#korkie kryze headcanons
scottysketches · 6 months
Since the excerpt from my Korkie/Amis story seems to have people interested, I thought I might share some of my headcanons for the cadets :)
Oldest to youngest goes: Amis, Soniee, Korkie and Lagos (Soniee and Korkie's birthdays are literally just a couple weeks apart and she holds it over his head lmao)
Amis is from a poorer family in the lower districts of Sundari (which is still leagues better than some parts of Coruscant). His biological parents are divorced and he hardly ever sees his bio father - which is fine by him, because his stepdad is a better father than his actual father ever could or would be. He has an older sister (Daisa) and a younger half-brother (Denn). His family's name is Kar'jor
Soniee's family are from Harswee (and her maternal grandparents were the weavers who crafted the carpets and tapestries that are displayed on the Coronet). Like Korkie, she's an only child, but she has lots of cousins that she's close with. Her family's name is Bevehn
Lagos comes from a family of warriors who all fought on the side of the New Mandalorians during the civil war. Her ancestors originally hailed from Concord Dawn. She's the youngest of ten children - five sisters and four brothers. Her family's name is Agol'dade
Amis and Soniee were the first to meet each other on their first day at the academy and very quickly became besties because they're both repressed gays you can pry this one out of my cold dead hands
Amis and Soniee actually met Satine on their first day at the academy; Lagos didn't meet her until the end of the second term/semester, when Satine came to pick up Korkie for the holiday break
Korkie broke his arm falling out of a hammock once as a young child while he and Satine were visiting family on Kalevala because he tosses and turns a lot in his sleep, so he quickly picks out one of the lower bunks in their dorm room
Lagos snores. It's bad. (Korkie also snores, but not as bad as Lagos.) Soniee and Amis invest in some comfortable earplugs for sleeping so that they can actually get some rest at night, rather than have to survive on caf
At the end of the first term/semester, all first-year cadets get to choose a selection of elective subjects to take in order to fill out their timetables (this also includes extra-curricular activities like sports teams and clubs)
Korkie takes three languages (Rodese, Shyriiwook and Twi'leki), dance, cookery, additional political history and additional debate classes (because unfortunately for Satine he inherited Obi-Wan's restlessness and constant need to be busy - basically the Eleventh Doctor in The Power of Three, skip ahead to 2:28)
Amis takes one language (Twi'leki), architecture, cookery and martial arts. He's also part of the academy's shockball and fencing teams and enjoys free-climbing in his spare time
Lagos takes three languages (Durese, Kaminoan and Twi'leki), martial arts and the Mandalorian equivalent of religious studies
Soniee takes three languages (Durese, Rodese and Twi'leki), robotics, hacking and additional debate classes
Out of the four of them, Lagos is the only straight kid - Korkie is openly bi from the age of 14, Soniee and Amis are both gay but repressing throughout their time at the academy (Soniee until the outbreak of the Clone Wars, and Amis until the year leading up to the Death Watch coup)
Korkie bunks off school one day to visit Satine at the palace, which is when he comes out to her; she reassures him that there's nothing he could do, say or be that would change how much she loves him (before scolding him for sneaking out of school)
Amis and Soniee both bond over their sexualities, as they're each the first person the other came out to
Lagos and Amis both think they're being subtle about their crushes on Korkie. He knows
When he's 16, Amis's stepdad passes away; he gets pulled out of class to be told, and Daisa also has to break the uncomfortable news that their mother found the letter Amis wrote to their stepdad where he comes out, and she subsequently disowns Amis because he's gay. Daisa promises to stay in contact with him, and sets up a separate bank account that she deposits a set amount of credits in every month so that Amis has some money once he graduates from the academy
Satine is absolutely disgusted when Korkie tells her what happened, and promptly declares that Amis can stay with her and Korkie at the palace during the term breaks when the rest of the students go home
When they're almost 17, Korkie tells Amis that Satine is actually his mother, not his aunt - but because they're both stoned at the time, Amis doesn't take him seriously
As they get older and more confident in themselves and their identities, all four cadets start to explore different aspects of themselves around each other
Korkie wears traditionally masculine clothing a majority of the time, but he also likes to mix it up with high-waisted trousers, shirts in various colours/patterns/etc. that would be considered feminine, and crop tops
Amis wears masculine clothes all the time but starts to experiment with small amounts of make-up (eyeliner, nail polish, etc.) in their last year at the academy before the Death Watch coup; his signature clothing item is jeans with carpenter detailing on them (extra pockets, a loop for a hammer, padded panels at the knees, etc.)
Lagos is quite feminine, but she enjoys the comfy aspect of lounging around in sweats; she's also a big fan of cargo trousers (so! many! pockets!)
Soniee fully embraces her feminine side, whereas when she was younger she was more androgynous; she's the go-to for make-up advice (and was the one to teach Amis how to paint his nails and draw the perfect vintage wing)
At the end of every year at the academy, each year group has a school dance that gets more sophisticated the older the students are (think more like a disco for the younger years, and the older students have more black/white tie coded events)
As a joke, Soniee suggests going to what would be their last school dance in drag to Amis; he's 100% serious when he says yes
Poor Korkie suddenly has a gay crisis when he realises that the "girl" chatting with some of their other classmates across the room is Amis
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notaghost3 · 5 months
Obitine Headcanons no one asked for
Satine has straight hair. Like...chronically straight hair. Won't hold a curl to save her life, but can sometimes appear to be wavy when taken out of a tight updo. She lives for those moments.
Korkie wasn't conceived on the Year on the Run. (it takes a bit of canon manipulation but what else is fanfic for?) Instead, he was conceived shortly after Qui-Gon passed sometime during the early grieving process for Obi-Wan before he jumped head into the waters of training Anakin. (fic is currently IN PROGRESS because I have a lot of emotions tied up to this headcanon of mine hehehe)
Obi-Wan didn't tell Satine that he was still alive post Rako arch, she found out through the holonet because DRAMA *tears*
They absolutely had to pretend to be married at SOME point in time during their Year on the Run, because I NEED that and they would be RADIATING newlywed energy (or old married couple energy lolololol)
Satine never mentioned Bo to Obi-Wan because she was 100% under the impression that her sister was dead before he came into the scene.
Obi-Wan doodles his name as the Duke of Mandalore when he gets lonely and daydreamish (which rarely occurs once Anakin enters the scene lol)
Obi-Wan 100% made many visits to Mandalore inbetween him rekindling his "friendship" with Satine and Ahsoka's Korkie arch. I mean Korkie even says that off-world weapons were banned after the last time he visited...somebody write THAT visit lololol
Obi-Wan and Korkie have met...and Satine was torn between chewing her fingernails off in worry and banging her head against the wall for how oblivious the two are for not even seeing a very obvious likeness between themselves.
Windu ships them. It's one of the very few things Anakin and him can set aside their differences for to gossip about.
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grace-nakimura · 9 months
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We're friends, aren't we? Yes, friends ... and nothing more.
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snipsnipsnippy · 1 month
Since literally no one asked, here’s my Korkie Kenobi theory.
So we all know the lines “I’ve loved you from the moment you came to my aid all those years ago” and “Had you said the word, I would have left the Jedi Order.” But why? Why didn’t you give the word if you have always loved him? And this is how I know Satine was down bad for him, because she knew he wouldn’t be happy outside of the Jedi. Like Obi-Wan is one of the very few Jedi we know who fully and wholeheartedly believed in the Order. That’s his whole identity is that he is the most Jedi of Jedi around him. And to Satine’s own credit, her whole identity is a mandalorian, not just any mandalorian, the leader of the Mandalorians. Her priorities are to her people and to her creed, who certainly wouldn’t be all that fond of any Jedi she did bring home. So especially when she’s trying to repair a broken people, but even without that, I don’t think Satine could ever bring her jeti home.
So what happens when she finds out she’s pregnant? Well, as someone who thinks a lot about Star Wars birth control (s/o Queen’s Peril for making me obsessed with this niche topic in particular), I’m pretty sure between period blockers working then wearing off and the stress and malnutrition of this year on the run, it’s very easy to develop an irregular cycle and then to dismiss a missed period if that even triggers in her mind anyway. So in my mind, Satine didn’t know she was pregnant until the Jedi were long gone, until she started getting regular medical attention and getting back to her old self.
And, the biggest opposition I see to the Korkie Kenobi theory, aside from the flat out deniers who want nothing to do with secret children, is that Obi-Wan would never abandon a child that he fathered, and I agree. But here’s the thing, Satine wouldn’t tell him. Why? Because she let Obi-Wan walk away to be the Jedi he was meant to be and for her to be the leader her people needed. How could she jeopardize all of that? Satine had no obligation to anyone but Korkie, aside from her own selfish reasons for potentially telling Obi, because mandalorian ideas of family have nothing to do with blood relation. He’s not the father unless he sticks around to raise the child, so there’s really no guilt around not labeling him a parent. But she needs a story to hide this jettise child from the Mandalorians, hence calling him her “nephew” instead of “son”. It’s easy enough to say a distant relative of the clan died in a war that touched every mandalorian. So baby ginger mandalorian Korkie stayed her “nephew” as a lie to her people and so Obi-Wan never would have heard of him.
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backpackingspace · 1 year
okay we all love the korkie kenobi theory obviously but have we considered the comedic potential of other theories? Like what if Satine was infected with the mandolin adoption gene. Korkie is some random kid she just picked up. Obi wan still demanded 5 different parental tests done thanks to his anxiety
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direwolfrules · 1 year
Star Wars Headcanon: Space ABBA
So, you know how Kalevala is basically Mandalorian Scandinavia? Like, the planet was named after a 19-th century Finnish Epic.
Anyway, you know what Space Scandinavia needs? Space ABBA.
The Kryze girls grow up with space ABBA as the soundtrack to their lives.
• Bo-Katan enjoys teasing teenage Ursa about Alrich by humming “Honey Honey”.
• Satine would sing baby Korkie to sleep with “I Have a Dream”.
•The whole time on the Coronet Satine just had “Mamma Mia” running through her head.
•When Korkie and the Cadet Squad uncover the corruption of Almec, Satine realizes her little boy is growing up and all she can hear is “Slipping Through My Fingers”.
•The Nite Owls force Bo to have a karaoke night and when it’s Bo’s turn she just sings “Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)”.
Just, the Kryze girls and space ABBA.
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awkward-but-nice · 10 months
Honestly, i just really like the concept of Korkie being the son of either a cousin or a 3rd Kryze sibling. Parent who were killed in the civil war, with Satine becoming his guardian after that. Like, at such a young age, when she's already faced with the responsibility of rebuilding their planet, to then also have the responsibility of raising another human being be placed on her shoulders? And then still stepping up to the plate and loving the boy as if he was her own, giving him the best life she could possibly give him.
i also just think it fits in well with her determination in bringing peace to Mandalore. to have this child, who will never get to know his birth parents, because the war took them away from him. and one of those parents being a family member as well, who she knew and loved.
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mrfandomwars · 5 months
Had a Arasu, Drabur and Korkie thought
BASICALLY Pre, aka the dude who killed Drabur, said that it was impossible to recover Drabur's body (basically to deny Drabur a proper funeral and to leave his body wasting away + to steal the beskar for the DW)
Which means that the armour wasn't able to be recovered by the Kryze Armour that we know is often passed down and forged for the new generation And like That Means that Korkie wouldn't have anything of his father to add to his armour¹
So what does Arasu do? Arasu gives his two vambraces for Korkie's armour The vambraces, one of which used to be Drabur's and was exchanged during the wedding
All so that Korkie would have something of his Father in his armour And so the vambraces were melted down and turned into Korkie's vambraces and Also turned into the beskar heart in the centre (which was the priority, the vambraces were then filled with what remained of both and with bits of beskar from older armours)
So Arasu lost the bit that connected him to his husband's soul - because don't forget! Armour is SUPER important to the Mandos - just so that his son could have a connection with him
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mandogab · 2 years
Korkie Kryze [tcw au]
Satine Kryze – lioness
Fenn Rau – me
“…remember when Korkie called you buir…?” Satine asked.
He looked at her with a smile and nodded, remembering perfectly. “...I couldn't forget.”
“I only wish he could have continued to do so,” she smiled.
“Call me buir?” Fenn raised an eyebrow.
“Yes,” she replied sadly, “I just… wanted so bad for him to have that comfort…”
“You know I never forbade him to do that. I wouldn't mind if he still called me buir,” he smiled.
“He always thought you were his buir,” she smiled back, “uncle didn’t make sense to him when he was so young.” She paused, “…I always discouraged him from referring to me as his mother… I always wondered if that was a mistake… I wanted… so bad to be ‘mommy’…”
“You are his mother, it doesn't matter if you gave birth to him or not, he is your son and always will be,” he told her. “If he wants to call you that, let him, just like I let Kala,” he smiled. “And Korkie... he is like a son to me, I love him like my own son.”
“I was just… trying to protect him… what would they say if they knew I had the jetti’s son… auntie kept him safe… kept speculation away…” she sighed.
“I know, I understand,” he said quietly. “But... maybe it's time for him to know the truth?”
She sighed again, “… what if he hates me… for it…”
“He won't,” he assured her, pulling her close to hug her.
She rested her head against his chest, “he’s going to think you’re his father… you were there for everything.”
“I was like his... adoptive father, he'll understand,” he told her. “He's a smart kid.”
“He… looks like his father… doesn’t he…”
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astrancva · 1 year
Even though Korkie had grown up knowing he was going to be the next in line for the throne, there's a part of him that is so grateful his Aunt Bo is the one who stepped into the role after they liberated Mandalore from Maul. At that time, he hadn't been ready. He didn’t expect to lose his mother so soon. He's content to follow his aunt's lead. Maybe one day, if she doesn't have children, he'll take over. But he's truly uncertain if he could ever do it.
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scottysketches · 6 months
Sexuality headcanon: another Kenobi another bisexual disaster, male-leaning
Gender headcanon: cis male but enjoys wearing feminine clothing as well (think patterns/colours/etc. for shirts, high-waisted trousers, crop tops in the summer or whatever passes for summer in a dome lol)
A ship I have with said character: Korkie/Amis 💖💖💖
A BROTP I have with said character: Korkie and Anakin, but very specifically how I'm writing them in Don't Dream It's Over
A NOTP I have with said character: Hmm... let's say Korkie/Ahsoka. Tbh I haven't really seen any other ships for Korkie that don't involve someone's original character.
A random headcanon: bit spoilery - it's something that will be explored more in-depth in one of my planned tie-in stories, talk me down - but he can't cook for shit alone, EVEN THOUGH one of his electives at the academy was cookery. he and Amis used to mess around too much in class and just barely scraped passes in their theory exams every year
General opinion over said character: he's such a sweet boy, and he deserves better than to be forgotten, left to float in the void like mama
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stealingpotatoes · 25 days
Headcanon: Korkie Kryze and Tristan Wren survived the destruction of Mandalore and have been holed up somewhere along with other survivors up until the whole "The Mandalorian Season 3" thing.
what if we hid with other survivors 😳 and we were both boys 🤪
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If the Mandalore story in The Clone Wars was live action
(A group effort by the Obitine server ❤️)
Satine Kryze: Cate Blanchett
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Ewan McGregor
Pre Vizsla: Paul Bettany (yeah, he’s Dryden Vos, I know. But look at his cheekbones! It’s too perfect! Also, I headcanon that Pre and Dryden are half-brothers, and you should too!)
Bo-Katan Kryze: Katee Sackhoff
Darth Ketchup: Ray Park & Sam Witwer
Darth Mustard: Clancy Brown
Almec: Charles Dance
Ahsoka: Laura Harrier
Korkie Kryze: Freddie Fox
Lagos: Lucy Boynton
Soniee: Katherine Langford
Amis: John Bell
Fenn Rau: Kevin McKidd (I’m sticking him in because I can)
Edean Tol’ket: Michael Ealy (from @the-obiwan-for-me’s She Said the Word series)
And bonus flashbacks of the Kryze parents (the artwork is mine and the full edit can be found here)
Adonai Kryze: Charlie Hunnam
Satine & Bo’s mother: Anna Torv
Seriously, Anna somehow looks like both Cate and Katee and it drives me insane.
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satineweek · 2 months
Satine Week: Day 2 - Mother
Racing in! We have some lovely things to celebrate! I was really curious to see what people focused on for this post ... even though I figured that a little red-headed boy would feature prominently!
Thank you all for your participation! This fandom is so incredibly blessed by your talent!
@mercysong-tardis Pregnant Satine (art) Sleepy Korkie (art)
@bosooka a life with no regrets
@mercysong-tardis (reshare) Companion art piece for “You are loved, more than you know” (Note: contains nudity within a birthing context) @bettyxrosex Kryze family headcanons inspired by the Tudor family
@fanfic-phoenix Mother (fic)
@queenpinesofdomino No more traveling on school holidays (art)
@oodlesofsnootles-main Satine's precious jewel (art)
@callmevexx Mother figure (art)
@knightsistersblog (reshare) Baby-Mine (fic)
@faithandtheforce "You look so much like your father" (fic)
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direwolfrules · 1 year
In all of my AUs Tarre Vizsla quotes Space Shakespeare.
Doesn't matter if he's sadboy Vizsla, fratbro Vizsla, or weird uncle who gives small children dangerous pets Vizsla. He always quotes Shakespeare.
Like, in my 3 Mandos and a Baby AU, he definitely has told Jaster and Myles "More of your conversation would infect my brain".
Or when Senator Merrik is giving his little villain speech on the Coronet Tarre yells from the background, "Villain, I have done thy mother". Korkie, being the only one who can hear him, nearly gives away his position due to laughter.
Or all the jokes he can make about Pre Vizsla, or the Kaminoans, or Dooku and Sidious.
In my as of yet unnamed time travel AU, when Tarre's watching the Rebel Alliance he catches the kiss on Hoth and mutters "More than kin and less than kind".
One of his fellow dead Mandalores points out how strange it is that Tarre's hanging out with Jaster, which earns a "Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows".
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mrfandomwars · 1 year
Headcanon that this trio here are Korkie, Amis and Lagos or Soniee
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They are just three members of the cadet quartet
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