#if you're curious abt my personal hcs
ali-croft7 · 8 months
I have a question about your OC, Joan. Judging by how Ratau and Ratoo were part of her cult I assume she was the previous bearer of the Red Crown, with Ratau being the next vessel after her. So how did Joan’s reign end? What was her downfall seeing that she’s more of a villain?
There are two reasons.
One was her own ambition. Joan's goal was to eradicate the Old Faith's devotion from the lands, making the bishops vulnerable and easy to kill. In other words, a big crusade.
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She created an army of crusaders to take over the Old Faith's temples. She did it with Leshy's, but she couldn't finish her quest. Shamura frustated all her plans by turning more than the half of her army against her... and killed in the process.
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Although Joan came back to life and TOWW had commanded her to retire and protect his temple, she finally refused and pulled the Red Crown out of her head.
At that moment she realized why she wouldn't taste victory anyways, the second reason of her downfall: the prophecy. She always thought of it as a false hope, a tool from the bishops even. The only "truth" she believed was that she was chosen by a god and nothing could stop her.
She went alone to fight Shamura for revenge. She knew she wouldn't make it, but she would die the way she wanted to.
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tonowarii · 1 year
Headcanons of the Sully brothers dating a Fem! Human
Note: Since I am a sucker of human x na'vi relationships... and also this had been a request in my main account and i just decided to do it here <3 these are so short im so sorry??? and i wrote a whole friends to lovers w lo'ak mb, both of them have my heart
GIFs used are mine
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N e t e y a m
If the word "protective" was a person, it'd be him no doubt
Because you're so tiny?? He can literally cover your whole face with his bare hand
Def did it once as a joke to laugh at how tiny you are and you were not amused
But also for him, tiny = needing more protection from the whole pandora world
You tripped over a huge branch once, almost breaking your exopack in the process
Let's say Neteyam nearly had a heart attack dragging you to the lab in camp to get you a "new" one
Everytime you'd go over to their place, he always have to be holding your hand/touching you in some way
It's to make sure you don't get lost from the crowd of people much much bigger and taller than you, like he described one time "you are like an ant to them, i have to be holding you so you dont get crushed"
Either your whole hand in his fist or his huge hand on your waist guiding you where to go
He knows humans are fragile but he knows you can handle yourself but- he
Just always keeps an eye out for you, always asking if you're feeling anything different or if you want something
You appreciate the gesture tho, he's so caring <3
Now, he knows you're human and he is Na'vi, things are bound to get complicated from there since..
A human, and a na'vi? it was unheard of
But Neteyam doesn't care, as long as he loves you and you love him
He'd do anything for you
Probably let you ride w his Ikran once and he was just smiling like an idiot as you were clinging to him for your whole life screaming
He's obsessed w your touch
I hc he's also touch starved so he has to be touching you in a way
In public, sure its his tail wrapped around your thigh, or his hand always on your back
Just those small subtle touches <33
You'd never want anyone else except him
Seriously would you want anything else??
Tuk was so curious abt you, Kiri and Lo'ak are chill, but you were mostly close w Kiri <33
"Your hair is so nice!!" - Tuk
"Thank you, Tuk!"
Honestly Neteyam would probably b jealous since Tuk is always stealing you from him >:(
But he loves the sight of you bonding w his siblings, it makes your relationship even better, stronger somehow :D
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L o ' a k
Boy was probably cautious of you at first
Kiri dragged you to their tent as you were engaged in conversation
Lo'ak was doing something when he heard your voice, making his head perk up
Who were you????
But as time passed you also meet Kiri's siblings, growing a special interest for Lo'ak <33
Soon enough you both find yourselves to be bonding, growing closer as you joined his reckless adventures
Then when Lo'ak realized he was, in fact, growing feelings for you
It had him confused.. And probably became distant w you to make sure what he was feeling was true and it wasn't some kind of stupid spur of the moment type feelings
It led to you being confused as well, why was he suddenly ignoring you all of a sudden? It kinda hurt
Lo'ak then decided to open up to his sister, Kiri, about you after a few weeks
After Lo'ak was done explaining, Kiri smacked him on the head
"Lo'ak you are probably the dumbest person I know at this moment, why don't you just go tell her how you feel!"
Bc Kiri also knows you like Lo'ak but she can't be too obvious
"(Y/N), I have to tell you something."
Oh no
You had feared that you did something that made him this distant from you, or was he going to tell you that your feelings for him were too obvious and that he couldn't be with you because of the obvious difference? Or was it maybe because he just doesn't like hanging out with you anymore-
"I'm sorry I was ignoring you, I did not mean to.. Its just.. Okay here," He hands you a flower almost bigger than the size of your hand, but it was pretty
Wait what-
"That reminded me of you... I like you, (Y/N)"
You took the flower from him and you looked at him before tackling him in a hug, jumping on him.
You look like a koala hugging a tree atp
Lo'ak almost failed to catch you as he was trapped within the hug that he wasn't used to receiving, ESPECIALLY FROM SOMEONE HE LIKED??
That was when he knew you liked him too
Now remember when you used to join his reckless adventures in the forest?
You still join him, but you could feel that he was now hesitant w his actions, afraid that you could get hurt from his recklessness
You reassure him that he doesn't have to worry abt you and you could handle it, just like old times
He knows that but STILL
Whenever he spots a scratch on you he'd be taking you to Kiri, asking to put that special ointment that she uses on him and Neteyam whenever they get hurt from doing something stupid
"Put it on her, I don't want it getting infected"
"Wow, since when did you become a doctor, Lo'ak?"
With every adventure you took with him, Lo'ak makes sure to pick up a bead every time to remember the moment
Bc he's going to make you a bracelet w it <33
When he finishes it and he gives it to you, he almost fell in love again w the look of adoration on your face as you thanked him over and over as you hugged him (yes he was carrying you or else you'd be hugging his leg 💀)
You never took it off and you even proudly showed it off in the lab and w his family, making him a blushy shy mess
Took you to ride on his Ikran once and he loved that you weren't afraid, but you were still clinging onto him while admiring the beauty of the Hallelujah Mountains
For Lo'ak, he can handle pda
No, he loves it
In a way he's reminded that you aren't ashamed to be with him and vice versa
He swears he's abt to go wild when you hold his pinky in public
When you both are free and hanging out in the lab he loves comparing hand sizes
And loves having your finger on his face, tracing his stripes
Its the small moments w you two that he treasures the most
He knew that you were the one, even if you were human, nothing's going to stop him from loving you
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osachiyo · 7 months
I'm curious - what kind of s/o do you think Fyodor, Chuuya and Dazai would like? What kind of personality would she have?
For Dazai my own personal hc was that he'd be a sucker for someone if they showed him the tiniest bit of genuine affection. In BSD WAN! There's a scene in which Atsushi gives him flowers and thanks him for his hard work and the man DIED ON THE FLOOR!! Imagine if a pretty girl did that!!
Chuuya I think is ok with just about anyone as long as you're not a massive pushover and have your own spine. Everything else is a bonus.
As for Fyodor, damn. Not sure where to start with this man?!!
AIKSJS i love these type of asks omg !
okay for dazai, I agree with what you said, poor baby is so touch n affection starved :( though, I don't think he has a particular type, as he could shape any woman into however he desires (a lil twinge of manipulation there). I also think that because dazai isn't used to this type of affection displayed towards him, he'd be.. more than taken aback if he were to have an affectionate and kind s/o, y'know?? like you want HIM?? like actually want and love him UNCONDITIONALLY??? he has to take a minute to just.. process and then blink dumbly. thinks you're either crazy or just an angel on earth.
chuuya, on the other hand, I think he'd prefer someone with class, self respect and backbone. he can't go around with someone who has 0 dignity and respect for themselves, I feel like he'd snap at some point if his s/o is someone who can't live without validation or attention y'know? heavy heavy emphasis on the attention bit− he works for the mafia, and can't constantly spend time with your or accompany you everywhere and I think he'd want someone who respects that and understands his conditions. of course, he loves and adores his partner but his job comes first. the mafia cuts no slack and he's gonna drill that into his s/o's head !!
fyodor.. dont even get me started on this man bc I'd be able to talk abt this all day 😭 alright so, I think fyodor would prefer someone... obedient and modest (at least around other people). so sorry but my feminist side goes out the window when im talking about this man. he wouldn't like someone mannerless and "improper". you're not going to wear ANY provocative clothing in public, that's for his eyes only. like why're your tits out? oh youre wearing a tank top? youre forbidden from wearing those now and go change (he's such a dick I love him). also i think he'd prefer a partner who is a virgin. because of his religious background, I absolutely think this man values chastity and "pureness". oh and if you thought youre gonna have sex before marriage with him, it's best to just forget that thought ASAP because IT'S NOT HAPPENING BESTIEEEEEE. also this man is canonically a yandere so... yeah <3
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crazystargirl · 11 months
Hiii!! Ur blog is amazing! I saw you wanted requests so!
Could u write smth abt f!reader x Ethan Landry where the reader is kind of like a rockstar gf? And she’s very flirty with him but has an attitude with everyone lol. And Ethan just being shy when the reader flirts with him but always has her back and if necessary drags her out of arguments/fights.. established relationship pls,I hope u enjoy writing this if u decide to :)<333
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musician!ethan x rockstar!reader hc  ♥︎
pairing ♥︎ - musician!ethan landry x rockstar!reader, ethan landry x fem!reader
word count ♥︎ - 0.5k !
a/n ♥︎ - kae, thank you for being such a sweet person and being so patient for me to finish your request, i honestly took forever to write this bc i had no idea how to write this so i made it into headcanons. i hope you enjoy it !!! ( p.s. i looked up what a rockstar gf was and just didn't really like the idea of it so i kind of changed up it up and added my own lil thing )
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↳ first of all, both you and ethan are musicians
↳ you're pretty reckless so people were shocked when they found out that ethan, a shy musician, was dating you, a rockstar
↳ also ethan probably plays the acoustic guitar while you play the electric one
↳ you guys met at one of your performances that chad dragged ethan to
  🎸 "dude i can't go tonight! i have homework!"
  🎸 "fuck homework dude, you need to loosen up for once"
↳ you immediately noticed ethan out of the large crowd since there aren't many people like him at your performances
↳ you realize that ethan is the musician you go to watch perform sometimes to take your mind off of school
↳ you guys ended up talking back stage later and he asked you out
↳ he took you on a little picnic and the rest is history
↳ you guys had been dating for a few months and ethan very quickly picked up on all your bad habits
↳ for one your room was always messy so he always cleaned it up while you were class
  🎸 "eth! you don't need to clean up my room everytime it gets messy!"
  🎸 "but love if i dont you're literally going to have a landfill in here
↳ he takes you with him most days so you can watch him rehearse his stuff
↳ you usually just sit there watching on one of the trunks ( you made it VERY clear early on that you wanted to sit on a trunk and not the chair )
↳ sometimes he'll let you join in or just do your own thing
↳ you like flirting with ethan a lot since it makes him all flustered
↳ his love language is giving you little gifts and sometimes writing songs for you
↳ since you're stubborn as fuck he usually finds you arguing with people
↳ and him being the sweet, shy boyfriend, he has to drag you out of fights or arguments 
  🎸 "baby you cannot keep arguing with people!"
  🎸 "but he said you weren't a good musician so i had to argue in your defense!"
↳ ethan's asked you before why you're like that with others and not with him
  🎸 "because you're my boyfriend and i love you, are you complaining?"
  🎸 "nononono i was just curious baby"
↳ sometimes you're like a little kid and to calm you down he gets you ice cream and the worst part? it works
↳ unfortunately this isn't the only time you'll act like a kid, if you're at one of ethan's performances and you're bored because your phone is dead, he'll give you his and it will shut you up
↳ sometimes he'll let you sit on his lap when you rehearse
↳ after performances he'll take you to go get food and then you guys will watch a movie together at his place
↳ when you guys are both on break, ethan will take you out on cute little dates
↳ sometimes when you're bored out of your mind, he'll teach you how to play the acoustic guitar 
  🎸 "eth this is too hard"
  🎸 "baby you cannot give up that easily otherwise you'll never learn"
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taglist ♥︎ -  @xyzstar, @ourloveisgod23, @dizscreams, @kaesworldxx, @bhk1234uwu, @nonniesworld, @athenalive, @lanaslittletwinkie, @beccajoestar
if your name is crossed out it's bc it wouldn't let me tag you
a/n ♥︎ - this is kinda short, i apologize, but if you want there to be a pt. 2 or a lil drabble for this, just send me an ask :)
©crazystargirl 2023 || do NOT translate or repost my work without my permission
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ari i’m curious do u have kenny hcs
i do have some kenny hcs <333 take a seat here's a snack we’re gonna be here for a while 🧁🧃 (THANK YOU FOR INDULGING ME <3 this man genuinely makes me feel ill im sooo delusional abt him)
okok so first of all; general hcs !!
he likes art!! loves art!! this one is canon to me i just think he is so interested in any and all of humanity’s creative outlets and ofc art is the most prominent one. he loves all different forms of art — from sculptures to paintings to writing to video games (HEAVY on the latter btw i think he's so entranced by new technology) and so on.
and on that note!! i think he paints and writes himself :3 hes been alive for so long, learned so many languages, there's no way he didn't have time to pick up a paint brush. i think he paints to release stress!! and his styles vary but there's something mildly macabre abt all of his pieces. tends to gravitate towards expressionism above all else, especially the abstract kind.
i also feel like he sincerely enjoys ”bad” art like low budget movies and modern romance fiction and goofy video games…… he just thinks they're fun. def gets a good laugh out of them (this man canonically had a whole comedy phase he just wants to have fun!!)
and and and!! this is self indulgent as hell but i also think he cooks. there's just so much to learn when it comes to different cultures and their cuisine and i think they all interest him. but i hesitate to say that he's a good cook bc i feel like he’d make really weird fucked up food combinations just for the hell of it…. he's a freak. 100% the type to mix orange juice w black coffee just to see how it tastes.
i also hc that he has a soft spot for children, seeing as he literally carried and birthed one of his own LMAO... i just think he admires the innocence of childhood !! that childish and simple hope that adults tend to lose. he's very good w them too!! gentle and patient. and in geto’s body he has the softest nicest voice so i feel like kids gravitate towards him (i'm just thinking abt that One scene where he blows bubbles at a playground and all the kids chase them… they love him i just know he's a regular at that park)
OH AND……. idk if i’d call this a hc exactly but i just wanna see kenny in more feminine clothing. he literally has All the genders i don't think for a second that he cares abt gender norms. one moment he's in that tacky middle aged divorced father core hawaiian tshirt (he's so Me), the next he's wearing a purple floral dress or a puffy turtleneck <33 i just think he could pull anything off.
NOW FOR THE GOOD STUFF……. relationship hcs <33333 hes a whole red flag but hes also my silly pookie bear just trust me on this
FIRST OF ALL he's huge on quality time. if he's in a relationship w u then that means he sincerely enjoys ur company and therefore has a tendency to just bring u with him wherever he goes. otherwise he gets bored and starts whining abt it (silly silly man) hes a lonely guy ok </3 i feel like he gets very sudden urges to explore new places / do new things and he’ll make sure you’re right there w him !! you’ll wake up in his arms only to find you're in a snowy forest or some shit and he just WILL not tell u where he's taken u bc its ”a surprise ^_^” LMAOO
he also takes on a teaching role in the relationship and i think that's where hes happiest !! gets a kick out of it but it's also kind of special to him. especially if you haven't seen much of the world, or if you're just a naturally curious person — preferably both. he just enjoys teaching you new things, leading you towards new sights, drinking in your expressions and reactions. it's precious to him. something to cherish.
ON THAT NOTE i think he has this unquenchable curiosity that gets temporarily sated when he tries to like . Dissect you. see inside your mind. it's like hes solving a puzzle that never runs out of pieces. hear me out riko but i see him as somewhat similar to makima, he's detached and has trouble connecting w people and handles you almost like a math equation….. but since he unlike makima is a human being, i think he still has the capacity to grow to care for you and treat you like an equal (or something close to an equal). he genuinely does love you, but he's rusty. kenjaku just wants to know all there is to know about you — every single thing. he’d dig into your brain if he could, but he’ll settle on just brewing you tea, listening to you speak about your fears, hoping it’ll give him the same insight.
he's a little possessive . kind of a Lot. idk i just think he feels a pang of jealousy when he sees u laugh and have fun w someone else (he's like a preschooler getting pouty bc his bestie is playing w someone else LOL) and that makes him Uncomfortable so he just waltzes in and steals u away w a smooth smile and a hand on ur waist. pretends like it doesn't bother him in the slightest but if u tease him too much he drops the smile and gives u a Look (it's scary as hell so u immediately shut up LMAOO) and god forbid someone else is like… teaching u something… a subject they're knowledgeable abt while u sit there listening happily to their rambling……..... ohhh he gets so jealous it's funny. researches that particular subject in frightening detail JUST so he can correct your little friend and teach u abt it himself <33 weirdo. freak.
also (this is extremely important to understanding kenny's character) he's both mother coded and father coded but in the worst possible ways.
he's mother coded in the sense that he's a smidge controlling, good at coaxing you into doing things outside your comfort zone, an expert at making you feel guilty by acting especially sweet and gentle, has the ability to make you cry w one disappointed look etc etc
and he's father coded in the sense that he's easily offended but pretends not to be, wants to see you succeed so bad that it's almost more for him than you, forces you to have really deep onesided philosophical talks at 2am when you just want to sleep, sucks at voicing his love for you out loud so he just buys a bag of your favorite fruit, cuts them into slices and calls it a day. etc etc. he's awful actually. i need him
but !!! as for more soft hcs i think he's honestly an affectionate guy deep down… like deep deep down but it's there. he just likes having u close. preferably touching him. not constantly bc that’ll annoy him but he wants you to stay near so he can pull u into his lap whenever. loves reading to u while u rest ur head on his thigh, playing w ur hair and lulling u softly to sleep <3333 (it's the geto kinnie in him) AND idk why this came into my mind but i think he likes nose kisses. just bc ur face scrunches up and he thinks it's cute. he can be sweet !! probably.
OHHH AND he loves playing board games w u <33 everything from chess to monopoly. he thinks it's fun + a good bonding activity but it's only fun in the beginning. he's condescending if u lose and petty if u win but he’ll still ask u to stay up w him all night just so u can finish the game (he's insufferable actually) if u decline he’ll huff and play by himself while shooting u petty glares until u feel bad and join him. then he's back to being all suave and calm and mature ohhhh i hate him
he wants to be the mature stoic indulgent person in the relationship sooooo fucking bad but he’s plagued by silly impulses day and night. he’s just good at hiding it. but deep down he is and always will be a silly nerd <33
and finally; i think that in a no curses au he's significantly less of a freak but still weird and obsessive and a lil mean. bullies u just a tinyyy bit and acts condescendingly sweet but he cares for u a whole bunch. probably struggles w showing it in a way that isn't too overbearing or mildly alarming… maybe through writing. poems and paintings of u… sculptures…. just wants to portray the beauty he sees in u (can u tell artist!kenny makes me go a little crazy)
overall hes a weirdo hes a freak (def wants u to kiss his brain just to see how it feels) and he may or may not be a bundle of red flags but i love him dearly <333 hes a silly goose. i want to study him in a lab
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kanonavi · 4 months
hello tumblr user kanonavi who is 1/3rd of the reason i started rereading tgcf. i have come to collect my personal apology for the emotional damages inflicted upon me for the past 5 days. and i have also come with THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS (mostly feelings)
- icb i put off this reread so long hualian are so romance. theyre jsut Romance......... absolutely floored by every throwaway bit of dialogue they had....... in shambles forever....,
- sqx arc was not as painful as the first few times i read it bc i now stand with my cancelled wife (he xuan) I STILL LOVE SQX AND THEY DESERVE EVERYTHING GOOD. BUT HX WAS REAL FOR ALL OF THAT. i love revenge
- i wanna know your thoughts on ling wen bc u mentioned having mixed feelings on her but i loved her so bad all the way to the end so im curious ljdkdjf
- i am not immune to backstory arc pt2. read it last last (?) night at like 3am and cried myself to sleep its just so gutting every timeeeeeee.... the hc plot that builds in that arc is ofc one of my favorites in the entire novel though :')
- the chapter w the cave of statues took me like 2+ hours to get through because i was feeling so insane abt it
i feel bad dropping this block of text in ur askbox sorry. will leave it there for now LOL
Omg hiiiii tumblr user stardust-make-a-wish welcome back from the yaoi cocaine pit :3 I know you're here to collect emotional damages, but I must make it known that I'm not even remotely sorry <3
Also you should feel bad for yourself instead of for me because I can only respond to huge blocks of text with even bigger blocks of text, so (TGCF Spoilers Ahead) and also I am so sorry lmaooooo
UGH you're so right that hualian is the most romance forever they are just so *clenches fists and sobs*....... They're always there for each other and they're so in love and they've been through so much and I just want them to be able to rest because it's what they deserve.
I will never once say that Hu Xuan wasn't justified in everything he did cuz like. Shi Wudu had it coming what a piece of shit. But at the same time Qingxuan is my wife and I will not tolerate my wife being harmed. So like revenge slay yes but also I am still cancelling He Xuan and spraying him with the water bottle (even though he is already very very damp).
Yesyesyes Ling Wen. So my thought about Ling Wen is that she kinda girlbossed a little too close to the sun, but at the same time you look at her circumstances both past and present and have to understand why she did all of that. It already would have been hard enough for her to gain any kind of recognition as a woman, much less in the Heavenly Court, so her ruthlessness is completely understandable. But at the same time, I don't really think the Brocade Immortal deserved what she did to him nor was taking Bai Wuxiang's side in the final conflict a real cool thing of her to do. I can't fully be a hater though because her own thoughts about everything are clearly so nuanced (See: The final convo she had with Xie Lian about the Brocade Immortal, which I am still thinking so incredibly hard about to this day).
I think that Ling Wen is interesting in the same way that I find other characters like Mu Qing, He Xuan, and Yin Yu interesting. It's in the sense that even if I don't really agree with all of the actions that they took, it's very easy to look at them and come to an understanding of why they did what they did. And I have varying degrees of like for all of the characters I just listed, but that doesn't change the fact that they're all Compelling. So it's almost like a begrudging respect that I feel for Ling Wen, if I were to boil it down into simple terms.
aaaaaaaaaa The Horrors(tm) :sob: Even though I could talk about Xie Lian's arc through that part of his backstory for a million years, you're so right that Hua Cheng's arc through it is also so interesting to watch. It really goes to prove that Hua Cheng is different from everyone else in Xie Lian's life up until this point, because yes there's the very obvious throughline of Hua Cheng wanting to protect Xie Lian (rather than expecting his protection), but even more importantly that feeling never changes even when Xie Lian has his mini corruption arc.
Like, Hua Cheng fell in love with the pure and virtuous Crown Prince of Xianle but not for that quality. Instead of being ashamed and looking at Xie Lian with scorn when he was like "What if I kill everyone actually" Hua Cheng is like "Then let me be your sword". There's the element of not wanting Xie Lian to dirty himself that Hua Cheng carries for the entire story but the point is in that he is not a voice who would tell Xie Lian to stop having those thoughts if it's truly what he wants (Unlike what his parents or Feng Xin and Mu Qing would probably say).
I'm going to write an essay about their character dynamic one day istg I am chewing through the drywall
The cave statues chapter......... *passes away*. Like on one hand that chapter is so funny because yes Hua Cheng is just an absolute certified freak (POV my roommate telling me earlier on in my reading that HC is a porn addict and me being like "pssht noooo" but then getting to this chapter several months later and being like "O h.") but on the other hand THE CONFESSION??????? Like. All I can do is gesture wildly at the storyboard animatic that someone made of that scene on YouTube while absolutely fucking sobbing. There is a reason why the cover of volume 6 felt somehow more intimate than the cover of volume 4 where they're literally making out.
Anyway I'm patting Hua Cheng on the head like It's okay buddy Xie Lian loves you because you're a certified freak, he's seen too much of this world to be weirded out even a little bit. Which is why those two are perfect for each other <3
I'm glad you had so much fun on your reread, have fun with the brainworms :3
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motifenjoyer · 27 days
akane kurashiki is (not) allocishet: an analysis
[pt: akane kurashiki is (not) allocishet: an analysis. end pt].
okay so we’ve been meaning to write this for a while but havent bc we’ve been focusing on other projects. slight disclaimer if u dont agree w this hc thats fine, just dont be a dick just bc it interferes w ur own interpretation . we all have our own ways of reading the text so. Yeah!! lets get started
so i just wanna say akane is a character i resonate with in a lot of ways, and a lot of what im going to say comes from my and others’ experiences. ur identities and experiences r def gonna affect how u view a piece of work right? 
so when i played through the series in 2023, i initially viewed akane as everyone else did: she’s in love with junpei, and even hced her as bi like most of the fandom. but the more i studied the source material, the more i felt thats not rlly the case?? esp after ztd, like im sorry but i cannot buy the idea that both junpei or akane wanna marry each other. junpei is for another day but in terms of akane i wanna talk abt the idea that she may be aromantic. 
immersing myself in the fandom, a lot of ppl’s first impressions of akane’s june persona is that she was initially gonna be this ditzy girl next door who only serves as a love interest for junpei. ofc that ended up not being the case, but i see ppl say that they only rlly cared for akane after finding out she’s zero. which imo is such a missed opportunity for analysis.
as june, akane interacts with the world through tropes. the first thing she does when we’re introduced to her is fall on junpei. and overall is seen as this nervous girl who wouldn’t harm anyone. she flirts w junpei throughout the game, yadda yadda yadda. when it comes to her identity as zero, she desperately wants a perfect ending where she can be with junpei. its guesswork as to which aspects are true of akane, but i personally see these traits as smth she thinks “kanny” would do. 
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[id: screenshot from 999’s script, black text on a white background that reads:
“Junpei: Well, I dunno. Anything. I mean, you're hiding it. How would I know?
June: You mean, like...the number of men I've dated?
Junpei's heart stumbled over itself.
June: Do you want to know?
He had to admit, he was a little curious.
June: Don't worry.
She smiled at him.
June: Only 18...
June: ...Times 0.
June: Yeah... I guess I just haven't met Mr. Right yet…”
“Number of men” is highlighted in green. End id].
of course, bc of her tumultuous childhood and how she didn’t have many friends, she never rlly had experience w dating. but not much suggests she would beyond her own words.
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[id: screenshot from 999’s script, black text on a white background that reads:
“Kanny: You...meant a lot to me...when we were kids...
Kanny: I've liked you...for a long time, Junpei... A really...long...time..”
“Liked” is highlighted in green. End id]. 
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[id: screenshot from 999’s script, black text on a white background that reads:
My voice shook as I answered.
It was hot in the room. It felt like my heart was on fire.
6 minutes or not, my heart burned with my feelings for him.
“burned” is highlighted in green. End id]. 
but actions speak louder than words, and she doesn’t go far beyond flirting and declarations of love. in ztd, she doesn’t even make these advances even when she’s trying to lighten the mood or make things right with junpei. the only time being when she speaks with carlos in the pantry. 
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[id: a log of dialogue from zero time dilemma which reads: 
akane: if it was because of me somehow… then this time i need to rush to his aid. that’s what i’ve decided anyway.
carlos: you really like junpei, don’t you?
akane: wh-what in the world are you saying, carlos?! 
carlos: i’m out of my depth when it comes to romance.
end id].
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[id: a log of dialogue from zero time dilemma which reads: 
carlos: did you bake heart-shaped cookies full of love for your darling junpei?
akane: oh carlos… would you please stop teasing me… 
june is meant to be seen as the ideal japanese woman, and since performance/identity is a huge part of her character, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that she’s performing heterosexuality/amatonormativity, by extension femininity (but that’s an analysis for another day). 
akane is also slotted into the role of a mother figure for kyle just as sigma with the role of father. i can’t help but think of the scene in little shop of horrors (1986), audrey sings abt a stable and “ideal” middle class life. i remember watching it thinking it was odd, given that im aro and am not interested in settling down or emulating cishet middle class values. but my friend, who is poor just like audrey and akane, told me that it’s a common occurrence for poor ppl to think this way. to want a sense of stability even if it’s stereotypical. i feel like this applies to akane as well. i also hc her with bpd, and instability is a common symptom for us, so it makes sense for her to see junpei as a beacon of such, of normalcy. he’s rlly the only normal part of her childhood. she wants him to fix her lol . 
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[id: screenshot from virtue’s last reward which reads: 
“i pleaded with her to leave, but she quietly shook her head. there was someone very special to her, she told me. he had saved her life once, and she felt her death would help to repay that favor.” end id].
and while we do see oldkane/vlrkane reminisce abt her life w junpei thru kyle, the passcode being jumpydolls, i feel like thats less abt love and more abt the fact that shes lonely, which a lot of ppl mistake that like. love can fix that.. when it rlly cant. not to mention what i said earlier
akane and junpei rarely make physical contact beyond junpei holding her in his arms and hugging. you can of course be a couple and not be that physically affectionate, but junpei is the only one initiating this. also like?? not even an “i love you” when you haven’t seen each other in nine years???????
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[id: cg from nine hours nine persons nine doors. junpei holds akane’s shoulder with a worried expression. Akane has her eyes closed. End id].
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[id: screenshot of zero time dilemma. junpei hugs akane near the basketball court in the lounge. akane wears a wedding ring on her right hand. end id].
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[id: screenshot from zero time dilemma. junpei holds a ring in his right hand. white text on the bottom reads, “well, remember back in elementary school your dream was to wear a ring?” end id].
this is actually a common experience for aros who dont realize aromanticism is even an option. i remember when i was a kid, i’d have daydreams of getting married and dating ppl but when the opportunity actually came, i was uncomfortable and rejected it. 
i feel like junpei’s proposal and akane’s acceptance were reckless of both of them, and probably not even signs of true feelings. junpei’s arc is abt regaining agency, and akane’s is abt control (hashtag cinematic parallels), so it makes sense this would happen. both wish they could return to their childhoods, hence their emotionally immature attitudes + tendency to reminisce abt the past (junpei is counterphobic to this though and eventually gets over it in vlr’s timeline, though akane continues to act this way going forward). poor decision making is a sign of trauma after all. 
i mentioned how akane (and junpei but again. Another story for another day) subverts gendered expectations w her personality. aro ppl (as well as lesbians if u wanna go for a lesbian akane reading) tend to feel disconnected from their agab bc yk we arent straight and like a cishet woman liking a man is a sign of womanhood according to Society............ so like what if ur a girl who likes girls? or doesnt like anyone??? what does that make u??? (again, this could either be a trans reading or a lesbian reading)
anyway my point is. i think its more interesting to read akane’s interest in junpei as her wanting stability and a normal life, esp given that she is traumatized and was once poor. i feel like fluffy junepei fanworks make their dynamic very one-note and lack what makes their dynamic intriguing. but hey!! thats just my opinion as an aro person and how i prefer to interpret it 
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kinokoshoujoart · 8 months
hello hello i just wanted to say i love your rock art and you're hilarious and i have a question.. apologies if you've explained this somewhere before but i'm curious if you believe rock was adopted (and along with that, what's going with the picture of the child who is not rock and does rock dye his hair, etc.) and what other rock headcanons you have that you haven't shared yet, if you're willing to share them. (also thank you for doing the 30 days of hm challenge--it's making me so happy to see your daily rock art)
woah i’m so happy you like my art!!! thank you so much for the ask <33 i’m having tons of fun doing these challenges too! thanks for making em!
ohhhh man the adoption theory… i’ve been trying to get to the bottom of this for so long, this answer might get pretty long sorry about that. i’m really glad you asked so i have an excuse to talk abt it :D
⚠️spoilers / taking clown man seriously warning⚠️
i’m thinking rock was first designed as a guest at the inn, but that late in development the connection between him and tei+lou was added
looking at the concept art for tei, his bio says 「元旅人だったせいか、ナミやロックのような人物を好んで泊��るようだ。」 which roughly translates “perhaps due to being a former traveler himself, he seems to enjoy hosting people like nami and rock” uh... hosting, huh? travelers, huh?
tbh rock’s original concept art/description feels to me like. he was meant to be the annoying trust fund kid prodigal son who is blowing his rich parents money to travel on the longest vacation in the world. and everyone responsible for creating this character hates him so so so much
so i think some of the Themes about rock were unintentional at least for the first game, but were rolled with for anwl with the total revision of his character + addition of his heart events and rival heart events. especially with his 2nd rival event with lumina, ESPECIALLY with the ingame rumor lumina isn’t actually related to romana
the photo was there from awl though… so maybe the idea was meant to be hinted at in awl
stuff that makes little sense to me if rock was their son—going from well-tread to lesser tread:
shares no physical features with them aside from having darker skin tone than most of the cast
rock even brings up the fact that he looks nothing like his parents just to get defensive and say it’s none of anyone’s business
does not speak like either of his parents. more apparent in jp. he sounds. “trendy” (he tries)
tei and lou didn’t design the inn with a room for a child… his ass is NOT supposed to be in that room!! it’s for van!!
rock remembers moving to the valley for the first time but there’s not even a hint he was part of their travels, even though tei/lou were traveling until reaching the valley (you’d think rock’d jump at the chance to brag about being well traveled)
the inn is older than the farm your dad and takakura started but rock says he never met your dad (lou and even lumina did meet him)
we can now actually look at all the photos in the inn of tei and lou and their travels, none of them have rock in them.
which brings me to the infamous photo…
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other than the fact it isn’t rock, we don’t know anything for sure. both the original and remake have scenes where tei talks about this picture (strange hoe / blessed milker) but he never acknowledges the kid in the photo at all, just talks about the country they visited. it’s bizarre.
the jp flavor text when examining the picture says 「夫婦ふたりの間にうつっている小さな男の子はロックではないようです…」— “It seems that the little boy between the couple is not Rock…”.
there’s a ton of room for guessing, but personally i hc they lost a child. based on what i can see of the picture, the kid has the same hair color and skin color as tei and lou, and a similar build to them…
taking into account that rock dyes his hair, rock’s / his kids’ natural hair color is actually the same exact hex color code as cecilia’s…
if the fact that he dyes his hair is meant to say he’s their son, his natural hair would be black, yeah? but instead it’s cecilia brown
rock’s son also is described oddly specifically as “looking exactly like a small Rock”. you know who doesn’t look like rock’s kid? the kid in the photo :(
funny enough even in anwl it never occurred to me that rock was a natural blond. his eyebrows are dark and … damn those roots. i guess i just assumed he was dyeing his friggin toddlers hair
i also hc they’ve known rock longer than he’s been part of their household, and that he’s either the child of a friend they traveled with in the past or a kid they met in the “country far to the south” they traveled to a long time ago. he reminded them of their lost kid in some way
phew i hope that wasn’t too long… i’ll end on some
lighthearted rock hcs :D
i don’t want to overwhelm anyone so this isn’t all of them… haha…(makes the most overwhelming post ever as a devious little trick)
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thank you 4 reading this far :3 please take my OH DEAR GOD WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ROCK REAL wip as a little treat
since he says he’s an “earring and tattoo” kind of guy in anwl. he has a shitty misspelled hidden tattoo that says something like “never don’t give up”
the answer to rock’s question about why there’s no record player at the inn is because he literally yeeted records like frisbees as a kid
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similar explanation as to why the guest beds are blocking both balcony doors. they literally had to rockproof the inn
moved out to live independently as soon as possible without any planning, proceeded to get fired and banned from every workplace in the world (failed salaryman)
surprisingly good vocabulary, piss on the poor reading comprehension though
his stash is in the statue in front of his southern window
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
may i request a gn!reader who'll sit with jade while he either works or does other stuff and listens to him ramble abt mushrooms? the reader isnt the same level of hyperfixated- just mildly interested and loves hearing jade talk, emphasis on loving jades voice www
(also i know you said no oc x oc interactions, but i wanted to ask if youd be fine doing a short kyuu and honey secret date hc from when we joked abt it- if you arent thats totally fine dear!)
also for Honey, I decided I'd do Honeyuu x Reader (but brackets for short parts of how Honeyuu would alternatively be with Kyuu over it cuz- Kyuu my beloved- I can't resist-)
Btw, for more info of requests, you can check out here!
TWST s/o who loves to listen to them
Jade Leech
At first, Jade didn't really take much notice, simply because he was too engrossed with sharing to you all about his "fungi expertise". He was just very happy you paid close attention to him and showed genuine interest in them.
He likes to go on and on about it, in contrast to his softspoken nature that most people know (as well as that sly, sneaky and skeptic persona people can also get intimidated by-).
But the more he looked at you in the eye, the more he realized they looked rather dazed and... dreamy? He was rather curious, simply because he didn't think you'd be so in awe about his mushrooms.
He placed his terrarium bowl down, smiling teasingly at you. "My, my, I didn't know you were so 'awe-struck' by my collection and knowledge of fungi, s/o. Are you really into it, more than me? I won't lie I'm quite jealous of your burning passion, much brighter than mine it seems, fufu~"
You blinked. "Huh? I mean, I am for sure, but the way you talk and share about it is just really cute, and you sound really handsome just like that, hehe~" you smiled back, oblivious to how you made the eel feel his heart leap out.
Slowly, a blush crept up from his neck towards his cheeks, a bright pink doused his fair cheeks.
He smiles dumbfounded but regains his usual polite (just less poised) smile, and his eyes softened.
"Ah... so that's why... ", he mutters to himself. <3
Honey (Honeyuu) Ryuu
This is Honeyuu btw, they're my Yuusona! ^^
Unlike Jade, Honey's not really into fungi. They're actually way nerdier than expected (or maybe it was expected-). They love Literature, a nose stuck into a book and when they aren't, they're sharing all about the book they have recently read to someone close (such as Deuce or A*e).
With you, it's no exception. Be prepared to have Honey ramble about History class, Literature class, the books they have read, and if you're really close to them, so much lovey-dovey, cheesy romance chapters that made them squeal and kicked their legs like a crazy person on the bed.
(Kyuu: Honey would read to them their favourite chapters over key lime pie and fawn over how the chapters are so good, and they wished they were the main character who got their prince charming- they're slightly joking they love Kyuu/ S/o the most- <3)
Sometimes Honey thinks you also have similar interests with them about books, and love novels and just all the "nerdy-book stuff" A*e summarizes it as. You just looked as dazed as they were, and Honey wonders if you love them a lot, or if you're dozing off-
"Say, you always get so dreamy whenever I talk about all my books. Do you love them a lot or are you paying attention...? I- I mean, not to sound rude, I really don't have any bad intentions, it's just that, you know, you look really dazed and all, and I wonder if you're-"
"I am interested. It's just that I also love how you ramble about them and it's just really adorable and cute when you do that. Your voice makes it more charming and endearing," you smiled.
*Honeyuu.exe has stopped working*
Honey malfunctions, with their whole face turning bright red, cheeks burning out of embarrassment and fluster. "H-hey! Y-you can't just say that out of the blue like that...!" they stutter. (Kyuu: "W-WAIT- KYUU- Y-YOU- I-I- MMMHRPPHHHHHDGHDJH-") <3
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cogaytes · 1 year
i saw the woobification thing! although i havent interacted with the fandom long enough to get a concrete feeling of how far it goes with, well most of the characters, but tam and linh specifically. curious what u think abt it and if u could clear it up a bit!
the best comparison i can think of is low key the way white people in the kpop fandom tend to talk about the idols? where there's this weird idealization of them as soft and sensitive but refusing to show that part of themselves because they're too dark and mysterious and bad and whatever. but a lot of the time they do that in a kind of feminizing way which plays into that stereotype of asian men not being masculine; for instance, i've seen people in both fandoms post about how tam/an idol "still enjoys feminine things like makeup." obviously i am in favor of breaking down the gender binary around activities, but when you're headcanoning just tam as someone who acts less masculine and not doing the same for other characters like fitz or dex it gets kind of weird! i also see him headcanoned as short a lot, but in a "uwu small angry cinnamon roll pouty face" way that kind of woobifies him? and i guess in general the parallels just rub me the wrong way a little because they remind me very much of the low key fetishization of kpop idols (how they get written as shy and uwu and sensitive and emo).
there's also a huge tendency to headcanon tam as mlm/transmasc (which inherently isn't bad! i'm queer and nonbinary and i love headcanoning characters as queer and nonbinary too! but i feel kind of weird about how tam gets so consistently headcanoned as gay and trans), which also happens a lot in kpop fandoms. and again, nothing wrong with trans/queer headcanons or even trans/queer headcanons of asians folks specifically, but i think there's kind of a pattern of people immediately deciding asian men have "lgbtq vibes" and it's got some funky implications.
i guess i'm saying people need to think very hard about what about asian men makes them want to hc them as trans/queer and what that says about how they think about asian/lgbtq men. because asian men tend to be seen as less masculine/more feminine and softer than white men, and it kind of feels like people headcanon them as trans/queer because there's an association of softness/femininity with queer men and with trans men. which is also playing into a shitty transphobic/homophobic stereotype as well as a racist one. folks also tend to feminize him more when shipping him with other male characters, which kind of implies that there needs to be a masculine and feminine man in mlm relationships.
just gonna close off by quoting some stuff i've seen in posts, not to call anyone out specifically, but to demonstrate how pervasive an issue i feel it is:
"loner energy" "dramatic emo" "skater grunge aesthetic" "my chemical romance"
"tam is the moodiest...person ever"
"his shove his feelings in a bottle mentality is showing"
"he keeps his curiosity under lock and key hidden underneath his prickly attitude"
"his s/o's parents probably wouldn't like him [at first] because of his exterior, but love him once they realize he's really just a lovesick puppy for his s/o"
"is never turned off by feminine activities"
"tam and dex both scream gay to me. like they are either gay or aroace because i just can't see them liking women"
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dootznbootz · 5 months
hi! im so curious abt whether or not you have any hcs/thoughts abt when helen and penelope found out abt what happened to agamemnon and then later clytemnestra? (srry if youve answered smth similar before! i looked thru the tags and didnt seem to find anything)
With Penelope, I kind of have it planned where I go into a bit with how Nauplius, the father of Palamedes, goes and fucks with the other kings by going to their homelands and telling their wives they're bringing back a new bride so that the queens would, you know, take on a lover or boot out the king when he comes back.
I think it's funny af that Palamedes' dad went around trying to fuck with the other king's kingdoms and it worked as most of their wives had affairs but then you have Penelope, the WIFE of the guy who set your son up to get murdered, and she wasn't buying it. Got revenge on all the kings except for the one who was truly responsible because his wife was too cool.
I love imagining him trying to convince Penelope, who's already like "You're telling me, my husband, the embodiment of simping, is going to replace me? When he knows I'm the best thing that ever happened to him?"
But when she realizes who this man is??? She's fucking FURIOUS. this is the father of the man who put their CHILD in such a dangerous situation and is the reason why her husband is away from her. She throws him out but Nauplius gets to Odysseus' parents and...tells them he died. He lied so at least he could hurt Odysseus in some way at least...Also Ironic as Palamedes I'm pretty sure is a distant descendant of Poseidon. There's something there >:D
But idk for sure how EXACTLY I'm going to have it go down but I like the thought of the family at least COMMUNICATING and sometimes visiting each other. Maybe Penelope visiting Hermione as her auntie kind of. Maybe visiting her siblings, mother, and father (until he tries to convince her to remarry again. then she avoids him :( ). Same with Clytemnestra. And idk for SURE but everyone has an inkling that she's having an affair with Aegisthus but no one knows for sure. Penelope tries to bring up Nauplius but...isn't able to get anywhere (can't spoil everything!)
When she finds out what happens it's a "I KNEW IT!" and anger as she's saddened as she cared for both these people so much as she grew up with them nearby. First Helen was kidnapped, her husband is gone, she can't see her siblings as often, now another person she grew up with and cared about is not only dead but also the one who killed them was another person she cared about! And she doesn't know how Ithaca, being a smaller island as a whole, could help their children. She's sad for them but also knows that she already has so much on her plate that she can't really help them. (also somewhat selfish :P Her and Odysseus are like-minded)
There's a part of me that thinks that, being the somewhat "I will do whatever I have to do to get on top" part of her would just "play along" to get resources from Mycenae while deep down feeling like "There will be consequences" or she would completely ignore and no longer do things with them until Orestes takes it back. She's got a lot going on with the suitors as well so idk for sure yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
WITH HELEN, that's much more complicated. She's been gone so long, and has to worry about getting back to her kingdom and looking forward to seeing her family again only to realize that some of her family has done something horrendous. Her sister killed her Brother-in-law! Menelaus' brother!! She grew up caring for Agamemnon as well! And also her husband is grieving!!! There is...SO MUCH going on. She's probably able to grieve a bit while in Egypt (because if I remember correctly they find out through Proteus, yeah?) There's grief for the sister she knew. She was ripped away from Hermione, how could her own sister not only kill her husband, but also send her children away and be so horrible to them?! But kind of in the same way as Penelope, so much on their plate with just returning, that they don't know how much they can do until later. I don't think they would be willing to do any sort of interaction with Mycenae afterward though. :P
Little side thing, but since I love MenOdy's BROTP, I'd like to think that Menelaus, being told by Proteus, a deity, where Odysseus was at, was kind of "mind-wiped" until Telemachus comes as "it's not the right time yet" with the gods. Menelaus and Helen realize afterward of "HoLY FUCK WE SHOULD'VE TOLD PENELOPE!!!" as they care about both Odysseus and Penelope. Also doesn't help that yeah, gotten news about bro/brother in law being murdered so there's a LOT going on. but I don't like to think they simply forgot??? when for one thing, I plan to write them as all very close?? NO >:(
It was just prophecy shit of "Hey, it HAS to be 20 years, mm'kay?"
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cheemken · 11 months
hi may I ask for Diantha and Sycamore headcanons?
Sure man, have some soft hcs abt them after all that shit w the villain au hahah
Anyways hahah
•Augustine is actually really good at battles
-like cmon, this man got through the gyms within a few days when he was younger
-being a trainer runs in their blood, his sister is the champion and is a battling prodigy, ofc he's gon be good too
-really strategic as well, learned a lot from Diantha
•the Carnet side of the family is actually full of pkmn trainers, the thing is, Mom Carnet deviated from that thinking it's barbaric and went on acting instead, and ofc Pa Sycamore never bothered w battling, just focused on his research more
-it was Diantha who really tapped into that potential, and tapped into Augustine's potential in battling too
-but hey, Augustine is more focused on his studies, Diantha still supported him w that
•w that tho my hc team for Augustine is Garchomp (can mega evolve), Gallade, Aegislash, Delphox, Chesnaught, Greninja
-ofc, the only active member of his team now is Garchomp, as it's his partner, the others are at his lab helping out the assistants or at home looking after it
•yknow that thing Augustine does when the players battle him in his lab and he loses?
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-yeah, he got that from Diantha
-back when he was just starting his journey, Diantha asked him to a battle to test his skills
-ofc, Dia didn't really use her full team so it'd be fair
-and she did that after losing to him, going "hahah you're too much! You're really something, aren't you?"
•the first time Augustine met Geeta he was really intimidated by her, like ofc imagine being 14, you and your sister is celebrating her 18th birthday, she said she's inviting someone and hey you're curious who it is
-then you see this tall imposing lady that you're so sure is a champion in disguise too, she has this aura that Augustine didn't want to challenge, thinking that if he so much as talks to her, she'd just roll her eyes and ignore him
-but it ended up alright bc Dia left the two of em to get the food she ordered and they had this lil talk w each other
-w Geeta telling Augustine that Diantha really is so proud of him, and no matter what he does she'll always love him
-and Augustine smiling at that saying that Dia really is the most special person in his life, w Geeta saying the same
-and just yknow Augustine making Geeta promise to always look out for Diantha too, bc if she won't then he'll really battle her and he's making sure she can never show her face anywhere anymore
-as much as she wanted to pretend to be intimidated by that too, she just laughed, telling herself that those two are so alike than they let on, she remembers Diantha saying smth similar to that to someone back in Paldea too
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welcometoteyvat · 8 months
i am very curious (and i'm asking this not with any malicious intent) but what ages do you see the genshin characters! i personally see them (most of them) as adults, even collei. even if they were teenagers, time passes in-game (i.e. lantern rite happens every year and we already had 2 lantern rites in-game) so they'll eventually grow to be adults.
tldr: I have schrodinger's age headcanons
long answer: if they're in a ship with a ""clearly"" adult character, I'll assume they're young adults; idk I feel like there's some blurring of age and what growth stage you're in when people are around 17 to 20 (from my experience) so I think it's vague-ish enough that you could probably do what you want.
If they're not in a ship I see some of them as adults and some as still teens/underage. as a general rule of thumb a character's age is solely dependent on what I want at the moment, although I do think the way some characters are written (ie character arcs, character stories and general personality) pushes me to view them as underage (will explain more but the character I'm thinking about most w this is Xingqiu). Some of them read to me as clear adults, and then there are some in-betweens where I just have "vaguely young looking" in my hcs LOL
you bring up a good point that time is passing in game although we don't see it reflected in the character models—everyone points out that Xiao opens up a bit more every lantern rite, but fandom (and genshin devs too ig 💀) definitely forgets that all the other characters are also growing/changing. w/ 4.1 around the corner my personal wish is for hu tao, xingqiu, and chongyun's relationships to each other get developed more so that their relationships (as described through their voicelines abt each other) don't feel so flat,,,,,, it would also help with the sense of "time is passing in game for ALL characters", since we almost never get this kind of evolving relationship portrayed between 4*s/non endgame important charas.
I have too much time on my hands so I'll also just run through all the teen/short models there are for each region and list whether my personal headcanons are adult or minor (at least their ages when we "meet" them in canon):
liyue (mortal/mortal adjacent characters): yanfei, chongyun, xingqiu, hu tao, xiangling, xinyan, yun jin, keqing
yanfei and keqing are solidly adults to me, yanfei's a lawyer and keqing's also in a govt job so both of them feel around like 25-27 to me. Definitely somewhere around their mid-20s, although I can also see them as younger, especially Keqing, because of her overall attitude/perspective on life and the gods. iirc her character stories show how her worldview's grown/broadened to be not as naive/black and white, so I feel like she's still in the process of maturing. If you told me Yanfei was like 23 (appearance wise) I guess I'd believe you too, since she's a very peppy person who seems to be running all over the place all the time, doing errands for madame ping, checking on her clients, taking new cases etc. I feel like it gives her youthful energy, so I can see it if people hc her on the younger side of her 20s (in human years I forgot how her half-adeptal blood works).
I see the other 6 as a friend group (liyue 6ang let's go) so they're either all teens or all adults depending on the portrayal. You can obviously view them as adults all the time, but I don't get those vibes. Xinyan and Yun Jin might be like 18-19, but if that's the case, I can't see the other 4 being any younger than 17, just because I think they're all almost the same age or 1-2 years apart maximum. For some reason so many people view Hu Tao and Yun Jin as adults but at the same time think the others are minors? Idk about that.. genshin has shown that Xiangling, Xinyan, and Yun Jin are pretty close friends, and then always put Xingqiu and Chongyun together for the ship bait, so maybe that's the root of fanon's age hcs. However, I think if some of them are young adults, then all of them are. There's a max 2 year age gap between all 6 of them idk idk I really can't see it otherwise.
To me, Xingqiu's arc reads like a 16 year old finding his footing in the world. Hiding martial arts novels under his bed, tired of playing dutiful 2nd son and sneaking out to live out his idealized wuxia dreams, his multiple voicelines where he's implied to be super worried about us giving away his involvings in the Guhua sect, they all read like he's still trying to figure out his role in his family (what he wants it to be, and what his parents want it to be). He's also very naive about the world, but learning. He just feels a lot like how (chinese) teenagers grow up and like. growing into or out of the paths given to us by our parents. ... or i could just be projecting! Anyways, in my no ships world, he's a 16-17 yr old. Chongyun's clan and family play a not-insignificant role in his backstory, so I think he's the same age as Xingqiu, just older by a month for the flex. Lowkey I don't have as much reason for him as the others, but I think they're in the same age range by association; probably almost 18 at most. Hu Tao's character stories explicitly state she's 13 when her grandfather passed away, and I think she becomes Director not long after this, so I would say she's also around 16-17 when the game starts. @.acatoner who draws quite possibly my favorite interpretations of the gang(TM) once mentioned they see her with spoiled younger sister energy and honestly yeah. she's an only child but has the strongest solidarity with Xingqiu (they're the bratty younger siblings of the friendgroup). Out of all of them, Xiangling is the one with the most plausible job if she was like, young: being a chef apprentice with her dad to continue the family business is pretty reasonable. Middle child energy, probably 17. We did meet her when she was in Mondstadt foraging ingredients, so I'd say she's not very young, but still young enough for her dad to chew her out during moonchase for being like messy or clumsy or smth? Xinyan and Yun Jin.... I think Yun Jin is at least almost 18—running a well acclaimed opera troupe is a pretty big undertaking imo, even if her parents are there to like guide her and whatnot. Same with Xinyan, 17-18 range, although she def started playing rock publicly when she was way younger.
inazuma: shinobu, heizou, kazuha, kirara, gorou, kokomi, ayaka, yoimiya
Disclaimer I have not read the Lore and don't know whether actual ages are given for Ayaka and Ayato (specifically pointing them out because iirc their and Thoma's character stories are the most specific ones wrt the timeline).
I see basically all of them as adults, ayaka might be an exception but she's like 17 minimum in my head. That's pretty interesting considering I labeled almost all the liyue short models as teens. From what I can remember of their character stories, the Inazuman characters seem to be portrayed as having their formative struggles set In the Past (probably a couple years before we meet them) so perhaps that's why I see them as solidly young adults. Additionally, Inazuma's arc and its war pushes me to see all of them as adults, even if they're still obscenely young to be generals and strategicians. The exceptions I can see to this are only Yoimiya (smaller role in archon quest and not related to the government), and Shinobu + Heizou, who were released later. Yoimiya's maturity really stands out to me—from the way her neighbors and old people converse with her, and her overall character arc + second story quest, I cannot see her as below like 19 at least. Shinobu manages an entire unofficial gang and has countless certifications under her belt plus ex-shrine maiden stint—she probably isn't less than 23. It would be cute if she were the same age as Yanfei but just started law school later, so Yanfei's still her senior. I think there's not much to say on Heizou either, he's friends with Kazuha and has a real job, so I can't read him below 20-21. I don't know anything about Kirara (don't have her, haven't read her stories) but I also just get the vibes of like 20-something errand girl SDFDSSKDFJS in a modern au she'd deliver to teyvat/inazuma's college campus for sure
mondstadt (humans): barbara, razor, bennett, fischl, mika, amber, noelle, sucrose
this is a mix again, for Barbara Razor Bennett and Fischl they give me kid vibes, like little adventure gang things. Reddit apparently cites Mona called Fischl an adult in the 2.8 Midsummer Fantasia GAA event, so I mean. I guess she's 18 there—might've been 16 when we met in game the first time (1.2?? scaramouche fake stars event or something?) Idk really. Their group collectively gives me 16 year old vibes, at least when we start the game. I can see it if all of them have aged to 18 now—it just makes sense in my head lol. Mika feels like an 18 year old; mostly because of his relationship with Huffman. Amber seems vaguely adult-ish, I'd say 19 or so, maybe 20 during shadows amidst snowstorms in 2.3. there's some logic behind this that ties into her search for her grandfather but it's like vague and hazy in my head. I haven't given much thought to Noelle and Sucrose— Sucrose also gives "vaguely adult" vibes, idk if her character story about wanting to make a wonderland to meet her past friends in has any relevance to timeline estimation. I'd say Noelle also falls into the vague adult age range, but to me she's a puzzle, because her personality seems incongruent to how I thought she might act if she's like 23 or so.
anyways, anon if you read all this i will declare my love for you. thanks for giving me an excuse to genuinely think on this and then dump my thoughts out for the internet. you can clearly see none of my braincells really go towards Mondstadt headcanons but I hope you're happy w my response ehe
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jabberwockprince · 4 months
I can feel my NSR brainrot creeping back up on me, I can feel it
Anyways, since 1010 are my sons and I love them dearly, and since you also seem to love them very much, I had a question to ask :3
In a scenario where the boys gained sentience, what do you think their first emotion/feeling would be? I personally have a few ideas which I will avoid sharing here so as to not make this ask so long, however I was curious to know if you had any headcanons you wanted to share :]
ohoho, enjoy the NSR brainrot! mine ended a few months ago lolol so I don't have as much steam when it comes to thinking abt it but hmm lemme see...
my general go-to when it comes to sentience is that the first emotion must always be curiosity - no matter the situation no matter the type of non-sentient creature we're talking about, curiosity is always the one emotion that leads you to the rest (at least to me). being curious about something or someone or whatever means you're invested, that you care to some degree even if all you want is to find a result. being curious is what ultimately leads you to continue seeking more and more, until you experience all other emotions and all!
so it would be something like that for all of 1010. I can't remember any of my other HCs abt the way I portrayed them so this is pretty much all I can offer orz
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seiwas · 9 months
BABAYY!! i am so curious . . 🧸🪢🎶 for our dearest silly boy gojo <3 mwah mwah i hope you’re having a great day today 💝💘
sweet dilly!! ☁️ i miss you so much!!! 🥹 thank you for sending these in for our dearest silly boy!!! i hope you're doing well my love!!❣️
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood
oh god, itty bitty squishy baby satoru 🥺 i honestly don't think he had much of a childhood to begin with ☹️ he probably had to grow up while he was young, i mean, having all that power and a bounty on his head—i don't think he had a choice 😢 lots of training and lessons with the higher ups, and not much interaction with kids his age, definitely ☹️
if there's one happy memory from his childhood, i think it's when he manages to sneak away from everyone once he learns how to teleport 🤧 he does it by accident first, then eventually learns how to do it on his own 🥹 and he doesn't get found out until after a while, so he manages to visit a few places like convenience stores, playgrounds, and parks all on his own 🥹
i feel like his own experiences as a child explain why he's so playful now, grown up—because he actually can be now 😭 and even more than that!! it reinforces how strongly he feels for the younger generation actually being able to you know, be young 🥲
more under the cut because this got long!! (i talk abt mama gojo! 🥹)
🪢 A headcanon about their family
i love thinking about this question because there are so many ways it can go!! i've seen hc's of both his parents being absent, and can completely see that happening!! but i personally really like the idea that his momma tried to love him as much as she could, given all circumstances 🥹 against all odds 🥲
he definitely had a strained relationship with his dad, if not, no relationship at all, but his momma—i think he loved her, for all that she tried to do for him despite everything 🥺
when baby satoru didn't have friends, he had his momma, and i like to imagine that she did play with him, read him bedtime stories—tried to indulge his little pranks and games 🥺 she’d tickle him every night before going to bed, and he'd laugh freely, innocently, like the child he should have been 🥺🤧
she got punished for it, for sure, but i like to believe that she loved her baby, so she endured 🥺☹️
🎶 A headcanon about music
i firmly believe gojo listens to pop music, specifically, girl idol pop music 😭 like, think feel special by twice omfg 😭 other than that, i don't think he listens to anything else other than what's popular atm! he already gets sensory overload from his eyes, so i don’t think he seeks out more stimulus to interfere with that! 🤧 still, he probs memorizes some of the dances and sings it in the shower too ngl 😭
send me any of these emojis with any character you have in mind and i’ll answer!
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lilyrizzy · 2 years
oh my gosh i read your new fic and it is amazing, i will have to think about it for a while and then reread it and just wow. one little thing i loved is everyone making fun of daniel for max’s age, especially when michael is like well max can’t drive because we didn’t pay the young driver fee on the rental car. it just felt so realistic and funny even when daniel is going through so much heavier stuff.
if you are taking questions abt it and want to talk i’m super curious if max and michael just don’t like each other because of their strong personalities or if there’s any back story in your head on why their relationship is like that? no worries if not love what you wrote for us of it!!
thank you! I'm glad you liked everyone's kinda raised eyebrows at their age difference. Realistically, 8 years is not much when you're 24 and 32 like in this fic, but bc they've been together since max was 18 and michelle and michael know that, it's kinda like lingering prejudice from that? plus I just love age difference in fic, especially like the judgment characters can get from outsiders bc of it, so wanted to have fun with it a little to ease some of the angst/sadness. the car rental stuff I also liked so I'm glad you did too!
I am always taking questions & want to talk :) so the thing with Michael and Max I saw more as like, Michael hated max first. like thought he was too young for daniel, a bit of a bratty kid and then like, he believes (like the loyal friend he is) that it is totally maxs fault Daniel was *pushed* out of redbull, and like, if it wasn't for max, Daniel would have won the championship by now. like he sees it as max was like the femme fetal character (lol) who like, fucked his way into Daniel's heart so he could get what he wanted (Daniel leaving to save their relationship, max as redbulls undisputed number 1 driver)
with max, it's more that he can tell michael doesn't like him and, max being max, doesn't have a lot of time for people who are openly rude or mean to him. like 'why would I be nice to him when he is not nice to me, daniel?' kinda vibes. also, I do hc max as a lil of the jealous type as well, so I can imagine him kinda pouting a bit behind the scenes everytime daniel choses a hike with michael over staying in bed with max all day.
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