#interesting parallel tho
avnasace · 9 months
im thinking back to Q and the train incident, what if dazai can nullify parts of brams ability himself but not all of it? dazai had to touch Qs doll to remove the mind control completely, however he snapped atsushi out of it with words, but atsushis appearance stayed the same until dazai touched the doll and nullified it
me thinks perhaps he can give chuuya back control but cant remove the vampirism entirely until he touches the sword/the sword is pulled out
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do you ever imagine what it would be like if instead of just dubbing and losing all the britishness in translation, what had happened with doctor who was national adaptations like they do with game shows like masterchef or whatever or uh skam thats a better comparison, and every country had their own series of doctors, all at different numbers like if the dutch show spinned off when the english was at 4 or smth but we just started with our own dutch doctor number 1
and maybe they'd like start off just sort of copying stories and localising them but then as time goes on these national spin offs would you know start building on their own lore and seasonal arcs that would get removed further and further from the british original until it's like 2024 and you've got 15 national doctor whos running somewhat simultaneously all in different seasons and all preoccupied with INCREDIBLY different stories
it'd be like 'whos your favourite doctor' and you'd be like uh the polish 3rd or the brazilian 12th it's a toss up. what if some countries go through doctors way faster and theyre like on doctor 44 and youre like WHAT are they DOING to them
and can you imagne the fucking CNAONS can yuo IMAGINE can you IMAGINE the FANDOM when SOMEone decided to make looms canon and all the losers come out of the woodwork to say well thats not REALLY canon bc it's not the british version. imagine the localisations, the reinforcements of every countrys national history. what would countries who have more history being colonised than colonising do with gallifrey. how would every Important PartTM of the show be transformed by the perspective of another team. what even are identified as the Important PartsTM of the show. maybe one country decides the tardis should change appearance every week. maybe one country is like we're just gonna put all the edas on television. the amount of OPINIONS can you imagine
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ccarrot · 8 months
just grasping at straws but Chuuya’s fighting to defend his mom and then the ability being a power enhancement type doesn’t read very well for the nature of his parents’ relationship to each other prior to him getting taken honestly.
well okay from the [[very little]] we know about Chuuya's life before the lab
His family comes from a coastal town in the San'in reigon, which. If you dont know is a long LONG ways from Yokohama
Chuuya's father was an ex military doctor but held a lot of political sway in town
His mother came from a lineage "warriors" Samaurai?? I guess. She also apparently had "the ettiquette and decorum of the upper echelons of society" i'm assuming that means she was comfortably upper class. If not, she certainly acted as it
So essentially Chuuya came from what you'd call a powerful family in a small rural town. With this in mind it's interesting to draw parallels between Chuuya's childhood circumstances and his current position as an exec of the Port Mafia alongside Mori and Kouyou (both of whom are also ex-military and Samaurai heritage respectively, like Chuuya's birth parents)
The couple had a son (chuuya) who "died" and they never had another kid since
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So this part is a little weird to me and that might be because it's littered with purposeful ambiguities. For ex. Asagiri describes Chuuya's father as "now a kindhearted doctor" and follows it immediately with "but that wasn't the whole story." What a strange choice right? Because the rest of that point speaks about his past and political influence rather than his personal character BUT the follow up and the use of "now" in some way implies he wasn't alway's "kindhearted."
Another oddity that should also stick out to you, "He got caught up in a war." A war? A. We know that Chuuya like most of the bsd cast in this era was a child of war. We know that the Arahabaki project was running during the later years of The Great War. But Asagiri said "a war" so obviously there's a double meaning to that otherwise he would have saide "the war." This line is followed directly by the story of how young Chuuya got his graphite scar. He was an "unruly child" he adamantly defended his parents, he didnt flinch when he got attacked. The kid was a fighter. He had something to prove and he had a need to defend. That was a war that he got caught up in.
But why was kid chuuya a fighter? Well that's where we can start heading into inferences territory. I don't think there will ever be a certain answer to what caused chuuya's ability to manifest and what his past was really like but you can fill in some of the blanks surrounding that question:
Chuuya's father is an ex-military doctor. So he likely operated on the field during the wartimes. There's a good chance he wasn't around much while Chuuya was growing up
Him being a military doctor also puts him in a *very similar* circle as two other noteworthy miltary doctors in bsd canon who also have close ties to Chuuya: Mori and N (worthwile mention that irl Kensuke Kashimura apparently admired irl Ougai Mori)
Around this time is also when Mori's dossier on incorporating ability users into the war effort was approved. And thus probably when N began his project. In general it wouldnt be far fetched to assume the Special Division started growing in prominence more during the war
So back to Chuuya and his mom, they were likely living alone together with his father off at war. and therefore he probably taken a lot after his mother
Chuuya's mother is from a warrior heritage and maintains the elegance of such. She's probably a very honor bound woman and instilled the importance of honor and respect into her son. And also y'know, the warriors spirit or whatever.
Coupled with the fact that the Nakaharas(????) Are a prominent family in a small village where most citizen know and therefore probably gossip about them, young honor-bound Chuuya could have felt incentivized to defent his parents - even to the point of violence- regardless of the accuracy of the claims
But its also a stretch to assume that young Chuuya's "unruly" behaviour isn't indicative of instablilty or agression at home...
Either way something happened to young Chuuya for him to gain an ability.
We know that Chuuya was taken to the lab sometime after age 6 -> he went to elementary school
We know that the photo with Chuuya and N happened in the reigion (not near the research base in Yokohama) meaning that N knew Chuuya *before* he was in the lab
So N certainly had to know Chuuya's parents. Whether that be because of ties to the father throught the military or is a relative of some kind (assuming N didn't lie about his name being Nakahara).
In the photo, young Chuuya's face is described as "confusion" the poor kid probably had no idea what was happening.
Anyways, back to terrible implications. Chuuya's parents MAY have sent him with N. Knowingly.
Picture this: their young son has suddenly devoloped a dangerous, self destructive ability. If he really did develop an enhancement poer, then there's no ability users for it to work on other than himself. So an accident happens... Chuuya's parents contact an associate who is currently researching self contraticting abilities to somehow help their son. Of course N readily agrees
But N has the perfect research subject. He's not ready to let him go. So Chuuya's death gets faked and that's how the story ends for his parents.
So. There's no solid proof about what could have happened during Chuuya's childhood, and this entire post could be me feeling crazy and overanalyzing. But Asagiri loves telling stories through implications so it's up to you on how to interpret them.
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theworldinclines · 1 year
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brother-emperors · 2 months
Could I ask for your thoughts on why you say that Cassius should have been Crassus' political heir ?
so largely I’m half referencing this collection of quotes and the various attempts to fill in the space/grave with a body (like Cicero! Cicero was a contender for this!) and I’m sort of taking shots at Antony for fun and whimsy.
like in sports!! I gotta root for my man Cassius over Antony, especially because no one can actually fill the space left by Crassus after his death (literally, the political landscape makes this impossible), but Cassius assumes a command position due to everyone else (notably, Crassus) dying (so: inheriting Crassus’ leadership position) and wouldn’t be a bad follow up to Crassus in the realm of military command since they have a similar (strict, as opposed to friendly in a way is commonly associated with Antony) relationship with the men under their command.
& also bc Marcus Crassus jr seems to be disinterested in taking up space in the political spotlight on his return from the Gallic Wars otherwise I’d be advocating for him on the basis of family tragedy compounded. it’s time to fill the space/memory/grave of your father and brother, buddy!
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thankstothe · 2 months
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when she brings up freud on the first date
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incesthemes · 2 days
as i've rewatched seasons 1 and 2 of supernatural i've been pondering and hypothesizing reasons why john was so adamant on not letting sam know about his destiny. why he was so intent on keeping this secret, why he didn't want sam knowing about monsters, why his role in their hunts appeared to be research-oriented and thus away from the action. my perspective on ignorance and censorship is that it enables further harm, so if john were going to effectively protect sam, it would stand to reason that sam should have a comprehensive understanding of his destiny and what he's up against: give him the tools to fight.
this is obviously not the route john went, so then i have to question why that is—what about censorship was so appealing to him that he thought it not only the best way to keep sam safe, but perhaps even the only way to keep him safe, based on how he begged even dean to keep sam's fate a secret from him in his final words?
so i got to thinking. namely, about the fact that azazel wants sam to be hunting: he killed jessica with the intent to drag him back into the life, which implies that if sam is hunting, he is going down the path azazel wants him to go—he's following his destiny. this aligns with the everpresent theme throughout season 1 that hunting is a monstrous lifestyle, that hunting turns people into monsters. if sam is destined to become a monster, then hunting is the most sure-fire way to get him there.
if azazel wants sam to hunt, then john would need to take the logical opposition and keep sam out of hunting—so, he wouldn't tell sam about monsters until he has to, he'd give sam more passive roles once sam is participating in hunts, he'd train sam in self-defense but not explain why. and importantly, he wouldn't talk about mary, who is the root cause of this lifestyle, the impetus for their revenge quest, more than he has to. if the goal is to keep sam as far away from hunting as possible, and if john is someone who thinks ignorance keeps someone safe, then this more or less explains most of how sam was raised: on the fringes of the family, excluded and sheltered.
but weirdly enough, it wasn't until i was reading east of eden the other night that i finally understood the perspective being presented: late in the novel, the character lee says "when the first innocence is gone, you can't stop."
it made me remember that sam picks. he is a character who wants to understand the world around him and his place in it. if something is bothering him, he turns it over in his head until it consumes him. dean places doubt in sam's head in 2x10 and it obliterates him by 2x11. he's convinced he's going to become some horrible monster because he never stops thinking and trying to figure things out. when his memory is wiped in 4x17 and normal guy sam wesson finds out his coworker is the guy from his weird dreams, he pursues him relentlessly until they're back hunting. when he discovers the wall death put in his mind to keep his hell trauma out in season 6, he pushes and can't stop until it starts crumbling around him. he's intelligent and clever and he wants to know everything. and when he doesn't know, he picks.
and the only way to stop a person like that from picking is to not let them know that there's something to pick at in the first place. that's what the quote from east of eden means: once you catch wind of something, you want to pursue it until you're satisfied. curiosity kills the cat.
and what john is up against is fate itself. something that isn't supposed to be messed with, something that's supposed to be unavoidable. so trying to thwart it is tricky business. he has to be careful.
i think working under that logic his response makes sense, even if it wound up being a self-fulfilling prophecy anyway—sam was always going to find out, and sam was always going to pick. there was nothing john could do in the end to stop it, and trying to keep sam ignorant only made him that much more desperate to know. but that's the great tragedy of it all: john was given an impossible choice, and he's a deeply flawed character. he did what he thought was best, and it only made things worse.
i like this interpretation because it ties all of john's choices together really well; it explains a lot about his character and gives a nuanced and rather reasonable explanation for why he did what he did: a dad who wants the best for his kid does what he believes will set him up on the path to success. when the first innocence is gone, you can't stop—so john does his damnedest to keep sam innocent, even to his dying breath.
the problem comes down to that someone's damnedest isn't always good enough, and that sometimes someone's damnedest ends up benefiting the enemy instead.
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mars-ipan · 4 months
danganronpa is so fucking crazy bc it’s like “hi. this is a game series with a fucking amazing premise. unfortunately the writing sucks and is bad and you will spend half the time going ‘eugh why did they write that’ but you will play the whole thing anyways and get attached to your favorite characters and cry when they inevitably die. also it is filled with romance subplots that will stay in your brain forever” HUH??????
#marzi speaks#like. dr sucks but i like it.#but it sucks#but then like. there’s just??? so much in-depth romance and it makes me want to cry???#like. like. thh. asahina + sakura (so sorry lesbians i do not know their ship name). they are so cute and then they are so tragic#and ishimondo. GODDDDD ishimondo. you get to go ‘oh HELL yeah’ for a chapter and then they make you HURT#even like. makoto w/sayaka. start of the betrayal girlfriend trend. love it#and even toko and togami are interesting!!! like they will not date and should not date but they are fascinating#and then sdr2. do not get me STARTED on komahina what sort of psychosexual freudian bullshit are they on i will never know#but there’s also like. hinanami who r SO good. and mahiru and hiyoko who. tbh i wish they were handled better but still#fuyupeko. they make me crazy. and their parallels to akane and nekomaru. aaaa#SONDAM oh my goddd. they’re so#i may not be a v3 fan but they DID give us a lesbian love triangle and i do have to thank them for that#also the best polycule in the world in the form of the workout trio#kokichi i don’t like. but i DO like his little crush on shuichi even if i think it’s one-sided#kiibouruma will forever be real to me tho. world’s worst polycule. for balance#anyways why does dr have so many good romance plots. they’re so. why are those so good#AND WHY ARE LIKE HALF OF THEM QUEER. WHY DOES THE HOMOPHOBIA GAME HAVE SO MUCH QUEER CODING#idk i’m insane. <3 i’m a little crazy. komahina what the hell even are you….
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 4 months
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'Maybe I'm just an anomaly'
'I was never meant to win'
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dorotheado · 29 days
listen like when you drink someone under the table they are also drinking. so when he shit talked her under the table she is both saying that she was being love bombed / told lies while also acknowledging the bullshit that she was spouting ("he's the one i want" / "i can fix him" / "i've seen this episode and still loved the show" / "it was legendary" / "you're the love of my life"). and that just sucks like it sucks so hard
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nativehueofresolution · 2 months
poll time! stewy is most often portrayed as an only child in fics, but i'm curious to see how widespread that hc is. the appeal of the only child hc seems to be making him more of a foil to kendall/the other roys, who are eternally caught up in their sibling war. but of course, in the sibling show, the other side also has stuff to offer to.
i've also noticed a smaller trend of fics showing stewy being raised as an only child, but technically having siblings that he didn't grow up with for whatever reason - age gaps, half siblings, family estrangement, or death of a sibling are some of examples i've seen.
so, time to share, and please feel free to add your thoughts/headcanons in the tags and replies:
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avnasace · 9 months
im thinking back to Q and the train incident, what if dazai can nullify parts of brams ability himself but not all of it? dazai had to touch Qs doll to remove the mind control completely, however he snapped atsushi out of it with words, but atsushis appearance stayed the same until dazai touched the doll and nullified it
me thinks perhaps he can give chuuya back control but cant remove the vampirism entirely until he touches the sword/the sword is pulled out
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ilynpilled · 1 year
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A Storm of Swords - Arya I
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A Storm of Swords - Jaime II
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A Storm of Swords - Arya V
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A Storm of Swords - Jaime III
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akkivee · 7 months
once again thinking about my ideal 3rd drb match up and how it’d stack up with plot beats and so far all i got is
🔴💥⚪️: true hypnosis mic opponents, maybe jakurai ends up on a side for further development to save yotsutsuji and that’s against ichiro’s current goal
🔵💥🟠: haven’t quite figured out why, but rei vs samatoki is the angle i’m thinking about
🟡💥🟣: all plot stakes division vs no stakes division lol idk really but i’m leaning towards a bonds angle or if hypmic wants to be real freaky, the side effects angle 🤔
#this is vee speaking#i still think a new format could happen but idk lol there’s so many unknowns rn#like what’s next specifically lmao#i personally feel it would be a waste not to have jakurai working to finalise development for this potential other true hypnosis mic lol#like they teased him joining chuuoku but then didn’t commit?????? huh??????#what about his struggle with causing more harm vs saving that one?????? like come on now??#so here’s me trying to put him back on that track lol#why not sasara vs samatoki you might ask lol and my answer is that’s the poster fight but the real fight is between rei and samatoki lol#samatoki was weirdly interested in rei watching bb vs dh and there’s a panel in showdown battle where samatoki looks……#he’s very hard to read actually while listening to ichiro#samatoki and rei are paralleling in the block party as individuals moved by ichiro’s ideals#so while i’m not sure if ichiro would be the reason to fight (🎋hahahaha🎋) i think there’s potential for strife#*sighs at bat* why doesn’t kr want to do anything with y’all lmao#if they went the side effects angle it’d be cool to have ramuda the guy whose clones die using the true hypnosis mic#vs kuukou who might be suffering from side effects (and against the guy that caused them tho he’s forgiven ramuda lol)#jyushi’s hypnosis ability to ‘recover’ is genuinely interesting because what is he recovering???? and why haven’t we seen it yet?????#maybe they’re lying in wait lol (delusional)#bonds angle is me grasping at straws lol but here’s how i can get my ideal match ups—
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underrated how laios finds shuros inability to communicate in a manner comprehensible to other human beings kind of exhausting and annoying
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strawberrytalia · 7 months
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“I once said you haven’t the eyes of a killer. They’ve changed…as you have. You can never go back. Nor can I.”
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