#if you are interested please ask lmao
lotus-lamps · 3 months
man i love how people are like "guys you're all mischaracterizing this person. stop the slander/where is the slander, you guys are always ignoring something something + this other character did something something" and then proceed to mischaracterize that other character in that same post with them getting really annoyed about mischaracterization like. sorry what
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elizakai · 4 months
Is it just me, or are the aggressive Hazbin Hotel haters just Vox scrambling for Alastor’s attention and coping when nothing happens
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Critics and Haters are different! You don’t have to like the show but making post after post hating on it, threatening the creators, or insulting people to convince them why they can’t like the show is
1- obsessive
2- honestly cringe
LIKE WHAT YOU LIKE MY FRIENDS and if you don’t like it, that’s fine, just CHILL!🩷
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lirii-arts · 1 year
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✨ Got dared a while back to draw Qifrey’s apprentices 10 years older, here’s the result! 
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sugarsnappeases · 2 months
fnvjfnbjgnjb I really hope this isn't weird but I am actually so desperate to hear some of your rosekiller headcanons (the more fucked up the better < 3)
hello!!!! i am. actually…. would you guys murder me if i said i didn’t think about rosekiller like all that often….. when i do think about them it’s normally prompted by things that saints @foursaints (lord and saviour of the rosekillers) posts. but. just for you, my dearest futurequibblerjournalist, i’ve been racking my brain for some vaguely interesting things to say. so:
to start off, in terms of characterisations, in my mind, barty is a ‘worshipper’ and evan is an ‘investigator’ if that makes sense - like my barty (and again this is heavily influenced by my whole barty michelangelo variant thing which i never shut up about) is someone who will completely offer himself up to, in this case, evan, like he’s trying to get under evan’s skin both idiomatically and literally, there’s this whole kinda masochistic self-dispossession thing going on which is him just entirely putting himself in evan’s hands, at his disposal, a ‘whatever rosie wants, rosie gets’ kinda thing (and all the things that rosie wants are a little fucked up… like evan wants. a rib, let’s say, and barty is immediately offering his up, like take mine please take mine i have a few to spare, and they do the surgery, no anaesthetic, lots of eye contact, and it’s the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to either of them… evan likes to run his fingers over the stitches before they’re fully healed up, maybe pull a few out, just to see….)
anyway i digress but also kinda not a huge digression bc that leads me on to evan as ‘investigator’ - disclaimer!!! evan as a character is a lot more nebulous to me than barty, like i feel like i haven’t entirely grasped him yet so allow me some wiggle room please and thank you but. evan is curious, that’s his central characteristic in my mind, he just wants to like… see, to understand. i think he doesn’t care much for people in terms of them being like actual people, he cares more about. how they work i guess biologically, like how their bones connect to allow them to move in particular ways, how the neurons in their brains do things (i’m really not a steminist i’m sorry guys) to make them say things and act in particular ways. his like. life mission. or whatever. is to figure out how ‘humanity’ works if that makes sense….
and barty is a bit of an aberration in some ways bc he doesn’t interact how he’s supposed to interact and he doesn’t move how he’s supposed to move and evan is curious, bc he normally doesn’t allow anything to bother him but barty is just. a bother. like in general. and evan wants to crack barty’s head open and get a good look at his brain, prod at it, investigate it, and barty would let him. barty would genuinely actually let him and that sort of power, someone being that devoted to you, is a little heady in a way that evan has never really experienced and barty would do anything bc he sees evan and he sees someone who wants to dig deep beneath the surface of him, someone who wouldn’t flinch away from whatever ugliness their digging revealed, bc both of them are so rotten at their cores imo, and he sees a sort of ascension, a higher purpose maybe… it’s absolute body and soul devotion, it’s ‘he could physically cut my heart to pieces and put it under a microscope and that would be divinity’
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starflungwaddledee · 8 months
Hello hello, i just wanna say i absolutely love your Galacta Knight and Meta Knight comic it RUINED my brain in the best way possible.
you made a very cool language that i would love to figure out how exactly it works and the grammar behind it and just Everything you’re willing to share. I’m being sent into brainrot and i’m Living for it!!!!
ohhhh thank you thank you soo much! i'm so excited to hear i am infecting other people with my brainrot! truly the highest of praise, thank you!
I don't have 100% of the language figured out or anything and it is very much a work in progress (i tend to iron out + develop new things as i need them), but it- like all languages- is very tied into the culture of its speakers!
here's one of my personal favourite parts, the 'Reverse Possessive':
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my version of Starspeak lacks pronouns and has limited possessives: one for yourself (ei), one for someone who you are actively addressing (eu), and one for Anyone/Anything Else (ey).
if you needed to refer to someone else in particular you would use their name, rank, or a relationship designator. Celestial culture is extremely hierarchal and formal relationship designators are very precise, which means they are quite varied and can work almost as titles or second-names
with only one word for all versions of a possessive, the location of it impacts the entire function of a phrase. to explain this I'll use a word I've previously introduced, Vaýtita, which also happens to be a relationship designator.
you could use this word on its own, like a name, though very commonly it is used with a prefix possessive; ei Vaýtita (my Vaýtita). you could also refer to someone else's gravity the way you might refer to a spouse or partner, eu Vaýtita or ey Vaýtita (your Vaýtita // its Vaýtita).
reverse possessives function a little differently, and usually tie into hierarchy. in Starspeak using the suffix -ei translates best to "which possesses me."
so when adding it and making Vaýtita-ei, the Vaýtita is put into a position of possessing the speaker, and it translates as the Gravity which possesses me.
you would only really say it this way if you were insanely fuckin' serious about the person you were referring to, because it implies that you are wholly and completely consumed by this force in your life. there are however other designators where it is much more common to use a reverse-possessive to identify that you are, in terms of relationship hierarchy and responsibility, deferent to that person
for instance, the central rank of a Star System, Ílioz (the Sun) is quite frequently used with the reverse possessive by all orbiters or lesser stars. they would say Ílioz-ei (the Sun that possesses me) out of respect and/or love and/or fear
you could similarly add the suffixes -eu or -ey if you knew the formal relationship of the person/s you were referring to (ie: Ílioz-eu, the Sun that possesses you), or even derogatorily
this is getting long so i will wrap it up here, but if you'd like to know anything else please please ask!! i obviously delight in talking about it and could go on for paragraphs more, i just don't want to make too huge of a text wall! but i would be more than happy to answer any other queries about any words or specific phrases or grammar or so on!!
thank you again so so much for your interest and for asking 🥺🥺💝
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poltergeist-coffee · 10 months
Q!SLIMERIANA RADIO SHOW HOST ADDITION!! (brainrotted and created with @vertical-suns <33)
Basically slime and mariana both work at separate radio show stations (or wherever you call them) and they have a rivalry with each other. It’s because they both air around the same time (both shows are popular in their own right and have fans/listeners of their own!!)
despite this slime and mariana are the way they are and started talking shit about each other live. No ones sure who started it or when but its a thing now and its everyones problem 
mariana (in spanish): have you seen this charlie guy?? he’s so muscular he’s so fucking sexy-
slime will 100% listen to and react to whatever mariana is talking about when he’s live like hello sir?? what are you doing?? aren’t you suppose to play music?? or talk about the news?? what is this?? (it’s fine i feel like regular listeners live for the drama) (it’s free entertainment). no i don’t think slime knows what mariana is talking about half the time and i don’t think that woudl stop him either. slime spends company time thinking about mariana and sometimes that’s just how it’s gonna be
Wilbur and Slime work at the same studio and wilbur use to have a segment but it got cut because he became a touring musician so he doesn't have time to go on air anymore. He still goes on sometimes as a special guest and to answer calls/questions but its not common 
He and slime are best friends tho which means wilbur is subjected to whenever slime decided to go on hour long rants about mariana
Roier and Mariana also work at the same radio station but roier actually does a segment regularly!! he takes callers and it’s like a giving advice/self help thing. he answers calls like “ayy whats your problem today?” Its psychologoier, it’s free therapy, it’s not great but it is interesting so at least there’s that?
sometimes roier helps run mariana’s show like behind the scenes (like if mariana’s producer isn’t here or something else) (he just tells him the things to prepare to say, what’s coming next, when to do certain things, shit like that.)
anyways a special thing that happens on mariana’s radio is that usually once a week for the entire segment of time he has he’ll just answer calls and talk about stuff or give advice which is a 50/50 on being useful or being a joke. yes he gets flirted with on air, yes almost every caller wants him its okay
One time Slime for fun calls in and then it’s just them arguing live on air for like idk 10 minutes MKNAJHFIJW they’re 50% arguing and 50% saying innuendos and the most absurd shit you will ever hear
mariana’s mic got cut off 5 minutes in and they played music until he got off the phone with slime but Slime happened to be live during the call so anyone on his show could hear the entire thing
slime probably stop talkign all togther at one point just to hear whatever insane shit was coming out of mariana’s mouth and he’s going to be thinking about it days to come. slime ends his show a bit after and lays down in the studio flushed entirely and staring blankly at a wall. eventually he looks up and the first thing out of his mouth that he says to wilbur is “i want to have sexo with mariana” wilbur burst into laughter
slime: no i’m not joking stop laughing i’m being serious
wilbur: so am i, i don’t want to hear about how much you want mariana
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glitteringpeachy · 2 months
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Imagine I made an ask blog with these guys,, would y'all wanna read/ask them stuff? (With more characters yet to be revealed obviously, not just them!!)
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altruistic-meme · 4 months
if you could... describe aftg in 5 words
oh this is not as easy a question to answer as it should be akfhsdkf bc like. i could describe its plot, or my thoughts on it as a fan, or how it makes me feel, or just make a joke, or or or and bc idk why you're asking it makes it harder :'))
but let's see...
plot: gay sports mafia found family.
fan: drama, familiarity, trauma, comedy, home
feelings: love, understanding, chaos, joy, comfort
joke: you know, i get it-
(as you can see, i couldn't pick which one to go with, so choose whichever 5 words you want lmao)
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sunnibits · 23 days
If you want an excuse to talk about highly specific parts of dmitri backstory, you can have this!
I used this post as a chance to post the big-picture basics of his lore, so I’ll use this as an excuse to talk about some more random/niche details!! (you will need the big lore to understand some of these lmao)
putting it under a cut again because I am truly physically incapable of talking about my ocs without going off the walls beserk and writing an entire essay
when Dimitri tried to escape the Weavers, one of the ways the Broodfather punished him was by branding him with the Weavers’ symbol, like marking cattle. even now, he still has that huge ugly scar on his back, a lingering message from the Broodfather. a reminder that the Weavers - and by extent, the Broodfather himself - own Dimitri. as far as he runs, he can never fully escape them…. :D
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it looks kinda like this btw ^^^
the golden snake arm band on his arm (meant to be a reference to jörmungandr) is a gift from his patron Loki, and acts as his arcane focus. it’s more than that though - it’s part of his link to Loki, and through it Loki can exercise his will. the snake has a tendency to come alive, winding and coiling its way up Dimitri’s arm. sometimes when Loki wants to remind Dimitri of his place or express displeasure, the band will subtly tighten, acting as a silent warning. nobody in the party has ever noticed his flinches of pain, however.
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(I actually did an extremely rough animation of this at one point lmao ^^^)
when he worked for the Weavers, he acquired the nickname/alias of “the Magpie”, acting as a masked thief that stole everyone’s shiny shit and pissed everyone off (hence the name). this also led to the Broodfather referring to him with this nickname a lot, particularly calling him things like “little magpie” or even “my lovely little magpie”. (and yes, it’s meant to be creepy, Dimitri is like 12-17 in this era). after he left the Weavers to serve Loki, he shed the alias completely. naturally, half of my motivation for this was to make him even more of a Cool Edgelord™️ (can you tell I like the movie The Crow?) but the other half was specifically so that me and my DM could have a phrase we could drop in to any dialogue as a way to instantly call back to his backstory or to create a shock factor (because it’s a trauma trigger for him, it freaks him the fuck out to hear people call him that again). let me tell you, getting to hear THAT one name-dropped for the first time was VERY fun in game. (one of these WIPs is trying to capture that scene actually).
ok enough angst, let’s unwind with some silly stuff 😌
he canonically invented waffles in his universe. (I know I’ve mentioned it a million times, but it is my favorite fun fact about him. I can’t express how funny it is to me.)
there have been at least two verified, specific instances of Dimitri jerking it. it’s official canon.
ok that’s it for this one thank you!!! if you read all of this we’re making out with tongue btw.
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graciousdragon · 5 months
(this is probably the 200000th ask I've sent you lmao)
You made me start listening to MCR again.
How dare you /j
i got one!!! welcome back lol let's together listen to my chemical romance :]
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
Quick question, how old is Seb in the boy king au when they get married, I'm asking because I was rereading the fic & directors cut from September and you said he’s so obsessed with calling Seb little. Is Seb shorter than Nando or is Nando trying to feel a bit taller when actually he is a itty-bitty war criminal kitty? If Seb is shorter but still has time to grow how badly will Nando take it
Hello! This one is much easier to answer than your other one(You're really making me think deeply, thank you 🥺), so I think I can answer this pretty quickly(hopefully)
So you've probably noticed that I don't mention actual years too much which is just bcs the timeline is so vast and I've not decided on a lot 😭. But they basically have the same age gap as modern day, so I'd say they were born in 1681 and 1687 respectively(which matches up well enough with the real world history.) Irl, the war that I'm canon divergencing away from takes place 1701-1714, so stuff regarding when their coronation and marriage happens is somewhere in there. So I'd say Nando becomes king in like, 1705 and then they marry somewhere between then and 1710(when seb ideally becomes emperor??)
So to answer your actual question. Seb is def taller than Nando by the time they get married. But in that ficlet, Fernando is obsessed with calling Seb small because he wants to make himself feel bigger!! It's less about actual height and more about power dynamics. He's belittling him by literally calling him little! And it's also about Nando being older than him. Seb became a king as a boy(hence boy king), whereas Fernando became a king as an adult so he calls him little because he still sees him as that little boy king who is too young to have that amnt of power.
They first met pretty young, not knowing what their future would be like, and didn't really see each other for a while. And so until they meet again, when the marriage plans start happening, their perceptions are: Nando thinks of Seb as some little boy king, and Seb has a childish crush. So it's very odd for Nando to suddenly now meet this kid, all grown up, and he's now taller and even more powerful. So I think Nando still associates Seb with that image in his mind, thus calling him little all the time.
Conclusion: Fernando IS shorter, and he wears heels and calls Seb little all the time as a way to cope
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karinyosa · 3 months
they should make food thats convenient and easy to eat in under like an hour
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yanaleese · 3 months
Hi, please I want to ask you for help!
Please could you help me with $200 I want to use it for my project in school, I promise to give that back to you. This week is the deadline for the project it is very important to my grade I don’t want to miss out on it
My wonderful besties on the Internet, I believe this is a scam. Even if it is genuine, there is no way you should send $200 to this random person. Not even me (besides I am broke as hell LMAO 💀). It can cause privacy and financial issues which you have to pay the price for.
And also I want to thank you Madame Kryptonite, for adding a new rule to the masterlist! Now I can remind others and myself to not fall for this trap, and keep others safe.
Also, if you are somehow not a bot and in actuality a real person, I highly suggest you ask someone you trust in real life. Begging for money is NOT the way to do things.
Therefore under NO circumstances, must you EVER use my inbox for this. This applies to everyone, whether you follow me or not.
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blujayonthewing · 9 months
I've been playing a little baldur's gate at my friend's when we're not doing other stuff and man. baldur's gate Good
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thecherrygod · 1 year
Robot hdb and mechanic/technician kim pt 2, more serious this time
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@morphlingunderscore thank you for taking interest in this!!! originally i didn't have too many thoughts about it but.... Something shifted, and last night i couldn't stop thinking about it, sorry if it got a bit too long kdkdkgks i got more invested than i thought i would
Maybe he was made by Dora? As part of a prototype series of robots, i think hdb could be harrys model And maybe she even named harry just. Harry. Bc there was something about him, about how programming, that was faulty but made him special (the skills. They make him too human while not human enough) (also maybe part of his program knows he had a name but it got wiped too, and he is fixated on it, on having lost that. .... It could be kept as part of a letter in a compartment somewhere in his robotic body... Maybe even in his chest cavity... Maybe Kim finds it when having to fix something in there........ No concrete thoughts there, just a vague idea that I'm keeping here.)
At first this would be very interesting, getting herself attached to him (and i feel like it's also the thing that makes Kim so invested in him later down the line)
But. Things keep breaking, he has blackouts (maybe caused by overheating? Maybe the skills cause the overheating and/or short-circuiting?), He keeps messing up his tasks, and his system may not be fully capable of following the classic three laws of robotics all the way through. It gets exhausting, she has better projects to work on, others that can stop being prototypes, more worthy of time and resources, that will get recognition, and get her out of the place they're living in.
And so she leaves, and leaves her old lab and obsolete projects to gather dust never to be used again.
Kim, on the other hand, really just is a mechanic for the most part, but he can really work with any machine, and would know about programming and circuits and everything, having learned about this on his free time.
This interest starts properly after having moved from foster families a few times, and managing to get a mechanic to take him and teach him how it all works, getting his hands on an actual engine,tho hes always been interested even as a child, from what he could find in books.
He has his own garage now, and works on any machine you bring him, from cars to a microwave, anything that helps him pay the bills and allows him to work with things he enjoys. Also doing these kind of household appliance fixes makes him go out in search for any parts that he may need for his job, whatever's cheaper (por straight up free, of you know where to go)
I think that, like in canon, it's thanks to Kim that harry wakes up again. In this case maybe hes looking around for something and manages to shock harry in a way that his body starts right there and then? Idk too much about this kinda stuff and it's late. It could also be noise with enough vibration to make Harry's gears shift again. But as i said idk about machines I'm general nor if that makes sense/is possible)
The rest is basically this: harry helps Kim find parts, either that they can use on him or on other machines. He malfunctions more now bc both of the prevailing issues, the wipe out, and the passing of time, and Kim is willing to fix the parts he can, and understand the ones that seem to make no sense, and this, all this, new, can bring a change to Kim's monotonous life, spark something in him, also be confronted about some of his being stagnant by harry. Also the wipeout isn't a complete thing, this guy would realize Kim likes speedfreaks and would use himself as a radio to play it just to see him have a good time, for example. His skills still work with understanding humans (... Sometimes).
another way of doing this tho would be hay being made for the rcm (still Dora's creation imo). Faulty but good for all the same reasons + this robot will give you a ridiculous list of theories/keep track of evidence/of witnesses) alibis/the things that have no relation to the case you don't want him to remember but still does.
In this case one of his faults could also be in fact his memory, and it being faulty enough it had an almost full cleaning could be from people trying to delete info from it and failing. Or him doing it himself so he feels like he still has a reason for not being discarded by the rcm. And kim could still be part of the rcm but both as a mechanic and a detective, or just mechanic, or just detective on paper but with the knowledge
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stuffedsand · 5 months
6 and 15 for es and 19 for kotoko if that's okay!
Thanyou for the ask!!
6 - favourite relationship with another prisoner?
Ooh ok. I don't tend to think about character relations bUt. I remember thinking Es and Fuuta's dynamic was funny as hell in t1, and in t2 where fuuta gets to parallel them and es just kinda has to absorb it. It's fun to me :p
In a similar vein I'd say kotoko? Haven't listened to either of her vds yet but Ive heard some things through Tumblr posts and also I love the parallels,,,,, I am a very theme loving person
15 - what do you think of their voice?
I love their voice they should let es sing more!!!!! Undercover is one of my favourite milgram songs I love their voice so much. It's also fun that it somehow hits the prepubescent male yet also feminine sounding type of androgyny.
19: what do you think their childhood/teenage years were like?
Ooh that's an interesting qn...I'd say I think something must've happened for kotoko to say she was how she is now when she was 12 (because believe you me I can tell I've changed a lot just from last year to this one, 12 year old me is naught but a strange child to me now. And I'm not even kotokos age) But also I somehow feel she had a relatively normal childhood? Maybe not many friends but otherwise a pretty regular average childhood. I might b wrong tho haha
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