#if there’s a proper tag lmk
Content warning of suicide
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Weird school day
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lovecoredeity · 2 months
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a little cat porcelain doll character I stayed up all night drawing. The inspirations for this design are: dolls (duh), a porcelain “tea party” bracelet I made and kintsugi! I didn’t give them clothes because my attempts weren’t going to way i liked. Let me know how you’d dress them!
♡ if you like my art please consider buying me a kofi ♡
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cowsaresushi-coral · 2 years
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A little looping animation because my brain is just full of my thoughts on kirby blorbos. Guck, they’re just cute.
Breakdown of the animation below (various other gif examples) - Warning for the roughs, it’s very flickery because I have a couple of blank frames interspersed. It’s the 5th gif before a blurb of text.
kirby - so squishy. so cute. surprisingly can be difficult to animate because feef.
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galacta knight - i like his wings :)
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meta knight - note, one frame is SLIGHTLY different from the final because I made a last minute edit because it was bothering me SO MUCH. looks better now :D. This has the old wing animation, but I can’t be bothered to fix it in these gifs.
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I was going to have both get a little bit squished when kirby bumped into them, but it looked a bit weird with the wing animation going on, and honestly, I just got tired.
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roughs (flicker warning)
I skip frames for timing reasons. sometimes I can’t tell if i need another frame or not, so I’ll leave a blank in between, and play it, and see if it looks smoother with the blank, or weird and clunky. If it looks smoother, than it means I need another frame. I just draw that frame in crispy crispy lineart at the very end because i’m lazy :) (well, selectively lazy).
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Anyways, time to go do other kirby animations, or maybe do my animatics or maybe sculpt or whatever. I have many hobbies and projects
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mint-is-here · 3 days
Day 1 of the @lmk-season-5-drawing-challenge :D
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I thought i would be the only one who would draw Nezha for this day but nop!!!
Anyway this is sort of for my au? I mostly use this Nezha outfit in my sk8ter boy au but i also just. Use it outside of the au in general. So yeah.
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green-crocs12 · 5 months
ok i can’t lie anymore IM SO ATTACHED TO MY HUMAN RAYMAN DESIGN (for clh). btw click on the images to see them uncropped
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and uh idk do what you want with these 🤯 can we talk abt how short rayman looks as rayman but when he’s ramon he’s so tall??? lmao
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moonlightperseus · 26 days
okay like i want to preface that i do not have anything against the storylines that they are doing, i’m straight vibing with this season, having fun. i just want to say it’s a little frustrating to me that 911 keeps tacking on these buck and/or eddie centric “surprise” scenes at the end of an episode because then it becomes the big talking point of the episode after the fact and a lot of the other stuff that happened in it falls away to the sides a bit
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junixxoxo · 8 months
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drdttober day eighteen - illusions
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decaydanceredacted · 6 days
question. have you ever reblogged something to this blog that you meant to reblog on your main?
I definitely did a few times in the early days of this blog, but i've gotten better at it
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cottonii · 8 months
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colour test that got WAY too out of hand
anyway hbd(?) to one of the fictional men ever
(og sketch of this i did in class under the cut)
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lockandkeyhyena · 8 months
So regarding T4T HawkLeaf, how would the three be born in the timeline if Hawkfrost does by the foxtrap, delaying the death? Making them born a little bit early? I'm so curious and would like to hear this.
what if i said something super fucked up in that the trauma of the fox trap caused hawk to go into labour early so as he’s bleeding out he’s also giving birth to the three
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svtskneecaps · 2 months
thank you for bearing with my purgatory posting and i'm also glad to see i'm not the only one who still has this fungus eating away at my brain matter. seeing other purgatory posting in the tag makes me feel better lmfao.
i'm not done btw, posting will (probably) continue as i revisit vods. wanted to extend a thanks in the interim, since i know how contentious the event was in the moment. i kinda thought the general consensus was most people hated thinking about it, but there's been a weird amount of engagement and yknow other people talking. makes me happy to know i'm not alone here!
#qsmp#qsmp purgatory#shut up vic#block game brainrot#it also provides me the opportunity to get a new perspective on some moments as well#like watching the jaiden spawnkilling thing the first time i missed some nuance in bbh's tone when he offered to walk her to her body#rewatching i heard them :D#i'll probably rewatch his conversation with slime from the same day at some point to refresh my perspective on that#but i think i'll wait on that; that convo makes me super biased lmfao#i'm aware of my biases at least :D and dw i won't bring old discourse back#tbh i never rly posted discourse much to begin with? just that one list and analysis of time stamps LMFAO#but yea i won't be bringing that back to the tag even if it's back in my brain#i PINKY SWEAR; i'm not one to start fights on posts or blogs that aren't mine#i block and then if i REALLY have something to say i shittalk them into my bathroom mirror#bc i know neither of us are gonna snitch >:D#long tags#it's also nice to look at with the benefit of hindsight and reflection#bc i know everything that happened; i was there watching it live#bolas are unreliable narrators#i'll probably see about going through some of the other team's povs as well just to see#it's interesting is all! and i finally have the time to sink my teeth into it properly#since we aren't having to keep up with like six streams a day#it's been so long sinve this server took a proper breather i'm appreciating it for all it's worth#((yes i wish the circumstances were better but they aren't; we take what we can get lmao))#ok anyway love u byeeeeeeee purgatory posting will probably continue#i'll tag as appropriately as i can; lmk if there are further tags i should add#i prefer people don't block Me if they hate these; i'll make u a tag to block if u ask i promise <3
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 3 months
Just listened to Bayo3’s Moonlight Serenade and it just hit me again how absolutely furious I am about this game. Waiting 5 years since the announcement and then 2 further years before I could finally play it just to be met by that was… I don’t even have words for it.
And the worst part is - I was having so much fun playing it! Sure, it wasn’t on the level of Bayo1 or Bayo2, but it was still a delight to play! I loved the new designs, I loved the new weapons, I loved the music, I loved the new flow of combat, I genuinely had such a great time! Alright, the writing wasn’t exceptional, but the idea of parallel universes was still fun to explore - and I’m not fond of the enemies’ design in general, but I had a blast fighting them once I figured them out, and I appreciate the fact that they tried to do something different once again (after fighting angels in Bayo1 and demons in Bayo2). I even loved Jeanne’s little spy levels!! They were so cool and charming and so much fun to play through!
And I liked Viola! The narrative really didn’t do her justice but she was still such an endearing character! Her fighting sections were different but still enjoyable, and I enjoyed everything about Cheshire, which made her levels even better.
And I just - to take all that potential, all that joy, and squander it so completely and maliciously right at the end was just… devastating to me. I know Bayonetta isn’t made for the girls and the gays, but that’s not even the point - I would’ve at least enjoyed a Cereza/Luka ending if it had been written properly! Instead they decided to assassinate the characters we all knew and loved, spit on all the established lore and themes of the previous games, stomp on all the newly introduced characters, and all to shoehorn in a fated-lovers narrative that doesn’t even work on its own, without taking into account everything that contradicts it in the previous instalments.
And as if that’s not enough, they forced it into the most depressing, most nonsensical, most malicious finale I have ever witnessed. Why are you punishing me for winning the fights? Where is the reward for getting to the end? I was waiting at the edge of my seat for the entire game to see how Cereza would turn the situation around, how she’d overcome the impossible odds and come out dancing on her enemies, and instead they told me no, she saves almost no-one, she dies a pointless death she could’ve easily avoided so we can get a) the stupidest romance ever seen and b) a new protagonist that we spent no time developing, and nothing you did in this game had any meaning at all, fuck you.
Sorry for the rant, but I’m just… I’m so disappointed. I really really wanted to like this game and instead the finale ruined the whole experience for me. I literally sat in silence as the final scene and credits rolled out because I just couldn’t fathom what I was watching. How do you take such a great cast of beloved characters and decide that this is what you want to do with them? With a 5-year development time, no less? They deserved better, Cereza especially deserved better, and we all deserved so much better.
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[Image description : Three screenshots from the 2019 show Carmen Sandiego, from the season 2 episode 6 episode The Need for Speed caper. The first one is Carmen on the blimp, talking to offscreen Zack and Ivy. She says "Look, I think you both know you're more than just my crew." The next two screenshots are from the later scene in San Diego, when Carmen is talking to Shadowsan. She says "But Zack and Ivy chose family over career. Throwing down roots for them is the least I can do." The last image is a a picture of a man saying "So that was a fucking lie". /End description]
Rewatching The Need for speed caper after the series finale like
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astronomical-bagel · 7 months
my moms eating disorder is going to give ME one at this point I swear
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a-dream-deferred · 2 months
i love how most arabic dialects took one look at ق (ipa: /q/) and said i'm not pronouncing that, it's a /g/, /ʤ/, /k/, or /ʔ/, take it or leave it
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crumbleclub · 1 year
a super short ficlet in the blips universe, told from elizabeth's perspective.
Elizabeth and her little brother huddled together on the carpeted floor of her room, and she lifted her hands to cover his ears.
The muffled sound of shouting made its way through the walls, punctuated by a sickening crack. It was quiet for a moment. Then, she could hear crying. It was raspy and gasping and loud; the kind you couldn't mask no matter how hard you tried.
Evan was crying, too, silent tears dripping down his face and leaving damp spots where they fell onto the collar of his shirt. Elizabeth could feel him trembling in her arms, and her palms pressed even more tightly over his ears. Closing her eyes, she willed it all to go away.
"You don't have to be scared, Evan," she whispered. "You just have to pretend."
Elizabeth was very good at pretending.
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