#if anyone has potential songs im open
not-equippedforthis · 3 months
hullo! can i just ask, so i've been listening to your Kirk playlist and i'd like to ask, if you feel up to answering, your though process behing adding Club Tropicana and Can't Stop The Stars?
oh and what's your favourite from the list? you don't have to answer of course, i'm just curious, i hope it's not too much. and sorry for the trouble if you've answered to some of these already, i couldn't find anything :( well that's it from me, have a nice day!
ps. the whole playlist gives me fun fuzzy feels :)
pps. i think adding You Don't Mess Around With Jim was hilarious, 10/10.
skjfks thank you so much!!! i dont mind answering haha, ill take any excuse to rant about kirk
soo club tropicana is more of the laid back, 'it just has his vibe' ones i added (thats life by frank sinatra for example destroys me. like thats full character analysis i could launch into there. animatic in my head an all). kirk just seems like a wham! guy to me? also he has that ability to charm and smoothly handle debates and often uses that to his advantage - hes a heartthrob canonically! (in the best way possible, i hate the pop culture womanizer kirk). to me that song just screams easy charm and promise, and on the occasion that kirk is actually relaxed he utilises it on multiple occasions to his advantage !! ....and again im spreading my wham! agenda
cant stop the stars just gives me that chill space vibe. the enterprise with all its glowing lights!! also, 'cant stop the stars' - for a darker interpretation, although on the enterprise their goal is to explore and its a powerful ship and all, they really are at the mercy of the universe and what they find in it. their crew is the best around, theyre all more than capable, but the stars are the stars and in the end they are all just beings exploring the universe and the occasional supernatural oddities it harbours. 'i think our chance is coming' - kirk seeing this and only being more inflamed to explore the stars and live amongst them. also some of the lyrics have that previous charm iirc?
JSFBND YESS so proud of myself for dont mess around with jim LMAO. its actually the whole reason why i started the playlist dkgbd
ouhhh im not sure which one my fav would be, my fav songs are always changing. i gotta give a shout out to 'wheres captain kirk' and lake street dive tho, love those! (psssst lake street dive is so underrated go listen to them) thank you so much for asking :333
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juqtier · 6 months
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SUMMARY: when you moved in to your new apartment, you never imagined your neighbor, spencer reid, would be such a nightmare. he wasn’t your favorite guy. in fact, you hated him. unfortunately for you, you can never seem to escape him. the universe clearly has other plans for you two.
WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol and alcohol consumption in some chapters, angsty, arguing, spencer is kind of (definitely) an asshole, kissing, cursing, somewhat darker plot points as story progresses (this is my first ever full story fanfic! so it might be bad…) this will also be 10 parts so yayyy
GENRE: enemies to lovers, fluff, angst
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chapter 1 : a nightmare..
✎Was it even possible to hate someone so much that even the thought of them made your blood boil?
You never thought that was even possible. You were always trying to see the best in people, even if they were rude to you. That all changed when you moved next door to Spencer Reid.
Spencer Reid
The bane of your existence.
You had moved into your first apartment alone, with the help of your parents loaning some money and your waitressing job, when you had the unpleasant experience of meeting him.
God, he was so stuck up and pretentious. Getting to know him might have been your biggest regret.
The first day you met him, he immediately gave you an attitude.
You weren’t all that familiar with this area, so you took it upon yourself to try and make friends with the neighbors.
As you walk up to the door and knock, you become excited at the potential of a new friendship.
Behind the door, you can hear a quiet, muffled voice and some shuffling before it’s opened to reveal a rather tall man looking down at you.
“Yes?” He sounded a bit annoyed, yet you continued your introduction.
“Hi, I’m your new neighbor! My name is-“
“Cool, I’m really busy, and if it isn’t important, don’t bother me.” The man quickly shuts the door.
You were so puzzled and quite upset.
Who just shuts the door on someone’s face like that?
However, after some time, you forgave it. Everyone has bad days; everyone is very busy at some point. Maybe he was just overwhelmed, right?
That was until you saw him again, in the parking lot of the apartments.
You found out his name was Spencer Reid from some other neighbors. This only made you more interested in getting to know him, or at least being civil with each other.
You were getting out of your car after returning home from work when you saw him coming down the stairs to the parking lot. Trying to be friendly, you waved and smiled.
“Hello!” Your expression was bright and kind, as always. Something Spencer never seemed to return. He visibly rolled his eyes at you, rushing to his car.
Did I do something wrong? Did I say something to offend him? Do I have something stuck in my teeth
Your thoughts ran wild, doubting every interaction you have had with anyone before. Were you just annoying? You barely had a conversation with the man; how could he find you annoying?
Maybe he just sucked?
For months, your interactions were the same. You’d attempt to be friendly, and he’d quickly (and quite rudely) shut you down. You had convinced yourself he was just a busy man until you were proven right. He just sucked.
Friday, 10:49 pm
Music played throughout your living room as you unwinded on your couch. The weekend had just begun, so you decided to finally relax. Work had been extra shitty today, and you felt you deserved a break. You sat on your couch, reading a book, as your favorite songs played when you heard a knock at the door.
Who could be knocking so late?
Placing your book down and quickly turning the music off, you rush to answer the door.
As it opened, you'd never been more confused to see Spencer Reid standing in front of you.
“Uh, hi? Is something wro-”
“Can you turn the music down?” He seemingly snaps, not even letting you finish your sentence.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to have it so lo-”
“If you’re going to blare your music, you shouldn’t have such terrible taste.”
You were taken aback. You were used to the interruptions, the eye rolling, even being completely ignored. But now, he was just being plain rude.
“What? I said I’m sorry.. What’s your problem?”
You were almost about to snap at him. It took all of your power to not rip into him, calling him every name you could think of.
“My problem? My problem is that ever since you moved here, I can’t get even a moment of peace. Some people have jobs and commitments.”
What the actual fuck?
“Holy shit, Spencer. I’ve done nothing to you, but all you’ve done is be an asshole to me!”
Your anger and frustration seemed to boil over in that exact moment, not caring if you hurt his feelings anymore.
“No, let me talk for once. I don’t know where you work or what you do to make you think you are so morally superior to me, but fuck. You are so fucking mean.“
He seemed shocked at the sudden outburst, as you only ever showed him your bright and bubbly side. His eyes widened slightly, not expecting the blow-up.
“You don’t get to talk down to me because you’re in a pissy mood. So leave me the fuck alone.”
With that, you slam your door in his face and quickly turn around. Your fists clench as you storm to your room and flop onto your bed, letting out a groan of frustration.
God, he was a nightmare.
PT 2
a.n : sorry if this sucks or is boring! i’ve never wrote a story like this before but i hope it’s okay!
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heartofwritiing · 1 year
BksvajabJksbaja I love your Wilbur writing
Would you be able to do headcanons on random things Wilbur does that give you BUTTERFLIES or make you flustered (e.g. the sidewalk rule, leaning on you randomly etc.)
Totally alright if not.
I love this so of course i will do it! I hope you like it!
this is cc!wilbur
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-early morning kisses before he has to go to the studio/or the office. You’re on the cusp of waking up and potentially falling back to sleep, cutie will kiss your cheeks and lips so softly to wake you up.
-when you’re hanging out with friends, whether it’s at dinner or when your sitting side by side he’ll put his arm around your shoulders. Sometimes laying his hand over your arm, or if he senses you’re uncomfortable he’ll rub his knuckles up and down your arm for comfort, letting you know he’s there.
-he definitely dose the side walk rule. he feels so protective of you to begin with You feel so safe with him wherever you go especially since he’s so tall, dude will probably scare off anyone who gets any ideas.
-Wilbur is chivalrous, he opens doors for you, gives you his sweaters when its cold, holding things for you, giving you flowers every date you go on. the list goes on.
-if you have hair in your eyes or he gets the urge to tuck your hair behind your ear get a better view of your face. You won’t notice it when he does it since you’re lost in conversation but when you do best believe you’ll be a blushing mess because he’ll admire you so lovingly when he sees more of you.
-if he’s out at the store and he sees your favorite snack or drink he’ll get it to surprise you. especially if he knows you’re having a bad day.
-sends you messages throughout the day to check in on you. and checking in when you guys are just hanging out together. if you’ve been suspiciously quiet for too long he might think something’s wrong and ask. “you okay darling?” you’d hum, nod your head and smile softly at him. “yes thank you for asking.” prompted by a kiss to his check.
- casually boops your nose at random moments. yes he makes the noise too.
-lays his head in your lap when he’s tired. (might write a little fic base on this ^)
-plays you songs that remind him of you and makes you playlists of songs he’ll think you would like.
- he’ll rest his arm on top of your head to annoy you. (i honestly hate when people do this to me because it does happen. but i would love it if wil ever did it to me lol)
-intense eye contact. you would be rambling about something totally random or telling him something funny that tommy did and he’ll just get lost looking into your eyes and listening to your voice. eyes so big and brown, so full of love. You know in these moments he’s listening to you so intently and it makes you feel so loved.
-taking your plate to the sink for you after dinner and helping you clean up.
-coming up behind you while you’re talking to someone else, wrap his arms around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder indicating he wants attention from you. is 100% jealous of the other person you’re giving it too.
-tells you he loves you at random times during the day or night. sitting together quietly doing your own respective things, he nudges you and tells you; “i love you.” instant butterflies.
-kisses your knuckles when you or him have yo separate for whatever reason, even if its for a few minutes. like he has to go do soundcheck hell throw his head back with a groan and lift your hand up to his lips and leave a lingering kiss against them. all while making eye contact with you.
-when he goes on walks he will find random little things like, pebbles, acorns, flowers that make him think of you. you have a trinket box full of these kinds of things from him.
-gently squeezes your hand three times when he holds it.
i need to stop before i do too much lol
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milksnake-tea · 3 months
heyy bbg its me, your 🌺 again hihi
I was wondering if you would be interested in writing about the ask prompts 2, 6 and 10 for Yaoshi? 🥹 I'm honestly still a simp for them and Honkai is releasing way too less stuff about them I could scream 😭
During the next survey im gonna beg them to let us be kissed by them again for real. By the way, thank you so much in advance, you know I always eat up your aeon content it's so nice.
(If I misunderstood the prompts and you won't do it please ignore this ask and spare me the cringe I would potentially feel HAHA)
- 🌺
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2. What do you think their love language is?
Definitely acts of service or gifts. As much as I love my physically affectionate Yaoshi, I see them as someone to just shower you in gifts and love. And let me tell you - those gifts have range. You could get either the most beautiful bouquet (or garden/planet because let's be real, Yaoshi wouldn't settle for just a bouquet) made up of the finest specimen from across the universe, or you could open your door to the freakiest chimera that looks like it was one of God's deleted drafts. With acts of service, Yaoshi doesn't want you to be sad !!! No negative feelings are allowed, only happiness and joy for their loved one <33 So they'll take care of anything that bothers you to make sure that your eternal life is nothing short of paradise.
6. What do you think Yaoshi is like in love?
They're actually insufferable BYE I just know they're musing about every little detail about you to anyone who would listen. Their Emanators and Denizens have never seen you, and yet they know everything about you. Basically, they turn into a less loud, yet somehow even more poetic version of Argenti. You'd slowly notice the effects of their blessings around you as you go on with your life: Flowers and vegetation bloom wherever you go, your injuries heal so fast that you could've convinced yourself they didn't exist, and sickness no longer finds you. Gradually, your world turns into a paradise, and when you inevitably meet the Aeon responsible for it all, they welcome you with open arms.
10. How good at cuddling is Yaoshi?
THEY'RE BOTH SO GOOD AND SO BAD AT IT AT THE SAME TIME ITS LOWKEY IMPRESSIVE. Yaoshi has wayyy too many arms for their own good, but that just means they have all the more to hug you with !! The only problem is that. Well. Those arms have nails. And said nails are sharped to an unreasonable degree, and sometimes Yaoshi forgets about them and they'll accidentally scratch you when they're trying to pet you. But they're warm and make quite the pillow if you just ignore that part, and they'll hum you a little song while they hold you <33 or just talk to you about the mortals that've caught their eye, or what their followers have gotten up to. Yaoshi has a beautiful voice, by the way, gentle yet rich and leaning on the deeper side, and just listening to them is enough to lull you to sleep.
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2k follower event if you want to participate !!!
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syrips · 5 months
oc/pc ask game!!
i love these and im like WAIT i can make my own!!
disclaimer, these may contain stuff weird, suggestive, and/or potentially dark so feel free to make your own version if u want but yea here u go
sections: Personal, Aesthetic, Music, Pleasure, Pain
🧼 Soap - Does OC have good hygiene? What is their routine or methods?
💰 Money Bag - Would OC donate the change in their purchase to a charity that a company claims is benefiting those in need?
💸 Money With Wings - Would OC commit tax evasion?
🐛 Bug - If OC was a worm, would anyone love them? How would others treat them?
🎮 Video Game - What would OC's gamertag/username be?
🔗 Link - What tags, blogs, pages, discord servers, and/or subreddits would OC follow on social media?
👀 Eyes - What would be in OC's search history?
✍🏽 Writing Hand - Your OC is given five seconds to edit/alter/adjust something about themselves (or their story). What do they try to change?
📈 Chart Increasing - What company/nobility/etc. would sponsor OC?
🎯 Direct Hit - Is OC "Wanted" in any village, kingdom, etc.? Dead or alive? What is the reward for them?
🎨 Artist Palette - If OC was a color (or palette), what color would they be? Would others assign them the same color?
💻 Laptop Computer - What theme would OC's device, book, belongings, etc. be? What would their background, parchment, decorations be?
👔 Necktie - Does OC dress Modestly? Skimpy? Classy? etc. Do they have a dynamic, loud, quiet, etc. style?
👑 Crown - What textures are part of OC's clothes? Fluffy? Spiky? Leathery? Puffy? Feathery? What about shiny, silky, lacy, etc.?
👕 T-Shirt - Does OC prefer to wear vibrant colors or muted colors?
🐬 Dolphin - Would OC be a JJBA character?
💄 Lipstick - Does OC enjoy fashion? Would they enjoy styling others?
🎭 Performing Arts - If others wanted to join a cult devoted to OC, what choices would OC (or you) have in the style, theme, design?
🧣 Scarf - How often does OC change their style? Daily? Weekly? Seasonally? etc.
🧵 Thread - Does OC mend their clothes (or have them mended)? Does their clothes have tears, patches, alterations? How do their clothes get worn out or damaged overtime?
📖 Open Book - Share a moodboard you associate/made for OC!
🛒 Shopping Cart - OC suddenly has a lot of money. What is most likely the cause of this? What do they spend it on?
👒 Floppy Hat - Share a (sourced) picrew you made for OC!
🎼 Musical Score - Share an OC playlist you associate/made for OC!
🎧 Headphone - Does OC have a large or small range of music they listen to?
🎤 Microphone - Share a (sourced) quote, lyric, poem, etc. of something that you associate to OC.
🎸 Guitar - Someone hands OC a guitar and tells them to play Wonderwall. What do they do?
🎶 Musical Notes - A Bard is inspired by OC and makes a song about them. What instruments, sounds, melodies, etc. may OC's theme song have? What would the mood of the piece be?
👂🏽 Ear - What sounds does OC enjoy? If OC likes ASMR, which types of ASMR?
🎲 Game Die - What would OC's favorite (pc/console/mobile/etc.) game be?
💠 Diamond With A Dot - What is something OC indulges in, publicly vs. privately?
✨ Sparkles - What is OC's comfort activity?
💋 Kiss Mark - Is OC promiscuous? Do they have a lot of lovers, partners, and/or friends with benefits?
😏 Smirking Face - How freaky is OC? What does OC do that they believe is freaky?
🥄 Spoon - What is OC's guilty pleasure food/treats?
🎓 Graduation Cap - OC is giving a motivational speech. What do they say? Who are they saying it to?
🧻 Roll Of Paper - OC is plotting an elaborate, mischievous prank. What is their plan and who is their target?
🥰 Smiling Face With Hearts - What do you love about OC? What events, art, work do you love to put OC in?
🤗 Hugging Face - How does OC make others happy? What do they wish they could do, or plan to do for others?
👩🏽‍⚖️ Woman Judge - Why don't some people like OC? What did they do?
🚩 Triangular Flag - Is OC uncomfortable with any topic, trigger, item, or event?
🧱 Brick - What is/would OC be traumatized by?
💢 Anger Symbol - What is OC's pet peeve?
💀 Skull - Is OC cursed? Haunted? Possessed? Fated to tragedy?
🩹 Adhesive Bandage - What is OC's worst type of pain to experience?
🔮 Crystal Ball - OC has witnessed a dark omen. What is the omen, superstition, or message that is witnessed?
🪓 Axe - What tragic/dark events, art, work, do you love (or love to hate) to put OC in?
😈 Smiling Face With Horns - How does OC make others sad/suffer? What do they wish they could do, or plan to do to others?
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autumnmiler · 8 months
okay imma just rent rn bc i've been holding in thoughts for a year and i never got the chance to share them with anyone and tumblr seems the place to do so
all of these molly x shannon shenanigans after dyllans switch and whatever it is that caused it is so annoying to me lol. like a combo video post on instagram being a place where grown ppl comment *potential* insults directed towards someone that probably wont even see it or a song choice for a solo or just making this situation something public but not actually being open about it is just so unhinged and bad looking. im sure molly has a lot to be talked about when it comes to db's experience at project 21 (especially during season 7) but it's just looking like plain childish competition between two studio owners at this point with shannon constantly trying to publicly push mollys balls (and with a vulnerable person - dyllan - being draggen to it for over a year now). dyllan grew up with molly and losing her and going trough whatever it was that was toxic about their relationship or the studio or an specific situation isn't easy on any of them, making it an instagram thing just makes it worse. just wish molly and db could work things out and move on to some healing (even if that is just never talking to each other again).
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GO S2 OPENING ANALYSIS PT 1 (also Potential GO spoilers idk)
I haven't really seen anyone go in depth on the opening for season two yet so I'm making to this to point out all the things i spotted and some theories this is SUPER LONG POST SO BE WARNED
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Crowley crawls up while Aziraphale floats down which is fitting but there's also storm clouds in the distance so there might be a scene after the flood or it's a sign of impending doom
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right after crowley and aziraphale go through that dark tunnel Gabriel(?) can be spotted with that infamous box
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they're in the middle of a scorched village and crowley sets goats on fire which pretty much confirms that they are somehow going to be involved with the story of Job if not directly involved
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here we have that Gabriel statue from the trailer and a gravestone with "EVERYDAY" written on it, the reoccurring song that somehow related to the mystery
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here's another gravestone with something written on it, this was the best photo i could get and i tried lightening it but i can't figure out what it says so if anyone has any ideas feel free to share
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gravestone with jane austen on it, this author has been referenced quite a bit from the info we have about s2 so far and is on the cover for the episode "The Ball" so looking forward to that
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"HERE LIES THE FORMER SHELL OF BEELZLEBUB" so i guess that's Neil's explanation for them having a different actor? Beelzebub molted? gross but very creative
also im pretty sure that bottom one says "Here Lies ADAM" as in antichrist Adam? oh man i hope he isn't dead he was such a sweet kid
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there's a guillotine in the far back during their walk through hell hope that isn't foreshadowing anything 0-0
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they also have this office on a pillar above the fiery pit of hell which i find very funny but this could also maybe be related to Shax? where she used to work maybe??
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a sign for an underground train station so i guess we'll be expecting a train station scene of some kind?
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the group walks through this gate with "GENTS" at the top no idea what that implys but i'll put it here anyways
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there's a "WINGS FOR VICTORY" sign on the side of this bus which is a reference to British saving campaigns during WWII so confirms more WWII era stuff with aziraphale and crowley
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there is this poster for STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN and my first thought was the LED ZEPPLIN song but actually it's a reference this 1946 movie
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in which a British wartime aviator who cheats death must argue for his life before a celestial court, hoping to prolong his fledgling romance with an American girl
so thats INTERESTING and COOL and totally doesn't imply ANYTHING about aziraphale and crowley's relationship or (potentially) maggie and nina's
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but there is also a Zeppelin (it looks more like a blimp but whatever) and later on they go into a theater which looks very similar to the album cover for Stairway to Heaven
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so I'm not gonna rule it out
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there's a poster that says "THE FABULOUS LADIES OF CAMELOT" which is probably the group name of the show girls we saw in the trailer it says they are performing at the Windmill Theatre in London which is real and very famous for its Windmill girls who performed as nude living statues
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i think this box is part of that saw a person in half trick and i can't wait to see Aziraphale attempt this trick and miserably fail like he always does, lot of laughs for sure
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here's aziraphale on stage in his magician's outfit from the trailer but crowley is there as well so maybe he's his assistant? if so thats super funny and explains why crowley is not a fan of his magic act later on
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very cute moment of crowley and aziraphale twirling around each other in the stars (this could be a nod to that moment that people spoiled for the first two episodes will know what im talking about )
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this bridge they're walking on could potentially be the Humber Bridge near Kingston upon Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, England (?)
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or just a random ass bridge lol i do love to theorize tho
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this airplane has "THY KINGDOM AIRWAYS" on its side very funny gag
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these cotton candy hearts appear to be raining from the sky which im not sure what that implies but this season is focusing more on romance so it fits (also crowley and azira sitting together on the roof cute <3)
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here we have maggie's record shop and nina's cafe right next to each other with record banners on the street, maybe a promotional party for the store? there's also a jukebox with records stacked in front of it. there's a promotional image of aziraphale holding everyday on vinyl (that i can't find sorry) so maybe he's gonna use this jukebox to play it?
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i believe this is Gabriel(?) holding the package and going down an elevator from Heaven so he wasn't lying about needing to deliver something to Aziraphale something must've happened to him on his way over
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one of the group is holding a sign for the "The 2nd Coming" as in the second coming of Jesus Christ?
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A bar called The Dirty Donkey, new location for aziraphale and crowley to dine at? there's a smaller sign there but it's impossible to read HOWEVER
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it looks like a holy figure standing in front of the opening of a cave, maybe an angel? considering the clothing maybe Jesus Christ?
I'm at my limit for photos so I will continue this in my next post!
(edit: here's the link for pt 2)
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tenkasato · 2 years
Hi hi😁 im really glad to catch ur requests open. Ten, would it be alright to adk for a comfort fic with Akashi and his insecure fem! best friend in their 20s? Like sure akashi is perfect abd all but with each other they can share their ups and downs as young adults navigating through life. They experience heartaches and breakups and drunk nights and happy moments, victories, failures, anxieties, hilarious moments etc that theyll remember forever. Theyve fought too and made up throughout the years. Theyre both confused with their careers and perosnal lives. Akashis more sure definitely but she doesnt know where shes going. I thinj this has thr potential to br a funny story hahaha. They just sypport one another always! Maybe they end up together in the end or just implied? Lots of fluff please!! Thank u so much. If it's too vague mayve just akashi tirelessly motivating her and believing in her always never once doubting her potential? You can of course tweak all the details to ur liking judt this general vibe is more than okay. Really need this one! (me im confused 20 something lol) thank you so so much this would mean the world to me.
Hi anon! Let me start by saying how much I adore this idea. I was thinking of how I could incorporate the scenes you listed. At first I was thinking of writing headcanons, but I think writing a narrative of Akashi’s POV will allow him to be more expressive. Anyways, without further ado… ^^
Pairings: Akashi Seijuro x bestfriend!reader
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Akashi Seijuro knows what your every breath meant.
He watches you furrow your brows, pucker your lips and make a sharp exhale as you scan the list of entrance exam passers on the board. He waits for you to find your name (there, in the middle of the people sharing your surname. He’s seen it minutes ago), and when you finally did, he observes your sigh of relief.
A radiant smile stretches your lips.
“I passed,” you announce, as if he didn’t know yet.
“Of course,” he answers. His voice brims with confidence. If there’s anyone who could put her mind to something she wanted, it was his best friend.
“Come on, I’ll treat you!” you enthuse, hooking an arm around his as you walk away from the crowd.
Your breathe trembles. Excitement zapped in with flavors of anxiety. 
Even so, he’s glad you’re going to college with him.
– 0 – 
There are times when Akashi wishes you saw yourself with his eyes.
Your hair sits like a worn-out mop on your head. Light make-up smudged at the wrong places. Eyes rimmed with exhaustion, hurt and self-contempt. 
“I should’ve know,” you release a long-drawn groan. “I should’ve know he was a good-for-nothing jerk who just wanted me as some sort of a trophy!”
Akashi’s quiet gaze falls on your drink—warm milk, before a smile captures his lips. Who gets drunk on milk anyways?
“Am I not good enough, Sei?” you mewl. Your eyes are huge and watery, begging him to disagree. 
He sighs. “I warned you early on that that boy was nothing short of trouble. Did you at least heed my words?”
You wince and lay your head over your folded arms. With another groan, you snuggle to the side of his arm. “I need my best buddy right now. Not a father.”
“And a friend I am,” he says. He thinks it over, and then, “He is blind.”
“You are a supremely flawed human being. We all are. Needless to say, you are a definitely a cut above many.”
You hear the tease in his voice, narrow your eyes and huff. “Is that your way of comforting me?”
Akashi remembers the time you lightheartedly prepare a meal for your now ex-boyfriend. He recalls the genuine emotions dancing in your eyes. He hears your hopeful voice, the one that carries a song of future promises. 
He wishes you’d see yourself through his eyes.
“No, it’s my way of telling you the truth.”
– 0 – 
Akashi thinks you’re like the moon. Meek and fluctuating.
When you were kids, you always shied away from the adults. You preferred to play with him at the garden or in his room. 
Whenever he invited you out to one of the family busines dinners, you begrudgingly tagged along. The polite smile on your face never left, but he could see hints of unease in the way you kept close to him.
When with his friends or teammates in Teiko, you’d exchange pleasantries, indulge them in small talks and even spill supposedly embarrassing things about him. He’d feel you stealing glimpses of him as you looked for reassurance.
“I think you’re like the sun, Sei,” you tell him one time, during the heat of an argument he’d rather not have. It was one of those times when you two walk home together in the swell of the night, university work keeping you both out longer than normal. 
You’ve stopped on your tracks, and instead, you’re glaring at him. 
“Pardon?” he says.
“I said, you’re like the sun. It’s like you’re meant to rule the skies. You’ve got everything figured out. You’ve got your path laid out for you, and all you need to do is walk over it.”
Akashi finally faces you. It’s then that he notices the slight glimmer in your eyes. Tears from you are rare, and that is why seeing them adorning your gaze makes his chest ache.
“I meant no offense,” Akashi explains. “All I am trying to say is that this indecision might deter you from realizing the things you really want.”
“But what can I do about it? I’m not so sure what I want to do. You think shifting courses is easy?”
He shakes his head. “I did not say that. But you need to start making choices that you wouldn’t second think at the last moment and waste valuable time.”
Your eyes flare at the jab. “Someone like you won’t understand what it’s like to be unsure and lost. You’re talented, smart and versatile. On the other hand, I have to work thrice as hard just to get by each day. I bet you’ve never experienced feeling empowered and ready to take the world one second, only to run out of fumes the next moment.”
A choked noise rumbles your throat as you inspire some air. 
“And unlike you, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon up my ass! Stop pretending as if you understand me at all!”
The hurt etches itself on his face, you realize too late.
“Ah… Seijuro, I didn't mean to…” you begin, but he walks ahead of you.
“Let’s go home,” he tells you, not wanting to talk further.
The silence of the aftermath kills you, but it also kills him too, knowing that he could’ve told you about how he thinks the moon glows brighter at nights.
– 0 – 
Akashi knows he isn’t infallible.
He’s been beaten by you in a game of cards multiple times when you were seven. He’s fallen a flight of stairs once, and just when he thought no one saw, a blast of laughter emanated from you. He’s worn clothes that were 'outrageously heinous’ according to you. He’s made you cry before, many times—sometimes because of the most mundane and pettiest of things such as eating your dessert accidentally, but sometimes because of almost irreparable damages such as when he told you he needed no one else but himself.
It was a lie of course, and you knew it.
So when he went home after Rakuzan’s defeat at the hands of Seirin, you were there, perched on his bed. Glowing with warmth. 
“I figured you want to watch movies with me?” you said with a wry smile. You gestured at the cups of hot chocolate by his lamp.
He wasn't perfect. He won't ever be, but he figures that that's okay.
– 0 – 
Akashi can tell when you're nervous.
"I'm so nervous, Sei," you verbalize his thoughts out loud, going over the mirror to strip down to your underclothes.
Akashi ducks, keeping his eyes back to his phone. "Will you please change in private?" he asks, peeved.
"What," you stick out your tongue, putting on that long, cream dress. It falls until your ankles. "We used to run around buck naked in the river when we were younger."
"Emphasis on the younger."
You try to pull the back zipper up, but it proves to be challenging given the low level cut of the dress. Instead, you walk towards him with your hand holding the fabric behind your back. With the other hand on your hip, you ask, "Well? Classy enough?"
"They say it's a trick question when a woman asks about how she looks."
"I'm serious," you hiss.
"You look presentable," he gives in, smiling a bit.
You beam at him before turning back towards the mirror. As you pick up a tube of lipstick, Akashi notices the journal sitting atop your desk.
"Hey, thanks for agreeing to this," you say all of the sudden, unknowingly disrupting his train of thoughts. "I just needed someone to be my date for this event. Otherwise, they'll accuse me of wasting a free ticket… that or, they call me unsociable. That's going to make me feel like crap again."
Akashi sighs for the umpteenth time that day, staring down at the yellowing cover and multi-colored marks of your worn-out journal. It’s the notebook he gave you a few years ago. Hands hovering above the worn out notebook, he says, "You need not to feel like crap just because there are scrutinizing eyes watching you."
"You don't get it," you reply. "This is huge for me and my career. If I screw up—"
"You will rise back," he completes the sentence for you. Akashi holds your nervous gaze, then adds, "Adversaries are meant to defeat us until we gain enough strength and means to overcome. Don't be daunted by the possibility of failure.
"Refrain from holding yourself back, and start believing in people when they tell you about how amazing you are in your own rights."
The monumental pause and gawking you give him is enough to make him grin.
Turning away before he sees your eyes glisten, you harrumph, "Always so flowery in your words, Sei. Whatever. Help me pull this zipper up, will you?"
Grin widening, he ambles over to you to do just that. 
– 0 –
There are a number of things Akashi constantly wonders about.
For example, he wonders why you always make a fuss about him. You were also like this before. When he lost his mother, you did everything to fill up the gaping hole.
“Hmm, should you use this tie?” you ask, placing the said clothing article over his chest, “or this black one? I think the black one fits you better than this red one, hmm?”
You toss the chosen tie on the chair before he can let a word out. You proceed on rummaging through his closet, muttering under your breath about how rich Akashi is and how having too many clothes to choose from is a bother.
Akashi chuckles and grabs the tie you selected. “Calm down.”
“Calm down?” you repeat, incredulous. “You’re going out on a date! You have to look your absolute best, otherwise you’re going to live down that regret for the rest of your life!”
“An exaggeration,” he remarks. “And to set the record straight, this is hardly the first time I am going out to dinner with someone.”
“Damn right, it's not. But you wouldn't know if you’d actually be dating your soulmate, right? Better make a good impression.”
He wants to argue that he doesn't at all consider it a date. It was a dinner meeting his father set-up, one with the heir of a promising business partner. And still, you frantically run around his room like a madman who is at her wits end. 
He looks at your back fondly.
Here you are, young adults venturing out on new chapters of your life—still going hand in hand, inseparable. You have always been there to keep him grounded. And he, in turn, never fails to guide you back when you seem to stray away. 
"Please get it right this time," he hears you mumble as you finally emerge from his towering closet. "Your dates never seem to work out, for Pete's sake, Sei. I'm starting to think you're the problem here."
"I just do not like being in a hurry."
"Yeah, sure," you reply, completely unconvinced. "But it is weird. You're like the best, ideal guy out there. No one compares to you!"
You stare down at him as he stares back with a painted gaze. Giving up, you sigh and shake your head, shooting him an affectionate smile as you hand him his gray dress shirt.
"Bachelor of the year, they say. I wonder why the hell you're still single," you laugh.
He wonders too. 
And he wonders whether it has anything to do with that saccharine smile of yours.
Taglist: @shakethatsassyass
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thatshappinessforme · 21 days
okay so mama’s been brainstorming (instead of actually doing my assignments for my internship lol oopsies)
but i actually have such a promising idea for a fic omfg. i think im gonna work on it tn. it would def be mattyxreader but i kinda want to base it off of some suki waterhouse songs (lmk if you listen to her i fucking loveeee her).
basically my idea would be like a singer-songwriter than only performs small clubs and shit that one of the guys discovers. they really see potential in her, but she has no following or resources whatsoever (like music is just a hobby of hers) and so the band decides they want to like build her career from the ground up. they help her record a debut album, promote the hell out of her, andddd — most importantly — they ask her to go on tour w them as their opening act. there’s a budding lil forbidden romance between her and matty, and it’s especially difficult and messy and risky because if anyone found out…her career would be fucked…she’d be a fame-fucker to the media…or…dare i say she’d get cancelled for being some kind of slag??
idk y’all let me know if this sounds like something you’d read OR if it’s already sort of been done before by another creator <3
bye for now xoxo, aj
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Hi I saw the atl stans dni in your bio and I was wondering why? Like is it just that you don't like their music, or is it something else? /gen
Oh sure! Basically jack is disgusting person and the band won't kick him out. They don't care for their disabled fans. They collect bras from underage fans. They're currently suing the people who spoke up about something jack had done to them and in some instences Alex as well, a lawsuit that if taken seriously anything you say negatively about anyone famous that could potentially sway someone to not buy tickets or merch for loss of income. If you want to learn more Valerie's voice on tik tok explains it all very well! Let me link it here here and here
And more recently a deep dive of the allegations here and more about the lawsuit here
As well as how this lawsuit could effect fans and things we can can't say here and here
I had tickets to their show in October of 2021 just after the allegations came out, however I hadn't heard yet all I knew is both Openers had dropped and no one knew why. As we're entering the venue masses of people are finding out this information at the same time and we all basically walked out. (SIDENOTE: Props to Nothing, Nowhere. and Meet Me @ The Alter for immediately getting out of there when this news came out! More bands need to take charge and distance from abusers as soon as they can! And props to both these bands for taking immediate action! (Even if im sad I didn't get to see either of them and I wanted to so badly))
Anyways stan scene queen whose song 18+ may or may not be about atl and their grossness as well (note bras hanging off the bus and atl's bras collection)
This isn't to say oh all time low is the only band in this genre that has been gross had allegations, or had proof and was.found guilty. No there's tons and I can't begin to list them. Like you know there's hella problems in the scene when the idkhow allegations came out and people have a sigh of relief saying oh it was just fraud. I specifically have atl in my bio because it is a band that I used to love dearly. Somewhere in neverland and therapy were sings that could get me through anything seriously! But I am choosinh forcefully distance myself from this.
Thank you for asking and I hope this didn't come off as rude, more informative than anything.
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toinfinitywinning · 4 months
What you see & hear- or even if you can. Just a cover.
Open it? There’s no tellin’ the worm. But you bought the ticket. It’s your Day 1.
They’re gonna try to break you.
Yk every Day I wake up. And I’m scared of it. Don’t want to. And not b/c im warm in my bed snuggling w/ my feather duvet and rain, with the weight of a horse on my legs play pretending he’s a 3 lb Show shhnowzaa but b/c I’ve already, already lived it. And having been in a constant State of fight or flight, normal or abnormal, sometimes u can’t tell —I still feel bad. W/e differentiation you had to separate the two both ended up at the North Pole but you’ve at least got Santa.
So this means I’m confused all Day but I still want some of Michael’s Secret Stuff Gatorade (haterade) from “welcome to the space jam—alright.” 🎵. To get me through. A safe energy drink. And your body doesn’t ☊ anymore so the more you talk to yourself the saner. It’s just I’ve never had to fake I’m physically okay to be present so much. Physical sickness affects ur mind Health and if you already struggle w/ that my condolences b/c your leg hurts too.
It’s a nightmare never 1-upping to a dream of being without. Then some days it’s will hear a song or remember a Good time or just Start crying-faucet not included. No acute-reason onset. (We gotta find another word for trigger no joke). I only subconsciously wonder will today be better…Will I get better? And I don’t know why I continue to continue being somewhere inbtw positive and negative. All the sudden my mind is taxed and so are your paychecks and I’ve been up for 15 minutes not even thinking I was thinking b/c Truth is, when something becomes your reality for such a Long time, everything just runs together. You’re afraid to feel anything yet know if you don’t it’s not just your body ready to atrophy. Not Good. And it’s a sneaky lil’ mf.
I can’t Imagine the omnipresent (best word for constant I got) Pain people feel having been with Illness their whole lives. How differently their world is shaped. Pain, prolonged cynicism, Illness prolonged, disability prolonged, w/e u used to think about things is gone unless you’re born one of these ways. Now to be clear I was born this Way but not THIS Way don’t get it twisted. Some days I wonder what it would be like to swap around. W/e it is—This presence does not belong to God— but maybe its mere existence really does b/c we won’t have anyone to thank if things get better? And there’s no joy in the things we’ve hoped for and overcome? And everything always has an End result of some kind…Right? If that’s my endgame I can only look at some things very matter of fact-ly. But. Here we are. Pending. Loading. Accept All Cookies. Your Health for potential healing is At the mercy of literally a button click away from quality or lifesaving or changing Medicine or therapy. CAN YOU AFFORD TO STAY ALIVE? Be fired? Bankrupt-ed? Evicted? No college, no trade School, but you work ur butt off to provide but you’re still paid $7.25/hr as I was as head intramural supervisor at Georgetown College. 15 years ago. Not just that, exist, like eating, clothes to wear, some sort of roof. So you’re choosing between crappy and crappier. Literally no difference. How in the is someone even going to try to stay healthy?!
Thankfully I don’t have to worry as much about the material, which, its Stress alone induces more trauma and Anxiety, but I’d bet how we feel physically isn’t too different. All the sudden again in the subconscious where I am all the time I’m figuring and not truly present you really think existentially like how in not God’s name clearly did I get here? I fixed everything. But Life isn’t played by a claw that has never won anybody a teddy bear. I wouldn’t pin karma to me in itself but it sure makes you think.
None of this is about to make sense but it’s where my mind took me.
Think about what was happening in your Life before things changed. Before literally waking up one Morning and knowing that very second things had to change or I was headed toward death a lot faster than I thought until that God moment. I don’t have many of them that are that dramatic but nothing was clearer to me in that moment. And then that Damn bat and conspiracy crap of government population control. If anthrax was sprinkled in Amazon boxes we’d be extinct. But Pretty sure we know how to get rid of people without breaking a beaker or test tube and then turning on a fan just gifting particles. And Unraveling ALL of the many ways of healing I’d finally lived into. I was so close. To every Fk up id invited. And so asking why anymore seems vacant. Echoing. And my ears hurt. ATP I’m More so saying well, I’m not sure that strategy is going to work anymore. Where’s the ღ in Health. It’s lost it. How much are you worth? No, like write down a monetary number on a piece of paper, fold it and slide it across the desk. Insurance companies be like: I see your offer and I’ll raise your offer: have you tried dying yet? B/c you could save a lot of money that way. The money it will take to bury you might even be more deadly.
So The most defeating part is beginning the Day as it ends. When I think about that it’s just like how did I get here? I’m still stubborn about it but maybe regardless of w/e someone accomplishes there’s the reality you’re still living in an imperfect world where you can only control so many things. Even if u gain that control back all those traps R still available. So you can Imagine my surprise when there’s not enough OCD to Go around to control THIS. regardless of what we can have control over, do that, b/c the smaller victories become magnified and walking to the kitchen to take your Meds that may or may not be helping is like an 8-ball w/ only 8 options. Eenie meenie miney. Mo.
I don’t set out to cry or tear up in the videos I share. I’ve always been a cryer. I’ve been told I feel things more intensely so it hits different, does different. The direct quote will remain anonymous but the sentimental pack rat in me wrote it down ASAP. Like, a handwritten letter. You took TIME for me. The quote—It was several years ago and I almost can’t stand it b/c it’s me in whatever kind of Shell is available at the time.
[“people perceive me as an individual who has the kindest of all hearts, but who struggles with the realities of life given that kindness…Like how the tenderhearted feel the pains of the earth more intensely.”]
It’s so true. But if I can’t be real what Good’s that gonna do? For me it further affirms what I already am living. In Edgar’s scary A** pit or with the company of not one canary in the coal mine.
C’ya in the AM. 🫡
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anomalyhqs · 5 months
Tumblr media
attention, students ! has anyone seen SONG WONJAE’s YOUNGER SIBLING ? they are 20-23 years old and look like UP TO PLAYER ! if you have any information, please contact @notkitsune ! your assistance is greatly appreciated ! thank you !
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: no gender preference! could also be a half sibling potentially, open to discussion! i much prefer to be reached on discord if possible, because ims on my sideblog are super annoying! you can find me at thegongoozler there.
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tswift · 2 years
hi so i’m never usually the person to send anon asks especially not to be like…. “arguing” or otherwise stirring up unnecessary drama and certainly not to make anybody feel bad, but i wanted to give some of my perspective on the whole anti hero mv scale issue, if you might let me. i def wanna make it clear that im not looking to be a jerk or say that you or anyone else is wrong or whatever at all. i do respect your perspective on this and i hope that’s clear throughout this!!
anyway i’m not the best person to speak on the issue from this side but ive spent a lot of time today trying to understand why people are taking issue with that part of the mv because admittedly, i definitely don’t feel right about it and ive wanted to get other peoples opinions, esp those who are the most impacted by the video. to me, it seems like people are less trying to call taylor fatphobic or cancel her or whatever, but rather they’re pointing out that the creative decision she made plays into fatphobia. no matter how you look at it, even when we consider her struggles with body image and eds and horrid experiences w the media and fans etc in this sense, it still doesn’t erase the narrative being perpetuated (or i’ll say implied because to be fair, we can’t know exactly what she meant or how she meant it) that being fat is bad, or that it takes away from your worth, etc. i am positive that she never would have put this out there intentionally, knowing that it can potentially be deeply harmful. however, that doesn’t change the fact that there are seemingly a considerable amount of people who were somehow hurt by this portrayal.
i’ve seen plenty of people of all body types with varying opinions here, but personally i do fear that it would be very harmful to just ignore and write off the voices of actual fat people who are saying that they feel hurt, or upset, or angry, or disappointed. even if we happen to disagree, it’s unfair to not even attempt to understand where they’re coming from and empathize with them here.
i’m sorry to bug you with this, but i hope that we can all kinda try to empathize with and understand each other a little more here. i’ve heard a lot from people with this particular viewpoint and i’m totally open to the other side as well :) i hope you’re having a great release day!!
Hi there! I must admit I was tempted to not read this because it's so long and I'm exhausted but you were super polite and thoughtful so I had to answer!
I've also spent a lot of time on twitter today reading various perspectives on her use of the word "fat." And I agree, that the video does reinforce that the word "fat" is something that should be viewed as derogatory.
HOWEVER, this is an extremely personal and vulnerable song that is about her individual experience. I think one of the reasons she really stressed the nature of this song is probably due to the scale scene where the word "fat" is featured.
I do not believe Taylor is making any kind of statement about being fat, or how we should react to the word. She is instead illuminating how the word was weaponized against her, specifically. And that the media played a huge part in her eating disorder and body dysmorphia.
The scene is basically the "bad" version of herself, the version who hates herself enough to let these very public criticisms of her body bleed into her own self-image. If anything, the scene is telling the audience that using the word "fat" in a derogatory way IS harmful and wrong. She could have easily put "flat ass" or "too skinny" and it would have the same effect. It's the very fact that there are people out there commenting on her body enough to either give her an ED or worsen an eating disorder she already had before becoming famous. We also need to consider how much of the spotlight Taylor is in compared to someone like me or you. You may have two or three people comment on your appearance in a negative way, well she has millions commenting and speculating and criticizing. Fatphobia is extremely prevalent and it was much worse even just five years ago.
But all of this does not change the fact that music is art and it's deeply personal. Not always, but this song is EXTREMELY personal. She did not make a song about the daily struggle of human beings, she made a song about her OWN struggles.
I think it would be disingenuous to the song and Taylor's own experience if she erased or altered it because people may watch it and make the song about themselves. This is a very rare time because this song is not really as universal. Like yes we can relate to having anxiety about our appearance and what people think of us/etc, but this song is specific to Taylor. She should not silence or rewrite her own history and trauma. She should not have to deal with people commenting and judging her on how she chooses to heal. Recovery is a long and winding road.
I hope this made sense. As someone who also has an ED, I did not find the use of the word offensive at all. I actually found it comforting to know that someone else out there feels the pressures of society, a society that tells girls too many harmful things and expects them to just accept it as a fact of life. But the bottom line remains: this is not about me or you. It is about her.
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rennyji · 4 months
remaining tweets part 1 (01/25/2024)
Desire is not a bad thing. It's about how you go about carrying out that desire that makes it good or bad. Intentions or best of intentions aren't bad. But evil things can be done w/the best of intentions. God gave man free will. Its the key theme in the Adam/Eve story.
Star Signs like Aquarius ( #Aquarius ) R suggested 2 predict future. But on a more useful level, they describe personalities of people associated w/those corresponding months. Can be used 2 be #mindful of pros/flaws 2 ur personality. Finders of astrology were 1st brain mappers. -
compatible potential friends/relationships, thru compatible star sign matching, maps/connects personalities. It’s like #Superman or something from #Krypton , where people are matched based on genetics.-
-U shouldnt depend on it; it’s flaw of current brain mappers. Cats/dogs R matched w/cats/dogs 2 click. But humans have #freewill , &ability 2 be #mindful &learn 2harness strengths/overcome weakness &use speech 2 better bonds instead of relying on genetics/brain-type-matching.
interesting Im only inanimate object in zodiac, aka #Libra ( Libra ): scale of #justice. Interesting b/c Im facing #Injustice lasting decade plus. Nice 2 think theres magic 2 world. Usually, we’re lawyers/diplomats; BUT, talking it 2 solve my situation hasn’t worked yet.
B/c of #COVID (Im guessing), not enough new releases of tv shows/movies. 2024 doesn’t seem like it has a lot 2 look forward 2, beyond #deadpool3 (Deadpool 3) & Spider-man 4 ( #SpiderMan4 ) . Ryan Reynolds is always great like in “ Free Guy or “ The Adam Project ”.
Whats happening 2 me: like something from a parallel universe where Nazis won World War II, instead. Its like an #anime ( anime ) . Maybe not Naruto ( #Naruto ), but something close 2 #DeathNote or #CodeGeass . Personally wouldve preferred #DragonBall or #TheSevenDeadlySins .
“Smooth Criminal” by #MichaelJackson & #AlienAntFarm ( Alien Ant Farm ), says u’ve been “hit by, u’ve been struck by…a smooth criminal…” On idea of a smooth criminal, no one smoother than mind readers/controllers. So smooth, u might not even know they’re in ur life.
Hindus ( Hindus ) or a #Hindu ( Hindu ), from #Hinduism, do something explicit, other religions hint at:disciplining mind thru meditation/yoga. Other religions, thru rituals or parables, train mind, ultimately 2 give us focus. If we focus w/o distraction, we can do anything.
I wonder: if I didnt go 2 state university, like Albany,&instead: Jesuit college like Boston College or 1 run by Irish Christian Brothers: Iona University, or private university like ManhattanCollege, i’d’ve been w/more disciplined/ambitious people w/exposure 2 better resources.
Everybody but the center of attention is aware of situation, 4 more than 3650+ days! How insane is my situation?! Young&old, not 1 noble person can open mouths w/proof needed 2 stop this. But, on a more primitive level, people like “community” stemming from a common goal.
Living #AmericanNightmare or #Nightmare like things #Voldemort , in @jk_rowling 's " Harry Potter ",put victims thru. USA not 2 visit, unlike #Ayodhya or any place else. Americans could cure #Ebola , #Diabetes , or simple #HairLoss ,but instead put funds/effort 2 harassing minds.
I look forward 2 day where I say strange kids who? Or #DoctorWho ( DoctorsWho ) or UAlbanyWho? Orchestrators who? whatever person or group is your #BiggBoss ( Bigg Boss ) , to get to say 2 them: ummm who R U? The day I get my freedom…the day they face consequences…cannot wait…
Really anyone, absolutely anyone can help me get a reservation as the “fighter” of a decade, who gets “advanced booking”/“pre advanced booking” to freedom … just say what you know #FighterAdvanceBooking
Adele 's ( #Adele ), song "Skyfall", played in recent Bond films, has a line resonating w/me: "this is the end, holdUr breath&count to 10." Gives me sensation of sky falling as I remember myself realizing Im going 2 be enslaved for yrs, despite best efforts, @ onset of this.
Newest chapter of #Marvel 's #Spiderman , connected w/Thanos &Avengers, was incredible w/its connection b/w PeterParker &TonyStark &Peter's access 2 tech like enhanced Spider-Man suit. Then,in " Multiverse of Madness ", storyline is reset w/all forgetting Peter-wasnt fan of that
The Flash ( #Flash ) w/access 2 Jedi ( #Jedi ) like force 4 speed, makes him 1 of the greatest conceived heroes, particularly w/his ability 2 travel alternateTimelines ¶llelWorlds. His good nature also adds up 2 a greatStory. The CW ( #CW ) should bring back super hero shows.
Best laptop lap desk, something with a flare to make you want to use it, but something as simple as this costs $60 plus tax. Associated screenshot:
Best under desk keyboard attachment, below. But, another $60 It swivels, it rotates,& stows under desk, giving more desk space, & if u get a phone call & want 2 leave your desk, just rotate under desk. Something as simple as this, no one conceives except the innovative Chinese. Associated screenshot:
A decent bag of pre ground coffee? $14. You may think coffee is coffee. But some coffee work better than others. You want to get, what starts off your day, right…
Associated screenshot: https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749177064324772202?s=20
I just went to #ShopRite and came back. Look what I bought on the left (a handful of items). This much costs $51, as you can see from my receipt on the right. All below. #prices #grocery #groceryprices
Associated screenshot:
U wanna know how 2 have crash-free coffee experience, that won’t make U feel sleepy/like cr*p shortly after drinking coffee? Mix it w/Lions Mane & other such related legal everyday mushroom ingredients-not 2 be confused w/“shrooms.” But a tsp. from this small jar? That’s $30.
Associated screenshot: https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749179475860791402?s=20
U wanna get jacked like Wolverine ( #Wolverine )? Membership @ #24HourFitness w/small swimming pools?Costs $40. #LAFitness in Yonkers area?
After charging $40 4 membership, they deemed it wise 2 put in mall where no normal parking (mall garage instead) &after 2 hrs U need 2 pay. Netflix for an ad free experience? Costs $23. That’s without paying for cable tv. It’s probably easier to catch a Pokémon ( #Pokemon )than catch a price that makes sense…I was a kid when the series 1st started…I feel there have been too many iterations of show…
TaylorSwift ( Taylor Swift ) … a truly talented singer, with personality … timeless people like #MichaelJackson ( Michael Jackson ) … an icon …
I agree with the news channels that addresses this: u should invest in a house … it’s part of the AmericanDream ( American Dream ). But this is the age of high prices leading to people living together 4 affordability.-
-But theres other hurdles like addressing basement flooding, shoveling sidewalks/footpaths 2 avoid legalBurdens, property tax up2 $10,000 4 small patch ofYard, heatingExpenses according 2 homeSize- it just seems sensible 2 buy luxuryFlat in suburbs like in Valhalla, NY vs NY, NY.
Floridians ( Floridians ) luck out with not having income tax, at least at the state level.
DeSantis ( DeSantis ) reported as dropping out of race..days after nominal victory over #NikkiHaley ( #Haley - Nikki Haley) in Iowa..all after spending 50 million in ads in Iowa - U gotta wonder Y so much 4 something integral like elections..-
-mySight limited2 #Haley ( #NikkiHaley )&
DonaldTrump (Donald Trump - #Trump )-months of migrants crossingBorder, getting, ofAllThings, freeSexChanges inMaine, freeHealthCare in-I think-California, freeHomes inNortheasternState I cant remember-currentAdmnstratn doesntMakeSense-
it doesnt make sense b/c you're accomplishing benefits for illegal immigrants while cutting budgets 4 citizens & legal immigrants in USA. Id like free housing & Im a U.S. citizen. I just don't get how current administration is prioritizing. Id like free health care w/o a job..
there are issues that pose problems with the other side … like abortion … there something clearly wrong when you're debating something like that for 50+ years. We're in the age of mind reading/mind control … and you still don't know when consciousness begins?-
-world mayNot B 5000 yrs old as Creationists say. But maybe answer is 2 let religion give guiding light 2science.W/something like abortion, mayB should B nationally allowed until point, where brainWaves detected, or when baby getting oxygen-like God giving breath of life 2 Adam..
and regarding current administration and the amount of time the current party has been in control, while this chapter of my life; situation has been occurring, I gotta wonder, would a party that hasn't been in power for as long a time, save me from my situation…
Maybe stars and how astrology influences personalities, is something that lays a foundation for how relationships progress or worsen. But it comes down to choice. -
-First you have to choose to sit down and think about, or listen to someone who shines a light on, a flaw, so that then, you can choose to make a correction.-
-In some Churches, they say a prayer of Confession: "through my fault, through my fault, through my most grevious fault…and then they ask to pray for themselves… What is that prayer saying? Be mindful: recognize your fault.-
-This is a fundamental tenet of Christianity. Yet so many are too bothered to think. To ask for forgiveness of sin, you need to recognize sin, or another word for it: mistake. -
-You need to recognize mistake, remember mistake, ask for strength overcoming the mistake and not repeating the mistake.-
-people need to realize what they're saying, what they're thinking, what they're doing. I was watching Thor: Ragnarok. The character #Loki ( Loki ), the god of mischief, Thor's brother, is an interesting character.-
-#Loki ( Loki ) is bent on causing chaos. It takes losing, getting beaten over and over, for him to stop and think: "Why am I such a bad egg?" -
Loki ( Loki ) realizes hes upset he was lied 2 on adoption, has inferiority/superiority complex where he needs2 show hes destined 4glory, even though adopted. He realizes pointlessness hisAmbitionIs. Once realized, heRose 2 trulyBeing "burdened w/glorious purpose," as heSays.-
It signifies something scary about most people. You're so glued to what you want to do and have to do, in going to bed and waking up, that you never stop to realize the things you think, say, do. No correction occurs.-
-Learn to consciously think, speak, perform actions. Now, from my situation, what you can get is that, if you fail at the above or are lazy about mindfulness, you may never realize that you were possibly mind read/mind controlled.
Donald Trump said he was going 2 be like a dictator on Day 1 of the office. Now U can read into that literally or understand the meaning behind what's he's saying: whether drilling into Alaska or something else, he's going 2 get some things done ASAP, regardless of opposition.
I'd like 2 be a dictator of this country, in terms of leadership power 2 enact some possibly time consuming changes. On Education, in college, we tackle 4 subjects, 'completely', in a semester. It's clear from existence of a GED for dropouts, high school shouldn't take 4years.-
coming from a guy who had a 4.0 gpa at a private college preparatory school, school structure needs to be organized. Children should learn to focus. Be it meditation or getting on the right ADD drugs, its something that should be beaten to death.-
I remember in school, there were the "smart kids." there were their peers who didn't get why they couldn't get good grades and doubted their ability to go to college. It's simply because they're not mentally strong yet. It can be remedied.-
early years should be directed to learning breathing techniques like alternate nostril breathing or box breathing. Sounds ridiculously corny, but children should see how long they can focus on a candle flame without distraction of intrusive thoughts -
if you can't even sit still to see only a candle flame in front of you, how can you be leaders, doctors, lawyers, engineers? how can you be policeman, fireman when you don't have the discipline to endure difficult schedules and people?-
gradeSchoolStructure needs2 B limited 2semester rather than yr.-It works in college regarding semester long course.HighSchool, if GEDs R possible, should B <2 yrs. Children shouldHave luxuryOfTime 2 play, haveFun, butAlso learn usefulTrades like woodwork, or wiringElectronics. Real world skills…
retardedBooks they make U read like Catcher in the Rye or The Stranger & its focus on existentialism, should B replaced w/books of children's choices. I'm not going 2 be an avid reader thru reading books of non interest. If its something I like, Ill B encouraged 2 do it more.-
life is short, life should be rewarding. Teach kids how 2 learn, how 2 focus. Get their heads in order w/o confusing them @ young age about gender options & sexuality options. Let them B free, let them make most of their lives b4 being expected hard working adults.
Regarding immigration, its been said a lot of those claiming asylum R facing political or financial turmoil in their countries. Rather than influxing all of them 2 the states, the United Nations should send people 2 make it better 2 live in places of origin. #maketheworldbetter
you want jobs that fuel the economy? That big beautiful wall Trump was talking about? Hire people to build one out of stone or bricks and make it into a tourist attraction like Great Wall of China. Start projects that need workers. Provide training to those workers.
Deku ( Deku) from #MyHeroAcademia makes me think how much #anime creators put out, a good number of which has amazing story lines. -
Following in relation 2 Betz Sphere , - something raising lots of conversation decades ago. I post this not b/c of controversial sphere, but b/c of how woman owning sphere denies the government & sets strict terms if they go against her-difference b/w Indian parents & American:
Associated clip: https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749294429620334849?s=20
lady in prev. clip basically tells government 2 f* off. When govt. becomes insistent over whats in possession, she sets terms&has govmt. sign contract-I mean USA people especially from decade ago-feisty!They commandRespect w/govt., as they should, afterall Govt. serves people.-
as it’s…ummm…u know…been at least a decade?! I cannot help but think, unlike lady in last 2 weeks, my parents are letting orchestrators in youth/school/govt/army, just walk all over them…fearful of me, I can’t talk about situation, family can’t talk 2 me, i have no rights.
The company #Seen from Helloseen dot com, makes this amazing hair cream that restores oil to ur hair after shampooing everyday. 1 brush w/ hands, works like hair gel. A second, makes it look natural and full without the hard hair gel feeling. But like everything, $30
My main reason for it? Its noncomedogenic. If I ruffle my hair with hands and then my face, or clap my hands or something random, there's no weird feeling or grease that I'm getting in places.
Associated screenshot: https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749297398726238266?s=20
Next pricy thing? If you shave and keep bleeding, or if soap becomes too much for your face, it could be because you need a barrier repair cream. This one is non oily from La Roche Posay. Great stuff, just wish it was bigger and not $22
A lip firming/hydrating alternative to chapstick, or vaseline (which make people think you're wearing lip gloss)? You go for Clarins Extra-Firming Lip & Contour Balm. How much is this thing that generally lasts 2 months? $50 This lasts between washes of your mouth after eating.
This one is good, and preferred, but it washes off too easily between eating…and it's $95, but it also lasts like 2 months.
"Chanel Smoothing and Firming Lip and Contour Care" https://www.macys.com/shop/product/smoothing-firming-lip-contour-care?ID=13124701
Wanna know how much a replacement head cover costs for an electric shaver? Shaver costs $80 and the foil cover, when torn from frequent use is $25
I have a Nescafé Dolce Gusto pod coffee machine. It’s what’s commonly used in Europe and Asia vs maybe Nespresso, although both are under Nestle. Can get pods and pods for reasonable price. Bought reusable. 2 reusable pods? $50
Associated screenshot: https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749298494454501614?s=20
This manual coffee maker, the aeropress, not even electric. I think it’s $50 and the cover with the spout that outputs coffee better is an extra accessory that costs $25-33
If u’ve seen #Netflix ’s #StrangerThings , u no main character, #El aka #Eleven aka Jane, has thing 4 #Kellogs #Eggo#Waffles . Me? not a fan of their plain/regular waffle. But their Belgian strawberry flavor below?-Amazing. But 4 waffles are $6.- 1 Waffle costs more than a $1.
https://x.com/RennyJi/status/1749300474967204112?s=20 I just went to #ShopRite and came back. Look what I bought on the left (a handful of items). This much costs $51, as you can see from my receipt on the right. All below. #prices #grocery #groceryprices
Four donuts at, from the bakery section at ShopRite? Costs $8.99. Three 8 packs of Gatorade is $19.99, but one pack costs $8.99 … I guess that's a deal…
U realize with frozen pizza being $6+, U might as well have real pizza? or if a movie ticket costs $15 on #Fandango, Y not wait a month more and buy the movie for $19 on #GooglePlay or the #iTunes Store. If ice cream costs $5 at grocery store, why not do #Carvel or #Coldstone ?
FantasticFour sounds like good idea as part of new set of tv series 4 the #CW. I mean for years, we had weekly episodes 2 #Arrow , #TheFlash , #BlackLightning , #Supergirl , #Batgirl , #Stargirl , #SupermanAndLois, #LegendsOfTomorrow…w/o these weeklyUpdates, life feels empty.
on a similar note #HBOMax or #Max (as its called now), should update/replace the #Titans (from Teen Titans), #DoomPatrol, & #Peacemaker with new episodes/or new super hero tv series. There used to be so much to catch up on, on a weekly basis- now nothing…
did anyone else know there is a 9th planet or possibly an additional sun in our solar system? its curious how much more there is, in our own neighborhood, if and when we can see farther than now…
U gotta wonder if situation lasted long b/c of disdain/hesitancy 2 lawsuit,by supposed representatives ofMe. Can it get more public/uglier than this?Maybe cuz spotlight, now, isOnMe. Probably deluding those inMyLife w/clearing this/that. -night/day, orchestrators still criminals
The Avengers ( TheAvengers) with #ChrisEvans , Sebastian Stan ( #SebastianStan ), Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, and of course: Scarlett Johansson (an immaculate name), was a good run-hated how sequels took years…hope #Marvel outputs more w/shorter intervals.
I hope #Nintendo ( Nintendo ) & #Apple come out with their new consoles and VR glasses (respectively) before summer. It’s a hope, for both, as both are much anticipated. #AppleVision #AppleVisionPro
You know a movie will have a good storyline when it has actors like #AliaBhatt or @ameesha_patel … or on the male side: one of the Khans or Hrithik Roshan…
Original Digimon ( #Digimon ), aired on Fox 5, b/w 3-5 PM weekdays as well as Saturday mornings. Warp digivolving? Great idea, but sad digimon couldn’t digivolve. Whatever happened 2 #SaturdayMorningCartoons & b4 school/after school cartoons! Everything stopped coinciding, immediately, after 9/11/01…something happened to broadcasting.
Invincible ( Invincible on Amazon Prime) is an answer to the cartoons of old…we’ve been reusing Superman and Batman stories for at least 50 years. New heroes like Atom Eve and their stories? Great stuff.
Anyone else remember #Nickelodeon ’s Doug ( #Doug )? Classic cartoons for those of us from the 90s … kinda like #Jetsons or #Flintstones . ABC7 had another iteration of Doug on #OneSaturdayMorning. Nickelodeon aired it w/ #StickSticklyWithNickInTheAfternoon
IDontWantToOverreactBUT my reaction is justified and under, with my situation occurring for more than decade, without my say or rights factoring in yet, to finally ending it …
IDontWantToOverreactBUT how is there not a cure 2 hairLoss, 4 men &women? I think a scalp massager increasing circulation in pattern of male pattern baldness&a sourceOf adenosine (insteadOf minoxidil) is or part of answer. Stress/age/badDiets/meds usually decrease circulation.
How many of things we purchase R up-2 standards? #MoreRegulation ?! U spend arm & leg 4 something u’re waiting 4. & then, if it’s delivered from Amazon or wherever, U find out pole holding ur table is bent, making the tabletop crooked…then hassle of returns…#TheBadBatch
When long awaited & just announced ( #JustAnnounced ) movies like a new Thor movie or a Deadpool 3 movie come along, I realize that many more years have passed & I’m that much older. The 1st Iron Man came out when I was starting college. Now close to 40 &The Avengers story ended.
They need to make another #Hulk (Hulk) movie that’s connected with #MarkRuffalo ( Mark Ruffalo ) and The Avengers universe. A better origin story at the very least. They connected the #Xmen ( X-Men ) with one of the #Marvels in ( The Marvels ) movie after its credits…
If nothing else The Rock ( #TheRock ) becoming president would be iconic of the #AmericanDream , kinda like model turned actor turned governor: Arnold Schwarzenegger…from humble beginnings to being a world leader…
If #Pokemon , can have so many iterations, so should #DragonBall . Tie it in with the #multiverse . Ive heard its fans might like #OnePiece  . #CartoonNetwork , #Boomerang , #Nickelodeon need 2 up their game w/ series like #AvatarTheLastAirbender . Use 2 be so much tv-wise…
Margot Robbie … the perfect woman with so much personality … thank you Australia for Margot Robbie and Hugh Jackman (someone to aspire to be like, through a gym session)… Regarding #BestPicture ( Best Picture ), there aren’t a lot of movies, in recent times, like Shawshank Redemption, Argo, or Meet Joe Black. We went from moving movies to still good, but silly? but funny movies like Bullet Train…
Israel deserves 2 livePeacefully w/o worrying over using bomb shelters. News coverage been repetitive there vs. minimalCoverage in #Palestine / #Gaza . W/Israel, its about Kibbutz Be Rei &concert, but after, deprived of electricity/shelter/food, Gazan cities been decimated.-
news doesnt seem 2 cover how many more died in #Palestine vs. #Israel. Bad group of people started fight in Israel. Israel defends self. But while talks shifted 2 rapes&abuse of kids in Israel, 13000+ innocent people died in #Gaza, 2 eradicate 1000 terrorizers.-
Humanitarian efforts need 2 get in #Gaza. How can level of destruction B compared 2 #Israel. & Israel 4 some reason controls electricity in Gaza&they turned it off. Israel is sandwiched b/w Gaza. Needs 2 B reorganizing of territory like Israel against sea,&all Gaza near river.-
this results in anger from #Palestine ian protest groups, but they need better discretion 2 when & where protests held…like shouldn’t go to Rockefeller center @ tree lighting. #Israel has right mentality of organizing concerts & speeches, at least from perspective of media.
By being overlyAware of gender pronouns&being politicallyPolite inAll otherRegards, I think we, asPeople, drain our tiredMinds on prioritizingOur limitedAttention 2 forgivableThings vs our jobs&responsibilities. Heard teacher gotFired @ Fordham 4 mixingNames of 2 black students. I think minimum age 4 becoming President is 35. Idea is let person get some life experience. If there is a minimum age, why isn’t there a maximum age? I’ve heard 1st impression is best impression. Imagine predicting biases building over time. Invites idea of fresh perspective.-
but b/w #Trump & #Biden , though close 2 each others age, Trump definitely has more energy, a stronger voice, more pronounced movements when walking around…we need more active and mentally sharp people leading as well as carrying us (wrt non explicit leaders), whoever they R.
DarciLynne ( Darcy Lynne ) from #AGT ( #AmericasGotTalent ) should be encouraged for progressing from ventriloquism to new highs for that golden voice, like singing. She’s clearly talented and should be singing in higher notes.
So they cut off razor wire in relation 2 border control…Im sure there are other work arounds 4 whatever justification they projected. On tv, u see asylum seekers say Thank you Joe Biden. I think they also get ability 2 vote. Is this some elaborate plan to get more supporters?-
inRelation 2PastTweet, I think most people have RepublicanValues but its less cool 2B whats associated w/elderly caucasians or seeminglyHighMorals.-
Like when myParents emigrated here, they were of impression Democrats r “4 the people” Or average person, probably because the word Democrat alludes to that. But their values seem synonymous w/Republicans.
Barbie is a fun movie with mature characters like Margot Robbie and Ryan Gossling. It gives the same casual feel good sense like probably darker, but amusing Bullet Train movie with Brad Pitt.
So it’s ( National Pie Day) #NationalPieDay . #KrispyKreme donuts or donuts in general, and warm, as well as cold, apple pies fit every mood. Like there’s a mood or a day to chips and danishes, but donuts and pies are all day every day.
NewHampshirePrimary in #NewHampshire ( New Hampshire ) is going to decide as the clincher or game changer between #Nikki and #Trump … #HistoricMoments
U gotta wonder if situation lasted long b/c of disdain/hesitancy 2 lawsuit,by supposed representatives ofMe. Can it get more public/uglier than this?Maybe cuz spotlight, now, isOnMe. Probably deluding those inMyLife w/clearing this/that. -night/day, orchestrators still criminals
The sequel to Spider-Man: Across The Spider-verse ( #AcrossTheSpiderverse ) or volume/chapter2 , had the let-down ending of having 2 wait till volume/chapter3(very next sequel) 2 know how story ends. It sucks b/c thats at least another year, another year of getting older.
Anyone else notice, in like, the 2nd #Aquaman movie, or #BrothersSun on #Netflix , older siblings tend to be heavier/beefier, more loose, maybe more likely to have facial hair, than their depicted younger siblings?
So Im hearing in news a hint 2 school attendance. On college level, I remember people skipping classes b/c lectures were just too theoretical/ReadingsNotSimplified…it’s not like #LessonsInChemistry or #Oppenheimer where students learning/“debating” concepts w/worldClassFaculty.
Another #BestPicture ( Best Picture ) type movie is #TheAdjustmentBureau with EmilyBlunt ( Emily Blunt ) and Matt Damon , as well as #TheMartian (meaning filled/moving movies) . The Adjustment Bureau is a great #LoveStory with some magic & determination.
Last #FamilyGuy of 2023 made valid point. Cable TV is not dead-it’s still good 4 tuning in2, at end of long day, where U watch what’s on, whether or not it’s reruns of #ILoveLucy / #IndianaJones / #TombRaider / #StarWars ( Star Wars ). Takes away hassle ofSearching 4 something. . More than decade ago, after telling my suspicions 2 an FBI office and UAlbany officials in Albany, Probably w/hope Ill write, I got directed 2 unlimited complaint form: the IC3. 1st few updates: my suspicion, then a self bio so I’m not on FBIs radar, the rest? Just to get info.-
-when I wroteOn, ages ago, an unlimited IC3 form,Id write&look from atop aHill my apt. was on. Theyre able 2 see enough 2want2 lookUp,while looking@ phone. SameReaction in oldHouse atopHill, behind woods& parkingLot. That input/sounds/“vicinitySpeaking”/themes all paint a pic.-
while writing on IC3 complaint form, no one was acknowledging my situation to me. I don’t want to be on FBIs radar (who on earth does?) from input received, I wrote a short philosophy/parable conveying my point, hoping gist would be delivered and problem end.-
on IC3 complaint form, which last time checked is now only 3 updates vs unlimited, I kept saying I want attention of intended recipient of form, my apologies for troubling them, and please tell family/me what’s going on. Never happened.-
IC3 word soup complaint form, from ages ago (sorry if U tried 2 decipher it/but then no 1 understands intent or talking 2 me), was clarified as such, & a streamlined version, was sent as a series of crime tips (as 1 update per web page submission ), identified as such, 2 FBI.-
-when I submitted crime tips on FBI crime tip page, I submitted times/dates/call records/IC3explanation&usernames…& emailed all of it in a Word Doc 2 FBI after walking 2 federal plaza location-if memory serves me right-on visit. orchestrators should have email @ least I also called the Department of Defense, and it may sound funny, but I got their answering machine, and left a message. I complained to the Federal Trade Commission over hacked communications. I complained to the CIA, who investigate the FBI, when they're not investigating. I sent two complaints to the Attorney General, but on one occasion, got a letter saying I should contact a Pro Bono Lawyer. If the NY Attorney General isn't going to acknowledge my situation, why would someone working for free do it? I complained to the FCC. The Federal FAFSA site used to display social security numbers, without asterisks/plainly, while I think something is showing my computer screen contents as part of a show for other people. I contacted the SUNY system about what was happening at SUNY Albany and they kept redirecting me to the VPs at SUNY Albany, who put me on disciplinary probation and threatened that I cannot talk about my situation.
0 notes
bitdemonic · 9 months
hey, id like to participate in your tarot game, it seems so fun!
id like to choose two (sex on the beach) and six (devil’s breath)
my initials are HJM, im 19, and my big three are pisces sun, cancer rising, and cancer moon. thank you so much, i appreciate the time and energy u put into this <3
hi sweets! tysm for playing, i appreciate your kind words and patience so so much🤗
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no. 2🍹 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐜
🃏the hanged man. 4os. 3op↺. kingowands. 8os↺. balance↺. rejection. peace.
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this dynamic def has a “leader” and a “follower”, in sexual terms this would translate as a sub and a dom (submissive, dominant). it feels authoritative or demanding, very “ass up face down” vibes lmao it’s actually very hot. this feels like bdsm, or incorporating bondage and blindfolds—sensory deprivation is significant, but it’ll be an every day thing opposed to only when y’all are in the mood to. i do sense some uncertainty around the idea, potentially on your side more than your partner? it feels unsettling, but only because it’s outside of what you’re used to in the bedroom. if you’ve ever watched fifty shades of grey, this energy feels like ana’s initial reaction towards the red room contract.
it’s going to throw you through a loop just because of how in your face it’ll be; you’re used to things going slow or at a pace that you can ease in to but this person operates at lightning (eh) speed. i can see you going ghost for a few days, maybe even cutting contact off for a week or two—overwhelm will get the best of you and you’ll feel suffocated. it’s more anxiety than it is being trapped where you don’t want to be, but i see your partner being patient and using that as a guide to calm your fret. after the nerves subside you’ll be all in and open for them (woah lmao), i can even feel you anticipating this after a long day of whatever. it’s fun and inviting, y’all will even set up the room or “energy” together (sub initiating foreplay or asking for it, decorating the bedroom, going out and having “moments” before the actual act etc.). it’s something that you treat as an actual treat, you’re excited for the taste because it’s always so good.
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no. 6🍷 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐥 & 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲
🃏 4ow. 8os. 5op↺. 6os. 7oc. strength. disruption. hunger↺.
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tbh it was hard to pinpoint what or where your energy stems from, especially before i listened to the channeled song; it definitely feels like you’ll have to trust or be very emotionally invested in the connection (person) before tapping into your sexual side. it doesn’t have to be 100% trust (although it should be bae), but you’ll have to feel comfortable and safe around them for sure; this gives off friends or close acquaintances. i can see that you’re a boss in these situations; knowing who the person is gives you leverage and it instills this confidence of getting something done. imagine yourself in high heels (or f**k me pumps) and strutting down a hall full of men and women that want you—want to be you even. commanding their attention and keeping it with each step, never giving their eyes a chance to leave or watch anything else.
your energy definitely corresponds with the song; the upbeat tempo combined with the instruction in the lyrics make up who you become in a sexual light. “i’ll take the lead, i got the energy.” once you’re certain of what it is that you’re doing or feeling (confidence, attractive, determined etc) it’s not hard to control whatever circumstance is in the room. i see your prescthis translates into getting on top or telling someone what to do with it; making them lick here or kiss there. to anyone else there’s steps that go into becoming that bold, but for you it’s natural—it’s not a challenge to become a force in the bedroom, it’s all about letting it happen. i can see this coming out of things catered to yourself like; pampering or spoiling, taking cute pictures or posting them, sunbathing in the grass, even doing shadow work or inner healing.
1 note · View note
in-another-april · 10 months
hii! I was wondering if you could write something where Spencer’s all scared because the reader got shot on a case, and then she wakes up in the hospital-..? Oh, and they’re dating! (Lol sorry does this make sense? I love your writing btw <3!)
─ worry | s.r
summary/prompt + genre - spencer worries after reader gets injured in the field | angst with a happy ending
warnings - canon typical violence (gunshots, mentions of murder but nothing too graphic), hospitals, and lots self deprecation
wc - 1,220
notes - thank you so much!! im sorry it ended up being like 90% spencer worrying instead of actually interacting with the reader but i really hope you enjoy nonetheless!
The amount of time Spencer has spent in the waiting room with the team is unclear to him. It feels as though it’s been days of sitting on the painfully uncomfortable plastic chairs, enveloped in the nauseating smell of bleach with his pulse still beating heavily in his ears, effectively drowning out any other sound. He tries to distract himself with thoughts of you: of the breakfast you two had shared just this morning, of the excited gasp you let out as the radio started playing one of your favorite songs on the drive to work, of the way you smiled at him when he opened the door to the local police department for you, but it was no use. His mind kept reverting back to the idea of those moments being the last he’d ever get to spend with you, the anxiety settled in the pit of his stomach growing larger with each minute you spent on the operating table.
At first, the case seemed to have wrapped up perfectly, the profile leading you straight to the unsub who was killing substitutes for his ex-wife. It appeared to be a job well done after he was taken into custody, and you had offered to accompany the ex-wife back home in hopes of easing her anxiety after everything that had happened. You assured Spencer you would be fine going by yourself; it was only a few minutes away and given the criminal being locked in a holding cell, there wasn’t any chance of danger. At least, that’s what you all thought.
The unsub had a partner, helping him clean up his crimes and evade the police for as long as he did. He followed you to the house, holding both of you at gunpoint and calling the police with his threats that no one would be leaving the house alive if his partner wasn’t released. You managed to help the wife escape as he was clearly inexperienced and panicking, distracted with screaming into the phone, but you weren’t as lucky: taking two shots to the abdomen before he was shot by the local police. Spencer practically tripped over himself multiple times as he rushed to you, having to be held back so he wouldn’t get in the way of the medics frantically tending to you.
The ride in the ambulance was a nightmarish blur, the ringing in his ears overpowering any other stimuli, which now left him here, terrified in the waiting room with the team yet still alone with his thoughts. He should’ve been there for you.
He knows it’s illogical, that the partner’s existence was nothing anyone could’ve expected. Hostage situations are extremely unpredictable, having the potential to end in so many ways, but he didn’t entertain the thought of this outcome long enough to be prepared for it. He should’ve been prepared for this. At least that’s what he tells himself, well aware that you’d simply hate him thinking that way, but in his mind, it’s the truth. He’s sure there’s something, anything he could’ve done to prevent this, what good are his profiling skills and IQ of 187 if not? What’s the point of being a genius if he can’t help you, if he can’t be there for you when you need him?
“Hey, kid.” Morgan spoke with uncharacteristic hesitance, taking the seat next to him. His hand reached out to pat Spencer’s bouncing knee, snapping him out of his spiraling haze of self-deprecation.
Spencer blinks as his eyes finally move from the single spot they had been trained on the whole time, stare practically burning a whole in the vinyl of the floor. He winces at the intense lighting, fluorescent lights shining so bright he’s sure they could direct maritime pilots with ease, giving him a headache that’s pain is only further emphasized by his worry for you. He glances at Derek, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He’s not in the mood for conversation, but with the persistence of his team, he knows he doesn’t have much of a choice.
“You can’t blame yourself for this, Reid.” Morgan started, not missing the incredulous look flashing onto Spencer’s features as he picks at his cuticles, eyes glued to his lap. “There’s no way you could’ve known. Oversights happen, profiles aren’t always accurate. You did the best you could with the information we had.”
“This isn’t an oversight.” Spencer’s tone is harsh as he shakes his head, his frustration directed inward yet still spilling out onto others, only making him feel worse about himself. “I should’ve figured it out sooner, I should have gone with her.” He rambles, incessantly rubbing his eyes, red from crying and exhaustion. “If anything happens to her… I just- I can’t,” He doesn’t bother finishing, grateful for the tissue offered to him as fresh tears well in his eyes.
Morgan opens his mouth to say something, only to be interrupted by the doctor calling out your name into the waiting room. Everyone shoots up, expectant and hopeful glances given to the doctor, who grants their silent pleas for good news as he explains your stable condition. Upon hearing you’re alive and safe, Spencer feels like he can breathe again, all the fear and anxiety being expelled from his body as his mind sets itself on its new objective: being with you. Almost as though he read his mind, the doctor explains its for the best if you only see one visitor, still fragile in the earliest stages of recovery. Spencer feels the team’s eyes set on him as he stands up, hot on the doctor’s heels as he follows him to your room.
He pulls a chair as close to your bed as possible, between watching your chest rise and fall with your steady breaths and carefully observing your heart monitor, Spencer does everything he can to cement the idea of you being okay into his stubborn mind. You wake a few hours later, and it takes everything in him not to pounce onto you with a bone-crushing hug, his fear of hurting you overpowering his instinctual need to be close to you.
“Hey,” He feels stupid for not being able to say anything else, a tearful smile plastered on his face as he reaches for your hand, intertwining them as carefully as he can.
Your eyes dart around the room, completely disoriented and exhausted despite being unconscious for all that time. Your gaze finally meets his with a smile of your own, squeezing his hand in yours. “Hey.” You reply back, too out of it to do anything other than match his greeting.
“Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything? Should I go get the doctor?” He quickly starts his fretting once he’s passed the initial shock, moving to stand up before you stop him.
Looking up at him with tired, never-ending affection, you whisper, “It’s okay. Just stay with me for a bit, please?”
He lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, leaning over to press a line of featherlight kisses on your forehead before he settles back into his chair, the mix of love, worry, and pure relief in the air almost palpable. It’s okay. He repeats to himself, brushing his thumb across your palm. It was okay, everything was okay because he had you.
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