#inclusive tech
alwaysbewoke · 7 months
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Last summer, as a spike in violent crime hit New Orleans, the city council voted to allow police to use facial-recognition software to track down suspects. It was billed as an effective, fair tool to ID criminals quickly. A year after the system went online, data show the results have been almost exactly the opposite. Records obtained and analyzed by POLITICO show the practice failed to ID suspects a majority of the time and is disproportionately used on Black people. We reviewed nearly a year’s worth of New Orleans facial recognition requests, sent for serious felony crimes including murder and armed robbery. In that time, New Orleans PD sent 19 requests. Of the 15 that went through: 14 were for Black suspects 9 failed to make a match Half of the 6 matches were wrong 1 arrest was made While it hasn’t led to any false arrests, police facial identification in New Orleans appears to confirm what civil rights advocates have argued for years: that it amplifies, rather than corrects, the underlying human biases of the authorities that use them. U.S. lawmakers of both parties have tried for years to limit how police can use facial recognition, but have yet to enact any laws. Some states have passed limited rules, like those preventing its use on body cameras in California or banning its use in schools in New York. A few left-leaning cities have fully banned law enforcement use of the technology. For two years, in the wake of the George Floyd protests, New Orleans was one of them. “This department hung their hat on this,” said New Orleans Councilmember At-Large JP Morrell, a Democrat who voted against lifting the ban and has seen the NOPD data. Its use of the system, he says, has been “wholly ineffective and pretty obviously racist.” (NOPD denies that its usage of facial recognition is racially biased). Politically, New Orleans’ City Council is split on facial recognition, but a slim majority of its members — alongside the police, mayor and local businesses — still support its use, despite the results of the past year.
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automationqa · 5 months
Unlocking digital inclusivity with the top website accessibility testing tools in 2024!
Ensure easy access for everyone with these cutting-edge tools.
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girlchildday · 8 months
Forcibly displaced women and girls can't be left behind in an increasingly digitized world.
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Refugee girls deserve the opportunities to chase their dreams in this digital world. A sustainable future is not possible without them.
Inclusive tech
Digital education
Innovation for equality
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soft--dragon · 1 year
Bedtime Stories
This is a branching, alternate timeline where Crosshair went back with the others at the end of Season 1 after Kamino falls. He's settled back in well enough, he's having to adjust to a child running around on the Marauder with them now
This is all written to be PLATONIC. Shipping any of these characters together is disgusting as they're siblings, please don't interact if you're a shipper >:(
Word Count: 4,115
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
Crosshair was starting to develop a distaste for nine o’clock at night. It was slowly becoming more and more of a headache and for good reason. Nine o’clock; Omega’s bedtime. 
He was sitting in the cockpit, hoping to escape any shenanigans the small clone played to try and stay up later. Hunter had put the curfew in place after Omega had almost been shot on a job - her reflexes dampened by exhaustion - and practically gave the sergeant a heart attack in the process. So, he’d put the new rule in place, and he planned to stick to it. Omega hadn't been very accepting of the new rule, trying to find more creative ways to avoid her room and the bed in it. 
Usually, it was pretty easy to put her to bed despite her excuses, one of them able to herd her to the gunner mount at some point during the evening. She managed to really confuse them once, they’d spent fifteen minutes trying to find her, only to discover her in the air vents. She was a crafty little womp rat, Crosshair would give her that. 
Crosshair’s musings were interrupted abruptly as the kid skidded into the cockpit and hit the button behind her to close the door. She swung around and almost yelped in alarm at the sight of Crosshair sitting there. 
“Evening,” Crosshair greeted dryly, looking back to his book to try and make it clear he was not dealing with this. 
“Hi Cross,” Omega grinned nervously. “Could you do me a favour?” 
“But you don’t even know what it is-”
“I am not telling Hunter to let you stay up. You’re a child. Go to bed.”
Omega put her hands on her hips and puffed out her cheeks indignantly. “I’m older than you. Why don’t you go to bed?” 
Crosshair had to bite his tongue not to smirk at the kid’s snarkiness. She was getting bolder with her sass, something that Tech, Echo and himself had been influencing shamelessly, but he’d rather be shot than say he was proud. Instead, he scowled deeper at her comment to save face and swivelled in his chair to face the doorway. 
“Hunter! She’s in here!” He called snidely, smirking at the look of betrayal on Omega’s face. 
“Crosshair!” she exclaimed. 
Crosshair flipped the page of his book. “Don’t sass me then, kid.” 
The door slid open, freezing Omega in place. Tech and Hunter stood in the threshold, the latter’s arms crossed and brow firmly set. “Omega, bed.” Hunter stated. 
Hunter held up a hand before she could protest, his tone leaving no room for argument as he spoke. “I’ve set the curfew, you need to follow it. I’m not having a repeat of last time.”
Tech cleared his throat as he slipped by Hunter to enter the cockpit. “Might I add, sleep deficiency causes more than just a lower reflex rate, Omega. It also risks the chance of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, stroke and depression.” 
“Thank you, Tech,” Hunter sighed, rubbing a hand over his face tiredly.
“Of course.” Tech walked to the control panel and crouched beside it, taking out his tools to repair the wiring. “Someone has to catalogue the side effects of bad habits, considering how much you are all intent on picking up habits that damage your bodies, and in turn damage our efficiency on jobs. 
"For instance, Hunter’s inability to speak about his migraines, Echo’s lack of sleep from nightmares, Wrecker’s desire to hide injuries not to worry us, and Crosshair-”
“Yeah yeah, you badgered me so much about smoking that I had to quit just to shut you up.” Crosshair hissed, lifting his book higher to his face just to block out the other occupants of the room. He came in here for an escape from his family at night, not to be stuck in the middle of this. 
Hunter then cleared his throat, giving Omega a pointed look. Omega, who had been slowly sneaking towards the door to dart away while Tech was talking, whined slightly. “Come on, Hunter, ten more minutes-” 
“You said ‘ten more minutes’ fifteen minutes ago,” the sergeant countered - Tech muttering; “Technically, it has been sixteen minutes now.” from the control panel - and making Hunter wave a hand in his direction in agreement. “There, you see? Now come on, you’re gonna be exhausted tomorrow if you don’t get some rest.”
The blonde clone crossed her arms stubbornly. “I’ll be fine.”
Hunter’s frown deepened, then his gaze slid over to the other occupant of the room who looked completely done with the pair of them. He smirked, and crossed his arms too. “If you don’t go now, I’ll get Crosshair to put you to bed.”
Crosshair, who was sitting quietly on his chair, scowled and hid his face further behind the book. He did not ask to be dragged into this, thank you very much.
Obviously catching the sniper’s resistance to being pulled into the fray, Omega’s grin widened and she looked up at Hunter with a shit-eating grin. “He won’t do it.” She claimed boldly. 
Big mistake. 
“I will for some damn peace and quiet.” 
Omega yelped as she was suddenly lifted into the air and tossed ungraciously over a shoulder. She gripped onto the civilian shirt, eyes wide as she registered how far off the ground she was. It wasn’t as high as when she was picked up by Wrecker, but it was still jarring. Then they were moving, and she was passing by Hunter who was looking at her far too smugly. 
“Told you.” He grinned. 
Omega glared then raised a finger up at him.
Tech looked up from his data pad at Hunter’s loud noise of indignation and gave a small hum. “Well, I certainly recognize that hand signal.”
Hunter looked close to a panic attack as he called out after his brother. “Crosshair! What have you been teaching her?!”
“Sorry, can’t hear you, putting a child to bed.” Crosshair said over his shoulder and let the cockpit doors slide close behind him. He then hefted Omega off his shoulder to settle her on his hip, giving her a flat look. “I thought we agreed not to show Hunter what I’ve taught you.”
Omega giggled, gripping onto him firmly though she knew she wouldn’t be dropped. “Well I guess I just didn’t listen.”
Crosshair rolled his eyes, though there was a slight amused gleam to them. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
They passed by the bunks where Wrecker and Echo were sleeping, the demolition expert’s snores rumbling through the room. How it didn’t wake Echo was a mystery, Crosshair admired the man’s ability to somehow block out Wrecker’s noise without earplugs. Keeping Omega balanced on his hip, he hefted himself up the gunner mount ladder and dropped Omega unceremoniously on the blankets and pillows clustered on the floor like a nest. 
“There. Bed. Sleep.” He grumbled, moving to get back down the ladder.
“Crosshair wait!” 
Crosshair paused on the rails, looking at her flatly. “What?” He asked, “if you’re expecting me to tuck you in then you’re gravely mistaken.”
Omega shook her head, eyes bright as she asked, “Can you tell me a story?” Well then. That was an unusual request. Deciding to humour her, Crosshair leant against the ladder with a raised brow. “...What kind of story?”
“Anything you want.”
“Alright. Once upon a time there was a galaxy, it exploded, the end.”
The kid groaned, tipping her head back and rolling her eyes so hard Crosshair was surprised they didn’t roll right out of her head. “I meant a good story.”
“That was a good story.”
“No it wasn’t.”
Crosshair huffed, slipping his toothpick from his teeth. “Tough crowd.”
Omega sat forward in her blankets more, a hard set in her brow and… oh gods, she was pouting wasn’t she? Damnit. Wrecker had obviously taught her that one to manipulate Hunter. “C’mon, surely you’ve got some good stories? 
“I lived on the battlefield and survived a war. Not many good stories from that.”
Not deterred slightly, Omega persisted. “What about outside of the battles? When you were with the others? There has to be some good moments, right?”
Crosshair sighed heavily. Unless he wanted an earful from Hunter about Omega not being asleep, he was gonna have to indulge this little devil. She was stubborn, he’d give her that. “...I suppose there was the one time we visited a snow planet and Wrecker got his tongue stuck on Echo’s scomp link.”
Omega’s mouth dropped open in an excited grin. “He what?!”
“Did no one tell you this one?”
She threw up her hands in exasperation. “No. They barely tell me any embarrassing stories about themselves.”
Crosshair’s smile became downright wicked. “Oh? Is that so?” He hefted himself up onto the gunner mount floor, pressing his back to the wall and hiking a boot up on the rungs. “Well then, what a terrible thing it is for them to have a brother who remembers many embarrassing moments.”
Omega’s eyes were sparkling with mischief. The blankets fell around her lap as she sat up, an eager gleam to her brown eyes. “Tell me all of them!”
Crosshair, being the sweet and caring person that he is, placed a hand on her face and pushed her back down into the cushions. “Lie down and listen, womp rat,” he scoffed. “Or I’ll throw you out the airlock.”
Omega grinned, peeking through his fingers as she shoved off his palm. “No you won’t.”
“Really want to test that theory?” He asked, reaching out a hand only for her to it smack away with a bright giggle. 
“No! I’m meant to be going to sleep!”
“Shocking how you only use that excuse when it benefits you.”
“I picked it up from you.”
Somehow, dumbly, that comment made Crosshair’s chest swell with pride. The knowledge that he’d passed down some of his skill sets down to this little sponge of a clone was a weirdly good feeling. 
He settled back against the wall, crossing his arms and swivelling the toothpick in his mouth. “So, are you going to cooperate and let me tell my story?”
Omega grinned and snuggled down into the blankets, assured that the tall clone wasn’t going to throw her out the airlock of the Havoc Marauder. “Ready!” She chirped, cuddling Lula to her chest.
She was the picture of childish innocence. It made something protective rear up in Crosshair’s heart. Stupid feelings. Damn kid making him go soft. “Alright,” Crosshair sighed, and then somewhat awkwardly, he began to retell the visit to the planet.
His words were choppy to start with, not used to telling stories of their life outside of the war, especially not to a child. He’d given mission reports - though not willingly - and those were easier, they were facts of an operation. This was more like crafting a book in his head and telling it to someone that was very easy to influence. Crosshair wisely left out the bits and pieces that Omega might find concerning, and for the record, the avalanche was entirely Wrecker’s fault, not his. 
As the story went on, Crosshair found the words leaving him easily. His raspy voice was edged with mirth as he described the life or death snowball fight and attempts of skating on the frozen lake. It caused an assortment of ridiculous pictures - courtesy of Tech - of their very shaky forms on the slick surface. 
“Like new-born Tauntauns' they were,” Crosshair smirked. “Staggering around and falling over themselves constantly. I’ll have to ask Tech where he put the holos, there are some good ones of Hunter flat on his face”
“Are there any of you?” Omega asked with a grin. 
“Have you ever seen me slip and fall? I was fine.” Crosshair scoffed, looking half offended she’d even suggested such a thing. “I’m used to getting around sloped terrain by sliding down it, the ice was no different.” 
Omega giggled softly, hugging Lula closer to her chest and looking over the toy with her big brown eyes. “Do you think we could visit a snow planet sometime? I’ve never had the chance to really explore one before. We went to one a while back, but I didn’t get to look around properly, we were too busy being attacked by ice dragons.”
Crosshair blinked down at her. It was sometimes easy to forget that Omega had spent most of her life beneath the oceans of Kamino, stuck in a lab with Nala Se with no opportunity to explore the galaxy. 
“...I’m sure Hunter could be persuaded," he found himself saying. "And if he isn’t-”
“Then we ask Echo,” Omega finished with a knowing smirk. 
Crosshair hummed in agreement, turning his head to look out of the window of the gunner's mount, the stars blinking back at him softly. He took in a breath, not minding the staleness of the recycled air. It was peaceful and homely on the ship, that's all that mattered to him. It was far better than the suffocatingly cold and sterile air of the Empire’s ships. Crosshair repressed a shudder.
It was after staring at the stars for a moment too long that he realised it was too peaceful. He flicked his eyes to the kid, expecting to see her finally asleep in the nest of blankets, but instead, she was watching him closely. 
He narrowed his gaze. “What?” he snipped, though it was a far cry from his usual harsh snap. 
He always tried to soften his tone while speaking to Omega, not wanting to give her the wrong idea of him being annoyed with her. He just sounded grumpy most of the time, but thankfully she seemed to know his true emotions were hidden under the grouch.
Omega smiled in response to his question. “I’m just happy you’re here,” she answered genuinely. “Even if I didn’t know you all too well when we first met, something was missing without you on the squad.”
Crosshair stubbornly looked out the window again, refusing to acknowledge the warmth flickering in his chest. “How touching,” he grumbled. 
A tiny foot hit his knee, diverting his attention back to Omega. She was frowning slightly, but there was a twinkle in her eye. "Did you just kick me?" He asked dubiously. 
Omega ignored his accusation. “Would it kill you to be sentimental just once?”
“Yes. I would die immediately,” Crosshair replied dryly. 
“No you wouldn’t.”
“I’m not about to risk death just to appease your need for emotional reassurance.”
“Come on,” Omega sat up, Lula falling to her side. “It’s not that hard-”
“No, lay back down and sleep,” Crosshair leaned over to push her head back against the pillows. An annoyed noise weaselled out from Omega, muffled slightly by his palm. 
“Not until you say something nice!” Omega argued, her own hands came up to try and shove at Crosshair’s wrist.
Crosshair grumbled, and with his spare hand, he dragged his fingers over his face and scowled. “Aren’t you ever tired?”
“Nope.” Omega popped the ‘p’ for good measure, grinning at her brother smugly. “Now say something nice or I’ll never sleep!”
It was like making a deal with Satan.
“You’re a terrible child.”
Omega rolled her eyes. “You’re really bad at this.”
“Niceties aren’t my profession.”
Crosshair glowered at the kid. After a moment he inquired, "Are you always this infuriating?"
"We share the same DNA, I had to get some traits from you." 
Crosshair gave Omega precisely seven seconds to take back that statement. When no such words were spoken, he glared darkly. 
"Alright you little shit," he hissed, paying no mind to the small voice in his mind that sounded a lot like Wrecker telling him he shouldn’t be cursing around a child. "It's about time someone taught you to respect your elders." 
"I'm older than yo-"
"Nope, you're not allowed to use that argument anymore." Crosshair promptly scooped up Omega, blankets and all, and dumped her on his lap. Ensnared by the tangles of fabric, Omega laughed and struggled against the arm cage Crosshair had put her in. 
“Can’t hear you kid, you’re pretty muffled.” Giving into the more playful side of himself, Crosshair’s fingers delved into the blanket to prod around Omega’s torso, hearing her squeak and giggle wildly at the ticklish sparks of electricity jolting through her. He smirked at her reactions and continued with his snarky teasing. “Maybe if you didn’t have a blanket over your head I could hear you better. Oh well, maybe next time.”
Omega suddenly squealed when Crosshair’s fingers pinched up her ribs, her wiggling increasing as bubbly laughter spilled from under the blanket. “Nohoho! Crohohosshahair!”
He scoffed loudly. “Really Omega, didn’t I just say I couldn’t hear you very well? Maybe we should get Tech to check your ears.” Crosshair was fighting for his life not to break out a grin, but he couldn’t contain the mischievous note in his tone as he messed with the kid. 
Omega smacked him in the chest with a swaddled hand and hiccupped in laughter. “Yohou suhuck!” In a bid for freedom, Omega twisted in her blanket cocoon and pushed her own fingers into Crosshair’s stomach through the thick material. 
The strangled noise that burst from the sniper was high pitched and wildly out of character. He half curled up, arms tightening against himself in reflex. Omega gasped like she'd discovered the answer for Clone Rights. 
"You're ticklish!" 
Immediately, a series of rapid fire pokes sent shock waves through Crosshair's sides and stomach, causing another badly restrained yelp to pull free, followed by breathy titters that kept tumbling free despite the man's best efforts to keep them down. 
"Awww! You can laugh, Cross!" Omega's excited cooing made an embarrassed warmth flush in the sniper's ears. This wasn't the plan. How the hell did it go this awry? 
"S-Shut up-" he spluttered. He could've pushed her away easily of course, but with how close they were to the gunner mount edge, he didn't want to risk the nightmare scenario playing out in his head of Omega tumbling from the height and hurting herself. Though, with how much he was embarrassing himself with these dignity destroying snickers, he might have to let the child drop. 
"I've never heard you laugh like this." Omega carried on, never shy of speaking her mind regardless of how embarrassed it made her brothers. "It's really nice actually, you should do it more often." 
What the fuck. 
Crosshair would deny to his goddamn grave that Omega's genuine words were having any effect on his cold, dead heart. He was a soldier bred for battle, why was he getting overwhelmed by a kid complimenting his laugh? He couldn't even think of a proper reply with how much his brain had short circuited. 
"Yohou- goddahahamn-" 
Omega giggled at his sputtering attempts. "Huh, you're just like Hunter when he laughs too much to talk," she commented with a grin. 
Crosshair opened his mouth to argue against that, but Omega had begun prodding up and down his sides and getting lower the longer she did so and only making Crosshair's titters increase. When she got too close to his overly sensitive hip bones, Crosshair decided enough was enough. Both of his hands scratched and skittered all around Omega's shoulder blades and back upper ribs - a soft spot for Crosshair himself. 
Omega instantly ripped her hands away from him and burst into a fit of unrestrained squeaks, torn between pressing against Crosshair to evade the tickling or attempting to attack him again. 
"That was a bad move, kid," Crosshair grumbled, his soft laughter faded but his smile had started to finally crack out through his mask. "Don't start a fight you can't finish."
Omega tried to reach out to tickle him again, but Crosshair swiftly intercepted the move and poked rapidly under her arm, smirking at the surprised squeal that leapt from the blonde clone. She really needed to learn that he was the champion of tickle fights - his losses were few and far between, and there was little chance he was losing to her. He gave a grazing swipe at her neck with his fingernails just cause he could, and because it made her squeal endearingly. Huh, just like Tech. He pocketed that thought for a later time. 
The sudden sound of someone clearing their throat made the two freeze. Turning around in sync, the pair were greeted by the sight of Echo standing close to the gunner mount, arms crossed and blearily glaring at them.
“Crosshair, Omega is meant to be asleep.” His voice was deeper than normal having just woken up, and it only made his stern tone more intimidating. 
Omega pressed herself back into Crosshair, as if to hide behind him, with a meek, guilty grin. “Sohorry Echo,” she apologised, giggles lingering in her speech. “we didn’t mehean to wake you.”
Echo’s stern expression wavered a tad at her giggly state, something Crosshair internally rolled his eyes at. Did this kid seriously have everyone wrapped around her finger? Unbelievable. He’d have to ask her to use that so they could win every argument against their brothers. Omega was going to flourish under his teachings. 
“Yeah, what she said. Go back to bed, Echo,” Crosshair waved off his brother. “I’ll put her to sleep.”
“To bed. You’re going to put her to bed.” Echo emphasised. “Don’t kill our sister.”
Crosshair planted a hand on Omega’s face and ignoring her indigent squark, he pushed her down on the bed roll. Gently of course, he wasn’t a total dick. “Yeah yeah, I got it, now go. Your night watch shift is in two hours.” 
Echo hummed and gave a small salute, turning back to the bunks with a tired slouch to his posture. “Night you two.”
“Goodnight Echo.”
When Crosshair heard Echo’s bunk creak and settle once more, he turned back to Omega who was rubbing at her eyes. “Finally tired, yet?” He inquired. 
“No.” Omega replied, ever the stubborn one, immediately dropping her fist. She clearly was exhausted, her rapid blinking and wavering form displayed that, but she was insistent on resisting. 
Crosshair pinched the skin between his eyes, mentally reminding himself it would be wrong to stun a child. “If I tell you one more story, you go to sleep immediately afterwards. Deal?”
Omega studied him with pursed lips as she thought over the offer. Then she smiled, and bundled up her blankets in her arms. “Deal.”
Crosshair didn’t get a moment to protest when she stood up and threw herself down in his lap, curling into his chest and snuggling close. All air left the man as he openly gaped, watching Omega cuddle into his scrawny form and nudge her head into his collarbone. “Ready,” she mumbled, eyes slipping closed and completely missing Crosshair’s rare moment of speechless floundering. 
It took approximately ten seconds for Crosshair to scrape up some semblance of his usual demeanour and pretend that this wasn’t melting his stone cold heart into a fond puddle. Eugh, this kid was going to be the death of him one day. The thought didn’t bother him as much as he assumed it would. 
Wrapping a cautiously gentle arm around the small bundle curled into his chest, Crosshair turned his attention back to the stars and began softly telling another story. Omega tried to stay awake by murmuring questions about the planet, but they became nonsensical and slurred the more she tried to speak. Crosshair wasn’t even halfway through his retelling when Omega had slumped into him fully and her breathing had evened out. Crosshair trailed off, and after a moment of consideration, wrapped both arms around her, securing her against him. He smiled softly at the tiny snores emitting from the girl. She really was Hunter’s kid, they had matching snore tones and everything.
Realistically, he should deposit her back onto her bedroll and go to his own bunk, but he couldn’t bring himself to put down the precious cargo in his arms. Instead, he shuffled down the wall, did a quick prayer for his neck in the morning, and dropped his head onto her mop of golden hair - letting his own eyes slide closed. 
The soft glow of the fairylights and steady weight of Omega against him soothed Crosshair into a deep sleep, his dreams circling around the memory of a frozen lake. He was with his brothers on the ice, but this time, Omega was with them, her laughter intertwining with theirs and sounding out across the cold planet. 
Unbeknownst to the sniper, he smiled in his sleep.
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overelegantstranger · 5 months
video tutorial this video tutorial that. i am begging you to understand that written instructions are also an accessibility need.
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I'm taking the mikveh guide course via Mayyim Hayyim and Rising Tide Open Waters and finished my first week. I made this to try to explain what it means to me. Anyone, anytime, can choose to mark something new, can choose to cleanse of anything that no longer serves them, and for all Jews, no matter your observance, this is open to you. I'm so excited to help you access this the way you need it.
Artists statement and image description.
A collage: a banner of stars with Hebrew text “shelter us beneath your peace” floats over a pomegranate tree bearing only ripe fruits. It grows in front of a beach at sunset with subtle trans pride colours from a stone wall that reads madrich/a in Hebrew. This wall, collaged from an image of the kotel, is balanced on seven pillars of text capped with an image in front of a red desert sand, connecting the natural and human made desert mikvot with the biggest natural mikveh, the ocean.
Between these pillars grow flowers. From left to right, a red poppy for rest and healing, California poppies for the artist’s home and their medicinal restful qualities, yellow roses for friendship, a lily of the valley for the author’s birth, its duality as poison and perfume, and mention in Shir haShirim, a blue gentian for medicinal properties especially as an emmenagogue to tie it to mikveh use, lavender for healing, a white rose for love and death, and a pink rose of Sharon as mentioned in Shir haShirim for love and marriage. They are in this colour order as a nod to queer use and usage of mikveh as a spiritual technology.
The columns each have one of the seven principles for mikveh written in Hebrew, and are capped with a stone collaged with a related item. From right to left, these are a Torah scroll, a folding screen, a magen david with the downward pointing triangle replaced with a heart, a seven branched menorah with almond blossoms instead of candles, an open book, a brush painting a rainbow, and an open set of french doors that, if you look closely, are opening to a mikveh at Mayyim Hayyim.
Over all this are three blessings connected to mikveh, in English, with a name for the divine in Hebrew beneath. The first two are the artist’s own poetic translations of the mikveh immersion and shehecheyanu brachot, and the last is a tekhine praising Gd for gifting us the mikveh as self empowerment connecting us to natural cycles.
Blessed are You, She Who Contracts our god, Sovereign of Space Time, who has blessed us with your teachings and invites us to immerse.
Blessed are You, Being our God, Sovereign of Space Time, who has blessed me with my life, sustained me, and accompanied me to this moment.
Bless the One who gives me this.Bless the one who shows me how to cleanse myself take in the power of the water and the moon as the sun sets orange and feel that coursing through my veins to know I am powerful as this.
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dysperdis · 5 months
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Working on new sprite bases for my game, because the original ones were kinda slapped together just to get the character designs settled more than anything else. Here's the new templates I have so far (+ Steve's chair, because resizing the old one was easier than remaking it, which I unfortunately don't think is going to be the case for a lot of the other components...)
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As Gov. Greg Abbott tells state agencies that using diversity, equity and inclusion criteria in the hiring process is “illegal,” lawmakers in the legislature are pushing against the practice in Texas universities. State representative Carl Tepper, R-Lubbock, filed a bill to prohibit higher education institutions from funding or supporting diversity, equity and inclusion offices. HB 1006 also prohibits any efforts to formulate diversity “beyond what is necessary to uphold the equal protection of the laws under the Fourteenth Amendment.” “We call it division, inequity and indoctrination. The DEI office name is a misnomer,” Tepper said. “We feel like it’s purposely being misused, to push a very woke very liberal agenda. You can have any belief you want, you can have any care about race relations or sexual relations or what have you. But we think that on the state dollar, and the state budget, that these universities, these state departments, departments of the state of Texas, should be neutral.”
Tepper’s alma mater Texas Tech University, now in his district, said its Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion works “to foster, affirm, celebrate, engage and strengthen inclusive communities.” They provide mentors to first-generation students, cultural centers for minority students and outlets for the campus to engage with the intercultural community.
Tepper said he hopes his bill will get rid of those outlets. He called Texas Tech’s Black Cultural Center “self-segregation.”
“I would do away with that. We have some wonderful facilities for everyone,” he said. “We want our students to learn together and play together, interact together, not as a segregated society. We want to see distinguished Black alumni, the portraits of distinguished Black alumni all over campus, not just in the Black Cultural Center.”
Some attorneys worry the recent restrictions of DEI policies are misguided. Jay Ellwanger, an attorney who specializes in employment and civil rights litigation at Ellwanger Law, said DEI policies are already prohibited from discrimination by federal law and may attract businesses wanting to create a diverse and competitive workforce. “The thing that struck me most in Governor Abbott’s memorandum to the state agencies was that I think he needed to go back to law school,” Ellwanger said. “Because the issues that were raised by this memorandum are impacted by areas of federal law that have been in place for almost 60 years.” The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recommends DEI initiatives as a best practice.
“EEOC makes it make extremely clear that you can’t have quotas, that you can’t purposely put a minority ahead of a nonminority in a DEI context if they’re not qualified,” Ellwanger said. “All the federal law says is that you can allow for other parts of someone’s makeup to go into that hiring equation, which again, allows for a company or state agency to hire more competitively, to get more viewpoints in the workplace, and just overall become more competitive.”
Rep. Tepper’s concerns are already shifting policy, however. Texas Tech University announced Wednesday they are eliminating DEI criteria. That decision comes after a Wall Street Journal report criticized the weight that some departments give to subjective diversity statements required in candidates’ applications.
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moonthemagical · 7 months
My high school's sound crew is more trans inclusive then I thought?
So our crew leader (assigned male) recently changed their pronouns and name. Everyone in the crew (mostly guys) are all using her preferred name and pronouns :)
In other news, I'm going to help run sound for an assembly on Friday, so I'll let you know how it goes!
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
the more i root around the mlp fandom (usually for nostalgia reasons), the more relics i find of a bygone era of the internet, and i unironically think more of the internet should be like this
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goldenageofwireless · 2 years
fghfghfghgnh i found this one college and the more i read about it the more i fall in love w it and im trying to not get attached but its so perfect .........
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clonewarswritings · 2 years
Ooh, and for the AU prompt -- how about a royalty au? No specific characters in mind!
This AU would take place in an ambiguously late medieval/early modern time period, wherein the Republic is in fact just a section of the government and is in fact ruled by the Chancellor—who is elected as normal—and a king or queen born into power through their family line. Both sides of the government are under the protection of the Je'daii, a powerful sect of knights whom follow an unwavering code in order to protect those who rule a large portion of the world.
The separatists are the members of countries who have, as in canon, found fault and corruption in the Republic’s politics, and want to rule themselves. They argue that the might of the republic barely stretches beyond their inner-most cities and Talley together beneath Count Dooku, an ex-Jedi knight and secretly the apprentice of Darth Sideous, who himself seeks to overthrow the Republic and murder the royal family in order to take total control.
I argue that there is some level of steampunk technomagic, as the force still exists to some degree even in this sort of AU. The battle droids of the Separatists are steam-powered automatons, for example, and the clones of the clone wars are created by the enigmatic magic-using Kaminoans who reside far into the ocean and find dealing with humans particularly loathsome.
Perhaps to some degree, lightsaber still exist, but are seen as very powerful and very rare pieces of technology powered only by the force--so only the highest rank of Jedi are able and allowed to wield them, as it takes extreme skill in the force to be able to activate it. This keeps lightsabers out of untrained hands, but also creates a wall of unknowns around the Je'daii order...
If this AU was featured in a fic, then the current heir to the throne would be the reader, who themselves are constantly having to worry about assassination from some group or another. Lots of people would love to see the royal family change, as it's otherwise been ruling for many long generations, always protected by the Je'daii.
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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olderpersonsday · 15 days
Promoting Inclusive Ageing Through Technology: Collaborative Perspectives and Use Cases.
The fourteenth session of the UN Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing is poised to address critical issues surrounding accessibility, infrastructure, and habitat for ageing populations. This panel brings together a diverse array of stakeholders from nonprofit organizations, leading corporations, and innovative startups to explore workable strategies and impactful use cases enhancing the lives of older adults worldwide.
Watch Promoting Inclusive Ageing Through Technology: Collaborative Perspectives and Use Cases!
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gilspvtltd · 18 days
Manpower Supply Trends: What to Expect in the Workforce Market
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The workforce market is undergoing a significant transformation, influenced by a variety of factors including technological advancements, demographic shifts, and evolving business needs. For businesses that rely heavily on manpower supply, understanding these trends is crucial for strategic planning and maintaining a competitive edge. In this blog, we will explore the key manpower supply trends to expect in the workforce market in the coming years. These insights will help businesses adapt and thrive in an ever-changing environment.
1. Rise of the Gig Economy
The gig economy continues to grow, reshaping the traditional employment landscape. More workers are opting for freelance, part-time, or contract roles instead of full-time positions. This shift is driven by a desire for flexibility, better work-life balance, and the opportunity to work on diverse projects. For businesses, this trend offers the advantage of accessing a wide talent pool without the long-term commitment of full-time employment.
2. Increased Demand for Tech-Savvy Workers
As technology continues to evolve, the demand for tech-savvy workers is on the rise. Skills in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, cybersecurity, and data analytics are becoming increasingly important. Businesses are seeking employees who can not only operate advanced technologies but also leverage them to drive innovation and efficiency.
3. Emphasis on Soft Skills
While technical skills are crucial, there is also a growing emphasis on soft skills such as communication, collaboration, adaptability, and problem-solving. These skills are essential for navigating the complexities of modern workplaces and fostering a productive, positive work environment.
4. Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives
Diversity and inclusion (D&I) have moved to the forefront of workforce trends. Companies are recognizing the value of a diverse workforce in driving innovation, enhancing decision-making, and reflecting a global customer base. Inclusive workplaces are not only more attractive to top talent but also demonstrate better financial performance.
5. Remote Work and Hybrid Models
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote work, a trend that shows no signs of slowing down. Many companies have shifted to hybrid work models, combining remote and in-office work to offer greater flexibility. This shift has expanded the talent pool, allowing businesses to hire from a broader geographic area.
6. Focus on Employee Well-being
Employee well-being has become a critical concern for businesses, particularly in light of the pandemic's impact on mental health. Companies are increasingly investing in programs and initiatives that support the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of their employees. This includes offering flexible work arrangements, providing access to mental health resources, and promoting a healthy work-life balance.
7. Automation and AI Integration
Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming the workforce by automating repetitive tasks and enhancing decision-making processes. Although there may be cost and efficiency gains as a result, this also raises worries about job displacement. However, rather than eliminating jobs, automation and AI are expected to create new roles that require human oversight and advanced technical skills.
8. Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility
Sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are becoming increasingly important to employees and consumers alike. Businesses that prioritize sustainable practices and demonstrate a commitment to CSR are more likely to attract and retain socially-conscious talent.
9. Talent Analytics and Data-Driven HR
The use of talent analytics and data-driven HR practices is on the rise. Businesses are leveraging data to make informed decisions about recruitment, employee engagement, performance management, and retention. Talent analytics can provide insights into workforce trends, identify skill gaps, and predict future hiring needs.
10. Continued Professional Development
Lifelong learning and continuous professional development are becoming essential in a rapidly changing job market. Employees need to keep their skills updated to stay relevant and competitive. Businesses can support this by offering training programs, tuition reimbursement, and opportunities for career advancement.
The workforce market is evolving, driven by technological advancements, changing worker preferences, and societal shifts. For businesses that rely on manpower supply, staying ahead of these trends is essential for attracting and retaining top talent, maintaining competitiveness, and ensuring long-term success. By embracing the gig economy, investing in tech skills, prioritizing diversity and inclusion, supporting employee well-being, and leveraging data-driven HR practices, companies can navigate the complexities of the modern workforce and thrive in the years to come. As we move forward, the ability to adapt and innovate will be key to seizing new opportunities and achieving sustainable growth.
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This week's mikveh art: I rewrote the traditional ketubah wording with the Lieberman clause to be between Klal Yisrael and the divine, and rewrote the Lieberman clause as a purification clause. Mimicking the vernacular and Hebrew ketubot style, I added in a poem and my poetic translation of the traditional immersion and shehecheyanu brachot to the left.
I am fascinated by the delineation between purity and holiness, and the fact no-one can be purified, technically, until a Temple is rebuilt. This opens so many possibilities for us!
Since technically all humans are related to humanity and thus ineligible to sign as witnesses, I had Lilith and a golem (I like to think it's the Golem of Prague) sign. I struggled to choose which name of Gd to write in (I collect them, all with shades of meaning) but settled on an ungendered or god-gendered version. In some places you will see the word 'god' or 'godself;' I use god as Elohim's pronouns. Since the month starts with the fresh crescent moon, and it's my name, I centered that at the top of the phases. The papercut is traced off a pomegranate blackwork pattern.
Text on image below image description.
Image description: a ketubah with a background of bright blue and white waves, centered on a photo of the moon. The moon has a white glow. White hamsot in the corners, white pomegranate blackwork in a circle, and white moon phases starting with a rosh chodesh moon at center top circling the moon and text in center mimic papercutting. The ketubah text on right of the moon has a yellow cast to black font and is shaped like a crescent. The remaining space to left is a poem with a purple gray cast. The ketubah is signed in thin cursive Hebrew by Lilith, and childishly large block print Hebrew by the golem. The bottom centered pomegranate holds the artist's signature in red.
Ketubah text:
On the third day of the week, the third day of the month in the year two thousand four hundred and forty eight since the creation of the world, the era according to which we count here at the slopes of Mount Sinai that Elohim Eloheinu said to Klal Yisrael children of Abraham and Sarah through the line of Yitzhak and Rivkah’s son Yaakov and his wives Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, and Zilpah.
“Be My people according to these laws I have given you, and I will cherish, honour, support, and maintain you in accordance with the custom of Jewish husbands who cherish, honour, support, and maintain their wives faithfully. And I here present you with the marriage gift of these teachings of connection, which belongs to you, the law of Moshe and Yisrael; and I will also give you your food as manna and the seven sacred species, tallitot, and necessities, and live with you as your god according to universal custom. And Klal Yisrael, these people consented and became god’s people. The trousseau that they brought to god from their house in silver, gold, valuables, clothing, furniture, and bedclothes, their stiffneckedness and chutzpah and thankfulness and dedication, all this Elohim accepted in the sum of themselves, and Elohim the bridegroom consented to increase this amount from god’s own property with the sum of six hundred and thirteen teachings of connection, making in all one covenant. And thus said Elohim, the bridegroom: “The responsibility of this marriage contract, of this trousseau, and of this additional sum, I take upon Myself and My heirs after me, so that they shall be paid from the best part of My property and possession that I have of and beneath the whole heaven, that which I now possess or may hereafter create. All My property, real and personal, even the glory which is My raiment, shall be mortgaged to secure the payment of this marriage contract, of the trousseau, and of the addition made to it, during My lifetime as Ein Sof, from the present day and forever.” Elohim, the bridgegroom, has taken upon godself the responsibility of this marriage contract, of the trousseau and the addition made to it, according to the restrictive usages of all marriage contracts and the additions to them made for the children of Yisrael, according to the institution of our sages of blessed memory. It is not to be regarded as a mere forfeiture without consideration or as a mere formula of a document. We have followed the legal formality of symbolic delivery between Elohim Eloheinu, the bridegroom and Klal Yisrael children of Abraham and Sarah through the line of Yitzhak and Rivkah’s son Yaakov and his wives Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, and Zilpah, and we have used as a garment legally fit for the purpose a rainbow, to strengthen all that is stated above, and everything is valid and confirmed.
And both together agreed that if either party in this marriage shall ever become impure, then either spouse may invoke the cleansing of the gathering of the living waters, in a naturally occurring or duly kosher humanmade gathering, to immerse three times as is appropriate under Jewish purity and holiness law; and if either spouse shall fail to honour the purifying powers of the gathering of these living waters or to live in accordance with this cleansing power, then the other spouse may invoke any and all remedies available in healthy community power to enforce acknowledgement of the cleansing powers of this first creation and this solemn abligation.
Attested to [Lilith] Witness
Attested to [GOLEM] Witness
Poetry text: Note that in order for a ketubah to be kosher, there must be a clearly defined shape to the text with no space to alter the contract. This text is not exactly what appears on the image so as to make it screen reader friendly. All open space has been replaced with words in a font half the size to fill it. These are bracketed so you know what words are repeated to fill the space. They exist between stanzas and in stanzas separating the lines.
[purity holiness] You will never be pure. Oh, sure, one day, perhaps, the stars may align, the calf be born, the stones relaid - but until then see the foxes, jackals, among the ruins. You will never be pure. [purity wholeness] But how wonderful a world of possibilities opens! Instead of pure you can be holy wholly human. [wholeness purity] Your body is your body is the image of God. your choices are your choices are yours. [purity holiness] Immerse, and cleanse yourself. Start anew. Emerge from the womb of the earth trailing amniotic rain. Be wrapped dry in clean white linen, welcomed by name, and your holiness affirmed. [immerse] Return to the head of it all: the gathering of the roiling sea, moon tugging at your blood, lungs sealed shut, as waves push you back, back, back to shore as sun sets orange. [purify immerse] You will never be pure like the moon is not pure: shifting phase to phase above us. like oceans are not pure: glimmering gold and silt and teeming life. like forests are not pure: ancient and fecund and noisy. like gardens are not pure: a riot of life and species cocreating. like birth and death are not pure: bodies riding the cycle. like storms are not pure: winds and rain and lightning. like deserts are not pure: so dry but filled with life when you breathe. like art is not pure: messy with emotion. You will never be pure: but you are holy. [holy] We long to re-enter living waters and they long to hold to us, gift us their slippery purity now we have forgotten to breathe them - only hold them in our veins - but more than that we long to exit the waters and stride forth onto surety. [holy] Blessed are You, She Who Contracts our god, Sovereign of Space Time, who has blessed us with these teachings of connection and invites us to immerse. Blessed are You, She Who Contracts, our god, Sovereign of Space Time, who has blessed me with my life, held me, and accompanied me to this moment.
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p11patel · 3 months
Charting The Course For Women In Tech's Future
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In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, women's economic empowerment is more than equality; it drives our future, fueling innovation and resilient communities. It's not just a moral imperative but vital for sustainable development, reshaping women's roles as creators, leaders, and innovators in a technology-driven world. Women in tech play a crucial role in this empowerment, shaping the future of technology and society.
Joy Buolamwini's research at MIT Media Lab exposed biases in facial recognition tech, showcasing women's role in driving ethical innovation.
Arlan Hamilton's journey from homelessness to founding Backstage Capital highlights how empowering women fosters inclusive economies and supports overlooked innovations.
How do we break barriers to women's participation in tech? How can systems ensure their access and leadership in tech development?
Collective action from governments, businesses, and civil society is key to empowering women in the digital era. By addressing structural inequalities, we can nurture diversity and inclusivity for thriving innovation.
Understanding Women's Economic Empowerment
Economic empowerment for women goes beyond equal pay or job access. It's about gaining control over their financial futures, enabling equal participation, contribution, and benefit from economic activities. Women's economic empowerment is crucial because its impact extends far beyond individuals. Thriving economically, women invest in their families and communities, leading to improved education, health, and overall societal well-being.
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala's journey exemplifies how women's economic empowerment can lead to influential leadership positions. As the first woman and African to lead the World Trade Organization, she demonstrates the potential for women to impact global monetary policies.
Malala Yousafzai's advocacy for girls' education highlights the connection between women's economic empowerment and societal well-being. By championing education for girls, Malala showcases how empowering women and girls can uplift entire communities economically.
These examples prompt us to consider how to create more pathways for women's economic empowerment. We must explore measures to ensure their equal participation in financial activities, especially in leadership roles.
Global and Societal Impact
Women's economic empowerment has a profound global impact, enhancing productivity, promoting income equality, and driving sustainable economic growth. Integration into sectors like technology unleashes untapped talent and fuels innovation, providing societies with novel solutions to challenges.
Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi's leadership as the UAE's first woman minister demonstrates the transformative potential of women in positions of power. Her efforts in integrating technology and economic development underscore how women's empowerment drives advancements in policy and practice, shaping societies for the better.
Women's Empowerment Through Technology
Technology as an Enabler
Technology is a potent tool for women's economic empowerment, breaking down traditional barriers and offering myriad opportunities for economic engagement. From mobile banking services to online marketplaces, technology provides platforms for women to participate in financial activities and entrepreneurship on a global scale.
Additionally, digital platforms facilitate learning and skill development, making education more accessible to women worldwide. Furthermore, technology amplifies women's voices in societal discussions, allowing them to advocate for their rights and contribute to the push for gender equality.
Barriers and Opportunities
The digital divide remains a significant barrier to women's economic empowerment, with many women lacking access to technology and the Internet due to economic, cultural, and educational constraints. Furthermore, women are underrepresented in technology-related fields and leadership positions, perpetuating stereotypes and biases that discourage their involvement in the tech industry.
These challenges offer opportunities for action. Initiatives providing access to technology, digital literacy training, and mentorship for women and girls can bridge the digital divide. Programs supporting education, tech careers, work-life balance policies, and women's entrepreneurship foster inclusivity. Investing in women's tech-driven entrepreneurship and supportive environments empowers women economically, advancing gender equality in the digital age.
The Role of Women in Shaping the Tech Industry
In the technology sector, women's representation remains disproportionately low, especially in senior roles like Chief Technology Officers. Despite comprising nearly half of the global workforce, women occupy only around 26.7% of positions in tech. However, mid-sized tech firms demonstrate better gender diversity, offering a model for enhancing representation across the industry.
Despite ongoing challenges, there are signs of progress. From 2016 to 2022, the proportion of women in leadership roles increased from 33.3% to 36.9%, indicating a slow but positive change towards gender parity. Real-life examples like Ginni Rometty's leadership at IBM and Reshma Saujani's Girls Who Code initiative illustrate the transformative impact of women in tech and the importance of education and mentorship in shaping future female leaders.
Strategies for Inclusive Growth
To foster inclusive growth in the tech industry, targeted strategies are essential. Implementing mandatory gender bias training in hiring processes has shown promising results in increasing female representation while addressing gender discrimination within work environments is crucial for inclusivity efforts.
Equitable promotion practices and enhanced professional development opportunities are vital to retaining women in tech. Companies like Salesforce and Intel have demonstrated the effectiveness of proactive measures in addressing the gender pay gap and advancing underrepresented groups through initiatives like Diversity in Technology.
Embracing similar strategies and structural changes can pave the way for a more inclusive tech industry, where women enter, thrive, and lead, driving broader societal and economic benefits.
Envisioning a Future of Equality and Innovation
As we step into a new era, women's economic empowerment and their participation in the tech industry are crucial for fostering innovation and diversity. Achieving gender equity isn't just about rectifying imbalances; it's about creating a future rich in creativity, equality, and economic prosperity. It's essential for the tech industry, alongside other sectors, to champion inclusive growth strategies, from equitable hiring to comprehensive professional development, ensuring women's meaningful participation and leadership for a brighter tomorrow.
Coditude's Support for Female Entrepreneurship and Women in Tech
Coditude stands out as a strong supporter of female entrepreneurship and women in tech, offering resources, networking, and funding to women-led startups, thus reshaping the industry landscape. Their empowerment initiatives focus on breaking barriers and fostering support, ensuring women professionals thrive in the tech sector.
Their vision emphasizes equality and innovation, with a commitment to acknowledging and valuing the significant contributions of women in tech. Coditude's initiatives, including resources and networking, play a crucial role in fostering an inclusive and equitable tech environment, aiming for a balanced and diverse future.
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