xmaeve · 2 years
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Here comes the sun feat @loeynely  💛
Claro que um feat meu, não é um feat meu se não tiver uma dedicatória à pessoa com quem quis, aceitou e fez arte junto comigo. Eu já te falei no privado o quão grata eu sou pelo carinho e atenção que você dá as minhas edições, já surtei horrores quando me mandou essa finalizada, mas vou repetir aqui: Obrigada pelos comentários cheios de carinho em cada post meu, por me acompanhar, por ser simplesmente um doce de menina e ótima para conversar (tagarela igual a mim ksks), me senti tão a vontade com você que é como se já fôssemos amigas de longa data e eu não poderia estar mais apaixonada por essa capinha.💙
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seriousflightrisk · 1 year
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How NCT Dream would carry you out of a fire
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xylialunaire · 2 years
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ochkarka · 8 months
girls i just wanna cry because WHERE IS THE CONTENT WITH JAEHEE X YOOSUNG
so there is my ehh not so old (a month has passed) sketch with these buns 🤲
translation (well my handwriting is uhm awful... as my english hehe SORRY)
pic 1
yoosung: i wish v would stop telling shit (lying etc etc I hope you got it)
jaehee: *sigh* eat your oatmeal please.
pic 2
yoosung: jaehee leave your dish on the table I'll tidy up myself TT you haven't even eaten yet
pic 3
yoosung: take your lunchbox–
jaehee: uh-huh
yoosung: i'll see you off–
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maybe they aren't my otp but I have to admit they are fascinating. and another point. yes. yeah.
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versalpha · 3 months
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apcomplexhq · 11 months
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✦ Nome do personagem: Jung Jaesung. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Wonho - Solista. ✦ Data de nascimento: 14/03/1996 ✦ Idade: 27 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Masculino, ele/dele. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Coreia do Sul, sul-coreano. ✦ Qualidades: Pontual, companheiro, eficiente. ✦ Defeitos: Ganancioso, impaciente e bruto. ✦ Moradia: Asphodel Meadows. ✦ Ocupação: Personal Trainer no Atlas Gym. ✦ Twitter: @AM96JS ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY, ROMANCE, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: Jaesung é um condômino exemplar em Asphodel Meadows, sendo amigável, cortês e sempre disposto a ajudar. Ele é pontual, diligente e cumpre suas responsabilidades. Sua personalidade tranquila e empática o torna fácil de lidar, enquanto sua natureza generosa cria um senso de camaradagem. É consciente do meio ambiente e promove práticas sustentáveis sempre que possível.
TW’s na bio: bullying.
Jung Jaesung, nascido em Seul, Coréia, cresceu em uma família de classe média alta, com apenas sua mãe e pai vivos. Na infância, ele enfrentou muito bullying na escola devido à sua magreza excessiva, o que o motivou a buscar uma transformação pessoal quando atingiu a adolescência. Determinado a superar suas limitações físicas, começou a frequentar a academia, não demorando muito para atingir bons resultados com tamanha dedicação e foco.
Quando completou 18 anos, a família Jung enfrentou uma grande dificuldade financeira, levando os genitores a viajar para os Estados Unidos em busca de trabalho. Desse momento em diante, Jaesung precisou se virar sozinho no mundo. Ele mergulhou de cabeça nos estudos sobre musculação, absorvendo todo o conhecimento disponível. Com a determinação inabalável, ele decidiu seguir a carreira de educação física e ingressou em uma faculdade, passando a exercer sua profissão logo após a graduação.
Hoje em dia vive sua vida adulta em Acropolis, onde continua desenvolvendo seu lado profissional, corpo e mente. O local chamou a sua atenção quando estava procurando um lugar mais confortável para se instalar, uma vez que a sua condição financeira teve uma melhora notável e a estabilidade o permitiu se acomodar em um apartamento do Asphodel Meadows. Ele se tornou um profissional respeitado na área de educação física, ajudando outras pessoas a alcançarem seus objetivos de saúde e bem-estar. Sua jornada pessoal o transformou em um exemplo de superação e motivação para aqueles que o conhecem, sua reputação foi o que o levou a ser convidado para ocupar uma vaga de personal trainer na Atlas Gym.
Enquanto busca o crescimento profissional, Jaesung também se esforça para encontrar equilíbrio em sua vida pessoal. Ele valoriza relacionamentos significativos e investe tempo em cuidar de sua saúde mental. Seu passado difícil moldou sua determinação e resiliência, capacitando-o a enfrentar qualquer desafio que surja em seu caminho.
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saturnznct · 11 months
finding out you’re pregnant | kjw
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➸ request from anon; hi sadie i hope ur having a good day! can i request a scenario where dad!jungwoo and reader find out shes pregnant?(with jaesung!) thank you !🌟
➸ word count; 956 words
➸ jaesang; aged 3
➸ warning(s); infertility, miscarriage mentions, fainting, sickness, hospital
nct masterlist (lnks will be added later)
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Getting pregnant had always seemed like an impossibility. You and Jungwoo had tried for three years, with a multitude of different methods, including IVF, but to no success. Doctors visits and fertility treatments had also amounted to nothing, despite different exams and tests showing that there was no real reason for the infertility, just seemingly bad luck. Eventually, after a long process, you were able to adopt your son, Jaesang.
Jaesang was your everything, the centre of both of your worlds, and you were so unbelievably grateful that the universe had brought your family together.
Once you had decided to adopt and Jaesang was brought home, it was such a relief to not constantly think about conceiving and ovulation. You and Jungwoo decided to stay off of birth control. You could just carry on the same way as you were before, and if you became pregnant, then you became pregnant, and if not, then you still had your beautiful baby boy.
When Jaesang was one, what seemed like the impossible happened. You missed a period, and after a few weeks of putting it off due to a mix of denial and being too busy taking care of Jaesang, you took a pregnancy test, which came back positive. You and Jungwoo were amazed to say the least, terrified but overjoyed. So naturally, you were both absolutely devastated when your baby didn’t have a heartbeat at your first scan. You grieved for quite some time, it was heartbreaking but at the same time, felt like a miracle you were even pregnant in the first place. Jaesang got you both through the darkness, and you and Jungwoo felt your love for your son was reinforced from the experience.
Two years later, and Jaesang was three years old, and still the light of your lives. You had healed, as much as you could possibly, from the miscarriage, you had thrown all of your efforts into raising your son. He was so smart and the most incredible little boy, very sociable and active, keeping you and Jungwoo on your toes. He had just began nursery, and had begun to come home with stories about his new friends and crude paintings of you and your family that now littered your fridge doors.
At the moment, Jungwoo was up to his neck in work, meaning he was often needed at the company and so it was you who was doing the dropping off and picking up. You’d felt off today, a quite dizzy and lightheaded, but you had tried your best to push it away and power through.
‘Mrs Kim!’ Jaesang’s nursery teacher sees you approaching, Jaesang stood by her side holding her hand.
‘Mummy/mommy!’ He exclaims, toddling the short distance to you and into your arms.
‘Hi sweetheart,’ you return his hug, ‘did you have a good day?’
‘Yeah! We played outside!’
‘Oh wow that sounds like so much fun!’
‘Here’s Jaesang’s drawing for today,’ his teacher hands you a piece of paper with various different coloured scribbles on, ‘and here’s a letter with information about the vaccinations for-‘
She continues talking, but suddenly everything feels fuzzy. Black spots fill your vision, and your ears feel as though you’ve just been pushed underwater.
Before you know it, you can feel that you’re laying down, and there is the eerie sound of white noise, and two voices talking quietly. Jaesang and Jungwoo.
‘What happened to mummy/mommy?’ Jaesang asks innocently, sitting on Jungwoo’s lap in a chair beside your hospital bed.
‘Mummy/mommy just needed a little nap,’ Jungwoo explains, ‘but she’ll wake up soon.’
‘Oh,’ JaesangJaesang says, a little deflated at the lack of answers.
’She’s just fine though, Jaesangie. No need to worry.’
Your eyes flutter open to meet Jaesang’s who sits up excitedly at seeing you wake up.
Jungwoo’s head whips around to see you, and Jaesang wriggles out of his arms and to your bedside, pulling himself up onto the hospital bed beside you.
‘Hello sweetheart,’ you accept him into your arms, kissing his forehead, ‘did I give you a fright?’
The little boy nods, snuggling his head into your neck.
‘I’m sorry,’ you rub his back reassuringly, ‘I must have scared you.’
Jaesang becomes quiet, so you turn your attention to Jungwoo.
‘What’s going on?’ ‘What happened to me, Woo?’
Jungwoo briefly glances at Jaesang.
‘Hey, Jaesangie, how about you sit outside with auntie Minah for a few minutes?’ Jungwoo suggests, ‘they have lots of cool toys in the waiting room!’
‘Okay,’ Jaesang is led outside by Jungwoo, who returns minutes later.
‘Your sister’s here?’ you ask.
‘Yeah, I was in a schedule so the school couldn’t get ahold of me, so they went for the next emergency contact.’
‘Sorry to drag you away,’ you sigh, rubbing your eyes with your hands, ‘I don’t know what happened.’
‘It was a boring schedule. And the doctors ran some blood tests while you were out.’
‘What was it? Low blood sugar?’
‘Baby, you’re pregnant again.’
‘They said you’re around six weeks pregnant.’
‘Oh,’ you laugh, ‘that’s- wow.’
‘I know,’ Jungwoo places his hand on your cheek, ‘how are you feeling?’
‘I don’t know. Like i’m still passed out and dreaming. But scared.’
‘I’m scared too,’ Jungwoo admits, ‘I don’t know what I’ll do if we lose another baby. But for now I think we should be hopeful. We have another miracle baby.’
‘We’re so lucky.’
‘I know. And regardless of what happens, we’re going to be okay. And as of now.. we’re going to have another baby. Jaesang will be a big brother.’
Tears prick in your eyes, ‘I love you both so much.’
‘I love both of you too. You’re both everything to me. All of our babies are.’
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blmpff · 1 year
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A First Love Story (2021, 15min) 2/2
Korean short by Strongberry, available on YouTube (in 2 parts) and Gaga (the 2 parts as 1 episode).
Jaesung visits his boyfriend Mingyu while on a leave from his mandatory military service.
pt 1/2
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who: jae-sung and helena where: helena's @violenttempest
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he'd already thrown on his pants and was standing up as he buttoned his shirt back up. "remind me to piss you off more often." jae-sung commented with a slight smirk. he'd walked over to the window, moving the curtain to the side to look out and rolled his eyes as he saw creatures coming out of the woods already. "great, looks like i'm stuck here for the night." again.
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aggwaseon · 4 months
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Your every day man, but is he? He goes by Jae and whilst he seems like a normal man, he has a dark secret he carries with himself daily. Occupation one that most wouldn’t even dare to talk about. A man with plenty of blood on his hands, a man who doesn’t need to think twice when it comes to killing another human being. Jaesung is cold and cunning, at least when he is focused on work.
Outside of work? Same, unless he redeems you worthy. Jaesung has troubles opening up, he doesn’t easily rely on other people as he is too suspicious of everything going on around him. Thinking people are out there to get him.
When he loves then he really loves. Jae has a huge heart that he’s kept concealed for a long time, not wanting to involve people dear to him into this side of the world. He doesn’t want to be the reason a loved one gets injured or worse die.
Name: Choi Jaesung
Age: 40 (April 2nd, 1983)
Height: 183cm
Occupation: Hitman
Sexual preference: brats, baby girls/boys.
Likes: Occupational hobbies (target shooting), morning jogging, cooking, rough sex (preferred over being gentle), making sure his dominance is known, marking his territory, cleaning.
Dislikes: When his clothes get ruined, messy house, being told no.
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yongbokkim · 5 months
starter para @jaesungkim
                                   ◜ "vai viajar com o pessoal? eles 'tavam chamando." falava enquanto alinhava seus mangás na estante, tentando achar o melhor jeito de mostrar direito sua mina de ouro. "se for, arruma carona, quero ficar com o carro."
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lee-kangin · 1 month
이재성 x 손흥민 linkup! 😍🇰🇷
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star-paths · 7 days
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{ Open Starter }
For: Anyone!
Muse: Jung Jaesung / Idol / 25 / bi
Scene: Playing console games on the couch at your muse’s place
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He shot up from the couch abruptly as if his seat had become electrified, gesticulating wildly at the TV screen.
“How?! How is that possible — I was in front of you this whole time!!” He turned back to the other sitting beside him, a moody mix of skepticism and dismay brewing on his features. He would flop back down beside his gaming partner, wiggling the controller in his hand before dropping it unceremoniously between them.
“There’s something wrong with you controller — I demand a rematch, and next time I’m bringing my own,” he patted himself on the chest for emphasis, muttering under his breath in that self-soothing way of his that things would be different next time. That his friend would see just how good at the game he really is!
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galaxymagick · 2 months
Taekwoon went live on bbl, it was audio only so it was a lot of listening to things from walking, opening the fridge?, stirring, his breathing while ‘ ‘lying down with his eyes closed’, more breathing, yawning, brushing his teeth, washing face, getting dressed, more walking, then getting into a car to take him on his way to a wedding of someone he knows.. also there’s news of his current favourite manager who gave him forsythia to cheer him up, he is also moving to bigboss ^^!!!
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pillowxtalk · 4 months
♣ + Jaesung & Nana!
Send me ♣ + a ship and i’ll tell you…
who is the better dancer? Jaesung because he is an idol and Nana just dances for fun.
who likes the outdoors more and who likes the indoors more? I feel like they both like the outdoors and indoors equally.
who’s a cat person and who’s a dog person? Nana is a dog person
who’s more social? Jaesung
who makes the bed every morning? Nana
who likes to keep the house cold and who likes to keep the house warm? I feel like they both like it warm.
who takes longer getting ready? Nana because she is a girl and she loves playing with make-up.
who likes scary movies and who likes funny ones? Nana dislikes scary movies.
who screams when they see a bug and who ends up killing it? No one will scream and they will let it out.
who is more technology challenged? Neither. I feel they are both up to date.
who would be more likely to burn something in the oven? Jaesung, but I'm not sure.
who talks in their sleep? Nana does it very rarely if she has intense dreams.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? Neither
who likes getting dressed up more? Nana
who’s better at tying ties? Maybe Jaesung because he wears them for award shows?
who recorded the answering machine message on the house phone? Both
who’s better at planning romantic things? Nana, but I feel Jaesung can be romantic too.
who takes up more space in the closet? Nana
who has more of a sweet tooth? Nana
who drinks more often? Jaesung even though I don't his job allows him to drink often.
who is most likely to laugh during a serious situation? Neither of them.
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namube · 7 months
gangnam halloween market, be:halloweenmarket. with @bexjae.
when namu had heard about there being game booths at the gangnam halloween market, he was essentially stoked, to say the least. namu loves those type of games that felt almost arcade-esque in some way because he always felt like he was good at those. the only type of video games namu have ever seemingly been good at are cozy video games and thinks like the sims franchise. those are really where his game skills shine - he's tried the other ones, but namu just wasn't good at them, and he seemed to not be able to shoot things when it was a shooting game. so, it was probably better that he just wasn't good at it anyways, considering he didn't have the heart to hurt an object that wasn't even real. maybe he was a little odd like that. but, that wasn't the point now.
he giggles happily, something that quite mixed in with the busy bodies that were around the other two. he's got a hand on jae, holding onto the other because namu was not a fan of big crowds - to say the least. but, he had brought the other over to one of the game booths - for now, at least; he'll worry about all the cool halloween themed food booths soon. but, he was ready to play at least one of the game booths. he was hoping to win at least two or three cute plushies today, especially because they were halloween themed. and truth be told, namu just really likes the cute things.
he fixes the halloween costume he's wearing to go along with the whole thing - though, he doesn't think it's really all the special, so he almost forgot that it was something that he has on. "what do you think about this one?" namu asked, looking upon jae. "i think we can both win this one!" he says, giggling softly. though, knowing namu, he was going to say that about every game booth that he and jae happen to stop at. "it doesn't look too bad!" he said, chuckling softly. namu was sure he could get the pins down, for sure.
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