#like ofc things change later on I just think it be interesting origins for them
birdinabowl · 4 months
Still obsessed with the idea of Pink not wanting Pearl at all when she first got her because she wanted Volleyball back. Especially since Pearl acted like a Pearl vs Volleyball who seemed to have somewhat of an actual friendship with Pink.
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shiftingtomydrs · 6 days
Alright so same as with some other drs my personal stuff like name and everything is the same soo wont go into that a lot tbh
then backstory, i originally wanted to be like an exchange student in france but then like i cant very well be ladybug if im only there for a year so i switched it to i move to france for some reason i dont know yet and i live there with my aunt or smth bcs she lives near paris yk? then basically i just kinda take marinettes place but not completely, like shes still there and stuff but im there too yk? my love interest is adrien and marinette will get together (and stay together) with luca cos theyre cute and im not sure yet if i should script her crush on adrien out or just say it disappears at some point
changes in plot: i dont like anything after season 2, dont ask me why, i just dont like it idk why either, so im gonna script seasons 3-5 out with some exceptions (e.g. i kinda really like cat blanc so i might leave that in with some other stuff but the whole shadow moth and all that shit no) also lila isnt the next supervillain shes just a regular mean girl cos it doesnt make any frickin sense that a 15 year old is able to manipulate every single person she meets. like shell still be able to lie and manipulate people her age but not adults cos thats just stupid imo. Also i havent even watched season 5 yet so im going off spoilers i saw for the next part: none of the miraculous will have permanent holders except ladybug and chat noir (aka me and adrien) cos i like to be special :) also i wont be guardian of the miraculous until much later like college or smth cos thats a ton of pressure and it went sideways for marinette so i dont want it going sideways for me. oh and a big one: ill be taking the whole sentimonster plot out cos i hate it and i think ive never hated a plot as much as that one. like sentimonsters can exist okay but felix and adrien and kagami etc arent one. cos just no. oh and ofc i wont know adrien is chat noir haha
now a bit more about myself: idk yet if i just wanna kinda steal marinettes interests and do the whole design thing cos i am a sucker for parallels and the parallel of adriens parents and adrinette is there but then again why would i wanna be like gabriel? so i might just do what i do in 90% of my drs and be a songwriter (well ill be that anyway question is do i add the designing part on top or not?), otherwise i like baking, ill do figure skating or gymnastics or ballet prolly like all the things i wanna do here but cant for this or that reason. my nationality will be german prolly cos i like having the german passport and also i dont think i need a visa for france cos its in the eu. i wont really script much more about like me and adrien except that we end up together but in my head its kinda similar to the adrien and marinette situation cos im a sucker for slowburn and idk it just fits i think also with my issues with trusting people have good intentions and not just spend time with me bcs of a bet or shit like that.
Physical looks, i might change my hair color cos idk i think itll fit and yeah but ill still have my eye color and height and stuff just be a bit fitter cos with my endurance theres no way ill be able to be a superhero (ik theres magic and shit but still)
im not sure yet if i should leave the dr as a cartoon or do it like this reality (leaning towards this reality bcs i think cartoon would freak me out a bit for my first shift and id overcomplicate it) or maybe ill just do two drs, one cartoon and one not.
anyway, if you have any questions, id love to talk more about this dr so pls ask them <3
@ningsols here it is :)
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haljathefangirlcat · 3 months
My dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “Beowulf” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
Me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
literal years later, when I least expected it: dude I swear I just saw Cain's spawn lurking in the fens
My buddy the narrator pacing: Hrothulf is plotting against his uncle
The thing about Beowulf is... I never quite got the hype about it. (Yes, we're not Supposed to use words like "hype" about world literature Classics, especially from ancient times, or to make light of them in general. Shut up and contemplate the fact that social media posts expressing nothing more than personal opinions and feelings aren't generally meant to be the same thing as academic work to be shared between academians in an academic context.) Ofc, I understood its historical value, including in terms of linguistics and philology. But in terms of "would I pick this as reading material to obsess and fall into a research hole over"? Despite trying a few times, I never quite got past ALL the references to God every other line. ("Snorri was an Evil Zealot who set out to knowingly and purposefully Christianize Norse mythology For The Evulz" crowd, I will tattoo each and every single one of those all over your body so you can't look into a mirror without accidentally reading one ever again.) The apparently disjointed "Beowulf fights Grendel and then Grendel's mother in Denmark. Years later, after going back to Sweden and becoming king, he also fights a dragon but this time he dies" narrative didn't really appeal to me, either. Nor did the presence of (afaik) exactly one (1) named female character. (Wealhtheow, babe, in hindsight I'm so sorry.)
I'm not sure what changed, exactly. It's just that, some time ago, I finally got around to reading Grendel by John Gardner, and I loved it and thought "wow, this would have made me either bawl my eyes out or stare off into space for like five-to-ten minutes after finishing it, had I read it as a teen." And after that, I found myself thinking "well, now I should probably get to know know the original story," and finally picking up my copy of Tolkien's translation of Beowulf, and realzing there actually was a lot going on in the story, and getting way too engaged in the looming "Hrothulf kills Hrothgar's kids" subplot that doesn't even really resurface in any later material about Hrolf Kraki (though those aren't exactly free from fucked-up family dynamics, either...), and going "!!! Volsungar mention!!!!" at the bit about Sigemund and Fitela despite already knowing about the Sigemund and Fitela bit and the whole "who actually killed the dragon first/in which tradition" question, and losing my mind at the bit about Hama and the "necklace of the Brosings" and "Eormanaric's hate" because, yeah, I already knew about that one, too, kind of, but recently I've gone into a little bit of a Brisingamen deep-dive, and a while ago I read a really interesting commentary and translation of the Hildebrandslied that had quite a lot to say not just about the specific hatred/enmity of a powerful king for an adventurous hero but also about the shift from Odoacher to Ermanric as Dietrich' von Bern's enemy, which ofc (?) got me thinking about Eormanaric/Ermanric/Jormunrek's apparent widespread reputation for being an asshole, something there probably has to be some accessible paper in English about somewhere out there...
Ahem. Anyway, I also found myself alternating reading Tolkien's translation with watching Grendel Grendel Grendel, the weird and very simplified and toned down but still somehow very enjoyable and sad kids' movie adaptation of Gardner's Grendel. And Beowulf & Grendel, the one without any magic where Grendel's a traumatized Neanderthal on a quest of vengeance that's somehow also quite a good watch despite the wonky editing, the cast and crew being possibly cursed by the Norse gods, and ofc, the time-displaced Neanderthals. And Animated Epics: Beowulf, which I might have actually watched once as a child, thinking about it. And Simon Roper and Jackson Crawford's read-along, featuring interesting linguistic, literary, and historical notes as well as Australian!Hrothgar, Beowulf making it exceedingly clear that "some of my best friends are Danes!", and some unforgettable exchanges such as "I used to tell my students the story about that time I almost drove off a cliff when they were worried about their exams to make them undestand that I, too, had experienced the fear of death :|" "I'm glad you didn't perish :)" "Thanks. :|" (I'm on the Fits 8-11 video, btw. Even if, when it comes to Tolkien's translation, I'm already at the part where Beowulf says goodbye to Hrothgar and sails back to the land of the Geats. Look, I remebered thos videos existed somewhat belatedly.)
I think eventually I might also end up rewatching The 13th Warrior (which I'm gonna go out on a limb and say might be the true origin of the ahistorical Neanderthals in Beowulf & Gredenl, but I remember liking that one, too). And Outlander (my beloved "aliens crash-land in Viking Age Scandinavia and fight each other while being Sad & Tragic in their own ways" one, not the Scottish one) but specifically as a Beowulf reimagining this time around (rather than as "the movie that could have totally had the Brooding Hero, Fiery But Sweet Warrior Woman, and Hotheaded Rival-Turned-Friend invent modern polyamory, because that wouldn't have been weirder than having a character called Boromir" like every other time). Maybe that weird post-apocalyptic Beowulf that was the first to do the "Grendel's mom's got it goin' on" thing, too, at least if I can find that snarky review of it on Youtube again. Probably not the Uncanny CGI Desperately Trying To Be Live-Action 20O5 Beowulf where the titular hero keeps screaming "BEOWULF!!" and "I'M BEOWULF!!!" just in case the audience's intelligence levels can't be considered to be above the average rock's, and that also decided to add a foot fetish/body paint kink note to its cover of Grendel's Mom, though, unless I can find any snarky review of it. (I remember reading somewhere that the director actually hated Beowulf, as in the poem itself, and accepting the bit of info without question. The high heels-shaped feet are just one of the reasons why I wonder if anyone ever asked him if perhaps he hated women, too. At least his work supposedly contributed to the writers of Outlander being told "there's already too many Beowulf movies coming out!" and going "whatever, we're gong to do our own thing! With blackjack and hookers aliens and shieldmaidens", so I should probably thank him for that.)
Unfortunately, while I'm pretty sure I'll be able to avoid writing down a list of Adaptations I Absolutely Need To Check Out One Day Or I'll Die (i.e. Every Single I've Ever Heard About) like I did for The Nibelungs In Their Every Possible Form, all of this had the unforeseen side effect of reminding me that, even when I didn't have much if any interest in Beowulf, I used to have a bit of soft spot for Unferth. I mean, how could I not, when I imprinted on Hagen von Tronje when I was eleven-years-old? Give me a guy who knows all of The Hero's heroic deeds and still doesn't find him all that impressive from their very first meeting, and I'll just "👀" at him. Though from what I knew, this guy in particular seemed to go against his character type by becoming more friendly with the hero and lending him his ancestral sword, which seemed pretty interesting. Especially because he was apparently a fratricide, too? And you wouldn't expect a guy who killed his own brothers and got a "... and that's why you'll go to Hell!" by The Hero over it to have any kind of redemption arc/sudden reveal of hidden depths in any positive sense. And there was also that paper (which, ofc, I didn't bookmark at the time, and now I want to kick myself for that until I remember the title or at least the author...) arguing that maybe him telling off Beowulf about the swimming race was less about him as a person and more about him having a specifc role among the thanes in Heorot that included testing strangers requesting to speak with Hrothgar to figure out if they really were who they claimed to be or if they could actually live up to their reputation...
Again, I blame John Gardner, at least in part. He has a really crunchy Unferth, who definitely reawakened my interest in the character. The on in Grendel Grendel Grendel wasn't half-bad, either, though very different in some respects. But the original, too, ended up being actually so much more fun (meaning, so much more to chew on/rotate in my mind) than I could have imagined from my vague memories.
First you've got the iconic "didn't you look like a total loser against Breca, and isn't that literally all there is to know about you?" "shut up, you're drunk, a kinslayer, someone I have never heard anyone tell heroic tales about, and also, maybe if you were braver Grendel wouldn't keep eating you guys" banter, and I'm starting to realize that might be already more juicy, in terms of both Beowulf's and Unferth's characterizations and their interactions together, than I ever thought it was. Then you've got a line that sounds an awful lot like "everyone could see Grendel's severed arm hanging from the ceiling and that shut Unferth up" and seems to imply some sort of lingering bitterness on Unferth's side when Heorot is in the middle of the celebrations for Grendel's death. But then Unferth actually starts being described in much more favorable terms, almost as if the narrator were pointing out that, despite what the audience might think after his first appearance, there's a reason he's close to Hrothgar and has a good place in his hall... even if at the same time Unferth's praised for his "mighty heart" (something quite different from cowardice), wisdom, and the trust everyone in Heorot apparently has in his mind, there's actually another reference to him having had no mercy for his relatives "in the play of swords" in the past. (Fun little detail: that line comes right after one to the effect of "Hrothgar and Hrothulf were there and no betrayal had yet happened between them"...)
Until, finally, you get Beowulf preparing to go fight Grendel's mother and Unferth giving him his family's swords, Hrunting. And all kinds of entertaining things happen in relation to Hrunting.
You've got Unferth not remembering his first words to Beowulf because he was just really, really, really drunk when he said them, which seems to go well with Beowulf himself calling out his speech as a drunken boast but not with the "that shut him up" line I mentioned before. (Which leads me to wonder: was he actually too drunk to know what he was saying? Or did Beowulf give him an easy out in case he regretted it, which Unferth eventually chose to take to try and smooth things over?) You've got Unferth being "mighty of valour" yet not daring to go after Grendel's mother himself and "forfeiting glory" while giving his weapon to a "worthier" warrior, but his sword getting some lengthy praise nonetheless, to the point of being basically deemed infallible, and Beowulf not only not making any more comments on Unferth's supposed lack of bravery but calling him a man of "wide renown", praising his sword some more, vowing to succeed in his heroic feat with Hrunting or die trying, and telling Hrothgar that no matter what happens, Unferth must get it back when it's all over. And after that... you've got Hrunting utterly failing to kill or even harm Grendel's mother.
Except, that's literally the first time it ever fails at anything? And Beowulf can only kill Grendel's mother when, with the help of God, he finds a magical sword forged by giants, which implies there was no problem with it (and, by extension, with Unferth?) as the whole situation simply needed a little something extra to be dealt with?
Then, you've got Beowulf actually bringing Hrunting back, even if it wasn't much use to him when it really mattered. And praising it again, making sure to publicly clarify, while addressing Hrothgar himself, that no, it really is an excellent sword. And, after some more "the monster is dead!" celebration, Unferth himself (unambiguously "bold", now) having the sword brought over again not just to lend it Beowulf, but to gift it to him.... a weapon that is both nothing to sneeze at and, as Beowulf himself has acknowledged while praising it, a family heirloom. (From a guy who probably already has enough complicated feelings about his family without running around giving that kind of stuff away, to boot!) One Beowulf accepts once more, and gladly, already figuring it will be "a good friend in war, a power in battle" and saying absolutely nothing bad about it (the narrator goes "oh he's so gallant!" at him after that bit, which is admittedly kind of hilarious in itself, but still, imho, not really much to go on if you want to think he's not being sincere) right before he announces his intentions to sail back home.
I'm gonna be honest: I had already read most fics tagged Beowulf/Unferth on AO3 before this Beowulf binge. And now, I've gone and reread them. I've actually read the ones I'd missed the first time around, too. Not that it took me much time at all, but still. WildandWhirling has two really lovely ones. This innuendo-heavy one is a delight to read, too.
I think I might end up writing at least one more. Maybe canon!verse, if I manage not to spiral into researching Old English attitudes to homosexuality, or maybe Modern!AU, if I manage to find a good way to transliterate "sailing off to another country to slay monsters" in this century in a convincing way. Even just to have more than six works in the tag itself. But we'll see...
I suppose, in the end, the whole point of this random, almost stream-of-consciousness post (besides freeing up my head from at least some of my recent Beowulf thoughts) might have turned out to be just that, no matter who they are, fangirls will, indeed, always make them gay. (... I say, as if this was a surprise and I didn't already ship a number Nibelungenlied-and-adjacent gay ships I got into way before any of this.) It wasn't its original purpose but *shrug* I'll take it.
Then again... come on. All that talking about swords. *grin*
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altruistic-meme · 1 month
Okay i was originally going to try to make a nice and neat little post about heartstopper and some of my thoughts, as well as a separate post about what i like about the comics vs. the tv show. 
Uh. So. I can’t actually corral my thoughts to be coherent enough for that, so here are some various assorted thoughts about it all instead <3 put under a cut bc it is long and rambley and a mess
[spoiler warning for the comics if you haven't read them]
Idk what it is, but I love comic Charlie a LOT. Like. A LOT a lot. There is just something about his character in the comics, his banter, the way he behaves that I love so much more in the comics than the show. I feel almost like the characters aren’t quite the same person, though I do love them both. I just connected so much more with comic Charlie.
Semi-related but I also feel like we get a much more clear picture of his OCD and the attached anxieties in the comics. 
HMMM okay or maybe not. Idk. I think maybe we can see more of Charlie’s OCD in the show through his desire to make everything easy and perfect for Nick, even when it hurts him too. 
He’s popular in the comics!!! It’s mentioned multiple times by other characters that Charlie is popular at school!!! And I think that’s actually a really interesting look at his character. He was bullied for most of y9 and yet the rugby lads think he’s a popular kid in y10. Despite this, we don’t actually see Charlie interacting with basically anyone but the other main characters, and I think that kind of reflects how Charlie views himself. On the way back from Paris, he asks Nick “does this mean I’m a cool kid now?” he doesn’t think people see him as cool but like I said, other characters have said he’s popular. They must have gotten that idea from SOMEWHERE right? But Charlie’s own poor self-esteem means he still doesn’t actually believe he’s cool or that people like him. I don’t know if there was a point to this rant but. Charlie is a popular boy.
Also, in the comics Charlie really is a nerd in a way he isn’t in the show. He helps Nick with his math and yells at him for distracting him from his homework. I get why this change happened in the show–it gives us a better idea of the strained relationship that Charlie has with his mom while also showing us that his dad tries to support him but often fails–but I really like it in the comics because Nick calls him a nerd but it’s less obvious in the show how nerdy he really is. 
That said obviously I also ADORE getting to explore the other characters and their lives and everything in the show. I love getting to see more of them. (But I also love how we DON’T always get all the information in the comics, but that’s just because I love when there are background stories happening that we don’t see through the main storyline. This event/love is not unique to Heartstopper) 
I love Imogen!!! I really like that it’s showing her as someone who is sort trying to become friends with the group and that isn’t always a fast or easy process. She goes to the sleepover with them and she hangs out with them in Paris, but she’s doesn’t leave Prom with them or anything. Also, I love the possibility that she is discovering that she’s queer too!! And that her halfway joining of their friend group leads to her discovering herself bc i feel like that’s so true to real life.
I am so curious about the Isaac vs. Aled thing and I wonder if Aled will appear in one of the later seasons, or if he is just not in the show at all. And Isaac! I assume he’s in some extra content I haven’t seen? Don’t get me wrong ofc, I love Isaac and his storyline is SO SO IMPORTANT as someone who is asexual myself. I am so glad that there is the representation of someone discovering that they’re aroace. I do assume that’s part of the reason for him being the 4th friend as opposed to Aled? Idk. 
I’M SO SAD ABOUT OLIVER BEING COMPLETELY OMITTED FROM THE SHOW!!! I assume there is an interview or something where Alice Oseman explains why Oliver wasn’t in the show, but I haven’t seen it and rn I will simply cry about it. I love him and I wish he had been included. 
I am also SO CURIOUS how the rest of the show will look!! I know that I read somewhere that s3 should be the contents of book 4, and that s4/s5 if they get them would be books 5/6 respectively. And I’m so intrigued. Because book 4 is the heaviest of them all so far, and I wonder how it will be translated to the screen. Especially the Sept-Dec timeskip! Will we see that time, especially considering the other character’s storylines??? This wasn’t an issue in the comics since they focus solely on Nick/Charlie, but with all of the other characters it would be more difficult to just skip that whole time. Will it just be a summary of events like in the comics, with flashes to what has happened? Or will we get a more explicit idea of everything?? (probably not including Charlie’s sh relapses or the night in October, but maybe the This Winter content???) i am SO excited for October though so all my questions can be answered :’)
OH something that was super interesting to me was a very small change in dialogue during the scene where Charlie first tells Nick about his sh. In the show, when Nick asks if he still does it Charlie just says “No.” but in the comics he says “No! I mean- hardly ever” and it’s such a small change but it speaks volumes too in the difference between the comic and the show. I’m not really sure what it’s saying though. Was show Charlie just more consistently in a better place where he feels like it’s stopped and won’t happen again? Was comic Charlie just more honest in this moment in acknowledging that it has still happened since? I’m not sure!!! But i’ve spent WAYYY too much time thinking about this one tiny change in dialogue!!!
Another thing is like, I really liked how the comics handled Nick’s dad. Them not meeting in Paris and then him missing Nick’s birthday. It really hits hard exactly how negligent he is, and it gives space for Charlie to be there for Nick when he’s upset. I do like how it went in the show as well, because it does still get everything across beautifully, but idk. I think mostly I’m just remembering the shot of Nick opening the door to greet Charlie on his birthday looking heartbroken and upset about his dad canceling and how hard that hit when i first read it. (keep in mind that i watched the show before reading the comics, so i was surprised at first to learn that they didn’t meet up in Paris! Let alone that he missed Nick’s birthday TOO!!)
Okay I think that’s it for right now. I have largely been spinning comic Charlie in the microwave in my mind bc OUGH i relate to him too much. I will probably come back at some point with more thoughts, but until then. Hope you enjoyed my brief insanity.
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just one kiss.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem! Reader (no physical descriptions)
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Summary: Y/N happens to be falling for Steve but does he feel the same way?  (Again, pretty bad summary)
Word count: 4.1k (im surprised tbh) 
Warnings: Friends to lovers trope, based in the aftermath of season 4 but without the sad parts, douche behaviour, mostly fluff though. Pretty much another teen movie vibes fic. some cursing. shy!reader but also kind of a mess!reader (English is NOT my first language)
A/N: Hi! So, i'm like the biggest sucker for 00s teen drama sooooo i decided to re-write season 4 of the oc (ryan x taylor) for steve and reader. <3 this might be awful or...a good idea idk yet. THEREFORE, reader is like an OFC but not really, i say that bc there are a few mentions of her family. ALSO bc this is based on taylor townsend reader has some interesting characteristics but i love that character so much and idk i think it would be pretty cool to se a different kind of reader :)) so anyway if you made it this far...HOPE YOU ENJOY ILY
Y/N L/N has always felt like she's living on the sidelines of the interesting life in Hawkins. She was the party's original babysitter and that's pretty much the only reason she found out about the Upside Down. Or that's what she likes to believe because it's easier to try to figure out why she feels so lonely all the time even when surrounded by so many people who are compassionate and loyal. I guess it all started with that little voice in her head telling her all kinds of bad things about herself and what others must have thought of her. As a kid, that voice was barely a whisper, mainly appeared when she felt anxious or guilty, but as she grew older, in her teenage years…that's when it all started to change. I wish I could say for the better though. Her anxiety just grew, and people just thought she was odd, which is way too dramatic, but high school, right? Judgment was in everyone's shadow.
Of course, she had always heard of Steve Harrington, hell, they were in the same grade but for Y/N, high school was just an enter, take classes, leave, sort of thing. While Steve lived for high school. He was their king after all.
In the year 1984 though, Y/N started to notice Steve more when he ended up helping a very dorky-looking Dustin Henderson while Y/N was babysitting, which they all forgot she was doing until they saw her casually hanging out in his house like she did every other day. From that day on, Y/N saw Steve Harrington in a different light. And she also noticed the change. She first noticed when Steve told Nancy, aka the girl who just a few days prior had broken his heart to go after Jonathan. Yeah, no one really saw that coming but no one really thought of it too much, except for Y/N of course, who after hearing the story from her lab partner about Tina's party made her catch up on the "drama" and to say she was intrigued would be an understatement.
By 1985, Y/N finally made what she felt was her first genuine friend that wasn't a 13-year-old or someone she technically worked for. Yeah, Robin Buckley. And when she found out she was working with Steve at the new mall…well, that made them more than acquaintances. Or that's what she thought. But the truth is Steve didn't see Y/N with that admiration and puppy eyes she did for him and most of the time it didn't bother her because it wasn't something new, but occasionally when that voice I was talking about would creep in, she couldn't help but feel…doomed. Again, dramatic, but that's 18-year-olds for you.
One day Y/N had enough. And by one day, I mean, the night she saw Sixteen Candles for what would be the first time of many. She decided she would not wait around or feel sorry for herself like Samantha, even though Molly Ringwald became her new role model. She would start gaining Steve's heart or…at least try.
Later that week Y/N went to visit Robin to get some info on Steve's dating life and what he thought of her…if he ever did that is.
Y/N entered the familiar video store looking for Robin. She knew she hated to talk about Steve's dating life because let's face it, she heard about it a lot. More than she would like to admit. So, Y/N brought Robin her favorite type of bagel in hopes to convince her. Robin already suspected she had a thing for Steve, but she didn't want to push it for so many reasons.
“Oh no…” said Robin when she saw that I'm going to ask you for something, and I brought something to convince you face. And she did not want to hear about it right now, it's been a long day having a solo shift and all.
“Robin! Good, you're here.” Y/N approached her with all of her bubbly excitement that didn't really match that shy energy she portrayed sometimes.
“Actually…I was just-” anyone aside from Y/N could tell that even though Robin loved her and would take a bullet for her, the love life of one Steve Harrington was something she didn't want to discuss. At least not before a well-deserved nap.
“You might want to sit down. I have huge news and a favor to ask you.”
“You like Steve, and you want my help convincing him to date you?” Robin deadpanned. If they were going to do this, at least she wanted to be straightforward about the issue at hand.
“Wow,” said Y/N surprised. Was she being obvious? Did she say something to make it obvious? Or did something? Yeah, hello inside voice.
“--It's kind of a giveaway. You said he's funny.” And there it was. Robin could not be any less thrilled about this, but this was her best friend after all.
Y/N decided to ignore that inside voice of hers by telling Robin all about this awakening she supposedly, suddenly had.
“It's crazy. I mean, I've always thought of him as a cute guy, might be good for a night of rough-and-tumble fun but it's not like we have anything in common.”
“So, ignore it, it's probably just gas.” could Robin convince her to not go there? That it would end up in just heartbreak? Because as much as she loved Y/N, she didn't really know if she was Steve's type. Steve's type being... Nancy Wheeler or, at least that was before Jonathan came back and Steve went through a second heartbreak.
“But then he helped with all the things that were happening at Hawkins and he grew into this…lovable cute guy, and it was like Dorothy landing in Oz, everything just popped into technicolor.” Y/N continued not being able to stop that growing smile of hers.
“Huh,” said Robin. She didn't really know what to say without unintentionally hurting her feelings.
Y/N's smile faded in a heartbeat; now her face held a sad look. “Do you think I don't know what that means?”
“I said, huh.” Robin was coming off as kind of a douche, but honesty was one of the things she loved most about the girl.
“Meaning, “huh, that Y/N, she is so pathetic. Someone's the least bit nice to her and she becomes totally obsessed with them, first that science tutor of hers and then the guy from New York when he lent her a subway ticket, now Steve.”
“Oh, you know, well isn't it’s kind of true?” Robin couldn't help but recall all those events being the first to hear about them. To say Y/N had attachment issues...well, we won't go there.
“So what? Yes. I have a psychological predilection to become romantically attached to men who are nice to me due to the fact that I was raised by a she-wolf of a mother who practiced emotional terrorism. Does that mean that if by some miracle love does come into my life, I should deny it? What kind of person would that make me mhm? What kind of life?”
Y/N was rambling and at this point, how could she explain her feelings when they have all ended up in some sort of humiliation? One would think she would give up but... she always had hope, people had to give her that.
“Okay, okay, Y/N, what do you want me to do?”
Like if Y/N knew her love life would get Robin to agree she went back to that excited tone she had on earlier. “Find out if he's ready to start dating.”
Robin called Steve's house knowing that he had the day off and was probably sleeping or feeling sorry for himself. That seemed to be a recurring theme around Hawkins nowadays.
“Hey,” said Steve recognizing Robin’s voice instantly.
“Uh so, glad your home. Finished the movie last night?” she had to make it seem like a natural conversation but starting with the small talk was probably not the most Robin thing to say.
“Which one?”
“Aha. Are you ready to date again?” Again, Robin couldn't help but want to get to the point so she could finish this argument for the day.
“What?” Steve was taken back. First, Robin got used to getting annoyed with Steve's endless dating life stories, now, she clearly was asking if he was ready to start dating again after... Nance the sequel.
“Simple question.” you could tell the urgency in Robin’s voice.
“I have no idea. Why?” said Steve confused.
“Okay. Cool.” that's when Robin hung up the family video phone and told Y/N about the short conversation she just had.
"He's not sure," said Robin, begging for this to be over.
"Interesting." Well, it wasn't a no per se so, Y/N's hope was definitely intact.
Later that week Y/N tried to get closer to Steve, by showing up to his shifts and renting random movies he would recommend, hoping Steve would come and pick Dustin up when she was babysitting, she even went out of her comfort zone to try and met him at some of the most popular spots for teenagers. But nothing seemed to work, she was convinced Steve was not interested at all; these were all big coincidences and formalities. Not gonna lie, that crushed her spirit a little bit. Therefore, she was now laying on her bed feeling sorry for herself like one normally does of course.
That's when her sister came in shouting.
“Y/N did you take my lip gloss with the bee pheromones on it?”
“It's on the dresser…” Y/N's voice sounded sad and defeated which caught her sister's attention.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, peachy.” the sarcasm was great in these types of moments.
Y/N sighed, even though she really didn't want to talk about it she could use some sisterly advice and from someone who won't try to judge her or look down on her.
“Okay, so, what do you do when you like a boy, and he barely knows you're alive and you already pretended to be his money advisor and I'm…out of options.” she cringed at her own words realizing how crazy she was sounding right now.
“Okay…Well, this may sound a little weird but try dressing up fabulous and going to a place where you'll run into him.” said her sister as a matter of factly, like this was some common knowledge that maybe Y/N never heard about.
“That's it?” Y/N sat up looking at her sister better to tell if she was being serious. And she was.
“That's it.”
“That really works?” Y/N couldn't believe it, that sounded way too simple and maybe just maybe she shouldn't have tried too hard.
“Almost every time” her sister decided to continue sharing some of the tips she had learned over the years. “And I mean, touching his arm when you guys are talkin, it's always good, dancing, and body contact and laugh at his jokes- I mean, even if they're not that funny.”
“Oh! I do that already! Okay, what else?” Y/N excitement was coming out again as if it was restoring itself and was ready to try again.
“You could…walk in front of him, I mean if he's a butt guy…”
Y/N looked serious for a moment thinking about what she just said. “I don't know if he's a butt guy…”
“Well, it can't hurt, I mean sis, you have a great butt.” she knew her sister could use all the confidence in the world right now and she was more than happy to provide it, in the end, Y/N has always been there for her, and she wanted nothing but the best for her.
“You're such a sweetie! Tell me more.”
A few days later some girl from high school was throwing a party for Hawkins High class of '84. Meaning, that Y/N and Steve would be there. Probably Robin too now that he and Robin were pretty much glued to the hip.
So, of course, Y/N saw this as the perfect opportunity. She dressed up like her sister told her to, she decided on this pastel pink dress with some puffy sleeves, lace on top and a cute flower pattern, to be honest, it was a little too girly for her taste, she almost went back to change into her baggy jeans and an oversized colorful sweater but she knew that wouldn't catch Steve's attention so she chose her first option in the hopes to not embarrass herself in the process.
Arriving at the party Y/N found this new confidence in herself at least for the next few hours she thought.
“Hello Steve,” she said giving him her best put-together smile while shoving all her nerves inside.
“Y/N, hi…you look um…” Steve was stunned, no reason to lie here. To say he wasn't expecting her in that outfit would be...correct.
“I look nice?” Y/N said probably too quickly. To this moment we can't tell if it was intentional or not.
“Nice, yeah. That's the word I was looking for.” Steve mumbled that last part. Truth is, she looked gorgeous anyone could see that but he couldn't help but notice she didn't really look like herself but who was he to judge on her fashion choices? So, he let it go.
“Well, so do you. Would you like to dance?” Part two of Y/N's plan was getting close to Steve in hopes to talk more.
Steve's eyes widen, he didn't really do dancing anymore. “Actually, I'm not much of a dancer, probably shocking.”
“Maybe you'll learn” Y/N cringed at herself and how she was supposed to think before she talked. “Not that I'm a teacher or anything, of course. It's just you know…fun.” she had to stop her rambling somewhere...
Steve couldn't help but smile. “Yeah, okay.”
“Okay.” With that Y/N returned that smile in no time, hoping she didn't look too eager.
Steve and Y/N realized this was a fancy house party when they suddenly started to play Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper. Probably not their first choice, they were hoping for a little Toto or maybe even Billy Joel. So, after that awkward moment of shall we really slow dance? passed and Steve gestured for Y/N in a May I have this dance matter she giggled and put her arms around his neck while he was curling up by her waist.
“We did not hate you,” said Steve now talking to Y/N about the old days at Hawkins High when he was King Steve. Knowing about supernatural creatures and graduating in the same year was about everything they had in common so for a topic of discussion they decided to talk about the latter.
“Oh, you totally hated me, come on, you were probably the president of we hate Y/N club.” Everyone could tell Y/N was shy and an introverted soul, but she could take a punch either it meant literally or emotionally. But of course, this conversation was meant to be outgoing and fun, leaving all their cringy selves in the open.
“I was the secretary. I took the notes.”
“Steve! you made a real joke.” Y/N couldn't help but crack a smile so big that her cheeks started hurting.
Steve got a little shy and he mumbled a little bit. “Yeah… a pretty bad one but I made a real joke, thank you but don't tell anyone.”
After that, the song ended and before it became awkward again, Steve decided to do something about it before it was too late. He was actually having fun after all.
“You wanna drink?”
“That'd be nice.”
Steve walked to the kitchen to get himself and Y/N a drink when he noticed Robin walk in with a grin on her face. Of course, she saw that whole scene.
“Hey,” said Steve without really looking at her, too busy serving the right drinks. Something with a fruity flavor for Y/N he thought.
“Hey! saw ya dancing with Y/N.” And there it was.
That made Steve look in her direction for a moment. “Yeah. Is that look supposed to mean something?” he deadpanned, of course, he knew she was implying something.
“Crazier things have happened. Nothing I can't recall this instant.”
Steve didn't find this conversation amusing. For some reason, he started to realize he was getting defensive about the topic. It's not like it's the first time Robin had said something like that but about a different girl of course. “Okay. I don't think so.”
“Ask yourself why. She's smart, she's funny-” You could tell Robin had really thought about what Y/N had said to her and decided to support her friend.
“Buckley just forget about it okay? I'm not gonna date Y/N.”
And of course, with the great luck they usually had, Y/N had just walked to see if Steve needed help with the drinks. Robin noticed her first and gave her this apologetic look, of course, she didn't want her to feel bad and the same applied to Steve, so he cursed himself for saying it out loud.
Y/N had this deer caught in the headlights look like she was just humiliated which would make sense.
“Ahm I was just…excuse me,” she said before walking off and leaving the house. Trying to find her keys as fast as possible so she could just drive away and forget this ever happened.
“Y/N, Y/N whoa whoa whoa hold on, let me explain.” Steve got out himself trying to stop her.
“I think you were pretty clear Steve. And yes, I lied when you asked me that one time if I liked you but…what was I thinking I mean, you and me? It's just…I must be totally crazy-”
“You're not crazy, okay?” he said in a heartbeat. Probably didn't even realize it.
“Steve, I pretended to be your money advisor to seduce you.”
Huh. Yeah, he kinda did forget about that. “Well, that was crazy.”
“Don't worry because I'm sure next week I'll be totally obsessed with some guy who gives me change for parking,” she said sarcasm dripping down every word.
“Look, what I said has absolutely nothing to do with you okay? It's just that…”
“What? That…for the longest time all you could feel was your desire to get back Nancy Wheeler but now that's gone so you feel empty, can't feel anything, least of all anything for me?”
Steve opened and closed his mouth a few times after he found any words. Because believe it or not she did have that effect on him. To leave him speechless. Why? That he didn't know yet.
“How do you keep doing that?”
“Doing what?” said Y/N confused.
“That. You keep telling me what I'm thinking before I feel it.”
Oh. “Because I think about you. I want you to be happy and I think that if you gave it a chance you might feel something too.” she thought what the hell better lay everything down now that he knows, she wasn't expecting on telling him like this but like always she remained hopeful.
“Y/N…” Shit. Steve didn't want to hurt her feelings I mean; he knew what it felt like to be rejected after pouring your heart out to someone and he felt like crap to do it to someone else.
But before he could continue Y/N decided to answer for him.
“Are you gonna tell me that you really like me as a friend?” she narrowed her eyes and it felt like she could see right through his soul.
Damn. She's good. “Maybe…?”
Clearly, that's the worst thing he could have said when she just walked away with this annoyed pace if that even is a thing. Leaving Steve alone with his thoughts.
“How did she do that?”
Later that night Y/N decided to visit Robin's house. Even though tonight was a total wreck she had one last thing to do. Which made her knock on Robin’s door hoping she would answer. And she did.
“Robin,” said Y/N in this sad tone.
“Y/N! What are you doing here?” she wasn't expecting her at 1 in the morning outside her house.
“Um…when I had really bad grades last year, my sister's boyfriend gave me this finances guide and I thought it might help Steve with his problems, I would have given it to him before, but I was trying to seduce him so…” she couldn't help and look at her shoes. Realizing she hasn't changed from her Cinderella outfit if you will.
“So, why can't you just give it to him?”
“Because. I'm too embarrassed. You were totally right. Here I am, trying to get into college and living like a refugee at my sister's, and Steve's nice to me so I fall for him? it's just totally pathetic. Just, please give that to him.”
Well shit, now Robin felt even more terrible.
“Wow, I never thought I would see you quitting.”
That made Y/N look up in surprise. “What? It's completely hopeless Robin, you heard him.”
“Yeah no, it's just, you rolling over like an old dog…not the Y/N I remember…”
“Are you seriously trying to Jedi mind trick me?” Y/N deadpanned.
“Y/N L/N, quitter. I guess I'll just have to get used to that.”
Sure, Y/N's ego was a little bruised, but Robin was kinda right, that was taking it too far. Hell, she has fought Demogorgons and she was scared to face Steve Harrington? No. No way.
Y/N soon realized Steve was staying at Robin's for the night due to not wanting to be in his big house alone for the night, so, why not crash with your best friend after a long day?
“Hi,” Y/N said as she walked into the living room where Steve was putting a duvet on the big couch so he could sleep there.
“Hey…” Steve looked up in surprise.
“Um…I brought you some books. I'm not trying to be your advisor I just thought it might help you.” truth be told, Y/N didn't know why she had to do this in the middle of the night, maybe she had a feeling, maybe she wasn't ready to give up.
“Thanks.” Steve said dryly.
“What am I doing?” Y/N turned around ready to leave the house feeling utterly pathetic for what felt like the tenth time that night.
“Woah hold on. Look, I gotta say something.” Steve had been thinking of what to say to her again since she left the party.
“Um…I think you've got this idea that you're this strange person that has to trick people into liking her and it's not true, you're um, you're amazing.”
Y/N was in awe, she definitely didn't expect that. She couldn't help to laugh either.
“Oh my god, you just did it to me.”
“Did what?”
“Said exactly what I was feeling. Well, except for the me being amazing part.”
Steve smiled at that. “Well, it's true and uh…honestly you know, I wish I did feel something.”
Y/N thought for a moment. This might be a huge mistake but since she was here putting herself on the line again. Why not? Her dignity was already in a questionable situation.
“Kiss me.”
Well, Steve wasn't expecting that. He looked at her trying to understand if he heard that right.
“I think that there's something there and I think that if you kiss me, you'll feel it too.”
“Uh, I don't think that's how it works?”
“Come on, if you don't feel anything, I will never mention it again. That's the best deal you'll ever get, ask Robin. Just one kiss.”
Truth be told, Steve wasn't sure why he found this so difficult, it's not like he hasn't kissed girls just for the hell of it, but something did feel different. Deep down maybe he was scared that he would actually feel something. He didn't believe this was a thing, but you never know.
“One kiss…one kiss,” he said coming closer.
“Okay,” said Y/N leaning in.
Y/N wasn't an excellent kisser that she knew of, she had only kissed one guy before but there was something that told her that if he was the one, the kiss would be perfect either way.
So, Y/N kissed Steve. It was tender and soft, one kiss turned into two. Steve's body was frozen except for his lips. He wanted to cup her face and pull her even closer but was it because he hadn't been kissed like that in a long time? Or was he actually feeling something? That's when Y/N pulled away interrupting his thoughts. He was surprised which led to him making this shocked face.
“I'm sorry.”
Y/N felt like a ton of bricks just had hit her. What did she do? She couldn't help but look at her feet again and run away.
Steve didn't call after her, he just stood there, still frozen, processing everything that just happened since she walked in. His thoughts were racing mainly "What the fuck just happened" he decided to lie on the couch and whatever had just burst into him...he would figure out tomorrow.
Pretty please leave a comment if you think I should make this a series  
It's probably pretty bad but idk I just finished college so I thought I would occupy my time while I find a job :))
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clambuoyance · 9 months
I know that you are a stalwart TimKon Shipper
But what are your opinions on other Kon ships?
I am a firm KonCass Shipper through and through
even if i have my own personal hcs, i mean i don't mind any of these ships
koncass had a couple of cute issues and they very much feel like young teens trying to date kinda clumsily but i liked that they agreed to just be friends at the end of it T-T also given what cass says about how she's looked at and her relationships with other characters i cant really see her with a guy >_> they are definitely cute tho and glad you have a cute ship to enjoy!
i actually think koncassie are sweet to each other in tt03 but it's like very basic and surface level to me (that's just how johns wrote everyone there though so) and within canon, cassie had something of a celebrity crush for him at first, but there's the issue where cassie looks in the mirror and wishes she was beautiful and wishes kon would stop looking at her as if he only sees her as a sister and nothing more and then they kiss and i was like >_> okay i guess (if we had seen more of this romance from kon's pov i might have bought into it more) and later in tt03 johns writes cassie as if it was a flaw to act so boyish in her youth and while there's nothing wrong with characters growing up and changing it just felt cheap or whateverrr like at least write her realizing she doesn't need to be doing this for a man and only for herself. again, theyre okay to me as a ship on its own and are cute and i joke that kon got domesticated and learned to be a decentish boyfriend i guess (altho i think he was always going to be a loyal bf and the persona from his youth was more of an act). i could enjoy them more maybe in cases where they are presented in a way i find more interesting (such as both having similar journeys in exploring gender, making cassie's stories revolve less around kon or boy drama etc) or outside of canon but personally i also cannot see her with a man </3 koncassie really doesn't do it for me </3
supermartian really only exists within the yja show which i havent watched in over a decade so i can't say much except that i remember being obsessed with them in s1 and then i kinda lost interest and never finished s2
konbart is neat too even if i don't talk about them much either, they also have a lot of canon scenes showing their devotion and support to each other, not to mention the humor in all of yj and dynamic esp during the parts surrounding the apokolips-ish era(the guilt and worry kon felt, associating bart for a chick etc etc). they also have a lot in common origin/character wise (very sci-fi/experiment origins, inertia and match, interesting relationships with adult figures and expectations, both dying, being written off as stupid or immature, etc etc) so i can definitely see the appeal and think theyre also cute. honestly for me it probably just came down to preference and the order i read things in bc if i read yj2019 first or didn't tend towards tim drake/annabeth chase/rose lalonde coded characters i might've had a different main dc ship but theyre neat :)
ofc again these are just my personal opinions and hcs i have nothing against the people who like em (except maybe for the writers of some of these comics)
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delunesnumberonefan · 15 days
saskia and belialah. the empress and her shadow.
...im breaking my own rule of not posting any more original creations here but idgaf---i'll post some sketches and if there's interest i can throw this fic i'm working on up on ao3 for the monsterfuckers in the audience
so, backstory on THESE TWO:
i'm gonna go in real life order of events and talk about some of the inspos that went into some of these moments and where they were in our real life timeline of Experiencing these two
under the cut bc i must remain polite in the face of my hyperfixations
ok so, canonical order of events: saskia (matriarch) and belialah (demon lord) meet, they establish an alliance, belialah does stuff for saskia. at some point, saskia starts amassing her generals (we'll get there) and chooses belialah. somewhere in here as well, saskia splits from the empire and starts doing her Evil Deeds for her Evil Plans. I'm not sure which of the last two came first. in either case, lost later meets belialah, we haven't seen her (physically) since (but that's not a good thing i don't think)
irl order of events:
Saskia throws a Fit, kills her nephew, and withdraws from the empire at large. we make fun of her because though she's the big bad, she's also weirdly wet and pathetic. we hate her. she's so sucks. and also so sexy. its bad
time goes by, things happen, eventually there's a big party with all the matriarchs!!! yaaaaay
lost and gilt go because ofc we do, and there's a big dance where everyone keeps changing partners. at the end of the dance, lost gets belialah
...elven ish woman. obviously weird. too pale skin. black hair. disheveled appearance. ill-fitting dress. holds herself weird. talks with a tremble and a breathiness to her voice that immediately makes us uncomfortable (my mans can do some fuckin VOICES and don't get me started on the sound effects). belialah says she's a huge fan---of lost's father. the being from before creation whose whole thing is "immortal life but not in the good way" instead of "you won't die" it's "you can't die" there is no death to escape from life, no matter the suffering.
so--red flags.
she tells lost that she's one of saskia's generals, and that saskia sent her to give lost a message: saskia is so excited for her to come home, and that lost should bring her brothers (6 beings of various otherworldly heritage like lost--saskia has a type and it is monsters) when she comes home. Lost tells her to tell saskia, from her and gilt, to fuck off.
belialah goes...monstrous. red eyes start popping open all over her skin and she gets quiet and threatening about how lost is disrespectful and how--yeah, she will tell saskia that. and she leaves in a cloud of black vapor
i turn to chase. i say "oh they're fucking"
and he hits me with "...belialah would probably like to!"
and i hit the ground running. sprinting. i was off into the distance without another fucking word. little roselyn-shaped dust cloud left behind.
fic. art. works. stuff. so much. headcanons. throwing everything at the wall. attempts at first time. attempts at canon. saskia bitchiness. belialah wanting to smash despite the great danger to her personal health. weird fetish fic. modern!au. headcanons about modern!au. deep dives. analysis. narrative foils. sex. so much sex.
it's everything. they're everything
i want them to be terrible together. that's all i want. that's all i've ever wanted.
i set about creating for them in a frenzy--it's been love and war time for...since early may of last year?? some coming up on a year, now (again---150k words written in this time, with april's word count unknown but already above 10k. jan ALONE was 32k). love and war time means that it's always love and war--it's just different people inside the campaign. oh it's saskia oh it's freya it's gilt and lost let's bop over to adele what about gilt's parents-
it's been great.
Chase messaged summer and i a few weeks ago like "hey. i got a belialah meeting saskia inspo video, but i need to show you in person bc i need to get your reaction live."
he showed me this
we had a moment of "...oh my god its from a gacha game?" and then i made him play it three times in a row just Absorbing the vibes
chase: it's saskia and belialah when they first meet, with belialah thinking she has the upper hand and saskia proving that she is very, very wrong. but i don't know what a ball in the abyss looks like...
me: say no more
and i hit upon them meeting at an event where it's basically like---demons from all over gather, have a civil time---when bloodshed eventually happens (which it always does bc they're literal actual demons) it's a free for all and it's expected to be a bloodbath, that's part of the appeal
belialah's there, as you do, and saskia's there to talent scout from the pool of winners for her big evil plans. belialah's like "wtf is a stupid little mortal doing here why are you unaccosted where is your collar" kinda behavior and goes over there, they talk, they dance (also a ploy for power among demons, it's a sizing up thing instead of a fun thing), saskia reveals that she's got 1/8th of the power of a god in her soul and belialah's like "cool im fanatically devoted to you now i've never wanted to smash a mortal before can we make out"
and that's how they start their history
with me writing books about this campaign (again--pipe dream) i've been deciding on when and where i want these two to get highlighted, bc, again---we've never met saskia in person, she's spoken to lost and gilt directly once, and we've seen belialah once outside of saskia's bitchy announcement to the empire at large where she reveals she's got 12 generals and you better not try shit bc we're at WAR now (she's stupid i love her dearly)
and recently i've been working on their...first time? an epilogue for one of the books. the actual thing won't have sex in it if it gets to be part of the book for realsies, but im not stopping there bc IM ME
and i've been tinkering with like...ok how do we show in isolated little epilogues and snippet scenes that saskia and belialah have INSANE sexual tension so that when they do get together, its weird but satisfying bc again---belialah is a demon. she's got a human form. that is not her true form. i've drawn it, it's sexy to saskia, i'll post it soon.
but i need these two to snark at each other with saskia resisting belialah's advances bc "im trying to take over the world stop distracting me" while belialah's like "SASKIA LEMME SMASH. PLEASE" until eventually it happens because they're terrible and i love them and it needs to happen, frankly. im overruling my boyfriend. at the point we are at, they are fucking already. he does not have a choice. im overruling him.
chase, if you're reading this--the goal with this first time fic is to make it plausible enough that you accept it as canon. thank you.
bc like--they're terrible. they're perfect. they've both got bratty younger sibling/cocky hotshot who thinks they're invincible kinda energy and belialah has no doubt in her mind that saskia can achieve her goals and saskia is getting someone who will stroke her ego and is having the thought of "im being recognized for how amazing i am it's about time"
the generals have made deals with saskia---saskia is planning on following through with 0% of these deals. belialah is the only one who didn't--she's here by saskia's side of her own free will.
they're fucking. at this point, they are fucking. decades of sexual tension kept alive by distance and "hello old friend" energy is suddenly coming to head with Belialah Always Being Around and saskia having to plan out her evil deeds with her being nutso devoted 24/7 and listen, man. this woman has an ego the size of the planet. she's gonna smash someone who inflates her ego, it's just how she works
ok lore dump over. sketch time now.
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loveislandthegame · 4 months
to think I thought S7 was going to be different because the first 3 vol were different. I feel like a freaking 🤡.
Also, can you tell me about your "Eddie is Alex" theory?
you & me both, anon. clowns unite ! 😭
yes, ofc. obviously this is just a theory, not facts, but hear me out :
back in july, FB made a poll on their socials, asking players if they wanted eddie to return as a love interest in a future season. idk how they could've possibly redeemed him, but that doesn't matter because the answer ended up being hell no . of course, FB must've been shocked by that. me too. i mean, who wouldn't want to romance this ... dreamboat 😐
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while we’ve never had a returning islander as an LI, we’ve had returning islanders . they’ve always been redrawn to fit the new season’s style (at least before FB decided to throw ivy & hamish as is into s7's sea of clashing art styles lol)
don’t have receipts for this, but i wouldn’t be surprised if FB already started redesigning him in anticipation of the poll result being a Yes . the majority of players didn't want him back, so anything like that would've had to be scrapped...unless they change up some things, make him a new character 👀
so basically my theory is they had a scrapped returning eddie design laying around, turned him into alex, it's more about their appearance than their personalities, but apparently eddie was gonna undergo a personality transplant anyways
returning islanders haven't been 100% faithful to their OG design, we've all unfortunately seen s5 bobby, but regardless i’ll point out the differences (that aren't caused by alex being drawn at a different angle)
their chins, eddie has a cleft chin
their lips, they’re actually pretty similar in shape, but eddie has a wider cupids bow
noses. again, similar shape, but alex's nose bridge is wider
hair colour ! clearly alex is brunette, but more on that later
not a similarity, but something i thought was interesting . alex is the only s7 guy that never had reused assets from youcef, because his body is from suresh
now the actual similarities:
face structure. jawline, ear shape, cheekbones. same facial proportions as well, like the distance between their mouth and chin
blue hooded eyes. eyebags too, it's just that alex's dont have any lineart
eyebrows. same thickness and very similar shape, same brow spacing as well . look at the glabella (distance between eyebrows) shading on both of them
their hairstyles . both have a side part, a bunch of spiky bits on the (viewer’s) left side, and hair swooping behind their head on the right side
those could all just be coincidences, but there's a mystery afoot, alex’s original eyebrow colour. it caused quite the uproar when he was revealed (it kinda grew on me, i think it's cute lol) so FB gave him a brow tint when the first volume dropped . not everyone's eyebrows and hair matches 100% irl, but in the (starting from s3) LITG universe, islanders' eyebrows correlate with their natural hair colour . we haven't had a bleached brow baddie yet, and imo, this was way too noticeable to just be a simple oversight . then i realised...his original eyebrows are the same colour as eddie's
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sagesfandomspot · 2 years
No literally, your tags are so right. Rory’s love for Jess is on such a different level in my opinion and I don’t mean this in a condescending way towards the other two (as much as I might dislike them, it’s not the point I’m trying to make) but their entire course and journey sets them apart for me. Like there are so many aspects of them that aren’t like Rogan or Rory and Dean that makes Literati stand out all the more, if that makes sense. Such as the fact that Rory never outright said ‘I love you’ to Jess, unlike when she blurted it out to Dean or told Logan she loved him or just the simple fact that Dean and Logan got multiple chances while Jess didn’t. There’s something so quietly significant about that to me, for some reason that I can’t put into words. Like I’m not seeing it as Rory loving him less than the others but in a way I can’t quite explain yet, it almost makes me feel like she possibly loved him the most. And it scared her. Especially taking into account s4 (peak literati angst ofc), she could care and love him all she wanted but the fact was that he wasn’t reliable, unpredictable, full of constant “changes” which was no longer something Rory wanted. But something always lingered there for her with him, no matter how many years passed. And well, ofc I don’t find this good that she did but I almost forgot to acknowledge that Jess was also the ONLY boyfriend she never cheated on. It’s just another interesting little detail to add to whatever rambling this is, I dunno what this even is but it’s been in my head for days. And I still don’t think I organized it or worded it correctly but just thought I’d leave it here b/c why not? I love hearing your thoughts anyway!
NO YEAH YOU'RE SO RIGHT!!! I've been trying to put this idea into words for awhile now. Rory and Jess's love was just different. Like you said, he was the only one she never cheated on (also the only one she cheated with in the original series), and he was the only one she didn't give a second chance. My thoughts are like yours, like it scared her to risk getting hurt like that again. Because Jess leaving seemed to hurt worse than any breakup with Dean or Logan. She could take getting hurt by Dean or Logan again, but getting hurt by Jess would destroy her. And she needed a stability that season 4 Jess couldn't provide, and by the time he was stable and secure enough for them to be able to work things out, she was with Logan. So despite her obviously still caring about him (because hey, she went to Philadelphia, she read The Subject, she kissed him back!) she couldn't do anything with the feelings she had for him in that moment. Then in AYITL, she relies on Jess for help and he gives her encouragement and despite it being years later, they still have a relationship that's unique to them and different than the relationships she has with Dean or Logan or even Paul at that point.
Rory's love for Jess was just... totally unlike the love she had for anyone else, and I think that's why they always come back to each other.
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daz4i · 8 months
since idk if i'll actually turn this into a fic (if i do, i'll clean it up, change things to have capital letters n shit, and ofc add a proper beginning and end lol) but for now have a part of what i wrote bc why not
i'll also explain some of the terms and background under the cut so we're all on the same page, if you're interested 🫡
ok you can skip this if you prefer and just read it as is, i'll add some mark to signify where the actual fic starts!
pandora = the planet at the core of the borderlands series. a bit of a wasteland, tho in bl2 there are other areas as well (lots of ppl don't like it but eh it works with what i need for this story, so)
hyperion = a company in the universe mining pandora for resources. originally, its manager wanted to wipe everyone on pandora bc he thinks they're disgusting and it'll be heroic to do so, but here i decided the owner is fitzgerald and he's just mining pandora for monetary reasons (and. doing other things i will elaborate on if anyone's interested)
opportunity = a city built on pandora by hyperion. in the game it's not yet finished, so i decided to go with it here too. you drive a really long road to reach it, from an area called "the highlands", filled with monsters and bandits, tho this area has a lot of hyperion work in it as well. might touch on it as the story goes along but not yet
threshers nomad bruiser (so you know what each is meant to look like hehe. otherwise bandits are Just Some Guys)
other thing you might need to know: guns in the universe are manufactured by different companies. bandit guns look like they're built from scrap parts. also, guns can have elements to them, and one of them is fire 👀
tw for violence, death, implied cannibalism
background: kunikida is a hyperion worker who never left his home planet or hyperion's lunar base before, now sent on a mission in opportunity. nothing big, just meet an investor there and watch how the building process is going. on his way there, in the highlands, he passes a bandit village built inside a high ceiling cave, some of its houses build on its walls, and he spots the bandits trying to get to a little girl standing at the entrance of one of the higher cabins. kunikida tells the driver to stop the car. dodging threshers and shooting them in the eyes till they leave him alone, he makes his way towards the scene. 
"leave her alone," he tells the bandits.
they leer at him, faces half covered by masks. a bigger one - a nomad - waiting on the ground and holding a shield speaks, "we found her first. come back later for the leftovers if you really want a piece." 
the girl at the top sounds shaky as she says, "y-you're not getting any piece of me! just go away!" 
a bandit tries to grab her leg, and she stomps on his forearm with her other one. a small crack sound is heard and the bandit drops from the ladder into the shallow waters below, yelling in pain.
"you there!" she turns her attention to kunikida, "you're hyperion, aren't ya? go on, take me back to opportunity, or... or I'll never forgive you!" 
kunikida squints, but her recognition of his clothes is enough to get him moving. he is here for a mission, after all, and it seems she might be related to it somehow. 
he dives and kicks the nomad's legs under the shield. as the nomad hits the ground, kunikida uses the same shield to jump on as a boost to get near the other bandits. he uses the butt of his pistol to hit one of them in the head, and shoots another in the leg. 
there are three bandits left, but fighting the threshers beforehand emptied his ammo. soon, they will surround him. 
"here, take this!" he hears from above him, and something small hits him on the head. he yelps but grabs it - a package of pistol rounds. the girl at the top looks at him pleadingly.
he reloads his weapon, and aims at the other three. one, another shot in the leg. two, in the shoulder. three, in the hip. they fall to the ground. 
"those were probably all of them," he says, "you can come down now. I'll bring you back to the city." 
"mister, watch out!" he hears the girl call right as large, muscular arms wrap around his neck. a bruiser is holding him in a chokehold. 
"you think you're gonna waltz in here and take what's ours? nuh-uh. maybe we should add some hyperion scum to our dinner tonight!" 
kunikida tries his hardest to grab at the arms holding him, thrashing and kicking, but to no avail. his first mission on pandora, and he hadn't even made it to his objective, nor save the girl. he didn't even know her name. 
"hey, asshole!" a yell echoes in the cave, and then a gunshot. the smell of burning flesh hits kunikida's nose before the bruiser's screams reach his ears. 
the arms around him let go and he inhales deeply. the smell is awful, but he's grateful for the air back in his lungs. 
he hears someone go down the ladder, then little steps through the water around him. "mister, are you okay?" 
he looks up, and there's the girl looking at him worryingly. 
"yes. yes, I'm fine. thank you." he stands up and straightens himself. "what's your name, girl?" 
"i see. and tell me, aya," he raises his voice - "what the hell are you doing out here by yourself in a goddamn bandit village?!" 
"hey, i didn't come here on purpose!" she yells right back, then lowers her voice. "i was just… wandering around. i came here with my dad and got bored, so i started walking on the bridge -" she motions to the big bridge they were standing under, the long drive to opportunity - "and threshers tried to grab me, so i ran here. i didn't know there were people here until i heard them yelling about how delicious I'd be," she recalls, her horror clear on her face. 
kunikida softens at her story. "you walked all the way here?"
she nods.
"what did you shoot, to…" he motions to the now burnt bandit at their feet, "do that?"
aya holds up a little red gun, clearly not hyperion-made. "i found it in the cabin. i think they made it themselves, it kind of smells like gasoline and piss." 
“leave it here. we don’t know if it’s safe.”
“hell no! i found it, it’s mine now.”
“you-” he groans, “fine. but let me keep it safe for now until we can find someone to fix it up into something better.” 
“promise you’ll give it back?” she raises an eyebrow. 
kunikida gritted his teeth. “as soon as i find you, i will give it back, yes. but please only use it in self defense.”
“aw, fine.” she frowned, but handed him the gun anyway. “what’s this about finding me? i’m coming with you!”
future plans if i ever continue: they go back to opportunity. the investor is aya's dad. he suspects he hurt his daughter somehow, and pulls strings to get kunikida fired. now stuck on pandora, kunikida tries his best to survive. aya joins him - running away bc her dad is shitty and kunikida DID promise to give her back her gun (also he was just nicer to her than most people she met since coming to this planet), and together they roam the planet, fighting monsters and bandits, and uncovering some of the horrors hyperion commits. also, at some point they meet the rest/part of the ada, whose stories i will figure out at some point lol. i do plan to make the person kunikida goes to to fix aya's gun to be one of them but i'm not sure who yet 🤔
anyway. hope that if you actually read this you enjoyed and i might've even gotten you interested in borderlands :P mwah 🖤🖤🖤
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weird-dere-fics · 1 year
Come to say hewwo, hope u been well bby (hope u eaten and drank water)
Share me a brainrot and ill share mine in exchange (if u want ofc no pressure)
It can be about anything
An au
A headcanon
Ur fave show/ movie
A original story of urs
ANYTHING u heart desires 💕💕💕💕💕
Wanna hear u ramble cuz i love to hear u :3c
Ane!! Mi amiga, mi hermanita, mi cariña, bebé ángel hewwo!! So many kisses for u lovely :3 <3. I've been alright mostly. Have had my ups and downs, as ya do lawl. I just had a couple nutrigrain bars n some water owo. Gonna have some vietnamese food for the first time later! I hope you've been doin alright too. Hope school has been treating you nicely and that ur blorbitos have been too >:))))). Pls also remember to eat, stay hydrated, and stay warm too uwu.
As for self ship tingz 👀👀👀👀👀. A couple things about me n my blorbos having bbies <3. Some mooties are prolly gonna look at me crazy, but in my self ship with Ichigo, in AUs where we have them, he and I have 5 kids 👁👃🏾👁. Sometimes i'll do aus where the younger ones aren't born yet, but yeah. I love my babies <3.
The eldest are 2 twin boys that look just like him, Kazui n Kouichi (yes i stole orihime's baby he's MINE, she never happened 💅🏾).
The next eldest is a girl that looks just like moi; her name is Tsukiko.
After her is another girl whomst looks like moi but has his hair genes; unsure of her name rn cus i am thinking about changing it.
Then baby boi whomst looks like him but has my hair color, his name is Hitomu.
In my ship with Soma we have two official kiddies. A set of fraternal twins; one boy n one girl :3. I would say they both look like an even mix of us in certain ways uwu. I actually never named them 👀. Not yet anyway. It was bc of the nature of the au they were created for uwu. As for the rest of my ships, no official kiddies have yet been made o3o.
Eeeeeeeee <3. I hope that was interesting to learn :D.
Also? I LOVE U SM 💖💖💖💖.
You love to hear me? what if cried... 🥹💗💗💗
KISSING U 💋💋💋💋💋Now feed me your self ship nugget darling >:3. A fair trade's a fair trade >:D.
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wri0thesley · 1 year
Just to address the time period of interview! Since Louis was cast as a black man it was changed partially accommodate that aspect of the story. The writers didn’t want to tell a slave tale and I can’t exactly blame them there. Personally, I think the new show really tells a compelling and interesting story with a LOT of grace, skill and nuance. But it’s very very different from the book so if you’re looking for a one-for-one copy you’ll be disappointed and this definitely won’t be for you. Anne Rice did have a hand in the production though before her passing so a lot of these changes have her blessing!
i did do a little searching to see why! i've actually been following the show's trajectory for a long time (we were SO close to a bryan fuller helmed the vampire chronicles series, can you IMAGINE), but i kind of fell by the wayside after anne rice's death. i know her son is SUPER involved, though!
(cw: spoilers if u havent read tvc and intend to, talk of things that happen in series including rape and incest, purity culture fandom stuff).
i am not generally a 'this adaptation has to be incredibly accurate to the book or it sucks' type person , but for me the time period is so inextricrably linked to the characterisation of the series that so much change feels like an almost entirely different plot! in the early 1900s, by the time claudia and louis have pulled off their attempt to kill lestat some 40+ years later after they've existed as a family unit, surely the sea voyage they undertake is a Very Different Beast! it looks like lestat's birth date stays the same, so the whole subplot of him bringing his dying father to live with louis is basically gone too (and lestat is an anti-hero, certainly (and the villain in interview, in as far as we can trust louis as a narrator) which i think definitely removes some humanity and sympathy from lestat. lestat has got to be over 100 years old by the time this interview takes place, which is . . . oof lestat, you never learn do you. idiot [affectionate].
i hope it does well, if only because the vampire lestat is my favourite book in the whole series and nicolas (lestat's first love, and the reason he's originally attracted to louis at all - because louis reminds him of him) is one of my favourite characters of all time (as is gabrielle, lestat's mother), and so far the only adaptation that has them both done well is the musical and i want to see them in a mainstream adaptation that doesnt flop horribly!!! i'm just sad anon fgbkjngkfjn. and also because of the beautiful costume porn i'm missing out on. some of the claudia costumes i've seen production shots of hurt me in my Soul.
also (this one is solely on me), i've already seen people doing things like running zines that have a wholly uncomfortable purity culture fandom thing going on. and tvc is NOT a series conducive to that mindset. lestat is in a bizarre incestuous kind of relationship with gabrielle, his mother (and with this adaptation out and out saying 'vampires can have sex', really interested to see how that's handled). lestat is canonically a rapist (and yeah even after that we are still to love and adore him for more and more books). armand's backstory is . . . whoo. the vampire chronicles is hardly a Niche Interest, but i can already foresee a lot of discomfort if indeed the show does well enough to get as far as books like body thief!
but mostly the vampire chronicles means a lot to me (it's the reason i decided to go into musical theatre, and i'd never have made most decisions in my life without reading it), so such a drastic change makes me feel a little sad! i will get over it fgbnkjjngf. just taking a moment to mourn! the movie still remains beautifully costumed and imo one of the best book-to-movie adaptations made, despite the changes it made (rip louis' brother, didnt make it to the big screen), at least!
and, ofc, we always have lestat the musical.
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considerablecolors · 2 years
What do you think the saf characters' cutie marks would be?
WELL *prepares to infodump* I'M SO GLAD U ASKED ANON
so when I was originally thinking abt a SAF x MLP crossover, cutie marks were actually the first thing I thought about! I sketched them out (along w/ some explanations) in a notebook:
Tumblr media
so some transcriptions/elaboration:
Spying. Duh. Pretty self-explanatory.
He got his VERY VERY young for smth very stupid like "spying" on his mother to see what she was buying him for his birthday
Which is a great plan until the next day you literally have to explain how you got your cutie mark overnight
ALSO when discussing the idea w @finalgirlmartinbrody , they pointed out the hilarity of a spy having a cutie mark that clearly says they're a spy, so just imagine that agencies use glamour spells pretty frequently lmao
So in MLP there's this pretty interesting concept they explore now and then of basically like. Losing the meaning of your cutie mark. Not doing what you're meant to do. SO to add some ~spice~, Owen's special talent is theatre!
Got his later on in high school, definitely got picked on a bit for that
He basically convinces himself once he becomes a spy that the mark means he's good at acting as in being undercover/in disguise (but deep down knows that isn't the case)
Also fuels that later resentment towards agencies
Ok this sort of feeds into a HC I have in general- that Tatiana is the mystery woman at the beginning of the show (or at least closely connected) because like. Random voice narrating a story? Yeah cool and mysterious ig. Tatiana being the one to tell us the story of how one of her best friends fell apart? MUCH more dramatic and tragic and all that fun stuff. So ofc she's a singer here!
Got cutie mark because when she was younger, she used to sing lullabies to herself/the other kids as a comfort thing
Like Owen, she was forced into something that wasn't her destiny
Though I like to think while undercover for a time she worked as like a lounge singer and it was one of the happier times in her life
So kind of a no-brainer.
Science! Numbers!
I like to think she also gets her cutie mark young, like accidently blowing smth up in a science class, and the teacher starts yelling at her but Barb does not give a shit because cutie!! mark!!
Okay hers is a speech bubble and exclamation points. Because she's the boss, and her job is to tell others what to do.
BUT there is definitely a huge not-so-inside joke around A.S.S. (and the government) (and all the international agencies) (literally Susan will make the jokes to her face) that Cynthia's special talent is yelling at people
Cynthia is actually quite proud of this rumor and actively encourages it
Mask! For disguises! Obviously!
I wanted smth to include accents but wasn't quite sure how to portray that?
He likes to say that their real talent is being fashionable
Deadliest Man Alive
Hee-hee knife go stabby-stabby
Talent for being a murderer #okayedgelord
Owen uses a glamour to disguise this cutie mark everyday obviously
HC that Sergio once sees him putting the glamour on and is just like "omg he changes his cutie mark to be even more terrifying omg that's so cool he's so sick omg"
Mrs. Mega
Wasn't entirely sure what I wanted hers to be tbh. I didn't want to do smth like "being a mother" or "being a housewife" because I like to give my female characters actual personality beyond serving men (cough cough lots and lots of MLP fandom OCs cough cough)
I ended up going with forgery! Since we know she does it fairly often (knows how to forge passports for Tatiana & family)
Neighbors just think she's good at like. Writing checks lmao
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plan-d-to-i · 2 years
I have never understood why people see the library scene in the incense burner chapter as something that lwj fantasise about. When i read that scene, i specifically remember wwx describing this exact scene when they had sex outside. So basically to me the incense burner chapters is a manifestation of wwx’s teasing/rape kink. With the kiss in the mountains we saw how he reacted to what he did. I think it has been established a couple of times that lwj would never do something that wwx doesn’t want to do. Not even fantasising about it.
Ah, I'm sorry to contradict you, I too believe it's something LWJ fantasizes about... I think people have written more in depth on this, but take this moment:
Wei WuXian leaped down, tightly hugging Lan WangJi whose entire head was covered, and pushed him onto the bed, “Rape!”
Lan WangJi, “…”
Wei WuXian’s hands vulgarly touched and fumbled around his body, yet Lan WangJi still lay as quiet as dead, letting him do whatever he pleased. Wei WuXian lost interest just a while later, “HanGuang-Jun, why don’t you even resist a bit? If you’re just lying there not even moving, what’s the fun of me raping you?”
Lan WangJi’s muffled voice came through the blanket, “What do you want me to do?”
Wei WuXian advised, “When I hold you down, you’re gonna push me and not let me get on top of you, and squeeze your legs together and struggle as hard as you can, at the same time scream for help…”
Lan WangJi, “Making noise is forbidden in the Cloud Recesses.”
Wei WuXian, “Then you can call for help lightly. And also, when I rip your clothes apart, you should try your best to resist and protect your chest.”
The blanket was silent for a while.
A moment later, Lan WangJi replied, “It sounds rather difficult.”
Wei WuXian, “Really?!”
Lan WangJi, “Mn.”
Wei WuXian, “I’m out of ideas, then. How about we change things up and you rape me instead…”
Before he finished, his view spun and the blankets flew off. Lan WangJi had already pushed him onto the bed.
Because he was smothered inside the blanket by Wei WuXian for quite a while, even his eternally-neat hair tie and forehead ribbon were somewhat crooked. His hair was somewhat disheveled, a few strands dangling down, and his originally jade-white cheeks shone through with soft pink. Under the candlelight, he was quite the bashful beauty. Unfortunately, though, the beauty’s arm strength was absurdly great, firmly locked around Wei WuXian like clamps of iron as he begged, “HanGuang-Jun, HanGuang-Jun, to forgive is a virtue.”
Lan WangJi’s eyes didn’t waver, while the two bright flames of the candle trembled in their reflection. His expression was calm, “Yes.”
Wei WuXian, “Yes what? Handstand? Rape? Hey! My clothes.”
Lan WangJi, “You said so yourself.”
As he spoke, he set his body between Wei WuXian’s legs and stayed for a while. Wei WuXian waited for a while, but nothing came, “What!”
Lan WangJi straightened up slightly, “Why do you not resist?”
LWJ when WWX says he's going to r him: 😐🥱
LWJ when WWX suggests they switch: ✨🔥✨
LOL! But there's nothing wrong with it!!! There's nothing wrong with them having this cnc fantasy and exploring it with each other with consent. ofc a story isn't going to read like a consent guidebook and people shouldn't take it as such but no one is getting the short end of the stick in this relationship. Or being forced to do something they don't want to do. People are being a bit puritanical about this 🥲.
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the-furies · 1 year
crashes in here. dusts myself off. anyway.
🍄 Do you headcanon any characters as plural? Who and why?
im pretty sure ik the answer. i want details anyway. [grabby hands]
🌾 Do you have an inner world? What's it like?
im always so interested what other peoples plural experience. our headspace is basically its own universe. whats your guyses if you have one???
🍄 u fucking already know what's up our main hc is that Harry is plural and it's practically canon actually Let's be real. WITH THAT BEING SAID LET ME GET INTO. SOEM DETAILS . [aka i am infodumping. i am infoodumpingna Lots.]
b4 i start off the lines blur on whether shit is hc or shit i/the others remember from Our Canon LMFAO so anyways:
Mixed origins. *Points at Shivers* that bitch just showed up one day! Also Limbic + ARC were born with him. So if we wanna add labels then those would be primarily traumagenic w a couple protogenic sysmates & at Least one walk-in. oh also his tie is a headmate too ofc. Hallucination at first but also his ass got introjected later.
We r actually working on a timeline of who formed when and everything is v much up in the air fr a lot of us but Anyways aside from ARC & Limbic, Composure & Half Light formed first. That much we r Certain abt. this also counts as a hradcanon btw bc we r the kind of bitch that shoehorns our canon into shit . "this is my headcanon on things haha" is how we get our shit across 2 non-systems HWJAJSJDFJFJDJSJ
tho besides those 2 a quick rundown of everyone else we know of so farrrr uhhh. From oldest to most recent: Inland & Empathy in his childhood, Encyclo, Volition, & Rhetoric in his teens, Pain Threshold coulda formed anywhere in between childhood and teens tbh we are Not Sure. And then we're Certain Physical Instrument formed when he got a job as a gym teacher. Or while he was in highschool??? one of those. Idk. Same w Endurance. And then when he was in his like 20s-30s I formed and everything went downnnnhilllll HWHSJDJDJFFJ. Once he joined the RCM Esprit formed & then ????????? and after The Incident, Shivers showed up. Anyone not listed here we have zero clue on when exactly they formed 👍
HOWEVER ASIDE FROM HARRY WE ALSO HC EVERYONE IN DE AS PLURAL IN SOME WAU IM SURE I BROUGHT THIS UP WHEN WE ANSWERED THIS SAME QUESTION LAST IDR. but yeah anyways. Everyone's Skillsets would manifest differently [Kim's fr example manifest as him writing in his journal] & everyone has different Skills. except fr maybe a couple? Like multiple people would have Empathy Skills probs but some like Shivers would be specific to Harry.,,, Kinda. I mean. Ok so how we see Shivers specifically using plural community language is that She's a walk-in and a factive (?) of the entire city. But also supra-natural shit is involved there too It's A Lot. ANYWAYS WHAT IM SAYING IS MULTIPLE PEOPLE CAN DEFINITELY FEEL THE CITY SPEAK TO THEM IT'S JUST SHIVERS AS WE KNOW HER IN-GAME IS SPECIFIC TO HARRY, FJJSJSDJDJFJ BUT YEAH NO EVERYONE HAS DIFFERENT SKILLSETS & THEY MANIFEST DIFFERENTLY FOR EVERYONE TOO one day when we have more spoons 4 thinking. we will come bacj 2 this. HFJDJDJFJF
🌾 WE DO!! It changes often though! rn since it's like,,, JUST us Skills in the fronting roster [MOMENTARILY!!! ROsie and Allan aren't dormant they're just majorly afk!! fhsjdjfjf] the main headspace view is HARRY'S headspace and *THAT* is just. longgggg winding black voidy rooms that have little to no start and end. We're forming shit though! And stuff is sticking!
We have a main area that's just a dining table & one of the rooms we've found is like. a buncha sleeping bags & a campfire? We call that room Composure's room cuz it's where it usually is.
Uhhh mine, Encyclo's, and Volition's room is similar to the master bedroom in the house our core grew up in. Which sidenote is fucky as hell cuz that's ALSO the room where our nightmares take place in! Thanks brain what the fuck! HFHDJDJDJFFJ
And then Reaction Speed kinda has xir own room too it manifests as the inside of a tent? It's tiny. but cozy? Idont think anyone else has their own rooms in Harry's headspace [and neither does Harry btw. His ass can barely manifest here unless someone yoinks him in here or it happens by accident jadjfjfj]
OUTSIDE OF THAT THOUGH WE HAVE A TONNNNN OF LAYERS & ALL FHJSJF the main layer is currently an open field w some trees & flowers on a hill. A lil ways in front of the tree is The Cave™ that holds The Fog™ [partial mix of The Pale?? but also The Fog is our own brain-made TMA-adjacent Entity. It's the embodiment of our brainfog & all. We have 2 Fog avatars one is Trant and the other FUCKING DIED I THINK BC THE FOG GOT HIS ASS???!! ithink he's still in the cave actually? Idk he existed for less than a week before disappearing!!!! Rip Mr Whitely you wil be missed maybe. Idk. cuz ur ass was a serial killer or smth in ur source so like, [lh]]
UHHHH A BIT FARTHER from the Cave is a lil cabin that belongs to Harry & Kim. And a small walk down the hill the cabin is on is The Manor™ and the Septic Household™. Both groups that those houses belong to are currently dormant rn but The Manor is still Very Much Alive Apparently so we uh. Try to. Upkeep her. So she doesn't try. to kill us <3. [I Jest i don't think she can do anything. Idk. But Dark said to not leave her alone Lest Shit Happens and i DON'T know if they were fucking with us. dhajsjfjfjfjf]
Anddddddd. Above our main layer we have,,,, uhhh. The Outskirts? Which is the layer one of our overseers, Mischief, lives in. It's like.,,, a buncha pink & purple clouds u can walk on it's pretty. above that is The Outer Nothing which is where Infīnītus & our other Hierarchy members live. The Outer Nothing is uhhh. Nothingness? Space? Void? something like that?? Idk nobody can visit it unless they're apsrt of the Hierarchy and those fucks don't front unless it's ab emergency and nooobodyyyyyy in the roster rn is anywhere NEARRRR being eligible to Join The Hierarchy I think???? so. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯! JFJSJXKCKCKDJD
we have other layers I think but they're inaccessible rn. We can access The Outskirts if need be via The Cave and from The Outskirts we can TECHNICALLY GET TO THE OUTER NOTHING but the entrance to it is blocked off a la invisible wall </3
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mulderscully · 2 years
To cleanse the palette of that dumb anon, i wanted to know how you rank the seasons of X-files and a brief (or not so brief) reasoning of why :)
i know “ranking” can be quite subjective and superficial but it can be fun too so I hope you have fun with it :)) !
I’m a lifelong txf fan too btw, I have fond memories of sneaking behind the couch in the dark to secretly watch the show while my dad watched and it definitely helped shape my interests in life (from sci-fi and horror to mysteries and the paranormal in general). Have a great night/weekend and I look forward to your reply :)
aw thank you!
tbh this is hard for me because i am a very indecisive person and i all of the seasons have a place in my heart.
well, except s9. s9 isn't real. i don't hate it or anything i just forget it exists unless it's the original series finale lol
i think in terms of writing, s4 and s5 are objectively the best and have the best writing, especially in terms of the show's mythology. the cancer arc is one of my favorite parts of the show and i think the search for samantha was still intriguing.
that said, i think s1 is the most comforting and the easiest to watch. there is something so earnest about it and the way it's not "good" yet: david and gillian are both pretty green, the show is campy and some of the episodes are not the best but those things are what make it endearing to me.
s2 isn't real bc of mulder's porcupine hair.
s3 has some of THE BEST intense episodes like wet wired, grotesque and paper clip which are great if your want your brain ripped clean out. i think s3 gave me the most sleep paralysis in 2013 (this is a compliment)
i think s6 has some of the best motw episodes and i am a motw girl. i also love how it leans into the romance more. i loved watching the rain king and arcadia for the first time.
s7 is great but tbh i think it's a lil low on my list just because i love the others more. of course i love that it's the season that msr get together but tbh.....
i actually enjoy s8 more (crowd boos and throws tomatoes at me) i just LOVE arcs about people dying temporarily and i think gillian acted the hell out of it. mulder isn't in half of the season but his absense is felt the whole time he's gone and i always kinda liked how the only way scully was ever gonna truly believe was by mulder actually being abducted by aliens. ofc there are things i would change abt it but overall i am s8 apologist 😔
i also really do enjoy the revival for what it is. i don't like what cc did to them or to the audience but i feel like it was a sort of privilege to see them 23 years later. i just love the passage of time and their enduring love despite everything, you know? and i think s11 specifically has some genuinely good motw episodes that i enjoyed watching.
this wasn't a list more of a ramble but i had fun 😃 thanks for asking
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