#ids are in alt text i hope they work this time LOL
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ok so i've completely lost all will to finish the rest of the prompts for @huntlowweek but here are the remaining doodles i did for the prompt "love language"
while both of them really would be "quality time" i put hunter's as "act of service" and willow's as "words of flirtation AFFIRMATION"
again sorry to being late and unable to finish, we will be back to regular sketchbook pages now.
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I had thought of this as the finished version but I'm on a lineart kick so I might clean it up more and keep this as a colored sketch. See if I can capture the Vibe™ and get lines I actually like lol
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dahldahlbills · 1 year
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a fun lil collab with the loveliest @jelliedoodles !
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supersimpleartcan · 2 years
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i saw this tweet on pinterest and could only think of him. so i. drew it
(actual tweet and all pictures drawn under the cut!!)
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brambletakato · 3 months
ok i havent drawn a lot so ill do a big artdump of some stuff i abandoned or at the very least wont finish for a long while (id in alt and story/thoughts below the image)
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In a server that I'm in, we briefly talked about Descole hypothetically returning in NWOS and somebody mentioned he should bring Keats along. Inspiration struck and I drew this. I was hoping I could use Blender to make the buildings and whatnot, but I was intimidated by the task and ultimately ended up dropping the entire thing.
The building that Keats and Descole are on is… Meant to be a rough placeholder, I didn't mind redoing the entire thing but I wanted to at least have a vague idea before the entire draft slipped from my mind.
(More images in cut that are either old or kinda detached. also theres crossover stuff in there. be warned)
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HAHA YOU CLICKED READ MORE NOW I CAN SHOW MY INSANITY. MWHAHAHA. MWHAHHAHAHAHAHA. ok so errm this is campaign des that i mentioned a few times and yes that is The Mario from The Paper Mario. I think about them so much and its a bit pathetic bc its like "you're overthinking a kid's mascot" ITS SO SILLY YOU DONT GET IT...
Oh right the doodle uhh so I was thinking about them and just drew a hypothetical scene for funsies, it didn't happen in roleplay (and also because I wanted to draw paper mario without a reference and see where that went). It's an ex-villain and struggling hero dynamic and i love it sm
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Segments of a comic I drew for a friend in a super silly AU with dante from the limbus company hand on hip . Id get super embarrassed if i shared the details of the au because we kinda said "fuck it we ball" and made up stuff that shouldn't work at all lol. It's also why there's no text in the speech bubbles.
But the general gist of why I drew this is because we kept discussing a scenario where Descole has to fix up something in Dante's clockhead (vaguely inspired by that april fools episode) and i had a strong vision ab the comic. Also I had to make their head in blender because i was struggling with the perspective and wanted a flexible reference. First time drawing something not made out of flesh fur or fabric!! had a blast rendering the fire and the shine though. SUPER fun super recommend
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I just like this little doodle,,, the expression vaguely reminds me of a ghibli villain and it scratches my brain. im expecting him to move on twos at 24 fps very subtly at any moment now.
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And finally... um... yeah. "draw a character in this pose" sort of beat. sometimes I alternate using the sketchbook and marker pens in firealpaca and this is one of my rare marker doodles. Also this is pretty old afaik but i still think about it sometimes
happy sycamore sunday (even though hes not anywhere to be seen in these doodles)
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I only have 2 headmates and idk how to get along with them :(
For context they're both OCS (one old, I made her in 3rd grade and one is new- made very recently) and they unfortunately know that. The issue is that all of my ocs have bad things happen often and I imagine they hate me for that
They also hate each other's guts for other reasons but it just sucks not having any peace
Hmm… we know it can be really really hard to get along with other headmates sometimes! And your headmates being OCs probably really complicates the situation, huh?
We have a little note that we keep with us when we’re feeling overwhelmed and stuck in memory time:
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(ID in alt text!)
This really helps us when we’re starting to feel guilty for not handling our childhood trauma better, or feeling like we’re never going to be good enough because of what happened to us, or trying to bear the weight of our history on our shoulders all the time! Our therapist told us the mantra and we wrote it down to keep handy :3
This helps us deal with painful childhood memories… But! we really feel like this sort of message may help people with exotrauma or painful exomemories too! >w<
As writers and creators, it’s okay to put your characters in difficult or traumatizing situations!! It comes with the territory of being an artist!! And you shouldn’t have to put a stop to that or feel guilty about it just because your OCs developed into headmates!!
But for your headmates…. It makes sense that this stuff will bother them! It makes sense that they might have to process exotrauma because of some decisions made by their creator (you!). It’s possible to allow them space, to support them on this process, and to recognize that you may have made choices regarding their histories… but that doesn’t make you at fault even one bit!!
Exotrauma can be really tricky and also icky to navigate! We have alters with exotrauma in our system and it’s been a wild ride helping them process it while other members process real-life trauma! But being willing to help and listen, not judging your headmates for feeling certain ways about their circumstances, and understanding where their apprehension comes from could all really help you be there for them when they need it!!! Does that make sense to you? Idk if I’m using “apprehension” right lol but I mean like their wariness or cautiousness or unwillingness to put the past behind them and get to know you!
Speaking of getting to know you… maybe y’all should try conducting interviews to get to know each other!!
I made this headmate interview form a while back! it’s a fun, laidback way for headmates and alters to start learning about each other as they are now, not as they once were!!
Could y’all perhaps spend some time conducting lighthearted, low-stakes interviews to figure out what each other likes and what they are like? And once you have a good idea, you can start going out of your way to do nice things for each other!!!
If we’ve learned anything in therapy, it’s that kindness, apologies, forgiveness, and compassion can be amazing tools for coming together as a team!! Our frequent fronter group is able to work together the way we do because of this!! Like this time last year, I never would’ve dreamed I’d ever cofront with Kandi to work together on art or posts and stuff… but here we are!! And it’s all thanks to learning more about each other and daring to show each other compassion even when we didn’t want to!! :333
So in the end, we don’t know for sure what will help y’all reach a mutual understanding and stop hating each other…. But we can give you advice for what’s helped us in the past! We still have alters who hate each other (ahhhhh) but at least we’re making progress!!! And that’s what counts!! We Can Move Forward!! And we believe y’all can too!! >w<
💚 Ralsei and 🦇 Alucard (or Kandi - bats got two names and likes them used interchangeably!)
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poniesart · 4 months
hiii!! your artstyle is SO COOL to me- as in sometimes i'll just stare at some of your pieces because theyre all so great. i was wondering if you were comfortable sharing your process when it comes to art?? i'd love to see how you do things!
Hi!! I'm sorry this took so long to answer, I hope you still find it useful. It means a ton to me that you enjoy my art so much! <3 It's easy to feel discouraged by the Invisible Hand of Internet Engagement, so I really appreciate your ask.
General thoughts (NOT rules, just things I consider or do a lot):
Things that appear one solid color irl can be broken down into multiple colors through artistic interpretation. I see a lot of beginner artists paint trees as solid green, when there's a lot of yellows, blues, and browns in there! A FANTASTIC example of this is jadenvargen, whose color use is masterful and I can only aspire to emulate one day.
Base colors are not saturated; saturation is reserved for pops of color and details
Shadows are purples, blues, and greens
Reference is your best friend!!!
So the nitty gritty for those who want to see: with digital art there's two main avenues I take. The first one is lineart, and the second is painterly. All IDs are in alt text.
My process for lineart pieces:
I always start off with a sketch; for this example I'm using one of my pieces from @/mylittlefusions (that isn't actually posted yet but will be later today) - a Grogar and Trixie MLP G4 fusion. I like to fiddle with brush selections until I get the effect I want, and then go slow on the lineart to make sure it's how I want it, so this can be time consuming!
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I've been trying for distinct shapes; I hate when my art gets muddled, I feel like the end piece is less impactful when I don't put in the right amount of contrast and distinctive silhouettes. Just something I've been thinking about and trying to improve.
Then I add base colors, going for slightly desaturated colors. I like to use saturated/bright tones to contrast or draw attention to something. I put the base-base colors down in one layer and then add details as a mask layer:
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Then comes shading!! I'm a big fan of a multiply layer set to cool tones like blue, so I usually start there. If I think it needs to be different I can change it later. In this instance, I filled the whole canvas in the shading color as a mask over the base colors, and then erased where needed. Now that the shading is done, I often go back and color the lineart :)
Last but not least is my favorite part, painting on top! The extent to which I do this depends on what I think is needed, but I usually at least paint on top of the multiply shading to add some nuance, i.e. the greener bits on the background limbs. Here I added bright magic outlines to pop from the more desaturated character.
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My more painterly style is a different story though! I use the same thoughts about color and shading, but I usually forgo multiply layers entirely and just do colors by eye. I still do a sketch, usually. Here is an example using my Lae'zel / Shadowheart piece.
The sketch is a disaster zone lol - but I painted below it using base tones, again desaturated. Once I feel I don't need the sketch anymore, I keep painting, making a new layer when I feel like being cautious about a change I'm making.
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After I feel that I've got base colors down, it's time to get more contrast in using darker and/or more saturated colors! Then, like with my lineart process, I paint more details on top of everything else - reflections, jewelry, body hair, etc. I try to communicate shadow and distance with purples and blues, but I'm still working on it.
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Another example real quick, where i did my typical lineart process base work and then painted on top of the shadow layer and the entire piece as a whole:
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Thanks for reading if you stuck around, and thank you for the ask, friend! ^^
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kindofwriter · 1 year
WIP Intro
Image descriptions in alt text and under the cut
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A surrealist, coming of age, pseudo-fantasy set in the Welsh countryside. 
The summer before she’s due to leave for university, Evan is sent to empty her step-grandfather’s house as he’s moved into a care home, in the hope it will help her bond with her new step-father and brother. Resenting her mother and hating her step-father, Evan throws herself into packing up the house, hoping to get herself out of there as quickly as possible. However, it seems the house doens’t exactly want them there either, and the neighbouring woods offers a mix of foes and friendly faces.
Trying to balance growing up with being a younger sibling for the first time, Evan just wants to make it through the summer with her sanity intact. But it’s harder than you’d think.
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Evan is your quintessential pessimistic teen. Keeps all her feelings in her chest and god forbid you attempt to get to know her. With a mum who doesn’t understand her, a step-mum who tolerates her, a dad who’s too busy with his new family, and a step-dad who’s literally a monster, Evan doesn’t really know what to do with her friendly, over-sharing, would-move-mountains-for-her step-brother.
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Most beloved little guy, anyone would be lucky to have him as an older brother. Majorly depressed, but would literally light himself on fire for Evan. Overshares silly things in order to get to keep his feelings to himself. Engaged to a cool firefighter lady - bi rights couple!
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Literally has The Mabinogion memorised. They’re a little disheartened by Evan’s stoicism - they were excited to get to spend so much time with someone her own age this far out into the country. Despairs Evan and Arwyn’s relationship - it’s so frustrating that they won’t just talk to each other when Lily would give anything to talk to her own brother again.
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Writing about this guy actually pains me, he’s genuinely the worst. Supremely traumatised, but far too old to get away with all the ableist shit he says to his son. Does not deserve the actual ray of sushine Arwyn turned out to be. Really does love Evan’s mum, despite everything.
I’m really just writing this up so that I can post book stuff here instead of twitter, lol. I don’t expect to make proper, regular updates, just drop random things when I want to.
Image descriptions!
ID 1: A background of a purple sunset. A row of silhouetted trees lines the bottom. White text reads ‘Gas Leaks.’
ID 2: A background of a purple sunset. On the left is a photo of a girl in a field with the sun setting behind her with a messy white border. On the left text reads ‘Evan King. 17 years old. Eldest of 5 on her dad's side. Youngest of 2 on her mum's. Likes to make up stories, but not to write them down. Likes girls, but does not want to fall in love. "That was pretty much the last straw in my 'people I can trust' flavoured capri sun."
ID 3:  A background of a purple sunset. On the left is a photo of a silhouetted man with curly hair taking a photo with a messy white border. On the left text reads ‘Arwyn Dyfodwg. 26 years old. Only child until 5 months ago. Very happy to have a sister. Works at a publishing house for children's books. Got into a car accident at the age of 9 that resulted in him losing his mum, his first 9 years of memories, and needing a cane to walk. "I'll never be a good big brother if there's a chance I'll forget about you."
ID 4:  A background of a purple sunset. On the left is a photo of a girl in a white dress sitting in a field with a messy white border. On the left text reads ‘Lily Hughs.18 years old. Used to have a brother Arwyn's age. Used. Homeschooled, but going to university after summer. Likes to go into the woods and pretend to be a fairy. Knows a lot about Welsh mythology. "No. But even if I was [watching your house] I'd be looking at you, not your brother."
ID 5:  A background of a purple sunset. On the left is a photo of a man sitting next to a lamp with a messy white border. On the left text reads ‘Dafydd Dyfodwg. Late 50s Never really got over the fact that he was driving when his wife died. Has never really got on with Arwyn. He, wrongfully, blames it on the fact that Arwyn's autistic, but everyone else who meets Arwyn finds him friendly and easygoing. A terrible father, complex man, but good husband. "Don't you think after twenty six years he stops being my son?" ED.
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theelf-online · 1 year
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I posted 8,105 times in 2022
That's 5,307 more posts than 2021!
13 posts created (0%)
8,092 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 882 of my posts in 2022
#blockmen - 462 posts
#osha violation - 93 posts
#homestuck (/neg) - 11 posts
#actually blockwomen - 10 posts
#me - 8 posts
#original post - 7 posts
#ok to reblog - 5 posts
#minecraft - 5 posts
#minecraft texture pack - 4 posts
#for -c - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also its proven sex education helps prevent csa because it gives people the knowledge to recognize it and i think thats extremely important
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
0 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
Hi! I’m @cosmic0artist and you wrote sweet tags on my miraculous ladybug redesign of Adrien that made me very happy so thank you haha! I never post here anymore but your lil comment means a lot :3
Aww this is so sweet! Absolutely made my day, thank you.
1 note - Posted July 20, 2022
Shitty Rice Pudding
I want to have a place to send people when they ask about how I make the shitty rice pudding. Literally the only reason, I am not a chef clearly. It tastes like horchata so that's a bonus too. If you leave out the cornstarch it's still very good but it's basically rice in hot milk so... cereal?
Old Rice from the fridge (a bowlful, the measurements are very unspecific), Milk, usually enough to cover most of the rice but not completely, if you have it Heavy Whipping Cream, some Honey depending on how sweet you want it, Vanilla Extract, a bit of Cinnamon, and a very small spoonful of Cornstarch.
Add the rice and honey and if there's cream the cream to it, if not, just a bit of the milk and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds to melt the honey if it's solid and also warm the rice up to de-clump it.
After that just declump, the back of a spoon works great. Mix it together, add cinnamon, vanilla extract, and the rest of the milk, toss it back in the microwave for like a minute (both the times might depend on your microwave, make sure you watch it so the milk doesn't like, bubble over and make a mess)
Add cornstarch, mix very well, you don't want clumps lol, then put it back in for 30 seconds (again, watch to make sure it doesn't bubble over)
After you take it out mix again and let it cool to an edible temperature, it'll probably be too hot when it first comes out, it'll solidify a bit as it cools.
7 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
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Ya boi finally got a cane! Finally got around to going to the medical supply store and it was way easier than I was expecting. My anxiety was definitely making it seem worse than it was, it was literally just in and out. Other than being new to using it and uncoordinated, it made a huge difference on the way back home.
[Image ID in Alt Text]
10 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tired of the antisemitic caricatures in Minecraft?
It's well known the villagers, illagers, and witches in Minecraft are stuck with an incredibly antisemitic design that despite hope, will probably never be changed. I've looked for a resource pack that only changed those elements (keeping the base game look), and was non-optifine friendly, but found none, so I made my own.
So I introduce Antisemitism Begone!
(Version 1.19 but should work for all versions that include the redesigned villagers) It's far from a perfect solution, but it satisfies my main personal annoyances (I am Jewish myself), and I'm certainly open to any improvements that can be made.
Unfortunately, there's many things I wish I could change but am unsure how (such as re-naming the golems to constructs, or changing how the Ominous Banner looks), but my knowledge only goes so far, and I'm pretty clueless when it comes to these things. So for now it's only visual elements that are changed. If I figure out how to do these things in the future I will certainly update it.
(Edit as of 10/9/22) I have figured out how to change the name from Golems to Constructs. Currently supported languages are English (US/UK), Spanish (Spain/Mexico) and German.
Below the Read More are Images of changes (ID in alt text) and a list of changes made.
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4,402 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mell0bee · 2 years
Amphibia Character Appearances Statistics
I just spent the past like, hour and a half making some graphs for some reason, so here it is! I used the wiki (the 'sightings' section on the character pages) to track every time a character appeared!
(IDs in alt text)
some info before we start:
I broke the episodes up into 11-minute segments, meaning double-length episodes like "True Colors" are two episodes and "All In" is four episodes. I counted each character that appeared to appear in every 'part' of each episode, even if they don't actually appear in all of the eleven-minute segments (which is Bad Statistics, I know, but I think it works out fine because it gives extra weight to the longer episodes).
So in total, s1 and s2 have 40 "episodes", and s3 has 38.
I only counted "debut" or "appears" from the wiki, so no non-speaking appearances, flashback appearances, or mentions.
I didn't count Darcy-only episodes ("Froggy Little Christmas", "The Core & The King" and "The Beginning of The End") for Marcy, because imo it's clear Marcy isn't in control/present, the core is. I did count "Olivia & Yunan" for Marcy, though.
I was mostly curious about the Calamity Trio, Sprig, and Andrias, but I could add more minor characters like Grime, Olivia, and Yunan if there's a demand for it! (I don't think I want to add Hop Pop or Polly though, because their appearances are practically the same as Sprig's).
Marcy and Andrias have no appearances in S1
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Anne: 39/40, 98%
Sasha: 4/40, 10%
Sprig: 39/40, 98%
S1 cumulative appearances over time:
(X axis is the episodes, Y axis is the number of total appearances per character, so if a character appears in an episode their total appearances will go up over time, I hope that makes sense lol)
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S1 Facts:
Anne and Sprig appear in the same amount of episodes (hence why Anne doesn't show up in the chart)
The only episode where Anne and Sprig do not have speaking roles is "Prison Break", which is also Sasha's debut.
Anne, Sprig, and Sasha all appear in "Anne of the Year" and "Reunion".
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Anne: 38/40, 95%
Sasha: 7/40, 18%
Sprig: 37/40, 93%
Marcy: 20/40, 50%
Andrias: 8/40, 20%
S2 cumulative appearances over time:
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S2 Facts:
The only episodes where Anne doesn't appear are "Toadcatcher" and "Barrel's Warhammer".
Those are also the episodes where Sasha has solo appearances without any other characters listed.
Sprig has the same absences as Anne, but he has a non-speaking role in "New Wartwood".
Marcy has no solo appearances without any other characters listed.
Sprig and the Calamity Trio appear together in the same episodes from "The Third Temple" onward.
The only episode where all 5 characters appear is "True Colors".
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Anne: 35/38, 92%
Sasha: 17/38, 45%
Sprig: 34/38, 89%
Marcy: 7/38, 18%
Andrias: 15/38, 39%
S3 cumulative appearances:
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(sorry for weird Y axis intervals, I really wanted the total to be 38)
S3 Facts:
The only episodes where Anne doesn't appear are "Turning Point" (non-speaking), "Olivia & Yunan", and "The Core & The King".
Sprig has the same absences as Anne, but also doesn't appear in "Sasha's Angels".
Sasha appears without any other listed characters in "Turning Point".
Andrias appears without any other listed characters in "The Core & The King".
Marcy appears in "Olivia & Yunan", and doesn't appear again until "All In".
Also, if you're curious, Darcy appears in "Olivia & Yunan", "Froggy Little Christmas", "The Core & The King," and "All In".
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Anne: 112/118, 95%
Sasha: 28/118, 24%
Sprig: 110/118, 93%
Marcy: 27/118, 23%
Andrias: 23/118, 19%
And that's it! Let me know what you think! I'm sure I messed up something somewhere lol.
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dilfhakyeon-moved · 6 years
coffee shop au 4 (the one with the different names written on the coffee on different days) with ralbert? :)
disclaimer: don’t give me shit for their names i am TERRIBLE at names
but yea here are the sappho de lesbos stans
Once again, the ‘mystery customer’ was striking.
That sounding pretty ominous, it was nothing that serious. It was just that every week, always on a different day, they’d get that girl coming in. And she’d come at times it was pretty dead, most likely to get the same barista. There she always went, leaning on the counter, giving these soft eyes and these sweet words, and she’d leave with her order. It was never the same order either, she just… drank of everything, apparently. Your fave could never.
Somehow, she was indeed having an effect on that barista she was messing with, but that didn’t make her any less frustrating to deal with. Yeah, the flirting was nice, but if she had a set name it’d just be so much easier, wouldn’t it ? Because giving a different name every week was getting a little old.
Of course, the barista would get quite frustrated after some time, how couldn’t she ? It’d been going on long enough. And the list of names… were similar, for some. Sometimes just complete unrealistic jokes. She could remember them all - Race, Racer, Racetrack, Antonio, Anthony, Tony, even Edmund and Ed,… Pretty Girl, too. Maybe this one was fitting, but Berta absolutely refused to believe any of these other names were that “pretty girl’s” name. For one, some of these weren’t names, and well… the others were masculine, and judging by that last nickname, she wasn’t a guy.
Either way, the redhead had a hard time staying calm as the blonde began babbling, her oddly squeaky voice fitting so well with her messy accent and pronunciation, her tripping over words and her obnoxious giggle sounding somewhat endearing… Okay, maybe she totally wasn’t paying attention to what she was being told and she got too busy getting lost in thought, but who could blame her ?
… Right, herself.
Once she woke from this kind of weird daydreaming phase, she tried to harden her expression a little. “Okay, yeah. And the order ?” She said, maybe a little harshly. But it didn’t bother her customer, whose grin widened despite her cheeks perhaps darkened a tad.
Quad venti blonde breve latte, extra hot, no foam, four pumps vanilla, three pumps cinnamon dolce, two white mocha, stirred, light whip, extra cinnamon topping.
This was ridiculous. Once again, the girl’s order had to be ridiculous. Maybe that was one time too much, and that “one time too much” the barista didn’t bother waiting for the girl to give her a name. No, she was choosing it herself. It was obvious to see on the blonde’s face that she wasn’t exactly expecting that, but did she really have a choice ? No.
“Look at it once you’re outside,” Berta muttered, groaning quietly when the girl smiled again and poked her cheek before making her way out, whistling pretty loud - and getting looks from other customers, although admittedly there really weren’t that many. It still grabbed some of them’s attention, enough for them to notice the  barista quickly yet quietly following after her, letting her coworkers take care of the place if even just for a few minutes.
Keeping sight of the blonde wasn’t the hardest task. She hadn’t gone far, just walked a few metres away and was now reading the name written on her cup with some sort of surprise.
Endearing, the shorter girl would tell you.
Casually enough, she made a few steps until she was close enough to the girl, before pausing and more or less working up the courage to talk. She wasn’t all that good at communication all the time, but she still tried. “So, Foxy,” she called out, causing the other to jump and turn around. Her gaze was always as captivating, perhaps due to how obviously emotional it was - reading her mind was impossible, but her state of mind was all too obvious at all times. What really got Berta though, it surely was how evident the blush on her face was. Striking, such a contrast with her blue eyes and her blond curls, that pink really fit well. Made her look softer, and maybe a little less insufferable.
Her lips moved incoherently for a few seconds before she frowned, and pointed at the cup. “Y'ain’t wrote that, it’s ‘Vixen’ on it,” she protested, getting the other to raise an eyebrow. Maybe it’d been easy to guess making that flirty girl flustered wasn’t hard at all, but it still gave her some satisfaction. Oh, and also it was cute.
“I know what I wrote and I know vixens are foxes.” That sure wasn’t the answer that girl had hoped for. Berta could see her bite down on her lip as she thought of a reply.
“… Yea, but– still. Why’s that anyways, I 'on’t look like a fox !”
“Reminded me of one.”
Could the girl make it any more obvious that she clearly wasn’t used to being teased ? Or, flirted with, depending on how she took it. Either way, just one more endearing, sweet thing about that cute fellow, and it kind of made the former more confident.
This time though, maybe she actually put some thought into what she was about to say. Nothing crazy, but she’d always worked on that “speaking before thinking” basis, pretty much ; having to really work out some sort of appropriate response, or even question for the situation. Because in the end, that barista had ended up following her outside, there must’ve been a reason. Yes, that’d be her question.
“So… What’s ya doin’ here ? Ain’t ya workin’ ?” She uttered, her accent somewhat worsened. Oh, maybe because she was chewing on the… the cup. Was that a stress reliever ? Whatever.
“I wanna get your name.”
“What, I gave–”
“Your real name, so I don’t sob to my friends about a cute girl named Anthony,” Berta insisted, almost mockingly - although that was all light-hearted. The poor girl seemed to whimper after “cute girl”. Haha, she found her cute, she could die happy was what the whimper meant.
“Well… 'f ya want my name, then I bet you should invite me for a sleepover some time !” The blonde tried. It probably came off as silly, even if Berta just thought it adorable.
“A… sleepover ?”
“Yea, like… the best kind'a date.” She continued, managing to sound genuine about it. “It ain’t too fast if I’ been comin’ to your shop for two months. We can totally have a sleepover.”
“But I could be a murderer an’ kill you in your sleep.”
“Bitch, wha’s the issue here ? I’d die a happy death.” She retorted - maybe a little too quickly. A chance she hadn’t pulled out the whole “oh, crush me with your arms” or any sort of stupid stuff she looked like she would totally say. And the redhead clearly wasn’t wrong about that, that kind of answer had definitely come out of that girl’s mouth a few times… Maybe she shouldn’t be thinking about it.
“So, name ?”
She seemed embarrassed to say it. “Anya.”
“That’s a real pretty name.”
“Yea, shut ya’ trap, spare me the compliments.” Anya groaned, her gaze wandering elsewhere. “ ’S just a name.”
“Sure, Anya,” Berta answered with a chuckle, shaking her head. “So you said a sleepover ?”
“Then gi'mme your phone number or something.”
“Ya wrote yours on the cup.”
“… Ah, I did that.”
It was her time to be embarrassed again, it seemed. Had she really forgotten so easily ? That was a shame for sure, but Anya wouldn’t be too bothered by it, she could tell.
“Anyway, I’m… I’m gonna need to go back to work. Maybe come more often. Oh, and you don’t have to run away everytime, you can drink it at the shop,” the shorter girl offered. But she was met with a head shake, and that bright, quite shit-eating grin the blonde always wore. Back to normal, huh ? Couldn’t stay away too long.
“Nah, I’m a busy gal ! Gotta get goin’ as well. I’ll catch ya later.”
“Oh, well…” Was that sadness ? Yes, maybe she’d have liked to talk to her some time, at the shop. But if she was busy, then… “Talk to you soon.”
Anya waved, blew her a kiss and then… ran away. And Berta watched her, frankly smitten. What a goddamn rowdy… cutie.
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries
> hey> pretty girl here
|Text| to: pretty girl
> oh hey.> how do you spell yr name ?
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries
> howevs u want idc> yknow if i didnt have no decency id have said such bs> like huge
|Text| to: pretty girl
> like ?
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries
> crush me w ur arms
|Text| to: pretty girl
> oh my god> shut up> or i will
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries
> pls do> >:3c
|Text| to: pretty girl
> you’re impossible
|Text | to: she alt deleted my ovaries
> ur used to it now suck it up> im even funnier thru text> i send memes> n shit> hey?> also> cats have three lips
|Text| to: pretty girl
> hey you know wht maybe u should sleep !
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries and my heart
> lol maybe!!!!> wish me gn
|Text| to: pretty girl
> goodnight. dont dream of people crushing you
|Text| to: she alt deleted my ovaries and my heart
> hdskjdghsdh> ill update u on that
Tag list:@well-the-kids-do-too@racetrackcook@i-got-personality@imjusttheoutgoingsidekick@thatfancyclam@we-dont-sell-papes@ben-cook-can-cook@not-your-cigar@nverkept@jackhasdreams@racescoronas@suddenly-im-respecsable@purplelittlepup@hopeful-broadwaybaby@broadwayandbookblog@crazymecjc@maiawakening@awwwwwwdang@albertdasillva@daveys-pet-snake@be-more-chill-evan-hansen
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scrappykat · 5 years
Hi everyone!  It’s been a minute since I last posted!  This is just a catch up post to let you all know what’s been happening and what is going on right now.  Also, what you can expect to see here in the future.
I moved out of my home and left my sons there because the rent is low and it’s a 3/2 home and there is no way they can afford their own place with the prices the way they are now.  (My sons are 26 and 22).  So my oldest son, his wife and child and my youngest son all live there together now. 🙂
I found a cute little 2/1 townhouse in downtown Bremerton near the Ferry terminal  (Prices are RIDICULOUS) but it is what it is right?  Anyway, it’s adorable and quiet and clean and I can live in peace and quiet (did i mention quiet already? LOL).  I am absolutely loving it.  I haven’t had much time to unpack and decorate yet because things have been non stop since I moved in.
My best friend Mona came for two weeks and so we did more playing than working while she was here, plus she had hurt her back (from the air mattress I think) so we couldn’t do much.  But we has so much fun just spending time together and making more memories.  I’ll post a few photos that we took while she was here.  Our other friend, Rexann spent a lot of time with us and it was just a wonderful two weeks.  Here is a recap of our time together:
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Best Friends Together Again
Kat, Mona and Rexann
The results – they were WHITER!!
Mona hard at work at Kat Scrappiness, pulling orders.
Three Amigos`
Paint Pouring Class (Doing the Mona again)
Doing the “Mona” Pose
I also got a new car a few months ago, a 2018 Toyota RAV4 Sport Edition.  Then while Mona was here, we got into an accident. Nobody was hurt but it was my fault.  Here’s a pic of my poor car’s boo boo.
So, next up…. My new craft room….  It is about 1/4th the size of my old craft room so I had to let go of most of my stuff.  Mostly scrapbooking stuff because I haven’t scrap booked in years. I kept all of my card making and art journaling supplies though.  I haven’t touched the new craft room because it’s overwhelming and I don’t know where to start or where to put all the “stuff” while I work out where the furniture will go.  Waiting for help to tackle that project!  I will of course show before and after pics and will update all of my organization posts when it’s done so keep an eye out for that over the next few months.  I may take a video of it as well, we will see 🙂  I’m not sure how long it will take for me to get to my craft room but AS I do it, I will post photos before and after….here is a before picture of how it looks now.
Lastly, an update on mom…..this is the hardest thing to write about.  Those of you who have been following me over the years know that my mom was diagnosed with Parkinson’s some years back.  She has now been diagnosed with something else too.  Supranuclear Palsy.  She is currently in the hospital fighting an infection and waiting to get a feeding tube (PEG).  She can no longer walk, talk, or even swallow.  This disease has progressed so quickly in the last six months or so, my dad has gotten to the point that he needs help taking care of her because she is no longer strong enough to “help” when he transfers her from one place to another.  She is perfectly “there” in her brain….she just cannot do anything or communicate. It’s like being stuck in a body that won’t do anything but your mind is normal.  It’s such a devastating disease and it takes a piece of my heart and soul every time I see her lose another ability to function.
At first she did not want the feeding tube which meant she would need hospice because she can’t live long without nutrition but once she was over the initial shock and depression about it, she finally agreed to it (thank GOD) because that will give us more time with her.  My dad has been our ROCK through all of this.  He has taken care of her 24/7 with not one complaint.  He continues to be there for all of us when we need him, not just my mom.  I get teary talking about him because he is such a blessing to us and I’m so grateful to have a dad like him.  He is my step dad technically but in my heart he is my DAD plain and simple.
Here is a picture of mom and dad at the hospital a few days ago:
When mom leaves the hospital and comes home, my dad will have some help from Palliative Care (?) I hope I spelled that right.  I’m not sure how long it will last or how much help he will get but hopefully things will be easier for him and mom.  I help when and how I can but I can’t lift her or anything because I am just not strong enough.
Anyway, your prayers and/or good thoughts would be greatly appreciated that we can have more time with my precious mom.  She is the most loving mom I’ve ever met and will always be my life long best friend.  I can’t imagine life without her so I just pray for more time, quality time.
That’s my update for now.  I will blog more when I have more to share.
I hope you are all well and that everyone in your life is happy and healthy.
New Home – Smaller Craft Room and Update on Mom Hi everyone!  It's been a minute since I last posted!  This is just a catch up post to let you all know what's been happening and what is going on right now. 
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lovelaughwoof · 7 years
National Pit Bull Awareness Month: A Celebration of “Pit Bull” Type  Dogs
by Lynn Stacy-Smith
I had so much fun celebrating black dogs and cats on Friday, October 13 and featuring the awesome dogs of my readers, that I could not let National Pit Bull Awareness Month come to an end without a celebration of the beloved “pit bull” type dogs who share their lives with some of the readers and friends from the Love, Laugh, Woof community.
According to the National Pit Bull Awareness Month website, the goal of this month is to change misconceptions and stereotypes about “pit bull” type dogs. Originally celebrated on a single day before being extended to a full month, the website explains, “NPBAD was established to educate and foster positive communications and experiences in the communities in which we and our dogs live, and it is an initiative dedicated to restoring the image of the American Pit Bull Terrier.”
Another organization that works extremely hard to change the perception of “pit bull” type breeds is the Bryan & Amanda Bickell Foundation.  I learned of this former Chicago Blackhawks player’s foundation while my husband and I were lunching at a Meatheads restaurant a few years ago. At that time a special hot dog was on the menu that earned the foundation 10% of the price of the hot dog each time one was sold. After lunch we went home and I read about his foundation, and he promptly became my favorite Blackhawks player.
According to the Bryan & Amanda Bickell Foundation website,
“Here’s the thing about “pit bulls” – the “breed” doesn’t exist. In fact, the American Kennel Club does not recognize “pit bull” as a breed because it is a mixture of breeds. “Pit bull” is a slang term that has been used loosely and taken advantage of by the media to describe a dog with a big head and muscular build. When a dog has been labeled a “pit bull” it is based simply on their look and not on; personality, traits or DNA. Even we at the Bickell Foundation are guilty of calling a dog a “pit bull,” but we are ready to stop.”
Source: http://www.bickellfoundation.org/stop-the-pit-label
I remember one day a few years ago when I was volunteering for Chicagoland Lab Rescue and I went to the local animal shelter to pick up a yellow Labrador who was being pulled for rescue. I was his transport, aka freedom ride from the shelter to the veterinarian who would check him out before he continued his journey to his foster home. While I waited for the shelter to gather the paperwork and bring him out to me, they told me, “You can go ahead and walk around and see if there are any other dogs you want to pull for the rescue.”
I did not want to walk through the shelter because I knew my head was about to see things that would break my heart, but I told myself that to not take that walk was weak compared to what the actual dogs were going through. As I walked down row after row of kennels, “pit bull” type dog after dog stared up at me with anticipation, as if they wondered what my role in their life was going to be. There were dozens of them and I stopped to visit with as many as I could before going back out to pick up the dog who the rescue had sent me to get, hoping to provide just a tiny bit of human love.
Having grown up entirely with sporting breeds like Labradors and German Shorthaired Pointers, I was not as familiar back then with the heart wrenching “pit bull” overpopulation problem. “Do you have a pittie specific rescue group that pulls dogs like the Lab rescue does?” I asked the woman at the front desk. She answered that there were several organizations that came through every week, particularly anytime they started to near the capacity of the shelter, and my heart broke even more at the thought of so many dogs either dumped off, no longer wanted or lost as strays and never claimed. Regardless of how they had ended up in the shelter, the result was the same: they had been failed by their humans and now needed a different type of human to come and save them.
So why are there so many “pit bull” type dogs in shelters and in dire need of rescue?
According to the Best Friends site, on the page All About Pit Bulls, “Because pit bull terriers have become so popular, some people are over breeding them. Others neglect to have their dogs spayed or neutered, resulting in unwanted litters. These two factors have led to an influx of pit bull terrier–like dogs in shelters. When there are a lot of the same types of pets available for adoption, people can easily get overwhelmed when trying to choose one to bring home, and they often end up leaving the shelter without a pet.”
There are many ways to help these misunderstood dogs, even if you are not ready to add another dog into your home at this time. Foster based dog rescue organizations depend on volunteers to provide transportation to dogs and to foster them with the goal of helping them find their forever home. Unfortunately, I have never found a dog rescue organization with enough money to cover all of the work that they want to do so monetary donations are always needed. Please consider donating to any of the groups that I have mentioned in this blog, to your local animal shelter, or to your local “pit bull type dog ” rescue organizations.
On a happy note, many of these once discarded dogs are living their happily ever after stories with their forever owners in loving homes, where they receive good food, plenty of treats, training and guidance, and most importantly: tons of love and a lifelong committment. Some of these dogs are the best friends and constant companions of my own friends and readers. Here is what they had to say about their canine cohorts.
Kona & Renny
Here’s what Kona and Renny’s Momma had to say, “Kona (the fawn colored pup) was rescued from a dog fighting ring after the FBI & ASPCA did a raid on the property and removed approximately 70 dogs. Despite her beginnings, she is the most loving dog & wants to meet every person she sees from babies on up. Kisses for everyone!
She is extremely intelligent & requires A LOT of physical & mental stimulation otherwise she will make a toy out of whatever she finds. Lol. All of her quirks makes me love her more than I thought it possible to love anything. Kona does have some fear issues but we had hoped to adopt another dog (another pittie/pittie mix pup) and after introductions we found she drew comfort from the other so we adopted Renny (the black brindle).
Renny is our quiet little shadow that is content to just lay next to you all day & get belly rubs & give kisses too! The two have developed a bond that melts your heart. We are the luckiest people to get to share our home & life with these two.”
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Kona and Renny snuggles
Meagan and Chase
Meagan Giarratano, founder and owner of Au Pair for Paws Dog Training in Ocean Beach, New York, shared this story, “I have two pit mixes that keep me laughing all day. I spend a lot of time with my dogs and if it weren’t for them I don’t know where I would be. The love of my first pit, Chase (pictured below) was what started my business endeavor to become a dog trainer. The challenging start we had caused the respect and love for each other to grow from there. Training actually saved his life. That love turned into a lot of laughs and a lot of woofs throughout the last few years thanks to amazing clients I have met. He is my best friend and I don’t know what I would do without him.”
Not to be confused with my own handsome Jax, this boy is special in his own right. His Momma says, “This is Jax…pit-mix and major lover-boy. He spends more time licking the faces of his pack-mates than you could imagine. He was chained up on a 3 foot leash in the yard & forgotten when his former owners grew bored with him and got a different dog. All this boy wants is to give & receive love every moment of every day.”
Sammy is a rescued Jack Russell Terrier/”pit bull” mix whose mom says, “Sammy is a classic ‘mama’s boy’. The look in his eyes is the only proof I need that dogs feel love and emotional connection. He is my heart dog in every sense possible.”
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Sammy relaxing
“This is my handsome boy, Jake. He’s 7 years old and has brought more love, laughter and plenty of woofs than I ever would have thought possible. This pup has brought more amazing people into my life and is the reason I joined the board of Live, Love, Bark dog rescue.”
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Ready for Howl-a-ween!
Jake channeling his inner dinosaur
Beau’s human mom shared the story of her sweet boy, “This is Beau, my 2-year-old pittie mix. He’s a lover with a loud bark. He loves his ‘sissy’ and protects her all of the time! He sleeps under the covers every night with his nose sticking out! People are terrified of him but he would only lick them to death. My pittie!”
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Beau & his sissy
Beau snuggling
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National Pit Bull Awareness Month: A Celebration of “Pit Bull” Type Dogs National Pit Bull Awareness Month: A Celebration of "Pit Bull" Type  Dogs by Lynn Stacy-Smith I had so much fun celebrating black dogs and cats on Friday, October 13 and featuring the awesome dogs of my readers, that I could not let National Pit Bull Awareness Month come to an end without a celebration of the beloved "pit bull" type dogs who share their lives with some of the readers and friends from the Love, Laugh, Woof community.
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whitneykt · 7 years
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After a few months of dealing with the truck being in the shop, the RV batteries not holding a charge, getting hubby retired and all the paperwork that goes with that and getting my COBRA set up, we finally got the RV out of storage to take it to Oklahoma City for the needed repairs.
We had just talked to the warranty lady 2 days ago and told her we would be there today.  She told us to call/text her right before we got to town so she could make sure she had a tech available as soon as we got there.  Once we got to the dealership, guess what?  She had called in sick and NOBODY . . . I mean, NOBODY was expecting us!!!!  Needless to say, I wasn’t happy!!  I had to text her to call me ASAP that we were there and no one knew what to do with us.  What did she do?  Call me?  Nope!  She called the service department and talked to the lady I was talking to.  In short, we got it all straightened out but the news we received wasn’t what we wanted to hear.  They may not be able to get to it as quickly as we were lead to believe.  There are RV’s there that haven’t been touched that have been their for 6 wks!!  We’ll see how they work it since we’ve had an ‘open’ work order since May!!!!!  I would assume that would put us on the top of the list . . . but  time will tell.  We have decided to leave it here and we will drive back to Amarillo without it . . . AGAIN!
It wasn’t a total wasted trip tho.  While we were there, we had one of the mechanics come out and show us again how to unhook the RV from the slider hitch.  We’ve had trouble getting it unhitched with the SuperGlide hitch.  When we did our ‘walk through’ when we picked the RV up, I think our heads were swimming and by the time we got to hooking and unhooking up, we were overwhelmed and didn’t listen as closely as we should have.  This time we only had the hitch to focus on and I think we will be able to get unhitched a lot smoother next time . . . that is . . . IF we remember how to do it by the time we get it back!!  LOL!!
I will give them until next Tuesday before I call them for an update.  We will probably decide what we will do next based on what they tell us at that time.  Because of it being so late in the year, we are expecting to have them winterize it so that we can just put it back in storage and we’ll put of traveling until next Spring.
The next issue we have to handle is getting the computer system and cruise control replaced/fixed in the truck.  We have an appointment for Oct 9th to have it done.  This will mean we will be taking a trip to Dallas . . . that’s where we bought it.  We are hoping that the RV repairs will be completed by the time we head back home after Dallas.  If it is, we’ll leave Dallas and head back to OKC.  If it’s not, then we’ll leave Dallas and head back to Amarillo.
Stay tuned for more excitement to come from “The Ole Rooster and his Hen” . . .
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Trip to OKC After a few months of dealing with the truck being in the shop, the RV batteries not holding a charge, getting hubby retired and all the paperwork that goes with that and getting my COBRA set up, we finally got the RV out of storage to take it to Oklahoma City for the needed repairs.
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