#in which kono writes
artoile · 9 months
Jamiazujami "Detective"-Thief AU (Part 1)
A while back I mentioned a detective-thief jamiazu au to @pixiestickie and suddenly I blinked and had 3k+ worth of notes. I'll never make this into an actual thing beyond silly doodles and rambles but 'm a one-trick pony who can only write thieves and detectives and I needed to be self-indulgent and embarrassing. Cringe but free I guess. o)-(
Magic and world are relatively the same, except for the fact that the main cast does not meet at NRC. 
Aged-up to mid/late 20s. Everyone is done with their education and doing their own thing professionally. 
Because it is an AU, there are lots of creative licences taken with Asim-Viper family lore! 
Base Concept
The Scalding Sands is a peninsular nation comprising many arid deserts. They owe their current prosperity to the population developing agriculture techniques suited for their terrain and to the Asim family’s pioneering into maritime trade and the establishment of early maritime trade routes. This story is based on the premise that the Asim backstory is inspired by Sinbad’s Storybook Voyage in DisneySea. When the ride first opened in 2001, it was drastically different. In the original version, Sinbad was a thief/bandit that set out to sea and caused all kinds of problems before returning home with a lot of treasure (despite likely sacrificing a majority of sailors accompanying him in the process). The ride was refurbished in 2007, making it a lot more kid-friendly and wholesome. In the new storyline, Sinbad helps out those being terrorised by thieves and becomes their friend, and becomes mega rich due to the goodness of his own heart. In this story concept, the Asims are related to Sinbad while the Vipers are related to one of the thieves he stopped. Because Sinbad basically saves the thieves from getting mauled by ✨ the horrors ✨  they end up devoting their life and bloodline to serving Sinbad's family. Jamil hates it here! He starts researching the history of the family and ends up falling into a rabbit hole with records suggesting Sinbad might have originally been a bandit as well (reference to original ride) and he finds a lot of shady information revolving around many of the treasures and artefacts obtained by the Asim family and how they were handled throughout their history. He also comes across possible leads suggesting there was a —now lost— magic lamp among the treasury at some point. Craving power and freedom, Jamil concocts a plan to play a game of social politics via public heists as he serves Kalim.
Jamil creates a vigilante/thief persona that targets specific treasures once owned by the Asims across the globe, specifically following the clues that might lead him to the location of the lost magic lamp. He announces his target, brings public attention to it, steals it and reveals whatever shady information he’s learned about the item before delivering it to a museum or public institution. Though it appears “just” to the public eye, Jamil is doing it because it hurts the Asim's public image and reputation, and allows him to scope out the different treasuries and gather more leads on the possible location of the magic lamp. 
And then you might say. But Raffles/Kono/Arto! Jamil wouldn't do a showy/theatrical thief persona! And to that I say he's a smug and self-important little prick that likes outsmarting and manipulating people. This is the perfect way to get spotlight, attention, and showing off his abilities to his heart’s content without having his name and face attached to it. He can go all out and be as feral as he wants…as long as he doesn’t get caught. His goal is to completely destroy the Asim's reputation and make them out to be a family that has made their living out of theft throughout the centuries, while also hopefully locating the magic lamp in the process and gaining unlimited power for himself. It goes semi-smoothly for some time, and Jamil feels more arrogant by the day due to his success at humiliating the Asim’s attempts to stop him. 
Which brings us to Azul! Having been on land for some time now, Azul is a thriving businessman with an established brand and reputation. The lounge has expanded into a number of branches over the world, and he is involved with a variety of profitable endeavours both on land and at sea. He also offers consultation services to high profile clients for a pretty steep fee, and has the reputation of being able to solve any problem/fulfil any request as long as you can pay up. He's been trying to get in touch with the Asim family and get involved with the economy of the Scalding Sands but —much to his chagrin— all of his attempts at contact go completely ignored. At some point, rumours of a thief targeting assets/treasures/artefacts owned by the Asims start to surface and Azul sees it as a perfect opportunity to get his foot in. However, because offering his services directly hasn't worked, he decides to go the roundabout way and manipulate the situation and have THEM come to him. So, he manages to get entrances/invitations to an event he knows Kalim will be going to. With the tweels’ assistance, he identifies an attendee with motive to commit a crime; despite the fact that they don’t tell this person to do it directly, the three of them pressure and enable them into carrying it out during the event via psychological manipulation. All of this just so that Azul can make a grand deduction show out of revealing the culprit during the event (despite the fact he knew it was going to happen all along. You know, like a scammer.) He does this with the explicit intent of impressing Kalim and having him recruit his and the tweels’ assistance in pursuing the thief. To Jamil’s dismay, Kalim —always a sweet soul— falls for it, hook line and sinker.
Kalim signs a deal with Azul in which he promises a long-standing business sponsorship in exchange for catching the thief. However, due to the thief’s motives being so closely tied with the history of the Scalding Sands and the Asim family, it is ultimately decided that Azul & the Tweels will be staying in the Asim mansion for the duration of the investigation, allowing them to conduct in-depth research (including market and location research for the new Scalding Sands Mostro Lounge branch they’re bound to inaugurate once the matter is settled!). Thus! A cat and mouse chase where the investigator and culprit are cohabitating under the same roof and hiding their motives from one another ensues. 
(Jamil will have a bad time!)
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microsuedemouse · 1 year
1940s episode............ the gag eps in this show are so silly. but I can't be mad at it any more than I can be mad at how absurd the general storylines are getting, because the character writing remains so dang fun.
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regallibellbright · 2 years
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[Image ID: Photograph of a Nintendo DS screen showing Mingle Mode from The World Ends With You, showing “It’s a wonderful world!!” written in heavily stylized graffiti font, the Reaper Sigil, and a graffiti’d “X” written in black outlined in white on a black background. At the bottom is a bar reading “You ran into your shining prince…” in black font with ‘your shining prince’ written in red, and an icon of a sword crossed over its red sheathe on the left side. End ID]
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alltheirdamn · 6 months
A Bounty for Reward (Mando x f!Reader)
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Summary: when you discover a bounty has been put on your head, your future and freedom are on the line. Warnings: mentions of death, drugs, weapons, angst, language (future smut, don't worry) Word Count: 6.5k A/N/: this is my first time dropping any sort of writing into the world, so pls be kind & i hope you'll stick around for the rest of the fic <3
Swiping greased hands over your work smock, you looked towards the horizon to see the Twin Suns dipping below the rolling sand dunes. The work day was over, yet you felt you barely made a dent in the new land speeder your parents had bought. You were accustomed to working with older models of land speeders, preferring the engine types over the newer models. The new models were made for looks rather than efficiency, and you didn’t understand how the citizens of Mos Eisley could afford them.
Composed of a ship hangar and various piles of scrap parts, the junkyard overlooked the southern border of the city, your own home barren and abysmal due to years of decline in business. It was rare your parents got business, and if it was… it usually wasn’t the best clientele. You had your run-ins with smugglers, pirates, and crime bosses, and every time, you worried for your family’s safety. It was only you and your parents, after all— you had no one else to call home.
As you tidied your workbench, stowing away the tools, scrap metals, and loose wires, you heard an unfamiliar buzz of speed bikes approaching the junkyard. It was unusual to get clients this late, let alone any visitors. Your family was nearly invisible to the citygoers, barely knowing one or two vendors on the streets that sold food. 
In a haze of dust and dirt, the men made laps around the junkyard, their voices loud and violent as they called out for your parents. Heart thudding in your throat, you rushed to the small home tucked in the dunes, frantic to find your parents. 
You hadn’t realized your father was already at the front entrance, sniper rifle in his grasp. 
“Kono Halcard!” One of the front men yelled, his speeder coming to a halt in front of your father.
You watched from afar as your father stood tall and strong, his suntanned skin glowing in the golden hour of the falling suns. Time had aged his skin whitened his hair, but he was still a force of nature. He had lived in Tatooine his whole life, as had you, and he was no stranger to the scum that roamed the planet. Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted your mother, Mana, peering behind the windows of your home. She was not so much the fighter as your father. 
But you were your father's daughter. 
Grabbing the hidden blade on your work belt, you followed the trail up to the front entrance, watching the wind kick the billows of dust into tornados of sand as the men’s bikes stopped behind their very vocal leader. 
“We want nothing to do with you, Jissard,” your father’s voice was stern. 
Jissard, which you assumed was his last name, was a hateful-looking man. He was human, at least from what you could discern, as he stood several feet taller than your father, wearing a tattered tunic and worn leather coat. Most of his face was covered by a low-brimmed hat, the same color beige as the sand surrounding you, but you could still glimpse his piercing yellow eyes. The look of them alone forced your spine straight, nerves electrifying within every inch of your body. 
The men behind him wore the same type of clothes– all worn, all dirty. It was obvious from the looks of them that they were a band of spice traders, the residual of the drugs lingering on their fingers and skin. They dismounted their speeders, flanking Jissard on either side, their hands resting carefully on their concealed blasters. You shifted your weight, your grip tightening around the handle of your blade. 
“Oh, Kono,” Jissard drawled, a thick accent falling off his tongue. “You’re a few payments behind, aren’t you?”
“I owe you nothing. I paid the Pyke’s back in full nearly three months ago.” Your father straightened his spine; the rifle still lifted at eye level towards the traders. 
“If you had, I wouldn’t be here, my friend,” Jissard grinned, revealing a row of rotting teeth. It was a menacing grin, one meant to elicit fear. 
It didn’t elicit it from your father, but it did from you.
“Ah, and I take it this is your daughter, no?” Jissard continued, glancing in your direction. 
The handle of your blade was cutting into your palm now, your pulse thudding in your ears. You stepped forward, aligning yourself with your father, exchanging a weary glance between one another. He wasn’t shocked you were beside him, but you caught a glimpse of regret in his eyes. A fading sentiment of, I’m sorry, as you gathered the unspoken secrets of your family’s business. You had an inkling that crime would one day touch your family, yet you hadn’t expected it to be already seeping into the foundations around you. How long had your father been mixed up with the Pyke’s? Had this been the reason for the junkyard's business to decline? Either way, you were seeing the truth come to light, but you wouldn’t back away from a fight. 
Not when it came to family. 
“She does not concern you,” he was firm, words gritted through clenched teeth. 
Jissard smiled again, dipping his hat towards you as a gesture of hello. 
“Kesi Jissard,” he smiled, “ I’m a friend of your father's here.”
“I wouldn’t exactly label us friends,” your father sneered. 
He cocked the rifle back, the sound of it echoing around you. He was done playing Kesi’s games, yet Kesi hadn’t had his fill. The men behind him drew their blasters, your father becoming the target for every weapon. You exposed the blade behind your back, a minor threat you knew wouldn’t do much. Kesi noticed the slight reflection of metal in the fading suns, a small smirk pointed in your direction. It made your stomach churn, seeing the way he welcomed the threat. He wasn’t afraid of you, and you had yet to understand why you were so afraid of him.
You just were. 
“I’m not here to collect bodies,” Kesi tossed his attention back to your father, “I would like to settle this as civil as possible. Unless you force my hand, Kono.”
“I don’t think you people know what civil means,” your father bit. 
Kessi stepped forward, cocking his head to the side to gesture his men forward. The look of ‘civility’ shot past his eyes, replaced by something far more menacing. His hand grazed over his own blaster, eyes flickering between you and your father. In the distance, you could hear a familiar voice shouting, this one of your mother.
“Ah, Mana,” Kesi smiled, rotting teeth exposed across dirtied skin, “So kind of you to join us. We were just discussing some matters of business.”
Your mother joined your father, her hands twisting together in an anxious manner. There was an expression of fear on her face…yet she held her breath as if she anticipated the worst.
“We have no business with you traders,” she spewed. 
It was the first time you had ever seen your mother speak in such a violent manner. She was always coolheaded, kind, and extremely closed off to strangers. She made no part of any business deals the junkyard had and kept herself in the shadows where she felt safest. But now, it was your family against him, his men, and ultimately… the Pykes.
Kesi slanted his head to the side, watching your mother and father with silent regard. The men behind him were growing agitated as they swayed from side to side, their weapons still raised towards your parents. The knife you bared down in your grip was feeling all too heavy; the concept of having to defend yourself grew more likely. You silently begged your father just to comply, to give Kesi whatever he wanted, and to move on as usual. If they were to go broke, they would still be alive. 
“Listen, Kono,” Kesi sighed heavily, tightening the brim of his hat over his eyes, “I don’t like wasting my time. So, either you pay up, or we can take payment in a different form.”
His gaze shot to you, shadowed eyes tracing the outline of your body until your skin crawled from disgust. Every vile and unnameable thing washed over your mind– the countless things he could do to you. You pleaded internally to your father, hoping he would just give in and do as Kesi asked. 
But your father, like you, was stubborn to the end. 
“Fuck you,” your father spat.
Without another word, his gun was aimed at Kesi’s head, the rifle shooting forward yet somehow suspending itself in time. The sequence of events grew hazy as you watched from the ground on which you fell. You didn’t register that your father had pushed you back or that Kesi’s men struck down your mom in several shots; her body lay lifeless on the sands of Tatooine. The sound of your father's cries delayed in your mind as you watched him crumple over, a gaping shot tearing apart his chest. They were gone. Both of them. And you had been too dazed to react, the knife having been lost from your hand in the midst of the attack. 
All you could see were the remnants of your parents in the wreckage of brutality Kesi had left them in. Broken sobs erupted from your chest, screams that did not make it past your lips, and yet the world continued moving. Kesi’s men grabbed you, yanking you to your feet as you struggled to breathe. Your eyes couldn’t tear away from your parents, their eyes staring absently at the sky as it faded to darkness. Everything in your world had gone dark. 
Everything was gone. 
“I guess I’ll settle for you as my payment,” Kesi smirked. 
Eyes slamming open, the nightmare jarred you enough to catapult you upwards from your sleeping position. This had been the third night in a row you had dreamt of that night, the third night you were reminded of all you had lost. Rubbing your eyes aggressively, you felt the start of tears pooling over your knuckles as you dug into the skin of your eyelids. Sounds of airspeeders and taxis whizzed by in hushed vibrations, the windows of your hotel room shaking ever so slightly. It wouldn’t be very noticeable to anyone else, but you were acutely aware of every sound around you. You were always holding your breath as if the past lurked in the shadows, waiting for the moment to strike and kill. 
It had been four standard months since you arrived in the lower levels of Coruscant– four months since you had found an escape route from Kesi. It had taken nearly a year to arrange a meticulous plan that stripped you from his grasp, and you had pulled it off. Gathering—stealing—enough credits to buy your way off world, you took refuge in a hidden identity and made a new life in the capital. The hotel room was temporary, at least until you ran out of credits—or luck. But getting credits was easy now that you learned the ways of the underground. Rich men traveled to the lower levels looking for drugs or prostitutes, and you knew the best spots in the city to track them down. Some small talk, maybe a few drinks, and it was easy for you to card your hand into their pockets and stash away credits while they remained distracted. 
Eager to leave the darkness— and the past— you gathered yourself and threw on your heavy jacket, tossing the hood over your head. Strapped to your thigh, you kept your vibroblade, the last thing you kept from all the years under Kesi’s hold. It had been your protection against aggressive clients, yet you never had the courage to use it. They were aggressive, but there was never enough strength or freedom to fight back. Freedom was something you never knew. 
Finding your way through the streets, you ventured into one of the run-down playrooms in the center of town. Through a cloud of smoke, you found small groups of men hunched over drinks as they played sabacc fervently. Some turned to scrutinize you as you walked in, but you kept your head low, finding your way toward the bar. Nerves didn’t get to you, but a drink could help suffocate the lingering memories. Nursing your drink, you felt the warmth of someone sliding beside you, their hand tracing your arm. It was enough to tense all the muscles in your body, your free hand coasting down to graze the blade on your thigh.
“Are you the entertainment for the night?” The voice asked.
Concealing your amusement, you turned to him, pushing down the hood of your coat. The man had a devilish grin that was both unwelcoming and horrendous. You had no interest in entertaining him. Downing the rest of your drink, you shoved away from the bar, walking towards an open booth to watch the games. 
And he followed. 
“C’mon princess,” he crooned, sitting across from you, “Don’t gotta be stubborn.”
“I suggest you leave me alone before I slice open your stomach.” You spat.
He leaned back, clearly alarmed, and stood without another word. But it was as he left something else caught your eye.
A shadow, but reflective, tore your focus away from the games. Whatever it was, the shine alone was enough to stall every player, their motions slowing as they observed the stranger. Walking in the entrance was a bounty hunter clad in shiny armor, his helmet trained on you. 
Your initial reaction was to run, but as you took in his silhouette, you narrowed your gaze on the blaster at his hip. Returning your gaze back to his helmet, he cocked his head to the side and slid a hand down to rest on the handle of the blaster.
An invitation to run.
A warning if you did.
Neither sounded appealing.
You sunk further into the cushions of the booth, pulling your hood up over your head. It wasn’t lost on you that he had already scoped you out, but to your wishful thinking, you hoped he was in the playroom looking for a bounty. Why would he be looking for you? A better question: who wanted you? A chill ran up your spine as you considered all the possibilities of why he’d be after you: theft, assault, spice smuggling. Worse of them all… Kesi had placed a high price on your head. 
But you would never return to him. 
You would fight for freedom, even if it cost you everything.
The bounty hunter stalked towards you, his steps calculated and slow as if he expected you to run. Your fingers twitched against the blade on your thigh, assessing your options.
You could run, fight, or die, and none of them sounded appealing as he grew closer, but you had to make a decision. 
And option one it was. 
You shoved out of the booth, booking past the game tables and towards the back door. The hood on your coat fell down onto your shoulders as you pushed your body into a full sprint, weaving through the smoke and crowds. The back door opened into a hazy alleyway, and you took off to the left. People stared at you strangely as you belined through the throng of citygoers, shoving through the crowds with curses falling off your lips.
“Fucking move!” You huffed, your feet padding against the asphalt. 
Distance sounds of running caught your attention, and you made the mistake of looking back to see the hunter closing the gap between crowded bodies. You pushed yourself harder, your body aching but persistent from the adrenaline rush. You’d had your fair share of spice before, but nothing compared to the rush of being hunted down. Never did you think your freedom would come to this.
A wall of bodies formed before you, onlookers enraptured in a daze of street performers. Their blissful unawareness would cost you your life, and you reached for your blade at the same moment a gloved hand wound around your bicep in a vice. You swiveled to meet the hunter face to face—well, face to helmet— and slashed the blade against the armor. It did nothing to the metal, not even a single scrape. The bounty hunter huffed, amused, and caught your wrist with his free hand. Your skin pinched between his leathered fingers, and you winced as his grip tightened. 
“Let me fucking go!” You yelled, jostling against his hold.
But he was firm, and the sounds of the crowd began to flood your ears as you attempted to break away.
“…a Mandalorian…”
“Look at the beskar…”
“Have you ever… seen one?”
A Mandalorian? 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
This wasn’t just an average bounty hunter. This was a skilled and deadly one, and you just happened to be in his grasp. You had heard stories of them while under Kesi’s control; some spice traders talked about how ruthless and dangerous they were. They were sworn to Mandalore, and they had no moral duty to anything but. 
The Mandalorian drew your body closer, his helmet dipping close to your ear.
“I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold.” His voice was warm and smooth and threatened to buckle your legs under you. “Your choice.”
Reeling back, you slammed a foot into the center of his boot, only for him to spin you around and pin you against his body. 
“Wrong choice,” he growled.
He twisted your arms back, clasping cold binders around your wrists. Shoving you forward, he guided you through the crowds of bodies, his hand tight around your elbow. You twisted your head to look back, seeing his helmet set in a firm line and his fingers wrapped around the handle of your blade. 
Fuck, this wasn’t how you expected your night to go.
The Mandalorian’s gunship sat on the city's outskirts, parked in a docking bay surrounded by other speeders and racers. A few docking employees strolled about the platforms, barely paying attention to your struggle against the beskar-clad body behind you. You had attempted several times to rip yourself from his grasp, only to be met by a hard shove forward and a few sharp words. 
(Words that flooded your bloodstream like a liquid drug.)
The ramp lowered with a hiss, and your feet stumbled up the metal flooring as the Mandalorian pushed you into the dark cargo hold of his ship. You barely had time to register your surroundings as he led you toward a carbonite chamber. Your heart sputtered erratically the closer you got, and you fought against him harder.
“Please,” you begged, dragging your feet as far as he’d let you.
“Enough,” he barked. 
Pressing you against the wall with one hand, the Mandalorian used the other to punch in a code to the freezing chamber. The metal doors opened with an expulsion of cold gas, the air sending shockwaves over your skin. As he reached for your shirt to drag you towards the chamber, you let out a series of pleas in hopes of stopping him.
“You can’t!” You cried, tears stinging your eyes as you pulled away from his grasp. “Please, I swear I’ll do anything! Just don’t put me in there. Maker, please.”
He hesitated a moment, his helmet assessing you. 
“I’ll do anything, okay?” You heaved in a breath. “I don’t know who wants me, but please!”
A beat of silence passed as he considered your confession. Tears flowed freely over your face, the shiny beskar blurring as you tried to blink them away. Everything was becoming too hazy, too much. Maker, how did you end up here?
Your body ached from the chase, your wrists burned under the friction of the binders, and the cold air from the chamber beside you was enough to fog your mind. You were teetering on the edge of passing out or dropping dead. It was becoming all too hard to breathe, and you began to gasp for air, sucking lung-fulls in to help ease the pain vibrating through your nerves.
“Just…” You panted. “…Please.”
Your body slumped against the wall, your head hitting the metal sharply, and the world around you blackened.
Mando had his fair share of interesting bounties, but an unconscious girl on the floor of his ship had never been one of them. Her head lulled to the side; her body crumpled against the metal ground. He had checked for a pulse, thankful there was one, and let her lay comfortably on the ground. He couldn’t just toss her into the carbonite chamber when she was unconscious. The gas would be all too powerful on weak lungs, and she would die instantly once the metal encased her. And it wasn’t a part of the bounty to bring her in dead. Nor did he particularly relish in killing women— beautiful ones at that. 
It had struck him curious that someone as beautiful as her would wind up in the hands of a bounty hunter. Her face on the holopuck had initially been a shock, and he wondered if he had received the right bounty to begin with. But Greef Karga had assured him it was correct, and the bounty price on her head was high. Too high not to pass it up.
Mando wasn't ‘soft’ by any means. He was used to the brutality and violence that surrounded his lifestyle. He welcomed the silence after a kill and the isolation of the Razor Crest between hunts. Alone. That’s all he had ever known, and nothing would make him give that up. 
But, maker, her soft breathing wasn’t helping his cause. 
He forfeited all options and made the decision to leave her sleeping on the floor. He’d set the nav to Tatooine and reassess later. Once in hyperspace, she would have nowhere to go, and when she finally woke up, then he’d put her into the chamber. That was his plan.
At least for now.
Mando sat in the cockpit alone, his hand flipping her blade in fluid motions. She was a fighter, he knew that much, and cunning. Her first instinct was to run, but she put up just as much of a fight. Usually, he’d be annoyed by a bounty that fought, but for her to fight that hard… It gave him a pause. And her pleading for help? Maker, he wondered what made her into a big enough criminal for a bounty puck. But she had to have done something to catch the eye of a hunter, let alone a hunter like him. 
He tossed her blade up in the air, catching it and flipping it back up for several minutes. Her face danced around his mind the longer he thought about her, and he gave in to climbing down into the cargo hold to check on her. 
As he climbed the ladder, he heard rustling between the cargo crates in the corner. She had tucked herself between them, making her body look smaller and more frail than before. She looked utterly helpless— like a scared child—  and something in his chest tightened. 
“Are you going to kill me?” She whispered, her eyes barely visible in the dim lighting.
His helmet moved side to side slowly as he approached her. Her arms were still bound behind her back, tightly cuffed in bindings, but her small frame fit snugly into the corner against the metal walls. Crouching down, Mando held out a hand to her.
“I’ll take the restraints off,” he offered. “But only if you promise not to cause a problem. I’m not opposed to putting you in carbonite for the rest of the flight.”
She nodded fiercely, twisting her body so that her hands were toward him. Rough hands clicked the lock open on the bindings, and Mando watched as she rubbed the skin of her wrists fervently. Still, she shrunk away from him, pulling her knees to her chest. Her slender arms wrapped around her legs, tucking them closer to her body as she shivered against the bitter cold from traveling hyperspace. 
She stared at him wide-eyed and afraid. Every bounty feared him; his beskar was a telltale sign of danger. But something about her fear didn’t sit quite right with him. 
Only a few more hours, he told himself. Then she’d be off his hands, and he’d be a few credits richer. 
“Do you know who put the bounty on me?” She asked, her voice small. She had been so fierce and loud earlier, but it was apparent she had accepted defeat.
“No,” he said truthfully. He didn’t offer much, but it was enough. 
She exhaled, eyes floating around the cargo hold and avoiding the heavy stare from behind his visor. 
“I’m afraid,” she whispered.
Fuck. He didn’t want to hear that. 
Mando had nothing to respond with, nothing that could console her. He turned from her crouched body and turned back towards the cockpit. The further a distance he could put between them, the better.
She was dangerous. 
His statement was final, not allowing you to seek answers that you could cling to. The unknown was worse than knowing because there were endless outcomes you could face. You had wronged so many people, a trace of your selfishness scattered across the galaxy. You allowed yourself to lose control of the greed– finding comfort in taking from those undeserving. Too many people had taken what they wanted from you, leaving an emptiness inside you that was insatiable and never fulfilled; you only wanted to do the same to them in return. You could spend eternity trying to find ways to fill the void within you, but you wondered if it was ever enough.
“I’m afraid,” you muttered, more to yourself than to him.
 The Mandalorian remained motionless and then turned suddenly back towards the cockpit, silence filling the space between you. A sigh left your lips, and you closed your eyes, hoping to slip away from the moments that pulled you closer to an unknown fate. 
You awoke to a distant beeping from the cockpit; you were nearing the coordinates the Mandalorian had punched in hours ago. Unsure of your actions, you climbed the ladder up, peeking into the cockpit to see where he was taking you. It wasn’t until your eyes adjusted to the dimness around you that you realized what planet you were flying towards. Tatooine. 
The last place you expected to be taken to, and certainly the worst possible outcome of being captured. You knew exactly what– no, who– awaited you on Tatooine. If you had given up on pleading before, you regained the strength now, taking this as your last chance to save yourself. 
“I can’t go back to Tatooine,” you blurted out. The Mandalorian whipped his head around, glaring at you through the visor of his helmet. 
Without a response, he leaned forward in the chair, guiding the ship into a descent into the atmosphere of the desert planet. The lower it descended, the higher fear crept up inside you until it clouded all senses. He wouldn’t care what became of you; you were a pile of credits waiting to be collected. If he knew your name, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was the reward and the allegiance to his creed. You may not know him well, but you knew enough about the Mandalorian creed to know everything now was hopeless. 
The endless expanse of beige sand came into view, the winds drawing it into waves amongst the dunes. The ship flew further into the terrain, coming to a halt on the outskirts of Mos Eisley. It had been only a few standard years since you had been taken from your home, vowing never to return. Now you were back, existing among the ghosts and regrets of the past. 
The gunship touched down onto the rolling sands of Mos Eisley, the ramp opening slowly, giving way to the heat from outside. It flooded through the ship, a light sweat breaking out on the nape of your neck. The Mandalorian rose to his feet, his armored body turning your way. He reached down, grabbing your wrists, easing your body down the ladder. There was no inclination of emotions from his body, the rise and fall of his breastplate the only evidence that he was indeed a living creature. 
Creature he was as he pulled you down the stairs, leading you through the cargo hold that was littered with mindless tokens he had picked up along his trails of bounties. The ramp exposed you to the brightness of the sand, your eyes quickly squinting against the landscape. You drug your feet against the metal, hoping to stall your exile from all human existence. If you were certain of anything, your fate was not too far off. 
Below the binary suns stood two dark figures, their faces hidden by brimmed hats. The hats were enough of a giveaway to know who they were… and exactly why you dreaded stepping foot on the planet. Your body halted, feet firmly set against the sand, body paralyzed. The Mandalorian slid his hand under the crook of your elbow, urging you forward in silence. He didn’t flinch when you tried to hit him, wrists falling against hard beskar. 
“Please,” you begged, tears brimming your eyes. “You can’t give me to them.”
He remained wordless, only nudging your body forward once more. You mustered up enough energy to fight his hold, spinning to face him fully. His helmet slowly rolled to the side, studying your face as tears fell onto your cheeks. Desperation kicked in, your mind reeling with any offer you could give him. 
“Please,” your voice was weak, “Kill me.”
He made no reaction to your words, so you tried again. 
“Keep me. I’ll do anything you ask. Just keep me from them. You can have me!”
The Mandalorian hesitated a moment, a beat passing before he reacted. The reaction was the exact opposite of what you had hoped; your body pulled further away from the ship… and closer to the figures standing firm within the sand. Tears dried against your cheeks as the warmth of the air burned your skin, leaving your eyes red and dry. The faces of the men came into view as they lifted their heads and exposed their dirtied faces. 
“Mando!” One exclaimed. He was the taller of the two, yellow skin nearly blending into the background behind him, purple eyes piercing you below his hat. You knew him as Jado, an employee of your former employer. “Your efficiency is commendable. She is precious cargo for our boss, and he thanks you for your work.”
The other man, whom you knew as Gaff, tossed a satchel of credits at the Mandalorian’s feet. He didn’t break his gaze from the two men, caring very little of the reward now in his possession. 
“Please,” you spoke once more. His helmet turned to you slowly, and you hoped he could see life fading from your irises. 
“Alright, come on,” Jado spit out your name, ripping you from the Mandalorian’s hold. The bounty hunter freed your wrists from his grasp, only for them to be tugged forward by Jado’s dirt-covered hands. His hands were caked in dirt, traces of spice crusted under his fingernails. The metal restraints you had worn only a few hours ago were now replaced by their own bindings, ones made from rough rope that scratched your skin enough to bleed. 
“Kesi will be very happy to see you,” Jado said sarcastically. 
Your head turned back to watch the Mandalorian– now understood as Mando– fade into the distance. The shine of his beskar glinted in the harsh sun, splintering into fractures of metal and weapons. The nerves within your body sparked in anger, anger from knowing he brought you to your ultimate fate. You knew it was his job; you were merely a bounty fit for a large reward, but you wanted to believe he was still a man under the layers of armor. A man who battled empathy far beyond the bounds of his creed. 
Jado situated your body on the speeder, hauling his own body behind yours. You were all too aware of his body pressed against your back. The heat radiating from his mouth and onto your neck began to nauseate you. Glancing over, you saw Gaff straddle his own speeder, nodding once at Jado– an urge to begin moving. Gaff followed behind Jado’s speeder, the sound of its engine muffling your ears until they grew deaf. Mos Eisley was exactly as you had left it: crawling with slimy criminals and reeking of sour booze. As your heart pounded heavier against your ribs, you watched as each cantina and spaceport drifted out of view. With each passing moment, you grew dreadfully close to Kesi’s junkyard and closer to your death.
The junkyard was littered with newer ship parts; bolts and metal plates scattered the ground. The familiar workstation that sat vacant in the corner caught your eye. It had been your workstation, at least back when your family owned the yard. Now, it was in the possession of Kesi Jissard, one of the most feared spice traders in the galaxy. The same man that forced you into the trading world, baiting you to sell and trade on the promise of freedom. But freedom never came. Not until you found a way to buy it. 
The slow rhythm of hands clapping echoed around the empty ship hanger. Your head was on a  swivel, eyes wildly searching for the origin of the sound. Emerging from the shadows, Kesi continued to clap, an evil smirk creasing his yellow-tinted skin. 
Kesi spoke your name, his thick accent cutting the silence. “I’ve missed you.”
You bit your tongue, suppressing the urge to talk back, knowing it would only lead to more suffering. Kesi had a short temper, usually satiated by bruising skin and smoking blasters. But when you didn’t respond, he stepped forward, reaching for your jaw. His grip was bruising as he wagged your head back and forth. 
“You’ve caused me a lot of damage,” he spoke slowly as if every syllable was a drop of poison on your skin. “I’m in debt for thousands of credits, and because you decided to run, I had to spend even more just to hunt you down.”
“You could have let me keep running,” you said, words muffled from his hold on your chin.
Kesi’s dark eyes widened, glistening with premeditated thoughts of harm. He squeezed your chin and pulled away with such force that it left your head falling backward. 
“You’ve missed out on a lot of work,” he mused, pacing between you and the workstation aside from you. “There will be a lot of clients happy to see your return.”
“I’d rather die,” you spat, stepping forward. Where you found the courage, you don’t know. 
“Trust me,” Kesi chuckled, “I would love to kill you. But you’re far more valuable alive than dead. You’re of more use to me when you’re breathing and working.”
Kesi turned away from you, searching through the remnants of the workstation. With his large body blocking the view of what he found, your heart lurched with uncertainty. He clicked his tongue in satisfaction, holding a black bag up to the dim light of the station lamp. Your heart plummeted into your stomach, nausea coursing up through your esophagus. Turning to you, Kesi donned a broad grin, evil basking in the stretch of his lips against his cheeks. 
“We’ve got a new product on the market now,” he began, walking towards you again. 
You stumbled as you took a step back, knowing you wouldn’t be able to go much further without someone snatching you and dragging you right back. 
Kesi continued, “Since you’re going to sell it for me, you might as well try it.”
You watched as he unraveled the string of the bag, a smaller wrapped bag falling into his hands. The spice was an unusual color compared to the rest; its pigment was closer to black than the usual beige-brown you had been used to selling. Your pulse was rising alarmingly, and you wondered if Kesi could see the fear seeping from your eyes. The fear fell in waves of quiet tears, your lips wavering but never making a noise. 
“Why don’t you sit?” he insisted, yanking you by the elbow to the workman's chair by the desk. 
All you could do was comply, regardless of the nagging that pricked your brain in sharp pinpoints. You wished you had the strength to fight him. You wished you had the words to beg for a different outcome. 
You wished the Mandalorian had listened to your pleas. 
But the Mandalorian was gone and a richer man now, too. And here you were, helpless once more and three steps back from freedom. 
The second your ass hit the seat of the chair, Kesi was wrapping a hand around your wrists, pinning you against the wooden material. With the free hand he had, Kesi dipped a finger into the powdered substance, lifting it to your lips. 
“C’mon princess,” he hissed, “Open that pretty mouth of yours.”
You made no effort to open your mouth, your jaw locked and refusing to fall slack. Kesi’s mood changed into a slow-burning anger, his fingers bruising your skin. You squirmed against the seat, looking around the workstation for anything capable of substantial harm. The desk was nearly clean, sans a few miscellaneous tokens and scrap spice containers. 
“Open. Your. Mouth.” 
Kesi’s removed his hand from your wrists, only to deliver the most jarring slap across your cheek. It sent your head reeling, leaving you little time to recover. Your mouth fell open, groaning at the severity of the hit, and the surmounting pain replaced every emotion stirring within you. He took your vulnerability as an opportunity, his spice-covered finger slipping onto your tongue. 
You hadn’t tasted spice in years. It was not something you enjoyed recreationally, nor did you enjoy selling. In a professional setting, spice was seen as a delicacy for some of the richer citizens in the lower rim. Spice was well sought out, and if you had access to the right employers, spice production would be endless. 
But as the product dissolved on your tongue, it didn’t take long for the effects to begin to form. Words from Kesi’s lips grew into jumbles, falling on deaf ears. Your vision began blurring, too, and soon enough, all of your senses were paralyzed. It was as if you were watching from the furthest part of your brain, floating away from the controls inside your body. Becoming all too aware of the heaviness of your body, you slowly felt your shoulders slump over, your body weight no longer supported in the chair. Eyes fluttering shut, you wondered if another side effect of the spice was hallucinations. 
Because you could have sworn you saw a glimpse of shiny metal walking into the junkyard.
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ilovewriting06 · 11 months
A/N: I was going to finish the fics in my drafts but I think I need to just take a break and do my own thing so I’ll be back to writing but I’ll not be writing requests. This idea however did come from @kati-1997 who’s a friend of mine and is kind enough to help me out on some things. The name for this was originally going to be ‘Heart Stealing Sniper’ but after writing it I felt that this title fit a little better.
Steve’s POV
I furrow my eyebrows as Kono checks her phone for the eighteenth time within the last half hour. “Kono, is everything okay?” She looks up with wide eyes and hums out a what as Chin laughs, “She is wishing away the day. Her friend is moving back to the island and Kono is counting down the minutes until the plane is scheduled to land.” Danny chuckles as Kono groans, “Twenty minutes and then I’m leaving!”
True to her word twenty minutes later she’s all but running out the door and yelling that she’ll be back as soon as she gets her friend.
I stumble backwards from the sudden weight change as I pull my last bag off the belt. Once I stabilize myself I strap my bag to the top of my smaller suitcase before spinning around as I hear someone yell my name. I smile as I’m crushed in a hug by my best friend. “Kono! It’s been so long!” She pulls back with a smile that matches mine as she nods, “I know! There are a few new people I want you to meet, both of which are single.” She wiggles her eyebrows as I roll my eyes, “Kono, I am perfectly happy as a single woman. Plus no one can handle my ‘adventurous and adrenaline seeking personality.’” I put air quotes along the last part as I sigh glancing down slightly. I feel Kono’s hand on my bicep, “Oh Y/N/N, come on. That dude was a dick plus he was salty that you broke up with him, he had no right to do that.”
I snort as I roll my eyes, “Yeah well apparently he couldn’t stand me anymore seeing as he fired me.” She shrugs, “Hey, it got you back to Oahu so I’m not complaining.” I shake my head with a laugh, “Of course you would see it that way.”
My eyes widen as Kono puts the car in park outside of a huge building that looks like a castle. “Holy shit! You work here! This place is like a fucking castle!” She laughs as she opens the door, “Well, it is called the Palace.” I follow Kono through the Palace with wide eyes taking in everything until we stop in a room with a blonde and brunette arguing over the correct way to pronounce Worcestershire sauce. I muffle a chuckle as they continue arguing before Chin comes rushing over yelling my name, “Y/N! It’s been awhile!” I chuckle as I hug him and nod, “Sure has Chin.”
As we part from the hug I notice that the two other men have finally realized there is a new presence in their ‘office.’ The first one to say anything is the blonde, “You must be Kono’s friend, I’m Danny.” I shake his outstretched hand and nod with a smile, “Sadly that’s me.” Kono goes to slap the back of my head but I spin around and grab her hand with a click of my tongue, “Shame on you Kono, you know better.” She rolls her eyes with a huff as I drop her arm, “I swear you’re like a ninja or something.” I snort out a laugh before turning back to Danny, “I apologize for that but it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Y/N.”
The brunette is seemingly analyzing me with a smirk before offering his hand, “I’m Steve. Where did you learn to move like that?” I shake his hand with a wider smile than before, “I’m an Army BRAT, I was surrounded by fast moving and highly skilled people my whole life and I guess they rubbed off.” He snorts out a chuckle, “Should’ve guessed you’d side with the Army.” I smirk as I finally realize why his stance seems familiar, “Well, I’ll be dammed. I’m in the presence of a Navy man aren’t I?” He nods, “You guessed right.”
I step back and narrow my eyes, “Don’t tell me let me guess.” I analyze his stature and build before humming, “SEAL? I’m gonna guess Commander.”
He laughs and nods, “I’m a SEAL but I’m only a Lieutenant Commander.” I laugh, “I’d ask what you specialized in but I’m gonna guess that’s classified.” Danny snorts unimpressed, “Yeah, his whole life is classified.” I shrug, “Not all of it, you just have to ask the right questions.” Kono steps up and throws her arm around my shoulders, “So boss, can we keep her?” I laugh as Steve raises an eyebrow, “What can she do?”
Kono smirks, “Sniper. She can hit anything you want her to, she’s the one that taught me how to shoot but I’m still not even close to her level.” I roll my eyes with a smile, “That’s a little dramatic but I do specialize in shooting. I was on a task force in San Diego but I was kicked off.” Steve’s eyebrows raise and Danny’s eyes widen as he asks, “Uhm, that’s a bit of a red flag there Y/N.”
Kono scoffs and crosses her arms obviously still ticked at my ex, “No it’s not, she stood up for what she believed and her dick of an ex, who was also her boss, kicked her off the team claiming she was a liability and too much of a risk taker but he didn’t have any issues with it when she was in his bed.”
Steve tilts his head with a face that tells me he’s thinking, “What did you stand up for?” I cross my arms and pop my hip out to the side, “I believe that if someone committed a crime they deserve to go down for it, no matter how rich or ‘important’ they are. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.” Steve smirks and nods, “Well, I like you so consider yourself a temporary member of the team until I see what you can do. You prove yourself and we’ll see about making it a little more permanent.” I smile and hold back the urge to tackle him in a hug, “Thank you Steve, you don’t know how much this opportunity means.”
I growl out as my toast pops out of the toaster looking 50 shades of black, “Kono! Your toaster’s broken!” She walked into the kitchen rubbing the sleep from her eyes before groaning, “It is 5 in the morning, normal people are asleep instead of setting of smoke detectors.” I scoff, “How could someone sleep through this catastrophe. Did you not hear me? The toaster is broken. Do you know how important toast is to me?”
She groans again before shuffling back down the hall, “Well you’re out of luck because the toasters shot and you’ve been here for almost a month and just realized it broken so toast isn’t that important.” I pout looking at my charcoal bread before sighing, “Do you at least have some good coffee now?!”
I hum happily as Kono and I stroll into Five-O headquarters before taking a sip of my coffee. The boys spin around with wide eyes as they take in Kono’s appearance before Chin steps forward, “Kono you okay? You look exhausted.” Kono groans before dragging herself to her office, “Well someone, decided that it was a smart idea to get up at 5 am and set the smoke detector off.” I scoff, “It’s not my fault your toaster fucking sucks and so does your coffee!” She groans before disappearing into her office.
I lick my lips and turn to see all three men watching me curiously. “What?” Chin raises an eyebrow, “I think you broke Kono.” I shrug, “It’s not my fault she has no good butter in her fridge.” At this Danny cringes and asks, “Oh please please please tell me you don’t put that shit in your coffee too?” I scowl and purse my lips, “I’m sorry but did you just insult the way I drink my coffee? Danny let me remind you that I can kill you twenty different ways with a spork.” He holds his hands up before walking away, “I give up, I’m surrounded by weirdos.”
Chin follows Danny and I turn to Steve, “Was it something I said?” He chuckles and motions for me to follow him, “Come on Y/N, I’ve got some butter in my office.” I gasp as Steve pulls out my favorite brand of butter from his little fridge, “Steve, you just became my favorite person.”
“Well I’m honored.”
Danny’s POV
When I emerge from my office and can’t find Steve I peak into his office through the glass and smirk at the sight that greets me. In Steve’s office he and Y/N are throwing a paper ball back and forth while he leans back in his chair and Y/N has her feet propped up on the desk. I knock on Kono and Chin’s office doors and motioning them both out.
As we watch Steve and Y/N continue talking and laughing while throwing around the paper ball I look at Kono, “I think Steve may have a crush on your friend.” She nods with a smile, “She has it bad for him too. Ever since she was permanently added to the team she talks about him a lot, asks a lot of questions. I’ve honestly never seen her this interested in a guy since high school.” Chin crosses his arms and hums, “You know, they actually seem like they would be a good pairing. They’re both on the wild side but she’s talked him down from doing a few stupid things and he’s done the same.”
I look at Kono and smirk, “I’ll work on Steve tonight and you work on Y/N?” She matches my smirk and nods, “Oh trust me, I will.”
I throw my feet up on Steve’s coffee table as he sits next to me and hands me a beer. “So Steve?” He turns to look at me and hums to let me know he’s listening. I snort at his indifference, “When were you going to tell me you liked Y/N?” I choke back a laugh as he chokes on his beer, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I set my beer on the coffee table before turning to face Steve, “Come on Steve, I know you. You like her and she likes you. Ask her out, take her to dinner or buy her a coffee.” Steve sits up and sighs, “Danny I don’t know if I can.”
“It’s just, everything with Catherine blew up in my face and I don’t know if I can go through that again.”
I sit up straighter and lean forward, “Come on Steve. Y/N isn’t Catherine, s-she’s smarter and funnier and she likes you. I think you should ask her out. I’m not asking you to meet her family or move in with her I’m just asking you to take her out on a nice date and get to know her. One date, that’s it, and if it doesn’t go well or you don’t feel like it will work you don’t have to go out with her again.”
I see him think about it before he sighs, “Okay, okay, one date, that’s it.”
I smile and grab my beer knowing that one date is going to turn into many more and hopefully even forever.
I groan as Kono prods on, “Come on Y/N he’s your type! And he would never be upset about your adrenaline seeking and adventurous spirit as you like to put it.” I glance at the toaster on the counter and smirk, “Fine, if he asks me out I’ll take him up on it on one condition.” She leans forward with wide eyes and nods, “What? I’ll do anything you want. Well, within reason.”
“Buy me another toaster.”
I use my hip to close Steve’s mini fridge in his office as I stir my coffee to melt the butter. I look up as his office door closes and Steve stands there with his arms crossed, “So we are now intruding each others personal space huh?” I smirk as I recline in his office chair and throw my feet up on his desk, “Might as well. Anyways, did Danny have the same conversation with you that Kono had with me last night?” I chuckle as his cheeks flush and he nods, “If we’re talking about the whole ‘just one date’ conversion then yeah, I think we did.”
I nod as I put my feet back on the ground and stand, “Look Steve I’m sorry, Kono keeps trying to get me to go out again and I will but I don’t want you to feel pressured into asking me out. I mean it’s not that I wouldn’t go out with you.” My eyes widen and I set down my coffee as I continue rambling, “That came out wrong! I wouldn’t go out with you…wait no that’s worse. I think what I’m trying to say is that I wouldn’t go out with but I wouldn’t not go out with you. Does that make sense?”
I gulp as my cheeks flush and notice that Steve has not only come to stand right in front of me but is also chuckling. I twirl my bracelet around my wrist as I think about what to say but before I have the chance Steve caresses my biceps, “Y/N/N, no that made absolutely no sense but at the same time it did. I don’t feel pressured to ask you out, I want to ask you out but I got out of a relationship a few months ago and I guess I’m worried it’ll blow up in my face all over again. She left with no warning just up and disappeared one day and called me a few days later telling me that she didn’t have a purpose to stay so she left to find her purpose.”
I feel my heart clench thinking about the pain he went through before I cup his cheek, “Oh Steve, I would never. That’s wrong in so many ways, if I want to break up I’ll be honest and straight up about it, I could never justify doing that to somebody, especially you.” I watch his lips twitch ever so slightly in a smile and I drop my hand to his shoulder, “You know, I could really use some target practice, I just need some coordinates.” He throws his head back in a laugh and I smile at the twinkle in his eyes.
When he stops laughing he looks at me with a wide smile before finally asking, “So, if I were to hypothetically ask you out for dinner tonight what would say? Hypothetically that is.” I chuckle and tap my chin as if in deep thought, “Well hypothetically I would say yes but wouldn’t it ruin your good standing with the Navy to link yourself with an Army girl?” He shrugs, “Again hypothetically it wouldn’t really count since you were never in the Army.”
I smirk and nod, “So could I hypothetically expect to be picked up around 6 tonight?” He smiles and nods, “I could hypothetically make that work.” I nod, “It’s a hypothetical date then?” He chokes back a laugh as he nods, “Yup.”
I raise an eyebrow and notice the three faces that are not so subtly watching us, “So since this was all hypothetical I vote we dodge any questions they have and if they ask a question we have to answer we tell them that we talked about it, but only hypothetically.”
He smirks and nods, “See this is why you are a prime candidate for my hypothetical girlfriend.” I smile as I grab my coffee and head towards the door, “And if you asked I would love to be your hypothetical girlfriend.”
Tag List: @kati-1997 @djs8891
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shehungthemoon · 6 months
Just dumping my Ina Paha thoughts here. 🙃
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First of all I did NOT know it was the 100th episode going into this, so i was very confused watching the montage at the end lol
I also had to click out and make sure I didn't click the wrong episode when the Pilot started playing at the beginning. When I heard Danny's voice on the phone instead of Hesse's I swear I got whiplash
It's filmed so well (bar where they reshot the pilot where Steve gets Danny on the phone instead of a dead dad, in which they literally forgot to put the same filter over the scene to make the stitching coherent) and I absolutely love the camera work they did with the white-room and the video projections. It felt very much a level above normal network television cinematography, especially the parts where Steve's going in and out of the hallucinations.
Steve finally FINALLY killing Wo-Fat was so cathartic, it should have happened ages ago but I'm willing to look past all the dumb ways he survived just to allow this incredible ending to his story.
Ina Paha gave me Kono doing... this. I owe Grace Park my whole life. Pls costuming department put her in hot pink again 💗
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yes, it was a Steve episode. but Danny REALLY shone, first as the only resident Actual Detective figuring out what happened to Steve by the tire-tracks, rampaging through the compound steadily and efficiently and knocking people off without a pause, and then in Steve's mind shooting Hesse's kneecaps off?!?!?! That was CRAZY and probably not suppose to be as hot as it was and definitely made me want an ex-mobster AU immediately. Basically I have a competency kink and really like badass!danny shit 😊
Seeing Chin's long hair again made me swoon
My jaw dropped when I saw Jenna! I think it's really interesting that Steve still thinks of her so much, and I was surprised that she showed up in both the actual dreams and the montage. I definitely underestimated how much she impacted Steve's life, it seems, and I hate that we'll never hear him address that and we'll only know about it inadvertently like this.
(hand over the heart for how lori got like. one team shot. poor girlie.)
⭐I took the montage at the end as being flashbacks and memories that Steve was having as he left the compound. Looking at it through that lens certainly makes one unwell.
Obligatory squeal for Adam appearing just to save the day :))) look below to see the love of my life! :)))))) ⬇⬇⬇
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Of course, the obligatory mcdanno bullet(s). It writes itself! The way Danny said Steve's name so small and broken when he found him. The way they look at each other on the ground, the pain their faces. I need an official apology statement from Scott and Alex for it. Can we talk about what flashes by during the montage at the end? (IMO it being Steve's memories.) So much Danny.
The first thing is Danny and Steve's first meeting. Jfc. The showrunners milk it SO MUCH and who's complaining
The big, rocking hug. The hands clasping underground. Gracie of course. And then Danny collapsing from the bioweapon, which to be honest I was NOT expecting to see at all--it felt like a genuinely strange choice to include in there and it really ONLY makes sense if you go along with all that being what Steve's remembering. Even then, I was surprised to see it, so basically this is Hawaii Five-Oh making mcdanno gayer than even I was wanting them to be. Steve still thinks about that? From so long ago? Even with so many other close calls in between then and now? Good fucking lord ok then loverboy that's WILD. Canon accepted ig this show is just pure whump.
Danny goes through all of this just days after losing his brother and killing Reyes. JFC can we please address that. I need a 30k introspection fic to let me into this man's mind rn.
The Wo Fat v.s. Steve fight at the end was INCREDIBLE. I would love to give the choreographer's hand a shake, it's some of the best work I've seen on television in a long time. It was impressive for a procedural like this. It was long and physical and you truly didn't know what the outcome was going to be; it everything that their built-up relationship deserved for a conclusion. It also happening with a Steve coming off of hours of torture and drugging was crazy (guess we finally know who would win a PVP if they were both at full strength!). That being said I was really impressed with Wo Fat's capabilities and physical prowess, I was not expecting it to be so even and close to the line. I actually jumped when Steve LIFTED him up into the lighting fixture. We do not talk about Steve's (Alex's???) raw upper-body strength enough.
Anyway. Electricity in the water play. The physicality hell that this gif below is ⬇. Fire extinguishers and loaded needles. Crazy martial arts. Chair and buckets (holy shit did y'all see the force with which Wo Fat SHOT that bucket?????) flying. All's fair. I loved it.
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The shot going right through the forehead, clean. I don't know how to put into words why that's so monumental to me but it is.
The mystery bad lady was SO intriguing, I wish we got more from her... How does she know Wo Fat? Why was she entrusted with all that information on him and Steve and especially Doris? Absolutely where did she come from, what was her name? Why did I have a huge huge hot crush on her? All important questions. (Goes to show that h50 CAN give us some more genuine badass, not just there to date someone women characters, just explicitly choose not to. I'm holding out for Ellie to remain platonic so hard right now.)
Almost forgot Danny in that black Hawaiian shirt. Will be whimpering over that image forever. The whole episode I was trying to focus on the underlining betrayal mystery they were laying out but every time my brain started working too hard Scott with his stupid waist and those flower patterns just started flashing into my head
Again, are you seeing this:
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I'm unwell and so so happy.
H50 you're a gem when you want to be.
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australet789 · 2 months
i finished watching Death Mark 2
I have to agree with the majority that the writing seems... flat. Specially Yashiki's intelligence. I have always ALWAYS hated when someone makes an already inteligent character, dumb, just so the antagonists/others look smarter. Like, that's a horrible thing to do, it shows how much you dont have the skills to progress a story.
There are ways to demostrate a character is undergoing a "negative" character development, such as trauma, that 100% Yashiki has. Like, show him being more paranoid about Mary, that the reason he trusted Michiho and Doryou it's because they seemed human and he wanted to believe in humanity, so the fact that they ended up being not only a ghost but a DOLL, impacted him better (or worse in this case), so he continues his obsession with the spirits and Mary.
Heck, even you could have improved the fanservice they do sexualizing the female characters by making Yashiki hallucinate they are dolls! The potential is there, but they went the easy route with the "teacher/student" age gap thingy when there's already a ship with an age gap (Yashiki/Mashita) that people wanted to see better!
Hence why i didnt like the two girls. I honestly HATED they were revived. It didnt feel like a reward for the hero doing a good job. It felt like bullshit.
Out of the new characters i felt like Konoe and Abe were the most interesting. Sakamoto tried to be a more serious Hiroo but failed since the latter went through development already, so it felt like a waste.
I did feel bad for the spirits, which i think it's the goal. I didnt like the CGs (please, hire the previous artist or at least dont put googly eyes on everything), but their stories were sadder. But again, the point of Death Mark is exactly that: save the humans AND the spirits to get to the afterlife. Not to revive them. The point is to feel the spirits pain because you couldnt save them in life, but at least give the the peace they deserve while focusing on the living.
Not everything is complains though. I loved seeing the previous cast. They were the shining stars in the whole story, with better development. Even baby Hazuki having a little charming DLC was sweet to see. And The Departed was cool as a ghost and concept.
Anyway i hope Death Mark 3 gives up more of Mashita and Yashiki and the final mixure with the NG cast.
(Also Maruhashi, my beloved, you wont ever be missed o7)
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suzuran777 · 3 months
Review: Lamento stageplay
I've been waiting for a Lamento stageplay since the DRAMAtical Murder stageplay in 2019, so I'm really happy that it's finally real and that I got to watch this one! Since I also wrote a blog post about the sweet pool stageplay, I wanted to write one about the Lamento one too. I really enjoyed it! As usual the pictures I used in this blog are pictures posted by the staff and the official Twitter account! Please check it out if you want to see more.
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First of all, this stageplay is pretty long! It's almost three hours long, an hour longer than Nitro+Chiral's previous stageplays. As usual, the first 45 minutes were a bit of a common route in which all the characters appeared. This was mostly the same in every route, but it did change a bit near the ending. After a short 10 minute break, it split into three different routes, so I had to watch three different shows to see all of the endings. It's technically a "musical drama (音楽劇)" which means it combines elements of a stageplay and a musical. I was kind of expecting only the Sanga to sing, but the main characters (Rai, Asato and Bardo) also sing together with Konoe sometimes! My favorite song was probably the opening song, when all of them sung a new version of Itou Kanako's "Lamento" with different lyrics! They also sang a slightly different version at the end of the stageplay. The common route also has two duet songs sung by Rai and Konoe, as Konoe learns about his power as a Sanga.
The new music was really nice, especially the background music. I love how they brought back the composers who made the game's OST to create new songs! I lowkey wish the devils had more songs because whenever they did sing during the opening and ending song of the stageplay, they sounded amazing together! I think it would also be great if they released studio recordings of the songs, as they are always a bit better than the live versions. So far they did already release an album of the instrumental songs which you can buy here, Ototoy shouldn't be region locked, so I think anyone can buy it!
The stage This time the venue was the same as the DRAMAtical Murder stageplay (Shinagawa Stellar Ball), which I've actually been to before, however it looked completely different this time! I liked how they turned the stage into one big forest. Whenever Leaks used his power on Konoe, they used this effect which made the stage look strange and trippy, it was really cool! I also really liked the green light effects they used whenever Konoe would use his Sanga abilities. The screenwriter Uchida Hiroki posted this picture on his Twitter account which kind of gives you an idea what it looked like!
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Plot I was curious how they would turn a rather long game into a stageplay, but I think it worked surprisingly well. They kind of skipped over some of the stuff that happens early in the game when Konoe is still in Karou, but they do explain the general story, like the problems caused by the Void and the Sickness. Shui's character also kind of functions as a narrator in the stageplay, similar to Kamiya in the sweet pool stageplay and Virus and Trip in the DRAMAtical Murder stageplay, which is always a nice addition. It's not unusual for fans of the actors to watch stageplays without knowing the original source material, so I think this makes it possible for everyone to enjoy the show, no matter if they're familiar with the game or not.
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Now for the different routes, I think all of them were great and the actors definitely put a lot of effort into their roles. Bardo's actor was really funny, especially in the scenes in which he teased Konoe (when he wanted a kiss lol), but I think he also did a great job during the serious scenes! I think Bardo's and Rai's actors had a lot of fun messing around with each other, like jokingly pushing each other, or fighting each other with their tails, which happened during one of the curtain calls people were allowed to record. Asato's actor definitely was a lot more calm compared to these two, but he did a great job at showing Asato's gentle personality! His actor mentioned listening to the drama CDs too including Lamento Love Love Gakuen, doing some extra research! (And for some reason he suddenly got into Togainu no Chi if I look at his Twitter account now...). They ended the stageplay performances on Sunday with Rai's route. Rai's actor, Katou Shou, did an incredible job as Rai during the more emotional scenes, like when Rai insists Konoe finds another Touga because he's afraid he will hurt Konoe. That scene in which Konoe realizes Karou (his hometown) had been completely consumed by the Void was also incredible.
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I should probably mention that they showed the good ends only, so no devil endings in this one sadly. Razel's actor agreed that Razel should have his own route because every devil gets quite some scenes depending on the route, but Razel is always kind of left out! Also, can I just say that I absolutely love Froud's stageplay actor, he did such a great job at making the character look intimidating (he's also very tall...) even his voice sounds similar to Froud in the game. I also really liked Leaks' actor, he has a nice deep voice, and Shui's actor liked teasing him sometimes!!
I'm just happy that Lamento has been getting new content again lately, first the webtoon and now the stageplay. You can find lots of pictures and recordings that were taken with permission if you look for the ラメステ hashtag on Twitter! I saw that both Froud's and Konoe's original voice actors (Sasanuma Akira and Hatano Kazutoshi) actually went to watch the stageplay in person. Slow Damage's artist Yamada Uiro, who's also in charge of lots of other official Nitro+Chiral illustrations, also watched the stageplay and drew some new art of it! Always happy to see new Lamento art in the year 2024, I've been enjoying all of the new fanart posted on Twitter as well.
I wonder what stageplay they're planning on doing next, only Slow Damage and Togainu no Chi remain (unless they're planning on bringing Itsuwari no Alkanet or World End's Nightmare back). Next year is Togainu no Chi's 20th anniversary, so I am curious if they are going to release anything new! The director of Nitroplus (Digitaro) also mentioned that N+C is currently working on a new project, though it's currently unknown if it's a new game, Slow Damage fandisc or something else. I guess I will be patient!
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crazyk-imagine · 11 months
Past Fights and Bloodlines
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Pairing: Danny Williams x McGarrett!reader, Steve McGarrett x McGarrett!reader (Cousins)
Characters: McGarrett!reader (Cousin), Steve McGarrett, Danny Williams, Chin Ho Kelly, Kono Kalakaua
Warnings: Fluff, hehe I love this so much, Danny and reader met once years ago, I am hinting at the one wresting movie Scott Caan did in the early 2000′s, why was this so much fun to write?, this is purely Hawaii Five-0 crack, Steve acting more like an older brother than he does a cousin, reader wants Danny for herself and Steve can’t stop you, ignore Chin’s one semi cringey comment (no regrets)
Word Count: 1,382
"There's a fight in town," Steve brings up out of nowhere as you mess with the items on his desk. 
He watches you, wondering why you’re not as enthused as him. "And? I'm asking if my favorite cousin wants to go." 
You glance up at him with furrowed brows. "Steve, I'm you're only cousin." 
He rolls his eyes. "So, you wanna go or not?" 
"I never said no. Let's go." You push yourself out of your chair. 
"It's not for another three hours." 
You spin around to stare at him, holding the back of the chair. "Yeah, I know. You're treating me to dinner before we go." 
"Oh, am I?" 
"You dragged me here for a case, the least you can do is take me to dinner." 
"I like her," Danny smiles, standing in the doorway of Steve's office. 
"Shut up, Danno." 
You take a step away from the chair and smile at your cousin's partner. "Thank you, Daniel." 
"Danny," he corrects you. 
"Daniel sounds better, I'll use Danny for when you're in trouble. Don't cross me." 
He nods and looks away from you. "Don't cross you, got it." 
"Now if you'll excuse us. Steven and I are going to dinner and then go to the fight." 
"Ooh, where you guys going?" 
"Don't know," you shrug. "You wanna come. He's paying." 
Steve stands up, trying to chime in. "He doesn't-" 
"I'd love to. Thank you for inviting me." 
"We have much to talk about." 
"Yes, yes we do." He holds his arm out, gesturing for you to go out first. 
"Thank you." 
"Of course, I'm not an animal." 
"No, you are not. You're more polite than some people." 
Danny smirks as you two walk by Chin and Kono. 
Steve exits his office and mutters to himself. "I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" 
"Not at all, boss," Kono pats his shoulder. 
"It's going to be an entertaining night for you," Chin adds. 
"I don't like you two right now." 
"That's okay. We still love you, big Kuhuna." 
Steve shakes his head and jogs out of the room, needing to catch up to you two before more bonding happens. 
"I'll be back, do either of you want a beer or something?" You ask. 
Steve nods, giving you, his order. 
"No thank you. I'd like to be able to get through story time without any issues." 
You nod. "I'll be back." 
It takes you a few minutes before you make it to the seats. "Oh sorry. Excuse me. Coming through." You managed to get on the opposite side from where the others were and sigh, walking back towards them. 
"Sorry, excuse me." You start walking down the aisle. "Excuse me." 
You're three people away from your crew. 
"I finally made- woah." 
Danny places his hands on your waist, preventing you from bumping into him and him into you. 
You smile at him, "thank you, Daniel." 
"No problem." 
"Steve, your drink." 
Once you get situated, you begin to relax. 
You scream and shout for the wrestler you want to win, which makes Danny raise a brow. Not entirely expecting you to be so into it. 
You enjoy yourself until someone bumps into you, spilling your food. "Hey, jerkwad." 
The guy turns around and shrugs you off. 
"You spill my food; you pay for another." 
"You're the one that was in my way." 
"Are you serious?" 
"Go bug someone else lady." 
"Oh, you-" 
Danny grabs you and pulls you back before you can attack the rude guy as Steve steps forward, taking care of the situation. "Let's not hurt the guy, no matter how rude he was and sit back down." 
"I don't even care that he bumped into me, and I spilled my food. It's the price. I paid for Steve's beer and my small snack which is now on the floor-" 
"I know. How about this, after the match. I take you out to get something to make up for his jerky behavior." 
You spin around in his arms, staring at him for a few seconds. "I think we can arrange that, and I promise I won't keep you for long since you have story time tonight." 
"I appreciate that." 
"Then it's a date." 
"A- a date?" 
You think he doesn't want to go on a date with you, making you rethink your question. "Not a date?" 
"No, no. I never said that." 
"Good, I think we'll have a good time."
"Why're you so happy?" Steve asks you as you step inside. 
"No reason. I'm going to bed. Night." 
"No, no. Get back here and tell me why Danny just pulled out of my driveway." 
"I was on a date." 
"You are not allowed to date coworkers." 
"I can date whoever I want. It's not like any of you have ever followed that rule." 
"This is different-" 
"Why? Because I'm your family and you don't want William’s blood to taint the McGarrett bloodline if we ever get that far." 
"Oh, gross!" 
"Grow up, Steven. He's going to be coming around a lot more, whether you like it or not." 
Danny texted you saying he's here. 
You walk down the stairs with a pep in your step as you stand in front of the door, fixing your hair (Danny does the same). "Hi, Daniel." 
"How many times am I going to tell you to call me Danny." 
"Every day, if you'd like." 
"Oh, is that right?" He smirks. 
"Come on in. I'm about to make coffee. You want some?" 
"I would, thank you." He barely takes his eyes off you as you close the door. 
“You’re really into the fight, when- uh- when that’d happen?” 
You shrug, “I’ve always been into wrestling.” 
“You reminded me of this one time; I went when I was a teenager, and I took this guy I knew years ago. We sat next to this girl who was basically like you were yesterday and then my friend came back and bumped into her, spilling everything she got all over the lap.” 
“The same thing happened to me. My family and I just moved to this one town and my dad was working while mom was doing her thing in the navy. I was having a bad day and I- wrestling was my only out. I never participated in it but watching it was my escape. Anyway, this dumbass came around and bumped into me. His friend pulled him away before I could, well, do anything.” 
“Oh, really?” He asks with interest. “The girl my friend ran into reached over me and socked him. I think-” 
That reminds you of the scar on your hand. “Yeah, and I ripped my knuckle on his braces.” 
“- She ripped her knuckle on his braces.” 
Your eyes widen. “Holy.” 
You clap your hands together. "How about breakfast?" 
"Are you cooking?" 
"Steve's not back from his run yet, so it'll be me cooking." 
"I'll accept." 
You push him away, letting him settle on top of the counter on the side of the stove. "How about you make the coffee and I work on breakfast?" 
"Do you know how the coffee machine works?" 
"I think I can figure it out." 
"Great, you get started on the coffee and I'll do my thing." 
Steve locks the door behind him and opens his mouth to call out for you, only to hear laughter coming from the kitchen. He rolls his eyes and wanders to the kitchen. "I don't like this." 
"Too bad. He's hot and I like him." 
"Please don't ever say that again." 
"No, please say it again. I'm what?" Danny smiles at you. 
"You're hot and I like you." 
"Thank you. You, yourself look phenomenal." 
"You're such a charmer." 
"I'm going to the office before I need to bleach my eyes." 
"Okay, just hope we don't need to bleach the kitchen." 
Danny's eyes widen and his jaw drops. 
You cover his mouth and quietly shush him. "Go along with it," you whisper. 
"If I smell even a drop of-" 
"Go away, Steve." He shakes his head and walks out of his house, trying to erase any kind of traumatic vision you put in his mind. 
"Did you figure out the coffee machine?" 
"I think I broke it." 
"I'll buy him a new one later."
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40sjoyner · 1 month
honestly I started doing a rewatch because I'm absolutely obsessed with this show but I also realized that I don't remember a lot of things that happened or when they happened (and I'm trying to convince my friend to watch) so! I decided to just write points through the episode for myself and well why not to post it on here bc there are people like me for sure. (didn't thought to do it to the first two episodes)
I'm gonna update that through the season probably. Also the qoutes are probably not 100% correct so don't take me by word.
A lot of mcdanno moments i want to remember!
episode 3
dude in shark tank thanks to steve.
football game, grace meet the team!
steve talk with the governor about danny's custody issues so grace stay in hawaii (i love them you honor)
chin tell steve that steve's dad and him went to every single football game steve played, "it was officially day off" (chin was fresh out of the academy).
five o was steve number player. his dad idea.
the end of the episode they decided five o for the team name. (I genuinely didn't remember it happened like that).
episode 4
danny knee injury.
mary come to visit! (I absolutely love her)
apparently mary and steve didn't met since their mom funeral.
"how long were you married" - A prisoner to mcdanno. The first time someone tell that!
"we were invisible to this man" Mary about John. "he didn't always show us but love us" Steve to mary.
Catherine introduction.
episode 5
max introduction!!!
mary found the champ box
episode 6
we learned more about kono as her benefactor is killed, who she also see as family.
"when i say 'book him danno' it's a term of entertainment" "okay do it every day i like it"
episode 7
A guy take hostage on a ship, steve swim to go on the ship.
steve take his shirt off infronto of danny (yeah its that scene)
""you miss me, don't you?" "oh yeah, I wish you were here but you don't swim." .... "You talking to your wife?" (boat guy) "I'm talking to my partner." (second time someone compares them to a married couple! I'm starting a count with this)
The boat guy knew Steve's grandfather.
episode 8
another grace scene 
danny's ex partner from HPD, meka, was murdered.
another sang min appearance.
a lot of actors i know from different show play in this show and i forgot about this.
It's jiaying! aos fan forever and always, even tho she also played in the 100 (which is one of my fav show ever) my first reaction to her was jiaying.
Antonio from Chicago pd, again another show I'm absolutely obsessed with.
it's funny how we say to people that danny is the clam one when he literally tied a guy to the hood of the car and drove in high speed through the streets.
also five o in formal clothes are so hot.
danny and chin scene together. telling each other they're here for the other. The friendship in the show are amazing.
episode 9
nick taylor introduced, he is steve's friend and he served under him a few years in the navy.
smooth dog mcgarrett! hello
steve say that he was on the other side of those missions, he implies that he was the one who killed the high value targets.
steve say they all had a speciality, he basically say that he was a sniper. (danny ask him and he smiles as an answer)
nick is an asshole and danny knew that!
ok but for real now, the team killed so many people and it's not even ten episodes, i genuinely want to know the numbers, especially for steve. it's one of the only cop show that they kill and show so freely and no one talk about this.
five o saved a country by protecting the guy and his family! why no one remember this!!
"you have got to start doing a better job of picking your friends." "I picked you, didn't I?" (i love this scene so much, their smilesss)
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ultra-violet-heart · 6 months
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Disclaimer: This translation is made by me for fandom purposes only. This interview, conducted in 2017, gives major insights on how the sci-fi mecha series 86--EIGHTY-SIX was conceived and written before it eventually won the Dengeki Novel Prize back in 2016.
Please ask my permission and credit me+this post if you will be re-translating this to other languages. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST ON YOUTUBE AND TIKTOK AND PLEASE DO NOT REPOST THE IMAGES ON THIS INTERVIEW. Please take the fan translations here with a grain of salt. 
Credits to @Yashamise from Twitter for copies of this Dengeki Bunko Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi magazine.
Erratum: This interview was conducted and printed in 2017, but this Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi magazine is dated 2018 as an advance issue of sorts. This interview has been summarized here. My apologies for the title.
I’m posting my Ko-Fi here as currently, I’ve been having financial trouble regarding my medicine, so if anyone can donate, I would be much grateful for the help, thank you very much.
“I wrote what I liked, in the way I liked them,” this author says. This tale is filled with the grief from war, the ugliness of racial discrimination, as well as the romance of mechas and of garter belts! In this interview, she reveals to us everything about its roots and its appeal! 
Text and Composition: My Street 
Illustrator: Shirabii
Translator’s Note: For purposes of this interview translation, the interviewer will be labelled as “MS” for My Street, since they layouted and probably conducted this transcribed interview. Also, for words that have brackets or parenthesis:
{} = implied by context                             
() = given emphasis/given parenthesis in the interview itself
[] = included in the footnotes/translator’s notes
A robot lover as far as she could remember
MS: Thank you very much for your time today for this interview. It was surprising to learn that the author {for 86--EIGHTY-SIX}, Ms. Asato, is a woman.
ASATO: I get that a lot (haha). My family says the contents of my work is just “the usual {for Asato}” though. I think my Afterwords have the impression they’re written by a woman, and I never hid that in particular (haha).
MS: This year {2018}, 86--EIGHTY-SIX placed first in the New Works category and second in the bunkobon {paperback} category overall. How do you feel about this now?
ASATO: I’m very happy. I knew of KonoRano’s existence [1], so I was hoping {86--EIGHTY-SIX} might be listed there somewhere, but it was a surprise that it placed higher than expected. As I said in this interview’s foreword: “I wrote what I liked, in the way I liked them.” I’m thankful that many readers found it interesting.
MS: For readers who haven’t heard of 86--EIGHTY-SIX, can you give us a summary of this work?
ASATO: It’s a lively, filled-with-clanks story of the protagonist Shin, his merry band of thieves, and their remotely-working-class-president Lena. [2] (LOL)
MS: 86--EIGHTY-SIX is your debut work. Can you tell us about the time you started writing this work?
ASATO: I’ve been writing ever since I can remember, and I started with writing manga {scripts}. I switched to writing novels around before I started junior high school and have been writing them ever since.
MS: You’ve been interested in robots and military-related things ever since elementary school, is that right?
ASATO: Yes, that’s correct. My mother liked {Space Battleship} Yamato [3] and Gundam, and as I have a younger brother, I got into watching and reading anime and manga targeted at boys. I was rarely exposed to anime and manga targeted at girls. We had the Mobile Suit Gundam movie trilogy [4] at home (which I’ve seen many times), and I also watched The Brave Police J-Decker [5] and The Brave Express Might Gaine [6], as well as other shows in The Brave [7] series. The only anime I had watched that is {targeted at girls} is Magic Knight Rayearth [8], which is another story with robots fighting in it (haha).
MS: I reckon such an environment led you to writing 86--EIGHTY-SIX. Can you tell us about your writing process?
ASATO: I originally submitted {works} to the Kadokawa Beans [9] Bunko Newcomer Awards. I avoided the Dengeki Novel Prize as it was rather {too hard to enter} due to the large number of entries [10] there. The novel entry I made on the 21st year of the Dengeki Novel Prize (2014), however, was totally not aimed at women at all, so I didn’t have any other choice but to submit that to said contest, as it has the closest deadline. It was a sci-fi fantasy work, with a theme of redemption, set on a time before and after {a} revolution. At that time, I thought, maybe I can go past beyond the 3rd round of screenings and unexpectedly, maybe placed on a good spot? However, the evaluation I got from the judges were “This is a 100% a work targeted at girls” and “Next time, we hope you will submit a work that should be Dengeki Bunko-like”. As Dengeki Bunko [11] is an all-kinds-of-genre publication, I didn’t know what ‘Dengeki Bunko-like’ even meant. I thought about it a lot but couldn’t figure it out, so I just kept on writing and finished my next entry, which is 86--EIGHTY-SIX.
MS: How did you come up with the idea and structure of 86, a war drama where unmanned drones and “unmanned manned drones” battle each other?
ASATO: I once read a newspaper article whose main message was “It won’t be good if a country sends its citizens to war, but it shouldn’t be a problem if they made an army of foreigners fight in their stead.” In that case, I felt very afraid that other people will be forced to fight instead of us, with the idea of “those aren’t people, but drones” justifying this and everyone just allowing it {to happen}.
MS: As written in Volume 1’s Afterword, looking back at history, it. is true that racism and racial exclusion existed to no small extent. So, why did you decide to incorporate “racism” into your work?
ASATO: Ever since I started writing novels, I have repeatedly written about boundary lines between “human beings and those who are human but not treated as human beings”, with 86--EIGHTY-SIX being in a similar vein. One of the bases for this is probably the class discrimination found in Final Fantasy Tactics [12], for example. A character there, Argath, who is an aristocrat, tells a commoner character: “But the gods have no eyes for chattel! [12]” This line has stayed with me ever since. After that, I continued to write with the motifs of “human beings and livestock in human form” and “human and those considered not humans”. I think BLACK/MATRIX+ [13] influenced me as well. This game deals with ethnic discrimination, set in a world where black-winged people are ruled over by white-winged people. In there, those who were discriminated against were treated harshly. They were treated like livestock, with the game having this line of, “Why is a mere slave like you wearing clothes?”
MS: Do you often play games?
ASATO: When my gaming consoles weren’t connected yet to the Internet, I used to play a lot of RPGs. I’m not good at action games. I did play a lot of Final Fantasy, like Final Fantasy VI, Tactics, VIII, IX, and X [14].
MS: Are there other works which influenced you? I wonder if there’s something similar like the war situation in Knights of Sidonia [15], which was mentioned in Volume 1’s afterword.
ASATO: I often watch a lot of robot shows, Knights of Sidonia included. In addition to the Gundam series mentioned earlier, I also watched Full Metal Panic [16] and Gunparade March: A New Song for the March [17]. It’s not a robot series, but I also have read Battle Faery Yukikaze [18] over and over. I like {literary} structures where the protagonist side is overwhelmingly inferior while the antagonist side is the superior one. I want to see the flow of emotions from the characters more than the fight scenes themselves. I think emotions such as fear, resignation and desperation show more in situations where {characters} are hopelessly in a big disadvantage. Winning a battle by domination can be exhilarating, yes, but those other emotions don’t show as much during that. That’s why I prefer for the protagonists to win through unrefined and tenacious means, rather than them winning by outsmarting {enemies}.
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The work’s influences from horror films and in-depth military research
MS: The Legion are getting more ominous, and the deteriorating situation for Shin and his group is putting them on a very big disadvantage, if I’m not mistaken.
ASATO: 86--EIGHTY-SIX has been influenced more by horror movies than robot anime, with it being based on movies such as The Mist [19] and Screamers [20]. Mist is a horror story where the protagonists get trapped in a supermarket due to a mysterious fog and monsters, and the people gradually lose their ability to make rational judgments as they are unable to defend themselves or escape, without any rescue in sight. This horror movie has a great ending, so I’m inviting you all to watch it without further spoilers. 86--EIGHTY-SIX was initially set as a novel about a fog of nanomachines covering the walls outside of the Republic, and the “Legion” being an aggregation of said nanomachines. However, that kind of thing couldn’t exactly be defeated by conventional weapons, so it was rejected at the setting phase. These elements from this setting, however, were retained in the form of Volume 1’s final boss character and the appearance of those electromagnetic jammers clouding the sun.
MS: It’s rather surprising this came from a horror setting.
ASATO: The other {inspiration mentioned earlier}, Screamers, is a sci-fi horror film where autonomous war weapons evolved on their own and went out of control. In 86--EIGHTY-SIX, the Self-Propelled Mines, which look like wounded soldiers, are based on Screamers. The work is rather interesting as one has no ideas who their enemies are and everything else looks suspicious.
MS: So you have a situation like this, and you applied what kind of emotions you want to be shown in that situation, correct?
ASATO: Yes. Looking back, I think I was strongly influenced by the novel Chaos Legion [21] {in this regard}. Shin’s Personal Mark, which has a shovel on it, was influenced by his special ability as well as his role being the “Undertaker” responsible for collecting the fragments of his comrade-in-arms’ {Feldreẞ} units.
MS: The more I hear about it, it seems this work is really packed full of things {you} like.
ASATO: While I was writing this, I played the Black Hawk Down [22] movie repeatedly instead of just background music. It’s also a favorite {movie} of mine.
MS: I would like to ask you about military-related matters. What kind of material did you use for your research?
ASATO: I borrowed all relevant materials I use from the library, so I don’t have any specific references… About racial discrimination, I read materials about Nazi Germany [23], the internment camps in US as well as the 442nd Infantry Regiment [24] and Scroll of Agony: The Warsaw Ghetto Diary [25]. As for the weapons, the Juggernaut and the Legion are based and patterned from tanks, so I’ve read materials dating back from World War II [26] as well as the Gulf War [26], where 120mm tanks were the main weapons used. The Juggernaut’s 57mm cannon wasn’t used very often, so I had a difficult time finding research material for it. The unit itself is based on the M551 Sheridan [27]. This airborne assault tank has aluminum alloy armor, but the Juggernaut reflects the pitiful aspect of said flimsy armor which explodes upon impact by any stray attack.
MS: Why did you make the Juggernaut and the Legion multi-legged tanks?
ASATO: Because it’s romantic! I love multi-legged tanks! My first exposure with them is the X-ATM092 [28], a spider-shaped mobile unit from FFVIII. The loud, resounding footsteps it produced as it chased you away was very scary, and it left this impression of being a symbol of a very powerful weapon. I also like Ghost in the Shell’s Tachikoma [29] and the Tobigumo from the Swallowtail novel series [30]. In reality, multi-legged tank units aren’t really fast enough, and there is too much ground pressure for those to actually carry a 120mm cannon… but I make up for it with my imagination (LOL)
A character that embodies the idea of “to be human” walks alone
MS: Concerning those people called “Eighty-Six”, what do you think it means “to be human”, which you tried to depict in Volume 1?
ASATO: What I tried to depict in this work is “to respect other human beings, and to live without regrets.” However, I don’t think everything I wrote in this main part is actually correct. I think this is the answer the “Eighty-Six” came up with due to the environment they lived in. In Volume 2, the stage now shifts to the Federacy, so the theme there is now what will happen if said environment has changed.
MS: In Volume 2, I see this as a story where the “Eighty-Six”, who managed to get safety for the time being, nevertheless still returned to the battlefield. I think this sentiment was portrayed very well.
ASATO: Volume 3 will focus on what happens inside {Shin’s head} after he made that choice, so please look forward to that. After all, they don’t feel safe even after coming to the Federal Republic of Giad. And the war against the Legion isn’t over yet. Since the Eighty-Six think they will not survive if they don’t fight, I think they will continue to fight until the Legion disappeared. Then… what will they do after the Legion are eventually gone? …They will certainly have to think about that in the future as well.
MS: Do you have a favorite among all the characters?
ASATO: It’s Raiden. Of course, I love the two protagonists, Shin and Lena, but Shin isn’t really a very cooperative character with me, so I have a certain attachment to Raiden, who provides much support. Instead of simply just crafting the plot, I write in a way that captures how each character would act in line with {the type of} world I've created. That’s why I do not know what the characters think, what goals they have, or what pasts they bear unless they “talk” to me. Shin is not the type {of character} to talk about anything in particular, and he doesn’t even say anything much except for his name. It wasn’t until I finished writing that climax of a battle in Volume 1 that I realized what he was fighting for. After I wrote it, I was like, “Huh?! So, this is it?!” and was surprised as the author (LOL).
MS: So, you didn’t think about Shin’s background at first?
ASATO: Yes, that’s right. During that climax, I finally understood {everything} concerning Shin, so I went back on that part and wrote the details that I then added. 
MS: So even at the plotting stage, you haven’t put together the {setting and background} for each of the characters?
ASATO: To begin with, when I wrote Volume 1, I haven’t even made a plot. I didn’t even have a story structure in particular, and just wrote while letting the characters act. The first time I finished this volume, the last two pages were still missing, but Shin brought them to me, saying, “Sure enough, write up to this far.”
MS: What happened after Volume 2?
ASATO: I have submitted the plot… but stressed on the important scene that “I won’t know everything until I write it” then submitted it. As a result of this, only the boss character from Volume 3 remained in that plot I submitted. {I caused} my editors a lot of trouble.
MS: How did Frederica (the character) come to be?
ASATO: Frederica is a character with a part further on in the series, so I intended to debut her in Volume 2. As I was writing her, however, it seemed she and Shin have similarities on what they carry on their backs. Since then, she acts as a mirror to Shin. As Shin is a character who is not very good at grasping his own emotions, {I had Frederica} serve as the one who verbalizes those emotions. I wondered then, what does it mean to have a 10-year-old verbalize {another person’s feelings}? (LOL) I simply wanted to show a little girl. In Volume 2, the heroine, Lena, is absent, but I can’t have another girl the same age as her as this volume’s heroine… and so, under this pretext, I brought out {Frederica as} the little girl heroine.
MS: For some reason, I thought there’s other many works featuring little girls in the battlefield.
ASATO: If this were about a real battlefield, it would have been filled with old men. I like older men soldier characters, so that would have been fun to see, but I don’t think readers would find that interesting. Cute little girls adding a touch of color {to a work} is important (LOL).
MS: Did you decide on the setting from the start?
ASATO: The setting was generally decided from the beginning. The scenes were written out as needed. For example, regarding the battlefield, the Legion are ground-based weapons, and it would be troubling if they’re easily eradicated by aircraft weapons. That’s why {I had} the Eintagsfliege, a Legion unit which has jamming, and restricted the use of aircraft and communication devices. This, however, would have prevented Shin and Lena from communicating with each other, so I then devised the special communication device called the Para-RAID.
MS: How deeply did you think about this world’s setting on itself?
ASATO: The necessary scenes have been chosen in detail, otherwise, the rest of the details aren’t fixed. For example, it’s not in the main story, but the Republic’s population has already been decided upon. It’s the reverse with the countries on the edge of the continent that aren’t scheduled to appear, as they might have a Chinese-like culture… that’s all I thought of it right now. There’s also this “sensory tuning”, which hasn’t been written in the setting yet, but is scheduled to be involved in the future part of the plot. However, as I said just a short while ago, the story {as a whole} is influenced greatly by how the characters act, so it depends on them to make the best use of the setting. From this point on, who will survive and who will die… is something that I still don’t know.
MS: Is it still unknown how the war against the Legion will move forward?
ASATO: The basic points {for that} have been decided, with the foreshadowing being built onto step by step. However, it is up to those two, Shin and Lena, if they will follow suit. (LOL)
MS: What about the Legion, then?
ASATO: About the Legion, the setting about them has been solidly established, including the future boss characters. However, I can’t say anything about them yet. Details about them have been foreshadowed little by little. I write hoping the readers will be surprised by this later.
The love for garter belts explodes! A talk about eroticism
MS: Changing the subject, what it is about your particular fixation towards garter belts [31] and pilot suits [32], both of which you spoke so passionately about in your Afterwords?
ASATO: About the pilot suits, on the outline for volume 2, I wrote "I don’t want men’s pilot suits paired with ground-based armaments!!!" using half of the A4 outline paper and submitted that (LOL). I’ve wondered whether pilot suits are really necessary, apart from space or aircraft or even ground battles. I’ve my doubts about it, and with said doubts I don’t want {characters} just wearing pilot suits, even in a robot thing. I do agree with the editor-in-charge about “Female pilot suits are justice!” so Lena wearing a pilot suit is scheduled to appear in the future [32]. After all, the garter belt shows a good place between sexy and cute. I think the eroticism {from the garter belt} dwells in its self-contradictory element: it’s just one additional item {in a set of clothes}, and somehow manages to show more skin―I think that’s the charm of the garter belt. In particular, if the color {of the garter belt} contrasts strongly with the skin color {of the wearer}, the impression of bare skin is more emphasized in spite of the wearer. Because of this, I think it’s wonderful that Shirabii colored the belt part {of Lena’s garter belts} black.
MS: It’s amazing the garter belt drawn by Shirabii has the functions of both a belt and a ring, isn’t it?
ASATO: Furthermore, Lena’s military uniform, a garment that is very much seen in public, has garter belts, which are usually private items, and I think that adds further to her ambivalent charm even more. As a matter of fact, at first, I argued that it would be better if {her} thighs were not visible all the time but could be glimpsed at occasionally, but after a 2 AM discussion with the editors-in-charge while looking at the rough draft of the cover art, they convinced me that “That ‘occasionally’ should be now!”, and we settled on its current form. The ideal situation {we have} was when {Lena} lifts her legs up and a glimpse of the black lace garter can be seen through the slit of {her} dress. However, as Lena is a prim and proper lady, the only situation I can think of where she lifts her legs while wearing a dress is when she is about to wear heels… I’ll have to ask Shin to do his best on this one.
MS: Rather a difficult situation, isn’t it?
ASATO: It’s Shin, after all. Also, a military uniform with pretty boy shorts + sock garters is also cute, and as Theo hasn’t appeared with his military uniform yet, I’m thinking to add that to his outfit now… (LOL). However, middle-aged soldier uncles shouldn’t show their bare legs with shirt garters! (Editor’s note: Please Google “shirt garters” for more info)
MS: Are there any {role/inspiring} models for your characters?
ASATO: Basically, none. However, as mentioned earlier, Shin is partly inspired by Sieg Wahrheit [33] from Chaos Legion, while Lena is partly inspired by General Garrison [34] from Black Hawk Down. In the film, {Garrison} is placed on a situation where he could do nothing but only communicate with his subordinates in adverse circumstances, and this inspired Lena’s position {in the series}. In Black Hawk Down, many characters died before we even understood them, and I think that influenced 86--EIGHTY-SIX as well.
MS: That’s right. They die when the chapters change. When you are writing, you’re writing without knowing who is going to die, isn’t it?
ASATO: There are some characters whose manner of death came to mind as I was writing them. I think they’re good kids, but I have no choice but to let them face their fates (oops).
MS: If the names of the Eighty-Six characters were names of Japanese people, would they still make good names?
ASATO: Yes. All their names can be written in kanji. For example, Shin’s surname, “Nouzen” is from the kanji of the Chinese trumpet creeper (凌霄花) {pronounced as “nouzenkazura”} [35].  I actually like the arrangement of the kanji {from that plant} within the kanji for “surpassing the sky” (霄を凌ぐ) {pronounced as “sora wo shinogu”}. If you use the same kanji and put the honorific (君) {pronounced as “kun”} on it, you can form the characters for the Eurasian goshawk (凌霄君) {pronounced as “ryoshoukun”} [36]. This is also a reference to Shin’s image, as he does resemble a hawk.
What’s next for this series? There’s so much more to write about!
MS: What will happen in Volume 3 of 86--EIGHTY-SIX? [37]
ASATO: It will be properly connected to Volume 1’s Epilogues, so please don’t worry about that. The battle scenes, which were limited in Volume 2, will be much increased here. It might be even tragic.
EDITOR KIYOSE: This paperback series will, of course, continue to be serialized, and the series will also be expanded into various adaptations such as comics [38] and other various media. This work will have a lot of side stories, so we hope you will all appreciate this series as a whole.
MS: Can you please tell us about the future developments of 86--EIGHTY-SIX?
ASATO: The stage has shifted to the Federacy from Volume 2, and as the war situation gets more violent, the environment surrounding the Eighty-Six and the others is about to deteriorate further. There will be new enemies for mankind to face, and their own numerous personal conflicts standing on their way one by one. However, they have survived far difficult circumstances up until now, and since Lena will join them in earnest by Volume 4, I think they will still survive, stubbornly, shamelessly, and boisterously. However, I really wouldn’t know what would happen unless I write them. (LOL)
MS: How many volumes does this series will have?
ASATO: Currently, I'm thinking of around 13 volumes. The war against the Legion has a general flow and an ending in sight already, so I'd like to get to that point first. In addition to that, I’d like to like to write a side story about Raiden and Shin when they just first met, if I have the opportunity [39]. There’s so much more I want to write about. From Volume 4 onward, countries other than the Federacy will be related, and there’s plans to stretch out the stage even more. The Queen's Knights [40], led by Lena, will also make their appearance. I think there might be some slight surprises about Shiden, who first appeared in Volume 2.
MS: Lastly, any message for the readers who have supported you and the series?
ASATO: I was never active on the web at all, and I was totally an unknown newcomer writer. I believe the reason why I and the 86--EIGHTY-SIX series have come this far is due to the readers who picked up the books and supported us. So, everyone, I will do my best to write bringing Shin and Lena and the Eighty-Six’s battle to conclusion, so from this point on, I look forward to your continued support!
{End of Interview}
Translator’s Notes (Most of the blurbs here are taken from respective relevant Wikipedia articles, and the notes also include the Magazine Notes from the actual interview):
[1] Kono Light Novel Ga Sugoi: Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi! (このライトノベルがすごい!, lit. This Light Novel is Amazing!) is an annual light novel guidebook published by Takarajimasha. The guidebook publishes a list of the top ten most popular light novels according to readers polled on the Internet and votes from critics, influencers, and other people related to the light novel industry. 86--EIGHTY-SIX ranked 2nd and 5th in the bunkobon category here in 2018 and 2019.
[2] Lena is the class president of Class 2-E in the 86--EIGHTY-SIX Operation High School spin-off side stories and the manga. This is probably among the first references to said spin-off.
[3] Space Battleship Yamato: one of Japan’s most influential sci-fi/mecha series, a Japanese science fiction anime series produced and written by Yoshinobu Nishizaki, directed by manga artist Leiji Matsumoto, and produced by Academy Productions.
[4] Mobile Suit Gundam: The first series in this very popular Japanese military science fiction media franchise, it was re-released into a film trilogy in 1981.
[5] The Brave Police J-Decker: The fifth installment in the Barve series.
[6] The Brave Express Might Gaine: The fourth installment in the Brave series.
[7] The Brave mecha and sci-fi series: a Japanese toy and anime franchise Brave series made by Takara and Sunrise, and currently owned by Bandai Namco.
[8] Magic Knight Rayearth: a mecha, fantasy and isekai shoujo manga series made by the all-female manga artist group CLAMP.
[9] Kadokawa BEANS Bunko Award: The contest launched by Kadokawa’s female-focused light novel imprint, Kadokawa Beans Bunko.
[10] Dengeki Novel Prize: a literary award handed out annually (since 1994) by the Japanese publisher ASCII Media Works for their Dengeki Bunko light novel imprint, spearheaded by parent company Kadokawa. It is among Japan’s largest light novel contests, with more than 4500 entries submitted annually. 86--EIGHTY-SIX won 1st place in the Rookie Awards category in 2016, launching it to the spotlight.
[11] Dengeki Bunko: a publishing imprint affiliated with Kadokawa’s ASCII Media Works. Many anime adaptations from light novels were published by Dengeki Bunko, including 86--EIGHTY-SIX.
[12] [Magazine Note 1] Final Fantasy Tactics: A tactical simulation RPG released in 1997. The socially conscious storyline, which tackled friction between nations and the gap between the rich and the poor, became very much a hot topic during its time.
Please take note I used the Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions translation here as contextually I believe this translation has more in line with EIGHTY-SIX than the translation of the actual game Asato played, which is the original Final Fantasy Tactics. Also, Argath vs Algus :3
[13] [Magazine Note 2] BLACK/MATRIX+: A tactical simulation RPG for Sega Saturn, with the PlayStation port released in 1998. It has a unique setting where virtue and vice are said to be reversed.
[14] Final Fantasy: a fantasy anthology media franchise, first and mainly developed as RPGs, owned, published, and distributed by Square Enix. Currently this franchise has 16 main series game releases. One of these games, Final Fantasy VIII, has its main soundtrack (“Eyes on Me” by Faye Wong) featured on the Afterword of 86--EIGHTY-SIX Volume 7: Mist.
[15] Knights of Sidonia: A sci-fi/mecha seinen manga, made by Tsutomu Nihei and ran from 2009-2015 in Kodansha’s Monthly Afternoon magazine. Its anime adaptation, which ran for two seasons, was produced by Polygon Pictures and aired from 2014 to 2015.
[16] Full Metal Panic!: a series of mecha light novels written by Shoji Gatoh and illustrated by Shiki Douji, published by Kadokawa’s Fujimi Fantasia Bunko and ran from 1998-2011. Its anime adaptations were produced by Gonzo, Kyoto Animation and Xebec respectively, from 2003 to 2018.
[17] Gunparade March: A New Song for the March: The anime adaptation for the Playstation video game Gunparade March, produced by J.C. Staff and aired in 2003.
[18] Battle Faery Yukikaze: a Japanese military science fiction novel series written by Chouhei Kambayashi. Its five-episode OVA adaptation ran from 2002-2005.
[19] [Magazine Note 3] Mist: A 2007 film based on the award-winning science fiction horror novella by Stephen King.
[20] [Magazine Note 4] Screamers: A 1995 futuristic science fiction horror film, based on Phillip K. Dick’s novelette “Second Variety”.
[21] [Magazine Note 5] Chaos Legion: A mixed-media action RPG released in 2003, getting a novelization by Tow Ubukata.
[22] [Magazine Note 6] Black Hawk Down: A 2001 war movie. Based on a non-fiction work about an actual urban war between international forces and guerillas that occurred in Somalia. The film depicts how a UH-60 Black Hawk​ gets taken down and this being dragged into a war situation.
[23] This is a very extensive subject, so please feel free to check out Nazi Germany on Wikipedia to get at least an overview.
[24] Another extensive subject, so feel free to check out 442nd Infantry Regiment on Wikipedia to get an overview.
[25] [Magazine Note 7] Scroll of Agony: The Warsaw Ghetto Diary: A diary kept by a Jewish teacher, {Chaim A. Kaplan}. It described the persecution and pillaging by the Nazis, as well as the three harsh years of {Kaplan’s} life.
Printed in Japan as (ワルシャワ・ゲットー日記―ユダヤ人教師の記録 or “Warsaw Ghetto Diary: A Jewish Teacher’s Record”), with Kaplan implied to have died in 1942 when he was sent to the Treblinka death camp along with other Warsaw Jews.
[26] Another extensive subject, so feel free to check out World War II on Wikipedia to get an overview. Feel free to also check out Gulf War on Wikipedia to get an overview on this topic.
[27] [Magazine Note 8] M551 Sheridan: an American tank developed to be amphibious, airborne tank. Its body was made of aluminum alloy to help reduce weight, but this made it vulnerable to anti-tank weapons and land mines, and it could explode when the shells it’s equipped with are triggered.
[28] X-ATM092: A spider-like robot boss enemy found in Final Fantasy VIII.
[29] Tachikoma: a blue-colored AI walker/roller tank that looks like a spider in the Ghost in the Shell cyberpunk media franchise.
[30] Swallowtail series: The sci-fi novel series written by Chitose Touma and published by Dengeki Bunko in 2008. The series is about artificial fairies, androids created in the form of humans, to be companions to still-living humans after parts of Tokyo’s population were wiped out in a pandemic, and one of these fairies, Ageha, is investigating a serial killer causing destruction. The work also has this multi-legged armored tank called “Tobigumo”. So far as I know this mecha doesn’t have official art, however, a fanart can be found in Pixiv here.
[31] [Magazine Note 9] Garter: They’re suspenders of sorts. “Garter belt” is the term for {a fabric strap which} which is clipped on over-the-knee socks or stockings. Having no shorts above garters is righteous! between the rich and the poor, became very much a hot topic during its time.
Asato’s interest in garter belts is not only shown in the novels, but also in the anime, which is noted to have a lot of thigh shots of Lena wearing said garter belts.
[32] [Magazine Note 10] Pilot suit: In this case, this is the type of suit that sticks really close to the body. As it shows the body lines quite clearly, it’s considered quite fetishistic. 
In the current time, 86--EIGHTY-SIX Volume 5: Death, Be Not Proud, has already been published, and Lena did wear the Cicada, which is Asato’s homage to pilot suits.
[33] Sieg Wahrheit: the protagonist of Chaos Legion.
[34] William F. Garrison: a retired major general of the United States Army who commanded United States forces during Operation Gothic Serpent including the Battle of Mogadishu, which served as an inspiration for the novel Black Hawk Down.
[35] The Chinese trumpet creeper, a native flowering vine species found in East Asia, usually in China, can mean “fame”, “honor”, “glory”, “abundant love” and “life filled with flowers” in the flower language.
[36] Eurasian goshawk: a medium-large bird-of-prey found in Europe and Asia and is among the species considered as “true” hawks. The kanji used in the article actually just refers to how Shinei Nouzen looks like a hawk, but upon further examination of said kanji in this reference, it pertained to that goshawk as well.
[37] Volume 3 of 86--EIGHTY-SIX was just about to be released in Japan around the moment this article was published, serving as a promotion of sorts.
[38] Several manga adaptations of 86--EIGHTY-SIX have been published as of current time. For more information, please check out this 86 Reddit Manga FAQ for further details.
[39] Besides Volume 1, Eighty-Six’s Interlude: Headless Knight II, Asato has managed to write this in the side stories Volume 10, Fragmental Neoteny Chapter 8: The Banks of Lethe and Alter.1: Claymore Squadron.
[40] The Queen’s Knights, formally known as the Brísingamen Squadron, was the squadron Lena became the Handler with after the Spearhead Squadron was sent on the Special Reconnaissance Mission. It was led by Shiden Iida and was pivotal in the Republic of San Magnolia’s defense during the 1st Legion Large Scale Offensive.
50 notes · View notes
saffronapplemanga · 1 year
Tenmaku no Jadoogar: A Witch’s Life in Mongol - 天幕のジャードゥーガル
Tenmaku no Jadoogar: A Witch's Life in Mongol by Tomato Soup
(1 volume, ongoing)
JP only. Hopefully, it gets licensed! Please hire me to translate this, publishing companies. The first 5 chapters are up for free in JP here.
Links to my other manga posts here
An Irani girl named Fatima who’s a captive of the Mongol Empire and uses her education to her advantage??? 
Hello, my name is Fatimah, I’m half Irani, and it’s finally my time >:)
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I hope you guys are ready for history and cultural lessons! I worked really hard on this post and she’s a long one... I literally just came back from an Iran trip and got some books, took pictures, and consulted people who know more than me for this post (the trip wasn't for the post, that was a coincidence lolllll).
This series won first place in the オンナ編 (Female Category) for the このマンガがすごい!2023 / Kono Manga ga Sugoi 2023 / “This Manga is Amazing! 2023″ which is a rather prestigious award. I’ve talked about the Male Category’s 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners (2nd place will have a dedicated post one day), and plan to talk about the Female Category’s 4th and 6th place winners eventually. I guess I have good taste, what can I say? Jk, jk, but check the links if you’re interested :)
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This post will be broken up into the following sections - What's It About? - Some Background - Representation - My Localization Choices - Story - Art - Culture Time! - Let's Talk Religion - The First Word From God, "Read".
What's It About?
I usually don't like to go into plot details too much so you can discover the story for yourself. But since it isn't currently accessible in English at all, I figured I’d summarize the first chapter so you at least know what it’s about. Then I’ll summarize the rest of the chapters in a spoiler section for those who are interested. That way, we can all be informed enough to discuss it. I might touch on themes or other things outside the first chapter in the discussion, but I’ll try to do it in a way that doesn’t spoil for those of you who want to wait and read it for yourselves.
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Chapter 1
We kick off with a rather poetic reference to scholars using geometry to measure the earth and the idea of trying to quantify fate. In 13th-century Iran/Persia, in the city of Tous, we meet a family looking for a domestic worker. The family is a woman, Fatima, who is newly widowed, her son, Mohamed, and her brother. A slave trader offers her some options, but they are rather pricey. So he suggests she take a little girl, Sitara, for a heavily discounted price. The slave trader asks Fatima to educate Sitara since they are a scholarly family, so she does.
However, Sitara plays dumb to ensure her value as a slave stays low. That way, no one would bother taking her to faraway lands to sell her for higher prices as she wants to stay close to her home to try and go back. Sitara tries to sneak out and runs into Mohamed, who talks to her about why he thinks learning is so great. He inspires her to pursue an education so she can have the tools to handle whatever life throws at her. Mohamed wants to travel and learn from others to find the "truth" for himself. He promises Sitara that he'll write letters to her and his mother, which further inspires her to learn to read.
The chapter ends with Mohamed leaving Tous, and the narrator tells us it was the last time Mohamed and Sitara ever saw each other.
Chapters 2-5
I'm going to speed through the rest now that we got the setup out of the way.
8 years have passed since Mohamed left and Sitara has been pursuing an education under the direction of Fatima and her brother. While the Tous army is investigating strange activity near their borders, Fatima shows Sitara some things her late husband left behind such as books and astrology tools.
As the Mongols are closing in on Tous, Fatima and Sitara hunker down in a cellar to wait the threat out. Unfortunately, they're found, and one of the Mongol princes takes a book that belonged to Fatima's late husband. Sitara tries to stand up to him, causing her to be attacked. Fatima takes the blow, saying, "Don't touch my daughter," before passing away.
Tous is razed to the ground, and its citizens killed or driven out and forced to march to the Mongol camp. Sitara finds out that the city of Neyshabur, the city Mohamed is studying at, was also attacked. His whereabouts are unknown.
Interestingly, the Mongol prince was specifically looking for the book he took since his fiance had asked him for it. However, the book is in Persian and they are unable to read it. Sitara meets a boy who is interpreting for the Mongols in an effort to make himself more useful to avoid becoming a meat shield in battles for them. While he can speak Mongolian and Persian, he can't read. But, Sitara can. He asks her to team up with him to help each other become more valuable to their capturers. Sitara will read the stolen book, and the boy will translate. He suggests she come up with a more "elegant" or "majestic" name before presenting herself to the Mongol princes. She steps into their tent and introduces herself as "Fatima".
Some Background
Quick disclaimer, I'm by no means an expert. A lot of this is what I know and what I've experienced. I might have to make some generalizations or else we're gonna be here all day.
I feel like I’m about to overshare but I want to offer my perspective on this series. I don’t get to do this often so indulge me please lol. This background is so you have an idea of some things that influenced my perspective on this story.
For those of you new around here, I'm a Kuwaiti/Irani-American, Japanese to English translator (I speak English, Arabic, and Japanese).
What that means more specifically is that I've grown up/lived in America my whole life, visiting Kuwait when we could, until I moved to Japan after college. My parents are both Kuwaiti with Kuwaiti fathers, born and raised, but both of their mothers are Irani. They know Farsi to varying degrees of fluency as a second language. I never learned it since their first language is Arabic and that was the language they focused on teaching me while living in America. They usually spoke Farsi if they wanted to keep me and my brother out of a conversation between adults, rude. But I can sometimes pick up on some things being said. One of my best friends is Irani-American (Her name is also Fatimah! It's a ridiculously popular name) and our experiences are quite different, but there's overlap as well!
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For those of you who don't know where Kuwait is. It's a tiny little country in the northern end of the Persian Gulf in Western Asia. FYI "Mina" in "Mina Al Ahmadi," which you can see on the map, means "port".
Most of our Kuwaiti relatives have Irani roots and some Turkish. There are a lot of ethnic groups in Kuwait because it started out as a port city that was a part of the Silk Road network. (I actually wanna study the Silk Road more!) So lots of people from all over gathered there. There are black Kuwaitis, those with blonde hair and blue eyes (my mom's relatives are like this), those with more East Asian features (my cousins), those with darker features (my dad's side), etc.
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The Silk Road in the 1st century, courtesy of Wikipedia. You can see the route going through Kuwait. It was specifically part of the Maritime Silk Road route.
Because of all the trade, you can see the influences of many other regions in the food, clothes, language, culture, and so on.
But, yeah! History is cool.
I am indeed one of those people who is annoyingly passionate about representation. Like, I could write a whole Master’s dissertation on why it’s so important, but I’ll spare you… for now. More eloquent people have already done so anyways.
As you can imagine, I’m not used to seeing myself represented in media. And any representation I did get, was… well, how do I put this… not great? Bad™ actually. Beyond racist tbh. So can you blame me for being excited? I’m still mad about that one episode of Grey’s Anatomy when that girl whipped off her scarf/hijab to save a patient IN A FULLY STOCKED HOSPITAL!!! That would never fucking happen ;_; like imagine if you pulled your pants off to put pressure on a wound when the gauze is literally right there. I CAN’T, where do I even begin??? But I digress.
And even if I wasn’t a person from this culture, it’s just cool to see rep we don’t usually get! For example, Requiem of the Rose King is fresh in my mind right now, but having an intersex main character is not something I recall seeing. While not intersex myself, nor a noble from ye olde times, I related to Richard a lot and appreciate what the story did. I can see people from other cultures relating to Tenmaku no Jadoogar, or simply just learning new things about a culture we don’t get to see a lot of rep about. (I plan to write a follow-up post after I finish the series and talk about the rep in Rose King a bit more.)
My Localization Choices
There are no official spellings for this manga, so some explanations as to why I wrote things the way I did. Thankfully, these are all real-world names with context, so I'm not pulling nonsense out of thin air. Localizing uncommon/made-up names is... hard... traumatic flashbacks to when I had to look up official spellings for Gundam and Kamen Rider and the client didn't give me glossaries... Literally did research about Sypha Belnandes' name localization being all over the place for this blog post. Spoiler, I don’t think it was supposed to be Belnandes.
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It really be like that...
Sitara - シタラ "Shitara". This isn't a name I was familiar with, so I asked my mom and Irani-American friend if it sounded like a name they knew. I wanted to say "Sitra" sounds like something that has a more "West Asian pronunciation" than the Japanese pronunciation in the manga. I was wrong and it's "Sitara" which means "star" just like what they said in the story.
Fatima - ファーティマ "Fātima". Same as my name! It's a super popular name. I katakana-fied my name as ファティーマ, which is the same, I just put the dash that elongates the sound in a different place. Why? Fatima is an Arabic name فَاطِمَة. In classical Arabic, it's pronounced like Fā-dtee-ma or Fadt-ma in Kuwaiti Arabic (the letter طِ doesn't exist in EN/JP and the best way I can describe it is it's like D+T sound.) An Irani pronunciation is more like Fā-teh-meh, which is what my grandma and Irani-American friends call me. In English, I personally pronounce my name like Fa-tee-ma, but people have various preferences. So basically, I took the Arabic and English pronunciations and katakana-fied it how I thought it would sound best in Japanese. And no one has ever pronounced my name wrong in Japan since katakana is phonetic and is actually pronounced how it's spelled. Wild I know. Meanwhile in America... *cries* I have a half-Irani-half-Japanese acquaintance who doesn't put any elongated sound in her name like ファティマ, and it's all just preference tbh. There are also different ways you can spell it in English, but "Fatima" is the most common way.
Mohamed - モハンマド "Mohanmado". This one is pretty straightforward. I think most people are familiar with this name. Also super popular. There are various English spellings as well, so I just went with a common, shorter spelling.
The title, 天幕のジャードゥーガル Tenmaku no Jadougal (this is how it's romanized on anilist), also doesn't have an official translation. It basically translates to Witch of the Marquee. Tenmaku="tent/marquee" in Japanese. ジャードゥーガル comes from جادوگر "jadoogar" meaning "witch" in Farsi. The romanization of the title should actually be Tenmaku no Jadoogar. There is no "L" in Japanese, so it often becomes "R". In Japanese, ジャードゥーガル is "Jādoogaru". Without context, it's often hard to tell if it's supposed to be "L" or "R" so I don't blame them for the mistake. But yeah, that's why I wrote it as Tenmaku no Jadoogar for the title at the top of the post. How do I contact the anilist admins about correcting that? Lol. The way my brain is short-circuiting trying to combine Japanese, English, my nonexistent Arabic reading skills since Farsi uses basically the same alphabet, and consulting my Farsi "sources"... my brain can only handle two of the three languages I speak at the same time...
1/7/23 EDIT: I asked anilist to fix the spelling of the title and it's been changed!
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Shout out to Fatimah #2 for putting up with all my questions <3 Farsi has some extra letters that aren't in Arabic and I didn't know about that one...
I’m starting to realize that I really dig historical fiction. Things like Requiem of the Rose King (current read, I'm obsessed), Vinland Saga, Bride’s Story (a priority TBR of mine), and Ertugrul (this one is a Turkish drama, highly recommend!) are so fascinating because we get to take a peek at what life used to be like, especially if the author did their homework. This story reminds me of Ertugrul at times since they both take place in West Asia during the 13th century, and the characters in both had run-ins with the Mongols.
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This baddie took out three Mongolian soldiers on her own!!! Well, her horse helped. Horses are great. I'm a horse girl, literally took riding lessons for ~4 years.
I found out while researching for this post that this story is in fact based on a real person in history! Here's the Wikipedia page, more info here by Dr. Jack Weatherford who wrote a book that I'm totally going to read once I can get my hands on it. I think this manga is going in a similar vein as Vinland Saga where the events are real historical events, and some characters were actual people in history, but the author is going to take creative liberties. (Check out Merphy Napier and Philip Chase's Vinland Saga discussions. They're great and Philip has a lot of historical knowledge relevant to that series that's super informative!)
The characters are lovable and interesting. I like Sitara's spunk, Mohamed's thoughtfulness, and Fatima's gentle nature, just to name a few. The relationship Sitara has with Mohamed and Fatima was very sweet. I'm interested to see how the relationship that I mentioned at the end of chapter 5 goes. Also intrigued by the bits of relationship dynamics with the Mongolian characters we have so far.
I got super excited when the theme of "learning/education" came up. Seeing how that looked back in 13th-century Persia, which was a hotspot for advances in many fields, is so cool! This story led me to do some research and asking around on topics I was familiar with, but not an expert on, and I learned things about my own culture/religion. More on learning and education later. But overall, a strong start and I can't wait to read more!
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My twitter reading thread for this series
The art is very stylized, like a chibi-esque style with Persian art influences. I like the contrast between the simplified shapes and the detailed bits. I’m a big fan of inky blacks and white whites. I know all manga is black and white but this one feels like it has more contrast due to the simplified shapes. It's got tons of charm!
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The shoujo-esque flowery background, but make it Irani-flavored✨ It looks like the rug we got in Iran!
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Some pictures I took at historical sites in Tehran with more examples of flowery imagery. Sorry if the image quality sucks, I didn't have my good camera :(
Culture Time!
As soon as I saw this cover, I felt a sense of familiarity. Particularly, the style of henna on her hands made me go, “Hey! That’s similar to how we do our henna!” While we also do the mehndi style henna (Is that the right term? Help) in Kuwait because of Indian influences due to longtime trade, we have another kind as well. You take the paste and hold it in your hands while curling your fingertips into it.
I had such a hard time finding pics that weren’t the intricate mehndi design ones. I would’ve just put henna on my own hands and taken a pic to show what I’m talking about, but it’s winter and it’s not good to use henna in winter because it has a cooling effect. I put henna on in winter once, and it made me so much colder. But makes you feel nice and cool in the summer! That’s why it’s traditionally applied to the head, hands, and feet, which are places you have a lot of heat dissipate from and it saps the heat away. I remember my mom doing that for me and my brother all the time when we were little during summer.
But! With the help of my mom, she helped me narrow it down. I didn't know the actual name of this style of henna. I just called it Kuwaiti-style henna lol. Apparently, it's حنه قصعة henna gasa'a, and bingo!
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It doesn't show super well here, but the tops of the fingertips are also dyed like on the cover of the manga. Love that nazar ring though, so cute! 🧿
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This is the mehndi style henna that people are most familiar with.
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When I was little, I assumed that henna was made from soil because there are soils that can dye things a reddish color. But it's actually from a plant! The leaves are ground into a powder and then made into a paste when you want to use it.
Health, cleanliness, and hygiene are big deals in Islam. Other than being used for beauty and it’s cooling effect, henna is also used to keep oneself clean and smelling nice. It’s said that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) utilized henna as well.
I actually didn't know much about Iran's henna culture. When I asked my Irani-American friend whose family is from Tehran (northern Iran), she said she wasn't familiar with any. But like Kuwait, Iran has a lot of ethnic groups. It's also a large region (it used to be a whole empire and all that, too), so there are definitely people who do use it!
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Turkmen Iranis, dying their fingertips with henna, exactly like in the manga! My family are Turk, too! (From a book I picked up a few days ago in Iran, "Nomads: Migrating with Swallows". What a pretty title...)
The clothing of the characters also felt very familiar. The cover of volume one reminded me of this picture:
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Maku Kurd girl ("Nomads: Migrating with Swallows")
Iran grows tons of fruit, herbs, and flowers, famously roses! Rose water is a staple we pretty much always had at home.
Rose water is used for medicinal purposes and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities. People often wash up with it since it has a lovely fragrance and makes you smell nice. It's also used in foods and desserts or added to drinking water for flavor and health benefits.
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Sitara bringing Fatima rose water. It looks just like this 12th-century rose water container. We still have containers like this nowadays and I actually used one to wash my hands recently.
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Faloodeh (Persian Lime and Rose Water Granita With Rice Noodles), Bastani Sonati (Saffron and Rose Water Ice Cream), in Kuwait we say Sharbat Nimil but apparently, it's Tokhm-e Sharbatie in Iran (Rose Water and Basil Seed Drink) Fun fact: Sharbat Nimil means "ant drink" because the seeds look like... ants... and the thought freaked me out as a kid, I never wanted to drink it. I thought my aunt was messing with me but my parents said, "Yeah, no, that's actually what it's called."
Dates! Another staple. Always have some in the house.
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These are ripe dates. We call them "tamar". Sweet, delicious, amazing.
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These are fresh dates! We call them "khalal". Sweet, crunchy, amazing.
The architecture was also, you guessed it, familiar as well. Particularly the courtyards! It really took me back.
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Courtyards! My Irani grandma (also Fatima, I told you it was a popular name...) had a courtyard home in Kuwait too, but less fancy, and she had a huge date tree instead of a fountain. We would play there all the time when we visited. Also reminds me of the houses in some of the Irani movies I've seen.
Let's Talk Religion
I know religion is historically always a fun and totally not divisive topic, but we're all going to be civil and discuss stuff like adults. I'm not trying to convert anyone, I swear. Chasing after people and forcing religion down their throats is actually frowned upon in Islam believe it or not. I’m also not saying it’s a better religion than others or anything of the sort so don’t come for me. It's just relevant to the story and I'm hoping we can interact in good faith, so let's talk.
I am NOT a scholar, this is just what I know and my understanding so please don't quote me. I probably have to gloss over and simplify a lot because there's... too much.
There are various interpretations of Islam. The Quran, to my understanding, is meant to have its interpretations evolve over time to address the issues of people no matter the time or place. Issues faced centuries ago might not be as pressing now, or we might have new issues today that weren't a thing back in the day. Iranians mainly practice Shia Islam, which is also the sect I know most about so that's what we're focusing on.
Islam is the fastest-growing religion. It's also quite misunderstood due to hate/misinformation, AND — I'm gonna just say it, there are Muslims who have skewed interpretations of Islam's teachings. Am I the perfect Muslim and my interpretations are law? I didn't say that, obviously not. But I'm going to call it how I see it. I don't take sides and I'm not going to defend someone just because they identify as Muslim if they're doing stuff that doesn't make sense (that would be un-Islamic and just... dumb imo). But anyways, there are a few points I’d like to touch on so we all have a base understanding.
Many people think that Allah (SWT) is “the Muslim god” but actually, he’s the same god that brought down the Bible and Torah. He's just... God. This is why you’ll see a lot of crossover between these religions. And Christian Arabs, for example, say Allah because that’s just God in Arabic.
Why did God come up with different religions? It’s my understanding each religion was what the people needed at the time. (Also because of the next point)
Muslims DO believe in the original Bible and Torah, but historically there's evidence that these books have been altered by people over the years. (Again, I'm not saying your religion is wrong if you're Christian or Jewish. You do you.) Then what about the Quran? I’ll actually address that later.
Muslims DO believe in Jesus. We just think he's a prophet instead of the son of God or God.
Cool? Cool.
Now to address some religion-related things that came up in the story.
The part where there is the selling of slaves made me raise an eyebrow since slavery is not allowed in Islam, because, duh.
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I did some research and asked around. I was able to talk to my Irani-American friend's aunt when I visited them during my Iran trip last week since she's studied this kind of stuff. She joked that I should save myself the trouble and not touch the slavery topic, especially with Americans since it's... like... a super touchy topic. But this is an important topic and we should talk about important topics instead of shying away from them — respectfully, of course. And maybe we can all learn something. It was a perspective on slavery that was very different from what I'm used to hearing about in America. She essentially confirmed what I was thinking.
The Quran envisions the ideal society as one in which slavery no longer exists. Since slavery was such a widespread issue around the whole world back in the olden days, (it still is an issue today, but I'm assuming it was worse back then) it was unfortunately unrealistic to try and abolish it in one fell swoop. Again, this isn’t just abolishing in one country or region, but tackling the issue worldwide. So, in Islam, the idea is that there are steps in place to phase it out. For example:
No free people can be enslaved, duh.
People cannot be enslaved due to debt or crime.
You are encouraged to help slaves buy their way to freedom by giving them money to do so or buying them to free them.
If you are in possession of a slave, you should free them.
If you house a slave, you must treat them well.
This last one is just an interesting thing I didn’t know about that I saw in my research and it came up in the story — Slaves get half the punishment for a sin than if the same sin was committed by a free person.
I wondered why then, did Fatima's family, not free Sitara and the other slaves? It didn’t look like they had anything stopping them from running away either. Sure, Sitara got scolded by another slave for trying to leave, but she could have tried again and run away. The other slaves in the story seemed like they wanted to/were okay with staying, even though they did wish they could go home and felt homesick. So what’s up?
It's my understanding that back then, it was common for people to take slaves into their families, offer shelter and educate them. It was a way to take them off the streets, away from the slave traders, and keep them safe.
Why not just take everyone back to their homes? Various reasons. They might be in danger if they try to go back. They might not have anywhere to go back to. Also, this was the 13th century. It's not like they could just hop on a plane and go home. There's also no law enforcement the way we have today. Hell, even with all the local and international law enforcement of today, slavery is still a major issue.
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Sitara wants to go home but has no home to go back to.
Is this ideal? As I mentioned, ideally slavery wouldn't even be a thing. I’m pretty sure we can all agree slavery=bad. I'm not here to argue that. But I also think it's important to try and understand what things were like back then and why people did what they did. A lot of times I see people measure things with their standards that were developed in modern day, with their own life experience. You need to be careful when doing that. I'm sure in the future, people will look back at us like, "Damn, y'all lived like that???"
Perhaps, this was the best the average person could do. Try to protect them and offer them shelter and an education. As long as we don’t live in an ideal world, we need to consider various solutions to issues. So this was an interesting way to try and tackle the issue given the time and circumstances. It’s rather different from what I think most Americans know about this subject.
Did everyone do this? I'm going to say probably not. Terrible people always exist. Plus there are plenty of people who say they practice a religion, but cherry-pick what they want to follow, do the opposite, have distorted understandings of its teachings, or just downright weaponize religion to suit them. That's a whole other discussion though, so I'll leave it there.
I would like to read more about this topic though, so if anyone knows any sources, let me know!
The First Word From God - "Read"
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"Slave or not, it is a Muslim's duty to seek knowledge, as stated in the hadiths."
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What's a hadith? Here you go. Also, this is the OG Fatima, Lady Fatima (PBUH).
When God first sent the angel Gabriel down to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), his first word to him was, "read". Education and seeking knowledge are SUPER important in Islam, and should not be kept from anyone regardless of race, gender, etc. Seeking knowledge will make you a more rational, well-rounded person. Knowledge in this context is broad and all-encompassing. It doesn't only mean religion, math, and science, but philosophy, art, and so on. Literally anything. I hope I don't really need to convince anyone that education is a human right and empowering and all that stuff, so let's keep it moving.
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"Isn't that what learning is all about?"
To address this earlier point:
Muslims DO believe in the original Bible and Torah, but historically there's evidence that these books have been altered by people over the years. Then what about the Quran?
Tbh, I hesitated to include this part because people might misinterpret or take offense. To reiterate for the umpteenth time, I'm not saying your religion is wrong if you're Christian or Jewish. You do you. We’re actually told to respect believers of these religions. I swear!
So, yeah. Moving on.
Another reason seeking knowledge is an obligation in Islam is so that you are able to read the Quran for yourself. When loads of people read it, memorize it, and are familiar with it, any changes will not go unnoticed. This is to stop people from weaponizing and distorting the Quran's teachings. And this is why there is only ONE Quran, and not multiple versions (I’m not talking about translated Qurans).
In general, having knowledge about things makes you less susceptible to being lied to or misled, regardless of the topic. Unfortunately, I'm in the camp where I believe not enough people do their own research and reading. And again, I don't just mean religion, but everything. That kind of thing takes effort, and effort is hard.
Go read!
You're Still Here?
Like the first-place winner for the Male Category, The Summer Hikaru Died, which I’ve been pushing on anyone who will listen since volume one hit bookstores in Japan, Tenmaku no Jadoogar: A Witch's Life in Mongol deserves to win the Female Category. From what I can see so far, it’s well researched and written with love. I'm looking forward to seeing how this story unfolds and I may add more thoughts as we go.
Volume 2 is due to come out February 16th, so I’ll be tweeting my thoughts on my reading thread. The link to this post is on Twitter here if you want to share it there. EDIT: Volume 2 post is up!
If there's anything else you'd like to see me discuss or expand on, let me know and I'll see what I can do. I'd love to hear what others think!
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I await your email publishers, my resume is ready... [email protected]
If there’s any Japanese-only manga you want me to check out, let me know! No promises, I’ll only read what I’m interested in, but I’ll take suggestions into consideration. Preferably, shorter manga or newer manga with a few volumes out since I like to take breaks from longer series I’m reading :)
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zinfinite-dreamer · 6 months
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g'day everyone, I'm zinfinite dreamer, or zin for short! my pronouns are they/it, and I'm a cover idol from western australia! currently I do dance covers, though I'm planning on doing vocal covers too. I am also writing a fiction book about horror-themed local idols!
my image colours are red and teal! though I also accept the colours of whoever I'm cosplaying/covering as at the time, which frequently means purple.
my first performance was the best experience of my life, and I've been chasing that 💜dreamy, love-filled feeling💜 ever since! my main focus is love live! (which I've been into for almost 8 years now), and within that kanata konoe's solos and parts specifically! I do also enjoy idolm@/ster, zombieland saga, and vocaloid, so I hope to dance for them some day, too.
I made the SIF shirt myself, and yes I do have a playable llsif rhythm icon tattoo on my arm!
my YouTube channel is here
credit for the photography in this post and my banner: @/hkphotographyperth.events on IG
I drew my icon myself!
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 2 months
Can I see your oshi no kono but happier au?
!!!! HELLO I ONLY JUST SAW THIS ASK, YES OF COURSE YOU CAN SEE IT :DDDD It's still in WIP jail for now, but I can give you a basic rundown! I'll put it under a cut:
So, Tommy is the main character because I'm an unapologetic Inniter, lol. He is both Aqua and Ruby, and maybe Ai too a little bit!
Originally, he was Tommy Innis, a sick orphan who'd spent nearly his whole life in hospital under the care of Doctors Sam and Ponk(they both have the role of Goro, though not Aqua).
He dies right before his 16th birthday, and on the same day is reborn as Tommy Craft, the son of superstar actress Kristin Trix and famous artist/sculptor Philza Craft. Tommy's a huge fan of both, but he didn't know they were married bc it was kept under wraps. He's really happy he gets a second chance at life though! He wanted to be an actor/singer/whatever-involves-artistic-talent, but he was too sick to do any of it properly- except maybe writing.
Also, Technoblade Craft is his teenage(?) uncle who's already making a name for himself in writing & various sports. Tommy is a fan of him too. Hehe👍
So anyway, Innis!Tommy used to be online friends with this one guy, idk which guy it's gonna be yet. Let's call him Guy for now.
Guy was an aspiring movie director, he* and Tommy often talked about how Tommy would appear in Guy's movie, and they'd both be super successful, and stuff like that- but Tommy died before any of it could happen...
(*: I'm assuming he's gonna end up being a he? Niki, Hannah and Tina all have roles already, and I'm pretty sure Puffy's gonna be Foolish's mom or something, so yeah.)
But!!! He follows Kristin to one of her movie sets, and lo and behold, the director's his old online best friend!
Guy, being 21(?) now, is rising fast in the movie industry. He has Purpled on set as a child actor, but he makes a spur-of-the-moment decision to have Tommy appear with him. Purpled, who's been acting for a while now, understandably isn't too happy at having to act with a complete newbie.
But turns out, Tommy's a natural! Purpled is kinda jealous, though he's also impressed. (You can probably tell by now, but Purpled is Kana. Kekw) Then Tommy teaches Purpled a bunch of new swear words, much to Kristin's amusement and Guy's exasperation. They become friends-for-the-day after that👍
Uuuuhhhh not entirely sure how things are gonna go from here, but something about Techno nearly getting stabbed? He's fine though DW, it's called Oshi No Ko But Happier AU for a reason! :D
Guy dies though.
BUT that will come later, for now Tommy's gained quite a reputation as a child actor with tons of potential! Under a pseudonym of course, bc he can't really announce himself as the son of two of the most influential artists of the century, not to mention the nephew of one. He gets to learn how to play a bunch of instruments too! (Innis!Tommy, being a sick orphan, had only gotten to learn a few that were easy/cheap to learn, and could fit in a hospital room.) Techno nearly getting killed puts the family on edge though, so they all agree to keep the acting jobs to a minimum until Tommy's older.
Fast forward to 13 years old, Tommy's just started to attend a super-prestigious school specializing in the arts. Turns out Purpled is here too! But Purpled's changed a lot during the time they didn't see each other. He's a lot less expressive- it reminds Tommy that all of Purpled's roles, during the last few years, have been apathetic acts. Tommy's a bit concerned, but Purpled is in the year above his so Tommy can't really catch him in school.
He makes a friend in writing class though! Their name is Ranboo, he's pretty cool! Ranboo introduces him to Tubbo, who's attending a technology-centered school.
Turns out, Ranboo's older sister, Niki, is friends with Techno. She & her queerplatonic partner, Jack Manifold, are co-leaders of the dance team 'Rocket'. Tommy's been calling them Team Rocket as a joke.
Shenanigans happen! Oh and Tommy's family is still searching for the person that ordered a hit on Techno, because what the f*ck.
Around this time Tommy's accidentally gotten super SUPER famous, and he starts to see that a lot of murders have been happening in the entertainment industry for years. The family lawyers & the authorities hadn't made the connection bc of different methods/seemingly different motives/different culprits, some of whom have been caught- but Tommy thinks there might be a connection. It's kinda irrational, he has no evidence, but murders/murder attempts HAVE been happening more often in the last decade or so than before.
Oh yeah!! I haven't drawn any concept art yet, but I have a list of "star pupils". (no pun intended, I genuinely did not expect that to sound like a pun, what the heck.😅)
If I do get around to drawing some characters for Oshi No Ko But Happier AU, I'll be changing the Star Pupil rules from the original manga/anime.
I'm thinking talent in creation- drawing, painting, writing, etc. - would be four points, shaped like a + sign, while performance- acting, singing, playing instruments, etc. - would be four points, but shaped like an x. Talent in only one aspect of each category- ex. Good at writing but bad at drawing, Good at dancing but average at singing- would be a single line or thin shape.
Additionally, the center of the star would get bigger according to your confidence!
So, Phil and Kristin have four-point stars, with Phil's being a + shape and Kristin's being an x shape. Purpled also has an x-shaped four-point star, but his stars have a big center in childhood and grow small in teenage years- and then grow big again, bc as I keep saying, it's Oshi No Ko But Happier AU. Ranboo has a cat's eye pupil-shaped pupil, while Niki and Jack both have lightning bolt-shaped pupils.
Techno has six-point stars, and Tommy has eight-point stars :) Hopefully I can avoid making them too OP by nerfing them in other aspects lol.
Uh, I think that's all for right now! Thank you for the ask, hope you enjoyed my ramblings haha😅
-Lilly xx
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lo-55 · 5 months
hi! what inspired you to write Glory to the Vindictive?
Oooo well a lot of my fanfiction starts because I want to read something but either no one else has done it, or I don’t care for the stories where they have. When I started Glory quirkless MCs in BNHA fics seemed to be very, very rare which is. Unfortunate. ( side note; y’all please recommend me stories about quirkless MCs. Please. )
Because it’s SUCH a fascinating concept to me that I feel isn’t explored enough in universe or out. Melissa and Izuku are about our only examples, but Izuku has the mother of all quirks now and Melissa gave up on being a hero.
another point of inspiration is that I. Love. Batman. The entire bat family, really, but that’s an entirely different rant. My favorite members include Jason Todd and Dick Grayson, and of course Cassandra Cain. This is also why I gave Suzume a big family (that and I usually don’t) but the Yusada/Kono’s are significantly less dysfunctional.
and the last point I guess, and this is super weird, but a poem from the beginning of a Mad Max Fury Road fanfiction I read about 8 years ago. It’s lived rent free in my head ever since, and is in fact where the title comes from. It’s called Glory to the Desperate.
“Glory to the Desperate,
And to those who've fallen down,
For they will find their merit,
Just when they're about to drown. “
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Summary: lunch break offers conversations about worst kisses
Warnings: nothing (only my ugly writing probably)
Word count: 1k
Finding myself eating shrimps for lunch has become quite the habit for me since I’ve started to work at the Five-O. Not that I mind, Kamekona’s ability to put those little commas in every dish and make it taste amazing is outstanding.
I transferred to Hawaii a little over a year ago, after my previous team was dismembered. Originally I had to get into HPD, but my curriculum caught the attention of the governor who presented me to Commander Mcgarrett… from that point after my life completely changed.
Working in the Hawaiian finest task force has been a blast… literally. It has been fun and, after so long, I finally feel like I've found Family; I also get blown up or shot at almost daily, but that’s beside the point and every time it feels like a little “get closer” moment. That’s what happens when you work with those five people. It’s almost like they attract bombs and bullets.
Somehow, the picnic tables at the truck always end up being witnesses to the most unhinged conversations between me, Danny, Kono, Chin, Lou, sometimes even Kamekona himself and Steve… today the topic, rigorously picked by Kono, is our first kiss.
“Oh, come on! It can not have been that bad!” that’s what she said, to which i replied “Kono, believe me…. It was, like, really bad”. I can't help but laugh at the memory. “In our defense, we were inexperienced teenagers, but still… it was bad and not even because we didn’t know how to kiss, but because the atmosphere and location were awful.” It was stupid of me to think that this would have been a good enough explanation for my nosey friends, in fact i shouldn’t have said a thing to begin with because now they will pester me till i don’t tell them every single detail.
“Surely you can go into more depth about it, no?” Lou chimes in with his usual sarcastic and witty tone, wiggling his eyebrows as everyone nods their heads in agreement. I roll my eyes and mutter to myself “I need to learn and shut my damn mouth”; after a moment of silence I sigh “it was during a game of truth or dare when I was a sophomore in high school, while on a school trip to a ranch.” “There are so many things in what you just said that sound so wrong, but please… continue.” I stick my tongue out at Danny after he, of course, comments on what I just said. “Anyways…you know how it goes. The same, overplayed movie cliche: I pick dare so I have to kiss the person I think is hot in the room. It was a disaster. We didn’t know how to kiss and we were in a stable, in front of everyone else and there was also a very strong smell of shit,” I explain “would not recommend.” Laughs erupt, obviously. “You could say it was a shitty situation.” “I'll pretend like I didn't hear that, Chin.” Seriously, that was a lame joke, but I can't help the chuckle escaping my mouth because, considering everything… it was, indeed, a shitty moment and the joke was just begging to be said.
At the end of our lunch break I stay behind to clean up, I hate to leave a mess for other people to clean. I guess that the few years of serving at restaurants in my teens really left an impact. Staying behind, though, gives me the opportunity to talk to Steve: “you have a habit, you know that?” “What habit?” he replies a bit confused as he puts the beer bottles in the trash. “You observe people having fun, more than you actually join in the conversation… you tend to do that quite a lot.” Looking at him, I just smile softly. He looks like a big tough guy, but he’s really a big softy. That’s one of the reasons why it was impossible for me not to fall for him. Steve always avoids sharing his feeling, what he doesn’t realize is that he has certain habits that show how he's really feeling and what is going through his head; some are more obvious than others: passing his hand on his chin when he’s mad, clenching his teeth when he’s irritated but can’t say anything or arching an eyebrow when he’s confused or he’s judging you… others are a little harder to identify because they are not something we all do:: him looking at the people that he loves having fun and smiling to himself being the first one. He’s not the type of guy to sit down with you and have a heart-to-heart conversation with you, but he will call you up and invite you out to do anything, just to distract you from whatever you have going on and he will remember everything that you told him about, even the smallest detail.
“I just like to see other people have fun, you know…” he shrugs. “Yeah…” I start “well, how about your worst kiss?” I ask, as we walk to his truck, ready to get back to work. “Oh man…” The cryptic response makes me chuckle. “Oh come on, it can’t be worse than mine…” Both the passenger and driver doors are closed shut. “I mean… we went to my house after the date and we were having fun, till my dad got back home earlier from work and found us making out on the couch. It was pretty embarrassing and then I had to listen to my dad giving me the talk…” “ow, that’s- yeah…" I raise my eyebrows and tilt my head as he starts the engine, driving then towards the Ali’iolani Hale palace.
When the car comes to a stop and we exit it walking toward the entrance, getting a message from Kono about a pretty big twist in the case we are working on, that leaves us rushing to the office and impatient to catch another criminal.
Author: thank you @mayberrycryptid for the prompt idea💕. I hope you and everyone else that read it like it. Also let me know your thoughts. I had fun writing it!
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