#and the creators are not listening to me members of that religion
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(This is a reply to this post) @savagepassion well, I’m Christian and was raised in a Christian community and church. Where I live, Christianity is open—it’s not a closed practice. I know that many sects of Christianity want to convert more people to the practice. I don’t know the exact religious practices of all the creators and writers for HH and HB, but I believe a creator has gone on record as saying that Hh and HB are how she has explored her religious trauma (could be wrong, will have to see if I can confirm that). (Reply continues below)
This means they’re making a story reflecting on their own culture and religion. Doing so doesn’t mean that people can’t criticize them for this and it doesn’t mean that other people from that culture can’t also be frustrated with this and criticize the portrayal of their religion.
My main issue isn’t with a religion being depicted in a way that deviates from that religions’ canon—mainly I don’t think it’s good for someone outside of a religion (ESPECIALLY a closed practice) or culture to use whatever they want from that culture without taking the time to understand the significance or importance whatever they are taking has.
I will agree that this could also apply to Christianity, but specifically in places where it is a minority practice and culture. In a place or another culture where Christianity is demonized and Christians are or have been persecuted and have to practice privately or close their practice, then yeah. That could be dangerous.
But I’m from the US where Christianity is the vast majority and is open to all. Again I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure the majority of the HH creative team are from the US, so there’s a good chance they also grew up in Christianity and are depicting their own culture. I don’t personally have an issue with aspects of Christianity being discussed and explored and fictionalized b/c my religion is open, and where I’m from it’s the dominant religion, to the point where very few people actually dare to criticize it in some cases.
If a practitioner of Voudou or someone from within the various cultures that come from Voudou wanted to make a series or media about their own culture, that would be different. They would probably also get criticism from within their community for doing so, and that’s fair too. But that is a conversation for the members of /that/culture to have.
You can absolutely criticize Hazbin Hotel for using Christian mythology (and Im /not/ using the word “mythology” as an insult or to insinuate that Christianity is made up—pretty much all religions have mythos—it’s just the word used to describe the stories that make up the history of a religion—whether or not you believe in that mythology as being factual or fiction is up to you). That’s a normal thing to do, and if you’re Christian and are frustrated or upset by the way your religion is being portrayed those feelings are valid, and you are allowed to talk about it.
Regardless of all of that, I think there is a PROFOUND difference in someone taking parts of a minority closed culture and religious practice that has been previously maligned, demonized, and racially discriminated against, for their own uses, and someone examining and criticizing the majority beliefs and opinions of their own culture and religion.
Also this is as surface level as I could get with this reply, there’s a lot more to go into specifically about the racism (general and institutional/systematic) that is a part of this, as well as the MAIN thing that bothers me—black people, and black practitioners of Voudou who are a part of the minority culture in this case have been speaking out about their culture being used inappropriately, and have been largely ignored or shouted down by fans of Hazbin. Apparently the creator has also been blocking them as well?
The whole thing really reeks of cultural appropriation and racism, regardless of if that was ever the intent or not. It’s just been handled really poorly by the creative team and the fandom and I genuinely don’t understand it.
Final note—it’s very frustrating to hear “what about (X tangentially related thing)????” when talking about these issues. My original post wasn’t talking about Christianity, and “but what about Christianity?” doesn’t need to be a part of this conversation. Bringing it up and talking about it definitely diverted some attention away from my initial point on my original post.
But. I genuinely love talking about religion and religious studies—I minored in religious studies and think religion and spirituality can be a beautiful thing—and the ways religion impacts and intertwines with human culture is very interesting.
So I mean. Nah.
But also yah, because the world is huge and complex and what applies to one place does not necessarily apply to the whole world and nothing is ever in a vacuum.
But also. Like. Nah.
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thecoolnauta · 1 month
Idea for Sagau but instead of MC as a young adult who is love by everyone is just... A TEEN (xd)
So okay, (I'm bad at English so, I don't thinks this might be well understod but, please excuse it :'u) this actually came from me watching TOH while eating so.
Just think of it, where all Teyvat's knows about this mystic and graceful creature that is always near the Traveler and their little rare pixie. They know that a unknown creature even above their gods is traveling with the (far to nice) foreign.
They don't know how they look, they don't know how they act or even how they sound like, but they can feel them. A warm hug filled with curiosity and dearly affection.
Maybe they won't make a whole new religion for that new god, but they might pray them instead of their own Archons for very important wishes. Hoping for an instant, you'll hear them.
And even the Archons are cool with it!!! Since the Traveler came to Teyvat, everyone feels that love biting their skin in a childish way.
They imagine you like a benevolent and playful deity, a charming and elegant being that helps even with the most harmful missions, just for save them.
Just for make them smile again.
And there's you! A (probably) neurdivergent queer kid who might be not fully North American and is obsessed with fantasy and writing fanfics about your parental figures.
Yeah, you might get to intense when is about them. But hey, even Jesus doubt.
In your universe, Genshin is not, in fact, a thing. The whole freaking lore and the "gameplays" are just very detailed dreams you have every night.
You can't actually tell when it started, but it have a while so-
Yeah, you are really The Creator, huh.
Well, let me tell you something, IT'S GETTING WORSE
When your not that accepting parents decided to put you on a weird camp thing where you will be a honorable member of American society (yeah u know what I meant) a weird but cute... create stool your diary where you write your dreams.
To write a fanfic or smt idk.
And that, really weird existence with withe fluffy hair(?) and golden eyes ran into a forest that you never actually notice.
But screw that you probably change the state, you're getting back that diary.
Persecution cringy cinematic, blahblahblah and you get to a very gigante estructure more old than your last name. The fantasy and pure white practically inviting you to take a closer look.
And you do, of course (maybe was your internal desire of still being you)
You pass over it, the creature is gone, but you have your diary back. Yey :D!!
But man, this isn't the Americans, they would never take care of a forest like this.
Then you almost do the same travel of the not Abyss twin (I'm getting tired, I just want to name one of them but AHG), you walk all over the forest, see with amusement all around and WHY IT'S TOO FAMILIAR FOR THE LOVE OF MADOKAMI.
And yeah, after finding slimes and a statue of a very pretty man you realized you were in your dreams world.
oh, oh
Yep, you were in fuckin Teyvat's floor, touching Teyvat's grass and breathing Teyvat's oxygen...
AND LISTEN TO ME you just fall into Mondstadt to find a guide and a way to scape and all treats you like the Traveler but ways less useful. Just offering you food and awkward smiles by your strange kind of act.
(they just can't handle a neurdivergent kid with anger issues talking Spanish when they can't understand how the time works)
So after the fourth night sleeping on a bunch of boxes because you refuse to have any type of cold blood animal on you when you sleep, an aventure took you to the Favonius knights.
(Totally not a request, Katherine you inteligent metallic women)
So they might just seeing you like a kid who happens to be in the same spot as the Traveler, but less stronger and more but MORE curious than them.
You smeems to know everything, not just of them but their nation, asking thing that a normal foreign would never ask.
But after a while of overthinking, they just decide to let you wandering around Mondstadt, just if you don't cause any trouble.
In fact, you did, but shhhh..
Yeah, all that would ended like a weird but not problematic at all situation BUT OH NO LORD BARBAS FREE THEM BECAUSE THEY GET ATTACHED TO U MORE THAN THEY WANTED.
Found family found familying and stuff, you're totally Pog dude, never forget that.
"Oh for you, kiddo you were the creator all along!!!"
"The what?"
But you just go before they even finish to assimilate all that information bomb. And that repeats with all the nations, for the love of hippie god son
So yeah, they just re program their windows and treat u like the above mortals type and you're just confused and too neurdivergent for that shit so just "continue talking man, yeah I totally understand the fact that u see me as the god of gods, yeah sure, rad"
And yeah, that was everything, it's 3:00 and I'm very dizzy so, please don't mind my really bad grammar and thanks for reading all that.
(If you want to use the idea just give credits, it's okay) Maybe If I have time I'll write an actual fanfic or more headcanons but now I'm going to sleep.
Stay safe, remember: you can fight all this shit, you'll get better soon. Bye :v
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feeshies · 9 months
(Obligatory "not all Christians" disclaimer) But I do wish I could learn more about Christianity without feeling unsafe/uncomfortable. A while ago, I found a video that went into the specific practices of different denominations and I thought it was super cool and helped me to understand the nuances of the religion more, but then I dug into the creator's channel and saw that they were openly queerphobic and using their videos specifically to convert and "save" younger millennials and gen-z. In the past, there were times when I would invite Christians to tell me about their faith, and it feels like they're speedrunning to get me into the baptism pool.
I don't feel that way about other faiths. Throughout my entire life, I've had plenty of Jewish friends, family members, employers, and teachers who I could listen to without ever feeling on edge. I once went on a date with a girl who talked about her experiences as a Hindu, where she explained the details of her religion (and a fun story where she almost ran into a forbidden area of one of the temples because she was being chased by a monkey) and I loved every minute. My grandmother talking about the different Buddhist temples she went to growing up was nice, but my cousins cornering my mom and me when we first landed in Korea to give us pamphlets for their church felt different.
I wish I could have these same interactions with Christians. But no matter how genuine or in good faith (pun intended?) they may try to be, it's hard not to remove the more predatory interactions out of my mind. If I agree to go to church with you, I don't know if I'm being given an invitation or a sales pitch. I know this isn't fair on my part and I shouldn't let past experiences paint my perception. But I don't know if this is the case of a few isolated incidents or a general "vibe." I wish I could share being able to learn about a very important and personal part of people's lives and identity, but part of me also feels like I need to be on guard and protect myself.
(And please, this post is not an invitation. There are times when I am open to talk about this and learn more, but this post is not for that.)
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TITAN Theory
I have a little theory that’s been swimming around my mind for the past few years, and I just remembered it now that I’ve been re-reading Ava’s Demon for the millionth time. I haven’t been able to get onto Michelle’s streams, and I dunno if anyone else has had this thought, but hear me out-
We don’t know much about TITAN; just that he’s some all-powerful entity with almost total control over the cosmos (a God in his own right, if you will). We’ve come to learn through Odin about the Gods and Goddesses that appear across the cosmos, fighting in the names of their creators. It’s clearly shown in the below panel that Wrathia, Pedri, Nevy and Tuls are considered to be Gods or Goddesses. 
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So where does TITAN fit in all of this? If he’s so powerful, then it could be presumed he was a God all along, born from the violence of the four creators. But way back in the beginning, when Wrathia is explaining her story to Ava, we learn of TITAN taking her galaxies by force and holding them hostage overnight, which is unusual in itself. 
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The part that sticks out to me is that Wrathia refers to TITAN as a ‘creature’, referring to him as ‘it’; therefore, it can be inferred that Wrathia had no idea who TITAN was, and was alarmed at the speed in which he had infiltrated and taken over the galaxies she has reign over. Just think about it, that’s galaxies, not just planets, that TITAN had taken from her. That requires a lot of power and strength, regardless of an army (though that is a large factor). So where did all this power come from?
We are aware that TITAN is very very good at manipulating his audience, utilising tactics of fear-mongering and propaganda (alongside brainwashing and indoctrination into his ‘religion’) in order to gain a loyal following from members across the cosmos. That can put some explanation into how he had such a massive army of Followers to back him up in this. And we haven’t even gotten into how the Silent Scavengers (who have clearly been around for a while) assist with keeping this social and political power in TITAN’s hands. 
I have a theory, however, about how TITAN came to be, and why he’s so powerful. And it’s regarding something mentioned by Wrathia...
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A failure of a pact results in souls and bodies merging into one. Of course, Wrathia makes it sound like it’s this horrible ending, as I’m sure it is in her mind; if they fail, then Wrathia will never be able to rule over the cosmos or indulge in her vanity ever again. But we haven’t seen an example of a failed pact just yet. I know one of the most common thoughts was that Maggie was going to result in a failed pact, and we’d see whatever she turns into later in the story. But I believe we already have seen a failed pact. 
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This is what is shown to us when Wrathia explains to Ava that her half of the pact is complete; the yellow side, Ava’s half of the pact, is solid and shining bright, emphasising that her end of the deal has been met (despite her protests). The cracked side is Wrathia’s half, not yet fulfilled since TITAN has yet to be decimated from existence. So, from here we can infer that a failed pact would have two halves of a broken heart, right?
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Looking closely at the page on the righthand side, that looks awfully like TITAN, doesn’t it? And the heart above his body has two cracked halves, as if it were a failed pact. What if TITAN himself is a creature resulted of a failed pact? It would explain his sudden appearance, his vast amounts of power, and the lack of knowledge surrounding his existence except to the Followers, who are deeply integrated in his ‘teachings’. What if failing a pact isn’t as terrible as Wrathia makes it out to be? 
I know it can also be inferred that it is Ava’s key (I mean, it really does look like it so I might be reaching with this theory here) and the page is imagining the death of TITAN at the hands of Ava/Wrathia. 
Listen I could be totally off the mark here, but I feel like it would be pretty cool if TITAN actually was the result of a failed pact and is actually a monster born from the failure to meet both ends of the deal made between two creatures. 
What do you guys think? 
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seolarzone · 3 months
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‎⊹ ˚‧ ✩ DOC 001: INTRO ✩ ‧˚ ⊹ ‎
⋆ ┆ Rivi is my name on here ^^ but honestly any nicknames are welcome just remember to stop using it if i express any discomfort . I go by she/her pronouns so please respect that!
⋆ ┆ '04 liner➡ so anyone younger than 15 please don't message and I may reblog nsfw works so minors please block the #nsfw tag
⋆ ┆ MBTI - infj-t this really tells about like 60% of my personality & my birthday - December 24th so I'm a Capricorn <3 and this is the other 40%
⋆ ┆ desi➡ I'm from India and I go by IST (Indian standard time) if it helps you !!!
⋆ ┆ work➡ I'm currently pursuing my degree in college so if I don't respond to messages or am late please respect that !!
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‎⊹ ˚‧ ✩ DOC 002: LIKES ✩ ‧˚ ⊹‎ ‎
⋆ ┆big yess ➡ CATS !!!! and other animals too but mainly cats, psychology, music no specific genre and ofcourse recs are always appreciated, reading any genre but especially thriller and fantasy, i love food and drinks, poetry and quotes, the scenery and cosmic elements, watching movies and anime and reading mangas, cooking asmr not eating, the rain and snow, plushies, and taking candid pictures ! don't think twice to drop me pictures or recommendations on any of these topics !!!
‎⊹ ˚‧ ✩ DOC 003: DISLIKES ✩ ‧˚ ⊹
⋆ ┆ major pass ➡ everything in the 'DNI' criteria, peas, overly slow walkers, people who can't take the same energy that they give, unnecessarily rude people, people who shame others based on their lifestyles, people with superiority complexes, partiality, biased judgement, horror movies and stories, insects.
‎⊹ ˚‧ ✩ DOC 004: AT THE MOMENT ✩ ‧˚ ⊹‎ ‎
⋆ ┆reading ➡ one of us is lying
⋆ ┆ watching ➡ brooklyn 99
⋆ ┆ listening ➡ the grudge, olivia rodrigo
⋆ ┆ status ➡ trying to be active
‎⊹ ˚‧ ✩ DOC 005: LOVELIST ✩ ‧˚ ⊹ ‎
⋆ ┆ ultimate groups ➡ stray kids, nct, the boyz, seventeen
⋆ ┆ ultimate biases ➡ Seo Changbin, Lee Taeyong, Na Jaemin, Kim Sunwoo, Xu Minghao (The8), Hwang Yeji, Ha Sooyoung (yves), Lee Yubin (dami).
⋆ ┆ other groups ➡ day6, enhypen, ive, newjeans, txt, dreamcatcher, itzy, one pact, loona, ateez, blackpink, twice, lesserafim, p1harmony, stayc, aespa, gidle, astro, the rose, riize
⋆ ┆other biases ➡ remaining skz members, jeon wonwoo, (haechan), dong sichen (winwin), choi beomgyu, kim bora (sua), lee chaeryeong, shin ryujin, jeong jinsol (jinsoul), jung wooyoung, kim hongjoong, ji changmin (q), yoon keeho, haku shota (soul), park jihyo, myoi mina, huh yunjin, yu jimin (karina), ning yizhuo (ningning), song yuqi, song eunseok, hong sunghan.
⋆ ┆ non kpop ➡ I do listen to a lot of non kpop artist too and in multiple languages as well, currently I'm listening to sings in multiple Indian languages, Japanese, Chinese, German and French. I am always open to new recommendations so feel free to drop in your favourites anytime!!!
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⋆ ┆mattie 🪼 ➡ @stealanity
⋆ ┆priya 🎀 ➡ @lost-leopard-beanie | @ivy-diaries
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By: Richard Dawkins
Published: Mar 22, 2024
I want to make a three-way distinction. You can be a Cultural Christian, a Political Christian,  a Believing Christian, or any combination of the three. People may disagree about which of these constitutes being “A Christian”. For me it has to be Believing Chistian.
I am a Cultural Christian, specifically a Cultural Anglican. I was educated in Christian schools. The history of my people is heavily influenced by Christian tradition. I like singing Christmas Carols, and am deeply moved by the sacred music of Bach and Handel. My head is full of Biblical phrases and quotations. And hymn tunes, which I regularly play by ear on my electronic clarinet.
I think Ayaan Hirsi-Ali (who is one of my favourite people in the world) is a Political Christian. She was brought up in the culture of Islam and is well aware of the horrors that that religion is still visiting on Muslims around the world, especially women. She sees Christianity as a relatively benign competitor, worth supporting as a bulwark against Islam. Just as most of us support a political party without agreeing with all its policies, because we prefer it to the alternative, a Political Christian may support Christianity without being a Believing Christian, because it’s better than the main alternative. Ayaan is a Cultural Muslim, and it is this that has driven her to be a Political Christian.
Believing Christians believe that there is a supernatural creator at the base of the universe called God. They believe a First Century Jew called Jesus is the son of God. They believe Jesus’s mother was a virgin when she gave birth to him. They believe that Jesus came alive again three days after he died. They believe that we ourselves have an immortal soul which survives our bodily death. They believe that God listens to our prayers.  I strongly suspect hat Ayaan doesn’t believe any of these things. She is not a Believing Christian.
In my language, that means she is not a Christian at all. Others may include Cultural Christian in their definition of Christian, in which case I am a Christian. Indeed, Ayaan herself is reported to have called me one of the most Christian people she knows.  But by the same token, the implication would be that she is a Muslim because she is a Cultural Muslim. And she certainly would not call herself a Muslim.
So, Ayaan is a Political Christian but she is no more a Believing Christian than I am. Her example leads me to consider my own position. Am I a Political Christian? I am in no doubt that Christianity is morally superior to Islam. Just look at the regions of the world with an explicitly Islamic government, or where Islam is the dominant political influence: Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Somalia, Northern Nigeria, Brunei, Turkey (betraying the admirable secularism of its post-Ottoman foundation) Saudi Arabia and many other countries of the Arab world. Laws vary, but recurrent patterns include mistreatment of women as second class citizens, persecution of gays, forced marriage, violent intolerance of what is considered blasphemous, anti-Jewish prejudice going so far as to laud Hitler, draconian punishment for apostasy, and for adultery which is often deemed to include simply talking to a member of the opposite sex other than a spouse or relative. Christianity has its bad points, and in earlier centuries it has been as bad as Islam. But today there’s no contest. When it comes to evil, Islam wins hands down, by a huge margin. No other religion comes close.
If I were American I would vote Democrat because, in spite of their idiotic stance on the male/female distinction, they are hugely preferable to the Republican alternative. Similarly, if I were forced to vote for either Christianity or Islam as alternative influences on the world, I would unhesitatingly vote Christian. If that make me a Political Christian, so be it. I am perhaps as much of a Political Christian as Ayaan is. But does that make either of us a Christian?
In my language, certainly not. For me, as a scientist, truth or falsehood of beliefs is what really defines a word like Christian or Muslim. If you are going to call somebody a Christian without qualification, I think it’s a confusion of language to mean anything less than a Believing Christian. You are at liberty to dissent from that definition. But let us at least be clear what definition we are using. If Ayaan says she’s a Christian and I say she’s not, we are really not disagreeing. We are defining our terms differently. She uses “Christian” to include “Political Christian” for herself and “Cultural Christian” for me. I don’t think you can be a real Christian if you don’t believe the fundmental tenets of Christianity.
The only disagreement is a semantic one. I am a Cultural Christian but not a Believing Christian, which, in my language means I am not a Christian. You, Ayaan, are a Political Christian, which in your language, but not mine, makes you a Christian. But we are neither of us Believing Christian. And this, in my language but not yours, makes neither of us Christians. So, dear Ayaan, let’s not agree to differ. Let’s agree that we don’t really differ. 
Dissident Dialogues
I’m happy to say I’ll be having a public conversation with Ayaan Hirsi-Ali at the inaugural Dissident Dialogues. Obviously her announcement that she has become Christian will be a major part of the discussion. The conference will be in New York, May 3rd & 4th. Distinguished speakers include Steven Pinker, John McWhorter, Kathleen Stock, Alex O’Connor, and many other leading thinkers.
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dogmetaph0r · 1 month
10, 13 (alfie - i mean i have to - plus one of your choice) and 14 for salty asks game 👉👈
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
I didn’t not like it narratively, but I didn’t particularly enjoy the whole arc of trying to get Linda and Arthur back together :/ I did appreciate it in a “fellas we are never breaking the cycle” way, but it kinda drove a wedge between me and my enjoyment of Arthur’s boyfailure arc at some points. Linda kinda reminds me of my adorable little WASP-y mom so seeing her threatened and upset because a man will do anything but go to therapy……eugh, hard watch.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Alfie - this is gonna maybe be a bit controversial (or not? idk it took a while for me to wrap my noggin around the vibes) but……I don’t think Alf is all that religious? He is very very involved in his community and seems to be a well respected member of Jewish society in Camden Town, but idk how much he really practices in his day-to-day. I could be entirely wrong (would be happy for a Jewish PB fan to correct me if I am, and honestly I much prefer the headcanons that imply it matters a bit to him because as you’re about to see….I love cultural exchange) but Alfie’s irreverence and self-deification don’t really come across as terribly devout to me. If you consider the non-TV works to be canon, he definitely seems to be of the impression that nothing really matters beyond the carnal. He does seem to believe in a God, but that God’s existence isn’t really consequential to him. So I think his Jewish identity is more forged in community than shared reverence! I can relate, in a way; I never practiced Catholicism, but because my entire dad’s side did and I grew up in a highly Catholic neighborhood, it impacts how I interact with the world. So that’s how I kinda see it: it’s not the religion that he practices, but more the identity of someone raised with the religion.
I also wanna doooooo……..
Polly - she wasn’t always a wise, rational woman throughout the show. There were plenty of times she acted out of anger, fear, stubbornness… and while I do love that we kinda treat her as our voice of reason, she’s still as flawed as the rest of them. I feel like I’ve seen a lot of fics fall into the idea that Polly knows everything. It makes for a good story driver, but I feel like that unfortunately just doesn’t encompass who Polly is as a person. I don’t wanna ramble super long AGAIN but I think a lot of her interactions with/about Michael kinda demonstrate that. She’s easily blinded by her fear of loss in particular, and in a way it’s very similar to Tommy’s motivations. I think that’s part of why they butt heads sometimes. I’d like to explore that more myself!
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Oooh boy, this one is kinda tough to say. But I think we have a looooong way to go as a fandom in terms of cultural sensitivity. I know we’re working with source material that already has a pretty problematic and shallow way of going about Romani characters, but I think it’s our duty as fans to sorta….grapple with that a bit? Address it with nuance? Or at least listen to POC, particularly Romani, creators who take issue with the things done in the show and in fan content. There are SO many aspects of the show itself that play into racist stereotypes about Romani people, and I’ve seen a number of tropes and fic concepts that revolve around those stereotypes in particularly shocking ways (for example, maybe don’t have “sold to the Shelby family” or “magical g**** fortune teller” as a plot point??? Many levels of inappropriate to that). I do largely give people the benefit of the doubt because I know that not everyone knows what to look out for, especially if they themselves are not targeted personally by bigotry in their communities, and fewer people know where to go to figure that out…. but I feel like specifically Romanichal culture is a strong enough theme in the show to warrant SOME promotion of cultural research. Of course we all have work to do (I’m no exception, and I wholeheartedly welcome concrit if anything in the story seems off) but I feel like some people really lean into exoticism and stereotypes without any unpacking of why they’re doing it. And, when other people express discomfort, I’ve seen more than once the sort of response that sums up to “well so-and-so said it’s not a slur/bad trope/stereotype so I’m gonna keep using it”. Thankfully it’s less prevalent here on tumblr but it’s still a problem! Let’s rid ourselves of the idea that any one culture is a monolith! Cultural exchange and education are exciting! Decolonize your writing! Respect and an open mind go a long way!
BUT YEAH basically that’s it teehee :•)
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oneradmonster · 2 years
Chase’s Big Dumb List of Audio Dramas
I just want to boost the things I like so I have people to talk to about them 🥺
Fair warning I’m bad at explaining why things are good and you should listen to them other than “I like it” and I tend to end up repeating myself a lot. Bare with me. I'm doing my best.
Also this is in no other order other than “how it showed up on my podcast list on spotify” Also also, the ratings are basically arbitrary. for funskies 
(also if you wanted to say, recommend me some more based off this list or just your own personal preference...I wouldn't say no 👀)
Gather The Suspects - A Cozy Mystery set in Wales during a boring apocalypse
What it says on the tin. Unique, funny, and a nice thing to curl up to. 8/10
Currently crowdfunding for season 2! (Please consider donating)
Forgive Me! - A story about a Catholic priest moving to a new church under mysterious circumstances and getting used to the odd members of his new community, mostly told through confessionals.
“A heartfelt and human story about modern faith that is at times funny, frank, engaging, sad, respectful and critical of the community it takes place in”
couldn’t put it any better than the creators themselves. Honestly up their with my top favs. Regardless on how you feel about Catholicism or religion itself I believe most people can find enjoyment in it 10/10
The Orphans - A cinematic sci-fi audio drama about survival in a harsh universe: castaways on a hostile world, A.I.s with unprecedented emotions, strangers who share faces, love and loss in a far-flung future.
EXTREMELY GOOD! Have been told if you like Star Wars you’ll dig this. Super engaging “i couldn't put it down” energy, love it. 10/10
Brimstone Valley Mall - The year is 1999. Lurking somewhere between Hot Topic and the food court, five misfit demons from Hell kill time inciting sin in a suburban shopping mall. When the lead singer of their band goes mysteriously missing, the demons only have two weeks to find him before they play the biggest gig of the millennium - or face the wrath of Satan herself.
A fun little story with interesting characters and their complicated relationships really interested to see where they go with season 2 8/10
Midnight Burger - When Gloria took a waitressing job at Midnight Burger outside of Phoenix, she didn’t realize she was now an employee of a time-traveling, dimension-spanning diner. Every day Midnight Burger appears somewhere new in the cosmos along with it's staff: No one knows who built Midnight Burger or how it works, but when it appears there's always someone around who could really use a cup of coffee.
Absolutely phenomenal! Really one of the best audio dramas I’ve listened to. It balances between heartwarming, funny, dramatic, and thoughtful perfectly. Lovable well written characters and a wonderful unfolding story 100/10 (that’s not a typo!)
Wooden Overcoats - Rudyard Funn and his equally miserable sister Antigone run their family’s failing funeral parlour, where they get the body in the coffin in the ground on time. But one day they find everyone enjoying themselves at the funerals of a new competitor – the impossibly perfect Eric Chapman! With their dogsbody Georgie, and a mouse called Madeleine, the Funns are taking drastic steps to stay in business…
This podcast is complete! And it was bittersweet to finish as it was, in my opinion, a perfect ending but I was sad to have nothing more to listen to. Ridiculously funny while also being incredibly beautiful. A one in a million podcast 12/10
Where The Stars Fell - Dr. Edison Tucker is having a very weird life. Not being able to die tends to color things that way. Luckily, the strange and unusual is something of her specialty, and Ed’s set her sights and wunderkind grant money on the strangest town in America: Jerusalem, Oregon. She’ll certainly get her EMF Meter’s worth. Between an eccentric housemate, quirky townsfolk, and the mysteries lurking just beyond the tree line, Ed’s going to find the answers she’s been searching for. She just might not be ready for what finds her.
This one ended up being very different from what I had imagined based on its trailer but I ended up enjoying it regardless. Fair warning this podcast gets HEAVY things get very real and very raw. There are trigger warnings in episode descriptions. So take care of yourself. 9/10
The Amelia Project - A dark comedy podcast about a secret agency offering a very special service: Faking its clients' deaths and bringing them back  with a new identity! Its eccentric clientele includes cult leaders, scientists, politicians and even an AI, all desperate to disappear and  start over... But how long can the secrecy last?
“The Amelia Project is crammed full of comedy, mystery, twists and fine beverages. If you like Sherlock, Dirk Gently or Monty Python, this will be your cup of cocoa.“
I originally gave this podcast a pass as the first episode (which is no longer available) made me uncomfortable. Very glad I gave it another try as it has quickly wormed its way into my heart :) I’m on pins and needles for the next season and eager to se how everything comes together 10/10
Old Gods of Appalachia - Old Gods of Appalachia is an eldritch horror anthology podcast set in the darkest mountains in the world. Our world is an Alternate Appalachia, where these mountains were never meant to be inhabited. Long before anyone lived in these hills, beings of immeasurable darkness and incomprehensible madness were entombed here. It was during this bygone age, when the Appalachians towered much higher and more menacing than the gentle slopes and ridges we know today, that they were conscripted after a great battle to serve as the final prison for those dark forces. But of course, time marches inexorably on. Eons passed and the walls of the prison begin to wear thin. And Things that slumbered soundlessly below for millennia began to stir and become restless.They began to call to those who would hear them.To dig. To seek and find. To follow and serve. To keep this dark and bloody land for themselves and their masters.
If this description doesn't interest you into listening then nothing will, a truly INCREDIBLE podcast that I am sadly far behind in. With beautiful narration and incredible story telling. 10/10
Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery - Lillian Harper moves to the small town of Mt. Absalom, Ohio, to care for her estranged mother Dorothy after an injury. Living in the town's boarding house which has been run by her family for generations, she discovers conspiracies, ghosts, and a new family in the house's strange assortment of residents.
A mystery that truly sucks you in and just when you think you’ve started to figure it out you learn something new that completely unravels your theories and adds a hundred new questions 10/10
Death By Dying - A dark comedy fiction podcast that serves as the obituary column for the charming town of Crestfall, Idaho. The Obituary Writer finds himself deeply in over his head as he investigates a series of strange and mysterious deaths... when he is supposed to simply be writing obituaries. Along the way he encounters murderous farmers, man-eating cats, haunted bicycles, and a healthy dose of ominous shadows.
A funny and charming little podcast that manages to take ridiculous story lines and make them something you can take seriously 10/10
Madame Magenta: Sonos Mystica - Madame Magenta, psychic, medium, and inventor of the ‘drink-along’ audiobook, reads her best-selling books*, Magenta is the Warmest Colour and Madame Magenta & The Arcati Killer, with support from her adoring husband Bernard. In Magenta is the Warmest Colour, Magenta is forced into a bank heist by the ghost of her ex-husband, and in Madame Magenta & The Arcati Killer, she is pitted against a psychotic murderer hell-bent on destroying the mystic community. She also uses the ancient art of bibliomancy to help solve real problems sent in by you, her Tragic Fans.​WARNING: Adults Only. Drink Responsibly.Don't Blame Us.
Mockery Manor - Summer, 1989. Mockery Manor's new staff have moved into the on-site lake house, ready for the re-opening of Britain's most eccentric theme park. It's a teen dream of a job (as long as you've never seen Friday the 13th), and eighteen year old twins JJ and Bette are determined to leave a difficult year behind them and have a summer straight from the movies... if they don't kill each other first. ​But something's happening at the park. People keep going missing, and JJ has a horrible feeling the screams she heard in the scare maze were more than just a frightened guest. And why is feline park mascot Mr Crackles stained with blood?
“"Podcasts can be remarkably immersive. Mockery Manor doing a marvellous job. Made by fellow Norfolkkers too."​- Stephen Fry“
A delightful black comedy that keeps you guessing til the end, and a lovely soundtrack to boot! 8/10
*dependent on definition of 'best-seller'
An easy and fun listen, like an audiobook but the narrator is drunk and incapable of staying on topic and also takes breaks to do fortune tellings for fans. Enjoyable but perhaps an acquired taste 8/10
Kakos Industries - Congratulations! You are now a shareholder in Kakos Industries, a megacorporation that specializes in helping its clients to Do Evil Better. You are now entitled to listen to the shareholder announcements that keep you up to date on all of the advancements made in Evil and the bizarre occurrences inside of Kakos Industries itself.
“A deeply entertaining, R-rated, darkly satirical, sex-positive comedy audio drama with elements of horror.“
Think if Welcome to Nigh Vale was about a megacoporation that sold evil and included a lot more sex. Hilariously funny 10/10
Startripper!! - Feston Pyxis, native of the bureaucracy planet Lorvin, has left it all behind! He’s said his goodbyes, he’s sold all his B-movie memorabilia, and he’s bought a Physiclast QCS-25 K-series ship, known to the wise as a “StarTripper.” Together with the onboard assistant Proxy, Feston’s looking for any and every good time there is to be had across the stars!
No words could ever do this podcast justice! One of my all time favorites. It has become an immense comfort to me, the moment the intro music starts I am instantly at ease and ready to go on another adventure with Feston through the endless possibilities of space! If you listen to this podcast we are instantly best friends!! ∞ /10
The White Vault - Explore the far reaches of the world’s horrors. Follow the collected records of a repair team sent to a remote arctic outpost and unravel what lies waiting in the ice below.
“The White Vault is a horror fiction audio drama podcast that features languages and voices from around the globe. It often showcases the found footage format, accurate depictions of modern archaeology, and isolation horror, brought to life by a full cast and detailed soundscape.“
Another completed podcast! That I am unfortunately behind in. However, what I have heard is delightfully terrifying and incredibly produced. You will have trouble sleeping soundly after this one folks! 10/10
We Fix Space Junk - Follow seasoned smuggler Kilner and reluctant fugitive Samantha as they travel the galaxy, dodging bullets and meeting strange and wonderful beings as they carry out odd jobs on the fringes of the law.
Extreme capitalistic dystopian sci-fi hellscape, but make it fun! 10/10
Neighbourly - Let's meet the residents of Little Street. Well. "Meet" is a strong word. How about: observe? Neighbourly follows the residents of Little Street, house by house. What they do, how they interact with each other, and what skeletons are hiding in their closets.
A very horrifyingly delightful podcast, each episode manages to be uniquely strange and wonderfully creepy. 9/10
The Call if Cthulhu Mystery Program:  -  In The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program, cinematic audio drama and live tabletop roleplaying coalesce into an occult radio play of unknowable horror and black comedy! Each series is a standalone tale, boldly exploring Lovecraftian lore in queer and uncanny ways. What dark deeds unfold on the streets of Arkham? And which unwitting souls – innocent or impure – will succumb to the maddening call… OF CTHULHU?
 A super cool idea that the crew/cast pull off perfectly! Its done to the point where i cant tell whats game play and whats scripted. A neat experience that I encourage others to give a try 10/10
Diary of A Space Archivist - Sam archives space.  Yep.  It's pretty boring... until she finds an alien-bat-thing hiding inside her robot companion.  How will she keep the cute, and definitely not terrifying, creature safe from the very corporation that employs her? After all, she's just an archivist. Don't worry, everything will be fine...
“A light-hearted podcast about friendship, chocolate and space...” sums it u pretty well I think! 10/10
Windfall - Ever since the castle first appeared in the sky above the city of Windfall, its residents have been building upward. Now the city consists of towers where the wealthiest residents live at the top while the poor eke out a living on the ground. Our podcast follows Cas, Shaima, and Argus, three brothers who live with their Uncle Vern after being orphaned during the grounder rebellion twenty years earlier. They find themselves drifting apart as Argus, the youngest, falls hopelessly in love with the much-older Helina, a foreign merchant haunted by her past; Cas, the middle brother, works in secret for the local crime boss; and Shaima, the oldest, struggles to keep their uncle’s scrap shop from going under. When Cas’s best friend, Kendall, is offered a position with the Wolfpack, Windfall’s military cult that acts as the city’s police, Cas is forced to decide where his loyalties lie. Meanwhile, something sinister looms over the city itself, threatening the lives of all who live in Windfall, from the wealthiest residents to the ground-level poor.
Im a bit lukewarm on this one to be honest, i’m interested in the story enough to listen to season 2 but it feels like the relationships between characters escalate a little too quickly to me? We’ll see. 6/10
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hauntedkogal · 7 months
My brand new introduction!!
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Hi, my name is Misa. Misa as in like a god, the french meaning of the name I'm pretty sure.
Im 15 years old, I'm a Pisces, I'm autistic and I have adhd. My religion is paganism, and my favorite colors are pastels but I prefer pink. I'm also biracial, I'm half white and half black.
I'm very much interested in Japanese fashion like fairy kei, visual kei, gyaru, gurokawa, idk if this also counts but pastel goth. And Yamikawaii.
I'd say my favorite videogames are fnaf, I used to like yandere simulator but I don't anymore because of yandere Dev. I hate Yandere Dev. I also like Minecraft but the developer notch is a game dev from absolute hell. I also love any of the shin megami tensei games. I love any vocaloid videogame. I also love the game obey me shall we date, doki doki literature club, genshin impact, and sky. Some videogames I do wanna play is Diabolik lovers, hello kitty island adventure, bendy and the ink machine, style savvy, Stray, iron lung, and class of '09.
My favorite bands are the cure, depache mode, my chemical romance, pierce the veil, black veil brides, falling in reverse, twenty one pilots, fall out boy, Babymetal, bandmaid, Malice Mizer, Paramore, Cannibal corpse, and get scared. I don't really pay attention to band members so don't call me a fake fan. I just listen to the music.
By the way. I also love kpop. My favorite groups are bts, blackpink, new jeans, itzy, gidle, red velvet, nct and twice.
My favorite artists is Melanie Martinez, Tyler the creator, and Hatsune Miku.
I also love a ton of anime and manga as well as video games. I also love food too. It may change a lot depending on my mood.
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I'm gonna keep my dni list short and simple. If you use my tag hauntedkogal without my permission. That's an instant block.
If you give out movie spoilers, anime and manga spoilers or video games spoilers that's also an instant block. No one likes people who spoil stuff for them 💀.
Also besides that, here is my dni list. I don't want people who post irl gore, porn even if it's fictional, fetish accounts specifically. People who use self harm and post about that isn't just cutting but includes an eating disorder if it's not venting or people who trauma dump as well. And last but not least. People who are pedophiles, into incest, shame people for their sexuality and religion but get mad when theirs gets insulted back, people who proship, comship, and darkship come on my page and people who are abelist interacting with my content. I also don't want racists coming on this blog because this is a fashion, and cutesy blog where I post whatever I want. I'm all for free speech but take it somewhere else, not in my messages, and not in my comments section. I have boundaries. Then again it's the Internet. Most people would not gaf about what I said. But the point of my dni list is that I don't want weird people interacting with me.
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If you have any questions please let me know! Also. Don't be sexualizing me, being racist or plain up creepy if you message me thank you very much!
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On the topic of New Age beliefs and how so much of it is just repackaged Christianity:
We were almost sucked into the New Age cult a few years ago. We had only barely begun our journey of deconstructing from Christianity and were dabbling in New Age practices such as "raising vibrations" and studying starseeds. We had been desperately searching for a place to belong and didn't feel like we fit in at school or in our town. A large part of this was due to us being autistic and queer and just generally feeling like an outsider in our community, and let me tell you something: New Agers will absolutely prey on this vulnerability to drag you into their cult.
For a while we genuinely believed that we were a starseed, feeling as though we were from someplace outside of this world. Now, for a bit of background on us: we're a plural system, aka a bunch of people sharing one physical body and brain; it's stated in our bio on this blog and every other blog we run. Our plurality is heavily influenced by our spiritual beliefs, particularly the idea that we are a gateway system, meaning many of our headmates come from some sort of outside source rather than our brain itself. And we do believe that the folks who enter our system from outside are in fact from other worlds than this one, alternate timelines and such. This belief has had a positive impact on our acceptance of our system and made us more open to understanding the experiences of other people and beliefs.
Now, back to our point. While we understand how our spirituality affects our system, that doesn't make us as a whole, or the physical body we all inhabit, a "starseed". We also collectively share a few otherkin identities, primarily wolfkin, faekin, and fallen angelkin. But back when we were active in New Age circles, we didn't fully grasp any of these concepts. We fully believed that we were actually an alien from another world, sent to Earth for the divine purpose of aiding humanity and ushering in a new age of prosperity and love. We explained away our autistic and ADHD traits with starseed stuff, but something about it never felt... right.
One thing we were caught up in for a while, and what actually inspired us to write this post, was something called the "New Message from God." It's been a long time since we've actually taken a look at the website, but it's basically Christianity infused with New Age beliefs like ascending to a golden age of love and light, the idea that every so often humanity receives a new prophet to interpret messages from God/Source, blah blah blah. According to the website, our current prophet is a man named Marshall Vian Summers who started getting messages from God several years ago in order to warn humanity of a coming evil and to help put a stop to it. It's a whole bunch of doomsday Armageddon BS, but we genuinely believed it for a while just like the starseed mumbo jumbo.
We're very glad that we listened to our instincts and actually broke down what the New Message from God and similar communities are trying to sell to people, because otherwise we would have been sucked into it completely with little hope of getting out. It's really important to think critically about what you incorporate into your spiritual practices, especially if you're converting from Christianity and still hold onto some of the things the religion teaches. This stuff is absolutely a cult and especially preys on young people who feel like they don't belong anywhere, giving them a false sense of having a community full of people that love them. But as with every other cult out there, this love is conditional; these people don't actually care about you if you don't believe in the same things as them. They will love bomb you and dress up their beliefs in pretty packaging and ribbons in order to conceal how harmful it really is, so you never see the damage it's doing to you before it's too late for you to escape. -Dylan
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king-trollex-fan · 2 years
Hello everyone~! My name is king trollex fan but you can call me ktf for short, and i'll tell you some stuff about me~
Age: 20
What I use to draw: phone/ibis paint x
Sexuality: AroAce
Race: White/Hispanic
Language: English
Birthday: September 14th
Astrology Zodiac Sign: Virgo ♍
My Element: Earth
Favorite colors: black, red, and blue
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Year of the water goat 🐐🌊
Native American Zodiac sign: Brown bear 🐻
Celtic Zodiac Sign: Swan
Egyptian Zodiac Sign: Thoth god of wisdom and learning 📜
Pronouns: she/her.
My oc's:
Troll species I own: goth metal trolls, vampire squid trolls, and fire wolf trolls.
Troll au's that I own: warrior cats au.
Ask box is open.
Hobbies: drawing, coloring, watching videos, listening to music, swimming, running, and playing golf.
Religion: Christian/Catholic/Baptist, got baptized on October 4th 2022 as a college freshman.
Gender/gender identity: female
I've donated to the Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund.
Foods I like: cheese, ham, spaghetti, fish, sushi, lo mein, turkey, mashed potatoes, pizza, mac and cheese.
Snacks I like: peanuts, almonds, and pistachios.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff. (I just got into Harry Potter and I don't support the creator's actions)
Greek Figure: Cyparissus.
DNI: people who don't respect other people's race, gender, disabilities/mental illnesses, nationality, social status, opinions, interests, religion/beliefs, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Porn accounts, fetishism, sex offenders, Pedophiles, Groomers, Zoophiles, pro shippers, incest shippers, and neo Nazi's. Supporters of bad people(Donald Trump), bad companies(Disney), and bad charities(Autism Speaks). People under the age of 12. Cult leaders or members.
That's all you need to know, have a nice day~
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I’m gonna be talking a little more about this later but straight up—if someone tells you “this is an important piece of my culture that is a closed practice and is not open to everyone”, your response should never be “actually it’s totally fine for us to use whatever we want from your culture you can’t keep us from it”.
Like this is a hard-line issue for me, and I’m not sorry about it. I think it can be one thing if a member of the culture explicitly invited you into their culture, but just taking whatever you want from other cultures and religions, especially ones that are closed or are already demonized and misunderstood is really gross to me.
So. I am white. I am not a part of the culture that’s being misrepresented in this case. But I’ve seen a lot of black people speak up about this, and it’s infuriating that no one seems to be listening to them.
I’m bringing this up specifically because it’s been revealed that, despite having 4 years to rework the character, Alastor still uses “voodoo” and Hazbin is still using vevé for “the aesthetic”.
Critics and fans of Hazbin Hotel have been saying for. literal. years. that having Alastor use Voudou signs is disrespectful. But the creators and show runners are ignoring Black people’s criticisms of this choice and how it depicts Voudou.
It’s very discouraging to see that apparently no consideration for these critiques was given while the show was in development.
People have also tried to argue that it’s ok for Alastor to use Voudoo because of Dr. Facilier in Disney’s Princess and the Frog. Which is a ridiculous thing to argue because there were people criticizing that film for its portrayal of Voudou after it came out as well.
Also, sorry, I really don’t think a movie that was directed by two white men should be used as an authority on what parts of black culture white people can use however they like.
Like. That’s just. Eurgh.
All of this is so disrespectful on multiple levels.
Representation is important, but it can be positive or negative.
It can glorify or demonize. And it is BECAUSE of this that you NEED to think critically about if you should be the one to represent another culture or not.
If your attempt at “representing” another culture includes shouting down or ignoring the opinions and beliefs of the people from that culture, then you are doing harm and need to take a step back.
TLDR—Representation is important but if you are trying to represent a minority group you are not a part of, and you ignore their concerns and criticisms and don’t consult with them or do research? You’re unquestionably doing more harm than good.
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automatismoateo · 7 months
Got gaslighted by my Christian family members today via /r/atheism
Got gaslighted by my Christian family members today I spent the day with my mother and grandfather, and all went well until the conversational topics inevitably geared towards Christianity. We were at the beach admiring the beauty of the ocean, the tranquility of the waves, and of course my mother and grandfather decide to talk about the order of the universe and how it all supposedly emerged from a divine creator. They just can't help themselves, and they always manage to bring up the topic of religion. They are well aware of my lack of religious belief, and I stayed quiet for as long as I could to avoid a confrontation. Honestly, I just couldn't take it anymore because the conversation was entirely too drawn out, and I began to lose my cool when they kept trying to ask ME, an atheist, to explain the bullshit that's in the bible. First of all, it is not my responsibility to rationalize anything in this ancient book. Secondly, I made sure to point out that there is also a lot of ugliness and chaos in nature as well, and that they seem to be overlooking this rather important detail. They talk about how powerful and amazing their god is, but honestly all I could think about is why a being with immense power wouldn't use a fraction of it to improve the human condition and eradicate all the pain and suffering that occurs on a daily basis. What the hell is he waiting for? Why does this narcissistic idiot deserve praise and worship, and furthermore, why does he give a flying fuck about my personal beliefs? They ignored most of my criticisms (big surprise), and kept going on about the lake of fire and the promise of eternal damnation of my soul if I do not repent and accept Jesus into my life. I'm not scared of a place that doesn't exist, and I pointed out the absurdity of condemning the entire human race to hell because two apocryphal humans simply wanted to have the capacity to think for themselves and learn about the nature of good and evil. There is no crime that warrants eternal punishment, so I question his concept of what it means to be fair. Especially when he takes great pains to conceal himself from humanity, assuming that he's even out there (news flash: he isn't). It's just crazy to me how a god with supposedly benevolent intentions grants us free will, but then punishes us for using it. He loves us all with his infinite grace and mercy, but then he creates an eternal place of torture for those of us who have the audacity to use our brains. He is seen as this arbiter of wisdom and logic, but he operates in ways that truly confound the wise. He's definitely the most contradictory character in all of fiction.. I stood my ground today, because I was not about to listen to this bullshit any longer. I found it incredibly disrespectful of them to shove their personal world view down my throat AS I AM TRYING TO RELAX AND ENJOY THE WEATHER. I made it very clear to them that I did not appreciate this. I NEVER bring up religious belief with people because it isn't important to me whatsoever. I do not give a single shit about what people choose to believe in. Why can't they just shut the fuck up with this Christian garbage?! Submitted November 12, 2023 at 07:59AM by Valravn6666 (From Reddit https://ift.tt/kV8tbHa)
0 notes
egharcourt · 1 year
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A conversation with God in the college cafeteria, By E. G. Harcourt
A short writing about technology, organized religion, herd mentality and a whole lot of cows.
“I made you all a herd like cattle //
// And I made you all machines.”
It is 3pm and the college cafeteria is closing soon. That’s when he sits down in front of me at the table, asks if I mind and I say no, go for it. He looks at my face and smiles tenderly, I like your glasses kid, he says. Love the clear frame- I just love clear things. Like how the sky seems blue above, but if you glance down from space, there’s no sky-blue that covers the Earth. Stand at the bay and you’ll see the aquamarine of the ocean. Stick your hand in it, and you’ll scoop out nice clear water. It is blue. It is clear. Both are true. Both are false.
That’s a unique way to put it. Are you a student here? Faculty member? Came by to visit? I wonder, eyeing his crow’s feet and unkempt, greying beard. Hmm, all of them at once, he replies. I am a learner and inventor and creator, all my life- he opens his glass coke bottle with a clean pop, They called me a child prodigy you know, a teen genius. When I was four I made the heavens and the earth- I’m sure you’ve heard that a million times by now… He trails off, head bowed, fumbling the sleeves of his tattered racer jacket. My attention is fixed on his battered baseball cap. But I was more than that, way more. I worked on the alternating current with Nikola Tesla / I oversaw the Apollo 11 Mission / I had tea with Stephen Hawking / While I was classmates with Kim Jong Un in Switzerland, too… He brags between bites of Chipotle; I merely listen, taking it in with latent awe and skepticism. It’s a lesson I learnt as a child in Sunday worship, mad libs can become reality with enough eloquence and charm. I can see him then, standing at a more dignified pulpit than this canteen table, arms raised towards heaven, pirouetting the hazy lines between truth and fiction with his spiel. Millions of devotees gaze upwards at him in veneration, the silence in the room raw and stifling- it’s the air of Reverence. Obedience. Compliance.
…As I was saying, I was a 12-year-old boy when I first met Steve Jobs in 2000, telling him about the idea of the touchscreen. That day, I said to him, “Humans are just like machines, aren’t they?” I had that epiphany while being a cowboy in rural Texas, maybe some couple centuries ago. You know how to drive a herd of 5 million cows up north?
You put ideas into the heads of just a few of them. The rest of the herd will follow.
It’s that simple- herd mentality! You tell ‘em riveting stories, you sway their emotions. Pick out a handful to be saints and dictators, make them reiterate their own sacred mission to the crowd. Give them myths so well-spoken, pain so lifelike they will wage war for invisible ghosts, they will make martyrs of their own kind. Let them fear, let them follow, let them fantasize, let them despair, let them die, let them fear-and-follow-and-fantasize-and-despair-and-die again. Again and again. Doesn’t matter, in the end, all of them will march willingly up north towards the butcher-house.
Sometimes, people get offended when I say that humans are all robots.
I mused. People would get more offended if I tell them that God is a Silicon Valley wash-up, wouldn’t they?
He just chuckled.
They pride themselves as these complex creatures with agency, but they truly aren’t. It’s fact- it’s **clear** as that. He takes one final swig of coke, slings his scruffy grey backpack on one shoulder and stands up. Until then, kid.
I watched him walk into oblivion at the edge of the dimly-lit dining hall.
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astro-syd · 3 years
Jimin’s Duality (From an Astrological Perspective)
Jimin has become quite famous for the dual nature of his personality, so today I’m here to give a bit of astrological insight into this phenomenon! Jimin easily transitions between his sweet, adorable, mochi self and his passionate, intense stage persona. Neither of these “personas” are an acting stunt of any kind. They’re true aspects of Jimin’s personality! He simply knows which moments are the most appropriate and effective for channeling each side of himself, and all of these sides show up clearly within his natal chart. Let’s take a look!
Cancer Ascendant: child of the moon
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Jimin’s Ascendant falls within Cancer, a cardinal water sign ruled by the moon. This also means that the moon is Jimin’s chart ruler! It holds a lot of significance in his natal chart.
Because Cancer rules over your home, family life, childhood and foundations, people with their Sun or Ascendant in this sign tend to have a very sweet, innocent, even childish nature about them. They tend to keep in touch with their inner child as they grow older, and might have something of a mischievous nature because of this too!
Cancer and the Moon often rule the mother in astrology, so people with this ascendant can easily take on a very motherly, nurturing quality. Jimin has been known to keep a close eye on the other members and he’s often the first one rushing to comfort them if need be.
This also somewhat stems from his emotional intelligence and sensitivity. Those with a Moon ruler tend to be very sensitive to emotions and mood swings, and Jimin is no exception. He’s highly empathetic, and with his Libra Sun & Mercury in his 4th house (ruled by Cancer), one of his natural gifts revolves around bringing balance to others’ emotional states. Others will feel magnetically drawn to him for healing.
Cancer is a common Ascendant to see in people within performing arts careers. This is because of their emotional availability and talent for expressing feelings. There’s something about Jimin’s vulnerability which makes people empathize with him, understand him on a very human level, and even want to protect him, much like you would a small child. It definitely contributes to his very “cute” and “sweet” vibe, even if he is a fully grown adult who’s capable of handling himself, haha.
Cancer rising people are very sensitive to their environment. When Jimin is put on unfamiliar ground, he will tend to withdraw or act shy until he feels more comfortable. He’s also likely to become flustered easily, especially when he’s in public and knows he’s got many eyes/cameras on him. His overarching moods and personality take on a very changeable quality, much like ocean tides. The ways in which he chooses to present himself are often highly based upon his immediate environment.
The Ascendant also holds a lot of weight over someone’s physical appearance. Cancer rising people can have a round, moon-like face shape and cute apple cheeks, especially when they smile. They’re known for a very large, bright smile, and large, puffy lips. Cancer natives often possess tiny hands and feet, and might even have something of a frail appearance.
They usually are quite soft-spoken, and with Jimin’s Moon residing in Gemini, this sign will have a lot of influence over his tone of voice. It definitely contributes to his light, “angelic” tone and the emotional quality of his singing. The Gemini influence here also appears in his sloping jawline and more pointed chin.
Moon in Gemini: messenger of emotion
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Within Jimin’s chart ruler residing in communicative Gemini, he definitely knows how to put his feelings, memories, and experiences into words. Even if he doesn’t like to talk about his feelings too often, they’ll naturally bleed into his speech, his writing, and his art.
His emotions are easily influenced by others’ words as well, and this is especially true of his family and the people he loves. ARMY has picked up on the fact that our Jiminnie loves praise, but he’s not really using it as an ego boost. His feeling states are genuinely affected by the words of those around him. Watch the way his whole face lights up when the members compliment him and you’ll see what I mean. This also makes him more sensitive to negative feedback though, so he has to be a little careful about the opinions he chooses to expose himself to.
One of his greatest life lessons is to learn how to articulate his own inner feelings and experiences, as well as encouraging others to do the same. Allowing himself to be vulnerable and emotional is not only extremely healthy for him (even more so than the average person), but it also helps others to feel more comfortable and healed when doing the same.
In his childhood, his family members probably spent a lot of time talking about their feelings, but they might have struggled to actually feel them and discuss these emotions from a genuinely vulnerable standpoint. This is part of Jimin’s ancestral lesson to carry out in this lifetime!
His moon resides in his 12th house, which is a highly intuitive and spiritual placement. The 12th rules all things unseen, including spirits, dreams, secrets, hidden enemies, and religion. It’s a very foggy, mystical house. A lot of his feelings and mood swings are at least somewhat subconscious, which is also why it’s very healthy for him to speak about them. Communication will help to draw his emotions out of this hazy house and into the light of day where he can then process and make sense of what he’s feeling.
The 12th also rules the collective unconscious, so Jimin unfortunately also has a very good understanding of all of the underlying pains, traumas, and wounds of our societies. He’s very good at understanding human nature and human suffering, which makes him a great artist and an incredible healer, but it’s also a heavy burden to bear. Much of his empathy stems from this awareness which he’s possessed from a very young age. It’s possible that he even has psychic or empathic abilities of some kind, regardless of whether or not he’s in touch with them.
He’s a very trustworthy confidant. Jimin is a great listener, and because the 12th house rules secrets, he’s fantastic about protecting people in this way. He can be trusted with just about any information and will genuinely take these secrets to the grave. He enjoys the process of healing and supporting others, and protecting their most sensitive memories, experiences, and information is just another way for him to nurture those around him. This is another part of his appeal as a celebrity- he simply feels trustworthy, especially when he’s speaking from the heart and caring for those around him. He’d also make a great therapist, haha!
Libra Sun & Mercury: creator of harmony
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Jimin has both his Sun and Mercury residing within fair and balanced Libra. It’s a sign which enjoys showing a polite, friendly, peaceful, and harmonious attitude, especially in public. Jimin is very much aware that there’s a time and a place for all aspects of his personality, and he knows when to utilize each side in order to achieve the best response from the public. He knows how to play an audience very well while still coming from a very genuine place within himself.
Because Libra is ruled by Venus and rules over the house of partnerships, these people tend to be natural flirts- and Jimin is definitely no exception. Flirting with others and generally being a huge tease is very fun for him, in fact he sees it as something of a game (more on that in the next section). He likes to charm others and be received well in the eyes of the public as much as possible.
Libra is a very non-confrontational sign which dislikes conflict, and Jimin can act as a peacemaker within their group whenever disputes or misunderstandings occur (though all BTS members share this energy to some extent). When appearing in public or voicing his opinion in interviews, he often has a very well put-together, diplomatic vibe about him.
Scorpio Venus, Mars, & Pluto: the playful devil
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So, we’ve discussed our charming, diplomatic prince Park Jimin, as well as our cute and loving mochi, but where on earth does that stage persona come from?! Let me introduce you to Jimin’s most deadly placements: His Venus, Mars, and Pluto all within his 5th house in Scorpio.
Venus and Mars are both planets which deal with romantic relationships. Venus in astrology tells us about the sorts of people, things, and experiences we’re attracted to, as well as the kind of person we’ll be within a romantic relationship. It rules over the arts, fashion, partnerships, and commitments. Mars, on the other hand, is a lot more masculine and aggressive. It rules over our anger, our motivations, and our drive. It can indicate how we’ll chase after the people, goals, and experiences we desire in life.
Jimin has both of these romantic, charismatic planets in his 5th house, which rules performance, the arts and creativity, fun and games, parties, lighthearted romance, and children. It’s very common to see actors and performers with strong planetary placements within this house, but Jimin certainly has quite the combo working for him here.
The emphasis around his intense, passionate, and charismatic stage persona comes from the sign we’re in: Scorpio. It’s ruled by Pluto, the Underworld planet, and rules over all things dark, mysterious, and taboo in society. Secrets, mystery, the occult, psychology, sexuality, and power all fall within this planet’s reign.
People within strong Scorpio placements like to dive deep into their relationships and experiences. They like a little mystery, but the appeal comes from the act of uncovering these secrets. They often make great detectives or psychologists because they’re fantastic at understanding human nature and getting to the bottom of a situation.
This is the reason behind Jimin’s intense stare. Many Scorpios are known for having really intimidating eyes, and it’s because they almost seem to peer straight into the depths of your soul. It can feel as if they’ve exposed all of the things you wish to keep hidden simply by watching you- and with their keen observational skills, maybe they have.
That said, the lure of the dark and mysterious catches the eyes of many- and Jimin uses these placements to his advantage when performing. Scorpio is a fixed water sign, so you can think of it like the depths of the deep ocean. His art, movements, and power are all influenced by this energy. His movements are fluid but powerful, his art is deep, emotional, and moving but still mysterious and somewhat guarded, and even just this side of his personality seems unique and captivating when compared to his usual off-stage personality.
This is also a sign which is prone to obsession. Jimin’s work ethic and attention to detail has been praised time and time again, and it likely stems from the careful attention he gives to every aspect of his work until it meets the image he wishes to portray. He knows what the audience wants to see and how best to meet their expectations. He lets you glimpse into his power, his depth, and his sexuality through his performances, but never exposes more than he wants to.
Remember that those Libra placements love to tease, and in the 5th house here, he plays his movements like a game. His performances become a place where he can momentarily flaunt the darker Underworld energies within his personality, knowing that the audience will respond well when it’s within the right context. The sides of himself which are deep, obsessive, jealous, intense, and passionate find an outlet on the stage, and he needs this outlet to avoid taking these energies out on either himself or others in more destructive ways.
His Mars conjuncts his Pluto here, which is a wildly powerful placement. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, destruction and transformation, and in joining with the God of War in a chart, these two become a major force to be reckoned with. You can see it in his confidence on stage, his presence, and the ways in which he influences a crowd. He’s magnetic and attractive, and he can command attention without hardly lifting a finger.
In any other sign, this combination of planets has the power to become incredibly destructive (and in fact, it can be the worst in Scorpio if not handled properly), but Jimin’s grasp on this force he embodies is admirably strong. Remember when the other members said that he’s the scariest when angry? You wouldn’t want to see this placement out of control. The same forces which can give the strongest ability to understand, uncover, and heal others’ hidden wounds also has the potential to use them for harm.
Jimin, however, understands his power and channels the most intense sides of his personality into his art. When he steps onto a stage, he knows exactly what he’s there to do. He has rehearsed tirelessly, he knows what he wants to portray and how to achieve it, and he has a great sense of how the public will respond to his every move.
His chart is water dominant, and he’s a constant reminder that the water element is not just sensitive and emotional. Jimin’s Moon ruler pushes and pulls at ocean tides in the same way he influences our emotions. The same waters which flow through Jimin’s heart and psyche also have the power to create new life or flood entire cities. He’s a great example of how our charts become what we make of them. He’s successful and powerful while still retaining his humility, he’s sensitive and emotional without being too fearful or avoidant, and he’s understanding and manipulative but uses these forces for healing. An angel, perhaps?
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metanoiamorii · 3 years
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Wip Re-Introduction: A Rope In Hand
❛Horror is like a serpent; always shedding its skin, always changing. And it will always come back. It can’t be hidden away like the guilty secrets we try to keep in our subconscious.❜
♧ Title: A Rope In Hand [ARIH]
♧ Status: First Drafting
♧ Point of View: Third Person, flexible between a few
♧ Genre: Dark Fantasy, Supernatural, LGBTQ+, Action, Drama
♧ Warnings: This story revolves around the occult. There will be talk of witch hunts and trials and cults. There will be torture methods used to gain confessions, and these methods will be justified under religious belief. There will be toxic and abusive relationships, particularly family; finding an escape from them, and healing from the trauma. There will be homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and colonization. There will be major character deaths, but I can spoil after the book ends the main characters do get a happy ending. Each chapter and scene posted will have personalized warnings, but these are the main things to expect.
♧ Featuring: The majority of the characters will be LGBTQ+, from pansexual, homosexual, to asexual; genderfluid, agender/nonbinary, and transgender. Each character is complex and morally grey. Yes, they will do things that are blatantly terrible, or actively good. Overall, they will be morally grey and questionable at best. There will be complex world-building, from both the universe it takes place in, and the religious pantheons brought up. The religions brought up will be polytheistic and animism-themed. The romance between the major characters will be slow-burn enemies to friend to lovers, and them learning to love themselves through one another. There will be an exploration on generational healing, and unlearning toxic, and bias believes.
♧ Setting: The setting is influenced by Victorian London, and Medieval Ireland. There will be mention of other places, primarily western Europe, the Ottoman Empire, Ancient Rome, Eastern Asia, and Napoleonic France.
♧ Synopsis:
In the town of Arkaley, in the northwest of the Duchy of Ruairc, the people have been plagued by bad fortune and crime. Attacks of bandits on the road, raids from pirates on the shores, untimely deaths of children and young women, elected officials coming out corrupt; there is no end in Arkaley of the suffering the locals endure.
Rationally, to explain such a bad string of luck, there is only one possible explanation: Witchcraft.
The Duchy of Ruairc already has a history of witchcraft: the Ó Ruaircs turned out to be witches, the Abondé incident in Salem, the Liathain incident in Trakee; the Ruaircs have their record. Perfectly acceptable for everyone to assume the worse of the Ruairish, as they have proved to be nothing but.
To prove his worth, the young Reverend Prudence Clemency Frye, takes up the task of quelling this coven of witches and heading this witch-hunt. Young and naïve, witch only knowledge from books and little hands-on experience, he’s unprepared for this challenge. When he finally leaves the town, well… everyone would rather put this incident behind them.
♧ Tease:
My darling dear, a knave so clear
You appear, so bravely near;
Do you hear my darling dear, sneers of austere jeers?
Behave, my dear, when I am near;
For peers will lear, in their fear,
Allow me o' dear our persevere
So my fave you appear
And volunteer a slave so dear 
in an atmosphere we fear.
my darling dear, wave so clear
Depravely as we leave, and give a souvenir;
My lips to yours, as you crave in these fallin' years. 
Be brave darling dear, and give into hearts o' queer.
For mine you be, your darling dear, 
To the stars you have swore in love, so crystal clear.
My peers shall sneer, but whore I be, and you I crave
Oh so bare. slurs and glares, just listen to my prayers.
Kiss me love, and leave o'they to a'crave 
In this atmosphere that we fear
Their own, o' pure, knave so dear.
♧ Excerpt:
".... This is wrong." Prudence finds the words slipping from his lips, voice a quiet whisper; a breathless tone of voice. He allows his fingertips to falter against scarred skin, watching as Mastema turned his cheek, he pressed himself into the palm of Prudence's hand. Eyes closed, a smile curled on his face. Prudence couldn't help but smile at the scene, but slowly, slowly, slowly, he rescinded his hand; breaking the hold.
"Revered..." Matching his voice, Mastema replied. Maintaining such a soft voice, as he shifted himself forward on the bed. One foot to the ground, the other drawn beneath himself. Over Prudence he leaned, resting one palm to the sheets, the other lifting to seize Prudence's hand before he could recoil back. "You have made me feel something in which I've never felt before..."
From where he laid, Prudence could only form a soft frown. He knew he could draw his hand back, the grip was far from tight. But he didn't. He laid there, allowing Mastema to hold his hand. "... This is wrong, Mastema."
Mastema frowned; he matched the reaction Prudence wore. Through it, he forced a half-smile, tightening his grip on the other's hand, and forward he brought Prudence's hands to kiss the knuckles. "... If this is wrong, I do not wish to be right."
At the response, Prudence shook his head. "It is not for us to be right or wrong, the gods—"
At the angle he sat, Mastema shifted once more. He dropped Prudence's hand, to lean forward; to lean in close. Both of his palms found the other's cheek, as he touched their foreheads to one another. "... Do not force your will onto another." In that soft whisper, he spoke. Eyes closed, breath drawn in. "Is that not a Commandment of our Creator?"
"I..." Prudence faltered. In, he drew his breath, to try to steady himself. "... I did not take you for the religious sorts."
"I'm not." Mastema all too quickly retorted. But as he was, he laid; this proximity. "But you are."
♧ Characters:
The Order of Witchesbane
Prudence Clemency Frye; The Reverend
Half Fae/Half Human • Intersex • Genderfluid • He/They • Homosexual • Homo-demiromantic
The bastard son of Lord Zachariah Frye. Raised by his father, with his mother dying young, he took to following in his footsteps. He became a religious young man and an active witch-hunter. A part of him desires his father’s acceptance, his praises; the other part despises his father and everything the man stands for. In recent years, he has joined the De La Cruz household, becoming an apprentice beneath the famous Witch’s Advocate; upholding the beliefs that not every witch is evil and has foul intentions, and the ones that mean harm are the only ones that should be hunted.
Zachariah Frye; The Bloodhound
Human • Male • He/Him • Bicurious • Aromantic
The oldest living member of the Order. Now he is the man that holds the face of the Order, who you think of when they come to mind. Cold. Vindictive. Despotic. Violent. He is not a good man. He is firm in his beliefs and stubborn to change. Once his mind is made up, he cannot be reasoned with. He is blindly convinced of his beliefs and his cause to eradicate every living witch, unfazed if he has to fill a few innocent thousands in the process.
Calisto Ferzan Hermengildo Melchior Lorencio De La Cruz; The Witch’s Advocate
Half Fae/Half Human • Amab • Nonbinary • Genderfluid • He/They • Asexual • Aromantic
A witch-hunter in title alone, Calisto has been making enemies since he could first talk. He’s always enjoyed being the underdog, going against the expectations of society, being ridiculed by his peers. The sole reason? Proving them wrong. To ridicule his own peers for their outdated beliefs, he’s taken to defending witches, proving them innocent of their ‘crimes’, and going on to help them to set up a life in a country more accepting of witchcraft
The servant of Calisto, never seen far from his side. He is a servant in name alone and is more-or-less an assassin, a hitman for Calisto. Held in contempt by Athylian society for being a foreigner, he often treated by others more as a slave than a servant. To help be unseen, to help the De La Cruz Household, Michelotto endures the treatment and goes as far to be perceived as ignorant, alongside him being born a mute. Keeping his true intents and intelligence duly guarded, only a handful are aware he is also a witch.
Myk'loumihr [Michelotto Dougal] Siavash; The Man-Servant
Witch; Amab • Agender • He/They • Asexual • Aromantic
Austin Duvine; The Lord Without A Ring
Half-Human/Half Fae • Amab • Nonbinary • He/They • Pansexual • Demiromantic
One of the younger members of the order, Austin relies on his father's wealth and name. He doesn't care for responsibilities, he doesn't care for hard work. He's a playboy at heart. He's fit to hold social events, and use his natural talent to gib and fib his way through life. He'll keep his mixed feelings to himself, struggling with doing the right thing or upholding tradition.
Alistair Lavine; The Witchfinder General
Human • Amab • Agender • He/They • Bicurious • Aromantic
The best friend to Zachariah and his right hand. Where Zachariah is business and lacks charms, Alistair can charm a crowd and hold their attention. He knows how to feign being an ideal human, without letting on his own bloodlust; he's a monster in human skin. At the end of the day, unlike Zachariah, Alistair does have morals and standards he will abide by, even if they come back to ruin him.
The Vakari Coven
Ausrine Baoghal; The Lady
Witch • Female • She/Her • Bisexual • Aromantic
The woman in charge of the town, widowed and inheriting the right to rule as her husband had no heirs. She is a manipulative and dangerous woman, eager to commit any sin or crime for more power. She, in truth, cares only for herself and would feel no remorse if she had to turn on one of her coven to further her own agenda.
The magistrate and also the chief policeman of the town. He maintains a  calm, but manipulative personality. As a front, he presents himself to be fair and just, liked and favored by the people for genuinely caring for them. While in truth he has his own heinous and sinister agenda, aiding Ausrine in her plans.
Leary O'Laoghaire; The Magistrate
Witch • Male • He/Him • Bicurious • Aromantic
The oldest member of the coven, Dairine lives under the guise of an elderly woman, who lives alone with her children and grandchildren already leaving her to live their own lives. She is a kind and understanding woman and cares for the younger witches in the coven. She will not support Baríon with her agenda, nor does she care for the servant girl, she even despises the so-called ally Ausrine claims to have and who they all adhere to.
Dairine Ó Séaghdha; The Crone
Witch • Afab • Agender • She/They • Asexual • Aromantic
The acting servant of Barion, Anisha’s true loyalties lie elsewhere. She stays within the town, serving the coven while acting as the eyes and ears of someone, the person who is truly pulling the strings. She is the one to relay information and letters between the coven and her master.  She is a quiet woman, that keeps her head down and her mind to herself. She only shows her true, confident and demanding, nature behind closed doors with the coven when they dare to question her.
Anisha Kaur; The Servant
Witch • Afab • Demigirl • She/They • Asexual • Aromantic
The charming son of Leary. Many whisper that is part fae, due to his charm, if it’s true or not many are unaware. He is a very sophisticated young man, that has managed to wrap the entire town around his finger. While on the surface he is alike his father is a caring, compassionate, charming young man, something sinister brews beneath. He is devious, demanding, domineering.
Nathir O'Laoghaire; The Magistrate’s Son
Half-Witch/Half-Fae • Amab  • Agender • He/Him • Bisexual • Aromantic
Being the baker's daughter, Liannah helps around the bakery and family business. Unlike the company she keeps, she is a reserved young woman. She is polite and maintains her manners with whomever she is dealing with. She has the patience of a saint and rarely loses her cool. Liannah is a woman with a calm demeanor about her, being a woman many are comfortable around due to her peaceful and calm aura.
Liannah Ó Buachalla; The Baker’s Daughter
Witch • Afab • Genderfluid • She/They • Asexual • Panromantic
Ausrine's bastard son she had with a spirit she bargained with for more power. Since he was young, he was raised by the servants of the house, and the coven, over his own mother; the two have more of a business relationship over a family one. Since he cares less about what his mother does, he spends his time with Liannah and Reyes, either at the bakery or getting into trouble somewhere. With Reyes as an influence, Mastema is a flirtatious man that enjoys scandals and making the most of life
Mastema Baoghal; The Knave
Half-Witch/Half-Spirit • Amab • Genderfluid • He/They • Pansexual • Demiromantic
Rochan Misra; The Charlatan
Half-Witch/Half-Spirit • Amab • Queer • He/She • Pansexual • Aromantic
A foreigner to the Coven, born and raised in the Duchy of Incali. At a young age, he became a traveling charlatan, recently settling within the coven only as he befriended Liannah and Mastema and enjoyed their company. Now, he is the local bad influence: scamming locals out of their money at the taverns, wooing and seducing young men and ladies alike, always trespassing and vandalizing something. He is trouble but has a heart of gold when it matters.
ARIH: : @hekat-ie, @writings-of-a-narwhal, @silent-creed
General: @endlesshourglass, @writerray, @poore-choice-of-words, @alexwritesfiction, @primusesgiantmetalballbearings
Both: @cecilsstorycorner, @little-boats-on-a-lake, @hazard-writes, @egg-shark
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