#like those hallways?
gaystheysanddinos · 1 year
if you've never been hit in the face by a backpack have you even been to public school
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stellar-jay · 2 months
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"Tell her I am the White Toymaker. Tell her the White Prophet lives farther down the street, five doors down on the left."
I'm still messing with my design for him. I'm not yet done with The Assassin's Quest but I'm just so happy that he's roughly happy right now. I love his gay woolen hat. I wish for his future as much color as he can stand. I wish for his future for Fitz to finally pick up on the fact that he's flirting with him.
NOTE: I am not done with the series and I'm guessing a lot of people won't click this read more, so I'm just not gonna be looking at tags or reblogs lest someone tags it with like "man i love the fool can't believe he turned out to have an evil twin in the tawny man trilogy" or some shit. i dont take chances.
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Love that Terra clearly had the worst possible understanding of Eda and Raine (thinking they wouldn’t team up to fight her as kids, that Raine wasn’t smart enough to lie through their teeth until the Day of Unity, etc) but even SHE knows damn well those two are absolute fucking losers for each other. Can you imagine how insufferable they had to be off-screen for Terra to openly mock it with zero hesitation. What did she have to bear witness to
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i need to share the absolute fucking Experience i had playing minecraft tonight. i'm gonna be emotional about it for days
so me and my friends like to play on this server that's pretty much just a bunch of minigames. one of them is Murder Mystery - of a group of - i think its 13/14 people - one person is randomly selected as the murderer (spawns with a sword), the other as the sheriff (spawns with a bow). the rest are innocent. the innocents can gain a bow by collecting coins. no one knows anyone's status unless the player shows their sword/bow. i'm doing a quest where, in order to get points, i need to kill the murderer.
so as the game start countdown begins, me and my pal are checking out this Red Link skin. it's pretty neat! we're all crouching and punching at each other, as one does. i feel a connection form with Red Link. we're buddies now. we're in this together.
so we're all running around the map. every time i see Red Link, we crouch and punch at each other. the game is going fine, we're having fun. i'm delighted that i've made a one-game friend.
then my friend says that Red Link is the murderer, and i literally have a hard time believing it. Red Link? my Red Link? no, they must be mistaken. we were together at the start. they had ample opportunities to kill me. it can't be Red Link. but whoever the murderer killed was the sheriff, and i needed to complete the quest - picking up the sheriff tombstone grants me the bow.
so i run, trying to find it, and i turn the corner.
there Red Link was, standing at the end of the hall, by the tombstone, with a sword in hand. i froze. i was so upset - not Red Link! not my dear companion! i was so sure that was it.
but i walked forward anyway, thinking that maybe if i dodged around them, grabbed the bow, and turned and shot fast enough, i could get them. the thought was actually distressing! Red Link didn't put the sword away. they watched me slowly approach. we stood on either side of the tombstone, and i expected Red Link to cut me down. i was well within reach of their sword.
Red Link calmly, still looking at me, moved to the side and past me. i panicked and grabbed the bow, ran to the corner, turned and drew - Red Link was already at the other end of the hall, running away. i didn't want to shoot, but i needed the kill - who knows when i'd get an opportunity to complete the quest again. it's a tough one.
i missed, thank fuck, but man. i was in shock. i thought i was a goner.
then, after the game where awards are given - the murderer, who killed them, who collected the most coins - i went up to Red Link and crouched. they crouched back.
then they left the game.
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better-call-mau1 · 1 year
Lucasfilm: Literally every single romance or almost-romance we’ve ever written in the Star Wars universe has ended in tragedy.
Lucasfilm: Han/Leia? Split up after their son went off the deep end. They eventually died broken and alone.
Lucasfilm: Anidala? No match for Palpatine’s plotting, Anakin’s attachment issues, and Padmé’s Sadness.
Lucasfilm: Obitine? Jyn/Cassian? Reylo? Tragedy! Tragedy! Tragedy!
Lucasfilm: At least we gave you Kanera. Aren’t they just so sweet and devoted and —— oh, whoops! More tragedy!
Ezra: I’ve got a bad feeling about this.
Sabine, drawing her blasters: They can pry you from my cold, dead hands.
Ezra: Please don’t tempt them.
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unopenablebox · 6 days
my mom recently reminded me that when i was in 5th grade my teacher would periodically report to her that i was "sneaky" because i would ask to use the bathroom during class and instead go retrieve things from my locker that i had forgotten to bring with me
and even at the time she thought this was ridiculous and obviously not representative of an intrinsically deceitful nature, fortunately for me. but it's really extra ridiculous looking back on it now as a 28-year-old research professional who has to double back into the room i just left for some combination of gloves, tube rack, ice bucket, or samples at least once a day, a quality absolutely no one cares about or would ever make me justify to another person and which i therefore don't have to tell contrived lies about
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wyvernsrus · 20 days
Bby Fordo: *gives the other alphas uncanny valley feelings*
Bby Stec: Yep that's mine now
Bby 17: *staring at Stec and Fordo* what are you doing?
Bby Stec and Fordo, who crawled into the room from a vent: *staring back* our older brother now
Stec: * to 17s cadets* and thats how we adopted 17!
17: *fending off Fordo trying to steal his pudding cup* Firstly of all I was cursed-
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surelyyourejesting · 10 months
everyone always talks about "oh I love the custom followers comments on everything!!! hehehe rumarin is so funny!! Inigo is my best friend!!! I love lucien he's such a nerd !!! " and nobody ever talks about trying to walk through a door
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nikoisme · 3 months
really funny coincidence that someone put some sort of poster or whatever it's called in our school's hallway,, and it shows greek, roman AND slavic gods. That's so fun
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svtskneecaps · 7 months
yknow what GOOD i'm glad there's a spy this server was missing espionage. everybody lip wags on and fuckin on about trust and secrets and hiding SHUT UP IF YOU'RE HIDING WHERE ARE THE CIPHERS. WHERE ARE THE RIDDLES. WHERE ARE THE CODED MESSAGES. WHY IS BADBOYHALO THE ONLY ONE TALKING IN METAPHORS. WE HAVE CELL "THE ENIGMA" BIT.
MAKE YOUR DAMN BASE A LABYRINTHIAN NIGHTMARE. my waystone is at the entrance and you can ONLY ENTER MY BASE IF YOU KNOW WHICH DOOR ISN'T THE ENTRANCE TO A ROOM WITH A FAKE FLOOR AND SHARKS or what the fuck ever. there's a hidden path amidst ghost blocks FOLLOW IT OR DIE. PLEASE friends there are so many POSSIBILITIES. not to be twelve years old on main but a book series i read a while back had a secret area that was only accessible via a crazy ass alice in wonderland set of puzzles that would dump you in a moat if you failed, the concept being those who knew the path would take less time to enter than those who didn't. COME ON. secret rooms in secret rooms. this is my library but shhh this is my REAL library behind the fireplace and then THIS IS MY REAL LIBRARY BEHIND THIS BOOKCASE. make the world's most unintuitive create factory for big daddy breakfast and hide something in the middle of it WHO'S GOING TO COMB THROUGH THAT MUCH MACHINERY. NO ONE. NOBODY.
like bruh. i want them leaving notes like it's prohibition and they're trying to find a speakeasy. i want them smuggling information like the revolutionary war. i want them to talk like truckers when a cop is on the frequency. i want "one if by land two if by sea" type shit. ESPIONAGE. IS. COOL. DAMNIT.
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youngroyals3456 · 2 months
First during the settlement meeting and then during the school inspection? Like, time and place, boys. Time and place!!
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innytoes · 7 months
You have one of those 12 foot skeletons in your yard and you caught me trying to take selfies with it / Sweet Tarts
Also for @invisibleraven who asked for the exact same thing. Who knew this prompt had Carrie/Reggie vibes?
When the Wilsons celebrated, they went hard. Their birthday blow-outs were legendary from the time Carrie had been in kindergarten. Their Fourth of July drones show (fireworks were so 90s) was epic and set to their favourite music. Christmas? Their mansion was covered in so many lights they had their own generator, and every room had a Christmas tree. (The one in Carrie's room was all pink, of course.)
So of course they went all out for Halloween, too. It was pretty hard to convert a sleek white modern mansion into a spooky old Victorian house, so instead they went all out with other kinds of decorations. Like the skeletons that hung out in front of the large windows on the second floor, having cocktails. Or the ghosts hanging from the trees and railings. Or the spooky lights and glowing orbs in the pool. Or the gazillion decorative pumpkins around the place. (Again, the ones in Carrie's room were pink.)
This year's new showstopper, though, was a twelve foot skeleton that her dad brought home. He showed it off, jazz hands and all, like the dork he was, and she could only barely hide her smile even as she eye-rolled at him.
"Not cool enough?" Dad asked her. "Don't worry, I thought of that."
And then he pulled out a pair of giant novelty sunglasses from somewhere. That got her to crack, and she laughed, which made her dad beam, which made her feel gooey inside. Out in public, they had to be perfect, and cool, and flawless, but when it was just the two of them, they could goof around and be dorks.
Now, while all of October was Go Hard On The Spooky Stuff, their Halloween basically had two big nights. The first was their Big Halloween Bash, where dad invited all his famous friends and people he worked with and Carrie got to invite some of her friends as long as they all promised to be cool.
The second, which deep down Carrie liked much better, was Trick or Treating. Because what was the point of living in the rich neighbourhood if not to show off all your badass decorations and costumes and spooky playlists and wow kids with amazing treats.
Full sized candy bars? Pah, those were for the old money losers down the street. Carrie and her dad got custom made edible crystals. Kids could pick out their own colour and shape, and eat something that looked like it shouldn't be eaten. Did you want a neon green orb, or a jagged piece of quartz, or even a candy beetle encased in 'amber'?
Carrie, of course, made sure to grab some in all her Candi's colours and put them aside. (And a few pink ones for herself.)
But the big holiday bash had come and gone, and trick or treating wasn't until tomorrow, so what the hell was this guy doing in their yard?
"Aren't you a little old to be trick or treating?" she asked as she flung the door open. Usually, if someone was lurking around like that, she'd call security, but this guy didn't seem to be paparazzi or a crazed fan who wanted to murder her dad. Also, she'd shoved her taser in the pocket of her cardigan before opening the door. (It was pink. And bedazzled.)
The boy, who seemed to be about her age, yelped and flailed, nearly dropping his crappy little phone. "Sorry, I'm sorry!" he stammered. "I thought nobody was home!"
Carrie raised one perfectly plucked eyebrow. "Is that supposed to make it better?" she asked in her nastiest mean-girl-voice.
He flushed, looking ashamed of himself. Suddenly, even with the leather jacket, he seemed a lot smaller. "I'm sorry," he said miserably. "It's just that this is the first time I've seen one of these giant skeletons in real life and I really wanted to take a selfie with it. I mean, he's wearing sunglasses and everything."
He looked so sad, like a kicked puppy, and really, she couldn't begrudge him too much. Their skeleton was pretty awesome. And he was pretty cute.
"You're never going to get all of him in frame with you like that," she rolled her eyes, grabbing her keys and demonstratively pulling the door closed behind her so he couldn't slip inside in case this was just a ruse.
She made sure to keep her hand on her taser as she passed him, but he just gaped at her. When she was far enough away to get all of the skeleton into the picture, she pulled out her phone. "Smile!" she said, and on instinct, he did. She snapped a picture, and when he realised what happened, he beamed, begging for another one.
She had to admit that the one hugging Skeletor's leg (yes, her dad had named their giant skeleton Skeletor like a massive dork) was pretty funny. As was the one where he was bowing down before it. And pretending to run away from it.
They had a little photo shoot for like two minutes, before he seemed to run out of ideas, and thanked her profusely, before moving to leave.
"Hey!" she shouted after him, and he froze in his tracks. "You have to give me your number so I can send these to you!" Okay, so he was cute but not very bright. She could work with that.
He looked a little flustered, but gave her his number to put in her phone. She sent him a test text, and his entire face lit up when he saw the first picture appear on his own screen.
And if maybe she texted him again the next day inviting him over to try one of their gourmet crystals and see the whole yard done up right for trick or treating, well, she just wanted to share the holiday spirit.
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theguardianace · 4 months
I really really want to like being home. i really do. i love playing with my puppies and being able to cook my own food and having a break from school. i love having little crafts to do and being in a place so familiar. and my brother and parents are so funny and i do genuinely love being around them! it just sucks because my sister actively bullies me and i have no idea why. i can't even exist around her without the risk of getting blown up at. god forbid my toothbrush is in the bathroom.
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jeweledstone · 4 months
I had a dream last night where I saw someone on deviantart who made unironic ship art featuring Daniel from my webcomic and that Blitzo guy from Hazbin and it gave me some serious fucking whiplash
I’m still recovering from it
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just found out from gloomy that you self id as a video game hater and there’s an loz poster in your room. you don’t deserve her I could treat her better what is wrong with you
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I am NOT a video game hater I JUST SUCK AT VIDEO GAMES BECAUSE I WAS NEVER ALLOWED ANYTHING BEYOND THE MINECRAFT I HAD ON MY IPOD TOUCH and the loz poster IS MY ROOMMATE’S and I’ll have you know that there is also a HOLLOW NIGHT poster in my room because of the previously mentioned ROOMMIE who has INTERESTS and EXPRESSES THEM on HER SIDE OF THE ROOM
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superhell · 1 year
huge fan of how wilson immediately knew what house’s plan was with the patient and asks the ducklings for a moment and all three of them immediately duck out like theyre avoiding their parents arguing
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