#implied promptis
garbria · 2 years
So for drabble list #5, would you consider “Your problem, not mine.” or “He’s really good.” with CorNyx? ♥️
Cor stood to the side, sharp eyes assessing every shift in movement. His form was good, much better than average, though he still needed to put on some more muscle if he wanted to be able to handle the heavier models for any significant length of time. He continued watching as Prompto worked his way through the different targets, using various firearms. Cor knew Prompto was nervous, had talked him through it before starting this assessment, but now that Prompto was moving, his actions were smooth and controlled. If he hadn’t seen Prompto fidgeting earlier, he never would have guessed he was anxious. 
His performance was impressive, and even though Cor had been certain it would be, he was still proud of his son. Prompto had had his doubts about his training, even as eager as he was to follow Cor’s footsteps into the Crownsguard. Cor understood, as Prompto struggled with the larger swords and lances. He was fast, and therefore decent with daggers, especially with Nyx’s tutelage. But it wasn’t until Prompto moved to firearms that he really started to shine. He was better than most of the Crownsguard, possibly even Cor.
That’s what this assessment was about. Proving to Prompto, and incidentally the council, that his skill level was far above average. He was an asset to the Crownsguard, and Cor wouldn’t let anyone say any different.
Prompto put down his weapon and turned to Cor after shooting the last target. Cor grabbed the target and brought it over to show Prompto. A perfect bullseye, even from a tricky shot.
Prompto smiled up at Cor, shifting his weight back and forth as he waited for Cor’s verdict.
“You did good, Prompto. 99th percentile, easily. You should be proud of yourself.” Cor’s smile was small, he didn’t want to be accused of favoritism, but he couldn’t help but smile wider when Prompto threw himself at him and squeezed tight.
Cor patted Prompto on the back before disengaging. “Go on, go celebrate with your friends.”
Prompto ran off, holding the last target, to the side where Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis were waiting for him. They all congratulated him as he showed off his bullseye.
“He’s really good.”
Cor turned to find Nyx standing next him, having collected the rest of the targets while he and Prompto were talking.
Cor smiled. “He is. It will be good for Noctis to have someone good with ranged weapons in his retinue.”
Nyx snorted, and nodded at the teenagers still celebrating Prompto’s success. “Somehow, I don’t think that’s why Noctis wants him along.”
Cor pressed his lips together as he watched Prompto sling an arm around Noctis’ shoulder. The boys were both smiling, and Cor could see the flush on Prompto’s cheeks from here.
“It’s adorable,” Nyx said with a smirk.
Cor sighed. It’s not that he minded Prompto having a crush, but it would have to be on the prince, and all the politics that came with it.
“Then you can be the one to talk to him about it.” Cor was not sulking. Honest. He’d hoped he would have more time before he had to worry about this.
Nyx laughed and shook his head. “Oh no, this is all your problem, not mine.”
Cor frowned. “He’s your son, too.”
“But you’re the one with the experience managing the royal family. If he was dating a Galahdan, I’d take point.”
“He’s not dating, he’s fifteen.” Cor couldn’t quite keep the horror out of his voice.
Nyx laughed again, and nudged him with his shoulder. “You keep telling yourself that. It’s not like you weren’t off fighting daemons at fifteen.”
“It’s not the same thing.” Cor crossed his arms, trying not to glare at the kids as they walked off.
“He’ll be fine, he’s got a good head on his shoulders, thanks to his dad.” Nyx took Cor’s hand and gently pulled until he uncrossed his arms. “Besides, the prince isn’t the only one who finds competence attractive.”
Cor just raised his eyebrows.
Nyx placed a hand on Cor’s cheek and smirked. “I, for example, find your skills very hot.”
“Is that so?” Cor’s lips quirked up at the corners.
“Yes.” Nyx pulled Cor down into a kiss, and for a moment Cor forgot about the stress of his son growing up.
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necroneol · 1 year
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hes texting his gf <3
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gingerel · 11 months
Prompto thinks his sister might be in love.
A little ficlet sequel to Harbinger written for @mathclasswarfare
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They’re separated by a table laden down with offerings wrought by Ignis and Monica’s hands, but Prompto keeps his eyes fixed on Luna as she mingles amongst the other Gods.
A sacrifice, truly, when Prompto’s favourite thing to do at these gatherings is spy on Noctis. In the scant few moments, they’re not together anyway. He’s changed in the past years, still shy and under-socialised but always trying, definitely easier with the people that know him best. Even now, he’s trapped under Gladio’s arm, weakly fighting him off as he and Nyx laugh at whatever is making Noctis scowl.
Prompto will rescue him in a minute, it’s just—
Prompto thinks his sister might be in love.
Selena has Luna’s full attention, standing together across the way from Prompto, but enough he can’t eavesdrop on what they’re saying. He thinks magic might have something to do with that, but he doesn’t know who has both the ability and foresight to set something up just to muffle sound. Suddenly, Selena laughs and Luna doesn’t, but her whole face goes a little soft, eyes widening and body leaning in towards her friend.
When Selena’s laugh peters out Luna starts talking and Selena focuses in turn. Prompto doesn’t know Selena well enough, not even after all these years now, to read if her expression turns as intensely or as tenderly as Luna’s obviously does.
Prompto’s staring, which is rude, but he can’t seem to stop himself.
It’s odd, right? Not that Luna can be in love but that she seems to feel that way and is doing nothing about it. She’s confident, she doesn’t like secrets, she sees what she wants, and she goes about getting it.
Prompto’s here isn’t he? Luna didn’t know it would work out quite as well as it did, but she put the wheels in motion. Prompto’s feelings about his family are a mess at the best of times, but he has to give Luna some credit for a fraction of the happiness he feels now.
For a moment, Iris steals Selena’s attention making their duo a trio, and though it’s obvious to Prompto that Iris intends for Luna to be included in the conversation too, Luna’s eyes don’t leave Selena’s face, more concerned with her response than formulating her own.
A warm arm hooks Prompto around the waist and he only avoids jumping clear off the floor because Noctis drags him backwards into his firm chest with a little hum.
“Why are you being weird?” Noctis asks quietly.
“I’m not being weird,” Prompto says quickly, craning his neck to look at Noctis’ face to catch him arching one perfect eyebrow.  “I’m always weird?” Prompto tries.
Briefly, Noctis squeezes him tighter, laughing low in his ear in a way that makes Prompto feel all warm in his chest.  It cuts through any annoyance Prompto might feel at Noctis’ uncharacteristic and awkwardly timed perceptiveness.
“Spill,” Noctis insists, arm loosening enough for Prompto to turn around in his arms. “Do I need to fight someone?”
Prompto laughs, though Noctis undoubtedly could and maybe would go toe to toe with anyone here if they upset Prompto enough. Might win too, now he’s gotten a handle on his magic. Gently, and quickly, Prompto kisses the corner of Noctis’ mouth, suddenly and deeply filled with a gratitude he can’t place.
“No fighting,” Prompto says. “I’m just being nosy.”
Noctis taps his fingertips against the small of Prompto’s back.
“What about?”
Prompto considers lying, or at least sidestepping the question for now. Gossiping isn’t something he enjoys—or nothing he’ll even admit to enjoying, anyway—but if he’s going to talk to anyone about it, it has to be Noctis.
“Do you think,” Prompto says. “That maybe Luna might—have feelings for Selena?”
Noctis rears back as much as he can without completely pulling away.
“I mean,” Prompto defends. “She looks at Selena all heart-eyes and they spend so much time together.”
Noctis stares at him for a few moments, before rolling his eyes up towards the sky.
“Oh, I see,” Noctis drawls. “It’s barely been a decade and you’re bored.”
“No!” Prompto cries loudly, laughing. Must have been too loud, because almost every other person in the space turns to glance at them. “Not bored—never bored.”
Noctis drops his waist, but only so he can stroke the backs of his fingers along Prompto’s jaw. He smiles just a little, watching Prompto’ with eyes so soft, so patient and—
Noctis looks at him the way Luna looks at Selena.
“I really think I’m onto something,” Prompto breathes.
Noctis glances over at the girls, eyes only lingering for a few seconds before he’s focusing on Prompto again.
“Okay, say you’re right,” Noctis says, the curl of his mouth making it obvious he’s only humouring him. “It’s not like we can do anything about it.”
“They should be together,” Prompto insists quietly.
“That would be hard for them,” Noctis says. “You know, because they’re—”
“Ignis and Nyx are different seasons,” Prompto argues. “So were we, once.”
“Ignis and Nyx aren’t both Gods of,” Noctis reminds him. “Selena and Luna could never live together. And if we couldn’t—we’d still—I’d still…”
Noctis struggles, words Prompto knows but Noctis still occasionally struggles to say.
“You’d still love me?” Prompto breathes.
Noctis nods. “Always. But not being able to live with you—imagine that?”
Prompto does, but only briefly, because the concept is so terrible. 
Noctis looks sad, and Prompto aches somehow. He doesn’t know how they got here so fast, but he darts forward, pressing a soft kiss to Noctis’ mouth and threading the fingers of one hand into his hair to help soothe them, to remind themselves of how lucky they are to have found each other.
It’s Noctis that pushes forward to make it linger and Prompto doesn’t even think to push him away. It doesn't matter that the event is half formal, though much less fraught than Prompto’s been led to believe they were before once upon a time. When Prompto wasn’t really around, back when Noctis was simultaneously more and less than he is now. The world could dissipate to nothing but them for the rest of eternity and Prompto would be okay, would relish each and every second that he and Noctis are near each other, talking and touching and—
Noctis jerks forward, biting Prompto’s lip and crushing their noses together. Prompto presses the back of his hand against his mouth to soothe the sudden ache while Noctis whirls around to glare at where Nyx, Gladio and Ignis are standing.
Ignis is pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Did you just throw ice at me?” Noctis demands. Nyx shakes out his hand and water droplets splatter onto the grass.
“Stop canoodling in public,” Gladio teases, any attempt at being stern swallowed up by his smile.
“We’re not—we weren't…” Noctis stammers. “Shut up.”
“Smooth,” Nyx laughs.
“Nice come back,” Gladio puts him.
Noctis scowls, and Prompto clutches his arm, half burying his face in his shoulder so Noctis won’t feel betrayed by the fact he too can’t stop smiling.
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bumbleblurr · 2 years
it fucks me up that if cliffjumper stayed on call with longarm just LITERALLY A SECOND LONGER for blurr to arrive, shockwave's entire shit would have been fucked beyond repair
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rans-baby · 2 years
when they think you're going on a date with someone else (pt 2)
tw // jealousy, possessiveness, implied nsfw
pt. 1 (atsumu, rintaro, kiyoomi)
you were a fellow Seijoh student in the same grade as Hajime
you fell in love when you first saw him dragging his best friend and berating him about taking care of himself 
you wanted someone to take care of you the way he took care of him, but you misunderstood their relationship, leading you to never confess
but Hajime's passion became ingrained in you, causing you to pursue kinesiology and athletic training, the same as him, but you studied at the local university
you hadn’t expected to see him at the olympics, you being on Argentina’s side 
on the other side, he hadn’t expected to see you at the olympics, in someone else’s arms
you were being tickled by one of your team members when he caught sight of you
something about you being in someone else’s arms irked him but he couldn’t tell what so he settled for approaching you
“hey y/n, how’s it going?”
you immediately flushed and jumped out of your teammates arms, telling your teammate that you would see him later that night
that irked him even more, and he was finally able to identify the feeling, it was jealousy
you couldn’t tell why but he looked angry and before you could help it, tears filled your eyes
“did I do something wrong?”
my man has never been so flustered before
“no no you didn’t do anything, well kinda? sort of? wait, first of all who was that guy?”
you were nothing if not quick-witted
“why? you jealous?”
OOF you unlocked something in him that he had never felt before
“why? you wanna see what happens when you piss me off princess?”
sobs sobs you know that you fell first but what you didn’t know what that he fell harder
Kunimi isn’t the most expressive person in the world, he couldn’t help it! it was just his nature
so that’s why when you confessed and all he had to say was, “ah” you decided that maybe it was time to move on, thinking he wasn’t interested
he honestly thought that he was being clear, you were his
but lo and behold, it was you with another classmate and were you, were you flirting? and did he overhear something about a date?
you felt someone wrap arm around your waist
“so pretty girl, mind telling me who this is?”
you face immediately became flushed and let’s not forget this man is almost 6 ft tall
the guy put his hands up in surrender and quickly walked away
“so, what was that about pretty boy?”
he hated it but he knew what he needed to say to get you to understand
“don’t like it when other people touch what’s mine” “who said I was yours?” “me” “since when?” 
he couldn’t stop himself at this point
“since I first laid eyes on you”
absolute silence
“please forget I said that” 
you prompty burst into laughter
I hope I did these justice (╥﹏╥) @hanaonesflower
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liquor-liquor-lips · 1 year
Characters' train of thought explained through mycro expressions
Well, I say explained, but just hear me out.
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It occurred to me just now that I was making one of my silly posts, that they way Sherlock and John react to Sally Donovan's words might reflect something that I hadn't previously considered.
Up until this point in ASiP, John has just met Mrs. Hudson, with whom Sherlock seems to be so close, and her first thought was not only that he and Sherlock were romantically involved, but that they were already serious enough to be moving in together.
Then, there's Sally Donovan. She calls Sherlock a freak, so from here on, it must be obvious to John they're not in good terms.
Sherlock then remarks Sally didn't make it home the previous night, and Sally knows he's right; furthermore, she knows why she didn't make it home; she was with Anderson, with whom she is actually romantically involved, but presumably, she doesn't want to give Sherlock, the man she constantly ridicules, the power to ridicule her back over Anderson, so she tries to prevent Sherlock from going any further with his deductions by deflecting to John and the reason he's there.
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Sherlock proceeds to introduce John by his professional title, "Colleague of mine, Doctor Watson", because he's eager to show off his association with him, something I have previously theorised about in this post, but Sally doesn't care about that, now does she?
"Colleague? How do you get a colleague?" she asks then, and the question is obviously meant to imply Sherlock is so utterly unbearable that no one would want to be around him, but it serves another purpose too. By teasing Sherlock about his involvement with John, she can easily deflect from her own involvement with Anderson.
Now, let's see the boys' reactions to the question again, shall we?
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Sherlock turns his head and rolls his eyes because he's obviously offended, but he's already used to it; after all, Sally is hardly the first person to treat Sherlock this way, but John, John frowns as if offended on Sherlock's behalf because at this point, neither Sally nor Mycroft have warned him about Sherlock being... well, Sherlock yet. It is then that Sally adds...
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Sherlock lowers his head, once he finally gets what Sally is implying. It is true that Sherlock doesn't know that she spent the night with Anderson yet, but just the fact that she was out all night might suggest she spent it with someone, and now she might be asking if John followed Sherlock home for the exact same reason.
Thing is, at this point, they have just met each other, and they seem to be getting along. This doesn't happen to Sherlock that often, and he must know John is special, which is the reason he invited him along in the first place. Why would a man who is said to have no friends and who once said "Alone protects me" would immediately ask John to live with him and work with him within 24 hours of having met him if he wasn't the exception to the rule? I can only imagine how badly Sherlock wants to be the exception to the rule for John as well, and how scared he might be of driving him away; after all, he's learned from everyone else around him that he's a freak, that he puts everyone off, that he's meant to be alone, and he doesn't want John to see him in that light because he wants him to stay.
Sally's comments have effectively made John question why he's even there. He rolls his eyes and prompty suggests it might be better if he waits outside, but that's not all there is to it.
Why would John suggest that? He could have just ignored Sally's question, but instead, he reacts just like he did when Mrs. Hudson ("Of course we'll be needing two"), and Angelo ("I'm not his date") implied he and Sherlock were a couple, by retreating. Sherlock can't be happy about this, but he reacts like he did before too, by ignoring the situation and bringing John along anyway. He can deal with Donovan later.
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The opportunity presents itself when they come across Anderson, and it takes Sherlock less than a second to deduce by his deodorant that he is the person with whom Sally spent the night, which is then confirmed by their reactions.
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So this little remark...
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This was payback. If Sally really thought she could make him look inadequate in front of John, well then she'd better take a look at her own choice of companionship first. Inappropriate and immature, sure, but so was Sally Donovan's behavior from the start.
So we're finally in, and who do we have next? Ah, Lestrade! Kind, and unassuming Detective Inspector Lestrade, who mirrors Sally's question upon seeing John, but Sherlock is having none of this.
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Translation: "I'm not doing this again. This is nobody's business but our own. He's here, he's with me, and I intend to keep him, so would everyone please back off?"
I may be wrong, but I think that ultimately, this might be at least part of the reason Sherlock doesn't respond when they are interrogated about the nature of their relationship. Why bother when it's obvious to him people don't know the first thing about them? This is them, this is the two of them against the rest of the world, this is private, this is their life together, this is what they are to each other and Sherlock will have no one question it or ridicule it, let alone trying to understand it.
Almost 12 years later, and here I am, trying to question it, and trying to understand it, but that's neither here, nor there.
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Here is the wrap-up of our seventh week of posting for the Promptis Gift Exchange. Individual works are listed below. 
The entire collection can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Promptis_Gift_Exchange_2024/works
 Please be sure to give our creators some love on Ao3!
Weekly Wrap-up #7
Title: Heartstrings -(Fic)
Gift For: FireHeartAW
Rated: Explicit (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: Interviewers always spin his answer to imply Noctis hated growing up in a small town, how he chafed at the confines and longed for the big city but that’s not really true, just a picture they paint, the story they want to tell. Not what’s true.
All Noctis wanted was music, and he simply didn’t think there was space anywhere for him to do that but Tokyo.
What point is there to music if there’s no audience clamouring to hear it?
But now, back here pouring his heart into a boy that will never hear him sing—he knows he was wrong. About so, so many things.
Title: One Shot -(Art)
Gift For: kikowithcatears
Rated: General Audiences (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: Prompto begrudgingly accepts a spooky dare from Noctis.
Gift For: Boogs
Rated: Explicit (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: TAILFEATHERS is a thoroughly vetted multifaceted online platform. Its purpose is twofold: to provide performers with a safe environment in which to make their living, as well as to enable members of elite society a safe means to enjoy private time with a performer of their choosing.
(Or: The Lucian Crown’s modern alternative to a Harem… to secretly sponsor a combination porn streaming website with a high class escort service.)
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oathkeptroxas · 1 year
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it's finally here!! my promptis vampire au was written for @ffxvreversebang2022​ , in collaboration with @mildlycuriousdragon​ and the gorgeous art they made! i really hope it does the concept justice and that everyone enjoys it (heed the tags and warnings!!)
 find it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44540365
Rating: Mature Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia (implied) Characters: Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ardyn Izunia, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia Additional Tags: Vampires, Forbidden Love, Mutual Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship/Love, First Love, Human/Vampire Relationship, Blood and Violence, Politics, Alternate Universe - Vampire, World-building, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Drama & Romance, Decapitation, Historical Slavery (blood slaves), Power Imbalance - Political, Actually a lot sweeter than this all sounds, I just went hamm with the world building, ive tagged for non-con just in case but its brief and implicit, and it refers to blood drinking not anything sexual, but the world building does view drinking someone's blood as being intimate, so the scene may be triggering
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amidst-wonderland · 11 months
final fantasy vii (final fantasy in general) is the only fandom i'm in where none of my favourite ships are even remotely canon, or popular.
rambling below cut
for seven, my top ships barely interact for longer than a few minutes and because of the twenty-odd year shipping war, no other ships really get to breathe. especially involving any of the 'core' four (the chances of renoaer ever having more than a small cult-following was shot in field somewhere in '97)
cissreno, i mean they have one conversation together and happen to be in the same scene once (despite both being turks!) and that's all i've got to work with. i so desperately want a cissnei reunion in rebirth or it's sequel - give me one scene square!
i wonder if they'll mention emma now that elena has joined and square are using compilation material.
the level of angst in these two ships is genuinely too good to be ignored.
reti are fine, like i've got a few hang-ups the longer i think about the age-gap but in the grand scheme of things it's relatively harmless and the fanart circulating is gorgeous.
the only popular ship i love is aerti but even then it's still no cloti, zerith or clerith (all ships i don't dislike).
for final fantasy xv i mean, again it's all about the angst.
lunyx was always doomed to fail simply in the premise of xv and the film doesn't directly imply anything more than genuine friendship and nyx's need to play hero and projecting his vulnerability / optimism onto luna.
i also just would like to add that aesthetically older!noctis x kingsglaive!lunafreya - truly majestic. i don't buy game them, but i sure buy that.
i don't have much of a reason to ship luche x crowe other than the fact that i hate myself, him and what could've been had the film fleshed out their characters more because in every scene they share they're literally looking at each-other at some point.
also, whilst i'm on the subject of crowe and luna - crowuna, another great ship. i wouldn't trust square with it considering what they did to crowe but that has genuine potential.
side note, i love the headcanon that iris looks up to crowe as a role-model.
here's also some my quickfire rarepairs / crackships, that again will never see the light of day
highspecs - that's what it's called? anyways, yes. (i wouldn't say this is a rarepair, just not on the levels of ignoct, promptis or noctluna)
reno x jessie - this is chaos and i love it.
cleno - i don't even know if i really ship this but reno pissing off cloud adds ten-years to my life and i will relish in that wutai rescue mission.
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ffxvficrec · 4 months
by darlathecyborgpluviophile “I don’t want to leave him,” Ignis says from the passenger’s seat. The cue cards in Prompto’s mind line up one after another, each a potential and mostly terrible response. Instead he says: “Do you wanna turn around?” Ignis shifts, turning awkwardly to his side under the confines of his seatbelt. His head lolls to his right shoulder, facing the window. “No.” * Prompto and Ignis live to see the Dawn return, and their best friend lost. In the sunlight, they're now tasked with picking up the pieces. Words: 9434, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Prompto Argentum , Ignis Scientia , Gladiolus Amicitia , Cor Leonis , Cindy Aurum , Original Female Character(s) Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Ignis Scientia , Gladiolus Amicitia/Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: tags will update , Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD , Trauma Recovery , Major character death - Freeform , Post-Dawn , Canon Timeline , World of Ruin | The Long Night (Final Fantasy XV) , Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con , Rape Aftermath , Non-Explicit Sex , Dissociation , Codependency , Established Relationship , Grieving , Healing , Canon Disabled Character , implied ignoct , Implied promptis , Sexual Dysfunction , Touch Aversion
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2kitsuneao3 · 11 months
Pairing: Prompto x Notics, Promptis.
Summary: Noctis and Prompto play in the car.
Tags: Pre- established relationship, pre- established promptis, exh/ibitionism, voy/eurim, vib/rators, expli/cit content, car s/ex, h/and j/obs, b/low j/obs, implied noctis/prompto/ignis/gladio, ignis and gladio definitely know what's happening and definitely find it hot.
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necroneol · 1 year
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i just think prompto final fantasy. is neat
(prom’s pronouns are pri/prin/princeself)
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gingerel · 1 year
ffxv | rituals and traditions
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Noctis has done this twice over already.
That doesn’t mean it’s not strange, doesn’t mean that the paint doesn’t feel cold and uncomfortable where it’s being swirled into his skin. He manages not to flinch at the first touch of the brush, however, unlike Prompto for which this whole thing is foreign and unexpected.
Ignis learnt to make the marks, ahead of his own anointment and Noctis is glad. It means he could ask his oldest friend to help his newest and closest friend through this - at least Prompto is not having to deal with a stranger's touch on top of everything else.
Noctis isn’t worried about this at all, even though people keep acting like he should be and Prompto is all of a nervous wreck. He and Prompto share everything, there’s not a single thing Noctis has offered Prompto that he hasn’t accepted heart, body and soul. This will be no different.
The crystal will accept Prompto. It will let Noctis thread it’s magic into Prompto’s being like it had for Ignis and Gladio.
And if it doesn’t then Noctis will just abandon it on the spot. What use is a magic that doesn’t think Prompto worthy?
The paint looks startling on Prompto’s body, but maybe he’s just paler than normal, the inky blue liquid sits right on the edge of black and starkly contrasts with the freckled peach of Prompto's skin. Being so undressed is most of what has Prompto so on edge, Noctis is sure, though it’s certainly nothing he’s never seen before.
An attendant paints patterns onto Noct’s back but he watches Ignis drag the brush down Prompto’s breastbone and curl it around the soft shape of his chest. Prompto’s stomach clenches nervously and Noct wishes there was some way to reassure him. They’ll light the incense soon and hopefully the thick haze of it will help Prompto settle, the heavy scent purposefully crafted to make you loose and drowsy.
It’s not dissimilar to the lavender Ignis sometimes sprays on Noct’s pillows when he’s struggling to sleep, to the Sleepy Time candle Prompto keeps at his house for the same reason - his skin of his face too sensitive for such direct contact but unwilling to let Noctis go without.
Noct has to try and stay alert through it all though, to reach out and draw in at the same time. Prompto needs to be lax and open, ready to accept this new part of him but Noctis needs to focus - if anything goes wrong here he knows it will be his fault, some mistake on his part because there’s no way Prompto won’t be accepted, it's inconceivable that there’s some fault in Prompto that means the magic won’t stick.
“Does it hurt,” Prompto asks Ignis. He’s asked before and Noctis has done his best to reassure him but he’s never been on his side of things. Noct’s magic is innate, flowing through him from the very moment he was born with no need for all this ritual and ceremony.
“Not even a little,” Ignis tells him gently.
Noct had almost forgotten Gladio was even in the room, for now, until he tells Prompto, “You’ll feel it though.”
“Forever?” Prompto asks and his eyes fly across to Noct and he doesn’t think that Prompto would mind that so much as he’s simply curious.
Ignis and Gladio exchange glances.
“In a way,” Ignis says, “It’s simply a part of you, made stronger and more vibrant.”
“Right,” Prompto breathes. Ignis takes hold of his chin, draws a line down his nose then two streaks and three dots on each cheek as the last of his marks. Noct’s attendant finishes the final amendments to his hands and Noctis knows not to move yet, to let the paint settle and dry. Prompto tries to stand the moment Ignis pulls back and only Gladio’s hand landing on top of his head keeps him in place.
“I’ll light the incense,” Ignis says.
When that’s done and the smoke is tickling Noctis’ nose, Gladio lets Prompto stand, stooping to retrieve the cushion he was sitting on. Noct copies him and almost wordlessly the two of them are left alone, lights diminishing so only the eerie glow of the crystal illuminates their bodies.
They’re dressed the same, a small Lucian black cloth covering only their most intimate parts and secured by a fine gold chain over each hip. Prompto’s blushing even though he looks beautiful and ethereal under the paint.
“Here,” Noct says, holding out both hands. Prompto rushes to him, standing almost woodenly only a foot in front of him. He doesn’t reach out to touch Noctis like he normally would, to take his hand for a reassuring squeeze and wrap his arms around Noct so tight it feels like he's trying to burrow all the way inside him. Noctis reaches out instead, rests his hand against Prompto’s neck and presses his thumb against a pulse racing in an almost familiar way.
“Ready?” Noct asks and Prompto bobs his head in wordless supplication.
Noct raises his hands palm towards Prompto and the blond copies him, pressing their palms together just like he was taught.
“Close your eyes,” Noct whispers, letting his own being reach out towards the magic so inherently his. “Try to relax,” he urges.
Prompto nods, less jerky than before and Noct waits until he exhales slowly, shoulders sinking down from up around his ears.
Noct stares at the back of his hands, finds the threads of the magic and draws them tight, pushes them out and up thinking of Prompto the whole while, knowing this can only be improved by his connection to it. The paint on Noct’s hands changes, glows the way he does when he’s coming down from a warp and he knows he has it, tells it to go on and forth to reach into Prompto’s soul too.
Prompto gasps and markings on his face shimmer blue. 
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mathclasswarfare · 4 years
That Cold Sunrise
For @audreyskdramablog‘s twitter prompt: “I should have...”
It’s an odd feeling, walking through these familiar corridors after so many years. Ignis can picture everything so clearly as they approach the royal family’s suite. He extends his hand and touches the skinny trunk of a potted tree. It’s just where he’d expected to find it, though the maple of his memory is still covered in vibrant maroon leaves, rather than the bare, spindly branches of the present.
“Fucker just let all the plants die,” Prompto mutters. He’s been trudging along near Ignis’s left elbow—defeated and deflated, like they all are. The sun may have returned, but they couldn’t save their king.
Continue reading on A03
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promptoy · 5 years
Tumblr media
he’s embarrassed
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thedarklordmegatron · 5 years
The Least I Can Do
Fandom: FFXV
Relationship: Implied Promptis
Brotherhood Era
Prompto’s terrified. No, scratch that, he’s about two seconds away from climbing the Citadel and throwing himself from the roof. He’s also 100% positive that whoever deemed it necessary to have their graduation televised is pure evil. Like, who honestly expects a bunch of 17 and 18 year olds to be happy with being on TV, just because the Crown Prince just so happens to be in their year, stupid nobles that’s who.
He groans softly and throws himself onto the bed, kicking his slacks and shirt aside in the process. There’s no way he’s going to be able to get through the whole ceremony. He’s going to embarrass himself by doing something stupid, trip up the stairs maybe, oh maybe knock someone off the stage! Now that would be interesting and something for the history books. He can see the headlines now ‘Niff attacks teacher at Prince’s Graduation’. Oh Six. Nope. That’s it. He’s just going to accept that he’ll never be graduating, while Noct’s at the ceremony he’s going to pack his bags, run away from Insomnia and start his life beyond the Wall as a professional Chocobo photographer.
“Whyyyyy” He laments, grabbing the nearest pillow and burying himself beneath it. His life’s going to end tomorrow morning.
Noct and Iggy are going to show up on his doorstep at 8am sharp, expecting him to be dressed and looking half-decent, as if that’s even possible when his best clothes are already three years old and too small; and they’ll run away in shame because how could he ever hope to stand beside his best friend when he looks as poor as his bank account says he is. Or maybe they just won’t let him graduate, that’s a possibility. Maybe the Principle will deem him too poor to stand among the nobles and the Prince, considering how amazing everyone else is going to look he won’t be surprised. They’ll just kick the poor Niff kid to the side like they always do. Hide him from view to make sure he can’t tarnish their perfect image. Not that he blames them, he’d do the same in their position.
He’s two seconds away from just giving up for the day, closing his curtains and pretending the world doesn’t exist when his doorbell rings. Moaning in frustration he slithers off of his bed and onto the floor, reluctant to face whoever decided to interrupt his internal lamentations. Did they not know it’s rude to interrupt a man while he’s contemplating his life choices? He makes an attempt to flatten his hair down as he stumbles down the staircase, taking it two steps at a time. He’d learnt months ago that getting to the door in record time is important especially considering the only people who ever come to his door are either debt collectors or someone coming to check the gas meter. Both of whom are super impatient and rarely willing to hang around just because the teenager living there was having a little breakdown.
The doorbell rings again, this time followed by three harsh knocks.
“Coming!” He shouts as he jumps the final three steps. Normally he’d spare a second to check who was on the other side before opening the door, but whoever it is sounds impatient enough already and he really doesn’t fancy getting into a fight. So he opens the door without a second thought, eager to get the conversation over and done with so he can get back to his bed sooner, and promptly freezes. There standing in his doorway with what is obviously a suit bag thrown over his shoulder, is Noctis.
“You going to let me in?” Noctis asks casually, shifting from one foot to the other. “Prom?”
“Oh, uh, yeah!” Nice save Prompto. Such intelligence, much wow. He steps aside allowing his best friend into his humble abode, which he’s only just realised looks like a tornado’s blown through it. Ramuh strike him down. He doesn’t even bother to try and explain away the mess, it’s not like Noct’s apartment is any better. Noctis doesn’t even hang around, he glides straight through the living room and up the staircase as though he owns the place, which he might as well considering how much of the furniture he’s insisted on buying over the past year.
“You coming?” Noctis calls, peeking over the edge of the staircase to look at him with a raised eyebrow. Oh right. Noctis. Suit bag.
“Yep!” He replies with a grin that was only half-forced before shutting the front door and bolting after his best friend. “So what’s up? Thought you had that thing with your dad this afternoon?”
“I do but it’s not til five.” Prompto digs his phone out of his back pocket to glance at the time, 2.38, plenty of time he supposes; although he does stil set an alarm for 3.50 to make sure they don’t lose track of time.
“Still doesn’t explain why you’re here.” He jokes, sliding past Noct to take his rightful place on top of his Chocobo bedding. Noctis just looks between him and the crumpled clothing on the edge of his bed. “Don’t judge me.” He huffs but he does scramble to his feet and put the clothes away. Noctis just laughs and flattens out the bedding so he can lay the suit bag down.
“Iggy dropped this off this morning, thought you’d want it today rather than panicking tomorrow morning.” He explains, unzipping the bag and presenting Prompto with what had to be the most expensive suit he’d ever seen. Prompto’s not sure how long he stands there just staring at it, his mouth agape but it’s long enough that Noctis snorts and elbows him in the side. “Come on dork, try it on.”
Wait. What?
“What?” Noctis rolls his eyes but smiles all the same.
“This,” He says slowly motioning to the suit “Belongs to you” He points at Prompto. Okay, what? He’s no fashionista, but Prompto’s quite sure that the fabric isn’t just a cheap cotton or something similar that he could have picked up from a store.
“Noct,” Prompto says breathlessly. He can’t accept it, not when Noctis has quite literally kitted out his entire home in the last year. Not when he’s made sure that there’s permanently food in his cupboards, that his heating is always on and his roof will always be over his head. It’s too much. Six damn it, it’s too much. He’s not quite sure how it happens but one moment he’s standing in front of his wardrobe, biting his lip, and the next he’s on the floor crying with Noctis’ arms wrapped around him.
“Hey Prom, it’s okay.” Noctis soothes, rubbing his back and gently nuzzling the top of his head.
“It’s too much Noct,” Prompto sobs as he buries his face in the soft fabric of Noctis’ t-shirt “I don’t deserve any of this! I don’t deserve the suit, the food, you.” He knows Noctis knows it’s true, he has to. Surely someone in the Citadel noticed how much the Crown Prince has been spending on the stupid Niff pleb, if no one else Ignis had to have picked up on it by now. There’s no way Noctis could order so many things for him and have it go unnoticed.
Apparently he’d been speaking aloud because Noctis moves quicker than he’s ever done before and takes his face in his hands. “It’s never enough.” He says firmly, a steely determination in his eyes. “I’d give you the world if I could Prom. Bahamut knows you deserve more than that.”
“But I’m a Niff!” Prompto protests, though the intended impact is somewhat lessened by his less than attractive crying.
“No you aren’t. You’re a Lucian citizen but more importantly you’re you. You’re my best friend who puts up with me when I’m the worst person on this planet. You got yourself kidnapped trying to protect me and didn’t tell them anything when they hurt you.” Noctis pauses “I don’t...nothing I do is ever going to be enough to repay you for everything you’ve done for me Prom. Let me do this for you. Please Prom.” And Gods he’s weak. Logically he knows he should tell Noctis to stop buying things for him, to turn away the suit and just wear his original outfit, even if it meant being the worst-dressed at their graduation. Hell he should have just never approached Noct in the first place, kept himself to himself and ignored Lady Lunafreya’s request. “If you think it’s too much we can always get something else, or I can lend you one of mine if you don’t want something brand new.” Noctis rambles on.
Prompto takes a moment to look over the suit, barely visible from where they’re sprawled on the floor. It’s a gorgeous suit if he’s completely honest with himself, and something that he’d never have dreamt of wearing to his graduation. Not to mention it was something Noctis, and apparently Ignis, had thought about and arranged for the sole purpose of making his day that little bit better.
“I don’t know when I’d wear it again.” He finally admits with a sniffle and it’s not a lie. It’s not like he has hundreds of galas and formal events to attend like Noctis and Ignis do, hell the most formal event he’d ever been to was Noctis’ private birthday party in the arcade.
“Ignis says it’s always handy to have a decent suit on hand,” Noctis mutters “Never know when you might need one.”
“Like tomorrow” Prompto jokes weakly
“Like tomorrow.” Noctis agrees with a small smile. “I can take it back if you really don’t want it.”
“I do but…” Prompto pauses, though he’s not quite sure why he does.
“But?” Noctis prompts.
“Is it really okay for me to have it? Like, won’t I look out of place in something that I clearly haven’t bought myself. People will start to think that I’m using you for your money.” Noctis just shrugs and pulls him into a hug.
“I don’t care what they think, neither do dad, Iggy or anyone else who matters. It’s your call though Prom, I’m not going to make you accept something you don’t want.”
“Like my couch?”
“Dude, that thing was a death trap. Gladio said so himself.”
“Yeah well the Big Guy was the one who broke it!”
“A mouse could have broken that couch Prom.” Noctis huffs and honestly he’s not wrong. It was a horrible old couch that had been in the house for as long as he could remember. Knowing his parents, it was probably already there when they bought the place and they just didn’t see the point in replacing it when they weren’t going to be round to use it. “So, suit?”
Prompto smiles, finally allows himself to relax in Noctis’ arms “I’ll wear it so long as you work some Princely magic to make sure I’m not going to be the first one up on stage tomorrow.” The joys of having a surname beginning with the letter ‘A’.
Noctis just laughs and holds him a little tighter “I think we can arrange something. Principle McKellan was trying to convince me to go first anyway, something about appeasing the press.”
“My hero.” Prompto laughs.
He’ll never understand what he did to deserve a friend as wonderful and caring as Noctis. However, Prompto does know one thing for certain, he'll spend the rest of his life making sure Noctis knows just how much he’s appreciated, and if that means finally filling out those Crownsguard application forms he’s had in his desks for months now, well, it’s the least he can do.
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