#linktober 2020
teaforce-steph · 1 year
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A very good boy.
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ellenent · 7 months
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when I first saw the state of the master sword, I could only imagine how painful must have been for Fi
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truffeart · 2 years
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Here it is, lovelies! Linktober 2022 is upon us! This is my 3rd year doing this challenge and I thought: What could I possibly add as an extra challenge on this one? In 2020, I drew all the prompts in a specific framing. Last year, I did the prompts in a storyboard fashion (2 boards per day, allowing room for a small story). But this year I was like: Yeah, let’s just do a full story with those prompts, see where it goes. It wasn’t easy to create a story based on them, but I think it’ll work out in the end! I hope you guys will enjoy the result! Well, that’s if I get to finish all drawings by the end of the month! ;) A special thank you to @spicychestnut who corrected the texts of the story! <3 Next >>
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flameultra04 · 7 months
Linktober Shadow Day 11: Dead Hand
I haven’t participated in Linktober since 2021, but I knew this year I wanted to redraw my first ever entry from three years ago. I’m happy with the improvement! …And the nightmare fuel. Geez.
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Original from 2020
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Linktober 2020 Day 17: Link - Majora's Mask
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hero-of-courage · 8 months
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Here’s my Links Phantom and Kingdom if they were in the Linked Universe AU! Looks like they ran into a bit of trouble before returning to camp.
And a peek at my process because I forgot to record a Timelapse. Oops.
Kingdom is from my 2020 Linktober Quest. They called it “A Link to The Masters” but I named my boy’s quest “The Legend of Zelda: Legacy of the Lost Hero” (I only named it just now lol)
I’d like to redo some art from that Linktober and maybe rewrite it too.
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alblat-fan-art · 7 months
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Quelques vieux fan arts Zelda pour commencer (2016 le premier, 2018 le deuxième, 2020 pour les reliquats de linktober, 2021 pour le reste).
Cette licence a été mon premier grand amour ! Ces dessins ne sont ni les premiers, ni les derniers d'une très longue série. Mais il faut bien commencer quelque part ^^
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doorbloggr · 1 year
Inktober Part 2
Motivation and Stress
Sunday 20/11/22
(All art in this post are my own creations)
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Linktober 2022 Day 25: Zelda
As an artist, a constant struggle is finding the time and effort to sit down and just do the thing. Be it motivation or inspiration, it is difficult for creatives to start (or finish) pieces of art. This applies to writers, visual artists, musicians, and any other type of creative.
This year in particular, I had multiple months where I produced maybe one or two pieces of art if I was lucky. This is because art is a hobby for me, and there is no revenue in it. Maybe it is because of my motivation that there isn't? But from experience is past years, I know that nothing gets me in the mood for creativity like a deadline.
But that mood isn't always a good one...
I first participated in Linktober in 2018, where I just did the regular challenge. And as someone who doodled sporadically in my spare time, it was a refreshing change to have structure to my art. The first issue I usually have when I want to sit down and commit to illustrating is... what do I draw?
Linktober, as discussed in my previous post, is a variation on the Inktober format. For every day in October, artists will post a drawing. Each year the folks at Linktober will cook up one or more Calenders of prompts to follow, so that I have a direction to follow for each drawing. Each prompt is still up to interpretation for what specifically you draw, but it's something.
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Linktober prompt listsfor 2018, 2020, and 2022
So there's two aspects of a month long challenge that help my artistic drive. 1) The direction, and 2) the quota. Now for a while, in particular last October, I have thought of Point 2 being more "Deadline", but I think it is better to think of it as a Quota, and we'll get into that soon.
So a lot of the struggle to start doing art is to do with inspiration. In 2020 I had a fairly consistent inspiration for art since that was the year my D&D group played the most regularly. But this year, adult scheduling has meant that we haven't played as much, and as a result, less D&D art happened.
And it wasn't just that I could call on D&D as a loose concept to do the art, since these "session arts" were pieces based on highlights from our sessions. Before I did Linktober, I did a month long Pokémon drawing challenge, where each day gave me a Pokemon Type, or category of Pokémon (e.g. starter, eevee, legendary). Now sometimes when I was in the mood, I would draw Pokémon anyway, but with this challenge, I was given instructions for 31 drawings.
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POKEDEXY, a Pokémon drawing challenge I did in 2017
All this to say, although good art can happen spontaneously, I personally found that I have the best artistic drive if I already know what I'm drawing.
The Quota
Again to use the D&D session arts as an example, part of the reason I was so consistent with my posting of those arts was because I wanted to get last week's art out before we had our next session.
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Session Arts for Chapters 9-18 for our D&D "Everift" campaign.
Part of the artist's motivation problem is... why finish? Sure if you have the direction for a piece, you know what you're making. But when will it be complete? Unless you have a client, most artists are not working to a strict deadline, so it is up to the artist when (or if) a piece is completed, and when/if it's shared to the world.
The pro of a month-long challenge like Inktober is that you are given the when. For Inktober, it's October. You'll be aiming to finish and post your artwork during October, and if you're on schedule, that'll mean you release your first drawing Octover 1st, your 10th drawing by October 10th etc.
The Struggle
I've highlighted the benefits of a monthly challenge to an artist's drive, by they can also be detrimental if approached in a suboptimal way. I wanna discuss how my relationship with Linktober has changed.
When I started Linktober in 2018, Breath of the Wild had come out the year before, and a combination of DLC and challenge runs meant I was still playing the game regularly. The Legend of Zelda has long been one of my favourite fandoms, so of course the next year, I did it again.
In 2020, Age of Calamity came out, and I was playing competitive Smash Bros all the time, with Link as my main, so Zelda was still regularly a part of my downtime entertainment. So 2020, I doubled down on Linktober, and actually made 31 days of art for two separate challenges (occasionally crossing over). I was able to keep up that year because that time of year, I wasn't working a lot, and always prepared ahead of time.
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My Linktober 2020 (left) and Linktober Shadow 2020 (right)
When it came to October 2021, I had stopped playing Smash Bros, and had been waiting for new Zelda content for a while. I told myself I would restrict myself to a simpler art and colouring style, so that I would be able to complete the challenge with less prep time. As a result, I was almost always preparing art on the day it was due. And the most unfortunate part was that I didnt enjoy Zelda as much as i used to. It was the most stressed I'd ever been about art. Linktober had become a job, and nothing kills creativity more than making it work.
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I usually post updates during Linktober on my Instagram story. For Day 27 in 2021, I did not finish in time, and posted it a couple days later. It made me very upset.
So the point I made earlier about a schedule being good had it in fact killed the fun of art in 2021. I was creatively drained and didn't enjoy it.
Linktober 2022
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This year, I made Linktober more enjoyable by removing any restrictions I had on myself. No uniting artstyle, no expectation that I finish the 31st piece by October 31st, and since the last week of September fell during School Break, I had a solid week of preparation time. And once I hit my stride, I actually got way ahead of schedule. Finishing 30 pieces before October 1st. That final piece stumped me for the same reason I had been stumped for art the rest of the year. The final prompt for Linktober is always Free For All; artist's choice.
Usually this is my Smash Bros Day, but I had left the Smash competitive scene on a bitter note. And the bigger problem I had the previous year was still present. The lack of new Zelda content meant that I didn't enjoy Zelda as much as I used to. My new main "fandom" was D&D. So although I am happy with my art for October this year, it may be my last Linktober.
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Free For All this year I ended up making it about Mario Kart, since I play MK8 regularly with family.
Even if I fixed the Deadline issue, the original draw of Linktober, that it's all Zelda, became a restriction. Why all Zelda if I don't enjoy Zelda as much as I used to?
What to learn from this?
Direction and Quota can be great for art motivation. Having that push to tell you what art to do and when to finish it is great. But don't let that become the only time you do art. If you don't have the time to do art every day, weekly challenges are just as valid. And if the subject matter of a prompt list doesn't appeal to you anymore, feel free to change it up every once in a while. For October 2023, I think I might do a different iteration of Inktober that better reflects my current interests.
Have fun and do art.
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karakulialiny · 2 years
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In fact, I have many favorite characters: Impa, Urbosa, Sidon, Link after all. But the choice fell on two very cool scientists - Robbie and Purah (yes, I had to break the rules a little😅), and I decided to show them from a pretty unusual side.
Context: This is part of my "Hyrule Park: Afterlife" mini-segment, which revolves around Sheikah trio and Aryll. Here, Purah feels guilty towards all those who died during the calamity, because she activated the guardians and beasts, because of which it all began. And Robbie is trying to convince her that they can bring Link back to life. In the end, it was thanks to Purah that Robbie was able to become a great roboticist when he was 12. Since then, they have become even closer to each other.
*Record scratches* Okay, Linktober. Now let me break the rules again, and as a bonus, post a couple more of the Purah and Robbie sketches I drew earlier. One drawing with these two is simply not enough for me. I swear this won't happen again. Maybe.
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Here I just drew them in Daft Punk helmets, because I like to associate this duo with their music.
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Here, for the first time, they unite to fulfill the request of the queen, who wanted a little guardian for her daughter. Purah here is 10, Rob is 12.
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I drew this one when I found out that these two will be playable characters in the AoC DLC.
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And this one I drew right before the release of Age of Calamity on November 2020.
{Previous drawing] [Next drawing}
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patchworkedart · 5 months
Meet the Artist(s)!
Hi hi! We are the patchworked system, collectively we go by patches and they/he pronouns!
We are self taught in all of the art form we do, from traditional drawing to our textile art.
And we'd like to also take this post to talk about our drawing journey!:
Since we were a kid, we have always been an artist, and textiles always came easy to us but other artforms haven't. We've always doodled but gave up on drawing when we were a young teenager. We have aphantasia and that can make drawing really frustrating. In 2020, after learning about our aphantasia and what that is, we decided to just. Try. Work on it. Practice drawing, to just feel better about our art. We finished our first ever sketchbook in August 2023, and have filled another over halfway since then. And even participated in Linktober for the first time!
Posts here will probably be sporadic, as this is not our main blog or a side blog. We also want to post more than just drawings we do, as textiles really are a huge passion of ours and have been all our life.
Anyways thank you for reading and following and reblogging our art. 💕 It is a labor of love.
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teaforce-steph · 1 year
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violeazuvi · 7 months
Linktober Día 2 Temple
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Lo prometido es deuda y aquí está el dibujo del día 2! Hoy dibujé el templo del tiempo ya que tenía muchas ganas de hacer una estructura completa.
Para ser sincera estoy sorprendida del resultado, siento que con más tiempo y más calma hubiera quedado increíble pero para haberlo dibujado entre breaks e intentando dibujar lo más que pueda por pedazo, me gusta mucho.
Otro motivo por el cuál me gusta mucho es porque siento que he tenido un gran avance ya que en el Linktober de 2020 como tenía miedo que no me saliera el dibujo sólo hice "la silueta" pero hoy me animé con todo y me siento orgullosa de eso.
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Habiendo contado mi experiencia con este dibujo nos vemos en el día 3!
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yescrazycatlady10 · 1 year
My Linktober 2020 Original Calendar!🗓
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So, in looking at shipping tags, I’ve seen that the “Entrapdak Month” event has been moved and there is some argument about it.  Not people unhappy with the month-change, but people unhappy that someone once asked a question about it almost a year ago?   As in, I remembered that someone inquired (openly, She-Ra wide fandom) about the (previous) month being in October, worried that it was infringing on a F/F awareness event and worried that it was a purposeful warfare-move against Catraadora.  It’s not and it wasn’t... it was made to coincide with just lots of creative events that people do in October.  People commenting on the month-move are going NUTS over that!  I mean, when I saw that, it seemed to me like someone was just asking an honest question, because they were a new name just starting into Spop fandom and had basically seen the smoldering battlefield that is the UTTERLY POINTLESS Catraadora / Entrapdak shipwar, so... I sort of understood it?  And the thing was.... I thought that had been cleared up.  With both “sides” satisfied!  As in, I thought the person who’d asked the question had been given an explanation that there was no malice in the choice of month and that it was just coinciding with general October creative events (also Halloween, because people like doing Halloween-fanart of Entrapdak).  I am pretty sure I saw the person involved go, basically “Oh, okay, my bad, nevermind, now I know” and leave it at that.   But I guess people can’t live down a mistake?   I swear, as an old Entrapdaker, the Entrapdak-fandom is a fucking minefield.  I do think it is a wise move, overall, to move it from October to January-Feburary or (January?) as a matter of “there is just too much going on during that month.”  From what I saw, the decision came down to people’s school-activities, but I think it’s also a good idea in light of so many creative-months, including other fandom-months that are October.  I’m a Legend of Zelda fan and I’ve enjoyed doing the Linktober challenge in the past, so I am planning on doing that one.  (I tried doing both in 2020 and wound up favoring the Entrapdak month doing fanfiction and only did half of Linktober in fanart because I had trouble keeping up with both).   Ain’t even sure I’ll do Entrapdak-month even with the change.  Not sure too many people want me around and I find it rather leisurely to do things at my own pace.  I’ll see how I feel.  I already decline to participate in the zines - I’m pretty sure the person who runs the zines blocked me at some point (I don’t remember having any personal altercation with them, but I might have?). I think even if I were certain I were welcome I would decline because I think my writing-style / art-style and shipping style isn’t the most common or preferred flavor anymore? And I’m busy with work and video games?  I’ve noticed with the Entrapdak-fandom from recent Ao3 and tumblr reading that a lot of Entrapdak-focused fanfic and seeing art that a lot of the shipping-focused things (as opposed to broader-world, inclusion other characters’ arcs) is very...”soft,” “lovey-dovey” or at least angst in a way that’s not quite *my* angst.  I just kind of feel like my style (particularly my writing-style), while a part of early fandom is kind of off-kilter now because of the direction the fandom has headed in.  Better just to put it out there on Ao3 and let it fly for those who like it and not even try to be a part of any “core” fandom. 
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mousesize · 3 years
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Linktober 2020 that got out of hand and developed into an AU but I'll post that with more info LATER ko-fi
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yumoirail · 4 years
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Day 5: Plant/Flora!  🌸
 Wanted to indulge myself with some Sidlink for this promtp ywy
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