Her position makes her cock stand tall on her pelvis, the large head slightly drooping downwards when she slaps her thighs. “Sit on it.” She tells you, a glint of mischief in her eyes.
You tilt your head to the side in confusion but crawl towards her anyway, taking off your panties before placing your thighs on either side of her hips and sitting down just shy of her cock. “I thought you said you were going to show me how beautiful I look in this dress.” You lightheartidly banter. Truthfully, you don’t care who does the work, all you want is to have Bada’s dick inside you, tearing you apart. But, then again, if she was going to tease you, you might as well do it back once or twice.
“What, you can’t fuck yourself on my cock?” She laughs, stretching her arm out to place it on your right thigh.
“I can.” You huff, feeling embarrassment start to burn in the pit of your stomach. 
“I don’t know.” Bada imitates a thinking face. “You’re kind of a pillow princess if I’m being honest.”
“Wha–” You stutter, your mouth dropping open. “I’ve eaten you out before.”
“And who was still in charge then?” Bada argues, her amusement growing every passing second.
“Listen to me.” Your fiancée suddenly cuts you off, leaning forward so that her face is only inches away from yours–her cock slaps against her stomach, the action going unnoticed by her, but not by you. “Fuck yourself on my dick, and if you do well, I’ll take over and finish you off.” She takes her left hand and places it on your cheek, rubbing her thumb against your cheek. She takes note of how your skin feels unnaturally warm. “Does that sound good, baby?”
Your eyes, which had gone wide out of pure shock stare back at her like lustrous gems. You slowly begin to nod, forcing yourself to close your mouth and swallow. Bada nods with you, then moves to rest against the headboard again, her back hitting the pillows. 
Although the tone she’d taken on was domineering, she still holds one hands out for you to take, so she can help you up onto her cock, while the other bunches up your long dress so it’s not in the way. You, of course, take her hand and with her added strength, lift yourself up until the tip of her cock just barely slaps against your pussy lips. You let out a shaky breath at the small surge of stimulation, but focus on inching your hips downward. Slowly, the tip of Bada’s strap fills up your pussy, every inch making you breathe harder and your hips stutter. The slight confidence you’d felt just a moment before instantly fades away as you close your eyes and stop moving.
“It’s only the tip, I should be able to take more,” you think, but truthfully even just the tip of Bada’s long and thick strap would be hard for anyone to take.
“Don’t do it all at once.” Bada’s voice breaks you out of your thoughts, making you open your eyes and look at her. “It’s big. You’ll hurt yourself.” She says tenderly. “Just take it slow.”
You listen to your fiancée, carefully and meticulously sinking onto her cock, taking small breaks in between every inch until you’re finally able to sit in her lap, every inch of her monsterously big cock inside of you. “Oh, fuck.” You pant, leaning forward to catch your staggering breath and to give your pussy a time to adjust.
Bada watches you with a fond smile on her lips, she leans in to press a small kiss on your cheek–which just so happens to angle her cock further into you, making you gasp. “You took it all, I’m so proud of you.” She whispers sweetly, the soft side she only has for you peeking through her dominant demenour.
“I–” You say through heavy breaths. “Fuck.”
“It’s alright, just breathe.” Bada grabs hands grab at the sides of your face, trying to ground you. “In and out honey, in and out.”
You try to take in a deep breath but it catches in your throat. Still, with Bada’s guidance, you slowly begin to calm your breathing until it settles into small puffs.
“There.” She mumbles. “Are you okay?”
“Yes.” You nod, shaking your head. “Just…it’s been a while–”
“I know it has, which is why you need to take it slow baby.” Bada’s eyes flash with a small glint of worry. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I’m not, just took a little longer to adjust.” You place your hand over Bada’s, now wearing a confident expression. “I can do it.”
Your fiancée gives you a hesitant look but slowly leans back, allowing you to take the reigns. You start off slow, moving up just an inch before sitting back down. Then the next time you go up you go a bit further, so on until you’re able to take out half of Bada’s strap before slamming back down on her lap.
You also start to pick up your pace, angling your hips forward so her cock drags against your walls deliciously. You let out small, breathy moans with each rise and fall of your hips, still trying to get more out of her strap. But it feels like you can’t. Every time you think you can take out more you feel your legs weaken and have to slam yourself down on her lap before you awkwardly fall.
All the while Bada watches you, carefully zeroing in on the base of her cock, which is only wet with a minimal amount of your slick. She catches every moment you struggle on top of her, trying so hard not laugh at how cute your frustrated face is. “Do you need help?” She asks after she notices you lose your rhythm and slam onto her lap with a small annoyed curse.
“No.” You say stubbornly. Trying to prove her wrong, you use all your strength to lift up from her cock and this time manage to get another inch out before you have to quickly go down again. This time the sensation is deeply pleasurable so you let out a louder moan, but in your attempt to savor the feeling you once again lose your rhythm.
“So, you still don’t want my help?” Bada tilts her head to the side, just barely able to stop herself from chuckling at the glare you give her. But this time, you don’t answer her, instead, you just pant on her lap, looking like a defiled angel in your silky white dress that’s clutched between Bada’s hand, the straps having fallen so far down your body that some of your stomach is revealed, the other covered by the tight bodice. “All you have to do is say yes, and I’ll keep my promise from before.”
Truthfully, beyond feeling bad for your current inability to pleasure yourself, Bada just really wants to fuck you. The dress you’re half wearing is still doing things to your fiancée, the contrast of the pure white against your skin, which is stained with sin and sweat makes her desire to slam her cock into you reach incalcuable heights.
Looking at your fiancée, you bite your bottom lip in thought. There are two ways you could go about this. You could keep trying to ride Bada and probably only give yourself half the pleasure she can, or you can say yes and let her fuck you like she said she would.
…The answer is obvious.
“That’s what I like to hear.” Without a single second to spare, Bada lets go of your dress and grabs ahold of your hips, flipping your positions with such quick speed that it leaves you dizzy and giggling. 
Bada runs her hands up and down your figure for a moment, leaning down to place a kiss on one of your tits before placing one on the other.
“Put one of the pillows between your head and the headboard.” She tells you, pointing at a lone pillow beside you.
Confusion flows through you but you do what she asks anyway, propping the pillow on it’s side so it cradles the top of your head.
Bada gives you a smile, then takes both of your hands into hers. She coils her long fingers between yours and stretches her arms out so that your arms are held above your head. “I’ll show you how good my cock can feel.” She whispers into your ear, the words just barely leaving her lips before she takes out the entirety of her strap out of you and slams it back in.
The sudden fast and strong movement makes the headboard slam against the wall, and your head slides up, wich would have painfully hit the metal if it weren’t for the pillow Bada told you to put behind your head.
Your fiancée’s deep and fast stroke makes you let out a moan, your mouth falling open.
“Yeah,” Bada mumbles proudly. “Bet that felt so good after all that fooling around you did before.”
Outside of your shared bedroom, Hyo stands frozen in her spot, the sound of the slamming accoumpanied by your loud moan making her gulp. She hadn’t been able to hear a thing before this, which is why the sudden rancourous noise startled her, almost making her jump.
“It’s fine,” She tells herself. “They’re just…having fun, that’s all.”
But again, another loud slam followed soon after by your pleasure-filled cry leaks out of the bedroom, the sound echoing cruelly in Hyo’s ear.
“Fuck…” She squeezes her eyes shut.
Inside the bedroom, you don’t have the capacity to worry about about the fact that anyone in a five foot radius would probably hear you moaning and screaming like a whore, because your fiancée is fucking you within an inch of your life.
Like you’re a ragdoll, Bada takes you by the hips and angels them so that one is up in the air and the other lays on the bed, her cock slamming in and out of you at an insane speed. She’s moving so fast that your slick–which had tripled from what you produced when you were fucking yourself–is squirting onto her boxers and creaming at the base of her cock. It looks like a ring of sweet whipped cream against her thick black strap.
“I need to get this room sound-proofed.” Bada manges to say between heavy breaths. “You’re screaming like a fucking pornstar, baby.”
You’re unable to say anything, the only thing falling from your lips is moan after moan, which is somehow not overshadowed by the thundering sound of the headboard banging against the wall.
“Aw, have I fucked all the thoughts out of you?” Bada drives her cock into you in a deep stroke, hitting that sweet spot in you that has you seeing stars.
“Fuck!” You close your eyes, mind turning to mush as your fiancée quickly takes her strap out, the ridging on the silicone catching against your hot and gummy walls, giving you profound pleasure.
Another rush of slick follows the exit of Bada’s dick, strings of it clinging from your pussy to the black strap, connecting you both. It would be poetic if what you were engaging in wasn’t pure, unadulterated sin. Immoral is the way that your lover slams every inch of her cock into you, sweat and your essance falling onto the sheets, leaving a stain as a testament to your depraved doings.
Bada reaches over to take the silk of your dress into her hands again, flipping all of it upward so that she can properly see her dick splitting you apart, rubbing your walls and hitting the front of your clit perfectly.
“Not a single thought in that pretty head of yours, is there?”
Proving her absolutely correct, you don’t respond.
“That’s okay baby, you don’t have to think. You just have to lay there, looking pretty in this dress while I slam my cock into you.” The way Bada cooes into the hot air of your bedroom makes your eyes almost roll back into your head. She knows just what to say, and when to say it. “Keep moaning like that, it’s fucking hot.” She adds, her own cunt pulsing beneath the fabric of her boxers. The way she’s pounding her strap in and out of you so forcefully makes the base of it rub against her cunt harshly, the slight pain and pleasure mixing together to make the coil in her stomach slightly tighten.
Like the obedient slut you are for your fiancée, you let out one loud, scream of, “I’m close!”
That only serves to reinvigorate Bada, who quickly takes your leg which is up in the air and sets it on her shoulder, allowing her to push her entire pelvis into you with a fast and intense stroke, which again hits your g-spot.
That’s what finally makes the tight coil in your stomach burst, a long stream of cum gushing from your pussy as Bada continues to fuck you through your orgasm. Of course, you can’t help yourself. Every loud curse and moan that falls from your lips settles into the air of the bedroom before floating through the crack between the door and the wall, the sound reverberating in the hallway of the Lee mansion.
Hyo, who had been counting to one thousand in her mind with her eyes screwed shut and her head down, realeases a long breath. She shakily breathes in and out, applauding herself for her immense self-restraint.
“It’s over.” She thinks, the voice of her internal dialouge fostering a relieved tone. “That was a long one. Sounded like she was getting strapped–”
Hyo surprises herself with her last thought. She suddenly straightens her back, shaking her head a bit.
“Stop–stop thinking about it.” She mentally scolds herself. Her cheeks are red, but under the dim lighting it’s impossible to see, and the wide, ashamed look in her eyes is hidden by her sunglasses. “That’s your boss and her future wife in there, it’s not–it’s not right.”
It isn’t.
But her wandering thoughts would be the least of Hyo’s worries, because while she counted to one thousand moments prior, a certain blonde Bebe girl had spotted her standing outside your and Bada’s shared bedroom, all the while your loud moans and slamming sounds filled the air.
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“If I’d have known she was there I would have told her to keep quiet about it.” Hyo grumbles. “Now all the girls think I’m into that type of stuff–”
“Ouch!” The sound of your hurt whine cuts Hyo’s thoughts off.
She freezes in her spot, but out of pure instinct, and briefly forgetting what was going on beyond the doorway to Bada’s office, she reaches for the holster of her gun, and swings around to look inside the office.
And what she sees changes everything…
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henrioo · 2 months
If requests are still open would you been interested in writing some domestic Mihawk with his husband and their baby? Maybe reader teaches the kid their languages, and Mihawk gets the baby little sword plushies. Idk man but there's no way that man isn't secretly mushy 😭
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "All Mihawk ever wanted was a peaceful life in his castle. But a perfect peaceful life is not complete without you, his husband, and now his little baby to fill his days with joy."
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : Male! Reader (can be cis or trans), MLM, homo relationship, homo marriage, Spoilers to the two years separation! (Zoro and Perona are in the castle and this is post Marineford), the author doesn't know anything about babies and children, almost nothing of Spanish because I couldn't think of one cute dialogue so sorry, not too many mentions of the reader gender like my others stories but still clear the reader is a men, also no mentions of the birth of the baby, no name or appearance to the baby so you can choose if is biology, adopted, imagine what you want.
꒰ WC ꒱ : 1,8k
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : Another story! Another male reader! Hehehehe, I skipped one day of posting but here it's the new one, another ask because I'm really trying to finish them to give more attention to another project and maybe write other stories idk. Thanks for the ask, I love writing family stuff hehehhe, this one was not that good because I'm having some struggles with my writing style but I hope everyone likes it! Byee
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You yawned as you tested the milk in your hand, warm but not enough to burn your baby's tongue, perfect. Zoro was in a bad mood in the kitchen eating something, he had been beaten by Mihawk in the last training session and you suspected it was because the pirate was always lost in the castle and opening the doors with great force, which made a huge noise and always it made your baby start crying, irritated when awakened from his sleep. Which also made the older man a little irritated that someone was disturbing his son's sleep.
You made a mental note to try talk to your husband, although to be honest you were uncomfortable too. His son was a needy little boy and when he started crying he would stay like that for hours, until his throat got tired and he went back to sleep, so having to deal with it several times because Zoro kept waking him up was really frustrating.
You walked through the hallways, now with furniture all prepared to be baby proof, no furniture with pointy ends, no sliding rugs, doors in front of the stairs and other changes. At first you thought that Mihawk would be uncomfortable with the changes, to his surprise he took responsibility for changing everything without you even talking about it first. He spent weeks moving furniture, buying or making objects to close doors or round edges, he even made himself available to remove carpets and pictures, even going overboard with the protection.
Your husband has always been a very protective person, even before he was your husband or boyfriend. When he was just flirting, or courting, he was always very concerned about your ntegrity. If you were traveling, would he always give you the best accommodations, extreme climates? He has everything prepared, clothes and even medicine for illnesses, that is if he doesn't change the entire route of the trip to prevent inconvenience.
As you progressed in your relationship, the more protective Mihawk became, he would never be possessive or controlling, he was just genuinely concerned about your comfort and safety and felt it was his obligation as a lover to provide you with the best. Of course he respected you, after all you were also a man and a fighter, you were not weak in any way, it was your strength and intelligence that made Mihawk attract and fall in love with you in the first place. But living a life as a "pirate", an ally of the navy or just someone very strong in the grand line meant that your loved ones and even you were at risk of death at all times. He would never want to lose you and that's why he never let his guard down.
It was no different with his son, he wanted to give him a safe and as normal childhood as possible, thus arriving at this extremely careful point. He was already planning his son's diet and he wasn't even eating so many solid things yet...
"Almost there dear, it's papa, mi hijo, papa" You heard through the half-open door, there was an area of the castle that was closed just for the three of you. Even Zoro and Perona knew to stay away from that part, it being your private wing.
There was the bedroom where you two slept, a common room with the fireplace where you two usually stayed, a bathroom, a library next to the balcony and of course, your son's room. It was almost a complete house, except that it was inside a huge castle with many other rooms.
You stopped watching your husband next to your son, Mihawk was now wearing casual clothes although his shirt was more open, contact with the parents' skin was good for babies, he had told you. The baby laughed in his arms, trying to touch the adult's face with his chubby little hands. He wore thicker baby clothes to protect himself from the cold on the island, as your husband insisted that just the fireplace wasn't enough. The outfit was dark red with bat symbols, Perona had given away saying that the cute baby needed to maintain one parent's vampire reputation.
"Baba!" Your son exclaimed excitedly, laughing again, your husband's affectionate look and smile made your heart melt and your stomach feel strange.
For many, Mihawk was a cruel and merciless man, who could effortlessly cut through ships and defeat thousands of swordsmen at the same time without breaking a sweat. For you? Ah... To you, he was a loving man, a man who always brought gifts from every island he visited, who always had fresh flowers to give you, a man who would kill anyone who dared to offend you for being in a relationship with another man. For you, he was your husband.
"I'll only forgive your terrible pronunciation because you're too cute," Your husband said, shaking his son again.
"I think baba suits you a lot" You smiled entering the room, your husband had been trying to teach Spanish to your little baby for some time. Although this turned out to be a much longer task than he imagined.
"Of course I do" He mocked looking at you smiling, it's not like he could contradict you.
"Papa!" Your baby said excitedly and soon his attention was all on you, his little hands stretched out trying to reach you as quickly as possible.
"Why can he get the pronunciation right with you?" Mihawk looked at you confused and envious as he passed the child to you.
"Because he likes to annoy you" You smiled, rubbing your face with the chubby and soft face of your baby who laughed at the contact.
"Well, he got it out of you then..." Mihawk teased as he adjusted the chair so you were comfortable breastfeeding.
"Of course yes" You sat in the chair and then placed your son next to the bottle, he quickly held the bottle as he began to drink the milk. His eyes soon started to get tired and he relaxed against you, after all it was close to time for him to fall asleep.
"I should order a painting of you two like this, it would be the most beautiful work of art I have ever seen..." He sighed looking at the two of you with love, for him it seemed like a dream, so much peace with the people he loved most.
"He wouldn't be able to stay still for that long" You laughed, your baby used to be quite energetic, which had created some good confusion with you guys losing him in the huge castle.
“It would be worth a try” He chuckled and walked closer to you, caressing your cheek and then placing a kiss on your forehead. "I can put him to bed today, you should take a shower and rest."
"You already did this yesterday, I don't get that tired taking care of him, you practically do everything." You sighed, your husband always wanted to take the weight off your shoulders since he used to travel a lot. However, your son really wasn't that big of a job, now with Perona and Zoro here and the instability of the world government, you doubted that Mihawk would travel anytime soon, so your job was even easier since you shared it with your husband.
"Humpf" He huffed, he always sulked when you didn't allow him to take care of everything.
"Let's put him to bed together... Then after that we'll have some time just for the two of us" You suggested smiling, your baby had now let go of the bottle and was yawning, showing that he was ready to end the day.
"You know how to convince me, don't you?" Mihawk smiled, taking the empty bottle as you stood up with your baby.
"Of course, how do you think I got you to marry me?" You played with him. Soon you were running around the baby's room to rock him, your son clung to you yawning and finishing digesting the warm milk you had provided. Luckily he didn't give much work on that part.
When he had calmed down enough to be practically asleep, Mihawk had already prepared the crib, also carrying some stuffed animals and blankets in case you decided to add something else. You walked over with your baby and gently placed him in the crib, then he stretched out completely and then curled up again in a ball, grabbing a sword plush and messing up the blanket there.
"Sword?" You said looking confused at the plushie of a sword, you didn't remember having one of those. You then asked your husband.
You only met a proud, red-faced Mihawk if you had seen your son doing the most graceful thing possible.
"We have to start familiarizing him as soon as possible," he said, smiling to disguise that he had bought the plush hidden from you.
"Oh yeah? Familiarize our baby with his father's swordsmanship legacy?" You said, crossing your arms and smiling at him, you even wanted to pretend to be angry but you couldn't, not with him being so cute like that.
"Of course, he will be a great swordsman in the future" Mihawk said proudly, you raised your eyebrow.
"Of course, then he's going to beat Roronoa and then come kick his own father's ass, it seems like something my son would do" You said proudly leaving the room, knowing that Mihawk would now be thinking about the fact that one day he would fight seriously with his son, knowing he would never be able to hurt his own child.
It didn't take long for Mihawk to come up behind you with a thoughtful face as he too got ready for bed.
"Well... He's still young, we can't say if he'll actually be a swordsman" He said coughing embarrassedly as he sat next to you on the bed.
"Of course, maybe he's something else" You said smiling knowing you had hit the nail on the head. Mihawk would never be able to seriously fight his own son.
"Of course... Another thing" Mihawk said with flushed cheeks, he also knew that you knew. It was shameful for him to know that his husband knew him so well.
"Yeah, another thing where he doesn't have to kick his dad's ass" You laughed giving him a kiss on the cheek, knowing he would sulk at the idea for a while.
“You really like teasing me…” He sighed as the two of you cuddled together on the bed, ready to spend some time together before bed. And well, you couldn't deny it, your biggest fun was seeing the merciless and cruel Dracule Mihawk, the strongest swordsman in the world, reduced to a soft-hearted, caring husband and father who would do anything for his husband and son. Sometimes love also came with provocation.
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itsmattchou · 1 year
lightning straight to my heart !
pairing: zb1 maknae line x gn!reader warnings: none i think, english isn't my first language!!! genre: fluff synopsis: their reaction to their crush falling asleep on their shoulder notes: first zb1 post! tbh i love the zerose community on tumblr so i hope i find lots of friends here🫶🫶 part 2 will be posted on friday or maybe saturday :D
this is fine. this is fine! this is… AAAAAHHHHHH
you two were just peacefully hanging out and watching a movie at your place but you ended up falling asleep. with your head on his shoulder. obviously.
eyes widened, he still tried to maintain his cool guy facade (literally no one else is in that room) but soon enough he couldn't fight the lil smile anymore and then shyboy lovelicky took over
takes your hand into his and softly caresses it (he will let go of it the second he notices you're about to wake up)
his heart is pounding slightly faster for the entire time being, but tries to distract himself by watching the movie you picked for the two of you to watch
clears his throat every 5 seconds??? pls save him he's too shy for this
he just… broke???
doesn't move, doesn't breathe, just stares at your peacefully sleeping figure on his shoulder
so suprised that he has no idea how he's supposed to react
windows shut down sound
his heart is beating like CRAZY though. super loud too! he probably dies from a heart attack soon
he thinks you're totally adorable 💔💔
starts to move again after a minute and takes like 50 pictures of you, firstly to remind himself of this moment and secondly to tease you with them afterwards
yes he likes you a lot but he would never not tease you🤭
sets one picture that came out well (in his opinion) as his background wallpaper
inner panic
screaming inside his head
trying DESPERATELY to control his face muscles- he feels so many emotions at once, he might break his face if he allows all of them to show now😭
but he can't fight the redness on his cheeks HEHEHEHE
ready to hush everyone with that unnecessarily loud "SHHHH" and a death glare if anyone dares to make a sound 👹
he tells himself that he should be confident rn, as you, HIS CRUSH, just fell asleep on him during a study session in the library
… wait. you fell asleep. during a study session.
he's flustered, head over heels in love, ready to marry AND kind of upset now😒
you're on a schooltrip and you're sitting next to each other on the ride back
his eyes went as wide as a saucer as soon as your head hits his shoulder, he didn't even notice you falling asleep because he was busy playing a game on his phone
literally as stiff as a board and more awkward than ever
of course he finds this whole thing kind of cute but… pls give him a notice like 1 week in advance so he can mentally prepare himself for this next time
puts his baseball hat on your head in order to save your eyes from the blazing sun or something idk he saw it in all those romance kdramas
he may looks like he wants you to wake up to everybody else, but he actually wants to spend more time like this (maybe in private next time *cough*) 💔
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ieatangstforbreakfast · 6 months
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Pairing ೃ⁀➷ 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝟒𝟐! 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 x Fem! Reader
Summary ೃ⁀➷ Lovers have secrets of their own, no matter how much they come to trust each other, whether it be a past mistake or an unspoken trauma. For you and Miles, however, your secrets came in the form of hidden identities— one being a masked vigilante, and the other a mastermind.
Genre ೃ⁀➷ Forbidden love, mutual pining, angst♡
Tags ೃ⁀➷ Both are artists, reader is from a very wealthy family, both are living double lives, underaged smoking, reader is female and uses she/her pronouns, forbidden love (ish?), swearing, daddy issues, mommy issues, reader is unhinged, both are mentally unstable, lots of flirting.
Author's Note ೃ⁀➷ WHY IS THE HALLOWEEN CHAPTER PUBLISHED ON DECEMBER IDK IM SLOW, also politics yay ig— MENTIONS OF MY COUNTRY! 🇵🇭💥🇵🇭💥💪💪 Also uh VERY long chapter
Tag list ೃ⁀➷ @sakura-onesan @coffeeandtealol @luvjunie @noetophat @proudgojofucker @adorefavv @l0starl @depresssedcowboy
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎: 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭
Summary ೃ⁀➷ You and Montrell seem to share a few qualities. In the midst of talks of politics with Miles, you find yourself parted from the reality you were raised in, instead finding a new world in Spirit Halloween.
This chapter is not sponsored.
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".. You should've definitely worn a coat over that."
You fiddled with your sleeve, staring comfortably past the window and out into the shining streets of Brooklyn. The comment was unnecessary , but it didn't entirely fly past your ears— in fact you swallowed it like a bad egg, making your stomach churn. As you turned your head away from the window, you're brought back to acknowledge your brother, Montrell, sitting beside you with his hand over the wheel.
"I like it as it is." You answered. "It's soft, fluffy, and big. Fragrant too." Because it belongs to Miles.
"It's the first time I've seen you wear something so.." His words trace away, but even without finishing the sentence, you knew what he meant. Unsophisticated— a little too boyish in comparison to your usual, refined clothes. The classic sort of unrefined your dearest mother taught you not to embody.
"What? It's comfortable." Was your attempt of a justification. Montrell shrugs, and you catch a twitch in his eye.
Your family had similar, refined tastes. Montrell, like you, was taught to imbue stylishness in every aspect of his life. He was often Armani-clad. Brunello Cucinelli, Hermes— and every other European household name you could recall. But in special events, he usually sported suits specially tailored to his tastes. His palette was consistently ashen, monochrome, with hints of cherry red. Like his car, which had been only recently cleaned after the staff was updated with his upcoming arrival, a slick, grey Aston Martin. It was likely the peak symbolism of his tastes.
You were never really fond of vehicles, particularly their strong, Italian leather scents (Or stench, as you called it). It was because of your sensitive nose that you often requested the seats to be replaced with anything but leather. Scentless polyester was your more preferred option. Leather alone was enough to urge your stomach to clear out your last meal, by ascending to your esophagus.
"I'm not insulting your tastes. I'm glad you're exploring new aesthetics." He manages to lure out his teeth, a compliment— a not-so-good one at that. "What is this?.. Like, street style? Grunge?.. What's that other one— e-girl, I believe? Or was it Emo?"
"You sound not twenty-five years old."
"Don't be mean. The idea of it is new to me, okay?" He clears. "I haven't seen you in three years. The last time I saw you, mom was the one in charge of your wardrobe. I only ever saw your pictures and you seemed more high-end. Saint Laurent, Dior, Dolce Gabbana."
"Those are my brands, I'm just taking a break. I'm not a walking advertisement. I don't want to get robbed in the middle of Brooklyn either."
With a three-second pause, Montrell looks at you and queried.
"Does that jacket belong to a boy?"
You sit right up, ready to defend yourself when Antonne adds. "You would have to introduce him to me immediately— I won't stand aside while some boy prances around your presence. You're sixteen, and that's a prey-able age for stupid and good-for-nothing men… Unless,” He pauses. “You’re gay.”
"What— What are you talking about!?” You feigned ignorance. “I'm not g— this is— it doesn't belong to a.. Well, it does belong to a boy, but it's my friend's jacket okay?"
Oh, the way Miles would glare at you had he been there.
"Don't try to outsmart me." He shot back. "You’ve got little to no friends.”
You parted your lips. “You’re being mean.”
“I’m only stating the truth.” He sighs. “You’re too condescending, and you hate people.”
“And your sources are what? A small interaction I had when I was twelve?”
Montrell grows uneasy a bit, tapping his nails over the thinly veiled compartment. ".. So who is he?" He starts. "From which family? Who are his parents? And how did the both of you meet?"
"That's none of your business, Mon." You sighed, running a hand across your face. "I'm not seeing him, I'm simply hanging out with another friend. Nothing more, nothing less."
"Well, it surely wouldn't hurt for me to meet this friend of yours, then? If he's not a boyfriend."
Your mouth hung open, a steady sigh escaping your lips while you sink a little deeper into your seat. As a hand runs across your cheek, you looked at Montrell as he eases the car down to a red light.
"He doesn't know that I'm a Chávez."
Suddenly, you're jolted to a sudden halt— nearly flying out of your seat upon Montrell's way of hitting the brakes. You grabbed onto the board before you with widened eyes and a curse in your mouth.
He remains calm, but slightly irked.
At that moment, he pulls a finger to his lips as if to hush you. He signals with another finger as it leads up to boost the music from the radio. The song blasts, and swiftly, he takes his jug hidden by the side of his seat, unscrewing the top before pouring some of the water onto his palm, flicking at the air conditioner.
Oh, he was checking if the car was bugged.
You hold out your hand, gesturing him to give you some of the water. Together, the both of you took care of the recording devices, from the front of the wheel to the back of the car. Upon gathering all of them, you stuffed it all inside the water bottle, permanently eradicating its usage.
Finally, Montrell places his hands on the wheel and speaks.
“I want you to be honest with me, [Y/n], and cut out any of the bullshittery.”
You feared that at that moment, you and Montrell weren’t brother and sister, but rivals in a battle for power.
Your finger twitches.
“Does he make you happy?”
The question comes off a little too similar to tasteless poison. It’s a gamble in itself— and it leaves you sitting upright and crossing your legs.
“He makes me feel alive,” Was your starter. “That’s a power no other boy could do, and it’s a rarity, since I’ve always lived for other people, but he makes me feel like I’m living for myself.”
A short hum exits his lips. “And your happiness? Does he make you happy?”
You harshly swallowed. “What difference would it make if I tell you that he does make me happy?”
Montrell’s gaze narrows a bit, the heel of his boots pressing against the gas as the green light shone. “… I ought to applaud you for your sneakiness if by now, dad still doesn’t know anything about his existence.. Unless,” Gulp. “He ordered you to spy on him.”
“And for what reason?”
“It could be anything,” His grip on the wheel tightens like the coil of a noose. “Hostage, information, any of the latter. I’m not sure why father would send you off to spy on a fifteen-year-old boy, but I’m sure the truth’s far deeper than petty business rival bullshit.”
Your mind blanks.
“It’s nothing like that. I just.. Like him, that’s all.”
“Are you sure?”
“Why would I lie to you about how much he means to me?”
“Because we’re not just siblings, [Y/n],” He whispered. “If anything, we’re not a normal family, but, I’m here for you because I think you’re a good kid, even if everyone else says you’re not.”
“Cease the speech, Mon. I’m not a good person. Stop romanticizing me.”
“But why?” He adds. “Is it because you managed the media and the hotel?”
And hearing those words, you come to face the fact that there was a reason Montrell was your father’s favorite. The effortless way he’s able to read every situation, the effortless way he managed to read through your emotions. It was a talent you could only wish for.
“It was so obvious, you know.” He chuckled. “I knew— I already knew before I came home.”
“Because Antonne handles things messily. He makes decisions without thinking about the consequences, and he despises planning things on the long run. Dad wouldn’t trust anyone outside the family after what happened with Mom, nor would he allow just anyone to handle such shaky affairs. It’s not like it’s beyond father’s morality to hire his own children and calling it practice.”
“What evidence do you have?”
Montrell took one look at you. “The Warehouse. It’s said that it was recently burnt, and that Antonne had to fight the Prowler, but Antonne wouldn’t have had the time to take care of all that because he was investigating you.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You spat.
“Also, no one but family takes care of the Warehouses.”
“No— I know that, fuck that. You were going to find out one way or another, but what the fuck was Antonne investigating me for?”
Your brother simply shrugs, his shoulders dropping comically.
“It was about that boy.”
“What!?” Your voice breaks a little. “Jesus fuck, what is wrong with him!?”
“Evidently, he’s worried about you.”
You snorted. “Worried!? Worried my ass!” The vulgar way you spoke caught Montrell so off-guard that he had to look at you twice to check if you were still the same person. “I’d rather believe the world’s ending. Antonne and I stopped being siblings the moment he dropped responsibility for all those who were killed, forcing me to step up and do damage control because Dad stopped trusting everyone else.”
“Well, that’s understandable.”
“Plus, there’s nothing to be worried about. The boy I’m meeting he’s.. He’s just.. I like him. That’s it. I know it’s hard to believe since most of the time I’m a conniving bitch, but I genuinely, wholeheartedly like him. Like how a normal teenage girl ought to like a boy.”
Montrell hums. “… Alright, I’ll believe you. It’s not too far off from unusual, when I’m also facing a similar issue.”
You blinked. “What do you mean by that?”
“… You see, [Y/n], I’ve got also got a girl for myself.” He announced so suddenly. “Met her at Oxford. Like your boy, she bore no idea of who I was.. Who I am, and understandably, and I know you know about this too— but it’s a refreshing feeling to not be recognized as the potential inheritor of a business empire.”
You part your lips, processing the information with confusion all over your expression. “But— there were no reports of you being in a relationship.”
“Of course there weren’t,” He laughs. “I had her carefully hidden from everyone’s sights.”
And that could mean two things. You didn’t want to think of the latter.
“Maybe it’s genetic,” Montrell added, turning the wheel. “Father, mother, me, Antonne, you. Making stupid decisions for stupid ideals— rather, stupid romance. It’s frightening to think how Malachi’s going to inherit our tendencies.”
“I’m not,” Your heart raged within the cage of your ribs. “I’m not like that to him. I can never allow myself to trap him.”
“You can either be one of them.” Montrell sighed. “Mom or dad, I mean.”
The good ol’ bird or the cage.
“But I won’t be able to stand by and watch when that does happen,” He straightens his lips. “I can’t let anything happen to you.”
You can hear the voice whisper back in your mind.
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“Which is why I’ve got to meet.. [Y/n]?”
Your hands slithered up against your ears in an attempt to block out the voice.
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“[Y/n], are you okay?”
You gasped for air, a familiar voice taunting you like the one from your dreams. Except, this one didn’t speak like the voice of the symbiote, rather, it endowed this sweet allure as though it could sing you a lullaby to sleep.
Before the symbiote, there was someone else who plagued your thoughts and mind and actions.
Before the symbiote, there was your mother.
“Stop the car.” You croaked, palms still over your ears. Montrell speaks, but his words were blurred out into the void of nothingness. The more he speaks, the more your mind shreds itself into pieces. After a long second of thinking, Montrell finally pulls up by the sidewalk, taking his hands off the wheel and pulling one in front of you. He waves it hesitantly, snapping you from your thoughts.
“Breathe, [Y/n], breathe.”
“I-I,” You lengthily stammered. “Mon, I’m sorry, but can I go?” As he’s about to answer, you add. “I’ll introduce you another day, I promise, I just, I need to be alone right now.”
“But isn’t it unsafe? We’re in the slums, you’ll never know how—“
“Mon, I can fight.” You ended the conversation with that alone. Hesitantly, he nods and unlocks the door. You reach for the handle, moving along with the click as you turned to leave.
“Can you at least message me when I can pick you up?”
You looked over to Montrell.
“… Okay.”
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And he could already hear you from a block away, jogging with steady and loud steps.
Without even looking up from his phone, he unconsciously opened his arms to welcome you with an embrace— closing in immediately upon your arrival. You felt like you were going to stain his jacket with your glossed lips, but you barely managed to care anymore at this point, as this hug was beyond a need. You clung onto his neck, burying your aching head into the nape of his collar, taking in this familiar scent of spice and wood. A subtle homage, or a reminder of your older brother, Montrell.
What was it about men and their perfume?
It felt like you hadn’t seen Miles in such a long, long time. It was like you were a child who’d parted from their favorite blanket for a little too long that it made you uneasy. You liked the world and space you had between his arms— it was your warmth, your only true home, and it was yours.
All yours.
“What’s wrong?” He cooed, simpering around with you in his arms.
“I just want to stay like this for a moment.” You whispered. “I need to steal the warmth off of you.”
“Well, nena, why are you only wearing my hoodie? It’s so cold out.”
“It’s not that.”
Miles’ ears metaphorically perked up upon hearing you sniffle.
“Who the fuck hurt you? I’ll kill ‘em.”
Your lips curved into a smile.
Oh, Miles, you can’t possibly kill off a multi-million dollar industry.
“Can you kill a car, then? My brother drove me here and his car’s smell made me age twenty years,” You grumbled. “I’m boutta die at thirty-seven, I swear.”
“Your brother?” He lightly jolts away, eyes journeying from road to road in search of him. “God, where is he? Is he here?”
And at that moment, Miles subsequently fixes his posture, his words suddenly endowing some strange sort of politeness. You nudge at his shoulder, “I told him to drop me off somewhere else. I didn’t want him to meet you yet.”
“Awe,” He pouted. “Well, that’s aight. I’m gonna dress up real nice when I meet your family.”
“Uhuh,” You laughed. “And what are you going to be wearing?”
“I’m gonna borrow my unc’s suit, and I’ll talk business with yo father.”
“Only business you’ll be discussing with my father is your damn funeral, Miles. My papa don’t want me out here dating, that’s why he put me in private school.”
“With a face like yours?” He smugly grinned. “Your daddy’s kinda underestimating the power of your pretty face.”
“Oh, so you like me ‘cause I’m pretty?”
“Pretty fucking unbearable, that’s what you is.” The boy joked. “M’just kidding. I like you because you’re pretty much everything to me.”
Despite the fluttering of your stomach, you persevered with your little game. “Doesn’t answer anything— what do you like about me? Did you like my face or my personality?”
“I liked you ‘cause of your pretty face, and stayed for your amazing personality.” He answered as though he’d been preparing for the question his whole life.
“Amazing personality?”
“Extravaganza bonanza personality.”
“I’m not a banana split sundae, Miles.”
“Might as well should be with yo damn split personality.”
Your hands dangle away, Miles unconsciously attempts to reach for it but instead accepts defeat when you held his hand. “So where are we going for halloween spirit, exactly?”
“Halloween spirit?” He queried.
“Yeah, didn’t ya mention something about being in halloween spirit?”
Miles paused, holding back a loud laugh in the middle of the street. “My girl, I said I was in Spirit Halloween.”
“What the fuck is a Spirit Halloween?”
“Holy shit,” He verbalized. “You’re in for a scare, nena.”
And he meant those words a little too literally.
Growing up, it wasn’t within your household to make halloween one of your yearly traditions. Your father deemed it unnecessary, while your mother was anything but fun (Same difference, really). Your brothers have celebrated halloween, one way or another, but since you were the child closest to your mother, you were anything but free of her beliefs.
So being greeted with a large, bloodied skeleton first-thing upon entering the building was a first for you.
Miles simply explodes into laughter, holding his phone up just to record your reaction. You fall right back, hand still holding onto his. “Come on, nena, you can do it, let’s get past the entrance.”
“Miles, what in THE FUCK is that!?”
“Don’t be mean to your brother, ma.” He attempts to drag you inside as you sat down by the floor with petrification scribbled all over your face. “[Y/n], come on, introduce me to the rest of your family.”
“FUCK YOU!” You whisper-yelled.
“It’s not even moving yet, come on, [Y/n].”
After managing to drag you past the animatronics (Which Miles described was a work out in itself), the both of you marveled at the isle where all the costumes were, skimming through the racks and looking at each and every picture. “Oh, Miles— look at this,” You pluck one out, the hanger dangling from your fingers. “It’s Emily from the corpse bride! Shit, I haven’t seen the movie since I was eight.”
“Look at this one, Ma, this shit’s so you.”
He pulls out an Elsa costume.
“Even got the white ass wig and everythin’.” He giggles as you playfully smacked his arm. “Let it go. Let it go.”
“Shut up.”
“Can’t hold this shit anymore!~”
You tried to hush out his horrible singing, but the way he giggled was so infectious that you couldn’t help but giggle yourself. When bystanders started walking past the both of you with weird ogles in their gazes, you couldn’t help but put your hand over your mouth to muffle your laughing.
“Puñeta,” Miles added, pulling out a fucking teenage mutant ninja turtles costume. “You’ve got to fucking try this, ma.”
“Miles—“ You couldn’t even continue a sentence without wheezing.
You did eventually find a costume— unlike the original plan, the both of you couldn’t find a medieval patient dying of the bubonic plague, but Miles did manage to find a dark priestess costume along with a plague doctor costume.
“We’re like business partners. The patients go to me, and when they die, you send them off.” Was what he said.
“Wouldn’t that make you a really horrible doctor?”
“Doctor’s still a doctor, ma. I mean, it’s the police’s job to protect all of us but if that’s really the case, they’re doing a pretty fucking horrible job at it, but hey, we still call them the police.”
You looked at the mirror, watching the confusion materialize over your face as you heard Miles’ rant behind the curtain. As you clumsily tried on your costume inside the changing room, you couldn’t help but ask. “What makes you say that? That they’re doing a horrible job at protecting y’all?”
As you zipped up the bolero, you hear Miles’ curtain open.
“Well, Ma, brutality’s been upper than hell compared to the last few decades, so’s poverty. For the last four years, the economy’s been going downhill, which made us have a recession. ‘Cause of that, a lot of the cops had to kiss up some of the wealthy folks’ asses to keep their jobs.”
“So that makes them corrupt?”
“That makes them desperate,” He alluded. “No one wants to die of starvation, and they all have families to feed. It’s divide and conquer, really.”
“Divide and conquer?— oops,” You pick up the fallen headdress from the floor. “Expand on that.”
Miles hums a bit. “Imagine the crab mentality. I’ve read about it before for a philosophy research, and it’s a term used in the Philippines. Put a fuck ton of crabs in a bucket. You’re gonna see the crabs drag each other down in order to pull themselves up, but in the end, none of them ain’t gonna reach the top.
Because the true problem was never the crabs, it was the person who put those crabs inside the bucket in the first place. Same goes for us, the poor. We all have to fend for ourselves so we put others down— because if we’re too busy surviving, we don’t have to pay no attention to the rich who put us all inside the damn bucket in the first place.”
The way he described it was so familiar.
It was like he was describing you with your siblings.
Hearing the symbiote’s approval echo in your mind, you couldn’t help but smirk.
He’s not just smart. He’s a genius.
Don’t call me that, ever.
His experiences and your experiences were similar despite being so contradictory, and it didn’t make sense. You were rich, so extraordinarily wealthy that the recession was never a part of your problem, hell, the decline of the economy was never your problem— and Miles was struggling along with his family to keep themselves afloat.
And you could never put yourself in his shoes, as you knew nothing of the loss he felt.
But the both of you were kids in line to shape the future, and if the generational trauma ever continued, you’d only end up the oppressor, but you knew, Miles was going to tear himself apart from the title of ‘victim’, and he was going to stand up against you— maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow,
But soon, as villain versus hero.
You pushed the curtain away, unveiling the costume to Miles.
But rather than seeing him, he was nowhere to be found.
You lifted the veil, stepping out of the dressing room to take a peek at him, but you couldn’t find any trace of his broad-shouldered figure anywhere. You softly called out for his name, head spinning from constantly turning. Your feet took you forward. You try ignore the giggly and bloodily-clad animatronics whose haunting stares scared you far worse than any unwanted confrontation with any of your family members.
And there he was, talking to a girl.
That sort of closeness— the way they spoke. Laughing, catching up, or something like that. Acquaintances? Friends, maybe?
Something ugly pricked at your skin from within.
Montrell’s words began to spiral inside your mind. ‘Father, mother, me, Antonne, you. Making stupid decisions for stupid ideals— rather, stupid romance.’
The feeling seared your veins, making you dig your nails into the bed of your palm. Your knuckles quivered from the intensity, like a sort of anger you felt when you saw any of your elder brothers being praised for the bare minimum, except.. This one felt different.
You watched the way her braids fell, wondering if you could pull it off with such grace. High society’s always been too picky, which forced you to drown out most of your interests, but now you couldn’t help but feel a little envious. You wanted to wear the clothes you wanted to wear, try out the makeup you wanted to try.
It felt like your mother’s shadow was being cast on you, making you embody the very phase you feared, your mother’s daughter—
and like your mother, you were quick to get jealous.
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And it devoured you, whole.
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You faltered, taking a step back before fully pivoting your heel and running off back to the dressing room. You shut the curtain behind you, only now finding the symbiote staring right at you through the mirror— its grotesque body mirroring your move.
“For a girl who knows how to handle most of her emotions, you can’t seem to handle jealousy well.”
“I’m not jealous. I’m just tired.”
“And I’m Sofia Vergara.“
“How the fuck do you know who Sofia Vergara is?”
“Memories, my dear.”
You felt a surge of panic take course of you.
“This is unhealthy. I can’t be like this, I don’t even know who she is.” You exasperatedly murmured. “I need to calm down— Miles and I aren’t even official yet.”
“Exactly, so be the lady that you are and introduce yourself, damn it. You have no friends.”
“I have friends.” You seethed. “I’m popular as hell in Acadia.”
“If I had a dollar for every friend you have, I’d be the one giving you a poverty rant.”
“[Y/n]?” Miles pulled you out of your thoughts yet again.
“Y-Yeah?” You called out, whipping your head back. “You done?” He asks, shuffling a bit. You hesitantly open the curtain to reveal yourself, your sights eventually welcoming the image of Miles dressed in all black— with a long, beak-like mask over his head. As you were too busy trying to find his little acquaintance, Miles gawks at you from behind his heavy façade.
The faux black silk draped over your curves seamlessly, the crimson of the bolero gleaming beneath the light as it contrasted against the dress. You lifted the veil past the dark crown like a bride, lashes fanning up to meet him by his gaze.
“Oh, wow.” He sighed. “Wow, you— the woman that you are.”
There was something about the way he looked at you.
It was like you were all that consumed his mind and being. Nonetheless, it was the truth.
But even now, as Miles held out his hand for you to hold, you couldn’t help but wonder how many times he’ll look at you like this until it manifests from love into something else.
“It’s a halloween costume, Miles, not a wedding dress. I can’t possibly be lookin’ all that great.” You took his hand, drawing closer to the mask. “God, you look like a big bird.”
Lost in the way you looked, Miles’ hands unconsciously trailed around your waist, looking down on you with a dumb stare that you couldn’t fathom. Suddenly, the both of you were disrupted by an abrupt cough. You both turn your heads, finding the same girl you’d seen him talking to just a few minutes ago.
“Hey,” She beamed, waving her hand at you. “Hope I ain’t disturbing anything?”
“You definitely were.” Miles’ gaze narrowed. The girl laughed, her white grin wide like a crescent moon. You couldn’t help but think, she’s got such a pretty smile.
“Mind introducing me, Miles?”
With a hand still on your waist, Miles gestures towards you. “This is my lady,”
“[Y/n],” You held out your hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Both Miles and the girl stared at your open palm.
“Wow, ain’t she prim and proper? Like a princess.” She teased, accepting your hand. “I’m Amadi, nice to meet you too.”
Her palm was warm and smooth, decorated by the lacey sleeve of her periwinkle sweater. She stood in heeled boots, a couple inches taller than you— an inch or two off of Miles’ height. As she shook your hand, the girl couldn’t help but helplessly marvel at you as though you were a statue carved from marble.
“God, how in the hell did you land on Miles? You’re just,” Amadi’s hands airily traced your figure. “You’re just wow. I-Is Miles keeping you hostage or sum? You don’t look nuthin like human. You look outta this world.”
“Thank,” You stifled a laugh. “Thank you?”
“I can hear you, Madi.” Miles churned.
“M’just stating truths ‘cause—“ She clicks her long, acrylic nails. “Why she be lookin’ outta this world while you’s lookin like you snuck onto earth?”
You placed a hand over your mouth, trying your hardest, you very hardest, not to laugh. Miles pulled you back away from her with a disintegrating glare.
“Tu puta madre,” He spat. “.. Go back to Monique.”
“Mi novia— love of my life, we’re off halloween shopping too. Gotta big date tomorrow, we gon be watching horror movies n shi.” Amadi added, decisively looking around. “Speaking of which, Ionno where she went.”
“She might be with Voshon.” Miles piqued.
“Voshon?” Your head started to spin with the amount of new names you were processing. “That’s a.. Interesting name.”
“Mama was gonna name him Joshua, but my dad wanted to combine or grandparents’ names together, so— Vaughn and Shontelle.. Voila, Voshon.”
“Oh, he’s your brother?” You queried. Amadi hums. “Unfortunately. I mean, I’d always preferred being an only child but we all don’t get what we want most of the time.“
“Oh, I definitely get that.”
“No way, you got brothers too?”
“Yeah, I’m the only girl.”
“Can’t imagine the mess in your house, damn.. Hey!”
Amadi soon joins a pair, one with a much brighter and pinker style and the other satisfied with a mere hoodie for marking a fashion statement. You fiddled with the skirt of your dress, evidently nervous as a million thoughts flooded your mind. You weren’t the friendliest person out there, nor were you the most likable out of all your siblings.
It was never easy for you to make friends. Too many found you overbearing, the rest condescending. Your position was overwhelming enough for any other person your age, and those who knew about you were ambitious to make connections and forge deals.
What if they won’t like me?
What if I mess up?
What if I come off as too condescending?
But Miles took your hand, grabbing your attention from the spur of your overthinking. He took off his mask, easing you with the familiarity. One look at him and home found its way back to you.
“You wanna meet ‘em, ma?” He asks.
With an anxious smile, you nodded.
“Of course.”
And like a whirlwind into the night, you were off.
For the first time, you part yourself entirely from the world you knew and entered Miles’ world.
“Oh, hello!” Bubbly and sweet, Monique greeted you with such warmth that it melted away all your previous worries. “Oh my god— don’t tell me,” She glances over to Amadi for confirmation. “Are you the [Y/n] Miles always talks about!?“
“Nica— please—“
“You ARE!”
She spoke of you as though you’d been a legend told to the latter, like a tooth fairy. “It’s so nice to finally meet you! We’ve been dying to meet you and– wow, you’re gorgeous.”
“Thank you,” Your cheeks were bound to be flushed. “I think you’re very pretty too. I-I really like your hair and your makeup, it’s super well done.”
“Awe, thank you so much!” She placed a hand over your heart, wholeheartedly touched by your compliment. Monique looks at Miles with a pout.
“… Miles, can you fight?”
“Fuck you mean ‘Can you fight?’, I will square you the fuck up r’now.”
His friends were sweet— welcoming without the need of a surname. Monique, with her free and silk-like curls, was a firecracker who liked glitter on her lids and her nails and her clothes. Amadi was ever-so loving of her, despite preferring black and chains for her aesthetic. The two girls were a stark contrast of one another— and unsurprisingly, Monique already had her mermaid costume prepared and was just helping out Amadi pick her Dracula ensemble.
Voshon, although quieter, was one you recognized as similarly withdrawn and reserved like Miles when the both of you first met. Amadi described him to be a total nerd, and quirky— later proven when he and Miles chased each other with fake swords, running across the aisles while exchanging hits.
When Voshon tosses over the sword to you, however, chaos truly ensued.
“GO GET HIM!” The girls cheered as you and Miles managed to create a questionable chase scene of a Priestess holding a Minecraft sword chasing after a Plague Doctor with a scythe. Onlookers couldn’t help but watch on as the both of you squabbled.
Like a livid cat and its cheesy mouse.
“Esto en un mamey. You too fuckin’ slow!” He teased in between a heave. “Can’t catch me for shit!”
Shit went down as you bent over to take off your boots.
“That ain’t changing, nun— aye puta.” Miles narrowly avoids one of the shoes that came flying at his direction. He looks over like a child in awe, head following the direction of wherever it went.
“I never knew you were Latina, mam– MIERDA LOCO, CEBOLLA COÑO!” And a couple other curses exit his tongue as you tackled him to the ground with a loud crash.
You let a hearty, chesty giggle escape your lips. The adrenaline got you cackling like a comical villain, that even Miles couldn’t help but laugh helplessly along with you. Seeing you like that, with your hair all wild and your smile at its wildest, it softened his whole being.
“… You’re so pretty, mami.” He airily sighed with a cough to the side.
“.. Sure.” Was all you could answer.
And of course, after getting an earful from the staff, you and Miles finally ended your tiny sword-fighting sequence. After changing out of the costumes, all five of you prompted to test out the animatronics.
It was about taking turns.
And it was also when you realized, Amadi was Dominican.
You learned a lot of Spanish that day, especially from one step of a button to activate an animatronic.
Everyone’s mouths were.. Extraordinarily filthy.
But you liked it— from watching bursting and spinning animatronics screaming bloody murder at you, to going around talking about all kinds of things with his friends.
“God, I’ve always wanted one of those.” Amadi points at the lace parasol one of the mannequins were holding. “It’s so Morticia Addams.”
“Well, maybe you should get it.” You suggest. “It’d look great with your vampire costume.”
Amadi sighed. “I only got money for the costume, can’t buy sum like that. Maybe I’ll just DIY it with my nana’s old umbrella.”
You squinted a tiny bit, eyeing the sign that announced in bold lettering: $16.99.
And for privileged little you, the sixteen was just change for a hundred dollar bill, which made you inadvertently blurt out. “I can pay.”
“Nah, girlie, it’s gon’ take me whole two to three months ‘fore I can afford to pay you back.”
“I mean, it’s fine—“ You realized just how spoiled you were sounding. “I recently got my paycheck so I guess I can buy you something.”
“Where do you work, though?” Monique added, clinging onto your other hand as the left one was occupied by Miles. “Like do you work at a café or a restaurant?”
“Family business,” You vaguely replied. “Boring stuff. But my dad pays me well enough, so I guess I can live with it— so maybe I can pay for that.”
“No, no, no.” Amadi answered, accent thick. “Really, we can pay for it ourselves.”
But you couldn’t ignore it. Not when you could see Miles openly contemplating on buying the costume or not— as he’s been fiddling with the price tag the whole time you two were walking. And you’ve seen the way Voshon’s been eyeing the diamond sword for a while now.
So you made up your mind.
“I’m just gonna go to the bathroom for a moment— can you hold this for me, Miles?” You gently nudged your costume towards him before walking away without another word. As you did so, the group gawked in confusion.
“… Where’s she going? The bathroom’s that way.”
Ring. Ring. Ring.
“Hello, this is Mr. Chávez’s office, how may I help you?”
A simple, roundabout greeting, said over and over for the last few years. Usually followed by a “No, he’s not available at the moment” or a “I’ll take word”, but for the first time, the secretary stammers in embarrassment with her nails clutching onto the phone for dear life. The old man behind the wide, glass doors took note of his poor assistant’s sudden faltering, yet he maintains naturally unfazed.
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll put him on the phone with you right this instant.”
Stumbling in her high heels, the secretary staggers inside the man’s office with the whole telephone in her hand.
“Sir, you’ve got an important call.”
“I’m busy, Nicole.”
“It’s your daughter— Miss [Y/n]?” She uttered your name as though you’d materialize out of thin air after chanting it three times. She was horrified of you.
With a click of his tongue, your father picks up the phone.
“What do you want?” He instantly asks of you.
“Dad, remember how you’ve always claimed that the celebration of halloween is unnecessary?”
Without even uttering an answer, you decisively went on.
“Well, in November, there is a tremendously large spike of sales when it comes to anything horror-related. It’s always been capitalist to clad November as a scary month in order to convince people to buy into scary things—“ He hears something tumble in the background. “— and since late October to early November is usually one of the hotel’s lowest months, I figured my proposal would be a perfect proxy for my apology for the way I acted during dinner.”
You didn’t even know what you were talking about at this point, but you were willing to try.
“.. What are you talking about?” He snaps.
“Well, I—“ You hesitated a bit. “I researched a bit, and I’ve come with an unsure solution.”
“What is it?”
“… Can we buy Spirit Halloween?”
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thebestandrealestever · 10 months
“anything ?”
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e42 miles x (black?) fem reader
warnings : none that i can think of. as always unedited genre & sum: angst with a happy ending, miles can’t let u go, it’s eating him up inside. little does he know u can’t either. a/n: wtf is upp, welcome back to my channel. and i’m sososo sorry that the pictures suck i didn’t rly know what to put, idk if i should call the reader a black reader bc u can’t tell expect for 1 part when she puts on a bonnet, do non black ppl put on bonnets?? also it’s not really fem reader ?? IS THE RAIN SCENE CORNY?? idk . enjoy
rise with the morning, you call to me.
“miles!” you laughed out at him as he started to attack you with kisses while you were sitting on his leg in the photo booth. “what? i can’t kiss you now?” miles asks acting like he’s fake offended. you turn your head from the camera to look at miles, “no, you can” you smile sweetly as you lean in to give him a proper kiss, the photo booth camera catching the perfect moment as the last picture.
my thoughts are crawling, you’re all i see.
you. it’s you he’s thinking about after his uncle tells him that he’s going to have to join him in assasinating one of the biggest drug/weaponry lords in all of brooklyn in all of new york! as soon as the lords left aaron’s mouth he thought about you, what if something happened to him, what if something happened to you? he couldn’t be associated with you anymore you could get hurt. he didn’t care about what happened to him but you he couldn’t let anything happen to y- “you listenin miles?” he snapped out of his thoughts and replied hesitantly and cleared his throat. “yeah, yeah man i’m good.”
i wish i could live without you. but, you’re apart of me.
“miles- whats going on with u? you’ve been ignoring my texts and calls and now you show up at my house, u go-“ “this not really workin out between us anymore.” miles took a deep breath in after cutting you off, he’d been ignoring you because he was trying to mental detach himself from the sacred relationship you shared, it was futile though seeing as miles carried you in his spirit he could never deatch. you stood there for a moment trying to give him a second to say he was joking or for you to wake up but nothing. the way he couldn’t look at you made you crumble inside. “what?” was the only word you could muster up. “the reason i been ignoring you, it’s because i don’t wanna be with you” he said lying through his teeth looking down. “are you serious? what about everything we’ve been through. “miles i-i love you! wtf r u doing rn?” you take a sharp inhale in to ask the question that you dreaded. “issa another girl?” miles eyes widen as he looked up at you, no! of course there wasn’t anyone else. it’s always going to be you for him. “uh yea. there’s someone else. it’s over (name.) i’m sorry” he said as he climbed out of your window before he started crying, the tears flowing from you eyes physically made his chest hurt. once miles left you put your face in your knees as you cried, all night.
where ever i go, you’ll always be next to me.
the classes you shared, the hallways, the cafeteria, the lunch spot you always used to go to. you were everywhere and it was torture, for you too. the amount of times you both wanted to reach out, pass notes in class like you did before. for there to be someone else miles was always alone. you noticed that just as he noticed the eye bags under your face and how they were often red rimmed. miles lay awake at night thinking about you, looking at old polaroid’s on his wall or picture on his phone, sometimes miles caught himself staring at you in class or when you passed his way. you tried to ignore miles seeing as how thinking about him for too long broke your heart. you were in denial, you refused to believe the love of your life was just gone. so no you didn’t take down the ig highlight you had of him, or the photo booth pictures off of your mirror, you can’t let him go. and you were gonna do something about it.
fall into the night, as i gaze onto you. shine so bright, it’s all i do
a day after miles did his big mission, he cried at night thinking about the look on his face as his uncle shot him. no matter how bad the person they were he still felt bad, for the people they loved and who loved them but he always remembered the people that they hated, and what they did to them. miles thought about you, what he did to you. why wouldn’t you leave his head? he needed to clear his head, he put his jacket and shoes on and headed into the hallway of his apartment walking down the stairs. you on the other hand had been sitting on the couch watching tv with your mouth as you were wrecking your brain trying to figure out a reason why he left. until that exact thing appeared.
i wish i could live without you. but, you’re apart of me.
“FAMOUS DRUG LORD WILSON GRANT FISK KILLED BY UPRISING VIGILANTE “THE PROWLER, MORE MATTER ON THE SUBJECT LATER.” it was miles. the picture they showed had a boy with a mask on, a hole ripped through it so you could see his eyes. it was miles eye, it was his braids. you thought more in detail about it, as soon as “the prowler” became a thing mile would leave more offen, come home to you with scars. a lot like the scars the news reporter described where he was hit. you saw gadgets and other things lying around his room that was often seen on true prowlers suit. miles was the prowler, is that why he left you? you weren’t sure but you didn’t really care, you needed to see him, talk to him, find out.
you hopped up putting your shoes and the speed of which you did so concerned your mother “u okay? where you think u going this late at night?” she asked laughing awkwardly, “uh, i need to go talk to miles. i’ll be back soon please mom let me go.” you begged and she sighed seeing the urgency in your eyes and hearing it linger off your tone“okay, be safe (name)” “okay mom!” you said rushing out the door still going to put on your bonnet because obviously. you ran sprinted to miles apartment that was conveniently only 5 minutes away.
wherever i go, you’ll always be next to me.
as you’re running you don’t even notice how fast you were going until you get to miles apartment. your out of breath and about to buzz the gate before miles walks out the door, it looks like he’s been crying? you tilt your head frowning at his expression which is a wide eyed squint? in a way, you don’t let your thoughts consume you for much longer before “you’re the prowler!” “im so sorry (name)” you both said at the same time as you hear the others words you both drop your jaws a little just before you opened your mouth it starts raining, hard either of you couldn’t care less though. “you’re the prowler. the vigilante on tv.. the one that just killed kingpin? that’s you right?” you say it quickly at first slowing down as you see miles face scrunch up. he thinks about it for a moment before exhaling and relaxing his face a little and maybe you didn’t notice the rain, your maybe neither of you cared. “how did you know?” “it was kinda obvious. i-is that why you broke up with me?” you ask looking down afraid of the answer. “yes! i mean yeah, that’s why. i didn’t want to because i love you so much but u couldn’t let you get hurt, i can’t let you g“ you cut him off by wrapping your arms around him pulling him in a big. a tear wells up in his eyes and he allows himself to cry, “i’m so sorry, i miss you so much.” you start crying too. “i miss you too, and i don’t want you to leave again okay? just tell me what’s going on miles, you can tell me anything.” you say with a smile and an inviting tone in your voice. you pull away from the hug and he kissed your forehead holding it with both hands. “anything?” he blubbers as he cries again and you chuckle at that a little sniffling in your own cries.
you’ll always be next to me.
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nightgoodomens · 4 months
Okay strange anon but the sheens and Tennants have been dropping sooo many hints lately it’s genuinley getting to the point where I feel like they don’t really care if anyone knows. Idk if that makes sense but I feel like they’re either building up to actually coming out as some form of poly or something (which still feels unlikely) BUT if they are actually poly that’s four famous adults and about 100 blonde children to all keep something a secret that they aren’t really trying to keep a secret so it’s almost like back for if/when someone does slip up and the polycule tm (however that looks) gets leaked.
I mean Michael and David have been so very obvious from the very beginning but I honestly thought they will never confirm anything.
Look what’s happening at the moment at the mere suggestions - people are being called sick and twisted and not normal just for saying that these two are in love. Fucking hell. People are even finding all the excuses for them being neighbours, they can’t even cope with that.
So I thought no way these two will want to deal with this shit.
But… fuck, something seems to be going on.
Here is my take on when I think things shifted, this is of course a very personal guess, so obviously I might be wrong about this.
So before I get to that certain day - at the time I was only watching things unfold and not commenting on the blog about it apart from dropping a little hint here and there, sorry lovely people who sent me asks then and I didn’t respond, but fuck it, I’m going to talk about it now…
Remember that day GT posted that unfortunate picture of her child and said she was a drunk accident? She bragged about sex.
Remember how Michael went a little insane on Twitter about David then?
Because I remember seeing that and it kind of hit me and I remember thinking… fuck, Michael is jealous. And Michael is no longer happy with being a complete secret.
If I remember correctly, after causing uproar on Twitter that day, he went dead quiet - apart from just showing up quickly the exact moment David was on stage presenting in New York and then he disappeared again.
And things have changed since then.
This is when we started having David talking about Michael, his outfits becoming more obvious, and his behaviour, GT going very hard on queer promo highlighting everything queer he wore, now the outfits being a clear response to Michael’s “Thin Dark Duke”, etc.
Suddenly a private picture of DT and MS.
Suddenly a perfect picture of Michael and David sharing the most special look after Macbeth, like there’s nobody else in the room.
I expected damage control. Surprisingly no.
Instead we got Lapland. One big happy family. In their matching sweaters. And when the general idea was for a photoshoot of Family/Couple/Celeb-on-their-own - we got family and a couple… of Michael and David.
That was a lot within just a few weeks.
And that was PR, official photos. But not the damage control that I expected, instead another nod to the family thing.
Then Georgia starts promoting Anna’s paid for photoshoot and they’re playing wives which is horribly lame to look at because there’s such a lack of real sympathy between them that it only highlights to me how real MS/DT are. But! It does work to show the whole family thing, doesn’t it? It does push the whole we are one big family and nobody is a victim here.
(Also I think they hope she gets a job and goes, considering how miserable Michael looks by her side)
And now we are here. GT dropping on us that they’re neighbours. It’s only beginning of February.
And I see people doing mental gymnastics regarding whether it’s rented or bought and whether door by door… it literally doesn’t matter. At the end of the day the point is the effort to live close to each other.
My opinion though - there’s bigger probability that Michael and David discussed Michael getting something in London and David letting Michael know as soon as a house became available on his street - rather than a house miraculously becoming available to rent by David just when Michael needed it for NYE. Unless David owns another house and rented it to Michael. But - the specifics don’t really matter.
Curious now then… GT just dropped this before Michael’s Graham Norton show and David having something that day too I think?
So… we are either getting damage control next or we are continuing feeding the rumours.
At the moment to me it looks like they want people to realise that there indeed is something going on. Either so if something slips then they go “well… we never hid anything” or there will be some sort of confirmation.
But when I think about confirmation… There’s already been love declarations. What else is there to say?
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hayleysayshay · 3 months
CR twitter having a normal one and deciding CR is the end all be all of targeted activism
I have seen these posts get like 500 likes asking CR to donate and then Matt’s response where he talks about poor mental health but says that he’s given 15k of their own money to Gaza is like, clear they align with a pro Palestine position. And this response has got 28k likes. It’s a very online bubble talking to each other, and they cannot see that they’re posting the same information to each other and aren’t changing any damn minds.
Very high possibility CR can’t say anything on the Critical Role accounts because of their contracts with Amazon. So what if they never post for these people? Maybe just give up and move on?
When I first got into the fandom I saw all this cool clothing merch so I looked for their code of ethics. Couldn’t find one. Emailed the shop/site about it, never got a response. Gave up and moved on.
My genuine position it’s nice when they do do something good, but I have no expectations otherwise, they’re not an ethical company they’re a business.
And it’s totally normal to be disappointed and want to spend your money and time elsewhere, I’m not here to tell you you’re wrong, but I think some twitter activists people have lost sight of a bigger picture by being in a bubble. I just don’t care to centre a damn media company in my activism and have better things to worry about than fucking Critical role.
Like I donate monthly anyway and adhoc donations. I wouldn’t donate to a fundraiser unless there was something amazing offered during it, as a) I prefer to just give straight to the charity as I think that avoids processing fees b) it probably wouldn’t even be in my timezone? Idk people can just donate anyway, people are already well organised and you don’t need Critical Role to do it for you.
Support who you want, but turning other fans not boycotting critical role, the DnD media company, into a litmus test if you’re a good person or not a bit ridiculous here, and a bit unserious.
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toxicanonymity · 9 months
Brothel - Dicks
The brothel, aka real housecreeps, is a meta reality show about the Joels and other blorbos. Normally everything is smooth sailing, but we mostly air the drama.
Collect calls SPOILERS
brothel master list
Oh no, a producer leaked a copy of the dick HCs and raider Joel just sent me a dick pic with a ruler for scale, claiming I shorted him. I stared at it for a good 60 seconds, then left him on read. Now someone's knocking at my bedroom door. I ignore it and respond to the pic instead. "Sorry 😬"
Raider, muffled outside my door: Think ya might need a better look. (I don't answer) Can I at least talk to ya?
I put on my robe, begrudgingly let him in, and try not to look at the bulge in his tactical jeggings.
Raider: Production told me to take it up with you.
Me: Tell me you didn't send pictures to production. (Raider is silent.) That's sexual harassment. God damnit, in the middle of your PR tour?
Raider hangs his head and seems sorry until he unzips his tactical jeggings and that's the only reason he was looking down. I'm tempted to make him jack off just because, but I shake my head no.
Raider: Be a good girl for me and it'll be over quick.
Me: are you regressing back to March over this? Don't talk to me like a reader, and don't come in here taking your dick out.
Raider nods solemnly, and I sheepishly add under my breath, "unless I tell you to." The toilet flushes and I nervously look toward the bathroom.
Trouble walks out, fully dressed, buttoning his shirt.
Trouble, to Raider: Didn't I tell you to leave this shit alone, man?
Raider: Pool house, huh? You live in the pool house?
Raider sticks his head into the bathroom and sees there's a big, lavish bedroom connected on the other side and the bed is made. Trouble mouths to me, 'want him to leave?' and I shrug like Idk what to do.
Raider: Can you give us a minute, man?
Trouble: I think you should leave, Raid. I get you're upset but don't bust up in here at 6 in the morning.
Me: Neither of you are leaving.
I put Trouble in the cuck chair, Raider sits on the bed, and I sit down at the vanity to finish talking to him. His pants are still open but I'm not looking.
Me (attempting to be comforting) Hey, anything more than 7" is a waste anyway.
Trouble (7") nods.
Raider: this ain't about sweet pea.
Trouble: that's your issue, man.
Me, to Raider: You're the biggest one either way, why're you pitching a fit over less than a centimeter?
Raider and Trouble look at each other. Trouble shakes his head at Raider like, don't say it.
Raider: We know about him.
Oh, shit. Trouble sighs. I play stupid.
Me: you know about who?
Raider: Jojo.
Me: He doesnt have an HC.
Raider: He has a bulge.
Me: I haven't even seen his dick.
Raider: You've seen his dick print.
Me: How do you--
Raider: All I'm askin' for is accuracy, that's it. Ill do ya a dick print if ya want.
Me: Lemme talk to my dick consultant (@jazziepascal ).
Raider: What'd I do? I used to be your emotional support Joel. Your mental health Joel.
I realize maybe he could've helped me through this month if I spent more time with him.
Me: You still are, c'mere.
I open my arms for a hug. We embrace, but his dick is still hard so it's awkward. After the hug, Trouble is making a face like he wouldnt mind being cucked, but I clear my throat , adjust my robe, and dismiss both of them.
Later that day, the men gather in the kitchen. They're huddled around the table and you can't see Night Walks, but they're all talking to him. You can see balled up pieces of paper on the floor and and on the counter there's an open ream of printer paper and an open tub of vasoline.
Thighs Out: I think you've gotta really slap it down.
(loud smack)
Thighs Out: There ya go. Your turn, slasher.
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maikissed · 1 year
little dove
Richarlison x reader
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part 2 for i've got my eye on you part 1 is here
It's pretty long but i love to get into them detailssss. I kinda hate it and I kinda love it, idk, hope you'll enjoy it 🫶🏼 Sorry for any typos. warnings: some smut (+18)
To say that you were nervous about meeting Richarlison after that memorable party would be an understatement. You almost told him to piss off just because you were terrified of the effect he had on you that night. It all hit you hard after you sobered up, when you remembered how easily he could make you hot and bothered. And you were reminiscing how you nearly gave in to the needs of your body, completety turning off the common sense, and dragged him to a private space to have your way with him. It might have been your drunk state, but you’ve never acted this way. This wasn’t a good sign. And you were going mental. To be honest, you didn’t expect that he’ll reach out to you.
Nevertheless you agreed to meet with him. But you did not call it a date.
It’s been a month since you've started seeing each other and you truthfully enjoyed the time you’ve been spending together. You and Sheira even attented one of his matches and you didn’t expect that a football game could be so exciting as you were cheering and analysing everything that was happening on the pitch. Richarlison even waved at you at the end of the match and you waved back feeling overjoyed.
“So, you’re like a wag now?” Sheira asked when you were leaving the stands.
“Stop talking” you send her a disapproving look.
“You’re mean, you know that?” she laughed at your reaction.
She will never stop teasing you about it.
Richarlison was driving you home after you went to the movies together and an unexpected rush of confidence made you ask him if he’d like to come in. As you were quite a private person you felt a little nervous about intiving him to your little sanctuary but you were eager to spend some more time with this boy.
 “I think it was really sad in it’s simplicity. A shattering picture of existencial crisis and the futility of tommorow” you reffered to the movie you've watched while opening the door to your apartment.
“Yeah, it was really moving” he commented following you in.
“You didn’t like it” you smiled at him observing his reaction.
“No, it’s not like that, it’s just not my type of cinema. But it was nice to watch something different”
“Alright then” you nodded unconvinced but let the subject go “Would you like something to drink? I can make you my famous sweet tea” you asked entering the kitchen.
You felt yourself becoming nervous again, it was the first time of you two being alone since that party and it made you panic inside a bit.
“Sure” he answered taking a look around your little salon “You have a lot of paintings. Who made them?”
“I did”
“Oh, so you’re an artist?” he gave you an impressed look and you smiled while placing the cups on the kitches island.
“Kind of. I paint in my free time just to clear my head. They’re just for me though, it’s not like I’m a professional”
“It’s really good, you’re talented. I like this one” he pointed to a painting of a woman floating in deep ocean waters surrounded by the breaking through rays of the sun.
You made that one during a very specific time in your life and you were very devoted to it so your heart warmed up a little hearing words of appreciation from him.
“Thank you, I think this picture had been created the longest”
He sat down on the sofa placed right infront of the small kitchen so he was facing you.
“I almost failed my art class in school once” he murmured scratching his head.
“What? How?” you laughed in disbelief catching sight of his kinda embarrased appearance.
“My uncle was the teacher and I guess I felt too comfortable” he laughed with you.
“Wow” you shook your head still laughing under your breath “To fail an art class in school is quite a feat”
“Yeah, I was a horrible student”
You focused on making the tea and the room went silent for a few seconds. You suddenly felt his heavy gaze on you and looked up meeting his dark piercing gaze from across the room. You smiled shyly feeling your limbs go rigid.
“Quit looking at me like that, Richarlison”
“Like what?” he smirked smugly and his eyes lit up.
“Like you’re looking right now” you countered biting your lip.
“I’m just looking y/n” he shrugged toying with you and you rolled you eyes taking the tea cups and approached the place he sat at to place them on a coffee table.
You then sat on a fotel on the other side and noticed an amused expression forming on his face.
“You’re just sitting so far” he murmured smirking at you and your heart skipped a beat.
You moved to sit on the other end of the sofa with one of your legs bent at the knee to face him comfortably.
“Am I making you nervous y/n?” you heard him say lowly and you almost choked on your tea.
Of course he was fucking making you nervous right now. You were trying to keep your distance to not loose your mind in his pressence. But it was immensely difficult, especially when he was looking at you with those big eyes. You wanted him so badly that it scared you. But you took the challenge and moved closer to him, your knee almost touching his thigh.
“You’re so full of yourself, Richarlison” you joked sneeringly and put the tea back at the table.
He laughed putting his arm on the back of the sofa not leaving his eyes off your form.
“Just admit it”
Your eyes widened in disbelief of his teasing. Oh, if he won’t stop right now you’re going to strike him.
“You are not making me nervous” you protested feeling your cheeks heating up.
You were trying to keep your cool to not feed his already huge ego further but your body language was showing off completely different signs. You felt tense and the beating of your heart quickened sharply, shallowing your breath. The least you could do was not breaking the eye contact. You had to quit acting all shy to break this little entertainment of his.
“Then come closer” he dared quietly and you stiffened.
You were already sitting right next to each other, your legs almost touching. You considered your next move and swallowed hard. Then you just simply rised up, placing your leg on the other side of his body and sat on his thighs suprising yourself by your sudden surge of confidence. The material of your short tennis skirt rised up slighty and there was no turning back now. A wave of heat flooded your body.
“Is that better?” you asked in a soft tone.
Richarlison placed his hands gently on your hips and slowly moved you closer, your pelvises touched and you involuntarily placed your palms on his chest, feeling startled. Butterflies erupted in your tummy and you exhaled sharply. And you were loosing your mind.
“Now it’s better” he murmured studying your face intensively “Is it making you uncomfortable?” he asked trying to make sure that you were okay with it or to just play with you some more.
“No” you denied trying to not go crazy over the feeling of the sharp material of his pants in contact with your bare inner thighs.
Just a few thin layers of clothes were separating you from him. Your lids started to feel heavy when you focused on a feeling of arousal slowly building inside of you. You could feel a wet patch forming in your panties and you swallowed back a whimper focusing your gaze on your hands still placed on his chest. When you looked up you noticed him still focused on your face, as if drinking in your little reactions, no doubt visible on your expression. And then, slowly, he looked down at the place where your bodies touched. Under your palms you could feel him intake a big breath and the excitation made you finally act up. You took your hands off his body to place them on top of his hands that were still gripping your hips lightly and rolled your hips back and then forward, rutting against him. The sensation felt like a shot of electricity piercing your body and so you moved again. His grip on you tightened and you noticed his adam’s apple bobbed slowly. Your moves where tantalizingly slow and you were loosing yourself in this intimate moment. When you connected your pelvises once more you could feel hardness forming in his pants and when it slid right between your labia a soft moan escaped your mouth uncontrollably. It made you quicken up your pace. Richarlison grunted throwing his head back, his brows furrowed as he swallowed hard. Every move you made elicited another soft high moan from you and your mind was racing, your hands slightly shaking as the pleasure kept taking control of your body.
“Stop or I’m gonna come in my pants” his voice came off raspy and his eyes darkened as he took in the look on your face, delighted by the sound of your little moans.
He grabbed your waist and lifted you up to break the contact. You whined in protest.
“Are you trying to make a mess, y/n?” he teased granting you a cheeky smile.
You desperatly wanted to kiss him now but he had other ideas.
“Lay down on the carpet” he instructed trying to get you off him.
You shot him a perplexed look but did as he said. He joined you shortly after, towering over you, looking deeply in your eyes and hummed satisfied with your eager state. You leaned into his touch when he grabbed your cheek delicately. Keeping the eye contact you brought your lips to his thumb and slowly, very slowly, sucked it inside your mouth.
“Fuck” he cursed focusing on your action and you purred closing your eyes.
Oh, you wanted him to devour you. It was magical to finally have him so close, but it was not close enough. Your wanton body started to writhe underneath him waiting for more, desiring more.
Then he took his finger off your mouth and closed the distance to finally kiss you. You moaned into his mouth the moment your lips touched, feeling your stomach tighten, and you thrown your hands over his neck trying to pull him as close as you could. His kiss felt so heavenly it made your heart squish. His fingers slowly traced a line down your throat and stopped at the first button of your shirt. After undoing the last button he pushed aways the layers of the garment away to expose your delicate lacy bra and you grasped his bicep when his gentle fingers started to trace patterns over your bare stomach. He placed a kiss near your belly button and you jumped slightly feeling overwhelmed by his caress.
“Relax, baby” he murmured and his hot breath fanned over your skin.
“Mhm” you grunted with your eyes closed.
Then he moved to unzip your skirt and after taking the garment off you heard him hum in amusement.
“So that’s the famous tattoo” he pointed stroking a little dove tattoo placed next to your hip bone with his thumb “It’s a dove”
You smiled widely at him and a giggle escaped your lips when the realisation of what it meant hit you. You went to get it made shortly after you turned 18 and it was the only tattoo that you had.
“Well, lucky you” you said cheekily before he bend down to place a soft kiss on it.
Shortly after he took off your thong exposing your dripping cunt to his hungered sight and he groaned noticing how aroused and ready for him you were. You exhaled hard in anticipation and looked down the moment you felt his breath on your inner thigh. He maintained the eye contact slowly going lower. The sight of him going down on you made you feel hazy and your legs tried to squish together on reflex but he was quicker, grasping your thighs; keeping you open widely for him. The moment his breath hit your core your head fell back down on the carpet and your hips bucked up desperate for him to finally do something. He put his palm on your stomach to keep you down and placed a butterfly kiss on your labia. You cried out quietly as a sudden wave of tingles spread over your limbs, reaching even your fingertips.
He’s going to drive you mad, that’s for sure.
Richarlison started to stroke your core with his tongue and your moans intensified, your back arched off the floor and you brought your hands to his head trying to keep him as close as you could to fulfill your needs. You were at his mercy, writhing and whimpering, his name falling off your lips like a prayer. He groaned aroused by the way your body was responding to the pleasure he was giving you and you cried out loudly as you felt the vibrations fondle your sweet spot. He then lapped at yout cunt roughly and your whole body jolted making you almost choke on your moan. Your muscles tightened and your sight went blank as you came all over his face abruptly, feeling your walls pulsating with waves of your orgasm. You were breathing fast and your legs were shaking and you blinked slowly to bring back your focus. Richarlison raised his head with that beautiful glint in his eyes and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, returning back up to you. You bit your lip mesmerized by the look of his swollen lips and cheeks covered in a light rosy pink color.  
“How are you feeling?” he asked kissing your collarbones as you were still trying to calm your body.
“Amazing, thank you” you answered quietly grinning happily.
“You’re welcome” he chuckled warmly and you brought his head down by placing your hand on his neck to connect your lips in a sweet and long kiss.
You couldn’t get enough of each other, being so enraptured in one another and so astonishingly horny that you’ve spent the whole night fucking in your bed, then in the shower and then even on the kitchen counter as you went to make something to eat. Let’s just say that you haven’t any idea that you could have so many orgasms in one night.
why do i feel like it's shitty oh god and i’m still laughing at this dove idea
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raynavan · 2 months
heavy spoilers for chapter 23 of Always by your side by @ingo-ingoing-ingone!! this chapter was so fantastic i. didnt have words for it. ended up doing 6 (nearly 7) drawings for it instead. i think this is my record- it took me roughly 7 hours. a fair warning! this is both art and a comment to the fic in one. so its rather long!
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ok i had an Unreasonable amount of fun doing the background on this one. ended up looking up a lot of the celestial bodies mentioned in the fic, man are they cool! it was implied that Emmet didn't really have a body so! stars instead. the colors were fun- i dont often let myself just. color like this haha! this one was... reall amazing. a fantastic opener! i immediately latched onto the visuals and painted a picture in my mind. it was just so... astronomical?
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i actually struggled with how i was going to position these two for a while. at first it was just them coloring in a clearing- then i made them watching pokemon, and then. this! idk- there just something sweet in how Ingo turns around to look at Emmet and... lighting was funky for this one- how a forest shades the things beneath it will always hold a special place in my heart. these two interacting is always so wonderful to read. the gentle ribbing and teasing and... just them chilling and talking was so nice. the fact that it was dragons was even better! dragons are the best. i felt a very sweet and gentle moment needed an equally sweet and gentle drawing. if i could, i might have gone for line less on Ingo and Emmet here as well.
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right- this was the last one i did. i think its the only one that i didn't get specifically from what was written. i just... wanted to give Emmet cuddles alright? /lh i had another sketch exploring exactly what Emmet might look, but i think ill revisit that when i... haven't been drawing for 7 hours straight hgfireohgope. the one in this is more simplified. the horror of having your face show one emotion- not even the one your most known for... your voice is toneless and the only was you can show even a fraction of what you feel is by copying what you (supposedly) dead brother used to do. there is a quiet horror in that- and yet Emmet still goes on. he cant feel texture and yet... he deserves many nice things.
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this one!!! was originally going to be an Entire piece with a more "realistic" drawing of Ingo sitting behind a fire just like this. when i sketched this out (in the middle of reading it) that was the plan. Jedi saved me by making Emmet draw it like this. you saved me probably an hour ghirepoghpeirh. i... still might draw it how i wanted at some point. also the lighting was added last minute! i thought it would look... more messy with the light of the fire shining on it. i think it looks nice. the scene was sweet and, like Emmet mentioned he did, i put emphasis (or uh... thicker more defined lines) around peoples faces to better define their happiness. it made me happy to read them being happy and then draw them being happy <3
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them!!!!!! i do not think it is a secret at All how much i love this au. i was More than happy to draw them again. and!!! being happy!!! perfect. i remembered this was a dream, and decided to blur the background quite a bit of this one- lopsided like its not really being thought about. adored this one. them!! teasing each other!! just!! going through a day!! perfect. amazing. it was really fun the way the small details of their routine was captured. from Ingo just. turning to goop so he doesn't have to pick up his clothes to Emmet just. accepting everything that happened from the mental connection to the shared feelings.
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DRAMATIC FORESHORTENING!!!! i almost wanted to play it up More but then i might lose Ingo's expression. the background for this was fun to do- emphasis! strong colors!! looks like something broke. like something was torn away. this whole bit is just. exactly what Emmet fears and its just. ough. Ingo would never do this- we know this, Emmet knows this two- he knows how ridiculous Ingo was being here. and then the climax with Emmet just... falling off... amazing. Ingo's horrified expression is what caught my attention here, though i had a few more ideas depicting Ingo leaning over Emmet. i figured a dramatic drawing here would fit.
so! there ya go. i had. so much fun doing this and! thank you so much for writing this and sharing with us Jedi. if you keep this up, ill just have to keep making more drawings!! i don't think words are enough- not even sure if these can properly express how i felt reading it all (i actual had to get up and pace around bc i got so excited) but! i think that your art inspired my own art is a very beautiful thing.
lets all keep making art with one another forever.
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prideflagcontest · 1 year
Disclaimer: this is not about the identities but the beauty of the flag I want do do a flag contest similarly @flagwars but only with pride flags (idk if this has been done before but anygay)
round one is finished, aroace won
round two: round one is currently in progress
My contest my rules I don’t argue if you don’t have a point
In poll posts I try to put the identity in the image description thing in case it’s not clear which is which
submissions are in my askbox since the google thing isn’t working for me (i’m dumb lol)
No pride flag is automatically submitted
I won’t publish who submitted a flag because I don’t care and I’m definitely not going to out anyone who doesn’t have on anonymous asks to anyone, I don’t know most of you anyway and I’m not a monster
I accept gender and sexuality flags
I don’t accept disability, neurodivergent or mental illness flags because it would make my task unnecessarily more complicated and not because I don’t support those groups or don’t see their flags as pride flags
I don’t accept mashups with a fucking rat why do five people want that (I’m banning all little pictures of animals and characters on pride flags except if they are an actual part of a pride flag)
You can’t correct my choice of flag anyway because only satan can edit polls but if you submitted it and I did something wrong you may complain in the notes of that post or something. additionally if I got the name wrong, just correct me in the notes and i’ll tag it correctly
I won’t argue about the existence of any identity
If I didn’t notice an offensive flag it may be eliminated by me only with solid reasoning (or the votes idk)
I don’t publish the number of submissions or propaganda because I don’t have it anymore
however: you are encouraged to put propaganda in the tags or comments and give all of them nicknames or whatever as long as you do not: hate on people who didn’t vote the same, send death threats to anyone, claim that an identity of which the flag is competing against your favourites is invalid anyway, … (just anything inappropriate)
if you break the previous rule I will exclude the flag you want to win and block you or something, if it happens more than twice I’m calling this off
New rules will be added here
the first bracket (open it up for better quality and all that)
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the bracket of the second round one and two:
143 notes · View notes