#kim heechul drabbles
chicken-fifi · 11 months
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Artist: Heechul (SuJu)
Title: The Lake (WARNING: Suggestive/NSFW)
Prompt: skinny dipping
Requested by: @bokkibunny
Tagging: @bokkibunny @kyuprincess @writingstuffandmore
“I could get used to this view,” you sighed, looking out at the sunset over the edge of the infinity pool. You turned your head back to look at Heechul who was still debating on joining you or not. “Come on, no one’s gonna know.”
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep it together,” Heechul admitted bashfully.
You sent him a flirty smirk before turning around. Unlike him who was still in his swimming trunks, you were completely bare, having decided against wearing one this time.
“Don’t stare!” he whined as he went to take off the trunks.
You closed your eyes, turning away, “As if there isn’t anything I haven’t seen before.” You heard him enter the pool, the water moving differently as he approached. Opening your eyes once, you felt his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you to him you smiled, turning around. “See? It isn’t so bad.”
Heechul groaned as you shifted, your bare mound brushing up against his hardening member. You slipped a hand under the water wrapping it around him and softly squeezing.
“I could get used to this too,” you murmured softly, using your other hand as leverage to pull yourself up a bit with his help, slowly easing him into you and allowing both of you to move in unison in the water.
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superwinkies · 4 years
Super Junior: Curvy Partner/Hourglass
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//Requested by an anon! This was interesting to write! I hope it didn’t made anyone feel bad! #bodypositivity//
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the biggest fan of your body!!
even buys you clothes he thinks would look perfect with your figure
loves loves resting his hands on your waist, sometime going down further (hehe)
“babe, how can I get my butt to be like yours? Mine’s too flat!”
sees you more than just your figure. Your passion burning while talking was the first thing that intrigued him to you
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110% very handsy
will literally never shut up about your body
proudly shows you off and even encourage you to wear whatever you want.
especially so if it highlights your figure!!
“You should wear that! I think it looks really good on you!”
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not so vocal about your figure. 
in a way, like less expressive in terms of expressing his love for your body
not because he doesn’t love it or he hates it, but it’s because he really think it’s not a big deal
however, if you are feeling a lil insecure or down about your own body, this boy will definitely know how to make you feel better! never ending compliments! kisses, hugs.
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doesn’t really care for your figure
attracted to you because you made him feel himself, you made him laugh and smile. have common interests and you can talk to him for days.
loves your overall self, but he secretly loves lying on you. Cuddling is a big yes!
always in awe when you wear anything, “how can you look this hot?”
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super playful
definitely will slap your butt playfully. it’s like a daily routine
very big and generous on compliments! “you look good!”
“damn baby, you gonna kill a man”
low key jealous of your body because he’s too skinny. makes sure you know that he loves you, your body, and your entire being. 
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absolutely loves your curves, but also shy to say anything about it
also loves to cuddle with you and run his hands down your body
loses his words when he first saw you, because you are too beautiful. and when you smiled, he almost lost it.
if you’re feeling insecure, he will play the guitar and compliment you endlessly through the impromptu song
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never short of compliments and praises!!
will make sure you know how beautiful and perfect you are 24/7
non-stop admiration for you
if you are trying on clothes and shows him for the first time, he would immediately screamed a woah and then cover his mouth or clap wildly
loves you for you, and makes sure that you also love you for you.
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don’t really outright tell you he loves your body
but, will compliment the way your outfits matches you
sometimes, you feel insecure, that’s when Ryeowook pours extra love and compliments
reminds you that you are not only beautiful, but you are smart, knowledgeable, kind, friendly.
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can’t take his eyes of you
a lil protective, always having at least one part of him on you 24/7
hands around your waist, head resting on your shoulders, fingers hooking yours, lips peppering your face
sometimes stare at your booty a little too long, “I can feel you staring baby,”
overall, whipped for you. 
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akiscribbles-blog · 7 years
You Missed Me
Pairing: Kim Heechul x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff
Summary: He had left without saying a word, but now he is back.
Word count: 872
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Gif source 
It had been so long since you last saw him. Two months of almost non-stop texting, calling and hanging out, then he simply disappeared. First he stopped asking to hang out, giving some excuses like him being just really busy. You understood, considering his job. Then he stopped calling, again with the same reasons. You were already sad, but still tried to understand. But when he stopped texting, you got the hint. It hurt to be dumbed by just leaving without a goodbye, but you took it as well as you could. 
   After over six months, you were already over him. So, one can only imagine your shock, when the very man who broke your heart, was now standing in front of your apartment.
   You couldn't believe your eyes. It was him. The man who had disappeared without a trace. He was standing there, looking at you like he had seen a ghost. A ghost he was looking for. You stared at him with lazy eyes, feeling numb. All the possible emotions were running through your head: shock, sadness, anger, happiness, all of it. You didn't know what to say or do.
   “Heechul...” you finally noted with a tired and sad tone.
   “Hi…” he nearly whispered.
   Then there was silence. You wanted to yell at him, let all of your anger out. You wanted to cry, let all those emotions out. But above all, you wanted to wrap your arms around him and never let go. You knew since the first date, that you liked him a lot. You didn't dare to call it love just yet, but the feeling you had for him was so close. You narrowed your eyes slowly while watching him, waiting for him to say something, anything. But he didn't, so you spoke.
   “What are you doing here?”
   “I don’t know…” his eyes looked down, being too afraid to meet yours.
   “Then leave”, you said without emotion showing anywhere on you. 
   You were about to close the door on him, but he brought his foot between the door and the frame before you could do it.
   “Please… Listen…”
   “Why should I??” you raised your voice. “I got the hint, Heechul. You didn't want to be with me anymore.”
   “No. That’s not it”, he was now brave enough to look at you in the eyes. “I needed space and-”
   “’Space’?” you repeated him with a mocking chuckle. “Are you kidding me?”
   Heechul sighed, his gaze wandering around again.
   “Leave, Heechul. There is nothing else for us to discuss.”
   You spoke with coldness, but your brain was screaming for you to grab him and pull him inside. You wanted him back. Two months was enough to show you that you cared about him more than anyone else. However, your pride was too great to surrender.
   “I can’t”, he slowly raised his dark gaze to you. “I don’t want to.”
   “What are you talking about?”
   “My whole body is telling me to stay. It’s hard to explain, but I just don’t want to leave.”
   You sighed deeply. “You are not making sense…”
   That was a lie, you knew what he was talking about. Your mind felt the same way, however you didn't want to admit it. Not even to yourself. You looked down to your feet. It was too much to see him now.
   “Maybe this will help”, Heechul suddenly pushed the door open and took a step closer. He gently moved his slender fingers under your chin to pull you to him. He leaned in, stopping for a moment as if he was waiting for you. You didn't know what went to you, but you met him and so your lips touched. The kiss was gentle, soft and caring. A single tear fell down your cheek as you remembered the little memories you had already made half a year ago. It may sound silly, but it really did feel like you and him had been together for years. And as if it all came back from that single kiss, all the emotions and all those small moments with him.
   Heechul finally leaned back, a soft smile forming on his lips while he stared into your eyes.
   “Do you understand now?” he asked.
   “Enlighten me.”
   Heechul let out a warming and adoring chuckle, knowing that you were just kidding, but he played along.
   “I like you and I want you to be mine.”
   Your bad emotions faded slowly and they were replaced with nothing but happiness. You finally let your mind and heart control you, as you wrapped your arms around Heechul’s torso tightly. “My love…”
   Heechul hugged you back. “So. I guess that means you want me to be yours?”
   “Yes, you idiot.”
   “Good.” He grinned, “I don’t know how you managed to live without your handsome boyfriend.”
   You let out a huff. “I simply thought of the times where you were being an annoying pain in my ass, and I instantly felt better when I realized that those days were over.”
   Heechul laughed and kissed the top of your head. “You joke, but you missed me.”
   You raised your head up to meet his dark brown eyes again, and then quickly pecked his softer lips.
   “More than anything.”
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blu-joons · 2 years
Jealous Of Gibok ~ Kim Heechul
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Hurried steps came through the apartment as Gibok heard the password to Heechul’s apartment go again. He struggled to keep up with Gibok as he raced across, jumping up and resting his paws against your legs in order to get some affection.
“He wasn’t even that excited to see me,” Heechul half joked as he walked across to greet you too, wrapping his arm around your waist so that he could press a kiss to your cheek. “Gibok, come down, at least give Y/N the room to get through the front door.”
“He’s alright, it’s nice feeling wanted,” you laughed, tickling behind Gibok’s ears.
“At least he wants you, that’s one out of two.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked to Heechul, following behind him as he made his way across to the sofa once you had taken your shoes off. As expected, Gibok was quick to follow behind you, jumping up on the sofa and moving between the two of you.
“Has he been home alone all day?” You asked Heechul inquisitively.
“Maybe an hour whilst I tied up some errands,” Heechul frowned, running his hand over Gibok’s head, “I went and grabbed some ingredients to make dinner tonight.”
Your head nodded, excited to see what Heechul had bought. “Are you sure that you want to make a mess around this place tonight?”
Heechul’s hand pushed gently against your shoulder with a chuckle, scoffing at how well you knew him. As your body rocked, Gibok jumped up, barking quietly to warn Heechul, dropping back down on the sofa when you sat back upright. Your smile grew at how protective Gibok was, although the same couldn’t be said for Heechul.
Gibok seemed to take a liking to just about anyone, but even you were an exception to the rule. As the two of you settled on the sofa, Gibok leaned further into you rather than Heechul, which didn’t go unnoticed by the frustrated figure that sat down beside you.
As much as Heechul loved how well the two of you got along, at times, he couldn’t help but feel forgotten about by Gibok. He had an extra spring in his step when you were around, he was more active, cuddlier, and certainly more needy for attention, coming to you for a tickle quite a lot of the time without even giving Heechul a thought.
“I take it it’s up to me to cook,” Heechul remarked as Gibok rested his head against your lap, closing his eyes.
You tickled your hand against Gibok’s neck, smiling weakly back across at Heechul. You felt caught in the middle as jealous eyes looked at the way Heechul nuzzled into the tips of your fingers, moving gently just beside his mouth. You didn’t want to make Gibok feel unloved, but at the same time, you didn’t want Heechul to feel like you were taking his place in Gibok’s life.
“I can push him off, get a cushion for him to lay on,” you suggested in an attempt to fix things.
“You can’t do that,” Heechul reluctantly admitted though, continuing to stare at Gibok, “he’s comfortable on you, he’s not slept all day, he’s probably desperate to rest.”
“But are you happy doing dinner by yourself, do you want help?”
A shrug of the shoulders came from Heechul as he stood up from the sofa, “I’m not the best when it comes to cooking, but I don’t think Gibok has left me with much of a choice to get on with things.”
“Heechul,” you spoke, tapping the space where he was just sat on the sofa, “sit down for a moment, dinner can wait, and you can’t cook like this either.”
“I’m fine Y/N, it’s already getting late as it is anyway.”
He went to walk away, but as his eyes looked back to see the serious expression that was on your face, Heechul sunk down and sat down beside you. With your free hand, you pressed it against his shoulder, trying your best to encourage the corners of his mouth to turn into a smile once again.
“Are you jealous of the fact that Gibok is with me?” You honestly asked him, picking up on all of the signs that it had felt like Heechul had recently dropped.
“I’m not jealous,” he corrected, trying his best to keep a straight face, “it just hurts sometimes how needy he is for you, yet how little he wants me.”
Your head nodded understandingly, having noticed Gibok’s recent change of behaviour too. You didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, but as you began to watch it bother Heechul too, you just knew that it wasn’t something that you could ignore forever.
“Why don’t I do dinner and you two can sit here together?” You suggested to him.
Heechul smiled weakly back at you, already knowing how things would turn out. Gibok would scamper as soon as he felt Heechul’s presence, knowing full well that Gibok would slink across and join you in the kitchen instead.
“I am happy that you and Gibok get on so well,” Heechul felt like he needed to reassure you, “I would hate this so much more if the two of you didn’t get on.”
“We’re a family of three, there’s never just two of us here.”
Heechul nodded in agreement with you, watching as you lifted Gibok’s head up and slid yourself out from underneath him. Luckily for you, he didn’t stir at all, unaware of your lap being replaced by a pillow underneath his head.
You slowly moved across to the kitchen, pointing across for Heechul to move across in your place. Worried eyes looked to you, but you were confident that Gibok would want to be by Heechul’s side, just like he did with yours.
“I’ll get dinner sorted, I make less mess than you anyway,” you encouraged, picking up the bag of ingredients that Heechul had left on the kitchen side.
“Are you absolutely sure?” He smiled, moving a little closer towards Gibok, slowly lowering his hand down to brush over the top of Gibok’s head. “The recipe is on my phone if you want to get it, I can send it across to you for you to follow.”
“I can already tell what you want to make looking through this bag,” you chuckled, “you really are a creature of habit sometimes Kim Heechul.”
He smiled proudly back across to you, “I know what I like, and I know that if you make this, Gibok will be able to steal a bit of the meat too to try and get him back on side.”
You nodded back at Heechul, opening up the kitchen drawer and pulling out one of the pots. Heechul kept an eye on you, continuing to scratch over Gibok’s head, making sure that you did things as you were supposed to, knowing that Heechul was too particular for his own good sometimes when it came to how his meals were prepared.
“Just to be sure, are you sure that you don’t mind doing dinner?” Heechul quizzed as you grabbed an apron off the back of the kitchen door.
“Just concentrate on Gibok,” you assured him, “give him all of the cuddles that I would give him, I know how he loves your affection.”
“Thank you, I really appreciate you doing this.”
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kpopimaginings · 3 years
Home Again - Heechul
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A/N: For a lovely anon. I am very grateful that you have requested again and hope you like this story too. Reader is not Korean, but other than that I’ve left it vague
Living in Korea so far from your family was hard for you at times, and Heechul tried his best to be understanding of this. It was difficult, however, when the two people you spoke about most were male. He knew it was stupid to be jealous of these guys he had never met but when you mentioned they would be there when you finally took him to meet your family, he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable about it.
He didn't voice any of this too you though, as he could see how excited you were about going home, and even more so that you got to take your boyfriend with you.
When you arrived your parents greeted you at the door, you gave them each a tight hug, before introducing Heechul to them. As your father took the bags up to your room, which they kept for anytime you came back to visit, you turned to your mother.
"Where are my boys?" you asked, jumping on the spot with excitement.
"In the living room," she told you with a smile.
You quickly pulled the door open, only to be attacked with love and affection from your two family dogs. Kneeling down in front of them you made a fuss as they proceeded to lick any part of you they could.
Heechul couldn't help but chuckle, as he realised that all this time, you hadn't been talking about human friends, but your dogs.
"I think those two are the only reason she comes home," your mum told Heechul. "Honestly, I think she loves the dogs more than us."
"I think she loves the dogs more than me, too," he agreed, trying his best to keep up with your native language which you had been slowly teaching him.
"If we're on a video call with her, the first thing she's asks is if she can see her boys," your mum continued to call you out.
"I can hear you, you know?" you scolded, before standing and returning to your boyfriends side.
"She's only telling me what I already know, they are all you talk about," Heechul pointed out, falling back into Korean when addressing you.
"I'm starting to think this language barrier is going to be a good thing," you told him. "Otherwise, you two are just going to try and embarrass me."
"Only because we love you," he laughed, kissing you sweetly on the cheek.
"Even when I can't understand you, I can see how good you are together," your mum commented. "Go and make yourselves comfortable, and I'll get some drinks and snacks together."
You led Heechul to the living room settling down on the sofa and finally formally introduced him to your dogs.
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ditttiii · 4 years
A Kim Heechul Drabble
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Prompt: “You should think things through before you say them aloud.” “Where’s the fun in that?”  
Word count: 711
"I can't believe you." You say; anger coiled tight like cold steel in your words. 
From the corner of your eyes you aim a glare at your boyfriend , hands folded over your chest, the seat belt pulled tight across your body, as Heechul drives you back to your shared apartment. 
"You still pissed about what I said to Ho-dong?" Heechul asks, his face tilting in your direction as he tries to catch your gaze, loose dark strands slipping in front of his eyes, messy and gorgeous, and you just huff snapping your eyes ahead as you watch Seoul pass by. 
Willing yourself to not fall for his charms, you track the outside world.
Towering skyscrapers spread far and wide, glassed and cramped as intense as the city was, it was still your home. The ever-present smell of Kimchi in the air, the stifling traffic, all of what was once annoying, now makes you feel safe, secure, and you let your gaze stray, melting back into your seat. 
"Baby..." Heechul pleads, and you almost crack, your anger slowly slipping away as you hear his soft, sweet voice call out to you, and you want to reach out, take his hand, kiss away that furrow between his forehead you know is there without even looking. 
But you don't. Not when you know it won't solve anything, and so you hold onto the last of your anger. 
You love Heechul, every last cell of your body calls out for him, but sometimes even with all the love that you two share, things get hard. Your opinions clash and disagreements arise. 
Tonight was one of those times.
"The party wasn't a set of one of your Variety shows; you weren't playing some crazy character, why the hell did you think making fun of Ho-Dong ssi would be a good idea?" You finally cry out, your words dripping with disbelief at the audacity of your boyfriend. 
Heechul chuckles, and you snap your eyes to him so fast, your vision blurs for a second. Cursing softly under your breath, you lean back and wait for your head to stop swimming. 
"You okay there love?" Heechuls' concerned voice rings inside the car, one of his hands' snaking away from the steering wheel to wrap around your right hand, fingers intertwining almost unconsciously. 
His warm, soft hand feels less calloused than yours and you let out a snort, all those theories about how your boyfriend is prettier than female idols coming to your mind. 
"One of these days Ho-Dong is going to kill you." You warn and watch as Heechul throws his head back letting out a chuckle. Your eyes snap ahead to the road alarmed, and you breathe out a sigh of relief, once you realise that the street ahead is almost empty because of the late hour.
"But you'll protect me, won't you?" His tone is cheeky, and you snort, shaking your head in denial.
"You'd probably deserve it," You quip back and Heechul makes a noise, deep in his chest as he frowns. 
"You wound me babe, and here I thought you'd be by my side in sickness and in health." His eyes shift to the engagement ring on your finger as he says this. The large central diamond of the ring catches the light from outside, shimmering in the dark, and you smile, just like you always do when you realise you're engaged to the man you love. 
“You should think things through before you say them aloud.” 
“Where’s the fun in that?” 
At that you groan out loud, muttering a 'you're insane' under your breath, and your boyfriend just laughs, his gummy laugh on full display, and you can’t help but let out a chuckle yourself. 
Crazy, insane, an idiot, Heechul is a lot of things, but underneath all that crazy exterior is a man whose kindness and sincerity had made you fall in love with him. 
'Well, that and his Humour.' 
Bringing your hands closer to himself, he drops a kiss on your knuckles, and you bite your lip, head tilting forward as a blush blooms across your cheeks. 
"Cute." He remarks, and you just elbow him, muttering an ‘idiot’ under your breath as a smile pushes through and stretches across your face. 
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For the prompt challenge by: @2ya2yao​ 💜 This ones for Kim Heechul—the psycho, the crazy extra hyung, the love of my goddamn life. Happy Birthday 💕 (10th of July)
Also that header gif? Completely out of context, but 100% perfect, it just doesn’t get better than that 😂 Basically Kim Heechul in a nutshell 💜💖
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justtextmeoppa · 7 years
❝ Are you ready, Omega? ❞   Part 7
Plot: Heechul ABO universe (Alpha, Beta, Omega)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Pairing: Heechul x Reader
Words count: 2,2k+
Genre: Drama and angst
For anon I hope you like it
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‘Chul it is way to early to be sending me death threats, ‘ Leeteuk groaned, ‘Can’t this wait until tomorrow?’
‘No way in hell am I going to do such things!’ Heechul seethed, ‘You bett-’
‘Jagi, who is that?’ A sleepy female voice asked, cutting Heechul’s train of thought.
‘It’s just Heechul, go back to bed Sora.’ Leeteuk affectionately spoke to his wife, ‘I am just going to talk to him on the balcony.’
Leeteuk swung his legs off the side of the bed before leaning and giving his wife a kiss on the forehead. She smile softly as she watched her husband get off the bed and walk away. While the elder was making his way to the balcony, Heechul paced up and down his apartment while hissing to himself. He had never been this angry before in his life and it irritated him to know it was over Min Kyunghoon. Once Leeteuk was securely on the other side of the balcony door, he returned his attention to the phone that was placed at his ear, ready to hear Heechul who was slowly loosing his temper.
‘Now why are you calling me at this unearthly hour?!’ Leeteuk asked.
‘You are lucky that the shock of your betrayal doesn’t have me there and punching your face in,’ Heechul threatened, ‘How dare you interfere?’
‘Heechul at this point all you are doing is giving me a headache, and I have Sora for that,’ Leeteuk joked but then began to massage his left temple with his free hand, ‘Now please stop shouting and explain to me why I am yet another target to your heated anger?’
A sinister chuckle left Heechul’s lips, ‘If only this was my ‘heated’ anger then maybe you would be able to repent for your betrayal.’
‘Betrayal?’ The elder reported.
‘Why the fuck is Min Kyunghoon arriving at my apartment like an old friend?!’
‘To be fair he is your ex boyfriend.’
‘That isn’t the point!’
Leeteuk now had his index finger and thumb pinching the bridge of his nose in defeat, but mostly out of frustration. This was honestly a conversation that could have been discussed in the morning and not at the moment Leeteuk was about to fall into his deep slumber. This was a question he kept on asking. Why couldn’t this be discussed like normal people in the morning? But now Leeteuk stood outside in the cold evening and receiving a scolding from his deranged best friend.
‘Fine, then I am sorry.’ Leeteuk let out a long sigh.
Heechul chuckled deeply, ‘Trust me Park Jungsu, you are going to do more then just simply say sorry! You fucked up hard this time, my friend!’
‘But Heec-’ With that, the phone line went dead and he hung his head low, ‘I’m fucking dead…’
Meanwhile you had entered your apartment after Zhoumi had dropped you off. You placed your clothing in the washing basket and then took a seat in your small lounge. Looking at the money in your hands, you suddenly felt very dirty regardless over the fact that you did shower after the sex. You had hoped Heechul was okay and wanted to phone him but that seemed like a bad idea. Sighing you picked up your phone to give Amber a phone call, but someone beat you to it.
‘Hello?’ You answered, not even checking the caller ID.
‘Omega?’ A familiar voice sounded as you gulped, ‘It’s Heechul.’
‘Yes I ahhh…are you okay?’ You finally mustered a sentence.
He chuckled, ‘That is exactly what I was about to ask you. I do apologise for Hoonie��s bad manners, he is normally very cocky when new people are around but good at heart.’
‘Oh,’ You said softly, ‘Is he your brother?’
‘Oh dear Omega,’ Another hearty chuckle left his mouth, ‘I have no brothers, just an elder sister.’ He explained, ‘But since I see you are interested in knowing him, that was my ex boyfriend. But don’t worry Omega, you are still a better hook up then him so don’t worry.’
At that moment you didn’t know how to feel or respond. So the father of your baby was still seeing his ex boyfriend yet he kept you around for a good fuck? Something about that just didn’t sit well with you, well besides the fact that you were being paid to have his baby. Oddly enough you did muster up a small smile when he called you a better hook up, but then you remembered you were basically a sex worker to him and nothing more. You would make sure he was nothing more because this was all for the money and not for finding a man.
‘Alright then, as long as you are okay then I will go.’ Heechul announced, ‘I will give you a call tomorrow to see if you are okay.’
‘I will not see you tomorrow?’ You asked.
‘Omega, you horny little girl,’ He teased, ‘ But I am not sure. I have some things to sort out with my dear best friend, so goodnight.’
‘Goodnight…’ You said softly as the call ended.
The line went down and you collapsed on the couch. You didn’t know if it was from being tired or what you had just learnt about Kim Heechul. Rubbing your face profusely, you just went and collapsed on your bed because right now all you wanted was sleep. Your neck ached a little, but that didn’t stop you from drifting to sleep because that was always the case when you were overworked at your job. Whilst sleeping, Zhoumi raced back to Heechul’s and barged through the door to find an empty apartment.
‘Heechul?’ He called out and got no response, ‘Fuck…Chul?’ He wondered around and called before shouting, ‘HEECHUL!’
‘Out here you idiot.’ Heechul called from the balcony.
Zhoumi ran to the door and let out a reassuring sigh, ‘Thank god…’
‘What do you want, Seasoning?’ Heechul asked, a glass of wine in his hand and a cigarette in the other.
‘Smoking again?’ Zhoumi asked, walking towards his boss and leaning against the banister while Heechul looked forward at the cityscape.
‘Shit day.’
‘I heard Kyunghoon is back.’
Heechul sighed, ‘You knew about this?!’
‘No no no,’ Zhoumi waved his hands in defence, ‘Y/N told me when I dropped her at home, she seemed very worried about you Chullie.’
‘The same should be said about her,’ He took a drag before releasing the fine smoke, ‘The bastard thought she was a prostitute.’
‘And what did you say?’ Zhoumi asked, turning to face the same direction as Heechul and placing his elbows on the banister, ‘Does Kyunghoon know that you aren’t bi, right?’
‘At this rate I don’t know what my fucking preference is.’ He admitted, ‘But aren’t you meant to be with your new boyfriend?’
Zhoumi rolled his eyes, ‘Why is everyone calling him that?!’
‘Because the bastard phoned me earlier, right after Hoonie left actually, and scolded me for overworking his precious boyfriend when that was his job,’ Heechul joked, enjoying the way his employee blushed profusely, ‘Get going, you deserve this. Tell the brat I said hello.’
‘Are you sure?’ Zhoumi asked, his eyes soft and worried.
‘I’m a big boy, Seasoning.’ He smiled delicately, ‘Now get going.’
Zhoumi turned to give his friend a big hug. Heechul may have this unwelcoming aura about him, but he was a good person and once you knew him, you would never want to let him go. The elder heard his front door close and suddenly he threw his wine glass to the floor and screamed in frustration before falling to his knees right besides the mess he had created. Tears fell down his cheeks as he flicked his finished cigarette off the balcony and balled his hands into fists. His sobs came in harsh sections as he then just fell onto his ass and sat against the banister with his wet face in his hands.
‘Have you seen Y/N?’ A voice asked.
‘No, she hasn’t phoned in either,’ The other responded, ‘Aren’t you here best friend, Amber?!’
‘Shut up Changmin,’ Amber snapped, ‘Like you said, I am here friend not guardian angel.’
‘Awww and here I though I could count on you,’ Another joined, walking in, ‘I am sorry I am late, I overslept.’
Lifting your hair up, you exposed your neck and left Changmin and Amber open mouthed in a loud gasp, ‘H-have you checked the mirror today, Y/N?’
‘No,’ You nodded at Changmin, ‘I didn’t have time. I literally just ran out the house while half changing so I could get here.’
Changmin rubbed his face, trying not to laugh, ‘Ummm Amber, take her to the bathroom and just yeah…GO!’
And with that, their manager just burst out laughing while he walked away. You looked at Amber in confusion as she herself was trying to muffle her laugh. Did you forget to wash off some toothpaste foam from this morning or some dried up coffee? But none of those things seemed to be a reason to be shoved into the small employee bathroom. You allowed her to drag you to the bathroom and force you to look into the mirror while picking up your hair, which you didn’t end up doing. Seeing what they saw, Amber just burst out laughing while holding her stomach.
‘Wh-what?’ You stuttered, broken at what you saw as well.
‘They are hickeys baby girl,’ Amber said breathlessly still laughing, ‘You have been marked heavily there.’
‘No no no no.’ You walked closer to the mirror, trying to rub the bruises but whined in pain instead because you couldn’t even remember Heechul being that rough, but then again.
‘Hey stop, you are going to make them worse,’ Amber pulled your hands away, ‘How did you not see these let alone feel the pain?’
Blushing red, you tucked some hair behind your ear, ‘Nothing was their last night but I did feel some pain but assumed it was from bending at work all the damn time!’
Looking at the mirror again, you examined the dark purplish marks that decorated your fair skin. How the hell did you not notice them? They were huge and looked painful. Skimming your finger over the hickey, you allowed the memories of last night to flood your mind. The way Heechul held you down and ravished your body. His lips sliding down your tender skin and sucking softy on your perking nipples. His hot tongue trailing down between your legs and causing your body to ignite in desperate pleasure. The way his willowy fingers prepared you but didn’t stop him from taking you roughly, which explained the new additions to your skin. Heechul was never gentle, never considerate yet you were okay with it.
‘Y/N?’ Amber called, snapping her fingers in front of your face, ‘Y/N!’
‘Yes…yes?’ You removed your fingers and shook your head.
Amber smiled with a little smirk, ‘So who is he?’
’N-no one, don’t worry.’ You reshuffled your hair so that your neck was covered, trying to walk away.
‘Wait!’ Amber held your arm, ‘Talk to me y/n, you have never not told me when you have someone in your life.’
‘Except this person isn’t in my life.’ You exaggerated your words, watching Amber’s eyes grow twice in size, ‘Don’t look at me like that llama…’
‘You didn’t know the guy?’ She asked and you nodded in response, ‘Was it a hook up?’ You nodded in agreement, ‘YOU HAD SEX WITH A STRANGER!?’
‘Shut up!’ You bombarded her with covering her mouth with your hand, ‘Can we not be revealing my life out here? You know what Changmin is like!’
‘Yeah we all know what I am like,’ The devil stood at the door, leaning against the doorframe and smirking, ‘So our little Y/N is hoeing around?’
‘I’m not hoeing around!’ You rolled your eyes, removing your hand from Amber.
‘So you know him?’ Amber asked, wiping her mouth, ‘Is this friends with benefits? Are you sleeping with, Sehun!?’
‘What? NO!’ You waved your hands, ‘Why would you even thin-‘
‘Hello?’ Someone called from the front, cutting you off, ‘HELLO?’
‘We will be with you sir in just a moment,’ Changmin called out, looking over his shoulder but then back at the two females in front of him, ‘Just having some technical problems.’
‘No no, I am looking for Y/N.’ The voice then sounded very familiar to you but yet you couldn’t put your finger on it but it still caused your heart to stop beating. Did Heechul come to see you?
Amber looked at you and you looked at her. Changmin just said okay and then looked at you for answers because he wasn’t very impressed about this current situation. Was this happening now? Like was this honestly happening to you right fucking now! The person still stood at the front, hands shoved in his pockets as he whistled. Taking a deep sigh, you pushed passed your two fellow employees and went to face your demon. Head down, you reached the front and then lifted your head to have your blood run cold.
‘Hey there you little slut.’ A sly grin on the mans alluring features.
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heebyul-nim · 3 years
Mochul drabble
genre: angst
"After riding this roller coaster, I'm gonna confess my feelings for her"
"I am waiting for him to confess first. should I make the first move?"
"Or I'm just gonna let this time pass, for the nth time??"
2 hearts beating for each other, but can't seem to find the courage to express the love hidden 6 feet under.
"1 2 3! Pause!"
After taking a picture, they suddenly distanced themselves to each other unconsciously.
"Thank you Heechul sunbaenim"
Momo bows to a lad that is in front of her shyly and walks away as she was called by her members.
"See you again next time, Momo"
Heechul bids a whispered goodbye to the woman that turned her back just now.
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alexskpopbabies · 7 years
Wrong Number Pt.2
Pairing: Kim Heechul x Reader
Genre: Comedy/ fluff
Length: 433 Words
Part 1
                 It had been a week since you accidentally called Heechul. You had called Sarah immediately after to tell her what happened, but you decided not to save his number because he probably wouldn’t want you to. You were sitting on your bed scrolling through Tumblr when your phone vibrated, signaling that you had a message. You glanced at the screen, expecting to see the name of one of your friends, but instead saw an unknown phone number.
Unknown: Hey, are we still going to meet up on Friday?
You: Um, I think you have the wrong number…
Unknown: Stop trying to mess with me. Now, are we still meeting on Friday or not?
You: You definitely have the wrong number
Unknown: Well, that’s embarrassing…
Unknown: Who are you, though?
You wondered if you should tell this person your name or not. What harm can come from just a first name, though? It’s not like whoever this is knows where you live. It’ll be fine.
You: My name is Y/N, but who are you?
Unknown: Wait… Y/N, as in the girl who accidentally called me last week and wouldn’t stop ranting about how perfect I am?
You: Wait… Heechul?
Unknown: The one and only
You decided that you could save his name in your phone now, just in case this ever happens again.
Heechul: I was thinking…
You: That could be interesting
Heechul: Be nice or I won’t tell you what I was thinking!
You: Fine, I’m sorry. Now, what were you thinking?
Heechul: I was thinking that since we bother each other so much through the phone and since you love everything about me so much, we could grab a coffee sometime?
You stared at your screen for a few minutes, not believing what just happened. Kim Heechul just accidentally texted you, then asked you out for coffee. This can’t be happening, right? This is all some dream and you’re gonna wake up sad and alone with Netflix asking you if you’re still watching. Just for the sake of the dream, you decided to say yes.
Heechul: Awesome! Where do you want to meet?
After scheduling your date, which was with THE KIM HEECHUL, (wow, I should really stop thinking that and just call him Heechul) you realized that this wasn’t a dream. You were really going to get coffee with Kim Heechul! ‘I should probably tell Sarah’ you thought, quickly texting her what happened.
Sarah: Wow… That’s amazing! You’re so lucky! I’m jealous. You’ll have to at least give me the details after it happens
You: Trust me, I’ll tell you everything
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heechulhamster · 5 years
A- Angst, F-Fluff, S- Smut, M- Mature Content 
✦- Personal Favorite
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Two Way (F) - Minseok’s Birthday Drabble. Barista!AU
How Are You? (F)  ✦ -  You were always happy to interact and talk to him. But the way he asks the same three words over and over agitates the hell out of you. 
In My Place (A) (M) - That night, he just held you close  - like he always used to. Nights that you both act as if you’re all okay and mended, as if things never ended. 
Unfitting (S) ✦ -  In his eyes, you don’t belong here not in this dirt ridden battlefield, not among his troops, but he deemed you fitting somewhere else.
Morals and Stipulations  ✦(A) (S) - Professor!AU, Soulmate!AU  You’ve always looked forward to meeting your soulmate. Your soulmate was in the same university as you, but he was your professor. With the existing stipulations and his morals, would you be ever able to make it work? 
The Truth You Can’t Hide (A) (M)  ✦ - Mafia!AU  [MULTICHAPTER] Ongoing
Magnum Opus (A) (S)  ✦ - You were only in search for the man that would inspire you for your 10th painting, but he already found the subject of his masterpiece.
Remnants (A) ✦ -  He was the one you tried to forget. His memories were the one you tried to bury, burn, and leave. Just exactly as he did to you.
Clean Slate (A) -  You woke up lost in your own body, void of any memory and recollection of the life you lived prior to waking up in the four white walls of the hospital. But there’s one name that your mind refused to let go of, Kim Jongdae. Ongoing
Speed Dial (A) (F) - College! AU- Chanyeol was eager to make you happy, as your smile is his everything.
Stubborn and Stupid (A) ✦ - College! AU -  Somehow, loving him was all you knew. Your love for him was already innate to your being, a part of your identity, the only thing you know is right. And you are willing to wait for him. But does he want you to wait for him?
What Love Is (F) -  One would think that knowing love is intrinsic to everyone. But to fully grasp it’s reality, it was one you need to experience yourself.
Deception (A) (M) - Mafia!AU [Multi-Chapter] Ongoing
Flawed Humans  (A) ✦  -  You two are just humans, flawed and imperfect. Humans that were susceptible to mistakes and to break promises. 
Barely Human (A) (M) - Soon
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Found Something Else (F)
Leeteuk Drabble 
Play Pretend ✦ (A) (M) - Part I, Part II
You Above All (A)
Can’t Sleep? (S)
By Chance (F)
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chicken-fifi · 6 months
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Artist / Character: Heechul (SuJu)
Title: Life is Like a Snowglobe
Prompt: snowglobe
Requested by: @bokkibunny
“You have turned my entire life upside down,” you spoke softly as your fingers traced Heechul’s cheeks.
You were laying down on the bed facing each other as you wound down for the night. He was clearly tired, having been stuck in rehearsals and shoots all day before finally getting to come home. But this time, something was different about his tired being. He looked exhausted in a different way than just the typical physical exhaustion. It looked psychological. And your thoughts were only confirmed after he practically broke down a few seconds again and felt as though he was failing everyone around him - including you.
“And it’s much more beautiful that way,” you added. “So don’t you ever think you are a failure to me - or anyone else for that matter.”
Heechul’s eyes were trained on a snow globe sitting on a bed stand. It looked so plain and boarding just sitting there, but the minute it was turned upside down it was the most beautiful scenery anyone could imagine. 
Was that what you meant with your words?
Despite all the chaos he brought into your life, was it really that beautiful now?
“I love you,” you whispered as you pressed your lips to his. “And I will tell everyday for the rest of my life if I have to, to make sure you know.”
He didn’t say a word, instead, opting to pull you close to his chest, not wanting you to see the tears that were welling in his eyes.
“I love you too,” he uttered as he breathed in your comforting scent, feeling a tear fall from his eye.
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superwinkies · 4 years
Super Junior As Husbands
//Requested by the same anon! By far, my most favourite request! Hope you enjoyed!//
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Leeteuk would be a caring husband. 
His priority in his life is now you. He would do anything to make you happy. 
Being your husband was something he’s proud of, next to Super Junior. 
Expect being mentioned a lot on TV, his youtube, his concert.
loves complimenting you, both in private and public
absolutely enjoys cooking and baking with you. 
Never forgets to say I Love You every night, even if he’s away.
just like when you are dating, expect a lot of dog walking with him in the afternoon.
to you, he is just Jeongsu, the guy who won your heart. 
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most playful husband. also, contrary to what we think, might actually the most serious husband also
honestly, not much difference to when you are dating him or when he’s your husband
likes waking up next to you and would sometimes try to be over the top and prepare breakfast in bed for you. 
dates with Heechul with your husband would mostly be stay in, but you liked it.
you slowly learned the way he communicates. Sometime you gotta be sassy and fiesty when talking to him. Other times, you got to be soft and calm.
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literally the definition of husband material
treats you like a queen. protective of you. 
be prepared to be his forever travel partner. also, you’ll have to take over Jongjin’s role in taking his countless photos
loves loves taking selfies together. He also loves to take your candid photos and best believe he will never delete it
he enjoys singing for you. Sing you to sleep, sing a song you request.
his favourite activity to do with you is to have a walk.
he feels like he is at peace when he takes walk with you. 
gets shy when people mentioned you but he will alway reply with how much he loves you.
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the most protective husband ever.
he knows marrying you would mean that you would be exposed to the media.
he tries his best to protect you and make sure you are not affected
tries his best to let you experience a normal life with him. when he’s with you it’s just you and Donghee, not Super Junior Shindong.
whatever you want to do, he’ll do it with you. 
Sometimes, he surprises you at work.
his greatest joy in life is making you laugh. When he sees you laughing, he feels the happiest.
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affectionate husband Hyukjae!!
loves kissing you, loves holding hands with you, loves sleeping on your chest, loves anything that has gotta to do with you.
would do aegyo just to cheer you up. Your happiness is his number 1 importance
Sometimes, he would wake up earlier just to make for you packed lunch. You bet there will be a love note or even some fruit cut in the shape of a heart
Your wellbeing is of the most importance for him. He will make sure that you are not too affected by comments. 
He would brag about you to his fans, his manager, his family and even the members.
He only has good things to say about you.
loves you more than you love him. infinite
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softest husband ever. PERIODT.
wakes you up with kisses and never go to sleep without kissing you
when he’s overseas, he would look and play with his wedding ring. his heart would just swell doing that. also, facetime every moment he can.
makes you hand drip coffee without you asking
also, soft boi would draw you baths, would make you hand made chocolates, would serenade you with his guitar.
he absolutely adores the shit out of you. everything you do is adorable.
he thinks you are like the angel sent down from heaven. Beautiful and perfect.
literal soft omg
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so listen, Siwon is the most romantic husband ever.
even after marrying you, he would gift you a rose every date night. when he comes back home and have time, he will make sure to get you your favourite dessert. just because he want to.
he loves spoiling you now that you are his wife. You don’t really ask for stuffs but he will spoil you with things like bags, shoes, clothes, literally whatever he feels like buying for you.
he looks forward to going home to see you, to hug you, to kiss you, to talk to you. 
even if it’s just a simple dinner, classic romantic Siwon would lit candles and put on soft jazz. Be prepared to slow dance with him around the living room after dinner 
damn it, I want Siwon as my husband.
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cutest husband ever
only does aegyo to you, and will always want you to do for him also
ever since you got married to him, you have never cooked because he insists in doing it. doesn’t really care for heteronormal gender roles. 
would get slightly jealous when you are around other guys. not in a possessive way but just a little insecure.
but he trusts you.
he whines when you asked him to sing you to sleep, but he secretly loves it when you ask.
you slowly learn more about him. what makes him upset, how to calm his stress, what you can do when he’s tired.
Marriage with Ryeowook is different every day. something new to expect everyday.
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most attentive husband ever.
Kyu is big on communication. He wants to know what is going on with you, how your day went, your plans, everything. 
not because he is nosy, but he just want to be able to share his life with you.
if you said that you liked something, he would get it for you. if you said that you liked him wearing the white sweater, he would wear it more often.
gets shy when you are mentioned. but he only has good words for you.
can’t stop telling the people around him how lucky he is to marry you
definitely loves joking and teasing with you. 
he would asks you repeatedly to join his live broadcast on KyuTV. however, he is also very careful. If he sees any negativity, he would pull you out and never do it again. 
You are more important to him than anything.
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blu-joons · 2 years
pairing: kim heechul x reader
word count: 506 words
prompt: pride
summary: slightly unsettled by a script, heechul is worried about damaging his pride until you remind him of the many things he’s done in his career thus far
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Your eyes looked to Heechul in confusion after reading through the proposition that the broadcast had given him for the latest episode of Street Alcohol Fighter. The disappointment on his face was clear, but you struggled to make sense of it all.
“What’s wrong with it?” You asked him as you placed the script back down beside you, “it’ll get plenty of views Heechul.”
His eyes went wide, gasping across at you as you failed to agree with him. “I’ve got pride Y/N, I can’t lower myself to these standards.”
Your eyes rolled as he dramatically snatched the script away, replacing it with himself sat down on the sofa beside you. Your head continued to shake as he looked at you, trying to get you to change your mind.
“Have you seen some of the things that you’ve done in your career? You think that that’s going to be the most damaging thing to your pride?” You asked, watching as the look of surprise on his face dropped.
As you began to reel off some of his more embarrassing moments, Heechul found himself struggling for argument, even as you went silent, he was still. His mind had left him, struggling to think of anything that he could use against you.
“I think it could be fun,” you smiled, pointing at the script in his hand, “surely even you can give something like that a chance?”
“I’ve only got a little bit of pride left,” he corrected himself, still frowning across at you, “what if this is the thing that just makes me lose the last bit of pride that I have Y/N? The show is a well-respected show too.”
Your hand poked gently against his arm, an action that Heechul still decided to dramatically react to. “I can guarantee that this is not the stupidest thing that you’ll have done in your career.”
Another sigh came from him as his eyes couldn’t help but wander and look at the script again. “I can’t believe that this is what it’s come down to. You know, a few years ago I would have never agreed to do something like this.”
“You’re the one always telling me that you’ve got to stay relevant.”
Another huff soon followed as once again you managed to find the right thing to say again to leave Heechul stuttering. The more you spoke the more irritated he became as the more he leant towards accepting the script.
“Why do you always seem to know the right thing to say?” He asked you.
A smug laugh came from you as you figured that you’d worn Heechul down, “so, are you going to tell them that you’ll do it?”
“You know if it all goes wrong, I’ll blame you,” Heechul assured you, “the remaining, tiny amount, of pride that I have is riding on this and the fact that you convinced me too.”
“You’ll be fine, and if it all goes wrong, you’ll give the viewers a good laugh.”
“You are enjoying this far too much.”
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kpopimaginings · 3 years
“I don’t mind” - Heechul
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A/N: Happy Heechul day! Just something sweet and fluffy for you all to celebrate
You woke up on the morning of Heechul's birthday hoping with everything you had that his present was going to arrive today. Unfortunately, the post was delivered with no sign of the desired parcel you had to accept the fact that you were going to be empty handed when you met him this evening.
After spending a hectic day with Super Junior all he wanted to do with his evening was relax with you. When he arrived, he found you looking a bit upset, which was the last thing he wanted on his birthday.
"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, heading straight to you when arrived.
"Your present is late," you pouted.
"That's ok," he told you, relieved that it wasn't something more serious.
"No, it's not. You're my boyfriend and I love you and I want to be able to give you a gift on your birthday," you replied, still with a little frown on your face.
Heechul couldn't help but smile at you. "I don't mind, I promise. You've told me you love me, so if you just give me a hug and a kiss, we're good."
Finally, you smiled too, closing the gap between you to wrap your arms around his waist and give him a quick kiss.
"Happy birthday, baby," you grinned up at him.
"See, this is all I want," he explained. "My girl happy and showering me with affection."
The way Heechul closed his eyes and looked up slightly as if expecting a literal shower made you laugh out loud.
"That shouldn't be a problem, handsome," you said, before kissing his jaw, working your way to his lips as he moved to meet yours. "And the minute your gift arrives, you can have it."
"Perfect," he replied, before catching your lips with his yet again.
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shownuslaugh · 6 years
What gave you the idea to create au for different groups? Sorry if you've already answered this question!! Love your blog and your drabbles/scenarios!!
Initially it started because I just had this idea for Bigbang that I wanted to compile in one spot and share it. They were all about to enlist and I was sad. I wanted to hang on as best as I could. From there it moved on to whichever band I was becoming most interested in. Most of the ones I write for don’t have much fanfic or they only have fanfic for really popular members (looking at you Kim Heechul). If I can add to the amount of fanfic in any way, I’m happy.
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justtextmeoppa · 7 years
❝ Goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation ❞
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❝ Aristotle Philosopher of the 4th century BC Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.❞ - Aristotle
Super Junior as Greek Gods and Goddess :
Leeteuk - Zeus // Heechul - Aphrodite // Hangeng - Chronos // Yesung - Demeter // Kangin - Hermes // Shindong - Hephaestus // Sungmin - Persephone // Hyukjae - Athena // Zhoumi - Hypnos // Donghae - Poseidon // Siwon - Apollo // Ryeowook - Eros // Kibum - Dionysus // Kyuhyun - Hades // Henry - Ares //
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