#it reeks of cultural christianity
papirouge · 1 year
there's something sooooo annoying with C.S Lewis / Tolkien simp Christians I-
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ah yes, witchcraft glorifying show "Christian" enjoyer surely has something relevant to say about "psychotic fundies".....
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I'm sure Joel Osteen "Christian" supporters think the same, bestie. Actually, if a non believer can agree with you about your CHRISTIAN beliefs, there's something fundammentally wrong in your theology.
Friendly reminder that Jesus got crucified on a cross precisely because his message was incompatible with the Spirit of the world. So elevating getting heathens agreeing and "nodding" along with you as some sort of achievement for Christians is nothing short of a heresy.
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Hindutva literally means being Hindu or Hindu-ness.
How tf is that a negative thing?
We Hindus are proud of our heritage, culture, religious history and scholarly achievements.
How is that an evil thing?
We are decolonising and reclaiming the religious sites which were stolen from us. We are rebuilding those sites with our own money and celebrating their restoration.
How is that hurting anyone? How is that wrong?
Hindus have always believed in the sentiment of live and let live, of living together as one family (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam). We have welcomed into our fold many different communities and peoples, like the Parsis (Zoroastrians) when they were persecuted and forced to leave their homeland Persia, the Jews (Bene Israelis, Baghdadis, Cochin Jews, Bnei Menashe, Bene Ephraims, etc.), the Tibetans when they were persecuted and their homeland stolen by China, even the Christians and Muslims from different parts of the world when they came to trade here. We have cohabited peacefully with people of other faiths, like Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains, who are so close to us that we intermarry frequently and don't even consider it an interfaith relationship.
Hindus, for the most part, are inherently welcoming people, open and accepting of others as long as they don't try to stifle us or impose their religious beliefs on us. We believe in being nonviolent as long as we aren't pushed into a corner, as long as we're given space to practice our religion, as long as we're not forced to bend so much that we break.
If the Hindus are attacked, if attempts are made to erase or subjugate our religion, then obviously we'll respond in kind. It's the simple concept of self defence.
In the end, I shouldn't even need to state this overtly, but obviously there are bad apples in every cart, and people from every community commit wrongs. But it doesn't define a community. We condemn such wrong acts and will continue to do so. But calling all Hindus or Hindutva itself evil because of a few bad apples is not only illogical, it reeks of prejudice and preconceived hatred. That's when it becomes Hinduphobia.
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graytheory · 1 year
Faith and religion are not incompatible with feminism.
Atheists, I need you to stop acting like you are superior to people with faith.
Atheist feminists? I need you to stop speaking over people of faith who are feminist. You need to stop saying things like "all modern religion is incompatible with feminism".
It honestly reeks of cultural Christianity and being an ex-Christian atheist, that you think all religions are like the one you left, and that all religions are static and misogynistic.
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dreamsbeyondsleep · 1 year
Not reblogging it but it’s so funny how liberal Catholics/non-Evangelicals will smuggle their theological objections to Protestantism and other interdenominational beef while complaining about racism and antisemitism. And people of other religions will just eat it up
Because what the fuck is this lmao
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the response to this:
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and then you have:
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with takes like:
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which gets labels like this:
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like, why would you think that these hitpieces on Evangelicals (while deserved) are even like, accurate? Why do you think this slapfight in the Christian fandom is doing anything to combat antisemitism.
This all reeks of people trying to distance their own special liberalized brand of Christianity from Evangelicals but still naϊvely thinking along the same conservative lines.
It’s actually kinda sad how uncritical you become when you practice religion in a liberal bubble. Just, zero awareness of how statements about the necessity of cultural identity and ritual can be weaponized and ironically a heaping amount of chauvinism.
more fun additions from the notes of this post:
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white self flagellation 🤢🤢🤢
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teeth-cable · 11 months
Heres an issue I've been thinking on that I don't see anyone talking about in them critical space. I wrote a long ass ask to another blog about how Vivziepop sucks at portraying ethnic groups but its was and since your on the topic of Vivziepop FUCKING up basic religions I want to send something more organized and specific. I have an issue as an ethnically Jewish person with Rosie.
I will preface this by stating I am disconnected with my culture but I am trying to reconnect and I am not practicing. I actually would welcome people more connected than me or practitioners to add to this or correct me.
So we know Rosie is supposed to resemble a Jewish mother... I feel gross with that phrasing because there's a lot. Like again I'm disconnected but why did Vivziepop have to specify Jewish Mother? Like this almost feels like a stereotype and the best faith things I could guess is Vivziepop just thinks jews are a religious group or is just ignorant in general. The thing about our religion is that it's mostly closed... Like typically as far as I'm aware you can only practice if you are ethnically Jewish. So she wrote this in an official document highlighting a character specifically being jewish in a way that feels gross.
Another thing is you literally can't have a setting set in hell with Jewish characters because Hell doesn't exist in the Torah (the holy book) like all that stuff that Jesus said contradicts what was already written which is why Jews don't worship or see Jesus as the Messiah. I'm unsure if he is viewed as a prophet or not. I know in Islam he is seen that way.
I forget the name of the afterlife but basically when bad people die they only suffer for a year and everyone goes to the same place.
Also Rosie possibly being Jewish makes no logical sense because to be Jewish your mom has to be and her mother before her. It's a matriarchal aspect though there are a few places that accept patriarchal descent that is a recent thing. Rosie is Hellborn last I checked and sinners can't reproduce with Hellborns so.... How the fuck is she Jewish?
Then her being a cannibal is very off-putting because a lot of people who barely know anything about Judaism know that Jews usually have a specific diet practice. Now not everyone knows the name of it but it's called Kosher. And yes not everyone practices it is still widely known we aren't supposed to like eat stuff that comes from pigs. It's a bit fucked that the only Jewish character is a cannibal... That probably is connected to some anti semitic stereotype somewhere that I'm unaware of since there's a fuck ton.
Also Vivziepop wants an ethinically accurate cast but instead of specifically asking for a jewish actress she mentioned someone who sounds like a jewish mother... What does that even mean?
Like unlike the goblins from the series that must not be named, this reeks of ignorance instead of malice. Especially, since we know Vivziepop absolutely refuses to do research for her shows that require literally more than a 10 minute google search.
Like you can't fully separate an ethnically Jewish character from the religion itself unlike uh a character from Spain can be separated from Christianity. Like our blood and religion are deeply tied together especially as we are being prosecuted throughout history and still managing to survive it all because of it.
Like if you absolutely want a jewish character in Hazbin your gonna need a sensitivity reader and have to make them a sinner.
The character I see get talk about most about antisemitism in Hazbin Hotel is Mimzy and Rosie is just an "Ah-Ha!" moment for critics because her leak bio directly confirmed it. While there can a discussion if Mimzy can technically count as an Jewish stereotype because we don't know if she's Jewish or not, I found Rosie to be more egregious because Viv used the line, "Rosie has a strong presence and confident energy as a Jewish mother." First what is that even supposed to mean? And second by this description Viv see Rosie as a Jewish character and will code her as such.
I think the critics forget Rosie will be a recurring side character in the show which is why we haven't seen many discussions yet about what it means for Rosie's character to be Jewish coded.
I will said Viv's ignorance is getting to a point of malice to me since she very aware of the criticism she gets for characters like Velvette and Alastor and her not doing research and purposely spreading misinformation because of it is icky. Like this woman has to know eventually she can't just keep making up information of POC groups and religions out of nowhere and has to hire someone from those groups to help her. If Viv really did care about researching about these group for good rep she would have consulted with them first. If Viv hired a Jewish person to help her write Rosie, she would have learned about the problems you addressed with Rosie being a Hellborn who is jewish and the weird implications she added like making the only Jewish character into a cannibal. Viv has claimed Hell is supposed to take inspiration from different religions and cultures but that's just not true because Viv's hell is clearly christian inspired with a hint of demonology elements.
I'm unsure how she would even make the idea work in the first place if Christianity's hell is supposed to be the main setting in Hazbin Hotel and Helluva because different religions have different rules and interpretations of Hell, Heaven, and the characters, heck some religions don't even have Heaven and Hell like what we discuss here.
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(This is a reply to this post) @savagepassion well, I’m Christian and was raised in a Christian community and church. Where I live, Christianity is open—it’s not a closed practice. I know that many sects of Christianity want to convert more people to the practice. I don’t know the exact religious practices of all the creators and writers for HH and HB, but I believe a creator has gone on record as saying that Hh and HB are how she has explored her religious trauma (could be wrong, will have to see if I can confirm that). (Reply continues below)
This means they’re making a story reflecting on their own culture and religion. Doing so doesn’t mean that people can’t criticize them for this and it doesn’t mean that other people from that culture can’t also be frustrated with this and criticize the portrayal of their religion.
My main issue isn’t with a religion being depicted in a way that deviates from that religions’ canon—mainly I don’t think it’s good for someone outside of a religion (ESPECIALLY a closed practice) or culture to use whatever they want from that culture without taking the time to understand the significance or importance whatever they are taking has.
I will agree that this could also apply to Christianity, but specifically in places where it is a minority practice and culture. In a place or another culture where Christianity is demonized and Christians are or have been persecuted and have to practice privately or close their practice, then yeah. That could be dangerous.
But I’m from the US where Christianity is the vast majority and is open to all. Again I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure the majority of the HH creative team are from the US, so there’s a good chance they also grew up in Christianity and are depicting their own culture. I don’t personally have an issue with aspects of Christianity being discussed and explored and fictionalized b/c my religion is open, and where I’m from it’s the dominant religion, to the point where very few people actually dare to criticize it in some cases.
If a practitioner of Voudou or someone from within the various cultures that come from Voudou wanted to make a series or media about their own culture, that would be different. They would probably also get criticism from within their community for doing so, and that’s fair too. But that is a conversation for the members of /that/culture to have.
You can absolutely criticize Hazbin Hotel for using Christian mythology (and Im /not/ using the word “mythology” as an insult or to insinuate that Christianity is made up—pretty much all religions have mythos—it’s just the word used to describe the stories that make up the history of a religion—whether or not you believe in that mythology as being factual or fiction is up to you). That’s a normal thing to do, and if you’re Christian and are frustrated or upset by the way your religion is being portrayed those feelings are valid, and you are allowed to talk about it.
Regardless of all of that, I think there is a PROFOUND difference in someone taking parts of a minority closed culture and religious practice that has been previously maligned, demonized, and racially discriminated against, for their own uses, and someone examining and criticizing the majority beliefs and opinions of their own culture and religion.
Also this is as surface level as I could get with this reply, there’s a lot more to go into specifically about the racism (general and institutional/systematic) that is a part of this, as well as the MAIN thing that bothers me—black people, and black practitioners of Voudou who are a part of the minority culture in this case have been speaking out about their culture being used inappropriately, and have been largely ignored or shouted down by fans of Hazbin. Apparently the creator has also been blocking them as well?
The whole thing really reeks of cultural appropriation and racism, regardless of if that was ever the intent or not. It’s just been handled really poorly by the creative team and the fandom and I genuinely don’t understand it.
Final note—it’s very frustrating to hear “what about (X tangentially related thing)????” when talking about these issues. My original post wasn’t talking about Christianity, and “but what about Christianity?” doesn’t need to be a part of this conversation. Bringing it up and talking about it definitely diverted some attention away from my initial point on my original post.
But. I genuinely love talking about religion and religious studies—I minored in religious studies and think religion and spirituality can be a beautiful thing—and the ways religion impacts and intertwines with human culture is very interesting.
So I mean. Nah.
But also yah, because the world is huge and complex and what applies to one place does not necessarily apply to the whole world and nothing is ever in a vacuum.
But also. Like. Nah.
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Lily literally can not stop writing fascist propaganda and its crazy how much it goes over her head that that's what she's doing.
In her newest 'wholesome' rey/aliana family outing fic, she has aliana tell a security officer that another officer will have his entire arm chopped off because he bruised someone, and also have her say that the sith are going to set up a temple in the middle of the city to 'teach the planet the new culture they're now under'.
Like idk how she can write this stuff and not see how fascist it is. It seems that just because she frames it as Karen moment of some lady not wanting aliana to speak a foreign language, that the proper response is to then just force sith culture on all the people on the planet. Which despite her hate of Christianity is exactly how Christians pushed their culture/religion on everyone. And that the proper response to a bad officer (who didn't even seriously injure anyone) is to permanently maim them instead of just fire them.
It's supposed to be as Lily says the ultimate 'get me your manager' moment, but aliana doesn't just show up the woman, embarrassing her. She literally decides to indoctrinate the entire planet to sith culture and make it clear she can and is fine with cutting off limbs of people that displease her. Aliana is threatening this woman, who sure was a jerk, but that in no way should be handled by clearly threatening violence and deciding to, on a whim to culturally genocide an an entire planet just because one lady told you to speak a different language in a rude manner.
How is lily so dense to not realize she writes aliana and the empire as just as evil as the og empire and kylo Ren? Like this is stuff a non changed kylo would do. But I guess it's fine when a character lily is attracted to does it.
D-did she just write colonialism?
Like, it reeks of the same line of thinking that led to the residential school system.
This is just so horribly racist and xenophobic! My god!
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your take about puritanism reeks of 'proshipper,' just though id let you know. you dont have to be a puritan to call something like idk captive prince for example (which contains child molestation and a child sex slave) problematic. do you rlly not see how that could be? your take is so clearly christian-centric and wouldn't exist in other cultures as much as you probably think it would.
This is exactly the kind of black and white thinking this post warns about; angry lashing out without properly comprehending what was posted.
In what way did I automatically absolve every single book ever of all guilt in that post? I didn’t. In no way did I say “no book is problematic ever.”
Not to mention that the whole point of the post was that a lot of people are hiding Christian ideals (i.e. puritanism. Puritanism is a religion in the U.S. if you didn’t know, not just some random buzzword) behind social justice, and are using it to condemn things such as early lgbt+ representation. It is a U.S. issue that I was talking about, so I’m sorry that you need that stated explicitly.
I don’t know what a proshipper is, and I’ve never read the Cruel Prince, but your lack of reading comprehension and your willingness to take the time out of your day to yell at strangers is scary. How old are you anyway? Adults don’t act like this, and if you’re not an adult, you shouldn’t be sending messages to adults you don’t know on the Internet.
Wishing you the best.
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cto10121 · 4 months
Twilight Clown Takes Special Edition - Stupid Romance Novel Focuses On Stupid Romance!1!!1
Another video whining about how great the Twilight lore is and how ~awful the romance is, and how to ~fix it. Well, I do know what needs to be fixed—clowns not understanding what romance is. And thus we feast, on nom nom nom
Bella Hate Dumb Round ♾️
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I did not read thousands of pages of four books to be told this character, whom I know now like the back of my hand, has no personality. In fact—fuck it, homegirl has too much!!!! Plus a full on character arc from low self-worth and poverty to wealth and empowerment!!! Give me literally any situation and I could tell you, 100%, how Bella would react to it.
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Clown OP: Bella is so selfish and narcissistic!!1!!1
Bella: *relieved that James tricked her and she is going to die instead of her mother* 😮‍💨
Also, Bella not wanting to live without Edward and doing reckless shit…is because she is in love with him. It’s literally passion. As soon as Edward comes back 99% of her reckless behaviors disappear. And of course she is not stupid enough to pick fights with actual vampires!!!
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“I hate X about Twilight!!!1!!! I only saw the movies!!!” Not again…I’m not strong enough…
But the Lore!!! The Lore!!!!
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If the upcoming show does this, that is the day it will be dead to me and pretty much all thinking audiences. There is literally no other plot in Twilight but the romance plot, and if you take that away and replace it with yet another vampire lore shit, then what is the difference between Twilight and, say, Vampire Diaries? Nothing, which would suck because VD was godawful trash (the books at least, but from what I’ve heard of the show…😒)
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These clowns never realize that in many ways Bella and Edward’s relationship go against the religious paradigm as well and subvert typical gender roles and behaviors (the girl wanting sex, the boy wanting to abstain, the girl not wanting marriage, the boy wanting marriage).
Actually, had Meyer decided to go full-on lore and ditched the romance entirely that would have been more in line with her religion. Christianity of all kinds is savagely anti-sex and eroticism and adores magic, fantasy, and made-up histories. That is what it is made of, after all.
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Oh, Clown OP. You just opened a big can of worms that is my detestation for how the utterly creepy purity culture shitshow that was the Buffy/Angel saga went down.
As far as I remember, Buffy/Angel started out okay, if not particularly inspiring—just your typical teen drama romance. But then Angel loses his soul after sleeping with Buffy and become evil. Because of course sex is dirty and nasty and evil, and if you sleep with someone you and/or your partner ~lose your morality and become depraved.
Now that subplot reeked of toxic purity culture and I will always hate, hate, hate Whedon for doing that bullshit. To this very day, I get so angry at this stupid plotline—they literally could have done anything else to separate the two and they chose this! Awful.
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“I hate X about Twilight!!!1!!! I only saw the movies!!!” Reprise (Scherzo, petulante)
(As for the hybrid thing, technically Jacob is a hybrid as well. He and Renesmee both have supernatural and human characteristics! Definitely not bad in terms of a basis for a future relationship. But once again, the imprinting mechanism is biological.)
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Jasper already turned his back to his violent (vampire) past and deserted the (vampire) war. That was his redemption arc—choosing peace over war. We don’t know his feelings towards his time as a Confederate, but given the parallels the narrative between the human war and the vampiric one—as well as the neutral and distant way he spoke of it—that his Confederate past is nothing he holds dear. Jasper out of all the Cullens is the most vampiric, so it makes little sense for him to still be the proud Confederate or remember his human life well.
Also. Breaking Dawn literally had Brazilian, Spanish, Russian, English, Irish, Romanian, and Middle Eastern vampires—on top of our American vampires, our Italian-Greek vampire royal family, and our Native American werewolves. Oh, and indigenous Latin American hybrids. You clearly have not read the books, Clown OP.
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There are no other storylines. Alice’s story was over the moment James was killed. Rosalie already got revenge on her rapists. The Volturi are power-hungry opportunists, but they don’t act without provocation. James and Victoria and Laurent are random nomads. What other storyline, OP???
To Conclude, Once Again
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Thank you.
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papirouge · 2 years
Theres a man from America that made a movie called What is a Woman and I saw a clip of him interviewing men from the Maasai tribe girl I-- 😭 if i had 1 euro for everytime i saw a typical white liberal tra swear up and down at how white colonialism is the reason there are only 2 genders and not because brown and black ppl have common sense, I'd kick the queen of england out of her home after I buy it. Those men straight up laughed when asked if a man could be a woman. They call it a sickness in the home and in the person 😂😂
lmao Yeah it reeks from the ol'good savage trope : "these brown people had no awareness of sexes before the evul White colonizers came in🤪" hm idk, Africans knew exactly what sex had to go to war, stay at home to rise to children, or get their sexual organs shut down 💀
Trans ideology is the actual cultural white colonialism lol
LMAO at them laughing when being asked is men could become women. "a sickness in the home and in the person"💀💀 LMAOOOO they are *this* close of calling the witch doctor to chase away this bad spirit 😭😭 (although as a Christian I totally believe gender disphoria is demon induced)
Africans keep being #based 💯 TRA have no chance to make their delusion acceptable to Africans😎 They probably acknowledge it as the "White man's dementia" as they do with homosexuality being so widespread in the West🤐
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hylianengineer · 2 years
I love Discovery, I really do, but I really really hate that speech Michael gave at the very end of season 4.
She talked about new planets joining the federation and all the others out there seeking understanding and connection. And I just... ew. This positively reeks of cultural imperialism. You think you're the only source of understanding?
Can we please stop acting like joining the Federation is the only valid path for a spacefaring civilization? Can we please stop trying to bring our knowledge and understanding of the universe to other cultures without seeking to accept theirs as well? It reminds me of how European colonial powers - heck modern Western powers as well - come into less powerful countries and try to remake them into little copies of themselves. It reminds me of Christian mercenaries and the way they believe that everyone must worship their god, not any other. The god of Star Trek is the Federation itself, and the ideals which support it. But like actual gods, this ideology is not the only one which is correct - we may assume there are countless others which are all equally respectable. And I feel like sometimes Star Trek believes that in name only. They don't force their way of life on people overtly, but why, says the Federation, wouldn't anyone want to adopt it? There's an implication that the Federation knows better than anybody else, so of course they should join them and play by their rules. Isn't it obvious their way is correct? They're trying so hard to respect other cultures and if they just do it hard enough, they'll all want to be like them.
We talk about this fandom's legacy of cultural imperialism quite a bit, and I am not pleased to see a new show repeating it. But I also don't believe for a second this is the kind of message Discovery's writers were trying to send. Because the message they intended is writ large across the entirety of this show - and that message is hope and human connection in the face of division; it is mutual respect and communication; it is a message wholy incompatible with the implications of this speech.
It just shows how deeply these harmful ideas have been embedded in our culture, that we can perpetuate them without realizing it. So let's learn from it and do better next time.
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abla-soso · 2 years
I would have been able to tolerate the Jedi apologists if their arguments against any criticism of the Jedi's actions/beliefs or how they're written wasn't so reeked with deluded, smug superiority.
"Hmgh! You just hate/can't understand the Jedi because you're an ignorant, closes-minded Westerner or heavily influenced by ignorant, close-minded Westerner culture.
Allow me to condescendingly explain to you - oh you poor clueless Jedi hater - the radically different and all too new ~Eastern concepts~ that you totally don't already know about or totally already don't appreciate or live by, such as:
Selfishness and greed is bad! Toxic attachments are bad! Not being able to let go and accept the uncontrollable is bad! Selfless devotion to the common good is good! Emotional discipline is good! Mindfulness is good!
Clearly these are pearls of wisdom that no Westerner thinker valued or advocated for before the genius of SW!"
Do I really need to explain how there is NOTHING profound or new about GL's ideas on morality and philosophy? Nothing that any decent Westerner with common sense - any person, not just ~thinkers~ - didn't already know and internalised through their Christianinty-influenced culture? Do I really need explain how GL's writing and beliefs are FAR more influenced by Christianity than any Eastern philosophy or religion?
I might... but I need to practice being as obnoxiously condescendingly as the Jedi apologists first, just to give them a taste of their own medicine 💁‍♀️
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lingeringscars · 2 months
⭐ as is tradition
Akilah- gigi because I think I could put her in yj if I think about it and there is something about her quickly viewing violence as a means to an end vs akilah not even picking up a weapon, ryan. i still don't know how we'll do that without creating a whole sep verse just for them or akilah lives au but yeah <3, leoni. oh you know nothing about this but YEAH THEM. she's actually described as walking sunshine but also has contributed to destruction. she's devoted her life to helping other people because she was saved from death + as a result someone died to help her. as for yj chars, I feel like we don't talk about shauna as much. and then gen.
Travis- if i don't say shauna here who even am i? can't explain this one as well but my gut does say percy too. or maybe i just miss him. I do think harper and travis would be really interesting because she has that directness and kindness where she'd be like dude wtf at his outbursts while also extending empathy to him bc she's been there re taking shit out on other people esp after dads dying. she would also initially want to help look for javi but would taper off as more time went by and it became unlikely he was still alive rip. tyler. that same teenage boy anger at the world, shitty fathers, not able to regulate emotions well and reactionary because of that. ryan. feeling responsible for siblings deaths. he's really good at just adapting to whatever needs you have so if you wanna talk or sit and drink or explode he got u travis. miller. being part of the in group to survive.
Melissa- shauna and van because there is so little and we can go wild thinking about it. her and spencer would have played a sport together or like if we stick with rival team, would have met against each other across multiple sports growing up. melissa would you have tried field hockey at some point. also harper. they can be snarky together. then ofc mari and gen. akilah vc: duh.
Allie- layla is my gut reaction because of how they were supposed to be somewhere that turned disastrous (the plane crash, her mom's car crash). i think allie would get completely on her nerves though and would Try to be understanding because it is a vicarious trauma while also like oh my god i can't stand you. christian would be like oh my god you weren't on the fucking plane. sorry allie. lydia. i'm not really sure with this one i was just thinking about them being tertiary to some stuff but still affected by it.
Van- finch or hope m if just because I am thinking about landon and van being friends. i just think while you were streaming would be such an important place for spencer but also going to the movies and parents that don't notice you weren't home. maddie because needing to be the one that takes on that caretaker role and isn't taken care of when they need it, running, etc. thinking about van & rachel having different arcs almost. them both going through something traumatic that results in a disability but while van becomes harder and deflects with humor, rachel leans more into humor and becomes lighter and freer. gen & shauna. harper + mothers that don't really notice you're gone. she wouldn't understand most of the pop culture references and would ask. like mari. love u van sorry about that. emma duval. reclaiming identities, disdain for modern technology after All That, almost dying 432 times. lucy and van should hook up.
Jessica- christian/adrian/sonya. i can see her having connections to their powerful families, basically. being hired to manage things by christian's extended family, covering up adrian's escapades, sonya's fall. idk! same with tyler. his dad was mayor so. you sent a meme for melinda but yeah her & may. doing what needs to get done, i can see her getting mixed up with shield stuff too. michael bishop because this reeks of nikita. lmao spencer. her loose connection to the team so trying to talk to her like those at the beginning of the pilot but like. she's been through shit of her own because of A so she's not gonna talk about that or the yj team but also that being a whole other thing.
Hayden- kaley. idk they could meet at college or something. striving for independence. christian. moving after traumatic events, family member (sister, aunt) that means everything to you and helped raise you. JAYMEE. they could have worked together but also they just have a lot in common. i have zero thoughts about lydia/hayden in yj but like why not. all <3 gen, shauna, van, nat, mari. jenna. jenna studying psychology and hayden for social work.
Callie- hey cal wanna meet your mom's friends? kaley, ryan. just want her to have friends. also they would listen to her talk if she ever wanted to do that. christian. family secrets are the hardest kind are they not? sally because closeted lesbians who sometimes do the wrong thing because they're just trying to cope with their families. thea because navigating Life. Mariana also understands going through it because of family drama. don't know how to explain it but lydia and callie + the way they interact with their moms. oh also emma duval and the way your mom's life comes for you personally (sorry maggie ily).
@itchose sent ⭐for potential dynamic combinations / always accepting
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scentedchildnacho · 8 months
Creepy niggers of confederates wouldn't stop scare ing the line at st andrews by the sea so the food was not so good.....uhm I've been a christian my whole life and that is the security....i have strange abilities and desires for home food rations and it doesn't bother me much if they do an old farm wives trick on me......the men wont stop stealing my plates and helpings with large lines from concerts so that will hurt people not use to austerity......
They kept doing that creepy clowny joker stuff very muscle and intense and hyper active so if people won't calm down that will hurt....
So in need the scary creepy darkest nigger while he can speed bike like a pro and all muscled up....it's a nigger rapist and it steals its preys stuff to easier rape and kill me
They are kluvys and they go to creepy aa meetings there with scary euthanasia...symbols on themselves and the prostitutes are scary like she looks like ass but she is actually Muslim....
And she will kick you in the face if you don't learn no one wants to publicly strip
Then all night they were around everything I do....if I try to sleep there it wants to drink and smoke there and act glib mind if I smoke I'm a years long homeless lady with a heart condition people like you look like a burning apartment I can't get the door open of and I die of soot.....before feeling the sun burn but you can you can smoke harass kill steal from the poorest people round here is The Law and The Law of development has never cared about anyone's culture don't worry nobody thinks I actually exist....and people aren't killing you for suicide bombing awful disgusting reeking man...
People like me are known for calling smokes creepy bergan belsens at times a prior populace could have been relieved they dump even worse sicker stupider and more incapable of acclimation onto us...
Their creepy niggers of camps thats all I've seen the drug lord to be they will want all my stuff thinking it's prestige not passification and an over bearing mother and then he will let the old...... women etc beat it up when it's a man......
That appears the coincidental that creepy gold bike nigger kept threatening to hit me so he had to go watch my sleeping spot ....
I dont know who the drug lord is that does it to them but they are emigration and they are technology and they have lots of banking strategy to avoid the latin condition and that's they wouldn't stop living off a school till they can die like what they bitched
Gold bike nigger.....coming of age in mississippi people that uninhibited about hitting me raped and tried to murder it's family and it's wife sends it to whites to die of not getting it's special victim civil class action privilege ..
No I want them all to stalk around and steal off me.....i could get targeted for police raids and they just show up doing disgusting rapist nigger stuff and trying to hurt themselves so they can go be an organ donor ...
It can't control how it rides it's bike I'm not going to do anything about it it's satanic and will kill itself accidentally....no that is not a normal black issue that is a camp nigger it's a cannibal maybe serial rapist...its a serial killer.....nigger use to be said as a term for spying confederates they leave their bugs around as a message to victims like Nazis
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the-lunar-warrior · 9 months
With the Islam post, the point people are talking about is the Christian ideology of bad people(very broad definition on bad) go to a land of punishment, and instilling fear is a Christian cultural thing. We don’t do that here. It’s like taking the Greek underworld and Hades, and comparing that to hell and Satan, that’s not the same at all. The Islamophobia and antisemitism reeks in that post
i mean...okay?
from the way you worded it i assume you're muslim, and if so, glad you don't use Jahannam (ngl had to look that up) to scare children! if youre not, and your religion/culture just doesnt have the concept of concept of Scary Afterlife For Bad People, good for you man /gen
as i said in the tags, i remember rebloging that post when it was op and the first reblogger, and i agreed with what it said — or at least what i thought it said, bc im gonna be honest, re-reading it in a screenshot i realised it says antitheist, where ive definitely read atheist. but im gonna use the defense of being dyslexic on that one
and when i read it as atheist i assumed it must have been about the one religion i know has the concept of hell and uses it to scare kids — christianity. bc yknow. im catholic
and i say "i am" bc i think no matter my beliefs, be it atheist or if i converted to something, i will always be culturally catholic. i grew up in a 92% roman catholic country. my parents are both atheists. i still soaked up the religion enough that i have persistent intrusive thoughts about being a bad person. as much as id like not to, i think i will always be Some Level Of Catholic
as for rest of my tags, even if not with religion, i think a lot of places have fairytells and parabels that might scare children in some way to convey a moral message/caution about dangers of the world? obviously it's not to the level christianity does with hell but im pretty sure most cultures have classic tales that can be summed up to "dont go into the wilderness alone", " listen to your parents" or the absolute banger of "dont litter" (for example, my fave pre-christian slavic deity/folklore figure, leszy, a guardian of the forest who was mostly ambivalent to humans, but would get cross with you if you disrespected the forest)
and maybe thats eurocentric but... i am european? i do not come pre-built with knowlegde of other cultures, and while i do what i can to learn and be respectful when met with ones foreign to me, im not an anthropologist nor any other scholar? and i think on my own blog, i dont have to be? this is my blog, and i think its kinda normal to speak of my own experience
and just for complete clarity, i only saw op reblogging with the islam wiki link in the screenshot, and if that version of the post crossed my dash, i think id be reconsidering who i follow lol
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nebris · 10 months
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Lughnasadh, Lughnasa or Lúnasa (/ˈluːnəsə/ LOO-nə-sə, Irish: [ˈl̪ˠuːnˠəsˠə]) is an Gaelic festival marking the beginning of the harvest season, and an official holiday in Ireland. Historically, it was widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. In Modern Irish it is called Lúnasa, in Scottish Gaelic: Lùnastal, and in Manx: Luanistyn. Traditionally it is held on 1 August, or about halfway between the summer solstice and autumn equinox. In recent centuries some of the celebrations have been shifted to the Sunday nearest this date.
Lughnasadh is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals, along with Samhain, Imbolc and Beltane. It corresponds to other European harvest festivals such as the Welsh Gŵyl Awst and the English Lammas. Lughnasadh is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature and has pagan origins. The festival itself is named after the god Lugh.
It inspired great gatherings that included religious ceremonies, ritual athletic contests (most notably the Tailteann Games), feasting, matchmaking, and trading. Lughnasadh occurred during a very poor time of the year for the farming community when the old crops were done and the new ones not yet ready for harvest.[1] Traditionally there were also visits to holy wells. According to folklorist Máire MacNeill, evidence shows that the religious rites included an offering of the First Fruits, a feast of the new food and of bilberries, the sacrifice of a bull, and a ritual dance-play in which Lugh seizes the harvest for mankind and defeats the powers of blight. Many of the activities would have taken place on top of hills and mountains.
Lughnasadh customs persisted widely until the 20th century, with the event being variously named 'Garland Sunday', 'Bilberry Sunday', 'Mountain Sunday' and 'Crom Dubh Sunday'. The custom of climbing hills and mountains at Lughnasadh has survived in some areas, although it has been re-cast as a Christian pilgrimage. The best known is the 'Reek Sunday' pilgrimage to the top of Croagh Patrick on the last Sunday in July. A number of fairs are also believed to be survivals of Lughnasadh, for example, the Puck Fair.
Since the late 20th century, Celtic neopagans have observed Lughnasadh, or something based on it, as a religious holiday. In some places, elements of the festival have been revived as a cultural event.
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