#if i focus on familial relationships and gang parts... it was a v good show <3
yohankang · 1 year
so i finished giri/haji.... the first half was amazing, the second half i liked less 😔 but still, i enjoyed it a lot!!!
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blu-joons · 3 years
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His height meant Changmin was a great hugger with you. He’d bundle you tightly in his arms and make you feel tiny against his chest. He’d always rest over you and make sure that he emphasised the height difference between you both too.
You ended up dropping your bag as you were walking one afternoon when a figure knelt down to help pick up your items. When you came face to face with Changmin, your stomach instantly dropped as you were drawn to his smile and his eyes. He quickly introduced yourself as you thanked him for helping you out.
It took quite a while for Changmin to feel confident enough to confess to you, he knew he had to be sure that you were happy and willing to take on his crazy world and do it with a smile on your face. He was at an age where if he started a relationship, he was in it for the long run, so it was only when he was sure that he could see a future with you as well, did he finally decide the time was right to confess to you.
Changmin’s a huge movie buff, and so many of your dates will often involve films. Some nights the two of you will head to the movies with far too much popcorn in your hands to watch the new release that has just come out. Other times you’ll lay in bed and watch a movie once he comes home from his schedule to help the two of you wind down before bed. But your favourite time with movies is when the two of you have days off, making yourselves comfortable in the living room and having a marathon of all your favourites.
Being so focused on his career for so many years, Changmin had very little experience when it came to dating, although he loved to tell you about his scandal with Minho all the time. When he first told you about how the media mistook Minho for a girl in his company at Yunho’s solo concert, you definitely saw the funny side. Even now, you often reminded Changmin that he’d made a girl, Minho, very happy before and so there was no doubt in your mind that he was also going to make you a very happy girl too.
Changmin is very much like a ticking time bomb when it comes to arguments, he doesn’t get mad often, he’s usually very good at holding his temper and biting his tongue. However, as his frustrations begin to build and his tongue swells from how long he’s bitten down on it, he’ll eventually find himself keeping up a storm and letting go of all of his frustrations. It’s definitely a shock to you when his temper finally blows, but you can only sit back and let him get everything off his chest. Once he’s done, and calm, he’ll apologise of course, and promise to try and keep himself better composed the next time you argue.
Introducing you to his two sisters spelt out trouble for Changmin, the three of you often ganged up on him and bonded over all of the stories that you had to share about him. Whilst Changmin loved that you three got on so well, he definitely didn’t enjoy being embarrassed by the three of you time and time again.
He was quite keen to move you into his home after a few months in your relationship. Whilst he liked his own space and his apartment, he would never say no to having someone else there to enjoy the space with him. He made several changes to his apartment too to make sure that it felt like your home as well.
Changmin was the first one of the two of you to say, ‘I love you,’ after you surprised him at a TVXQ show. He was overwhelmed to say the least to see you stood before him that the words came from his mouth before he even had chance to think. You were surprised momentarily, before assuring him that you felt the same.
When he was younger Changmin would have probably got jealous, but as he’d got older and matured, jealousy is a feeling he fails to feel anymore. He trusts you and those around you, knowing that you’d never do anything to make him jealous anyway. He’s adult enough too that it he does feel himself getting jealous, then he’ll talk it out with you. There are times when he’s most definitely protective of you, but he definitely wouldn’t stretch as far to say that it’s jealousy, because he knows full well that you can handle yourself too.
Changmin definitely sees himself having a future with you, otherwise he would’ve never started your relationship. Whilst he doesn’t want to rush things too much, he’s open and honest with you about the fact that he sees children in his future. He wants to be the family man, even if he’s an idol, despite the stereotypes around it, he fails to see why he can’t live out both of his dreams and do it to the best of his ability.
Whilst he’s not someone loud and outlandish, Changmin still tries to be a big enough character to make sure that the smile is on your face. You know that he’s not someone that feels the need to try desperately hard to be funny, so instead you learn to laugh and love with the many other fascinating qualities that Changmin has instead. You appreciate his kindness and how much he cares for you a lot more than you focus on his ability to make you laugh. Regardless of how funny he may or not be, you always have a smile on your face whenever you’re in his company, and that��s what is most important to you both.
Despite the many years he’s spent touring the world, missing the one that he loves really does take it out of Changmin. He’s someone that doesn’t want others to see him sad, so he’ll often head back to his hotel room whenever he can feel himself beginning to miss you and get through it alone. Yunho had definitely learnt over the years too how to help Changmin deal with the feeling of missing you. Whilst he can often tell when Changmin has been getting teary, he’ll try not to show it, and so Yunho won’t bring it up. He’ll simply try his hardest to make Changmin smile and distract him from you as best as he can.
He loves nicknames that he’s heard in the movies, things like ‘darling,’ which are repeated again and again are his favourite nicknames for you. Anything he knows will make you smile is good as far as Changmin is concerned.
Changmin is obsessed with your huge heart, he loves feeling loved, but most of all, he loves the kindness and the care that you have for him, always.
P ⇴ PDA 
The biggest thing for Changmin is that you’re safe with him, so his affection in public will usually be to make sure that you feel happy at his side. He’s spent many years in the public eye, he knows how things can be, so no matter the situation, he’s always on top of things and making sure you’re protected under his touch.
He loved to get deep with you and ask you pressing questions of the worlds. He had a lot of thoughts that he’d share with you, but he’d love to hear all of your thoughts too on all of the random things of the world.
You very much ended up as the fourth part of his drinking trio with Minho and Kyuhyun, they loved inviting you out to their drinking events with them and try to get you as drunk as possible. Whilst Changmin would be a little bit more careful, the other two could constantly pass you soju bottles, knowing full well that if you got too drunk that it would be Changmin looking after you and they didn’t have to worry about a thing.
S ⇴ SEX 
The number one priority as far as Changmin is concerned is always you. He’s full of love and passion when it comes to you and making sure that you feel loved by him too. He takes his time with you, he’s never one to rush into anything, paying close attention to small details and little things that he knows you like. If there’s one thing that can be guaranteed with Changmin, it’s that he always leaves you feeling on top of the world.
He would get in contact with you often, but Changmin much preferred to call than text you. The sound of your voice was comforting, and he could also tell how you were really doing by the tone of your voice rather than just a text.
The thing that Changmin always valued the most from being with you was the support that you always gave him. You never once complained, but instead you were the first one there to cheer him on in anything that he did.
Whenever he went on tour, Changmin always made sure to note down his favourite places so that he could take you there one day and show you around some new cities. So, when he finally got the chance to take you away, he made sure to revisit the places he knew you’d adore and create plenty of memories with you.
Changmin was far too mature to whine if he wanted something, he was patient with you and always obliging to wait for your time.
His favourite spot to kiss was always against the top of your head, Changmin loved to use his height to his advantage when he was kissing you. If he wasn’t snatching against your forehead, then he’d be leaning down and pressing a kiss against your cheek. He loves making it difficult for you to kiss him, nothing makes him happier than knowing you’re up on your tiptoes just so that you’re at the height to be able to kiss him.
Y ⇴ YOU 
You were his best friend, the one person that he always wanted to be around.
Z ⇴ ZZZ 
Most nights you end up falling asleep listening to Changmin sleep talk beside you. Whilst he’ll often argue otherwise, you lay up and listen closely, making sure to record it when you can so he has no room for argument the following morning when you’re exhausted.
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richincolor · 3 years
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New Releases
A whole slew of books coming out this week, many we've been looking forward to for a while. I can't wait to add some of these to my TBR pile.
Perfectly Parvin (Perfectly Parvin #1) by Olivia Abtahi G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers
Parvin has just had her heart broken when she meets the cutest boy at her new high school, Matty Fumero–with an emphasis on fumero, because he might be the smoking hot cure to all of her boy troubles. If Parvin can get Matty to ask her to homecoming, she’s positive it will erase all the awful and embarrassing feelings He Who Will Not Be Named left her with after the summer. The only problem is Matty is definitely too cool for bassoon-playing, frizzy-haired, Cheeto-eating Parvin. Since being herself has not worked for her in the past (see aforementioned relationship), she decides that to be the girl who finally gets the guy, she should start acting like the women in her favorite rom-coms. Those girls aren’t loud, they certainly don’t cackle when they laugh, and they smile much more than they talk. Easy enough, right?
But as Parvin struggles through her parent-mandated Farsi lessons on the weekends, a budding friendship with a boy she can’t help but be her unfiltered self with, and dealing with the ramifications of the Muslim Ban on her family in Iran, she realizes that being herself might just be the perfect thing after all.
The Marvelous Mirza Girls by Sheba Karim Quill Tree Books
To cure her post–senior year slump, made worse by the loss of her aunt Sonia, Noreen is ready to follow her mom on a gap year trip to New Delhi, hoping India can lessen her grief and bring her voice back.
In the world’s most polluted city, Noreen soon meets kind, handsome Kabir, who introduces her to the wonders of this magical, complicated place. With Kabir’s help—plus Bollywood celebrities, fourteenth-century ruins, karaoke parties, and Sufi saints—Noreen begins to rediscover her joyful voice.
But when a family scandal erupts, Noreen and Kabir must face complicated questions in their own relationship: What does it mean to truly stand by someone—and what are the boundaries of love?
Check out Crystal's Review: The Marvelous Mirza Girls
Made in Korea by Sarah Suk Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
There’s nothing Valerie Kwon loves more than making a good sale. Together with her cousin Charlie, they run V&C K-BEAUTY, their school’s most successful student-run enterprise. With each sale, Valerie gets closer to taking her beloved and adventurous halmeoni to her dream city, Paris.
Enter the new kid in class, Wes Jung, who is determined to pursue music after graduation despite his parents’ major disapproval. When his classmates clamor to buy the K-pop branded beauty products his mom gave him to “make new friends,” he sees an opportunity—one that may be the key to help him pay for the music school tuition he knows his parents won’t cover…
What he doesn’t realize, though, is that he is now V&C K-BEAUTY’s biggest competitor.
Stakes are high as Valerie and Wes try to outsell each other, make the most money, and take the throne for the best business in school—all while trying to resist the undeniable spark that’s crackling between them. From hiring spies to all-or-nothing bets, the competition is much more than either of them bargained for.
But one thing is clear: only one Korean business can come out on top.
Tokyo Ever After by Emiko Jean Flatiron Books
Izumi Tanaka has never really felt like she fit in—it isn’t easy being Japanese American in her small, mostly white, northern California town. Raised by a single mother, it’s always been Izumi—or Izzy, because “It’s easier this way”—and her mom against the world. But then Izzy discovers a clue to her previously unknown father’s identity…and he’s none other than the Crown Prince of Japan. Which means outspoken, irreverent Izzy is literally a princess.
In a whirlwind, Izzy travels to Japan to meet the father she never knew and discover the country she always dreamed of. But being a princess isn’t all ball gowns and tiaras. There are conniving cousins, a hungry press, a scowling but handsome bodyguard who just might be her soulmate, and thousands of years of tradition and customs to learn practically overnight.
Izzy soon finds herself caught between worlds, and between versions of herself—back home, she was never “American” enough, and in Japan, she must prove she’s “Japanese” enough. Will Izumi crumble under the weight of the crown, or will she live out her fairytale, happily ever after?
On the Hook by Francisco X. Stork Scholastic Press
Hector has always minded his own business, working hard to make his way to a better life someday. He’s the chess team champion, helps the family with his job at the grocery, and teaches his little sister to shoot hoops overhand.
Until Joey singles him out. Joey, whose older brother, Chavo, is head of the Discípulos gang, tells Hector that he’s going to kill him: maybe not today, or tomorrow, but someday. And Hector, frozen with fear, does nothing. From that day forward, Hector’s death is hanging over his head every time he leaves the house. He tries to fade into the shadows – to drop off Joey’s radar – to become no one.
But when a fight between Chavo and Hector’s brother Fili escalates, Hector is left with no choice but to take a stand.
The violent confrontation will take Hector places he never expected, including a reform school where he has to live side-by-side with his enemy, Joey. It’s up to Hector to choose whether he’s going to lose himself to revenge or get back to the hard work of living.
Enduring Freedom by Jawad Arash & Trent Reedy Algonquin Young Readers
On September 11, 2001, the lives of two boys on opposite sides of the world are changed in an instant.
Baheer, a studious Afghan teen, sees his family’s life turned upside down when they lose their livelihood as war rocks the country.
A world away, Joe, a young American army private, has to put aside his dreams of becoming a journalist when he’s shipped out to Afghanistan.
When Joe’s unit arrives in Baheer’s town, Baheer is wary of the Americans, but sees an opportunity: Not only can he practice his English with the soldiers, his family can make money delivering their supplies. At first, Joe doesn’t trust Baheer, or any of the locals, but Baheer keeps showing up. As Joe and Baheer get to know each other, to see each other as individuals, they realize they have a lot more in common than they ever could have realized. But can they get past the deep differences in their lives and beliefs to become true friends and allies?
Off the Record by Camryn Garrett Knopf Books for Young Readers
Ever since seventeen-year-old Josie Wright can remember, writing has been her identity, the thing that grounds her when everything else is a garbage fire. So when she wins a contest to write a celebrity profile for Deep Focus magazine, she’s equal parts excited and scared, but also ready. She’s got this.
Soon Josie is jetting off on a multi-city tour, rubbing elbows with sparkly celebrities, frenetic handlers, stone-faced producers, and eccentric stylists. She even finds herself catching feelings for the subject of her profile, dazzling young newcomer Marius Canet. Josie’s world is expanding so rapidly, she doesn’t know whether she’s flying or falling. But when a young actress lets her in on a terrible secret, the answer is clear: she’s in over her head.
One woman’s account leads to another and another. Josie wants to expose the man responsible, but she’s reluctant to speak up, unsure if this is her story to tell. What if she lets down the women who have entrusted her with their stories? What if this ends her writing career before it even begins? There are so many reasons not to go ahead, but if Josie doesn’t step up, who will?
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ser-pea-nt · 5 years
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☆゚*・゚┊Jordan Connor, He/Him + age (21), cis-male┊❝ isn’t « Sweet pea » totally tubular looking? they seriously remind me of a character from « riverdale ». i started seeing them at « Palace Arcade » a few « days » ago, humming to the tune of « Nocturnal Me + Echo and the Bunnymen » when they think no one’s looking. also, they’re like totally known as the « hothead » of town, so i’d keep my eye on them. seriously. ❞
tw: victim of war death, alcohol and drug abuse
Name: Sweet pea
Age: 17
Place of birth: Riverdale, USA
Spoken languages: English, very little Chinese (spoken by his grandmother who lives in China and used to be close with Sweet pea)
Sexual orientation: heterosexual
Occupation: Part time as a mechanic at a Southside garage, Serpent ‘run boy’
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6′4″
Scars: minor scars from fights or working on his motorcycle or truck, fell off a roof once as a dare and had a scar along his back from the fall
Tattoos: Serpent tattoo on left side of neck, pointed thumb rings on both hands, wolf head tattoo on calf (about the size of his serpent tattoo)
Color: sky blue or burnt orange
Entertainment: Reading, going to the bar, playing pools and darts (hes very competitive), going to the drive-in, hanging around the Serpents
Pastime: reading, listening to music, drawing
Drink: water, rum and coke, black coffee
{{BEFORE THE PARALLEL SWITCH: season 2-season 3 of Riverdale}} 
Tw: drug and alcohol abuse, toxic parental relationships
➤ So, here is the tall glass of Serpent water! Sweet pea is the fighter of the younger Serpents and pretty much does anything he can to revolve his life around them proving he is completely loyal to them and his closest friends. ➤ We don’t know anything about the Serpents in season one besides maybe someone bringing up they are thugs who do crime on the other side of the tracks. But obviously that is not the case the more they are introduced. But I am going to work on what little we have with Sweet pea and add in a few things of my own that I think make him more interesting.
➤Sweet pea was born a Southsider and shows that is his legacy, he hates the Northside (more so in the beginning before Jughead joined in season 2) because they resent the Serpents and consider all of them thugs and miscreants, sure, it’s a bit of a contradiction and he doesn’t give some of the more understanding Northsiders a chance but they haven’t shown him any reason too… not yet at least.
-From what we are given, he lives in a small trailer alone and has no parents around. I would guess from abuse or just mistreatment. His father was heavy on the bottle but when he was a kid he went off to war with FP Jones so get better chances on money, the only thing is he died at war leaving Sweet pea and his mother alone and due to this his mother slipped into drug abuse leaving Sweet pea 100% dependent on himself; at least until FP took him under his wing and introduced him to the Serpents a few years back and this is where he found his true family and he became devoted to them and willing to do any job or task they need of the boy while he also gets himself in dumb situations with his friends.
➤Sweet pea has been shown being both a total brute; fighting ghoulies and Northsiders whenever he can, standing up for the Southsiders when they were being pulled under the bus, or just destroying property when he gets angry; he solves justice physically and irrationally which is not always smart but he feels he’s only good for his strength. Sweets has a lot of problems seeing good in himself even though there is more love in him than anyone will ever know he just shows it differently. Instead of being emotional and letting his feelings out the boy is extremely protective and quick to react to violence if the people he loves are threatened.
- Sweet pea has always had it hard when making friends. Of course, the younger Serpents hang out with him but his intimidating personality and hard to scratch surface doesn’t let many people in. H O W E V E R, there are two Serpents that literally means more than the world to him. Toni Topaz: Sweets met her first, in kindergarten and the two have barely been seen apart. This girl has been through every dark corner sweet pea has ever been in and when he says he can’t live without her he means it. They consider each other their soul mates. She is his calm, when he’s about to explode all it takes is one word from Toni and he instantly steps back. She really is the love of sweet pea’s life.   Then there is Fangs Fogarty: he is the second person in sweet pea’s life that sweet pea let in and will never let go of. Sweets knows Fangs can always protect himself but that doesn’t stop pea from doing it too. Fangs is the softest one in the trio and pea treats him like a brother often doing wild and reckless things as long as toni isn’t there to knock some sense into them or patch up their wounds when they hurt themselves. If there ever was a poor fool to mess with fangs or Toni they saw hell in sweets’ eyes and would pay for it.
-We’ve recently seen the softer side of Sweet pea though, when he has shown he wants to be in a real relationship, his love for Fangs and Toni, and the fact he wants to see the Serpents strong. I have the idea that due to experiencing abuse and thinking he was alone he stands up for anyone who is in a bad position and will give the clothes on his back to anyone who needs his help.
➤It’s not canon but from the way he is shown to always be in the front line of the younger Serpents I always imagined he wants to be able to climb the Serpent ladder and be a big leader of the gang at some point which is going to really be his main focus in life until more plots come, while he will always remain loyal to the people who have never done him wrong. There is nothing that can make him stray from the serpents.
➤For extra money to pay the bills for his parent’s trailer Sweet pea runs product for the Serpents. He is young so he is usually seen at parties and any thing that is directed toward teenagers who need a fix. This is the only reason he goes to these events because he really doesn’t do the whole big group scene. Over the summer he has picked up some hours at the local garage as a mechanic. He knows a lot about cars and is always finding scrap pieces to keep his old truck running. He has a motorcycle as well but his truck serves him better unless he is trying to show off.
➤He despises the Northside; not only because more than half the town only believe the lies they have been told but because every Northsider is better off than anyone from the Southside and even the people who claim they don’t mind the Southside not one of them has ever tried to help out to make the place Sweets calls home a better place.
➤After finding himself in Hawkins he’s only confused. He has only been around for a few days so he is really just trying to wrap his head around this whole thing. Yah boy has never really left the Riverdale/Greendale area so imagine how he feels in a place that doesn’t even exist in his world or time even. 
➤ So, his background with his parents is the same but now he’s just been abandoned by his mother but instead of being stuck on the Southside in Sunny side trailer park he is in the Hawkins parallel version of the southside which is the outskirts in the trailer park by the Junkyard. He is still in the Serpents and not much has changed with him disliking most of the people who live in Hawkins and are more privileged than him. 
➤ He was lucky and had a good amount of cash to get him through the week at the Hawkins junkyard trailer park but hes running low on funds and might need a place to crash and a job. So far he’s really interested in the Arcade, he loved the nostalgic (lol not so nostalgic) games and figures it will pay enough to scrape by. He is more than used to doing it at Sunny Side trailer park. 
➤ Find Pea scarfing down a burger at Benny’s but something in him feel like something is missing. He sometimes thinks that he needs a milkshake to take it down with... but nothing ever suits his tastes. Is this the parallel pull he feels making him crave the all famous Pop’s burgers and shakes? probably. This is where pea goes when he feels homesick. Benny’s never fully helps but for some reason it’s the only place he feels a bit closer to what his body has been screaming for Riverdale food. 
[[ I’m open for all plots and connections so please, if you want to do something fun with my baby DM me (here or discord) and we can figure something out! Or just chat! I promise I don’t bite lol ]]
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sweerpeant · 5 years
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SEVENTEEN, SWEET PEA is a (Student) residing in the (SOUTHSIDE). The (cismale) is well known for their +LOYAL, and +INDEPENDENT personality. The only downfall is that they’re also well known to be -MISUNDERSTOOD, and -ERUPTIVE. We are told they look very similar to JORDAN CONNOR.
tw: victim of war death, alcohol and drug abuse
Name: Sweet pea
Age: 17
Place of birth: Riverdale, USA
Spoken languages: English, very little Chinese (spoken by his grandmother who lives in China and used to be close with Sweet pea)
Sexual orientation: heterosexual
Occupation: Part time as a mechanic at a Southside garage, Serpent ‘run boy’
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6′4″
Scars: minor scars from fights or working on his motorcycle or truck, fell off a roof once as a dare and had a scar along his back from the fall
Tattoos: Serpent tattoo on left side of neck, pointed thumb rings on both hands, wolf head tattoo on calf (about the size of his serpent tattoo) 
Color: sky blue or burnt orange
Entertainment: Reading, going to the bar, playing pools and darts (hes very competitive), going to the drive-in, hanging around the Serpents
Pastime: reading, listening to music, drawing
Drink: water, rum and coke, black coffee
Tw: drug and alcohol abuse, toxic parental relationships
➤ So, here is the tall glass of Serpent water! Sweet pea is the fighter of the younger Serpents and pretty much does anything he can to revolve his life around them proving he is completely loyal to them and his closest friends. ➤ We don’t know anything about the Serpents in season one besides maybe someone bringing up they are thugs who do crime on the other side of the tracks. But obviously that is not the case the more they are introduced. But I am going to work on what little we have with Sweet pea and add in a few things of my own that I think make him more interesting.
➤Sweet pea was born a Southsider and shows that is his legacy, he hates the Northside (more so in the beginning before Jughead joined in season 2) because they resent the Serpents and consider all of them thugs and miscreants, sure, it’s a bit of a contradiction and he doesn’t give some of the more understanding Northsiders a chance but they haven’t shown him any reason too… not yet at least.
-From what we are given, he lives in a small trailer alone and has no parents around. I would guess from abuse or just mistreatment. His father was heavy on the bottle but when he was a kid he went off to war with FP Jones so get better chances on money, the only thing is he died at war leaving Sweet pea and his mother alone and due to this his mother slipped into drug abuse leaving Sweet pea 100% dependent on himself; at least until FP took him under his wing and introduced him to the Serpents a few years back and this is where he found his true family and he became devoted to them and willing to do any job or task they need of the boy while he also gets himself in dumb situations with his friends.
-What Sweet pea doesn’t know is that Petunia and Cal aren’t his real parents at all, Meredith Karev is his birth mother who had him at the young age of 14, she didn’t want to give Sweet pea up for adoption but her parents convinced her since she was far too young to be able to mother a child properly and this is where Petunia and Cal come in. Young Southsiders in love and unable to have a child as they wanted they took over as Sweet pea’s parents. All of this is currently unknown to Sweet pea as he really had never been given the chance to be told by anyone about this since his family fell apart at a young age. Fp does know about the adoption but because of a promise he’s had to keep it a secret along with everyone else. 
➤Sweet pea has been shown being both a total brute; fighting ghoulies and Northsiders whenever he can, standing up for the Southsiders when they were being pulled under the bus, or just destroying property when he gets angry; he solves justice physically and irrationally which is not always smart but he feels he’s only good for his strength. Sweets has a lot of problems seeing good in himself even though there is more love in him than anyone will ever know he just shows it differently. Instead of being emotional and letting his feelings out the boy is extremely protective and quick to react to violence if the people he loves are threatened.
- Sweet pea has always had it hard when making friends. Of course, the younger Serpents hang out with him but his intimidating personality and hard to scratch surface doesn’t let many people in. H O W E V E R, there are two Serpents that literally means more than the world to him. Toni Topaz: Sweets met her first, in kindergarten and the two have barely been seen apart. This girl has been through every dark corner sweet pea has ever been in and when he says he can’t live without her he means it. They consider each other their soul mates. She is his calm, when he’s about to explode all it takes is one word from Toni and he instantly steps back. She really is the love of sweet pea’s life. Then there is Fangs Fogarty: he is the second person in sweet pea’s life that sweet pea let in and will never let go of. Sweets knows Fangs can always protect himself but that doesn’t stop pea from doing it too. Fangs is the softest one in the trio and pea treats him like a brother often doing wild and reckless things as long as toni isn’t there to knock some sense into them or patch up their wounds when they hurt themselves. If there ever was a poor fool to mess with fangs or Toni they saw hell in sweets’ eyes and would pay for it.
-He recently has progressed his friendship with Toni into a real relationship after the longing feeling of wanting more with the girl and sharing a kiss with her at a fair that really opened his eyes to stepping up and asking her out. 
-We’ve recently seen the softer side of Sweet pea though, when he has shown he wants to be in a real relationship, his love for Fangs and Toni, and the fact he wants to see the Serpents strong. I have the idea that due to experiencing abuse and thinking he was alone he stands up for anyone who is in a bad position and will give the clothes on his back to anyone who needs his help.
➤It’s not canon but from the way he is shown to always be in the front line of the younger Serpents I always imagined he wants to be able to climb the Serpent ladder and be a big leader of the gang at some point which is going to really be his main focus in life until more plots come, while he will always remain loyal to the people who have never done him wrong. There is nothing that can make him stray from the serpents.
➤For extra money to pay the bills for his parent’s trailer Sweet pea runs product for the Serpents. He is young so he is usually seen at parties and any thing that is directed toward teenagers who need a fix. This is the only reason he goes to these events because he really doesn’t do the whole big group scene. Over the summer he has picked up some hours at the local garage as a mechanic. He knows a lot about cars and is always finding scrap pieces to keep his old truck running. He has a motorcycle as well but his truck serves him better unless he is trying to show off.
➤He despises the Northside; not only because more than half the town only believe the lies they have been told but because every Northsider is better off than anyone from the Southside and even the people who claim they don’t mind the Southside not one of them has ever tried to help out to make the place Sweets calls home a better place.
[[ I’m open for all plots and connections so please, if you want to do something fun with my baby DM me (here or discord) and we can figure something out! Or just chat! I promise I don’t bite lol ]]
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laughingpinecone · 6 years
Yuletide letter 2018
AO3: laughingpineapple
Hello dear author, I’m glad we share one of these wonderful little fandoms and I hope you’ll have fun writing for it. The sections aren’t all of equal length for one reason or another but I love them all so much, from the classics I’ve been requesting since I started doing Yuletide (can’t have enough of those!) to this year’s shiny new findings. I tried to leave both specific and non-specific prompts for each canon and, again, I wanna see the farfetched postcanon scenario just as much as the vague one-word prompt and my general likes. Pick whatever works for you, or mix and match!
Likes: worldbuilding, slice of life (doubly so if the event the fic focuses on is made up but canon-specific), missing moments, 5+1 and similar formats, bonding and emotional support/intimacy, physical intimacy, lingering touches, loyalty, casefic, surrealism, established relationships, future fic, hurt/comfort or just comfort from the ample canon hurt, throwing characters into non-canon environments, banter, functional relationships between dysfunctional individuals, unexplained mysteries, bittersweet moods, journal/epistolary fic, dreams and memories and identities, canon-adjacent tropey plots , outsider POV, UST, exploration of secondary bits of canon, leaning on the uniqueness of the canon setting/mood, found families, characters reuniting after a long and/or harrowing time, friends-to-lovers, road trips, cuddling, wintry moods, flannel, ridiculous concepts played straight, creating a dynamic between characters who never spoke in canon, sensory details, sickfic
Cool with: what-ifs, AUs, any tense, any pov, any rating, plotty, not plotty, gen, shippy, IF, nerdy canon references, unrequested characters popping up
DNW: non-canonical rape, non-canonical children, unrequested ships, canon retellings, consent issues
Ghost Trick: Cabanela, Jowd
General: platonic or romantic, loyalty kink here we go, in any shape and form. Night time and secrets. Out of town. Knitwear. Twenty years from now. Size difference. UST. Cabanela’s scarf being in the way sometimes. Cabanela’s legs being in the way sometimes. I have Final Fantasy on my mind a lot recently so any FFIV, VI, VII, T, IX, X, XII or XIII reimagining would be fantastic (Monk Jowd, dancer/red mage Cabanela...?), or indeed The Last Remnant, but also regular fantasy, space opera, sci-fantasy… anything fancy!
Canon-specific dislikes: Sissel not being Jowd’s cat in the new timeline (which ofc doesn’t shut out Yomiel’s unbreakable bond with his cat – as the saying goes, Sissel has four paws...), infidelity
Cabanela&Jowd or Cabanela/Jowd: I love Cabanela being fierce and dazzling bright and determined and loyal to the very end, dancing to his own rhythm, so sure of himself and of his ideas that he doesn’t even need to prove to anyone that he’s right. Too sure of the wrong idea, once, and everything crashed and burned. And I love Jowd being the immovable object to Cabanela’s unstoppable force, a self-depreciating asshole with a penchant for gallows humor that grows more morbid by the hour, and also incredibly smart (both jerks figured out Sissel’s powers better than Sissel did) and athletic and with an unsuspected talent for stealth.
I ship them dearly, as part of a triad (or Jowd-centered V...? Has it been explored?) with Alma with all the fun possibilities of the third party sneaking into the marriage and negotiating that relationship. Or adjusting to a life together with Kamila in a no-reset scenario or a what-if in which Alma was never around (please no breakups or noncanon deaths if you don't want her around).  But I also want to read all the best friends fic with the corniest, most intense found family dynamics you can muster!
Alternate scenario where it’s Cabanela who keeps his memories, not Jowd: how does that change their dynamic in the new timeline? Or what if Cabanela stays dead in ch15 like he wished he could, joins the rest of the gang as a ghost and goes back 10 years with the others and so both of them keep their memories? (with my apologies to Yomiel, whose ch16-17 redemption has just been made a lot harder by the added stowaway)
Jowd knowing how much Cabs did for him and remembering him broken and bloodied is A Lot. especially if he’s a lil into it (and mr spotless is. not really on the same page.)
Casefic! With ghosts! There could be a new ghost created by Temsik’s shards or even by some unfortunate soul dying on top of the buried meteorite. Or with their own ghost, teaming up with Sissel! There’s so much potential for tense, death-defying situations! (with make-outs afterwards, if that’s your thing)
Deathfic, until it’s reverted. Jowd dying in Cabanela’s arms or the other way round, but one of them knows about Sissel and the other does not…
Jowd’s loyalty to Cabanela being tested for once, as a change of pace.
More detailed prompts for a few FF fusion AUs: FFX, Summoner Jowd and reluctant Guardian Cabanela. Any moment of their pilgrimage could be fun (and/or tragic and/or intense), or if you like a more detailed prompt, would Yunalesca’s truths be the tipping point of Jowd’s conviction? Would Cabanela manage to drag himself and his Summoner to safety before she killed them? What would life look for them afterwards as survivors bearing forbidden truths, would they stay away from Yevon? FFTA or XII, viera Cabanela and nu mou or bangaa Jowd. I’m sure there’s a poignant plot about magic-endowing extraterrestrial rocks and political backstabbing somewhere at the intersection of Ivalice and GT. If you can see it, I’m here to read it. But I’ll be honest here, the real point here is bunny Cabs. Please consider bunny Cabs. (viera, nu mou, bangaa visual refs for non-FFTA players who might wanna do a regular fantasy AU instead?) FFVI, Cabanela faked defecting to the Empire and is a magitek-infused officer while Jowd has Blitz and... Sketch somehow? And they meet again in the World of Ruin and things are very emotional?
The Last Remnant: Any (Pagus, Maddox, Sibal, David)
General: characterization based on battle quotes, red bubble dialogues, and even their unique stat (‘authority’ is a natural fit for David but ‘romance’ tells me something new about Sibal!) Character interaction. Bit of worldbuilding. What’s another festival they celebrate? Do they erect something else instead of the Valeria Heart? Any fun discoveries down in Siebenbur? Where the hell IS Veyriel, anyway, do they go look for it and if so what do they find out? End of an age. Old bonds.
Canon-specific dislikes: strong narrative emphasis on game mechanics. Stuff like mentioning that a character leads a unit is fine, but for example listing the materials they need for their weapon upgrade would take me out of the story.
The Qsiti bunch: just give me the deets on Qsiti worlduilding and I’ll be a happy camper. I ship these three very much but I’m also invested in their friendship and in each of them as a singular character. The fact that Pagus is a goddamn catch is one of my favorite things, and he can be a smart cookie with any of the other smart cookies in the party, or be a history buff with Glenys, or tutor Yuniver. Proud, paranoid chatterbox Maddox entrenched in his cover-up stories, finding it hard to stop being a spy and relax, maybe spending time with someone very simple, like Sheryl, or a very different kind of fellow veteran like Roberto. Self-assured Sibal who probably knows a lot about the mysteries of the underground world and is also the most romantic soul out of the entire cast, talking volcanoes with Paris or discussing the Rainbow Bond with Haruko? If you also like all three of them, either as old friends or as a ship, who of them comes up with what excuse to reconnect again now that Remnants are no more, or do they drop all pretenses and admit they just want to make up for lost time? And what do Qsiti cuddles look like?
David: Post-canon, adjusting to a life without remnants - how did it feel to be bound to one or two of them anyway, and what’s it like without, and suddenly knowing you’ll be the first Nassau in who knows how long who’ll reach old age? - and without Rush. Finding support and friendship even outside his trusted Generals. I’d be interested in seeing him get closer to any unique leader you might like, I can easily see half the characters absolutely adoring him sooner or later. From the Duke of Ghor to Roberto, to sweet Zolean who knows what it’s like to lose someone dear and hope he comes back, or Rhagoh & Remnant Kate, or Paris or Jager or, eventually, even Allan… David/Rush prompts: focus on Rush’s supernatural nature, how he was a strange boy with a good heart (Things Unchangeable meant so much to me!) who ignored human social conventions because he was not in fact human. Reunion fic more than a decade into the future, showing how David has changed and with emphasis on Rush’s Remnant nature.
David & Qsiti: basically a mix of the other prompts. David is close to all his Generals but what’s his dynamic with Pagus specifically? Is he a mentor, a friend, did Pagus stop David once when he was about to do something very stupid? And what can David learn about his dear General from people who have known him since long before David was born?
Myst: Yeesha, Jeff Zandi
General: The oddest of friendships. Road trip. Desert sunrise. Desert bird shenanigans, be it with actual roadrunners speeding by or cartoon ones. Descent. An oddly shaped rock. Strangers. Shooting stars. Any line from Words.
Canon-specific dislikes: please no Yeesha bashing?
Yeesha & Jeff: He’s definitely Team Yeesha and she could definitely do with a friend, the year is 2018 and I still want fic about this unlikely duo.
How much can he really say he gets her? When did they meet? Was it when a younger Jeff was exploring D’ni with his father Elias, did that create a rift between the two?
What do they do when they hang out? Has he played the Myst games – heck, has she? Does he play Magic the Gathering like his RL counterpart?
Do they set out on a road trip because she needs to chill for a hot minute and experience for herself that whole ‘you shall seek the journey’ thing? Late night driving and liminal places could be cool. Or does she link him somewhere cool with no travel time needed?
Do they agree to meet by his camp fire once a month or something like that, and one time Yeesha doesn’t show up? What happened?
Does he get to hang out with bahro thanks to her, in the depths of the Cavern where the DRC will never be able to reach, and what’s that encounter like for him (and for her, and for the bahro)?
Maybe some relaxing time can take place after End of Ages. He’d notice that something has changed, she’s somewhat less of a depressed wreck that she used to be...
Speaking of End of Ages, was Jeff chosen by the Tablet? If so, how did he fail his quest? I appreciate Esher a lot so if you go for an EoA plot feel free to use him too.
Anything based on Uru history is great!
The Secret History of Twin Peaks: Tammy Preston
General: Character dossiers that involve Tammy more directly. TSHOTP themes being used front and center. Owls, figurative and otherwise. Tammy Fashion™. Tammy Freeform Infodump™. The risks of staring into the void for too long. Gentle illusions. The moon. Static buzzing. Any title from the s3 ethereal whooshing compilation used as a prompt, actually. AUs and fusion AUs are great for this fandom! I have Final Fantasy on my mind a lot recently so any FFVI, VII, T, IX, X, XII or XIII reimagining would be fantastic (what would Tammy even be... scholar, fencer, mystic knight...?), or indeed The Last Remnant, but also regular fantasy, space opera, sci-fantasy... anything fancy!
Canon-specific dislikes: Gordon being a harmless, fun dad or conversely having the worst intentions. Clear explanations for canonical ambiguities.
(my Twin Peaks canon-specific likes and dislikes in the next section may also apply)
Tammy: what I find fascinating about Tammy’s positioning in the narrative of the books (and of the show, but not as markedly) is that there is this whole narrative of trauma, and the circularity of trauma, even within Blue Rose and the organizations that came before it, and she stands at the end of it and learns about it all without being directly involved. She can learn from it in a sheltered position. Maybe when her turn will come, she’ll know a little better. Her name’s anagram is Praemonstrata, “Having been guided”. She’s the new Archivist, in a way. She’s the future of Blue Rose, last woman standing as soon as Albert and Gordon retire and/or vanish (and after the show’s finale, I can’t see either of them lasting long). What does it all mean, in the context of the book’s overarching theme of secrets VS mysteries and the cost of knowledge (and the show’s connections between trauma and the fragmentation of the self, and TFD’s doubling down on the general concept of shoveling oneself out of the shit, and her moving final considerations)?
What could be a test for her, something that would involve her personally and make her risk losing her way? What makes her tick - would she cross to other worlds, how, and why?
I don’t know much about aliens, but I really enjoyed how the book wove it all into Twin Peaks lore. If you want to do the same with some other bit of UFO trivia and have Tammy draw her connections, I’m interested!
The books show that she’s not only Albert’s spiritual successor as the only other rationally-inclined soul in there, she also knows Albert personally to some extent, for example that he’s a jazz lover. Have they ever gone drinking in cool (LGBT…?) clubs with fancy live music? Are they jazz buddies or what kind of music is she into (and what does he have to say about her tastes)?
What other characters or pieces of TP history would she look into? What about that Diane dossier, for example? What about Lucy? (If you have her look into Diane, please be empathetic toward her and her tulpa)
Twin Peaks: Harry Truman, Lucy Moran, Chet Desmond, Garland Briggs
This one is an OR request – feel free to only write about some of these people and completely ignore the others. There were just too many good characters in the tagset and I couldn’t choose so, you know, to hell with matchability. The prompts are for the characters on their own or with some nominated canon mates but if you have an idea for Ruby&Lucy, Garland&Albert, Harry&Naido or any other odd combo, go for it!
General: the mystery of the woods, obviously. How do they relate to the woods, what do they gain and what do they lose in the woods. Case fic but they don’t find out jack shit, someone disappears, David Bowie was there, it’s complicated. Fragmented, shifted, mirrored identities. New Lodge spaces. Still any title from the s3 ethereal whooshing compilation used as a prompt. When in doubt, add Margaret. AUs and fusion AUs are great for this fandom! I have Final Fantasy on my mind a lot recently so any FFVI, VII, T, IX, X, XII or XIII reimagining would be fantastic (paladin Harry, dancer Lucy, fighter Chet, sage Garland...?), or indeed The Last Remnant, but also regular fantasy, space opera, sci-fantasy... anything fancy!
Canon-specific Dislikes: any singular Dreamer being the ‘source’ of canon, BOB (let alone Judy) being forever defeated in the finale, Judy being an active malevolent presence in the characters’ lives, ‘Odessaverse’ being the reality layer, the Fireman's House by the Sea being the White Lodge, Naido being nothing more than Diane but since she was nominated as her own character I'm hopeful here
(my Secret History of Twin Peaks canon-specific likes and dislikes in the previous section may also apply)
Harry: Bookhouse Boy Harry both in the sense of avid reader Harry promoting literacy and vague bastion against the evil in the woods Harry. Harry getting a sword out of a pond in the woods like he was meant to but , like, in a way that’s less random kitsch and more meaningful magical realism. Harry and Frank as actual brothers but also Frank as a projection of Harry’s insecurities. Harry, Ed and Hawk as friends. Harry finding some sense of belonging somewhere, somehow.
Lucy: Kimmy Robertson said she would like to be the color blue in Lynch’s palette, if the prompt works for you. Lucy taking her time to understand and organize the world around her. Lucy with Andy (the one functional couple in all of canon, bless), with Wally, with Maggie Brown and the rest of the new sheriff’s station cast. Lucy with people who don’t usually appreciate her (both sheriffs and Albert come to mind) but have to come to terms with the fact that she’s amazing. I also like that Hawk is a first-class gossip, apparently, and so is Lucy, so if THAT prompts works for you… last but not least, she seems to have some sort of connection with the symbolic weave of reality (picking chairs when a very important chair is introduced, wondering about bunnies and Jack Rabbit palace will be relevant, Robertson said that Lynch said that Lucy perceives a lot and needs time to sort it all out) and I’d love to see it explored one way or another. If you wanna go wild with meta Invitation to Love shenanigans, Lucy could be a good POV character.
Chet: What’s his deal? Empirically, new canon draws a hell of a lot of connections between personal troubles and being jettisoned out of reality. So why did he? A friend recalls that he was named after Chet Baker and Norma Desmond, so that could be a starting point. I like to think that he manages to pull himself together at some point and make it back – how? Does he find any familiar faces beyond the curtains, like Phil? Finally, like all Blue Rose and Sheriff’s station characters, when all other prompts fail: office shenanigans. Please. Now that they’ve all been blatantly retconned as a merry gang who coexisted at some point, please give me Chet bouncing off literally any other named character in there.
Garland: He’s a good bean, almost naive compared to Doug Milford & co in TSHOTP, and I wish him the best wherever he is... the metaphysical adventures of Garland’s floating head could be a fic (maybe Bill Hastings and Ruth Davenport could tag along). Or back when he was alive, weird occurrences at Listening Post Alpha up on Blue Pine mountain. He wasn’t born in town, so what’s HIS relationship with the woods? Or an encounter with some of the federal cast, like Gordon and Phil or a very young Albert. I’m also intrigued by his s3 narrative but I have a very negative view of The Plan(tm) so I don’t really know what to make of it. If you also think that the Fireman’s hints only ended in tragedy and that Blue Rose’s search for Judy was a monumental act of hubris, and you have a good spin for Garland’s role in all of this, I’m listening! All I got is something like "he gave his last fuck... now he's free....." (not that Garland is legally allowed to say fuck, I mean)
Albert/Harry: my main headcanon is that they got together in the aftermath of Coop’s disappearance, holding onto each other in his absence not unlike James and Donna did with Laura. Then... did they last? Or was it a terrible moment to get together (...not unlike James and Donna) and they had to go their separate ways for a while before finding each other again? Does this sad time last up until the end of s3, when Albert can finally quit the castle of lies that was his job and stay with Harry? I am also, however, open to other timelines for these two. Emotional reunions are great and so is domestic fic with a dash of surrealism. What would Harry do for Albert? For example, when would he take his side in a heated dispute with someone else? What would Albert share about his past? What could they do in town? Or do they take a well-deserved vacation somewhere else? Do they team up for a small investigation? Old men taking care of each other is very much welcome, especially after Harry gets through the worst of his treatments.
Dale/Harry: Harry seeing his Coop again... somewhere, somehow. Maybe he perceives him in the woods, maybe Coop isn't all human now. Monster cuddles very welcome. Could be canon divergence but could very well be post-s3. Harry getting closure for waiting all that time in front of Glastonbury and never giving up on Coop... they can live in the woods together...
Harry&Lucy: what could make them spend some time together outside of work (is it donuts)? Does he ask for relationship advice since she and Andy are literally the only people in town who could make it work? Does she feel loyal to him and Frank or is it just a job to her? Does she go visit him after s3 and does he tell her that she was very brave? What about Wally - Harry is the boy’s godfather after all, I don’t usually read kidfic but I can make all sorts of exceptions for my beloved Wally (maybe when he’s more of a teen than a kid). Are they all fans of Marlon Brando?
Chet/Sam: reunion fic! Chet’s been AWOL for years, Sam has fallen through the cracks, how do they find each other again and why do they choose to remain off the grid? I would also like to read about them in the present day-ish, handwaving the return and reunion. Maybe they made a new life for themselves. If Sutherland were to play Sam again, Sam would be... notably more buff. What caused that change, was it traveling with Chet, what kind of person is he now? Could they be in Buenos Aires, investigating on their own whatever that shrinking box was?
Chet&Dale: In which ways are they both real boys and in which ways are they aspects of each other? How do they work together?
Chet/Albert: whatever passes for an uncomplicated office romance around those parts, where they both know very well that they’re not the other’s One True Love, but they have a good understanding - except when Albert’s pacifism clashes with Chet‘s readiness to throw down 24/7. But then again Albert is also ready to throw down 24/7, only with words instead of fists, so there’s fertile ground for conflict and unexpected agreements. Also they’re hot.
Garland&Harry: they’re both good dogs living in a cold and cruel world, with their own partial experiences of other worlds beyond this tangible reality, and I think they should be at least a little friends. Maybe Harry found himself at Garland’s observatory one day without even knowing how he’d gotten there, maybe they chatted at the RR. Then there’s Mfrost spitballing some connection which, given how Garland ‘died’ literally on the day after s2, can only be read as Harry passing his info to Garland when Garland was already beyond this world. I’d read that in a heartbeat.
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idiopath-fic-smile · 6 years
have you ever put any thought into what's going on with the ABC gang in WAR a decade on? like, a lot of high school aus that use homophobia as a plot point are deliberately set in the 70s or the 80s, so it gets a little depressing because they'll have to wait decades for things to really get better - but you set WAR in 2006, which is *so cool* because in less than 10 years it goes from, well, 2006, to obergefell v. hodges.
this question is a bit complicated by the fact that i’m still working on adapting WAR into a novel, and the characters are a little different (i combined a lot of people, and also made most of them female) so this is specifically for the Les Mis fanfic version. 
also, this is more just my overall headcanon for the epilogue of WAR. take it with a grain of salt, none of this is True Canon, death of the author, etc
-it is my cherished secret headcanon that the members of the ABC gradually realize (in some cases, YEARS later) that actually none of them were straight, cis, and allo, with the possible exception of combeferre. 
ex) high school jehan ID’s as gay, but once they’re in the place to have more vocabulary for it, they come out as trans, nonbinary but femme-leaning (while continuing to be mostly into dudes). i think that eponine is bi (and also realizes pretty late that she’s nonbinary.) joly and bossuet are both bi. cosette is a lesbian. marius is ace. (their relationship worked in part because neither ever pressured the other, for anything. it was kind of more like playing house.) bahorel ID’s as straight for the longest time, but there’s a couple of male celebrities he jokes about as his “exceptions” until he realizes one day, hmm not really a joke. courfeyrac in high school considers himself gay, but after jehan comes out, realizes in retrospect he doesn’t fall perfectly on one end of the kinsey scale, either.
-molly keeps the ABC alive once the others graduate. gavroche joins when he becomes a freshman, and by his senior year, the club is double its original size. (he jokes it’s because he made LGBTQ rights cool, but really, a tide is turning.)
-enjolras stays politically active and does a lot of nonprofit and organizing work all throughout college. in ‘08, he joins one of those groups that goes door to door registering voters (so does jehan, who attends the same university). enjolras’s experiences with other people, people NOT from affluent suburbs, open his eyes in a good way and make him a little less intense about his own point of view.
-most of the ABC kids are swept up in the excitement of the first obama campaign. combeferre actually gets emotional, talking about it; he writes some very eloquent op-eds in the school paper about what obama means to him, and how fucked-up all the racist scrutiny really is. joly, musichetta, and bossuet phone bank. eponine starts taking photos at rallies, one of which becomes kind of well-known and helps launch her interest in pursuing photography for real. courfeyrac organizes theatrical productions to raise money for the campaign, which are a weird and wild success. bahorel is a minor social media star, and he leverages his dubious fame to try to help get out the young people vote.
-(eponine is gavroche’s legal guardian, and she balances work with community college. she was honestly more of a hillary girl, but obama wins her over eventually.)
-grantaire and enjolras stayed together post-high school, and after a year of attending a nearby community college, grantaire has the grades to transfer to the same university as enjolras. 
grantire spends most of his early college years bouncing from one major to another; he likes art but more as a release than as an area of academic focus. like, getting a bad grade on an art project is fucking devastating. they start fighting a lot that first september in the same school because enjolras is so sure of his path and grantaire feels guilty and defensive for not knowing where to go with his life. it makes grantaire feel like a worthless burnout again (which is frustrating because he thought he’d WORKED THROUGH IT, dammit), but he also resents enjolras’s attempts to help him, which eventually makes enjolras pull away in hurt, which terrifies grantaire so much that he pulls away too, and they break up very early sophomore year of college.
-the night obama wins the election in ‘08, even despite the blow of prop 8 passing, all the old ABC members are calling each other, yelling into their phones with delight. combeferre is literally crying.enjolras is jubilant, but grantaire, who had never seriously thought that obama had a chance, honestly feels like he’s high again.
enjolras and grantaire wind up at the same celebratory party and, under the influence of all that victory, they hook up. holy shit have they missed each other. they briefly get back together, but it’s not like it was in high school, before they knew quite how badly they could hurt each other. when enjolras does study abroad for a semester, they break up again, amicably, rather than do the long distance thing. they drift apart even when he gets back. it’s nobody’s fault.
-jehan switches to they/them pronouns and puts out a chapbook of poetry about feeling connected to the words of dead authors. bahorel becomes a college radio DJ, and is so good, his show gets picked up by local stations and he eventually starts working as the “bad boy of NPR”. courfeyrac realizes that more than acting, his real joy is stage managing. musichetta goes into business, advocating for greater diversity. 
-grantaire winds up at the last minute, majoring in psychology. studying this stuff in an actual class makes him realize just how dysfunctional his family dynamics have really been, and how little of it had to do with him. it’s both freeing and terrifying. he makes friends in his advanced psych courses (mostly idealistic young feminist women), and dates one for a while. ironically, she’s also bi. he has more of a chance to unpack all the stigma he’s been carrying around for years, how frustrating it was to be seen as “the gay kid” in high school when that wasn’t really true.
-combeferre decides to get dreadlocks after graduating undergrad and becomes “that hot World Lit TA with the dreadlocks”
-grantaire starts kind of considering going into counseling. the members of the ABC he’s still in touch with keep urging him to write Mr. Myriel a letter, and grantaire keeps dragging his feet, but one night he’s in town to visit Eponine, and runs into Mr. Myriel at the grocery store, and basically word-vomits all this gratitude, and the two become penpals. Mr. Myriel eventually writes one of the recommendation letters that gets grantaire into a sociology master’s program.
-combeferre gets fed up with the ivory tower of academia and joins a startup that teaches coding to kids, particularly girls in low-income areas. (He’d long been interested in coding, but more as a fun side hobby.)
-grantaire moves to the city (uh, let’s say chicago) to get his master’s, where he also reconnects with bossuet, who by then is a hippie engineer and just a solid, low-stress friend to have. they become super close in a platonic bros way, and grantaire may actually be the one to say, “oh btw, did you have a crush on joly, or did you guys both just like musichetta?” (answer: YES and YES). grantaire rents a bedroom in bossuet’s apartment (bossuet has more space than anticipated because he just had a rough breakup) and in his starving student days, grantaire pays some of his rent to bossuet by cooking him dinner and stuff. in this time, grantaire actually learns how to cook, beyond just fucking up the occasional frozen pizza.
-kind of to his surprise, grantaire winds up really enjoying counseling (or at least, finding it rewarding; talking to people with such intense problems be rough) and particularly working with youths. they never expect his sense of humor, which turns out to be a pretty useful tool in connecting with them.
-bossuet sometimes, long-distance, donates his time to combeferre’s coding project. grantaire hears through bossuet, through combeferre, that enjolras is moving to chicago for law school.
-at first, grantaire and enjolras are awkward around each other, but the weird thing is, their positions are kind of reversed because grantaire by now feels pretty confident in his role as a counselor, and is doing good work, while enjolras is under a ton of stress in law school and still not always 100% sure it’s the right move. grantaire is living alone by now, and he misses hanging with bossuet (who is in a complex poly triad now, and has a lot less free time) (part of me feels it’d be way too big of a coincidence if it’s joly and musichetta, part of me yearns for it, so you decide for yourself i suppose). so grantaire starts coming over to cook dinner at enjolras’s apartment as enjolras studies. this is partly because grantaire’s own kitchen in his studio is really insufficient, but mostly an excuse for them to hang out in a low-cost, low-pressure way. they eat and watch Parks and Rec.
-in theory this is a great system, and in practice it’s the same kind of agonizing romantic tension from high school. enjolras is really into this more confident, happier, more balanced grantaire. grantaire appreciates that enjolras has gotten  a little less overbearing, a little lighter even as he’s also so clearly fraying at the seams. grantaire just wants to, like, give him a massage, but whoa boundaries. they sit on the same couch and SOMETIMES THEIR ARMS BRUSH.
-enjolras decides first that he wants to get back together, that they’ve grown enough in the time they were apart that they could build something healthy and balanced now. he’s not totally sure how to make his case to grantaire, and he feels a little weird being the less stable one of the pair. 
-enjolras decides that he’s gonna make grantaire dinner. grantaire doesn’t really get why; enjolras generally does the dishes so it’s not like anything’s really owed here??? enjolras slips into way overachiever mode and prepares like a whole three-course spread of painstakingly researched recipes. grantaire is VERY confused. “I thought I was hot shit, dude, where did you learn to cook like this?” enjolras has to shamefacedly confess he taught it to himself for this night. “Damn, are you proposing or something?” grantaire blurts in an ill-considered joke, and enjolras’s ears turn red. they get together again. it’s really good this time.
-in 2013, when the supreme court rules that gay marriage is legal in all 50 states, enjolras actually finds out because grantaire texts him the minute the news breaks with simply, “Holy fuck, you were right all along!!!!!” and then some hearts.
-they’re married a year later. one of their wedding photos is them kissing, both raising a middle finger to the imagined haters, like “bring it on, assholes” you’d think this would’ve been grantaire’s idea, but nope, enjolras. it’s framed over their mantle.
-by november 2016, enjolras is a lawyer for the ACLU, and grantaire is a counselor at an organization that primarily works with LGBTQA youth. after the election, enjolras doesn’t get out of bed all day. then he’s a whirlwind of activity. trump-era enjolras is a hybrid of the wisdom and confidence of obama-era enjolras, and the “fuck these motherfuckers” pinpoint focused ferocity of bush jr-era enjolras. grantaire’s work is frequently draining as hell, but he’s drawing again (making a webcomic with joly, actually), and they’re getting by.
-sometimes, at low moments, they remember how it felt at their wedding reception, when bahorel cued up Ted Leo’s “Shake the Sheets” and all those friends and loved ones danced their brains out (enjolras’s parents have some MOVES as it turns out), and grantaire got super choked up, and then enjolras leaned over while they were dancing and whispered in his ear, “Probably better that he didn’t go with our prom song,” (which, as you’ll remember, is Fifty Cent’s “Candy Shop”) and they both burst out laughing in the middle of the dance floor. If they survived high school, they can survive anything.
-bossuet, grantaire, joly, eponine, musichetta and sometimes enjolras have a long-distance D&D game wherein a ragtag crew of outcasts battles the odds as they attempt to take down an evil totalitarian kingdom. (joly’s already got notes for the graphic novel version.)
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centrumlumina · 3 years
Dear Yuletide Writer,
Happy Yuletide! This is my first year taking part, so I’m sorry if this letter is missing anything. All my prompts are just suggestions - if you have different ideas, feel free to run with it! Also I’m normally a multishipper so I’m generally easy-going about pairings.
My AO3 username is centreoftheselights.
Focus on female characters and their relationships, either shippy or platonic.
Non-traditional relationship dynamics, including consensual polyamory and queerplatonic relationships.
Hurt/Comfort, particularly where the Hurt aspect is emotional or psychological. The Comfort can be shippy or platonic.
Fluff, domesticity and established relationships.
Mutual pining and dramatic misunderstandings.
Introspection and character-focussed works.
AUs and tropes are great, but subverting the “usual” for an AU or trope is even better!
Explorations of in-universe queerness in AUs (e.g. A/B/O where the characters don’t fit typical gender roles, multiple alien civilisations with different ideas of sexuality).
If it comes up: I really love space (both in sci-fi contexts and as an aesthetic), Greek mythology, fae, and dragons!
Character/ship bashing
Unhappy endings (ambiguous is fine)
“On-screen” death, suicide, gore, rape/non-con or sex involving under-16s (referenced is fine, particularly where these topics exist in canon)
Watersports, scat, vore, feederism
Cheating (except for canonical instances)
High School AUs
Sex Education (TV)
Character: Maeve Wiley
Things I love about this canon: Snark, complex relationships, dealing with Real World Issues without getting preachy, sex positivity, characters who are flawed but still trying their best.
Prompts & Ideas:
I would love to see an exploration of some of Maeve’s relationships with the other women on the show - for instance, her relationship with her sister, her complicated feelings about moving in with Anna, her great friendship with Aimee, or what happens when she finally meets Jean.
Maeve in an F/F relationship! Realising her feelings for Aimee run deeper than she thought, enemies to lovers with Ruby, a snark-filled courtship with Ola, or any other pairing that sparks your fancy. This could also include Maeve exploring LGBTQ+ identities and culture outside of a relationship!
I’m also fine with Maeve being shipped with any of her canon love interests or if you prefer her single.
This fandom is an exception to my High School AU DNW, given that the canon is set in a high school!
The Strange Case Of The Starship Iris (Podcast)
Characters: Sana Tripathi, Arkady Patel, Brian Jeeter, Krejjh
Things I love about this canon: Found family feels, Be Gay Do Crime, fighting fascism in space!, Arkady and Violet being cutely awkward around each other, Brian and Krejjh being couple goals, taking care of each other in all different ways.
Prompts & Ideas:
Pre-Canon era! What did the OG Iris crew get up to before Violet joined the ship?
A variation on the above: how have things changed for the OG gang since Violet, and later Park & McCabe, joined the crew?
Or really anything about the crew’s relationship is fine with me!
The Locked Tomb Series | Gideon the Ninth Series - Tamsyn Muir
Characters: Camilla Hect, Palamedes Sextus, Dulcinea Septimus
Things I love about this canon: swords and skeletons, twists that hit you like a punch in the gut, MEMES!, everyone here is a messed-up asshole (affectionate).
Prompts & Ideas:
Any exploration of these three navigating their relationship. Are they an OT3? A polyamorous V with Palamedes in the middle? A V with Camilla in the middle? Are Camilla and Palamedes in a queerplatonic relationship? Do they get each other immediately? Do they dance around awkwardly for ages trying to figure things out? All of these sound good to me!
AUs are great! Modern day AUs, the canon AUs from HtN, AU where Dulcinea made it to Canaan House, or anything else you can come up with. I love seeing these characters reinterpreted across different worlds.
This fandom is an exception to my “gore” and “death” dnws, canon-typical necromancy shenanigans are fine!
DNW “on-screen” main character death. (References to canon/past deaths are okay.)
Dames & Dragons (Podcast)
Characters: Corbin, Fran, Slake, Maeri
Things I love about this canon: the worldbuilding, any time when the teens are socially awkward, “roll to fall in love”, everyone teasing each other - but also the contrast between the fun/awkward moments and everyone getting to be badass!
Prompts & Ideas:
Almost anything with these four interacting and being friends. I just love these awkward teens with my whole heart.
I would be happy with any combination of these 4 characters for shipping, or purely gen fic. Canon ships (e.g. Fran/Falen) are also fine.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Best Korean Dramas on Netflix to Watch Right Now
South Korea is one of the world’s biggest exporters of popular culture. From K-pop to K-dramas, Parasite to BTS, the East Asian country knows how to reach an international audience. Korean TV, especially K-dramas, have long been of interest to western markets, but it’s no longer just the Korean diaspora or romance drama fans underserved by western markets checking out K-dramas, international watchers of Korean dramas have become much more “mainstream” in the last few years, especially with Netflix’s increased focus and investment in the region.
Netflix has played a major role in this expansion of Korean TV into the global market. The streamer has not only scooped up an impressive backlog of Korean originals as a global distributor, but, since 2016, has been investing in the Korean TV industry at the production level. At the beginning of 2021, Netflix released an official statement announcing the leasing of two production facilities outside of Seoul, citing the move as “another important example of our continued commitment to investing in Korea’s creative ecosystem.” According to the release, from 2015 to 2020, Netflix invested over 700 million dollars in Korean content. The company also has multi-year content partnerships with CJ ENM/Studio Dragon and JTBC.
Suffice to say, Netflix has a solid Korean TV section, filled with some of the best K-dramas around, both new and old. If you’re new to the world of Korean TV or if you’re simply looking for your next watch, why not try out one of the following…
Crash Landing On You (2019)
The absolute top secret love story of a chaebol heiress who made an emergency landing in North Korea because of a paragliding accident and a North Korean special officer who falls in love with her and who is hiding and protecting her.
If you’re at all tapped into the K-drama scene, then you have at least heard of Crash Landing on You if not binged it multiple times. An original production from Netflix, Crash Landing On You pairs rom-com and character drama elements with an exploration of the cultural pain inherent in the separation between North and South Korea. With charismatic and vulnerable performances from veteran K-drama leads Son Ye-jin as South Korean heiress Yoon Se-ri and Hyun Bin as North Korean soldier Ri Jeong-hyeok; some gorgeous production values; and a memorably melodramatic soundtrack, Crash Landing On You is a whirlwind action-romance that was one of the best shows of 2020, full stop.
Kingdom (2019-present)
In a kingdom defeated by corruption and famine, a mysterious plague spreads to turn the infected into monsters. The crown prince, framed for treason and desperate to save his people, sets out on a journey to unveil what evil lurks in the dark.
If you prefer your TV more horror-driven, Korean TV has some notable shows for you. One of the most internationally popular is Kingdom, a historical zombie drama about a 17th century crown prince who has to fight against a mysterious plague of flesh-eating zombies that threatens to overtake his kingdom. Most K-dramas are structured to tell their entire story in one season, but Kingdom has already had two seasons with a third on the way, as well as a one-off special that just premiered on Netflix called Kingdom: Ashin of the North. If you’re looking to get into a longer-running K-drama that favors horror over romance, this could be the one for you.
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay (2020)
Desperate to escape from his emotional baggage and the heavy responsibility he’s had all his life, a psychiatric ward worker begins to heal with help from the unexpected—a woman who writes fairy tales but doesn’t believe in them.
There’s still a taboo around addressing mental illness in Korea, which is one of the many reasons why this 2020 drama about Gang-tae, a young man who is a caregiver at a psychiatric hospital, and Moon-young, a children’s author living with antisocial personality disorder, made such a splash. While the romance at its center is great, It’s Okay to Not Be Okay really shines in its exploration of Gang-tae’s relationship with his brother, Sang-tae, who is on the autism spectrum. In a press conference promoting the show (via Metro Style), Sang-tae actor Oh Jung-se said of the character: “If you meet someone like Sang-tae, who is on the autism spectrum, on the street, I think it would be nice if people could think ‘I would like to be with that person’ instead of ‘I would like to help that person.’”
Boys Over Flowers (2009)
Unassuming high school girl Jan-di stands up to — and eventually falls for — a spoiled rich kid who belongs to the school’s most powerful clique.
A K-drama classic, Boys Over Flowers follows working class student Geum Jan-di as she arrives at the elite Shinhwa High School on scholarship, only to meet and be unimpressed by a group of privileged boys known collectively as F4 who rule the school. The drama follows Jan-di as she goes from bullying target of F4 leader Jun-pyo to the object of his obsession. It’s a classic enemies-to-lovers set-up, and one that while cliche, is still worth a watch over a decade later.
Itaewon Class (2020)
On the vibrant streets of Itaewon, something is about to shake up the local food scene. Going up against the most powerful conglomerate in the industry, underdog Park Sae-ro-yi and his band of determined misfits seek to take over Itaewon and turn their ambitious dreams into reality.
Korean TV knows how to melodrama, and this story of revenge and romance set in Seoul’s popular Itaewon area leans into intense catharsis. Itaewon Class follows Park Sae-Ro-Yi, the owner of an up-and-coming Itaewon restaurant called DanBam that becomes a refuge for a group of social outcasts. Together, they work to take down the same business mogul responsible for the death of Sae-Ro-Yi’s father years earlier. Itaewon Class was extremely popular both in South Korea and internationally, and featured the first transgender character in a mainstream K-drama. Added bonus: the Itaewon Class soundtrack includes an original song from BTS’ V.
Mr Sunshine (2018)
In 1905, a Korean American U.S. marine officer returns to his homeland on a diplomatic assignment. Coping with his painful past in Korea as an orphaned servant boy, he finds himself in a complicated relationship with an aristocrat’s daughter.
If you’re into historically-driven period drama, then check out the beautifully-shot Mr. Sunshine. The K-drama is set in the late 19th and early 20th century in Hanseong, the city that would become Seoul and follows activists fighting for Korea’s independence. The story follows Go Ae-shin, an orphaned noblewoman who trains to be a sniper in the Righteous Army, the civilian militia that fought against the occupying Japanese forces, and Eugene Choi, a man who escaped slavery in Korea to become a U.S. marine, only to return to his homeland where he falls in love with Ae-shin. The series uses real-life history, including Shinmiyangyo, the Spanish-American War, the assassination of Empress Myeongseong, the Russo-Japanese War, Gojong’s forced abdication, and the Battle of Namdaemun as a backdrop for its epic story.
Signal (2016)
A cold-case profiler in 2015 and a detective in 1989 work together to solve a series of related murders spanning three decades using a special walkie-talkie to communicate with each other.
This premise has been used a lot—from 2000 Dennis Quaid/Jim Caviezel thriller Frequency to the 2016 CW TV adaptation of the same name—and for good reason. An analog device allows two people to communicate across time, and they must work to solve a murder together. It not only makes for compelling character drama, as two people become closer but are separated by years, but also is a fresh twist on the serial killer narrative. In K-drama Signal, the analog device is a walkie-talkie, and the characters on either temporal side of it are contemporary criminal profiler Park Hae-young and 1989-based Detective Cha Soo-hyun. If you’re looking for a good crime thriller, Signal could be it.
Hospital Playlist (2020-present)
Friends since undergrad school, five doctors remain close and share a love for music while working at the same hospital.
Like Kingdom, Hospital Playlist is the rare K-drama that tells its story across multiple seasons. The hospital drama is currently airing its second season weekly on Netflix, continuing its story about a group of doctors in their 40s who have been best friends since medical school. A true ensemble drama, Hospital Playlist is perfect for fans of Grey’s Anatomy but feels unique in its centering of a friend-group with a such a long history.
Vincenzo (2021)
If you just watched the dramatic opening of Vincenzo, set in Italy days after the death of a mafia boss, you might think you’re in for a self-serious organized crime drama. But the Netflix K-drama quickly shifts into a story much more tonally complex. Part romance, part drama, part action thriller, Vincenzo has something for everyone. It follows Vincenzo (Space Sweepers‘ Song Joong-ki), a Korean lawyer raised by an Italian mafia family who must flee the country following his father’s death. As part of his plan of escape, Vincenzo travels to Korea to recover a stash of hidden gold under an old apartment building set for demolition by a corrupt corporation called the Babel Group. Because of this dilemma, Vincenzo becomes unlikely allies with the group of eccentric citizens who live in the building, as well as with a passionate and moral lawyer who has a vendetta against the Babel Group for his own reasons.
The “Reply” Series (2012-2016)
Take a nostalgic trip back to the late 1980s through the lives of five families and their five teenage kids living in a small neighborhood in Seoul.
The Reply series is one of the most popular cable dramas in Korean TV history. It launched in 2012 with Reply 1997 before continuing with Reply 1994 in 2013 and Reply 1988 in 2015. The ambitiously-structured series follows a group of friends and their kids, telling the story in present-day in addition to flashbacks. Featuring a fun soundtrack, as well as some incredibly performances, the Reply series is well worth a watch for anyone who loves character drama with a nostalgic twist.
Prison Playbook (2017)
With only days before his major league baseball debut, pitcher Kim Je-hyeok unexpectedly lands himself behind bars. He must learn to navigate his new world with its own rules if he wants to survive.
Prison Playbook is much more slow-paced than many of the selections on the list, but this character drama is worth the dedication. Though it’s often touted as a “black comedy,” it’s much more tonally light than that suggests, despite the subject matter. The story follows baseball pitcher Kim Je Hyeok, who is incarcerated days before his major league debut for assaulting the attempted rapist of his sister. It follows his life within prison, along with the lives of some of the other inmates and guards, including his old best friend, Lt. Lee Joon Ho, who is a correctors officer. Created by Lee Woo-jung, who also made the aforementioned Reply series, Prison Playbook is one of the most popular K-dramas in Korean cable history ever.
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Sweet Home (2020)
As humans turn into savage monsters, one troubled teenager and his neighbors fight to survive and to hold onto their humanity.
It’s been well-documented that Song Kang is a K-drama darling. The actor has appeared in many a romantic K-drama, including Netflix’s Nevertheless and Love Alarm. Sweet Home, however, is his rare horror appearance, and it’s well worth a watch just to see Song in a completely different context. Of course, this apocalyptic horror story has other qualities too, and holds the honor of being the first Korean series to enter the U.S. Netflix Top Ten. Based on a Naver (aka Korean Google) webcomic of the same name, Sweet Home follows Cha Hyun-soo (Song), a high school student who moves into an apartment building after the deaths of his parents, only to discover that the building also happens to be the home of a species of monsters set on world domination.
Nevertheless (2021)
Speaking of Song Kang… At the time of this writing, Netflix is currently airing Nevertheless, the latest K-drama to star the 27-year-old actor. The romantic drama stars Han So-hee as Yoo Na-bi, university art student who no longer believes in love following discovering her boyfriend has been cheating on her. When she meets Song’s Park Jae-eon, she is immediately intrigued. Though the two share an immediate attraction, they resist entering into a relationship due to their respective uncertainties about love. Based on a popular webcomic of the same name, Nevertheless feels unique in its treatment of modern dating life in Korea, depicting some of the more realistic, often internal struggles of what its like to date in your 20s.
Memories of the Alhambra (2018)
If you’re looking for another K-drama starring Crash Landing on You‘s Hyun Bin (and of course you are), then look no further than Memories of the Alhambra, a 2018 K-drama with an absolutely batshit (read: amazing) premise. Hyun stars as Yoo Jin-woo, a CEO who travels to Spain in search of the creator of an AR game set in the Spanish medieval fortress Alhambra. Once there, Jin-woo is pulled into a reality-bending mystery with life-or-death stakes and some unpredictable twists that I don’t want to spoil for you.
Romance is a Bonus Book (2019)
A gifted writer who’s the youngest editor-in-chief ever at his publishing company gets enmeshed in the life of a former copywriter desperate for a job.
Ostensibly based on the TV series Younger, Romance is a Bonus Book is a rom-com set in the publishing industry world. It follows single mom Kang Dan Yi as she struggles to reenter the workforce following her divorce. When he lies about her background to get a job, her life becomes tangled up with childhood friend and publishing phenom Cha Eun Ho.
I began watching this series to see how it compared to the U.S. version of the show, of which I am a fan. Honestly, these two series have only the most superficial details of their plots in common, which is par for the course in many adaptations. Romance is a Bonus Book is much more romance-centric than Younger, which balances the love life of its central protagonist with the many other relationships and concerns she has in her life. But that isn’t a bad thing. They are two very different shows with their own interests and strengths, but if you’re a fan of both rom-coms and the publishing industry, then both Romance is a Bonus Book and Younger are worth a watch.
What is your favorite K-drama on Netflix? And what upcoming Netflix K-dramas are you most looking forward to? Let us know in the comments below?
The post The Best Korean Dramas on Netflix to Watch Right Now appeared first on Den of Geek.
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bastard-man · 6 years
hi okay i kept talking in the tags on my last post so here is more about s13 predictions ig
like i said we all know den literally can't function without mac it's been proven several times in the show
CLEARLY in mac & dennis break up
& my thought is how this will affect s13
so like,,,they're lying if they're gonna try & pretend like dennis can actually cope w/o mac if anything i think he needs him more than ever rn. even if dennis miraculously developed quickly & amazingly enough 2 be a dad that doesn't change how much he depends on mac. boy couldn't live without him in s5, and he was still like, okay then? obviously none of these characters r okay but i've seen only a few ppl mention dennis in the latest seasons. consequently mac seems happier this past season especially now that he's out which is great (i mean then u have DDL & then that kinda shattered but let's not mention that rn) but like we know dennis has been like,,,ragin' a lot more & he was diagnosed in s10 & we haven't really seen him happy in awhile like compared 2 earlier seasons when he seemed more calm & happy. what he thinks he needs is to leave his old life behind but what he actually needs, probably, is the gang rn more than ever but ofc he's not gonna admit that! so he run!
there's a number of reasons why i can't see them letting den be gone for any length of time but the main one being that it just doesn't make sense? like frank said u can't just go be a dad & he was right, & even if i think dennis could be capable of that it's obvious he's getting Worse & to be away from his friends, his family rn is not gonna help that, especially when we know he would be miserable in ND which is literally essentially what he says in 10.01 when he gets off the plane. i'm not a dumbass who thinks he's a sociopath & i know he has big feelings but i still don't see this being a situation where a child is magically the thing 2 crack dennis & fix all his problems
so like, there's my argument based on just the POV of the setting. now let's go back 2 den himself. like i said it definitely seems like he's getting worse, & him admitting that he has feelings was a huge, pivotal thing for him especially to admit that to the entire gang. from there they could use that to finally get den's character to open up a lil more & not try to suppress everything which i think is essentially why he seems worse? he wants to be one way & not feel & it's affecting him as it has over the years. we also know from mac, that he's been distant w him. whether u ship them or not they have a connection that's different from all the rest. so mac senses that den is acting different& like pushing him away, & we know it's not bc he's gay cuz den always knew that. this is where theories come into play, cuz it could have to do w den's feelings & trying to push the gang away so that he can pretend everything is okay which i think is a reasonable guess, or if u wanna add another layer to that there's also been the mention of him being uncomfortable with mac being out because now he's scared of mac's feelings & his own feelings.
it could be bc of the thing b/w them, or just the different connection that they have, but mac is the only one who says anything about dennis being distant. so is he only being distant w mac, or do the others just not notice bc they're not mac? either way mac is the one who notices & he's gonna be the first one to notice things going on w dennis. den has been like on a downward spiral almost & i think the RPG & brian jr just brought that to a head, & he runs, supposedly 2 deal w the latter. (i'm sorry i'm referring 2 a fuckin baby like it's a war crime but i don't evenl like them anyway so it's fine)
like depending on how u wanna interpret it, RPG=dennis realizing how he feels about mac, or how mac feels about him, or just the fact that he was all upset about vday only 2 find out mac got him what he wanted more than anythin & it didn't even matter 2 him that there wasn't a rocket bc it was the gesture so i mean interpret that how u will but FEELINGS
& then brian jr=who he apparently knew about but only becomes a problem bc mandy all of a sudden decides 2 show up & also thinks he's someone else so i really still don't understand some of the logic behind this event but anyhow. he's like noticeably v on edge this ep bc he literally had no idea how 2 get out of it & then all of a sudden he's like wait no i don't want to, but that's not the only thing? pretending to be in a relationship w mac & mac telling him he wanted 2 fake it & raise the kid w him was obviously also adding onto that & still his response was "im not gonna PRETEND to be in a relationship w u for the entirety of my child's life" so again interpret that how u will but...obviously we know he decides 2 go raise brian jr
but he's not gonna be able to do that. not bc he's not capable. i'd like 2 point out he left everyone & everything behind including his RPG & his beloved range rover, so i mean he prob left everything at his apartment too. (i have some theories bout this but it is not the time for those) like his car. is still in philly. his decision is made essentially on a whim after a moment w his kid & like an existential crisis while his friends danced around him bc up until that point he just didn't wanna deal w it
so it could've been like a few hours b/w those scenes but it's still a pretty impulsive decision considering it's a child, a new state you don't even like, a lovely woman ur not interested in, and leaving your friends, family, job, and entire life back in philly. maybe he also thinks it'll help him w his feelings. but he's been repressing shit for at least 12 years that we've seen (we know it's been longer like prob his whole life) & noticeably been getting worse, gives a sudden revelation to his friends about his feelings, & then leaves. that's not...okay. like we know they all have trauma & ridiculously unhealthy coping mechanisms but even if u take everything else away he's not gonna be happy having suppressed all his emotions and problems & then leaving having barely dealt with them w the others at all.
especially mac, who's a huge part of this which u can't deny even if u don't ship them. now i do so like my comments are gonna sway a bit more but i think it'll still work even if u don't agree w me on that aspect. personally i think there could be some sort of parallel there about how mac has gotten happier, while dennis has been more unhappy? like mac comes out & u could even argue dennis being jealous & acting that way bc he wants 2 come out & he's been suppressing that for so long but he's still not at a place rn to do it. or even the fact that mac feels more open & free to be himself while dennis feels the complete opposite & if anything has felt like repressing things even more, while mac mentions being sensitive (12.08 hints he feels more free 2 be sensitive now that he's out & doesn't have 2 worry about being so masculine so that he won't be called gay) & dennis mentions his big feelings but he's still not rlly talking about anything bc i mean u don't really just reveal everything suddenly. so especially in that regard he definitely needs mac.
like not only bc of their connection but bc he depends so much on mac & now mac feels more open & honest & i really think den needs to be around him more, not pushing him away (which could also be why) bc he needs to see how much happier mac is & how he's changed & maybe it'll help him open up more, & if anything mac would probably be the best one for him to do that w anyway.
i'm also gonna mention my sort of views on some ways den could come back: now considering his car was still there i think it could even be possible that mac goes home to their apartment to find that dennis is still there, maybe just waiting or maybe packing, who knows. them blowing up the range rover & using the RPG without him only to find that he hadn't left yet, or at all is definitely something i could see happening (& i know this is a more serious post about den but come on i think we'd all laugh @ that) or the thing i definitely see happening is the gang talking in the bar, who knows how long it's been (maybe a day, maybe a few months) & all of a sudden dennis strolls in and says nothing, walks behind the bar & grabs a beer while the others just stop talking and stare. cue title card "dennis is back" (tbh this is one of the most realistic ones i think & i know glenn mentioned it might be funny if he just didn't come back at all but i think this is vastly more funny & in keeping w the show i mean come ON) or there's like the sad part. this again could depend on how u wanna view things. but if u look at it as dennis going on a downward spiral, only for him to kinda hit rock bottom w the RPG & brian jr. (which isn't even a theory that's literally what happened) then we know this isn't good. it's not a typical situation where they leave on good terms, or they leave happy because we know he wasn't happy. we know he initially didn't want this & isn't ready & we know he hates north dakota, & we also know it's not like he's in love w mandy or anything no matter how nice she seemed, as the person he was closest to was: mac. so it's not like he's really leaving for a better lifestyle either necessarily, because he may have mentioned envisioning himself getting married & having a kid but we saw how it went when he married someone he didn't love, and how he again was unable to function without mac, and it's obviously not how anyone plans on those things happening, & if they did have him settle down w mandy which i do not see ever happening we know he'd literally be settling.
so for him to have been going through a rough patch, to hit an extremely low point & then walk away from his friends, is not going to end well. he hit that low point & is now leaving without dealing with any of his problems because his focus is on fixing one of them: the kid, but also how he was affected by frank because he doesn't want the kid to grow up in that same way. so he thinks that's the most important issue, because he also likes to pretend he doesn't have any other ones, & thinks this is the thing he needs to deal with and everything will be fine. but he didn't deal with anything else, he's only bringing those problems with him, to north dakota, to mandy, to the kid, to his "new life." so if anything he's only gonna be more miserable and he won't even have mac there w him, who he literally depends on to function & considering he's only getting worse being w/o mac is the last thing he needs even if he thinks, or wants to believe that that's exactly what will help. idk how they're gonna deal w him being gone, if he's gone for any length of time or anything, but my point is if he's stated to be gone for months or something like that i'm pretty sure he's gonna come back at the worst we've ever seen him because he was only without mac for hours before he realized he had no idea what to do & they were only, what, a few miles away? part of all this is that he's codependent but that is most heavily dealing with mac. s5 dennis was still doing pretty okay, considering. so him not functioning without mac was just pathetic. s12 dennis has been a mess & him being without mac at arguably his lowest point is kind of scary to think about.
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Congratulations, Cat! You’ve been accepted to play Mia Costello. Your request to change her FC to Phoebe Tonkin, has also been accepted. Please make your page and send it in within 24 hours.
Admin note: This was such an impossible decision to make because all three of the Mia applications were near flawless. If there was a way to duplicate characters, I would so do it for the Mia applicants. In the end, Cat - there was just something about the way that you wrote Mia that ended up winning me over. Your writing was very detailed, very well thought out. I can tell that you really connected with this character. Congratulations! - Admin V
Mia Costello.
I see Mia as someone very head strong who often are ruled by her emotions as opposed to logic or using her head. She’s striving to be taken seriously and considered someone her family can depend and rely on on a professional basis, though she hasn’t made it easy for herself with her past choices. I also view Mia as someone who is a great talker. She can convince people to see her point of view and agree with her, but its her genuine passion when she sets her mind to it that has people convinced. She’s not one to take no for an answer or back down and her relentless/tenacious side is one its hard to tackle but one which has gotten her trough or forward a lot in her life. She loves her family very much and wants to do right by them, perhaps even more now than ever before. In many ways I think that while her family has mostly forgiven her, she might still have amends and repairs to make with them individually and thats why she’s committed to their cause so fiercely this time around. She’s missed them and she wants to be there for them, to be present and involved like she hasn’t always been before. I think Mia’s greatest ambition would be to finally get a seat at the Costello table, like her bio states. For her to not just be a participant in the organization but a real shot caller with a true voice everyone would listen to.
To me, Mia has a lot of flaws and this is at the core of what I love about her. She has a big mouth and her direct ways are probably not something a lot of people might find challenging or unusual, perhaps even off putting. She’s not afraid to speak her mind or speak bluntly and that can be intimidating but also something I admire about her. Her bouts with sobriety and cleaning herself up show’s that she does have a weakness for alcohol and drugs, and in my mind that has a lot to do with underlying grief after loosing her mother both at a young age and so quickly. She never got to say goodbye or have her mom see her trough so many important parts of her life, or support her when life proved challenging. Her moms death hit Mia hard and its something I see her carrying with her still.
Mia is a rebel and not afraid to forge her own path or go her own ways. Which is both positive and negative. Its been one factor that created distance between her and her family, perhaps especially her parents. But I also think this is such a strength and shows how Mia is comfortable in her own skin and determined to follow her own heart and see her own goals trough. She might not have intended on being the black sheep, but its all those qualities that make her strong that in lots of ways made her being anything else fairly impossible.
I am also very excited to explore and develop the different relationships Mia has to her family, because I think they define her in a good way and will be both the stormy, complicated kind, like I imagine her relationship with her step mother to be, or sweet and caring with Luca and Sofia. The wedding is sure to leave Mia torn, given that she’s back on her parents good graces and finally has more of a voice, so she’d want to support it, but instinctively she wouldn’t approve of her brother being married off like this to the enemy. However with the promises she’s made herself, she’ll constantly fight the urge to intervene or say something wrong or act impulsively during the whole thing.
“Thats a wrap everybody!” Paul announced, coming out from behind the camera to give the actors and crew his salute by initiating a slow clap. While Mia thought it was a little over the top, she clapped along, softly shaking her head with a wry grin. Not all directors would take the time or give their co worker this much credit. It was why she kept hitting Paul up for new ideas and project, to keep the ball rolling, and to keep him interested. If the guy found out how damn good he was, he might jet off and do an actual hollywood movie instead of slumming it down here with the rest of them. Hopping off her chair, she strode over to the man in question, giving him a pat on the shoulder. “I’m excited to see the final cut. Did Maureen give you the new script? I think its a real winner.” Together they sauntered down the hall to Mia’s office deep in conversation. Once there, Mia waved for Paul to take a seat. “What do you think of Cherise? I know you’ve worked with her on and off here, I just want your take on her performance.” The director seemed thoughtful, taking a minute before forming a reply. “She’s a fresh face and willing to do what it takes. I do think she lacks imagination sometimes though. Getting into character isn’t always easy for her.” Listening closely, Mia nodded as he spoke, wondering whether or not she should keep the girl on for a while longer, or cut her in favor of someone else. It wasn’t really personal. She thought Cherise was both beautiful and had some promise. Heck, Mia had never officially been on the other side of that camera or worked the kind of jobs these girls did at night. Judging them was not high on her to do list, not when they came from such different backgrounds. “I’ll give it some thought and let you know what I decide. Could you talk with Maureen about setting up times for the next shoot? I want to make sure we’re all happy with the times and dates moving forward.” Giving Paul a parting smile, quietly watching him slip back outside, she turned her focus to her phone now that their chat was done.
Six calls from Cassandra.. Inwardly Mia groaned. It was not hard to imagine why her step mother would be calling. She had no doubt this was about the wedding, and those damned bridesmaid dresses. For days now they had been a frequent subject matter, one that continued to create reason for debate and dismay. Sighing heavily, Mia ran a hand trough her dark locks, pinning strands of hair to the top of her head, her nails scratching her scalp as she debated whether or not to return the call and deal with this. As she came to a decision, her hand dropped and her shoulders squared, a physical preparation for the conversation to come. The redial button was pushed and the phone pressed to her ear, listening to the dial tone while shifting a bit in her chair. “its kind of excessive to call a person six times, don’t you think?” Her opening statement a little tinged with annoyance, typical Mia. of course she hadn’t meant to start off the conversation on such a note. It was just one of those million times where she managed to put her foot in her mouth before her brain could even register it had happened. “Well, now you got me, so whats up?” She asked, trying to find a more neutral ground. Her step mother, who had initially responded with her all too frustrating calm, nothing you say can shake me voice, was now rambling about pink bridesmaid dresses.. Pink. Once more Mia was unable to control her reaction. “You don’t seriously expect us to wear pink wedding dresses.. no I don’t care if they are the loveliest shade of rose champagne Cassandra. I told you this the other day at the hotel.. I don’t do pink and I’m saving Sofia from having to endure looking like a wannabe socialite in such a ghastly color.” Pressing her lips together, Mia had to truly exercise control over her temper as Cassandra brought Luca into the discussion, it was such a cheap shot. “Look, Luca doesn’t give a rats ass what color or even what kind of dress I wear. All he cares about is that I am there for him when this all goes down and I will be. But not. in. pink. So please, convince whoever you have to change the color to something else. Anything else.” Hanging up, it was hard to say if the conversation had lead anywhere. Most likely Mia would either be ignored, or her father would involve himself the second Cassandra mentioned her being ‘difficult’ about something as trivial as dresses for her brothers wedding. Either way, it was just another seemingly pointless dilemma to come up with a wedding that Mia had serious doubts about.
The question rang out in the back of her mind, like a finely tuned alarm clock just without the frustration you usually felt at the sound. What would mom have done? It was painful to contemplate. The fact that her mother would not be at her sons wedding.. the reminder that she couldn’t be there to support or guide any of her children trough their hardships and their life changes. This wouldn’t be happening if mom were here. Mia thought, biting her lip and leaning back in her chair. Her mother wouldn’t have agreed to sacrifice Luca’s chance at true love and choice to love, by marrying him to a family that their own couldn’t possibly trust. But, and there was a big one in this case, her mom would have handled it with a ton of grace and compassion. If anything, her little brother deserved all the compassion she could spare for now, and the next months to come. Sofia too would need lots of love. Mia knew how furiously her littler sister had argued against this wedding and how on the fence she was at the notion of watching her twin married to the Sinclair’s, which Sofia despised. Personally Mia had never quite been able to jump on that train. She didn’t trust their rival family, but she thought both sides were just as bad, just as responsible for the heated situation the two gangs were currently in.
There was a knock on the door, pulling the brunette out of her deep reverie. “Yes?” she called, straightening up to sit vertically in her chair, expectantly looking at the door. It was time to get back to work.
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antthonystark · 7 years
can you talk about your fave alec moments from 2a?
Oh man. There’s so much, there’s basically too much – I didn’t actually think therewas that much, but wow there’s actually so much because literally every Alecscene is my favourite scene as I am a simple girl with easy standards. But I’ll try to, like, not talk for six thousand years. Let’ssee how it goes lmao.
#1 Best Top Alec Scene of All TimeEver: Alec v. Aldertree, 2x09
Oh man. Oh man. This was…this was such a gift…Ican’t even describe how I feel about it adequately. Like our boy is a saltineat the best of times, but that aspect is sort of is tempered by his forcedrespect for authority (which is a whole nother conversation which I’ve talkedabout a few times) – so against an authority figure, in the past, Alec has beensort of passive-aggressive (for lack of a better word); like in 1x09, he staresdown Lydia and hands the folder to his mom against her command, and in 2x01 hestill takes Lydia’s dismissal instead of contesting it. So I like this sceneespecially because you see him coming out of that, but it’s not OOC oranything, firstly because shedding his adherence to authority has been a partof his arc since 1x12 (and was reinforced in 2x08 with his conflicts with hismother), and also – and more significantly imo – it’s because of his family.Isabelle specifically. 
So that “I’ll do anything for my sister,” authoritative,salty as fuck Alec just taking his Institute back that thisscene brought out is my favourite ever Alec and I hope he’s here to stay.(Actually, I hope we see him struggle a bit more with his identity as aShadowhunter, his duty to the Clave and his parents and following orders andthe like, since that was a key part of his character in S1 and it would be socool to see him actually deal with that, but that’s a whole nother thing aswell). And leader!Alec has always been my favourite Alec, and there’s nothingmore I want to see than Alec being the head of the institute like he deservesto be (seeing a struggle for power between Alec/the Lightwoods/Aldertree wouldbe SO NICE too, and I’m actually really interested to see how power is going toshift hands in 2B in the Institute. Maybe seeing Alec have to navigate themessy quagmire of Shadowhunter/Clave politics which puts him at odds with theothers who don’t get how complicated it is because the consequences of any insubordinationare going to fall on his shoulders as the leader sorta like how it was in S1. And I’m also kind of interested to see how Alec navigates the whole “preserving the Lightwood honour” thing from last year - how much he values that now compared to the huge lengths he went to for the Lightwood name in the first season. That would be so cool).
Andhonestly, that smirk and that salty little pat on Aldertree’s shoulder ended mylife. It ended my life.
I just put the rest in chronological order but i just had to mention this one first lol so here we goooo
EPISODE 2x01 (and that punching bagscene in 1x02):
I’m justnaming this whole episode okay sorry (I’m probably gonna do this with mostepisodes lbr). There was just so muchgood Alec in this episode it’s hard to unpack it but let me try.
I’dprobably say my favourite moment overall is the very first one, with the wholegang in the institute. This is weird and most people would probably go for theAlec/Maryse confrontation or the Magnus/Alec scene later on, but there’s justsomething so Alec about this scenethat I love. Like, Matt did such a good job in this scene imo because you couldliterally feel the stress and panic radiating off of Alec and it just cut medeep because man oh man those parabatai feels always get me. More than that, though,you can see the fear and frustration because of the realization that the way hehas dealt with his feelings his whole life is starting to fail – in the wake ofJace’s absence, suddenly he isn’t able to bottle up his feelings and put themin a place out of his own access, so he doesn’t have to deal with them –suddenly, it’s too much to just shove out of sight and push down withoutexamining (as he tries to articulate it for the first time when he says “withJace missing, it’s like the ground has shifted and I can’t keep my balance—”). Andthroughout the first couple of episodes, you see him having to deal with thisand becoming more volatile as these feelings that he never learned how tohandle burst out of him without him being able to exert that control that he’sbeen having to do his whole life.
Relateddirectly to that, one of my other favourite scenes is from 2x02 when he’spunching the punching bag, and I love thisdetail because you saw him trying to do the same thing in a few instances inthe first season, using his physical body (and inducing physical pain, but moreon that in just a moment) as a way of trying to exorcise his feelings without dealing with them in a significant emotionalway. And that little moment when he rests his head against the punching bag –that’s when he realizes that it’s not working, that this is all too much, thathe can’t punch this away. (Leading into his decision to endanger his own lifeto get Jace back which man oh man I loved that scene too but guy we’re gonna behere all day if I keep doing this.)
I really supermega love the scene on the balcony with Magnus as well, but to try and makethis not a million years long I’m trying to focus in-depth on Alec-only scenesrather than relationship-related scenes. But know that this one is definitelyone of my faves as well. (My favourite Alec quote probably ever is “Thanks, I’vebeen working on [my apology skills]” BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK THAT’S ADORABLE ANDI LOVE IT. And that smile.)
2x04: The fight with Izzy and thesubsequent cuddle pile
(The ending of 2x03 is another favouritemoment but everything I think about it I just cry and I have nothing good tosay so I’m skipping on to 2x04).
Okay sothe fight with Izzy is deadass one of my favourite Lightwood scenes EVER, and I’vetalked about it so much before so I’ll try and keep this brief but oh my god it’sjust perfect to me in every way. Mostly I can’t stop thinking about how he justcannot even so much as bruise Isabelle when she would literallyrip his heart out if given the chance (I mean, the demon possessing her but youfeel me right). Like, he can’t hit her with a non-lethal shot and instead oftrying to force her off of him he’s just trying to reason with her (Izzy please ugh my heart) and try to gether to overcome the demon and it kills my soul. This is my true favourite Alec,the gentle big brother Alec, and that’s why I love this scene so much. Add thatto the whole “you’re the favourite child” rumination which I love because itjust shows how poorly both the Lightwood kids have been treated by theirparents so that there’s really no favourite child at all, but I talked aboutthat a lot once too lol.
Butspeaking of gentle big brother Alec oh my lord the scene right after Izzy getsunpossessed and the way he holds her and applies the iratze on her (and laterthe way he scoops her up) oh my god I die every time (I don’t think I canestimate to you how many times I’ve watched this scene tbh lol). And when Jacecomes in that little soft hug that passes through all three of them is myfavourite thing in the entire world honestly I can’t believe we were blessedwith a Lightwood group hug in my lifetime. It’s just my favourite thing aboutthem, how they were made to be weapons from childhood and how they’ve had tofend for each other, and how they’re soldiers raised in this militaristic andoppressive society that forces them to be cold and hard and yet they are sosoft and sweet and loving and kind to one another……idk if I’m articulating thiswell at all but I’m just I love itbye.
2x05: Rooftop scene with Jace/fireescape with Magnus
If I hadto pick a solid second favourite, it would probably be these two scenes, when Ithink about it. Ever since season 1, I was very interested in Alec’srelationship regarding the physical and the emotional, because of that wholepile of stuff I wrote under the 2x01 heading right up there (but more examplese.g.  punching Jace when he insinuatesAlec’s feelings for him, and the punching bag scenes in 1x06, 1x08, 1x09). Butthis is another facet to that, which is trying to avoid dealing with the emotionalpain/trauma  that he never ever taughthimself how to handle properly by trying to translate it into self-inflictedphysical pain and injury just to tryand make it go away, and it breaks my heart. I know this is a sensitive issue,so I don’t want to talk about “loving” it or anything like that, but Iappreciate it because it’s very in line with Alec as a character, not only inhis struggles with self-worth that were very apparent throughout the firstseason, but because of the way he was raised informing the way he navigates his emotions(i.e. with a lot of difficulty, and as it becomes apparent, a certain amount ofanguish), as he was both brought up in the emotionally repressive militaristic society of the shadowhunters, and struggled with being gay in an openly homophobic society, which makes it even worse for him compared to the other shadowhunter characters we see. 
Just theimage of Alec’s blood-soaked hand reaching for arrow after arrow that keep further wounding his hand was a very strong one, and it’s the reason whythis scene has stayed with me as a strong Alec moment. And his whole conversationwith Jace added to it just makes it even stronger to me, because it hammershome the guilt and the self-loathing that Alec is feeling not only for Jocelyn,but for apparently failing Jace, and you can feel his shame at hisself-perceived shortcomings coming to light and it’s heartbreaking and just sogood. (I’m not gonna keep saying “yay Matthew” but yay Matthew because he’s sogood he’s so good).
Also sincewe’re talking about 2x05, I loved the little moment with Madzie (that smile curedmy depression im p sure)
2x06: Yeah, the…the whole thing.
Yeah, sothis episode was amazing. Great Alec, great Magnus, great malec, everything sogood.
One of thethings I liked about this as a Matt stan more than anything is just the waythat Alec was allowed to have a little bit of comedy, since he’s usually such aserious character, and Matt just nailed the subtle comedy in lines like “youcan round down, if you want” and the ICONIC “17! 1700? …17000?” moment which wasjust so spectacularly done. And the best acting moment of S2A when Matt “drinksvodka straight out of the bottle” Daddario does the most perfect impression of a non-drinker drinking alcohol (as a nondrinker this was especially special to me lmao).
But morethe actual Alec moments, I think the way his insecurities were portrayed is whatI really loved in this episode? I don’t usually relate to Alec in ways that are less superficial than not drinking alcohol, but in this single specific way only (only this) I find him relatable to the sole extent that asa 20y/o with basically no relationship experience for certain reasons (yeah sadlife whatever leave me alone). But even apart from that and just focusing on Alec, one of my favourite lines was when hesaid “I didn’t want you to think that there was something wrong with me” and “…becauseI knew I could never have what I wanted” or whatever it was) because that’sjust heartbreaking and basically I just love it, I don’t have anything good or profoundto articulate here, I just love this because I’m so happy Alec can finally have what he wanted for so long, after so many sad lonely years of thinking he could never be this happy and i love him and this whole episode okay bye
On ahappier note, I also really loved the pool-playing scene between Magnus and Alec.I love how they showed his competitive spirit and that playful flirty side toboth of them,  it was really cute and Iwant a lot more of it in the future. Like, you don’t see a lot of Alec being competitiveoutside of this moment, and I feel like some of it was dulled a little bit bythe fact that he would always measure himself up against Jace and perceivehimself as coming up short, but I like when you can see his smugness andcompetitiveness come out in certain moments like this one, esp in the way that you can see Magnus making him happier and more open which yes. (And I also likeAlec talking about archery and i want more of that too).
2x07. omamori
I know2x07 was a big giant mess, but I have to give it the omamori scene. I’ve talkedabout it so much because I love it so much, so I’m deadass just going tocopy-paste something I “wrote” before on it (my grammar in this post is weirdly good and mixed up because i had to write it on MS Word and that autocorrects and capitalizes but the following is more indicative of my actual thought processes lol):
the “yesyou” especially killed me like………he’s so sweet, so obliviously sweet?? likethis is alec’s first relationship ever, and it just strikes me as so lovelythat on their second date ever, he’s like “here have this present” like!! forso long he’s never let himself do any of this, indulge in not only love andattraction and desire, but also all of the small relationshippy things - soliterally the first opportunity he gets, he gives magnus a little present:)))))) it makes me almost sad because there’s so much love in this boy and forso long it had nowhere to go and it choked him from the inside out and now hefinally gets to show it and embrace it and give it to somebody special,somebody who will appreciate and return it in kind
and hedoesn’t register or understand magnus’s surprise? he’s like “yes you duh” likeit’s just par for the course, like “this is what you’re supposed to do, isn’tit?” it’s just so fucking………..alec that it hurts
and thatthe omamori represents protection???? oh god i love it so much b/c alec is thisyoung and relatively un-special shadowhunter (in that he doesn’t have any extraspecial angel powers or whatever) and then there’s magnus who’s immortal andamazingly, endlessly powerful, but alec’s instinct is still towards protection.how sweet is this boy
So yeahthat’s that.
2x08 – Runer ceremony & the endscene with Maryse
Okay LASTONE I promise. 2x08 was again chock full of some NICE Alec scenes, and Iespecially love when Alec has scenes with his parents because as a viewer it’ssuch an interesting dynamic that I really want the show to explore a lot.
Anyway, Ilove love love the Rune Ceremony scenefor a lot of reasons, but speaking about Alec particularly I!!! love!!!!proud!!! big!!! brother!!! Alec!!!!!!! and seeing him smile at Max like that made my entire life ho my god.  And there was something very affecting aboutthe fact that since Robert couldn’t be there, it was Alec who had to accompanyMax up to the Silent Brother. idk exactly but I just really love that moment,because I guess it’s this visual representation of the emotional neglect fromthe Lightwood parents, and the way that the children had to start looking outfor each other at such a young age, and the almost parental protectiveness thatAlec has had to develop over his siblings (and his siblings over him as well) becauseof the lack of emotional support from their parents? I love this song tbh and bigbrother Alec is my favourite Alec (and the visual contrast in height betweenJack and Matt in this scene especially is just SO GOOD for this aesthetic too).You can see this dynamic in terms of some other interactions with Alec and Maxthroughout the episode (which, by the way, I loved.) And this whole idea isjust underscored by the fact that Max is so young and is already being sworn into be a soldier, basically, so it really hits home how young Shadowhunters arewhen they’re indoctrinated into this life.
And I lovethe Alec/Jace/Maryse scene at the end because the Lightwoods are such a good family, in that they’re so fuckedup and there’s so much bad shit that goes on, there’s resentment, there’sthinly-veiled homophobia, there’s emotional abuse, there are lies and secrets –but the realness of it is that they’rea family. They’re a complicated, ugly family (when it comes to parent-childdynamics), but there’s love there, even after everything. And there’s the possibility of apology and maybe, maybe, of eventual healing (as testified to by Maryse and Jace’sconversation earlier).
I know theLightwood parents are awful and often emotionally abusive, but Alec’s hug andsupport to Maryse showed so much more about Alec’s character – how heimmediately forgets all the shit he’s been put through when his mother needed ashoulder to cry on. It’s not beautiful and it’s still indicative of a fucked-upfamily dynamic, but Alec and his protective, gentle, and comforting instinctkills my soul – and I love the sort of irony, I guess you could call it, thatit’s this woman that made Alec repress those instincts in an attempt to makehim a perfect soldier, but they were too strong and too much of a part of himfor his kindness and gentleness to completely be stamped out by his upbringing,and now that’s what Maryse needs fromhim in this moment. idk where I’m going with this but you feel me right?
And I’mreally excited to see Alec’s relationship with his father unfold and get moredevelopment. Because Robert was kind to Izzy and wasn’t as openly awful aboutMalec as Maryse was, people got the idea that he was “better” to Alec thanMaryse, but if you look at season one, Robert did his fair share of mistreatingAlec (not to mention that thinly-veiled dig at Magnus being a “lothario”). SoTodd & Darren teased that Alec/Robert scene and my god they better deliveron this and deliver properly becauseit’s all I want.
2x10: REAL QUICK so I really really likedthe “I love you” malec scene from 2x10 but I wrong a long-ass answer on that back then, so I’m not gonna get into it nowI literally have no more words to say about it lmao
AND YUPTHERE IT IS. These are my favourite Alec scenes. I think I did okay, all thingsconsidered.
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Hey, I really like your writing! Could you do RFA+V, MC is in a relationship with one of them but one of the other member in love with her?
Edit (Jan. 28) : So, I did not change Jumin’s part but i felt shitty for not doing the rest of the gang so here you guys go
Really sorry it was overdue -P
Watching her was hard.
She was always smiling and even though it wasnt for him, he still felt like it would cure his life maybe even the entire world
It didnt matter that she had no money or status
She was a queen like no other
Yes, she was kind and sweet but he loved that she was brutal, passionate, and fierce
but above all: she was honest
The things he learned she didnt love about herself, he loved a thousand times more- no an infinite amount more
He wont lie, he hated Seven for the longest maybe still does
He took her away even though his job could hurt her
even though he could offer MC more protection than Seven and more opportunities 
he found himself hating Seven
But MC was happy
And thats all that mattered to him
Even if it meant that she wouldnt smile like that for him
She wont show him the faces she makes when shes sad, happy, angry, excited, lost in love, orgasming, and even ignoring him- he knows that it cant ever happen
But he liked to think about what it could all be with her:
How she would be the most favorite flavor he could ever taste
How shed be his favorite place to go to when he wanted to fade away from his troubles
He enjoyed having his dreams revolve around her belonging to him, being with him- him belonging to her, and them becoming something much more than a physical and mental attraction
At the beginning he didnt expect anything from talking to a strnger, he didnt see her like anyone important enough
But as the days progressed, he felt her drowning his thoughts
Hed think about the girl in the apartment whod look at her phone at ungodly hours of the night and still manage to stay awake during the day to do her work (or whatever she did)
At first he thought maybe taking on more cat projects would help to regain his focus
he felt that instead, it enhanced his daydreaming and even night dreaming of her
He felt that maybe it was something unhealthy how hed dream of her at night too and figured he needed a doctor or more time with Elizabeth III
When he realized that what he needed was her, everything in his focus dropped
He’d never felt such relief and such calm and such a high all at once- he felt alive and warm and sad all at once
Like his tangles were unraveling slowly
he hoped that she felt the same for him when they talked, but he was mistaken
when he knew it could never be like that
his heart swelled and everything warm and beautiful made his heart cry out for MC
he knew
It would always be him swimming alone in a vast clear ocean sea, with his feeling exposed and no rescue boat or life saver to come for him
It hurt.
Knowing that this love he has for her wont have anywhere else to go but to disappear into the ocean exposing him
He could find someone with status and power yet still be kind and fierce and even a model but none would ever match to MC
She became the name he whispered when he needed help, when he was frustrated, when he was sad, and when he wanted relief
He sometimes wished that they had never met or that MC was a different person with a different personality but even then, he knew 
he would always feel something like this for MC however she was
WHen Seven asked for advice on which places offered the best catering for weddings to the space station
Jumin knew he would always look at MC and Seven together on an island where they were unapproachable as he floated in the ocean that exposed him and his. Heart. Hurt.
It took her a while to realize that it bothered her for more than a few initial reasons
It was all confusing for her; granted she never had this happen before
She should have focused on her work instead of silly fantasies
But oh how she wanted for her fantasies to work out
She didnt want to become jealous of the one person she admired and followed
She didnt want to harbor any terrible feelings towards Zen
But she did
She didnt want MC and Zen to date because she didnt want MC to be with anyone at all
She did care about Zen’s career
But that wasnt the main reason as to why she wanted both of them to be single
It took her a while to realize that the feelings she had towards Zen were completely different than those she had towards MC
The one thing they both had in common was that both were gorgeous people
But towards MC she felt something else that she couldnt make herself feel towards Zen no matter how many times she tried
But ofc she didnt want to ignore their happiness and success
Zen will forever continue to be her idol
He was an amazing actor, model, singer, and person
But the one thing he had that no one else could ever be lucky to come close to in comparison was:
The love MC had for him
Even as she threw rice towards the new bride and groom
Jahee vowed she would never let anyone know what she felt and thought and instead would channel her feelings into supporting Zen’s career and MC for whenever MC would need her
She promised herself and god that she would never stop loving MC
She didnt want something so precious and pure to disappear just because it would never grow into something more than just friends
Even if she would become the godmother to their unborn child
With his rising career, he lied to himself a lot he was very good at it
Constantly repeating like a prayer that she was better off
That MC wouldn’t have to worry about crazy actresses or crazy fans making her life complicated with lies and rumors
That she could live a better life with no worries or fears or anything except for what she would wear for the day and what she should eat
Had she chosen anyone else, Zen would have objected
Bc no one could ever be good enough for the princess
But he knew
He knew that Mr trust fund would provide
Whatever MC would want or need: he would provide
And Zen would be okay with it
As long as he could see her smile and not want for anything
Zen would learn to live with watching them from afar
He would be okay with having to watch MC from atop the stage while she cheered with Jumin 
He would eventually learn how to stop drinking beer on a nightly bases and quit smoking as well 
Maybe he hoped to eventually learn to love someone other MC 
 Someone who could love him in a way that doesnt feel like its slowly tearing something from within apart 
maybe even for before the wedding 
being best man was something that took him by surprise 
but whether Jumin knew how he felt towards MC 
he would only give words of encouragement and support 
for as long as she would need it
maybe by the time they have a child, Zen would have found someone to replace MC 
even if for a little while longer he could continue to love her 
He would stay this way for as long as he could hold on
Once was fine
Once was okay
But twice?
Twice was not okay
Not after the last time
He did not feel comfortable with MC and V being together
Not after what happened with Rika; he did not condone their relationship
But he couldnt vocally oppose them
How could he?
All he knew was how to play a video game that consumed his life and came between him and being a better student
How could he offer MC a life when he couldnt even prove to himself that he could go a day without playing a stupid video game
And for what?
All because Rika died? Becuase Rika was with V who made him feel like he was hiding more than just a few details?
But he knew V would treasure MC.
The moment he saw them exchange rings, the moment they announced their pregnancy, and the moment he saw their small family together; he knew
Watching V hold their child in his arms made Yoosung feel like he should leave for a while 
Maybe go visit his parents for a few weeks 
becuase it became too much 
To watch the person you love live a life you envisioned for yourself with them was too much for him
He only came back when he heard the news 
V had died.
He should have been sad 
and he was! sure baby boi
but he was ashamed to admit it to himself that he was low key relieved
so instead he focused on helping MC and the child she had with V 
He knows he could never replace V; he was glad of it too 
but he didnt want her to feel like she was alone 
He always volunteered to help take care of the child and babysit and even coach her baseball team he fought for her to be allowed to join the boys team in the first place 
he did everything he felt a father would do 
When she called him “uncle” it made him feel like he cant ever be a father figure 
even more so when MC began to date again after 7 long years of being widowed 
Even if it wasnt with him or for him, he would always look after that child like his own and love her mother while she loved another man
707 / Saeyoung
He was okay with it
He knew he failed
The moment MC sided with Unknown, he somehow thought that she would be safer with this stranger
If he was good enough to be hidden from 707, then he was good enough to be hidden from other people;
People that would hurt MC
And that was all Seven needed
All that mattered was that MC would be safe wherever she was
He didnt like it; he didnt like not knowing where she was
Who she was with or why
Maybe she got the message after he pushed her away many times
But it would be something he would have to learn to be okay with
Becuase he was the fool to have let emotions overcome him
he was silly to have thought he deserved someone as caring and even understanding as MC 
hurting her to leave him was the only thing he knew would work 
And it worked. 
After she left with Unknown, he rarely saw her 
the times he did see her, she seemed happy 
granted she saw the other RFA members more than him 
But he was okay with it 
That was what he needed to know that he was going in the right direction 
He told himself his love was wasted on her 
But it wasnt 
if anything it was what kept him alive and sane; it was all he knew 
Alive and sane until he could find out where his brother was 
Maybe then he could find something to fill the void and emptiness MC left when she left 
But when he saw who MC was with 
He figured that Saeran wouldnt need him either 
if both of the people he loved the most had each other 
All he would need to do was to look at them from the sidelines and make sure they would be okay and safe; everything else would just be white noise 
They were the most important people in his life and nothing would ever change that. 
Even if they were also the people who didnt feel the same way he did towards them.
He told himself he would learn to be okay.
He put her in harms way 
He avoided taking in the chat for that reason 
When she addressed him, he felt warm and cared about 
When she defended him for reasons she couldnt understand herself, V felt like maybe there was love after death 
that maybe Rika wasnt his only soulmate 
And he regretted that he didnt meet MC before the rest maybe even before Rika
But with how she interacted with Jahee 
he felt jealous, which was ridiculous right?
Yet, it wasnt
When they moved in together and opened the cafe 
it was all falling into place for both Jahee and MC 
And he didnt dare take that away from MC 
She deserved someone to watch over her and he knew that Jahee needed MC just as much and he did
He should have said something before they moved in 
but he didn’t find it odd.
When they decided to adopt a dog he felt cold and distant 
When they adopted their first son, he felt heartbroken 
When MC asked 707 to be the godfather his heart was shredded 
But when Jahee asked him to be his godfather of the child MC was carrying,
he wanted to say no 
But when MC was eager to make him also a godfather he dindt have the heart to say no 
He wont ever be connected to MC like she was with Jahee
but he could at least have a reason to stay close to MC 
He wouldnt cry or shed any tears, as long as he had the chance to look after MC from afar 
and hey, even if his goddaughter looked like her mommy, he saw the truth through her 
That both of her mommies were perfect for each other and he was glad to have stepped back to allow for their family to flourish. 
Unknown / Saeran 
Unknown knew he wasnt warm or soft or loveable
He couldnt provide MC with enough reasons that would have made her be with him
Why would she have chosen him?
It didnt surprise him that MC was with someone completely opposite to him
Someone who was warm and soft and loveable
And someone who could introduce her to their family and not have to hide away the crap of a life they were dealt with
She wouldnt have to feel burdened to carry a heavy load of pain and memories he tried to suppress
She could be happy and enjoy another family and maybe talk about casseroles or baby stuff with her mother-in-law
And have political debates or maybe talk about a silly show with her father-in-law
And not have to worry about being killed or hurt or tortured or anything he went through as a child
Saeran pretended to not care that she was getting married to a vet 
Or that she was close friends to his brother 
He even lied to himself that he didnt care whether she was alive or not 
but he couldnt 
Even if she didnt know he existed or that he loved her 
Saeran wouldnt show himself before her again 
Well, thats what he told himself 
but he made his way to working on going to her work daily for a cup of coffee 
To find a way to cater at the wedding 
to work on days she would appear at the baby store 
and even work one day at the school her child would go to 
He didnt want to let MC go 
but seeing her life with Yoosung and their child;
He couldnt take her away from the happiness he could never have provided.
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