#mandalorian cadets
scottysketches · 6 months
Since the excerpt from my Korkie/Amis story seems to have people interested, I thought I might share some of my headcanons for the cadets :)
Oldest to youngest goes: Amis, Soniee, Korkie and Lagos (Soniee and Korkie's birthdays are literally just a couple weeks apart and she holds it over his head lmao)
Amis is from a poorer family in the lower districts of Sundari (which is still leagues better than some parts of Coruscant). His biological parents are divorced and he hardly ever sees his bio father - which is fine by him, because his stepdad is a better father than his actual father ever could or would be. He has an older sister (Daisa) and a younger half-brother (Denn). His family's name is Kar'jor
Soniee's family are from Harswee (and her maternal grandparents were the weavers who crafted the carpets and tapestries that are displayed on the Coronet). Like Korkie, she's an only child, but she has lots of cousins that she's close with. Her family's name is Bevehn
Lagos comes from a family of warriors who all fought on the side of the New Mandalorians during the civil war. Her ancestors originally hailed from Concord Dawn. She's the youngest of ten children - five sisters and four brothers. Her family's name is Agol'dade
Amis and Soniee were the first to meet each other on their first day at the academy and very quickly became besties because they're both repressed gays you can pry this one out of my cold dead hands
Amis and Soniee actually met Satine on their first day at the academy; Lagos didn't meet her until the end of the second term/semester, when Satine came to pick up Korkie for the holiday break
Korkie broke his arm falling out of a hammock once as a young child while he and Satine were visiting family on Kalevala because he tosses and turns a lot in his sleep, so he quickly picks out one of the lower bunks in their dorm room
Lagos snores. It's bad. (Korkie also snores, but not as bad as Lagos.) Soniee and Amis invest in some comfortable earplugs for sleeping so that they can actually get some rest at night, rather than have to survive on caf
At the end of the first term/semester, all first-year cadets get to choose a selection of elective subjects to take in order to fill out their timetables (this also includes extra-curricular activities like sports teams and clubs)
Korkie takes three languages (Rodese, Shyriiwook and Twi'leki), dance, cookery, additional political history and additional debate classes (because unfortunately for Satine he inherited Obi-Wan's restlessness and constant need to be busy - basically the Eleventh Doctor in The Power of Three, skip ahead to 2:28)
Amis takes one language (Twi'leki), architecture, cookery and martial arts. He's also part of the academy's shockball and fencing teams and enjoys free-climbing in his spare time
Lagos takes three languages (Durese, Kaminoan and Twi'leki), martial arts and the Mandalorian equivalent of religious studies
Soniee takes three languages (Durese, Rodese and Twi'leki), robotics, hacking and additional debate classes
Out of the four of them, Lagos is the only straight kid - Korkie is openly bi from the age of 14, Soniee and Amis are both gay but repressing throughout their time at the academy (Soniee until the outbreak of the Clone Wars, and Amis until the year leading up to the Death Watch coup)
Korkie bunks off school one day to visit Satine at the palace, which is when he comes out to her; she reassures him that there's nothing he could do, say or be that would change how much she loves him (before scolding him for sneaking out of school)
Amis and Soniee both bond over their sexualities, as they're each the first person the other came out to
Lagos and Amis both think they're being subtle about their crushes on Korkie. He knows
When he's 16, Amis's stepdad passes away; he gets pulled out of class to be told, and Daisa also has to break the uncomfortable news that their mother found the letter Amis wrote to their stepdad where he comes out, and she subsequently disowns Amis because he's gay. Daisa promises to stay in contact with him, and sets up a separate bank account that she deposits a set amount of credits in every month so that Amis has some money once he graduates from the academy
Satine is absolutely disgusted when Korkie tells her what happened, and promptly declares that Amis can stay with her and Korkie at the palace during the term breaks when the rest of the students go home
When they're almost 17, Korkie tells Amis that Satine is actually his mother, not his aunt - but because they're both stoned at the time, Amis doesn't take him seriously
As they get older and more confident in themselves and their identities, all four cadets start to explore different aspects of themselves around each other
Korkie wears traditionally masculine clothing a majority of the time, but he also likes to mix it up with high-waisted trousers, shirts in various colours/patterns/etc. that would be considered feminine, and crop tops
Amis wears masculine clothes all the time but starts to experiment with small amounts of make-up (eyeliner, nail polish, etc.) in their last year at the academy before the Death Watch coup; his signature clothing item is jeans with carpenter detailing on them (extra pockets, a loop for a hammer, padded panels at the knees, etc.)
Lagos is quite feminine, but she enjoys the comfy aspect of lounging around in sweats; she's also a big fan of cargo trousers (so! many! pockets!)
Soniee fully embraces her feminine side, whereas when she was younger she was more androgynous; she's the go-to for make-up advice (and was the one to teach Amis how to paint his nails and draw the perfect vintage wing)
At the end of every year at the academy, each year group has a school dance that gets more sophisticated the older the students are (think more like a disco for the younger years, and the older students have more black/white tie coded events)
As a joke, Soniee suggests going to what would be their last school dance in drag to Amis; he's 100% serious when he says yes
Poor Korkie suddenly has a gay crisis when he realises that the "girl" chatting with some of their other classmates across the room is Amis
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We were children. We were soldiers.
We, are the survivors. 2023.
These two are actually meant to be a set, so I thought I'd go ahead and showcase them side by side. (Still blows me away how much yall love the cadet one).
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coline7373 · 9 months
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This is the incredible art made by @monomalo for my fic Saltwater!
It's so freaking perfect, I'm tearing up everytime I see it.
An enormous thanks to the artist!!!!!!!!
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bojangos · 2 years
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make the jaster content you want to see in the world.  
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direwolfrules · 1 year
Some things I noticed while rewatching "The Academy" episode of The Clone Wars
Soniee's at the docks to greet the Jedi, but Almec doesn't introduce her which. Is weird. Almec why do you suck so bad?
Seriously, she's left standing there when the others are called up. Just hanging in the back, forever alone.
Lagos just looks so done on the docks. Just so done.
Lagos also leans forward a little when Korkie asks to see Ahsoka's lightsaber. She wants to see the laser sword too, she just doesn't have Korkie's impulsiveness.
When Korkie gets pulled back by Almec Satine is utterly unfazed and Amis and Lagos exchange a look, like "By the manda he did it again".
The way the cadets turn with the guards implies they've done drills and stuff. So like, does that mean the discipline part of Mandalorian martial culture was kept? Or something, I don't know.
Hey look, weapons are only banned for off-worlders, and that's a recent thing after Obi-Wan swung by a few months ago. Did ya hear that Satine haters who claim blatantly false things?
In the establishing shot of the Academy you can see one student running towards the building. Poor bastard is late for class.
The students' chairs look so uncomfortable.
There are different colored lines on the students' uniforms' kar'ta beskar. Korkie's got red segmented lines, Lagos has plain red lines, Soniee has white lines, and Amis has no lines. What do they mean? Are they meant to signify something specific? Who knows, headcanon away.
The girls' uniforms have brown/bronze cuff patterns and the boys' have gold cuff patterns.
The Cadet Squad also has different shoulder marks on their uniforms. Korkie and Lagos have plain gold, Soniee has plain silver/gray, and Amis has a silver mark with a gold and red bar on it. What does this mean? I need headcanons people!
The marks are also present on the side flap things of the boys' uniforms.
Apparently, there are a bunch of twins and triplets in the cadets' class (reusing assets? it's more likely than you think)
Almec's hair has a pattern of beskar hearts, because of course it does.
Lagos' hair is actually really short with an accessory that mimics pigtails.
The wall screens in the cadet's dorm have Mando'a script.
Soniee's the first to snark at Amis. It's great, 10/10 sibling energy.
Soniee almost always has a computer on hand in addition to her little tech visor thing. I love that.
When Soniee tells the Cadet Squad that the Academy's out of rations again she's staring at her laptop. Did she hack the Academy's inventory records so she could determine if a late-night snack run was possible?
Amis' response about no late-night snack runs makes it seem like that's a thing they've done before, which is adorable.
Korkie: These doors are heavily secured by top-of-the-line government security programs, we'll never get in.
Soniee: *flips down her visor* I eat top-of-the-line government security programs for breakfast.
Korkie literally pronounces Ahsoka with the most over-emphasized "ah" sound.
Almec's response to Satine spitting facts is to put a shock collar on her. Because he's a pathetic little worm-man.
Korkie's like an inch away from being tortured with a shock collar and you can see when the camera cuts to Satine that she almost gives in. You see her grit her teeth and her eyes fill with despair. She loves that boy dammit.
The cadets throw themselves on Almec's goons to take them down, which is just so funny looking.
Everyone else seems to have knocked out their assigned evil henchman except Soniee, who was apparently too light, so Amis just jumps on the guy with her.
The cadets are so synchronized, I just can't. I love them and this fight scene is hilarious. I'm pretty sure at one point Amis headbutts a metal shield and doesn't even flinch.
Almec gets hit with a fraction of the shock collar time he gave Satine and immediately folds. Cause he's pathetic.
Soniee still has her visor after all the headbutting and flopping. I love her. Korkie, move aside, you're getting out blorbo-ed.
Seriously the end of episode fight scene cuts between Ahsoka engaging in acts of Jedi badassery and the cadets looking like Yakkety Sax is playing in the background.
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bh-52 · 2 years
How many of Jango's enemies kept mistaking the clones for Jango himself?
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cuddles-with-dragons · 6 months
Clone commandos were trained by Mandalorians.
Clone Force 99 is no exception.
Ayer Vizla wasn't expecting to train such a chaotic group of cadets, but he can't just train them to fight.
He has to teach them to survive.
He can't let them die for a Republic that doesn't care about their lives.
After all, the foundlings are the future.
Read the adventures of Ayer and four very small, very chaotic, cadets!
Note: This is in my Wings of Fire AU. The characters are dragons, and they walk on all fours and have wings, tails, and horns. For a visual, got to the WoF wiki.
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cienie-isengardu · 2 years
"Your squad was very close to General Jusik, wasn't it? Give me your assessment of him." Niner's gut almost tied itself in a complete knot now. It didn't show on his face, he was sure of that, because clones learned in Tipoca City how to present a bland face to the Kaminoans. For the ordinary troopers, it saved them from being reconditioned. For commandos protected by their ferocious training sergeants, it was just a habit, but a useful one.
Imperial Commando: 501st
#star wars#republic commando#clone troopers#niner#mandalorian training sergeants#okay the quotes like this one how clones needed to learn control their emotions to not let them shown on their faces#always makes me wonder how clones went from this survival habit#to more expressive gestures#like different color of hair tattoos etc#tcw went with that on full scale#though at times i feel like it was overdone for audience's sake not clones#anyway#i would love to see some books or comics or animations explore this change and its effect on clones#i would actually want to see clone culture rather than just rc!mando adopted culture#at the same time i pity any kaminoan who tried take a clone cadet from mando sarges#like skirata or vau or rav or mij or others#good luck you poor creatures#i also like how niner thought is not solely about skirata but as a whole mando gang training the little clones#and how commandos really seems to get#the best protection and support?#i mean ok ARCs had Jango but he didn't give them name and he wasn't always around#while the common troopers were always in danger of being selected as the dragging starndards down#while clone commandos had their sarges all the time around#who gave them names allowed to paint armors (as was seen that deltas had their colors right during battle of geonosis)#and who were ferocius when it comes to protecting them from kaminoans#but also if one of mando went too far the others would happily stab in guts#what happened with vau and skirata after geonosis i think in regard to atin#or how priest was stopped by mij & fett#training was a hell but they got names and mando culture to belong something beyond GAR#and had people who cared for them to survive not because they were paid for that but because they saw them as a people
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Clone Adoption Agency (chapter 2)
Chapter two of our clone wars story, again not exactly strict on canon. Also there's a lot of mandoa used in the story from here forward. Feel free to ask questions if you want to know what it all means. It's explained later in the story but questions are always welcome.
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Vette awoke the next morning and went to work reviewing some of the notes that Jango had sent to her datapad. Skimming over the information she prepared a pot full of caff. Sipping the warm liquid in her mug she wandered into their front room. “Blast it, Fett. You really have gotten yourself down the biggest gundark hole you could find.” She grumbled into her mug.
Kaviir eventually stumbled out of bed, still fuzzy from sleep. Her hair a fuzzy knotted mess, and her eyes still foggy with the dream she'd just tumbled out of. With a yawn she made her way into the front room and went over to hug her mother's leg "Vaar'tur..." She yawned, rubbing her eye.
“Good morning to you too, Kav’ika.” Vette smiled and rustled the girl's hair. Seeing her baby all sleepy in the morning always made her smile. Vette grabbed her a glass, and filled it with a rather dark blueish liquid from their cold storage. “Here, try it. It’s like juice, but a bit more sweet.”
Yawning, Kaviir took a sip and scrunched up her nose. The taste had a pleasant sweetness to it which she didn't mind, but while having a bit of an overall heavier consistency, like a milk. She felt the entire thing was far too heavy on her tongue and left her rather uncomfortable.
Vette smiled letting out a small laugh at the adorable reaction, “We’ll have to be quick with breakfast. My job is going to be training the soldiers here to be better warriors. Commando units, as they’re calling them.” She rolled her eyes before kneeling down and poking Kaviir in the stomach, “We’ll just have to teach them who’s boss, won’t we?”
She nodded and set down the drink,"Gonna kick butt?"
“Always.” Vette grabbed a flat bread and what she assumed to be jam. She spread it out and gave a half smile to Kaviir, “Sorry, ad’ika. I’ll have to make a trip to get us actual food later on.”
"It's okay." She shrugged, accepting the food. Grabbing a napkin to keep crumbs up as she nibbled on her breakfast, she headed to the freshers,"This whole place is weird." She shrugged as she disappeared inside the small room.
Vette nodded and began to don her armor. She thought for a moment as to whether or not she should wear the helmet, but ultimately decided it would be better if she did. After a few minutes Kaviir came back out with her hair up in a tiny bun, sleep cleaned from her eyes, and face washed. She went to put on her own simplified armor, sitting on the floor she tugged on her boots, her tongue sticking out just a little as she did so. Vette couldn’t help but smile as she went over to help her daughter, “Getting older now, dear, pretty soon, it will be time for you to make your own beskar…”
She looked up at her,"Really?"
“Mhmm.” Vette smiled and tied off her boots, “It will be tough, but you’re a tough cookie. I know whatever you choose to make, it’s going to be great.” She hoisted Kaviir up and smiled beneath her helmet, “Now then, let’s go show these boys how it’s done.”
Kaviir nodded, grinning,"Let's do it."
Vette led the two of them out onto the hallway, where they were greeted by a creature they had never seen before. These things were tall, very tall; with pale white skin and dark eyes with hints of silver in the iris. They craned their long necks down to stare at Kaviir and Vette, looking at them the same way a scientist studies a lab rat they just injected with a deadly toxin. “Ah, you must be Commander Ruu’san. My name is Taun Wii. I am one of the Chief scientists here on Kamino. It is a pleasure to meet you.”
Kaviir wrinkled her nose looking up at them. Her mother could tell she didn't like them one bit. Vette placed her arm over Kaviir’s chest, placing herself between them and her daughter. It wasn’t so much as a warning to Kaviir to behave herself, but rather to separate her from this new creature. “Pleasures all mine. We’re supposed to be meeting with Jango Fett? Any idea as to where he is?” she spoke carefully, eyeing them from behind the visor of her helmet.
“Oh yes, master Fett is awaiting the both of you on platform C.” She slowly shifted her long arm and pointed a slender finger to the window outside that revealed a similar looking building to the one they were in, but much larger in scale.
“Thanks.” Vette nodded and attempted to remove herself and Kaviir from the conversation. Kaviir moved to walk on Vette's other side, keeping her mom between herself and the creature as they headed off. Her hand holding tightly to Vette's.
“Before you go.” The Kaminoan called out, “I wanted to give each of you one of these.” She pulled out two palm sized square shaped cards and handed them to Vette, “These will allow you to have relatively unrestricted access to our facilities during your stay here. Your daughter will have some heavier restrictions, such as no access to the officers quarters and storage areas, but the training grounds and medical areas, as well as cafeteria and learning centers are all open to her.”
Kaviir looked up at Vette before she said anything. Vette looked them both over and handed the one to Kaviir, “We’ll keep that in mind.” She spun back on her heels and held her daughter close as they made their way from one platform to the other. “Jango was right. Those things are unsettling.”
"They look stupid." Kaviir mumbled.
Vette chuckled underneath her helmet, “Yes. They do, but we’ll need to play nice, or at least fake it for now. I’m not sure what their hierarchy is around here. Once that’s clear, we can do more fun things, okay?”
"Can I paint one pink?" She asked looking up at her,"I brought my powder balls."
“No you may not.” Vette sighed, “and I thought I told you to leave those behind? They make a mess.”
"They just slipped into my bag by accident." She shrugged
“Is that so?” Vette laughed and picked her daughter up, “Your bag has a surprising ability to magically find stuff that’s not supposed to be in it.”
"Like keys, and spare knives." She grinned.
“Yes. I know about the knives…” Vette sighed, “You’re going to get us in trouble one day if you keep it up.”
"Nah, I'll just get better at hiding them." She giggled
“I’m sure you will, little Nexu.” Vette smiled as they entered a large room. This room was different from theirs. It was pure metal, with no paint or windows. It felt less like a hospital and more like a bunker.
Kaviir looked around,"Where are we?"
“Platform one-one-seven.” A familiar voice called out to them. Jango walked up to the two wearing his own armor and helmet. He looked between Vette and Kaviir, his expression hidden behind that iconic visor. “Sleep well?”
"This place is loud." Kaviir stated
“Storms never stop unfortunately, at least not during this time of year.” He looked over to Vette, “I assume you read the dossier I left on your counter.”
“Yeah, you’ve got me training some sort of battalion of commandos?”
“One hundred and fourteen commando soldiers. That’s correct.”
“And there are others, more of your Cuy’val Dar?”
“Right. You’ll recognize a handful of them. Vau, Shae, Skirata. They’re all coming in.”
"Who are they?" Kaviir asked
“ Other Mandalorians, like us. They’ll be working with us to train up those soldiers we were talking about.” Vette looked over to Jango, “Speaking of… where are they?”
Kaviir had wiggled out of Vette's arms and hopped to the floor as she looked around. And about that time, the door opened up as a male around ten walked in and up to Jango. He looked to Kaviir with a smile and gave her a “Hello.” before handing the datapad off to Jango. Kaviir stopped and looked confused for a moment before looking at Vette terrified,"Mom, what did they do to Boba?"
“Boba?” Vette looked over, “That’s not Boba.” She sighed and pat Kaviir on the head, “You didn’t play much attention about the cloning talk, did you?”
"In my defense, I was very tired." She shrugged as she relaxed,"...wait...I thought we're training soldiers? Not kids? Am I getting drafted?"
“Sort of. But you already report to me anyway, don’t you, little soldier.” Vette poked Kaviir on the nose. The girl giggled and wrinkled her nose.
Vette looked over to the boy and smiled, “What’s your name, son?”
The clone snapped to attention rather quickly, “RC-03/387.”
“No son… your name.” Vette shook her head, “What do your teammates call you?”
He seemed confused by Vette and raised an eyebrow, “RC-03/387?”
Vette sighed and knelt down on one knee. She removed her helmet, “You don’t have a nickname or anything like that?”
“No, sir.” He shook his head, “We don’t talk a whole lot outside of training and classes.”
“Well, that won’t do at all…” Vette smiled and ruffled the boy's hair, “What do you think, Kaviir? Any ideas?”
She poked her head around Vette to look at him,"Hmm....what are you good at?"
“Lots of stuff I suppose. But I think I’m supposed to be an SL?” He looked confused between Jango and Vette.
“A squad leader.” Jango nodded, “You’ll be the one to carry the weight of your brothers, and they’ll look to you for guidance and instruction.”
Vette nodded in agreement, “but that also means you’ll always have them to watch your back as well.”
Kaviir thought for a moment then grinned,"Jurir."
“To support the weight.” Vette nodded, “What do you think?” She looked to the boy who was smiling.
“I like it. What about my brothers?”
“They’ll get their names in time as well.”
Kaviir grinned at him. A few minutes later, three more boys of a matching identity came in. They all had a smile on their face, and within minutes, they had been named. Torch, the heart and soul of the team. Tech, a bit more by the books, but a true brother, nonetheless, and Kad, quiet, but dedicated. Vette smiled and knelt down next to Kaviir, “Well, Kav’ika. Meet your brothers.”
Kaviir was more than a little excited, she was bouncing up and down. The moment Vette moved out of the way she rushed in and tackled all four into a hug. The boys smiled and began to play with her as they ran around. Vette let them play for a few more minutes, while she spoke a bit more with Jango, before calling out to them. At her mother's call Kaviir stopped and set Kad down from where she had picked him up, then turned to her mother.
“Alright, we’ve got a long way to go. So let’s get started.” Vette spent the next hours training this squad and nearly two dozen others to get them ready. By the time they were done for the day Kaviir was laying on the floor exhausted from the sheer amount of moving around.
Vette smiled and sat down next to her, “It’s been a while since you’ve actually trained, eh, ad’ika?”
"Uhuh..." She mumbled,"this hard that is."
“That’s what I’m talking about.” Vette pulled off her helmet and wiped her brow, “Chasing the loth cat with a stick is not training.”
"Hey.... he's fast." She shrugged
“He’s a cat.” She chuckled, “Of course he’s fast.”
"It's perfectly fine training." She mumbled
“For exercise, yes. To keep you safe from outside dangers? Probably need to step it up a bit.” She scooped up her daughter and smiled, “Come on now, let’s get cleaned up.”
"Kay!" She giggled and hugged her,"What about the boys?"
“They’ll be joining us too once they get cleaned up.” She nodded and walked the two of them back to their room. “Kaviir, you know they won’t spend the night here every night, right?”
"Yeah." She sighed and went to change into clean clothes,"This place is just really cold. I feel bad they're all alone."
“They’re never alone. They have each other.” She smiled, “Vode’an.”
"Still, it's not like being with someone who takes care of them." She shook her head,"And I don't think they've ever had a real bed, or even seen the sun. Like a real one, not on a screen."
“You’re right.” Vette sighed, “and they won’t see it for a long time, and when they do…” she thought for a moment, but shook her head, “No… to talk like that, not yet.”
Kaviir frowned as she paused,"....Mom.... they're going to get hurt aren't they...."
“Part of life, part of war, is knowing that your brothers can get hurt, but with our help, we’ll make sure not as many of them do.” She did her best to smile for Kaviir, “I promise, we’re going to take care of them.”
"I know." She said softly looking at her feet. Vette frowned and pulled her daughter into a hug, “Hey, don’t think about it too much. Take it from me, it will hurt less.”
"Yeah...." She mumbled, hugging her,"still...."
“Shhhh.” Vette started to bounce her up and down.
"Mom...." She whispered
“Yes, my little Nexu?” She kissed her cheek softly.
"... there's gonna be a war isn't there...." She frowned
Vette felt tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she clung tightly to her daughter. She had taken this job in hopes of keeping her safe and to be able to pay for whatever life they wanted, but now, with all of this, Kaviir, her own daughter, was about to be in the middle of one of the largest wars the galaxy had ever known. “…yes…”
"....a lot of them are going to die...." She said softly. Vette could feel her grip tighten on her shirt,"... aren't they..."
“…yes…” she buried her face into Kaviir’s neck, “I’m sorry, ad’ika.”
She sniffled softly then pulled away and rubbed her face. When she lowered her hands, she looked at her mom determined,"Fine...then we'll have to train them better than anyone else. All of them."
“Every last one.” Vette brushed her daughter's hair out of her face, “and when we win the war, we’ll take them all with us, okay?”
She nodded and hugged her again,"All of them."
“Every last one.” She kissed her cheek and smiled, “Now then, what would you like for food?”
"Something warm." She shrugged,"It's really cold here."
“How about some Masthiff stew, and some Uj cake for dessert?”
She nodded
Vette set her down and smiled, “Good. Now, go hit the freshers, and I’ll get started, alright?”
"Yes ma'am." She nodded and went to clean up.
Vette soon stripped out of her armor and down to her base suit. She grabbed everything she could get from the kitchen and went to work preparing dinner for them all. After a few minutes, there was a sound from the door. Vette washed her hands and went over to see who it was. The doors opened to reveal Jango with Boba in his arms, passed out, and her first squad she trained behind him.
“I was told there was a party here?” Fett smiled, “Would hate to miss out on the fun.”
Vette chuckled, “Bal’ban, Fett. Come on in.” She smiled and stood to the side.
Jango let the other boys go in first before stepping through and smelling the air, “Is that..?”
“Yep. Just like the old days. I was going to make it as a surprise for Kaviir when we got home, but now I just need to get through it before it spoils.”
“Having second doubts?” Jango raised an eyebrow.
“Who isn’t right now?” Vette sighed, “She knows… she knows it’s going to be a war.”
“I told you not to get attached to them.”
“How can I not, Fett? They’re-“ Vette looked over at the boys and began shook her head before speaking to Jango in Mandalorian:
“They’re kids, Jango.” She whispered, “and with this accelerated growth hormone, by the time they’re Kaviir’s age, they will be seeing the sun for the first time, and then dying on whatever planet they’re deployed to. What kind of life is that?”
“Vette, I told you… don’t get attached.”
Kaviir came back in, dressed in her lounging clothes. She could understand most of the conversation, but decided to let the adults talk. Instead she went over to the boys and smiled,"Wanna play while mom and Fett talk?"
“Sure. What do you want to play?” Torch smiled at her.
"I've got some games?" She pointed to a small stack of Holo devices,"It's mostly like...chess, but they're still fun."
“We’ve never played anything like that before. Will you teach us?” Jurir smiled.
"Of course!" She grinned and grabbed his hand leading them over to sit on the floor. She took a moment to set up the game. The boys all gathered around the two and watched carefully as Kaviir set up the game and explained the rules. After she was finished explaining, she looked at them,"Who wants to try first?"
“I think I’ve got the general idea.” Tech nodded. Jurir scooted over and let him sit at the pad. He looked up to Kaviir, “Want to go first?”
"Sure." She shrugged and made a move.
Tech sat in silent concentration as he focused on the game. After a few minutes, Kaviir noticed that he not only absorbed the rules, but had seemingly put together several strategies for attack.
She smiled watching him, she was playing to see what he would do rather than win.
Tech's moves were precise and calculated, before long, it was clear that he was going to win.
Kaviir smiled as he made the final move and grinned. The boys all smiled as they watched Tech win. Tech grinned too as he looked to Kaviir, “This is fun!”
"I have more if you all want to play too." She pulled out a three person game,"We can swap around between games."
“Okay!” They all called out in unison. Tech and Jurir played each other in the first game while Kaviir taught Torch and Kad how to play the new game.
Jango looked over to the group and smiled, “She’s taken a liking to them.”
“Can you blame her? She’s raised by me. They’re copies of you.” She chuckled, “Makes sense that they’d be friends.”
Kaviir was grinning as she played with them, during the entire time she hadn't even won a game, but she didn't seem to even notice. The boys were enjoying themselves too. After a minute, Vette called out to all of them, “Alright, boys! Chow time.”
Kaviir shooed them over to the table as she cleaned up the toys.
They all sat around the table and waited for Kaviir.
She was over in a moment and took a spot beside Vette.
Vette was sitting at the head of the table as she watched them all eat. “It’s a bit better than cafeteria chow , eh boys?”
The silent nods from mouth filled kids put a smile on her face. Kaviir smiled as she chowed down. After another half hour or so of them eating, Vette began to replace dirty plates with clean ones before she brought out a large silver display platter that was covered. She smiled and popped the top off to reveal a brightly colored cake.
The girl's face lit up as she got excited,"Cake!"
“Why are you surprised?” Vette laughed, “I TOLD you I was making some.”
"It doesn't have to be a surprise for me to be excited." She stated in that matter of fact kid way,"It's still cake and cake is awesome."
“Fair enough.” She cut the first piece and handed it to Kaviir, “But at least wait for me to serve everyone else.”
"Yes ma'am." She nodded
Vette handed each of them a slice and sat back down. The boys seemed to be star struck as they ate, “What is this?” They asked.
“It’s called Uj.” Vette chuckled, “It’s a delicacy on Mandalore.”
Kaviir smiled as she ate hers, her feet kicking excitedly under the table.
After everything had been cleaned up, Vette helped them all get washed up and back into the kitchen. Kaviir grinned as they all gathered around,"You guys having fun?"
The boys looked around and nodded.
She smiled warmly at them,"good."
“Are you?” Jurir asked.
"Definitely." She grinned and pulled them into another hug.
They smiled and returned the affection.
Vette was cleaning up in the kitchen and quickly finished before walking over to them, “Alright, cadets. Sorry to cut the party short, but it’s almost curfew, and I really don’t want any of the overseers to come in here looking for you.”
Kaviir frowned but let them go.
Jango stood to his feet and grabbed Boba who was asleep on the couch, “I’ll take it from here, Vette.” He escorted the clone cadets back to their bunks.
Vette looked back over to Kaviir and knelt down on her knees next to her, “That was a very brave thing you did.”
She looked confused,"What? What did I do?"
“You opened yourself up to them. You let them be kids for a night.” She laughed, “instead of feeling like experiments.”
"Well yeah....they are kids?" She said confused
“I know, hun. But… the people here, a lot of them don’t view Jurir and his brothers as kids.”
"The stupid sea giraffes?" She asked
“Kaviir.” Vette chuckled, “I love your open honesty, but we really need to talk about time and place.” She wrapped Kaviir into a tight hug and began to play with her, “but yes… those stupid sea giraffes.”
"I won't say it to their stupid faces," she shrugged,"But I will think it."
“I hope not. Otherwise they might come and get you.” She started to tickle her daughter, “Then I’d have to come and beat ‘em all to a pulp to get you back.”
"Mom!" She giggled wiggling
Vette persisted for another minute or two before sitting back up and pulling Kaviir into her lap, “I love you, sweetheart.”
Kaviir threw her arms around her neck and hugged her tightly,"I love you too momma."
“Now then.” She looked over to the game she and Torch were playing earlier, “How about a game?”
"Yeah!" She giggled
Vette pulled the holo display to them and set up the game. “Care to pick a color?”
"Black!" She grinned
“I should have guessed.” She chuckled and set the board up, “You go first, hun.”
She nodded and thought for a moment before she made a move. Vette smiled and played the game with her, letting Kaviir take her time to figure out her moves. She seemed to be doing far better than she had been with the boys. Vette noticed and chuckled, “I see you’re actually trying.”
"Yeah?" She looked confused
“Beforehand, you seemed to be letting the boys win. Any reason as to why?” She asked.
"I wasn't paying attention to the game." She shrugged,"They were having fun, I was enjoying watching them."
“You’re sweet.” Vette reached over and ruffled the girl's hair, “I hope that doesn’t mean you’re not having fun with me.”
"I am." She grinned,"But you're more of a challenge."
“Oh. I see.” Vette smiled, “Well, keep studying, you’re doing much better than before.”
"Maybe one day I'll win." She grinned
“Keep it up and I’m sure you will.” Vette smiled as they continued playing. Kaviir continued to make better moves as they went. Vette was genuinely surprised by how much Kaviir had learned. Her daughter had never played this well before. She smiled to herself and kept increasing the difficulty of her own tactics. Eventually she did make a mistake, but she didn't realize it. Still she seemed to be having a lot of fun.
"Mom?" She asked randomly.
“Yes, love?” Vette took control of the board, capitalizing on Kaviir’s slip up.
"Think we'll get a chance to take the boys to go out? Like...just have fun, not work or fight." She asked
“When we leave this place. Sure thing.” Vette smiled, “though I’m not sure on what all we’ll be able to do while they’re still training.”
"I'll figure something out." She shrugged,"They need to be kids too."
“Kaviir, you don’t have to do that.” Vette smiled, “We can train them AND give them a bit of a childhood.”
"Have to and want to are two different things." She shrugged
“You’re right about that.” She smiled, “Case in point, if you WANT to beat me…” she set a piece into place that put Kaviir into checkmate, “you’ll HAVE to do better next time.” She grinned and pulled Kaviir into her lap, “but that was a good game, ad’ika.”
She cuddled against her mom and yawned,"Today was fun."
“Well. I’m glad you think that, because this will be what we do for the next several years.” She stood up and held Kaviir in her arms, “Now, get ready for bed. I need to use the freshers.”
"Kay." She yawned
Vette went back to the bathroom and took a decently long shower, washing off the grime of the past few days. She returned to their room a moment later and looked to Kaviir, “Come on, bed time.”
She was already in her pajamas and passed out laying on the bed. The poor kiddo had a long day and was already tuckered out. Vette chuckled and walked over to her bed, tucking Kaviir in and grabbing a plush toy for her to cuddle with. She brushed her bangs out of her face and kissed the girl on her temple, “Goodnight, Kav’ika.” She smiled in her sleep and cuddled with the plush. Vette let out a yawn and climbed into her own bed and soon drifted off to sleep.
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If you came around for chapter two, thank you! If you missed chapter one it linked it below.
Chapter 1
Thank you!!
Chapter 3
Star Wars Master Post
Clone Adoption Agency Navigation
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bobafettuccini · 2 years
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Some expression practice with my little smuggling gang
original sheets: (x) (x)
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scottysketches · 5 months
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friendship tattoos and sweet kisses 🥹
(aka korkie, amis, lagos and soniee went and got matching tattoos to represent their bond with each other - then soniee snapped a picture of korkie and amis kissing and sent it to satine with some sarcastic & flippant comment about "they're gay, your honour")
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Kyr'am. 2023.
Really just needed an excuse to draw Kian in his new armor. Cause I think it's kinda cool 👉👈
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 month
Well...That Esclated Quickly
Here is another idea that came to me during my walk to work.  I want you to know, though it goes in a humorous direction it really is not a full fix-it. 
When Order 66 went live, some of the chips did not activate. There is no rhyme nor reason as to which chips activate and which did not. Not a huge amount compared to the whole, but some. Enough that a few hundred Jedi and a Few thousand Clones regroup in the aftermath. 
While you can fill in most of the blanks the following are included in my idea
Obi Wan Kenobi and a company’s worth of 212th clones, including Cody: Obi Wan was still shot off the cliff, to the horrified eyes of the still free clones. The still free clones don't have enough numbers to take on their brethren who appear to have gone insane, but do have enough to steal one of the midsized transport ships, one capable of hyperspace flight.  They reluctantly allow Obi Wan to go to Coruscant on his own, with the rationale that one person can sneak to the surface much easier than a whole company, while the clones establish a regroup point.  From there Obi Wan goes on the Mustafar, which ends as it did in canon. Obi Wan brings Padme to the transport ship where she still dies of complications of her pregnancy
Fox, Hound, a dozen other members of the CG, and the Younglings: Fox and the few members of the CG that were unaffected by O66 raced to beat the 501st to the Temple. They made it just a few minutes before their enslaved brothers. Just barely in time to evacuate the children in the creche with the help (and insistent sacrifice) of the adult Jedi.  While there were a few Creche Masters evacuated with the children, it was now basically just Fox and his CG functionally in charge of baby Jedi ranging from Babies to Pre teens. They connect with remains of the 212th before the events of Mustafar. 
Yoda, who did still have to kill his commander in order to escape, but was able to bring a few clones with him.  They still end up being collected by Bail Organa.
Ahsoka, Rex, Jesse and  a portion of the maintenance team for their battalion: They do not meet up with the rest for quite some time (at least three years). Rex’s chip did activate but he was able to get Ahsoka the message about Fives. After Rex is freed they find Jesse and the other free clones (soft shells all) looking on in horror at their controlled brethren. With the help of the maintenance team they are able to escape from the ship without freeing Maul or crashing into the moon.  By the time they are able to look past the immediate situation, the Temple is already burning and it has been announced that the Jedi are traitors. These 25 or so go to ground in Mandalorian space and try to figure out how to free the clones from the chips (beyond surgery which really does not work with the numbers they have to deal with). They do not realize anyone else has survived. 
Aayla survived, due to one of the clones (not Bly) pushing her out of the way and sacrificing his life for her. Bly’s chip does work. She escapes with two dozen free clones and six chipped clones tied up in the back (Including Bly, even the clones agree they cannot save everyone and hopefully it means that they can figure out what is going wrong).
Shaak Ti, 10 Veteran clones, 40 ‘Shinies’, 300 child and teenage cadets, three junior Kaminoan Scientists (not Nala Se) none of which knew about the chip or Order 66, and Omega.  Shaak Ti had been working with a few Kaminoan Scientists to see the clones as sentients in their own right and the reactions of the clones under the chip's control horrified a few of those scientists.  Between them and Omega, who had been paying attention and used this as a chance to escape the lab (the Bad Batch being off planet at the time) they were able to evacuate anyone not under the control of the chip. 
All of these people (Barring Ahsoka and Co) converge on the ship that had been stolen by the free 212th clones. Had less children survived (about a third of the living Jedi are children under the age of 11, plus the cadets) they all would likely have split into small groups and made their own way through the galaxy. But there was just no way to break into small enough groups to be safe AND still make sure the children (and to some extent the Shinies) were taken care of.  They were also too large a group to go anywhere in the Republic, or even anywhere in Mandalorian space (There were an awful lot of uninhabited planets in the galaxy but most were uninhabited for a reason). Thus there was only one thing they could do.
Take over the Hutt Empire.
To be fair the take over part did start out accidentally. The actual goal was to find a place to lay low in the Hutt Empire, possibly the only place Palpatine’s Empire could not reach quite yet(at least until Palpatine solidified his rule). 
So they found a planet within the Hutt Empire to lay low on, While Bail Organa left to begin planting the seeds for the rebellion (No Leia as the twins were not being split up). As much as I want it to be Tattoine, it just has too small a population to not have a couple of thousand people (Most of whom hide their very distinctive faces) showing not be noticeable. So they choose a planet with a higher population. 
This is where the trouble began. All of our adults are deeply traumatized, trained warriors who are not used to sitting by, universally feeling useless. They are facing an insurmountable task, still mostly directionless, and deeply angry at life.  
It starts with the local Hutt’s minions trying to shake down some newcomers, who were not looking for a target to vent their spleen but found one just the same. It does not end well for the minions. Nor the next six attempts, with different groups of Clones and Jedi each time.  No one has told Command yet, but they look at each other and ‘shit we can’t keep drawing attention to ourselves but we can’t leave either’
The solution (Commander Cody himself would like to reiterate this was not the correct solution)? Take out the Hutt. Then they realize that taking out the Hutt has just drawn more attention to this city as the other Hutts for the planet try to figure out who took out this one.
The next Solution? Take out the rest of the Hutts on the planet. 
They have now drawn even more attention to the planet from yet more Hutts. This is the one thing that is critical they do not have. 
The next Solution? Try three to make this plan work (Commander Cody reminds you that trying the same thing over and over again, hoping for different results, is the definition of insanity) and take out the Hutts looking for answers. 
By the time that these small groups have admitted to Command (Obi Wan, Cody, Yoda, Shaak Ti, Fox) what is going on, a few months later, they have accidentally taken over the Hutt Empire.
The Hutt Empire that is still nominally allied with Palpatine’s Empire. The Hutt Empire that has to stay allied to Palpatine’s Empire if they do not want to draw the attention of the entire Imperial Forces to the largest concentration of living Jedi and free Clones in the galaxy.  The Hutt Empire that no longer has any active Hutts. 
In this the human centric leaning of Palpatine’s Empire is actually helpful.  They very rarely wanted to deal with other species, so it was easy to appoint someone unknown but human to deal with the com calls and visits. It does mean that they have to make up a Hutt that they essentially have to play ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ with, a couple of times a year when a representative insists on meeting with the Hutt in charge. 
Also the fact that Palpatine’s Empire is more interested in enslaving their own citizens for free as opposed to buying them from the Hutts means that they can shut down the slave trade within Hutt Space (over time).  Fox both loves and hates running a criminal empire. 
It should be noted that, even with Bly and the five other chipped clones, no one actually knows what is going on until Rex and Co find their way back to them.  We are going with the thought that a level 5 atomic scan is a ludicrously high level of scanning. Like sitting on a Nuclear Reactor to get an X-Ray kind of ludicrous, so not only does no one think to do that level of scanning to see what is wrong, but they do not even have that kind of equipment readily available.  The reports about Fives from Rex never made it to any kind of centralized repository, there is no way to know why most clones suddenly started to kill Jedi. Bly and Co spend the three years before Rex shows up in a makeshift brig, they can function almost normally until a Jedi is brought up or in the room with them. 
Bail laughs his ass off when he is told, through several intermediaries and coded messages, that the Jedi and the Clones accidentally took over a criminal empire.  Then he starts funneling the Path and the people his rebellion are rescuing into Hutt Space to find the Jedi. 
Three years in Rex, Ahsoka, the clones with them (now having grown to nearly another thousand) arrive with the news that they can disable the chips from a distance of about a large cruiser. 
That is how the Hutt Empire became freedom fighters.
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padawansuggest · 7 months
Ahsoka: *reading off the comments* What does Jedi and Clone Halloween look like?
Fives: Oh, yeah! Halloween was super fun this year! It was awesome, since the clones all live in the temple now, we did it there.
Ahsoka: Yeah! It was actually the Jedi’s first temple wide celebration too, we got to make costumes and the padawans and initiates and shinies and cadets got to go around getting goodies!
Fives: The temple is massive though, the population of a small planet at it’s fullest right now, though we keep finding empty rooms, so it’s not too crowded, but that means none of us were able to get to everyone, that’d be impossible.
Ahsoka: We started off in Master Obi-Wan’s hallway. He had Master Vos with him, and Master Obi-Wan’s kids went with our group. It was really funny though, Master Obi-Wan put out three treat types. One was a cooler of cocktail mixes he makes himself, he said they only had about two shots in them but I don’t know how much that is really.
Fives: It’s like one really big gulp of Hardcase and Taco’s illegal still juice.
Ahsoka: oh my god that’s so much Master Obi-Wan is crazy! The masters bringing kids around got so excited when they saw those!
Fives: Heh, yeah. They’re really good, and he has a bunch of different flavor types. What else did he put out?
Ahsoka: A really big bowl of Mandalorian spice candy and sweeties, and Master Vos put out a bowl of potatoes. The bowl was completely empty the next day, but the older clones were coming by for days to steal more spice candy.
Fives: Heh, I think I got one of those potatoes, but I had one of his cocktail mixers and another cocktail mixer from another master four blocks over, things got fuzzy after that.
Ahsoka: What happened to your potato?
Fives: I’m pretty sure Echo stole it for a midnight snack.
Ahsoka: That’s such a mood.
Rex: *coming out of a room in the background* Are either of you finding potatoes hidden in your room since Halloween?
Ahsoka: jdifnerkdnr
Fives: omfg
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direwolfrules · 2 years
Listen, I know the like five-ish people in the Korkie fandom tend to ship Korkie with Lagos, but have ya’ll considered:
Lagos dating Soniee
Amis is Soniee’s brother (twin or one or both of them are foundlings)
And Korkie is the guy who’s just sort of there (but also secretly the heart and soul of the group)
Basically, Korkie as the Phoebe of the cadet squad. Complete with the tragic parental backstory filled with lies and death! But on the inside he’s actually the Monica.
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phantom-of-the-501st · 4 months
And we're back!
Initial thoughts on TBB S3 Eps 1-3
3x1 Confined
Final season premiere let's go!!!
Storms are never a good sign
There's creepy shit on Tantiss (crocodile thing from the trailer maybe?)
Although Hemlock counts as creepy enough
He's the creepiest thing on the whole planet 😬
Tbf there's a stunning view, it's just a shame about the prison window blocking it
Omega blood sample? That's gotta come back later in the season!
Are these blood samples labelled? How tf does anyone know which is which??? That's just bad lab practice 🙄
Oh the weird machine knows. Nvm
"Replicate the genetic M count" and they want Omega's blood???
Nala Se is protecting Megs. Slenderbitch may actually be of some use
Force senstive Megs?
This feels like this is linking with the cloning plot in The Mandalorian
The animal welfare standards here are abysmal 😠
BATCHER?! Oh that's adorable 😍
And I thought Omegas's room was bad holy shit 😭
The grid across Cross' room is casting a crosshair on Omega's face. I love little details like that
21 tallies on wall = 21 rotations? That doesn't seem like very long
Why are there blood drips going into each sample? This seems like a contamination issue
At least 150 tallies now 😭
Subject will be terminated if they don't heal. Feels very much like the clones when they were on Kamino, which just shows how much the clones were treated like animals
"I belong here" *sobs*
Cross don't make me cry istg. I can't do this at 8am on a Wednesday 😭
Okay but the droid kind of had a point about Batcher struggling in the wild because of Omega domesticating her. One thing you learn about working in a zoo environment is that hand-reared animals have no idea how to behave like their wild counterparts and basically turn into little psychos (like you can't actually be in the same room as some of them levels of bad). That or they rely on people too much and have no idea how to fend for themselves. Either way, the droid wasn't entirely wrong
Hemlock is a bastard 😒
Omega's theme!!!
Season premiere and only two Batcher (neither of whom are Hunt or Wreck). Interesting!
1x2 Paths Unknown
Fucking Roland Durand?!
Did not expect that in episode 2 omg!
Hunter and Wrecker being mercenaries for the Durands?
Ah okay it seems to be a one off
Hunt and Wreck be looking a bit scuffed
Echo and Rex mention!
They won't be available for 2 rotations? Well we're not seeing them this episode then...
Hunter's emotions are making him impulsive and that's not really a good thing
Wrecker is actually the one holding back, which is an interesting dynamic. Wrecker can see how bad Hunter is coping and is probably having to keep him in line as much as he can so that they don't lose another brother
These ones actually have New Zealand accents as well
The slither vines were genetically made and got out of hand? This is what we mean by invasive species, people. Very much not good
Okay so we have one called Box and one called Stak
Are the cadets not affected by the chips? Do they only active in fully trained soldiers?
We need to get these kids to Echo and Rex
Poor Gonky is stuck upside down.
These vines are making vocalisations somehow and it's confusing me. Plant voice boxes?
They look like weird green versions of the slogs from Abe's Oddysee
Why are you breaking into the Marauder???
You better not be stealing it. That's already happened and we can't do it again
Okay clone cadet 3 is Deke
Ayyyy rescue time!
Okay, I'll let them off for getting on the ship
Because we totally needed a swampy sarlacc thing rn 😭
*Remembers invasion of Pabu in trailer* FUCK
1x3 Shadows of Tantiss
I'm going to throw hands if Echo isn't in this episode 😤
Ooh mystery clone(?) who everyone thinks is Tech!
Nala Se is helping again 👀
The special guest is probs Palpatine
Le Palps is back
Project Necromancer - bringing back the dead?
So is this to do with the cloning stuff or something to do with Tech?
Probs the cloning thing tbf
*Angry mouse droid squeaks*
Missed watching this guy fight
Cross and Omega team up let's go!!!
Cross doesn't question why Omega only mentioned Wrecker and Hunter. Has Omega told him about Tech or did he just not question why she only brought two up?
And in that case has she told him that Echo is with Rex?
Cross went for the stun not the kill. Very different from 2x3
Do you think Hemlock has a scar or does he just choose to shave a slit in his eyebrow? 🤨
Oh great a big green monkey cat. Just what we need!
Cross is missing shots because of his shaky hands :(
Oooooooh they're adding blood with midichlorians in to the samples to see if they would take. That explains the blood being added to the samples
Overall I love these episodes! It's nice going back and forth between Cross and Omega, and Hunter and Wrecker. We're going to get some interesting dynamics
This is a very sad day for Echo stans though. I feel like we're going to be suffering a lot this season 🥲
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And here's the bingo card as of rn!
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